






A、平安险+水渍险B、一切险+偷窃提货不着险C、平安险+ 一切险D、水渍险+偷窃提货不着险5.按国际保险市场惯例,投保金额通常在CIF总值的基础上()。






















国际贸易实务试题及答案解析第一章:国际贸易术语一、单项选择题1 、在进出口贸易实践中,对当事人行为无强制性约束的规范是(C )。

A 、国内法B、国际法C、国际贸易惯例D、国际条约2 、与进出口贸易关系最大,也是最重要的一项国际条约是( B)。

A 、《—国际货物销售合同公约》B、《国际贸易术语解释通则》C 、《跟单信用证统一通则》D、《托收统一规则3 、按照《2000年通则》的解释,采用CIF条件成交时,货物装船时从吊钩脱落掉入海里造成的损失由( A ) 。

A. 卖方负担B. 买方负担C. 承运人负担D. 买卖双方共同负担4 、按照《2000年通则》的解释,CIF与CFR的主要区别在于(B )A. 办理租船订舱的责任方不同B. 办理货运保险的责任方不同C. 风险划分的界限不同D. 办理出口手续的责任方不同5 、在实际业务中,FOB条件下,买方常委托卖方代为租船、订舱,其费用由买方负担。

如到期订不到舱,租不到船,( A )。

A. 卖方不承担责任,其风险由买方承担B. 卖方承担责任,其风险也由卖方承担C. 买卖双方共同承担责任、风险D. 双方均不承担责任,合同停止履行6 、以下关于国际贸易术语“ CIF”的内容提法正确的是(A )。

A 卖方除承担成本加运费的义务外,还要负责办理运输保险并支付保险费。

B 卖方在投保时应投保一切险。

C 卖方必须将货物实际交付给买方,才算完成了交货义务D 货物的风险在货物实际交付时由卖方转移给卖方7 、根据《INCOTERMS200啲解释,进口方负责办理出口清关手续的贸易术语是(B) 。

A. FAS B. EXW C. FCA D. DDP 8 、CIF Ex Ship ' s Hold 属于属于(B )。

A 、内陆交货类B、装运港船上交货类C、目的港交货类D、目的地交货类9 、根据《INCOTERMS200啲解释,出口方负责办理进口清关手续的贸易术语是(D ) 。






A.看货购买 B.凭卖方样品C.凭买方样品D.凭对等样品3.凭样品买卖时,如果合同中无其他规定,那么卖方所交货物(B )。





A.我方所装货物品质与样品相符B.我方所装货物品质与样品大致相符C.我方所装货物品质与样品完全相符D.我方所装货物品质以合同为准,样品仅供参考5.对等样品也称之为(B )。


A.凭样品买卖B.凭规格买卖C.凭等级买卖D.凭产地名称买卖7.凡货样难以达到完全一致的,不宜采用( A )。

A.凭样品买卖B.凭规格买卖C.凭等级买卖D.凭说明买卖8.凭卖方样品成交时,应留存(C )以备交货时核查之用。

A.对等样品B.回样C.复样D.参考样品9.在品质条款的规定上,对某些比较难掌握其品质的工业制成品或农副产品,我们多在合同中规定( C )。

A.溢短装条款B.增减价条款C.品质公差或品质机动幅度D.商品的净重10.若合同规定有品质公差条款,则在公差范围内,买方(A )。

A.不得拒收货物B.可以拒收货物C.可以要求调整价格D.可以拒收货物也可以要求调整价格二、多选题1.表示品质方法的分类可归纳为(BC )。



国际贸易实务试题及答案一、选择题1.以下哪种贸易术语代表出口商将货物及所有费用和风险转移给进口商?A. CIFB. FOBC. EXWD. DDP答案:B. FOB2.贸易融资中,通过银行为进口商提供的一种信用担保形式是?A.托收汇票B.跟单信用证C.银行汇票D.信用保险答案:B.跟单信用证3.下列哪个组织是国际贸易中推动自由贸易的组织?A. GATTB. WTOC. IMFD. UN答案:B. WTO4.以下哪个国际贸易术语代表进口商负责将货物从船上卸载并承担所有费用和风险?A. CIFB. FOBC. EXWD. DDP答案:A. CIF5.下列哪个国际支付方式最为安全可靠,同时需通过银行间接结算?A.电汇B.信用证C.承兑汇票D.票据汇款答案:B.信用证二、简答题1.请简要介绍自由贸易区(FTA)和关税同盟(CU)的区别。















1.If we have to choose a Europe port by which no direct liner to stop or the trips are few, we should stipulate “ ______” in the contract.A.main ports in EuropeB.partial shipment allowedC.shipping adviceD.transshipment to be permitted2.By the clause warehouse to warehouse, the policy provides an overriding time limit of _____days after the completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.A.30B.60C. 65D. 903. It is acceptable that the validity place of L/C is in ______A.importer‟s countryB.exporter‟s countryC. any third countryD. country instructed by importer4. If the breach of contract is non-fundamental, the injured party ____A. can only claim damages but cannot declare the contract voidedB. can only declare the contract voided but cannot claim damagesC. neither can claim damages nor can declare the contract voidedD. either can claim damages or can declare the contract voided5. Since the scope of cover of general additional risks is already included in, it is not necessary fro the goods to be insured by additional risks if it is insured by _____A.W.P.A.B. F.P.A.C.All RisksD.War Risk6. During the time limit of loading and unloading, in case the charterer finishes the work ofloading and unloading ahead of schedule, then the ship-owner shall pay certain amount of bonus to the charterer, this is so-called _______A. dispatch moneyB. demurrageC. paymentD. surcharges7. If the goods are contracted to be sold on ____ terms, then it is the _____‟s turn totake out the insurance and pay the premium.A. CFR … ExporterB. CIF … ImporterC. CFR … ShipperD. CIF … Exporter8. The shipper or consignor on B/L is normally theA. exporterB. importerC. shipping companyD. bank9. Since the opening bank takes the ____ responsibility for the payment, the opening bank should be carefully chosen.A. firstB. second C thirdD. fourth10. Perils of sea are those caused by ____A. calamities and accidentsB. fortuitous and accidentsC. accidentsD. calamities and fortuitouscase analysis:1. A contract was signed between the seller and the buyer for some kindof chemical product on the basis of FOB xxx port and the goods were foundto be in conformity with the requirement of the contract in respect of qualityby inspection before shipping. On arrival, it was found that part of the goodscoagulated (结成硬块) and the quality was not up to the standard set in thecontract after the buyer took delivery of the goods. The investigation showedthat it was caused by absorbing moisture in transit due to improper packing.So the buyer filed a claim against the seller for this but the seller pointed out that the goods conformed to the quality requirement before shipping and thedamage was caused during the transportation after the goods were loaded onboard at the port of shipment. The seller refused to make any compensationbecause such losses of or damages to the goods should be borne by the buyeraccording to international trade practices embodied in Inco-terms 2010.What is your opinion?2. Company A in Country xxx sent company B in country yyy an offer by telex for some kind of agricultural goods as follows:quantity: 1,000 metric tonsunit price: USD200/MT CIF San Franciscopacking: in new gunny bagspayment; by irrevocable letter of creditshipment time: within two months after receipt of relative L/CThis offer is good subject to your reply reaching us within 4 days.The following day after company A telexed this offer, it received a telex reply from company B reading “Accept your offer shipment immediately”. Company A did not respond to this. The next day company A received an irrevocable sight L/C issuedby Citi Bank stipulating “shipment within two months after receipt of relativeL/C” in r espect of shipment time. In view of the very booming international market for this product, company A refused to sell the goods as offered before and returned the L/C accordingly. But company B insisted that contract was formed betweeneach other so company A had obligation to deliver the goods as offered. What isyour opinion based on the stipulations in CISG (United NationsConvention on the International Sale of Goods 1980) if CISG is applicableto this case? Is there a contract between the two parties? (10 points)3. Company A in China exported some goods on the basis of CIF xxx port and took out insurance for 110% of invoice value against FPA as per the relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People‟s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. The ship started sailing at the beginning of July. On July 13, the carrying vessel suffered a thunderstorm and it caused some loss of part of the goods valued at UDS 2,000.00. Days later, it struck upon the rocks in transit and caused partial loss of the goods valued at USD10,000.00. Will the insurance company be responsible forcompensation of both the losses caused? (10 points)1.Advise Tiresias Ltd (…Tiresias‟) on the following transaction.Tiresias sold a quantity of sultanas to Stetson Ltd (…Stetson‟) on terms …FOB, Liverpool, shipment September‟. Under the terms of the contract, Stetson was obliged to nominate a vessel. On 20th September, Stetson nominated the Wasteland, which was already in dock. The following day, Tiresias began to load the sultanas, but did not have sufficient to fulfil the contract and so waited for a further supply to arrive. The loading was completed just before midnight on 30th September. The vessel sailed the following day. Stetson claims Tiresias failed to fulfil its duty to deliver the goods as stipulated in the contract.2. Company A received an irrevocable L/C issued by bank ABC advised and confirmed by bank DEF. This company shipped the goods according to the requirements of the L/C and was going to present the documents for negotiation but received a notice from the confirming bank stating that the issuing bank had gone bankrupt and it would not pay but it could claim payment from the buyer on behalf of company A. What advice will you give company A about his legal position in this matter?3. Company A exported one batch of goods on the basis of payment by D/P at 90 days sight. Company A presented the draft accompanied by the shipping documents required by the relative contract to the remitting bank who forwarded all the documents to the collecting bank in the country of importer. The collecting bank presented all the documents to the importer and the importer accepted the draft presented as required. When the goods arrived at the destination port, the importer borrowed the shipping documents from the collecting bank by providing Trust Receipt in order to take delivery of the goods in time before the maturity of the draft. When the draft matured, the remitting bank was notified by the collecting bank that it was impossible for the importer to pay the accepted draft as it had gone bankrupt. What should company A do? Why?4. Company A cabled an offer to company B abroad on June 15th subject to the reply reaching on 20th inst. Company B submitted the cable of acceptance in the morning on 19th but it reached company A as late as 21st due to delay in transit. Company A did not make any response regarding the acceptance late. On June 26th, Company A sold the goods to another client at a higher price. On June 27th, company A received a cable from company B indicating that L/C had been established and requiring company A to ship the goods promptly. Company A replied company B immediately: “ your acceptance was late, no contract existed.” Company B insis ted that they delivered the cable on 19th and it did not know the fact that the cable was late anyway. In view of this, company B insisted that contract was formed and company A should fulfill its obligation to deliver the goods as offered. What is your opinion if CISG applies here?5. The following contract is entered into between company ABC in China and company XYZ in the USA: “1000 tons of "grade A" dried cod (鳕鱼), USD 1.500.000/MT, CIF Los Angeles INCOTERMS 2010, as per sample submitted. Payment to be by irrevocable letter of credit confirmed by Bank of China opened by October 3rd 2010 for a period of 2 weeks, and to be made against documents evidencing the fulfilment of his CIF obligations, and a certificate of inspection stating the cod to be of grade A quality.”The letter of credit facility is duly opened and the relevant documents being specified to Bank of China and company A proceeds to perform his obligations under the contract.Company B hears rumours that the consignment shipped will not be grade A but grade C, and that the certificate of inspection presented will be a forgery, and instructs both the issuing and confirming banks not to pay against it.Company A presents BOC with the following documents: shipped on board bill of lading for 1000 tons of grade A dried cod in apparent good order and condition; an invoice for the same goods; an insurance policy taken on Institute Cargo Clause C terms; and a certificate of inspection. BOC pays particular attention to the certificateof inspection but is unable to find anything wrong with it as it appears to be in order and as described in their mandate (instructions for opening the credit). BOC pays company A.During the voyage the ship is in a collision and part of her cargo is wet, whilst another portion is deliberately thrown overboard by the crew in order to reduce her weight.When the consignment arrives it is found to be 200 tons short (i.e. there are only 800 tons) and 100 tons of the consignment are damaged by water, and the consignment is found not to be up to sample and not of grade A qualityPlease answer the following questions:(1).Assume that CISG is to apply to the sale of goods transaction. Answer the following:(a) Discuss company A's obligations under the contract he has entered into.(b) Advise company B as to any rights he may have with respect to the seller, carrier, insurance company, bank and any other relevant parties. Inform him of any further details you may require.(2). What are the functions of the bill of lading in international trade? Mention brieflyhow these facilitate trade. ( to facilitate means to benefit, or make easier)(3).(a)What is a condition, a warranty in English law? What is the meaning of"fundamental breach" under the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG)?(b) What are inherent vice; general average; seaworthiness?(c)What is an insurable interest? What is the duty of disclosure in relation tocontracts of insurance?(d)What is meant by: the autonomy of a letter of credit, and the doctrine of strictcompliance?(4).What are the requirements of formation of contract under the United NationsConvention on the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG)?。



















国际贸易实务:国际货物运输保险 习题与答案

国际贸易实务:国际货物运输保险 习题与答案






A.加一成B.加四成C.加两成D.加三成正确答案:A二、多选题1、某载货船只载着甲货主的3 000箱棉织品、乙货主的50公吨小麦、丙货主的200公吨大理石驶往美国纽约。

























每小题1分,共15分)1.在国际贸易中,买卖商品是按重量计价的,若合同未明确规定计算重量的办法时,按惯例,应按( )。

A.净重计B.毛重计C.皮重计D.重量计2.按照现行的国际贸易惯例解释,若以CFR条件成交,买卖双方风险划分是以( )。

A.货物交给承运人保管为界B.货物交给第一承运人保管为界C.货物在目的港越过船舷为界D.货物在装运港越过船舷为界3.《INCOTERMS 2000》C组贸易术语与其它组贸易术语的重要区别之一是( )。

A.交货地点不同B.风险划分地点不同C.风险分别地点与费用分别地点分歧D.费用划分地点不同4.按照国际贸易有关惯例,卖方必须在运输单据上表明( )。

A.包装标记B.警告性标记C.指示性标志D.运输标志5.按FOB条件达成的条约,凡需租船运输大宗货物,应在条约中详细订明( )。

A.装船费用由谁担负B.卸船费用由谁负担C.保险费用由谁担负D.运费由谁负担6.在国际贸易中,海运提单的签发日期是表示( )。

A.货物开始装船的日期B.装载船只到达装运港口的日期C.货物已经装船完毕的日期D.装载船只抵达目的港口的日期7.海运货物中的班轮运输,其班轮运费应该( )。

A.包括装卸费,但不计滞期、速退费B.包孕装卸费,同时计滞期、速遣费C.包括卸货费,应计滞期费,不计速遣费D.包孕装货费,应计速遣费,不计滞期费8.必须经过背书才能进行转让的提单是( )。

A.记名提单B.不记名提单1C.指示提单D.备运提单9.在海洋运输货物保险业务中,共同海损( )。

A.是部分损失的一种B.是所有损失的一种C.有时是所有损失,有时是部分损失D.既是部分损失,又是全部损失10.在国际贸易运输保险业务中,仓至仓条款是( )。

A.承运人负责运输责任起讫的条件B.保险人负责保险责任起讫的条款C.出口人负责交货责任起讫的条款D.进口人负责接货责任起讫的条款11.按XXX海洋货物运输保险条款规定,三种基本险别就保险公司承担的风险责任范围的大小而言,下列四种排列顺序正确的是( )。



国际贸易实务模考试题+参考答案一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,共50分)1、在保险人所承担的海上风险中,恶劣气候、地震属于( )A、特殊外来事故B、意外事故C、一般外来事故正确答案:B2、根据我国现行的《海洋运输保险条款》规定,自然灾害不指( )A、爆炸B、地震C、海啸D、雷电正确答案:A3、银行审单议付的依据是( )。

A、单据和信用证B、信用证和委托书C、合同和信用证D、合同和单据正确答案:A4、对其判定具有强制执行权的机构为( )A、调节中心B、仲裁机构C、贸促会D、法院正确答案:D5、“仓至仓”条款是( )A、出口人负责交货责任起讫的条款B、保险人负责保险责任起讫的条款C、承运人负责运输起讫的条款D、进口人负责付款责任起讫的条款正确答案:B6、在国际贸易中,造型上有特殊要求或具有色香味方面特征的商品适合于( )。

A、凭样品买卖B、凭等级买卖C、凭产地名称买卖D、凭规格买卖正确答案:A7、国外开来的不可撤销信用证规定,汇票的付款人为开证行,货物装船完毕后,闻悉申请人已破产倒闭,则( )。


( )A、亏损B、盈利C、不能确定D、持平正确答案:A9、按我国《商检法》的规定:为出口危险货物生产包装容器的企业必须向商检机构申请包装容器的( )A、包装标志鉴定B、性能鉴定C、安全性鉴定D、使用鉴定正确答案:B10、发生( )违约方可援引不可抗力条款要求免责。

A、世界市场价格上涨B、货币贬值C、生产制作过程中的过失D、洪灾正确答案:D11、采用何种贸易术语,卖方承担的合同义务最低( )A、E组B、F组C、D组D、C组正确答案:A12、目前我国出口的某些工艺品、服装、轻工业品等常用来表示品质的方法是( )。



国际贸易实务习题(附参考答案)一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,共50分)1、按《2010年通则》的解释,CIF与CFR的主要区别在于( )A、前者卖方租船定舱,后者买方租船定舱B、前者卖方办理货运保险,后者买方办理货运保险C、前者卖方承担装船前的一切风险,后者买方承担装船前的一切风险D、前者卖方办理出口手续,后者买方办理出口手续正确答案:B2、按照《2010通则》的规定,以下关于“CIF”的内容提法正确的是( )。




D、货物的风险在货物实际交付时由卖方转移给买方正确答案:A3、托收方式与信用证支付方式的主要区别是( )。

A、前者使用商业汇票,后者使用银行汇票B、前者是商业信用,后者是银行信用C、前者是顺汇,后者是逆汇D、前者对卖方有利,后者对买方有利正确答案:B4、在保险人所承保的海上风险中,搁浅、触礁属于( )A、一般外来风险B、特殊外来风险C、自然灾害D、意外事故正确答案:D5、汇票根据( )不同,分为银行汇票和商业汇票。

A、受款人B、承兑C、出票人D、付款人正确答案:C6、按照《跟单信用证统一惯例》的规定,受益人最后向银行交单议付的期限是不迟于提单签发日的( )。

A、21B、25C、11D、15正确答案:A7、在进出口贸易实践中,对当事人行为无强制性约束的规范是( )。


( )A、FOB出口价B、CIF出口价C、FOB进口价D、CIF进口价正确答案:A9、在CIF出口贸易中,码头工人野蛮装运导致数件货物包装破损,收货后买方寻找的索赔方为( )A、卖方B、船长C、港务D、保险公司正确答案:A10、国际贸易中,运输标志一般由()。

国际贸易单证实务-各章习题答案 第六章 保险单证-习题答案

国际贸易单证实务-各章习题答案 第六章 保险单证-习题答案

第六章保险单证-习题答案一、单项选择题1. A2. D3. B4. C5. B6. C7. B8. D9. C 10. A二、多项选择题1. ABD2. ABCD3. BD4. ABC5. ABCD三、判断题1. ×2. √3. ×4. ×5. ×四、案例分析题1. 分析:保险公司应予以赔偿。




2. 分析:(1)属于单独海损的有:被海水浸湿的A公司350箱丝织品和B公司20公吨大米。


五、简答题1. 我国海运货物保险有哪些险别?答:海洋运输货物保险条款所承保的险别,分为基本险别和附加险别两类。












《国际贸易实务》练习题(附参考答案)篇一:国际贸易实务试卷(含答案)国际贸易实务一. 单项选择题1. CIF LONDON 卖方交货地点是〔 A 〕A.装运港船上B.目的港船上 C.目的港码头 D.装运港码头2.以CIF术语成交,货物在途中灭失应由〔 D 〕A.卖方承当损失B.买方承当损失C.船方承当损失D.买方向保险公司索赔3.国外来证规定,总金额50万元数量为1000公吨散装货物,如果未说明可否溢短装,那么不准分批装运,根据《UCP600》条款规定,卖方发货的〔 D 〕A.数量和总金额均不能增减B.数量和总金额均可增减10%以内C.数量和总金额均可增减5%以内D.数量可增减5%,总金额不超过50美元4.在国际贸易中,海运提单的签发日期是表示〔 B 〕A.货物已经开始装船的日期B.货物已经装船完毕的日期C.装载船只到达装运港口的日期D.装载船只离开装运港口的日期5.某货轮在航行途中,A舱失火,船长误以为B舱也同时失火,命令对两舱同时施救。


那么〔 D 〕A.A舱乙批货物与B舱货物均属共同海损B.A舱乙批货物与B舱货物均属单独海损C.A舱货物均属共同海损D.A舱乙批货物属于共同海损,B舱货物属于单独海损6.在国际贸易中,买卖商品是按重量计价的,假设合同未明确规定计算重量的方法时,按惯例,应按〔 A 〕。

A.净重计 B.毛重计 C.皮重计 D.重量计7.以下单价表示方式正确的选项是〔 C 〕A.USD 100/PC B. 1000/MT CIFC.USD 100/PC London D.USD 100 CIF London8.必须经过背书才能进行转让的提单是〔 C 〕。

A.记名提单B.不记名提单 C.指示提单 D.备运提单9.国际货物买卖使用托收方式,委托并通过银行收取货款使用的汇票是〔 C 〕A.商业汇票,属于银行信用B.银行汇票,属于银行信用C.商业汇票,属于商业信用D.银行汇票,属于商业信用10.D/P at 30 Days Sight 与 D/A at 30 Days Sight 的区别是〔 A 〕A.前者30天后付款交单;后者承兑后交单,30天后付款B.都是30天后付款交单C.都是承兑后交单D.付款和交单的时间都不一样二.多项选择题1.海洋运输货运险的根本险别有〔 ABC 〕2. FOB、CFR、CIF这三个贸易术语的相同点是〔 AD 〕A.买卖双方的报关责任相同 B.买卖双方承当的运费责任相同C.买卖双方承当的保险费责任相同 D.买卖双方承当的货物风险责任相同3.构成共同海损的条件是〔ABCE〕A.共同海损的危险必须是实际存在的,不是主观臆测的B.消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施必须是合理的C.必须是属于非正常性质的损失D.采取措施后,船方和货方都作出了一定的牺牲E.支出的费用必须是额外的4.租船运输包括〔 AD 〕A.定期租船 B.集装箱运输 C.班轮运输 D.定程租船5.海运提单的性质与作用主要是〔 BCD 〕A.它是海运单据的惟一表现形式B.它是承运人或其代理人出具的货物收据C.它是代表货物所有权的凭证D.它是承运人与托运人之间订立的运输契约的证明6.海上货物保险中,除合同另有约定外,哪些原因造成货物损失,保险人不予赔偿〔ABCD〕A.交货延迟 B.被保险人的过失C.市场行情变化 D.货物自然损耗7.共同海损分摊时,涉及的收益方包括〔 ABC 〕A.货方 B.船方 C.运费方 D.救助方8.信用证支付方式的特点是〔 BCD 〕A.信用证是一种商业信用 B.信用证是一种银行信用C.信用证是一种单据的买卖 D.信用证是一种自足的文件9.罚金条款一般适用于〔 ABC 〕A.卖方延期交货 B.买方延迟开立信用证C.买方延期接运货物 D.一般商品买卖10.备用信用证与一般的跟单信用证的区别主要在于〔 ABC 〕A.适用的范围不同B.银行付款的条件不同C.受款人要求银行付款时所需要提交的单据不同D.备用信用证属于商业信用,而跟单信用证那么属于银行信用三.判断并说明原因1.贸易术语的变形是由于在程租船运输的情况下,CIF要明确目的港的卸货费用由谁承当的问题。

国际贸易实务 第5章课后练习参考答案

国际贸易实务 第5章课后练习参考答案



























1.If we have to choose a Europe port by which no direct liner to stop or the trips are few, we should stipulate “ ______” in the contract.A.main ports in EuropeB.partial shipment allowedC.shipping adviceD.transshipment to be permitted2.By the clause warehouse to warehouse, the policy provides an overriding time limit of _____days after the completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.A.30B.60C. 65D. 903. It is acceptable that the validity place of L/C is in ______A. importer’s countryB.exporter’s countryC. any third countryD. country instructed by importer4. If the breach of contract is non-fundamental, the injured party ____A. can only claim damages but cannot declare the contract voidedB. can only declare the contract voided but cannot claim damagesC. neither can claim damages nor can declare the contract voidedD. either can claim damages or can declare the contract voided5. Since the scope of cover of general additional risks is already included in, it is not necessary fro the goods to be insured by additional risks if it is insured by _____A.W.P.A.B. F.P.A.C.All RisksD.War Risk6. During the time limit of loading and unloading, in case the charterer finishes the work ofloading and unloading ahead of schedule, then the ship-owner shall pay certain amount of bonus to the charterer, this is so-called _______A. dispatch moneyB. demurrageC. paymentD. surcharges7. If the goods are contracted to be sold on ____ terms, then it is the _____’s turn totake out the insurance and pay the premium.A. CFR … ExporterB. CIF … ImporterC. CFR … ShipperD. CIF … Exporter8. The shipper or consignor on B/L is normally theA. exporterB. importerC. shipping companyD. bank9. Since the opening bank takes the ____ responsibility for the payment, the opening bank should be carefully chosen.A. firstB. second C thirdD. fourth10. Perils of sea are those caused by ____A. calamities and accidentsB. fortuitous and accidentsC. accidentsD. calamities and fortuitouscase analysis:1. A contract was signed between the seller and the buyer for some kindof chemical product on the basis of FOB xxx port and the goods were found to be in conformity with the requirement of the contract in respect of qualityby inspection before shipping. On arrival, it was found that part of the goodscoagulated (结成硬块) and the quality was not up to the standard set in thecontract after the buyer took delivery of the goods. The investigation showedthat it was caused by absorbing moisture in transit due to improper packing.So the buyer filed a claim against the seller for this but the seller pointed out that the goods conformed to the quality requirement before shipping and thedamage was caused during the transportation after the goods were loaded onboard at the port of shipment. The seller refused to make any compensationbecause such losses of or damages to the goods should be borne by the buyeraccording to international trade practices embodied in Inco-terms 2010.What is your opinion? 2. Company A in Country xxx sent company B in country yyy an offer by telex for some kind of agricultural goods as follows:quantity: 1,000 metric tonsunit price: USD200/MT CIF San Franciscopacking: in new gunny bagspayment; by irrevocable letter of creditshipment time: within two months after receipt of relative L/CThis offer is good subject to your reply reaching us within 4 days.The following day after company A telexed this offer, it received a telex reply from company B reading “Accept your offer shipment immediately”. Company A did notrespond to this. The next day company A received an irrevocable sight L/C issuedby Citi Bank stipulating “shipment within two months after receipt of relativeL/C” in respect of shipment time. In view of the very booming international marketfor this product, company A refused to sell the goods as offered before and returnedthe L/C accordingly. But company B insisted that contract was formed betweeneach other so company A had obligation to deliver the goods as offered. What isyour opinion based on the stipulations in CISG (United NationsConvention on the International Sale of Goods 1980) if CISG is applicableto this case? Is there a contract between the two parties? (10 points)3. Company A in China exported some goods on the basis of CIF xxx port andtook out insurance for 110% of invoice value against FPA as per the relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. The ship started sailing at the beginning of July. On July 13, the carrying vessel suffered a thunderstorm and it caused some loss of part of the goods valued at UDS 2,000.00. Days later, it struck upon the rocks in transit and caused partial loss of the goods valued at USD10,000.00. Will the insurance company be responsible forcompensation of both the losses caused? (10 points)1.Advise Tiresias Ltd (‘Tiresias’) on the following transaction.Tiresias sold a quantity of sultanas to Stetson Ltd (‘Stetson’) on terms ‘FOB, Liverpool, shipment September’. Under the terms of the contract, Stetson was obliged to nominate a vessel. On 20th September, Stetson nominated the Wasteland, which was already in dock. The following day, Tiresias began to load the sultanas, but did not have sufficient to fulfil the contract and so waited for a further supply to arrive. The loading was completed just before midnight on 30th September. The vessel sailed the following day. Stetson claims Tiresias failed to fulfil its duty to deliver the goods as stipulated in the contract.2. Company A received an irrevocable L/C issued by bank ABC advised and confirmed by bank DEF. This company shipped the goods according to the requirements of the L/C and was going to present the documents for negotiation but received a notice from the confirming bank stating that the issuing bank had gone bankrupt and it would not pay but it could claim payment from the buyer on behalf of company A. What advice will you give company A about his legal position in this matter?3. Company A exported one batch of goods on the basis of payment by D/P at 90 days sight. Company A presented the draft accompanied by the shipping documents required by the relative contract to the remitting bank who forwarded all the documents to the collecting bank in the country of importer. The collecting bank presented all the documents to the importer and the importer accepted the draft presented as required. When the goods arrived at the destination port, the importer borrowed the shipping documents from the collecting bank by providing Trust Receipt in order to take delivery of the goods in time before the maturity of the draft. When the draft matured, the remitting bank was notified by the collecting bank that it was impossible for the importer to pay the accepted draft as it had gone bankrupt. What should company A do? Why?4. Company A cabled an offer to company B abroad on June 15th subject to the reply reaching on 20th inst. Company B submitted the cable of acceptance in the morning on 19th but it reached company A as late as 21st due to delay in transit. Company A did not make any response regarding the acceptance late. On June 26th, Company A sold the goods to another client at a higher price. On June 27th, company A received a cable from company B indicating that L/C had been established and requiring company A to ship the goods promptly. Company A replied company B immediately: “ your acceptance was late, no contract existed.” Company B insisted that they delivered the cable on 19th and it did not know the fact that the cable was late anyway. In view of this, company B insisted that contract was formed and company A should fulfill its obligation to deliver the goods as offered. What is your opinion if CISG applies here?5. The following contract is entered into between company ABC in China and company XYZ in the USA: “1000 tons of "grade A" dried cod (鳕鱼), USD 1.500.000/MT, CIF Los Angeles INCOTERMS 2010, as per sample submitted. Payment to be by irrevocable letter of credit confirmed by Bank of China opened by October 3rd 2010 for a period of 2 weeks, and to be made against documents evidencing the fulfilment of his CIF obligations, and a certificate of inspection stating the cod to be of grade A quality.”The letter of credit facility is duly opened and the relevant documents being specified to Bank of China and company A proceeds to perform his obligations under the contract.Company B hears rumours that the consignment shipped will not be grade A but grade C, and that the certificate of inspection presented will be a forgery, and instructs both the issuing and confirming banks not to pay against it.Company A presents BOC with the following documents: shipped on board bill of lading for 1000 tons of grade A dried cod in apparent good order and condition; an invoice for the same goods; an insurance policy taken on Institute Cargo Clause C terms; and a certificate of inspection. BOC pays particular attention to the certificateof inspection but is unable to find anything wrong with it as it appears to be in order and as described in their mandate (instructions for opening the credit). BOC pays company A.During the voyage the ship is in a collision and part of her cargo is wet, whilst another portion is deliberately thrown overboard by the crew in order to reduce her weight.When the consignment arrives it is found to be 200 tons short (i.e. there are only 800 tons) and 100 tons of the consignment are damaged by water, and the consignment is found not to be up to sample and not of grade A qualityPlease answer the following questions:(1).Assume that CISG is to apply to the sale of goods transaction. Answer the following:(a) Discuss company A's obligations under the contract he has entered into.(b) Advise company B as to any rights he may have with respect to the seller, carrier, insurance company, bank and any other relevant parties. Inform him of any further details you may require.(2). What are the functions of the bill of lading in international trade? Mention brieflyhow these facilitate trade. ( to facilitate means to benefit, or make easier)(3).(a)What is a condition, a warranty in English law? What is the meaning of"fundamental breach" under the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG)?(b) What are inherent vice; general average; seaworthiness?(c)What is an insurable interest? What is the duty of disclosure in relation tocontracts of insurance?(d)What is meant by: the autonomy of a letter of credit, and the doctrine of strictcompliance?(4).What are the requirements of formation of contract under the United NationsConvention on the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG)?。






A.部分损失 B.全部损失C.单件损失 D.有时是全部损失,有时是部分损失3、在海洋运输货物保险业务中,涉及单方面利益的损失,达到全部损失程度时,()。

A.按全损处理 B.按单独海损处理C.按推定全损处理 D.按共同损失处理4、按照英国伦敦保险协会《协会货物条款》,保险公司对ICC.(A)、ICC.(B)及ICC.(C)三种基本险所承担的责任范围最大的是()。

A.ICC.(A) B.ICC.(B) C.ICC.(C)5、某货轮在航行途中,A舱失火,船长误以为B舱也同时失火,命令丢两舱同时施救,A舱共有两批货物,甲批货物全部焚毁,乙批货物为棉织被单,全部遭受水浸;B舱货物也全部遭受水浸。



A.一切险加战争险 B.一切险C.平安险 D.水渍险7、仓至仓条款是()。



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1.If we have to choose a Europe port by which no direct liner to stop or the trips are few, we should stipulate “ ______” in the contract.A.main ports in EuropeB.partial shipment allowedC.shipping adviceD.transshipment to be permitted2.By the clause warehouse to warehouse, the policy provides an overriding time limit of _____days after the completion of discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the final port of discharge.A.30B.60C. 65D. 903. It is acceptable that the validity place of L/C is in ______A. importer’s countryB.exporter’s countryC. any third countryD. country instructed by importer4. If the breach of contract is non-fundamental, the injured party ____A. can only claim damages but cannot declare the contract voidedB. can only declare the contract voided but cannot claim damagesC. neither can claim damages nor can declare the contract voidedD. either can claim damages or can declare the contract voided5. Since the scope of cover of general additional risks is already included in, it is not necessary fro the goods to be insured by additional risks if it is insured by _____A.W.P.A.B. F.P.A.C.All RisksD.War Risk6. During the time limit of loading and unloading, in case the charterer finishes the work ofloading and unloading ahead of schedule, then the ship-owner shall pay certain amount of bonus to the charterer, this is so-called _______A. dispatch moneyB. demurrageC. paymentD. surcharges7. If the goods are contracted to be sold on ____ terms, then it is the _____’s turn totake out the insurance and pay the premium.A. CFR … ExporterB. CIF … ImporterC. CFR … ShipperD. CIF … Exporter8. The shipper or consignor on B/L is normally theA. exporterB. importerC. shipping companyD. bank9. Since the opening bank takes the ____ responsibility for the payment, the opening bank should be carefully chosen.A. firstB. second C thirdD. fourth10. Perils of sea are those caused by ____A. calamities and accidentsB. fortuitous and accidentsC. accidentsD. calamities and fortuitouscase analysis:1. A contract was signed between the seller and the buyer for some kindof chemical product on the basis of FOB xxx port and the goods were found to be in conformity with the requirement of the contract in respect of qualityby inspection before shipping. On arrival, it was found that part of the goodscoagulated (结成硬块) and the quality was not up to the standard set in thecontract after the buyer took delivery of the goods. The investigation showedthat it was caused by absorbing moisture in transit due to improper packing.So the buyer filed a claim against the seller for this but the seller pointed out that the goods conformed to the quality requirement before shipping and thedamage was caused during the transportation after the goods were loaded onboard at the port of shipment. The seller refused to make any compensationbecause such losses of or damages to the goods should be borne by the buyeraccording to international trade practices embodied in Inco-terms 2010.What is your opinion? 2. Company A in Country xxx sent company B in country yyy an offer by telex for some kind of agricultural goods as follows:quantity: 1,000 metric tonsunit price: USD200/MT CIF San Franciscopacking: in new gunny bagspayment; by irrevocable letter of creditshipment time: within two months after receipt of relative L/CThis offer is good subject to your reply reaching us within 4 days.The following day after company A telexed this offer, it received a telex reply from company B reading “Accept your offer shipment immediately”. Company A did notrespond to this. The next day company A received an irrevocable sight L/C issuedby Citi Bank stipulating “shipment within two months after receipt of relativeL/C” in respect of shipment time. In view of the very booming international marketfor this product, company A refused to sell the goods as offered before and returnedthe L/C accordingly. But company B insisted that contract was formed betweeneach other so company A had obligation to deliver the goods as offered. What isyour opinion based on the stipulations in CISG (United NationsConvention on the International Sale of Goods 1980) if CISG is applicableto this case? Is there a contract between the two parties? (10 points)3. Company A in China exported some goods on the basis of CIF xxx port andtook out insurance for 110% of invoice value against FPA as per the relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated Jan. 1, 1981. The ship started sailing at the beginning of July. On July 13, the carrying vessel suffered a thunderstorm and it caused some loss of part of the goods valued at UDS 2,000.00. Days later, it struck upon the rocks in transit and caused partial loss of the goods valued at USD10,000.00. Will the insurance company be responsible forcompensation of both the losses caused? (10 points)1.Advise Tiresias Ltd (‘Tiresias’) on the following transaction.Tiresias sold a quantity of sultanas to Stetson Ltd (‘Stetson’) on terms ‘FOB, Liverpool, shipment September’. Under the terms of the contract, Stetson was obliged to nominate a vessel. On 20th September, Stetson nominated the Wasteland, which was already in dock. The following day, Tiresias began to load the sultanas, but did not have sufficient to fulfil the contract and so waited for a further supply to arrive. The loading was completed just before midnight on 30th September. The vessel sailed the following day. Stetson claims Tiresias failed to fulfil its duty to deliver the goods as stipulated in the contract.2. Company A received an irrevocable L/C issued by bank ABC advised and confirmed by bank DEF. This company shipped the goods according to the requirements of the L/C and was going to present the documents for negotiation but received a notice from the confirming bank stating that the issuing bank had gone bankrupt and it would not pay but it could claim payment from the buyer on behalf of company A. What advice will you give company A about his legal position in this matter?3. Company A exported one batch of goods on the basis of payment by D/P at 90 days sight. Company A presented the draft accompanied by the shipping documents required by the relative contract to the remitting bank who forwarded all the documents to the collecting bank in the country of importer. The collecting bank presented all the documents to the importer and the importer accepted the draft presented as required. When the goods arrived at the destination port, the importer borrowed the shipping documents from the collecting bank by providing Trust Receipt in order to take delivery of the goods in time before the maturity of the draft. When the draft matured, the remitting bank was notified by the collecting bank that it was impossible for the importer to pay the accepted draft as it had gone bankrupt. What should company A do? Why?4. Company A cabled an offer to company B abroad on June 15th subject to the reply reaching on 20th inst. Company B submitted the cable of acceptance in the morning on 19th but it reached company A as late as 21st due to delay in transit. Company A did not make any response regarding the acceptance late. On June 26th, Company A sold the goods to another client at a higher price. On June 27th, company A received a cable from company B indicating that L/C had been established and requiring company A to ship the goods promptly. Company A replied company B immediately: “ your acceptance was late, no contract existed.” Company B insisted that they delivered the cable on 19th and it did not know the fact that the cable was late anyway. In view of this, company B insisted that contract was formed and company A should fulfill its obligation to deliver the goods as offered. What is your opinion if CISG applies here?5. The following contract is entered into between company ABC in China and company XYZ in the USA: “1000 tons of "grade A" dried cod (鳕鱼), USD 1.500.000/MT, CIF Los Angeles INCOTERMS 2010, as per sample submitted. Payment to be by irrevocable letter of credit confirmed by Bank of China opened by October 3rd 2010 for a period of 2 weeks, and to be made against documents evidencing the fulfilment of his CIF obligations, and a certificate of inspection stating the cod to be of grade A quality.”The letter of credit facility is duly opened and the relevant documents being specified to Bank of China and company A proceeds to perform his obligations under the contract.Company B hears rumours that the consignment shipped will not be grade A but grade C, and that the certificate of inspection presented will be a forgery, and instructs both the issuing and confirming banks not to pay against it.Company A presents BOC with the following documents: shipped on board bill of lading for 1000 tons of grade A dried cod in apparent good order and condition; an invoice for the same goods; an insurance policy taken on Institute Cargo Clause C terms; and a certificate of inspection. BOC pays particular attention to the certificateof inspection but is unable to find anything wrong with it as it appears to be in order and as described in their mandate (instructions for opening the credit). BOC pays company A.During the voyage the ship is in a collision and part of her cargo is wet, whilst another portion is deliberately thrown overboard by the crew in order to reduce her weight.When the consignment arrives it is found to be 200 tons short (i.e. there are only 800 tons) and 100 tons of the consignment are damaged by water, and the consignment is found not to be up to sample and not of grade A qualityPlease answer the following questions:(1).Assume that CISG is to apply to the sale of goods transaction. Answer the following:(a) Discuss company A's obligations under the contract he has entered into.(b) Advise company B as to any rights he may have with respect to the seller, carrier, insurance company, bank and any other relevant parties. Inform him of any further details you may require.(2). What are the functions of the bill of lading in international trade? Mention brieflyhow these facilitate trade. ( to facilitate means to benefit, or make easier)(3).(a)What is a condition, a warranty in English law? What is the meaning of"fundamental breach" under the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG)?(b) What are inherent vice; general average; seaworthiness?(c)What is an insurable interest? What is the duty of disclosure in relation tocontracts of insurance?(d)What is meant by: the autonomy of a letter of credit, and the doctrine of strictcompliance?(4).What are the requirements of formation of contract under the United NationsConvention on the International Sale of Goods 1980 (CISG)?。
