高速串行信号中的时钟恢复重要性_Clock Recovery Primer Part 1
高速串行信号中的时钟恢复重要性_Clock Recovery Primer Part 1

Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1 PrimerPrimer/bertscope2Table of Contentsed?........................................3How.Does.Clock.Recovery.Work?. (3)PLL-Based Clock Recovery ..............................................4Generic Phased Lock Loop Block Diagram .......................4What it Does .....................................................................4How it Works ....................................................................4What Does a Measured Loop ResponseLook Like? (5)Examples (6)Example 1: Testing a 10 Gb/s Clock Recovery Circuit (6)Example 2: Behavior of a Clock Data Recovery (CDR)Circuit (8)Where.Does.Clock.Recovery.Appear.in..Measurements? (12)Loop Bandwidth Setting in Measurements (14)The.Effect.of.Peaking....................................................15The.Effect.of.Transition.Density.and.Anomalous.Clock.Recovery.Behavior.. (16)Pattern Effects ................................................................16Anomalous Locking .. (16)Where.to.Go.Next..........................................................17Acknowledgements.......................................................17References.. (18)/bertscope 3Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1AbstractClock recovery is a common part of many measure-ments, whether as part of the test setup or part of the device under test. We’re going to look at clock recovery from a practical point of view, with emphasis on how it affects measurements. This document closely mirrors the poster “The Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 1.”Why is Clock Recovery Used?Most gigabit communication systems are synchronous; that is, the data within them is timed against a common clock. High speed systems (such as serial buses and optical) usually send NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) data, coded to have the clock it is timed against embedded within it. Whether traveling across inches of circuit board, or across continents on optical fiber, the relationship between data and the clock it is timed against can become disturbed. Extracting clock directly from the data ensures that data regeneration at the receiver can be achieved correctly.Receivers typically improve the incoming data before passing it on. They do this by passing it through a decision circuit that retimes the data and squares up the pulses. This process isdependent upon a clock signal synchronous with the incoming data, hence the use of clock recovery inside the receiver. Timing variations such as jitter on the incoming data can be reduced or removed if the clock used for retiming moves in the same way at the same time.As we will see, in practice the operation is more complex than this, and the frequency of the incoming jitter is important.How Does Clock Recovery Work?There are many different architectures for clock recovery, and a large amount of literature describing the advantages and disadvantages of each. In measurement equipment, the most common type is based on a phase locked loop (PLL). We will look at this in more detail in a moment. Before we do, it is worth noting that other architectures have been used in measurement equipment in the past.Older sampling scope clock recovery modules were often feed-forward designs with fixed frequency filters switched in for each rate. Suitable band pass filters are difficult to make with narrow bands. They have also not been frequency agile, and will not track data with moving center frequencies, such as is found in spread spectrum clocking (SSC; see poster “Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2”).Figure.1..If clock and data were to move in time by the same amount at the same time, a decision circuit could remove the effect of jitter.Primer/bertscope4PLL-Based Clock RecoveryClock recovery is usually applied to NRZ data. Unlike PLLs used in RF applications, data signals require modification to the PLL design. One challenge is the property of NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) data that there is no discrete spectral line at the data rate. This restricts the types of phase detector that can be employed in the PLL. Examples include Bang-Bang and Hogge designs.Generic Phased Lock Loop Block Diagram What it DoesA Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) free-runs initially, near the data rate of interest.A portion of the VCO signal forms one input to a phase detector.The other input to the phase detector is the incoming data. The phase detector compares the phases of the two inputs and produces an output voltage related to the phase difference (the ‘Error Signal’ above).Usually this signal is filtered in some way before it becomes the frequency control voltage of the VCO.The error signal is a demodulated, high pass filtered equivalent of the jitter present on the input data.Many different circuits can be used for the Loop Filter for different applications.How it WorksThe aim of the recovery circuit is to derive a clock that is synchronous with the incoming data.Its ability to do this is dependent upon seeing transitions in the data.For data segments with runs of identical bits, the PLL must still stay locked.The loop gain, K, has the most significant effect on the loop bandwidth and speed. Any filtering within the loop filter typically has a secondary effect [1], p.21.The system transfer function (the normal loop response seen in literature, referred to as ‘H(s)’), performs a low pass filtering operation on the phase modulation of the input signal.The error response transfer function (referred to as ‘E(s)’) performs a high pass filtering function.The loop tracks input phase modulation within the loop bandwidth, and fails to track phase modulation outside the bandwidth.This gives the loop the ability to track low frequency jitter, but to ignore high frequency jitter outside the loop bandwidth of the PLL.Figure.2..NRZ spectrum showing one challenge for clock recovery – the lack of adiscrete spectral line at the bit rate.Figure.3..PLL Block Diagram./bertscope 5Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1What Does a Measured Loop Response Look Like?A measured loop response is shown in Figure 4.One measure of the jitter tracking characteristic of a PLL is the loop bandwidth (LBW). This is often measured as the point where the transfer function of (jitter out/jitter in) is –3 dB. This is not the only way that loops can be defined [1], pp. 17–18.A wide loop bandwidth sounds ideal. However, it is usually cost and technology dependent. Wide loop bandwidths contribute more noise/random jitter. A wide loop bandwidth improves jitter tolerance; a narrow loop bandwidthremoves more jitter from the recovered clock (beneficial to downstream synchronizers) but impairs jitter tolerance. Current loop bandwidths used in measurements are typically in the range from 1 to 10 MHz.Figure.4..A measured loop response showing a PLL tracking the input jitter (left side) and then failing to track the jitter (right side).Primer/bertscope6ExamplesWe are going to look at two examples of clock recovery measurements, one with a commercial clock recovery component (Section 4), the other with a commercial clock/data recovery chip (Section 5). In each case, the classical method of test is to use sinusoidal jitter (SJ) and to change modulation frequency. Here we will keep the jitter amplitude constant throughout.Example 1: Testing a 10 Gb/s Clock Recovery CircuitRecovered clock is derived from jittered dataRecovered clock tracks less and less jitter as the frequency of jitter on the data is increasedRecovered clock is compared against jittered data in the analyzerThe analyzer measures jitter relative to the clock trigger signalIn this way, we can measure the clock recovery error transfer functionWideband equipment, such as BERTs and oscilloscopes, has intrinsic jitter that masks the loop responses at low levels in measurements such as this. As we will see later, the portions of loop responses not visible here can still have significant effects, manifesting themselves as eye closure and bit errors in some situations.Figure.5..The effect of the intrinsic jitter of a wideband measuring instrument on loopmeasurements./bertscope 7Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Figure.6..Deriving a clock trigger from data and using it to trigger a measurement. The response is sometimes called the ‘Observed Jitter Transfer Function.’Primer/bertscope8Example 2: Behavior of a Clock Data Recovery (CDR) CircuitA CDR recovers clock from incoming data, then uses the recovered clock as the reference to trigger a retiming flip-flop to clean up the incoming data. This measurement setup used a commercially available clock data recovery chip testedat 2.488 Gb/s, with a PRBS-7 pattern and 40% (0.4 UI) Sinusoidal Jitter signal of varying modulation frequency. The amplitude is constant; only the modulation frequency is varied, in the same way receiver clock recovery is traditionally tested. All analyzer measurements show data signal relative to the trigger.Figure.7..The chip being measured.Figure.8..The chip used for these measurements./bertscope 9Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Figure.9.1.and.9.2..Two measurement configurations of the CDR chip. The measured responses are also shown in the graph of Figure 10.Primer/bertscope10Figure.9.3.and.9.4..Two further measurement configurations of the CDR chip. The measured responses are also shown in the graph of Figure 10./bertscope 11Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Conclusions.for.Example.2Recovered clock jitter below the loop bandwidth tracks the input jitterRecovered clock jitter above the loop bandwidth is attenuated, so the recovered clock does not track high frequency jitterJitter of retimed data is dominated by the jitter of the retiming clockHigh frequency jitter on incoming data can be of sufficiently high amplitude to cause bit-detection errors, even though the retimed, regenerated data stream appears clean on an analyzer screenTriggering of test equipment plays a crucial role in the results obtainedFigure.10..Overlaid responses of the CDR chip measured as detailed in Figure 9.Primer/bertscope12Where Does Clock Recovery Appear in Measurements?Clock recovery can be part of the device under test, and also of the test setup. Typically, when it is part of the test setup, it is intended to emulate the behavior of a receiver, particularly in tracking low frequency jitter. Ideally, this means that only jitter beyond the clock recovery tracking range of a typical receiver is seen on the test equipment eye diagram.Figure.11..The figure shows where clock recovery can appear in a device under test, and test equipment used to characterize it./bertscope 13Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Figure.12..Building on Figure 11, the table gives details of how clock recovery is used, and what can go wrong.Primer/bertscope14Loop Bandwidth Setting in MeasurementsLoop bandwidth can have a significant effect on the observed jitter in a measurement. Varying the loop bandwidth can give an indication of the jitter spectrum. The loop bandwidthschosen for testing could be very narrow (for example, to show all the jitter a transmitter under test is creating) or wide (for example, to show only the jitter that a transmitter produces that its intended system receiver is not able to filter out with its own PLL). Typically, it is the latter, and such a clock recovery is referred to as a “Golden PLL.” A system designer is mainly interested in jitter that is beyond the capabilities of the receiver to track.Some standards (like FB-DIMM) have a range of loopbandwidths specified. While test instruments should emulate the characteristics of the test device, a range in parameters could lead to unintended results.For transmitter testing, it might be desirable to have a high loop bandwidth to make the tested transmitter look as good as possible (the transmitter intrinsic jitter is largely tracked out, so it doesn’t appear in the measurement, making the transmitter look good).For receiver jitter tolerance, the stressed eye is often set up using jitter measured on an eye diagram. The aim might be to stress the eye with jitter beyond the effect of the receiver clock recovery’s ability to track it out. If the clock recovery used for stress calibration has a lower loop bandwidth than the receiver under test will, some jitter will be included in the eye measurement that will be tracked out by the receiver. This could make the composition of the finished stressed eye less demanding than it should be.ing the same jittered signal, eye diagrams measured against a recoveredclock with narrow and wide loop bandwidth settings.Figure.14..Transmitter testing and the effect of changing loop bandwidth.Figure.15..Receiver testing and the effect of changing loop bandwidth./bertscope 15Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1The Effect of PeakingPeaking is a region near the loop bandwidth where the jitter out of a clock recovery device can be greater than the jitter input. Standards often restrict the amount of allowed peaking. The reasons why this is done are evident from the following measurements.An instrument-grade clock recovery with configurable slope and peaking was used for this measurement Loop bandwidth was set to 1 MHzThe stimulus was a fixed 400 kHz sinusoidal jitter input signal to the clock recoveryThe loop was set to 0 dB peaking (red measured response) and +3 dB peaking (green measured response).The eye diagram from the green response shows jitter gain — more jitter out of the device than was present on the input.3 dB equates to a factor of 1.41.Confirms that jitter gain is indeed +3 dB: 35 ps input x 1.41 = 49 ps jitter output.Many standards restrict the amount of peaking allowed (see table on “Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2” poster). Jitter gain, particularly in a repeatered system, is highly undesirable.Peaking increases the noise/random jitter.Figure.16..Measurement of a clock recovery instrument using the same input signal containing jitter. Varying the peaking can increase the jitter beyond the amount presenton the input.Primer/bertscope16The Effect of Transition Density and Anomalous Clock Recovery BehaviorWe will look at two loop effects; the first relating the transition density of different patterns and how this affects clock recovery; the second, how locking can go wrong.Pattern EffectsThe pattern “101010…” has a transition density of 100% (every bit has a transition). PRBS patterns have an average transition density identical to a "1100" pattern — i.e., 50%. Other patterns may have a lower transition density, or one that changes in certain sections of the same pattern (such as some sections of long PRBS patterns).The number of transitions controls the amount of energy going into the clock recovery loop. The energy in the loop affects the loop parameters, including loop gain and loop bandwidth. Therefore changing patterns can alter the loop behavior.Halving the transition density can have the effect ofapproximately halving the loop bandwidth for most loop designs. Some instrument grade clock recovery solutions calibrate loop bandwidth based on the measured transition density of the incoming data. Care must be taken — some standards specify loop bandwidth at a particular transition density, and assume that the loop bandwidth will be different for measurements using the required test patterns.Anomalous LockingSidelocking- Signals with periodic modulation produce discrete spectral lines - Narrow band PLL can lock on to any sufficiently high amplitude discrete spectral line, whether the carrier or not - Called ‘sidelocking’- Short PRBS patterns have fewer, higher energy spectral lines that are widely spaced, so can be more problematic than long PRBS patterns Harmonic Locking- Data, like square wave modulation, has harmonics that can provide opportunities to lock at multiples of the desired frequency - This can also happen with some designs ofphase detectors for subharmonics, and fractional subharmonics, particularly for long runs of ones or zeros [1], p. 341These are some reasons why instrument clock recovery solutions usually require an initial frequency to be accurately established prior to acquisition.Figure.17..Conceptual view of sidelocking.Figure.18..Conceptual view of harmonic locking./bertscope 17Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Where to Go NextIn the same way that the second “Anatomy of Clock Recovery” poster tackles more complex topics, there is a companion second primer [16], “Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2,” which can be downloaded from the website.In this companion paper, the following topics are discussed: Survey of clock recovery used in various standards Types and orders Spread spectrum clocking Clock recovery and stress testingThe effect of trigger delay in measurements Distributed clock schemes Clock domainsAcknowledgementsConsiderable help has been generously given by the following people:Floyd M. GardnerEric Kvamme, Hollis Poche, Maxtor Corporation Harvey Newman, Infineon Technologies Stretch Camnitz, Avago Technologies Mark Marlett, LSI LogicRansom Stephens, Teraspeed Consulting John Calvin, TektronixGerry Talbot, Advanced Micro DevicesPrimer/bertscope18References[1] Gardner, Floyd M. 2005, 3rd Ed. Phaselock Techniques.New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons Inc. The original and definitive textbook on PLLs. Revised edition has much improved introductory chapters.[2] Best, Roland E. 2003, 5th Ed. Phase-Locked Loops,Design, Simulation and Applications. New York,McGraw-Hill. Includes instructive PLL simulation software on CD-ROM.[3] Kroupa, Venceslav F . 2003. Phase Lock Loops andFrequency Synthesis. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., United Kingdom.[4] 10 Gigabit Ethernet and XAUI: search on “802.3aeTM”Governing body (and owner of trademark) [5] Fibre Channel information: Fibre Channel IndustryAssociation, /[6] OIF CEI standard: /public/impagreements.html [7] Serial ATA standard: [8] SONET information: GR-253-CORE, SynchronousOptical Network (SONET) Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria, /[9] SDH information: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/, G.xxxseries of documents, for example G.957 was anoriginal defining document for optical interfaces, G.958 described jitter.[10] XFP and XFI information: [11] Fully Buffered DIMM standard, JEDEC Study Group 45: [12] PCI Express ™ standard: /specifications/pciexpress/[13] Serial Attached SCSI information: SCSI TradeAssociation, [14] PCI Express ™ Jitter Modeling Whitepaper, Revision1.0RD, July 14, 2004, sections 3 & 4: /specifications/pciexpress/technical_library/[15] MJSQ – “Methodologies for Jitter and Signal QualitySpecification” is a document written as part of the INCITS project T11.2. /index.htm [16] ‘The Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2’,Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1/bertscope19Contact.Tektronix:ASEAN./.Australasia..(65) 6356 3900Austria*..00800 2255 4835 Balkans,.Israel,.South.Africa.and.other.ISE.Countries.+41 52 675 3777Belgium*..00800 2255 4835Brazil..+55 (11) 3759 7600Canada..1 (800) 833-9200 Central.East.Europe,.Ukraine.and.the.Baltics..+41 52 675 3777Central.Europe.&.Greece..+41 52 675 3777Denmark..+45 80 88 1401Finland..+41 52 675 3777France*..00800 2255 4835Germany*..00800 2255 4835Hong.Kong..400-820-5835India..000-800-650-1835Italy*..00800 2255 4835Japan..81 (3) 6714-3010Luxembourg..+41 52 675 3777 Mexico,.Central/South.America.&.Caribbean..52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle.East,.Asia.and.North.Africa..+41 52 675 3777herlands*..00800 2255 4835Norway..800 16098People’s.Republic.of.China..400-820-5835Poland..+41 52 675 3777Portugal..80 08 12370Republic.of.Korea..001-800-8255-2835Russia.&.CIS..+7 (495) 7484900South.Africa. +27 11 206 8360Spain*..00800 2255 4835Sweden*..00800 2255 4835Switzerland*..00800 2255 4835Taiwan..886 (2) 2722-9622.United.Kingdom.&.Ireland*..00800 2255 4835USA..1 (800) 833-9200 *.If.the.European.phone.number.above.is.not.accessible,.please.call.+41.52.675.3777Contact List Updated 25 May 2010. rmationTektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology. 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cdr时钟恢复原理CDR时钟恢复原理CDR(Clock and Data Recovery)时钟恢复电路是高速通信系统中一个重要的模块,它是将来自外部世界的串行数据流和时钟信号恢复出来的模块,以保证高速通信系统的可靠性和稳定性。
CDR时钟恢复原理主要有以下几点:1. 时钟信号恢复CDR时钟恢复电路的核心是时钟信号恢复电路,其中包括相锁环(PLL)电路、延迟锁定环(DLL)电路等。
2. 数据恢复CDR时钟恢复电路中的数据恢复模块主要是通过对采样到的数据进行判决,恢复出原始的数字信号。
数据恢复模块的设计决定了整个CDR 时钟恢复电路的性能和稳定性。
3. 自适应算法当外界环境发生变化时,CDR时钟恢复电路需要具备自适应能力,使其能够及时调整自己的参数,以保持良好的性能。
4. 抗噪性能CDR时钟恢复电路中的抗噪性能直接影响到它在高速通信系统中的可靠性和稳定性。
5. 稳定性和可靠性CDR时钟恢复电路在高速通信系统中是一个核心模块,它需要具备高度的稳定性和可靠性。



下面是对SERDES关键技术的总结:1. 前向纠错编码(Forward Error Correction,FEC):FEC是一种通过在发送端增加冗余数据来纠正传输中的错误的技术。
2. 消除时钟抖动(Clock Jitter Elimination):时钟抖动是指时钟信号的相位和频率变化,由于时钟抖动会导致数据在传输过程中出错,因此消除时钟抖动是实现高速串行通信的关键。
3. 自适应等化器(Adaptive Equalizer):等化器是一种用于补偿信号受损影响的技术,通过对信号进行预处理和滤波,可以减少传输中的失真。
4. 动态电源管理(Dynamic Power Management):SERDES在高速数据传输时需要消耗大量的功率,因此动态电源管理是必不可少的技术。
5. 串并转换器(Serial-to-Parallel Converter)和并串转换器(Parallel-to-Serial Converter):SERDES的核心是串并转换器和并串转换器,它们是将并行数据转换为串行数据或将串行数据转换为并行数据的关键部件。







1. 信号传输的准确性在高速信号传输过程中,由于存在信号失真、信号干扰等因素,会导致信号传输的准确性降低。
2. 信号传输的稳定性在高速信号传输过程中,由于存在信号衰减、串扰等因素,会导致信号传输的稳定性降低。
3. 信号传输的高速性随着时代的发展,对高速信号传输速率的要求也越来越高。
1. 时钟数据的获取时钟数据获取有两种方式:一种是对收到的信号进行采样,另一种是通过PLL锁相环来获取。
2. 时钟数据的恢复将时钟数据恢复到正常范围内,有两种方式:一种是通过比较数据间隙的大小,来判断信号的位移,以此恢复时钟数据;另一种是通过构造包络线,根据包络线的周期来进行时钟恢复。
1. 快速时钟同步的原理快速时钟同步的原理是在多个设备之间,通过空中介质或者电缆,传递不同设备的时钟信号,经过特定处理后,使得多个设备之间的时钟信号同步。

一、基本概念1.1 时钟数据恢复是指在数字通信系统中,通过采样和重构技术,从接收到的数据流中提取出时钟信号。
1.2 时钟数据恢复通常用于高速串行通信系统,以确保数据传输的稳定性和准确性。
1.3 时钟数据恢复可以根据不同的传输标准和速率进行调整和优化,以适应不同的应用场景。
二、工作原理2.1 时钟数据恢复的工作原理主要包括信号采样、时钟提取和时钟重构三个步骤。
2.2 信号采样是通过对接收到的数据流进行采样,获取数据的波形信息。
2.3 时钟提取是从采样的数据中提取出时钟信号,以确定数据的传输速率和时序关系。
2.4 时钟重构是根据提取出的时钟信号,对接收到的数据进行重新定时,以恢复原始的时钟信号。
三、应用领域3.1 时钟数据恢复广泛应用于高速数字通信系统,如光纤通信、高速总线、数据存储等领域。
3.2 在光纤通信系统中,时钟数据恢复可以提高数据传输的稳定性和可靠性,减少误码率。
3.3 在数据存储系统中,时钟数据恢复可以确保数据的读写速度和准确性,提高系统性能和可靠性。
四、优势4.1 时钟数据恢复可以有效解决高速数据传输中时钟漂移和时钟颤动等问题,提高系统的稳定性和可靠性。
4.2 时钟数据恢复可以适应不同的传输标准和速率,具有较强的通用性和灵便性。
4.3 时钟数据恢复技术不断发展和优化,可以满足不断增长的数据传输需求和挑战。
五、发展趋势5.1 随着数字通信技术的不断发展,时钟数据恢复技术将继续向更高速、更稳定、更智能的方向发展。
5.2 时钟数据恢复技术将与其他数字通信技术相结合,实现更高效的数据传输和处理。
5.3 时钟数据恢复技术将在5G通信、物联网、人工智能等领域发挥越来越重要的作用,推动数字化社会的发展和进步。

时钟数据恢复(CDR)时钟数据恢复(CDR)引言概述:时钟数据恢复(Clock Data Recovery, CDR)是一种数字通信领域中常用的技术,用于从接收到的信号中恢复出时钟信息,并将其用于数据采样和解码。
一、时钟数据恢复的原理1.1 时钟信号的重要性时钟信号在数字通信系统中起着至关重要的作用,它用于同步发送和接收端的数据采样和解码过程。
1.2 时钟数据恢复的需求在数字通信中,接收到的信号可能会受到传输介质、噪声等因素的影响,导致时钟信号的失真和抖动。
1.3 时钟数据恢复的原理时钟数据恢复的原理是基于接收到的信号中的边缘信息来恢复时钟信号。
二、时钟数据恢复的应用2.1 数字通信系统时钟数据恢复在数字通信系统中广泛应用,用于恢复接收端的时钟信号,以确保数据的准确采样和解码。
2.2 光纤通信在光纤通信中,时钟数据恢复被用于恢复接收端的光信号的时钟信息。
2.3 高速串行通信在高速串行通信中,时钟数据恢复被用于恢复接收端的时钟信号。
三、时钟数据恢复的算法3.1 相位锁定环路(Phase Locked Loop, PLL)相位锁定环路是一种常用的时钟数据恢复算法。

时钟数据恢复(CDR)时钟数据恢复(CDR)引言概述:时钟数据恢复(Clock Data Recovery, CDR)是一种用于恢复传输信号中的时钟信息的技术。
一、原理:1.1 时钟信号的重要性:时钟信号在数字通信中起到同步和定时的作用,确保数据的准确传输。
1.2 时钟信号的丢失和不稳定性原因:传输信号受到噪声、失真、衰减等干扰因素影响,导致时钟信息的丢失或者不稳定。
1.3 CDR的作用:CDR技术通过采样和重构传输信号,恢复出准确的时钟信号,保证数据的可靠传输。
二、应用:2.1 光纤通信中的CDR:光纤通信中,光信号在传输过程中容易受到衰减、色散等影响,导致时钟信息的丢失。
2.2 高速串行通信中的CDR:高速串行通信中,时钟信号的恢复对于数据的传输速率和稳定性至关重要。
2.3 高频信号处理中的CDR:在高频信号处理中,时钟信号的准确性对于信号处理算法的性能有着重要影响。
三、算法:3.1 时钟恢复算法的分类:时钟恢复算法可以分为基于锁相环(PLL)的算法和基于非锁相环的算法两类。
3.2 基于PLL的时钟恢复算法:基于PLL的时钟恢复算法通过不断调整反馈环路的相位和频率,使得恢复的时钟信号与原始时钟信号同步。
3.3 基于非锁相环的时钟恢复算法:基于非锁相环的时钟恢复算法通过统计和估计传输信号的特征,恢复出准确的时钟信号。
四、性能:4.1 时钟恢复的误差和抖动:时钟恢复算法的性能可以通过误差和抖动来评估,误差指恢复的时钟信号与原始时钟信号之间的差距,抖动指时钟信号的不稳定性。

时钟数据恢复(CDR)引言概述:时钟数据恢复(Clock Data Recovery,CDR)是一种常见的数字信号处理技术,用于在数字通信系统中恢复丢失或者损坏的时钟信号。
正文内容:1. CDR技术的原理1.1 时钟信号的重要性1.2 时钟信号的损失与恢复1.3 CDR技术的基本原理2. CDR技术的应用2.1 高速通信系统2.2 光纤通信系统2.3 无线通信系统3. CDR技术的算法3.1 直接数字控制(DDC)3.2 预估与补偿(Feedforward and Feedback)3.3 相位锁定环(Phase-Locked Loop,PLL)4. CDR技术的发展趋势4.1 高速率与低功耗4.2 自适应与自校准4.3 多通道与多模式5. CDR技术的挑战与解决方案5.1 噪声与颤动的影响5.2 时钟频率偏移的补偿5.3 多通道干扰的抑制总结:CDR技术作为一种重要的数字信号处理技术,在高速通信领域发挥着关键的作用。
CDR 技术的算法包括直接数字控制、预估与补偿和相位锁定环等。


architecturr IBM糸统网络结构)网络中,基本上有两个部分:数据链路和节点。

一、CDR技术的原理1.1 时钟信号的重要性:时钟信号在数字系统中起着同步和定时的作用,是数据传输的基础。
1.2 时钟数据恢复的需求:在长距离传输、高速传输和复杂信道环境中,时钟信号可能会受到噪声、失真和抖动等干扰,导致时钟信号的丢失或变形。
1.3 CDR技术的原理:CDR技术通过采样、检测和锁定的方式,从输入数据中恢复出准确的时钟信号。
二、CDR技术的应用2.1 通信领域:CDR技术在光纤通信和高速数据传输中广泛应用。
2.2 计算机领域:CDR技术在计算机内部的总线、接口和芯片中使用。
2.3 数据存储领域:CDR技术在硬盘驱动器和固态硬盘中起着重要的作用。
三、CDR技术的优势3.1 自适应性:CDR技术具有自适应性,可以根据输入数据的特性和环境条件自动调整时钟恢复的参数,适应不同的传输场景。
3.2 高精度:CDR技术能够实现高精度的时钟恢复,可以达到纳秒级的时钟相位误差,确保数据传输的准确性和稳定性。
3.3 抗干扰能力:CDR技术具有较强的抗干扰能力,可以有效抑制噪声、失真和抖动等干扰信号,提高数据传输的可靠性和鲁棒性。
四、CDR技术的未来发展4.1 高速传输:随着数据传输速率的不断提高,CDR技术将面临更高的挑战。
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Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1 PrimerPrimer/bertscope2Table of Contentsed?........................................3How.Does.Clock.Recovery.Work?. (3)PLL-Based Clock Recovery ..............................................4Generic Phased Lock Loop Block Diagram .......................4What it Does .....................................................................4How it Works ....................................................................4What Does a Measured Loop ResponseLook Like? (5)Examples (6)Example 1: Testing a 10 Gb/s Clock Recovery Circuit (6)Example 2: Behavior of a Clock Data Recovery (CDR)Circuit (8)Where.Does.Clock.Recovery.Appear.in..Measurements? (12)Loop Bandwidth Setting in Measurements (14)The.Effect.of.Peaking....................................................15The.Effect.of.Transition.Density.and.Anomalous.Clock.Recovery.Behavior.. (16)Pattern Effects ................................................................16Anomalous Locking .. (16)Where.to.Go.Next..........................................................17Acknowledgements.......................................................17References.. (18)/bertscope 3Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1AbstractClock recovery is a common part of many measure-ments, whether as part of the test setup or part of the device under test. We’re going to look at clock recovery from a practical point of view, with emphasis on how it affects measurements. This document closely mirrors the poster “The Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 1.”Why is Clock Recovery Used?Most gigabit communication systems are synchronous; that is, the data within them is timed against a common clock. High speed systems (such as serial buses and optical) usually send NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) data, coded to have the clock it is timed against embedded within it. Whether traveling across inches of circuit board, or across continents on optical fiber, the relationship between data and the clock it is timed against can become disturbed. Extracting clock directly from the data ensures that data regeneration at the receiver can be achieved correctly.Receivers typically improve the incoming data before passing it on. They do this by passing it through a decision circuit that retimes the data and squares up the pulses. This process isdependent upon a clock signal synchronous with the incoming data, hence the use of clock recovery inside the receiver. Timing variations such as jitter on the incoming data can be reduced or removed if the clock used for retiming moves in the same way at the same time.As we will see, in practice the operation is more complex than this, and the frequency of the incoming jitter is important.How Does Clock Recovery Work?There are many different architectures for clock recovery, and a large amount of literature describing the advantages and disadvantages of each. In measurement equipment, the most common type is based on a phase locked loop (PLL). We will look at this in more detail in a moment. Before we do, it is worth noting that other architectures have been used in measurement equipment in the past.Older sampling scope clock recovery modules were often feed-forward designs with fixed frequency filters switched in for each rate. Suitable band pass filters are difficult to make with narrow bands. They have also not been frequency agile, and will not track data with moving center frequencies, such as is found in spread spectrum clocking (SSC; see poster “Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2”).Figure.1..If clock and data were to move in time by the same amount at the same time, a decision circuit could remove the effect of jitter.Primer/bertscope4PLL-Based Clock RecoveryClock recovery is usually applied to NRZ data. Unlike PLLs used in RF applications, data signals require modification to the PLL design. One challenge is the property of NRZ (Non-Return to Zero) data that there is no discrete spectral line at the data rate. This restricts the types of phase detector that can be employed in the PLL. Examples include Bang-Bang and Hogge designs.Generic Phased Lock Loop Block Diagram What it DoesA Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) free-runs initially, near the data rate of interest.A portion of the VCO signal forms one input to a phase detector.The other input to the phase detector is the incoming data. The phase detector compares the phases of the two inputs and produces an output voltage related to the phase difference (the ‘Error Signal’ above).Usually this signal is filtered in some way before it becomes the frequency control voltage of the VCO.The error signal is a demodulated, high pass filtered equivalent of the jitter present on the input data.Many different circuits can be used for the Loop Filter for different applications.How it WorksThe aim of the recovery circuit is to derive a clock that is synchronous with the incoming data.Its ability to do this is dependent upon seeing transitions in the data.For data segments with runs of identical bits, the PLL must still stay locked.The loop gain, K, has the most significant effect on the loop bandwidth and speed. Any filtering within the loop filter typically has a secondary effect [1], p.21.The system transfer function (the normal loop response seen in literature, referred to as ‘H(s)’), performs a low pass filtering operation on the phase modulation of the input signal.The error response transfer function (referred to as ‘E(s)’) performs a high pass filtering function.The loop tracks input phase modulation within the loop bandwidth, and fails to track phase modulation outside the bandwidth.This gives the loop the ability to track low frequency jitter, but to ignore high frequency jitter outside the loop bandwidth of the PLL.Figure.2..NRZ spectrum showing one challenge for clock recovery – the lack of adiscrete spectral line at the bit rate.Figure.3..PLL Block Diagram./bertscope 5Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1What Does a Measured Loop Response Look Like?A measured loop response is shown in Figure 4.One measure of the jitter tracking characteristic of a PLL is the loop bandwidth (LBW). This is often measured as the point where the transfer function of (jitter out/jitter in) is –3 dB. This is not the only way that loops can be defined [1], pp. 17–18.A wide loop bandwidth sounds ideal. However, it is usually cost and technology dependent. Wide loop bandwidths contribute more noise/random jitter. A wide loop bandwidth improves jitter tolerance; a narrow loop bandwidthremoves more jitter from the recovered clock (beneficial to downstream synchronizers) but impairs jitter tolerance. Current loop bandwidths used in measurements are typically in the range from 1 to 10 MHz.Figure.4..A measured loop response showing a PLL tracking the input jitter (left side) and then failing to track the jitter (right side).Primer/bertscope6ExamplesWe are going to look at two examples of clock recovery measurements, one with a commercial clock recovery component (Section 4), the other with a commercial clock/data recovery chip (Section 5). In each case, the classical method of test is to use sinusoidal jitter (SJ) and to change modulation frequency. Here we will keep the jitter amplitude constant throughout.Example 1: Testing a 10 Gb/s Clock Recovery CircuitRecovered clock is derived from jittered dataRecovered clock tracks less and less jitter as the frequency of jitter on the data is increasedRecovered clock is compared against jittered data in the analyzerThe analyzer measures jitter relative to the clock trigger signalIn this way, we can measure the clock recovery error transfer functionWideband equipment, such as BERTs and oscilloscopes, has intrinsic jitter that masks the loop responses at low levels in measurements such as this. As we will see later, the portions of loop responses not visible here can still have significant effects, manifesting themselves as eye closure and bit errors in some situations.Figure.5..The effect of the intrinsic jitter of a wideband measuring instrument on loopmeasurements./bertscope 7Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Figure.6..Deriving a clock trigger from data and using it to trigger a measurement. The response is sometimes called the ‘Observed Jitter Transfer Function.’Primer/bertscope8Example 2: Behavior of a Clock Data Recovery (CDR) CircuitA CDR recovers clock from incoming data, then uses the recovered clock as the reference to trigger a retiming flip-flop to clean up the incoming data. This measurement setup used a commercially available clock data recovery chip testedat 2.488 Gb/s, with a PRBS-7 pattern and 40% (0.4 UI) Sinusoidal Jitter signal of varying modulation frequency. The amplitude is constant; only the modulation frequency is varied, in the same way receiver clock recovery is traditionally tested. All analyzer measurements show data signal relative to the trigger.Figure.7..The chip being measured.Figure.8..The chip used for these measurements./bertscope 9Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Figure.9.1.and.9.2..Two measurement configurations of the CDR chip. The measured responses are also shown in the graph of Figure 10.Primer/bertscope10Figure.9.3.and.9.4..Two further measurement configurations of the CDR chip. The measured responses are also shown in the graph of Figure 10./bertscope 11Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Conclusions.for.Example.2Recovered clock jitter below the loop bandwidth tracks the input jitterRecovered clock jitter above the loop bandwidth is attenuated, so the recovered clock does not track high frequency jitterJitter of retimed data is dominated by the jitter of the retiming clockHigh frequency jitter on incoming data can be of sufficiently high amplitude to cause bit-detection errors, even though the retimed, regenerated data stream appears clean on an analyzer screenTriggering of test equipment plays a crucial role in the results obtainedFigure.10..Overlaid responses of the CDR chip measured as detailed in Figure 9.Primer/bertscope12Where Does Clock Recovery Appear in Measurements?Clock recovery can be part of the device under test, and also of the test setup. Typically, when it is part of the test setup, it is intended to emulate the behavior of a receiver, particularly in tracking low frequency jitter. Ideally, this means that only jitter beyond the clock recovery tracking range of a typical receiver is seen on the test equipment eye diagram.Figure.11..The figure shows where clock recovery can appear in a device under test, and test equipment used to characterize it./bertscope 13Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Figure.12..Building on Figure 11, the table gives details of how clock recovery is used, and what can go wrong.Primer/bertscope14Loop Bandwidth Setting in MeasurementsLoop bandwidth can have a significant effect on the observed jitter in a measurement. Varying the loop bandwidth can give an indication of the jitter spectrum. The loop bandwidthschosen for testing could be very narrow (for example, to show all the jitter a transmitter under test is creating) or wide (for example, to show only the jitter that a transmitter produces that its intended system receiver is not able to filter out with its own PLL). Typically, it is the latter, and such a clock recovery is referred to as a “Golden PLL.” A system designer is mainly interested in jitter that is beyond the capabilities of the receiver to track.Some standards (like FB-DIMM) have a range of loopbandwidths specified. While test instruments should emulate the characteristics of the test device, a range in parameters could lead to unintended results.For transmitter testing, it might be desirable to have a high loop bandwidth to make the tested transmitter look as good as possible (the transmitter intrinsic jitter is largely tracked out, so it doesn’t appear in the measurement, making the transmitter look good).For receiver jitter tolerance, the stressed eye is often set up using jitter measured on an eye diagram. The aim might be to stress the eye with jitter beyond the effect of the receiver clock recovery’s ability to track it out. If the clock recovery used for stress calibration has a lower loop bandwidth than the receiver under test will, some jitter will be included in the eye measurement that will be tracked out by the receiver. This could make the composition of the finished stressed eye less demanding than it should be.ing the same jittered signal, eye diagrams measured against a recoveredclock with narrow and wide loop bandwidth settings.Figure.14..Transmitter testing and the effect of changing loop bandwidth.Figure.15..Receiver testing and the effect of changing loop bandwidth./bertscope 15Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1The Effect of PeakingPeaking is a region near the loop bandwidth where the jitter out of a clock recovery device can be greater than the jitter input. Standards often restrict the amount of allowed peaking. The reasons why this is done are evident from the following measurements.An instrument-grade clock recovery with configurable slope and peaking was used for this measurement Loop bandwidth was set to 1 MHzThe stimulus was a fixed 400 kHz sinusoidal jitter input signal to the clock recoveryThe loop was set to 0 dB peaking (red measured response) and +3 dB peaking (green measured response).The eye diagram from the green response shows jitter gain — more jitter out of the device than was present on the input.3 dB equates to a factor of 1.41.Confirms that jitter gain is indeed +3 dB: 35 ps input x 1.41 = 49 ps jitter output.Many standards restrict the amount of peaking allowed (see table on “Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2” poster). Jitter gain, particularly in a repeatered system, is highly undesirable.Peaking increases the noise/random jitter.Figure.16..Measurement of a clock recovery instrument using the same input signal containing jitter. Varying the peaking can increase the jitter beyond the amount presenton the input.Primer/bertscope16The Effect of Transition Density and Anomalous Clock Recovery BehaviorWe will look at two loop effects; the first relating the transition density of different patterns and how this affects clock recovery; the second, how locking can go wrong.Pattern EffectsThe pattern “101010…” has a transition density of 100% (every bit has a transition). PRBS patterns have an average transition density identical to a "1100" pattern — i.e., 50%. Other patterns may have a lower transition density, or one that changes in certain sections of the same pattern (such as some sections of long PRBS patterns).The number of transitions controls the amount of energy going into the clock recovery loop. The energy in the loop affects the loop parameters, including loop gain and loop bandwidth. Therefore changing patterns can alter the loop behavior.Halving the transition density can have the effect ofapproximately halving the loop bandwidth for most loop designs. Some instrument grade clock recovery solutions calibrate loop bandwidth based on the measured transition density of the incoming data. Care must be taken — some standards specify loop bandwidth at a particular transition density, and assume that the loop bandwidth will be different for measurements using the required test patterns.Anomalous LockingSidelocking- Signals with periodic modulation produce discrete spectral lines - Narrow band PLL can lock on to any sufficiently high amplitude discrete spectral line, whether the carrier or not - Called ‘sidelocking’- Short PRBS patterns have fewer, higher energy spectral lines that are widely spaced, so can be more problematic than long PRBS patterns Harmonic Locking- Data, like square wave modulation, has harmonics that can provide opportunities to lock at multiples of the desired frequency - This can also happen with some designs ofphase detectors for subharmonics, and fractional subharmonics, particularly for long runs of ones or zeros [1], p. 341These are some reasons why instrument clock recovery solutions usually require an initial frequency to be accurately established prior to acquisition.Figure.17..Conceptual view of sidelocking.Figure.18..Conceptual view of harmonic locking./bertscope 17Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1Where to Go NextIn the same way that the second “Anatomy of Clock Recovery” poster tackles more complex topics, there is a companion second primer [16], “Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2,” which can be downloaded from the website.In this companion paper, the following topics are discussed: Survey of clock recovery used in various standards Types and orders Spread spectrum clocking Clock recovery and stress testingThe effect of trigger delay in measurements Distributed clock schemes Clock domainsAcknowledgementsConsiderable help has been generously given by the following people:Floyd M. GardnerEric Kvamme, Hollis Poche, Maxtor Corporation Harvey Newman, Infineon Technologies Stretch Camnitz, Avago Technologies Mark Marlett, LSI LogicRansom Stephens, Teraspeed Consulting John Calvin, TektronixGerry Talbot, Advanced Micro DevicesPrimer/bertscope18References[1] Gardner, Floyd M. 2005, 3rd Ed. Phaselock Techniques.New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons Inc. The original and definitive textbook on PLLs. Revised edition has much improved introductory chapters.[2] Best, Roland E. 2003, 5th Ed. Phase-Locked Loops,Design, Simulation and Applications. New York,McGraw-Hill. Includes instructive PLL simulation software on CD-ROM.[3] Kroupa, Venceslav F . 2003. Phase Lock Loops andFrequency Synthesis. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., United Kingdom.[4] 10 Gigabit Ethernet and XAUI: search on “802.3aeTM”Governing body (and owner of trademark) [5] Fibre Channel information: Fibre Channel IndustryAssociation, /[6] OIF CEI standard: /public/impagreements.html [7] Serial ATA standard: [8] SONET information: GR-253-CORE, SynchronousOptical Network (SONET) Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria, /[9] SDH information: http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/, G.xxxseries of documents, for example G.957 was anoriginal defining document for optical interfaces, G.958 described jitter.[10] XFP and XFI information: [11] Fully Buffered DIMM standard, JEDEC Study Group 45: [12] PCI Express ™ standard: /specifications/pciexpress/[13] Serial Attached SCSI information: SCSI TradeAssociation, [14] PCI Express ™ Jitter Modeling Whitepaper, Revision1.0RD, July 14, 2004, sections 3 & 4: /specifications/pciexpress/technical_library/[15] MJSQ – “Methodologies for Jitter and Signal QualitySpecification” is a document written as part of the INCITS project T11.2. /index.htm [16] ‘The Anatomy of Clock Recovery, Part 2’,Clock Recovery Primer, Part 1/bertscope19Contact.Tektronix:ASEAN./.Australasia..(65) 6356 3900Austria*..00800 2255 4835 Balkans,.Israel,.South.Africa.and.other.ISE.Countries.+41 52 675 3777Belgium*..00800 2255 4835Brazil..+55 (11) 3759 7600Canada..1 (800) 833-9200 Central.East.Europe,.Ukraine.and.the.Baltics..+41 52 675 3777Central.Europe.&.Greece..+41 52 675 3777Denmark..+45 80 88 1401Finland..+41 52 675 3777France*..00800 2255 4835Germany*..00800 2255 4835Hong.Kong..400-820-5835India..000-800-650-1835Italy*..00800 2255 4835Japan..81 (3) 6714-3010Luxembourg..+41 52 675 3777 Mexico,.Central/South.America.&.Caribbean..52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle.East,.Asia.and.North.Africa..+41 52 675 3777herlands*..00800 2255 4835Norway..800 16098People’s.Republic.of.China..400-820-5835Poland..+41 52 675 3777Portugal..80 08 12370Republic.of.Korea..001-800-8255-2835Russia.&.CIS..+7 (495) 7484900South.Africa. +27 11 206 8360Spain*..00800 2255 4835Sweden*..00800 2255 4835Switzerland*..00800 2255 4835Taiwan..886 (2) 2722-9622.United.Kingdom.&.Ireland*..00800 2255 4835USA..1 (800) 833-9200 *.If.the.European.phone.number.above.is.not.accessible,.please.call.+41.52.675.3777Contact List Updated 25 May 2010. rmationTektronix maintains a comprehensive, constantly expanding collection of application notes, technical briefs and other resources to help engineers working on the cutting edge of technology. 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