课堂练习-for stu
2023年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力练习题(二)及答案单选题(共30题)1、Everyone has their embarrassing moments. Many celebrities saythey__________in so many embarrassing situations over the years.A.had beenB.have beenC.wereD.are【答案】 B2、Passage 2A.memory is a compensation for forgettingB.the memory storage system is balancedC.the capacity of a memory storage system is limitedD.forgetfulness is a response to learning【答案】 D3、What is the main rhetoric device used in "The Pentagon was divided on the air strike. "A.SynecdocheB.MetonymyC.MetaphorD.Oxymoron4、Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity?A.Describing people and eventsB.Role-playsC.Exchanging informationD.Reporting results【答案】 D5、The concept of a"smart city"_________in the Government Work Report for the first time this year, which shows the future direction of China's urban construction.A.appearedB.was appearingC.had appearedD.would appear【答案】 A6、Five pilots landed J-15 fighter jets on the Liaoning, Cbina'sfirst aircraft carrier the critics, who once described it as a shark without teeth.A.aboutB.aboveC.againstD.across7、In terms of the place of articulation, [t] [d] Is] [z] [n] areall__________.A.palatalB.alveolarC.bilabialD.dental【答案】 B8、There are two factors which determine an individual's intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual--the sort of environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is handicapped environmentally, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.A.85B.100C.110D.125【答案】 B9、请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。
A.inta[3]={‰2,3,4};B.inta[]={l,2,3};C.inta[5]={l z2,3};D.inta[5],b;正确答案:A解析:A、数组长度为3,但赋了4个初值2、设有定义inta[10]={0};则说法正确的是()。
A.charstr[6]={,S, ,r,,,i√n,,,g,};B.charstr[]={'S';t','r,,,i,z,n∖,g,,0};C.charstr[10]={'S',,t',,r',,i√n∖,g,,,∖0,};D.charstr[10]="String";正确答案:A解析:A、Str数组长度为6,6个元素值都不是'0)没有成为字符串B›,∖0,的ASClI码是0,初始化为。
编写一个简单的C#程序,并输出以下内容:/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *你好!** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1-2。
多项选择题(1)以下是定义和初始化一维数组的几条语句,指出正确的语句是(c)int arr 1;b .国际;C. int arr2D。
int [,] a = new int [2,3]{ {1,2,4},{6,7,8 } };4-2。
static void main(string[)args){ string[]arr1 = newstring[],\高等数学,\语言编程,\面向对象编程,\英语\ };for each(arr 1中的字符串a)控制台。
write line(a);}4-3。
名称= \张三\;斯图辛西。
性别= \男性\;斯图辛西。
年龄= 21;斯图辛西。
高度= 175;斯图辛西。
重量= 55.6f控制台。
WriteLine(\ name: {0}\,stuXinXi。
名称);Writeline (\ gender: {0}\,stuXinXi。
性);Writeline (\ age: {0}\,stuXinXi。
年龄);Writeline (\ height: {0}\,stuXinXi。
1 表的显示命令练习1打开学生表并浏览记录:USE 学生BROWSE2在窗口中显示记录:LIST3在窗口中显示所有男生的记录:LIST FOR 性别=”男”4在窗口中显示所有少数民族学生的记录:LIST FOR 少数民族=.t.5在窗口中显示所有少数民族男生的记录:LIST FOR 少数民族=.t. and 性别=”男”6移动记录指针到第6条记录并显示它:GOTO 6DISPLAY7移动记录指针到第1条记录并显示它:GOTO TOPDISPLAY8移动记录指针到最后1条记录并显示它:GOTO BOTTOMDISPLAY9移动记录指针到向前移动6条记录并显示它:SKIP -6DISPLAY10移动记录指针到向后移动3条记录并显示它:SKIP 3DISPLAY11显示前5条记录Goto 1list next 512显示记录号为奇数的记录list for mod(recno(),2)=113显示少数民族男生的记录list for 性别="男" and 少数民族=.t.14显示湖北或湖南学生的姓名、性别和年龄list 姓名,性别,出生日期for 籍贯="河南" or 籍贯="江苏"15第2个记录学生的入学成绩增加20分Goto 2Replace 入学成绩with 入学成绩+2016在第7条记录前加入一个空白记录Goto 7INSERT BLANK BEFORE17在表的末尾增加一条记录,输入数据为:“009912,李婷,女,河南,1987/12/13,F,586”APPEND(输入相应的数据)2 表的维护命令练习1.打开学生表use 学生browse2.逻辑删除第二条记录go 2delete3.删除所有男生的记录delete for 性别="男"browse4.取消删除所有男生的记录recall for 性别="男"browse5.复制表到表文件stu并浏览新表stucopy to stuuse stubrowse6.复制所有男生的记录到新表s-boy并浏览新表s-boycopy to s-boy for 性别="男"use s-boybrow7.复制当前表的表结构到新表stu-s并浏览新表,然后关闭copy structure to stu-suse stu-sbrowuse8.按照出生日期排序产生新表s-datuse stusort to s-dat on 出生日期/ause s-datlist9.按照姓名排序产生新表s-datsort to s-nam on 姓名/ause s-namlist10.按照性别、姓名排序产生新表sex-namsort to sex-nam on 性别/d, 姓名/ause sex-namlist11.打开表设计器,查看学生表的结构(注意索引部分),然后关闭MODIFY STRUCTURE12.建立学号唯一索引xhuse 学生index on 学号tag xh unique13.建立姓名普通索引xmindex on 姓名tag xm14.打开表设计器,查看学生表的结构(注意索引部分),然后关闭MODIFY STRUCTURE15.设置主控索引为学号,查看数据的显示顺序set order to xhlist16.设置主控索引为姓名,查看数据的显示顺序set order to xmlist17.删除姓名索引,打开表设计器,查看学生表的结构(注意索引部分),然后关闭delete tag xmMODIFY STRUCTURE18.设置主控索引为学号,查找学号为009911的学生,并显示记录set order to xhseek "009911"disp练习:1)建立出生日期普通索引csrq,查找并显示出生日期为1987年5月20日出生的学生;2)建立姓名普通索引,查找并显示学生周倩的学号,性别,年龄和入学成绩。
第六章 渗透率与产能评价方法_for stu
c2 c3
S wi
S wi
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
K 0.136
4.4 2
K_air Kw_60000mg/L Kw_8000mg/L 45 50
K 100
2 (1 S wi )
S wi
׶ È ¬ ¿ Ï ¶ £ %
nr 4 P Q 8 L
r2 K 8
1 3 K 2 2SVgr (1 ) 2
K 2 2SVp
§6.2 影响储层渗透率的基本因素
• 孔喉(喉道半径/直径)
0.06 0.05 0.04
§6.2 影响储层渗透率的基本因素
• 岩石颗粒大小(喉道半径/直径)
100 10
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1 0.1
0.01 粒度中值,mm
0.01 0.01
0.1 粒度中值,mm
K 0.136
S wi
储层孔隙 度,% 10 15 20 25 30 水层电阻率 油层电阻率 水层电阻率 油层电阻率 水层电阻率 油层电阻率 水层电阻率 油层电阻率 (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m) (ohm-m)
(对)2、Python 3.x完全兼容Python 2.x。
(Alt+P)3、Python程序文件扩展名主要有__________和________两种,其中后者常用于GUI 程序。
(pip install --upgrade Numpy)6、使用pip工具安装科学计算扩展库Numpy的完整命令是___________。
(pip install Numpy)7、使用pip工具查看当前已安装的Python扩展库的完整命令是__________。
(pip list)8、现有一python文件为“Stu.py”,ico文件为“Stu.ico”,两者均在同一目录下,现要将Stu.py打包发布在此目录下,所发布的文件图标采用Stu.ico,需要使用的命令是_____________。
(pyinstaller –I Stu.ico –F Stu.py)第二章一、判断题1、已知 x = 3,那么赋值语句 x = 'abcedfg' 是无法正常执行的。
C语言程序设计课堂练习题第7章指针一、选择题1.已知p是一个整型指针变量,且p指向的是整型变量a的地址,则下列哪个语句是错误的?()A.*p=a;B. p=&a;C.p=&*p;D.p=*&p;2.下列哪一项是不正确的字符串赋值或不正确的赋初值的方式?()A. char *str;str=“string“;B.char str[7]={‟s‟, ‟t‟, ‟r‟, ‟i‟, ‟n‟, ‟g‟ };C. char str1[10];str1= “string“;D.char str1[]=“string“,*str2=”1234567”;3.对于类型相同的指针变量,不能进行()运算。
A. +B. -C. =D.==4.已知p是一个整型指针变量,a为一个一维整型数组,且p=a;则下列哪个语句是错误的?()A.*p=a[0];B. *p=*a;C. p=a+1;D.p=*a;5.若有以下说明语句,则p2-p1的值为()int a[10],*p1,*p2;p1=a;p2=&a[5];A. 5B. 6C. 10D.没有指针与指针的减法6.下列定义中不正确的是()A.int *p;B. int p[10];C.int (*p)()D.int *(p(n));7.以下程序的输出结果是()main(){int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6},*p;p=a;printf(“%d,%d\n”,*p,*(p+4));}A. 0,5B.1,5C.0,6D.1,68.若有以下说明和语句,且0<=i<10,则下面哪个不是对数组元素地址的正确表示()。
int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10},*p,i;p=a;A.&(a+1)B.a++C. &pD.&p[i]二、写出程序的输出结果1.main(){int a=10,b=20,s,t,m,*pa,*pb;pa=&a;pb=&b;s=*pa+*pb;t=*pa-*pb;m=*pa**pb;printf“s=%d\nt=%d\nm=%d\n“,s,t,m);}2.int a[][3]={9,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,8};int i,j,s1=0,s2=0;for(i=0;i<3;i++)for(j=0;j<3;j++){if (i==j) s1=s1+a[i][j];if(i+j==2) s2=s2+a[i][j];}printf(“%d\n%d\n”,s1,s2);}3.main(){int a[5]={1,3,5,7,9},*p,**k;p=a;k=&p;printf(“%d”,*(p+2));printf(“%d”,**k);}4.main(){int a[3][4]={1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23};int (*p)[4],i=2,j=2;p=a;printf(“%d”,*(*(p+i)+j)+*((a+i)+j)+**(p+i)+**p);}三、填空1.在空格地方填上语句,以实现字符串复制的功能。
C语言 数组和指针练习题
至ftp://用户名和密码:stuC语言程序设计练习题——数组一、选择题77、以下对一维数组a的正确说明是_d ___A、char a(10);B、int a[ ];C、int k=5,a[k];D、char a[ ]={'a' , 'b' , 'c'};78、若有说明语句:int a[2][4];,则对a数组元素的正确引用是_a___A、a[0][3]B、a[0][4]C、a[2][2]D、a[2][2+1]79、以下能对二维数组y进行初始化的语句是_b__A、static int y[2][ ]={{1,0,1}, {5,2,3}};B、static int y[ ][3]={{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}};C、static int y[2][4]={{1,2,3}, {4,5} , {6}};D、static int y[ ][3]={{1,0,1,0}, { }, {1,1}};80、若有说明语句:int y[ ][4]={0,0};则下面叙述不正确的是_d___A、数组y的每个元素都可得初值0B、二维数组y的行数为1C、该说明等价于int y[ ][4]={0};D、只有元素y[0][0]和y[0][1]可得到初值0,其余元素均得不到初值081、以下各组选项中,均能正确定义二维实型数组s的选项是_c___A、float s[3][4];B、float s(3,4);float s[ ][4]; float s[ ][ ]={{0};{0}};float s[3][ ]={{1},{0}}; float s[3][4];C、 float s[3][4];D、float s[3][4];static float s[ ][4]={{0},{0}}; float s[3][ ];auto float s[ ][4]={{0},{0},{0}}; float s[ ][4];82、若有说明语句:int a[ ][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; ,则a数组的行数为__a__A、3B、2C、无确定值D、183、若二维数组y有m列,则在y[i][j]前的元素个数为_B___A、j*m+iB、i*m+jC、i*m+j-1D、i*m+j+184、下面程序中有错误的行是____1、 main( )2、 {3、 int x[3]={1};4、 int k;5、 scanf("%d", &x);6、 for (k=1; k<3; k++)7、 x[0]=x[0]+x[i];8、 printf("x[0]=%d\n", x[0]);9、 }A、3B、6C、7D、585、若有以下语句,则正确的描述是__b__char x[ ]="12345";char y[ ]={'1', '2', '3', '4', '5'};A、x数组与y数组的长度相同B、x数组长度大于y数组长度C、x数组长度小于y数组长度D、x数组等价于y数组86、以下不正确的数组定义语句是__b__A、double x[5]={2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0};B、int y[5]={0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9};C、char ch1[ ]={'1', '2', '3', '4', '5'};D、char ch2[ ]={'\x10', '\xa', '\x8'};87、以下正确的数组定义语句是_c___A、char a[5]={'1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '\0'};B、int b[2][ ]={{1}, {2}};C、float c[ ][3]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5};D、char d[5]="CHINA";88、判断字符串str1是否大于字符串str2,应当使用__d__A、if (str1>str2)B、if (strcmp(str1, str2))C、if (strcmp(str2, str1)>0)D、if (strcmp(str1, str2)>0)89、下面程序段的运行结果是_c___char x[5]={'a', 'b', '\0', 'c', '\0'};printf("%s", x);A、'a''b'B、abC、ab└┘cD、abc90、有两个字符数组a,b,则以下能正确为a,b进行赋值的语句是_d___A、gets(a, b);B、scanf("%s%s", &a, &b);C、getchar(a); getchar(b);D、gets(a); gets(b);91、有字符数组s1[80]和s2[80],则以下能正确对s1, s2进行输出的语句是___b_A、puts(s1, s2)B、printf("%s, %s", s1, s2);C、putchar(s1, s2);D、puts(s1), puts(s2);92、以下程序段的运行结果是_c___char a[7]="abcdef";char b[4]="ABC";strcpy(a, b);printf("%c", a[5]);A、└┘B、\0C、eD、f93、以下描述正确的是_d___A、两个字符串所包含的字符个数相同时,才能比较字符串B、字符个数多的字符串比字符个数少的字符串大C、字符串"STOP└┘"与"STOP"相等D、字符串"That"小于字符串"The"94、以下对字符数组的描述中错误的是_c___A、字符数组中可以存放字符串B、字符数组中的字符串可以整体输入、输出C、可以在赋值语句中通过赋值运算符"="对字符数组整体赋值D、不可以用关系运算符对字符数组中的字符串进行比较95、若有语句:char s1[10], s2[10]={"books"},则能将字符串books赋给数组s1的正确语句是_b___A、s1={"books"};B、strcpy(s1, s2);C、s1=s2;D、strcpy(s2, s1);96、以下printf语句的输出结果是____printf("%d\n", strlen("school");A、7B、6C、存在语法错误D、不定值97、下面程序的功能是将字符串s中所有的字符c删除。
2. 开音节和闭音节 绝对开音节是指在一个音节中,元音字母后没有
辅音字母而构成的音节。如he, be, so , do, no等 相对开音节是指在一个音节中,元音字母后面是
一个辅音字母(除r),加不发音的e,构成的音节。 如 lake, site, note等 在重读开音节中,元音字母发本音。 闭音节是指在一个音节中,元音字母和后面的一 个或多个辅音字母(除r)构成的音节。如 big, map, stop 在重读闭音节中,元音字母发相应短音,即:a /ae /, e /e/, i /i/, o /כ/, u /۸ / .如 cat, wet, wit, dog, but
lap dog
big shoes hot day
just great sit down
red chair
cheap box a bad coldgood tea
bad boy
look good bad news
1.音节的组成 音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一
个个音节朗读的。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构 一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构 成一个音节。 元音:I, a 辅音+元音:she, bee, me 元音+辅音:egg, ink, am 辅音+元音+辅音:pig, swim, swift, split, sixths 此外, 还有一种特别的音节,其构成没有元音参与。辅音 /l/和/n/是成音节辅音,前面加上另一个辅音,如/bl/, /dl/, /tl/, /tn/, /sl/ 即可以构成一个音节,如table, middle, bottle, pencil等。
sql触发器练习(转)2009-12-25 22:02/*------第1题------创建名为student的数据库。
*/create database student/*------第2题------向student数据库里创建四张表,表名分别为:stu(学生信息表)、sc(选课表)、teacher(教师信息表)、courseinfo(课程信息表)*/use studentgocreate table stu(sno char(10) not null primary key,sname char(8) not null,sex char(2) null,age int null,dept varchar(20) null)create table sc(sno char(10) not null ,score float null,courseid char(5) null,tno char(10))create table teacher(tno char(10) not null primary key,tn char(8) not null,prof varchar(20) ,sal float ,dept varchar(20),courseid char(10))create table courseinfo(courseid varchar(10) not null,cname varchar(20),book varchar(30),ctest datetime,dept varchar(10))create table bookinfo(bookid char(10),bn varchar(30),pubic varchar(30),book_price money,quantity int)/*------第3题------向stu、sc、teacher、courseinfo表里插入数据*/insert into stu(sno,sname,sex,age,dept)select'1001','宋江','男','25','计算机系'unionselect'3002','张明','男','23','生物系'unionselect'1003','李小鹏','男','26','计算机系'unionselect'1004','郑冬','女','25','计算机系'unionselect'4005','李小红','女','27','工商管理'unionselect'5006','赵紫月','女','24','外语系'insert into sc(sno,score,courseid,tno)select'1001', 87, 'C1','3102'unionselect'1001', 77, 'C2','4105'unionselect'1001', 63, 'C3','3108'unionselect'1001', 56, 'C3','3108'unionselect'3002', 78, 'C3','3108'unionselect'3002', 78, 'C4','5102'unionselect'1003', 89, 'C1','9103'unionselect'1004', 56,'C2','3106'unionselect'4005', 87, 'C4','5102'unionselect'5006', null, 'C1','7101'insert into teacher(tno,tn,prof,sal,dept,courseid) select'3102','李明','初级','2500','计算机系','C1'unionselect'3108','黄小明','初级','4000','生物系','C3'unionselect'4105','张小红','中级','3500','工商管理','C2'unionselect'5102','宋力月','高级','3500','物理系','C4'unionselect'3106','赵明阳','初级','1500','地理系','C2'unionselect'7108','张丽','高级','3500','生物系','C3'unionselect'9103','王彬','高级','3500','计算机系','C1'unionselect'7101','王力号','初级','1800','生物系','C1'insert into courseinfo(courseid,cname,book ,ctest,dept)select'C1','计算机基础','computer','2009-4-6','计算机系'unionselect'C2','工商管理基础','the logic circuit','2009-7-16','工商管理'union select'C3','生物科学','the signal and system','2010-3-6','生物系'union select'C4','大学物理','sigal processing','2009-4-26','物理系'union select'C5','数据库原理','sql techniques','2010-2-6','计算机系'insert into bookinfoselect'b1231' ,'Image Processing','人民出版社','34.56',8 unionselect'b1232' ,'Signal Processing','清华出版社','51.75',10 unionselect'b1233' ,'Digital Signal Processing','邮电出版社','48.5',11 union select'b1234' ,'The Logic Circuit','北大出版社','49.2',40 unionselect'b1235' ,'SQL Techniques','邮电出版社','65.4',20/*-----54------- insert触发器的使用为stu表创建触发器s_insert,当向stu表中插入数据时,要求学号必须以"97"开头,否则取消插入操作。
1.Linear regression (Lec 1, Ng’s Lecture note 1)Approximate y as a linear function of x, theta’s are parameters, letting x0=1, view both theta and x as vectors∙Define the hypotheses:Then how do we pick or learn theta? Make h(x) close to y∙Cost Function (least square cost function that gives rise to the ordinary least squares regression model):∙Gradient descent algorithm (start with some initial theta, and repeatedly performs the update, alpha is the learning rate):∙Batch gradient descent (has to scan through the entire training set before taking a single step-a costly operation if m is large)∙Stochastic gradient descentNote: here J is a convex quadratic function. The gradient descent converges to the global minimum.∙The normal equations (using matrix derivative formulations)→But X T X is not invertible sometimes. If not, use regularization. If use L2 norm regularization→Ringe regression∙Locally weighted linear regression (LWR)∙Parametric vs. non-parametrico LWR is a non-parametric algorithmo The (unweighted) linear regression algorithm that we saw earlier is known as a parametric learning algorithm because it has a fixed, finite number ofparameters (the θ), which are fit to the datao The term "non-parametric" (roughly) refers to the fact that the amount of stuff we need to keep in order to represent the hypothesis grows linearly with thesize of the training set.2.Classification and logistic regression (Lec 2, Ng’s Lecture note 2)a.Regression vs classificationLogistic regression is a linear classification model, although it is called regressionb.Hypothesis of logistic regressionCompact form:c.MLE(Conditional) Likelihood:Log-likelihood:Problem:Optimization method:a) Gradient ascent; (property of sigmoid function, g’(z)=g(z)(1-g(z)))b) The Newton’s method3.Bayesian learning (Lec 3, 4, Ng’s Lecture note 2)a.Bayes rule:b.MLE vs. MAPToo few trials → cause problems → laplace smoothing(Conjugate prior of binomial is Beta distribution; conjugate prior for multinomial isDirichlet distribution )c.Naive BayesNaive Bayes assumption: Conditional independence (Features are conditionallyindependent given class)d.NB for text classificationTwo event model:a) Multi-variate Bernoulli event model: x i = 0/1 (i th word present/absent)b) Multinomial event model: x i : identity of the i-th word in the doc, x i is an integertaking values in {1,…,|V|},where |V| is the size of dictionary.Bag of words assumption: Position in document doesn’t mattere.Continuous NB model -- Gaussian Naive BayesGNB vs. GDAf.Generative vs. Discriminant model4.Support vector machines (Lec 4,5, Ng’s Lecture note 3)a.Maximizing marginb.Hard margin SVMc.Soft margin SVM – slack variable and hinge lossd.The dual probleme.The kernel trickf.SMO algorithm (coordinate ascend)g.Typical kernel functionsi.Linear kernelii.Polynomial kerneliii.Radial basis kernelputational learning theory (Lec 6&7, Ng’s Lecture note 4,5)a.Empirical error and generalization errorb.VC dimensionc.Overfittingd.Bias-variance decompositione.Structural risk minimizationf.Model selectioni.Cross validation: k-fold cross-validation, Leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV)ii.Regularization: L1 norm, L2 normiii.Feature selection: feature rankingrmation criterion: e.g., AIC6.Clustering (Lec 8, Ng’s Lecture note 7a)a.Distance measures (Minkowski metric—euclidean/manhattan/”sup” distance, Hammingdistance, correlation coefficient, edit distance)b.Clustering algorithmsi.Hierarchical clusteringii.Partitioning algorithmsc.K-means7.Mixture model and EM (Lec 9, Ng’s Lecture note 7b)a.Gaussian mixture models (vs Gaussian discriminative analysis)b.EM for GMMComplete log likelihood expected complete log likelihoodi.E-step (do inference): compute the expected value of the sufficient statistics ofthe hidden variables (i.e., z) given current est. of the parameters (i.e., πand µ).ii.M-step (isomorphic to ML): compute the parameters under current results of the expected value of the hidden variablesc.Theory underlying EMd.Jensen’s inequality(the expected complete log likelihood is actually lower bound of data likelihood)Define a free energy function F(the q is the conditional likelihood of z given x and current version of theta)The EM algorithm is coordinate-ascend on F:8.Hidden Markov model (Lec 10, Chap. 13 PRML book)Basic elements: Observation space, hidden states, transition prob, start prob, emission prob Three problems:a.Evaluation (i.e., how likely is the sequence) (Forward algorithm)To avoid summing over an exponential number of paths y, define the forward probability:b.Decoding: find the most probable subsequence of statesViterbi algorithm, Forward-backwardWe start by computing = *But this is for a single hidden state, not a whole hidden state sequenceWe define the Viterbi probability:c.Learning : find parameters(start prob, trans prob, emission prob) that maximize P(x|θ)Baum-Welch (EM)9.Graphical model (Lec 11, Chap. 8 PRML book)a.Bayesian network (directed)i.Conditional independenceii.Three local structuresmon parent (tail to tail)2.Cascade (head to tail)3.V-structure (head to head)(knowing Y or its descendantscouples X and Z)b.Markov network (undirected)c.Exact Inferencei.Variable eliminationii.Belief propagation (not required)。
填空:(1)999 (2)t/10 (3)x
填空:(1)s[i] (2)k (3)0
填空:(1)FILE* (2)fclose(fp) (3)fp
改错:(1)t=(STU *)calloc(sizeof(STU),m); (2)t[k]=b[j];
编程:int i;
double s=0;
for(i=0;i<8;i++) s+=sqrt((x[i]+x[i+1])/2);
return s;
mushaveto的练习题练习一:1. 请设计一个计算器类,实现四则运算功能(加、减、乘、除),并且能够处理一些异常情况(如除数为0等)。
2. 请编写一个示例程序,演示如何使用该计算器类进行计算。
练习二:1. 请设计一个学生类,包含以下属性:姓名、年龄、性别、学号。
2. 提供一个函数来设置学生信息。
3. 提供一个函数来显示学生信息。
4. 提供一个函数来统计学生个数。
练习三:1. 请设计一个图书管理系统,实现以下功能:- 添加图书- 删除图书- 查找图书- 借出图书- 归还图书2. 要求使用面向对象的方式来设计实现,考虑图书、借阅者、管理员等对象的关系。
练习四:1. 请编写一个函数,接受一个字符串作为参数,判断该字符串是否为回文串。
- 回文串是指正序和倒序读都相同的字符串。
- 如果是回文串,则返回True;如果不是回文串,则返回False。
2. 提示:可以使用字符串切片来实现倒序读取。
以下是一个简单的计算器类的示例代码:```pythonclass Calculator:def add(self, num1, num2):return num1 + num2def subtract(self, num1, num2):return num1 - num2def multiply(self, num1, num2):return num1 * num2def divide(self, num1, num2):if num2 == 0:raise ValueError("除数不能为0")return num1 / num2```通过上述代码,我们定义了一个名为Calculator的类,实现了加法、减法、乘法和除法的计算功能。
2024年人教版五年级上册英语第五单元课后练习题(含答案和概念)试题部分一、选择题(请在下列每题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案)1. What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. CoolD. Wet2. Which word means "not tall"?A. ShortB. LongC. FatD. ThinA. sunnyB. cloudyC. rainyD. windy4. What is the past tense of "go"?A. GoesB. GoingD. Went5. Which of the following is a noun?A. RunB. JumpC. PlayD. Ball6. What is the plural form of "child"?A. ChildsB. ChildrenC. ChildesD. Chilren7. Which word is a verb?A. CatB. DogC. RunD. BookA. GoB. GoesC. GoingD. Gone9. What is the opposite of "old"?A. YoungB. BigD. Tall10. Which of the following words is an adjective?A. EatB. SleepC. HappyD. Run二、判断题(对的写“T”,错的写“F”)1. "The sun rises in the west." ( )2. "A cat is a kind of animal." ( )3. "The past tense of 'do' is 'did'." ( )4. "A book is a verb." ( )5. "The plural form of 'mouse' is 'mice'." ( )6. "An adjective describes a noun." ( )7. "The opposite of 'big' is 'small'." ( )8. "A sentence always starts with a capital letter." ( )9. "The word 'they' is a singular pronoun." ( )10. "The sun sets in the east." ( )三、填空题(请将正确答案填入横线)1. The opposite of "big" is _______.2. "I _______ a book yesterday." (read)3. She is very _______. She can run fast. (strong)4. The sun _______ in the east. (rise)5. My mother is a _______. She works in a hospital. (doctor)6. _______ is the opposite of "happy". (sad)7. The cat is _______ the table. (on)8. There are many _______ in the zoo. (animal)9. I _______ to school bus every day. (go)10. The _______ is shining brightly today. (sun)11. She has two _______. (child)12. He is very _______. He can speak three languages. (smart)13. The _______ is green. (grass)14. I can see many _______ in the sky. (star)15. They are playing _______ in the park. (baseball)16. My birthday is in _______. (June)17. She is _______ years old. (eight)18. The _______ is very tall. (tree)19. I like to eat _______. (apple)20. Can you help me _______ the book? (find)四、简答题(请简明扼要地回答下列问题)1. What is the difference between a noun and a verb?2. How do you form the past tense of regular verbs?3. What is an adjective and how is it used in a sentence?4. Can you give an example of a singular noun and its plural form?5. What is the opposite of "hot"?6. How do you write a sentence with a capital letter at the beginning?7. What is the correct form of "they" when referring to one person?8. What is the difference between "I am" and "I do"?9. Can you explain what a pronoun is and give an example?10. How do you describe the weather when it is sunny?一、选择题答案1. A2. A3. A4. D5. D6. B7. C8. B9. A10. C二、判断题答案1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T6. T7. F8. T9. F10. F三、填空题答案1. small2. read3. strong4. rises5. doctor6. sad7. on8. animals9. go10. sun11. children12. smart13. grass14. stars15. baseball16. June17. eight18. tree19. apples20. find四、简答题答案1. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. A verb is a word that represents an action or state of being. Example: "The cat (noun) sits (verb) on the mat."3. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. It is used to tell more about the noun. Example: "The red (adjective) ball (noun) is round."4. Singular noun: "child." Plural form: "children."5. The opposite of "hot" is "cold."6. A sentence with a capital letter at the beginning: "The sun rises in the east."7. The correct form of "they" when referring to one person is "they" (used as a genderneutral pronoun).8. "I am" is used to describe a state of being, while "I do" is used to talk about actions. Example: "I am tired." "I do exercise every morning."9. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Example: "She (pronoun) is going to the store."10. To describe the weather when it is sunny: "The sun is shining brightly today."Parts of Speech: The questions cover nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns, which are fundamental parts of speech in English.Verb Tenses: The questions test the understanding of past tense formation, especially for regular verbs.Opposites: The questions assess the ability to identify antonyms, which is important for vocabulary building.Sentence Structure: The questions address the correct use of capital letters at the beginning of sentences and the structure of simple sentences.Plural Forms: The questions test the knowledge of forming plural nouns, which is crucial for grammatical accuracy.Pronoun Usage: The questions evaluate the correct use of pronouns, including genderneutral pronouns.各题型所考察学生的知识点详解和示例:选择题: These test students' ability to recognize and apply grammatical rules, vocabulary knowledge, and understanding of sentence structure. Example: Identifying the correct past tense form of a verb.简答题: These measure students' ability to expresstheir knowledge in their own words and demonstrate understanding of grammatical concepts. Example: Explaining the difference between a noun and a verb.一、选择题:1. In Unit 5, which word means "not fat"?A. thinB. tallC. shortD. young2. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. She is fat and short.B. He is thin and tall.C. I am old and young.D. They are fat and tall.3. What is the opposite of "old"?A. youngB. tallC. shortD. fatA. oldB. youngC. tallD. short5. Which of the following words is a noun?A. oldB. youngD. short6. What is the correct abbreviation for "kilogram"?A. kgB. kC. gD. kgm7. Which of the following sentences uses "than" correctly?A. He is taller she.B. She is younger than him.C. I am fatter you.D. They are older us.8. What is the correct question word for asking about age?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. How oldA. How old are you?B. How heavy are you?C. How tall are you?D. How short are you?10. What is the correct answer to the question "How old are you?"A. I am tall.B. I am young.C. I am seven years old.D. I am fat.二、判断题:1. "Old" and "young" are adjectives. ( )2. "Tall" and "short" can describe people's height. ( )3. "Fat" and "thin" are used to describe a person's weight. ( )5. "How old are you?" is a question about height. ( )6. "Kg" is the abbreviation for "kilogram". ( )7. "I am older than you." is a correct sentence. ( )8. "She is taller than him." is a wrong sentence. ( )9. "How heavy are you?" is a question about age. ( )10. "I am seven years old." is a correct answer to the question "How old are you?" ( )三、填空题:1. The opposite of "old" is ________.2. If someone is not heavy, we can say they are ________.3. To ask about someone's age, you can say "________ are you?"5. A person who is not short is ________.6. The abbreviation for "centimeter" is ________.7. "________" is a unit used to measure weight.8. To describe someone as being of a normal weight, we use the word ________.9. "________" is the word for the opposite of "tall."10. When someone is heavier than another, we say they are ________ than the other person.11. To measure the length of an object, we can use a________.12. "________" is the word we use to describe someone who is very thin.13. If someone is the same age as you, you can say they are ________ your age.14. The word "________" is used to describe someone who is very heavy.15. To ask how tall someone is, you might say, "________ are you?"16. "________" is a unit used to measure how heavy something is.17. The word "________" is used to describe somethingthat is very light.18. "________" is the word we use to describe someone who is not young.20. "________" is the word for the opposite of "thin."四、简答题:1. What is the difference between "old" and "young"?2. How would you ask someone about their height in English?4. What is the correct way to respond to the question "How old are you?"5. Can you use "tall" and "short" to describe weight? Why or why not?6. How do you say "I am heavier than you" in English?7. What is the correct unit to use when measuring the length of a pencil?8. What is the opposite of "fat"?9. How would you describe someone who is the same age as you?10. What is the abbreviation for "meter"?一、选择题答案:1. A2. B3. A4. B5. A6. A7. B8. D9. C10. C二、判断题答案:1. √2. √3. √4. √5. ×6. √7. ×8. ×9. ×10. √三、填空题答案:1. young2. thin3. How old4. than5. tall6. cm7. kilogram8. medium9. short10. heavier11. ruler12. slim13. the same as14. obese15. How tall16. gram17. light18. old19. taller20. chub四、简答题答案:1. "Old" refers to having lived for many years or a long time, while "young" refers to having lived for only a short time.2. You could ask, "How tall are you?"4. "I am [age] years old."5. No, "tall" and "short" are used to describe height,not weight.6. "I am heavier than you."7. The correct unit to use is "centimeter."8. The opposite of "fat" is "thin."9. You could say, "He/She is the same age as me."10. The abbreviation for "meter" is "m."Adjectives: The practice questions cover the use of adjectives to describe age (old, young), height (tall, short), and weight (fat, thin, heavy, light).Units of Measurement: The questions address the use of units such as centimeters (cm), kilograms (kg), and meters (m) for measuring length and weight.Question Formation: The exercises test the ability toform questions about age and height.各题型知识点详解和示例:选择题: These test students' ability to recognize and apply vocabulary related to physical descriptions. They also assess the understanding of correct sentence structure.Example: "Which of the following words means 'notfat'?" (A. thin) This tests the student's vocabulary knowledge.Example: "The opposite of 'old' is 'young'." (√) This question assesses the student's understanding of antonyms.填空题: These questions require students to recall and apply specific vocabulary words and phrases, as well as units of measurement.Example: "The opposite of 'old' is ________." (young) This tests the student's ability to recall antonyms.简答题: These questions test the students' ability to form sentences and explain concepts in their own words.Example: "What is the difference between 'old' and'young'?" This question assesses the student's ability to articulate the difference between two related concepts.。
人教新起点四年级英语下学期语法填空专项课间习题班级:__________ 姓名:__________1. 写出下面动词的--ing形式。
[1]listen[2]make[3]run[4]dance[5]row2. 选择合适的单词填入横线上。
in baby glasses on knife[1]Turn ______ the light.[2]Would you like a ______ and fork?[3]Is this your ______ brother?[4]What’s ______ the classroom?[5]Wu Yifan is tall and thin. He has _______.3. 按要求完成下列各题。
[1]key(复数) [2]notebook(复数)[3]your(宾格) [4]lose(过去式)[5]on(对应词) [6]what is(缩写形式)4. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
[1]________(he) friend________(have) a big toy car.[2]I________(can) play erhu. I can’t play the guitar________(too).[3]-Are________(this) your balls?-Yes, I like________(they) very much.[4]All of________(we) can sing English songs very________(good).[5]-I don’t have________(some) cakes.-I have cakes. Would you like________(some)?5. 创新题。
Look and write.[1]The schoolbag is ________ the desk.[2]The book is _______ the pencil box.[3]The crayon are _________ the pencil box.[4]The pencil is ______ the pen and the ruler.[5]The chair is ________ the desk.6. 将下列单词归类。
作业设计作业类型作业内容设计意图基础性作业1.词汇大练兵(听录音,完成单词)pl t , a r , pl c ,cl n , be tif l , gr w2.我会写Planting trees us.I enjoy .Trees can .3. 分层作业:我会连1. plant trees2. keep the air clean3.keep us cool4.make the place beautiful5.water the young tree巩固文本基础知识,通过听音、看图等作业活动强化词汇、句子学习掌握能力,深入对文本内容的理解,提升语言运用能力。
提升性作业1.Let’s practise我会读Group work,practise P18 part C2.分层作业:我会说stu.1Planting trees ... ...stu.2 I will ... ...stu.3 We should ... ...... ... ... ...3.我会写Why should we plant more trees?①Trees can keep us cool.②③④... ...利用创设的情境掌握语言知识,在理解的基础上内化知识。
G o-F o r-I t-七年级下册U n i t-4-预习练习 work Information Technology Company.2020YEARGo For It 七年级下册Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.预习练习Class:________No.__________Name:________________Mark:_______________ I.看音标,拼写出下列单词并写出中文意思。
(6%)示例A We can’t play basketball in the hallways.===Don’t play basketball in the hallways.*===No playing basketball in the hallways.示例B He must finish his homework first. === He has to finish his homework first.示例C Please keep quiet!=== Don’t be so noisy!A 1.You can’t eat an apple in class .___________________________________________________________________________A 2.We can’t fight with our classmates.____________________________________________________________________________B 1.We must clean our bedroom on weekends._____________________________________________________________________ _______B 2 .She must help her mother with housework._____________________________________________________________________ ________C 1. Please close your eyes._____________________________________________________________________ ________C 2.Don’t make your uniform dirty._____________________________________________________________________ ________III.句型转换(按要求改写句子)。
PHP常见循环例题以下的每道题都没有固定的写法,可以使看的⼈更好的理解1.通过for循环将数组中值求和、求平均值<?php//1、求数组的和、平均值$num=[1,20,53,23,14,12,15];$sum=0;for($i=0,$n=count($num);$i<$n;$i++){$sum+=$num[$i];}echo '和是:'.$sum,'<br>'; //和是:138echo '平均值:'.number_format($sum/count($num),1); //精确到⼩数点后⾯1位平均值:19.7echo '<hr>';2.数组的翻转$stu=['tom','berry','ketty','rose','jake'];for($i=0,$j=count($stu)-1;$i<$j;$i++,$j--){[$stu[$i],$stu[$j]]=[$stu[$j],$stu[$i]]; //元素交换}print_r($stu); //Array ( [0] => jake [1] => rose [2] => ketty [3] => berry [4] => tom )3.遍历⼆维数组$stu=[[1,2,3,4],[10,20,30,40]];for($i=0;$i<count($stu);$i++){ //循环第⼀列for($j=0;$j<count($stu[$i]);$j++){ //循环第⼆列echo$stu[$i][$j],' ';}echo '<br>';}//运⾏结果1 2 3 410 20 30 404.循环输出1-100,其中3的倍数输出A,5的倍数输出B,15输出Cfor($i=1; $i<=100; $i++) {if($i%15==0) //先写%15,,因为可以%15的值⼀定可以%3和%5echo 'C';elseif($i%3==0)echo 'A';elseif($i%5==0)echo 'B';elseecho$i;echo ' ';}5.打印⽔仙花数for($i=100;$i<=999;$i++){$a=(int)($i/100); //百位数$b=(int)(($i%100)/10); //⼗位数$c=$i%10; //个位数if($i==pow($a,3)+pow($b,3)+pow($c,3))echo$i,'<br>';}//pow($a,3) 表⽰$a的三次⽅//运⾏结果1533703714076.打印100以内的斐波那契数(迭代法)$num1=1; //第⼀个数$num2=1; //第⼆个数echo$num1,' ',$num2,' ';while(true){$num3=$num1+$num2; //第三个数是前⾯两个数的和if($num3>100) //超过100就终⽌循环break;echo$num3,' ';$num1=$num2; //将$num2移给$num1 $num2=$num3; //将$num3移给$num2 }//1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89。
【人教版(go for it)七年级下册】Unit 4 基础一课一练(单词+短语+句型)含答案
Unit 4 Don't eat in class.课后打卡练习(词汇+短语+句型)Section A一、重点词汇1.____________ n.规则;规章2.____________ v.到达3.____________ n.走廊;过道4.____________ n.大厅;礼堂5.____________ v.听;倾听6.____________ v.&n.打架;战斗7.____________ adj.抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的8.____________ adv.在外面adj.外面的9.____________ v.穿;戴10.____________ adj.重要的11.____________ v.带来;取来12.____________ n.校服;制服13.____________ adj.安静的二、词形变换1.____________ (adj.)重要的→ ____________ (n.)重要;重要性2.____________ (adj.)安静的→ ____________ (adv.)安静地3. ____________ v.比赛;演奏;播放→____________ n.比赛者;演奏者;播放器三、重点短语1.在课堂上________________________ 2.上课迟到________________________ 3.准时________________________ 4.在走廊里________________________ 5.在餐厅里________________________ 6.听________________________7.在学校________________________8.迟到________________________9.音乐播放器________________________ 10.把……带到学校来_______________________ 11.必须;不得不________________________四、重点句型1.上课不要迟到。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
A.计算机程序 B 解决问题的计算方法 C 排序算法 D 解决问题的有限运算序列
A 必须是不连续的
B 连续与否均可
C 必须是连续的
D 和头结点的地址相连续
A O(1)
B O(N)
C O(M)
D O(M+N)4.由两个栈共享一个向量空间的好处是()
A 减少存取时间,降低下溢发生的几率
B 节省存取时间,降低上溢发生的几率
C 减少存取时间,降低上溢发生的几率
D 节省存取时间,降低下溢发生的几率
A front =front+1
B front=(front+1)%(m-1)
C front=(front-1)%m
D front=(front+1)%m
A 存储结构
B 逻辑结构
C 算法
D 操作
A 插入操作更加方便
B 通常不会出现栈满现象
C 不会出现栈空的情况
D 删除操作更加方便
A 便于随机存取
B 花费的存储空间比顺序表少
C 便于插入与删除
D 数据元素的物理顺序与逻辑顺序相同
A 单链表
B 双链表
C 单循环链表
D 顺序表
A 表元素
B 字符
C 数据元素
D 数据项
A abcd+-
B abc+*d-
C abc*+d-
D -+*abcd
2.在一个带头结点的单循环链表中,p指向尾结点的直接前驱,则指向头结点的指针head可用p表示为head=( )。
10. 在具有n个单元的循环队列中,队满时共有()个元素。
#define MAXLEN 1000
Typedef int elemtype;
Elemtype v[MAXLEN];
int Insert_Sqlist(int i, elemtype x,elemtype v[], int *n_pointer)
int j, n;
printf(“Overflow error!”);
printf(“Wrong Position!\n”);
typedef int elemtype;
typedef struct node
elemtype data;
struct node *next;
void function(linklist *head, elemtype x) {
linklist *p, *q;
printf(“There is no this node!\n”);