专业型数字查线仪IntelliTone Pro产品介绍8200-60A




∙分析千兆和无线 LAN 以快速解决问题∙10/100/1000M 双绞线 LAN 接口∙千兆光纤 SFP LAN 接口∙802.11 a/b/g 无线 LAN 分析∙监控网络流量和交换机接口∙自动搜索设备、网络、VLAN、接入点、移动客户端及其它∙测量网际连接性能产品功能当需要一线响应人员对网络紧急情况做出行动的时候,EtherScope II 系列网络助手正是他们所能依赖的强大工具–该款手持便携式网络分析仪,集成了多种必需的工具,以帮助网络专家迅速解决在10、100 和千兆的双绞线/光纤有线和无线LAN 中所遇到的广泛问题。


与那些随机凑合或非集成产品相比,EtherScope II 系列可降低成本达17%。

通过这款易于使用的集成式工具,您可获得所有可用信息,实现高达66% 的时间节省。


自动测试ES 网络通的自动测试结果主屏幕和三色 LED 可提供大量信息,使用户能即时查看到网络状态。



EtherScope 分析仪的自动网络发现的网络发现结果显示在主屏幕上,其中包括最近的交换机以及您连接的插槽和端口的标识信息。

ES 网络通二代用户界面采用 Linux 操作系统支持,导航方便。

linux 提供 WEB 浏览器,Telnet 和其它类似于PC 上提供的工具。

千兆链路测试验证 LAN 信令验证以太网信令以排除速度和双工不匹配以及端口自适应问题。

测试 802.3af 以太网供电 (PoE) 链路。

EtherScope 系列 II 可模仿 802.3af 带电设备模拟请求并测量每针上的电压。


安捷倫科技 16800 系列 可攜式邏輯分析儀 说明书

安捷倫科技 16800 系列 可攜式邏輯分析儀 说明书

協助您快速完成數位系統除錯、驗證及最佳化作業-價位又不會超出您的預算範圍特色與優點•解析度250 ps(4 GHz)的時序放大能力可迅速找出難纏的時序問題,不需要分兩次探量。

•配備15 吋的顯示幕,還可選配觸控式螢幕,能夠讓您觀察更多的資料,迅速進行瀏覽。

•View Scope -能以時間相互關聯的方式執行量測及顯示邏輯分析儀和示波器的資料,讓您有效地跨設計的類比和數位部份追查出問題所在。

•八款機種分別配備34/68/102/136/204 個頻道,記憶體的深度最大可達32 M,還有內建碼型產生器的機種,如此多樣化的選擇可提供任何預算所需的量測彈性。

•可支援今日複雜設計的各種應用需求-FPGA 動態探棒、數位VSA(向量信號分析),還可以廣泛地支援各種廠牌的處理器和匯流排。

安捷倫科技16800 系列可攜式邏輯分析儀規格資料目錄16800 系列可攜式邏輯分析儀的選購指南. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2可追蹤系統即時運作狀況的邏輯分析能力. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3安捷倫科技16800 系列邏輯分析儀的規格及特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5內建碼型產生器可在單一部儀器中提供數位激發和響應的量測能力. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10碼型產生器的規格及特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12充分發揮邏輯分析儀和示波器的互補能力. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23多種檢視與分析工具可讓您立即深入探量設計內部的狀況. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 16800 系列的儀器特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 16800 系列的介面. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 16800 系列的實體特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 16800 系列的配件.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31訂購資訊. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33支援、服務及協助. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36216800 系列可攜式邏輯分析儀的選購指南3468 102 136204484848N/AN/A4 GHz (250 ps)、 4 GHz (250 ps)、64 K 深64 K 深1.0 GHz (1.0 ns) / 1.0 GHz (1.0 ns) / 500 MHz (2.0 ns)500 MHz (2.0 ns)搭配選項250 為搭配選項500 為450 MHz 250 MHz 搭配選項250 為250 MHz 搭配選項250 為搭配選項500 為500 Mb/s 250 Mb/s搭配選項250 為250 Mb/s 搭配選項001 為1 M 搭配選項001 為1 M 搭配選項004 為4 M 搭配選項004 為4 M 搭配選項016 為16 M 搭配選項016 為16 M 搭配選項032 為32 M 搭配選項032 為32 M 單端式單端式有有40-pin 的纜線接頭40-pin 的纜線接頭1 16821A、16822A 及16823A 含碼型產生器。

Acterna SDA-5000系列Stealth数字分析器的中文名字说明书

Acterna SDA-5000系列Stealth数字分析器的中文名字说明书

800-404-ATEC (2832) E s t a b l i s h e d1981Acterna SDA-5000 SeriesStealth Digital AnalyzerForward and reverse non-interfering Sweep enableseasy preparation of networks for interactive services 23Reverse ingress spectrum displayConstellation display with MER and pre/post FEC BERReverse Alignment mode prepares network for cable modem deploymentOne button, in-service C/N measurements on TDMA return path cable modem signals(DOCSIS, EuroDOCSIS, EuroModem) Zero span/time domain expert mode, showing the TDMA bursty return path cable modem power ramp of 3.5 msIn-service ingress spectrum showing CTB/CSO-intermodulation problems due to analog-TV channels4Time domain view of ingress in the Zero Span mode captures elusive ingress PathTrak Field View option compares headendnode spectrum with field testpoint spectrumGraphical reverse testpoint compensation5The single-channel level display shows both video and audio levels(either single or dual sound/ NICAM) and the difference between the two Digital channel average power measurements can be made using the digiCheck™featureThe Navigator user interface, common on all Acterna SDA meters6Automated tests can be scheduled to perform either 24-hour FCC compliance tests, or initiated immediately to log performance at individual nodes, amplifiers, or other testpoints. A wide range of tests can be performed auto-matically, including signal levels,C/N, hum, and depth of modulation. The operator designates which tests to perform on which channels. Because these tests are non-intrusive, it is easy to test all parameters on all channels at any time.After a test is performed, the results can be displayed on the SDA screen.A PASS/FAIL indication on a varietyof limits can be set for FCC/CENELECor other government standards,or system preferences. Data taken during any automated test, or sequence of automated tests, can be viewed immediately with a PASS/FAIL indication for each of the limits. Specific stored measurement results may be viewed on demand. Data analysis with StealthWareTest results can be printed directly to aserial printer or uploaded to a PC usingActerna StealthWare, a Microsoft®Windows®-based data managementpackage, to store and include in cus-tom reports. Stored sweep, scan, orspectrum screens can be viewed onthe PC and analyzed with marker move-ment and readout information in justthe same way as on the actual instru-ment. A sweep graph overlay functionallows comparison of multiple RFresponse variations over time. Oldsweep graphs may be downloadedback into the SDA instrument for real-time comparison.Powerful and intuitive standardizedgraphical displaysAll measurement results are presentedto the user in clear, highly informative,summary displays. The graphicspresent the information the way thetechnician wants to see the results,with no further interpretation required.For example, testpoint compensationvalues are entered at the start oftesting. Displays then calculate actuallevels automatically, minimizingfield errors.Reduced training timeWith SDA Series products, all levels ofinstruments are familiar to the tech-nician, regardless of which is learnedfirst, because the same user interfaceconventions are used across all prod-uct families. The time needed for atrainee technician to learn to use theinstrument is considerably shorterthan with alternative test equipment.This means urgent upgrade projectsmake the most efficient use of limitedresources when SDA Series productsare used.7 Limit checks can be instantly viewed afteridentifying channel of interest with a markerin Scan mode displayIn-service carrier-to-noiseTilt mode performs automatic tilt calculations between any two of nine designated carriersDepth of modulation In-service “HUM” (PAL and NTSC compatible)Detailed forward/ reverse sweep graph offers adjustable markers, scale, reference level and tilt. Users can clearly distinguish between previous and current sweep measurements for easy891011Worldwide Headquarters12410 Milestone Center Dr. Germantown, Maryland 20876-7100USAActerna is present in more than 80 countries.To find your local sales office go to: Regional SalesHeadquartersNorth America12410 Milestone Center Dr.Germantown, Maryland20876-7100USAToll Free:1866ACTERNAToll Free:186********Tel:+13013531560x2850Fax: +1301353 9216Latin AmericaAv.Eng.Luis Carlos Berrini936/8°e 9°andares04571-000 São PauloSP-BrazilTel:+551155033800Fax:+55 11 5505 1598Asia Pacific42 Clarendon StreetPO Box 141South MelbourneVictoria 3205AustraliaTel:+61 3 9690 6700Fax:+61 3 9690 6750Western EuropeArbachtalstrasse 672800 Eningen u.A.GermanyTel:+49 7121 86 2222Fax:+49 7121 86 1222Eastern Europe,Middle East & AfricaElisabethstrasse 362500 BadenAustriaTel:+43 2252 85 521 0Fax:+43 2252 80 7271st Neopalimovskiy Per.15/7 (4th floor)RF 119121 MoscowRussiaTel:+7 095 248 2508Fax:+7 095 248 4189© Copyright 2002Acterna, LLC.All rights reserved.Acterna, The Keepers ofCommunications, andits logo are trademarksof Acterna, LLC. Allother trademarks andregistered trademarksare the property of theirrespective owners. MajorActerna operations sitesare IS0 9001 registered.Note: Specifications,terms and conditionsare subject to changewithout notice.SDA-5000/DS/CAB/07-02/AE/ACT00392Acterna Advantage SM–adding value with global services and solutionsFrom basic instrument support for your field technicians to management of complex, company-wide initiatives, Acterna’s service professionals are committed to helping you maximize your return on investment. Whatever your needs– product support, system management, education services, or business planning and consulting – we offer programs that will give you the competitive edge. This is the foundation of Acterna Advantage.Acterna is the world’s largest provider of test and management solutions for optical transport, access and cable networks, and the second largest communications test company overall. Focused entirely on providing equipment, software, systems and services, Acterna helps customers develop, install, manufacture and maintain optical transport, access, cable, data/IP and wireless networks.。

keysight inline ict操作手册

keysight inline ict操作手册

keysight inline ict操作手册【实用版】目录1.概述2.安装与配置3.操作步骤4.常见问题与解决方法5.总结正文一、概述Keysight Inline ICT 是一款高性能的数字万用表,适用于各种测试和测量任务。


本操作手册旨在帮助用户更好地了解和操作 Keysight Inline ICT。












(2)选择存储方式,如内置存储、U 盘存储等。








五、总结本操作手册详细介绍了 Keysight Inline ICT 的安装、配置、操作和常见问题解决方法。

拉雷尔电子有限公司 LA40 低成本、通用模拟输入数字面板表仪说明书

拉雷尔电子有限公司 LA40 低成本、通用模拟输入数字面板表仪说明书

LAUREL ELECTRONICS, INC.L40 Low-Cost, Universal Analog Input Digital Panel MeterUser Selectable Ranges•DC voltage: ±60.0 mV, ±200.0 mV, ±2.000V, ±20.00V, ±200.0V, ±400V•DC current: ±20.00 mA, ±5.00A•AC rms voltage: 60.0 mV, 200.0 mV, 2.000V, 20.00V, 200.0V, 400V•AC RMS current: 20.00 mA, 5.00A AC•Process: 4-20 mA, 0-10V•Thermocouple types: K, J, E, N, L, C, R, S, B, T•RTD types: Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni200, Ni1000•Thermistor types: NTC, PTC•Resistance: 0-9.999 kohm, 0-99.99 kohm•Potentiometer input: 200Ω to 50 kΩOptions• 1 or 2 mechanical relays, 8A, 250 Vac•Isolated analog output•RS485 Modbus RTU data outputStandard Features•Universal power: 18 Vac/dc to 265 Vac/dc•1/8 DIN case with 3 front panel keys•Display: 4 red LED digits, 14.2 mm (0.56")•Typical accuracy: 0.2% of full scale•Removable screw-clamp connectors•External control inputDescriptionModel L40 is a low-cost, universal meter for 65 user selectableanalog input signal types and ranges. These include DC voltageand current, AC RMS voltage and current, process signals (4-20mA, 0-10V), thermocouples (10 types, °C or °F), RTD (6 types,°C or °F), thermistors (NTC or PTC), resistance (0-10k or 0-100kohms), and potentiometer inputs. The same meter handles allsignal types with no need for a plug-in signal conditioner board.A universal power supply accepts voltages from 18V to 265V,AC or DC, so that power can be 24 Vdc or worldwide AC power.The meter conforms to the popular 1/8 DIN size standard andfeatures four 14.2 mm (0.56") bright red LED digits. The displayis user scalable for all input types other than temperature.The base L40, as shipped by Laurel,is set up so that 400 Vac input reads400. To change to another signal typeor range, pry off the meter faceplate,push out the electronics, and placejumpers as illustrated in the manual.The jumper positions are well labeled,and the jumpers have a large, easy-to-grasp handle. Also makesoftware selections using front panel keys. If you want Laurel oryour distributor to set jumpers and do the front panel program-ming for you, order the FS option.Extensive software features add flexibility to this low costmeter. Programmable features include five levels of displaybrightness, min and max capture, dual scaling selectable by anexternal control input, a deadband around 0 for AC measure-ments, a moving average digital filter, a "count by" function,hysteresis for alarm operation, a user-configurable fast accessmenu, and selectable password protection. Further flexibility isprovided by 1 or 2 optional output boards, which can be added atany time.Additional flexibility is provided by optional output boards,which can be added at any time.•An Option 1 board can plug into the display board. This canbe a single 8A relay board, an isolated active or passive 4-20mA analog output board, or an isolated Modbus compatibleRS485 serial data output board.•An Option 2 board can plug into the Option 1 board ifinstalled. This is another single 8A relay board. For example,this board allows an L40 to have and analog output and arelay output, or to have two relay outputs.Easily accessible electronicsSpecificationsDC Voltage & CurrentRange Resolution Input Resistance Max Signal Accuracy±60.0 mVdc 0.1 mV 1 MΩ 1000 mVdc < 0.25% FS±200.0 mVdc 0.1 mV 10 kΩ 1000 mVdc < 0.20% FS±2.000 Vdc 1 mV 100 kΩ 10 Vdc < 0.20% FS±20.00 Vdc 0.01V 1 MΩ 100 Vdc < 0.20% FS±200.0 Vdc 0.1 V 12 MΩ 400 Vdc < 0.20% FS±400 Vdc 1 V 12 MΩ 600 Vdc < 0.25% FS±20.00 mAdc 0.01 mA 4.7 Ω 1000 mAdc < 0.15% FS±5.00 Adc 10 mA 20 mΩ 7 Adc max, 7 sec < 0.25% FS AC RMS Voltage & CurrentRange Resolution Input Resistance Max Signal Accuracy60.0 mVac 0.1 mV 1 MΩ 1000 mVac < 0.3% FS200.0 mVac 0.1 mV 10 kΩ 1000 mVac < 0.3% FS2.000 Vac 1 mV 100 kΩ 10 Vac < 0.3% FS20.00 Vac 0.01V 1 MΩ 100 Vac < 0.3% FS200.0 Vac 0.1 V 12 MΩ 400 Vac < 0.3% FS400 Vac 1 V 12 MΩ 600 Vac < 0.3% FS20.00 mAac 0.01 mA 4.7 Ω 25 mAac < 0.5% FS5.00 Aac 10 mA 20 mΩ 7 Aac max, 7 sec < 0.5% FSProcess SignalsRange Scaling Input Resistance Max Signal Accuracy 4-20 mAdc -1999 to 9999 4.7 Ω 1000 mA < 0.15% FS0-10 Vdc -1999 to 9999 1 MΩ 100 Vdc < 0.20% FS Thermocouple Temperature ProbesTC Type Range °C Range °F AccuracyType K -100 to 1350°C -148 to 2462°F < 3°CType J -100 to 1200°C -148 to 2192°F < 3°CType E -100 to 1000°C -148 to 1832°F < 3°CType N -200 to 1300°C -328 to 2372°F < 3°CType L -100 to 900°C -148 to 1652°F < 3°CType C 0 to 2300°C 32 to 4172°F < 5°CType R 0 to 1768°C 32 to 3214°F < 3°CType S 0 to 1768°C 32 to 3214°F < 3°CType B 700 to 1828°C 1292 to 3322°F < 5°CType T -100 to 400°C -148 to 752°F < 3°C Pt and Ni RTD Temperature ProbesRTD Type Range °C Range °F AccuracyPt100 -200 to 700°C -328 to 1292°F < 1°CPt500 -150 to 630°C -238 to 1166°F < 1°CPt1000 -190 to 630°C -310 to 1166°F < 1°CNi100 -60 to 180°C -76 to 356°F < 1°CNi200 -60 to 120°C -76 to 248°F < 1°CNi1000 -60 to 180°C -76 to 356°F < 1°CNTC Thermistors (negative temperature coefficient)R25 Values Beta Values Resolution Accuracy 100Ω to 100.00 kΩ 2000 to 5500 1° or 0.1°, °C or °F < 1.5% of resistancePTC Thermistors (positive temperature coefficient)Main Series Range °C Range °F AccuracyKTY-121 -55 to 150°C -67 to 302°F < 1°C KTY-210, KTY-220 -55 to 150°C -67 to 302°F < 1°CResistanceRange Resolution Bias Current Accuracy0 to 5.000 kΩ 1 Ω 926 to 64 µA < 0.5% FS0 to 50.00 kΩ 10 Ω 86 to 20 µA < 0.5% FSPotentiometerPotentiometer Range Default Scaling Resistance Accuracy50Ω to 100.00 kΩ 0 to 100.0 Ω 200 Ω to 50 kΩ < 0.5% FSApplicable to All Signal TypesDisplayDigital readout 4 red LED digits, 7-segment, 14.2 mm (.56") digit height, 5 brightness levels Display range -1999 to 9999Update time 300 msecSensor break indication Display of "h.ovr" for overrange, "h.udr" for underrangeIndicator lamps 2 red LED alarm indicatorsPowerUniversal voltage 18 to 265 Vac/dcPower consumption < 1.5W meter only, < 2.5W meter with optionsIsolation 2500 VeffAnalog Output (1AOT option)Output level 4-20 mA, active or passive (selectable at connector)Maximum load 350 Ω active, 700 Ω passiveScaling Zero and full scale adjustable from -1999 to +9999 countsAccuracy < 0.5% FSUpdate time 400 msIsolation 1000 VdcRelay Outputs (1RL option for slot 1 or 2RL option for slot 2)Relay type Single 3-contact relay (NC, NO, common)Current rating 8A at 250 VacIsolation 2500 VrmdRS485 (1RS485 option for slot 1)Protocol Modbus RTUProgrammable addresses 1-247Supported function code 4 = "read the register"Data rates 9600 or 4800 baudIsolation 1000 VdcEnvironmentalOperating temperature 0°C to 50°CStorage temperature -20°C to 70°CSignal ConnectionsDimensionsOrdering GuideCreate a model number with line items separated by commas: L40, 1RL, IPC . Describe FS option separately.Base Meter L40Digital panel meter for 65 user-selectable analog signal types and ranges. Includes power from 18-265 Vac/dc. Without FS option, shipped with factory default settings of 0-400 Vac, display of 0-400.Custom Setup by Vendor FSJumper settings and front panel programming done by vendor as a service. Specify the signal type and range. For DC, AC, process and resistance signals which require scaling, specify min input, min reading, and max input, max reading. For temperature, specify 1° or 0.1° resolution and °C or °F. For NTC thermistors, specify R25 and beta.Slot 1 Option Board. Maximum of one. Shipped installed in meter. A1 M1 S1Single 8A relayIsolated, scalable 4-20 mA analog output Isolated RS485 output, Modbus RTUSlot 2 Option Board. Maximum of one. Requires slot 1 option board. Shipped installed in meter. A2Single 8A relayAdd-on Options & Accessories NL BL IPC BOX1 BOX2 CASE1 CASE3Front panel with button pads but no Laurel logo. Front panel without button pads or Laurel logo.Front panel cover, seals front of meter to NEMA 4X.Wall mount polycarbonate enclosure sealed to NEMA 4X.Wall mount polycarbonate enclosure sealed to NEMA 4X, plus IPC cover. Benchtop laboratory case for one 1/8 DIN meter. Benchtop laboratory case for two 1/8 DIN meters.。

电能专家电能表4000 6000 8000高级12英寸触摸屏显示说明书

电能专家电能表4000 6000 8000高级12英寸触摸屏显示说明书

Power Xpert Meter4000/6000/8000 meter advanced 12-inch touch screen displayThe Power XpertE Meters 4000/6000/8000 advancedtouch screen display offers Eaton customers a new level ofaccessibility to the critical information required to managethe electrical distribution system. The touch screen colordisplay provides real-time circuit information in bothnumeric and graphical visual formats to help monitorcircuit parameters, such as current loading, voltage andpower levels, and power factor.T echnical information• 1024 x 768 pixel backlit LCD graphic touch screen display• IP65 aluminum front panel • Power: 9–36 Vdc input Catalog number• PXM468K-DISP-12Display measurements• Height: 9.65 inches (245 mm)• Width: 12.56 inches (319 mm)• Depth: 2.00 inches (52 mm)• Shipping weight:2.1 lb (2.5 kg)• Cutout dimensions:11.90 x 9.00 inches(303 x 229 mm)The Power Xpert Meters 4000/6000/8000 advanced display provides access toall measured and stored parameters in the meter. It supports graphical real-time information, trend charts of key circuit measurements, waveform, harmonics and calendar displays. All meter setup and programming canbe performed through the display.TrendingThe advanced display supportsgraphical trend charts of keycircuit measurements, suchas current, voltage, power andenergy. The trend chart supportsa zoom feature that allowsthe user to view data over ashort period of 18 hours or alonger period of 48 months.Trend charts of basic readingsinclude minimum, maximumand average readings. Trendcharts of energy data alsodisplay demand values.Events calendarOn the 6000 and 8000 models,the events timeline calendarview provides instant insight tothe frequency of power eventsand helps detect reoccurringproblems. Color-coded eventscan be filtered to detectspecific issues.Waveform captureSixty cycles of waveform areoversampled at 4096 samples(100,000 samples with the8000 meter) per cycle, including30 cycles of pre- and post-eventdata. The Power Xpert Meters4000/6000/8000 advanceddisplay supports viewing oftriggered waveforms onechannel at a time, includingthe ability to zoom and toscroll horizontally.Harmonics analysisThe harmonic spectral plotdisplays both harmonics andinterharmonics up to the 85thorder. A detailed table alsoincludes individual magnitudesand angles of current andvoltage harmonics as well asa harmonic power calculationat each frequency. Even, odd,interharmonic and total THDare displayed for diagnosticpurposes.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property oftheir respective owners.EatonElectrical SectorCanadian Operations5050 MainwayBurlington, ON L7L 5Z1CanadaEatonCanada.ca© 2023 EatonAll rights reservedPrinted in CanadaPublication number: SA005023ENJuly 2023Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。



ATJ038 ATJ039 ATJ040 ATJ041
蔡小青 蔡小青 蔡小青 蔡小青
18049 80180086 80178338 7065070
WT-001 VC-001 VC-002 VC-005 SIM-002 LXM-001 YG-001
MODEL-100 LX-A YC-305
HZR10203172 8107064700
广州擎天 日本 TOHNICHI 创维 新威
BS-VR 1.550-6.275 DTB-300 21N15AA CT-3008W
LT8511 TH1312-20 APS-500 TES-1330A AN-100 TH101 TH101 TH101 498 530-118 530-118
ATJ018 ATJ019 ATJ020 ATJ021 ATJ022 ATJ023 ATJ024 ATJ025 ATJ026 ATJ027 ATJ028 ATJ029 ATJ030 ATJ031 ATJ032 ATJ033 ATJ034 ATJ035 ATJ036 ATJ037
邓金秀 蔡小青 曾海斌 欧阳伟光 芦姬华 曾海斌 曾海斌 蔡小青 邓金秀 李昭环 李文浩 蔡小青 欧阳伟光 李文浩 李文浩 邓金秀 曾海斌 蔡小青 李文浩 蔡小青
1218 S2-C07-01492 261655 80102935 2M06040156
EL-001 TH-001 CFC-002 LUX-002 DYM-002 THM-005 THM-006 THM-011
蔡小青 邓金秀 蔡小青 曾海斌 欧阳伟光 芦姬华 曾海斌 曾海斌 蔡小青 邓金秀 李昭环 李文浩 蔡小青 欧阳伟光 李文浩 李文浩 邓金秀 曾海斌 蔡小青 李文浩



寻线是福禄克测线仪最重要的功能,MT-8200-60-KIT测线仪是目前全球最好的弱电寻线器, 在行业中都是公认的。主要特点,寻线查线精准。 1、开关打到“WIFI信号档位”,这是最强信号档位,可以适合大范围查线,如果定位到具 体某一块,可以使用小WiFi档位,进行准确定位。
2、如何连线?福禄克测线仪MT-8200-60-KIT有四种连线方式,分别为:网线、电话 线、视频线、裸线。左边第一个是网线和电话线结构,中间是鳄鱼夹接口,右边是视 频接口。
3、福禄克测线仪比较厉害的地方在于,它的智能数字寻线功能。有具体的1-8格信号灯 指示,代表不同的信号强度,例如:第5个口是正确接口,那么他在4或者6号肯定有信号, 一般其他品牌是都响,你不知道具体是是哪一个口,有了FLUKE测线仪,一般精准定位哪一个端口。
2、把福禄克测线仪探头打到【CableMAP】档位。发生器打到WIFI信号档位。线序正常 就会1-8号灯一次闪过。
福禄克MT-8200-60-KIT 使用说明
罗红 2017年12月
FLUKE MT-8200-60A和MT-8200-60-KIT查线仪的音频探头和探头 能定位、分离并确证双绞线(UTP、Cat 5e、Cat 6)、同轴线 (RG6、RG59 和其他 CATV/CCTV 线缆)、裸线(如扬声器和 安全网络线),以及 Cat 3 电话线缆。FLUKE音频探头MT-820063A且能确证语音和数据服务。音频发生器和探头均可利用数字和 模拟音频进行探测。IntelliTone 200数字音频主要用于检测数据线 及运行中的网络。在这些环境中,数字信号可避免由于信号泄漏 和辐射或环境噪声引起的电缆误判。模拟音频主要用于语音线缆 及裸线。SmartTone™ 模拟技术可在检测到线对在远端短接时改 变音调。这样就可方便、准确地识别线对。





















Agilent 34401A 多功能测试仪说明书

Agilent 34401A 多功能测试仪说明书

Agilent 34401A Multimeter Uncompromising Performance for Benchtop and System TestingProduct Overview•Measure up to 1000 volts with 61/2digits resolution •0.0015% basic dcV accuracy (24 hour)•0.06% basic acV accuracy (1 year)•3 Hz to 300 kHz ac bandwidth •1000 readings/s direct to GPIB Superior PerformanceThe Agilent Technologies 34401A multimeter gives you the perfor-mance you need for fast, accurate bench and system testing. The 34401A provides a combination of resolution, accuracy and speed that rivals DMMs costing many times more. 61/2digits of resolution,0.0015% basic 24-hr dcV accuracy and 1,000 readings/s direct to GPIB assure you of results that are accurate, fast, and e It on Your BenchtopThe 34401A was designed with your bench needs in mind.Functions commonly associated with bench operation, like continu-ity and diode test, are built in. A Null feature allows you to remove lead resistance and other fixed off-sets in your measurements. Other capabilities like min/max/avgreadouts and direct dB and dBm measurements make checkout with the 34401A faster and easier.The 34401A gives you the ability to store up to 512 readings in internal memory. For trouble-shooting, a reading hold feature lets you concentrate on placing your test leads without having to constantly glance at the display.Use It for Systems TestingFor systems use, the 34401A gives you faster bus throughput than any other DMM in its class. The 34401A can send up to 1,000 readings/s directly across GPIB in user-friendly ASCII format.You also get both GPIB and RS-232interfaces as standard features.Voltmeter Complete and External Trigger signals are provided so you can synchronize to other instruments in your test system. In addition, a TTL output indicates Pass/Fail results when limit testing is used.To ensure both forward and back-ward compatibility, the 34401A includes three command languages (SCPI, Agilent 3478A and Fluke 8840A /42A), so you don’t have to rewrite your existing test software. An optional rack mount kit is available.Easy to UseCommonly accessed attributes, such as functions, ranges, and resolution are selected with a single button press.Advanced features are available using menu functions that let you optimize the 34401A for your applications.The included Agilent IntuiLink software allows you to put your captured data to work easily, using PC applications such as Microsoft Excel® or Word® to analyze, inter-pret, display, print, and document the data you get from the 34401A.You can specify the meter setup and take a single reading or log data to the Excel spreadsheet in specified time intervals. Program-mers can use ActiveX components to control the DMM using SCPI commands. To find out more about IntuiLink, visit/find/intuilink 1-Year WarrantyWith your 34401A, you get full documentation, a high-quality test lead set, calibration certificate with test data, and a 1-year warranty,all for one low price./HP-Agilent-34401A-Multimeter.aspxTo buy, sell, rent or trade-in this product please click on the link below:Accuracy Specifications ±(% of reading + % of range)1FunctionRange 3Frequency, 24 Hour 290 Day 1 Year Temperature Coefficient etc. 23°C ±1°C23°C ±5°C 23°C ±5°C 0°C to -18°C1Specifications are for 1 hr warm-up and 612digits, slow ac filter.2Relative to calibration standards.320% over range on all ranges except 1000 Vdc and 750 Vac ranges.4For sinewave input > 5% of range. For inputs from 1% to 5% of range and < 50 kHz, add 0.1% of range additional error.5750 V range limited to 100 kHz or 8 x 107Volt-Hz.6Typically 30% of reading error at 1 MHz.7Specifications are for 4-wire ohms function or 2-wire ohms using Math Null.Without Math Null, add 0.2 Ωadditional error in 2-wire ohms function.8Input >100 mV. For 10 mV to 100 mV inputs multiply % of reading error x10.9Accuracy specifications are for the voltage measured at the input terminals only. 1 mA test current is typical. Variation in the current source will create some variation in the voltage drop across a diode junction.DC VoltageMeasurement Method:Continuously integrating multi-slope IIIA-D converterA-D Linearity:0.0002% of reading + 0.0001% of range Input Resistance:10 MΩor 0.1 V, 1 V, 10 V ranges: Selectable > 10,000 MΩ100 V, 1000 V ranges: 10 MΩ±1%Input Bias Current:< 30 pA at 25°CInput Protection:1000 V all rangesdcV:dcV ratio accuracy:V input Accuracy + V relevance Accuracy True RMS AC VoltageMeasurement Method:AC-coupled true rms-measures the ac component of the input with up to 400 Vdc of bias on any range.Crest Factor:Maximum of 5:1 at full scale.Additional Crest Factor errors (non-sinewave): Crest factor 1-2: 0.05% of readingCrest factor 2-3: 0.15% of readingCrest factor 3-4: 0.30% of readingCrest factor 4-5: 0.40% of readingInput Impedance:1 MΩ±2% in parallel with 100 pFInput Protection:750 Vrms all ranges ResistanceMeasurement Method:Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire Ohms. Current source referenced to LO input. Maximum Lead Resistance (4-wire):10% of range per lead for 100 Ω, 1 kΩranges.1 kΩper lead on all other ranges.Input Protection:1000 V all rangesDC CurrentShunt Resistance:5 Ωfor 10 mA, 100 mA0.1 Ωfor 1 A, 3 AInput Protection:Externally accessible 3 A 250 V fuse Internal 7 A 250 V fuse True RMS AC CurrentMeasurement Method:Directly coupled to the fuse and shunt.ac coupled true rms measurement(measures the ac component only).Shunt Resistance:0.1 Ωfor 1 A and 3 A rangesInput Protection:Externally accessible 3 A 250 V fuseInternal 7 A 250 V fuseFrequency and PeriodMeasurement Method:Reciprocal counting techniqueVoltage Ranges:Same as ac voltage functionGate Time:1 s, 100 ms, or 10 msContinuity/DiodeResponse Time:300 samples/s with audible toneContinuity Threshold:Selectable from 1 Ωto 1000 ΩMeasurement Noise Rejection 60 (50) Hz1dc CMRR:140 dBac CMRR:70 dBIntegration Time andNormal Mode Rejection2100 plc/1.67 s (2 s): 60 dB310 plc/167 ms (200 ms):60 dB31 plc/16.7 ms (20 ms):60 dB<1 plc/3 ms or 800 µs):0 dBOperating Characteristics4Function Digits Reading/sdcV, dcl, and61/20.6 (0.5)Resistance61/2 6 (5)51/260 (50)51/230041/21000acV, acl61/20.15 slow (3 Hz)61/2 1 medium (20 Hz)61/210 fast (200 Hz)61/2505Frequency61/21or Period51/29.841/280Frequency and PeriodConfiguration rates:26/s to 50/sAutorange rate (dc Volts):>30/sASCII readings to RS-232:55/sASCII readings to RS-232:1000/sMaximum internal trig rate:1000/sMax. ext trig. rate to memory:1000/sTriggering and MemoryReading HOLD Sensitivity:10%, 1%, 0.1%, or 0.01% of rangeSamples/Trigger:1 to 50,000Trigger Delay:0 to 3600 s: 10 µs step sizeExternal Trigger Delay:< 1 msExternal Trigger Jitter:< 500 µsMemory:512 readingsMath FunctionsNULL, min/max/average, dBm, dB, limit test(with TTL output)Standard Programming LanguagesSCPI (IEEE-488.2), Agilent 3478A,Fluke 8840A/42AAccessories IncludedTest lead kit with probe, alligatorand grabber attachmentsOperating manual, service manual,test report and power cordGeneral SpecificationsPower Supply:100 V/120 V/220 V/240 V ±10%Power Line Frequency:45 Hz to 66 Hz and 360 Hz to 440 Hz,Automatically sensed at power-onPower Consumption: 25 VA peak (10 W average)Operating Environment:Full accuracy for 0°C to 55°C,Full accuracy to 80% R.H. at 40°CStorage Temperature:-40°C to 70°CWeight:3.6 kg (8.0 lbs)Safety:Designed to CSA, UL-1244, IEC-348RFI and ESD:MIL-461C, FTZ 1046, FCCVibration & Shock:MIL-T-28800E, Type III, Class 5 (sine only)Warranty:1 yearMeasurement Characteristics1For 1 kΩunbalanced in LO lead,±500 V peak maximum.2For power line frequency ±0.1%.3For power line frequency ±0.1% use 40 dBor ±3% use 30 dB.4Reading speeds for 60 Hz and (50 Hz) operation.5Maximum useful limit with default settlingdelays defeated.6Speeds are for 412 digits, delay 0, auto-zeroand display OFF.Ordering Information Agilent 34401A multimeter accessories included:Test lead kit with probe, alligator, and grabber attachments, operating manual, service manual, calibration certificate,test report, and power cord.Options34401A-1CMRack mount kit*(P/N 5063-9240)34401A-OBODMM without manuals34401A-A6JANSI Z540 compliant calibration Manual Options(Please specify one)34401A-ABA US English34401A-ABD German34401A-ABE Spanish34401A-ABF French34401A-ABJ Japanese34401A-ABZ Italian34401A-AB0Taiwan Chinese 34401A-AB1Korean34401A-AB2 Chinese34401A-AKT RussianAgilent Accessories11059A Kelvin probe set11060A Surface mount device(SMD) test probes 11062A Kelvin clip set34131Hard transit case34161A Accessory pouch34171B Input terminal connector(sold in pairs)34172B Input calibration short(sold in pairs)34330A30 A current shuntE2308A 5 k thermistor probe*For racking two side-by-side,order both items below:Lock link kit (P/N 5061-9694) Flange kit (P/N 5063-9212)/find/agilentdirect Quickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence. AgilentOpen/find/openAgilent Open simplifies the processof connecting and programmingtest systems to help engineers design, validate and manufacture electronic products. Agilent offers open connectivity for a broad rangeof system-ready instruments, open industry software, PC-standard I/O and global support, which are combined to more easily integratetest system development.LXI is the LAN-based successor to GPIB, providing faster, more efficient connectivity. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Remove all doubtOur repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you, performing like new, when prom-ised. You will get full value out of your Agilent equipment through-out its lifetime. Your equipment will be serviced by Agilent-trained technicians using the latest factory calibration procedures, automated repair diagnostics and genuine parts. You will always have the utmost confidence in your measurements. Agilent offers a wide range of ad-ditional expert test and measure-ment services for your equipment, including initial start-up assistance onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, and project management.For more information on repair and calibration services, go to:/find/removealldoubt。






二、探测能力1. 能够准确地确定地下管道的位置和深度2. 能够探测各种类型的管道,如金属管道、塑料管道等3. 具有较高的探测精度和稳定性,能有效避免误差4. 在不同类型的地下环境中均能够正常工作,如土壤、岩石等三、信号发射与接收1. 采用先进的发射技术,能够发送强而稳定的信号2. 固定的接收器能够高效地接收和处理探测信号3. 能够在复杂的地下环境中准确识别和区分信号,确保准确的管道位置信息四、可视化显示与数据处理1. 设备配备有高清晰度的显示屏,能够实时显示探测到的管道位置和深度信息2. 能够记录和存储大量的探测数据,方便后续的分析和处理3. 配备专业的数据处理软件,能够进行数据导出、分析和报告生成等操作五、便携性和耐用性1. 设备结构设计合理,便于携带和操作2. 具有较高的防水和防尘性能,能够适应各种恶劣的工作环境3. 经过严格的耐久性测试,具有较长的使用寿命和稳定的性能六、安全性能1. 设备采用安全材料和技术,确保在工作中不会对使用者和环境造成危害2. 能够在探测过程中自动识别并避开其他干扰信号,确保探测结果的准确性和安全性七、总结rd8200管线探测仪作为一种高端管线探测设备,具有优秀的探测能力、信号发射与接收技术、可视化显示与数据处理、便携性和耐用性以及安全性能。


八、应用领域1. rd8200管线探测仪在城市地下管道维护和管理中发挥着重要作用。




Fluke MT-8200-60A数字查线仪Fluke (MT-8200-60A)IntelliTone Pro智能数字查线仪Fluke MT-8200-60A可⽤作多台测试器,它集成了所需的诊断和故障排除特性,可检验电缆导体连通性、识别服务并在需要时进⾏故障排除。


Fluke (MT-8200-60A)IntelliTone Pro智能数字查线仪(ITT)产品概览:(MT-8200-60A)IntelliTone 专业型⾳频发⽣器技术:结束电缆位置的混乱状况,准确抑制噪⾳和错误信号在实时⽹络中定位电缆,即使是在交换机处端接在线束中隔离电缆,不论电缆中是否存在信号泄露只需单个步骤即可确认电缆位置、检验其连通性并检测故障(开路、短路、反接线对等)(MT-8200-60A)SmartTone 模拟⾳频发⽣技术:在短路时,通过⾳频节奏变化来实现精确的线对隔离有效地跟踪和定位语⾳、⾳频和视频线缆福禄克Fluke (MT-8200-60A)IntelliTone Pro智能数字查线仪(ITT)产品功能:MT-8200-60A IntelliTone Pro,突破性的⼀体化数字和模拟⾳频发⽣器⽬前,只有 IntelliTone Pro ⾳频发⽣器和探针可同时提供数字和模拟⾳频技术的强⼤组合,以解决在安装、维护和更改⽹络过程中的常见基础设施问题。


您只需简单地将(MT-8200-60A) IntelliTone Pro ⾳频发⽣器连接到电缆上并在(MT-8200-60A) IntelliTone Pro 探针上设置灵敏度模式。



MODEL DISPLAY DEVICE BANDWIDTH CHANNELS SAMPLE RATE 1GSa/s 25k pts RECORD LENGTH ADVANCED TRIGGER Pulse Width ,TV Line , Event Delay , Time Delay VALUED FEATURE PLUS Multi-Language , FFT , Go/NoGo , Auto Setup Sequence , 27 Auto-MeasurementsINTERFACE USB Host / USB DeviceRS-232CGo/NoGo OutputGPIB (opt.)GDS-2062GDS-2064GDS-2102GDS-2104GDS-2202GDS-22045.6" TFT Color LCD 200MHz 200MHz 100MHz 100MHz 60MHz 60MHz 222444GTL-232: RS-232C Cable, 9-pin Female to 9-pin Female, Null Modem for Computer, 2000mm GTL-242: USB Cable, USB 1.1 A-B TYPE CABLE, 4P, 1800mm GSC-005: Soft Carrying Case GRA-405: Rack Mounting, 19" 4U Type OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES STANDARD ACCESSORIES Probe-GTP-100A:100MHz x10/x1 Switchable Passive Probe x 2 for GDS-2102Probe-GTP-100A:100MHz x10/x1 Switchable Passive Probe x 4 for GDS-2104Probe-GTP-250A:250MHz x10/x1 Switchable Passive Probe x 2 for GDS-2202Probe-GTP-250A:250MHz x10/x1 Switchable Passive Probe x 4 for GDS-2204Probe-GTP-060A:60MHz x10/x1 Switchable Passive Probe x 2 for GDS-2062Probe-GTP-060A:60MHz x10/x1 Switchable Passive Probe x 4 for GDS-2064User ManualPower cordOPTION Opt. 01: GPIB Interface ORDERING INFORMATION GDS-2062 60MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO GDS-2064 60MHz, 4-channel, Color LCD Display DSO GDS-2102 100MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO GDS-2104 100MHz, 4-channel, Color LCD Display DSO GDS-2202 200MHz, 2-channel, Color LCD Display DSO GDS-2204 200MHz, 4-channel, Color LCD Display DSO Opt. 02: Battery Power Operation ( Factory installed, include additional DC Power & Battery charger circuits and Li-lon Battery pack x 2 )SELECTION GUIDEA Value-Priced DSO with High Performance & ReliabilityWhether you are designing new products in the lab or giving lessons in the classroom or performing testing projects in the factory, you are fully aware that success starts with the right equipment. The GDS-2000 Series comes along with All-In-One design, including 1GSa/s sampling rate, 25k record length, 2 and 4 channel selection, TFT color LCD display, USB support on flash drive storage, color printout, and remote control, Battery power operation and all the powerful Auto-Measurement functions. With GDS-2000 Series digital storage oscilloscope, you could easily make your job done.The GDS-2000 Series, carrying bandwidths of 200MHz, 100MHz and 60MHz and inputs of 2 and 4 channels, makes up a family of 6 members in total. The combination of 1GSa/s sampling rate (25GSa/s for ET sampling) and 25k points record length of GDS-2000 Series provides the highest value platform among all equivalent products available in the market today. The 27 Auto Measurement functions, FFT measurement, Advanced Triggering, 12 Division Horizontal Display, Time Clock, Frequency Counter, Go/NoGo, Multi-Language S creen Menu, On-Line Help, and Setup Sequence are all standard features of GDS-2000 Series.The 1GSa/s sampling , the 2CH and 4CH selection with TFT color display , the USB mass storage and programmability ,the RS-232C and USB interface included as standard features , and the battery power operation(optional) available for field applications all together make GDS-2000 Series a new standard for the main stream DSO market.200 MHz 100 MHz 60 MHz FEATURES200/100/60 MHz Bandwidth2 or 4 Input Channels1GSa/s Real-Time Sampling Rate25k 27 Automatic MeasurementsAdvanced Triggering Including Edge, Pulse Width, Video,Time-Delay, and Event-DelayThree Math Functions Including " + " , " " and " FFT "USB Device : PC Remote ControlGPIB and RS-232C InterfaceBattery Power Operation Multi-Language SupportLarge 5.6-in TFT Color DisplayPoints Record Length MaximumUSB Host : Flash Drive Storage and Color Printout withGrayscale(optional)GDS-2062/2064GDS-2102/2104GDS-2202/22041. Function Keys2. Online Help Function3. Trigger System4. Horizontal System5. Vertical System6. 4 Channal Inputs7. 12 div Screen8. USB Host9. TFT Color LCD10. Enhance CAL Signal Output11. 1GSa/s Real Time Sample Rate & 25G Equivent Time Sample Rate 12. RS-232C13. GPIB14. Go/NoGo Output15. USB Host/Device16. Battery Power Operation(Li-lon Battery)123459768101112131415161GSa/s Real-Time Sampling allows you to deal with high frequency waveform capture in an accurate way. A higher sampling rate help acquire more waveform data in a short period of time. It capture, the Equivalent-Time Sampling, however, becomes a better tool than Real-Time Sampling. By acquiring data from repetitive waveform cycles, the ET Sampling Technology accuratelyLonger memory helps the waveform acquisition system get more data in a certain period of time. The 25k memory length of GDS-2000 Series lets users view more signal details on the waveform for this signal due to the inadequate details being captured (above center figure). When using 25k point memory, GDS-2000 Series captures and rebuilds the signal waveformIn order to guarantee a crisp and clear view in any situation , GDS-2000 Series adopts a TFT Color LCD display. With faster frame update rate compared to STN type of display, TFT panelbright and colorful display is extremely necessary when dealing with signal analysis and comparison of multiple waveforms shown on the screen at the same time . The TFT Color LCD display ofThe automatic waveform measurement feature includes 27 frequently used measurement items in three groups: Voltage, Time ( Frequency ) , and Delay . 10 measurement results input signal can be displayed on the screen as a very effective way to get a real-time and overall monitoring on the characteristics of a signal.Go/NoGo testing function checks whether the incoming signal violates the user-defined template. Setting the template is simply a two-step process. Pick up the reference waveformtemplate in real time and shows the test result on the screen. Both the type of violation and the DSO reaction toward violation can be selected to meet the requirements of various applications.Li-Ion Battery PackGDS-2000 SeriesUSBPC Remote Control Soft Carrying Case To provide a friendly operation environment, GDS-2000 SeriesOffers On-Line Help through the on-screen manual. Press20 sets of waveform data, 20 sets of panel setup and 4 sets ofas English, Traditional Chinese , Simplified Chinese etc . This gives a localized help to the users and offers an easy the AC power is connected to the oscilloscope. A soft carrying FLASH DRIVEKEY FEATURESSummary of featuresRich selections of bandwidth and channel, 200/100/60MHz and 2/4ch, cover major applications in laboratories, production lines, or field services. 1GSa/s high sampling rate and 25k point deep memory give much detailed view into the target waveforms, keeping high sampling rate. USB host and slave connection allows data save and recall, screen image printout, and remote control. TFT color LCD display with wide viewing angle eliminates obscurity in any situation. Battery operation option gives a Much-desired mobility in rapidly changeable environments.Signal DetectionGDS-2000 Series pick up signals even in the most extreme cases , powered by 1GSa/s real time and 25GSa/s equivalent time sampling rate combined with 3 types of acquisition modes: sample, peak detect, and average. 25k points of deep memory collects more information of a given waveform , guiding us into further signal details . 4 types of flexible triggers add another signal capturing flexibility : edge , video ( NTSC , PAL , SECAM ) with line selection , pulse-width , and delay/event using external trigger signal ( for 2CH models ).Measurement FunctionsA variety of measurement shortcuts reduce repetitive manual operations and save your precious time . Autoset automatically configures the horizontal scale , the vertical scale , and the trigger, giving an instant view of almost any signal .27 types of automatic measurements Include voltage, frequency ( time ) , and delay . GDS-2000 Series run and update results of all the relevant measurements in real time. You can view the results independently , or together in a single display View . Add and subtract math operation , with 4 types of FFT are also provided : flattop , blackman , hanning , and rectangular . Go/NoGo test function detects a user-defined incoming waveform shape , and can also send asignal to external devices in case of detection . Program and play feature automatically runs predefined sequence and setup , boosting productivity in routine measurements like production line inspection.Data Transfer and PrintoutUSB host connector transfers data quickly and easily between USB flash drive, which guarantees almost unlimited amount of memory. Internal storage includes 4 sets of reference waveform and 20 sets of general-use memory area. GDS-2000 Series handle three types of data : display image ( *.bmp ) for viewing waveform shape and pasting into documents and presentations , panel setting for saving and restoring system setup, and waveform configuration (*.csv) for further analysis of signal information. Printout of display image, color with grayscale, is available through the printer connected to the USB host port. You can set the printout or data saving preference to allow a single-press operation for consecutive works. Setup Recovery and TransferThe last panel setting is internally stored in nonvolatile memory , ready to be recovered on the next power up . When the measurement environment frequently changes, or if you want to transfer the setup to another GDS-2000 Series, switching between multiple system settings is done by saving and recalling setup files Using USB flash drive. When the setup gets complicated, you can always recover the default system setting in a simple two-step operation.Remote AccessIEEE based remote control commands include most of the panel operations and the syntax conforms to universally accepted IEEE 488.2 standard . Proprietary PC software with GUI operation , downloadable from GW Instek website , allows you to use your familiar mouse & keyboard , utilizing the larger PC screen. Three types of remote control interface with flexible connection settings are provided: USB device , RS-232C , and GPIB (optional).Portability & Friendly User InterfaceBattery power operation option with typical 3 hours of running time gives a much-desired mobility . built-in self-calibration and probe compensation help maintaining maximum accuracy even when environment or testing accessories changes . Language support helps you collaborating in multicultural working environments.DS-2000GD0BHGDS-2062/2064GDS-2102/2104GDS-2202/2204VERTICAL Channels2/42/42/4BandwidthDC ~ 60MHz (3dB)DC ~ 100MHz (3dB)DC ~ 200MHz (3dB)Rise Time5.8ns Approx. 3.5ns Approx. 1.75ns Approx.Sensitivity 2mV/div ~ 5V/div (1-2-5 increments)Accuracy(3% x |Readout|+0.05 div x Volts/div+0.8mV)Input CouplingAC, DC & Ground Input Impedance 1M 2%, ~16pF PolarityNormal & Invert Maximum Input300V (DC+AC peak), CATII Waveform Signal Process+ , , FFT Offset Range 2mV/div ~ 20mV/div : 0.5V ; 50mV/div ~ 200mV/div : 5V ; 500mV/div ~ 2V/div : 50V ; 5V/div : 300V Bandwidth Limit20MHz (3dB)TRIGGER SourcesCH1 , CH2 , Line , EXT for GDS-2062, GDS-2102, GDS-2202CH1 , CH2 , CH3, CH4, Line for GDS-2064, GDS-2104, GDS-2204ModesAuto-Level, AUTO, NORMAL, SINGLE, TV, Edge, Pulse Width Time-delay(2CH Only), Event-delay(2CH Only)Coupling AC , DC , LF rej. , HF rej. , Noise rej.DC ~ 25MHz : Approx. 0.5div or 5mV 25MHz ~ 60/100/200MHz : Approx. 1div or 10mV EXT TRIGGER(2CH Only)HORIZONTAL Range SensitivityInput Impedance Maximum Input15V DC ~ 30MHz : ~ 50mV ; 30M ~ 60/100/200MHz : ~100mV 1M 2% , ~ 16pF 300V (DC AC peak) , CATII Range Modes Accuracy Pre-Trigger Post-Trigger1ns/div ~ 10s/div (1-2-5 increments); ROLL : 250ms/div ~ 10s/div MAIN, WINDOW, WINDOW ZOOM, ROLL, SCAN, X-Y 0.01%20 div maximum 1000 div X-Y MODE X-Axis Input Y-Axis Input Phase ShiftChannel 1Channel 23at 100kHz SIGNAL ACQUISITION 1GSa/s maximum 25GSa/s maximum 8 Bits 25K Dots maximum Normal, Peak Detect, Average 10ns 2 , 4 , 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , 256CURSORS AND MEASUREMENT V , V , V , V , V , V , V , V , Rise Preshoot/ Overshoot , Fall Preshoot/Overshoot pp amp avg rms hi lo max min Freq , Period , Rise Time , Fall Time , Positive Width , Negative Width , Duty Cycle Eight different delay measurement Voltage difference between cursors (V) Time difference between cursors (T)Resolution : 6 digits Accuracy : 2%Signal Source: All available trigger source except the Video trigger modeAdjust Vertical VOL T/DIV, Horizontal TIME/DIV , and Trigger level automatically Up to 20 sets of measurement conditions 24 sets of waveformCONTROL PANEL FUNCTION 5.6 inch 234 (Vertically) x 320 (Horizontally) Dots 8 x 10 divisions ; 8 x 12 divisions (menu off) AdjustableDISPLAY AC 100V ~ 240V , 48Hz ~ 63Hz , Auto selectionPOWER SOURCE INTERFACE Available Available Time and Date, Provide the Date/Time for saved data254D 142H 310W(mm), Approx. 4.3kg MISCELLANEOUS Real-Time Sample Rate Equivalent Sample Rate Vertical Resolution Record LengthAcquisition Mode Peak Detection AverageVoltage Measurement Time MeasurementDelay MeasurementCursors MeasurementAuto Counter Autoset Save Setup Save Waveform TFT LCD Type Display Resolution Display Graticule Display Brightness Line Voltage Range Multi-Language Menu Online Help Time Clock 5V Maximum/10mA TTL Open Collector OutputDB 9-pin male DTE RS-232 interface Fully programmable with IEEE 488.2 compliance USB Host/Device 2.0 full speed supportedGo/NoGo Output RS-232 Interface GPIB Interface (Option)USB Battery : 11.1V Li-Ion battery pack Charge Time : 8 hours (Power ON)Operating Time : 3 hours , depending on operating conditionBattery Power(Option)DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT Specifications subject to change without notice.SPECIFICATIONSSensitivityGOOD WILL INSTRUMENT CO., LTD.Global Headquarters China SubsidiaryMalaysia Subsidiary U.S.A. Subsidiary INSTEK AMERICA CORP., U.S.A.GOOD WILL Southeast Asia Sdn. Bhd., MALAYSIA GOOD WILL Instrument (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.No. 7-1, Jhongsing Road, Tucheng City, Taipei County 236, TaiwanT +886-2-2268-0389 F +886-2-2268-0639E-mail: marketing@ 8F, of NO.2 Building, No.889 Yishan Road, Shanghai ChinaT +86-21-6485-3399 F +86-21-5450-0789E-mail: marketing@ 3661 Walnut Avenue Chino, CA 91710, U.S.A.T +1-909-5918358 F +1-909-5912280E-mail: sales@ 27, Persiaran Mahsuri 1/1, Sunway T unas,11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia.T +604-6309985 F +604-6309989E-mail: ettan@.my。

泰克公司WFM8200 8300系列波形监视器使用指南说明书

泰克公司WFM8200 8300系列波形监视器使用指南说明书

LQV (Luminance Qualified Vector) Measurements with the WFM8200/8300How-To GuideIntroductionThe patented Luminance Qualified Vector (LQV) Display enhances the current Diamond/Split Diamond, Arrowhead and Vector Displays by allowing the user to view chrominance vectors within specified luminance ranges.Colorists often divide the total tonal range into the High, Mid and Low tonal ranges during the Post Production process. Doing so allows them to make more precise adjustments and enhancements to the scene content. The Vectorscope along with the exclusive Tektronix Diamond and Split-Diamond displays have been extremely valuable tools in terms of detecting and correcting color cast in the overall scene. The addition of LQV enhances these capabilities even more.Figure 1: RGB, LQV High, Vector, LQV LowFigure 1 shows the RGB Waveform in Tile one, LQV (High) in Tile 2, Full Vector in Tile 3 and LQV (Low) in Tile 4.The Luma Qualified Vector (LQV) display adds the capability to see color cast in the High, Mid, and Low tonal ranges. This is a significant enhancement because it allows the user to view color or color cast in specific regions of the picture. For example, when doing rock concerts the bright lighting often causes problems and up to now there has been no real way to easily know if you are balanced in these bright areas. LQV provides the tool needed to make sure balance is right in the Highs & Lows. The user can set upper and lower limits that can define different ranges for variety of applications.While it is possible to show up to four LQV Displays simultaneously depending on the user’s specific application, it is more likely that the focus would be placed on monitoring the Highs and Lows along with the Full Vector as shown in Figure 1.The terms HIGH and LOW as used here are somewhat relative. That is to say, that the range of values considered as being HIGH or LOW may vary according to user preference or the specific content being evaluated. In this case I simply chose approximately the top 20% of luminance levels to represent the HIGHS and the lower 20% of luminance levels to represent the LOWS.The terms HIGH and LOW as used here are somewhat relative. That is to say, that the range of values considered as being HIGH or LOW may vary according to user preference or the specific content being evaluated. In this case I simply chose approximately the top 20% of luminance levels to represent the HIGHS and the lower 20% of luminance levels to represent the LOWS .To Set Up the LQV Display(s):1. First select the tile you want to place the LQV Display (Tile 2 in Figure 2):2. Next depress the Vector Button below the display screen to place the vector display in that tile as shownin Figure 2:Figure 2. WFM8300 Front Panel3. Next Depress and Hold the Vector Button to display the Menu as shown in Figure 3 and use the up/downselection keys to select the Luma Qualified Vector and then use the Right Arrow Key to set this to the ON position.4. Now use the up/down selection keys to select the Luma High and Luma Low settings using the GeneralKnob (upper right hand corner) to set the luma limits you want to establish.5. Press the Vector button to clear the menu.6. Repeat this process for any addition LQV Displays you wish to set up with different ranges.See if you can duplicate the display in Figure 1.Figure 3. LQV Range MenuOnce you have these set-up the way you like it you can save the setting as a Preset for fast and easy recall. In fact you’ll probably want to save several variations of this based on specific applications. To learn more about how to create, save, and recall presets see our “Top-Ten” Presets for the WFM7000 Series at/applications/video/broadcasters.html where you download the files from the “Support” section located on the right side of the page.References:Data Sheets, Fact Sheets and additional application notes can be found at:/products/video_test/signal_monitors.htmlTG700 GeneratorContact Tektronix:ASEAN / Australasia (65) 6356 3900Austria* 00800 2255 4835 Balkans, Israel and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777Belgium* 00800 2255 4835Brazil + 55(11) 3759 7600Canada 1-800-833-9200 Central East Europe, Ukraine and the Baltics +41 52 675 3777Central Europe & Greece +41 52 675 3777Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777France* 00800 2255 4835Germany* 00800 2255 4835Hong Kong 400-820-5835India (91) 80 30792600Italy* 00800 2255 4835Japan 81 (3) 6714-3010Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777 Mexico, Central/South America & Caribbean (52) 55 53 35 10 85Middle East and Africa +41 52 675 3777The Netherlands* 00800 2255 4835Norway 800 16098People’s Republic of China 400-820-5835Poland +41 52 675 3777Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea 82 (2) 6917-5000Russia & CIS +7 (495) 7484900South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain* 00800 2255 4835Sweden*00800 2255 4835Switzerland* 00800 2255 4835Taiwan 886 (2) 2722-9622United Kingdom & Ireland* 00800 2255 4835USA 1-800-833-9200 If the European phone number above is not accessible,please call: +41 52 675 3777 Copyright © 2010, Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material. Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.04/10 JS/WWW 28W-25197-1。

impedance analyzer IM7580系列的一般说明 说明书

impedance analyzer IM7580系列的一般说明 说明书

IM7580系列可靠高端的阻抗分析仪测量频率覆盖 100kHz~3GHz5个型号可供选择频率到达3GHz一、可稳定测量高达 3GHz 的阻抗※100kHz~3GHz ,覆盖大范围测量频率。


为研究和开发等用途提供最好的高性价比产品SMD 测试夹具 IM9201(随主机一起订购)使用可对应6种不同尺寸的SMD 测量的专业治具IM9201,能够简单并准确的测量。

※IM7587可稳定测量高达3GHz 的阻抗2二、准确的测量从高品质的设计开始件·外壳结构等并贯彻落实。

整成最适用的状态,从而实现100kHz~3GHz 良好的频率特性,这些技术精华都浓缩于这台小巧的机身之中。

3.5mm 连接器。

测量部分采用高分辨率A/D 大限度的充分利用A/D 偏差测量。

配置与模拟回路的补偿FPGA,此外,主要FPGA 是通过将64bit 浮动点运算进行多段传输,以减少误各部分均采用贴合基板上的式样和IC 形状的固定保护板,减少内部相互接触。

此外,对于外部辐射的降低和抗干扰性能提高等方面,在机身做到最轻量级别的同时也满足EMC 的高标准。

用于IM7583,IM7585,IM7587的测试头固定保护板内部30. 4重复精度与模拟测量时间(各测量频率的参考数据)三、高速·稳定测量在测量中实现高速及高稳定性兼顾。

缩短间歇,提高产能。模拟测量时间 [ms]模拟测量时间 [ms]模拟测量时间 [ms]模拟测量时间 [ms]IM7587,IM7583,IM7585IM7580A,IM7581测量频率 200 kHz测量频率 100 MHz测量频率 500 MHz测量频率 3 GH z信号电平:+1 dBm被测物:1 nH信号电平:+1 dBm被测物:1 nH信号电平:+1 dBm被测物:100 nH信号电平:+1 dBm被测物:100 μH重复操作精度(Z,3CV)[%]重复操作精度(Z,3CV)[%]重复操作精度(Z,3CV)[%]重复操作精度(Z,3CV)[%]0.0040.0040.10.0080.0080.20.0120.0120.020.020.0160.0160.41110.5ms0.5ms0.5ms101010所有机型测0.3(模拟测量时间)0.5ms5小巧机身,机动性提升手掌大小的测试头大画面显示操作舒适半个测试机架的紧凑型机身除了用于产线,其轻便性还能够适应各种测量环境。



Application Brief - Switching Inputs to Digital Meters Part IUsing a Single 8200 Series Digital Meter to Monitor Multiple Voltages and CurrentsOverviewThis application note will be presented in two parts: Part One will deal with DC meters and Part Two will address AC meters. Both show how to expand the usefulness of the 8200 Series Digital Meters by supplying multiple voltages, shunt, and current transformer inputs through various switching arrangements. The installation manual for the specific meter being installed must be thoroughly understood before attempting any additional input switching. If the system is 120/240V AC please also review the article in Newsletter #6 titled "Understanding Current Flow In 120/240V AC Single Phase Systems". This technical brief will explain where to best install the required current transformers.Switching Inputs on DC MetersThe DC Digital Meters (Models 8235, 8236, 8248, and 8251) are powered by supplying 7-60 V DC to terminals #1 & #2 on the back of the meter. These terminals provide power to the internal electronics and microprocessor. The voltage sensing and current shunt inputs are supplied on other terminals and may be switched as desired to monitor multiple battery voltages and currents, provided they share a common negative and the shunts are installed in the negatives of the circuits to be measured.DC VoltageFor example suppose a system has a "house battery" and an engine starting battery. As long as the negatives of the two systems are connected together (common), you may switch the Voltage Sense Terminal #3 between the two batteries. This is true even if the batteries are different voltages. So, for our example let's assume a 24V starting system and a 12V house system, we can simply install a SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw) switch. Meter terminal #3 is connected to the common of the switch and the 12V and 24V sense leads from the batteries are connected to the other two poles. See Drawing #1. While we have shown this example with only two batteries any number of batteries may be switched to into terminal #3 Vsense. Switching in more than two batteries is most easily accomplished with a multiple position rotary switch. Also note that all ungrounded current carrying conductors must be supplied with over-current protection (note the fuse shown in each sense lead).DC CurrentMeasuring the current flow in and out of multiple batteries requires that a shunt be installed in the negative of each battery. (See the installation manual for a discussion of Current Shunts.) Also the shunts must be at the same negative potential; that is connected in common with each other. This is basically the same restriction as for voltage measurement, however because the signal is much smaller it is necessary to be sure that the current carrying connections between the shunts be short and of adequate size to not induce errors during large current flows.Drawing #2 illustrates how to wire two shunts into terminals #4 & #5. In the example, two batteries are shown with a shunt in the negative of each. A Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) switch is used to connect one shunt, or the other, to the meter. You must use a Double Pole switch because both terminals from the shunts must be switched into terminals #4 and #5 of the meter. If more than two batteries are to be monitored use a double pole multiple position rotary switch.Back of Meter½ANegatives must be commonDrawing #1Switching DC Inputs to Terminal #3 VsenseNote: See manual for balance of wiring.Drawing #2Switching DC Shunt Inputs toTerminals #4 and #5Back of MeterNote: See manual for balance of wiring.。

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l 电缆音频检测提示 IntelliTone 数字音频发生器系统针对现代网络设备和 Cat 5 电缆进行优化。为实现该目标,IntelliTone 采用 射频和数字音频数据包,后者通过多种音频发生方法来驱动所有 4 个线对。 通过 IntelliTone Pro 音频发生器和探针进行数据通信网络的移动、增加和更改 近年来,结构化电缆安装已成为统一的标准。TIA-568A 标准规定所有工作区域布线时必须使用至少使用两 个插座,并采用 4 对 100 ohm UTP 进行水平布线。其中通常包含 2 条或更多 Cat5e 电缆直接从墙壁插座 延伸到配线板。
(开路、短路、反接线对等) SmartTone™ 模拟音频发生技术: l 在短路时,通过音频节奏变化来实现精确的线对隔离
全新的 IntelliTone 智能数字音频发生器和探头系列的数字检测方式可以保证它的性能要胜于您现在所 使用的所有音频发生器探头,保证您投资有所回报。
服务 ID 提供第一手信息 IntelliTone Pro 200 音频发生器具有用于指示线路中服务情况的服务 ID。当插入墙壁插座时,它可提供在房 间内查找电缆的第一指示。4 位插座一定为电信服务,而 8 位插座则既可以是电信连接又可以是数据(网 络)连接。判断电信服务 的存在通常可以查找 110 块上的信号,后者实时连接到电话系统上。 以太网 的存在则表明连接处于激活,且良好地位于从配线板到交换机的跨线上。如果连接开路,则很可能 未跨接或连接。如果开路 LED 熄灭,则音频发生器正在检测插座中心插针的连接。这可能是未插入的网络 设备或未识别的服务。 定位到配线间中
插入插座 IntelliTone 音频发生器配有一个 8 位模块插座,可连接 4、6、或 8 位插头。通过附带的 4 和 8 位跨线, 可将音频发生器插入墙壁插座中。 如果墙壁插座被阻塞但已连接,则可将跨线从电话上断开,并将 4、6、或 8 位插头直接连接到音频发生器 的插座中。 插入 66 或 110 块中 有多种方法可将音频发生器连接到线对。通过附带的鳄鱼夹测试导线可进行裸线连接。Fluke Networks 针对 穿孔线路提供了带穿孔针电信 5 向鳄鱼夹测试头 MT-8203-20。
来定位电缆。IntelliTone 的数字信号包具有一种特别的音频模式。除音频信号水平之外,8 个 LED 直观指 示等还提供了确定的信号幅度指示。当 IntelliTone 数字信号遇到干扰时,可随时使用模拟模式来定位电缆。 完成移动、添加和变更 在返回到办公室查看音频发生器时,可通过 IntelliTone Pro 200 音频发生器的服务 ID 功能快速检验正确插 座上相应服务。在连接电脑或电话之前,您可验证数据通信或电信服务的跨线和连接是否正确。 l 突破性的一体化数字和模拟音频发生器
目前,布线系统安装人员和网络技术人员还在使用那些基于 40 年前的模拟技术的老式线缆故障定位工 具。即便是使用这些模拟技术的工具,经常错误的识别线缆,或是在常见的工作环境中无法发现信号,但却 是他们唯一的选择。直到今天为止都是这样。
现在福禄克网络公司的 IntelliTone 智能数字查线仪为您带来了数字信号定位技术,就如同您所面对的 系统使用的技术一样先进。IntelliTone 智能数字查线仪是一项突破性的解决方案--也是唯一的方案--可以快 速准确地定位和隔离绝大多数在以前难于发现的、隐藏的或是捆扎在一起的语音,数据及视频线缆--即便是 正在运行的网络中的线缆。IntelliTone 智能数字查线仪的快速、准确和高效等特点将会淘汰采用模拟技术的 工具。
IntelliTone™ Pro 音频发生器利用双绞线电缆的独有特性,生成可使信号流失影响最小的平衡信号。 IntelliTone™ Pro 探针中的智能数字信号处理,可通过音频和 LED 直观指示灯清楚地确定该信号,帮助 您从线束或配线板中快速隔离出正确的电缆。IntelliTone™ 使电缆位置不再混淆,因此您可依靠它在第一 时间弄清电缆的正确位置。
一旦定位到电缆,IntelliTone Pro 200 可提供线对表以确保正确的针对针线路。通过将跨线从交换机上拔出, 或将跨线插入配线板插座,即可检验完整的端对端布线是否存在开路、短路或错线情况。 在空间狭小或存在信号流失时,隔离 位置可帮助消除信号流失,并通过强度更高 LED 提供更多的等 级。这可提供一组不同的 LED 强度水平,以对音频检测电缆或插座与其周围的电缆或插座进行区分。此外,
线对表功能通常可提供确定的音频检测电缆指示。 从配线间到办公室插座音频检测
有时,可以在从配线板到办公室插座之间进行音频发生检测。如果插座之间距离很近或不易将探针插入插座, 那么可能只有一两个等级的信号强度差异。如果需要对极近的插座进行更多的区分,可使用较短的跨线,在 插座间移动时探测电缆以有效地隔开插座。然后,利用 IntelliTone Pro 200 探针的线对表功能,使用相同的 跨线验证正确的电缆。 使用 IntelliTone 进行电信移动、增加和变更 大多数办公室网络安装由一个或多个数据和电话网段组成。在电信方面,可能存在多种插座和布线方案,包 括 4 位墙壁插座上的单线对以及从 8 位模块插座到终端块的 4 线对等。 布线方案 在办公室内,墙壁插座可以是 6 位或 8 位插座,6 位插座具有 4 或 6 个插针。水平布线可使用 1、2、3、 或 4 线对,电缆类型范围从 Cat 3 到 Cat 5 。在配线间中,水平布线通常在 110 块或以往站点的 66 块 上终止。如果为主配线架 (MDF),则块可以直接连接到 PBX,如果为分配线架,则交错连接到另外的位置。 当前的做法基于 TIA-568A 标准,在办公室中采用 8 位插座,并使用 4 线对 100 ohm UTP 连接到 110 块。
隔离终端电缆 布线安装已变得越来越复杂,这使得通过原有技术进行电缆定位变得越来越困难。来自单独的墙壁插座或设 备的电缆经常被绑在一起通过线束延伸到中央区域或配线板上。即使只是短距离地将电缆捆绑在一起,仍然 会出现信号在电缆之间的流失现象。双绞线电缆最难进行隔离。其中某条电缆可能携带初始信号,而另外一 条则可能携带流失结果信号。
电信 5 向鳄鱼夹测试头还针对刀片型终端提供了 U 型前端,以安全地固定到 66 块上。此外,它还可使 用 66 快速线夹,并通过 8 位模块插头连接到音频发生器。
对于 110 块,可将标准 1 对 110 到模块插头跨线直接插入到音频发生器模块插座中。
此外,还可提供多种 110 测试适配器,以提供连接到音频发生器的模块插座。 隔离单独的线对 IntelliTone 数字信号在电缆中的线对之间会出现显著的流失。对 Cat 3 电缆尤其如此。基于此原因,建议使 用 IntelliTone 的模拟模式来隔离单独线对。在 SmartTone™ 模拟模式下,测试线对短路可导致音频节奏发 生变化,因此非常适用。当测试线对未终止,则铜导体可能相互接触,引起暂时短路。出现这种情况时,音 频节奏将发生变化,指示已找到正确的线对。如果线对终止于 66 或 110 块上,可能需要使用一把绝缘钳 以将线对短路。 在配线架中 在配线间中,电信插座经常在 110 块上终止。如果为主配线架,则块可以直接连接到 PBX,如果为分配线 架,则交错连接到另外的位置。多数新近的安装基于 TIA-568A 标准,在办公室中采用 RJ-45 插座,并将 全部 4 线对压接到 110 块上。用针头接触电缆,使其绝缘或形成金属接触,以定位电缆。
插入 IntelliTone 数字音频发生系统采用一个 8 位模块插座。这可允许音频发生器通过附带的跨线插入到墙壁插 座中,或者如果墙壁插座被阻塞但已连接,则可将跨线从 PC 上拔出,并直接插入音频发生器中。 墙壁插座通常无标识或存在误接。而且 8 位模块插座可用于数据或电信服务,也容易增加混淆。
IntelliToneTM Pro 专业型数字查线仪(ITT)
IntelliTone 专业型音频发生器技术: l 结束电缆位置的混乱状况,准确抑制噪音和错误信号 l 在实时网络中定位电缆,即使是在交换机处端接 l 在线束中隔离电缆,不论电缆中是否存在信号泄露 l 只需单个步骤即可确认电缆位置、检验其连通性并检测故障
通过将探针在配线板上的插座之间进行移动,可以将音频发生器定位到未跨接的连接上。将黑色探针头插入 插座,在定位模式 下读数通常为 4-6。附近的插座和电缆将显示出较低的信号水平,这可从 LED 的 显示中看出。
如果办公室内服务标识表明是以太网连接,则用户应探测那些跨接到实时网络设备的电缆。在音频检测电缆 上,读数通常为 7-8。
1、通过最大辐射定位正确的电缆线束 2、通过幅射最少的平衡信号,定位到线束中的电缆 3、一次性地确认电缆位置、检验连通性并迅速检测所有错误 通过 IntelliTone™ Pro 探针的信号选择滚轮,您可选择要使用的模式,“定位模式”用于定位线束,“隔 离模式”则用于定位某条特定的电缆。受控的 LED 信号指示灯和音频信号可简化信号解释,并能消除电缆 定位的盲目性,甚至可将最困难的定位问题转化为只需几分钟的工作。 IntelliTone™ Pro 还可用作多台测试器,它集成了所需的诊断和故障排除特性,可检验电缆导体连通性、 识别服务并在需要时进行故障排除。通常需要二至四台的其它测试器,才能定位和检验单台 IntelliTone™ 所 能处理的多种电缆类型。 克服噪音并节约时间 荧光灯、机器设备、电脑显示器以及电气线路都产生噪音信号,这些噪音可妨碍电缆定位或使标准模拟音频 发生器和探针无法有效使用。然而,IntelliTone™ Pro 音频发生器的同步数字信号和 IntelliTone Pro 探针的 受控信号识别技术能有效地拒绝噪音和错误信号,以清楚识别电缆位置。仅仅通过这一项先进的功能,每周 即可帮助您节约数小时花在电缆定位项目上的时间。 l 定位及隔离最难查找的电缆及电线