当前状态:本地会场为大画面,远端 会场画面为画中画。 按遥控器上的“远端”按钮,可以将 大画面变为远端画面,画中画自动变 为本地会场画面。
当前状态:远端会场为大画面,本地 会场画面为画中画。 按遥控器上的“近端”按钮,可以将 大画面变为本地画面,画中画自动变 为远端会场画面。
主页屏幕 系统 管理设置 音频
•将自动应答设为静音 •音频输入
使用调音台时:线 路输入设置为混音 器;
主页屏幕 系统 管理设置 常规设置
3.按遥控器上的绿色按钮(CALL/HANG UP),呼叫开 始。此时屏幕左下角便会出现一个小球,当小球完全变绿 时,呼叫便接通了,你就可以看到远端会场画面 4.会议结束后,按下CALL/HANG UP按钮,出现选择提 示,选中相应的连接,再次按下确认键便可以结束呼叫
镜头的控制包括 上下移动 左右移动 拉伸
2、按图将需要连接的麦克风、电视机、摄像头等相关线缆连接好 ;
4、在确认电源正常的情况下,连接好所有设备的电源; 5、开机顺序:先开电视机等显示设备的电源,再开终端的电源; 6、关机顺序:先关终端的电源,再关电视机等显示设备的电源。
云终端Q600快速安装步骤:1 以下三步均在主机上完成,请按说明操作。
在我的电脑上点鼠标右键,选择属性点远程把允许用户远程连接到此计算机,打上勾然后点击选择远程用户---添加高级—立即查找—选择你刚刚创建的用户确定第三步:安装软件3.1 安装光盘中的软件1.打开光盘,运行Nettc.exe,2.选择安装目录,如下图3.点击安装云终端Q600(新版)快速安装步骤:21.云终端Q600开机后默认的界面如下图:手动勾选“输入一个主机的名称或者IP地址”并在下列空白处输入主机的IP地址2.系统设置:可根据自己实际需要选择,也可以选择默认设置,不用任何更改。
注意:当遥信位置信号和开关柜不对应时,首先,短接DTU 的遥信信号,查看DTU的遥信信号是否正常,不正常在排查 遥信接线及遥信板。DTU正常之后,在联系安装人员对开关 柜的遥信进行排查。
在检查DTU的遥控没有短接之后,开关柜远方就地开关打到 远方位置,合上DTU的压板,在控制视图里对每一路的遥控 进行合分闸控制。同时也要对压板及远方就地开关进行检查, 在打开压板时远控失败,说明正常,在开关柜打到就地时远 控失败说明,远方就地开关接线正常。注意:在DTU进行控 制,但没有成功时,首先,要排查DTU遥控端有没有脉冲输 出,DTU脉冲输出遥控正常之后,然后在联系安装人员排查 开关柜的接线是否正常。
对DTU内 部的遥控、 遥信、遥 测线路进 行检查确 保DTU内 部三遥功 能正常。
对DTU内 部的遥控 进行检查 确保遥控 继电器接 点都是在 断开状态 。
(5)三遥调试 在调试三遥之前把调试软件打开,连接核心单元,把 需要的参数下发到核心单元里,开始调试三遥。 遥信: 送上操作电源、交流电源、当设备正常运行之后,打 开召测视图,选择遥信召测,对每一路的开关柜的合闸、 分闸、接线刀闸、远方/就地信号分别动作,查看软件 里的遥信变位信息是否和现场的开关位置一致。
光配在 DTU内部 的安装正 面示意图 。
硬件参考指南 HP Compaq t5135-t5530 瘦客户机 (1)
本文档包含的所有权信息受版权法保护。事 先未经 Hewlett-Packard Company 书面许 可,不得复印、复制本文档的任何部分或将 其翻译成其他语言。
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2007 年 9 月
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警告! 以这种方式出现的文字表示如果不按照指示操作,可能会造成人身伤害或带来生命危险。 注意: 以这种方式出现的文字表示如果不按照指示操作,可能会损坏设备或丢失信息。 注: 以这种方式出现的文字提供重要的补充信息。
7 静电释放
防止静电损坏 ...................................................................................................................................... 23 接地方法 ............................................................................................................................................. 23
云终端技术的主要优势包括:1. 资源集中管理:云终端技术可以将计算资源集中管理,提高资源利用率,降低维护成本;2. 安全性提升:由于终端设备无法直接访问云端服务器,云终端技术可以提供更高的数据安全性;3. 跨平台支持:云终端技术可以在不同的终端设备上运行,支持跨平台使用。
第二部分:云终端安装指南1. 确认系统要求:在安装云终端之前,需要确认终端设备的系统要求,包括操作系统版本、硬件配置等信息。
2. 下载并安装云终端软件:根据设备的要求,从官方网站下载适用于您的设备的云终端软件。
3. 安装云终端软件:运行下载的安装程序,按照安装向导进行安装。
4. 配置云终端连接:安装完成后,打开云终端软件,进行配置。
5. 连接云终端服务器:在配置完成后,点击连接按钮,云终端软件将会尝试连接云终端服务器。
6. 使用云终端功能:一旦连接成功,您可以根据软件的功能和界面来进行各种操作,如文件传输、远程控制等。
以下是一些常见的使用场景:1. 远程办公:云终端技术可以帮助用户实现远程办公,无论在任何地点和时间,都可以访问云终端服务器进行办公任务,提高工作效率。
最大可带台数 30台距离限 无距离限制是否插卡 无需插卡连接方式 网线连接支持系统 windows 2000 专业版、 windows xp 家庭版、 windows xp 专业版、windows xp 媒体中心版、 windows 2000 服务器版、windows 2003 服务器支持电影 不支持支持USB1.1存储 无远程访问 可远程访问色彩范围 16真色支持分辨率640*480 ,800*600 ,1024*768(60HZ或75HZ),1280*1024(63HZ),产品核心优势避免企业大量淘汰电脑和减少过重的维护问题,彻底做到省心、省事还省钱。
在进行云终端安装之前,需要做好以下准备工作:1. 确定云终端安装的位置和数量,根据实际情况选择合适的安装方案。
2. 确保所需的云终端设备已经购买并到货,检查设备是否完好无损。
3. 准备好安装所需的工具和材料,包括螺丝刀、螺丝、电源线等。
4. 确保安装现场的网络环境和电源环境已经准备就绪,确保云终端设备可以正常接入网络和供电。
5. 对于大型企业或特殊环境,可能需要提前进行现场勘测和方案设计。
1. 安装前的准备工作。
2. 设备固定安装。
3. 网络配置。
4. 系统初始化。
1. 清理现场。
2. 验收测试。
3. 记录备份。
Moxa EDS-G500E系列快速安装指南说明书
P/N: 1802005000023 *1802005000023*EDS-G500E Series Quick Installation GuideMoxa EtherDevice™ SwitchVersion 3.1, September 2020Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: 1-714-528-6777 Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific:Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-10452020 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.Package ChecklistThe EDS-G500E is shipped with the following items. If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact your customer service representative for assistance.• 1 EDS-G508E or EDS-G512E-4GSFP or EDS-G516E-4GSFP Ethernet switch•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty card•USB cable•Protective caps for unused portsFeatures•Up to 12 10/100/1000BaseT(X) ports and 4 100/1000BaseSFP ports•Turbo Ring and Turbo Chain (recovery time < 50 ms @ 250 switches), RSTP/STP, and MSTP for network redundancy •RADIUS, TACACS+, SNMPv3, IEEE 802.1x, HTTPS, and SSH to enhance network security•EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, and Modbus/TCP protocols supported for device management and monitoringPanel Views of EDS-G500E SeriesFront PanelEDS-G508EEDS-G512E-4GSFPFront Panel1. 1000BaseT(X) LED indicator2. 10/100BaseT(X) LED indicator3. 10/100/1000BaseT(X) portsEDS-G508E: 1 to 8EDS-G512E-4GSFP: 1 to 8 EDS-G516E-4GSFP: 1 to 12 4. System status LED:• STATE LED indicator • PWR1 LED indicator • PWR2 LED indicator • FAULT LED indicator• MSTR/HEAD LED indicator • CPLR/TAIL LED indicator 5. USB storage port6. SFP port LED indicatorEDS-G512E-4GSFP: 9 to 12 EDS-G516E-4GSFP: 13 to 16 7. 100/1000BaseSFP slots 8. Model NameEDS-G516E-4GSFPTop Panel Rear Panel Top Panel1.Reset buttonB console port3.DIP switches for Turbo Ring,Ring Master, and Ring Coupler4.Grounding screw5.4-pin terminal block for digitalinput and power input 26.4-pin terminal block for relayoutput and power input 1 Rear Panel1.Screw holes for wall mountingkit2.DIN-rail mounting kitMounting DimensionsUnit = mm (inch)DIN-Rail MountingThe metal DIN-rail kit is fixed to the back panel of the EDS-G500E series when you take it out of the box. Mount the EDS-G500E series on corrosion-free mounting rails that meet the EN 60715 standard. InstallationSTEP 1: Insert the upper lip of the DIN rail into the DIN-rail mounting kit.STEP 2: Press the EDS-G500E series towards the DIN rail until it snaps into place.RemovalSTEP 1: Pull down the latch on the mounting kit with a screwdriver. STEP 2 & 3: Slightly pull the EDS-G500E series forward and lift up to remove it from the DIN rail.Wall Mounting (Optional)For some applications, you will find it convenient to mount Moxa EDS- G500E series on the wall, as shown in the following illustrations: STEP 1: Remove the aluminum DIN railattachment plate from the rear panel of the EDS-G500E series, and then attach the wall mount plates with M3 screws, as shown in the figure at the right.STEP 2: Mounting the EDS-G500E series on the wall requires 4 screws. Use the EDS-G500E series, with wall mount plates attached, as a guide to mark the correct locations of the 4 screws. The heads of the screws should be less than 6.0 mm in diameter, and the shafts should be less than 3.5 mm in diameter, as shown in the figure on at right.NOTE Before tightening the screws into the wall, make sure the screw head and shank size are suitable by inserting the screw through one of the keyhole-shaped apertures of the Wall Mounting Plates.Do not screw the screws in all the way—leave about 2 mm to allowroom for sliding the wall mount panel between the wall and the screws. STEP 3: Once the screws are fixed to the wall, insert the four screw heads through the wide parts of the keyhole-shaped apertures, and then slide the EDS-G500Edownwards, as indicated in the figure at the right.Tighten the four screws for more stability.ATEX Information1. Certificate number: DEMKO 14 ATEX 1212X2. Certification string: Ex nA nC IIC T4 Gc3. Standards covered:EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-15:20104. These products are to be installed in an ATEX Certified IP54enclosure and accessible only by the use of a tool.5. These products are for use in an area of not more than pollutiondegree 2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1.Wiring RequirementsPlease read and follow these guidelines: •Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.NOTE: Do not run signal or communications wiring and powerwiring through the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately •You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire todetermine which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together• You should separate input wiring from output wiring•We advise that you label the wiring to all devices in the system.Grounding the Moxa EDS-G500E SeriesGrounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due toelectromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to connecting devices.Wiring the Relay ContactThe EDS-G500E series has one set of relay output. This relay contact uses two contacts of the terminal block on the EDS-G500E’s top panel. Refer to the next section for detailed instructions on how to connect the wires to the terminal block connector, and how to attach the terminal block connector to the terminal block receptor. In this section, we illustrate the meaning of the two contacts used to connect the relay contact.FAULT: Array The two contacts of the 6-pin terminal block connector are used to detect user-configured events. The two wires attached to the fault contacts form an open circuit when a user-configured event is triggered. If a user-configured event does not occur, the fault circuit remainsclosed.Wiring the Redundant Power InputsThe EDS-G500E series has two sets of power inputs—power input 1 and power input 2. The top and front views of one of the terminal block connectors are shown here.STEP 1: Insert the negative/positiveDC wires into the V-/V+ terminals,respectively. STEP 2: To keep the DC wires frompulling loose, use a small flat-bladescrewdriver to tighten the wire-clamp screws on the front of the terminalblock connector. STEP 3: Insert the plastic terminalblock connector prongs into theterminal block receptor, which islocated on the EDS-G500E’s toppanel.Wiring the Digital InputsThe EDS-G500E series has one set of digital input (DI). The DI consists of two contacts of the 4-pin terminal block connector on the EDS-G500E's top panel, which are used for the two DC inputs. The top and front views of one of the terminal block connectors are shown here.STEP 1: Insert the negative(ground)/positive DI wires into the┴/I terminals, respectively.STEP 2: To keep the DI wires frompulling loose, use a small flat-bladescrewdriver to tighten the wire-clampscrews on the front of the terminalblock connector. STEP 3: Insert the plastic terminalblock connector prongs into theterminal block receptor, which islocated on the EDS-G500E’s toppanel.Communication ConnectionsEach EDS-G500E series switch has 4 types of communication ports: •1 USB console port (type B connector) •1 USB storage port (type A connector) •8 (EDS-G508E/EDS-G512E-4GSFP) or 12 (EDS-G516E-4GSFP) 10/100/1000BaseT(X) Ethernet ports • 4 100/1000Base SFP slots (EDS-G512E-4GSFP/EDS-G516E-4GSFP) USB Console ConnectionThe EDS-G500E series has one USB console port (type B connector), located on the top panel. Use the USB cable (provided in the product package) to connect the EDS-G500E's console port to your PC's USB port and install the USB driver on the PC. You may then use a console terminal program, such as Moxa PComm Terminal Emulator, to accessthe EDS-G500E’s console configuration utility.USB Console Port (Type B Connector) PinoutsPinDescription 1D– (Data -) 2VCC (+5V) 3D+ (Data+) 4 GND (Ground) USB Storage ConnectionThe EDS-G500E series has one USB storage port (type A connector) on the front panel. Use Moxa ABC-02-USB-T automatic backupconfigurator to connect the EDS-G500E's USB storage port forconfiguration backup, firmware upgrade or system log file backup. ABC-02-USB InstallationPlug the ABC-02-USB into the USBstorage port of the Moxa EDS-G500Eseries. Securing the ABC-02-USB on thewall with an M4 screw is suggested.USB Storage Port (Type A Connector) PinoutsPinDescription 1VCC (+5V) 2D– (Data -) 3D+ (Data+) 4 GND (Ground) 1000BaseT Ethernet Port Connection1000BaseT data is transmitted on differential TRD+/- signal pairs over copper wires.MDI/MDI-X Port Pinouts PinSignal 1TRD(0)+ 2TRD(0)- 3TRD(1)+ 4TRD(2)+ 5TRD(2)- 6TRD(1)- 7TRD(3)+ 8 TRD(3)-100/1000BaseSFP (mini-GBIC) Fiber PortThe Gigabit Ethernet ports on the EDS-G500E series are100/1000BaseSFP Fiber ports, which require using the 100M or 1G mini-GBIC fiber transceivers to work properly. Moxa provides completed transceiver models for different distance requirement.The concept behind the LC port and cable is quite straightforward. Suppose that you are connecting devices I and II; contrary to electrical signals, optical signals do not require a circuit in order to transmit data. Consequently, one of the optical lines is used to transmit data from device I to device II, and the other optical line is used transmit data from device II to device I, for full-duplex transmission.Remember to connect the Tx (transmit) port of device I to the Rx (receive) port of device II, and the Rx (receive) port of device I to the Tx (transmit) port of device II. If you make your own cable, we suggest labeling the two sides of the same line with the same letter (A-to-A and B-to-B, as shown below, or A1-to-A2 and B1-to-B2).LC-Port Pinouts LC-Port to LC-Port Cable WiringReset ButtonThere are two functions available on the Reset Button. One is to reset the Ethernet switch to factory default settings by pressing and holding the Reset button for 5 seconds. Use a pointed object, such as a straightened paper clip or toothpick, to depress the Reset button. This will cause the STATE LED to blink once a second. After depressing the button for 5 continuous seconds, the STATE LED will start to blink rapidly. This indicates that factory default settings have been loaded and you can release the reset button.When the ABC-02-USB is connected to the EDS-G500E Ethernet switch,the reset button allows quick configuration and backs up log files to theABC-02-USB. Press the Reset button on top of the EDS-G500E, theEthernet switch will start backing up current system configuration filesand event logs to the ABC-02-USB.NOTE Do NOT power off the Ethernet switch when loading defaultsettings.Turbo Ring DIP Switch SettingsEDS-G500E series are plug-and-play managed redundant Ethernet switches. The proprietary Turbo Ring protocol was developed by Moxa to provide better network reliability and faster recovery time. Moxa Turbo Ring’s recovery time is less than 300 ms (Turbo Ring) or 50 ms (Turbo Ring V2) —compared to a 3- to 5-minute recovery time for commercial switches—decreasing the possible loss caused by network failures in an industrial setting.There are 4 Hardware DIP Switches for Turbo Ring on the top panel of EDS-G500E series that can help setup the Turbo Ring easily within seconds. If you do not want to use a hardware DIP switch to setup the Turbo Ring, you can use a web browser, telnet, or console to disable this function.NOTE Please refer to the Turbo Ring section in Communication Redundancy User's Manual for more detail information aboutthe setting and usage of Turbo Ring and Turbo Ring V2. EDS-G500E Series DIP Switches Array The default setting for each DIP Switch is OFF. Thefollowing table explains the effect of setting the DIPSwitch to the ON position.NOTE You must enable the Turbo Ring function first before using the DIP switch to activate the Master and Coupler functions. NOTE If you do not enable any of the EDS-G500E series switches to be the Ring Master, the Turbo Ring protocol will automaticallychoose the EDS-G500E series with the smallest MAC addressrange to be the Ring Master. If you accidentally enable morethan one EDS-G500E series to be the Ring Master, these EDS-G500E series switches will auto-negotiate to determine whichone will be the Ring Master.LED IndicatorsThe front panel of the Moxa EDS-G500E series contains several LED indicators. The function of each LED is described in the following table: LED Color Status DescriptionSTATE GreenOnThe system passed the self-diagnosis teston boot-up and is ready to run.Blinking1.The switch is under reset progress (1time/s).2.Detect ABC-02-USB connect to theswitch (1 time/2s).Red OnThe system failed self-diagnosis on boot-up.•RAM Test Fail / System Info. Read Fail/ Switch Initial Fail / PTP PHY Error.(+ Green MSTR lit on : HW FAIL)•FW Checksum Fail / Uncompress Fail.(+ Green Coupler lit on: SW FAIL)FAULT Red On 1.The signal contact is open.2.ABC Loading/Saving Fail.3.The port being disabled because ofthe ingress multicast and broadcastpackets exceed the ingress rate limit.4.Incorrect loop connection in a singleswitch.5.Invalid Ring port connection.PWR1 Amber OnPower is being supplied to the mainmodule’s power input PWR1.OffPower is not being supplied to the mainmodule’s power input PWR1.PWR2 Amber OnPower is being supplied to the mainmodule’s power input PWR2.OffPower is not being supplied to the mainmodule’s power input PWR2.LED Color Status DescriptionMSTR/ HEAD GreenOn1.The switch is set as the Master of theTurbo Ring, as the Head of the TurboChain, or as the Root bridge of RSTP.2.POST H.W. Fail (+Stat on and Faultblinking).Blinking1.The switch has become the RingMaster of the Turbo Ring.2.The Head of the Turbo Chain, afterthe Turbo Ring or the Turbo Chain isdown.3.The switch is set as Turbo Chain’sMember and the corresponding chainport is down.Off1.The switch is not the Master of thisTurbo Ring.2.This switch is set as a Member of theTurbo Chain.CPLR/TAIL GreenOn1.The switch’s coupling function isenabled to form a back-up path.2.When it’s set as the Tail of the TurboChain.3.POST S.W. Fail (+Stat on and Faultblinking)Blinking1.Turbo Chain is down.2.The switch is set as Turbo Chain’sMember and the corresponding chainport is down.Off1.This switch has disabled the couplingfunction.2.This switch is set as a Member of theTurbo Chain.FAULT + MSTR/HEAD + CPLR/TAILRotateBlinkingSequentiallyABC-02-USB is importing/exporting files.STATE +FAULT + MSTR/HEAD + CPLR/TAIL BlinkingSwitch is being discovered/located byMXview (2 times/s).10M/100M (TP) AmberOn TP port’s 10 or 100 Mbps link is active.BlinkingData is being transmitted at 10 or 100Mbps.Off TP port’s 10/100 Mbps link is inactive.1000M (TP) GreenOn TP port’s 1000 Mbps link is active. Blinking Data is being transmitted at 1000 Mbps. Off TP port’s 1000 Mbps link is inactive.100M (SFP) AmberOn SFP port’s 100 Mbps link is active. Blinking Data is being transmitted at 100 Mbps. Off SFP port’s 100 Mbps link is inactive.1000M (SFP) GreenOn SFP port’s 1000 Mbps link is active. Blinking Data is being transmitted at 1000 Mbps. Off SFP port’s 1000 Mbps link is inactive.SpecificationsTechnologyStandards IEEE 802.3 for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X) and 100BaseFXIEEE 802.3ab for 1000BaseT(X)IEEE 802.3z for 1000BaseXProtocols IGMPv1/v2/v3, GMRP, GVRP, SNMPv1/v2c/v3,DHCP Server/Client, DHCP Option 66/67/82, BootP,TFTP, SNTP, SMTP, RARP, RMON, HTTP, HTTPS,Telnet, SSH, Syslog, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET,Modbus/TCP, SNMP Inform, LLDP, IEEE 1588 PTPV2, IPv6, NTP Server/ClientMIB MIB-II, Ethernet-Like MIB, P-BRIDGE MIB, Q-BRIDGE MIB, Bridge MIB, RSTP MIB, RMON MIBGroup 1, 2, 3, 9Flow Control IEEE 802.3x flow control, back pressure flowcontrolInterfaceRJ45 Ports 8 (EDS-G508E/EDS-G512E-4GSFP) or12 (EDS-G516E-4GSFP) 10/100/1000BaseT(X) Fiber Ports 4-port 100/1000BaseSFP slot (EDS-G512E-4GSFP/EDS-G516-4GSFP only)USB Ports USB console port (type B connector)USB storage port (type A connector)Button Reset buttonLED Indicators PWR1, PWR2, FAULT, STATE, 10/100M,100/1000M, MSTR/HEAD, CPLR/TAILAlarm Contact 1 relay output with current carrying capacity of 1 A@ 24 VDCDigital Input 1 input with the same ground, but electricallyisolated from the electronics.•+13 to +30V for state “1”•-30 to +3V for state “0”•Max. input current: 8 mAPowerInput Voltage 12/24/48/-48 VDC, redundant dual inputsInput Current EDS-G516E: 0.46 A @ 24 VDCEDS-G512E: 0.4 A @ 24 VDCEDS-G508E: 0.33 A @ 24 VDCConnection 2 removable 4-contact terminal blocksOverload CurrentPresentProtectionPresentReverse PolarityProtectionPhysical CharacteristicsHousing Metal, IP30 protectionDimension 79.2 x 135 x 137 mm (3.1 x 5.3 x 5.4 in) Installation DIN-rail mounting, wall mounting (with optionalkit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature -10 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) for standard models -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) for -T modelsStorageTemperature-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient RelativeHumidity5 to 95% (non-condensing)Altitude Up to 2000 mNote: Please contact Moxa if you require products guaranteed to function properly at higher altitude.Regulatory ApprovalsSafety UL 508EMI FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class A, EN 55022 Class A EMS EN 61000-4-2 (ESD) Level 4,EN 61000-4-3 (RS) Level 3,EN 61000-4-4 (EFT) Level 4,EN 61000-4-5 (Surge) Level 4,EN 61000-4-6 (CS) Level 3,EN 61000-4-8Shock IEC 60068-2-27Free Fall IEC 60068-2-32Vibration IEC 60068-2-6WarrantyWarranty 5 years。
西门子产品说明书:FT2014 FT2015远程显示器 远程终端安装及安装方法
FT2014-xx, FT2015-xxRemote display / Remote terminalInstallationMountingA6V10315046_g_en_--Smart Infrastructure 2019-11-25Legal noticeLegal noticeTechnical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well asutilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without expressauthorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. Allrights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent arereserved.Issued by:Siemens Industry, Inc.Smart Infrastructure8 Fernwood RoadFlorham Park, NJ 07932Tel. +1 973-593-2600/FISEdition: 2019-11-25Document ID: A6V10315046_g_en_--A5Q00049958© Siemens Industry, Inc., 20162 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--Table of contents1Remote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015 (5)1.1Description (5)1.2Mounting (6)1.3Views (7)1.3.1back box (7)1.3.2View of printed circuit board (9)1.4Wiring (9)1.4.1X5/X6, RS485 circuit connection terminals (10)1.4.2X11, connection for key switch and ground cable (11)1.5Adjustment elements (12)1.6Technical data (13)2FCC Statement (15)A6V10315046_g_en_-- 3 | 164 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--1Remote display FT2014 / remote terminalFT2015Figure 1: Remote display FT2014 (left) and remote terminal FT2015 (right)1.1DescriptionFT2014 and FT2015 are synchronized with 'Panels' of the configured visibility and display the same event texts. The two devices are connected to the control panel via the RS485 circuit.The remote display and the remote terminal are available in the following versions:●FT2014 remote display (red)●FT2014 remote display (black)●FT2015 remote terminal (red)●FT2015 remote terminal (black)Common features●Connection to the RS485 circuit as class A or class B●Power supply from the associated fire control panel or fire voice control panel ●External supply possible●8-line display each with 40 characters per line and backlight ●Buzzer●Operation enabled by key switch ●Indication of alarms and troubles ●Bypass for installed buzzer●Three LEDs configurable with the engineering tool set ●Inscription strips for sliding inAdditional features of the remote terminal FT2015●Acknowledgement and resetting of alarms and troubles ●Three buttons configurable with the engineering tool setRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Description1A6V10315046_g_en_-- 5 | 16Document referencesThe templates for the inscription strips and the operating instructions with button and LED designations have the following document IDs:1.2MountingMounting is identical for FT2014 and FT2015.Figure 2: Mounting view taking example of FT20151Housing22x fixing screw on the top part of the housing 3back box43x slot for cable tie52x threaded hole for fixing screws 68x fixing slot for wall mountingRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Mounting16 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--7Cable entry82x holder cam for housingMounting1.Loosen the fixing screws (2) on the top part of the housing and remove thehousing (1) from the back box (3) by tilting it forward and pulling it down.2.Position the back box such that the cables can be led correctly through the cableentry (7). Mark the fixing slots (6) in this position.3.Drill the holes and secure the back box (3) to the wall by inserting dowel screwsthrough the fixing slots (6).4.Wire up the device according to the wiring diagram.5.Fix the cables to the slots (4) with cable ties and mount the housing on the backbox by following step 1 in reverse.See also2Wiring [➙ 9]2back box [➙ 7]1.3Views1.3.1back boxDimension drawing for the back boxFigure 3: Dimensions of the back box of the FT2014 and FT2015, view from insideRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Views1A6V10315046_g_en_--7 | 16Detail 1: Dimensions of the fixing slotsFigure 4: Detailed view of the fixing slotsDimension tableRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Views18 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--1.3.2View of printed circuit boardFigure 5: Printed circuit board view of remote display and remote terminal1.4WiringThe circuit must not be terminated on the side of the RS485 class A module, because the RS485 class A module has integrated terminating resistors.When wiring as a class B circuit, the circuit on the last device must be terminated with a 120 Ω resistor.Remote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Wiring1A6V10315046_g_en_--9 | 16Wiring from the remote display and remote terminal to the RS485 circuit as a class B circuitFigure 6: FT2014/FT2015 class B wiringWiring from the remote display and remote terminal to the RS485 circuit as a class A circuitFigure 7: FT2014/FT2015 class A wiring1.4.1X5/X6, RS485 circuit connection terminalsPlug X6, NET_INRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Wiring110 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--Plug X5, NET_OUT1.4.2X11, connection for key switch and ground cableFigure 8: Wiring of the key switch and ground cable1Key switch T452Ground connection on back box3Ground cable, pre-configured, l = 13.7"/350 mm 4Grounding washer with plug connection 5Screwed connections for cable lug6Cable for key switch, pre-configured, l = 3.55"/90 mmRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Wiring1A6V10315046_g_en_--11 | 16X11Connection for key switch connection cable1.Connect the pre-configured ground cable (3) by inserting the flat connector into theplug connection of the grounding washer (4)ing a washer and nut, screw the cable lug at the other end of the ground cable(3) onto the threaded bolt in the back box (2) so that it is secure.3.Tighten both cable lugs of the key switch cable (6) at the contacts (5) of the keyswitch (1).4.Plug the other end of the key switch cable (6) into connector X11 on the printedcircuit board.1.5Adjustment elementsReset key S2The reset key S2 has two functions:●Restart the processor to trigger the watchdog●Read-in the set baud rate and address with DIP switch S1DIP switch S1All switches are set to the OFF position (right-hand position) at the factory.PWR_F SW_REV 01BAUD4812ADR Figure 9: View of DIP switch S1 with inscriptionRemote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Adjustment elements112 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--Setting the device addressSetting the baud rateFor each RS485 class A module (isolated), remote display FT2014 and remote terminal FT2015 can only be operated in the following combination:●FT201x with baud rate setting 9600 only together with the FT2003 graphic driver (I/O) (fixed baud rate of 9600)●FT201x with baud rate setting 9600 only together with the FCA2018 remoteperipheral module (fixed baud rate of 19200)1.6Technical dataSupplyDesignation '+', '–'Voltage V sys DC 24 V Wattage55 mARS485 circuitTerminals Plug-in terminals Circuit voltageDC 4…5 V Transmission rate adjustable ●9.6 kbit/s ●19.2 kbit/sNumber of participantsMax. 8Remote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Technical data1A6V10315046_g_en_--13 | 16Length of line Class B ●Max. 3940 ft / 1200 m with AWG14 at 19.2 kbit/s●Max. 3300 ft / 1005 m with AWG18 at 19.2 kbit/sClass AMax. 3300 ft / 1005 m including the return lineFunctional dataDisplayLCD256 x 112 pixels8 lines of 40 characters each Acoustic signalingTone interval can be configured with engineering tool set DimensionsHeight 9.27 in/235.5 mm Width12.58 in/319.5 mm Depth (incl. back box)2.4 in/61 mmAmbient conditionsOperating temperature 32...120 °F / -0…+49 °C Storage temperature -4...+140 °F / -20…+60 °CMax. application height 13,100 ft. above sea level / 3993 m above sea level StandardsUL 864Remote display FT2014 / remote terminal FT2015Technical data114 | 16A6V10315046_g_en_--FCC Statement2 2FCC StatementThis equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause interferenceto radio communications.It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing devicepursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst such interference when operated in a commercial environment.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in whichcase the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may berequired to correct the interference.A6V10315046_g_en_--15 | 16Issued bySiemens Industry, Inc. Smart Infrastructure8 Fernwood Road Florham Park, NJ 07932 +1 973-593-2600/FIS A6V10315046_g_en_--© Siemens Industry, Inc., 2016 Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.。
Moxa MD-215系列快速安装指南说明书
P/N: 1802002150011 *1802002150011*MD-215 SeriesQuick Installation GuideVersion 1.1, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe MD-215 is a 15-inch industrial display with an aspect ratio of 5:4. It is a reliable and durable display of wide versatility of use in industrial environments.The MD-215 series displays are designed with a wide -40 to 70°C temperature range, making them some of the most reliable industrial platforms available for harsh, hot, indoor/outdoor environments.The MD-215 also features a 1,000-nit LCD panel offering asunlight-readable, projected-capacitive, glove-friendly, multi-touch screen, providing an excellent user experience for outdoor applications. Package ChecklistBefore installing the MD-215 Series, verify that the package contains the following items:•MD-215 display•VGA cable•DVI-D cable•2-pin terminal block x 1•5-pin terminal block x 2•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty cardNOTE: Please notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Hardware InstallationAppearanceSavvyTouch Display Control ButtonsThe SavvyTouch display controls are located on the front panel of the MD-215. These intelligent controls light up in response to a simple wave of the hand over the area of the screen where they are located. Thefollowing table describes the function of each SavvyTouch display control button:NameDisplayColorControl Function/Color LegendMenu/PowerGreenDisplay is powered on and functioning normally.Touch the button to show the OSDsettings menu.RedNo input signal detected. Display onstandby.Off Power is down and the display is off.Brightness WhiteUse this button to increase brightness of panel.Use this button to decrease brightness of panelName DisplayColorControl Function/Color LegendINFO Off AC/DC power functioning normally. Red AC/DC power error.Display mode WhiteSwitch between DAY/DUSK/NIGHTbrightness modes.OffPanel brightness outside the defaultrange.Installing the MD-215Panel MountingThe MD-215 comes with 8 optional clamp mounts for installation on a panel (where space has been cut out to accommodate the rest of the hardware) or into computing stations where a flush mount is required. The maximum thickness of the surface to which the display will be clamped is 11 mm. For a secure mounting, all 8 clamps must be used. The clamp arms are fastened into slots on all four sides of the MD-215. Use the short M4 SUS screws to fasten the clamp arms to the MD-215 mounting slots, as shown in the magnified inset in the diagram. Next, use the clamps to fasten the display to its mounting point. Note the torque value shown in the inset.VESA MountingThe MD-215 also comes with an optional VESA mounting kit. Four flat screws and four round screws are required to fasten the VESA mounting bracket. See the figure below for detailed screw specifications and torque values.An additional four screws (not included in the kit) are required to mount the display on a VESA rack. Use M6 screws with a length between 10 and 12 mm for this purpose.Connector DescriptionExtending the DisplayThe MD-215 is provided with both standard VGA and DVI-D interfaces on the bottom panel. The MD-215 can automatically detect whether the input video source is from the VGA or DVI-D interface. Configuring the Display via the Serial PortThe MD-215 has two serial ports. The RS-232 port uses a DB9 connector, and the RS-422/485 port uses a terminal block connector. Either serial port can be used to modify the display parameters using UART commands. For details on serial port configuration, refer to the MD-215 Hardware User’s Manual . The pin assignments for the ports are shown in the following table: Pin RS-232 1 DCD 2 RxD 3 TxD 4 DTR 5 GND 6 DSR 7 RTS 8CTSPinRS-422 RS-485 (2-wire)1 RxDB(+) TDp(+)2 RxDA(-) TDn(-)3 TxDB(+) RDp(+)4 TxDA(-) RDn(-) 5GNDGNDPowering On/Off the MD-215To power on the MD-215, connect the MD-215 to an AC power source, a DC power source, or both. Touch the Menu/power button for 1 second to turn on the display.Touch the Menu/power button for 4 seconds to turn off the display. NOTE If only one power input is connected, the Info button will turn red.This will however not affect the functionality and performance ofthe MD-215 as long as the power input is stable.Grounding the MD-215Proper grounding and wire routing help to limit the effects of noise from electromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to connecting the power source.For detailed configuration of the MD-215, refer to the MD-215 Hardware User’s Manual.。
桌面-网上邻居-右键-属性-点击连接网卡-右键-属性将IP改为手动设置IP ,IP地址、掩码、网关为客户告知的IP 地址、掩码、网关,如客户说可以使用DHCP,则可以用命令查看(后详述)。
DNS 设置为202.106.0.20如果客户要求使用DCHP自动获得IP。
二、安装服务器程序点击安装程序,vdpinstall.exe 安装步骤如下:安装完后重启笔记本。
如果选择“是”,将进入Windows xp 系统帐户管理界面,指引您进行帐户创建及管理操作。
制 作
线线 网网 线V G
A 线
V 线A V G V G 线A G A V 线线
1、进入[setup] 设置程序。
选择所需要的分辨率和[Use 75HZ VSYHC]
➢连接电源线缆1. 操作注意事项•为避免人身伤害或设备损坏,使用配套的电源线缆。
2. 操作步骤(1) 将电源线缆一端插入设备后面板上的电源模块插口。
(2) 为防止电源线缆意外断开,固定电源线缆用扎带将电源线固定到电源模块的拉手处:a. 解开电源模块拉手上的扎带。
b. 使用扎带固定电源线。
为避免触电、火灾或设备损坏,请不要将电话或通信设备连接到X10000 的RJ45 以太网接口。
顺时针方向拧紧M4 螺钉(标配),从而将挂耳固定到设备。
选择交换机在机柜上的安装位置,并在前方孔条上安装4 个浮动螺母(用户自备),左右各2个。
为此在安装云终端时要做好以下两方面工作:一、保证主机正常运行,做好相关设置1、安装windows系统(过程略)2、安装驱动(声卡、网卡、打印机等)安装云终端驱动:将云终端小光盘放入光驱(这一项也可以在新建用户之后安装)—打开光盘(找到主机端多用户插件)—解压到电脑硬盘(如E盘)—打开找到Multi-user support.exe安装多用户插件—找到xp.reg 注册表项安装安装后重启计算机3、安装常用软件(如office、图像制作、杀毒软件等)略4、计算机设置(1)IP地址设置右击“网上邻居”点击“属性”,打开网络连接对话框,在右击“本地连接”打开属性对话框找到Internet协议(TCP/IP)点击属性,打开属性对话框,设置好各项后点击确定以上是电信网络的IP地址,(移动网络的地址不同)。
(3)节电模式设置打开我的电脑属性对话框右击—单击点击打开“硬件”选项卡点击打开“设备管理器”双击展开“网络适配器”,再双击打开“Marvell Yukon 88E8039”对话框单击“电源管理”打开“电源管理”选项卡去掉“允许计算机关闭这个设备以节约电源”前面方框内的对勾,点击确定按钮,关闭对话框。
一、准备工作硬件:•服务器1台或1台性能强劲的PC机(我们不推荐使用虚拟机部署我们的系统,因为虚拟机的性能不是很好会降低您的体验)软件:•桌面虚拟化部署套件•您需要使用的第三方软件•操作系统满足如下条件windows 7 旗舰版 64bit with sp1windows server 2008 R2 64bit with sp1网络环境:•网络的拓扑环境如下图所示将虚拟化服务器接入到内部网络中,确保需要访问的客户端与服务器的连通性。
二、服务器操作系统的安装在指定的服务器上安装操作系统,安装的时候需要注意的是分区的操作,如果是单机版的服务器那么您在分区的时侯需要注意两点,存放虚拟机文件的分区和需要虚拟化的分区(存放虚拟机文件的分区一般不需要普通用户看到,在部署完后会隐藏起来,而需要虚拟化的分区则是虚拟用户对其操作后不会影响到真实机器的盘符,当然这个分区也是可以修改的)我们举一个服务器盘符规划的例子例子1:用户要求虚拟化用户可以看见C D盘符那么您就必须在系统中划分三个盘符即 C D E ,预留的E盘是当作存放虚拟机文件的盘符。
在下图中有四点重要的配置•第一个红色矩形框选择的是存放虚拟机文件的盘符•第二个红色矩形框选择的是需要被虚拟化的盘符•第三个红色矩形框是确认虚拟目录的位置(即是存放虚拟机文件的位置)•第四个红色矩形框的选择视具体的操作系统而定•当您安装的是windows 7 旗舰版64bit的话那么您必须安装 Thinstuff 或 2x的terminal软件才可以使服务器支持多用户同时登录。
Passport 5430安装配置手册目录初始化配置 (3)初始化配置准备工作 (3)运行安装脚本进入交互式配置状态 (4)进入bcc配置模式 (11)用Site Manager完成其他配置 (12)Site Manager方式的配置方法简介 (13)SNMP管理功能 (13)添加和删除tcp和telnet、ftp (13)5430上定义访问控制(Traffic Filter) (14)命令行方式配置命令简介 (15)修改密码 (15)用命令行配置Traffic Filter (15)Traffic Filter 的组成 (15)创建IP Traffic Filter模板 (15)生成IP Inbound Traffic Filter (16)指定Match Criteria (16)指定Source and destination network (17)Source and destination TCP and UDP port (17)Protocol type (18)Type of service (19)Established TCP ports (19)User-defined criteria (19)指定Inbound Traffic Filters和Templates的执行动作(actions) (20)禁用和重新启用IP Traffic Filters与IP接口 (22)Traffic Filter配置举例 (22)用TFTP备份和恢复配置文件 (25)初始化配置初始化配置准备工作出厂配置需要通过console口进行。
注意:如果不是出厂设置,通过$boot pp5430.exe ti_pp5430.cfg命令,设备重启进入空配置状态。
下面是终端窗口的提示信息:Nortel Networks, Inc. and its Licensors.Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999. All rights reserved.Login: Managerpowerjs_net3Mounting new volume...Device label:Directory: 1:New Present Working Directory: 1:Welcome to the Backbone Technician Interface[1:1]$[1:1]$ dir // dir命令查看存储卡的文件和剩余空间V olume in drive 1: isDirectory of 1:File Name Size Date Day Time--------------------------------------------------------pp5430.exe 5468858 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58ti_pp5430.cfg 132 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58inst_pp5430.bat 147714 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58debug.al 12319 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58bcc_pp5430.hlp 479890 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58pp5430boot.ppc 346204 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58pp5430diag.a 998920 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58pp5430diag.exe 564760 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58pp5430ram.exe 258541 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:58config.0705 4628 04/29/2001 Sun. 22:46:54config 132 05/08/2000 Mon. 18:33:5833554432 bytes - Total size25271926 bytes - Available free space25007126 bytes - Contiguous free space运行安装脚本进入交互式配置状态注:根据提示输入,除telnet选项打开外,其余用默认值;site manager workstation 不要输入ip地址,跳过去。
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制 作
线线 网网 线V G
A 线
V 线A V G V G 线A G A V 线线
1、进入[setup] 设置程序。
选择所需要的分辨率和[Use 75HZ VSYHC]