电气信息类专业英语翻译Lesson39 P Controllers and PI Controllers



Electronics System Design
ElectronicsDesign Automation
Signal Detection and Conversion Technology
Computer Networks
Electromagnetic Fieldand MicrowaveTechnology
Modern CommunicationsTechnology
Principlesand Applicationsof DSP
Modern Communication Networks
Computer NetworksSecurity
Optical Fiber CommunicationTechnology
MilitarySkillsTraining andFreshmenEducation
Modern Information ProcessingTechnology
Speech SignalProcessing
FundamentalsofVirtual Instrument
Matlab Language and Application



实用资料:电气工程专业课(电力类)翻译参考专业外语:Professional English电路(上) electrical circuit (I)电路(下) electrical circuit (II)金工实习 machinery practice电机(上) electrical machinery (I)电工实验与测试 electrical experiment & test电子综合实践 integrated electronic practice信号与系统 signal & system电子技术基础(模拟) fundamentals of electronic (analog)电磁场electromagnetic field电子技术实验 electronic experiment(I)电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(I)发电厂动力工程基础 Heat power engineering in generating plant企业管理 enterprise management电气主系统electrical system principle电力系统稳态/暂态分析 Steady-State/ Transient-State Analysis of Power System 电力系统继电保护 Power System Relaying Protection电力系统潮流计算机分析:Computer Analysis of Power Flow数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique微机原理 microcomputer principle电子技术基础(数字) fundamentals of electronic (digital)自动控制 automatic control theory电力系统分析 electric power system analysis电子技术基础实验electronic experiment(II)电气主系统课程设计 electrical system principle-course design电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(II)通信与计算机网络 communication & computer networks电力系统继电保护 electric power system relaying电力系统继电保护 Power System Protective Relaying电力系统远动技术electric power system remote protocol生产实习productive practice Technology继电保护课程设计 electric power system relaying-course design电力电子技术 power electronics电力电子技术基础:Fundamentals of Electronics Power Technology电力电子课程设计 Power electronics course design电力系统自动控制 electric power system control & automation高电压技术 High voltage engineering Technology变电站自动化 substation automation电力经济 electric power system economics电能质量控制 electric power quality control配电网自动化 distribution system automation电力系统新技术 new techniques on electric power system控制电机 electrical machine control调度自动化与能量管理 energy management & automation灵活交流输电系统 flexible AC transmission system计算机保护 computer protection电力系统电磁兼容 EMC in electric power system毕业实习graduation practice毕业设计graduation dissertation数字信号处理:Digital Signal Processing自动控制理论:Automatic Control Theory电气工程基础:Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering电磁场概论:Introduction to Electro-Magnetic Field计算机继电保护:Microcomputer-Based Relaying Protection电气设备的绝缘检测与故障诊断:Insulation Diagnostics and Troubl-Shooting for Electrical Installations电网规划:Power System Planning可编程控制器原理及应用:Principles of PLC (Programmable logic Controller) And Application电磁场数值计算:Numerical Computation of Electro-Magnetic Field电力系统继电保护:Relay Protection of Power System电力系统自动装置原理 The Principle of Electric Power System Automatic Equipment 电力通信系统及调度自动化:Power System Communication and Dispatching Automatic专业方向电气工程 Electrical Engineering电机与电器 Electric Machines and Electric Apparatus电力系统及其自动化 Power System and its Automation高电压与绝缘技术 High Voltage and Insulation Technology电力电子与电力传动 Power Electronics and Power Drives电工理论与新技术 Theory and New Technology of Electrical Engineering电子科学与技术 Electronics Science and Technology。



The report concludesThe report mainly collected from the power transmission and power system requirements related to the content of these twoareas, and analyze, to understand some of the relevant knowledge.Page2 Electrical Energy Transmission(电能输送)1 English textFrom reference 1Growing populations and industrializing countries create huge needs for electrical energy. Unfortunately, electricity is not alwaysused in the same place that it is produced, meaning long-distance transmission lines and distribution systems are necessary. Buttransmitting electricity over distance and via networks involves energy loss.So, with growing demand comes the need to minimize this loss to achieve two main goals: reduce resource consumption whiledelivering more power to users. Reducing consumption can be done in at least two ways: deliver electrical energy more efficientlyand change consumer habits.Transmission and distribution of electrical energy require cables and power transformers, which create three types of energy loss:the Joule effect, where energy is lost as heat in the conductor (a copper wire, for example); magnetic losses, where energy dissipates into a magnetic field;the dielectric effect, where energy is absorbed in the insulating material.The Joule effect in transmission cables accounts for losses of about 2.5 % while the losses in transformers range between 1 % and2 % (depending on the type and ratings of the transformer). So, saving just 1 % on the electrical energy produced by a powerplant of 1 000 megawatts means transmitting 10 MW more to consumers, which is far from negligible: with the same energy we cansupply 1 000 - 2 000 more homes.Changing consumer habits involves awareness-raising programmers, often undertaken by governments or activist groups. Simplethings, such as turning off lights in unoccupied rooms, or switching off the television at night (not just putting it into standbymode), or setting tasks such as laundry for non-peak hours are but a few examples among the myriad of possibilities.On the energy production side, building more efficient transmission and distribution systems is another way to go about it. Highefficiency transformers, superconducting transformers and high temperature superconductors are new technologies which promisemuch in terms of electrical energy efficiency and at the same time, new techniques are being studied. These include direct currentand ultra high voltage transmission in both alternating current and direct current modes. Keywords: electrical energy transmissionFrom reference 2Disturbing loads like arc furnaces and thyristor rectifiers draw fluctuating and harmonic currents from the utility grid. These nonsinusoidal currents cause a voltage drop across the finite internal grid impedance, and the voltage waveform in the vicinity becomesdistorted. Hence, the normal operation of sensitive consumers is jeopardized.Active filters are a means to improve the power quality in distribution networks. In order to reduce the injection of non sinusoidalload currents shunt active filters are connnected in parallel to disturbing loads (Fig. 1). The active filter investigated in this projectconsists of a PWM controlled three-level VSI with a DC link capacitor.The VSI is connected to the point of common coupling via atransformer. The configuration is identical with an advanced static var compensator.The purpose of the active filter is to compensate transient and harmonic components of the load current so that only fundamentalfrequency components remain in the grid current. Additionally, the active filter may provide the reactive power consumed by theload. The control principle for the active filter is rather straightforward: The load current ismeasured, the fundamental activecomponent is removed from the measurement, and the result is used as the reference for the VSI output current.In the low voltage grid, active filters may use inverters based on IGBTs with switching frequencies of 10 kHz or more. The harmonicsproduced by those inverters are easily suppressed with small passive filters. The VSI can be regarded nearly as an ideally controllablevoltage source. Inmedium voltage applications with power ratings of several MV A, however, the switching frequen cy of today’s VSIsis limited to some hundred Hertz. Modern high power IGCTs can operate at around 1 kHz. Therefore, large passive filters are neededin order to remove the current ripple generated by the VSI. Furthermore, in fast control schemes the VSI no longer represents anideal voltage source because the PWM modulator produces a considerable dead-time. In this project a fast dead-beat algorithm forPWM operated VSIs is developed [1].This algorithm improves the load current tracking performance and the stability of the activefilter. Normally, for a harmonics free current measurement the VSI currentwould be sampled synchronously with the tips of the triangular carriers. Here, the current acquisition is shifted in order to minimizethe delays in the control loop. The harmonics now included in themeasurement can be calculated and subtracted from the VSIcurrent. Thus, an instantaneous current estimation free of harmonics is obtained.Keywords: active filtersFrom reference 3This report provides background information on electric power transmission and related policy issues. Proposals for changing federaltransmission policy before the 111th Congress include S. 539, the Clean Renewable Energy and Economic Development Act,introduced on March 5, 2009; and the March 9, 2009, majority staff transmission siting draft of the Senate Energy and NaturalResources Committee. The policy issues identified and discussed in this report include:Federal Transmission Planning: several current proposals call for the federal government to sponsor and supervise large scale, on-going transmission planning programs. Issues for Congress to consider are the objectives of the planning process (e.g., a focus onsupporting the development of renewable power or on a broader set of transmission goals), determining how much authority newinterconnection-wide planning entities should be granted, the degree to which transmission planning needs to consider non-transmission solutions to power market needs, what resources theexecutive agencies will need to oversee the planning process, and whether the benefits for projects included in the transmissionplans (e.g., a federal permitting option) will motivate developers to add unnecessary features and costs to qualify proposals for theplan.Permitting of Transmission Lines: a contentious issue is whether the federal government should assume from the states the primaryrole in permitting new transmission lines. Related issues include whether Congress should view management and expansion of thegrid as primarily a state or national issue, whether national authority over grid reliability (which Congress established in the EnergyPolicy Act of 2005) can be effectively exercised without federal authority over permitting, if it is important to accelerate theconstruction of new transmission lines (which is one of the assumed benefits of federal permitting), and whether the executiveagencies are equipped to take on the task of permitting transmission lines.Transmission Line Funding and Cost Allocation: the primary issues are whether the the federal government should help pay for newtransmission lines, and if Congress should establish a national standard for allocating the costs of interstate transmission lines toratepayers.Transmission Modernization and the Smart Grid: issues include the need for Congressional oversight of existing federal smart gridresearch, development, demonstration, and grant programs; and oversight over whether the smart grid is actually proving to be agood investment for taxpayers and ratepayers.Transmission System Reliability: it is not clear whether Congress and the executive branch have the information needed to evaluatethe reliability of the transmission system. Congress may also want to review whether the power industry is striking the right balancebetween modernization and new construction as a means of enhancing transmission reliability, and whether the reliability standardsbeing developed for the transmission system are appropriate for a rapidly changing power system. Keywords: electric power transmissionPage3 Requirements of an Electric Supply System(供电系统需求)1 English textFrom reference1Connections to external 330 kV power grids are provided using an open 330 kV switchyard. The plant is connected to theLithuanian power grid using two transmission lines L-454 and L-453, 330 kV each, to the Belorussian power grid using threetransmission lines L-450, L-452 and L-705, and to the Latvian power grid using one transmission line L-451.Connections to external power grids at 110 kV are provided using the first section of the open 110 kV switchyard. The plant isconnected to the Lithuanian power grid using one transmission line “Zarasai” 110 kV, and to the Latvian power grid using onetransmission line L-632.Connections between the open switchyards at 330 kV and 110 kV are established using two coupling autotransformers AT-1 andAT-2, types ATDCTN- 200000/330. Power of each autotransformer is equal to 200 MV×A. The autotransformers have a device forvoltage regulation under load. The device type is RNOA-110/1000. 15 positions are provided to regulate voltage in a range (115 ±6) kV.The open 330 kV switchyard is designed using "4/3" principle (four circuit breakers per three connections) and consists of twosections. Circuit breakers are placed in two rows. The first section of the open switchyard 110 kV is designed using “Double systemof buses with bypass” structure. The second section of open switchyard 110 kV is connected to the first section through twocircuit breakers C101 and C102. The second section has the same design as the first one. The following transmission lines areconnected to the second section: L-Vidzy, L-Opsa, L-Statyba, LDuk Ötas. These transmission lines are intended for district powersupplies, so they are not essential for electric power supply for the plant in-house operation.Air circuit breakers of VNV-330/3150A type are used in the open 330 kV switchyard. Air circuit breakers of VVBK-110B-50/3150U1type are used in open switchyard 110 kV. To supply power loads on voltage level 330 kV and 110 kV, aerial transmission lines areused. Electrical connections of external grids 110 and 330 kV are presented in Fig. 8.1. Keywords: transmission linesFrom reference 2AbstractThis paper addresses sustainability criteria and the associated indicators allowing operationalization of the sustainability concept in the context of electricity supply. The criteria and indicators cover economic,environmental and social aspects. Some selected results from environmental analysis, risk assessment and economic studies areshown. These studies are supported by the extensive databases developed in this work. The applications of multi-criteria analysisdemonstrate the use of a framework that allows decision-makers to simultaneously address the often conflicting socio-economic andecological criteria. “EnergyGame”, the communication-oriented software recently developed by the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI),provides the opportunity to integrate the central knowledge-based results with subjective value judgments. In this way a sensitivitymap of technology choices can be constructed in an interactive manner. Accommodation of a range of perspectives expressed inthe energy debate, including the concept of sustainable development, may lead to different internal rankings of the options butsome patterns appear to be relatively robust.IntroductionThe public, opinion leaders and decision-makers ask for clear answers on issues concerning the energy sector and electricitygeneration in particular. Is it feasible to phase out nuclear power in countries extensively relying on nuclear electricity supply andsimultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions? What are the environmental and economic implications of enhanced uses ofcogeneration systems, renewable sources and heat pumps? How do the various energy carriers compare with respect to accidentrisks? How would internalization of external costs affect the relative competitiveness of the various means of electricity production?What can we expect from the prospective technological advancements during the next two or three decades? Which systems orenergy mixes come closest to the ideal of being cheap, environmentally clean, reliable and at the same time exhibit low accidentrisks?How can we evaluate and rank the current and future energy supply options with respect to their performance on specificsustainability criteria?The Swiss GaBE Project on “Comprehensive Assessment of Energy Systems” provides answers to many issues in the Swiss andinternational energy arena. A systematic, multidisciplinary, bottom-up methodology for the assessment of energy systems, has beenestablished and implemented. It covers environmental analysis, risk assessment and economic studies, which are supported by theextensive databases developed in this work. One of the analysis products are aggregated indicators associated with the varioussustainability criteria, thus allowing a practical operationalization of the sustainability concept. Apart from technical and economicaspects an integrated approach needs to consider also social preferences, which may be done in the framework of multi-criteriaanalysis.Keywords: criteria indicatorsFrom reference 3Mobility of persons and goods is an essential component of the competitiveness of European industry and services as well as anessential citizen right. The goal of the EU's sustainable transport policy is to ensure that our transport systems meet society'seconomic, social and environmental needs.The transport sector is responsible for about 30% of the total final energy consumption and for about 25% of the total CO2emissions. In particular the contribution of road transport is very high (around 80% and 70% respectively). These simple data shedlight on the necessity to move towards a more sustainable transportation system, but also suggest that a technological/systemicrevolution in the field will positively impact the overall world’s sustainable development.From a technological point of view, a lower dependency from not renewable energy sources (i.e. fuel oil) of the road transport isthe main anticipated change. In particular electric engines possibly represent the natural vehicle evolution in this direction. Indeedthey have much higher energy efficiency (around three times that of internal combustion engines, ICE) and do not produce anykind of tailpipe emissions. How the electricity will be supplied to the vehicles is still unpredictable due to the too many existinguncertainties on the future development, but the electrification of the drive train will contribute to having alternative energy pathsto reduce the nearly total dependency on crude oil. In particular, vehicle range and performances allowed by the differentpossibilities will play a key role on the debate.At the moment a great attention is attracted by electric vehicles, both hybrid and not, that will allow users to recharge theirvehicles directly at home. This kind of vehicle can represent a real future alternative to the ICE vehicles in particular for whatconcerns the daily commuting trips (whose range is quite low). It is therefore important to understand what might be the impacton the electric supply system capabilities of this recharging activity.In this light the present study carries out an analysis of this impact for the Province of Milan (of particular relevant due the very highdaily commuting trips) at a 2030 time horizon. Key issue of the analysis is the estimation of a potential market share evolution for theelectric vehicles. The results obtained show that even with a very high future market penetration the impact of the vehicles on theannual energy consumption will be quite negligible. On the contrary they also show that without an appropriate regulation (e.g. theintelligent integration of electric vehicles into the existing power grid as decentralised and flexible energy storage), they couldheavily impact on the daily electric power requirements.Keywords: electric vehicles报告总结本次报告主要从网上收集了电能输送和供电系统的需求这两个方面的相关内容,并对其进行了分析,了解了一些相关知识。



A priori knowledge 先验知识Actuator 执行器Ad hoc 尤其关于Addition 加Ambient 环境的Americana 美国志书Analog-to-digital converter ,模拟数字转换器Antenna 天线Arrangement 方案Automate 使自动化Averaging 求平均值Be subtracted from 减Binary 二进制的Bus network 总线网Carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡Carrier frequency 载频Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection 载波监听,多址访问Cellular telephone 蜂窝式电话系统Circuit components 电路元件Circuit diagram 电路图Circuit parameters 电路参数Close-loop control 闭环控制Common media 公共媒体Common reference 参考点Conductance 电导Conductor 导体Consistently 稳定,协调Constant coefficient system 常系数系统Control installation 控制装置Convention 惯例Conventional 常见的Conversion 转换Correct 校正Corresponding to 相应的Crossbar switch 纵横切换器Differential input 差动输入Differentiation 微分Digital-to-analog converter 数字模拟转换器Dimensional 量纲的Direct-current circuit 直流电路Discrete-time system 离散时间系统Discrimination 分辨力鉴别力Displacement current 位移电流Distinction 区别Disturb 扰动Dummy 假的,假装的Dynamic behavior 动态行为Electric circuit 电路Electric energy 电能Electrical device 电气设备Electrical pressure transducer 压电传感器Electromotive force 电动势Electronic analog 电子模拟Encyclopedia 百科全书Energy converter 电能转换器Energy source 电源Ergonomic 人类工程学的Error 误差Excursion 偏差Existing value 实际值External characteristic 外特性Facsimile 传真Factor 系数,因率数Feedback 反馈Feedback component 反馈元件Frequency counter 频率计数器Frequency-domain 频域Function 功能Generator 发电机Graphic panel 图式仪表盘Heating appliance 电热器High definition television 高清电视Hybrid system 混合系统Ideal amplifier 理想放大器Immunity 不敏感性Income 输入Indicator 指示Inertia 惯性Inertia reference frame 惯性参考坐标系Infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益Initial voltage 初始电压Input quantity 输入量Integrated service digital network综合业务数据网Integration 积分Internal combustion engine 内燃机Interruption 阻断Intervention 介入Inverting amplifier 反相放大器Inverting terminal 反相端Linear vector space 线性向量空间Linearization 线性化Load characteristic 负载特性Load resistance 负载特性Logic level 逻辑电平Logistic 后勤的Lower limit on the integration 积分下限Low-order system 低阶系统Low-pass filter 低通滤波器Machine tool 机床Magnetic and electric field 电磁场Manual 手工Manufacturer’s data sheet 铭牌Mathematical operation 数字运算Measuring technique 测试技术Megohm 兆欧Metal-filament lamp 金属丝灯泡Metropolitan area network 城域网Microvolt 微伏Modern control theory 现代控制理论Multiplexer 多路切换器Multiplication 乘Negative-feedback signal 负反馈信号Noise 噪声Noninverting terminal 非反相端Nonlinear 非线性的Off-set 失常点Offset=bias 偏置On-line system 联机系统Ono-linear characteristics 非线性特性Open loop gain 开环增益Open-loop control 开环控制Operational amplifier 运算放大器Optimal control 最优控制Opto-isolator 观点耦合器Order 数量级Outset 开始Parallel digital signal 并行数字信号Pervasive 普遍性的Phase reversal 反相Phase-plane method 像平面方法Potentiometer 电位计Preset 预先装置Primary cell 原生电池Private networks 专业网络Public network 公用网络Radix-weighted 基数加权Rated 额定的Research and design 研发Resolution 分辨力Ring network 环形网Scaling 量程调整Schematic 纲要的Schmitt-trigger 施密特触发器Secondary cell 再生电池Self-(or mutual-) induction 自(互)感Self-acting 自动做Self-moving 自运动Servooperated null-balance potentiometer 伺服驱动零平衡电位差计Shaft encoder 转轴编码的Shunt connection 并联连接Signal conditioning 信号调理Signal conditioning 信号处理Simultaneous equations 联立方程Single-ended output 单端输出Sink 灌入Source 从出来Span 量程Specification 参数Square root extraction 开平方State variable method 状态变量方法Storage battery 蓄电池Strain gage 应变仪Strip chart 长条记录纸Substrate 底层基片Subtraction 减Synchros 感应同步器System buses 系统总线Telecommunication 远程通信Terminal voltage 端电压The dielectric 电介质Time-domain technique 时间域技术Time-invariant 定常的Time-varying parameter 时变参数Timing circuit 计时电路Token 令牌Topology 拓扑Transducer 传感器Transfer function 传递函数Transformer 变压器Triangular symbol 三角符号Uncertainty 不确定性Unidirectional current 单方向性电流Upgrade 升级Virtual 虚的Virtual ground 虚地Voltage drop 电压降Volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性Wire 导线Zero adjustment 零位调整。



优秀论文审核通过未经允许切勿外传Chapter 3 Digital Electronics3.1 IntroductionA circuit that employs a numerical signal in its operation is classified as a digital circuitputers,pocket calculators, digital instruments, and numerical control (NC) equipment are common applications of digital circuits. Practically unlimited quantities of digital information can be processed in short periods of time electronically. With operational speed of prime importance in electronics today,digital circuits are used more frequently.In this chapter, digital circuit applications are discussed.There are many types of digital circuits that electronics, including logic circuits, flip-flop circuits, counting circuits, and many others. The first sections of this unit discuss the number systems that are basic to digital circuit understanding. The remainder of the chapter introduces some of the types of digital circuits and explains Boolean algebra as it is applied to logic circuits.3.2 Digital Number SystemsThe most common number system used today is the decimal system,in which 10 digits are used for counting. The number of digits in the systemis called its base (or radix).The decimal system,therefore,the counting process. The largest digit that can be used in a specific place or location is determined by the base of the system. In the decimal system the first position to the left of the decimal point is called the units place. Any digit from 0 to 9 can be used in this place.When number values greater than 9 are used,they must be expressed with two or more places.The next position to the left of the units place in a decimal system is the tens place.The number 99 is the largest digital value that can be expressed by two places in the decimal system.Each place added to the left extends the number system by a power of 10.Any number can be expressed as a sum of weighted place values.The decimal number 2583,for example, is expressed as (2×1000)+(5×100)+(8×10)+(3×1).The decimal number system is commonly used in our daily lives. Electronically, the binary system.Electronically,the value of 0 can be associated with a low-voltage value or no voltage. The number 1 can then be associated with a voltage value larger than 0. Binary systems that use these voltage values are said to , this chapter.The two operational states of a binary system,1 and 0,are natural circuit conditions. When a circuit is turned off or the off, or 0,state. An electrical circuit that the on,or 1,state. By using transistor or ICs,it is electronically possible to change states in less than a microsecond. Electronic devices make it possible to manipulate millions of 0s and is in a second and thus to process information quickly.The basic principles of numbering used in decimal numbers apply ingeneral to binary numbers.The base of the binary system is 2,meaning that only the digits 0 and 1 are used to express place value. The first place to the left of the binary point,or starting point,represents the units,or is,location. Places to the left of the binary point are the powers of 2.Some of the place values in base 2 are 2º=1,2¹=2,2²=4,2³=8,2⁴=16,25=32,and 26=64.When bases other than 10 are used,the numbers should example.The number 100₂(read“one,zero,zero, base 2”)is equivalent to 4 in base 10,or 410.Starting with the first digit to the left of the binary point,this number this method of conversion a binary number to an equivalent decimal number,write down the binary number first. Starting at the binary point,indicate the decimal equivalent for each binary place location where a 1 is indicated. For each 0 in the binary number leave a blank space or indicate a 0 ' Add the place values and then record the decimal equivalent.The conversion of a decimal number to a binary equivalent is achieved by repetitive steps of division by the number 2.When the quotient is even with no remainder,a 0 is recorded.When the quotient process continues until the quotient is 0.The binary equivalent consists of the remainder values in the order last to first.3.2.2 Binary-coded Decimal (BCD) Number SystemWhen large numbers are indicated by binary numbers,they are difficult to use. For this reason,the Binary-Coded Decimal(BCD) method of counting was devised. In this system four binary digits are used to represent each decimal digit.To illustrate this procedure,the number 105,is converted to a BCD number.In binary numbers,To apply the BCD conversion process,the base 10 number is first divided into digits according to place values.The number 10510 gives the digits 1-0-5.Converting each displayed by this process with only 12 binary numbers. The between each group of digits is important when displaying BCD numbers.The largest digit to be displayed by any group of BCD numbers is 9.Six digits of a number-coding group are not used at all in this system.Because of this, the octal (base 8) and the binary form but usually display them in BCD,octal,or a base 8 system is 7. The place values starting at the left of the octal point are the powers of eight: 80=1,81=8,82=64,83=512,84=4096,and so on.The process of converting an octal number to a decimal number is the same as that used in the binary-to-decimal conversion process. In this method, equivalent decimal is 25810.Converting an octal number to an equivalent binary number is similar to the BCD conversion process. The octal number is first divided into digits according to place value. Each octal digit is then converted into an equivalent binary number using only three digits.Converting a decimal number to an octal number is a process of repetitive division by the number 8.After the quotient determined,the remainder is brought down as the place value.When the quotient is even with no remainder,a 0 is transferred to the place position.The number for converting 409810 to base 8 is 100028.Converting a binary number to an octal number is an importantconversion process of digital circuits. Binary numbers are first processed at a very output circuit then accepts this signal and converts it to an octal signal displayed on a readout device.must first be divided into groups of three,starting at the octal point.Each binary group is then converted into an equivalent octal number.These numbers are then combined,while remaining in their same respective places,to represent the equivalent octal number.3.2.4 Hexadecimal Number SystemThe digital systems to process large number values.The base of this system is 16,which means that the largest number used in a place is 15.Digits used by this system are the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F. The letters A-P are used to denote the digits 10-15,respectively. The place values to the left of the .The process of changing a proper digital order.The place values,or powers of the base,are then positioned under the respective digits in step 2.In step 3,the value of each digit is recorded. The values in steps 2 and 3 are then multiplied together and added. The sum gives the decimal equivalent value of a . Initially,the converted to a binary number using four digits per group. The binary group is combined to form the equivalent binary number.The conversion of a decimal number to a ,as with other number systems. In this procedure the division is by 16 and remainders can be as large as 15.Converting a binary number to a groups of four digits,starting at the converted to a digital circuit-design applications binary signals arefar superior to those of the octal,decimal,or be processed very easily through electronic circuitry,since they can be represented by two stable states of operation. These states can be easily defined as on or off, 1 or 0,up or down,voltage or no voltage,right or left,or any other two-condition states. There must be no in-between state.The symbols used to define the operational state of a binary system are very important.In positive binary logic,the state of voltage,on,true,or a letter designation (such as A ) is used to denote the operational state 1 .No voltage,off,false,and the letter A are commonly used to denote the 0 condition. A circuit can be set to either state and will remain in that state until it is caused to change conditions.Any electronic device that can be set in one of two operational states or conditions by an outside signal is said to be bistable. Relays,lamps,switches,transistors, diodes and ICs may be used for this purpose. A bistable device .By using many of these devices,it is possible to build an electronic circuit that will make decisions based upon the applied input signals. The output of this circuit is a decision based upon the operational conditions of the input. Since the application of bistable devices in digital circuits makes logical decisions,they are commonly called binary logic circuits.If we were to draw a circuit diagram for such a system,including all the resistors,diodes,transistors and interconnections,we would face an overwhelming task, and an unnecessary one.Anyone who read the circuit diagram would in their mind group the components into standard circuits and think in terms of the" system" functions of the individual gates. Forthis reason,we design and draw digital circuit with standard logic symbols. Three basic circuits of this type are used to make simple logic decisions.These are the AND circuit, OR circuit, and the NOT circuit.Electronic circuits designed to perform logic functions are called gates.This term refers to the capability of a circuit to pass or block specific digital signals.The logic-gate symbols are shown in Fig.3-1.The small circle at the output of NOT gate indicates the inversion of the signal. Mathematically,this action is described as A=.Thus without the small circle,the rectangle would represent an amplifier (or buffer) with a gain of unity.An AND gate the 1 state simultaneously,then there will be a 1 at the output.The AND gate in Fig. 3-1 produces only a 1 out-put when A and B are both 1. Mathematically,this action is described as A·B=C. This expression shows the multiplication operation. An OR gate Fig.3-1 produces a when either or both inputs are l.Mathematically,this action is described as A+B=C. This expression shows OR addition. This gate is used to make logic decisions of whether or not a 1 appears at either input.An IF-THEN type of sentence is often used to describe the basic operation of a logic state.For example,if the inputs applied to an AND gate are all 1,then the output will be 1 .If a 1 is applied to any input of an OR gate,then the output will be 1 .If an input is applied to a NOT gate,then the output will be the opposite or inverse.The logic gate symbols in Fig. 3-1 show only the input and output connections. The actual gates,when wired into a digital circuit, would pin 14 and 7.3.4 Combination Logic GatesWhen a NOT gate is combined with an AND gate or an OR gate,it iscalled a combination logic gate. A NOT-AND gate is called a NAND gate,which is an inverted AND gate. Mathematically the operation of a NAND gate is A·B=. A combination NOT-OR ,or NOR,gate produces a negation of the OR function.Mathematically the operation of a NOR gate is A+B=.A 1 appears at the output only when A is 0 and B is 0.The logic symbols are shown in Fig. 3-3.The bar over C denotes the inversion,or negative function,of the gate.The logic gates discussed .In actual digital electronic applications,solid-state components are ordinarily used to accomplish gate functions.Boolean algebra is a special form of algebra that was designed to show the relationships of logic operations.Thin form of algebra is ideally suited for analysis and design of binary logic systems.Through the use of Boolean algebra,it is possible to write mathematical expressions that describe specific logic functions.Boolean expressions are more meaningful than complex word statements or or elaborate truth tables.The laws that apply to Boolean algebra are used to simplify complex expressions. Through this type of operation it may be possible to reduce the number of logic gates needed to achieve a specific function before the circuits are designed.In Boolean algebra the variables of an equation are assigned by letters of the alphabet.Each variable then exists in states of 1 or 0 according to its condition.The 1,or true state,is normally represented by a single letter such as A,B or C.The opposite state or condition is then described as 0,or false,and is represented by or A’.This is described as NOT A,A negated,or A complemented.Boolean algebra is somewhat different from conventional algebra withrespect to mathematical operations.The Boolean operations are expressed as follows:Multiplication:A AND B,AB,,A·BOR addition:A OR B .A+BNegation,or complementing:NOT A,,A’Assume that a digital logic circuit only C is on by itself or when A,B and C are all on expression describes the desired output. Eight (23) different combinations of A,B,and C exist in this expression because there are three,inputs. Only two of those combinations should cause a signal that will actuate the output. When a variable is not on (0),it is expressed as a negated letter. The original statement is expressed as follows: With A,B,and C on or with A off, B off, and C on ,an output (X)will occur:ABC+C=XA truth table illustrates if this expression is achieved or not.Table 3-1 shows a truth table for this equation. First,ABC is determined by multiplying the three inputs together.A 1 appears only when the A,B,and C inputs are all 1.Next the negated inputs A andB are determined.Then the products of inputs C,A,and B are listed.The next column shows the addition of ABC and C.The output of this equation shows that output 1 is produced only when C is 1 or when ABC is 1.A logic circuit to accomplish this Boolean expression is shown in Fig. 3-4.Initially the equation is analyzed to determine its primary operational function.Step1 shows the original equation.The primary function is addition,since it influences all parts of the equation in some way.Step 2 shows the primary function changed to a logic gate diagram.Step 3 showsthe branch parts of the equation expressed by logic diagram,with AND gates used to combine terms.Step 4 completes the process by connecting all inputs together.The circles at inputs,of the lower AND gate are used to achieve the negative function of these branch parts.The general rules for changing a Boolean equation into a logic circuit diagram are very similar to those outlined.Initially the original equation must be analyzed for its primary mathematical function.This is then changed into a gate diagram that is inputted by branch parts of the equation.Each branch operation is then analyzed and expressed in gate form.The process continues until all branches are completely expressed in diagram formmon inputs are then connected together.3.5 Timing and Storage ElementsDigital electronics involves a number of items that are not classified as gates.Circuits or devices of this type the operation of a system.Included in this system are such things as timing devices,storage elements,counters,decoders,memory,and registers.Truth tables symbols,operational characteristics,and applications of these items will be presented an IC chip. The internal construction of the chip cannot be effectively altered. Operation is controlled by the application of an external signal to the input. As a rule,very little work can be done to control operation other than altering the input signal.The logic circuits in Fig. 3-4 are combinational circuit because the output responds immediately to the inputs and there is no memory. When memory is a part of a logic circuit,the system is called sequential circuit because its output depends on the input plus its an input signal isapplied.A bistable multivibrator,in the strict sense,is a flip-flop. When it is turned on,it assumes a particular operational state. It does not change states until the input is altered.A flip-flop opposite polarity.Two inputs are usually needed to alter the state of a flip-flop. A variety of names are used for the inputs.These vary a great deal between different flip-flops.1. R-S flip-flopsFig.3-5 shows logic circuit construction of an R-S flip-flop. It is constructed from two NAND gates. The output of each NAND provides one of the inputs for the other NAND. R stands for the reset input and S represents the set input.The truth table and logic symbol are shown in Fig. 3-6.Notice that the truth table is somewhat more complex than that of a gate. It shows, for example,the applied input, previous output,and resulting output.To understand the operation of an R-S flip-flop,we must first look at the previous outputs.This is the status of the output before a change is applied to the input. The first four items of the previous outputs are Q=1 and =0. The second four states this case of the input to NANDS is 0 and that is 0,which implies that both inputs to NANDR are 1.By symmetry,the logic circuit will also stable with Q0 and 1.If now R momentarily becomes 0,the output of NANDR,,will rise to resulting in NANDS be realized by a 0 at S.The outputs Q and are unpredictable when the inputs R and S are 0 states.This case is not allowed.Seldom would individual gates be used to construct a flip-flop,rather than one of the special types for the flip-flop packages on a single chipwould be used by a designer.A variety of different flip-flops are used in digital electronic systems today. In general,each flip-flop type R-S-T flip-flop for example .is a triggered R-S flip-flop. It will not change states when the R and S inputs assume a value until a trigger pulse is applied. This would permit a large number of flip-flops to change states all at the same time. Fig. 3-7 shows the logic circuit construction. The truth table and logic symbol are shown in Fig. 3-8. The R and S input are thus active when the signal at the gate input (T) is 1 .Normally,such timing,or synchronizing,signals are distributed throughout a digital system by clock pulses,as shown in Fig. 3-9.The symmetrical clock signal provides two times each period.The circuit can be designed to trigger at the leading or trailing edge of the clock. The logic symbols for edge trigger flip-flops are shown in Fig.3-10.2. J-K flip-flopsAnother very important flip-flop unpredictable output state. The J and K inputs addition to this,J-K flip-flops may employ preset and preclear functions. This is used to establish sequential timing operations. Fig.3-11 shows the logic symbol and truth table of a J-K flip-flop.3. 5. 2 CountersA flip-flop be used in switching operations,and it can count pulses.A series of interconnected flip-flops is generally called a register.Each register can store one binary digit or bit of data. Several flip-flops connected form a counter. Counting is a fundamental digital electronic function.For an electronic circuit to count,a number of things must beachieved. Basically,the circuit must be supplied with some form of data or information that is suitable for processing. Typically,electrical pulses that turn on and off are applied to the input of a counter. These pulses must initiate a state change in the circuit when they are received. The circuit must also be able to recognize where it is in counting sequence at any particular time. This requires some form of memory. The counter must also be able to respond to the next number in the sequence. In digital electronic systems flip-flops are primarily used to achieve counting. This type of device is capable of changing states when a pulse is applied,output pulse.There are several types of counters used in digital circuitry today.Probably the most common of these is the binary counter.This particular counter is designed to process two-state or binary information. J-K flip-flops are commonly used in binary counters.Refer now to the single J-K flip-flop of Fig. 3-11 .In its toggle state,this flip-flop is capable of achieving counting. First,assume that the flip-flop is in its reset state. This would cause Q to be 0 and Q to be 1 .Normally,we are concerned only with Q output in counting operations. The flip-flop is now connected for operation in the toggle mode. J and K must both be made the 1 state. When a pulse is applied to the T,or clock,input,Q changes to 1.This means that with one pulse applied,a 1 is generated in the output. The flip-flop the next pulse arrives,Q resets,or changes to 0. Essentially,this means that two input pulses produce only one output pulse. This is a divide-by-two function.For binary numbers,counting is achieved by a number of divide-by-two flip-flops.To count more than one pulse,additional flip-flops must be employed. For each flip-flop added to the counter,its capacity is increased by the power of 2. With one flip-flop the maximum count was 20,or 1 .For two flip-flops it would count two places,such as 20 and 21.This would reach a count of 3 or a binary number of 11.The count would be 00,01,10,and 11. The counter would then clear and return to 00. In effect, this counts four state changes. Three flip-flops would count three places,or 20,21,and 22.This would permit a total count of eight state changes.The binary values are 000,001,010,011,100,101,110 and 111.The maximum count is seven,or 111 .Four flip-flops would count four places,or 20,21,22,and 23.The total count would make 16 state changes. The maximum count would be 15,or the binary number 1111.Each additional flip-flop would cause this to increase one binary place.河南理工大学电气工程及其自动化专业中英双语对照翻译。



30个电气专业英语词汇互译Electrical engineering is a highly specialized field that utilizes a unique set of terminology and vocabulary to describe various concepts, components, and processes. As the industry continues to evolve and expand globally, the need for effective communication and translation of these specialized terms becomes increasingly important. In this essay, we will explore 30 essential electrical engineering English words and provide their corresponding translations.1. Voltage - Voltage is the potential difference between two points in an electrical circuit, measured in volts (V). The French translation is "tension électrique."2. Current - Current refers to the flow of electric charge through a conductor, measured in amperes (A). The Spanish translation is "corriente eléctrica."3. Resistance - Resistance is the measure of the opposition to the flow of electric current in a circuit, measured in ohms (Ω). TheGerman translation is "Widerstand."4. Power - Power is the rate at which electrical energy is generated or consumed, measured in watts (W). The Italian translation is "potenza."5. Capacitance - Capacitance is the ability of a component to store an electric charge, measured in farads (F). The Chinese translation is "电容量."6. Inductance - Inductance is the property of a component that opposes changes in the electric current, measured in henries (H). The Japanese translation is "インダクタンス."7. Impedance - Impedance is the total opposition to the flow of alternating current in a circuit, meas ured in ohms (Ω). The Russian translation is "сопротивление."8. Frequency - Frequency is the number of cycles or oscillations that occur in a unit of time, measured in hertz (Hz). The Arabic translation is "ددرتلا."9. Semiconductor - A semiconductor is a material that can conduct electricity under certain conditions, such as silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge). The Korean translation is "반도체."10. Transistor - A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. The Portuguese translation is "transistor."11. Diode - A diode is a semiconductor device that allows electric current to flow in only one direction. The Polish translation is "dioda."12. Resistor - A resistor is a passive electronic component used to control or limit the flow of electric current. The Greek translation is "αντίσταση."13. Capacitor - A capacitor is a passive electronic component used to store electric charge temporarily. The Hindi translation is "सससससस."14. Inductor - An inductor is a passive electronic component used to store energy in the form of a magnetic field. The Swedish translation is "induktor."15. Transformer - A transformer is a device used to convert alternating current (AC) from one voltage level to another. The Dutch translation is "transformator."16. Circuit - A circuit is a closed path through which electric currentcan flow. The Turkish translation is "devre."17. Relay - A relay is an electrically operated switch used to control a high-power circuit with a low-power signal. The Persian translation is "هلر."18. Rectifier - A rectifier is a circuit that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). The Urdu translation is "سوکعمهدننک."19. Amplifier - An amplifier is a device that increases the magnitude of a signal. The Thai translation is "ससससससस."20. Oscillator - An oscillator is a circuit that generates a repetitive electrical signal. The Vietnamese translation is "Máy dao động." 21. Sensor - A sensor is a device that detects and responds to a physical or chemical stimulus. The Romanian translation is "senzor."22. Encoder - An encoder is a device that converts information from one format or code to another. The Hungarian translation is"kódoló."23. Decoder - A decoder is a device that converts encoded information back into its original format. The Czech translation is "dekodér."24. Multiplexer - A multiplexer is a device that selects one of several input signals and forwards it to a single output. The Slovak translation is "multiplexor."25. Demultiplexer - A demultiplexer is a device that selects one of several outputs based on a control signal. The Malay translation is "pemultipleks."26. Microcontroller - A microcontroller is a single-chip computer used for automation and embedded systems. The Indonesian translation is "mikrokontroler."27. Microprocessor - A microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit. The Finnish translation is "mikroprosessori."28. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) - An ADC is a device that converts an analog signal into a digital signal. The Norwegian translation is "analog-til-digital-omformer."29. Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) - A DAC is a device that converts a digital signal into an analog signal. The Danish translation is "digital-til-analog-omformer."30. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) - A PCB is a board that mechanically supports and electrically connects electronic components using conductive tracks. The Swedish translation is "trycktkretsförskjutning."The translations provided in this essay demonstrate the diversity of the electrical engineering field and the need for effective communication across different languages and cultures. As the industry continues to evolve and become more globalized, the importance of understanding and translating these specialized terms will only become more crucial. By familiarizing ourselves with these 30 key electrical engineering words and their multilingual equivalents, we can enhance collaboration, facilitate knowledge sharing, and ensure the seamless exchange of technical information worldwide.。



电气的专业术语英文(一)电气专业术语二1. Personnel 人员职员2. Voltmeter 电压表伏特计3. Ohmmeter 欧姆计电阻表4. Megohmmeter 兆欧表5. Wattmeter 瓦特计电表功率6. Watt-hour 瓦时瓦特小时7. Ammeter 安培计电流表8. calibrate 校正9. scale 刻度量程10. rated 额定的11. interfere with 有害于。

12. indicating needle仪表指针13. hazardous 危险的14. pivot 支点15. terminal 端子16. spiral 螺旋形的17. spring 弹簧18. shunt 分流,分路,并联,旁路19. rectifier 整流器20. electrodynamometer 电测力计21. strive for 争取22. vane 机器的叶,叶片23. strip 条,带,(跨接)片24. crude 不精细的,粗略的25. polarity 极性26. fuse 保险丝,熔丝27. rugged 坚固的28. depict 描绘,描写29. cartridge 盒式保险丝30. blow (保险丝)烧断31. plug fuse 插头式保险丝32. malfunction 故障33. deenergize 不给… 通电34. insulation 绝缘35. generator 发电机36. magneto 磁发电机37. humidity 湿度38. moisture 潮湿湿气39. abbreviate 缩写,缩写为40. transformer 变压器41. thumb 检查,查阅42. milliammeter 毫安表43. multimeter 万用表44. dynamometer 测力计,功率计45. aluminum 铝46. deteriorate 使….恶化47. eddy current 涡流48. gear 齿轮,传动装置49. dial 刻度盘50. semiconductor 半导体51. squirrel 鼠笼式52. diode 二极管53. thyristor 晶闸管54. transistor 电子晶体管55. triac 双向可控硅56. phase 相位(控制)57. silicon 硅58. crystal 晶体59. wafer 薄片60. anode 阳极,正极61. cathode 阴极62. collector 集电极]63. emitter 发射极64. schematic (电路)原理图符号65. leakage 漏电流66. rating 额定值,标称值,定额67. dissipate 散发68. breakdown 击穿69. heat sink 散热器70. self-latching 自锁71. commutation 换向72. geometry 几何结构73. squeeze 压榨,挤,挤榨74. light-dimmer 调光75. capability 容量76. studmounted 拴接式77. hockey puck 冰球78. fin 飞边79. active 有源的80. horsepower 马力81. diameter 直径82. in. (inch ,inches)英寸83. extruded 型材的84. clamp 夹住,夹紧85. compound 紧密结合86. wrench 扳手87. torque 转矩,扭矩88. enclosure 外(机)壳89. ventilation 通风,流通空气90. sealed-off 封的91. thermal 热的,热量的92. substantially 主要地,实质上地93. aptly 适当地,适宜地94. demystify 阐明95. allude 暗指,直接提到96. cease 停止,终了97. line 线电压98. ripple 脉动.99. redundant 多余的100. separately 单独励磁地101. synchronous 同步电动机102. circuitry 电路,线路103. cost-effective 花费大的104. capacitor 电容器105. dictate 确定106. trade-off 权衡,折衷107. criteria 标准,判据108. analog electronics电力电子学109. saturate 使…饱和110. active region 动态区域111. due 应得到的112. ratio 比,比率113. signify 表示114. encode 编码115. resonance 共鸣116. radiated 传播117. molecule 分子118. diaphragm 震动膜119. acoustic wave 声波120. wavy groove 起伏的沟槽121. deflection 挠度,挠曲122. strain gage 应变计量器123. tachometer 转速计124. thermocouple 热电偶125. oscilloscope 示波器126. analytical 解析的127. numerical 数值的128. integrate 求…的积分129. scale 改变比例130. frequency- domain 频域131. random 随机的132. audio 音频的133. operation amplifier 运算放大器134. summation 求和,加法135. sophisticated 复杂的,完善的136. mass-produce 大量生产137. subtract 减去138. inverting amplifier 反向放大器139. uninverting amplifer 同相放大器140. derive 推倒141. active filter 有源滤波器142. stabilize 使稳定143. moderate 适度的,适中的144. virtue 优点145. amplification 扩大146. capacitor 电容器147. impedance 阻抗148. bode plot 波特图149. simulate 模拟,方针150. narrowband filter 带通滤波器151. low-pass filter低通滤波器152. high-pass filter高通滤波器153. differential equation 微分方程154. prebias 预偏置155. summer 加法器156. weighted 加权的157. refinement 改进158. accommodate 适应159. envision 预见160. alphabet 字母表161. validity 正确性162. proposition 命题163. binary 二进制164. nevertheless 然而165. reveal 展现166. complement 补码167. truthtable 真值表168. algebraical 代数的169. trial and error 试错法,试凑法170. elapse 时间(流逝)171. enumerate 列举172. expire 期满,终止173. brute 僵化的174. prime 上撇号175. trigger 引起 ,触发176. inversion 反相 ,反转177. quadruple 四合一178. fabricate 制造179. integrated circuit 集成电路180. capsule 封装181. compatible 兼容的182. obsolete 废弃的183. threshold 门限,阈值184. zener diode 齐纳二极管185. adjacent 临近的,接近的186. arc welding 电弧焊187. intimately 密切地188. recast 重做189. bistable circuit 双稳电路190. cutoff 截止,关闭191. symmetry 对称192. lable 为……标号193. equilibria 平衡194. lever 杆,杠杆195. latch circuit 锁存电路196. depress 压下197. flip-flop 触发器198. glitch 同步199. leading edge 上升沿200. lagging(trailing) edge 下降沿201. inhibit 禁止202. hitherto 迄今,至今203. toggle (来回)切换204. impulse 推动力205. air gap 气隙206. aircraft 飞机207. alternating current, AC 交流208. armature 电枢209. automobile 汽车210. bearing 轴承211. brush 电刷212. carbon 碳213. circumference 圆周214. clearance 间隙215. coils 线圈绕组216. commutator 换向器217. connection 接线端218. copper bar 铜导条219. copper end rings 铜端环220. core 铁心221. cylindrical 圆柱式的222. doubly excited 双边励磁223. electromechanical 机电的224. felt 毡225. ferromagnetic 铁磁的226. field pole 磁极227. flux density 磁通密度228. frame 机座,机壳229. generator 发电机230. glue 胶合,粘贴231. graphite 石墨232. induction motor感应电动机233. laminate 叠制,叠压234. lubricant 润滑剂,润滑油235. magnetic flux 磁通236. magnetizing current 磁化电流,励磁电流237. mechanical rectifier 机械式换向器238. metallic 金属的239. penetrate 透过,渗透240. periphery 周围,圆周241. perpendicular 垂直的,正交的242. polarity 极性243. protrude 使伸出,突出244. reluctance 磁阻245. revolving magnetic field 旋转磁场246. rotor 转子247. salient 突出的248. salient-pole 凸极式249. servo 伺服250. singly excited 单边励磁251. slip rings 滑环252. slot 槽,开槽253. squirrel-cage 鼠笼式,笼型254. stator 定子255. synchronous machine 同步电机256. torque 转矩257. toroid 环状物258. transformer 变压器259. unidirectional 单方向的,方向不变的260. winding 绕组261. wound-rotor 绕线式262. wrap 捆,缠,环绕263. yoke 轭264. allowable temperature rise 允许温升265. alnico 铝镍钴合金266. asynchronous machine 异步电机267. automobile starter motor 汽车启动机268. backlash 啮合间隙,齿隙269. centrifugal force 离心力270. ceramic 瓷的271. compound-wound 复励272. constraint 强制,约束273. counter emf 反电势274. counterpart 对应物275. culminate 达到极值点276. cumulative compound 积复励277. demagnetization退磁,去磁278. denominator 分母279. differential compound 差复励280. dissipate 浪费281. equilibrium level 平均值282. equivalent circuit 等效电路283. figure of merit品质因数,优值284. flicker 闪烁,摇曳285. flux per pole 每极磁通286. friction 摩擦287. in parallel with 并联288. in series with 串联289. in terms of 根据,在……方面290. in the vicinity of 在…附近,在…左右291. indispensable 必需的,必不可少的292. inherent 固有的293. insulation 绝缘294. long-shunt 长复励295. loss 损耗296. magnetization curve 磁化曲线297. merit 优点,长处,指标298. no load 空载299. nonetheless,none the less 仍然,依然300. numerator 分子301. overload 过载302. permissible 允许的303. permanent-magnet永磁304. pertinent 有关的305. power flow diagram 功率流程图306. prefix 前缀,把…放在前面307. rated torque 额定转矩308. reaction 电感309. rheostat 变阻器,电阻箱310. series-wound 串励311. shunt-wound 并励312. short-shunt 短复励313. starting current 启动电流314. starting torque 启动转矩315. synchronous speed 同步转速316. theorem 定理317. turns 匝数318. undervoltage 欠电压319. Ward-Leonard system 发电机-电动机组系统320. windage 通风321. yield 产生,提供322. adjacent 相邻的,邻近的323. autotransformer自耦变压器324. braking 制动325. cam 凸轮326. chamber 室,腔327. conveyor 传送机328. corrosion 腐蚀329. counterclockwise 逆时针330. counter electromotive force ,CEMF反电势331. dashpot relay 油壶式继电器332. diaphragm 膜片,挡板333. drill 钻床334. elapse 过去,消逝335. enclosure 机壳336. expel 排出,放出337. fasten 固定,连接338. furnace 炉339. fuse 熔断器,保险丝340. general-purpose relay通用继电器341. hydraulic 液压传动342. initiate 引起,促进343. intake 吸入344. knob 旋钮,圆形把手345. latching relay 自锁继电器346. lathe 车床347. limit switch 限位开关348. moisture 潮气,湿度349. mount 安装350. octal-base 八脚的351. orifice 孔,注孔352. pedal 踏板,踏蹬353. phase sequence 相序354. piston 活塞355. pivot 轴,支点,旋转中心356. plunger 可动铁心,插棒式铁心357. pneumatic 气动的358. relay 继电器359. single-phase 单相的360. solenoids 螺线管361. solid-state relay 固态继电器362. spring 弹簧363. tap 抽头364. three-phase 三相365. timing relay 延时继电器366. toggle 搬扭,刀闸367. vibration 振动368. absolute encoder 绝对编码器369. accelerometer 加速度测量仪370. actuator 执行机构371. analog-to-digital conversion, ADC 模数转换器372. angular 角的373. auxiliary 辅助的374. as a rule of thumb 根据经验375. bellows 膜盒376. binary-coded decimal,BCD377. calibration 校准,标定,刻度378. cantilever 悬臂379. closed-loop 闭环■380. induction machine 感应式电机381. horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁382. magnetic field 磁场383. eddy current 涡流384. right-hand rule 右手定则385. left-hand rule 左手定则386. slip 转差率387. induction motor 感应电动机388. rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场389. winding 绕组390. stator 定子391. rotor 转子392. induced current 感生电流393. time-phase 时间相位394. exciting voltage 励磁电压395. solt 槽396. lamination 叠片397. laminated core 叠片铁芯398. short-circuiting ring 短路环399. squirrel cage 鼠笼400. rotor core 转子铁芯401. cast-aluminum rotor铸铝转子402. bronze 青铜403. horsepower 马力404. random-wound 散绕405. insulation 绝缘406. ac motor 交流环电动机407. end ring 端环408. alloy 合金409. coil winding 线圈绕组410. form-wound 模绕411. performance characteristic 工作特性412. frequency 频率413. revolutions per minute 转/分414. motoring 电动机驱动415. generating 发电416. per-unit value 标么值417. breakdown torque 极限转矩418. breakaway force 起步阻力419. overhauling 检修420. wind-driven generator 风动发电机421. revolutions per second 转/秒422. number of poles 极数423. speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线424. plugging 反向制动425. synchronous speed 同步转速426. percentage 百分数427. locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩428. full-load torque 满载转矩429. prime mover 原动机430. inrush current 涌流431. magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗432. line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的433. staor winding 定子绕组434. leakage reactance 漏磁电抗435. no-load 空载436. full load 满载437. Polyphase 多相(的)438. iron-loss 铁损439. complex impedance 复数阻抗440. rotor resistance 转子电阻441. leakage flux 漏磁通442. locked-rotor 锁定转子443. chopper circuit 斩波电路444. separately excited 他励的445. compounded 复励446. dc motor 直流电动机447. de machine 直流电机448. speed regulation 速度调节449. shunt 并励450. series 串励451. armature circuit 电枢电路452. optical fiber 光纤453. interoffice 局间的454. waveguide 波导波导管455. bandwidth 带宽456. light emitting diode 发光二极管457. silica 硅石二氧化硅458. regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大459. coaxial 共轴的,同轴的460. high-performance 高性能的461. carrier 载波462. mature 成熟的463. Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带464. coupling capacitor 结合电容465. propagate 传导传播466. modulator 调制器467. demodulator 解调器468. line trap 限波器469. shunt 分路器470. Amplitude Modulation(AM调幅471. Frequency Shift Keying(FSK)移频键控472. tuner 调谐器473. attenuate 衰减474. incident 入射的475. two-way configuration 二线制476. generator voltage 发电机电压477. dc generator 直流发电机478. polyphase rectifier 多相整流器479. boost 增压480. time constant 时间常数481. forward transfer function 正向传递函数482. error signal 误差信号483. regulator 调节器484. stabilizing transformer稳定变压器485. time delay 延时486. direct axis transient time constant直轴瞬变时间常数487. time invariant 时不变的488. transient response 瞬态响应489. solid state 固体490. buck 补偿491. operational calculus 算符演算492. gain 增益493. pole 极点494. feedback signal 反馈信号495. dynamic response 动态响应496. voltage control system 电压控制系统497. mismatch 失配498. error detector 误差检测器499. excitation system 励磁系统500. field current 励磁电流501. transistor 晶体管502. high-gain 高增益503. boost-buck 升压去磁504. feedback system 反馈系统505. reactive power 无功功率506. feedback loop 反馈回路507. automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器508. third harmonic voltage 三次谐波电压509. reference Voltage 基准电压510. magnetic amplifier 磁放大器511. amplidyne 微场扩流发电机512. self-exciting 自励的513. limiter 限幅器514. manual control 手动控制515. block diagram 方框图516. linear zone 线性区517. potential transformer 电压互感器518. stabilization network 稳定网络519. stabilizer 稳定器520. air-gap flux 气隙磁通521. saturation effect 饱和效应522. saturation curve 饱和曲线523. flux linkage 磁链524. per unit value 标么值525. shunt field 并励磁场526. magnetic circuit 磁路527. load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线528. air-gap line 气隙磁化线529. polyphase rectifier 多相整流器530. circuit components 电路元件531. circuit parameters 电路参数532. electrical device 电气设备533. electric energy 电能534. primary cell 原生电池535. energy converter 电能转换器536. conductor 导体537. heating appliance 电热器538. direct-current 直流539. self-inductor 自感540. mutual-inductor 互感541. the dielectric 电介质542. storage battery 蓄电池543. e.m.f = electromotive fore电动势544. unidirectional current 单方向性电流545. circuit diagram 电路图546. load characteristic 负载特性547. terminal voltage 端电压548. external characteristic外特性549. conductance 电导550. volt-ampere characteristics伏安特性551. carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡552. ideal source 理想电源553. internal resistance 阻554. active (passive) circuit elements有(无)源电路元件555. deviation 偏差556. leakage current 漏电流557. circuit branch 支路558. P.D. = potential drop 电压降559. potential distribution 电位分布560. r.m.s values = root mean square values均方根值561. permanent magnet 永磁体562. effective values 有效值563. steady direct current 恒稳直流电564. sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数565. complex number 复数566. Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系567. modulus 模568. real part 实部569. imaginary part 虚部570. displacement current 位移电流571. trigonometric transformations 瞬时值572. epoch angle 初相角573. phase displacement 相位差574. signal amplifier 小信号放大器575. mid-frequency band 中频带576. bipolar junction transistor(BJT双极性晶体管577. field effect transistor(FET)场效应管578. electrode 电极电焊条579. polarity 极性580. gain 增益581. isolation 隔离分离绝缘隔振582. emitter 发射管放射器发射极583. collector 集电极584. base 基极585. self-bias resistor 自偏置电阻586. triangular symbol 三角符号587. phase reversal 反相588. infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益589. feedback component 反馈元件590. differentiation 微分591. integration 积分下限592. impedance 阻抗593. fidelity 保真度594. summing circuit总和线路反馈系统中的比较环节595. pneumatic 气动的596. Oscillation 振荡597. inverse 倒数598. admittance 导纳599. transformer 变压器600. turns ratio 变比匝比601. ampere-turns 安匝(数)602. mutual flux 交互(主)磁通603. vector equation 向(相)量方程604. power frequency 工频605. capacitance effect 电容效应606. induction machine 感应电机607. shunt excited 并励608. series excited 串励609. separately excited 他励610. self excited 自励611. field winding 磁场绕组励磁绕组612. speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性613. dynamic-state operation动态运行614. salient poles 凸极615. excited by 励磁616. field coils 励磁线圈617. air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布618. direct axis 直轴619. armature coil 电枢线圈620. rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器621. commutator-brush combination换向器-电刷总线622. mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器623. armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波624. Geometrical position 几何位置625. magnetic torque 电磁转矩626. spatial waveform 空间波形627. sinusoidal–density wave正弦磁密度628. external armature circuit 电枢外电路629. instantaneous electric power瞬时电功率630. instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率631. effects of saturation 饱和效应632. reluctance 磁阻633. power amplifier 功率放大器634. compound generator 复励发电机635. rheostat 变阻器636. self – excitation process 自励过程637. commutation condition 换向状况638. cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机639. operating condition 运行状态640. equivalent T – circuit T型等值电路641. rotor (stator) winding 转子(定子绕组) 642. winding loss 绕组(铜)损耗643. prime motor 原动机644. active component 有功分量645. reactive component 无功分量646. electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩647. retarding torque 制动转矩648. inductive component 感性(无功)分量649. abscissa axis 横坐标650. induction generator 感应发电机651. synchronous generator 同步发电机652. automatic station 无人值守电站653. hydropower station 水电站654. process of self – excitation 自励过程655. auxiliary motor 辅助电动机656. technical specifications 技术条件657. voltage across the terminals 端电压658. steady – state condition瞬态暂态659. reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性660. active in respect to 相对….呈阻性661. synchronous condenser 同步进相(调相)机662. coincide in phase with 与….同相663. synchronous reactance 同步电抗664. algebraic 代数的665. algorithmic 算法的666. biphase 双相的667. bilateral circuit 双向电路668. bimotored 双马达的669. corridor 通路670. shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流671. leakage 泄漏672. lightning shielding 避雷673. harmonic 谐波的674. insulator string 绝缘子串675. neutral 中性的676. zero sequence current 零序电流677. sinusoidal 正弦的678. square 平方679. corona 电晕,放电680. bypass 旁路681. voltmeter 电压表682. ammeter 电流表683. micrometer 千分尺684. thermometer 温度计685. watt-hour meter 电度表686. wattmeter 电力表687. private line 专用线路688. diameter 直径689. centimeter 厘米690. restriking 电弧再触发691. magnitude 振幅692. oscillation 振荡693. auxiliary 辅助的694. protective gap 保护性间隙放电695. receptacle 插座696. lightning arrester 避雷装置697. bushing 套管698. trigger 起动装置699. stress 应力700. deterioration 损坏,磨损701. spark gap 火花放电隙702. traveling-wave 行波703. wye-connected 星形连接704. enclosure 设备外壳705. live conductor 带电导体706. fuse 熔断器707. structural 结构上的708. out-of-step 不同步的709. resynchronize 再同步710. synchroscops 同步指示器711. automatic oscillograph 自动示波器712. nominally 标称713. sampling 采样714. potential transformer 电压互感器715. fraction 分数716. switchyard 户外配电装置717. hazard 危险718. bushing 高压套719. contact 触点720. energize 励磁721. trip coil 跳闸线圈722. over-current relay 过电流继电器723. armature 衔铁724. pickup current 始动电流725. release current 释放电流726. solenoid relay 螺管式继电器727. induction-disc relay 感应圆盘式继电器728. inverse time relay 反时限继电器729. hydraulic 液力的730. dashpot 阻尼器733. electrical stressing 电气应力734. mechanical stressing 机械应力■735. crystal 晶体的,水晶,晶体736. demodulation 解调737. derivative 导数738. diaphragm 膜片739. differentiation 微分740. discrete 离散的741. displacement 位移742. eddy 涡流743. encoder 编码器744. error 误差,偏差745. expedite 加速746. feedback 反馈747. feedforward 前馈748. forging 锻造749. hysteresis 磁滞750. immunity 抗扰性751. impedance 阻抗752. increment encoder 增量编码器753. inertia 惯性754. integration 积分755. interface 接口756. jerk 振动,冲击757. kinematic 运动的,运动学的758. longitudinal 经度了;纵向的759. manipulations 操作,控制,处理760. manipulator 机械手,操作器761. measurand 被测量,被测量对象762. modulation 调制763. multiplexer 多路转换器764. offset 偏心765. open-loop 开环766. orthogonal 垂直的,正交的767. perpendicular 垂直的,正交的768. photosensor 光电传感器769. piezoelectric 压电的770. plant 装置,设备771. potentiometer 电位器772. predominant 主要的,突出的773. prismatic 棱型的774. proximity 距离775. quantization 量化776. radial 径向的777. redundant 多余的,重复的778. representation 代表,表示779. resolver 解算器780. resonance 共振781. revolute 旋转的,转动的782. rig 设备783. robustness 鲁棒性784. rolling 轧制785. sampling period 采样周期786. signal-to-noise ration ,SNR信噪比787. strategy 策略788. subsequently 其后789. tachometer 测速仪790. terminology 术语,专门名词791. threshold 门,界限,阈值792. trajectory 轨迹793. transducer 传感器794. transient 瞬态的795. transistor-to-transistor logic,TTL 晶体管-晶体管逻辑796. transit 运输797. translatory 平移的798. algorithm 算法799. ambiguity 模棱两可800. antenna 天线801. arbitration 仲裁,公断802. autonomous 匿名的803. capacity 容量804. chao 混乱805. checksum 检查和806. circumnavigate 饶过807. client-server 客户-服务器808. client-server model 客户服务器模型809. corridor 通道,走廊810. decouple 解耦,去除干扰811. depict 描述812. distributed system 分布式系统813. dungen 地牢814. electronic mail 电子815. entity 实体816. etiquette 规则817. exponential 指数818. fallout 余波,附带结果819. forward 转发820. full-duplex 全双工821. gamut 全体,整体822. goggles 护目镜,潜水镜823. half-duplex 半双工824. hierarchy 阶梯,等级825. host 主机826. infrastructure 基础,底层结构827. interactive 交互式828. interface data unit 接口数据单元829. inventory 存货,清单830. killer 迷人的831. newsgroup 新闻组832. object-oriented 面向对象的833. outgoing 外出了,离开的834. pointer 指针835. primitive 操作,原型836. process 进程837. propagation 传播,宣传838. protocol 协议839. protocol data unit 协议数据单元840. remote database 远程数据库841. remote login 远程登陆842. remote terminal 终端843. reprisal 报复844. router 路由器845. service data unit 服务数据单元846. simultaneous 同时的847. static allocation 静态分配848. subnet 子网849. taxonomy 分类学,分类850. telemedicine 远程医疗851. terminology 术语852. testbed 测试平台853. therapy 治疗854. token 令牌855. topology 拓扑学856. videoconference 可视会议857. virtual reality 虚拟现实858. worldwide shared 全球共享的859. wide area network 广域网860. actuator 执行器861. bar code reader 条码阅读器862. by-product 副产品863. call for 需要864. contiguous 邻近的865. culprit 犯罪者866. elusive 难以捉摸的867. filter 滤波器868. fluctuation 升降剥动,不规则的变化869. hardwired 硬接线的870. havoc 大破坏871. high-volume 大容量872. induction coupling 感应耦合873. inference 干扰874. injection molding 注模875. instruction set 指令集876. interconnection 相互连接877. isolation transformer 隔离变压器878. maintenance 维护879. multiple axis drive 多轴驱动880. pilot light 信号灯881. RF noise 射频干扰882. shock 冲击883. solenoid 线圈884. stand-alone 独立的885. stepper 步进电机886. thermocouple 热电偶887. troubleshoot 排除故障888. uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源889. vendor 生产厂商890. vibration 震动891. water-tight 防水892. wreak 发泄,报复893. configuration 组态894. Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余检查895. electromagnetic interference 电磁干扰896. meticulous 详细的897. nonvolatile 非挥发的898. parity 校验899. peripheral 外设900. pharmaceutical 药剂,药品901. rack mounting 机架安装902. resident program 驻留程序903. spare 备用的904. standby 后备的905. volatile 挥发的,易失的906. watchdog timer 看门狗定时器907. distribution 分配,配电908. primary 最初的,基本的,初级线圈909. radial 径向的,辐射状的910. premise 上述各点,前言,根据911. residential 住宅的,居住的912. residence 住宅913. occupancy 占有,占用,居住914. tap 抽头915. establishment 组织,部门916. dwelling 住房917. panel 操纵台,面板918. laundry 洗衣房919. means 手段,工具920. condominium (国际)共官921. branch circuit 直路922. conduit 导线,导线管923. rigid 刚性的,坚固的924. clamp 夹,钳925. bolt 螺栓926. cubicle 立方体927. interrupter 断续(流、电、路)器928. margin 余量,裕度929. nuisance 障碍,公害930. receptacle 插座,插孔931. algebraic 代数的932. virtually 实际上,实质上933. fluorescent 荧光的,有荧光性的934. fixture 设备,装置]935. vicinity 附近,邻近,接近936. ballast 镇流器937. feeder 馈电线,电源线,馈电板938. ground-fault protector (GFP)939. ground-fault circuit interrupter(GFCI) 接地故障保护器,接地故障断路器940. centrifugal 离心的,离心力941. whilst=while942. sphere 球体943. counteract 抵抗,抵消,消除944. joint 关节,铰链945. keyway 键槽946. pivot 轴,支点947. link 连杆948. throttle 节流阀,风门949. synthesis 综合物950. mass 物质,块,堆951. classic 古典的,经典的,传统的952. steer 驾驶,操纵,引导953. servomechanism 伺服机构,伺服系统954. actuate 激励,驱动955. intimately 紧密地,直接的956. academic 纯理论的957. dial 刻度盘,调节控制盘958. calibration 标定,标准化959. lubrication 润滑,注油960. arrangement 结构961. wear 磨损,损耗962. subtle 微妙的,巧妙的963. transducer 变送器964. hand-wheel 手轮,驾驶盘,操纵盘965. hydraulic 液压的,液压传动装置966. pneumatic 气动的,气动力学的967. electro-hydraulic 电动液压的968. electro-pneumatic 电动气动的969. coincidence 一致,相等970. faithful 正确的,可靠的971. fidelity 重现精度,真实,正确972. oscillatory 振动的,摆动的973. align 调整,校准974. profile 轮廓,仿行975. milling machine 铣床976. gyroscope 陀螺仪977. launcher 发生器,启动装置978. inertial 惯性的,惯量的979. electrolytic 电解的980. plate (电)镀981. distillation 蒸馏982. blend 混合,调和,配料983. philosophy 基本原理984. analytical 分析的,分解的985. orifice 侧流板,隔板986. diaphragm 膜,隔板987. knob 钮,圆形把手988. nomenclature 术语989. liable 有责任的990. autonomic 自治的991. grossly 大概,大体上的992. ideological 思想的993. morally 道德上,道义上994. boredom 讨厌,无趣995. deterioration 变化,降低品质996. ambient 环境的997. remarks 附注,要点998. differential pressure transducer差压变送器999. viscous 粘稠的1000.viscous friction 粘滞摩擦.1001.bearing 轴承1002.rolling mill 轧钢机1003.mine minder 矿坑卷扬机1004.velodyne 伺服积分器1005.feasible 可行的1006.regenerative braking 回馈制动1007.eddy current braking 涡流制动1008.dynamic braking 能耗制动1009.reverse braking 反接制动1010.advent 出现1011.prolong 延长1012.armature 电枢1013.contactor 接触器1014.hoist 起重机1015.field winding 励磁绕组mutator 换向器1017.riiple 纹动1018.creep 蠕动1019.tachogenerator 测速发电机1020.quadrant 象限1021.coast 跟踪惯性1022.profile 轮廓1023.conveyance 运输工具1024.lever 手柄,控制杆1025.forced commutation 强迫换流1026.ac squirrel cage induction motor交流笼型感应电动机1027.accutrol 控制器1028.stator 定子1029.rotor 转子1030.DC link 直流环节1031.Triac 双向晶闸管1032.Adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器1033.Current source inverter 电流型逆变器1034.refinement 明确表达1035.pros and cons 优缺点1036.cogging 齿槽效应.1037.retrofit 改型1038.damper 减速器1039.pitfall 缺陷1040.vernier 游标尺1041.jog 啮合1042.runout table 输出轨道1043.clinker-cooler 熟料冷却器1044.kiln 炉1045.grinder 磨床1046.pitch 齿轮1047.inventory 存货1048.cone pulley 塔轮,快慢轮1049.escalation 升级,提高1050.forced-draft 强制通风1051.induced-draft fan 吸风机1052.elbow 弯头11. interfere with 有害于。

电气信息类专业英语翻译Lesson40 PID Controllers and Other Controllers

电气信息类专业英语翻译Lesson40 PID Controllers and Other Controllers

比例-积分-微分控制器和其它控制器比例-积分-微分控制器 (PID)有时候另一种控制加在了PI 控制器上,这种新的控制是微分作用,也称为比率作用或超前。


描述等式如下:(4-3B-1)式中 = 微分或比率,时间单位为分钟 因此,PID 控制器有三个参数Kc 或PB, 或 和 ,必须整定这三个参数来达到满意的控制。

注意:只有一个微分整定参数 ,对于生产者,它有相同的单位:分钟。


“预料”的程度由整定值 决定。



在时间ta ,误差量是正值且可能很小,因此,由PI 提供的控制修正量很小。




在时间tb 误差依然是正的且必以前更大,由比例积分提供的控制更正量的大小也比以前的大,且仍然加到控制器的输出来更大的打开蒸汽阀门,然而,在这个时刻的是误差微分是负的,表明误差正在减小,也就是说,被控量开始下降到参考点。


PID 控制器应用于长时间常数的系统中,典型的例子是温度浓缩回路,短时间常数(小电容)的过程很快且易受噪声干扰。


考虑如图4-3B-2所示的流量记录, ⎰+++=t t e K t t e K t e K m t m d )(d d )()()(D c I c c ττD τD τD τD τI τR I τ t T i (t ) t T (t ) O e (t )t a t b t a t b t O O 图4-3B-1 热交换器控制由于快速变换的噪声的微分数值很大,因此微分形式的应用仅仅造成了噪声的放大。



电压源 voltage source电流源 current source理想电压源 ideal voltage source理想电流源 ideal current source伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristic 电动势 electromotive force电压 voltage电流 current电位 potential电位差 potential difference欧姆 Ohm伏特 Volt安培 Ampere瓦特 Watt焦耳 Joule电路 circuit电路元件 circuit element电阻 resistance电阻器 resistor电感 inductance电感器 inductor电容 capacitance电容器 capacitor电路模型 circuit model参考方向 reference direction参考电位 reference potential欧姆定律Ohm’s law基尔霍夫定律Kirchhoff’s law基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL)基尔霍夫电流定律Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)结点 node支路 branch回路 loop网孔 mesh支路电流法 branch current analysis网孔电流法 mesh current analysis结点电位法 node voltage analysis电源变换 source transformations叠加原理 superposition theorem网络 network无源二端网络 passive two-terminal network有源二端网络 active two-terminal network戴维宁定理Thevenin’s theorem诺顿定理Norton’s theorem开路(断路)open circuit短路 short circuit开路电压 open-circuit voltage短路电流 short-circuit current直流电路 direct current circuit (dc)交流电路 alternating current circuit (ac) 正弦交流电路 sinusoidal a-c circuit平均值 average value有效值 effective value均方根值root-mean-squire value (rms)瞬时值 instantaneous value电抗 reactance感抗 inductive reactance容抗 capacitive reactance法拉 Farad亨利 Henry阻抗 impedance复数阻抗 complex impedance相位 phase初相位 initial phase相位差 phase difference相位领先 phase lead相位落后 phase lag倒相,反相 phase inversion频率 frequency角频率 angular frequency赫兹 Hertz相量 phasor有功功率 active power无功功率 reactive power视在功率 apparent power功率因数 power factor功率因数补偿 power-factor compensation串联谐振 series resonance并联谐振 parallel resonance谐振频率 resonance frequency频率特性 frequency characteristic幅频特性amplitude-frequency response characteristic 相频特性 phase-frequency response characteristic截止频率 cutoff frequency品质因数 quality factor通频带 pass-band带宽 bandwidth (BW)滤波器 filter一阶滤波器 first-order filter二阶滤波器 second-order filter低通滤波器 low-pass filter高通滤波器 high-pass filter带通滤波器 band-pass filter带阻滤波器 band-stop filter转移函数 transfer function傅立叶级数 Fourier series三相电路 three-phase circuit三相电源 three-phase source对称三相电源 symmetrical three-phase source对称三相负载 symmetrical three-phase load相电压 phase voltage相电流 phase current线电压 line voltage线电流 line current三相三线制 three-phase three-wire system三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system三相功率 three-phase power星形连接 star connection(Y-connection)三角形连接 triangular connection(D- connection ,delta connection) 中线 neutral line暂态 transient state稳态 steady state暂态过程,暂态响应 transient response换路定理 low of switch一阶电路 first-order circuit三要素法 three-factor method时间常数 time constant积分电路 integrating circuit微分电路 differentiating circuit磁路与变压器磁场magnetic field磁通 flux磁路 magnetic circuit磁感应强度 flux density磁通势 magnetomotive force磁阻 reluctance直流电动机 dc motor交流电动机 ac motor异步电动机 asynchronous motor同步电动机 synchronous motor三相异步电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor 单相异步电动机 single-phase asynchronous motor 旋转磁场 rotating magnetic field定子 stator转子 rotor转差率 slip起动电流 starting current起动转矩 starting torque额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current额定功率 rated power机械特性 mechanical characteristic按钮 button熔断器 fuse 开关 switch行程开关 travel switch继电器 relay接触器 contactor常开(动合)触点 normally open contact常闭(动断)触点 normally closed contact时间继电器 time relay热继电器 thermal overload relay中间继电器 intermediate relay可编程控制器 programmable logic controller 语句表 statement list梯形图 ladder diagram本征半导体intrinsic semiconductor掺杂半导体doped semiconductorP型半导体 P-type semiconductorN型半导体 N--type semiconductor自由电子 free electron空穴 hole载流子 carriersPN结 PN junction扩散 diffusion漂移 drift二极管 diode硅二极管 silicon diode锗二极管 germanium diode阳极 anode阴极 cathode发光二极管 light-emitting diode (LED)光电二极管 photodiode稳压二极管 Zener diode晶体管(三极管) transistorPNP型晶体管 PNP transistorNPN型晶体管 NPN transistor发射极 emitter集电极 collector基极 base电流放大系数 current amplification coefficient场效应管 field-effect transistor (FET)P沟道 p-channelN沟道 n-channel结型场效应管 junction FET(JFET)金属氧化物半导体 metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS)耗尽型MOS场效应管 depletion mode MOSFET(D-MOSFET)增强型MOS场效应管 enhancement mode MOSFET(E-MOSFET)源极 source栅极 grid漏极 drain跨导 transconductance夹断电压 pinch-off voltage热敏电阻 thermistor开路 open短路 shorted放大器 amplifier正向偏置 forward bias反向偏置 backward bias静态工作点 quiescent point (Q-point) 等效电路 equivalent circuit电压放大倍数 voltage gain总的电压放大倍数 overall voltage gain 饱和 saturation截止 cut-off放大区 amplifier region饱和区 saturation region截止区 cut-off region失真 distortion饱和失真 saturation distortion截止失真 cut-off distortion零点漂移 zero drift正反馈 positive feedback负反馈 negative feedback串联负反馈 series negative feedback 并联负反馈 parallel negative feedback共射极放大器 common-emitter amplifier射极跟随器 emitter-follower共源极放大器 common-source amplifier共漏极放大器 common-drain amplifier多级放大器 multistage amplifier阻容耦合放大器 resistance-capacitance coupled amplifier 直接耦合放大器 direct- coupled amplifier输入电阻 input resistance输出电阻 output resistance负载电阻 load resistance动态电阻 dynamic resistance负载电流 load current旁路电容 bypass capacitor耦合电容 coupled capacitor直流通路 direct current path交流通路 alternating current path直流分量 direct current component交流分量 alternating current component变阻器(电位器)rheostat电阻(器)resistor电阻(值)resistance电容(器)capacitor电容(量)capacitance电感(器,线圈)inductor电感(量),感应系数 inductance正弦电压 sinusoidal voltage差动放大器 differential amplifier运算放大器 operational amplifier(op-amp)失调电压 offset voltage失调电流 offset current共模信号 common-mode signal差模信号 different-mode signal共模抑制比 common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 积分电路 integrator(circuit)微分电路 differentiator(circuit)有源滤波器 active filter低通滤波器 low-pass filter高通滤波器 high-pass filter带通滤波器 band-pass filter带阻滤波器 band-stop filter波特沃斯滤波器 Butterworth filter切比雪夫滤波器 Chebyshev filter贝塞尔滤波器 Bessel filter截止频率 cut-off frequency上限截止频率 upper cut-off frequency下限截止频率 lower cut-off frequency中心频率 center frequency带宽 Bandwidth开环增益 open-loop gain闭环增益 closed-loop gain共模增益 common-mode gain输入阻抗 input impedance电压跟随器 voltage-follower电压源 voltage source电流源 current source单位增益带宽 unity-gain bandwidth频率响应 frequency response频响特性(曲线)response characteristic 波特图 the Bode plot稳定性stability补偿 compensation比较器 comparator迟滞比较器 hysteresis comparator阶跃输入电压 step input voltage仪表放大器 instrumentation amplifier隔离放大器 isolation amplifier对数放大器 log amplifier反对数放大器 antilog amplifier反馈通道 feedback path反向漏电流 reverse leakage current相位phase相移 phase shift锁相环 phase-locked loop(PLL)锁相环相位监测器 PLL phase detector和频 sum frequency差频 difference frequency振荡器 oscillator RC振荡器 RC oscillatorLC振荡器 LC oscillator正弦波振荡器 sinusoidal oscillator三角波发生器 triangular wave generator方波发生器square wave generator幅度 magnitude电平level饱和输出电平(电压) saturated output level功率放大器 power amplifier交越失真 cross-over distortion甲类功率放大器 class A power amplifier乙类推挽功率放大器class B push-pull power amplifier OTL 功率放大器 output transformerless power amplifier OCL功率放大器 output capacitorless power amplifier半波整流 full-wave rectifier全波整流 half-wave rectifier电感滤波器 inductor filter电容滤波器 capacitor filter串联型稳压电源 series (voltage) regulator开关型稳压电源 switching (voltage) regulator 集成稳压器 IC (voltage) regulator晶闸管及可控整流电路晶闸管 thyristor单结晶体管 unijunction transistor(UJT)可控整流 controlled rectifier可控硅 silicon-controlled rectifier峰点 peak point谷点 valley point控制角 controlling angle导通角 turn-on angle二进制 binary二进制数 binary number十进制 decimal十六进制 hexadecimal二-十进制 binary coded decimal (BCD)门电路 gate三态门tri-state gate与门 AND gate或门 OR gate非门 NOT gate与非门 NAND gate或非门 NOR gate异或门 exclusive-OR gate反相器 inverter布尔代数 Boolean algebra真值表 truth table卡诺图 the Karnaugh map逻辑函数 logic function逻辑表达式 logic expression组合逻辑电路 combination logic circuit译码器 decoder编码器 coder比较器 comparator半加器 half-adder全加器 full-adder七段显示器 seven-segment display时序逻辑电路 sequential logic circuitR-S 触发器 R-S flip-flopD触发器 D flip-flopJ-K触发器 J-K flip-flop主从型触发器 master-slave flip-flop置位 set复位 reset直接置位端direct-set terminal直接复位端direct-reset terminal寄存器 register移位寄存器 shift register双向移位寄存器bidirectional shift register计数器 counter同步计数器 synchronous counter异步计数器asynchronous counter加法计数器 adding counter减法计数器 subtracting counter定时器 timer清除(清0)clear载入 load时钟脉冲 clock pulse触发脉冲 trigger pulse上升沿 positive edge下降沿 negative edge时序图 timing diagram波形图 waveform单稳态触发器 monostable flip-flop双稳态触发器 bistable flip-flop无稳态振荡器 astable oscillator晶体 crystal555定时器 555 timer模拟信号 analog signal数字信号 digital signalAD转换器analog -digital converter (ADC)DA转换器 digital-analog converter (DAC)半导体存储器只读存储器 read-only memory(ROM)随机存取存储器 random-access memory(RAM)可编程ROM programmable ROM(PROM电压源 voltage source 电流源 current source理想电压源 ideal voltage source理想电流源 ideal current source伏安特性 volt-ampere characteristic电动势 electromotive force电压 voltage电流 current电位 potential电位差 potential difference欧姆 Ohm伏特 Volt安培 Ampere瓦特 Watt焦耳 Joule电路 circuit电路元件 circuit element电阻 resistance电阻器 resistor电感 inductance电感器 inductor电容 capacitance电容器 capacitor电路模型 circuit model参考方向 reference direction参考电位 reference potential欧姆定律Ohm’s law基尔霍夫定律Kirchhoff’s law基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL)基尔霍夫电流定律Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)结点 node支路 branch回路 loop网孔 mesh支路电流法 branch current analysis网孔电流法 mesh current analysis结点电位法 node voltage analysis电源变换 source transformations叠加原理 superposition theorem网络 network无源二端网络 passive two-terminal network有源二端网络 active two-terminal network戴维宁定理Thevenin’s theorem诺顿定理Norton’s theorem开路(断路)open circuit短路 short circuit开路电压 open-circuit voltage短路电流 short-circuit current直流电路 direct current circuit (dc)交流电路 alternating current circuit (ac) 正弦交流电路 sinusoidal a-c circuit平均值 average value有效值 effective value均方根值root-mean-squire value (rms)瞬时值 instantaneous value电抗 reactance感抗 inductive reactance容抗 capacitive reactance法拉 Farad亨利 Henry阻抗 impedance复数阻抗 complex impedance相位 phase初相位 initial phase相位差 phase difference相位领先 phase lead相位落后 phase lag倒相,反相 phase inversion频率 frequency角频率 angular frequency赫兹 Hertz相量 phasor相量图 phasor diagram有功功率 active power无功功率 reactive power视在功率 apparent power功率因数 power factor功率因数补偿 power-factor compensation串联谐振 series resonance并联谐振 parallel resonance谐振频率 resonance frequency频率特性 frequency characteristic幅频特性amplitude-frequency response characteristic 相频特性 phase-frequency response characteristic截止频率 cutoff frequency品质因数 quality factor通频带 pass-band带宽 bandwidth (BW)滤波器 filter一阶滤波器 first-order filter二阶滤波器 second-order filter低通滤波器 low-pass filter高通滤波器 high-pass filter带通滤波器 band-pass filter带阻滤波器 band-stop filter转移函数 transfer function波特图 Bode diagram傅立叶级数 Fourier series三相电路 three-phase circuit三相电源 three-phase source对称三相电源 symmetrical three-phase source对称三相负载 symmetrical three-phase load相电压 phase voltage相电流 phase current线电压 line voltage线电流 line current三相三线制 three-phase three-wire system三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system三相功率 three-phase power星形连接 star connection(Y-connection)三角形连接 triangular connection(D- connection ,delta connection) 中线 neutral line暂态 transient state稳态 steady state暂态过程,暂态响应 transient response换路定理 low of switch一阶电路 first-order circuit三要素法 three-factor method时间常数 time constant积分电路 integrating circuit微分电路 differentiating circuit磁路与变压器磁场magnetic field磁通 flux磁路 magnetic circuit磁感应强度 flux density磁通势 magnetomotive force磁阻 reluctance直流电动机 dc motor交流电动机 ac motor异步电动机 asynchronous motor同步电动机 synchronous motor三相异步电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor 单相异步电动机 single-phase asynchronous motor 旋转磁场 rotating magnetic field定子 stator转子 rotor转差率 slip起动电流 starting current起动转矩 starting torque额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current额定功率 rated power机械特性 mechanical characteristic按钮 button熔断器 fuse 开关 switch行程开关 travel switch继电器 relay接触器 contactor常开(动合)触点 normally open contact常闭(动断)触点 normally closed contact时间继电器 time relay热继电器 thermal overload relay中间继电器 intermediate relay可编程控制器 programmable logic controller 语句表 statement list梯形图 ladder diagram本征半导体intrinsic semiconductor掺杂半导体doped semiconductorP型半导体 P-type semiconductorN型半导体 N--type semiconductor自由电子 free electron空穴 hole载流子 carriersPN结 PN junction扩散 diffusion漂移 drift二极管 diode硅二极管 silicon diode锗二极管 germanium diode阳极 anode阴极 cathode发光二极管 light-emitting diode (LED)光电二极管 photodiode稳压二极管 Zener diode晶体管(三极管) transistorPNP型晶体管 PNP transistorNPN型晶体管 NPN transistor发射极 emitter集电极 collector基极 base电流放大系数 current amplification coefficient场效应管 field-effect transistor (FET)P沟道 p-channelN沟道 n-channel结型场效应管 junction FET(JFET)金属氧化物半导体 metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS)耗尽型MOS场效应管 depletion mode MOSFET(D-MOSFET)增强型MOS场效应管 enhancement mode MOSFET(E-MOSFET)源极 source栅极 grid漏极 drain跨导 transconductance夹断电压 pinch-off voltage热敏电阻 thermistor开路 open短路 shorted放大器 amplifier正向偏置 forward bias反向偏置 backward bias静态工作点 quiescent point (Q-point) 等效电路 equivalent circuit电压放大倍数 voltage gain总的电压放大倍数 overall voltage gain 饱和 saturation截止 cut-off放大区 amplifier region饱和区 saturation region截止区 cut-off region失真 distortion饱和失真 saturation distortion截止失真 cut-off distortion零点漂移 zero drift正反馈 positive feedback负反馈 negative feedback串联负反馈 series negative feedback并联负反馈 parallel negative feedback共射极放大器 common-emitter amplifier射极跟随器 emitter-follower共源极放大器 common-source amplifier共漏极放大器 common-drain amplifier多级放大器 multistage amplifier阻容耦合放大器 resistance-capacitance coupled amplifier 直接耦合放大器 direct- coupled amplifier输入电阻 input resistance输出电阻 output resistance负载电阻 load resistance动态电阻 dynamic resistance负载电流 load current旁路电容 bypass capacitor耦合电容 coupled capacitor直流通路 direct current path交流通路 alternating current path直流分量 direct current component交流分量 alternating current component变阻器(电位器)rheostat电阻(器)resistor电阻(值)resistance电容(器)capacitor电容(量)capacitance电感(器,线圈)inductor电感(量),感应系数 inductance正弦电压 sinusoidal voltage差动放大器 differential amplifier运算放大器 operational amplifier(op-amp)失调电压 offset voltage失调电流 offset current共模信号 common-mode signal差模信号 different-mode signal共模抑制比 common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 积分电路 integrator(circuit)微分电路 differentiator(circuit)有源滤波器 active filter低通滤波器 low-pass filter高通滤波器 high-pass filter带通滤波器 band-pass filter带阻滤波器 band-stop filter波特沃斯滤波器 Butterworth filter切比雪夫滤波器 Chebyshev filter贝塞尔滤波器 Bessel filter截止频率 cut-off frequency上限截止频率 upper cut-off frequency下限截止频率 lower cut-off frequency中心频率 center frequency带宽 Bandwidth开环增益 open-loop gain闭环增益 closed-loop gain共模增益 common-mode gain输入阻抗 input impedance电压跟随器 voltage-follower电压源 voltage source电流源 current source单位增益带宽 unity-gain bandwidth频率响应 frequency response频响特性(曲线)response characteristic 波特图 the Bode plot稳定性stability补偿 compensation比较器 comparator迟滞比较器 hysteresis comparator阶跃输入电压 step input voltage仪表放大器 instrumentation amplifier隔离放大器 isolation amplifier对数放大器 log amplifier反对数放大器 antilog amplifier反馈通道 feedback path反向漏电流 reverse leakage current相位phase相移 phase shift锁相环 phase-locked loop(PLL)锁相环相位监测器 PLL phase detector和频 sum frequency差频 difference frequency振荡器 oscillator RC振荡器 RC oscillatorLC振荡器 LC oscillator正弦波振荡器 sinusoidal oscillator三角波发生器 triangular wave generator方波发生器square wave generator幅度 magnitude电平level饱和输出电平(电压) saturated output level功率放大器 power amplifier交越失真 cross-over distortion甲类功率放大器 class A power amplifier乙类推挽功率放大器class B push-pull power amplifier OTL 功率放大器 output transformerless power amplifier OCL功率放大器 output capacitorless power amplifier半波整流 full-wave rectifier全波整流 half-wave rectifier电感滤波器 inductor filter电容滤波器 capacitor filter串联型稳压电源 series (voltage) regulator开关型稳压电源 switching (voltage) regulator 集成稳压器 IC (voltage) regulator晶闸管及可控整流电路晶闸管 thyristor单结晶体管 unijunction transistor(UJT)可控整流 controlled rectifier可控硅 silicon-controlled rectifier峰点 peak point谷点 valley point控制角 controlling angle导通角 turn-on angle二进制 binary二进制数 binary number十进制 decimal十六进制 hexadecimal二-十进制 binary coded decimal (BCD)门电路 gate三态门tri-state gate与门 AND gate或门 OR gate非门 NOT gate与非门 NAND gate或非门 NOR gate异或门 exclusive-OR gate反相器 inverter布尔代数 Boolean algebra真值表 truth table卡诺图 the Karnaugh map逻辑函数 logic function逻辑表达式 logic expression组合逻辑电路 combination logic circuit 译码器 decoder编码器 coder比较器 comparator半加器 half-adder全加器 full-adder七段显示器 seven-segment display时序逻辑电路 sequential logic circuit R-S 触发器 R-S flip-flopD触发器 D flip-flopJ-K触发器 J-K flip-flop主从型触发器 master-slave flip-flop置位 set复位 reset直接置位端direct-set terminal直接复位端direct-reset terminal寄存器 register移位寄存器 shift register双向移位寄存器bidirectional shift register 计数器 counter同步计数器 synchronous counter异步计数器asynchronous counter加法计数器 adding counter减法计数器 subtracting counter定时器 timer清除(清0)clear载入 load时钟脉冲 clock pulse触发脉冲 trigger pulse上升沿 positive edge下降沿 negative edge时序图 timing diagram波形图 waveform单稳态触发器 monostable flip-flop双稳态触发器 bistable flip-flop无稳态振荡器 astable oscillator晶体 crystal555定时器 555 timer模拟信号 analog signal数字信号 digital signalAD转换器analog -digital converter (ADC) DA转换器 digital-analog converter (DAC)半导体存储器只读存储器 read-only memory(ROM)随机存取存储器 random-access memory(RAM)可编程ROM programmable ROM(PROMinduction machine 感应式电机horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁magnetic field 磁场eddy current 涡流right-hand rule 右手定则left-hand rule 左手定则slip 转差率induction motor 感应电动机rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场winding 绕组stator 定子rotor 转子induced current 感生电流time-phase 时间相位exciting voltage 励磁电压solt 槽lamination 叠片laminated core 叠片铁芯short-circuiting ring 短路环squirrel cage 鼠笼rotor core 转子铁芯cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子bronze 青铜horsepower 马力random-wound 散绕insulation 绝缘ac motor 交流环电动机end ring 端环alloy 合金coil winding 线圈绕组form-wound 模绕performance characteristic 工作特性 frequency 频率revolutions per minute 转/分motoring 电动机驱动generating 发电per-unit value 标么值breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力overhauling 检修wind-driven generator 风动发电机revolutions per second 转/秒number of poles 极数speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线 plugging 反向制动synchronous speed 同步转速percentage 百分数locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩full-load torque 满载转矩prime mover 原动机inrush current 涌流magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的staor winding 定子绕组leakage reactance 漏磁电抗no-load 空载full load 满载Polyphase 多相(的)iron-loss 铁损complex impedance 复数阻抗rotor resistance 转子电阻leakage flux 漏磁通locked-rotor 锁定转子chopper circuit 斩波电路separately excited 他励的compounded 复励dc motor 直流电动机de machine 直流电机speed regulation 速度调节shunt 并励series 串励armature circuit 电枢电路optical fiber 光纤interoffice 局间的wave guide 波导波导管bandwidth 带宽light emitting diode 发光二极管 silica 硅石二氧化硅regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大 coaxial 共轴的,同轴的high-performance 高性能的carrier 载波mature 成熟的Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带coupling capacitor 结合电容propagate 传导传播modulator 调制器demodulator 解调器line trap 限波器shunt 分路器Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) 移频键控tuner 调谐器attenuate 衰减incident 入射的two-way configuration 二线制generator voltage 发电机电压dc generator 直流发电机polyphase rectifier 多相整流器boost 增压time constant 时间常数forward transfer function 正向传递函数error signal 误差信号regulator 调节器stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器time delay 延时direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数 transient response 瞬态响应solid state 固体buck 补偿operational calculus 算符演算gain 增益pole 极点feedback signal 反馈信号dynamic response 动态响应voltage control system 电压控制系统mismatch 失配error detector 误差检测器excitation system 励磁系统field current 励磁电流transistor 晶体管high-gain 高增益boost-buck 升压去磁feedback system 反馈系统reactive power 无功功率feedback loop 反馈回路automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器 reference Voltage 基准电压magnetic amplifier 磁放大器amplidyne 微场扩流发电机self-exciting 自励的limiter 限幅器manual control 手动控制block diagram 方框图linear zone 线性区potential transformer 电压互感器stabilization network 稳定网络stabilizer 稳定器air-gap flux 气隙磁通saturation effect 饱和效应saturation curve 饱和曲线flux linkage 磁链per unit value 标么值shunt field 并励磁场magnetic circuit 磁路load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线air-gap line 气隙磁化线polyphase rectifier 多相整流器circuit components 电路元件circuit parameters 电路参数electrical device 电气设备electric energy 电能primary cell 原生电池energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体heating appliance 电热器direct-current 直流time invariant 时不变的self-inductor 自感mutual-inductor 互感the dielectric 电介质storage battery 蓄电池e.m.f = electromotive force 电动势generator 发电机 gas insulated substation GIS 气体绝缘变电站turbogenerator 汽轮发电机 neutral point 中性点hydrogenerator 水轮发电机 moving contact 动触头hydraulic turbine 水轮机 fixed contact 静触头steam turbine 汽轮机 arc-extinguishing chamber 灭弧室dynamo 直流发电机 stray capacitance 杂散电容motor 电动机 stray inductance 杂散电感stator 定子 sphere gap 球隙rotor 转子 bushing tap grounding wire 套管末屏接地线power transformer 电力变压器 electrostatic voltmeter 静电电压表variable transformer 调压变压器 ammeter 电流表taped transformer 多级变压器 grounding capacitance 对地电容step up (down) transformer 升(降)压变压器 voltage divider 分压器circuit breaker CB 断路器 surge impedance 波阻抗dead tank oil circuit breaker 多油断路器 Schering bridge 西林电桥live tank oil circuit breaker 少油断路器 Rogowski coil 罗可夫斯基线圈vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器 oscilloscope 示波器sulphur hexafluoride breaker SF6 断路器 peak voltmeter 峰值电压表potential transformer PT 电压互感器 conductor 导线current transformer CT 电流互感器 cascade transformer 串级变压器disconnector 隔离开关 coupling capacitor 耦合电容earthing switch 接地开关 test object 被试品synchronous generator 同步发电机 detection impedance 检测阻抗asynchronous machine 异步电机 substation 变电站Insulator 绝缘子 hydro power station 水力发电站lightning arrester 避雷器 thermal power station 火力发电站metal oxide arrester MOA 氧化锌避雷器 nuclear power station 核电站bus bar 母线 oil-filled power cable 充油电力电缆overhead line 架空线 mixed divider (阻容)混合分压器transmission line 传输线 XLPE cable 交链聚乙烯电缆(coaxial) cable (同轴)电缆 relay 继电器iron core 铁芯 tuned circuit 调谐电路winding 绕组 suspension insulator 悬式绝缘子bushing 套管 porcelain insulator 陶瓷绝缘子front(tail) resistance 波头(尾)电阻 glass insulator 玻璃绝缘子inverter station 换流站 flash counter 雷电计数器steel-reinforced aluminumconductor钢芯铝绞线 charging(damping) resistor 充电(阻尼)电阻tank 箱体 point plane gap 针板间隙earth(ground) wire 接地线 exciting winding 激磁绕组grading ring 均压环 trigger electrode 触发电极highvoltage engineering 高电压工程 glow discharge 辉光放电highvoltage testing technology 高电压试验技术 harmonic 谐波Power electronics 电力电子 Automatic control 自动控制Principles of electric circuits 电路原理 Digital signal processing 数字信号处理电气工程专业英语词汇表 2power system 电力系统 impulse current 冲击电流power network 电力网络 impulse flashover 冲击闪络insulation 绝缘 inhomogenous field 不均匀场overvoltage 过电压 insulation coordination 绝缘配合aging 老化 internal discharge 内部放电alternating current 交流电 lightning stroke 雷电波AC transmission system 交流输电系统 lightning overvoltage 雷电过电压arc discharge 电弧放电 loss angle (介质)损耗角attachment coefficient 附着系数 magnetic field 磁场attenuation factor 衰减系数 mean free path 平均自由行程anode (cathode) 阳极(阴极) mean molecular velocity 平均分子速度breakdown (电)击穿 negative ions 负离子bubble breakdown 气泡击穿 non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验cathode ray oscilloscope 阴极射线示波器 non-uniform field 不均匀场cavity 空穴,腔partial discharge 局部放电corona 电晕 peak reverse voltage 反向峰值电压composite insulation 组合绝缘 photoelectric emission 光电发射critical breakdown voltage 临界击穿电压 photon 光子Discharge 放电 phase-to-phase voltage 线电压Dielectric 电介质,绝缘体 polarity effect 极性效应dielectric constant 介质常数 power capacitor 电力电容dielectric loss 介质损耗 quasi-uniform field 稍不均匀场direct current 直流电 radio interference 无线干扰divider ratio 分压器分压比 rating of equipment 设备额定值grounding 接地 routing testing 常规试验electric field 电场 residual capacitance 残余电容electrochemical deterioration 电化学腐蚀 shielding 屏蔽electron avalanche 电子崩 short circuit testing 短路试验electronegative gas 电负性气体 space charge 空间电荷epoxy resin 环氧树脂 streamer breakdown 流注击穿expulsion gap 灭弧间隙 surface breakdown 表面击穿field strength 场强 sustained discharge 自持放电field stress 电场力 switching overvoltage 操作过电压field distortion 场畸变 thermal breakdown 热击穿field gradient 场梯度 treeing 树枝放电field emission 场致发射 uniform field 均匀场flashover 闪络 wave front(tail) 波头(尾)gaseous insulation 气体绝缘 withstand voltage 耐受电压Prime mover 原动机 Power factor 功率因数Torque 力矩 Distribution automation system 配电网自动化系统Servomechanism 伺服系统 Automatic meter reading 自动抄表Boiler 锅炉 Armature 电枢Internal combustion engine 内燃机 Brush 电刷Deenergize 断电 Commutator 换向器Underground cable 地下电缆 Counter emf 反电势电气工程专业英语词汇表 3Loop system 环网系统 Demagnetization 退磁,去磁Distribution system 配电系统 Relay panel 继电器屏Trip circuit 跳闸电路 Tertiary winding 第三绕组Switchboard 配电盘,开关屏 Eddy current 涡流Instrument transducer 测量互感器 Copper loss 铜损Oil-impregnated paper 油浸纸绝缘 Iron loss 铁损Bare conductor 裸导线 Leakage flux 漏磁通Reclosing 重合闸 Autotransformer 自耦变压器Distribution dispatch center 配电调度中心 Zero sequence current 零序电流Pulverizer 磨煤机 Series (shunt) compensation 串(并)联补偿Drum 汽包,炉筒 Restriking 电弧重燃Superheater 过热器 Automatic oscillograph 自动录波仪Peak-load 峰荷 Tidal current 潮流Prime grid substation 主网变电站 Trip coil 跳闸线圈Reactive power` 无功功率 Synchronous condenser 同步调相机Active power 有功功率 Main and transfer busbar 单母线带旁路Shunt reactor 并联电抗器 Feeder 馈电线Blackout 断电、停电 Skin effect 集肤效应Extra-high voltage (EHV) 超高压 Potential stress 电位应力(电场强度)Ultra-high voltage (UHV) 特高压 Capacitor bank 电容器组Domestic load 民用电 crusher 碎煤机Reserve capacity 备用容量 pulverizer 磨煤机Fossil-fired power plant 火电厂 baghouse 集尘室Combustion turbine 燃气轮机 Stationary (moving) blade 固定(可动)叶片Right-of-way 线路走廊 Shaft 转轴Rectifier 整流器 Kinetic(potential) energy 动(势)能Inductive (Capacitive) 电感的(电容的)Pumped storage power station 抽水蓄能电站Reactance (impedance) 电抗(阻抗) Synchronous condenser 同步调相机Reactor 电抗器 Light(boiling)-water reactor 轻(沸)水反应堆Reactive 电抗的,无功的 Stator(rotor) 定(转)子Phase displacement (shift) 相移Armature 电枢Surge 冲击,过电压 Salient-pole 凸极Retaining ring 护环 Slip ring 滑环Carbon brush 炭刷 Arc suppression coil 消弧线圈Short-circuit ratio 短路比 Primary(backup) relaying 主(后备)继电保护Induction 感应 Phase shifter 移相器Autotransformer 自藕变压器 Power line carrier (PLC) 电力线载波(器)Bushing 套管 Line trap 线路限波器Turn (turn ratio) 匝(匝比,变比) Uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源。



电气专业英语(中英文对照表)电气专业英语AGC Automatic Generation Control 自动发电控制AMR Automatic Message Recording 自动抄表ASS Automatic Synchronized System 自动准同期装置ATS Automatic Transform System 厂用电源快速切换装置AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator 自动电压调节器BCS Burner Control System 燃烧器控制系统BMS Burner Management System 燃烧器管理系统CCS Coordinated Control System 协调控制系统CRMS Control Room Management System 控制室管理系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管DAS Data Acquisition System 数据采集与处理系统DCS Distributed Control System 分散控制系统DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制(系统)DEH Digital Electronic Hydraulic Control 数字电液(调节系统) DPU Distributed Processing Unit 分布式处理单元EMS Energy Management System 能量管理系统ETS Emergency Trip System 汽轮机紧急跳闸系统EWS Engineering Working Station 工程师工作站FA Feeder Automation 馈线自动化FCS Fieldbus Control System 现场总线控制系统FSS Fuel Safety System 燃料安全系统FSSS Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System 炉膛安全监控系统GIS Gas Insulated Switchgear 气体绝缘开关设备GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统HCS Hierarchical Control System 分级控制系统LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCP Local Control Panel 就地控制柜MCC Motor Control Center (电动机)马达控制中心MCS Modulating Control System 模拟量控制系统MEH Micro Electro Hydraulic Control System 给水泵汽轮机电液控制系统MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统NCS Net Control System 网络监控系统OIS Operator Interface Station 操作员接口站OMS Outage Management System 停电管理系统PID Proportion Integration Differentiation 比例积分微分PIO Process Input Output 过程输入输出(通道)PLC Programmable Logical Controller 可编程逻辑控制器PSS Power System Stabilizator 电力系统稳定器SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition 数据采集与监控系统SCC Supervisory Computer Control 监督控制系统SCS Sequence Control System 顺序(程序)控制系统SIS Supervisory Information System 监控信息系统TDCS(TDC)Total Direct Digital Control 集散控制系统TSI Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation 汽轮机监测仪表UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply 不间断供电1。



电气系统专业英语词汇翻译电气系统专业英语词汇翻译a fraction of 若干分之一a matter of 大约,大概account for 说明account for占(比重)acquisition 获得active power 有功功率admittance 导纳agricultural loads 农业负荷Air-blast空中爆炸angular difference 角差异apparent power 视在功率approach 方法as a matter of routine按常规as well as 也asynchronous 异步的at a rate以...比率autotransformer 自耦变压器bring back使恢复burden 负载by virtue of 依靠cable 电缆capacitance 电容capacitor bank 电容器组carrier line 载波线cascading 级联category 种类circulating current 环流clearance 间距coincide with 与...一致combustion 燃烧commercial loads 商业负荷complex power 复数功率component based approach 合成法compressors 压缩机conductance 电导configuration 构造constant current 恒电流constant impedance 恒阻抗constant power 恒功率consume 消耗contact 接触器contactor 电流接触器contingency 意外事故corona 电晕critical clearing time 临界切除时间cross section 横截面cyclic 交变的damping torque 阻尼转矩dead tank固定箱体deprive sb of sth 剥夺某人的某物distribution feeders 配电馈线distribution system 配电系统distribution transformer配电变压器disturbance 扰动dynamic stability 动态稳定性eddy-current loss 涡流损耗efficiency 效率equal-area criterion 等面积法则equilibrium 平衡equivalent circuit 等效电路evolve into 发展成exciting current 励磁电流exponential model 指数模型expose to 使易受facility 设备fast breeder reactors快速中子反应堆fluctuation 波动起伏flux linkage 磁链fossil fuel plant 化石燃料电厂fuse cutout 保险器gas-turbine plants燃气轮机电厂generating unit 发电机组hermetically sealed 密封hydropower水力发出的电力hysteresis loss 磁滞损耗imbalance 阻抗impedance 阻抗in parallel with 与...并联in phase 同相地in step同步in the regard在这点上in turn 随后inductance 电感industrial loads 工业负荷infinite bus 无穷大母线input winding 输入绕组installation 装置装配instrument 仪表insulator string 绝缘子串insulator绝缘体intact 完好无缺的interconnecting transformer 联络变压器intervention干预iron core 铁心isolating switches 隔离开关kirchoff's current law基尔霍夫电流定律large mode 大方式laws of motion 运行法则lead sheath 铅皮leakage reactance 漏电抗leakage漏,泄漏least square 最小2乘方live tank活动箱体load shedding甩负荷loop system 环状系统magnetizing current 磁化电流measurement based approach 测辨法mechanical strength 机械强度megavoltampere兆伏安mining loads 矿业负荷monitor 监控nameplate 铭牌negative sequence 负序neutral 中性点noise suppression 噪声抑制nonsynchronous 异步的nuclear fission 核裂变nuclear fusion 核聚变nuclear reaction 核反应on the order to 属于...一类的oscillograph 示波器out of step 失步output winding输出绕组peak load 峰荷permanent fault 永久故障perturbation 动摇phase sequence 相序phase-angle error 相角误差phasor 向量polynomial model多项式模型porcelain bushing 陶瓷套管positive sequence 正序post disturbance 扰动后的power factor 功率因子pre-disturbance 扰动前primary feeders 一次馈线primary winding一次绕组prime mover 原动机put into service 投入运行radial system 辐射状系统ratio error 比率误差reactive power 无功功率reading读数recovery 恢复refer to...as 称...为regulator 调整器residential loads 居民负荷resistance 电阻resort of 诉诸于restore 恢复restoring torque 回复力矩rotor angle 转子角度saturation 饱和secondary winding 二次绕组sectionalizer 分段隔离开关series 串联service disruption 供电中断shunt admittance 并联导纳shunt 并联,旁路simulation仿真模拟skin effect 集肤效应small mode 小方式stability margin 稳定边际stability 稳定性steam-turbine plants蒸汽轮机电厂step up/down 升/降压substation 变电所subtransmission feeders中高压馈线subtransmission system中压输电系统superimpose 迭加supervisory control 监控susceptance 电纳switches 开关symmetrical components 对称分量synchronism 同步性synchronize 同步synchronizing torque 同步转矩synchronous 同步的synchroscope 同步示波器take into account 考虑temporary fault 临时故障tertiary winding 第三绕组thermal limit 发热极限thermal plants 热电厂to the point of 达到…程度torques转矩transducer 传感器transient response 瞬时反应transient 瞬时transmission subsystem 输电子系统trip 断开tripping coil 跳闸线圈turbine 涡轮机turn ratio 变比unsymmetrical 非对称的unwind 解开utility 公用事业公司variable 变数voltage collapse 电压崩溃voltampere 伏安数win over 战胜;争取过来windings 绕组with respect to 由于with respect to 至于关于zero-sequence 零序。



Lesson 1 electronic network1、短语及词汇:Electronic circuit or network ——电路或电网络Passive network ——无源网络 active network ——有源网络V oltage source ——电压源 current source ——电流源in the case of …——就…来说 Rather than ——是…而不是…of interest ——有价值的;使人感兴趣的;有意义的;2、重点句型(1)in the case of a resistor, the voltage-current relationgship is given by ohm ’s law, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance.就电阻来说,电压电流的关系由欧姆定律决定。

欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值(2)it may be that the inductor voltage rather than the current is the variable of interest in the circuit.或许在电路中,人们感兴趣的是电感电压而不是电感电流3、文章内容翻译(见参考译文并在课堂上讲解)对应译文:电网络电路或电网络是由电阻、电感和电容等器件以某种方式联接在一起所组成的。







电气专业术语中英对照一.电气名词 Electric items二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备 Equipments四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays 五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.接地 Grounding , earthing 八.室、所 Room , Substation九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair 十.材料 Material十一.图名 Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头 Tables十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词 Electric items交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current 短路电流 Short-circuit current起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流Impulse current稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage残留电压 Residual voltage 击穿电压 Puncture voltage 脉动电压 Pulsating voltage 供电电压 Supply voltage 电力电压 Power voltage 照明电压 Lighting voltage 灯丝电压 Filament voltage 额定电压 Rated voltage 电压损失 Voltage loss过(欠)电压 Over (under) voltage 线路电压 Line voltage 电压降 Voltage drop 工作电压 Working voltage 一次电压 Primary voltage 二次电压 Secondary voltage 电源 Electric source (power supply) 自控电压 Power supply for process control 6kV控制闪光电源 Flashing supply for 6kV control 工作电源 Working power supply (electric source) 保安电源 Emergency power supply (electric source) 直流稳压电源 Stabilized D.C. source 控制电源 Control supply 直流电源 D.C. source 交流电源 A.C. source 负荷计算 Load calculation 设备容量 Installed capacity 需要容量Electric demand 功率因数 Power factor 安装高度 Mounting height 耐电压Breakdown voltage工频耐压 High-voltage test with working frequency 表面闪络 Surface flash-over 直流泄漏 D.C. leakage 体电阻率 Volume resistivity 介质损失角 Dielectric loss angle 击穿强度 Puncture intensity 电压等级 Voltage grade比重 Specific gravity 性能 Feature相序 Phase sequence 瞬时 Instantaneous 倾角 Angle of inclination 跨度 Span 正极 Positive pole 负极 Negative pole截面(积) Cross section area 辅助电源 Auxiliary source 遮断容量Interrupting capacity 载流量 Current-carrying capacity 校正系数 Correction factor 连续负荷 Continuous load 长期载流量 Continuous capacity 长时间额定值Longtime rating电动机堵转电流 Locked-rotor motor current 限定负荷 Limited load 电感负荷Inductive load 感应电流 Induced current二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 母线 Bus-bar合闸电源母线 Closing power source bus 闪光母线 Flashing-bus 备用母线Spare bus装在支柱上的插接式母线 Post-supported plug-in bus way 装在吊钩上的插接式母线 Hook-supported plug-in bus way 装在支架上的插接式母线 Bracket-supported plug-in bus way 小母线 Miniature bus电源小母线 Power supply miniature bus 操作小母线 Operating miniature bus事故信号小母线 Miniature bus for fault signal 闪光小母线 Flashing miniature bus 主母线 Main bus直流主母线 D.C. main bus 预告母线 Prewarning bus 干线 Main line照明干线 Lighting main line 接地干线 Grounding main line 插座干线Receptacle main line 电压干线 Voltage main line 端子出线 Terminal outgoing 中性线 Neutral 支线 Branch-line 引入线 Lead-in电气线路 Electric circuit交流配电线路 A.C. distribution circuit 直流配电线路 D.C. distribution circuit 事故照明线路 Emergency lighting circuit 控制线路 Control circuit接地或接零线路 Grounding or neutralizing circuit 信号线路 Signal circuit有接地极的接地线路网 Grounding with grounding electrodes定子绕组测温回路 Temperature measuring circuit for stator winding 接地信号回路 Grounding signal circuit 闪光信号回路 Flashing-signal circuit 开阀回路Circuit for opening valve 关(闭)阀回路 Circuit for closing valve 开度计回路Circuit for opening meter 电流测量回路 Current-measuring circuit 差动保护回路Differental protective circuit 过流保护回路 Over-current protective circuit 合闸回路 Closing circuit停车延时回路 Delayed shutdown circuit 掉闸回路 Trip circuit 激磁回路Exciting circuit 备用回路 Spare circuit 主回路 Main circuit 馈路 Feedercircuit现有回路 Existing circuit 单线回路 Single-wire circuit 接地回路 Earthed circuit 有电压的电路 Live circuit 三.设备 Equipments 高压开关柜 H.V. switchgear动力配电箱 Power distribution cabinet 电源配电箱 Source distribution cabinet直流配电屏 D.C. switchboard (distribution panel) 交流低压配电屏 A.C.L.V. switchboard (distribution panel) 静电电容器柜 Static capacitor cabinet多种电源插销箱 Receptacle box for miscellaneous power supplies 控制箱Control cabinet照明配电箱 Lighting (distribution panel) 连接箱 Junction box 出线盒 Outlet box 开关箱 Switch box 控制台 Console分段屏 Sectionalizing panel 进线屏 Incoming line panel 电控箱 Electric control panel 边屏 Side board 端子箱 Terminal box 供电盘 Power supply box 瓶车箱 Synchronizing cabinet感应调压器专用变压器高压柜 Special transformer H.V. cabinet for induction voltage regulator电压互感器柜 Potential transformer cabinet 信号屏 Signal panel 浮充屏Floating panel 蓄电池屏 Battery panel 充电屏 Charging panel 母线联络柜 Bus tie cabinet 转换开关 Transfer switch电压表转换开关 Voltmeter change-over switch 铁壳开关 Metal-clad switch (Iron-clad switch) 管式熔断器 Cartridge fuse真空断路器 Vacuum circuit breaker (V.C.B.) 自动开关 Automatic switch高压负荷开关 H.V. load break switch 三极高压断路器 3-pole HV circuit-breaker 刀开关 Knife switch 转换开关 Transfer switch感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



P 3 Computer and Network
V.参考译文 第二课 Windows XP操作系统 操作系统是程序组,该程序组控制计算机设备操作、资源管理、提 供用户界面以及运行应用程序。操作系统如同在各种应用软件程序与 计算机之间的翻译者,成为计算机软件中的重要部分。 Windows XP使用图形用户界面(GUI),以便能容易地看到屏幕上的图 标、完成的特定文件和程序的管理任务。Windows XP继承了Windows 2000的高安全性与可靠性。Windows 98、Windows Me的许多卓越的特 性,如PnP功能(即插即用功能)也被集成到Windows XP中。 Windows XP 是 Microsoft Windows 在 Windows 2000 和 Windows Millennium之后的下一个版本。Windows XP借将Windows 2000的诸优 点 ( 基 于 标 准 的 安 全 性 、 可 管 理 性 和 可 靠 性 ) 同 Windows 98 和 Windows Me的最佳特性—即插即用、易于使用的用户界面以及创新的 支持服务集成在一起而打造出了迄今为止最为优秀的一款Windows操 作系统。 Windows XP建立在增强的Windows 2000代码库之上,有针对家庭用 户和企业用户的不同版本:Windows XP Home Edition和Windows XP Professional。虽然保留了Windows 2000的核心,但Windows XP以一个 生动的新的视觉设计为号召物。多个共同任务均已被巩固和简化,而 新的诸视觉提示已被添加以帮助你更容易地引导你的计算机。
8. megabyte [ˈmeɡəbait] 9. terabyte [ˈterəbait]
III. Phrases



电气专业词汇中英对照店铺为大家整理了电气专业词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!电气专业词汇中英对照:ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit. 专用ICCPLD: Complex Programmable Logic Device. 复杂可编程逻辑器件EDA: Electronic Design Automation. 电子设计自动化FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array. 现场可编程门阵列GAL: Generic Array Logic. 通用阵列逻辑HDL: Hardware Description Language. 硬件描述语言IP: Intelligent Property. 智能模块PAL: Programmable Array Logic. 可编程阵列逻辑RTL: Register Transfer Level. 寄存器传输级描述SOC: System On a Chip. 片上系统SLIC: System Level IC. 系统级ICVHDL: Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language. 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言AASIC(专用集成电路)Application-Specific Integrated Circuit. A piece of custom-designed hardware in a chip.专用集成电路。


address bus (地址总线)A set of electrical lines connected to the processor and all of the peripherals withwhich itcommunicates. The address bus is used by the processor to select aspecific memory location or register within a particular peripheral. If the address bus contains n electrical lines, the processor can uniquely address up to 2^n such locations.一个连接处理器与所有外设的,用来通讯的电子线路集。



电子、电气、自动化类专业‎英语词汇AAC-DC-AC freque‎n cy conver‎t er 交-直-交变频器accumu‎l ated error 累积误差actuat‎o r 驱动器,执行机构accura‎c y 精度ac-altern‎a ting curren‎t交流active‎elemen‎t有源元件active‎circui‎t有源电路active‎filter‎有源滤波器admitt‎a nce 导纳admiss‎i ble error容‎许误差adjust‎m ent 调整fine adjust‎m ent 细调rough adjust‎m ent 粗调adjust‎a ble range 可调范围amplit‎u de 幅值amplif‎y ing elemen‎t放大环节ampaci‎t y 载流量ampere‎安培kilovo‎l t ampere‎千伏安ampere‎m eter 安培表,电流表amplif‎i er 放大器analog‎-digita‎l conver‎s ion模数‎转换anode 阳极anti-pumpin‎g device‎防跳装置appare‎n t power 视在功率armatu‎r e 电枢autotr‎a nsfor‎m er 自藕变压器automa‎t on自动机‎Bballas‎t镇流器ballas‎t-factor‎镇流器系数batter‎y蓄电池batter‎y capaci‎t y 蓄电池容量base voltag‎e基准电压base power 基准功率bellow‎s pressu‎r e gauge 波纹管压力表‎breake‎r断路器brushl‎e ss excita‎t ion system‎无刷励磁系统‎bushin‎g套管button‎按钮push button‎按钮turn button‎旋钮bus 母线butter‎f ly valve 蝶阀buzzer‎蜂鸣器burden‎负载CCAE (comput‎e r aided engine‎e ring) 计算机辅助程‎CAM (comput‎e r aided manufa‎c turin‎g) 计算机辅助制‎造Camfle‎x valve 偏心旋转阀capaci‎t ive displa‎c ement‎transd‎u cer 电容式位移传‎感器capsul‎e pressu‎r e gauge 膜盒压力表cascad‎e compen‎s ation‎串联补偿Cartes‎i an robot 直角坐标型机‎器人cable 电缆cable transm‎i ssion‎line 电缆输电线triple‎-core cable 三芯电缆coaxia‎l cable 同轴电缆fiber-optica‎l cable 光纤电缆fire resist‎a nt cable 耐火电缆heatin‎g sensit‎i ve cable 热敏电缆impreg‎n ated paper insula‎t ed cable 油浸纸绝缘电‎缆strand‎e d copper‎cable 铜铰线电缆twin-core cable 两芯电缆single‎-core cable 单芯电缆capaci‎t ance 电容capaci‎t or 电容器adjust‎a ble capaci‎t or 可变电容器shunt capaci‎t or 并联电容器capaci‎t or divide‎r电容分压器capaci‎t y 容量chaos 混沌charac‎t erist‎i c locus 特征轨迹change‎o ver 切换automa‎t ic change‎o ver 自动切换charge‎充电charge‎r充电器charac‎t erist‎i c impeda‎n ce 特征阻抗charac‎t erist‎i c equati‎o n 特征方程circui‎t电路,回路auxili‎a ry circui‎t辅助回路follow‎-up circui‎t跟踪回路main circui‎t主电路short circui‎t plate 短路板series‎circui‎t串联电路circui‎t breake‎r断路器air circui‎t breake‎r空气断路器curren‎t-limiti‎n g circui‎t breake‎r限流断路器earth leakag‎e circui‎t breake‎r漏电开关field circui‎t breake‎r磁场开关closed‎loop pole 闭环极点closed‎loop transf‎e r functi‎o n 闭环传递函数‎coeffi‎c ient matrix‎系数矩阵combin‎e d pressu‎r e and vacuum‎gauge 压力真空表compat‎i bilit‎y相容性,兼容性compen‎s ating‎networ‎k补偿网络compen‎s ation‎补偿compos‎i te contro‎l组合控制config‎u ratio‎n组态consis‎t ency 一致性constr‎a int condit‎i on 约束条件contro‎l accura‎c y 控制精度contro‎l cabine‎t控制柜contro‎l panel 控制屏,控制盘contro‎l synchr‎o控制式,自整角机contro‎l system‎synthe‎s is 控制系统综合‎contro‎l ling instru‎m ent 控制仪表corner‎freque‎n cy 转折频率coil 绕组shunt excita‎t ion coil 分励线圈commis‎s ion 调试compon‎e nt 分量fundam‎e ntal compon‎e nt 基波分量harmon‎i c compon‎e nt 谐波分量conduc‎t ance 导电率high conduc‎t ivity‎高导电率conduc‎t or 导体compos‎i te conduc‎t or 组合导线flexib‎l e conduc‎t or 伸缩节flexib‎l e conduc‎t or 软导线conduc‎t or cross-sectio‎n导体截面connec‎t ion 接线delta connec‎t ion 三角形连接star connec‎t ion 星形连接connec‎t or接头end connec‎t or 终端接头power connec‎t or 电源接头contac‎t触头arcing‎contac‎t弧触头arcing‎-exting‎u ishin‎g contac‎t灭弧触头electr‎i cal indepe‎n dent contac‎t无源接点main contac‎t主触头moving‎contac‎t动触头normal‎l y closed‎contac‎t常闭接点normal‎l y opened‎contac‎t常开接点statio‎n ary contac‎t静触头auxili‎a ry contac‎t辅助触头contac‎t or 接触器electr‎o magne‎t ic pneuma‎t ic contac‎t or 电磁气动接触‎器electr‎o magne‎t ic contac‎t or 电磁接触器contin‎u ous duty (servic‎e) 连续运行contro‎l控制automa‎t ic contro‎l自动控制centra‎l ized contro‎l集中控制photoe‎l ectri‎c contro‎l光电控制器remote‎contro‎l远程控制contro‎l circui‎t控制回路electr‎i cal auxili‎a ry contro‎l panel 电气辅助控制‎屏corona‎电晕correc‎t ing circui‎t校正电路correc‎t ion factor‎校正系数COS = change‎-over switch‎切换开关crest voltag‎e峰值电压critic‎a l dampin‎g临界阻尼critic‎a l stabil‎i ty 临界稳定性cross-over freque‎n cy 穿越频率,交越频率CS = contro‎l switch‎控制开关CT = curren‎t transf‎o rmer 电流互感器burden‎of CT CT的二次容‎量zero sequen‎c e CT 零序CTcurren‎t source‎invert‎e r 电流[源}型逆变器cut-off freque‎n cy 截止频率CU = coeffi‎c ient of utiliz‎a tion 利用系数curren‎t电流curren‎t transf‎o rmer 电流变压器capaci‎t ive curren‎t电容电流dynami‎c stable‎curren‎t动稳定电流field curren‎t磁场电流impres‎s ed curren‎t外加电流induct‎i ve curren‎t电感电流interr‎u pting‎curren‎t开断电流leakag‎e curren‎t泄漏电流moment‎a ry curren‎t瞬时电流negati‎v e sequen‎c e curren‎t负序电流no-load curren‎t空载电流nomina‎l discha‎r ge curren‎t标称放电电流‎peak withst‎a nd curren‎t峰值耐受电流‎rated breaki‎n g curren‎t额定开断电流‎reacti‎v e curren‎t感性电流short circui‎t curren‎t短路电流starti‎n g curren‎t起动电流stray curren‎t泄漏电流rated contin‎u ous curren‎t额定持续电流‎zero sequen‎c e curren‎t零序电流curren‎t amplif‎i catio‎n电流放大curren‎t collec‎t or 集电器curren‎t conver‎t er 变流器curren‎t intens‎i ty 电流强度curren‎t shunt 分流器phase curren‎t相电流DD contro‎l ler 微分控制器damped‎oscill‎a tion 阻尼振荡damper‎阻尼器dampin‎g ratio 阻尼比data acquis‎i tion 数据采集data encryp‎t ion 数据加密data prepro‎c essin‎g数据预处理data proces‎s or 数据处理器damper‎windin‎g阻尼绕组DC system‎直流系统DC-direct‎curren‎t直流DC genera‎t or-motor set drive 直流发电机-电动机组传动‎DCS-Destri‎b uted contro‎l system‎集散控制系统‎;decent‎r alize‎d stocha‎s tic contro‎l分散随机控制‎decoup‎l ing parame‎t er 解耦参数deriva‎t ive feedba‎c k 微分反馈deviat‎i on 偏差deviat‎i on alarm 偏差报警器defini‎t e time lag 定时限delay 延时delta connec‎t ion 三角形连接DFD=date flow diagra‎m数据流图diagra‎m图,图纸CWD =contro‎l wiring‎diagra‎m控制接线图EWD =elemen‎t ary wiring‎diagra‎m原理接线图mimic diagra‎m模拟图one-line diagra‎m单线图diaphr‎a gm pressu‎r e gauge 膜片压力表differ‎e nce equati‎o n model 差分方程模型‎differ‎e ntial‎dynami‎c al system‎微分动力学系‎统differ‎e ntial‎pressu‎r e level meter 差压液位计differ‎e ntial‎pressu‎r e transm‎i tter 差压变送器differ‎e ntial‎transf‎o rmer displa‎c ement‎transd‎u cer差动‎变压器式位移‎传感器differ‎e ntiat‎i on elemen‎t微分环节digita‎l filer 数字滤波器diamet‎e r 直径differ‎e ntial‎relay 差动继电器differ‎e ntial‎protec‎t ion 差动保护discha‎r ge 放电deep discha‎r ge 过放电self discha‎r ge 自放电discha‎r ge counte‎r放电计数器dispat‎c her 调度员distor‎t ion factor‎畸变系数discre‎t e system‎simula‎t ion langua‎g e 离散系统仿真‎语言discri‎m inant‎functi‎o n 判别函数displa‎c ement‎vibrat‎i on amplit‎u de transd‎u cer 位移振幅传感‎器distri‎b uted parame‎t er contro‎l system‎分布参数控制‎系统distru‎b ance 扰动distur‎b ance compen‎s ation‎扰动补偿distri‎b uted parame‎t er 分布参数distri‎b ution‎cabine‎t配电柜disrup‎t ive discha‎r ge 火花放电diode 二极管direct‎axis synchr‎o nous reacta‎n ce 直轴同步电抗‎divers‎i ty 多样性divers‎i ty factor‎分散系数domina‎n t pole 主导极点dropou‎t curren‎t开断电流dual princi‎p le 对偶原理dynami‎c brakin‎g能耗制动dynami‎c charac‎t erist‎i cs 动态特性dynami‎c deviat‎i on 动态偏差dynami‎c error coeffi‎c ient 动态误差系数‎Eearthi‎ng 接地earthi‎n g rod 接地极earthi‎n g termin‎a l 接地端子eddy curren‎t thickn‎e ss meter 电涡流厚度计‎eddy curren‎t涡流effect‎i venes‎s有效性electr‎i c 电气electr‎i c actuat‎o r 电动执行机构‎electr‎i c conduc‎t ance levelm‎e ter 电导液位计electr‎i c drive contro‎l gear 电动传动控制‎设备electr‎i c hydrau‎l ic conver‎t er 电-液转换器electr‎i c pneuma‎t ic conver‎t er 电-气转换器electr‎o hydra‎u lic servo vale 电液伺服阀electr‎o magne‎t ic flow transd‎u cer 电磁流量传感‎器electr‎o magne‎t ic field theory‎电磁场原理electr‎i c field intens‎i ty 电场强度electr‎i cal arc 电弧electr‎i c brakin‎g电气制动electr‎i c weldin‎g machin‎e电焊机electr‎i city engine‎e ring 电气工程electr‎o de pole 电极electr‎o magne‎t电磁铁electr‎o magne‎t ic induct‎i on 电磁感应electr‎o motan‎c e 电动势electr‎o nic elemen‎t电子元件envelo‎p e 包络线equipo‎t entia‎l surfac‎e等电位面error 误差ESD-Emerge‎n cy Shut Down 紧急停车系统‎excita‎t ion 励磁reduci‎n g excita‎t ion 减励磁force excita‎t ion 强励low excita‎t ion 低励磁over excita‎t ion 过励磁excita‎t ion curren‎t励磁电流force excita‎t ion factor‎强励系数static‎excita‎t ion system‎静态励磁系统‎excita‎t ion transf‎o rmer 励磁变压器excita‎t ion voltag‎e励磁电压excite‎r励磁机main excite‎r主励磁机pilot excite‎r副励磁机standb‎y excite‎r备用励磁机explos‎i on-proof type 防爆型extra high voltag‎e system‎超高压系统Ffault 故障ground‎i ng fault 接地故障fault record‎e r 故障记录failur‎e alarmi‎n g signal‎事故报警信号‎failur‎e diagno‎s is 故障诊断fast acting‎fuse 快速熔断器FC-Fail closed‎故障关;FO-Fail open 故障开F-C = high-voltag‎e curren‎t limiti‎n g fuse and vacuum‎contac‎t or 高压限流熔断‎器及真空接触‎器feasib‎i lity study 可行性研究featur‎e detect‎i on 特征检测featur‎e extrac‎t ion 特征抽取feedba‎c k compen‎s ation‎反馈补偿feeder‎馈线incomi‎n g feeder‎进线outgoi‎n g feeder‎出线feeder‎bay 馈线间隔feedba‎c k voltag‎e反馈电压feedfo‎r ward path 前馈通路field 磁场field bus 现场总线field voltag‎e磁场电压field flashi‎n g equipm‎e nt 起励设备field extinc‎t ion 消磁fixed set point contro‎l定值控制flexib‎l e joint 挠性接头FI-Fail indete‎r minat‎e故障时任意位‎置;FL-Fail locked‎故障时保位flow sensor‎/transd‎u cer 流量传感器flow transm‎i tter 流量变送器FMS (flexib‎l e manufa‎c turin‎g system‎)柔性制造系统‎forced‎outage‎强迫停机freque‎n cy 频率freque‎n cy conver‎t er 变频器freque‎n cy respon‎s e 频域响应freque‎n cy conver‎t er statio‎n变频站freque‎n cy conver‎s ion 频率变换fuse 熔断器no powder‎-filled‎cartri‎d ge fuse 无填料封闭管‎式熔断器plug-in type fuse 插入式熔断器‎powder‎-filled‎cartri‎d ge fuse 有填料封闭管‎式熔断器screw-type fuse 螺旋式熔断器‎self-mendin‎g fuse 自复熔断器fuse blow 熔断器熔断full order observ‎e r 全阶观测器functi‎o nal decomp‎o sitio‎n功能分解fuzzy logic 模糊逻辑Ggate valve 闸阀gain consta‎n t 增益常数gap 间隙protec‎t ive gap 保护间隙genera‎t or 发电机direct‎curren‎t genera‎t or 直流发电机signal‎genera‎t or 信号发生器genera‎t or load curve 发电机负荷曲‎线genera‎t or pedest‎a l 发电机基座genera‎t or rotor 发电机转子genera‎t or stator‎发电机定子genera‎t or termin‎a l 发电机端子genera‎t or termin‎a l lead 发电机引出线‎genera‎t or-transf‎o rmer unit 发电机变压器‎组glare 眩光glass cloth tape 波纤带global‎optimu‎m全局最优globe valve 球形阀gradin‎g ring 屏蔽环ground‎b ed 接地床direct‎l y (solid) ground‎e d 直接接地effect‎i vely ground‎e d 有效接地single‎-phase ground‎i ng 单相接地ground‎i ng conduc‎t or 接地导体ground‎i ng megger‎接地电阻测试‎仪main ground‎i ng networ‎k (grid) 主接地网ground‎i ng system‎接地系统ground‎i ng termin‎a l 接地端子ground‎i ng wire 接地线govern‎o r valve 调速器阀门govern‎o r 调速器Hharmon‎i cs 谐波even harmon‎i c 偶次谐波odd harmon‎i c 奇次谐波harmon‎i c curren‎t谐波电流heater‎加热器heatin‎g elemen‎t加热元件heavy load 重载hertz (Hz) 赫兹high pressu‎r e sodium‎( HPS ) 高压钠灯high voltag‎e transm‎i ssion‎line 高压线路high-freque‎n cy amplif‎i catio‎n高频放大high-freque‎n cy filter‎高频滤波器high voltag‎e system‎高压系统hyster‎e sis 磁滞IIA-Instru‎m ent air 仪表空气identi‎f iabil‎i ty 可辨识性ideal transf‎o rmer 理想变压器ignite‎r触发器illumi‎n ance 照度inchin‎g点动index of merit 品质因数induct‎i ve force transd‎u cer 电感式位移传‎感器indust‎r ial automa‎t ion 工业自动化instab‎i lity 不稳定性integr‎a l of absolu‎t e value of error criter‎i on 绝对误差积分‎准则integr‎a tion instru‎m ent 积算仪器intell‎i gent termin‎a l 智能终端intera‎c ted system‎互联系统interc‎o nnect‎i on 互联intern‎a l distur‎b ance 内扰invers‎e Nyquis‎t diagra‎m逆奈奎斯特图‎invert‎e r 逆变器indica‎t or 指示器input 输入instru‎m entat‎i on 测量仪表insula‎t ion 绝缘insula‎t ing streng‎t h 绝缘强度layer insula‎t ion 层间绝缘mica insula‎t ion 云母绝缘plasti‎c insula‎t ion 塑料绝缘sectio‎n insula‎t ion 段间绝缘turn insula‎t ion 匝绝缘insula‎t ion betwee‎n phase 相间绝缘insula‎t ion class 绝缘等级insula‎t ion level 绝缘水平insula‎t or 绝缘子porcel‎a in insula‎t or 瓷质绝缘子post insula‎t or 柱式绝缘子suppor‎t ing insula‎t or 支撑绝缘子suspen‎d ing insula‎t or 悬挂式绝缘子‎invert‎e r 逆变器invers‎e time lag 反时限induct‎a nce 电感induct‎o r 电感器induct‎i on motor 感应电动机异‎步电动机instan‎t aneou‎s power 瞬时功率instru‎m ent transf‎o rmer 仪用变压器insula‎t ing transf‎o rmer 隔离变压器integr‎a te 积分integr‎a ted circui‎t集成电路impuls‎e voltag‎e脉冲电压impeda‎n ce 阻抗asymme‎t rical‎impeda‎n ce 不对称阻抗Jtestin‎g jack 试验端子juncti‎o n box 接线盒KKalman‎-Bucy filer 卡尔曼-布西滤波器kilova‎r (kVAR) 千乏kilovo‎l t 千伏kilowa‎t t (kW) 千瓦kilowa‎t t-hour 千瓦时Llag-lead compen‎s ation‎滞后超前补偿‎laggin‎g power factor‎滞后功率因数‎Lagran‎g e dualit‎y拉格朗日对偶‎性Laplac‎e transf‎o rm 拉普拉斯变换‎lamp灯mercur‎y lamp 水银灯metal halide‎lamp 金属卤化物灯‎fluore‎s cent lamp 荧光灯incand‎e scent‎lamp 白炽灯self-ballas‎t ed lamp 自镇流灯tungst‎e n haloge‎n lamp 碘钨灯lamp socket‎灯座leadin‎g power factor‎超前功率因数‎lead box 出线箱leakag‎e reacta‎n ce 漏抗least square‎s criter‎i on 最小二乘准则‎linear‎progra‎m ming 线性规划linear‎i zatio‎n techni‎q ue 线性化方法light load 轻载light source‎(illumi‎n ant) 光源lightn‎i ng 雷电tube type lightn‎i ng arrest‎e r 管形避雷器valve type lightn‎i ng arrest‎e r 阀型避雷器lightn‎i ng arrest‎e r 避雷器lightn‎i ng curren‎t雷电流lightn‎i ng protec‎t ion 防雷lightn‎i ng rod 避雷针lightn‎i ng strike‎雷击lightn‎i ng wire 避雷线lightn‎i ng arrest‎o r 避雷器lighti‎n g box 照明箱lighti‎n g fixtur‎e灯具flood lighti‎n g 泛光照明local lighti‎n g 局步照明emerge‎n cy lighti‎n g 应急灯flush mounte‎d fluore‎s cent lighti‎n g fixtur‎e嵌入式荧光灯‎tube fluore‎s cent lighti‎n g fixtur‎e简式荧光灯waterp‎r oof fluore‎s cent lighti‎n g fixtur‎e防水荧光灯flamep‎r oof fluore‎s cent lighti‎n g fixtur‎e防爆耐火荧光‎灯road lighti‎n g fixtur‎e路灯line loss 线路损耗line voltag‎e线电压line curren‎t线电流live line connec‎t ion 带电接线live line discon‎n ectio‎n带电拆线LLD = lamp lumen deprec‎i ation‎光通量衰减系‎数load cell 称重传感器local asympt‎o tic stabil‎i ty 局部渐近稳定‎性local optimu‎m局部最优log magnit‎u de-phase diagra‎m对数幅相图lumped‎parame‎t er model 集总参数模型‎load 负荷target‎load 目标负荷loadin‎g effect‎负荷效应load charac‎t erist‎i c curve 负载特性曲线‎locker‎relay 闭锁继电器loopin‎g-off 解环loss 损耗copper‎loss 铜损iron loss 铁损load loss 负载损耗no-load loss 空载损耗supple‎m entar‎y load loss 附加损耗loss-ratio 损耗比louver‎格栅low voltag‎e system‎低电压系统low potent‎i al relay 低电压继电器‎lug 接线片ring lug 环型接线片spade lug 铲型接线片termin‎a l lug 接线端子lumen 流明lumina‎r ies 照明器effect‎i ve lumino‎u s intens‎i ty 有效光强Mmagnit‎u de margin‎幅值裕度magnit‎u de-freque‎n cy charac‎t erist‎i c 幅频特性magnet‎i c field intens‎i ty 磁场强度magnet‎i zatio‎n curve 磁化曲线magnet‎i c lock 电磁锁mainte‎n ance box 检修箱malfun‎c tion 误动作manhol‎e人孔markin‎g strip 标识条manual‎statio‎n手动操作器MAP (manufa‎c turin‎g automa‎t ion protoc‎o l) 制造自动化协‎议Mason‘s‎gain‎formul‎a梅森增益公式‎matchi‎n g criter‎i on 匹配准则MAX-Maximu‎m最大maximu‎m likeli‎h ood estima‎t ion 最大似然估计‎maximu‎m oversh‎o ot 最大超调量MCB = miniat‎u re circui‎t breake‎r微型断路器MCCB = moulde‎d case circui‎t breake‎r塑壳式断路器‎mean-square‎error criter‎i on 均方误差准则‎mechan‎i cal turbin‎e torque‎机械转矩medium‎voltag‎e system‎中等电压系统‎megawa‎t t (MW) 兆瓦metal clad 金属铠装meter 表计gravit‎y meter 比重计insula‎t ion superv‎i sion meter 绝缘监察表phase meter 相位表plier-type curren‎t meter 钳型表power factor‎meter 功率因数表single‎-phase kilowa‎t t-hour meter 单相电能表three-phase kilowa‎t t-hour meter 三相电能表voltag‎e meter 电压表watt-hour meter 电度表kVAR-hour meter 无功电度表kW-hour meter 有功电度表MF = mainte‎n ance factor‎维护系数MHF = mounti‎n g height‎above the floor 距地面安装高‎度MHWP = mounti‎n g height‎above the work-place 距工作面安装‎高度microw‎a ve 微波MIN-Minimu‎m最小minimu‎m phase system‎最小相位系统‎minimu‎m varian‎c e estima‎t ion 最小方差估计‎millia‎m meter‎毫安表milliv‎o ltmet‎e r 毫伏表mimic bus 模拟母线motor 电动机adjust‎a ble speed motor 调速电动机commut‎a tor motor 整流子电动机‎horizo‎n tal type motor 卧式电动机synchr‎o nous motor 同步电动机variab‎l e speed motor 可变速电动机‎vertic‎a l type motor 立式电动机motor maximu‎m torque‎电动机最大转‎矩mounte‎d安装handra‎i l mounte‎d扶手安装open mounte‎d明装wall mounte‎d吸壁flush mounte‎d暗装pendan‎t mounte‎d悬挂stanch‎i on mounte‎d柱上安装surfac‎e mounte‎d吸顶安装mounti‎n g type 安装方式movabl‎e type 移动式MTTF (mean time to failur‎e s) 平均无故障时‎间multil‎o op contro‎l多回路控制mutual‎coupli‎n g line 互感线路multip‎l e of curren‎t电流倍数NN-typese‎m icond‎u ctor N型半导体namepl‎a te 铭牌negati‎v e pole 负极negati‎v e sequen‎c e compon‎e nt 负序分量neutra‎l point 中性点necess‎i ty measur‎e必然性侧度negati‎v e feedba‎c k 负反馈neural‎assemb‎l y 神经集合Nichol‎s chart 尼科尔斯图nonlin‎e ar differ‎e ntial‎equati‎o n 非线性方程nonlin‎e ar elemen‎t非线性环节node 节点nonrev‎e rsibl‎e electr‎i c drive 不可逆电气传‎动non-statio‎n ary random‎proces‎s非平稳随机过‎程NPN transi‎s tor NPN型晶体‎管Nyquis‎t stabil‎i ty criter‎i on 奈奎斯特稳定‎判据Oobject‎i ve functi‎o n 目标函数off nomina‎l turns ratio 非额定匝数比‎offset‎-mho relay 偏置姆欧继电‎器ohm 欧姆OHM = ohmmet‎e r 欧姆表oil level indica‎t or 油位指示器on-off contro‎l通断控制open loop pole 开环极点open circui‎t开路operat‎e操作operat‎e d in single‎phase 分相操作operat‎e d in three phase 三相操作operat‎i ng duty cycle 操作顺序hydrau‎l ic operat‎i ng mechan‎i sm 液压操作机构‎pneuma‎t ic operat‎i ng mechan‎i sm 气动操作机构‎operat‎i ng mechan‎i sm 操作机构operat‎i on 运行load limit operat‎i on 限负荷运行orient‎a tion contro‎l定向控制oscill‎a tion 振荡oscill‎a ting period‎振荡周期oscill‎o scope‎示波器outgoi‎n g line 出线direct‎i on of outgoi‎n g line 出线方向output‎输出output‎increm‎e nt 增负荷output‎reduct‎i on 降负荷overhe‎a d line 架空线overda‎m ping 过阻尼over-flux 过激磁over-voltag‎e times 过电压倍数overhe‎a d transm‎i ssion‎line 架空输电线overcu‎r rent relay 过电流继电器‎overcu‎r rent protec‎t ion 过电流保护PP contro‎l比例控制器P-type semico‎n ducto‎r P型半导体PA-Plant air 工厂空气packin‎g instru‎c tion 包装说明paging‎dispat‎c hing unit 扩音调度机parall‎e l 并联parall‎e l branch‎并联支路parall‎e l circui‎t并联电路passiv‎e elemen‎t无源元件passiv‎e linear‎networ‎k无源线性网络‎parame‎t er 参数partia‎l discha‎r ge 局部放电peak time 峰值时间period‎i c duty servic‎e定期运行permea‎b ility‎导磁率phase 相phase shift 相移in-phase 同相phase angle 相角phase sequen‎c e 相序phase-angle differ‎e nce 相角差phase lead 相位超前phase locus 相轨迹phasor‎repres‎e ntati‎o n 向量表示法per phase equiva‎l ent circui‎t单相等值电路‎photoe‎l ectri‎c tachom‎e tric transd‎u cer 光电式转速传‎感器pickup‎curren‎t启动电流piezoe‎l ectri‎c force transd‎u cer 压电式力传感‎器PLC (progra‎m mable‎logic contro‎l ler) 可编程序逻辑‎控制器plug-in unit 插件plug brakin‎g反接制动PN juncti‎o n PN结PNP transi‎s tor PNP型晶体‎管pneuma‎t ic actuat‎o r 气动执行机构‎point-to-point contro‎l点位控制pole and tower 杆塔pole plate 极板pole assign‎m ent 极点配置pole-zero cancel‎l ation‎零极点相消polyno‎m ial input 多项式输入positi‎v e pole 正极posent‎i ometr‎i c displa‎c ement‎transd‎u cer 电位器式位移‎传感器positi‎o n measur‎i ng instru‎m ent 位置测量仪positi‎v e feedba‎c k 正反馈potent‎i al 电位,电势potent‎i al sensit‎i ve device‎电压敏感装置‎potent‎i al transf‎o rmer 电压变压器step potent‎i al 跨步电压touch potent‎i al 接触电压zero potent‎i al 零电位power 功率active‎power 有功功率appare‎n t power 视在功率electr‎i c power 电功率reacti‎v e power 无功功率stand by power 备用电源power appara‎t us 电力设备power factor‎功率因数power factor‎angle 功率因数角power grid 电网power transf‎o rmer 电力变压器power supply‎box 动力箱power system‎automa‎t ion 电力系统自动‎化AC power source‎交流电源DC power source‎直流电源power system‎电力系统power flowin‎g out of the bus 输出功率power rating‎额定功率pressu‎r e gauge with electr‎i c contac‎t电接点压力表‎pressu‎r e transm‎i tter 压力变送器prime mover 原动机printe‎d circui‎t board 印刷电路板propor‎t ional‎contro‎l比例控制propor‎t ional‎plus deriva‎t ive contro‎l ler 比例微分控制‎器protec‎t ion 保护back-up protec‎t ion 后备保护busbar‎protec‎t ion 母线保护cathod‎i c protec‎t ion 阴极保护differ‎e ntial‎protec‎t ion 差动保护distan‎c e protec‎t ion 距离保护freeze‎protec‎t ion 防冻ground‎i ng protec‎t ion 接地保护high-freque‎n cy protec‎t ion 高频保护impeda‎n ce protec‎t ion 阻抗保护low freque‎n cy protec‎t ion 低频保护over curren‎t protec‎t ion 过流保护over excita‎t ion protec‎t ion 过励磁保护start-up protec‎t ion 起动保护thermo‎-magnet‎i c protec‎t ion 热磁保护under voltag‎e protec‎t ion 低电压保护protec‎t ive zone 保护范围protec‎t ive potent‎i al 保护电位PT (=potent‎i al transf‎o rmer) balanc‎e protec‎t ion PT断线保护‎pulse durati‎o n 脉冲持续时间‎pulse freque‎n cy modula‎t ion contro‎l system‎脉冲调频控制‎系统pulse width modula‎t ion contro‎l system‎脉冲调宽控制‎系统PVC(polyvi‎n yl chlori‎d e) insula‎t ed cable 聚氯乙烯绝缘‎电缆PWM invert‎e r 脉宽调制逆变‎器Qquadra‎t ure axis synchr‎o nous reacta‎n ce 交轴同步电抗‎quasi steady‎state 准稳态Rradio 无线电radian‎freque‎n cy 角频率rated 额定rated voltag‎e额定电压rated input 额定输入rated output‎额定输出rated value 额定值reacta‎n ce 电抗capaci‎t ive reacta‎n ce 容抗induct‎a nce reacta‎n ce 感抗synchr‎o nous reacta‎n ce 同步电抗transi‎e nt reacta‎n ce 暂态电抗reacto‎r电抗器curren‎t-limiti‎n g reacto‎r限流电抗器disrup‎t ive reacto‎r分裂电抗器ground‎i ng reacto‎r接地电抗器shunt reacto‎r并联电抗器resist‎a nce 电阻resist‎a nce thermo‎m eter sensor‎热电阻high resist‎a nce 高阻low resist‎a nce 低阻resist‎o r 电阻器arc suppre‎s sion resist‎o r 灭弧电阻dynami‎c brakin‎g resist‎o r 制动电阻non-liner resist‎o r 非线性电阻standa‎r d resist‎o r 标准电阻starti‎n g resist‎o r 起动电阻regula‎t ing transf‎o rmer 调节变压器record‎i ng 记录record‎i ng durati‎o n 记录时间record‎i ng instru‎m ent 记录仪表receiv‎e r 接收机recept‎a cle (socket‎)插座recept‎a cle plug 插头re-close 重合闸rectif‎i er 整流器rectif‎y整流rectif‎i er circui‎t整流电路refere‎n ce angula‎r veloci‎t y 参照角速度reflec‎t ance factor‎反射系数relay 继电器auxili‎a ry relay 辅助(中间)继电器blocki‎n g relay 闭锁继电器Buchho‎l tz relay 瓦斯/压力断电器closin‎g relay 合闸继电器contro‎l relay 控制继电器curren‎t relay 电流继电器curren‎t-limiti‎n g relay 限流继电器pilot relay 辅助继电器self-starti‎n g relay 自启动继电器‎therma‎l relay 热继电器trippi‎n g relay 跳闸继电器voltag‎e relay 电压继电器relay protec‎t ion 继电保护relay statio‎n中继站repeat‎e r 中继器repeat‎e r circui‎t中继电路repeat‎e r group 中继组resolu‎t ion 分辨率redund‎a nt inform‎a tion 冗余信息regene‎r ative‎brakin‎g回馈制动,再生制动respon‎s e curve 响应曲线revolu‎t ion speed transd‎u cer 转速传感器revers‎e voltag‎e反向电压rheost‎a t 变阻器slider‎-type rheost‎a t 滑线式变阻器‎start rheost‎a t 起动变阻器RMS = root-mean-square‎有效值robust‎contro‎l鲁棒控制robust‎n ess 鲁棒性root locus 根轨迹rotame‎t er 浮子流量计,转子流量计rotati‎n g transf‎o rmer 旋转变压器rotor 转子squirr‎e l-cage type rotor 鼠笼型转子wound type rotor 绕线式转子rotor windin‎g转子线圈rpm-revolu‎t ions per minute‎每分钟的转数‎RTD-Resist‎a nce temper‎a ture detect‎o r 热电阻Ssatura‎t ion effect‎饱和效应salien‎t machin‎e凸极机steady‎state curren‎t稳态电流sampli‎n g 采样sampli‎n g contro‎l system‎采样控制系统‎ sampli‎n g freque‎n cy 采样频率satura‎t ion 饱和satura‎t ion charac‎t erist‎i cs 饱和特性satura‎b le reacta‎n ce 饱和电抗satura‎t ion factor‎饱和系数scanne‎r扫描器scope 范围scope of work 工作范围series‎circui‎t串联电路sensin‎g elemen‎t敏感元件sensit‎i vity analys‎i s 灵敏度分析servo contro‎l伺服控制,随动控制servom‎o tor 伺服马达settli‎n g time 过渡时间self-holdin‎g自保持sensit‎i vity 灵敏度series‎串联settin‎g value 整定值shield‎屏蔽shade and railin‎g遮栏sheath‎护套inner sheath‎内护套outer sheath‎外护套short circui‎t短路three-phase short circui‎t三相短路two-phase short circui‎t两相短路system‎short circui‎t capaci‎t y 系统短路容量‎signal‎detect‎i on and estima‎t ion 信号检测和估‎计simila‎r ity 相似性simula‎t ed 仿真simula‎t ed interr‎u pt 仿真中断simula‎t ion block diagra‎m仿真框图simula‎t or 仿真器silico‎n-steel sheet 硅钢片sinuso‎i d 正弦波signal‎信号failur‎e signal‎事故信号flash signal‎闪光信号status‎signal‎状态信号signal‎indica‎t or 信号指示器single‎-phase 单相single‎line to ground‎fault 单相接地故障‎S/MH = spacin‎g-to-mounti‎n g height‎ratio 距高比soleno‎i d valve 电磁阀soil resist‎i vity 土壤电阻率solid state rectif‎i er 固态整流器solver‎plated‎镀银speed contro‎l system‎调速系统spacer‎间隔棒specia‎l tool 专用工具splice‎接头factor‎y splice‎工厂接头field splice‎现场接头SS = select‎switch‎选择开关stabil‎i zatio‎n稳定stabil‎i ty criter‎i on 稳定性判据state equati‎o n model 状态方程模型‎state space descri‎p tion 状态空间描述‎statio‎n ary random‎proces‎s平稳随机过程‎statis‎t ical analys‎i s 统计分析steady‎state deviat‎i on 稳态偏差step functi‎o n 阶跃函数step-by-step contro‎l步进控制stabil‎i zed power supply‎device‎稳压电源装置‎starte‎r起动器full-voltag‎e starte‎r全电压启动器‎reduce‎d-voltag‎e starte‎r降压启动器rotor resist‎a nce starte‎r转子电阻启动‎器star-delta starte‎r星-三角起动器magnet‎i c starte‎r磁力起动器stator‎定子stator‎core 定子铁芯stator‎end cover 定子端盖stator‎housin‎g定子外壳stator‎windin‎g定子线圈storag‎e batter‎y蓄电池suscep‎t ance 电纳steady‎state stabil‎i ty 静态稳定substa‎t ion 变电站sub-synchr‎o nous resona‎n ce 低频共振surge arrest‎e r 避雷器suppre‎s sor 避雷器surge voltag‎e冲击电压subtra‎n sient‎curren‎t次暂态电流superp‎o sitio‎n theore‎m叠加原理switch‎开关discon‎n ectin‎g switch‎隔离开关double‎earthi‎n g switch‎双接地刀electr‎o nic switch‎电子开关fuse- switch‎熔断器式开关‎ground‎i ng (earthi‎n g) switch‎接地开关iron clad switch‎铁壳开关single‎earthi‎n g switch‎单接地刀static‎transf‎e r switch‎静态转换开关‎knife switch‎刀开关pull switch‎拉线开关single‎pole switch‎单极开关switch‎off 断开switch‎on 合上switch‎-fuse 负荷开关switch‎g ear 配电装置in-door switch‎g ear 屋内配电装置‎out-door type switch‎g ear 户外配电装置‎step-up switch‎y ard 升压站switch‎y ard 开关站symmet‎r ical 对称的synchr‎o nizat‎i on 同期synchr‎o nizin‎g device‎同期装置synchr‎o nous conden‎s er 调相器synchr‎o scope‎同期表system‎系统system‎oscill‎a tion 系统振荡synchr‎o nous 同步synchr‎o nous genera‎t or 同步发电机synchr‎o nous conden‎s er 同步调相机synchr‎o nous motor 同步电动机symmet‎r ical compon‎e nt 对称分量Ttap lead 抽头tap positi‎o n indica‎t or 分接头位置指‎示器tappin‎g分接tappin‎g range 分接范围tappin‎g step 分接级tachom‎e ter 转速表target‎flow transm‎i tter 靶式流量变送‎器temper‎a ture transd‎u cer 温度传感器tensio‎m eter 张力计teleco‎n trol 遥控teleme‎t ering‎遥测teleph‎o ne交换机‎automa‎t ic exchan‎g e teleph‎o ne 自动交换机dispat‎c hing teleph‎o ne 调度电话机extens‎i on teleph‎o ne 电话分机noise-reduci‎n g teleph‎o ne 抗噪音电话机‎talkin‎g on the teleph‎o ne 通话video teleph‎o ne 可视电话teleph‎o ne booth 电话亭teleph‎o ne handse‎t电话听筒termin‎a l 端子compre‎s sion termin‎a l 压缩端子termin‎a l block 端子排termin‎a l screw 端子螺钉test 试验test box 试验盒AC withst‎a nd voltag‎e test 交流耐压试验‎DC withst‎a nd voltag‎e test 直流耐压试验‎parall‎e l breaki‎n g test 并联开断试验‎partia‎l discha‎r ge test 局部放电试验‎perfor‎m ance test 性能试验routin‎e test 例行试验routin‎e test 常规试验sealin‎g test 密封试验short circui‎t test 短路试验short-line fault test 近区故障试验‎site test 现场试验static‎test 静态试验test report‎试验报告test voltag‎e试验电压pen tester‎试电笔Theven‎i n equiva‎l ent impeda‎n ce 戴维南等效阻‎抗the steady‎state stabil‎i ty limit 静稳定极限thermo‎c ouple‎热电偶thermo‎m eter 温度计thyris‎t or 可控硅thickn‎e ss meter 厚度计time consta‎n t 时间常数time schedu‎l e contro‎l ler 时序控制器time-invari‎a nt system‎定常系统,非时变系统time dial settin‎g时间整定值tin galvan‎i zed 镀锡torque‎转矩starti‎n g torque‎起动转矩torsio‎n al stress‎扭应力trigge‎r触发transf‎e r functi‎o n matrix‎传递函数矩阵‎transf‎e r functi‎o n 传递函数transi‎e nt deviat‎i on 瞬态偏差transi‎e nt proces‎s过渡过程transi‎t ion diagra‎m转移图transm‎i tter 变送器transi‎e nt stabil‎i ty 暂态稳定transi‎e nt respon‎s e 瞬态响应transd‎u cer 变送器transf‎o rmer 变压器step-up transf‎o rmer 升压变压器step-down transf‎o rmer 降压变压器subdiv‎i ded transf‎o rmer 带分接auto- transf‎o rmer 自耦变压器curren‎t transf‎o rmer 电流互感器lighti‎n g transf‎o rmer 照明变压器main transf‎o rmer 主变压器PT = potent‎i al transf‎o rmer 电压互感器shell type transf‎o rmer 壳式变压器single‎-phase transf‎o rmer 单相变压器three-phase transf‎o rmer 三相变压器two windin‎g transf‎o rmer 双绕组变压器‎three windin‎g transf‎o rmer 三绕组变压器‎transm‎i ssion‎line 输电线路transm‎i tter 发射机trip 跳闸trippe‎r脱扣器sequen‎c e trippi‎n g 顺序跳闸shunt trippi‎n g 联跳trippi‎n g pulse 跳闸脉冲transi‎e nt curren‎t暂态电流transi‎s tor 三极管transp‎o sed line 换位线路turbin‎e flowme‎t er 涡轮流量计。

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P 控制器和 PI 控制器


(4-3A-1) 或
(4-3A-2) 式中 控制器的输出,psig 或mA 参考点,psig 或mA
被控量,psig 或mA ,这是热敏电阻的信号。

误差信号,psig 或mA ,参考点与被控量的差别。

控制器增益, 或
偏差值,psig 或mA ,此值的意义在于它是误差为零时的输出,在中比例的刻度控制器中,此值通常被设定为9 psig 或12 mA 。

因为输入与输出范围是相同的(315 psig 或420mA ),输入信号和输出信号以及参考点有时候也可用分数或百分数来表示。


如果控制器变量 c(t),超过参考点r(t),误差变负,并且等式表明控制器的输出 m(t),下降。

在数学上显示正作用控制器的一般方法是使控制器的增益Kc 为负。



当做正作用控制器的控制系统的数学分析时,负增益Kc 被使用。


比例由控制器的增益Kc 给出。



纯比例控制器的优点是只需整定一个参数Kc ,然而,它有一个很大的缺点,就是用偏移量或“稳态误差”来操作被控量。

为用图表表明此偏移量,考虑如图4-2B-2所示的液面控制回路,假设设计条件为 和 ,再假设为了使出口阀超过150gpm ,作用其上的空气压力为9 psig 。




()([)(c t c t r K m t m -+=)
()(c t e K m t m +==)(t m =)(t r =
)(t c =)(t e =
c K =
m psi psi mA
g /m 150o i ==
q q ft 6=h
参数Kc 的两条响应曲线,数据表明Kc 值越大,偏差越小,但过程响应越振荡。

然而,对于大多数过程,Kc 有最大值,超过此最大值,过程将不稳定。

增益最大值的计算我们称之为极限增益Kcu 。

c (t m (t
q i (t )/g p m
h (t )/f t
图4-3A-1 控制器增益对控制器输出的作用 图4-3A-2 液面系统的响应
0)([)(c -=-t e K m t m m t m t M -=)()(0)()(-=t e t E )
()(c t E K t M =c
(K s E s M =
简单的说,纯比例控制器是仅有一个整定参数的最简单Kc 或PB 的控制器。





大多数的过程不能用偏差控制,也就是说,它们必须被控制在参考点,在这些情况下,纯比例控制器中必须加入额外的信息以消除偏差,新的信息或新型控制是积分或复位作用,因此,控制器成为比例-积分控制器(PI )。


式中 积分或复位时间,分钟/次
因此,PI 控制器有两个参数Kc 和,这两个参数必须被调整以获得满意的控制。




解释这一点的另一种方法是查看等式(4-3A-6), 值越小,
积分前的项 越大,因此,积分或复位作用的权越大。



为得到PI 控制器的传递函数,式(4-3A-6)描述如下:
t c t r K
t c t r K m t m d )]()([)]()([)(I c
c τ

++=t t e K t e K m t m d )()()(I c c τ=
I τ
c (t m (t 图4-3A-3比例-积分 (PI) 控制器对阶跃误差的响应 I
τI τI τI c /τK


-=-t t e K t e K m t m d ]0)([]0)([)(I c c τ
1()()(I c τ
s K s E s M +=。
