Unit13 Rainy days make me sad教案
Unit13. Rainy days make me sad. SectionA一、预习导学:学习研究《句子成分》,分析下列句子:always work hard at English. said he didn't come.love each other. did you buy?watched her daughter playing the piano. job today is to help the old.doesn't mean doing. the time I got to the station,the train had left.children bought their parents a car. takes me an hour to get there.简单句的五种基本句型:sun was shining. dinner smells good.3. He has refused to help them. brought you a dictionary.5. They painted the door green.二、语法学习:make+宾语+宾语补足语(形容词/动词原形)story made her . A. cry B. crying C. to cry D. cried ! The box is too heavy.------Don’t worry. Let me it for you. carryclassroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it .you often see William on the playground.-----N o, but he is often seen Chinese Kungfu in the park.A. run; playB. run; to playC. running; play ; to play三、重点词句检测:1. The restaurant (服务;招待) many people every day.2. It’s uncomfortable to sit on the (坚硬的)seats.are still needed in (科学的)experiments.judge must be (公平的).is wearing a (粉红色的)dress.6.柔和的色彩,像粉红色和淡蓝色使人放松。
【知识学习】Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教学设计
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教学设计Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad.Ⅰ.AnalysisoftheTeaching material1.StatusandFunctionInthisunit,studentslear ntotalkabouthowthingsaffectthem.Thetopicismeaningf ulandpracticaltostudents,Itisveryuseful.Itcanhelps tudentsexpresstheirownopinionsintheirdailylife.Itc ontinuestotrainstudents’speakingabilityandintegratingskills.Afterstudyingt hisunit,studentswillbeinchargeoftheirattitudeandthe ycandoeverythingbetter.(1)Thefirstperiodmainlygivesstudentslisteningandoralpr acticeusingthetargetlanguageI’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolis tentoquietmusicwhileI’meating.ok,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic.Notme !Loudmusicmakesmestressedout.(2)Theactivitiesinthesecondperiodgivestudentsmoreliste ningandspeakingpracticeaswellasgrammarfocustopracti sethetargetlanguage.Thepracticecanhelpstudentsimpr ovetheirlisteningandspeakingskills.(3)Thethirdperiodprovidesanarticle.Studentslearntogetdetailedinformationfromthearticle.Itisabasicreadin gskill,andalsoitisofgreathelpforstudentstoimproveth eirreadingskill.(4)Thefourthperiodnotonlyintroducessomenewwordsbutalso providesstudentswithmanydifferentkindsofactivities .Inthisclass,studentslearnhowtoexpresstheirownopin ionsusingthetargetlanguage.(5)Alotofpracticeisdesignedinthefifthperiodtotrainstud ents’readingandwritingskills.Studentsalsolearnhowtotrea ttheadvertisementfromthereadingmaterial.(6)Alltheactivitiesinthelastperiodinthisunitareusedtop rovidewritingpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.2.Tea chingAimsandDemands(1)knowledgeobjectsInthisunit,studentslearntotalkabout howthingsaffectthem,andhowtoexpresstheirownopinions usingthetargetlanguage,(2)AbilityobjectsTotrainstudents’listening,speaking,readingandwritingskillsusingthet argetlanguage,(3)moralobjectTheimpactofattitudeonlifeisobvious.when goshopping,weshouldremembernotalltheadsaregreat.wehavetobecareful.Inthisway,wecanbuynothingthatwedon’tneedatall.Soweshouldbeinchargeofourattitude.That way,wecanlivehappilyandwecandoeverythingbetter.3.TeachingkeyPointTomakestudentslearnandmasterthekeyv ocabularywordsandthetargetlanguage.4.TeachingDiff icultPointsTotrainstudents’listening,speaking,readingandwritingskills.Totrain students’communicativecompetence.5.StudyingwayTeachstudent showtoexpresstheirownopinionsfreely.Ⅱ.LanguageFu nctionTalkabouthowthingsaffectyou.Ⅲ.TargetLangua geI’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolis tentoquietmusicwhileI’meating.oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic.Notme !Loudmusicmakesmestressedout.Ⅳ.StructureSecondco nditionalwithwishⅤ.Vocabularylighting,mysterious,tense,silky,owner ,product,knowledge,forinstance,shiny,skin,cream,too thpaste,endangered,uncomfortable,useful Ⅵ.Recyclingfastfood,make,cry,customer,happy,dance ,sad,restaurant,red,pink,blue,relaxed,stressedout,awful,soft,energetic,keepoutⅦ.LearningStrategies .Personalizing2.matchingⅧ.TeachingTimeSevenperiodsTheFirstPeriod Ⅰ.TeachingAimsandDemands1.knowledgeobjects(1)keyVocabularysad,energetic,stressedout,soft(2)TargetLanguageI’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolis tentoquietmusicwhileI’meating.oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic.Notme !Loudmusicmakesmestressedout.2.Abilityobjects(1)Improvestudents’listeningability.(2)Helpstudentstoexpresstheiropinionfreely.3.moralob jectsItisimportanttochooseasuitableplace.Itisgoodf oryourstudyandlife.Ⅱ.TeachingkeyPointTargetLangu ageⅢ.TeachingDifficultPoints1.Howtoimprovestudents’listeningability.2.Howtohelpstudentstoexpressthei ropinionfreely.Ⅳ.Teachingmethods1.Listening-and -answeringactivitytohelpthestudentsgothroughwiththe listeningmaterial.2.Pairworktomakeeverystudentwor kinclass.Ⅴ.TeachingAids1.Ataperecorder2.TheblackboardⅥ.TeachingProceduresStepⅠRevisionT:yesterdaywefinishedUnit12.Inthisunit,wel earnedhowtotellwhatwearesupposedtodo.Nowtellmesome thingsthataregoodtodoinschoolandthatarenotgoodtodoi nschool.S1:we’resupposedtodoourhomeworkeveryday.S2:we’resupposedtoraiseourhandsbeforewetalk.S3:we’resupposedtocometoclassontime.S4:wearenotsupposedt obelateforclass.S5:we’renotsupposedtoeatinclass.T:Verygood.you’reright.Fromnowon,we’lllearnUnit13.Lookatthefollowinglistofactivitieson theblackboard:parties,exams,schoolvacations,gymclas s.Howdoyoufeelaboutparties?Happy?Excited?Nervous?S 1:Nervous.T:oh,sopartiesmakeyounervous.S1:yes.T: classrepeat.Partiesmakemenervous.Ss:Partiesmakeme nervous.T:Nowwhataboutschoolvacations?Howdoyoufeel aboutthem?S2:Happy.T:So,schoolvacationsmakeyouhapp y.S2:yes.T:classrepeat.Schoolvacationsmakemehapp y.Ss:Schoolvacationsmakemehappy.T:Nowwhataboutgym class?Howdoyoufeelaboutit?S3:Excited.T:Sogymclassm akesyouexcited.S3:yes.StepⅡ1aThisactivityintroducesnewvocabularyandprovidesora lpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.Gothroughtheinstru ctionsandlookatthetwopictures.Ask,whocandescribeth einteriorofeachrestaurant?(RockinRestauranthasredwalls,uglypaintingsonthewal ls,andloudmusic.TheBlueLagoonhasbluewalls,plants,f lowers,andapianoplayer.)Say,whichrestaurantwouldyourathergoto?Talkaboutitwi thyourparter.Letstudentsworkinpairs,andtelleachoth erwhichrestauranttheywouldliketogotoandwhy.whenstu dentswork,goaroundtheclassroomofferinghelpasneeded .whentheyhavefinishedtalkingtoeachother,calloutsev eralpairstosaytheirconversationstotheclass.Samplec onversationSA:whichrestaurantwouldyouliketogoto?SB: I’dliketogototheBlueLagoon.SA:why?SB:Becausethereare plantsandflowersthere.StepⅢ1bThisactivitygivesstudentspracticeinunderstandingt hetargetlanguageinspokenconversation.Askstudentsto readtheinstructions.Lookatthechartandpointoutthetw oheadings:TheRockin’RestaurantandTheBlueLagoon.Lookatthesampleanswer.Letastudentreadthecompletedsentence,andthensay,youw illhearthemissingwordsontherecording.Fillintheblan kswiththewordsyouhearonthetape.Playtherecordingthe firsttime.Studentsonlylistencarefully.Playthereco rdingagain.Thistimefillinthemissingwords.checkthe answerswiththewholeclass.AnswersTheRockin’Restaurant:sad,tenseTheBlueLagoon:relaxed,sleepyTap escriptGirl1:I’mhungry,Amy.Girl2:SoamI.whydon’twegetsomethingtoeat?Girl1:yeah.Let’sgototheRockin’Restaurant.Ilovetheirhamburgers.Girl2:oh,Tina…IhatetheRockin’Restaurant.Girl1:why?Thefoodisgreat,isn’tit?Girl2:Thefood’sfine.Ijustdon’tliketheatmosphere.Thoseawfulpicturesonthewallsmak emesad,andtheloudmusicmakesmetease.Girl1:ok.Sowheredoyouwanttogo,Amy?Girl2:Let’sgototheBlueLagoon.Thesoftmusicmakesmerelaxed.Girl1:Notme.Itmakesmesleepy.StepⅣ1cThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetargetlanguage.Lookattheexampleinthebox.Inviteapairo fstudentstoreadittotheclass.SA:I’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolis tentoquietmusicwhileI’meating.SB:oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic.SA :Notme!Loudmusicmakesmestressedout.Gothroughtheins tructionswiththeclass.Tellstudentstheywillbetalkin gabouttheirownopinionswithapartner.Lookbackatthech artinActivity16.makeupaconversationwithapartnerusi ngwordsfromthechart,suchasawfulpictures,loudmusican dsoftmusic.whilestudentsareworkinginpairs,walkarou ndtheclassroom,andlistentosomepairs.Ifnecessary,of ferlanguagesupport.Thenasksomepairstoactouttheirco nversationsinfrontofthewholeclass.optionalactivity Letstudentslookaroundtheclassroom,thinkaboutotherro omsintheschool,andtalkabouthowtheseplacesmakethestu dentsfeel.Forexample,whatareyouropinionsaboutthisr oom?Astudentmightanswer,Thisroomissunny.Itmakesmeh appy.oraskthem.whatareyouropinionsaboutallthenois einthecafeteria?Astudentmightsay.Allthenoiseinthec afeteriamakesmetense.Notes:.awful——terrible;dreadful2.energetic——fullofenergyStepⅤSummaryInthisclass,we’velearnedsomeimportantwords,suchassad,energetic,str essedout.we’vealsolearnedthetargetlanguageI’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolis tentoquietmusicwhileI’meating.oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic.Notme !Loudmusicmakesmestressedout.StepⅥHomeworkReviewthetargetlanguage.StepⅦBlackboardDesignUnit13Rainydaysmakemesad.SectionAT heFirstPeriodTargetlanguageA:I’drathergototheBlueLagoonRestaurantbecauseIliketolis tentoquietmusicwhileI’meating.B:oh,really?Loudmusicmakesmeenergetic.A:N otme!Loudmusicmakesmestressedout.Unit13Rainydaysma kemesad.TheSecondPeriod Ⅰ.TeachingAimsandDemands1.knowledgeobjects(1)keyVocabularytense,havefun,angry,cry.(2)TargetLanguageLoudmusicmakesmetense.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance.Thatmoviemademesad.2.Abilityobjects(1)Trainstudents’listeningability.(2)Trainstudents’speakingability.3.moralobjectsEnjoyingyourselfisv eryimportant.Butnomatterwhathobbiesyouhave,doremem bertheymustbegoodforhealthandstudy.Ⅱ.Teachingkey Points1.keyVocabularytense,angry,cry.2.TargetLanguageLoudmusicmakesmetense.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance.Thatmoviemademesad.3.StructuresLoudmusicmakesmetense.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance.Ⅲ.TeachingDifficultP oints1.Thetargetlanguage2.Howtotrainstudents’listeningability.Ⅳ.Teachingmethods1.Listeningme thodtoimprovethestudents’listeningability.2.Pairwork.Ⅴ.TeachingAidAtape recorderⅥ.TeachingProceduresStepⅠRevisioncheckhomework.Inviteapairofstudentstoreadt heconversationinActivity1c.Thenletsomepairsactoutt heirconversationsaccordingtothepicturesinActivity1a andActivity1c.SA:I’drathergototheRockin’RestaurantbecauseIliketolistentoloudmusicwhileI’meating.SB:Really?Softmusicmakesmerelaxed.SA:Notm e.Softmusicmakesmesleepy.StepⅡ2aThisactivitygivesstudentspracticeinunderstandingt hetargetlanguageinspokenconversation.Lookatthepict ures.Ask,whataretheydoing?Pleaseguess.(InPicture1 ,twowomenareeatingandsmiling.maybethefoodisverydel icious.InPicture2,thetwowomenarecrying.maybetheya reseeingasadmovie.InPicture3,oneofthetwowomenisver ytensethatbecauseoftheloudmusic.InPicture4,onewoma niswaitingforthebusorsomeone.waitingmakesherangry.)Gothroughtheinstructionswiththeclass.Say,youwillhe arTinaandjohntalkingaboutwhatTinaandAmydidlastnight .ThefourpicturesshowsomethingthatTinadidlastnight .Pointtotheboxes.Say,Usethenumber1through4toshowt heorderyouhearTinaandjohntalkaboutthesethingsinther ecording.Playthetapeforstudents.Thefirsttime,stud entsjustlisten.Playthetapeagain.Thistime,askstude ntstonumberthepictureswhentheylisten.correcttheans werswiththeclass.AnswersThepicturesshouldbenumbere dinthisorder:(down)3241TapescriptBoy:DidyouandAmyhavefunlastnight,Tina ?Girl:well,john…yesandno.Boy:wasAmylateasusual.Girl:yes,shewas.A ndwaitingforhermademeangry.Boy:wheredidyougo?Girl: FirstwewenttotheRockin’Restaurant,butAmydidn’twanttostay.Shesaidthatloudmusicmadehertense.Boy: That’sfunny.Loudmusicalwaysmakesmewanttodance.Girl:met oo.SothenwewenttotheBlueLagoon.Itwasquietandthefo odwasgreat.wehadagoodtime.Boy:Thendidyougototheco ncertatthehighschool?Girl:No.wedecidedtogotothemov ies.wesawLovemeForever.Itwasareallygoodmovie,buti twassosadthatitmadeuscry.Boy:Sadmoviesdon’tmakemecry.Theyjustmakemewanttoleave!Girl:youshoul djustlikemybrother!StepⅢ2bThisactivityprovidesguidedlisteningpracticeusingt hetargetlanguage.Gothroughtheinstructionsandpointt othelistofstatements.youwillhearthesamerecordingag ain.Thistimelistencarefullytowhateachpersonsays.P utacheckmarkinfrontofthestatementsyouhear.Lookatth esampleanswer.on.thetapeTinasays,waitingforhermad emeangry,soacheckmarkgoesinfrontofthissentence.Pla ythetapeagain.Letstudentscheckthesentencestheyhear .Askstudentstosaythereasonswhytheycheckthem.checktheanswerswiththeclass.Answers√waitingforhermademeangry.√Shesaidthatloudmusicmadehertense.Loudmusicmakesmehappy.√Loudmusicalwaysmakesmewanttodance.√Itwassosaditmadeuscry.√Sadmoviesdon’tmakemecry.Theyjustmakemewanttoleave!Itmademesad.StepⅣ2cThisactivityprovidesoralpracticeusingthetargetlan guage.LookatthesampleconversationbetweenTinaandjoh n.Inviteapairofstudentstoreadittotheclass.john:Di dyouhavefunwithAmylastnight?Tina:well…yesandno.Shewasreallylate.Gothroughtheinstruction swiththeclass.Getstudentstomakeupaconversationusin ginformationfromActivities2aand2b.Letstudentsworki npairs.whiletheyareworking,goaroundtheclassroomche ckingtheprogressofthepairsandofferinghelpasnecessar y.calloutapairofstudentstosaytheirconversationtoth eclass.SA:DidyouhavefunwithLiPinglastnight?SB:well …yesandno.Shewaslateagainasusual.SA:So,waitingforh ermadeyouangry.wheredidyougo?SB:wewenttoasmallrestaurant.Itwasquietandclean.Thefoodwasdelicious.Th esoftmusicmademeveryhappy.SA:Didyougotoseeamovie?S B:yes.wesawLovemeoncemore,mother.Itwasaverygoodmo vie.Itwasalsomovingandsad.Itmadeuscry.SA:Really? yousoundjustlikemymother.StepⅤGrammarFocusLookatthegrammarbox.Inviteastudenttore adthesentencestotheclass.Loudmusicmakesmetense.Lo udmusicmakesmewanttodance.Thatmoviemademesad.whil ethestudentisreading,writethethreesentencesonthebla ckboard.Thenask,whatverbdoyouseeinallthreesentence sintheGrammarFocus?(makeinthepresentandinthepasttense)Letstudentsunderlinetheverbinallthreesentences.The nunderlinethewordthatcomesrightafterthatverb (me).Ask,whatdoesthiswordtellus?(Ittellswhohadthefeeling-me,her,etc.)circletheendingofeachsentence.Getastudenttocometot heblackboardandpointtothecircledwordsthatareadjecti vesandreadthesewordstotheclass(tense,sad).otherstudentsrepeat.Thenletstudentsm akeupsimilarsentenceswiththeverbmakethattalkaboutfe elingsandhaveadjectiveattheend.writeontheblackboard:makesme.Letstudentsworkalone.Thenasksomestudentstore adtheirsentences.S1:Aquietplacemakesmesleepy.S2:L oudnoisemakesmetense.Payattentiontothesentencewith wantingtodanceattheend.Say,Sometimesthereisaphrase likewanttodanceattheendinsteadofanadjective.Forexa mple,Loudmusicmakesmewanttoleave,Askstudentstomakeu psentenceswiththefollowingsentencestarters:Longmovi esmakeme .Hotweathermakesme.Givestudentstwominutestofinishthesentences.T henasksomestudentstoreadtheirsentences.S1:Longmovi esmakemewanttoleave.S2:Longmoviesmakemewanttocry.S3:Hotweathermakesmewanttogoswimming.S4:Hotweather makesmewanttodrinkalotofwater.Letstudentsmakeupany othersentenceusingtheverbmaketotalkabouthowthingsaf fectthem.StepⅥSummaryInthisclass,we’velearnedkeyvocabularytenseandthetargetlanguageLoud musicmakesmetense.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance.Tha tmoviemademesad.StepⅦHomeworkGetstudentstowritesomesentencesaccordingtot hetargetlanguage.StepⅧBlackboardDesignUnit13Rainydaysmakemesad.SectionATheSecondPeriod1.TargetlanguageLoudmusicmakesmetens e.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance.Thatmoviemademesad .2.…makesme…Longmoviesmakeme…Hotweathermakesme…Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad.TheThirdPeriod Ⅰ.TeachingAimsandDemands1.knowledgeobjects(1)keyVocabularyowner,scientific,pink,knowledge,serve, uncomfortable,endangered.(2)TargetLanguageHowdoyoufeelaboutpollution?Itmakesmek indofangry.Howaboutyou?Itmakesmewanttojoinaclean-u pcampaign.2.Abilityobjects(1)Trainstudents’integratingskills.(2)Traintheabilityofexpressingstudents’ownopinions.3.moralobjectInourlives,weshouldexpre sswhatwefeelclearly.Ⅱ.TeachingkeyPointTrainstude nts’integratingskills.Ⅲ.TeachingDifficultPointHowtoi mprovestudents’integratingskills.Ⅳ.Teachingmethods1.Fast-readi ngmethod.2.Groupworkandpairwork.Ⅴ.TeachingAids 1.Aprojector.2.Theblackboard.Ⅵ.TeachingProced uresStepⅠRevisionT:yesterdaywelearnedthetargetlanguage.Thestructureis…makesme…Nowwhocanmakesentencesusingthestructure?S1:Lightcol oursmakemerelaxed.S2:Loudnoisemakesmetense.S3:Lou dmusicmakesmeenergetic.T:Verygood.StepⅡ3aThisactivityprovidesreadingandwritingpracticeusin gthetargetlanguage.Showthekeyvocabularywordsonthes creenbyaprojector.ownern.所有者;业主scientificadj.科学的pinkadj.粉红色的lightingn.照明;照明设备knowledgen.知识;学问servev.服务;招待designv.设计;构思uncomforableadj.不舒服的;不合意的campaignn.运动;竞选运动:endangeredadj.有灭绝危险的;将要绝种的smokev.吸烟;抽烟Readthewordsandgetstudentstorepeatagainandagainunti ltheycanpronouncethewordsfluentlyandaccurately.Poi nttothepictureandask,whatcanyouseeinthepicture?Asks omestudentstodescribethepicture.offerhelpifnecessa ry.(Thewallsarebrightred.Thereisloudmusic.Therea rebrightlightsintheceiling.Thepeopleareeatingquick ly.Theyaren’ttalkingtoeachother.)Readtheinstructionsandthequestionsbelowthearticleal oud.makesurestudentsunderstandwhattodo.Readthetitle “RestaurantScience”andask,whatdoyouthink“RestaurantScience”means?(Itmeansthestudyofhowtooperatearestaurant.)Getstudentstoreadthearticleontheirown.Letstudentsu nderlineanywordsorphrasestheydon’tunderstand.Gothrougheachwordorphraseandasksomestu dentstoexplainwhattheythinkitmeans.Besurestudentsk nowwhatthearticleisabout.Askstudentstoreadtheartic lealoneagainandanswerthequestions.Havestudentswork individually.Askthreestudentstoanswerthequestionso rallyinclass.correcttheanswersifnecessary.checkth eanswerswiththewholeclass.Answers1.Redmakesmostpe oplehungry.Itmakesthemeatfaster.2.Theywantpeople toeatquicklyandleavesomorepeoplecancomein.3.Answe rswillvary.Notes1.owner—personwhoownssomething2.uncomfortable—notcomfortable;uneasyStepⅢ3bThisactivityprovidesoralpracticeusingthetargetlan guage.Askthreestudentstoreadthesampleconversationi ntheboxtothewholeclass.SA:Theseatsareveryhard.The whitewallsmakemestressed.SB:Isitthisclassroom?SA:N o,itisn’t.Sc:Isitahospital?SA:yes,that’sright.Gothroughtheinstructionswiththeclass.Say,Firsttakeafewminutestothinkofaplaceandhowyouwilldesc ribeit.youcanwritedownsomewordsthatdescribetheplac e.Getstudenttoworkingroupsoffourorfive.Eachstuden tsdescribesaplaceandothersinthegrouptrytoguessit.w hilestudentsaredoingtheirwork,walkaroundtheclassroo mcheckingtheirprogressandofferinghelpifnecessary.A ttheendofthegroupwork,havesomestudentssaytheirdescr iptionstotheclassandseehowquicklytheotherstudentsca nguesswhattheplaceis.Givestudentsasampleconversati on.SA:Therearealotofpeopleeveryday.Theloudnoisema kesmetense.SB:Isitamall?SA:No,itisn’t.Sc:Isitasupermarket?SA:No,itisn’t.SD:Isitamarket?SA:yes,you’reright.StepIVPart4Thisactivityprovidesreading,wri ting,listeningandspeakingpracticeusingthetargetlang uage.Askagoodstudenttotellstudentshowhe/shefeelsab outpollution.Forexample,Ihatepollution.Loudnoisem akesmetense.Smokingmakesmeveryangry.Endangeredani malsmakemesad.Ithinkpollutionisveryterrible.Getst udentstoreadtheinstructionsbythemselves.Havestuden tscompletetheworkingroupsofthree.Astheywork,goarou ndtheclassroomofferinghelpasneeded.Reviewthetask.Askafewstudentstosharetheresultsoftheirsurveys.Sam pleanswersHowdoyoufeelabout…youLiPingZhaoQiangPollutionangryangryangryheavytraf ficworriedtenseangryloudnoisetenseenergeticwanttole aveEndangeredanimalssadcryangrySmokingangrywanttole aveuncomfortablepeoplewhokeepyouwaitingangryworried angryStepⅤSummaryInthisclass,we’velearnedsomekeyvocabularywordssuchasowner,scientif ic,knowledge,uncomfortable.we’vealsodonealotofreading,writingandspeakingpracticeu singthetargetlanguage.StepⅥHomework1.Finishofftheexercisesonpages53~55oftheworkbook.2.Askstudentstochoosesomeplacesth eyknowandtalkabouthowtheyfeelabouttheplaces.StepⅦBlackboardDesignUnit13Rainydaysmakemesad.SectionAT heThirdPeriodTargetlanguageA:Howdoyoufeelaboutpollution?B:Itmakesmekindofangry.Howaboutyou?A:Itmakesmewanttojoinaclean-upcampaign .Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad.TheFourthPeriod Ⅰ.TeachingAimsandDemands1.knowledgeobjects(1)keyVocabularymysterious,shiny,silky,skin,cream,toothpaste,keepou t(2)TargetLanguageHaveyoueverhadaTwistyTreat?yeah.Anditmademesick.2.Abilityobjects(1)Trainstudents’speakingandlisteningability.(2)Trainstudents’abilitytounderstandthetargetlanguageinspokenconvers ation.(3)Trainstudents’abilitytousethetargetlanguage.3.moralobjectNotall themostexpensivethingsarethebestones.Sometimeswesh ouldn’tbelieveallofads.Ⅱ.TeachingkeyPoints1.keyVocabu larymysterious,shiny,silky,skin,keepout2.TargetLan guageHaveyoueverhadaTwistyTreat?yeah.Anditmademesick.Ⅲ.TeachingDifficultPoints.Howtotrainstudents’speakingandlisteningability.2.Howtousethetargetlanguage.Ⅳ.Teachingmethods1.Listeningmethod2.Groupworktomakeeverystudentwork sinclass.Ⅴ.TeachingAids1.Ataperecorder2.TheblackboardⅥ.TeachingProceduresStepⅠRevisioncheckhomework.Getsomepairstoactouttheircon versationsabouthowtheyfeelaboutaplace,collecttheirc onversationsandhelpstudentscorrectanymistakes.Step Ⅱ1aThisactivityintroducesnewvocabulary.Payattention tothefourpictures.Ask,whocantellmewhateachthingis? Getastudenttoanswer.Repeatthenameofeachproductandl ettheclassrepeat(soap,shampoo,toothpaste,andsunglasses).Lookatthe fourslogans.Haveastudentreadeachonetotheclassandma kesurestudentscanguesswhatitmeans.Ifthestudentscan’tguess,explainthemeaningtothem.(whiterthanwhitemea nsthatsomethinghasavery,verywhitecolor.Ifapersonha sthatmysteriouslook,itmeansthatthepersonlooksintere stingandunusual.It’sdifficulttoknowwhatamysteriouspersonisthinking.Th eshiniesthairmeansthattheperson’shairwilllookverybrightandhavelotsoflightinit.silk yskinmeansthattheperson’sskinissoftandnicetotouch.)Gothroughtheinstructionswiththeclass.Askthemtowrit ethenumberofeachslogan,withthecorrectpicture.checktheanswerswiththeclass.AnswersThephotosshouldbenum beredinthefollowingorder:4312Notes1.slogan——strikingandeasilyrememberedphraseusedtoadvertisesth .2.mysterious--fullofmysteryStepⅢ1bThisactivityhelpsstudentsapplytheideasintheunitto theirlivesoutsidetheclassroom.Gothroughtheinstruct ionswiththeclass.makesurestudentsknowwhattodo.Get studentstomakelistsindividually.Asksomestudentstor eadtheirliststotheclass.Haveotherstudentsputupthei rhandsiftheyhavethesameitemontheirownlists.Threepr oductsstudentslikecomputer(26)jacket(20)watch(35)Threeproductsstudentsdon’tlikefastfood(8)coat(32)sciencebook(23)StepⅣ2aThisactivityprovideslisteningpracticewiththetarge tlanguageandintroducenewvocabulary.Gothroughtheins tructionsandmakesurestudentsunderstandwhattodo.Nowyouwillhearaboutsomemoreproductsandwhatpeoplethinko fthem.writeyesinfrontoftheproductifthepersonlikesi t.writeNoinfrontoftheproductifthepersondoesn’tlikeit.Readoutthenameofeachproduct.Getstudentsto repeatit.Listentotheconversationandfinishthetask.Playthetapethefirsttime.Thistimestudentsonlylisten .Playthetapeagain.LetstudentswriteyesorNoinfronto feachproducttoshowwhetherornotthepeopleonthetapelik edit.checktheanswers.Answers1.No2.No3.yes4.No TapescriptGirl1:wow!LookatthisadforEasycareShampoo .Fortheshiniesthairever.Boy:Ican’tstandadslikethat!Theymakemereallymad.Girl1:why?Bo y:Theymakeyouthinkthatyoucanlooklikethepersoninthea d.ButIboughtthatshampooanditdidn’twork.Girl2:Iagree.Lookatthisone.LookoutSunglass es.Forthatmysteriouslook.I’llbettheydon’tevenkeepoutthesun.Boy:Andwhataboutthisone!Beautyc ream--thesilkyskinsoap.Girl2:waitaminute!ItriedBea utycreamanditworksreallywell.Itmakesyourskinreally seft.HaveyouevertriedStarshineToothpaste?Girl1:oh, youmeanwhiterthanwhite?yeah,Itrieditandittastesterr ible.I’dneveruseit.Boy:Iguessyoushouldn’tbelieveeverythingyouread.StepⅤ2bThisactivityprovidesguidedlisteningpracticeusingt hetargetlanguage.Gothroughtheinstructionswiththewh oleclass.LookbackatthetwolistsinActivity2a.Getstu dentstoputuptheirhandsiftheydon’tunderstandANyofthewords.Ifnecessary,explainnewvoc abulary.Readeachitemtotheclass.Lookatthesampleans werandinviteastudenttoreadthematchingpartstotheclas s.EasycareShampoo--Itdidn’twork.Tellstudentshowtodothetask.Drawalinefromeac hproducttothesentencethatdescribesthatproduct.Now, listentothetape.youwillhearthesamerecordingagain.Thistimelistencarefullyanddrawlinestomatchupitemsin thetwolists.playtherecordingagain.Letstudentsdraw linesindividuallyintheirbooks.checktheanswerswitht heclass.Answers.d2.c3.b4.aStepⅥ2cThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetar getlanguage.Readtheinstructionsforthisactivityalou dtotheclass.Getstudentstolookbackatthelistofproduc tstheymadeforActivitylb.Inviteastudenttoreadhis/herliststotheclass.Threeproductshe/shelikescomputerj acketwatchThreeproductshe/shedoesn’tlikefastfoodcoatsciencebookLookattheexampleinthebo x.Letapairofstudentsreadtheconversationtotheclass .SA:HaveyoueverhadaTwistyTreat?SB:yeah.Anditmadem esick.Nowworkwithyourpartner.makeupconversationsl ikethisone,usingtheproductsonthelistyoumadeforActiv ity1b.Askstudentstoworkinpairs.whiletheyareworkin g,walkaroundtheclassroomofferinghelpasneeded.callo utseveralpairstogivetheirconversationstotheclass.c onversation1SA:Haveyoueverhadacomputer?SB:yeah.And itmademeexcited.conversation2SA:Haveyouevereatenfa stfood?SB:yeah.Anditmademeuncomfortable.StepⅦSummaryInthisclass,we’velearnedsomekeyvocabulary,suchasmysterious,shiny,s ilky,skin,keepout.we’vealsolearnedthetargetlanguageHaveyoueverhadaTwisty Treat?yeah.Anditmademesickbylisteningandspeaking.StepⅧHomeworkTalkaboutsomeproductsusingsomewordsinthiscl ass,andwritedowntheconversations.StepⅨBlackboardDesignUnit13Rainydaysmakemesad.SectionBTheFourthPeriod1.TargetlanguageA:HaveyoueverhadaTwi styTreat?B:yeah.Anditmademesick.2.Threeproductsstudentsli kecomputer(26)jacket(20)watch(35)Threeproductsstudentsdon’tlikefastfood(8)coat(32)sciencebook(23)Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad.TheFifthPeriod Ⅰ.TeachingAimsandDemands1.knowledgeobjects(1)keyVocabularyaimat,useful,forinstance,product,careful,plane (2)Practisereadinganarticle.(3)Practisewritingsomethingusingthetargetlanguage.2.Abilityobjects(1)Improvestudents’integratingskills —readingskillandwritingskill.(2)Improvestudents’speakingabilitybydiscussion.3.moralobjectweareinc hargeofourattitudeandwecandoeverythingwell.Ⅱ.Tea chingkeyPointPractisereadingandwritingusingthetarge tlanguage.Ⅲ.TeachingDifficultPoint1.Howtoimprov estudents’readingability.2.Howtoimprovestudents’speakingabilitybydiscussion.Ⅳ.Teachingmethods1.Readingmethodtoimprovestudents’readingability.2.Discussionmethodtoimprovestudents’speakingability.3.Pairworktomakeeverystudentworki nclass.Ⅴ.TeachingAids1.Aprojetor2.Theblackboard Ⅵ.TeachingProceduresStepⅠRevisionRevisethetargetlanguagepresentedinthisunit .checkhomework.Getsomepairstoreadouttheirconversa tions.(1)SA:Haveyoueverhadajacket?SB:yeah.Anditmademebeautiful.(2)SA:Haveyoueverbadasciencebook?SB:yeah.Anditmademetense.StepⅡ3aThisactivityprovidesreadingpracticeusingthetarget language.Teachthenewwords.Showthenewwordsonthescr eenbyaprojector.aimu.瞄准;打算aimat瞄准;针对speciallyadv.特别地;专门地usefuladj.有用的;有益的instancen.例子;实例forinstance例如;比如productn.产品;制品confusev.混淆;辨不清;使困惑misleadv.把……引错方向;给……带错路carefuladj.小心的;仔细的leadv引导;致使;领导planen.飞机Readthewordsandaskstudentstorepeatthemagainandagain untiltheycanpronouncethemcorrectlyandfluently.Look atthearticle.Letastudentreadthearticlealoudtothecl ass.correctanypronunciationerrorstomakesurethestud entitprovidingagoodmodelfortherestoftheclass.Readtheinstructionstotheclass.what’sthearticleabout?Doyouagreewithit?Getstudentstoread thearticleagainandanswerthetwoquestions.Getstudent stodotheworkindividuallyorinpairs.whiletheyarework ing,goaroundtheclassroomofferinghelpasneeded.check theanswerswiththewholeclass.Elicitexamplesgivenint hearticlefortheadvantagesanddisadvantages.AnswersT hearticleisaboutadvantagesanddisadvantagesofads.Ad vantagesofads:helpyoucomparedifferentproducts;helpy ousavemoney.Disadvantagesofads:makeourcitiesandcou ntrysidelookugly;adscanbeconfusingormisleading;canl eadyoutobuysomethingyoudon’tneed.Notes1.prosandcons-theargumentsforandagains t2.forinstance-forexample3.sales-theofferingofgoo dsatlowpricesforaperiod4.confuse-putintodisorder;m ixupinthemind5.mislead-leadwrongly;causetobeordowr ong6.attimes-fromtimetotime;nowandthen;occasionall yStepⅢ3bThisactivityprovidesreadingandwritingpracticeusin gthetargetlanguage.Gothroughtheinstructionswiththe class.Getastudenttoread ‘thesentencesatthebeginningoftheparagraphtotheclass.TellstudentstheyshouldlookbackatActivity2aandcom pletethearticle,usingtheinformationabouttwoorthreep roductsinActivity2a.Havestudentsfinishthearticlein dividually.whiletheyareworking,walkaroundtheclassr oomofferinghelpandansweringquestionsasnecessary.wh entheyfinish,getastudenttoreadhis/hercompletedartic letotheclass.Asamplearticle:Someadvertisementstell thetruthandsomedon’t.Forexample,theEasycareShampoosaysitwillgiveyouth eshiniesthairever.Butmyfriendtrieditanditdidn’twork.Itmademyfriendreallymad.Afewdaysago,ItriedS tarshineToothpaste.Butitwasn’twhiterthanwhite.Ittastedterrible.I’dneveruseit.yesterdaymysistertriedBeautycreamandit workedverywell.Shesaiditmadeherskinverysoft.SoI’lltryittomorrow.Now,doyouthinkitisrightnottobeliev eeverythingweread?Nowwritethearticleontheblackboard asanexample.StepⅣ3cThisactivityprovideswritingpracticeusingthetarget language.Gothroughtheinstructionswiththeclass.Ask students,Doyouknowwhatthewordsloganmeans?Forexample ,fortheshiniesthaireveristhesloganofEasycareShampoo。
Section A (1a——Grammar Focus)Ⅰ.Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularysad, stressed out, soft, loud, have fun, angry, cry(2)Target LanguageI’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.2.Ability Objects(1) Improve students’ listening ability.(2) Help students to express their opinion freely.3. Moral objectsIt is important to choose a suitable place. It is good for your study and life.Ⅱ. Teaching Important PointsThe uses of “make” and “would rather”Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to improve students’listening and speaking abilities.2. How to help students to express their opinion freely.Step1. Warm-up1. Check the new word.(1) Check the pronunciation of the new word, lagoon.Get all the students to read the word together. Then have the students read the word by themselves and check in groups. The teacher can give some help about the pronunciation.(2) Show some exercises about the important points from 1a to Grammar Focus.It _________(rain) yesterday. _________(rain) days often make me sad.The ________(awe) pictures make Amy sad.Loud music makes me ____________(happily).___________(wait) for her made me angry.Sad movies make her _________(want) _____________(leave).Check the answers together. Get some students to tell the reasons.2. Free talk.Show two pictures.T: I like Picture 1 because it makes me relaxed. But I don’t like Picture 2 because it makes me sad.Have students talk about the pictures like the teacher——I like… because it makes me…, but I don’t like… because it makes me…Step2. Lead-inShow another picture in 1a. One is the Rockin’Restaurant, the other is the Blue Lagoon Restaurant.1. Get the students to look at the picture and describe it.For example,The pictures in the Rockin’ Restaurant are awful and the music is loud.The plants in the Blue Lagoon Restaurant are beautiful and the music is soft.(At the same time, teacher write them on the blackboard.)Then help students make conclusions:The awful pictures make me…The loud music makes me…The beautiful plants make me…The soft music mekes me…(At the same time, teacher write them on the blackboard.)T: Which restaurant would you rather go to?Ss: I would rather go to the …. (At the same time, teacher write them on the blackboard.)2. Practice the sentences on the blackboard.Step3. 1bT: What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants? Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.Students listen to the recording for the first time to fill in the blanks.Then check the answers in pairs.Listen to the recording again and then check the answers together.Get students read the four sentences by themselves.Step4. 1cDo pairwork. Look at Amy’s and tina’s opinions in the chart. What is your opinion?Get students make new conversations in pairs and show them to the whole class. Step5. 2aListening and numberingA boy and a girl are talking about their past experiences. Listen to their talk and number the pictures on page 103.Listen to the recording and number the pictures.Then check the answers together.Step6. 2bListening and checkingListen to the conversation once again. Before listening, go over the seven sentences said by Tina and John in the box on page 103. Check √the things said by them respectively. Then check the answers each other.T: All right now, you are supposed to read the tape script. While reading, try to circle the “make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective structure”, underline the expressions and blacken the connectives.Step7. 2c1. Do pairworkGo over the activities in 2a and 2b. Then in pairs try to role play the conversation between Tina and John. You may make use of the examples on page 103 to begin with.Teacher can give students some help:John: Did you have fun with Amy last night?Tina: Well…yes and no. she was really late. Waiting for her made me angry. And we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant….Get some pairs to show their conversations.2. Have students write their conversations down on their notebooks.Focus1. Let students write down all the sentences with “make” and get them to find out the use of “make”.make sb.+ adjectivemake sb.+ infinitive2. Show some sentences about “would rather”, help students find out the use of “would rather”.would rather + doStep9. Exercises( )1. Usually soft music may make people ________.A. relaxingB. relaxedC. excitingD. excited( )2. The movie made _______ fell energetic.A. heB. hisC. theyD. them( )3. Loud music always makes us ________.A. want danceB. to want danceC. want to danceD. to want to dance ( )4. _______his new sunglasses ________ him look mysterious.A. Wears, makeB. Wears, makesC. Wearing, makeD. Wearing, makes( )5. I’d rather _______ in the countryside because in the cities there is much pollution.A. livingB. livedC. to liveD. live( )6. I like to listen to quiet music while _______.A. eatingB. to eatC. eatD. eatedThen check the answers one by one.Step10. HomeworkMake up sentences using “make”.Give students some examples:Long movies make me . Hot weather makes me .Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Second PeriodSection A (3a——4)Ⅰ. Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyowner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, uncomfortable, endangered.(2) Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollution?It makes me kind of angry. How about you?It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.2. Ability Objects(1)Train students’ integrating skills.(2)Train the ability of expressing students’ own opinions.3. Moral ObjectIn our lives, we should express what we feel clearly.Ⅱ. Teaching Important and Difficult PointsTrain students’integrating skills and teach students to improve their integrating skills.Step1. Warm-upCheck the homework.T: Yesterday we learned the target language. The structure is… makes me…Now who can make sentences using the structure?Get some students show their sentences to the whole class.Get all the students to read the new words together. Then have the students read the word by themselves and check in groups. The teacher can give some help about the pronunciation. At last, have dictation in groups.Step2. ReviewT: I watched a sad movie last night. Sad movies make me uncomfortable. How do you feel about sad movies?(At the same time, teacher write the sentence “How do you feel about…?” on the blackboard.)Help students answer, “Sad movies make me sad.”T: How do you feel about pollution?Get students to talk about it in groups and make conversations. Then have students read the conversation in Activity 4. And complete the survey in groups. Then show their result using the conversation.Step3. 3a1. Before reading.T: How do you feel about the color red?Help students answer, “ It makes me excited / happy / …”2. Fast readingOn page 104 is an article about restaurant science. While reading, try tounderline the “make+ n, make sb.+do, make sb. + adjective” structure.Have a student write down the phrases on the blackboard. Go over the uses of “make”.3. Slow readingRead the article slowly and answer the three questions on page 104 in the box.1). What does the color red make most people feel?→The color red makes people hungry. Red also makes customers eat faster.2). Why do so many fast food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music, and have hard seats?→Because red color makes customers eat faster, loud music makes people want to leave and hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave.3).Do you think it’s fair that some restaurants are designed to be uncomfortable. → No, I don’t think so. The restaurant owners are running the restaurants in order to make money. They want more customers to come to spend money in their restaurants.4. Careful readingRead the article carefully and find out the important and difficult points. Solve the questions students have. If possible, the teacher can give some help.5. ReadingStudents listen to the recording and read after itThen read by themselves.Try to retell the article.Step4. 3bDo groupwork.Get students to read the conversation and make a new conversation. Let them try to guess the name of the place.Show their conversations.Step5. SummaryIn this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, uncomfortable. We’ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step6. Homework1. Finish off the exercises on pages 146~147 of the workbook.2. Ask students to choose some places they know and talk about how they feel about the places and write an article.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Third PeriodSection B (1a——2c)Ⅰ.Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2) Target LanguageHave you ever had Beijing Duck?It made me sick.2. Ability Objects(1) Train students’ speaking and listening ability.(2) Train students’ ability to use the target language.3. Moral ObjectNot all the most expensive things are the best ones. Sometimes we shouldn’t believe all of ads.Ⅱ.Teaching Important Points:1. Key Vocabulary2. Target LanguageⅢ. Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to train students’ speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target language.Step1. Lead-in and warming-upLet students show their slogans to the whole class.Here are some slogans:Communication unlimited.(摩托罗拉)To be No. 1.(鸿星尔克)Anything is possible.(李宁品牌)T: How do you feel about the products.(Have the students describe the products.)Step2. 1alooking and matchingOn page 105 are four pictures of daily products. Now read, think, and match them with the slogans in the box.1. Whiter than white → toothpaste2. For that mysterious look → sunglasses3. For the shiniest hair ever → shampoo4. For silky skin → creamStep3. 1bMaking a list of three products students like and three products students don’t like.T: In our life we use lots of products every. Which ones do you like best, and which ones do you not like? Now make a list of them, three for each choice.Step4. 2aListening and tickingT: Do you like the products in 1a?Have students discuss it in groups.Listen to the recording and write “Yes ” for the products they like and “No ”for the products they don ’t like. Read the names of the products and the comments in the chart.After you listen, tick the produc ts they like, and kick out the ones they don’t.Step5. 2bListening and drawingListen again. What do the people say about the products?Have the students draw lines to match.Check the answers together.Step6. 2cDo groupwork.T: In 1b you have made a list. Now to practice spoken English using the list in1b. Make a conversation in groups.Get some groups to share their conversations.Step7. SummaryIn this class, we ’ve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny,silky, skin, keep out. We ’ve also learned the target language.Give students some minutes to read the key vocabulary and the target language.Step8. HomeworkTalk about some products using some words in this class, and write down theconversations.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Fourth PeriodSection B (3a——4)Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyaim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Objects(1) Improve students’ integrating skills—reading skill and writing skill.(2) Improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.3. Moral ObjectWe are in charge of our attitude and we can do everything well.Ⅱ. Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point1. How to improve students’ reading ability.2. How to improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.Step1. Lead-inShow the slogans we used last class.Communication unlimited.(摩托罗拉)To be No. 1.(鸿星尔克)Anything is possible.(李宁品牌)T: How do you feel about the advertisements.Let students talk about the advertisements.S: I think the advertisements are useful / ugly / …Let’s read the article and see what people think of the advertisements.Step2. Reading1. Pre-reading(1) Listen to the text.What is the article about?Do you agree with it?Check the answers together.2. While-reading①Fast reading.Let students read the article quickly. And try to devide the article into three parts.Give students some minutes and read the article according to the chart on the blackboard. Then retell the article together. Then have some students retell it in front of the class.Students work in groups and make a new conversation according to the article. Get some groups share the conversations.Step3. WritingComplete this article using the information about two or more products in 2a and 2b.After students show their articles, show them one possible version:Step4. SummaryIn this period we’ve leant the pros and cons about advertising, we know everything has two sides, so we should make good use of it.Step5. HomeworkWrite slogans for your favorite products.。
【学习实践】Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad教案
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad教案Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad教案SectionAa—2cofUnit13Ⅱ.Date:Ⅲ.Teachers’words:(practicemakesperfect).Ⅳ.LearningAims:.masterthewordsandphrasesinthispart.2.canunderstandthelistening…Focalanddifficultpoints:Learntotalkabouthowthingsaf fectyouⅤ.LearningSteps:step1Leannewwordsandtranslate泄湖科学的(名词)粉红色的光线坚硬的服务公平的运动濒临灭绝的标语神秘的有光泽的皮肤产品前景美貌使留在外面Step2Finish1aLookatthepictureandtalkabout “whichwouldyouliketogoto?why?”Step3Finish1bListentwiceandfillinblankes,thencheckStep4Finish1c)Readthedialogueandtranslate.2)Talkaboutinpairs Step5Explain.make的用法)make+宾语+宾语补足语形容词做宾语补足语,表示宾语的特点,性质,状态等。
makesbdosth高亢的音乐使我想跳舞忧伤的歌使我们想哭她使婴儿停止哭叫3)变成被动语态,to要还原,把上面三句变成被动语态)2)3)4)makesbsth,makesb+过去分词经历把他磨练成一个男子汉我们选他当小组长我讲英语不能使人听懂他无法使别人听到他说话2.wouldratherdosththandosth=prefertodo……ratherthando……这位老人宁愿独自居住也不愿和他们一起住我宁愿在呆在家里也不愿逛商场他不愿听摇滚乐Iwouldprefertospendtheweekendathome shopping.A.togoB.togoc.nottogoD.ratherthango3.so---that------;such---that---的用法)他个子这么高,能够着树上的苹果2)他有那么多朋友,他每天都很高兴3)他有如此少的钱,买不起小车Step5Finish2a)Listenandnumberthepicture2)checkStep6Finish2b)Readbythemselves2)ListenandcheckStep7Finish2c)Readandpracticeinpairs,2)thencheckStep8当堂训练.Thereisnobasisforsuchpolicies.2.He’dratherhereA.stayingB.tostayc.staysD.stay3.我们必须保持教室干净4.Iwasmade-it.uallysoftcolorsmakepeople6.whatmakeyouso?7.Somepeoplethinkadsmakeourcities uglyA.tolookB.lookc.looksD.look8.wforhimsolongmadeusangry.9.Theafilmmakeeveryoneafraid.0.Rainydaysmakemeu.1.Iwouldratherathomethan.A.stay;gooutB.tostay;togooutc.tostay;gooutD.stay;togoout2.Hewastiredhecouldgotoworking.A.too;toB.such;thatc.so;thatD.too;that请写出你的感悟。
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad教案
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. I.Learning objectives 教学目标II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以Feelings为话题, 从颜色、天气、音乐、广告、产品等方面谈论了外界事物如何影响人的心情。
共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕Which restaurant would you like to go to?这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕How does music or movie affect you? 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语训练(2c);第三模块继续围绕How do colors in the restaurant affect you?这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读和问题体验(3a)和小组活动(3b);第四模块仍就How do things affect you?这一话题以调查的形式展开讨论(4)。
Section B该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕产品广告对人们的影响这一话题以“配对”(1a)与“列举”(1b)两种形式展开训练;第二模块继续围绕How do things affect you? 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语对话训练(2c);第三模块围绕“Advertising”这一话题展开阅读(3a-3b)和写作(3c)训练;第四模块围绕How posters affect you?这一话题以口语训练形式展开小组活动(4)。
Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二模块就一篇diary 展开阅读和写作训练(2)。
Reading该部分共设置了5项任务:第一项任务要求学生写出并讨论自己对三种礼物的感受(1a-1b);第二项任务要求学生运用所供策略进行阅读训练(Section 2);第三项任务利用完成句子、写作等练习形式进一步加深学生对阅读内容的理解(Section 3);第四项任务要求学生运用合理的想象,讨论不同场景下如何选择不同的礼物以及这些礼物对人们的影响(Section 4);第五项任务要求学生描述自己在收到某种礼物时的感受(If you have time)。
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教案
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教案Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad. 一 . [话题](Topic) Talk about how things affect you. 二 .[重点词组](Key Phrases) make me sad,keep out,learn from,make sb. do,more than,for instance,help…to do,so that,have sale,less than 三 .[交际用语] 1. Loud music makes me tense. 2. Loud music makes me want to dance.3. That movie made me sad.4. Why don’t we get something to eat?5. So am I. / So do I.6. Waiting for my friends makes me hungry.7. The color red makes people hungry.8. It tastes terrible. 四. [重点难点释义](Language Points) Section A: 1. Rainy days make me sad. 雨天让我感到悲伤。
rainy adj. 多雨的例如: the rainy season 雨季rain n. 雨例如: The crops need rain. 庄稼需要雨水。
rain v. 下雨例如: It began to rain hard. 开始下大雨了。
make 的用法(1) make +n. 例如: make food做饭 make a plane 做飞机 make the bed 铺床 make money 赚钱(2). make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人(感到),使……处于某种状态make的宾语之后可跟名词,形容词,分词来充当宾语的补足语1)名词作make的宾语补足语例如:The party made hera good teacher. 党把她培养成为一名好教师. 名词作宾补2)形容词作make的宾语补足语例如:Soccer makes me crazy. 足球使我疯狂。
人教版九年级英语下册《Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.(通用)》教案_0
Unit 13、 Rainy day makes me sad.单元分析内容提示本单元主要是围绕着“Feelings(感受)”这个话题,来谈论或询问对某件事或物的看法,以及谈论事物对人的影响。
教学目标课时安排4课时第一课时:Section A:la,lb, 1c第二课时:Section A: 2a,2b, 2c, 3a,3b,4第三课时:Section B:la,lb, 2a,2b, 2c, 3a第四课时:Section B:3b, 3c,4 and Self Check第一课时教学目标1.能用所学的目标语言简单谈论或询问事物对人的影响,或人对某一件事或物的看法。
教学过程一、导入(leading-in):1.老师将So it makes you interested.这个句子写在黑板上,在interested的下面画上重点符号。
板书:Happy? Beautiful? Excited? Awful?It makes me excited.同时,在excited下划上重点符号。
人教版九年级英语下册《 Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.(通用)》教案_1
Rainy days make me sad教学设计教学目标一.知识目标: 让学生掌握新单词: home-made, schoolbag, purple, purse, guilty, taste, saying, thought 和count二.能力目标:1. 让学生掌握“略读,跳读,精读,猜词”等基本阅读能力。
2. 让学生掌握“分析概括,总结复述,语言表达”等任务型阅读能力。
3. 让学生学会品读文章,提高对文章的欣赏和学习的能力。
4. 发展学生自主探究,交流沟通等能力。
三.情感目标:1. 通过使学生明确阅读的目的,并运用各种方法激发学生阅读的兴趣,拓展学生阅读途径,使学生养成课外英语阅读甚至是终身英语阅读的习惯。
2. 通过谈论中国和外国送礼和收礼的艺术让学生了解中西方文化和习俗的差异,让学生懂得应该如何礼貌对待送礼和收礼的问题,并学会礼貌待人。
一、教学过程(一)Greeting and warming up1. Ask the students what kinds of presents they want to receive mos t.2. Show some presents to students and put them in a box.Purpose:(1) To arouse the students’curiosity and interest of learning.(2) To prepare for the next step.(二)Leading in1. Call raffle numbers and ask students who are luckily picked to take out a present from the box and give me some responses.2. Pair Work (How would they feel and respond when they receive something they like or dislike from important people?)Purpose: To bring in a new subject easily in a lively way.(三)Presentation and consolidation1. Scanning reading: Look at the picture on Page 108, guess what the text is about, then read the passage quickly and sum up the main idea of the text. (1 minute) Purpose: To improve scanning reading ability to grab the general idea of the text.2. Skimming reading: Skim the text and find out two new words “guilty” and “count”and guess the words’ meanings. (1 minute)Purpose: To improve skimming reading ability to find out the key words and important information.3. Intensive reading: Read the passage carefully again and complete the following sentences. (4 minutes)Receiving money might make __________________________________________We might pretend to like a gift because __________________________________Han Ling wore the sweater ____________________________________________It’s important to make people feel that ___________________________________ It’s sometimes easier to _______________________________________________ Purpose: To improve further reading ability to find out details of the text. 4. Consolidation: Fill in the chart and retell the passage following the clues shown in the chart. (6 minutes)NameGifts they receivedFeelingsResponsesGuo XiaojingHan LingJohn WilsonPurpose:(1) To know if my students actually understand the whole text.(2) To improve the ability of retelling.5. Discussion and writing: (16 minutes)(1) Show students some pictures of very expensive presents.(2) Ask them to discuss what their opinions upon sending expensive presents to friends are.(3) Write a composition to show their opinions.You can write like this:I think … should/ shouldn’t....I prefer to...We have a saying: It’s the thought that counts...What’s more, ...Purpose:(1) To enable students to express themselves and communicate with others.(2) To improve their writing ability.(3) To give them emotional education. (“It’s the thought that counts.”)(四)Developing students’extracurricular read1. Say something about the customs of giving and receiving in China.2. Think about the customs of giving and receiving in other foreign countries.3. Show some foreign websites about the foreign customs, and ask them to search them after class.Purpose:(1) To help the students build the reading habit outside the school.(2) To enable students to receive emotional education. (Knowing the differences between Chinese customs and foreign customs and showing truly gratitude towards people’s kindness)(五)Summing upAsk one of the students to sum up what they learn in the lesson.二、课堂小结三、布置作业Make a postcard to introduce one of the customs in a foreign country after doing some extracurricular reading. (1 minute)Purpose:(1) To improve the students’ abilities of searching information independently and using English.(2) To improve the ability of do-it-yourself.。
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教案
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教案一、教学目标1、知识目标学生能够掌握并正确运用与情绪和天气相关的词汇,如:rainy, sad, depressed, gloomy 等。
学生能够理解并熟练运用 make + sb + adj 的句型结构。
二、教学重难点1、教学重点重点词汇和短语:rainy, sad, make + sb + adj 等。
重点句型:Rainy days make me sad2、教学难点如何引导学生正确运用 make + sb + adj 句型表达情绪。
四、教学过程1、导入(5 分钟)播放一段有关下雨天的视频或图片,引导学生观察并描述自己看到的景象。
提问学生:How do you feel when it rains? 从而引出本节课的主题“Rainy days make me sad”2、词汇学习(10 分钟)展示与天气和情绪相关的图片,教授新单词,如:rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, happy, sad, excited, depressed 等。
3、句型讲解(10 分钟)讲解 make + sb + adj 的句型结构,举例说明:The bad news makes me sad Loud music makes me nervous让学生模仿例句,用所学词汇和句型进行造句练习。
教案139Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Second PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key V ocabularytense, have fun, angry, cry.(2)Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.2.Ability Objects(1)Train students’ listening ability.(2)Train students’ speaking ability.3.Moral ObjectsEnjoying yourself is very important.But no matter what hobbies you have, do remember they must be good for health and study.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1.Key V ocabularytense, angry, cry.2.Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.3.StructuresLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points1.The target language2.How to train students’ listening ability.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.2.Pairwork.Ⅴ.Teaching AidA tape recorderⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionCheck homework.Invite a pair of students to read the conversation in Activity 1c.Then let some pairs act out their conversations according to the pictures in Activity 1a and Activity 1c.S A: I’d rather go to the Rockin’ Restaurant because I like to listen to loud music while I’m eating.S B: Really? Soft music makes me relaxed.S A: Not me.Soft music makes me sleepy.Step Ⅱ2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Look at the pictures.Ask, What are they doing? Please guess.(In Picture 1, two women are eating and smiling.Maybe the food is very delicious.In Picture 2, the two women are crying.Maybe they are seeing a sad movie.In Picture 3, one of the two women is very tense that because of the loud music.In Picture 4, one woman is waiting for the bus or someone.Waiting makes her angry.)Go through the instructions with the class.Say, Y ou will hear Tina and John talking about what Tina and Amy did last night.The four pictures show something that Tina did last night.Point to the boxes.Say, Use the number 1 through 4 to show the order you hear Tina and John talk about these things in the recording.Play the tape for students.The first time, students just listen.Play the tape again.This time, ask students to number the pictures when they listen.Correct the answers with the class.AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in this order: (down)3 24 1TapescriptBoy: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina?Girl: Well, John…yes and no.Boy: Was Amy late as usual.Girl: Yes, she was.And waiting for her made me angry.Boy: Where did you go?Girl: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy didn’t want to stay.She said that loud music made her tense.Boy: That’s funny.Loud music always makes me want to dance.Girl: Me too.So then we went to the BlueLagoon.It was quiet and the food was great.We had a good time.Boy: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?Girl: No.We decided to go to the movies.We saw Love Me Forever.It was a really good movie, but it was so sad that it made us cry.Boy: Sad movies don’t make me cry.They just make me want to leave!Girl: You should just like my brother!Step Ⅲ2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions and point to the list of statements.Y ou will hear the same recording again.This time listen carefully to what each person says.Put a checkmark in front of the statements you hear.Look at the sample answer.On.the tape Tina says, Waiting for her made me angry, so a checkmark goes in front of this sentence.Play the tape again.Let studentscheck the sentences they hear.Ask students to say the reasons why they check them.Check the answers with the class.Answers√Waiting for her made me angry.√She said that loud music made her tense.Loud music makes me happy.√Loud music always makes me want to dance.√It was so sad it made us cry.√Sad movies don’t make me cry.They just make me want to leave!It made me sad.StepⅣ2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Look at the sample conversation betweenTina and John.Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.John: Did you have fun with Amy last night?Tina: Well…yes and no.She was really late.Go through the instructions with the class.Get students to make up a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b.Let students work in pairs.While they are working, go around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as necessary.Call out a pair of students to say their conversation to the class.S A: Did you have fun with Li Ping last night?S B: Well…yes and no.She was late again as usual.S A: So, waiting for her made you angry.Where did you go?S B: We went to a small restaurant.It was quiet and clean.The food was delicious.The soft music made me very happy.S A: Did you go to see a movie?S B: Y es.We saw Love Me Once More,Mother.It was a very good movie.It was also moving and sad.It made us cry.S A: Really? Y ou sound just like my mother.Step ⅤGrammar FocusLook at the grammar box.Invite a student to read the sentences to the class.Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.While the student is reading, write the three sentences on the blackboard.Then ask, What verb do you see in all three sentences in the Grammar Focus? (make in the present and in the past tense)Let students underline the verb in all three sentences.Then underline the word that comes right after that verb (me).Ask, What does this word tell us? (It tells who had the feeling-me, her, etc.)Circle the ending of each sentence.Get a student to come to the blackboard and point to the circled words that are adjectives and read these words to the class (tense, sad).Other students repeat.Then let students make up similar sentences with the verb make that talk about feelings and have adjective at the end.Write on the blackboard: makes me .Let students work alone.Then ask some students to read their sentences.S1: A quiet place makes me sleepy.S2: Loud noise makes me tense.Pay attention to the sentence with wanting to dance at the end.Say, Sometimes there is a phrase like want to dance at the end instead of an adjective.For example,Loud music makes me want to leave, Ask students to make up sentences with the following sentence starters: Long movies make me .Hot weather makes me .Give students two minutes to finish the sentences.Then ask some students to read their sentences.S1: Long movies make me want to leave.S2: Long movies make me want to cry.S3: Hot weather makes me want to go swimming.S4: Hot weather makes me want to drink a lot of water.Let students make up any other sentence using the verb make to talk about how things affect them.StepⅥSummaryIn this class, we’ve learned key vocabulary tense and the target language Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.Step ⅦHomeworkGet students to write some sentences according to the target language.Step ⅧBlackboard Design。
教案131Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Fourth PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key V ocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2)Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah.And it made me sick.2.Ability Objects(1)Train students’ speaking and listening ability.(2)Train students’ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.(3)Train students’ ability to use the target language.3.Moral ObjectNot all the most expensive things are the best ones.Sometimes we shouldn’t believe all of ads.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1.Key V ocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out2.Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah.And it made me sick.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points1.How to train students’ speaking and listening ability.2.How to use the target language.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Listening method2.Groupwork to make every student works in class.Ⅴ.Teaching Aids1.A tape recorder2.The blackboardⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionCheck homework.Get some pairs to act out their conversations about how they feel about a place, Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakes.Step Ⅱ1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary.Pay attention to the four pictures.Ask,Who can tell me what each thing is? Get a student to answer.Repeat the name of each product and let the class repeat (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and sunglasses).Look at the four slogans.Have a student read each one to the class and make sure students can guess what it means.If the students can’t guess, explain the meaning to them.(Whiter than white means that something has a very, very white color.If a person has that mysterious look, it means that the person looks interesting and unusual.It’s difficult to know what a mysterious person is thinking.The shiniest hair means that the person’s hair will look very bright and have lots of light in it.silky skin means that the person’s skin is soft and nice to touch.)Go through the instructions with the class.Ask them to write the number of each slogan, with the correct picture.Check the answers with the class.AnswersThe photos should be numbered in the following order:4 3 1 2Notes1.slogan——striking and easily remembered phrase used to advertise sth.2.mysterious--full of mysteryStepⅢ 1 bThis activity helps students apply the ideas in the unit to their lives outside theclassroom.Go through the instructions with the class.Make sure students know what to do.Get students to make lists individually.Ask some students to read their lists to the class.Have other students put up their hands if they have the same item on their own lists.Three products students likecomputer (26)jacket (20)watch (35)Three products students don’t likefast food (8)coat (32)science book (23)Step Ⅳ2aThis activity provides listening practice with the target language and introduce new vocabulary.Go through the instructions and make sure students understand what to do.Now you will hear about some more products and what people think of them.Write Yes in front of the product if the person likes it.Write No in front of the product if the person doesn’t like it.Read out the name of each product.Get students to repeat it.Listen to the conversation and finish the task.Play the tape the first time.This time students only listen.Play the tape again.Let students write Yes or No in front of each product to show whether or not the people on the tape liked it.Check the answers.Answers1.No 2.No 3.Yes 4.NoTapescriptGirl 1: Wow! Look at this ad for Easy Care Shampoo.For the shiniest hair ever.Boy: I can’t stand ads like that! They make me really mad.Girl 1: Why?Boy: They make you think that you can look like the person in the ad.But I bought that shampoo and it didn’t work.Girl 2:I agree.Look at this one.Lookout Sunglasses.For that mysterious look.I’ll bet they don’t even keep out the sun.Boy: And what about this one! Beauty Cream--the silky skin soap.Girl 2: Wait a minute! I tried Beauty Cream and it works really well.It makes your skin really seft.Have you ever tried Starshine Toothpaste?Girl 1 :Oh, you mean whiter than white?Yeah, I tried it and it tastes terrible.I’d never use it.Boy: I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you read.Step Ⅴ2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the whole class.Look back at the two lists in Activity 2a.Get students to put up their hands if they don’t understand ANY of the words.If necessary, explain new vocabulary.Read each item to the class.Look at the sample answer and invite a student to read the matching parts to the class.Easy Care Shampoo--It didn’t work.Tell students how to do the task.Draw a line from each product to the sentence that describes that product.Now, listen to the tape.You will hear the same recording again.This time listen carefully and draw lines to match up items in the two lists.play the recording again.Let students draw lines individually in their books.Check the answers with the class.Answers1.d 2.c 3.b 4.aStep Ⅵ2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read theinstructions for this activity aloud to the class.Get students to look back at the list of products they made for Activity lb.Invite a student to read his/her lists to the class.Three products he/she likescomputerjacketwatchThree products he/she doesn’t likefast foodcoatscience bookLook at the example in the box.Let a pair of students read the conversation to the class.S A: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?S B: Yeah.And it made me sick.Now work with your partner.Make up conversations like this one, using the products on the list you made for Activity 1b.Ask students to work in pairs.While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help as needed.Call out several pairs to give their conversations to the class.Conversation 1S A: Have you ever had a computer?S B: Yeah.And it made me excited.Conversation 2S A: Have you ever eaten fast food?S B: Yeah.And it made me uncomfortable.Step ⅦSummaryIn this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out.We’ve also learned the target language Have you ever had a TwistyTreat? Yeah.And it made me sick by listening and speaking.Step ⅧHomeworkTalk about some products using some words in this class, and write down the conversations.Step ⅨBlackboard Design。
【教育学习文章】Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教案_1
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教案Unit13Rainydaysmakemesad.一.[话题]Talkabouthowthingsaffectyou.二.[重点词组]makemesad,keepout,learnfrom,makesb.do,morethan,forinstance,help…todo,sothat,havesale,lessthan三.[交际用语]1.Loudmusicmakesmetense.2.Loudmusicmakesmewanttodance.3.Thatmoviemademesad.4.whydon’twegetsomethingtoeat?5.SoamI./SodoI.6.waitingformyfriendsmakesmehungry.7.Thecolorredmakespeoplehungry.8.Ittastesterrible.四.[重点难点释义]SectionA:1.Rainydaysmakemesad. 雨天让我感到悲伤。
rainy adj. 多雨的例如:therainyseason雨季rain n. 雨例如:Thecropsneedrain.庄稼需要雨水。
rain v. 下雨例如:Itbegantorainhard.开始下大雨了。
make的用法make+n.例如:makefood 做饭makeaplane 做飞机makethebed铺床makemoney 赚钱.makesb./sth.+adj.使某人(感到),使……处于某种状态make的宾语之后可跟名词,形容词,分词来充当宾语的补足语1)名词作make的宾语补足语例如:Thepartymadeheragoodteacher.党把她培养成为一名好教师.名词作宾补2)形容词作make的宾语补足语例如:Soccermakesmecrazy. 足球使我疯狂。
ThesoftmusicmakesTinasleepy.轻柔的音乐使Tina 快睡着了。
九年级英语Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Section A 教学设计新华中学王玉玲一、教材分析:Rainy days make me sad (section A la、lb、lc)选自义务教育新课程标准实验教科书英语(人教版)九年级第13单元。
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教学设计
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.教学设计Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计) Structures: make/s me +ve, make/s me + adjective Target language: I’d rather gBlue Lagaurant because I like to lquiet music while I’m eating! Loud music maI agree. Loud music makes me uable. Vocabulary: lightingulky, owduct, knowledgaaaste, endangered, uable, usefulLearning strategies: Personalizing, MatchingA Goals●To learn to use mak e/s me +ve, make/s me +adjective ●To listen and talk about eating in a restaurantProceduresWarming up by learning to use make/s me +ve, make/s me + adjectiveOn page 10grammar focus chart. Readandunderstanducture.Loud music maLoud music makes me want to dance. That movie made me sad.Now you are supposed to make as mawake/s me +ve, make/s me + adjective structure as possible. Looking and sayingOn page 102 is a pictuaurants. Wwould you like to go? And why?◆ I like to gleft becauuwould make me excited.◆ I like to gght becauuwould make me quiet.◆ I like to gleft becauuwould ma◆ I like to gght becaugwould make me happy.1b Listening and completingLa conversation between Amy and Tina talking about eatingaurants.While listening, pay a“make/s me +ve, make/s me +adjective structure” .TaGirl1: I’m hungry, Amy.Girl2: So am I. Why don’t we gg to eat? Girl1: Yeah. Let’s gRockin’ Restaurant. I lovamburgers. Girl2: Oh, Tina… I hate the Rockin’ Restaurant. Girl1: Why? The food is great, isn’t it? Girl2: The food’I just don’t laThose awful pictuwalls make me sad, and the loud music maGirl1:where do you want to go, Amy? Girl2: Let’s gBlue Lagoon. Tusic malaxed. Girl1:Not me. It maleepy.And now compludart on page 102.The Rockin’s RestaurantThe Blue LagoonThe awful pictures make Amy sad.Tusic makes Amy relaxed.The loud music makes ATusic makes Tina sleepy. Now you are supposed to read the taWhile reading, underlxand circlves.Doing pairworkWhat are youabout the two restaurants? Wwould you like better?A: I’d rather gBlue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to lquiet music while I’m eating.B:! Loud music maA: I agree! Loud music makes me uable. A: I’d rather gRockin’s Restaurant because I like to lloud music while I’m eating.B:! Loud music maxcited.A: I agree! Loud music maappy.Listening and numbering3421A boy and a girl are talking abouast exLalk and numbuage 103.TaBoy: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina? Girl: Well, John… yes and no. Boy: Was Amy late as usual? Girl:was. And waitingade me angry. Boy: Where did you go? Girl: First we wRockin’ Restaurant, but Amy didn’t waaaid that loud music madBoy: That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance. Girl:we wBlue Lagoon. It was quiet andd was great. We had a good time. Boy: Then did you gagh school? Girl: No. We decided to gvies. We saw Remember Me Forever. It was a really good movie, but it was so sad it made us cry. Boy: Sad movies don’t maThey just make me want to leave! Girl: You sound just like my brother!2b Listening andgYou are supposed to lversaagain. Bu listen, go ovvaid by Tina andbox on page 103. While you l√gs said bvely. After you lur answers against ea’s.√Waitingade me angry.√She said that loud music mad×Loud music maappy.√Loud music always makes me want to dance.√It was so sad it mad√Sad movies don’t maThey just make me want to leave!×It made me sad.All right now, you are supposed to read the taWhile Readingle the “make/s me +ve, make/s me +adjective structure”, underlxand blaves.2aJohn: Did you have fun with Amy last night? Tina: Well…yes andwas really la: Amy was late as usual, wasn’t she? Tina:was. John: And waitingade me angry? Tina:ade me ang: What did you do? Tina: First we wRockin’ Restaura: Did you stay long there? Tina: No, we didn’t because Amy didn’t waay. J ohn: Why? Tina: She said that loud music mad: That’s strange. Loud music always maxcited and want to dance. Tina::u wBlue Lagoon as usually, didn’t you? Tina:u guess rig: It was quiet andd was greaDid you have a good? Tina: Yes, we did. John: Where did you go then? Tina: I wanted to gagh school. But Amy didn’t like to gWe decided to gv: What movie did you watch? Tina: We saw Remember Me Forev: It was a really good movie, wasn’t it? Tina:was, but it was so sad it made u: Sad movies make me want to leave! Tina: You behavejust like my brother!and answeringOn page 104 is an article about restauraBu read, imagine just what a restauraWhile you readdividarts, underlxand, blaves and circle the “make/s me +ve, make/s me +adjective” structure. RestauraRestaurant owners havw how to make food. They also havw how to maHere ags they’ve learnedudies. The color red male hungry. Red also makes cuat faster. Many fast food restauraave red furniture or walllors land light blue male relaxeddatingallighting male look good, but it makes food look bad. Loud music may be nice abuale want to leave. Hard seats also make cuwant to eat quickly and leave. Many restauraally fast food restaurants, uwledge to make cuat faster. Culabout 20 minutes bleave. Because cudon’t stay very long, small restaurants can serve many people every day.Now you are to answquage the box.1.What dlor red male feel? →The color red male hungry. Red also makes cuat faster.2.Why do so many fast food restaurant pawalls red,play loud music, and have hard seats? →Because red color makes cuat faster, loud music male want to leave and hard seats also make cuwant to eat quickly and leave.3.Do you’s fair thaaurants are designed to be uable. → No, I don’The restaurant owners are runningaurader to maThey waudaurants.3b Doing groupworkNow let’s play a game. Tell your group members about a place you know well. Lgualace.A: The seats are very hard.The white walls mad.B: Ilassroom?A: N’t.B: Is it a hospital?A:at’s right.A: The house is very big.TaB: Is it a railway station?A: N’t.B: Is it a dancing hall?A: N’t.B: Is it a?A:at’s rigleting and surveying1) How do you feel about pollution?2) It mad of angry. How about you?3) It makes me waa clean-up campain.A survey about…How do you feel about…?YouZhao MingyuanLi BaoguoPollutionMakes me uableMakes me unhealthyMaadacheHeavy trafficMaakes me gaay indoorsLoud musicMaxcitedMaut my earsMaazyEndangered animalsMaadMakes me unable to fall asleepMaating meagMaadMaPeople wu waiting Makes me angry MaungryMa。
八年级英语Rainy days make me sad教案
新目标九年级Unit13Rainy days make me sad 整单元教案The First PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularysad, energetic, stressed out, soft(2)Target LanguageI’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to qui et music while I’m eating.Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out.2.Ability Objects(1)Improve students’ listening ability.(2)Help students to express their opinion freely.3.Moral objectsIt is important to choose a suitable place.It is good for your study and life.Ⅱ.Teaching Key PointTarget LanguageⅢ.Teaching Difficult Points1.How to improve students’ listening ability.2.How to help students to express their opinion freely.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.2.Pairwork to make every student work in class.Ⅴ.Teaching Aids1.A tape recorder2.The blackboardⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionT: we finished Unit 12.In this unit, we learned how to tell what we are supposed to do.Now tell me some things that are good to do in school and that are not good to do in school.S1: We’re supposed to do our homework every day.S2: We’re supposed to raise our hands before we talk.S3: We’re supposed to come to class on time.S4: We are not supposed to be late for class.S5: We’re not supposed to eat in class.T: Very good.You’re right.From now on, we’ll learn Unit 13.Look at the following list of activities on the blackboard: parties, exams, school vacations, gym class.How do you feel about parties? Happy?Excited? Nervous?S1: Nervous.T: Oh, so parties make you nervous.S1: Yes.T: Class repeat.Parties make me nervous.S s: Parties make me nervous.T: Now what about school vacations?How do you feel about them?S2: Happy.T: So, school vacations make you happy.S2: Yes.T: Class repeat.School vacations make me happy.S s: School vacations make me happy.T: Now what about gym class? How do you feel about it?S3: Excited.T: So gym class makes you excited.S3: Yes.StepⅡ1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary and provides oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions and look at the two pictures.Ask, Who can describe the interior of each restaurant? (Rockin Restaurant has red walls, ugly paintings on the walls, and loud music.The Blue Lagoon has blue walls, plants, flowers, and a piano player.)Say, Which restaurant would you rather go to? Talk about it with your parter.Let students work in pairs, and tell each other which restaurant they would like to go to and why.When students work, go around the classroom offering help as needed.When they have finished talking to each other, call out several pairs to say their conversations to the class.Sample conversationS A: Which restaurant would you like to go to?S B: I’d like to go to the Blue Lagoon.S A: Why?S B: Because there are plants and flowers there.Step Ⅲ1bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Ask students to read the instructions.Look at the chart and point out the two headings: The Rockin’ Restaurant and The Blue Lagoon.Look at the sample answer.Let a student read the completed sentence, and then say, You will hear the missing words on the recording.Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen carefully.Play the recording again.This time fill in the missing words.Check the answers with the whole class.AnswersThe Rockin’ Restaurant: sad, tenseThe Blue Lagoon: relaxed, sleepyTapescriptGirl 1: I’m hungry, Amy.Girl 2: So am I.Why don’t we get something to eat?Girl 1: Yeah.Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant.I love their hamburgers.Girl 2: Oh, Tina…I hate the Rockin’ Restaurant.Girl 1: Why? The food is great, isn’t it?Girl 2: The food’s fine.I just don’t like the atmosphere.Those awful pictures on the walls make me sad, and the loud music makes me tease.Girl 1 :OK.So where do you want to go, Amy?Girl 2: Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon.The soft music makes me relaxed.Girl 1: Not me.It makes me sleepy.Step Ⅳ1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Look at the example in the box.Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.S A: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.S B: Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.S A: Not me! Loud music makes me stressed out.Go through the instructions with the class.Tell students they will be talking about their own opinions with a partner.Look back at the chart in Activity 16.Make up a conversation with a partner using words from the chart, such as awful pictures, loud music and soft music.While students are working in pairs, walk around the classroom, and listen to some pairs.If necessary, offer language support.Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations in front of the whole class.Optional activityLet students look around the classroom, think about other rooms in the school, and talk about how these places make the students feel.For example, what are your opinions about this room? A student might answer, This room is sunny.It makes me happy.Or ask them.What are your opinions about all the noise in the cafeteria? A student might say.All the noise in the cafeteria makes me tense.Notes:1.awful——terrible; dreadful2.energetic——full of energyStep ⅤSummaryIn this class, we’ve learned some important words, such as sad, energetic, stres sed out.We’ve also learned the target language I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.Oh, really? Loud music makes me energetic.Not me!Loud music makes me stressed out.Step ⅥHomework Review the target language.Step ⅦBlackboard Design课后小结:The Second PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularytense, have fun, angry, cry.(2)Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.2.Ability Objects(1)Train students’ listening ability.(2)Train students’ speaking ability.3.Moral ObjectsEnjoying yourself is very important.But no matter what hobbies you have, do remember they must be good for health and study.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1.Key Vocabularytense, angry, cry.2.Target LanguageLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.3.StructuresLoud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points1.The target language2.How to train students’ listening ability.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.2.Pairwork.Ⅴ.Teaching AidA tape recorderⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionCheck homework.Invite a pair of students to read the conversation in Activity 1c.Then let some pairs act out their conversations according to the pictures in Activity 1a and Activity 1c.S A: I’d rather go to the Rockin’ Restaura nt because I like to listen to loud music while I’m eating.S B: Really? Soft music makes me relaxed.S A: Not me.Soft music makes me sleepy.Step Ⅱ2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Look at the pictures.Ask, What are they doing? Please guess.(In Picture 1, two women are eating and smiling.Maybe the food is very delicious.In Picture 2, the two women are crying.Maybe they are seeing a sad movie.In Picture 3, one of the two women is very tense that because of the loud music.In Picture 4, one woman is waiting for the bus or someone.Waiting makes her angry.)Go through the instructions with the class.Say, You will hear Tina and John talking about what Tina and Amy did last night.The four pictures show something that Tina did last night.Point to the boxes.Say, Use the number 1 through 4 to show the order you hear Tina and John talk about these things in the recording.Play the tape for students.The first time, students just listen.Play the tape again.This time, ask students to number the pictures when they listen.Correct the answers with the class.AnswersThe pictures should be numbered in this order: (down)3 24 1TapescriptBoy: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina?Girl: Well, John…yes and no.Boy: Was Amy late as usual.Girl: Yes, she was.And waiting for her made me angry.Boy: Where did you go?Girl: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy didn’t want to stay.She said that loud music made her tense.Boy: That’s funny.Loud music always makes me want to dance.Girl: Me too.So then we went to the BlueLagoon.It was quiet and the food was great.We had a good time.Boy: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?Girl: No.We decided to go to the movies.We saw Love Me Forever.It was a really good movie, but it was so sad that it made us cry.Boy: Sad movies don’t make me cry.They just make me want to leave!Girl: You should just like my brother!Step Ⅲ2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions and point to the list of statements.You will hear the same recording again.This time listen carefully to what each person says.Put a checkmark in front of the statements you hear.Look at the sample answer.On.the tape Tina says, Waiting for her made me angry, so a checkmark goes in front of this sentence.Play the tape again.Let students check the sentences they hear.Ask students to say the reasons why they check them.Check the answers with the class.Answers√Waiting for her made me angry.√She said that loud music made her tense.Loud music makes me happy.√Loud music always makes me want to dance.√It was so sad it made us cry.√Sad movies don’t make me cry.They just make me want to leave!It made me sad.StepⅣ2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Look at the sample conversation betweenTina and John.Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.John: Did you have fun with Amy last night?Tina: Well…yes and no.She was really late.Go through the instructions with the class.Get students to make up a conversation using information from Activities 2a and2b.Let students work in pairs.While they are working, go around the classroom checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as necessary.Call out a pair of students to say their conversation to the class.S A: Did you have fun with Li Ping last night?S B: Well…yes and no.She was late again as usual.S A: So, waiting for her made you angry.Where did you go?S B: We went to a small restaurant.It was quiet and clean.The food was delicious.The soft music made me very happy.S A: Did you go to see a movie?S B: Yes.We saw Love Me Once More,Mother.It was a very good movie.It was also moving and sad.It made us cry.S A: Really? You sound just like my mother.Step ⅤGrammar FocusLook at the grammar box.Invite a student to read the sentences to the class.Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.While the student is reading, write the three sentences on the blackboard.Then ask, What verb do you see in all three sentences in the Grammar Focus? (make in the present and in the past tense)Let students underline the verb in all three sentences.Then underline the word that comes right after that verb (me).Ask, What does this word tell us? (It tells who had the feeling-me, her, etc.)Circle the ending of each sentence.Get a student to come to the blackboard and point to the circled words that are adjectives and read these words to the class (tense, sad).Other students repeat.Then let students make up similar sentences with the verb make that talk about feelings and have adjective at the end.Write on the blackboard: makes me .Let students work alone.Then ask some students to read their sentences.S1: A quiet place makes me sleepy.S2: Loud noise makes me tense.Pay attention to the sentence with wanting to dance at the end.Say, Sometimes there is a phrase like want to dance at the end instead of an adjective.For example,Loud music makes me want to leave, Ask students to make up sentences with the following sentence starters: Long movies make me .Hot weather makes me .Give students two minutes to finish the sentences.Then ask some students to read their sentences.S1: Long movies make me want to leave.S2: Long movies make me want to cry.S3: Hot weather makes me want to go swimming.S4: Hot weather makes me want to drink a lot of water.Let students make up any other sentence using the verb make to talk about how things affect them.StepⅥSummaryIn this class, we’ve learned key vocabulary tense and the target language Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.That movie made me sad.Step ⅦHomeworkGet students to write some sentences according to the target language.Step ⅧBlackboard Design课后小结:The Third PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularyowner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, uncomfortable, endangered.(2)Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollution?It makes me kind of angry.How about you?It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.2.Ability Objects(1)Train students’ integrating skills.(2)Train the ability of expressing students’ own opinions.3.Moral ObjectIn our lives, we should express what we feel clearly.Ⅱ.Teaching Key PointTrain students’ integrating skills.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve students’ integrating skills.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Fast-reading method.2.Groupwork and pairwork.Ⅴ.Teaching Aids1.A projector.2.The blackboard.Ⅵ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionT: Yesterday we learned the target language.The structure is…makes me…Now who can make sentences using the structure?S1: Light colours make me relaxed.S2: Loud noise makes me tense.S3: Loud music makes me energetic.T: Very good.Step Ⅱ3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.Read the words and get students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Point to the picture and ask, What can you see in the picture? Ask some students to describe the picture.Offer help if necessary.(The walls are bright red.There is loud music.There are bright lights in the ceiling.The people are eating quickly.They aren’t talking to each other.)Read the instructions and the questions below the article aloud.Make sure students understand what to do.Read the title“Restaurant Science”and ask, What do you think “Restaurant Science”means? (It means the study of how to operate a restaurant.)Get students to read the article on their own.Let students underline any words or phrases they don’t understand.Go through each word or phrase and ask some students to explain what they think it means.Be sure students know what the article is about.Ask students to read the article alone again and answer the questions.Have students work individually.Ask three students to answer the questions orally in class.Correct the answers if necessary.Check the answers with the whole class.Answers1.Red makes most people hungry.It makes them eat faster.2.They want people to eat quickly and leave so more people can come in.3.Answers will vary.Notes1.owner—person who owns something2.uncomfortable—not comfortable; uneasyStep Ⅲ3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Ask three students to read the sample conversation in the box to the whole class.S A: The seats are very hard.The white walls make me stressed.S B: Is it this classroom?S A: No, it isn’t.S C: Is it a hospital?S A: Yes, that’s right.Go through the instructions with the class.Say, First take a few minutes to think of a place and how you will describe it.You can write down some words that describe the place.Get student to work in groups of four or five.Each students describes a place and others in the group try to guess it.While students are doing their work, walk around the classroom checking their progress and offering help if necessary.At the end of the groupwork, have some students say their descriptions to the class and see how quickly the other students can guess what the place is.Give students a sample conversation.S A: There are a lot of people every day.The loud noise makes me tense.S B: Is it a mall?S A: No, it isn’t.S C: Is it a supermarket?S A: No, it isn’t.S D: Is it a market?S A: Yes, you’re right.Step IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.Ask a good student to tell students how he/she feels about pollution.For example, I hate pollution.Loud noise makes me tense.Smoking makes me very angry.Endangered animals make me sad.I think pollution is very terrible.Get students to read the instructions by themselves.Have students complete the work in groups of three.As they work, go around the classroom offering help as needed.Review the task.Ask a few students to share the results of their surveys.Sample answersStep ⅤSummaryIn this class, we’ve lear ned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, uncomfortable.We’ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step ⅥHomework1.Finish off the exercises on pages 53~55 of the workbook.2.Ask students to choose some places they know and talk about how they feel about the places.Step ⅦBlackboard Design课后小结:The Fourth PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2)Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah.And it made me sick.2.Ability Objects(1)Train students’ speaking and listening ability.(2)Train students’ ability to understand the target language in spoken conversation.(3)Train students’ ability to use the target language.3.Moral ObjectNot all the most expensive things are the best ones.Sometimes we shouldn’t believe all of ads.Ⅱ.Teaching Key Points1.Key Vocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out2.Target LanguageHave you ever had a Twisty Treat?Yeah.And it made me sick.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points1.How to train students’ speaking and listening ability.2.How to use the target language.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Listening method2.Groupwork to make every student works in class.Ⅴ.Teaching Aids1.A tape recorder2.The blackboardⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionCheck homework.Get some pairs to act out their conversations about how they feel about a place, Collect their conversations and help students correct any mistakes.Step Ⅱ1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary.Pay attention to the four pictures.Ask,Who can tell me what each thing is? Get a student to answer.Repeat the name of each product and let the class repeat (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and sunglasses).Look at the four slogans.Have a student read each one to the class and make sure students can guess what it means.If the students can’t guess, explain the meaning to them.(Whiter than white means that something has a very, very white color.If a person has that mysterious look, it means that the person looks interesting and unusual.It’s difficult to know what a mysterious person is thinking.The shiniest hair means that the person’s hair will look very bright and have lots of light in it.silky skin means that the person’s skin is soft and nice to touch.)Go through the instructions with the class.Ask them to write the number of each slogan, with the correct picture.Check the answers with the class.AnswersThe photos should be numbered in the following order:4 3 1 2Notes1.slogan——striking and easily remembered phrase used to advertise sth.2.mysterious--full of mysteryStepⅢ 1 bThis activity helps students apply the ideas in the unit to their lives outside the classroom.Go through the instructions with the class.Make sure students know what to do.Get students to make lists individually.Ask some students to read their lists to the class.Have other students put up their hands if they have the same item on their own lists.Three products students likecomputer (26)jacket (20)watch (35)Three products students don’t likefast food (8)coat (32)science book (23)Step Ⅳ2aThis activity provides listening practice with the target language and introduce new vocabulary.Go through the instructions and make sure students understand what to do.Now you will hear about some more products and what people think of them.Write Yes in front of the product if the person likes it.Write No in front of the product if the person doesn’t like it.Read out the name of each product.Get students to repeat it.Listen to the conversation and finish the task.Play the tape the first time.This time students only listen.Play the tape again.Let students write Yes or No in front of each product to show whether or not the people on the tape liked it.Check the answers.Answers1.No 2.No 3.Yes 4.NoTapescriptGirl 1: Wow! Look at this ad for Easy Care Shampoo.For the shiniest hair ever.Boy: I can’t stand ads like that! They make me really mad.Girl 1: Why?Boy: They make you think that you can look like the person in the ad.But I bought that shampoo and it didn’t work.Girl 2:I agree.Look at this one.Lookout Sunglasses.For that mysterious look.I’ll bet they don’t even keep out the sun.Boy: And what about this one! Beauty Cream--the silky skin soap.Girl 2: Wait a minute! I tried Beauty Cream and it works really well.It makes your skin really seft.Have you ever tried Starshine Toothpaste?Girl 1 :Oh, you mean whiter than white?Yeah, I tried it and it tastes terrible.I’d never use it.Boy: I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you read.Step Ⅴ2bThis activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the whole class.Look back at the two lists in Activity 2a.Get students to put up their hands if they don’t understand ANY of thewords.If necessary, explain new vocabulary.Read each item to the class.Look at the sample answer and invite a student to read the matching parts to the class.Easy Care Shampoo--It didn’t work.Tell students how to do the task.Draw a line from each product to the sentence that describes that product.Now, listen to the tape.You will hear the same recording again.This time listen carefully and draw lines to match up items in the two lists.play the recording again.Let students draw lines individually in their books.Check the answers with the class.Answers1.d 2.c 3.b 4.aStep Ⅵ2cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions for this activity aloud to the class.Get students to look back at the list of products they made for Activity lb.Invite a student to read his/her lists to the class.Three products he/she likescomputerjacketwatchThree products he/she doe sn’t likefast foodcoatscience bookLook at the example in the box.Let a pair of students read the conversation to the class.S A: Have you ever had a Twisty Treat?S B: Yeah.And it made me sick.Now work with your partner.Make up conversations like this one, using the products on the list you made for Activity 1b.Ask students to work in pairs.While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help as needed.Call out several pairs to give their conversations to the class.Conversation 1S A: Have you ever had a computer?S B: Yeah.And it made me excited.Conversation 2S A: Have you ever eaten fast food?S B: Yeah.And it made me uncomfortable.Step ⅦSummaryIn this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny, silky, skin, keep out.We’ve also learned the target language Have you ever had a Twisty Treat? Yeah.And it made me sick by listening and speaking.Step ⅧHomeworkTalk about some products using some words in this class, and write down the conversations.Step ⅨBlackboard Design课后小结:The Fifth PeriodⅠ.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key Vocabularyaim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane(2)Practise reading an article.(3)Practise writing something using the target language.2.Ability Objects(1)Improve students’ integrating skills—reading skill and writing skill.(2)Improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.3.Moral ObjectWe are in charge of our attitude and we can do everything well.Ⅱ.Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point1.How to improve students’ reading ability.2.How to improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.Ⅳ.Teaching Methods1.Reading m ethod to improve students’ reading ability.2.Discussion method to improve students’ speaking ability.3.Pairwork to make every student work in class.Ⅴ.Teaching Aids1.A projetor2.The blackboardⅥ.Teaching ProceduresStep ⅠRevisionRevise the target language presented in this unit.Check homework.Get some pairs to read out their conversations.(1)S A: Have you ever had a jacket?S B: Yeah.And it made me beautiful.(2)S A: Have you ever bad a science book?S B: Yeah.And it made me tense.Step Ⅱ3aThis activity provides reading practice using the target language.Teach the new words.Show the new words on the screen by a projector.Read the words and ask students to repeat them again and again until they can pronounce them correctly and fluently.Look at the article.Let a student read the article aloud to the class.Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the student it providing a good model for the rest of the class.Read the instructions to the class.What’s the article about? Do you agree with it? Get students to read the article again and answer the two questions.Get students to do the work individually or in pairs.While they are working, go around the classroom offering help as needed.Check the answers with the whole class.Elicit examples given in the article for the advantages and disadvantages.AnswersThe article is about advantages and disadvantages of ads.Advantages of ads: help you compare different products; help you save money.Disadvantages of ads: make our cities and countryside look ugly; ads can be confusing or mislead ing; can lead you to buy something you don’t need.Notes1.pros and cons-the arguments for and against2.for instance-for example3.sales-the offering of goods at low prices for a period4.confuse-put into disorder; mix up in the mind5.mislead-lead wrongly; cause to be or do wrong6.at times-from time to time; now and then; occasionallyStep Ⅲ3bThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class.Get a student to read ‘the senten ces at the beginning of the paragraph to the class.Tell students they should look back at Activity 2a and complete the article, using the information about two or three products in Activity 2a.Have students finish the article individually.While they are working, walk around the classroom offering help and answering questions as necessary.When they finish, get a student to read his/her completed article to the class.Now write the article on the blackboard as an example.Step Ⅳ3cThis activity provides writing practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class.Ask students,Do you know what the word slogan means?For example, for the shiniest hair ever is the slogan of Easy Care Shampoo.Help students answer the question.Tell them the Chinese meaning if necessary to make sure they understand the meaning.Have students make a list of their favorite products, then try writing a slogan to go with each product.Tell students how to do this work.First ask a student to name a favorite product.Then let students suggest a variety of possible slogans to go with it.And then cross out the ones that don’t tell the truth.Ask students to work in groups of four.When they start to write, walk around the classroom offering help as necessary.Revise as many students’ work as possible while moving around the classroom.Let some students to read their slogans to the class.Step ⅤPart 4。
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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The First PeriodSection A (1a——Grammar Focus)Ⅰ.Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularysad, stressed out, soft, loud, have fun, angry, cry(2)Target LanguageI’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.Loud music makes me tense.Loud music makes me want to dance.2.Ability Objects(1) Improve students’ listening ability.(2) Help students to express their opinion freely.3. Moral objectsIt is important to choose a suitable place. It is good for your study and life.Ⅱ. Teaching Important PointsThe uses of “make” and “would rather”Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to improve students’listening and speaking abilities.2. How to help students to express their opinion freely.Step1. Warm-up1. Check the new word.(1) Check the pronunciation of the new word, lagoon.Get all the students to read the word together. Then have the students read the word by themselves and check in groups. The teacher can give some help about the pronunciation.(2) Show some exercises about the important points from 1a to Grammar Focus.It _________(rain) yesterday. _________(rain) days often make me sad.The ________(awe) pictures make Amy sad.Loud music makes me ____________(happily).___________(wait) for her made me angry.Sad movies make her _________(want) _____________(leave).Check the answers together. Get some students to tell the reasons.2. Free talk.Show two pictures.T: I like Picture 1 because it makes me relaxed. But I don’t like Picture 2 because it makes me sad.Have students talk about the pictures like the teacher——I like… because it makes me…, but I don’t like… because it makes me…Step2. Lead-inShow another picture in 1a. One is the Rockin’Restaurant, the other is the BlueLagoon Restaurant.1. Get the students to look at the picture and describe it.For example,The pictures in the Rockin’ Restaurant are awful and the music is loud.The plants in the Blue Lagoon Restaurant are beautiful and the music is soft.(At the same time, teacher write them on the blackboard.)Then help students make conclusions:The awful pictures make me…The loud music makes me…The beautiful plants make me…The soft music mekes me…(At the same time, teacher write them on the blackboard.)T: Which restaurant would you rather go toSs: I would rather go to the …. (At the same time, teacher write them on the blackboard.)2. Practice the sentences on the blackboard.Step3. 1bT: What do Amy and Tina think of the two restaurants Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.Students listen to the recording for the first time to fill in the blanks.Then check the answers in pairs.Listen to the recording again and then check the answers together.Get students read the four sentences by themselves.Step4. 1cDo pairwork. Look at Amy’s and tina’s opinions in the chart. What is your opinion Get students make new conversations in pairs and show them to the whole class. Step5. 2aListening and numberingA boy and a girl are talking about their past experiences. Listen to their talk and number the pictures on page 103.Listen to the recording and number the pictures.Then check the answers together.Step6. 2bListening and checkingListen to the conversation once again. Before listening, go over the seven sentences said by Tina and John in the box on page 103. Check √the things said by them respectively. Then check the answers each other.T: All right now, you are supposed to read the tape script. While reading, try to circle the “make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective structure”, underline the expressions and blacken the connectives.Step7. 2c1. Do pairworkGo over the activities in 2a and 2b. Then in pairs try to role play the conversation between Tina and John. You may make use of the examples on page 103 to begin with.Teacher can give students some help:John: Did you have fun with Amy last nightTina: Well…yes and no. she was really late. Waiting for her made me angry. And we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant….Get some pairs to show their conversations.2. Have students write their conversations down on their notebooks.Focus1. Let students write down all the sentences with “make” and get them to find out the use of “make”.make sb.+ adjectivemake sb.+ infinitive2. Show some sentences about “would rather”, help students find out the use of “would rather”.would rather + doStep9. Exercises( )1. Usually soft music may make people ________.A. relaxingB. relaxedC. excitingD. excited( )2. The movie made _______ fell energetic.A. heB. hisC. theyD. them( )3. Loud music always makes us ________.A. want danceB. to want danceC. want to danceD. to want to dance ( )4. _______his new sunglasses ________ him look mysterious.A. Wears, makeB. Wears, makesC. Wearing, makeD. Wearing, makes( )5. I’d rather _______ in the countryside because in the cities there is much pollution.A. livingB. livedC. to liveD. live( )6. I like to listen to quiet music while _______.A. eatingB. to eatC. eatD. eatedThen check the answers one by one.Step10. HomeworkMake up sentences using “make”.Give students some examples:Long movies make me . Hot weather makes me .Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Second PeriodSection A (3a——4)Ⅰ. Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyowner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, uncomfortable, endangered.(2) Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollutionIt makes me kind of angry. How about youIt makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.2. Ability Objects(1)Train students’ integrating skills.(2)Train the ability of expressing students’ own opinions.3. Moral ObjectIn our lives, we should express what we feel clearly.Ⅱ. Teaching Important and Difficult PointsTrain students’integrating skills and teach students to improve their integrating skills.Step1. Warm-upCheck the homework.T: Yesterday we learned the target language. The structure is… makes me…Now who can make sentences using the structureGet some students show their sentences to the whole class.Get all the students to read the new words together. Then have the students read the word by themselves and check in groups. The teacher can give some help about the pronunciation. At last, have dictation in groups.Step2. ReviewT: I watched a sad movie last night. Sad movies make me uncomfortable. How do you feel about sad movies(At the same time, teacher write the sentence “How do you feel about…” on the blackboard.)Help students answer, “Sad movies make me sad.”T: How do you feel about pollutionGet students to talk about it in groups and make conversations. Then have students read the conversation in Activity 4. And complete the survey in groups. Then show their result using the conversation.Step3. 3a1. Before reading.T: How do you feel about the color redHelp students answer, “ It makes me excited / happy / …”2. Fast readingOn page 104 is an article about restaurant science. While reading, try tounderline the “make+ n, make sb.+do, make sb. + adjective” structure.Have a student write down the phrases on the blackboard. Go over the uses of “make”.3. Slow readingRead the article slowly and answer the three questions on page 104 in the box.1). What does the color red make most people feel→The color red makes people hungry. Red also makes customers eat faster.2). Why do so many fast food restaurants paint their walls red, play loud music, and have hard seats→Because red color makes customers eat faster, loud music makes people want to leave and hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave.3).Do you think it’s fair that some restaurants are designed to be uncomfortable. → No, I don’t think so. The restaurant owners are running the restaurants in order to make money. They want more customers to come to spend money in their restaurants.4. Careful readingRead the article carefully and find out the important and difficult points. Solve the questions students have. If possible, the teacher can give some help.5. ReadingStudents listen to the recording and read after itThen read by themselves.Try to retell the article.Step4. 3bDo groupwork.Get students to read the conversation and make a new conversation. Let them try to guess the name of the place.Show their conversations.Step5. SummaryIn this class, we’ve learned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, uncomfortable. We’ve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target language.Step6. Homework1. Finish off the exercises on pages 146~147 of the workbook.2. Ask students to choose some places they know and talk about how they feel about the places and write an article.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Third PeriodSection B (1a——2c)Ⅰ.Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularymysterious, shiny, silky, skin, cream, toothpaste, keep out(2) Target LanguageHave you ever had Beijing DuckIt made me sick.2. Ability Objects(1) Train students’ speaking and listening ability.(2) Train students’ ability to use the target language.3. Moral ObjectNot all the most expensive things are the best ones. Sometimes we shouldn’t believe all of ads.Ⅱ.Teaching Important Points:1. Key Vocabulary2. Target LanguageⅢ. Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to train students’ speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target language.Step1. Lead-in and warming-upLet students show their slogans to the whole class.Here are some slogans:Communication unlimited.(摩托罗拉)To be No. 1.(鸿星尔克)Anything is possible.(李宁品牌)T: How do you feel about the products.(Have the students describe the products.)Step2. 1alooking and matchingOn page 105 are four pictures of daily products. Now read, think, and match them with the slogans in the box.1. Whiter than white → toothpaste2. For that mysterious look → sunglasses3. For the shiniest hair ever → shampoo4. For silky skin → creamStep3. 1bMaking a list of three products students like and three products students don’t like.T: In our life we use lots of products every. Which ones do you like best, and which ones do you not like Now make a list of them, three for each choice.Step4. 2aListening and tickingT: Do you like the products in 1aHave students discuss it in groups.Listen to the recording and write “Yes ” for the products they like and “No ”for the products they don ’t like. Read the names of the products and the comments in the chart.After you listen, tick the products they like, and kick out the ones they don’t.Step5. 2bListening and drawingListen again. What do the people say about the productsHave the students draw lines to match.Check the answers together.Step6. 2cDo groupwork.T: In 1b you have made a list. Now to practice spoken English using the list in1b. Make a conversation in groups.Get some groups to share their conversations.Step7. SummaryIn this class, we ’ve learned some key vocabulary, such as mysterious, shiny,silky, skin, keep out. We ’ve also learned the target language.Give students some minutes to read the key vocabulary and the target language.Step8. HomeworkTalk about some products using some words in this class, and write down theconversations.Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.The Fourth PeriodSection B (3a——4)Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyaim at, useful, for instance, product, careful, plane(2) Practise reading an article.(3) Practise writing something using the target language.2. Ability Objects(1) Improve students’ integrating skills—reading skill and writing skill.(2) Improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.3. Moral ObjectWe are in charge of our attitude and we can do everything well.Ⅱ. Teaching Key PointPractise reading and writing using the target language.Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point1. How to improve students’ reading ability.2. How to improve students’ speaking ability by discussion.Step1. Lead-inShow the slogans we used last class.Communication unlimited.(摩托罗拉)To be No. 1.(鸿星尔克)Anything is possible.(李宁品牌)T: How do you feel about the advertisements.Let students talk about the advertisements.S: I think the advertisements are useful / ugly / …Let’s read the article and see what people think of the advertisements.Step2. Reading1. Pre-reading(1) Listen to the text.What is the article aboutDo you agree with itCheck the answers together.2. While-reading①Fast reading.Let students read the article quickly. And try to devide the article into three parts.Give students some minutes and read the article according to the chart on the blackboard. Then retell the article together. Then have some students retell it in front of the class.Students work in groups and make a new conversation according to the article. Get some groups share the conversations.Step3. WritingComplete this article using the information about two or more products in 2a and 2b.After students show their articles, show them one possible version:Step4. SummaryIn this period we’ve leant the pros and cons about ad vertising, we know everything has two sides, so we should make good use of it.Step5. HomeworkWrite slogans for your favorite products.。