



Nursing rounds of cerebral hemorrhageXu guiying:Department of NeurologyCerebral hemorrhageRefers to the primary substance of non-traumatic brain hemorrhage,which accounts for 20% to 30% in acute cerebrovascular diseasecerebral vascular disease.脑出血是指原发性脑实质出血占全部脑卒中的20%~30%Etiological factor(1)Hypertension with atherosclerosis (most common)。

(2)Intracranial aneurysms (mainly congenital aneurysm)。

(3)Cerebral arteriovenous malformations(4)Other: moyamoya disease, blood disease.病因(1)高血压并发细小动脉硬化(最常见)。



PathogenesisBasis of disease: hypertension and cerebrovascular diseaseAdditional factors:force and emotional changes发病机制基础疾病:高血压,脑血管疾病其他因素:用力,情绪改变Clinical manifestations1.it Often occurs in the hypertensive patients who are over 50 years old2.Prodromal symptoms often do not have a feeling, a small number of dizziness, headache, numbness and slurred speech, and many more in the emotional stress, excitement, bowel movements, hard, and when the incidence of severe climate change.2.临床表现1。



最全的医学英语之NO.11、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order]Prophylaxis 预防性用药Duration of oder 用药时间Procedure 操作,手术Empiric theraphy 经验性治疗Suspected site and organism 怀疑感染的部位和致病菌Cultures ordered 做培养Documented infection 明确感染Site and organism 部位和致病菌Explanation required 解释理由Antibiotic allergies 何种抗生素过敏No known allergy 无已知的过敏Drug+dose+Route+frequency药名+剂量+途径+次数2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer] Admit / transfer to 收入或转入Resident 住院医师Attending 主治医师Condition 病情Diagnosis 诊断Diet 饮食Acitivity 活动Vital signs 生命体征I / O 记进出量Allergies 过敏3、住院病历[case history]Identification 病人一般情况Name 姓名Sex 性别Age 年龄Marriage 婚姻Person to notify and phone No. 联系人及电话Race 民族I.D.No. 身份证Admission date 入院日期Source of history 病史提供者Reliability of history 可靠程度Medical record No 病历号Business phone No 工作单位电话Home address and phone No 家庭住地及电话Chief complaint 主诉History of present illness 现病史Past History 过去史Surgical 外科Medical 内科Medications 用药Allergies 过敏史Social History 社会史Habits 个人习惯Smoking 吸烟Family History 家族史Ob/Gyn History 婚姻/生育史Alcohol use 喝酒Review of Systems 系统回顾General 概况Eyes,Ears,Nose and throat 五官Pulmonary 呼吸Cardiovascular 心血管GI 消化GU 生殖、泌尿系统Musculoskeletal 肌肉骨骼Neurology 神经系统Endocrinology 内分泌系统Lymphatic/Hematologic 淋巴系统/血液系统Physical Exam 体检Vital Signs 生命体征P 脉博Bp 血压R 呼吸T 温度Height 身高Weight 体重General 概况HEENT 五官Neck 颈部Back/Chest 背部/胸部Breast 乳房Heart 心脏Heart rate 心率Heart rhythm 心律Heart Border 心界Murmur 杂音Abdomen 腹部Liver 肝Spleen 脾Rectal 直肠Genitalia 生殖系统Extremities 四肢Neurology 神经系统cranial nerves 颅神经sensation 感觉Motor 运动*Special P.E. on diseased organ system[专科情况]*Radiographic Findings[放射]*Laboratory Findings[化验]*Assessment[初步诊断与诊断依据]*Summary[病史小结]*Treatment Plan[治疗计划]4、输血申请单[Blood bank requisition form](1)reason for infusion[输血原因]▲红细胞[packed red cells, washed RBCs]: *Hb<8.5 [血色素<8.5]*>20% blood volume lost [>20%血容量丢失]*cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb <8[心肺分流术伴预计血色素<8]*chemotherapy or surgery with Hb <10[血色素<10的化疗或手术者]▲全血[whole blood]:massive on-going blood loss[大量出血]▲血小板[platelets]:*massive blood transfusion >10 units[输血10单位以上者]*platelet count <50×103/μl with active bleeding or surgery[血小板<5万伴活动性出血或手术者]*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uithpl<100×103/μl wit h octive bleeding[心肺分流术伴血小板<10万,活动性出血者]*Platelet count <20×103/μl[血板<2万]▲新鲜冰冻血浆[fresh frozen plasma]:*documented abnormal PT or PTT with bleeding or Surgery[PT、PTT异常的出血或手术病人]*specific clotting factor deficiencies with bleeding/surgerg[特殊凝血因子缺乏的出血/手术者]*blood transfusion >15units[输血>15个单位] *warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy with bleeding[华法令或溶栓治疗后出血]*DIC[血管内弥漫性凝血]*Antithrombin III dficiency[凝血酶III 缺乏](2)输血要求[request for blood components]*patient blood group[血型]*Has the patient had transfusion or pregnancy in the past 3 months? [近3个月,病人是否输过血或怀孕过?]*Type and crossmatch[血型和血交叉]*Units or ml[单位或毫升]5、出院小结[discharge summary]Patient Name[病人姓名]Medical Record No.[病历号]Attending Physician[主治医生]Date of Admission[入院日期]Date of Discharge[出院日期]Pirncipal Diagnosis[主要诊断]Secondary Diagnosis[次要诊断]Complications[并发症]Operation[手术名称]Reason for Admission[入院理由]Physical Findings[阳性体征]Lab/X-ray Findings[化验及放射报告]Hospital Course[住院诊治经过]Condition[出院状况]Disposition[出院去向]Medications[出院用药]Prognosis[预后]Special Instruction to the Patient(diet, physical activity)[出院指导(饮食,活动量)]Follow-up Care[随随访]6、住院/出院病历首页[Admission/discharge record]Patient name[病人姓名]race[种族]address[地址]religion[宗教]medical service[科别]admit (discharge) date[入院(出院)日期]Length of stay [住院天数]guarantor name [担保人姓名]next of kin or person to notify[需通知的亲属姓名]relation to patient[与病人关系]previous admit date[上次住院日期]admitting physician [入院医生]attending phgsician[主治医生]admitting diagnosis[入院诊断]final (principal) diagnosis[最终(主要)诊断]secondary diagnosis[次要诊断]adverse reactions (complications)[副作用(合并症)] incision type[切口类型]healing course[愈合等级]operative (non-operative) procedures[手术(非手术)操作]nosocomial infection[院内感染]consutants[会诊]Critical-No. of times[抢救次数]recovered-No. of times[成功次数]Diagnosis qualitative analysis[诊断质量]OP.adm.and discharge Dx concur [门诊入院与出院诊断符合率]Clinical and pathological Dx concur[临床与病理诊断符合率]Pre- and post-operative Dx concur [术前术后诊断符合率]Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) after admission[入院后24小时(3天)内确诊]Discharge status[出院状况]recovered[治愈]improved[好转]not improved[未愈]died [死亡]Dispositon[去向]home[家]against medical ad[自动出院]autosy[尸检]transferred to[转院到。



Misdeal 治疗不当
Resident: I assume that you blocked the neurogenic phase with atropine. How did you block the hormonal phase? Director: I put down a Levin tube, and the patient on constant gastric suction. Resident: This will keep the gastric contents from entering the duodenum and the production of secretin, which, in turn, would increase the liberation of pancreatic enzymes, thus adding to the insult.
3. Tertiary system ground
一级查房:经治医师查房,分晨、午、晚三次。普 查全组病人,为“医患对话”。 二级查房:主治医师查房,外称 Teaching Attending Rounds,每天一次。轮流检查所辖各组 病人,除医患对话,尚需“医医对话”。 三级查房:主任查房,外称 professor’s ground 或 chief’s round,每周二次;每次检查主治医师提供1 至2病例; 主要突出“医医对话”。 大查房:great rounds 英美普及,除本科室外, 其他相关科室均参加,国内称大型会诊讨论。
hear fine moist rale? Intern: Yes, I got it.
Director: Why didn’t you hear it?


D. 教学查房对话 teaching dialogue:在上下级医 生之间进行;着重纠错
E. 小结 summary:主治医师对主任查房作应答, 提出整改措施
5. procedures
A. 交班 morning meeting:住院总医师;外称 Senior Resident’s Morning Report
B. 引言 introduction:主治医师;提出重点查房病 例,简述棘手问题
C. 病史报告 case presentation:实习医生,可有 无诊断,诊治计划须系统
Misdeal 治疗不当
• Resident: I assume that you blocked the neurogenic phase with atropine. How did you block the hormonal phase?
• Director: I put down a Levin tube, and the patient on constant gastric suction.
• Resident: This will keep the gastric contents from entering the duodenum and the production of secretin, which, in turn, would increase the liberation of pancreatic enzymes, thus adding to the insult.



Healthy lifestyle recommendations
Eat a balanced die
Women can reduce their risk of computerine fibrosis by following a balanced die that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats
fiber growth
Prevention and numbering ofsure
Regular check ups
It is recommended to have regular check ups to detect
computer fibers early Women should schedule a Pap smart and
This procedure involves removing the fibers while preserving the uterus It can be done through open surgery, laparocopy, or hyperscopy
Imaging examination
X-ray examination
X-ray examination can show the calculation of fibers, specifically for large fibers
CT examination
CT examination can show the internal structure of fibers and their relationships with adult organizations It is particularly useful for patients with fibroids in the abdominal cavity


请你在今晚8点以后禁食, 请你在今晚8点以后禁食,水。你可以在 明天早上做完所有检查后进早餐。 明天早上做完所有检查后进早餐。
We’ll take a little blood from your arm at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. These are the test of routine boold and the liver and kidney functions. And here are some glasses and boxes, Please collect your first urine in the glasses when you get up tomorrow morning. And take an early morning cough to collect your sputum in this box. You should gargle before you cough.
Good afternoon! I’m your duty nurse. Good afternoon! Tomorrow you’ll have a series of examinations. For example, routine blood test, routine urinalysis, tests of the liver and kidney functions, chest Xray, EKG, and cultivation of the sputum. The purpose of those examinations is to know about your body’s details. So, what shall I pay attention to? Please don’t drink and eat after 8:00 pm. You can have your breakfast after your examinations tomorrow morning.



Face and neck scar after implanting the expanders面颈部瘢痕,扩张器植入术后Face scar excision, removed the expanders and replaced the scar with expanded flap 面部瘢痕切除,扩张器去除,扩张皮瓣转移Rectangular mandible and hypertrophy of masseter方形下颌骨,咬肌肥大Out layer of mandible osteotomy and part of masseter excision下颌骨外板截骨,部分咬肌切除Saddle nose and wry nose after trauma鞍鼻,歪鼻外伤后Saddle nose and wry nose correction鞍鼻歪鼻矫正Rectangular mandible and hypertrophy of masseter方形下颌骨,咬肌肥大Mandible angle osteotomy, part of masseter excision and buccal pad removing下颌角截骨,部分咬肌切除,颊脂垫去除Secondary deformity after lip-cleft correction唇裂矫正术后继发畸形Lip deformity correction唇畸形矫正Wry neck斜颈Wry neck correction斜颈矫正Low nose, hypertrophy of nose tip and microgenia低鼻,鼻尖肥大,小颏Nose augmentation with silicon implanter, nose tip reduction, mentum horizontal osteotomy and move forward硅胶假体植入隆鼻,鼻尖缩小,颏部水平截骨前移Aging face and baggy eyelids面部老化,睑袋Face and neck lifting and baggy eyelids excision面颈部提升,睑袋切除Left face and eye depression after tumor excision左面部眼部凹陷,肿瘤切除术后Left face and eye depression filling with autogenous cranial bone and medpor and skin graft from abdomen to release the contraction of the left lower eyelid自体颅骨(外板)切取、medpor,左面部眼部凹陷填充,腹部皮肤移植,左侧下睑挛缩松解Protrusion of zygoma, ectropion of lower eyelids,颧骨突出,下睑外翻Zygoma osteotomy and down fracture and eyelids ectropian correction and temple lifting颧骨截骨下降,眼睑外翻矫正,颞部提升Bilateral secondary deformity after lip cleft correction and alveolar crest cleft唇裂矫正术后双侧继发畸形,牙槽嵴裂Lip and nose deformity correction, alveolar crest cleft repairing with autogenous iliac 唇鼻畸形矫正,取自体髂骨,牙槽嵴裂修复Aging face and prominent mandibular angle(PMA)面部老化,下颌角肥大Frontal and temple lifting and mandible angle grinding额颞部提升,下颌角打磨Face and body scar after burn, ectropion of lower eyelids烧伤后面部躯干瘢痕,下眼睑外翻Eyelids ectropion correction with skin graft from right arm and implanted 2 expanders in the abdomen右上肢皮肤移植,眼睑外翻矫正,腹部扩张器植入Baggy eyelid, low nose, and hypertrophy of nasal tip睑袋,低鼻,鼻尖肥大Baggy eyelid excision, nose augmentation and nasal tip reduction睑袋切除,隆鼻,鼻尖缩小Fat and clumsy of the left ankle flapLeft ankle flap trimmingFace scar and absence of eyebrow面疤,眉毛缺失Eyebrow implanting眉毛种植Lip and nose deformity after lip-cleft correction唇裂矫正术后唇鼻畸形Lip and nose deformity correction唇鼻畸形矫正The first and second branchial arch syndrome第一、二鳃弓综合征Macrostomia correction and skin tag before the left ear excision, facial cleft,nose tip plasty and lengthen the nasal columella大口畸形矫正,左耳前皮赘切除,面裂鼻尖成形,鼻小住延长Right arm granulation wound右上肢肉芽创面Skin graft from the right leg右腿皮肤移植Body scar after burn烧伤后全身瘢痕Implanted 2 expanders in the back and 2 expanders in the leg,abdomen scar dermabrasion背部腿部扩脏器植入,腹部瘢痕磨削术Face and neck scar after burn烧伤后面颈部瘢痕Frontal skin grinding and implanted 2 expanders额部皮肤打磨,扩张器植入Popliteal fossa scar after burn and cicatricial contracture烧伤后腘窝瘢痕,瘢痕挛缩Liposuction, autogenous fat particle injection transplantation吸脂术,字体脂肪颗粒注射移植Rhytidoplasty除皱术Multiple craniofacial fractures after trauma外伤后多发性颅面骨折Frontal glabella depression filling with autogenous cranial bone , internal fixation by Ti plate and Ti screw, nasal bone fracture reduction, wry nose deformity correction, Internal fixation of left zygoma and maxilla by Ti plate and Ti screw自体颅骨外板切取,额部眉间凹陷填充,钛板钛钉内固定,鼻骨骨折复位,歪鼻矫正,左颧骨上颌骨骨折钛板钛钉内固定Osteotomy and inward shift of right zygoma, internal fixation by Ti plate and Ti screw, grinding of left zygoma, nose augmentation with silicon implanter, right frontal and temple lifting右侧颧骨截骨内收,钛板钛钉内固定,左侧颧骨打磨,硅胶假体植入隆鼻,右侧额颞部提升The pantient’s name is ,male(female) or year’s old boy(girl). The diagnosis is .We performed the operation of last Monday(yesterday or 3 days ago). We gave the patient antibiotic and hemostatic(or we tried to improve the microcirculation of flap) after operation. The drainage tube was removed in the second day post operation. We changed the dress in the second day post operation. Today is the fourth day after operation, the condition of the patient is good, temperature is normal.。



PBL教学查房法第一篇:PBL教学查房法problem-based learning简称PBL 以问题为导向的教学查房方法PBL护理查房是以问题为基础的护理查房,主要通过讨论对疑难、危重病例,新业务、新技术等中存在的问题进行有准备、有目的、有针对性地讨论、分析,最终找出解决问题的查房过程。








下面先请护师贾杨阳做病例介绍:一、病例介绍(一)病史患者刘伟,男,40岁,以“ 发热4天,伴黄疸进行性加重3天,意识障碍8小时”为代诉入院,家属代诉:患者于4天前,无明显诱因出现发热,当时未测体温,自行吃退热药后体温好转,夜间自觉体温好转,未再吃药。





Oncology department of Shanghai Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to shanghai University of TraditionalChinese MedicineThe scripts of Ward Round in English——R ectal Adenocarcinoma上海中医药大学附属曙光医院——肿瘤科英语查房剧本——直肠腺癌Chief: Dr.Zhong Yi 钟薏Attending Dr. Liu Hong Jie 刘宏杰Resident Dr. Zhang Yan Bo张彦博Intern Chen Xuan 陈旋Patient Shu Jia He 束家和A. Morning shift情景A:交班OFFICE:办公室Chief: ok! let's begin our morning shift.主任:好,现在开始晨交班。

Intern: DEC 10th 2007,morning shift. total number of the patients is 34,including 1 new admission, no critical patients. all the patients are in stable condition.the new admission in Bed No.12 is Mr. Wang yong,,male,61y.Who's chief complaint: low rectal adenocarcinoma ,received Mile’s operation 20days ago. diagnosis at present: low rectal adenocarcinoma.That's all for today's morning shift.实习医生:2007年12月10日晨交班,病人总数34人,新病人1人,危重病人0人,病人病情稳定。


D. 教学查房对话 teaching dialogue:在上下级医 生之间进行;着重纠错
E. 小结 summary:主治医师对主任查房作应答, 提出整改措施
6. figures
Director 主任 Visiting physician 主治医师 Chief resident 住院总医师
Residents 住院医师 Interns 实习医师 Patient 病人
5. procedures
A. 交班 morning meeting:住院总医师;外称 Senior Resident’s Morning Report
B. 引言 introduction:主治医师;提出重点查房病 例,简述棘手问题
C. 病史报告 case presentation:实习医生,可有 无诊断,诊治计划须系统
Misdeal 治疗不当
Resident: I assume that you blocked the neurogenic phase with atropine. How did you block the hormonal phase?
Director: I put down a Levin tube, and the patient on constant gastric suction.
解决学生实际问题 history: missing 不全 exam: mistake 不正 diagnosis: misdirect 不明 treatment: misdeal 不当
Missing 病史不全
Visiting Surgeon: Have you noticed his light color of his stool?
Resident: This will keep the gastric contents from entering the duodenum and the production of secretin, which, in turn, would increase the liberation of pancreatic enzymes, thus adding to the insult.



教学查房英文互动范文Teaching rounds, also known as bedside teaching, is a crucial part of medical education where students learn to apply theoretical knowledge to practical clinical settings. This interactive process involves a faculty member guiding students through a patient's room, discussing the patient's condition, diagnosis, and treatment plan. It's an excellent opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience, improve their clinical reasoning skills, and develop compassion and empathy towards patients.In this article, we will explore an example of an interactive teaching rounds session in English. Keep in mind that the actual content and flow of the conversation may vary depending on the case, the student's level of experience, and the faculty member's teaching style.Faculty Member: Good morning, everyone. Today we will be conducting teaching rounds for Mr. Smith, a patient with a suspected case of pneumonia. Let's begin by reviewing thepatient's chart.Student 1: Mr. Smith is a 65-year-old male with a history of hypertension and diabetes. He presented to the emergency department with complaints of cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.Faculty Member: Very good. Now, let's go over the physical examination findings. What did you notice?Student 2: Mr. Smith had tachypnea and crackles in his lungs. His temperature was elevated, and he appeared to be in some discomfort.Faculty Member: Excellent observations. Based on these findings, what do you think is the most likely diagnosis?Student 3: Given the symptoms and physical examination findings, I would suspect pneumonia.Faculty Member: Correct. Now, let's discuss the differential diagnosis. What other conditions could presentwith similar symptoms?Student 4: Other possibilities include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and heart failure.Faculty Member: Very well. How would you differentiate between these conditions?Student 5: COPD and asthma usually have a history of chronic respiratory symptoms, while heart failure would present with symptoms like orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.Faculty Member: Correct. Now, let's move on to the treatment plan. What would you recommend for Mr. Smith?Student 6: Antibiotics to treat the suspected bacterial infection, along with fluids and rest to support his symptoms.Faculty Member: That's a good start. Would you considerany other adjunctive therapies?Student 7: I would also recommend oxygen therapy to improve his oxygen saturation and bronchodilators to help with his breathing.Faculty Member: Very good. Now, let's discuss the importance of communication with the patient and his family. How would you explain the diagnosis and treatment plan to them?Student 8: I would explain the suspected diagnosis of pneumonia, the need for antibiotics, and the importance of rest and fluids. I would also assure them that we will monitor any changes in his condition closely.Faculty Member: Excellent. Remember, communication is crucial in building trust and ensuring patient compliance with the treatment plan. Lastly, let's discuss the follow-up plan. What would you recommend?Student 9: Regular monitoring of his symptoms, checkinghis oxygen saturation, and following up with the primary care provider for any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.Faculty Member: Very well. Thank you all for your contributions. Remember, every patient is unique, and it's important to tailor our approach based on their individual needs. Let's go see Mr. Smith now and apply what we've learned.This interactive teaching rounds session provides students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge to a real-world scenario, learn from each other's contributions, and develop their clinical reasoning skills. It also emphasizes the importance of compassionate and effective communication with patients and their families. By engaging in such sessions, students can gain valuable experiencethat will help them become confident and competent clinicians.。



英语查房 交接班
Good morning,everyone, June 10, 2009 pass over report.Let us begin!
The totle number of the patients in our ward is 56.three patients were discharged yesterday,and no patient was shifted out.Two new patients were admitted,and 1 patient was shifted in.
血气分析报告提示pH为7.50,二氧化碳分压(PC O2 )为30毫米汞柱,氧分压(P O2 )为46毫米汞柱。转入重症监护室1小时后,患者接受气管插管、机械通气。




以问题为基础学习(problem-based learning,PBL)是最早由加拿大McMaster教授倡导的一种新教学模式[2]。















英语中医查房消渴Participants(参加者): Director(主任):Doctor Li Visiting physician(主治医师):Doctor Hu Chief resident(住院总医师):Doctor Ye Resident(住院医师):Doctor Wang Intern(实习医师):Doctor Ma Chief resident:Let’s come over to the conventional meeting of clinical case discussion now. The case we are going to discuss today is about a 54-year-old woman with right leg pain and swelling for 1 week of uncertain reason. Obviously,the case has a too complicated manifestation, which brings us some difficulty to diagnose the case. I wish, through today’s discussion, and especially with the help of the director, we would come to the obvious decision. First of all, let’s invite intern doctor to report the history. 住院总医师: 现在,我们来迚行常觃病例讨论。

今天我们要讨论的病例是一个54 岁女性不明愿因下右下肢疼痛肿胀1 周。






教学查房英文互动范文英文回答:Introduction:Teaching rounds are an essential component of medical education, providing learners with the opportunity to engage in direct patient care, develop clinical reasoning skills, and enhance their knowledge. As a medical student, I have had the privilege of participating in numerous teaching rounds, and I am eager to share my experiences and provide a comprehensive overview of this valuable learning experience.Benefits of Teaching Rounds:1. Patient Care: Teaching rounds offer an invaluable opportunity for students to contribute to patient care under the supervision of experienced clinicians. By observing patient interactions, collecting information, andparticipating in treatment discussions, students gain hands-on experience that is vital for their future roles as physicians.2. Clinical Reasoning: Teaching rounds provide a platform for students to develop their clinical reasoning skills. Through discussions with attending physicians and residents, students learn how to synthesize patient data, formulate diagnoses, and determine appropriate treatment plans.3. Knowledge Acquisition: Teaching rounds expose students to a wide range of medical conditions and treatment options. By participating in daily patient management, students expand their knowledge base and enhance their understanding of the complexities of medical practice.4. Communication: Effective communication is essential in patient care. Teaching rounds provide students with opportunities to interact with patients, family members, and healthcare professionals, developing theircommunication skills and fostering their ability to build rapport with individuals from diverse backgrounds.5. Professionalism: Teaching rounds contribute to the development of students' professionalism. By observing experienced clinicians, students learn the importance of professionalism in interacting with patients, colleagues, and other healthcare professionals.Structure of Teaching Rounds:Teaching rounds typically follow a structured format, which may vary depending on the institution and thespecific medical service. In general, the rounds consist of the following steps:1. Patient Presentation: The team presents a brief overview of each patient's medical history, current condition, and treatment plan.2. Physical Examination: Students participate in physical examinations, under the guidance of an attendingphysician or resident.3. Discussion: The team discusses the patient's diagnosis, treatment options, and any relevant medical issues. Students are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the decision-making process.4. Plan of Care: The team collaboratively develops a plan of care for each patient, considering their medical condition, treatment options, and preferences.5. Documentation: Students participate in documenting patient encounters, including writing progress notes and orders.Role of Students in Teaching Rounds:The role of students in teaching rounds is active and participatory. Students are expected to:1. Prepare in Advance: Review patient charts and relevant medical literature before the rounds to enhancetheir understanding of the cases.2. Observe and Participate: Actively observe patient interactions, physical examinations, and discussions, and participate in the discussion when appropriate.3. Ask Questions: Engage in active questioning toclarify concepts, explore alternative diagnoses, and gain a deeper understanding of the patient's medical condition.4. Contribute to the Plan of Care: Offer suggestions and participate in the development of treatment plans, based on their knowledge and clinical reasoning skills.5. Document Accurately: Accurately document patient encounters and participate in writing progress notes and orders.Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Rounds:Teaching rounds present both challenges and opportunities for students. Some of the challenges include:1. Time Constraints: Teaching rounds can be time-consuming, requiring students to balance theirparticipation with their other academic responsibilities.2. Patient Sensitivity: Students need to be sensitive to the privacy and confidentiality of patients, andinteract with them in a respectful and empathetic manner.3. Assertiveness: Students may need to be assertive in asking questions and expressing their opinions, while maintaining a respectful and collaborative approach.Despite these challenges, teaching rounds offer numerous opportunities for students to develop theirclinical skills, knowledge, professionalism, and communication abilities. Students should embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and development.Conclusion:Teaching rounds are a cornerstone of medical education,providing students with an invaluable opportunity to participate in patient care, develop their clinical reasoning skills, and enhance their knowledge. By actively engaging in teaching rounds, students can gain hands-on experience, contribute to patient care, and progress towards becoming competent and compassionate physicians.中文回答:教学查房的介绍:教学查房是医学教育中必不可少的一个环节,它为学生们提供了参与直接的病人护理、发展临床推理技能和增强知识的机会。


examination is gastritis associated with helicobacter pylori.
9.2nd.2011, he came to hospital and took ECG, Echocardiography and 14C Urea breath test, then
这段时间,你要多喝些水和 以及多休息,如果感觉有什么 不舒服的要及时复诊。
All right , let’s get into the third part :discuss a health report of VIP client. At first , please let Michelle introduce the health report of VIP client.
and had IV fluid.
Ms. Dengyu Xian came to hospital and took blood test, then took medicine home.
Ms. Lihongwei had hypodermal injection.
8.7th.2011,he phoned the health consultant
and said that he had got stomach pain in 1 hour and had taken some medicine which the more
unkonwn ,to stop the pain but effectless.
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Developed well Generally speaking, he
is in good condition .
physical examination
心前区无异常隆起,心尖 搏动于左锁骨中线外0.5cm, 无细震颤,心界增大,心 率69次/分,律齐
会诊决定暂时应用β-受体阻 滞剂和钙拮抗剂行药物治疗
Cardiomyopathy) on July 2005.
观察血流动力学,如左室流 Beta blockers and calcium
channel blockers were used.
生于原籍,长期居住新 疆,到过全国各地
Has never been to epidemic area, deny history of poison touching.
治疗,如左室流出道压力阶 差降低不明显,考虑射频消 融结合起搏治疗。
The haemodynamy must be observed.
Past Health History
否认冠心病、糖尿 病病史
否认肝炎、结核等 传染病史
否认手术外伤及输 血史
Deny history of CAD ,diabetes mellitus.
ventricular tachycardia on
June 2006.
给予口服胺腆酮治疗 Oral Amiodarone was given him
to control them.
流出道压力阶差高, Echocardiography shows left

These symptoms can be
休息后可缓解 relieved by rest.
Present Health History
Continuous ECG revels premature ventricular
contractions and paroxysmal
hospital on March 7th 2007.
32年,发作性心悸 Chief complaint:
5年于2007年3月7 日入院。
He has had cardiac murmurs for 32 years, Palpitation for 5 years.
Has history of smoking for many years, he has already quit smoking. Drinking occasionally.
His wife is healthy. The two daughters are also healthy.
Bachelor degree.
intake 5 years ago, sometimes accompanied by
chest discomfort.
Present Health History
No nausea and vomiting, chest pain, dizzy, faint
ventricle hypertrophy, left
ventricle outflow was narrow.
ΔPG is 113mmHg.
现病史 Present Health History
2005年7月明确诊断为肥厚型 He was diagnosed as
Deny history of heritage family disease
Deny history of surgical operations, injuries and blood transfusion.
No medicine allergy
Personal History:
Present Health History
缘于32年前查体发现心 The patient had cardiac
murmurs 32 years ago, but he was asymptomatic.
He felt palpitation
after fatigue or alcohol
Family History
父母双亡, 死因不详
家族中无类 似疾病患者
否认家族遗 传病病史
It has not been found similar disease in his family.
Deny history of family heritage disease.
腹部未见阳性体征。双下 肢无水肿。
Systolic murmur was heard at aortic area.
His parents were died, the reason has not been clear.
physical examination
T36.5℃ P69次/分, R18次/分 BP120/80mmHg
一般情况好,双肺呼吸 音清,未闻及干、湿性 罗音
T:36.5℃, HR:69 b/m, R:18t/m, Bp 120/80mmHg,
Nursing Teaching Round 护理教学查房
Case Report 病例报告
Patient Mai Mai Ti, male,
买买提·艾山,男, 58 year-old ,was born in
He was admitted to the