



盖上健康的土壤也有弊端 , 不仅工作量大 , 同时也要考虑受污染土壤 的堆放和处理。这种方法 比较适用于小范围内且受污染十分严重的 土地, 对于大范围内的污染土壤修复成本高 , 工作量大。
2 . 2化 学 修 复
化学修复方法原理是通过 向土壤 中添加化学改 良剂 , 使化学 改 良剂 与重 金属之 间产生化学反应 , 加快或减弱重金属的移动能

2修 护方 法
重金属 。植物修 复大 、 生 通过对数据分析 , 笔 者认 为 , 修复土壤重 金属污染可 以着力 长期长 的植物 ; ( 2 ) 植物的生长期较长 , 所以修复过程也很漫长 ; 最 于一下三种方式 : 物理 、 化学和生物方法 。 后的难题是如何处理富集了重金属的植株 , 避免二次污染 。 2 . 1物 理 修 复 该研究 以黑麦 草( 植物修护 ) 修护 湘西花垣铅锌 矿矿 区土壤 简单 的介绍黑麦草修护铅锌矿矿 区土壤重金 属 物理修复方法主要是换土法( 客土法 ) , 通过把受污染 的土壤 重金属污染为例 ,
含量远远高于健康土壤重金属含量 。 花垣县位于湖南西部武陵山 中添加微生物来改变重金属在土壤中迁移性 , 降低其生物有效性。 脉 中段 ( 1 0 9 。1 5 。 一1 0 9 。3 8 ’ E, 2 8 。1 0 ~2 8 。3 8 ’ N ) , 是 典 型的 中 植物修 复是种植 的植 物对 土壤 中重金属进行 吸收和固定 的方法 , 操作相对简单 , 是 目前大面积修复重金属 亚热带季风 湿润气候 ,年平 均气温 为 1 6 . 5 ℃左右 ,年降雨量 1 这种方法优点是成本低 , 3 9 6 m m, 无 霜期 2 4 1 2 7 9天。境 内土壤 以红壤土 、 红色灰土为主 , 污染土壤的最理想方法。植物修复的原理是利用不 同植 物对 重金 挥发或提取的作用 。植物稳定指利用植物根系对土壤重 植物资源丰富。同时花垣县含有 丰富的矿藏资源 , 已开发的金属 属的稳定 、 将 重金属 固定在植物根系中 , 减弱重金属的迁移 矿藏资源主要有 Mn 、 P b 、 z n 、 c d 、 c u和 H g 。 采矿破坏植被和耕地 , 金属 的吸收作用 , 而且还伴随着产生了大量的矿业废物 , 这些矿业废物重金属含量 性。植物挥发是指植物把 土壤 中的重金属转化为气态 ,挥发人大 气, 主要针对汞和硒 。植物提取即利用植物对重金属 的富集能力 , 较高 , 是环境重金属污染 的主要来源。 利用根 系把土壤 中重金属的吸收 、 转移到地上 , 最终去除土壤中的



紫花苜蓿对铅污染土壤修复能力及其机理的研究叶春和*(济南大学地理系250022, 济南)摘要以10mmol/L Pb(NO3)2处理紫花苜蓿幼苗10d,分析了Pb在紫花苜蓿幼苗根、茎、叶中的积累情况、Pb在根表皮细胞中的亚细胞区域化特点及Pb在紫花苜蓿体内的主要存在形式。



Pb的存在形式分析表明Pb在紫花苜蓿体内主要以难溶的形式存在,另外BSO能够加剧Pb 污染对紫花苜蓿幼苗Pn和生长的抑制作用,表明紫花苜蓿对Pb的耐受与植物络和素的形成有关。














农业环境科学学报 !""#$!%&!’"#$%&’() !"#$%&’ "( )*$"+,%-.$"%/0%1 23.0%30
高彦征 *+)+ 凌婉婷 *+ 朱利中 )+ 沈其荣 *
,*- 南京农业大学资源与环境学院 + 江苏 南京 )*.($’/ )- 浙江大学环境与资源学院 + 浙江 杭州 !*(()$0
#"$%& 干重计 & 表 , 供试土样中菲和芘的起始浓度 %!" ( S6T.4 , UI1M16. 28I24IM06M18I( 8V P34I6IM304I4 6I/ PW04I4 1I M34 M046M4/ (81.(
注 ’X 为未污染土 ! YB 为未检出 "
,-! 土壤和植物样品中菲和芘分析"+$
,= 5N 并超声萃取 != 51I$ 萃取液收集后过无水硫酸 钠柱 ! 转移到 *= 5N 圆底烧瓶中 !)= # 恒温下浓缩至 干 ! 用正己烷定容到 # 5N$ 取 , 5N 过 # L 硅胶柱 ! 用 ,$, 的二氯甲烷和正己烷溶液洗脱 Z 洗脱液收集后浓 缩至干 ! 用甲醇定容到 # 5N! 过 =-## !5 孔径滤膜 后 !’%N7 分析 " 取 # L 土样于 #* 5N 玻璃离心管中 ! 加入 # L 无 水硫酸钠 ! 混匀 $ 加入 ,= 5N 二氯甲烷 ! 盖紧后 ! 超声
,-# 试验方法
供试潮土采自旱地表层 %=>#= 25&! 有机质含量 为 ,-)*O!P’ 为 *-=* " 土样采集后 !风干 # 过 ! 55 筛 ! 均匀加入菲和芘的丙酮溶液 ! 待丙酮挥发后 ! 用未污 染土不断稀释 Q 多次搅拌 # 混匀 ! 制得菲和芘含量不同 %见表 , & 的污染土样 " 分别称取 *== L 于盆钵中 !*=< 田间持水量下平衡 ) / 后待用 " 黑麦草 %!"#$%& &%’!



















u i g Lo u L. f r a tfcal ol td s i sn  ̄ m o ri il p l e ol t a y m eas i y u h he v t l
R nWej g a ni n F aa g u D fn
( c o l fCvl nier g o tesUnvri ,N nig20 9 C ia S ho iiE gnei ,S uhat iesy aj 10 6, hn ) o n t i n
第 4 卷 第 4期 1
21 0 1年 7 月
东 南 大 学 学 报 (自然科 学版 )
J UR L O O T A T U V R I Y ( aua SineE io ) O NA FS U HE S NI E ST N tr c c dt n l e i
Vo14l N o. . 4 J l 01 uv 2 1
1t g a e t a d s ra tn sa o l ws ai g ns n ufca t n wa sf l o :Gal n DS。E lca d S i DT a d S A n DS,Gal ,E l c DT ,S i A DS
d i1 .9 9 ji n 1 0 —0 0 .0 10 . 2 o:0 3 6 /.s . 0 1 5 5 2 1 .4 0 6 s
Hale Waihona Puke 黑 麦 草 修 复模 拟 重 金属 污 染 土壤 的化 学 强化 及 其 潜在 风 险
冉文静 傅 大放
( 东南大学土木工程学 院, 南京 2 09 ) 10 6
Ab t a t:Po e t fp tr me i t n o o lp lu e ri cal t e v t l r o u t d sr c tt sso hy o e d ai fs i o l td a t ily wih h a y mea swe e c nd ce o i f t n e tg t h fe t ft e r me a i n usn lu L.t r u h c mia n a e n .Ch lt o i v si a e te e f c so e dito i g Lo i m h h o g he c le h nc me t ea e EDTA .Galca e s ra tntS r e sc e c le h n e n a t r .Th o lla hig t ss li r u f ca DS we eus d a h mi a n a c me tf co s e s i e c n e t we e as a re u o o e v h o e i lrs f c e c n a e n n t i t y. Re u t r lo c ri d o tt bsr e t e p tnt ik o h mia e h nc me t i s sud a l h s ls
























污染物会被生物浓缩放大,污染物暂时没显示危害,是化学定时炸弹还没有爆炸 ——治理迫在眉睫
Thlaspi caerulescens




据统计,目前我国共有油井20万口,每口油井污染的土地面积为200~500 m2,由此造成的土壤污染面积可达8 000万m2,这一数值每年还在不断增长[1]。

石油污染土壤的主要表现形式为落地石油污染,80%以上的原油被截留在表层50 cm以上土壤中[2]。




·49·随着我国经济快速发展,工业规模化,不良工厂将未经处理的废水废料偷偷排放;农业上为提供市场对作物的巨大需求量,化肥农药的使用;生活中随着社会发展,人们经济水平大幅度提高,汽车数量不断增加,尾气排放,生活垃圾;工业废气里的SO 2等气体进入空气形成酸雨降落;认为对草地绿植的破坏等现象均对土壤环境造成严重破坏。






景俏丽研究了紫花苜蓿对重金属Cd、Pb 污染土壤的修复能力,研究发现EDTA 和Gallic acid 能提高紫花苜蓿对重金属的富集能力,在两种螯合剂的作用下,紫花苜蓿对Cd 和Pb 的富集能力提高了9.16%~34.95%,说明紫花苜蓿适合在EDTA 和Gallic acid 的作用下用于土壤重金属修复,会有更高的效率。

王新等研究了紫花苜蓿对Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn 等三种重金属污染土壤的修复能力。

结果表明,紫花苜蓿对Cd 富集能力最强,对Pb 富集能力最弱,而且在重金属浓度较低时不但不会抑制紫花苜蓿生长,还能够刺激紫花苜蓿生长,使其更快速的富集重金属。

朱剑飞等研究了紫花苜蓿、狼尾草和黑麦草三种牧草对Cu 和Pb 复合污染土壤的修复能力。

结果表明,紫花苜蓿地上部和根部对Pb 的富集能力最强,远高于其他两种牧草对Pb 的富集能力;经三种牧草修复后,土壤重金属含量都有所下降,其中紫花苜蓿对Cu、Pb 复合污染的土壤综合修复效果最好。












































































































以下是一些混播方法的详细介绍:1. 平均混播平均混播是指将黑麦草种子和紫花苜蓿种子按照一定的比例混在一起,然后通过机器或手工将它们一起播种。


2. 分层播种分层播种是将黑麦草种子和紫花苜蓿种子分成两层,先播种黑麦草,再将紫花苜蓿种子撒在草地表面,以便它们能够在黑麦草表面萌芽。


3. 交错播种交错播种是指在黑麦草、紫花苜蓿种子之间交替播种,以便它们在土壤中形成互补的根系,利于草地的固氮和水分吸收。


4. 分离播种分离播种是指将黑麦草种子和紫花苜蓿种子分开,选择不同的时间和地点进行播种。


5. 搭配作物间播种搭配作物间播种是一种效果比较好的混播方法。










因此,在治理水体重金属污染过程中,开发新的修复技术已成为当前研究的热点[2] 。





芘污染土壤的根瘤菌-植物修复效应研究黄河;张超兰;周永信;谢湉;廖长君【摘要】土壤多环芳烃(PAHs)的污染已经成为了全球性的热点问题,微生物-植物联合修复技术是解决土壤有机污染的一种低耗高效的新型修复技术.以芘作为目标污染物,绿豆根瘤菌(Rhizobium leguminosarum),紫花苜蓿根瘤菌(Rhizobium meliloti)为供试微生物,选用绿豆(Vigna radiata L.)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.),黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)和花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)作为修复植物.采用盆栽实验,研究在100 mg·kg?1芘污染条件下,接种根瘤菌对植物修复芘污染土壤效果的影响.结果表明:培养60 d后,4种植物均提高了芘污染土壤的pH,并提高了土壤脱氢酶的活性,其中种植绿豆的效果最好,其次为花生.此外,4种植物均提高了土壤中芘的去除率,提高幅度依次为绿豆(33.70%)>花生(21.63%)>黑麦草(10.55%)>苜蓿(7.72%).接种根瘤菌后发现,绿豆和花生根瘤数显著高于对照组,苜蓿与根瘤菌没有结合,而黑麦草则不和根瘤菌共生.根瘤菌对土壤中pH有一定的提高作用,但效果不显著.此外,根瘤菌提高了绿豆、花生和紫花苜蓿的生物量以及绿豆和花生处理组土壤的脱氢酶活性.并提高了绿豆和花生对土壤中芘的去除率,分别为4.10%和2.02%.研究表明:种植绿豆对土壤芘的去除率最高(94.63%),根瘤菌能与其根系结合良好,强化了绿豆修复芘污染土壤的能力,结果可为微生物?植物修复芘污染土壤提供新的参考.【期刊名称】《生态环境学报》【年(卷),期】2019(028)007【总页数】7页(P1466-1472)【关键词】污染土壤;芘;植物修复;根瘤菌【作者】黄河;张超兰;周永信;谢湉;廖长君【作者单位】广西大学生命科学与技术学院,广西南宁 530004;广西大学资源环境与材料学院,广西南宁 530004;广西大学资源环境与材料学院,广西南宁 530004;广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司,广西南宁 530007;广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司,广西南宁 530007;广西博世科环保科技股份有限公司,广西南宁 530007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X53多环芳烃(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon,PAHs)是由两个或者两个以上的苯环构成的疏水性有机污染物,环境中普遍存在的具有“三致”毒性的持久性有机污染物(POPs),容易吸附于沉积物上,覆于水中悬浮颗粒物中,且优先向非水相体系转移,土壤是其最主要的环境介质之一(Zhang et al.,2015;Adeleye et al.,2016)。




2 土壤放射性污染的修复技术土壤放射性污染的源头是放射性物质衰变过程中产生的射线,某些物质要经历长时间的裂变后核素才会消亡,这样就会对环境造成长期危害。


2.1 淋洗技术长久以来,研究人员针对受到污染的土壤采取的是物理和化学修复技术。




其中土壤出流流程具体如图 1 所示。

2.2 氧化还原技术研究人员发现在土壤中加入还原剂或者过氧化氢,高锰酸钾等氧化剂可以让土壤中的放射性物质与氧化还原剂产生化学反应,这种方法对于被有机物污染的土壤有应用效果。

2.3 植物修复技术植物具有净化功能,并且与化学修复技术相比成本较低,对周围环境不易产生二次污染等问题。














二、研究目的本研究旨在:1. 评估黑麦对汞铅污染土壤的修复效果;2. 探究黑麦生长过程中的汞铅吸收、转运和积累机制;3. 分析黑麦修复污染土壤对土壤质量和微生物多样性的影响。

三、研究内容本研究将通过田间实验和室内试验相结合的方式开展,主要包括以下内容:1. 田间实验:选择不同程度的汞铅污染土壤和一块未污染土壤作为对照,种植黑麦,并对土壤的汞铅含量、含水量、pH值等指标进行监测,研究黑麦对汞铅污染土壤的修复效果;2. 室内试验:通过盆栽实验,研究黑麦生长过程中的汞铅吸收、转运和积累机制,探究黑麦在生长过程中对重金属的富积特性和种质内部转移机制;3. 分析土壤微生物多样性:通过PCR-DGGE技术分析黑麦修复污染土壤对土壤微生物多样性的影响,为研究黑麦修复污染土壤的生态效应提供依据。


因此,本研究具有以下意义:1. 为开发汞铅污染土壤修复技术提供科学依据和技术支持;2. 探究黑麦修复污染土壤的机理,为绿色修复技术的发展提供借鉴;3. 研究黑麦的生态效应,为实现土地的可持续利用提供技术支持。

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Phytoremediation of pyrene contaminated soils amended with compost and planted with ryegrass and alfalfaM.C.Wang a ,Y.T.Chen a ,S.H.Chen b ,S.W.Chang Chien a ,⇑,S.V.Sunkara aa Department of Environmental Engineering and Management,Chaoyang University of Technology,Wufong District 41349,Taichung City,Taiwan,ROC bDepartment of Geography,Chinese Culture University,Yang Ming Shan,Taipei 11114,Taiwan,ROCa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 7September 2011Received in revised form 21December 2011Accepted 22December 2011Available online 14January 2012Keywords:Phytoremediation Pyrene Ryegrass AlfalfaOrganic acids Dissipationa b s t r a c tRyegrass (Lolium perenne )and alfalfa (Medicago sativa )were planted in pots to remediate pyrene contam-inated quartz sand (as a control group),alluvial and red soils amended with and without compost.The pyrene degradation percentages in quartz sand,alluvial soil,and red soil amended with compost (5%,w/w)and planted with ryegrass and alfalfa for 90d growth were 98–99%and 97–99%,respectively,while those of pyrene in the corresponding treatments amended without compost but planted with ryegrass and alfalfa were 91–96%and 58–89%,respectively.Further,those of pyrene in the respective treatments amended with and without compost but unplanted were 54–77%and 51–63%,respectively.Pyrene con-tents in both roots and aboveground parts of ryegrass and alfalfa after 90d growth in quartz sand and the two soils amended with or without compost were trace amounts.Statistical analyses for the parameters of ryegrass planted in red and alluvial soils including the concentrations of total water-soluble volatile low molecular weight organic acids,microbial population,pyrene degradation percentage,and spiked pyrene concentration show significant correlations at 5%and mostly 1%probability levels,by the analysis of variance.It was thus suggested that the interactions among the consortia of plant root exudates,micro-organisms,and amended compost in rhizosphere soils could facilitate bioavailability of pyrene and sub-sequently enhance its dissipation.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)are produced by the incomplete combustion of organic material arising,partly,from natural combustion such as forest fire and volcanic eruption,but with the majority due to anthropogenic emission such as cigarette smoking,automobile exhaust,and processing production and spill-age of petroleum (Samanta et al.,2002;Ravindra et al.,2008).Pyr-ene is a PAH consisting of four condensed aromatic rings and is a recalcitrant contaminant in the environment (Cerniglia,1992).Pyr-ene contamination of soils occurs naturally as a result of incom-plete combustion of organic materials such as fossil fuels and vegetation.Although pyrene is not carcinogenic,it is one of 16PAHs on the USEPA list of priority contaminants that can pose a hu-man health risk because pyrene can transform to benzopyrene,which is toxic (White,2002).Therefore,there is a continuous need for the remediation of such organic compounds from contaminated soils.An option in certain situations,phytoremediation is gaining popularity for its low cost and regarded as an effective method in remediation of organic contaminants such as PAHs.This remedia-tion method approach is an in-situ ,not destructive and could rem-edy the soil structure and recover the biological environment (Tesar et al.,2002).Phytoremediation is the use of plants and their associated soil microorganisms,soil amendments,and agronomic techniques to remove or render harmless environmental contami-nants (Cunningham et al.,1996).Kirk et al.(2005)reported that in petroleum contaminated soil,the plant species perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne )and perennial ryegrass/alfalfa (Medicago sativa )mixture caused the greatest change in the rhizosphere bacterial community and these changes contributed to degradation of petro-leum hydrocarbons in contaminated soil.The microbial commu-nity in the rhizosphere is greatly influenced by roots and root exudates that vary depending on the conditions of plant growth.Root exudation varies both qualitatively and quantitatively be-tween plant species,as a function of plant age,mycorrhizal infec-tion and nutrient status (Jay and Jodi,1995;Günther et al.,1996;Grayston et al.,1996).It has been suggested that faster growing flora like grass species are effective plants for phytoremediation of PAHs in contaminated soils (Fang et al.,2001;Chiapusio et al.,2007;Wang et al.,2008).Grasses have fibrous root systems,resulting in large root length and surface area per unit volume of surface soil.The fibrous roots would provide a larger surface for colonization by soil microorgan-isms than a taproot (Anderson et al.,1993)and allow for greater0045-6535/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.12.063Corresponding author.Tel.:+886423339373;fax:+886423339713.E-mail address:swcc@.tw (S.W.Chang Chien).interaction between the rhizosphere microbial community and the contaminant(Schwab and Banks,1994).Pyrene degradation was evaluated in contaminated soil with Bermuda grass and found that rhizosphere soil has a more diverse and active microbial commu-nity compared to nonvegetated soil.Consequently,the rhizosphere pyrene degrader population and pyrene degradation may be en-hanced compared to nonvegetated bulk soil(Krutz et al.,2005). Soleimani et al.(2010)investigated the effects of two grass species (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.and Festuca pratensis Huds.),infected and non-infected by endophytic fungi(Neotyphodium coenophi-alum and Neotyphodium uncinatum,respectively)on the degrada-tion of petroleum hydrocarbons in an aged petroleum contaminated soil.They reported that regardless of endophyte infection,pyrene removal in the rhizosphere of the two grass spe-cies were93–97%,whereas the removal in control was73%after 210d.The general subject of phytoremediation and particular its pro-cesses have been reviewed in many journal articles and book chap-ters.Literature review shows that many of the research articles contain some sections on rhizosphere aspects of phytoremediation. Moreover,the complexity and heterogeneity of contaminated‘‘real world’’soils still require the design of integrated approaches of rhi-zosphere management,e.g.,by combining those plants which have the potential to use in rhizo-degradation process and soil manage-ment.An improved understanding of the rhizosphere will help to translate the results of simplified pot experiments to the full com-plexity and heterogeneity offield applications(Wenzel,2009).The aim of the present study was thus to investigate the phytoremedi-ation of pyrene in quartz sand and two kinds of soils by using plant species ryegrass and alfalfa with their rhizosphere microbial com-munities and relation to organic matter amendments.In addition, different parameters were evaluated including pyrene uptake by plants,and microbial population and water-soluble volatile low molecular weight organic acids(LMWOAs)in rhizosphere soils. 2.Materials and methods2.1.ChemicalsPyrene(purity96%)used in this study was purchased from Supelco,USA.Pyrene stock solution(1g LÀ1)was prepared by dis-solving100mg of pyrene in100mL of high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)-grade acetone.Acetonitrile used as the mobile phase in the HPLC analysis for pyrene was of HPLC grade. Double deionized water was used in all aqueous solutions and dilutions throughout the experiment.2.2.Collection of quartz sand,soils,and compost and their characterizationsTwo types of soils,alluvial soil and red soil,were collected from the surface soils(0–15cm in depth)of agriculturalfields in Taiwan. Sampling locations were identified by a Global positioning system. The collected soil samples were air-dried,ground,passed through a 2-mm sieve,and then stored in closed containers in a dry place at room temperature prior to use.Purchased quartz sand was passed through a2-mm sieve,and the collected quartz sand(with particle size less than2mm)was washed with0.1M HCl(1:10,w/v)to re-move trace amounts of adsorbed oxides,then washed several times with deionized water until it was ClÀfree,andfinally air dried.This quartz sand was used as the control group in this study. The pH of the quartz sand and soil samples were measured in dou-ble deionized water(1:1,w/v)using a model682Titroprocessor pH-meter(Metrohm,Swiss)(McLean,1982).The soil samples were digested with0.01M HCl(Tiessen et al.,1981)to remove inorganic carbon,and their total organic carbon(TOC)content was deter-mined using a Heraeus CHN–O-rapid elemental analyzer.The cat-ion exchange capacity(CEC)of the soils was determined according to the NaOAc method(Rhoades,1982).Particle size distributions were determined with a hydrometer method(Gee and Bauder, 1986).The compost which is commonly used by the farmers in Tai-wan was purchased from fertilizer retailer.The pH of the compost in double deionized water(1:5,w/v)was measured using a pH-meter model682Titroprocessor(Metrohm,Swiss)(McLean, 1982).The suspension,which was used for measuring compost pH,wasfiltered withfilter paper(Whatman42,pore size 2.5l m).The compost was digested with0.01M HCl(Tiessen et al.,1981),and then its organic C and total N contents were deter-mined by a Heraeus CHN–O-rapid elemental analyzer.After diges-tion of compost with concentrated HNO3and30%H2O2,it was analyzed for the contents of P,Ca,Mg,K,Na,B,Zn,Fe,and Mn by an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES)(Jones and Case,1990).All of the measurements and determinations were of four replicates for the quartz sand,soil, and compost samples.2.3.Preparation of pyrene contaminated quartz sand and soilsBased on the obtained upper tolerant concentrations of pyrene in quartz sand,alluvial soil,and red soil for the growth of alfalfa and ryegrass in the preliminary experiment(data not shown), the amounts of200,400,and600mg of pyrene were weighed and separately dissolved in4L acetone in glass containers.These various concentrations of pyrene solution were prepared the re-quired sets.Then4kg of quartz sand,alluvial soil,or red soil was added to each of the three concentration levels of pyrene solutions. The resulted quartz sand or soil slurry was vigorously mixed by a stirrer for2h.The contaminated quartz sand and soil slurry sam-ples were equilibrated for2d to allow the sorption of contaminant onto the quartz sand or soils in a fume-hood cabinet.After2d,sol-vents were evaporated in a fume-hood cabinet at room tempera-ture.Thefinal concentration of pyrene(in the quartz sand and soil samples)was50,100,and150mg kgÀ1of quartz sand/soil, which were less than that of upper tolerant concentrations de-scribed above.The contaminated quartz sand,red soil,and alluvial soil were then placed on the shelves of a cabinet,and the doors were closed to maintain dark conditions for60d.During the aging period,the pyrene contaminated quartz sand,red soil,and alluvial soil were amended with the amount of double deionized water equivalent to theirfield capacity moisture tension(33.3kPa)at each3d interval by the weighing method.Moisture tension mea-surements of quartz sand(33.3kPa)and the two soils were ob-tained using a standard(14.5L)pressure cooker(Klute,1986). The aged pyrene contaminated quartz sand,red soil,or alluvial soil was divided into two sets.One set of each was amended with com-post(5%,w/w)while the other set was not.For the amendment of compost to the aged pyrene contaminated quartz sand,red soil,or alluvial soil,the required amount of air-dried and aged quartz sand or soil was ground to pass through a2-mm sieve.Similarly,the compost was pulverized to pass through a2-mm sieve.Then the required amount of sieved compost was mixed thoroughly with quartz sand,alluvial soil,or red soil.Each plastic pot with upper diameter12.1cm,lower diameter9.0cm,and height11.0cm and lined with clean plastic sheet from bottom to the upper rim of pot wasfilled with500g of pyrene contaminated quartz sand, red soil,or alluvial soil amended with or without compost.2.4.Planting of alfalfa and ryegrassIn order to let ryegrass and alfalfa grow to form as turf in quartz sand,red soil,or alluvial soil in a pot,100cultured seedlings of rye-218M.C.Wang et al./Chemosphere87(2012)217–225grass or alfalfa were transplanted to each pot in greenhouse for 90d growth period because this period has been tested to attain the maximum pyrene degradation in quartz sand and the two soils in the preliminary experiment.All the treatments of experiment including the controls were carried out four replicates.During the growth period,the pyrene contaminated quartz sand,red soil, and alluvial soil in pots were amended with the amount of double deionized water equivalent to theirfield capacity moisture tension (33.3kPa)at each3d interval by the weighing method.2.5.Extraction of pyrene from contaminated soilsIn the present study,continuous batch extraction method(Mara et al.,2007)was selected due to its high efficiency,quick recovery, and lowest volume of solvent required for pyrene extraction from contaminated quartz sand and soils.In the batch extraction proce-dure,1g of aged pyrene contaminated quartz sand,alluvial soil,or red soil was placed in a20mL centrifuge glass tube,after which 10mL of acetonitrile was added and the tube was capped with a screw cap lined with a Teflon pad.The centrifuge tubes were then placed in a reciprocal mechanical shaker(5cm amplitude and 150rpm)and agitated at room temperature(25±1°C)for a pre-scribed time(2h)to attain equilibrium.At the end of the predeter-mined time intervals,the sample was removed,and the supernatant was separated from the quartz sand,alluvial soil,or red soil by centrifugation at2000g for10min.Each centrifugate was thenfiltered using a syringefilter equipped with a0.22l m membranefilter(CRITICAL).The pyrene concentrations of thefil-tered solutions were then determined by HPLC(Hitachi High Tech-nologies,Tokyo,Japan).The column used was Mightysil RP-18GP (250Â4.6mm in size).The sample injection volume was10l L, and the mobile phase was90%acetonitrile and10%double deion-ized water with aflow rate of1mL minÀ1.The detector wave-length was220nm.The background responses,determined for blank samples with similarly treated quartz sand and the two soils (without pyrene),were subtracted from the experimental re-sponses obtained for their corresponding systems(with pyrene), and the resulting differences were taken as the initial pyrene con-centrations.After90d growth period,the remaining pyrene in the composite samples of rhizosphere and bulk quartz sand,red soil, and alluvial soil were used to calculate the pyrene degradation percentages.2.6.Extraction of pyrene from plant tissuesAfter90d growth period,the average height of the ryegrass was around12.3cm while that of alfalfa was around15.2cm.The growth of the plants was well and showed good endurance to the pyrene contaminated quartz sand and the two soils.All har-vested ryegrass and alfalfa were cut into roots and aboveground parts,washed with tap water and then rinsed with deionized water two times and blotted with clean tissue paper in order to remove excess water.The fresh weights of roots and aboveground parts were weighed and then subjected to oven-dried at50°C in an oven for overnight and their oven-dried weights were determined.The pyrene in the aboveground parts and roots were extracted accord-ing to EPA Standard Method3540C(USEPA,1996a).All the samples were extracted with acetone and dichloromethane(1:1,v/v, 80mL)in Soxhlet apparatuses for18h.Florisil column was used for purifying the concentrated extract(EPA Standard Method 3620B)(USEPA,1996b).The eluant was evaporated to less than 2mL by using a rotary evaporator prior to analysis.Pyrene concen-trations in the aboveground parts and roots were analyzed by using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer(GC–MS),based on the EPA Standard Method8270C(USEPA,1996c).2.7.Measurement of microbial population in rhizosphere quartz sand and soils and observation of mycorrhizal growth on rootsThe quartz sand or soil particles which are easily shaken off from ryegrass or alfalfa roots were collected as non-rhizosphere quartz sand and soil,while thefine quartz sand or soil particles which are attached tightly to the roots were collected as rhizo-sphere quartz sand or soil.10g of rhizosphere quartz sand,red soil, or alluvial soil in an autoclaved test tube were added with100mL sterilized double deionized water and the suspension was shaken and then stirred to make the suspension homogeneously.After the sedimentation of quartz sand or soil particles,10mL superna-tant were taken and diluted with sterilized double deionized water to a total volume100mL making the concentration of diluted mul-tiple10À1.This stepwise dilution procedure was consecutively conducted for six times to obtain the concentrations of diluted multiples10À2to10À7for each rhizosphere quartz sand or soil sample.The prepared culture medium of agar plates was divided into the required sets and each set was evenly smeared with 0.1mL of sterilized double deionized water as control and with that of each concentration of diluted multiple solutions.Finally, all the plates for the treatments were placed in an incubator at 30°C for3d.The growth of microbial colonies on agar plates thus can be used to count the microbial population in rhizosphere quartz sand or soil by colony forming unit(CFU).In addition,the mycorrhizal growth on the intact roots of both ryegrass and alfalfa was observed by a Nikon MM-400/S measuring microscope sys-tem.The magnified multiples vary from50to1000times.2.8.Extraction of water soluble LMWOAs in rhizosphere soils and their determinationEach portion of rhizosphere red soil or alluvial soil washed from each pot described above was extracted with doubled deionized water(500mL)using an end-over-end shaker(amplitude of 2.5cm and200rpm)for8h at25±1°C.The extract was centri-fuged(18600g)for15min at25±1°C to separate the supernatant from the sediment.The supernatant was thenfiltered through a 0.45l m pore size of cellulose nitrate membranefilter(Whatman). Thefiltrate was transferred to a plastic vial containing an anion ex-change membrane(1cmÂ7cm)in hydroxyl form(IONAC MA-3475)and shaken in an end-over-end shaker(amplitude of 2.5cm and200rpm)for8h at25±1°C.The membrane was then transferred to another vial containing HCl(5mL of0.1M solution) and again shaken in an end-over-end shaker(amplitude of2.5cm and200rpm)for8h at25±1°C.All the acidified aqueous extracts were directly used for gas chromatography(GC)analysis of volatile LMWOAs(Szmigielska et al.,1996,1997).The separate column (glass column,2.1m in length and4mm of inner diameter)was filled with SP-1000(Supelco)as stationary phase and aflame ion-ization detector was utilized for GC analysis.The injector,column, and detector were kept at200,150,and200°C,respectively.Nitro-gen gas(purity99.995%)was used as carrier gas at aflow rate of 60mL minÀ1,while the nitrogen gas pressure was kept at 98.1kPa.The HAMILTON(SIX-701N)5l L syringes were applied to inject the samples(1l L each).The chromatograms were re-corded and peaks were integrated using Hewlett–Packard HP3395integrator.All the standard samples of LMWOAs were pur-chased from Supelco,USA.2.9.Statistical analysesAfter90d growth of ryegrass in red and alluvial soils amended with and without compost,the statistical correlations among the concentration of total LMWOAs,microbial population,percentage of pyrene degradation,and spiked pyrene concentration describedM.C.Wang et al./Chemosphere87(2012)217–225219above were investigated.The purchased software SPSS17.0(2008) was used to compute all correlation coefficients among the corre-sponding parameters.3.Results and discussion3.1.Characteristics of quartz sand,soils,and compostAlluvial soil was collected from the sampling location (120°4102.900E,24°1052.500N)while red soil was from the location (120°3509.000E,24°11022.400N).The pH(6.71)of alluvial soil was slightly acid while pH(6.06)of red soil was significantly lower than that of alluvial soil.Quartz sand is chemically inert inorganic com-ponent of the soils in environment,and hence its pH(6.84)was close to the pH of doubled deionized water.The TOC content (4.6mg kgÀ1)of alluvial soil was significantly larger than that (1.6mg kgÀ1)of red soil.The CEC(10.5cmol(+)kgÀ1)of alluvial soil was also significantly larger than that(8.5cmol(+)kgÀ1)of red soil. This is attributed to higher TOC content of alluvial soil compared to higher oxide contents of highly weathered red soil.The texture of alluvial soil was coarse sandy loam and that of red soil was clay, while that of quartz sand was sandy.The pH(5.40)of compost was acidic with high contents of soluble salts.The compost had high organic C(434g kgÀ1)and total N(25.8g kgÀ1)contents with C/N of17.The amounts of macronutrients(P0.82,K0.29,Ca8.37, and Mg2.01g kgÀ1)and micronutrients(Fe414,Mn63.0,B14.7, and Zn16.4mg kgÀ1)of the compost were within the range of common composts.3.2.Biomasses of alfalfa and ryegrass planted in quartz sand and soilsAt the end of90d growth period,dry biomasses of roots and aboveground parts of alfalfa and ryegrass planted in quartz sand, red soil,and alluvial soil spiked with pyrene at the concentration of0,50,100,or150mg kgÀ1with the amendment of compost were mostly and significantly greater than the corresponding treatments without the amendment of compost(Table1).This is mainly because the amended compost supplies inorganic and organic nutrients for the growth of alfalfa and ryegrass.Both without and with the amendment of compost,the dry biomasses of roots of alfalfa and ryegrass planted in quartz sand,red soil,and alluvial soil spiked with pyrene at the concentrations of0,50,100,and 150mg kgÀ1were mostly and significantly greater than the corresponding aboveground parts(Table1).This implicates that both alfalfa and ryegrass are highly root system development plants suitable for phytoremediation of contaminated soils.In comparison,both dry biomasses of roots and aboveground parts of ryegrass were mostly and significantly greater than those of al-falfa planted in red soil and alluvial soil in the corresponding treat-ment.However,both without and with the amendment of compost,much higher concentrations of spiked pyrene in quartz sand,red soil,and alluvial soil did not contribute to significant ef-fect of toxicity on the dry biomasses of roots and aboveground parts of alfalfa and ryegrass(Table1).Tolerance of plant roots to the contaminants in soils is an essential criterion for the process of successful phytoremediation.The planted ryegrass and alfalfa in this study were thus identified as potential plants for phyto-remediation of pyrene contaminated soils.3.3.Pyrene contents of roots and aboveground parts of alfalfa and ryegrassAfter90d growth of alfalfa and ryegrass in quartz sand,red soil, and alluvial soil spiked with pyrene and amended with or without compost,the adsorption of pyrene at the root surfaces and the absorption of pyrene by roots of the two plants were not much pro-nounced.In addition,the amount of pyrene adsorbed at the root surfaces and absorbed by plant roots did not depend on plant spe-cies,type of soils,spiked pyrene concentrations of quartz sand and soils,and the amendment of compost(Table2).Nevertheless,some treatments showed that pyrene contents in the roots of alfalfa and ryegrass were significantly higher than those in the aboveground parts.This indicates that some pyrene was adsorbed at the root surfaces and absorbed by plant roots but not so much transported to the aboveground parts.Same trend of results have been reported by Gao et al.(2006).They studied the interactions of rice(Oryza sativa L.)and PAH-degrading bacteria(Acinetobacter sp.)on en-hanced dissipation of spiked pyrene in waterlogged soil and re-ported that pyrene concentrations in roots ranged from20to 90mg kgÀ1,while the concentrations in shoots were generally lower than0.2mg kgÀ1.Lu et al.(2010)also reported that there was a distinct difference in pyrene distribution between above-ground parts and roots of Bidens maximowicziana and that the roots had enrichment function to pyrene in certain degree,and the most amount of pyrene was probably deposited in roots and not trans-ferred to the shoots.They further elucidated that pyrene was hard to be transferred to the stems and leaves from the roots,or pyrene was decomposed in the process of transferring from roots toTable1Dry biomasses of roots and aboveground parts(g potÀ1)of alfalfa and ryegrass planted in quartz sand and soils spiked with pyrene and amended without or with compost at the end of90d growth period.aTreatment Quartz sand or soil Spiked pyrene concentration(mg kgÀ1)050100150Without compostAlfalfa Quartz sand 1.07GHb0.21Cc 1.08HGb0.29Dc 1.71CDa0.11Fc 2.17EFGa0.28Fc Red soil 2.39FGHb0.81Cc 2.8CDEab0.6Dc 2.84CDab0.56EFc 3.80CDEFa0.42FcAlluvial soil 2.93FGb0.84Cc 3.75CDb0.96CDc 3.95BCb0.98DEFc 5.58ABCa 1.34DecRyegrass Quartz sand0.56Hb 1.55Ca0.60Gab 1.10CDab0.57Db0.95DEFab0.83Gab0.72DEFab Red soil 3.68EFbc 4.64Ba 2.67DEFabcd 4.10Bab 2.15CDbcd 1.82Dcd 1.67FGcd 1.48DdAlluvial soil 5.62DEa 1.88Cb 5.84Ba 2.46Cb 6.84Aa 2.73Cb7.49ABa 2.94CbWith compostAlfalfa Quartz sand 5.22Ea 1.48Cc 4.52BCab 1.15CDc 2.96CDabc0.95DEFc 2.59DEFGbc0.53Fc Red soil7.61CDa 1.66Cc 6.01Bab0.85CDc 5.73ABab0.76EFc 5.01BCDb0.55EFcAlluvial soil10.32Ba 1.52Cc9.12Aab 1.51CDc7.41Ab 1.47Dec 6.95ABb 1.34DEcRyegrass Quartz sand 1.87FGHa 1.47Cab 1.83EFGa 1.44CDab 1.09CDab 1.11DEab0.83Gb0.89DEFb Red soil8.44BCa7.41Aabc7.67Aab 4.99ABab 5.88ABabc 4.68Bab 4.26CDEc 4.56BabAlluvial soil14.85Aa7.06Abcd8.99Ab 6.11Acd8.02Abc 5.51Ad7.59Abcd 5.33Ada Thefirst and second data of a data set in a row are the means of masses of roots and aboveground parts,respectively,of alfalfa and ryegrass.Different lower case and upper case letter following the data in a row and in a column means significant differences among the data by least significant difference at5%level.220M.C.Wang et al./Chemosphere87(2012)217–225shoots.As a result,the pyrene in shoots was comparatively lower than in roots.We thus suggested that the huge molecule of pyrene with the structure of four fused benzene rings make it difficultly to be absorbed by the roots and subsequently transported to the aboveground parts of the plants.Ke et al.(2003)investigated the potential of two mangrove plant species,Kandelia candel and Bru-guiera gymnorrhiza in wetland systems to remove pyrene from sur-face-or bottom-contaminated sediments.At the end of6-month treatment,significant accumulation of pyrene in roots was only found in microcosms having bottom-contaminated sediments, and pyrene concentrations were3.05and4.50mg kgÀ1in roots of K.candel and B.gymnorrhiza,respectively.They concluded that the overall contribution of root accumulation and plant uptake to the removal of pyrene from contaminated sediments was insignif-icant.As seen in Table2,the obtained data were comparable to those reported by Ke et al.(2003).We thus suggested that the insignificant overall contribution of root accumulation and plant uptake to the removal of pyrene from contaminated quartz sand and the two soils be probably because of the macromolecular size of pyrene,which was difficultly absorbed by the roots of alfalfa and ryegrass.Gao et al.(2011)studied arbuscular mycorrhizal phyto-remediation for soils contaminated with phenanthrene and pyr-ene.They reported that mycorrizal colonization caused increased accumulation of PAHs in alfalfa roots but a decrease in shoot.How-ever,plant uptake contributed negligibly to PAH dissipation in arbuscular mycorrhizal phytoremediation,and alfalfa accumulated PAHs amounted to less than3.24%of total PAH degradation in mycorrhizal soils.Zhu and Zhang(2008)pointed out that organic pollutants in plants depend primarily on the rate of uptake,the metabolism of these chemicals in plant tissues,and plant growth. PAHs can be catabolized by plant enzymes,either mineralized completely to inorganic compounds(e.g.,CO2,H2O),or degraded partially to a stable intermediate that is stored in the plants.Con-sequently,in this study some stable intermediate derived from pyrene catabolized by plant enzymes could occur and store in the roots and/or aboveground parts of ryegrass and alfalfa.3.4.Microbial populations in rhizosphere quartz sand and soilsAs seen from Table3,the microbial population in rhizosphere alluvial soil in the pots amended with compost and planted with ryegrass at spiked pyrene concentration up to150mg kgÀ1,was significantly larger than the corresponding treatment amended without compost.Significant difference in microbial population was also found for the same treatment but planted with alfalfa at spiked pyrene concentration50–150mg kgÀ1.The treatment amended with compost and simultaneously planted with alfalfa or ryegrass in alluvial soil showed that microbial population in-creased with increasing spiked pyrene concentration.This may be attributed to inorganic and organic nutrients provided by the decomposition of compost,promoting the growth of alfalfa and ryegrass(Table1),which their root exudates may thus stimulate the growth of microorganisms in rhizosphere alluvial soil(Table 3).Günther et al.(1996)studied the effect of growing ryegrass on the biodegradation of hydrocarbons in laboratory scale soil col-umns.They pointed out that in the rhizosphere soil system,ali-phatic hydrocarbons disappeared faster than in unvegetated columns.Elimination of contaminants was accompanied by an in-crease in microbial numbers and activities and stimulated by plant roots.In the review paper on rhizosphere carbonflow in trees, Grayston et al.(1996)concluded that a key factor governing micro-bial growth and activity in soils is carbon availability.In our exper-iment,the decomposition of amended compost and plant roots exudates mostly contributed to the available carbon in alluvial soil. The root exudates cause rhizosphere-inhabiting microbial popula-tions to increase well beyond those of the bulk soil(Jones,1998), attracting motile bacteria and fungal hyphae that stimulate an ar-ray of positive,neutral,or negative interactions with plants(Gerh-ardson,2002).In addition,the organic and inorganic nutrients of amended compost associated with root exudates in rhizosphere alluvial soil may also be utilized by microorganisms to stimulate microbial propagation and activity.Binet et al.(2000)investigated the dissipation of a mixture of eight PAHs,ranging from three to six rings,in the rhizosphere of ryegrass.They concluded that the in-creased PAH dissipation in rhizospheric soil was associated with an enhancement of PAH degraders.In our experiment,we found that microbial population in rhizosphere alluvial soil planted with ryegrass and amended with compost were significantly higher than that in the corresponding treatment but unplanted with rye-grass at the four spiked pyrene concentrations(Table3).Both with-out and with compost amendment,the treatments of unplanted and planted with alfalfa and ryegrass in the pots of quartz sand, red soil,and alluvial soil spiked with pyrene at the concentrations of50–150mg kgÀ1,the microbial population in rhizosphere quartzTable2Pyrene contents(mg kgÀ1roots or aboveground parts)of alfalfa and ryegrass planted in quartz sand and soils spiked with pyrene and amended without or with compost.a.Treatment Spiked pyrene concentration(mg kgÀ1quartz sand or soil)050100150AlfalfaQuartz sand ND b ND ND ND0.69BCa0.48Da0.36Da ND ND ND ND ND0.48Ca ND0.50Da0.43BaRed soil ND ND 4.17Aa 1.99Ab 1.50Abc0.97BCcd 1.19BCc0.43Bd ND ND0.80Cab0.57BCDab0.84ABCab0.60CDb 1.48ABa 1.38AbAlluvial soil ND ND 1.02Ca0.94Ba 1.29ABa0.99Ba0.81CDa0.77Ba ND ND 1.90Ba ND 1.44Aa 1.37Aa 1.83Aa0.64BbRyegrassQuartz sand ND ND0.44Cc0.38Dc0.48Cc0.41Dc0.79CDa0.69Bab ND ND0.46Ca ND0.34Cb0.38Dab0.38Dab0.31BbRed soil ND ND0.49Ca0.39CDa0.52Ca0.36Db0.54Da0.52Ba ND ND0.65Cab0.64BCab0.85ABCab0.60CDb0.91BCDa0.73BabAlluvial soil ND ND0.55Cc ND0.97ABCab0.74BCDbc 1.34ABCa0.43Bd ND ND 1.08Ca ND0.88ABCab0.33Dd 1.14BCa0.47Bbca Within the same row of thefirst and second data of each data set are the means of pyrene contents in roots and aboveground parts,respectively.Within the same column of thefirst and second data of each data set are the means of pyrene contents under the treatment amended without or with compost,respectively.Different lower case and upper case letters following the data in a row and in a column,respectively,means significant differences among the data by least significant difference at5%level.b ND indicates that pyrene content in digestion solution was lower than the detection limit of instrument.M.C.Wang et al./Chemosphere87(2012)217–225221。
