21世纪大学实用英语综合教程2 unit3 ppt课件

Ⅰ. Objectives
After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to
1. master the basic language and skills necessary to express determination and optimism;
2. understand the main ideas of Texts A and B, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the first two texts;
Time Contents
3) Listening Practice
Before ending, the teacher tells the students how to do Ex. 5-10 as their assignment. The teacher also tells them that they should be prepared to answer the questions in Ex. 9 and give an oral presentation on the topic in Ex.10 when they and the teacher next meet for class.
2) Text A
21世纪大学新英语读写译教程2第二册Unit 3-7课文翻译

Unit 3Text A〔Chinese〕1994年元旦前夕,我生下一名女婴并建立了一项新的业务。

4. Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction.
5. Though we may envy the assurance that comes with success, most of us are attracted by courage in defeat.
Cloze VIII. Choose the best word from each pair to complete the passage below.
X. Translate the following sentences into English.
《读写教程 II》: Ex. X, p. 112
1. 庇护孩子不让他们知道自己已经失败对于他们的成长是
shield children from the knowledge
anything but beneficial
Shielding children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their development.
Translation 2. 爱默生认为在失败与成功之间并无天壤之别。

When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。
Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London. Many people went to see it, including a few celebrated professionals.当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。
When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s, it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。
After completing her second prime ministry, she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。

21世纪⼤学英语读写教程第⼆册Unit 11.I’ve always envied painters and poets —I have no artistic abilitiesat all.2.He’s struggling to overcome his fear of flying, but he stillpanics sometimes when he has to board a plane.3.She held her newborn baby with infinite tenderness.4.The whole nation was plunged into profound grief when Princess Diana died in an accident.5.The volunteers’ mission is to work with the police to reduce crimeon the streets of New York.6.The city is planning a public campaign to awaken people to the problem of noise pollution.7.He was knocked unconscious by a stone, and after I revived him, he didn’t recognize me.8.Once their books are open, A students don’t let anything distractthem from their studies.9.Amanda wasn’t feeling well that day but she performed in the playwith her accustomed ease.10.When you feel overwhelmed by the complications of life in the big city, it’s good to retreat to the countryside for a few days.11.In times of war, people usually buy and store more food as a precaution against shortage.12.The closing of the cigarette factory had disastrous effects on the town’s economy.1. Though excited about the beautiful scenery he was painting, Churchill kept thinking about his daughter Marigold. delighted with2. He struggled for many years before his efforts produced results.bore fruit3. I wonder who kept Clementine from feeling lonely while her husband was painting in Scotland.kept Clementinecompany4. In a market-driven economy, a business can’t depend on the government to help it out.rely on5. Home is the place where you can always find comfort when you meet with frustration(挫折)in your career.takerefuge6. Non-Smoking Day is part of a campaign to make people realize the dangers of smoking.awaken people to7. If you drink any more of that wine, you’ll suffer in the morning.pay the price8. The construction workers happened to find some ancient coins that were made in the 13th century. chance upon9. He was in his 40s when he first attempted to learn calligraphy. triedhis hand at10. Two men suddenly appeared and attacked the girl, but unfortunately some passersby heard her screams and saved her. came toher rescueUnit 21.Please label all the boxes clearly so that we’ll know which ones areours and which belong to you.2.It’s not a simple question. Many different factors have convergedto create the current crisis.3.I can never repay my parents for the many sacrifices they made forme.4.Research shows that humor and fear are two excellent ways to motivate students.5.At first tea was produced only in China; it was later transplantedto India and Japan.6.The sight of the animals’ sufferings so horrified him that he vowednever to visit the zoo again.7. A mother’s bond with her newborn baby is an infinitely deep one that nothing can replace.8.In Australia, women constitute 51% of the population, but occupy only 19% of the managerial positions.9.Thousands of striking workers surged into the city square, demanding higher wages and better working conditions.10.There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countriesbecame rivals and went to war.11.Mary resents having to go to work while her husband sits about the house all day.12.Not all of the author’s recommendations for improving students’performance at school are logical.1.His knowledge that he’d done wrong led him to surrender to the police. sense of guilt2. It was a long and difficult journey, full of strange adventures, butin the end we reached our destination. Finally3. Her early life filled her with deep respect for traditional family values.imbued her with4. Don’t go too close! Elephants are very protective of their children. offspring5. When I first saw my test results I was shocked — but they gave mea strong reason to study harder. horrifiedmotivated me to6. The study ended with several pieces of advice for improving the education system. First of all, it said, we have to lengthen the breaks between classes.recommendations To startwith7. Don’t be too willing to believe! If he intended to give you the job,he would have called you by now.na?ve8. According to the stereotype, boys perform well in math and science; on the other hand, girls are better at languages.by contrastUnit 31.We expected Ellen to do well, but when she got straight A’s she surpassed all our expectations.2.You made a good decision, and I thoroughly approved of it.3.They arrived at the stadium three hours early to ensure that they’dget good seats.4.The company is now thriving thanks to the skillful management andoutstanding technology.5.The directors’ disagreement rapidly escalated into a fight, so the meeting became more exciting than anyone had expected.6.As a junior member of the school’s teaching staff, Janet didn’t feel qualified to discuss the issue with the principal.7.The 20-year-old tennis player’s dream is to represent China at thenext Olympics.8.It was becoming apparent that the elderly chemist’s skills were no longer needed.9.I don’t understand how you can justify spending money on space exploration when there are hungry children in the world.10.Many of the conflicts that spring from cultural differences can be avoided if you keep an open mind.1. You don’t have to support his plan if you think it’s crazy.go along with2. Oh, stop complaining about the rain! It’s good from the standpointof farmers.from the farmers’viewpoint3. This 67-year-old Canadian novelist has delighted a large number of readers with his tales of mystery.multitudes of4. Another joint venture in auto manufacturing has started to experience financial problems.run into5. For Sally, the wonderful evening of music and dancing had finishedtoo soon.come to an end6. Rosemary acquired the basics of Chinese very quickly because she used the language at every opportunity.picked up7. Sometimes when I had trouble controlling my temper, I hardly knew whatI was saying or doing. At times8. Once he’d gotten used to eating with chopsticks, he preferred themto a knife and fork. gotteninto the habit of9. Seeing that she had nothing to say after brief greetings, I tried mybest to ease the awkwardness of the first meeting. smooth over10. I thought the man was lying to protect his wife, but in fact it wasthe reverse.the other wayaroundUnit 41.After Henry lost his job, he couldn’t even afford the necessitiesof life.2.Our current economic circumstances preclude any nonessential purchases.3.The article puts a lot of emphasis on the value of failure as a learning experience.4.Success that comes too easily makes people more prone to failure when real challenges arise.5.Scientific discoveries would make greater contributions to societyif all of them are properly applied to industrial production.6.Nancy distinguished herself as an ice-skater at a very early age, winning three national competitions before she was fifteen.7.She was so obsessed with ice-skating that she never had time for normal childhood activities and experiences.8.Failure is painful for adults and children alike, but it can also bea good teacher.9.Sam called the interviewer to enquire about why his application had been turned down.10.My first impulse was to tell him he was a fool, but I controlled myself.11.Years of living overseas had made her practically a foreigner in her own country.12.The lecturer’s remarks prompted a storm of excited questions fromthe audience.1. We put in a request for a little extra time to finish the project,but the board rejected it. turn down2. The politician enjoyed a successful career but his relationship withhis family suffered. at the cost of3. The author is of the opinion that early success may eventually proveharmful to a p erson’s all-round development. in the long run4. I mistakenly took your umbrella —I’m sorry. byaccident5. The bookshop was on the brink of failing until they expanded theirmerchandise (商品) to include CDs and cassettes. branchout into6. With this out-of-date equipment, you can’t expect good results.count on7. Students sometimes get in the habit of discussing class with annoying comments. When that happens, teachers are advised to send them to theschool psychologist.In suchcases8. From the time she started her own business, she’s been more satisfiedwith her life. ever sinceUnit 51.There are plenty of companies that are eager to sponsor young athletes if theyshow enough promise.2.To succeed in life it is not sufficient only to have talent, capacity and training,one must also have determination or a strong will.3.I don’t claim to be an expert on modern art, but I do know this painting isugly!4.When his prospective employers learned that he had had a drinking problem, they decided against hiring him.5.The position requires a master’s degree and a minimum of two years’ work experience.6.David struggled for years to make it as an actor, but ultimately gave up an wentback to his musical career.7.Overseas students are eligible to enroll in all the regular courses, providedthey have the necessary qualifications.8. A Korean company is planning to open a factory here, which will provide employment for about 2,000 people.9.I’d always worked in an academic setting, so my new position as an office manager was a big change for me.10.It’s much easier for big businesses to get bank loans than it is for small companies.11.There’s a new exhibit of classical artwork at the museum —do you want to go?12.The city government’s first priority is to build a new airport this year.1. He finishes his working day at 6:30. gets off(work)2. Steve tried to work two jobs in addition to studying full time, but he justwasn’t able to cope with it. couldn’t take it3. I think it’s unfair that people who have no other people that they support financially have to pay more taxes. dependents4. We’d better delay our trip until the weather clears up. Postpone5. Wishing isn’t enough; you have to be ready to work hard to fulfill your dream. make your dream come true6. She was so small, she almost had to run in order to stay next to me.along side7. When I recall my university years, I realize what a luxury it was to have nothingto do but pursue an education. look back on8. If you don’t put on some warmer clothes, you’re going to get a cold in theend.end up with acoldUnit 61.Stephen Hawking soon proved himself to be a scientist of great insight and creativity.2.Fear of making mistakes is one of the main obstacles to mastering spoken English.3.The disease affected his muscles and nervous system and gradually paralysed him.4.Cloning, a technological breakthrough, poses some serious ethical (伦理的) problems.5.This book has been proclaimed a modern masterpiece.6.The storms are predicted to reach the North of the country tomorrow morning.7.Initially, his theories created a lot of controversy in scientific circles, butnow they’re widely accepted.8.The old man lives alone and is rarely visited by his neighbors, who considerhim eccentric.9.The government must take some measures to narrow the gap between the rich andthe poor.10.Although he knew he would inherit a great fortune from his father, Richard was determined to earn his own living.1. Big industries that are the source of a lot of pollution pay special taxes that finance environmental clean-up projects. responsible for2. We bought these chairs only last year and they’re collapsing already.falling apart3. Each of us has to solve the problems posed by life in our own way. work out4. Haven’t your parents ever said anything about your spending time in the company of such eccentric things. hanging around with5. Just as Jane put the glass on the table, the cat jumped up and caused it to fall. knocked it off6. Fascinated by the stars and planets, the boy wished to become a professional astronomer someday. dreamedof becoming7. Many educators say that an ability to perform well on tests is completely unrelated to true intelligence.has nothing to do with8. Alfred was a great philosopher and a talented musician as well. at once……and9. Plenty of people who had trouble in school later proved to be creative geniuses. turned out10. Of course you have trouble learning if you never take the trouble to look upnew words in the dictionary. BotherUnit71.Part of a psychiatrist’s work is to provide counseling to help students with personal problems.2.When I’m very angry, I find it best to isolate myself from other people fora little while.3.It’s very sad that many AIDS victims find themselves shunned by friends and neighbors who can’t overcome their fears and prejudices.4.The government official comments on the present economic situation with moderate satisfaction, saying that it is showing signs for the better.5.Mary sneaked off to Paris last weekend all by herself without letting anyone know. She said she just suddenly felt like going away for a few days, and went.6.Many educators feel our schools do too little to promote creativity and critical thinking.7.If our institutions do not have good administration, money will be lost andnothing can be achieved.8.On her way to the airport, it flashed into Catherine’s mind that she’d forgottenher passport.9. A genius is someone who not only has ideas, but also knows how to formulate them in words and communicate them to others.10.Mr. Smith kept himself indoors for a whole week without even opening the windows and his suspicious neighbors reported this to the police.1. How can you expect anyone to have trust in you when you are so careless in everything you do? believe in2. I’m so sorry, but I really can’t go out tonight — I have to do the homeworkI’ve been neglecting. catch up onmy homework3. When we’ve used all our oil supplies, it’ll be too late to look for othersources of energy.run out of4. In spite of what most scientists seem to think, measurements and calculationsare not the only way to discover truth. Regardless of5. With the rapid development of this area, all these old buildings will soon betorn down to clear the space for new ones. make room6. I can’t even afford a bicycle, not to mention a car! let alone7. If a friend is having difficulties, don’t just ask if there’s anything youcan do. Think up something appropriate and do it. in trouble。

Unit1 TextA温斯顿·丘吉尔——他的另一种生活玛丽·索姆斯我的父亲温斯顿·丘吉尔是在40多岁时迷上绘画的,当时他正身处逆境。
新世纪大学英语教材 第二版 综合教程2 unit3 ppt课件

Watching and Discussion
Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions. 1. What are symbols of success in your opinion?
Listen and Respond
Unit 3
Word Bank
Task One
Task Two
detail n. a single point or fact about sth. 细节,细目;小事
in detail giving the details 详细地
— Albert Einstein
Click Picture
Do not concentrate on achieving personal success. Instead, one should try to become a man of value, who is useful to the community and who is always ready to sacrifice for others.
2. What is a successful person like according to your understanding of success?
3. What is your lifetime dream? Why do you have this dream? (Open.)
21世纪大学英语读写教程2reading aloud

Unit 1“Very hesitantly I selected a tube of blue paint,and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.at that moment I heard the sound of a motorcar in the drive and threw down my brush in a panic. I was even more alarmed when I saw who stepped from the car,the wife of Sir John Lavery,the celebrated painter who lived nearby.”“Painting!’she declared.’what fun.But what are you waiting for?’Let me have the brush-the big one.’She plunged into the paints and before I knew it,she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas.Anyone could see it could not hit back.I hesitated no more.I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury.I have never felt any fear of a canvas since.”Unit 2This belief in hard work is the first of three main factors contributing to Asian students’outstanding performance.It springs from Asians’common heritage of Confucianism, the philosophy of the 5th-century-BC Chinese sage whose teachings have had a profound influence on Chinese society.One of Confucius’s primary teachings is that through effort,people can perfect themselves.Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asians’success as well.In Confucian philosophy,the family plays a central role-an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family,not just for themselves.One can never repay one’s parents,and there’s a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as Protestant philosophy is among those in the West.Unit 3The first cultural translator I ever met was an installation engineer,George by name,who worked for an American company where I was the director of international operations.The company had just started a joint venture with a Japanese firm,and the American management needed someone to train the Japanese employees in its unique technology.George’s solid understanding of the equipment,its installation and use made him the best-qualified employee for the job,so everyone was happy when George accepted a two-year contract for temporary transfer to Japan.From the start,George was well accepted by all the Japanese employees.Japanese managers often distrust anyone sent to represent US owners,but George was so naturally nonassertive that no one could see him as a threat to their careers.So they felt comfortable asking his advise on a wide range of matters,including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean.Engineers throughout the company appreciated George’s expertise and his friendly and capable help,and they got into the habit of turning to him whenever they had a problem-any problem.And the secretaries in the office were eager to help this nice bachelor learn Japanese.Unit 4Failure is never pleasant.It hurts adults and children alike.But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it.Step one is to ask“Why did I fail?”Resist the natural impulse to blame someone else.Ask yourself what you did wrong,how you can improve.If someone else can help,don’t be shy about inquiring.Success,which encourages repetition of old behavior,is not nearly as good a teacher as failure.You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one,from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second.Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking,a change of direction.Unit 8When you’re eating among other people,you don’t raise your voice;it’s just one example of the unwritten rules we live by.When you consider it,you recognize that those rules probably govern our lives on a more absolute basis than the ones you could find if you looked in the law books.The customs that govern us are what make a civilization.There would be chaos without them,and yet it’s not at all clear why-even in our disintegrating society-we obey them.How many times have you stopped at a red light late at night?You can see in all directions;there’s no one else around-no headlights,no police cruise idling behind you.You’re tired and in a hurry.But you wait for the light to change.Is it for safety’s sake?No;you can see that there would be no accident if you drove on.Is it to avoid getting arrested?No;you are alone;there’s no one to catch you.Still,you sit and wait.。

prime minister author painteWar I romantic fearless passionate
World War II
Pre-reading Activities
First Listening:
You’re about to hear a conversation about Winston Churchill. Before you listen to the recording, take a look at the words below. Which ones do you think you’re likely to hear when people discuss Churchill? Then, as you listen to the recording the first time, circle the words you hear.
2. What about his personality? 3. What do you know about Winston Churchill and the two World
Pre-reading Activities
First Listening:
You’re about to hear a conversation about Winston Churchill. Before you listen to the recording, take a look at the words below. Which ones do you think you’re likely to hear when people discuss Churchill? Then, as you listen to the recording the first time, circle the words you hear.

even more than
To ensure that their joint ventures in Japan are profitable, the American companies need cultural translators even more than language translator.
12. since / whereas
13. That’s / There’s 14. escalated / escalating 15. personnel / parties
《读写教程 II》: Ex. X, p. 67
Translation 1. 当那份临时性的工作结束时,人家给乔治提供了一份永久性
21st Century College English: Book 2
Unit 3 : Part B
Unit Three: Part B
• Review of Text A
• Text B
• Listening Practice
• Assignment
1. Dictation 2. Assignment Checkup
• Reading Analysis
• Structured Writing
Listening Practice
Oral Practice
Reading Analysis
The structure of Text A
I. Introduction of the topic: cultural differences → conflicts → need for a cultural translator

21世纪大学英语读写教程2《21世纪大学英语读写教程2》: 提升学习者的英语读写能力引言21世纪大学英语读写教程2是为提高学习者的英语读写能力而编写的一本教材。
第一部分: 阅读理解阅读理解是提高英语能力的关键,而这本教程的第一部分就专注于培养学习者的阅读理解能力。
第二部分: 写作练习该教程的第二部分旨在提高学习者的写作能力。
第三部分: 提高读写技巧除了阅读和写作能力,该教程还注重提高学习者的读写技巧。
第四部分: 拓展知识领域为了帮助学习者拓展知识领域,教材的最后一部分提供了一些额外的阅读材料。

幻灯片1Unit1-main1I. ObjectivesII. Suggested Teaching Plan)III. Background InformationIV. Class Presentation幻灯片2Unit1-main2·Part I ListeningPart II ReadingPart III SpeakingPart IV Translation & Writing《Part V Time to RelaxVideo Exercises幻灯片3Objectives.I. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the students are expected to1. have listening and speaking practices to learn how tolive up to their potential and acquire the theme-related expressions and their functional structures;2. understand the main idea of Text A and Text B, masterthe useful sentence structures, words and expressionsfound in the relevant exercises of the texts;3. know how to use parallel structures to add balance,rhythm and clarity to the sentences;(幻灯片4ObjectivesI. Objectives4. be able to read a passage about how to advertise on a website;5. be able to write a letter of accepting/declining an offer.]幻灯片5II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 1Time Contents Plan1 period》Theme-relatedListening Sections 1 & 2To start the new unit, the teacherA. plays the short talk once before handling UsefulLanguage in a unique way, ., asking studentsto read them loud in class;B. plays the short talk once more, or twice moreifnecessary, and asks class to complete the【summary as required; C. has a brief discussion with the students on thesummary of the short talk;D. plays the talk again with an emphasis on detailsso that students can fill in the blanks of the text. Sections 3 4 & 5A. keeps the theme in mind while making atransition from the short talk to the two dialogues;~幻灯片6Objectives3 Time Contents Plan%B. handles Useful Language in a unique way,., asking students to come up with theirown equivalents to replace the items in the box;C. plays the first dialogue once, or twice if>necessary, and asks students to do the T/Fexercise as required to explore the main idea; D. plays the first dialogue once more for thedetails so that students will have no troubleanswering the questions;E. plays the second dialogue once, or twice ifnecessary, and then asks students to do thelistening comprehension exercises;F. checks the answers in a meaningful way,., putting the key word effort on the)chalkboard, encouraging the students toaround it with the relevant information fromthe dialogue.Theme-relatedListening,幻灯片7Objectives3 Time Contents Plan…Review ofTheme-relatedListeningSections3 periods Review>The teacherA. has a brief review of what students havelearned in the first period of listeningpractice;B. makes a meaningful transition to Text A.StarterAfter finishing the listening tasks, the teacher turns to Text A of the unit. To begin, the teacher Text A &Text-relatedExercises*A. lets the students figure out what the title of Text A can mean. This can be done in complete English sentences or just phrases. If the students have difficulty幻灯片8Objectives4&PlanTimedoing this, the teacher can ask them to think of a situation where impossibility becomes a fact. The teacher can provide them with the following key words in English: happen, years ago, absolutely impossible, think of, give up, make sincere efforts, find a clue, turn out, solve the problem.、B. gives the students 10 minutes to read TextA and find out the cause of the problem for thecar in the story and asks them to tell whatlessons can be drawn from the story.幻灯片9Contents Plan[Time《<@Text AThe teacherA. discusses the whole text with the students;B. guides the students through the exercises,focusing on certain items or leaving someexercises as the students’homeworkaccording to the students’levels.The teacherA. asks the students to go over the text and do the multiple choice questions about it;B. while discussing the text with the students, calls the students’attention to the use of parallel structures and their functions;(C. lets the students do the vocabulary and language use exercises either in class or after class.periodsText B &Text-relatedExercises幻灯片10—Objectives5Time Contents Plan~periodPracticalReadingThe teacherA. explains the passage about how to advertiseon “Paperboy;”B. gives the students 5 to 10 minutes to do theexercise.%1 periodSpeakingThe teacherA. fully understands what the exercises are intended to do;B. in Ex. 1 initiates a discussion on each statement of the list to ensure a better understanding on the part of students, and then help students know what twocategories are before they do the exercises as required;幻灯片11.Objectives6Time Contents Plan·C. asks class to read loud the dialogue in Ex. 1 before doing the role-play either with the script used by turns or with it completely free;D. in Ex. 2 has a brief review of the core theme of Text A to elicit the important statement: I am possible, and then asks one student to read loud the example monologue before encouraging some students to carry out the task.Translation and Writing,Time toRelax &Workbook1 periodThe teacher:A. leaves the sentence translation exercise as the students’homework;幻灯片12TimeContents Plan 】''first exercise in Practical Writing, and then requires them to do the next two exercises after class;¥C. plays the record of the story “Blue Suit”in class and lets the students work out what makes the problem- solving humorous (This can be done as students’homework if there isn’t much time left in class);D. if possible, plays the video in theWorkbook in class and lets the students dothe exercise based on the video.幻灯片13III. Background Information1^General Motors 通用汽车General Motors is an American multinational automaker based in Detroit, Michigan and the world’s second largest automaker. Founded in on Sept. 16, 1908, GM now employs 209,000 people in every major region of the world and does business in some 157 countries. General Motors produces cars and trucks in 31 countries, and sells andservices these vehicles through the following divisions: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Opel, Vauxhall, and Holden. GM’s OnStar subsidiary(子公司) provides vehicle safety, security and information services.幻灯片14III. Background Information1{Pontiac 庞蒂亚克Pontiac was an automobile brand that was established in 1926 as a companion make for General Motors’Oakland. Pontiac was sold in the United States, Canada, and Mexico by General Motors (GM). Pontiac was relatively more popular in Canada, where for much of its history it was marketed as a low-priced vehicle.On April 27, 2009, amid ongoing financial problems and restructuring efforts, GM announced it would discontinue the Pontiac brand by the end of 2010 and focus on four core brands in North America: Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, and GMC. The last Pontiacs were built in late 2009, with the final dealer franchises expiring October 31, 2010.幻灯片15III. Background Information1Dessert 甜点"In Western culture, dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food. The word comes from the French language as dessert, “to clear the table”and “to serve.”Common desserts include cakes, cookies, pastries, ice cream, pie, and candies. Fruit may also be eaten with the dessert.The word dessert is most commonly used for this course in ., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, while sweet and pudding may be alternative terms used in the UK and some other Commonwealth countries, including India. In England, the term pudding is usuallyused among the upper and upper-middle classes, with dessert only used if the course consists of fruit or sweetmeats, after the cheese and biscuits course.幻灯片16Part I ListeningPart I ListeningListen to the upcoming short talk and fill in the blanks in the summary below with two or three words.Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful.*1Useful Language abbreviation // n. 缩写intend // vt. 意欲critically // ad. 批判地,tough // a. 艰难的seemingly // ad. 看来似乎challenge // n. 挑战solution // n. 解决方法hows and whys 缘由,道理》幻灯片17ScriptPBL is intended to train students to be 1) .To be a problem solver is to learn how to raise a question,(how to use information, how to 2) , and how tomake a decision. Of course, it is not easy to a problem solver.But it is no good to say something is impossible without 3), even though it can seem so at first. Onlywhen you give yourself completely 4) isnothing impossible.problem solvers________________think critically_____________.making an effort________________to the possible_______________幻灯片18Script:`Hello class,Does PBL ring a bell It is an abbreviation for problem-based learning, an education model that intends to train students to become problem solvers. This means that students learn how to think critically, how to raise important questions, how to use the information gained, and how to make decisions when solving a particular problem. Do you think this is what is supposed to be happening at college Or is the goal to stay passive receiving knowledge fromthe instructor all the time幻灯片19Of course, it is not easy to be a problem solver. A particular problem can be difficult and tough, at first seemingly impossible to solve. Yet let’s not forget that the toughest challenge can also offer the greatest opportunity. So don’t just say something is impossible without making an effort. Give it a try and you might find out you can go much farther than you expected.!In short, there’s no way to get to solutions without first exploring the hows and whys of the problem. What happens happens for a reason. Only when you are open to the possible is nothing impossible.幻灯片20Objectives22Listen to the short talk again and fill in the blanks below with the missing words.2【Hello class,Does PBL ring a bell It is an abbreviation for 1), an education model that intends to 2)to become problem solvers. This means that students learn how to think critically, how to raise important questions, how to use the information gained, and how to make decisions when solving 3) . Do you think this is what is supposed to be happening 4) Or is the goal to 5)receiving knowledge from the instructor all the timeproblem-based learning}________________________train students______________a particular problem___________________at collegestay passive_______________________—幻灯片21Objectives23Of course, it is not easy to be a problem solver. A particular problem can be 6), at first seemingly impossible to solve. Yet let’s not forget that the toughest challenge can also offer 7) . So don’t just say something is impossible without 8). Give it a try and you might find out 9)much farther than you expected.In short, there’s no way to get to solutions without first exploring the 10)of the problem. What happens happens 11). Only when you are open to the possible is 12) . difficult and tough-_________________the greatest opportunity_______________________making an effort_________________you can go___________hows and whys________________for a reason》_____________nothing impossible___________________幻灯片22Objectives24Martin and Lisa are talking about possibility and impossibility.Listen to their conversation and then decide whether the conversation-based statements below are true(T)or false(F).Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful."3Useful Language.negative // a.stuck // a.belief // n.The point is simply that…Couldn’t have said it better.billboard // n.You betcha!否定的;消极的,被困住信念其要点是……说得太好了。
21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册 unit 3 听力部分

has set her mind Shelly is blind. But she ________________ on taking college classes. She’s dreamed of a little girl going to ever since she was __________. Her blindness has never stopped her from ______________. Shelly says that she will going to college how hard it is give it a try no matter _____________. Nothing can stop her from achieving her goal. Her determination and optimism will make a success of her certainly help her _____________________ future career • ___________.
Unit 3 Listening and Speaking
The language for expressing determination and optimism
• Are you a determined person? Are you optimistic about what you________________? have decided to do • Your determination and optimism tend to go hand in hand. Determination is ______________. You have to make a a driving force decision to do everything. Nothing can be accomplished__________________. without a firm belief Your determination usually reflects _________________________. Your a certain degree of optimism optimism will increase your resilience , maintain hope and __________________of improve your chances a successful or acceptable outcome. In this way your optimism reinforces your determination.

Intensive Study
2 It was a hard journey for the little girl, and full of risks. Long before the boat reached safety, the supplies of food and water ran out. When Kim-Chi finally made it to the US, she had to cope with a succession of three foster families. But when she graduated from San Diego’s Patrick Henry High School in 1988, she had straight A’s and scholarship offers from some of the most prestigious universities in the country.
3 “I have to do well,” says the 19-year-old, now a second-year student at Cornell University. “I owe it to my parents in Vietnam.”
Intensive Study
4 Kim-Chi is part of a wave of bright, highly-motivated AsianAmericans who are suddenly surging into our best colleges. Although Asian-Americans make up only 2.4 percent of the nation’ population, they constitute 17.1 percent of the undergraduates at Harvard, 18 percent at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 27.3 percent at the University of California at Berkeley.

X. Translate the following sentences into English.
《读写教程 II》: Ex. X, p. 112
Do all of your son’s “when-I-grow-up’s” involve distinguishing/promising himself in a glamorous career? By pointing out the positive/probable aspects of the simple life, you can let him know that real success isn’t measured in achievements. And don’t forget the beneficial/glamorous effects that frequent contact with nature has on/for children. Even if/Ever since you can’t afford to take your kids on camping holidays, you can make time for a day in the park or at the beach. It’s great therapy/contribution for the whole family.
You are going to hear 5 sentences. Each will be read three times. Write down the sentences according to the dictation.

21世纪⼤学实⽤英语综合教学教程第⼆册Unit3教案1st period Text A (Global Reading)1 Background InformationMichael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, including twoolder brothers and an older and younger sister. Michael’s dad worked hard at an electric plant while his mom labored full-time at a bank. Jordan’s parents worked hard to provide him and his siblings with a comfortable lifestyle.By the time Jordan was finishing his senior year at Laney, he had grown to 6’5”and attained a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina. Jordan’s ever-growing popularity began at UNC where he made a last minute game winning shot in the NCAA championship game.Michael’s talent and personality transcended the very lives of his fans. He single-handedly paved the way for off-the-court athlete endorsements —a billion dollar industry today!2, Group Discussion1) What’s Michael Jordan’s ultimate goal?2) How did he approach his goals?3) What did Jordan learn when he got cut from the varsity team in high school?4) How did Jordan achieve his goal of becoming a starter on the varsity?5) What did Jordan visualize each time?6) What did Jordan gain every time he reached his goal?7) What does the writer think of success?3, OverviewNothing seek, nothing find (⽆所求则⽆所获), as the saying goes. Set a goal, try to approach it, and there’s a good chance you’ll be successful. Talk to your classmates and tell them what your personal and professional goals are and how you achieved / will achieve them.If you try as hard as you can and don’t succeed, don’t get down on yourself. Actually you will have some accomplishments along the way. Besides, not everyone is going to be the greatest at something. But you still can be considered a success. 4, Understanding the TextWhat did he visualize each time?What did he gain every time he reached his goal?What does the writer think of success?Why does he always set short-time goals?What’s the best way of accomplishing something?2nd period Text A (Detailed Reading)Ⅰ. Words and Expressionsprofessional a. of or belonging to a profession; earning money by playing a game, acting, etc.职业的;属于某专业的;职业性的approach 1. vt. move towards; come or go near(er) to; (begin to) deal with靠近;接近;(着⼿)处理;(开始)对付,对待2. n. act of approaching; way leading to sth.; path; road; way of dealing with a person or thing 接近;途径;⼊门; (处理问题的)⽅式,⽅法challenge n. invitation or call (to sb.) to take part in a game, contest, fight, etc. to prove who is better, stronger, more able, etc.; difficult, demanding or stimulating task 挑战;邀请⽐赛;艰巨的任务She refused to take up the challenge that was offered.Bringing up a child is a tough challenge most people will face.step by step: proceeding steadily from one stage to the next; gradually ⼀步⼀步地;逐步地He is improving step by step.Step by step he learned the rules of the game.level n. relative position in rank, class or authority ⽔平,级别catch up with advanced world levels 赶上世界先进⽔平Students at this level tend to have a lot of problems with grammar.这⼀级别的学⽣往往会有许多语法问题。
21世纪大学实用英语教案第二册 Unit3

幻灯片1Unit1-main1I. ObjectivesII. Suggested Teaching PlanIII. Background InformationIV. Class Presentation幻灯片2Unit1-main2Part IListeningPart II ReadingPart III SpeakingPart IV Translation & WritingPart V Time to RelaxVideo Exercises幻灯片3ObjectivesI. ObjectivesAfter studying this unit, the students are expected to1. have listening and speaking practices to learn how tolive up to their potential and acquire the theme-related expressions and their functional structures;2. understand the main idea of Text A and Text B, masterthe useful sentence structures, words and expressionsfound in the relevant exercises of the texts;3. know how to use parallel structures to add balance,rhythm and clarity to the sentences;幻灯片4ObjectivesI. Objectives4. be able to read a passage about how to advertise on a website;5. be able to write a letter of accepting/declining an offer.幻灯片5II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 1TimeContents Plan1 period Theme-relatedListening Sections 1 & 2To start the new unit, the teacherA. plays the short talk once before handling UsefulLanguage in a unique way, ., asking studentsto read them loud in class;B. plays the short talk once more, or twice moreifnecessary, and asks class to complete thesummary as required; C. has a brief discussion with the students on thesummary of the short talk;D. plays the talk again with an emphasis on detailsso that students can fill in the blanks of the text. Sections 3 4 & 5A. keeps the theme in mind while making atransition from the short talk to the two dialogues;幻灯片6Objectives3B. handles Useful Language in a unique way,., asking students to come up with theirown equivalents to replace the items in the box;C. plays the first dialogue once, or twice ifnecessary, and asks students to do the T/Fexercise as required to explore the main idea;D. plays the first dialogue once more for thedetails so that students will have no troubleanswering the questions;E. plays the second dialogue once, or twice ifnecessary, and then asks students to do thelistening comprehension exercises;F. checks the answers in a meaningful way,., putting the key word effort on thechalkboard, encouraging the students toaround it with the relevant information fromthe dialogue.Theme-relatedListening幻灯片7Time Contents PlanObjectives3Review ofTheme-relatedListeningSections3 periodsReviewThe teacherA. has a brief review of what students havelearned in the first period of listeningpractice;B. makes a meaningful transition to Text A.StarterAfter finishing the listening tasks, the teacher turns to Text A of the unit. To begin, the teacher Text A &Text-relatedExercisesA. lets the students figure out what the title of Text A can mean. This can be done in complete English sentences or just phrases. If the students have difficultyTime Contents Plan幻灯片8Objectives4Timedoing this, the teacher can ask them to think of a situation where impossibility becomes a fact. The teacher can provide them with the following key words in English: happen, years ago, absolutely impossible, think of, give up, make sincere efforts, find a clue, turn out, solve the problem.B. gives the students 10 minutes to read TextA and find out the cause of the problem for thecar in the story and asks them to tell whatlessons can be drawn from the story.幻灯片9Time Contents Plan Contents PlanThe teacherA. discusses the whole text with the students;B. guides the students through the exercises,focusing on certain items or leaving someexercises as the students’homeworkaccording to the students’levels.The teacherA. asks the students to go over the text and do the multiple choice questions about it;B. while discussing the text with the students, calls the students’attention to the use of parallel structures and their functions;C. lets the students do the vocabulary and language use exercises either in class or after class.periodsText B &Text-relatedExercises幻灯片10Objectives5periodPracticalReadingThe teacherA. explains the passage about how to advertiseon “Paperboy;”B. gives the students 5 to 10 minutes to do theexercise.1 periodSpeakingThe teacherA. fully understands what the exercises are intended to do;B. in Ex. 1 initiates a discussion on each statement of the list to ensure a better understanding on the part of students, and then help students know what two categories are before they do the exercises as required;幻灯片11Objectives6Time Contents PlanC. asks class to read loud the dialogue in Ex. 1 before doing the role-play either with the script used by turns or with it completely free;D. in Ex. 2 has a brief review of the core theme of Text A to elicit the important statement: I am possible, and then asks one student to read loud the example monologue before encouraging some students to carry out the task.Translation and Writing,Time toRelax &Workbook1 periodThe teacherA. leaves the sentence translation exercise as the students’homework;幻灯片12Time Contents PlanTime Contents Planfirst exercise in Practical Writing, and then requires them to do the next two exercises after class;C. plays the record of the story “Blue Suit”in class and lets the students work out what makes the problem- solving humorous (This can be done as students’homework if there isn’t much time left in class);D. if possible, plays the video in theWorkbook in class and lets the students dothe exercise based on the video.幻灯片13III. Background Information1General Motors 通用汽车General Motors is an American multinational automaker based in Detroit, Michigan and the world’s second largest automaker. Founded in on Sept. 16, 1908, GM now employs 209,000 people in every major region of the world and does business in some 157 countries. General Motors produces cars and trucks in 31 countries, and sells andservices these vehicles through the following divisions: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Opel, Vauxhall, and Holden. GM’s OnStar subsidiary(子公司) provides vehicle safety, security and information services.幻灯片14III. Background Information1Pontiac 庞蒂亚克Pontiac was an automobile brand that was established in 1926 as a companion make for General Motors’Oakland. Pontiac was sold in the United States, Canada, and Mexico by General Motors (GM). Pontiac was relatively more popular in Canada, where for much of its history it was marketed as a low-priced vehicle.On April 27, 2009, amid ongoing financial problems and restructuring efforts, GM announced it would discontinue the Pontiac brand by the end of 2010 and focus on four core brands in North America: Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, and GMC. The last Pontiacs were built in late 2009, with the final dealer franchises expiring October 31, 2010.幻灯片15III. Background Information1Dessert 甜点In Western culture, dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food. The word comes from the French language as dessert, “to clear the table”and “to serve.”Common desserts include cakes, cookies, pastries, ice cream, pie, and candies. Fruit may also be eaten with the dessert.The word dessert is most commonly used for this course in ., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, while sweet and pudding may be alternative terms used in the UK and some other Commonwealth countries, including India. In England, the term pudding is usually used among the upper and upper-middle classes, with dessert only used if the course consists of fruit or sweetmeats, after the cheese and biscuits course.幻灯片16Part IListeningPart IListeningListentotheupcomingshorttalkandfillintheblanksinthesummarybelowwithtwoorthreewords.Get tingtoknowthefollowingusefullanguagefirstmightbehelpful.1Useful Languageabbreviation // n. 缩写intend // vt. 意欲critically // ad. 批判地tough // a. 艰难的seemingly // ad. 看来似乎challenge // n. 挑战solution // n. 解决方法hows and whys 缘由,道理幻灯片17ScriptPBL is intended to train students to be 1) . To be a problem solver is to learn how to raise a question,how to use information, how to 2) , and how to make a decision. Of course, it is not easy to a problem solver.But it is no good to say something is impossible without 3), even though it can seem so at first. Only when you give yourself completely 4) is nothing impossible.problem solvers________________think critically_____________making an effort________________to the possible_______________幻灯片18Script:Hello class,Does PBL ring a bell It is an abbreviation for problem-based learning, an education model that intends to train students to become problem solvers. This means that students learn how to think critically, how to raise important questions, how to use the information gained, and how to make decisions when solving a particular problem. Do you think this is what is supposed to be happening at college Or is the goal to stay passive receiving knowledge from the instructor all the time幻灯片19Of course, it is not easy to be a problem solver. A particular problem can be difficult and tough, at first seemingly impossible to solve. Yet let’s not forget that the toughest challenge can also offer the greatest opportunity. So don’t just say something is impossible without making an effort. Give it a try and you might find out you can go much farther than you expected.In short, there’s no way to get to solutions without first exploring the hows and whys of the problem. What happens happens for a reason. Only when you are open to the possible is nothing impossible.幻灯片20Objectives22Listen to the short talk again and fill in the blanks below with the missing words. 2Hello class,Does PBL ring a bell It is an abbreviation for 1), an education model that intends to 2)to become problem solvers. This means that students learn how to think critically, how to raise important questions, how to use the information gained, and how to make decisions when solving 3) . Do you think this is what is supposed to be happening 4) Or is the goal to 5)receiving knowledge from the instructor all the timeproblem-based learning________________________train students______________a particular problem___________________at collegestay passive_______________________幻灯片21Objectives23Of course, it is not easy to be a problem solver. A particular problem can be 6), at first seemingly impossible to solve. Yet let’s not forget that the toughest challenge can also offer 7) . So don’t just say something is impossible without 8). Give it a try and you might find out 9)much farther than you expected.In short, there’s no way to get to solutions without first exploring the 10)of the problem. What happens happens 11). Only when you are open to the possible is 12) . difficult and tough_________________the greatest opportunity_______________________making an effort_________________you can go___________hows and whys________________for a reason_____________nothing impossible___________________幻灯片22Objectives24MartinandLisaaretalkingaboutpossibilityand impossibility.Listentotheirconversationand thendecidewhether theconversation-basedstatementsbelowaretrue(T)orfalse(F).Gettingtoknowthefollowingusefullanguagefirstmightbehe lpful.3Useful Languagenegative // a.stuck // a.belief // n.The point is simply that…Couldn’t have said it better.billboard // n.You betcha!否定的;消极的被困住信念其要点是……说得太好了。

anything but beneficial
Shielding children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but beneficial to their development.
Do all of your son’s “when-I-grow-up’s” involve distinguishing/promising himself in a glamorous career? By pointing out the positive/probable aspects of the simple life, you can let him know that real success isn’t measured in achievements. And don’t forget the beneficial/glamorous effects that frequent contact with nature has on/for children. Even if/Ever since you can’t afford to take your kids on camping holidays, you can make time for a day in the park or at the beach. It’s great therapy/contribution for the whole family.
《读写教程 II》: Ex. VIII, p. 111
It’s natural for parents to want their children to achieve great things in life, but not at the expense of the child’s happiness and personal development. How can you tell if your child is prone/bound to the kind of “achievement orientation” that leads to frustration and failure at last/in the long run? There are some signs that parents can watch after/for, and some steps a parent can take to promote/preclude the most destructive effects. Is your daughter obsessed/complex with winning, instead of being able to enjoy a game even although/though she loses? Encourage her to take part of/in activities that have no clear goal, as if/such as going for walks or just daydreaming.

The meaning of idiomatic expressions can be very hard to guess. Word formation clues don’t always help, and can even mislead us entirely! But effective readers don’t give up on the first try. They keep reading, in search of context clues – examples, explanations, contrasts or parallel phrases – that can help them figure out the meaning of idiomatic expressions.
Pre-reading Activities
1) be turned off by sb. / sth.
2) chances are 3) forge 4) crucial 5) wind up doing 6) probe
J) dislike sth., be offended by sth.
G) probably K) create by hard work
D) vital, critical I) do in the end, after hesitation,
discussion, etc. B) investigate or examine very
Pre-reading Activities
7) make the call 8) fall for sth. 9) like a bull in a china
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A Multicultural Person
Gunnar Beeth
1 A multicultural person is someone who is deeply convinced that
all cultures are equally good, enjoys learning the rich variety of
buy it. That’s a critical difference.
Question 2
Unit 3: Text B
3 No one likes foreigners who are arrogant about their own
culture. Customers are turned off by monocultural salespeople. The
Pre-reading exercise
Pre-reading Activities
Before you read the next article, practice your skills inferring the meaning of some new words and idiomatic expressions. Using what clues you can, match each of the words and expressions listed below on the left with its best definition on the right. Then scan the article until you have located each word or phrase (they’ve been underlined to help you find them faster), and look for context clues to check the accuracy of your inferences.
culture, until that person has accepted you. A multilingual
salesperson can explain the advantages of a product in other
languages, but a multicultural salesperson can motivate foreigners to
Pre-reading Activities
Understanding Idiomatic Expressions
The meaning of idiomatic expressions can be very hard to guess. Word formation clues don’t always help, and can even mislead us entirely! But effective readers don’t give up on the first try. They keep reading, in search of context clues – examples, explanations, contrasts or parallel phrases – that can help them figure out the meaning of idiomatic expressitivities
7) make the call 8) fall for sth. 9) like a bull in a china
shop 10) at that 11) right and left 12) swallow one’s pride
C) make the decision
G) probably K) create by hard work
D) vital, critical I) do in the end, after hesitation,
discussion, etc. B) investigate or examine very
trouble is, most people are arrogantly monocultural without being
aware of it. And even those who are aware of it can’t hide it.
Pre-reading Activities
1) be turned off by sb. / sth.
2) chances are 3) forge 4) crucial 5) wind up doing 6) probe
J) dislike sth., be offended by sth.
cultures in the world, and most likely has been exposed to more than
one culture in his or her lifetime.
Question 1
2 You cannot motivate anyone, especially someone of another
A) be fooled by sb./ sth.
F) causing a lot of troubles, damages, etc.
H) too E) in every situation, at every
opportunity L) accept humiliation
Unit 3: Text B
21st Century College English: Book 2
Unit 3
Text B A Multicultural Person
Unit 3: Text B
❖ Pre-reading activity
❖ Extensive Reading ❖ Exercises ❖ Summary