yml命名规则 -回复
yml命名规则-回复YAML命名规则,以中括号内的内容为主题,写一篇1500-2000字文章,一步一步回答YAML(又名“YAML Ain't Markup Language”)是一种常用于配置文件和数据序列化的标记语言。
数组由一个或多个元素组成,元素之间使用“- ”做前缀表示。
yaml格式介绍 -回复
yaml格式介绍-回复什么是YAML格式?YAML格式(YAML,Yet Another Markup Language的缩写)是一种用于表示数据序列化的文本格式。
YAML格式的特点1. 可读性强:YAML格式以易读的方式来存储和传输数据,其语法结构简洁明了。
2. 易于解析:相对于其他标记语言(如XML和JSON),YAML格式的解析相对简单。
3. 支持多种数据类型:YAML格式支持多种常见的数据类型,包括字符串、整数、浮点数、布尔值、日期/时间和空值等。
4. 易于扩展:YAML格式可以通过引入标记语言和自定义数据类型来扩展其功能。
YAML格式的语法规则YAML格式的语法规则有以下几点:1. 缩进:YAML格式使用空格进行缩进,每级缩进为两个空格。
2. 键值对:使用冒号(:)来表示键值对的关系。
3. 列表:使用连字符(-)表示列表。
4. 注释:使用井号(#)表示注释。
下面是一个简单的示例,展示了YAML格式的语法结构:yaml# 这是一个YAML格式的示例name: John Smithage: 30address:street: 123 Main Streetcity: New Yorkcountry: USAinterests:- hiking- reading在这个示例中,name、age和address是键值对,address的值是一个嵌套的键值对。
Yaml--配置⽂件1、Yaml 介绍及安装(1)yaml介绍Yaml 是⼀种所有编程语⾔可⽤的友好的数据序列化标准。
语法规则如下:1. ⼤⼩写敏感。
2. 使⽤缩进表⽰层级关系。
3. 使⽤空格键缩进,⽽⾮Tab键缩进4. 缩进的空格数⽬不重要,只要相同层级的元素左侧对齐即可。
5. ⽂件中的字符串不需要使⽤引号标注,但若字符串包含有特殊字符则需⽤引号标注;(2)Yaml 安装$ pip3 install PyYaml(3)Yaml 快速体验 字典{"name": "test_yaml", "result", "success"}写成Yaml的形式,并输出结果结构通过空格缩进来展⽰。
列表⾥的项⽤"-"来代表,字典⾥的键值对⽤":"分隔.⽰例函数:data.yamlname: "test_yaml"result: "success"demo.pyimport yamlwith open("./data.yaml",'r') as f:data = yaml.safe_load(f)print(data)运⾏结果: {'name': 'test_yaml', 'result': 'success'}2、Yaml 字典和列表介绍(1)字典字典⾥的键值对⽤":"分隔.⽰例: {"name": "test_yaml", "result", "success"}name: "test_yaml"age: "success"总结:字典直接写key和value,每⼀个键值对占⼀⾏。
yaml 文件格式 shell解析
yaml 文件格式shell解析全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:YAML 是一种易读性高、使用方便的数据序列化格式,常见于配置文件和数据交换中。
在工作中我们经常会遇到需要解析YAML 文件的情况,这时候就可以使用shell 脚本来进行解析。
本文将介绍如何通过shell 脚本来解析YAML 文件,并举例说明其基本用法和注意事项。
一、YAML 文件格式YAML 是一种基于缩进的数据格式,使用空格来表示层次关系。
在YAML 文件中,键值对使用冒号“:” 分隔,键值对之间使用换行符分隔;列表则使用中括号“[]” 表示,其中每个元素用逗号分隔。
下面是一个简单的YAML 文件示例:```yamlname: Aliceage: 25skills: [Java, Python, Shell]```在shell 脚本中,可以通过解析YAML 文件来获取其中的数据,从而实现对配置文件的读取和处理。
二、shell 解析YAML 文件在shell 脚本中,可以使用第三方工具来解析YAML 文件,常用的工具有yq、jq、awk 等。
下面以yq 工具为例,介绍如何使用shell 脚本来解析YAML 文件。
1. 安装yq 工具yq 是一个命令行工具,用于在shell 脚本中解析YAML 文件。
可以通过以下命令来安装yq:```shellsudo apt-get install yq```接下来,我们通过一个例子来说明如何使用yq 工具来解析YAML 文件。
假设我们有一个名为config.yaml 的YAML 文件,内容如下:我们可以通过以下shell 脚本来解析config.yaml 文件:```shell#!/bin/bashname=(yq r config.yaml name)age=(yq r config.yaml age)skills=(yq r config.yaml skills)执行以上脚本,输出如下:三、注意事项1. 缩进问题:YAML 文件的缩进非常重要,要保持一致性,否则会导致解析错误。
1. 文件扩展名,YML文件通常使用`.yml`或`.yaml`作为文件扩展名。
2. 缩进,YML文件使用空格进行缩进,而不是制表符。
3. 键值对,YML文件由键值对组成,键和值之间使用冒号(`:`)进行分隔。
4. 列表,YML文件中的列表使用短横线(`-`)表示,每个列表项占一行。
5. 注释,YML文件支持使用井号(`#`)进行注释。
6. 引用,在YML文件中,可以使用`&`符号进行引用,用``符号进行引用的值的替代。
7. 字符串,YML文件中的字符串可以使用单引号或双引号进行包裹。
8. 多行字符串,YML文件中的字符串可以跨多行,可以使用`|`符号进行保留换行符的多行字符串,也可以使用`>`符号进行折叠换行符的多行字符串。
9. 特殊字符,在YML文件中,某些特殊字符需要进行转义,例如冒号、短横线等。
10. 嵌套结构,YML文件支持多层嵌套的数据结构,可以使用缩进来表示嵌套关系。
yml 格式 语法
YAML(YAML Ain't Markup Language)是一种人类可读的数据序列化格式,通常用于配置文件和数据交换。
以下是一些常见的YAML语法规则:1. 缩进:YAML使用缩进来表示数据结构,通常使用空格来进行缩进。
2. 键值对:使用冒号(:)来表示键值对。
key: value3. 列表:使用连字符(-)来表示列表项。
- item1- item2- key1: value1key2: value24. 对象:YAML中的对象可以包含键值对,使用缩进表示嵌套关系。
object1:key1: value1key2: value2object2:key3: value35. 注释:使用井号(#)来表示注释,井号后面的内容将被视为注释,不参与解析。
# This is a commentkey: value # This is another comment6. 字符串:字符串可以使用单引号或双引号括起来,也可以省略引号。
string1: 'This is a string'string2: "This is another string"string3: This is a string without quotesstring4: "This string contains a special character: !"这些是YAML的一些基本语法规则,YAML还支持更复杂的数据结构、引用、多行字符串等特性。
yaml 格式介绍 -回复
yaml 格式介绍-回复什么是YAML 格式?YAML(Yet Another Markup Language)是一种人类可读写的、与编程语言无关的数据序列化格式。
它最初在2001年由Clark Evans创建,并得到了Sam Ruby和Oren Ben-Kiki的支持。
YAML的语法规则:1. 规定了一些基本的标识符,例如“-”表示列表项、冒号“:”表示键值对等。
2. 使用缩进来表示嵌套关系,一般使用两个空格或者一个制表符作为缩进单位。
3. 支持多种数据结构,如列表、字典、布尔值、整数、浮点数、字符串等。
4. 支持提供注释,以"#" 开头,可用于解释数据的含义。
以下是一个简单的YAML 示例,展示了基本的语法与数据结构:yaml# 一个示例的YAML 文件# 资料name: John Doeage: 30occupation: Software Developer# 列表hobbies:- Reading- Writing- Coding# 其他信息isMarried: falsewebsite:在这个示例中,我们首先定义了一个数据项“name”,其值为“John Doe”。
YAML 的应用场景非常广泛,下面我们来介绍几个常见的应用场景。
1. 配置文件:YAML被广泛用于配置文件的编写。
github workflow yaml规则
github workflow yaml规则GitHub Workflow是GitHub提供的一种持续集成和持续部署的功能,它通过配置文件(即YAML文件)定义了一系列自动化的任务和工作流程。
以下是GitHub Workflow YAML规则的一些重要要点:1. name(名称): 这是workflow的名称,用于在GitHub上显示,应该具备描述性。
例如:name: Build and Deploy。
2. on(触发条件): 定义了工作流程应该在什么条件下被触发。
例如:on: push。
3. jobs(工作): 定义了workflow中的一个或多个具体的工作任务。
例如:jobs: build。
4. steps(步骤): 定义了每个工作任务具体需要执行的步骤。
例如:steps: - name: Build - run: make build。
5. env(环境变量): 可选的环境变量,例如API keys或其他秘密信息。
例如:env: API_TOKEN:${{ secrets.API_TOKEN }}。
6. runs-on(运行环境): 指定了工作任务应该运行的操作系统或虚拟环境。
例如:runs-on: ubuntu-latest。
7. if(条件语句): 可选的条件语句,用于根据某些条件来决定是否执行某个步骤。
条件语句可以使用GitHub Actions提供的特定函数和语法来定义。
1. 键是区分大小写的,使用英文字符和数字组成,可以包含下划线和破折号。
2. 键可以使用引号包裹起来,这种情况下可以包含特殊字符和空格。
3. 键可以使用冒号(:)或等号(=)与值进行分隔。
4. 键值对之间使用冒号(:)或等号(=)进行分隔。
5. 键值对可以写在同一行,也可以写在多行。
6. 键值对可以嵌套使用,形成复杂的数据结构。
1. 小写字母和下划线:在YAML中,变量名应该使用小写字母,并且可以使
2. 避免使用特殊字符:变量名应该避免使用特殊字符,如空格、标点符号或其
3. 易于理解的名称:变量名应该选择能够清晰表达其含义的名称。
4. 简洁明了:尽量使用简洁的变量名,避免过长或冗余的命名。
5. 避免关键字:避免使用与编程语言或YAML关键字相同的名称作为变量名。
6. 统一命名风格:建议在整个项目中使用一致的命名风格。
yaml语法规则 default
文章主题:深入了解YAML语法规则YAML(YAML Ain't Markup Language)是一种人类友好的数据序列化标记语言,用来表达数据序列化以及实现各种配置文件和数据交换格式。
一、YAML的基本规则1. YAML使用缩进来表示层级关系,一般使用空格来进行缩进。
2. YAML以“---”作为文件头的分隔线,在文件开始处使用这一符号进行分隔。
3. 在YAML中,使用“#”表示注释,井号后面的内容将被视为注释内容,不参与数据的解析和处理。
二、YAML的数据结构1. YAML支持多种数据结构,包括标量、序列和映射三种基本数据类型。
2. 在YAML中,数据结构之间可以互相嵌套,形成复杂的数据结构。
三、YAML中的引号1. 在YAML中,可以使用单引号、双引号和不使用引号来表示字符串值。
2. 在使用引号表示字符串时,需要注意转义字符的使用,避免转义字符导致的解析错误。
四、YAML的特殊用法1. 在YAML中,可以使用特殊的标记“<<”来表示扩展其他YAML文档的内容,实现文档的继承和扩展功能。
2. 另外,YAML还支持使用“”和“*”来表示别名和引用,方便复用和引用数据内容。
五、YAML的解析规则1. 在解析YAML文件时,需要严格遵循缩进和层级关系,否则可能导致解析错误或数据结构混乱。
YAML(YAML Ain't Markup Language)是一种轻量级数据序列化语言,用于表示基于Unicode 的复杂数据。
以下是YAML 的规则:
1. YAML 文件以"" 开始,表示开始一个新的YAML 文档。
2. 缩进用空格或制表符表示,但不能混用,推荐使用空格。
3. "#" 表示注释,# 后面的内容被忽略。
4. "-" 表示列表,可以用来表示数组或序列。
5. ":" 表示键值对,键值对需要用空格分隔。
6. 大量文本可以使用'' 或'>' 来表示,'' 表示保留所有空白,'>' 表示折叠空白。
7. 分隔符"" 和">" 后面可以跟一个数字表示缩进数量,比如:'4' 或'>2'。
8. YAML 支持多行字符串、复合键、属性、继承和引用等关系,使数据结构更
9. YAML 是大小写敏感的,键、值中的大小写都要注意。
10. 一个YAML 文档可以包含多个数据(例如一个文档中同时包含了一个列表和一个键值对)。
YAML 的规则简单、易懂,可读性非常好。
yaml⽂件格式规范1、yaml简述YAML是⼀个类似 XML、JSON 的标记性语⾔。
YAML 强调以数据为中⼼,并不是以标识语⾔为重点。
因⽽YAML 本⾝的定义⽐较简单,号称“⼀种⼈性化的数据格式语⾔”。
2、适⽤场景2.1 脚本语⾔由于实现简单,解析成本很低,YAML特别适合在中使⽤。
列⼀下现有的语⾔实现:Ruby,Java,Perl,Python,PHP,OCaml,JavaScript,Go 。
除了Java 和 Go,其他都是脚本语⾔。
2.3 配置⽂件YAML做配置⽂件也不错。
3、数据结构YAML 认为数据由以下三种结构组成:标量,序列,键值表。
标量:单个的、不可再分的值,如:数字,字符串数组:⼀组按次序排列的值,如:python中的列表键值表:键值对的集合,如:python中的字典5、语法约定⼤⼩写敏感'#'表⽰注释使⽤ Unicode 编码作为字符标准编码字符串默认不需要引号,如果字符串包含空格或者特殊字符(例如冒号),需要加引号使⽤缩进表⽰层级关系,缩进不允许使⽤tab,只允许空格,缩进的空格数不重要,只要相同层级的元素左对齐即可6、格式规范6.1 标量integer: 12345 # 整数标准形式octal: 0o34 # ⼋进制表⽰,以0o开头hex: 0xFF # ⼗六进制表⽰,以0x开头float: 1.23e+3 # 浮点数fixed: 13.67 # 固定⼩数minmin: -.inf # 表⽰负⽆穷notNumber: .NaN # ⽆效数字null: # 空值boolean: [true, false] # 布尔值string: '12345' # 字符串date: 2015-08-23 # ⽇期datetime: 2015-08-23T02:02:00.1z # ⽇期时间iso8601: 2015-08-23t21:59:43.10-05:00 # iso8601 ⽇期格式6.2 数组使⽤“-”(横线)+单个空格表⽰单个列表项使⽤"[]"表⽰⼀组数据,⼀组数据⽤”,”隔开,”[“,”]”,逗号前后有⽆空格都可以组合表⽰。
配置⽂件.yml写法yaml介绍YAML 是 "YAML Ain't a Markup Language"(YAML 不是⼀种标记语⾔)的递归缩写。
在开发的这种语⾔时,YAML 的意思其实是:"Yet Another Markup Language"(仍是⼀种标记语⾔)。
YAML 的语法和其他⾼级语⾔类似,并且可以简单表达清单、散列表,标量等数据形态。
YAML 的配置⽂件后缀为 .yml,如:runoob.yml 。
编写规则1. ⼤⼩写敏感json ⾥也是⼤⼩写敏感的,这点⼆者⼀样。
2.使⽤缩进表⽰层级关系json 中使⽤ {} 的嵌套表⽰层级,⽽ yaml 使⽤缩进,后者更⽅便⼀些。
3.缩进不允许使⽤tab,只允许空格4.缩进的空格数不重要,只要相同层级的元素左对齐即可5.'#'表⽰注释json ⽂件中不允许写注释,对于很长配置⽂件全靠字⾯意思猜挺痛快的,yaml 可以写注释数据类型YAML ⽀持以下⼏种数据类型:对象:键值对的集合,⼜称为映射(mapping)/ 哈希(hashes) / 字典(dictionary)数组:⼀组按次序排列的值,⼜称为序列(sequence) / 列表(list)纯量(scalars):单个的、不可再分的值YAML 对象对象键值对使⽤冒号结构表⽰ key: value,冒号后⾯要加⼀个空格。
也可以使⽤ key:{key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}。
还可以使⽤缩进表⽰层级关系;key:child-key: valuechild-key2: value2转换为json{"key": {"child-key": "value","child-key2": "value2"}}YAML 数组以 - 开头的⾏表⽰构成⼀个数组:- A- B- C转化后为:['A', 'B', 'C']YAML ⽀持多维数组,可以使⽤⾏内表⽰:-- A- B- C转化后为:[['A', 'B', 'C']]⼀个相对复杂的例⼦:companies:-id: 1name: company1price: 200W-id: 2name: company2price: 500W意思是 companies 属性是⼀个数组,每⼀个数组元素⼜是由 id、name、price 三个属性构成。
YAML 语⾔(发⾳ /ˈjæməl/ )的设计⽬标,就是⽅便⼈类读写。
YAML 是专门⽤来写配置⽂件的语⾔,⾮常简洁和强⼤,远⽐ JSON 格式⽅便。
本⽂介绍 YAML 的语法,以的实现为例。
YAML ⽀持的数据结构有三种。
对象:键值对的集合,⼜称为映射(mapping)/ 哈希(hashes) / 字典(dictionary)数组:⼀组按次序排列的值,⼜称为序列(sequence) / 列表(list)纯量(scalars):单个的、不可再分的值以下分别介绍这三种数据结构。
animal: pets转为 JavaScript 如下。
{ animal: 'pets' }Yaml 也允许另⼀种写法,将所有键值对写成⼀个⾏内对象。
hash: { name: Steve, foo: bar }转为 JavaScript 如下。
{ hash: { name: 'Steve', foo: 'bar' } }三、数组⼀组连词线开头的⾏,构成⼀个数组。
- Cat- Dog- Goldfish转为 JavaScript 如下。
[ 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Goldfish' ]数据结构的⼦成员是⼀个数组,则可以在该项下⾯缩进⼀个空格。
-- Cat- Dog- Goldfish转为 JavaScript 如下。
[ [ 'Cat', 'Dog', 'Goldfish' ] ]数组也可以采⽤⾏内表⽰法。
yaml 文件 驼峰法
yaml 文件驼峰法
firstNa John
lastNa Doe
age: 25
k8s yaml 编写指南
k8s yaml 编写指南在Kubernetes(k8s)中,YAML文件用于配置和管理资源对象。
以下是编写k8s YAML 文件的一些基本指南:1.缩进和格式:YAML文件使用缩进来表示层级关系。
5.查看API版本:在编写YAML文件之前,可以使用命令kubectl api-versions来查看可用的API版本。
7.验证YAML文件:在将YAML文件应用于k8s集群之前,可以使用命令kubectlapply --dry-run -f <yaml文件>来验证YAML文件的正确性。
8.应用YAML文件:一旦YAML文件准备就绪并通过验证,可以使用命令kubectlapply -f <yaml文件>将其应用于k8s集群。
YML文件编写格式1. 什么是YML文件?YML(YAML Ain’t Markup Language)是一种人类可读的数据序列化格式,常用于配置文件和数据交换。
2. YML文件的基本语法YML文件使用缩进和冒号来表示数据结构。
以下是YML文件的基本语法规则:2.1 键值对键值对使用冒号分隔,键和值之间使用空格进行缩进。
例如:key: value2.2 数组数组使用短横线-表示,每个元素占一行,并使用空格进行缩进。
例如:- item1- item2- item32.3 嵌套结构YML文件支持嵌套结构,即在一个键值对的值中可以包含另一个键值对。
例如:key1:key2: value2key3: value33. YML文件的高级语法除了基本语法外,YML文件还支持一些高级语法,用于表示更复杂的数据结构。
3.1 多行字符串YML文件可以使用|表示多行字符串,保留换行符和缩进。
例如:key: |This is amulti-linestring.3.2 引用YML文件支持使用&定义引用,使用*引用已定义的引用。
例如:key1: &ref valuekey2: *ref3.3 复合键YML文件支持使用{}表示复合键,即一个键对应多个值。
例如:key:{value1: 1, value2: 2}3.4 注释YML文件支持使用#表示注释,从#开始到行末的内容将被忽略。
例如:# This is a comment.key: value4. YML文件的应用场景YML文件广泛应用于配置文件和数据交换。
以下是YML文件的一些常见应用场景:4.1 配置文件YML文件可以用于存储应用程序的配置信息,例如数据库连接信息、日志配置等。
yaml 格式介绍 -回复
yaml 格式介绍-回复YAML格式介绍在计算机编程中,数据的存储和交换是非常常见的需求。
而其中一种轻量级的数据序列化格式就是YAML(YAML Ain't Markup Language,YAML 不是一种标记语言)。
1. YAML的基本概念YAML是一种用于表示数据序列化的格式,并没有复杂的语义或特殊用途。
2. YAML的语法结构YAML的语法结构相对简洁,由一些基本的元素组成。
下面是一些YAML 的基本语法结构:# 2.1 键值对YAML格式中的键值对通过冒号(:)进行分隔。
例如:name: John Doeage: 30# 2.2 列表YAML格式还支持列表的表示,用于表示一组相关的值。
例如:fruits:- apple- banana- orange# 2.3 多行文本在YAML格式中,可以使用多行来表示较长的文本内容。
例如:description:This is a long description,it spans multiple lines.summary: >This is a long summary, itspans multiple lines as well.# 2.4 注释YAML格式也支持注释的添加,用于对数据进行解释和说明。
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YAML Ain't Markup Language(YAML™)Version1.1Working Draft2004-12-28Oren Ben-Kiki <oren@>Clark Evans <cce@>Brian Ingerson <ingy@>YAML Ain't Markup Language(YAML™) Version1.1Working Draft2004-12-28by Oren Ben-Kiki, Clark Evans, and Brian IngersonCopyright ©2001-2004 Oren Ben-Kiki,Clark Evans,Brian IngersonStatus of this DocumentThis specification is a draft reflecting consensus reached by members of the yaml-core mailing list [/lists/listinfo/yaml-core]. Any questions regarding this draft should be raised on this list. We expect all further changes will be strictly limited to wording corrections and fixing production bugs.We wish to thank implementers who have tirelessly tracked earlier versions of this specification, and our fabulous user community whose feedback has both validated and clarified our direction.AbstractYAML™ (rhymes with “camel”) is a human-friendly, cross language, Unicode based data serialization language designed around the common native data structures of agile programming languages. It is broadly useful for programming needs ranging from configuration files to Internet messaging to object persistence to data auditing. Together with the Unicode standard for characters [/], this specification provides all the information necessary to understand YAML Version 1.1 and to creating programs that process YAML information.This document may be freely copied provided it is not modified.Table of Contents1. Introduction (1)1.1. Goals (1)1.2. Prior Art (1)1.3. Relation to XML (2)1.4. Terminology (3)2. Preview (4)2.1. Collections (4)2.2. Structures (5)2.3. Scalars (6)2.4. Tags (7)2.5. Full Length Example (9)3. Processing YAML Information (10)3.1. Processes (10)3.1.1. Represent (10)3.1.2. Serialize (11)3.1.3. Present (11)3.1.4. Parse (11)3.1.5. Compose (11)3.1.6. Construct (11)3.2. Information Models (11)3.2.1. Representation Graph (12) Nodes (13) Tags (13) Nodes Comparison (14)3.2.2. Serialization Tree (14) Keys Order (15) Anchors and Aliases (15)3.2.3. Presentation Stream (15) Node Styles (16) Scalar Formats (17) Comments (17) Directives (17)3.3. Loading Failure Points (17)3.3.1. Well-Formed and Identified (18)3.3.2. Resolved (18)3.3.3. Recognized and Valid (19)3.3.4. Available (19)4. Syntax (20)4.1. Characters (20)4.1.1. Character Set (20)4.1.2. Character Encoding (21)4.1.3. Indicator Characters (21)4.1.4. Line Break Characters (25)4.1.5. Miscellaneous Characters (26)4.1.6. Escape Sequences (28)4.2. Syntax Primitives (30)4.2.1. Production Parameters (30)4.2.2. Indentation Spaces (31)4.2.3. Comments (32)4.2.4. Separation Spaces (33)4.2.5. Ignored Line Prefix (34)YAML Ain't Markup Lan-guage(YAML™) Version1.14.2.6. Line Folding (35)4.3. YAML Character Stream (36)4.3.1. Directives (37) YAML Directive (37) TAG Directive (38) Tag Prefixes (38) Tag Handles (39)4.3.2. Document Boundary Markers (40)4.3.3. Documents (41)4.3.4. Complete Stream (42)4.4. Nodes (43)4.4.1. Node Anchors (44)4.4.2. Node Tags (44)4.4.3. Node Content (47)4.4.4. Alias Nodes (49)4.4.5. Complete Nodes (49) Flow Nodes (49) Block Nodes (50)4.5. Scalar Styles (51)4.5.1. Flow Scalar Styles (51) Double Quoted (51) Single Quoted (54) Plain (57)4.5.2. Block Scalar Header (60) Block Style Indicator (61) Block Indentation Indicator (61) Block Chomping Indicator (62)4.5.3. Block Scalar Styles (64) Literal (65) Folded (66)4.6. Collection Styles (69)4.6.1. Sequence Styles (69) Flow Sequences (69) Block Sequences (70)4.6.2. Mapping Styles (72) Flow Mappings (72) Block Mappings (76)Terms Index (79)Chapter1.Introduction“YAML Ain't Markup Language” (abbreviated YAML) is a data serialization language designed to be human-friendly and work well with modern programming languages for common everyday tasks. This specification is both an introduction to the YAML language and the concepts supporting it and also a complete reference of the information needed to develop applications for processing YAML.Open, interoperable and readily understandable tools have advanced computing immensely. YAML was designed from the start to be useful and friendly to people working with data. It uses Unicode printable characters, some of which provide structural information and the rest containing the data itself. YAML achieves a unique cleanness by minimizing the amount of structural characters, and allowing the data to show itself in a natural and meaningful way. For example, indentation may be used for structure, colons separate mapping key:value pairs, and dashes are used to “bullet” lists.There are myriad flavors of data structures, but they can all be adequately represented with three basic primitives: mappings (hashes/dictionaries), sequences (arrays/lists) and scalars (strings/numbers). YAML leverages these primitives and adds a simple typing system and aliasing mechanism to form a complete language for serializing any data structure. While most programming languages can use YAML for data serialization, YAML excels in those languages that are fundamentally built around the three basic primitives. These include the new wave of agile languages such as Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby and Javascript.There are hundreds of different languages for programming, but only a handful of languages for storing and transferring data. Even though its potential is virtually boundless, YAML was specifically created to work well for common use cases such as: configuration files, log files, interprocess messaging, cross-language data sharing, object persistence and debugging of complex data structures. When data is easy to view and understand, programming becomes a simpler task.1.1.GoalsThe design goals for YAML are:1.YAML is easily readable by humans.2.YAML matches the native data structures of agile languages.3.YAML data is portable between programming languages.4.YAML has a consistent model to support generic tools.5.YAML supports one-pass processing.6.YAML is expressive and extensible.7.YAML is easy to implement and use.1.2.Prior ArtYAML's initial direction was set by the data serialization and markup language discussions among SML-DEV members [/smldev/]. Later on it directly incorporated experience from Brian Ingerson's Perl module Data::Denter [/doc/INGY/Data-Denter-0.13/Denter.pod]. Since then YAML has matured through ideas and support from its user community.YAML integrates and builds upon concepts described by C [/cm/cs/cbook/index.html], Java [/], Perl [/], Python [/], Ruby [/], RFC0822 [/rfc/rfc0822.txt] (MAIL), RFC1866 [/pub/ietf/html/rfc1866.txt](HTML), RFC2045 [/rfc/rfc2045.txt] (MIME), RFC2396 [/rfc/rfc2396.txt] (URI), XML [/TR/REC-xml.html], SAX [/] and SOAP [/TR/SOAP].The syntax of YAML was motivated by Internet Mail (RFC0822) and remains partially compatible with that standard.Further, borrowing from MIME (RFC2045), YAML's top-level production is a stream of independent documents; ideal for message-based distributed processing systems.YAML's indentation based scoping is similar to Python's (without the ambiguities caused by tabs). Indented blocks facilitate easy inspection of the data's structure. YAML's literal style leverages this by enabling formatted text to be cleanly mixed within an indented structure without troublesome escaping. YAML also allows the use of traditional indicator-based scoping similar to Perl's. Such flow content can be freely nested inside indented blocks.YAML's double quoted style uses familiar C-style escape sequences. This enables ASCII encoding of non-printable or 8-bit (ISO 8859-1) characters such as “\x3B”. Non-printable 16-bit Unicode and 32-bit (ISO/IEC 10646) characters are supported with escape sequences such as “\u003B” and “\U0000003B”.Motivated by HTML's end-of-line normalization, YAML's line folding employs an intuitive method of handling line breaks.A single line break is folded into a single space, while empty lines are interpreted as line break characters. This techniqueallows for paragraphs to be word-wrapped without affecting the canonical form of the content.YAML's core type system is based on the requirements of agile languages such as Perl, Python, and Ruby. YAML directly supports both collection (mapping, sequence) and scalar content. Support for common types enables programmers to use their language's native data structures for YAML manipulation, instead of requiring a special document object model (DOM).Like XML's SOAP, YAML supports serializing native graph data structures through an aliasing mechanism. Also like SOAP, YAML provides for application-defined types. This allows YAML to represent rich data structures required for modern distributed computing. YAML provides globally unique type names using a namespace mechanism inspired by Java's DNS based package naming convention and XML's URI based namespaces.YAML was designed to support incremental interfaces that includes both input pull-style and output push-style one-pass (SAX-like) interfaces. Together these enable YAML to support the processing of large documents, such as a transaction log, or continuous streams, such as a feed from a production machine.1.3.Relation to XMLNewcomers to YAML often search for its correlation to the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). While the two languages may actually compete in several application domains, there is no direct correlation between them.YAML is primarily a data serialization language. XML was designed to be backwards compatible with the Standard Gen-eralized Markup Language (SGML) and thus had many design constraints placed on it that YAML does not share. Inheriting SGML's legacy, XML is designed to support structured documentation, where YAML is more closely targeted at data structures and messaging. Where XML is a pioneer in many domains, YAML is the result of lessons learned from XML and other technologies.It should be mentioned that there are ongoing efforts to define standard XML/YAML mappings. This generally requires that a subset of each language be used. For more information on using both XML and YAML, please visit ht-tp:///xml/index.html.1.4.TerminologyThis specification uses key words based on RFC2119 [/rfc/rfc2119.txt] to indicate requirement level.In particular, the following words are used to describe the actions of a YAML processor:May The word may, or the adjective optional, mean that conforming YAML processors are permitted, but need not behave as described.Should The word should, or the adjective recommended, mean that there could be reasons for a YAML processor to deviate from the behavior described, but that such deviation could hurt interoperability and should thereforebe advertised with appropriate notice.Must The word must, or the term required or shall, mean that the behavior described is an absolute requirement of the specification.Chapter 2. PreviewThis section provides a quick glimpse into the expressive power of YAML. It is not expected that the first-time reader grok all of the examples. Rather, these selections are used as motivation for the remainder of the specification.2.1. CollectionsYAML's block collections use indentation for scope and begin each entry on its own line. Block sequences indicate each entry with a dash and space ( “-”). Mappings use a colon and space (“: ”) to mark each mapping key: value pair.Example 2.2. Mapping Scalars to Scalars (player statistics)hr: 65avg: 0.278rbi: 147Example 2.1. Sequence of Scalars (ball players)- Mark McGwire - Sammy Sosa - Ken GriffeyExample 2.4. Sequence of Mappings (players' statistics)- name: Mark McGwire hr: 65 avg: 0.278- name: Sammy Sosa hr: 63 avg: 0.288Example 2.3. Mapping Scalars to Sequences (ball clubs in each league)american:- Boston Red Sox - Detroit Tigers - New York Yankees national:- New York Mets - Chicago Cubs - Atlanta BravesYAML also has flow styles, using explicit indicators rather than indentation to denote scope. The flow sequence is written as a comma separated list within square brackets. In a similar manner, the flow mapping uses curly braces.Example 2.6. Mapping of MappingsMark McGwire: {hr: 65, avg: 0.278}Sammy Sosa: { hr: 63, avg: 0.288 }Example 2.5. Sequence of Sequences- [name , hr, avg ]- [Mark McGwire, 65, 0.278]- [Sammy Sosa , 63, 0.288]2.2. StructuresYAML uses three dashes (“---”) to separate documents within a stream. Three dots ( “...”) indicate the end of a doc-ument without starting a new one, for use in communication channels. Comment lines begin with the Octothorpe (usually called the “hash” or “pound” sign - “#”).Example 2.8. Play by Play Feed from a Game---time: 20:03:20player: Sammy Sosa action: strike (miss)...---time: 20:03:47player: Sammy Sosa action: grand slam ...Example 2.7. Two Documents in a Stream (each with a leading comment)# Ranking of 1998 home runs ---- Mark McGwire - Sammy Sosa - Ken Griffey# Team ranking ---- Chicago Cubs- St Louis CardinalsRepeated nodes are first identified by an anchor (marked with the ampersand - “&”), and are then aliased (referenced with an asterisk - “*”) thereafter.Example 2.10. Node for “Sammy Sosa ”appears twice in this document---hr:- Mark McGwire# Following node labeled SS - &SS Sammy Sosa rbi:- *SS # Subsequent occurrence - Ken GriffeyExample 2.9. Single Document with Two Comments---hr: # 1998 hr ranking - Mark McGwire - Sammy Sosa rbi:# 1998 rbi ranking - Sammy Sosa - Ken GriffeyA question mark and space (“? ”) indicate a complex mapping key. Within a block collection, key: value pairs can start immediately following the dash, colon or question mark.Example 2.12. In-Line Nested Mapping---# products purchased - item : Super Hoop quantity: 1- item : Basketball quantity: 4- item : Big Shoes quantity: 1Example 2.11. Mapping between Sequences? - Detroit Tigers - Chicago cubs :- 2001-07-23? [ New York Yankees, Atlanta Braves ]: [ 2001-07-02, 2001-08-12, 2001-08-14 ]2.3. ScalarsScalar content can be written in block form using a literal style (“|”) where all line breaks count. Or they can be written with the folded style (“>”) where each line break is folded to a space unless it ends an empty or a “more indented” line.Example 2.14. In the plain scalar,newlines become spaces--- Mark McGwire's year was crippled by a knee injury.Example 2.13. In literals,newlines are preserved# ASCII Art --- |\//||\/|| // || ||__Example 2.16. Indentation determines scopename: Mark McGwire accomplishment: >Mark set a major league home run record in 1998.stats: |65 Home Runs0.278 Batting AverageExample 2.15. Folded newlines preserved for "more indented" and blank lines>Sammy Sosa completed another fine season with great stats. 63 Home Runs0.288 Batting Average What a year!YAML's flow scalars include the plain style (most examples thus far) and quoted styles. The double quoted style provides escape sequences. The single quoted style is useful when escaping is not needed. All flow scalars can span multiple lines;line breaks are always folded.Example 2.18. Multi-line Flow Scalarsplain:This unquoted scalar spans many lines.quoted: "So does this quoted scalar.\n"Example 2.17. Quoted Scalarsunicode: "Sosa did fine.\u263A"control: "\b1998\t1999\t2000\n"hexesc: "\x13\x10 is \r\n"single: '"Howdy!" he cried.'quoted: ' # not a ''comment''.'tie-fighter: '|\-*-/|'2.4. TagsIn YAML, untagged nodes are given an type depending on the application. The examples in this specification generally use the “seq ” [/type/seq.html], “map ” [/type/map.html] and “str ” [/type/str.html] types from the YAML tag repository [/type/index.html]. A few examples also use the “int ” [/type/int.html] and “float ” [/type/float.html] types. The repository includes additional types such as “null ” [/type/null.html], “bool ” [/type/bool.html],“set ” [/type/set.html] and others.Example 2.20. Floating Pointcanonical: 1.23015e+3exponential: 12.3015e+02sexagecimal: 20:30.15fixed: 1,230.15negative infinity: -.inf not a number: .NaNExample 2.19. Integerscanonical: 12345decimal: +12,345sexagecimal: 3:25:45octal: 014hexadecimal: 0xCExample 2.22. Timestampscanonical: 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Ziso8601: 2001-12-14t21:59:43.10-05:00spaced: 2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5date: 2002-12-14Example 2.21. Miscellaneousnull: ~true: y false: nstring: '12345'Explicit typing is denoted with a tag using the exclamantion point (“!”) symbol. Global tags are URIs and may be specified in a shorthand form using a handle. Application-specific local tags may also be used.Example 2.24. Global Tags%TAG ! tag:,2002:--- !shape# Use the ! handle for presenting # tag:,2002:circle - !circlecenter: &ORIGIN {x: 73, y: 129} radius: 7- !linestart: *ORIGINfinish: { x: 89, y: 102 }- !labelstart: *ORIGIN color: 0xFFEEBBtext: Pretty vector drawing.Example 2.23. Various Explicit Tags---not-date: !!str 2002-04-28picture: !!binary |R0lGODlhDAAMAIQAAP//9/X 17unp5WZmZgAAAOfn515eXv Pz7Y6OjuDg4J+fn5OTk6enp 56enmleECcgggoBADs=application specific tag: !something | The semantics of the tag above may be different for different documents.Example 2.26. Ordered Mappings# ordered maps are represented as # a sequence of mappings, with # each mapping having one key --- !!omap- Mark McGwire: 65- Sammy Sosa: 63- Ken Griffy: 58Example 2.25. Unordered Sets# sets are represented as a # mapping where each key is# associated with the empty string --- !!set? Mark McGwire ? Sammy Sosa ? Ken Griff2.5. Full Length ExampleBelow are two full-length examples of YAML. On the left is a sample invoice; on the right is a sample log file.Example 2.28. Log File---Time: 2001-11-23 15:01:42 -5User: ed Warning:This is an error message for the log file ---Time: 2001-11-23 15:02:31 -5User: ed Warning:A slightly different error message.---Date: 2001-11-23 15:03:17 -5User: ed Fatal:Unknown variable "bar"Stack:- file: TopClass.py line: 23 code: |x = MoreObject("345\n") - file: MoreClass.py line: 58 code: |- foo = barExample 2.27. Invoice--- !<tag:,2002:invoice>invoice: 34843date : 2001-01-23bill-to: &id001 given : Chris family : Dumars address:lines: |458 Walkman Dr. Suite #292city : Royal Oak state : MI postal : 48046ship-to: *id001product:- sku : BL394D quantity : 4description : Basketball price : 450.00 - sku : BL4438H quantity : 1description : Super Hoop price : 2392.00tax : 251.42total: 4443.52comments:Late afternoon is best. Backup contact is Nancy Billsmer @ 338-4338.Chapter3.Processing YAML Information YAML is both a text format and a method for presenting any data structure in this format. Therefore, this specification defines two concepts: a class of data objects called YAML representations, and a syntax for presenting YAML representations as a series of characters, called a YAML stream. A YAML processor is a tool for converting information between these complementary views. It is assumed that a YAML processor does its work on behalf of another module, called an applic-ation. This chapter describes the information structures a YAML processor must provide to or obtain from the application.YAML information is used in two ways: for machine processing, and for human consumption. The challenge of reconciling these two perspectives is best done in three distinct translation stages: representation, serialization, and presentation. Rep-resentation addresses how YAML views native data structures to achieve portability between programming environments.Serialization concerns itself with turning a YAML representation into a serial form, that is, a form with sequential access constraints. Presentation deals with the formatting of a YAML serialization as a series of characters in a human-friendly manner.Figure3.1.Processing OverviewA YAML processor need not expose the serialization or representation stages. It may translate directly between native datastructures and a character stream (dump and load in the diagram above). However, such a direct translation should take place so that the native data structures are constructed only from information available in the representation.3.1.ProcessesThis section details the processes shown in the diagram above. Note a YAML processor need not provide all these processes.For example, a YAML library may provide only YAML input ability, for loading configuration files, or only output ability, for sending data to other applications.3.1.1.RepresentYAML represents any native data structure using three node kinds: the sequence, the mapping and the scalar. By sequence we mean an ordered series of entries, by mapping we mean an unordered association of unique keys to values, and by scalar we mean any datum with opaque structure presentable as a series of Unicode characters. Combined, these primitives generate directed graph structures. These primitives were chosen because they are both powerful and familiar: the sequence corresponds to a Perl array and a Python list, the mapping corresponds to a Perl hash table and a Python dictionary. The scalar represents strings, integers, dates and other atomic data types.Each YAML node requires, in addition to its kind and content, a tag specifying its data type. Type specifiers are either global URIs, or are local in scope to a single application. For example, an integer is represented in YAML with a scalar plus the global tag “tag:,2002:int”. Similarly, an invoice object, particular to a given organization, could be represented as a mapping together with the local tag “!invoice”. This simple model can represent any data structure independent of programming language.3.1.2.SerializeFor sequential access mediums, such as an event callback API, a YAML representation must be serialized to an ordered tree. Since in a YAML representation, mapping keys are unordered and nodes may be referenced more than once (have more than one incoming “arrow”), the serialization process is required to impose an ordering on the mapping keys and to replace the second and subsequent references to a given node with place holders called aliases. YAML does not specify how these serialization details are chosen. It is up to the YAML processor to come up with human-friendly key order and anchor names, possibly with the help of the application. The result of this process, a YAML serialization tree, can then be traversed to produce a series of event calls for one-pass processing of YAML data.3.1.3.PresentThe final output process is presenting the YAML serializations as a character stream in a human-friendly manner. To maximize human readability, YAML offsers a rich set of stylistic options which go far beyond the minimal functional needs of simple data storage. Therefore the YAML processor is required to introduce various presentation details when creating the stream, such as the choice of node styles, how to format content, the amount of indentation, which tag handles to use, the node tags to leave unspecified, the set of directives to provide and possibly even what comments to add. While some of this can be done with the help of of the application, in general this process should guided by the preferences of the user.3.1.4.ParseParsing is the inverse process of presentation, it takes a stream of characters and produces a series of events. Parsing discards all the details introduced in the presentation process, reporting only the serialization events. Parsing can fail fue to ill-formed input.poseComposing takes a series of serialization events and produces a representation graph. Composing discards all the serializ-ation details introduced in the serialization process, producing only the representation graph. Composing can fail due to any of several reasons, detailed below.3.1.6.ConstructThe final input process is constructing native data structures from the YAML representation. Construction must be based only on the information available in the representation, and not on additional serialization or presentation details such as comments, directives, mapping key order, node styles, content format, indentation levels etc. Construction can fail due to the unavailability of the required native data types.rmation ModelsThis section specifies the formal details of the results of the above processes. To maximize data portability between pro-gramming languages and implementations, users of YAML should be mindful of the distinction between serialization or presentation properties and those which are part of the YAML representation. Thus, while imposing a order on mapping keys is necessary for flattening YAML representations to a sequential access medium, this serialization detail must not beused to convey application level information. In a similar manner, while indentation technique and a choice of a node style are needed for the human readability, these presentation details are neither part of the YAML serialization nor the YAML representation. By carefully separating properties needed for serialization and presentation, YAML representations of ap-plication information will be consistent and portable between various programming environments.rmation Models3.2.1.Representation GraphYAML's representation of native data is a rooted, connected, directed graph of tagged nodes. By “directed graph” we meana set of nodes and directed edges (“arrows”), where each edge connects one node to another (see a formal definition[/dads/HTML/directedGraph.html]). All the nodes must be reachable from the root node via such edges.Note that the YAML graph may include cycles, and a node may have more than one incoming edge.Nodes that are defined in terms of other nodes are collections and nodes that are independent of any other nodes are scalars.YAML supports two kinds of collection nodes, sequences and mappings. Mapping nodes are somewhat tricky because their keys are unordered and must be unique.Figure3.3.Representation Model3.2.1.1.NodesYAML nodes have content of one of three kinds: scalar, sequence, or mapping. In addition, each node has a tag which serves to restrict the set of possible values which the node's content can have.Scalar The content of a scalar node is an opaque datum that can be presented as a series of zero or more Unicode characters.Sequence The content of a sequence node is an ordered series of zero or more nodes. In particular, a sequence may contain the same node more than once or it could even contain itself (directly or indirectly).Mapping The content of a mapping node is an unordered set of key:value node pairs, with the restriction that each of the keys is unique. YAML places no further restrictions on the nodes. In particular, keys may be arbitrarynodes, the same node may be used as the value of several key:value pairs, and a mapping could even containitself as a key or a value (directly or indirectly).When appropriate, it is convenient to consider sequences and mappings together, as collections. In this view, sequences are treated as mappings with integer keys starting at zero. Having a unified collections view for sequences and mappings is helpful both for creating practical YAML tools and APIs and for theoretical analysis. represents type information of native data structures with a simple identifier, called a tag. Global tags are are URIs [/rfc/rfc2396.txt] and hence globally unique across all applications. The “tag”: URI scheme。