Martha Washington
believe谚语 -回复
believe谚语-回复1. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." —Christian D. Larson (相信你自己以及你的一切。
)2. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." —Theodore Roosevelt (相信你能行,你就已经成功了一半。
)3. "The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself." —Michel de Montaigne (世界上最伟大的事情就是知道如何属于自己。
)4. "To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest." —Mahatma Gandhi (信仰某种东西,却不去实践它,这是不诚实的。
)5. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." —Franklin D. Roosevelt (我们实现明天的唯一限制将会是今天我们的疑虑。
)6. "The power of imagination makes us infinite." —John Muir (想象力的力量使我们无限大。
)7. "If you believe very strongly in something, stand up and fight for it." —Roy T. Bennett (如果你非常坚定地相信某件事情,那就站起来为之奋斗。
Food and talkPart 1 Basic words and expressions1. hostess n.女主人 host / hostessHostess training becomes extremely important.China will be the host of 2008 Olympic Games.2. next to 挨着Who was the man sitting next to you during the meeting?新概念二Lesson40课堂内容Last week at a dinner party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs. Rumbold. Mrs. Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busy eating. I tried to make conversation.…A new play is coming to “The Globe” soon,‟ I said. …Will you be seeing it?‟ …No,‟ she answered.…Will you be spending your holidays abroad this year?‟ I asked. …N o ,‟ she answered.…Will you be staying in England?‟ I asked. “No,‟ she answered.In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.开会时坐在你旁边的那人是谁?There's a field/shop next to our house.我们家房子边上有一片田野/一个商店。
约翰·亚当斯(John Adams)(1797-1801)
亚当斯总统从其父处继承了一笔不小的遗产,他的妻子阿比盖尔·亚当斯(Abigail Adams)是昆西家族(马萨诸塞州的一个望族)的成员。亚当斯本人在马萨诸塞州的昆西有一座名为“匹兹菲尔德”(Peacefield)的住宅及一座占地约40英亩的农场,同时他还经营着一间业务繁忙的律师事务所。
詹姆斯·诺克斯·波尔克(James Knox Polk)(1845-1849)
波尔克总统及其妻子萨拉·奇尔德里斯(Sarah Childress)都出身于富庶之家,其父是种植园主,同时还经营投机生意。在任白宫发言人和田纳西州官员期间,他赚了很多钱。在密西西比州的咖啡维尔(Coffeeville),他拥有920英亩土地和25个农奴。
切斯特·阿伦·阿瑟(Chester Alan Arthur)(1881-1885)
亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)(1861-1865)
历史上临终前说的话历史上临终前说的话1. 乔治·华盛顿(George Washington):临终时,他告诉他的妻子玛莎(Martha),“再见,我们会在另一个世界相聚。
2. 罗伯特·E·李(Robert E. Lee):美国内战时南军的将军。
”3. 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare):临终前,他写下了他的遗嘱,并在最后一页写下了:“谴有真挚的心,死自由自裁”。
4. 弗朗茨·约瑟夫·海因茨(Franz Joseph Haydn):奥地利作曲家临终时,他告诉他的朋友:“请再给我一些音乐,因为我可以感受到死神的存在。
”5. 凯瑟琳·德·梅第奇(Catherine de’ Medici):法国女王临终前对玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)说:“预见未来,将来会比你想象的更糟。
”6. 华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving):临终前,这位美国作家对他的朋友说:“我太幸运了,我所拥有的已经超乎我的想象。
”7. 康拉德·海克(Conrad Hilton):希尔顿酒店创办人临终前,他说:“幸福就是让你的生活对别人有所意义。
”8. 茱莉娅·沃德·豪斯(Julia Ward Howe):美国作家,女权运动和废奴主义者。
”9. 约瑟夫·斯大林(Joseph Stalin):临终前,这位苏联领导人说:“这些人越能控制人类的掌权,就越能掌控历史。
”10. 罗伯特·F·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy):美国总统约翰·F·肯尼迪的弟弟。
• George and Martha’s home is called Mount Vernon. It is located in Virginia near the Potomac River.
• George Washington and his wife Martha are buried here.
• The United States fought England in the Revolutionary War.
• The Revolutionary war was from 17751783.
• George Washington was the Commander of the military forces during the American Revolution.
• This is a monument of Washington on a horse.
• This old postage stamp has a picture of Martha Washington on it.
• She and George got married in 1759.
• The Washington Monument is in Washington, D.C.
• It is the tallest structure in the city. • Tourists can ride elevators to the top.
赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛(Herbert Clark Hoover)(1929-1933)
威廉姆·霍华德·塔夫脱(William Howard Taft)(1909-1913)
塔夫脱总统的岳父拉瑟福德·B.海斯(Rutherford B. Hayes)是前总统的法定合伙人。塔夫脱曾任美国律师协会(American Bar Association)的主席,他本人也在律师界活跃了近20年。同时,他还是美国历史上唯一一位曾在最高法院(U.S. Supreme Court)任职的总统。
富兰克林·皮尔斯(Franklin Pierce)(1853-1857)
詹姆斯·布坎南(James Buchanan)(1857-1861)
约翰·亚当斯(John Adams)(1797-1801)
亚当斯总统从其父处继承了一笔不小的遗产,他的妻子阿比盖尔·亚当斯(Abigail Adams)是昆西家族(马萨诸塞州的一个望族)的成员。亚当斯本人在马萨诸塞州的昆西有一座名为“匹兹菲尔德”(Peacefield)的住宅及一座占地约40英亩的农场,同时他还经营着一间业务繁忙的律师事务所。
President Barack Obama has endorsed a young girl's suggestion to feature a woman on printed US currency. But what does it take to get a new face on a $5, or even $50 bill, asks Debbie Siegelbaum.美国总统奥巴马采纳了一个小女孩的建议,决定将一位女性的头像印到美元上。
黛比•西格尔伯姆(Debbie Siegelbaum)问道:将一个全新的面孔印到5元或50元的钞票上需要什么条件?Betsy Ross, Amelia Earhart, and Rosa Parks could all be contenders for appearing on US currency.贝琪•罗斯(Betsy Ross)、阿梅莉亚•玛丽•埃尔哈特(Amelia Earhart)、罗莎•帕克斯(Rosa Parks)都是美元头像的候选人。
First, it helps to be a titan of American history, like former presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson, or founding fathers Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton.首先,它必须是美国历史上一位成就非凡的人,如美国前总统乔治•华盛顿(George Washington)、亚伯拉罕•林肯(Abraham Lincoln)、安德鲁•杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)或者开国元勋本杰明•富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)和亚历山大•汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)。
根本原因:英国的殖民统治阻碍 北美资本主义发展 直接原因:波士顿倾茶事件
①正义性、进步性 (性质) ②大陆军的顽强抗战 (军队的战斗力) ③人民群众的积极参加 (人民群众的作用) ④华盛顿卓越的军事才能(英雄人物的作用) ⑤法.荷等国家的援助(外因)
1732 1775-1783 1787 1789-1793 1793-1797 1799
出 生
战领 争导 独 立
华盛顿的 • 优良品质 • • •
(首 (首 主 逝 第任 第任 持 一总 世 二总 制 届统 届统 宪 任 任 期 期 刻苦勤奋、爱好广泛 ) ) 举止端庄、温文尔雅 意志坚强、适应能力强、忍耐力强 沉稳、机智、勇敢
1、大陆军的统帅——领导北美独立战争 2、开国立制——开创全新政体的政治伟人 (1)建立民主的联邦共和国: ①1787年在费城召开制宪会议,当选为会议 主席,制定1787年宪法(世界第一部成文宪法); ②1789年起连任两届美国总统。 宪法的体现原则:
联邦制原则; 分权制衡原则; 民主原则。
“三退”:1796年急流勇退,开创了美国总统连任不得 超过两届的先例,对美国民主建设产生了深远影响。
制定宪法,使美国确立共和 担任总统,为美国制度奠基 放弃权利,以行动捍卫民主
更多资讯尽在读书笔记栏目!The Reading Report ofThe Story of My Life by Helen KallerLong ago, when I was a student of grade six, I accidentally came into the world of Helen Kaller, what was out of my expectation. My vague recollections indicate that a book list was once delivered to our class, and every student was required to buy at least one book mentioned in it. It was merely the cover of the book, and the appealing introduction followed that resulted in my decision to buy the book named Three Days to See, containing the autobiography The Story of My Life and the essay Three Days to See, all by a deafblind female, Helen Kaller. This incident opened a window for me to see into the inner world of this celebrated and marvellous woman. When I received my copy and began to go through it, the image of this giant figure became gradually clear. The tract of her life displayed in front of me, her struggle of acquiring language moved me, and her companionship with her teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan inspired me. Through the exquisite words and the fluent statemenst, I saw directly into Helen's inner world, where a indomitable angle lived. What was regretful was that my copy was a Chinese edition, so, to some extent, it was a barrier between me and the author, preventing her original thoughts from being fully expressed.After I have begun my university life, I have a chance againto read the book The Story of My Life, as it is a assignment of this Extensive English Reading course. The difference is that, this time I have gone through the original edition of Helen's autobiography. What impress me first is the graceful style of her writing, such as the tropes, the description of the nature, and the choice of the words which is hard to be distinguished when being translated into another language. I'd like to develop my reading report according to the chapter order, and both abstract the good sentences and express my own opinion towards the contents.Chapter 1: The beginning of this autobiography is a beautiful sentence:' I have, as it were, a superstitous hesitation in lifting the veil that clings about my childhood like a golden mist." It presents Helen's fear of writing the history of her life as it is a difficult task, and also implies that this chapter is about her early childhood. During this period of time, light and voice fulfills her life and a wonderful world is accessible to her. With the remote recollections, she present a series of sketches: the vine-covered house that the family lives in; the honeysuckles and climbing roses growing in the garden; the trees and fences surrounding the house; and the porch hidden from view by a screen of yellow roses. Helen also mentions that, though she was a baby then, she showed many signs of eager, self-asserting disposition. She insisted on imitating everything she saw other people did. Six-month-old as she was, she surprised others by saying"Tea, tea, tea" quite plainly. This kind of imitation and her efforts of making some sound for the world doesn't cease until acute congestion of the stomach and brain close her eyes and ears, leaving her in the endless darkness. When an idea occur to methat Helen could had been a fortunate girl and grew up as other girls did, I can't help feeling sorry for her suffering, and,however, admiring what she has achieved in her later life.Chapter 2: Helen records the rest of her childhood after her recovery of the illness, in which time she has already been deafblind. She sits in mum's lap or clung to her dress as she goes about mum's household duties, using hands to feel every object and observed every motion. She says that she owes her mother's loving wisdom all that was bright and good in her long night. Through Helen's description, I can see a character who is, use my poor vocabulary, considerable and merciful. Helen's father is a editor of a newspaper. Her earliest distinct recollection of her father is making her way through the drifts of newspapers to his side and finding him alone, holding a sheet of paper before his face. This is a scene of peace and love, filled with the sunlight of the afternoon. She regard him as a man loving and indulgent, devoted to his home, seldom leave except in the hunting season. To her great sorrow, father dies of a short illness in 1896, with a brief time of acute suffering. This is her first personal experience with death. I can feel that, though Helen has received love from parents, and has fun with her mere two companions, Martha Washington, the child of the cook, and Belle, an old dog, her childhood is full of loneliness and caprice. Until Sullivan comes to her rescue, bring her light and wisdom.Chapter 3: With the time passes, Helen's desire to express herself grows. The few signs she used becomes less adequate, and the failures of make herself understood are invariably followed by outbursts of passion. Her parents are deeply grieved and perplexed for this, and thus start the long way ofcuring her sickness, which is the theme of this chapter. They lives far from any special schools for disabled children, but Dicken's " American Notes" inspires them, which is a account of Laura Bridgman, a deaf and blind, yet have been educated. They travel from Alabama to Baltimore to call on a eminent oculist, while he indicates that he can do nothing. But the kind and warm-hearted gentleman advice Helen's father to consult Dr. Alexander Graham Bell who would be able to give them information about schools and teachers of deaf or blind children. The family then goes to Washington and finally receives the help from Dr. Bell. A teacher is found and is convinced to arrive. The end of this chapter presents Helen's hope and delight: "Thus I came up out of Egypt and stood before sinai, and a power divine touched my spirit and gave it sight, so that I beheld many wonders. And from the sacred mountain I heard a voice which said," Knowledge is love and light and vision." "Chapter 4: In the March of 1887 comes the most important day of Helen, on which her teacher Sullivan comes to her. One the afternoon of that eventful day, a few hours before Sullivan's arrival, Helen has guessed something unusual will happen from mum's signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house. When hearing the approaching steps, she stretches her hands as she supposed to her mother, but some-one takes it. It's Sullivan, an angle comes to reveal all things to her, and, more than all things else, to love her. On that eventful day happens another thing: Helen starts to learn words. When Helen touches an object, Sullivan spells it in her hand, and after several tries Helen succeeds in connecting the object with a certain word. She realizes that everything in thisworld has its own name, and father, mother, sister teacher are among them. Words that are to make the world blossom for her, "like Aaron's rod, with flowers."Chapter 5: When the time of daisies and buttercups comes Miss Sullivan takes Helen by the hand across the fields, making friends with nature. Helen feels the kindness and the beneficence of nature by smelling the fragrant woods and feeling the heat of the sunlight. However, on the other hand, she has an experience which teaches her that nature is not always kind. One day when Helen and her teacher return from a long ramble, they have a rest under a wild cherry tree. The shade is grateful, and the tree is so easy to climb that with Sullivan's assistance she succeeds in climbing up and sitting in the branches. Sullivan goes back to home to fetch the lunch, and just during her absence the weather changes and a strange odour comes from the earth, which precedes a thunderstorm. A nameless fear clutches her heart and suddenly she feels helpless and surrounded by immense darkness. It was until she was knocked down by the wind that Sullivan comes to her rescue. These experiences, no matter bright dreams or nightmare, shapes her spirit and enriches her during the long night.。
关于和某人在一起的相关短语Together with...关于和某人在一起的相关例句o选项用于链接程序,它将thrcob 指定为可执行模块,并通过将thrcob.o、subd.o和 sube.o链接在一起生成该模块。
The -o option applies to linking programs. It names thrcob as the executable module andgenerates it by linking thrcob.o 乔治和玛莎.华盛顿在一起没有孩子,但乔治抚养了她先前婚姻的两个儿子,丹尼尔和约翰。
George and Martha Washington had no children together, but George raised her two sons,Daniel and John, from her previous marriage.多数夜晚和许多白天时间里,我都和贝琪.里德待在一起。
I spent most evenings and a lot of days with Betsey Reader, who had been a year ahead of mein school and was working in Hot Springs.文件系统的树状结构在每次创建一个新目录时,自动把..和.目录项捆在一起。
The filesystem’s tree structure, tied together with .. and . entries, is built automatically each timeyou create a new directory.将.class和 .java文件混在一起常常会使清理编译后的文件十分困难,因为很可能会意外删除本应保留的.java文件。
20条鼓舞人心的语录 带你走向真正幸福人生
--圣雄·甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)2对大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就会有多幸福。
--亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln )3人们总是将生活弄颠倒。
”- -玛格丽特·杨(Margaret Young)4我们总是忘记这一点:快乐不是得到我们所没有的,而是认识并感恩我们所拥有的。
--弗雷德里克(Frederick Keonig )5我决定在每个情境中保持愉悦与快乐,因为我已学到,我们大部份的不快乐及不幸都不是取决于环境,而是我们的人格特质。
–马莎?华盛顿(Martha Washington)6真正的快乐来自于做好某事的喜悦和创造新事物的热情。
--安东尼·圣艾修伯《小王子》(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)7我们最大的幸福并非取决于我们现在所处的生活条件,而是得自于心无愧,身体健康,追求自由--托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)8生活的快乐在于思想的品质,因此要控制好自己的思想,务必做到:勿耽于违背品行与良知的行为。
--马可·奥里利乌斯(Marcus Aurelius)9幸福的途径只有一条,那就是不去担忧我们的意志力无法控制的事情。
-- 爱比克泰图斯(Epictetus)10真正的幸福是享受现在,不焦虑将来。
海伦.凯勒经典英文名著阅读《我的生活》:Chapter 2
海伦.凯勒经典英文名著阅读《我的生活》:Chapter2Chapter II第二章I cannot recall what happened during the first months after my illness. I only know that I sat in my mother's lap or clung to her dress as she went about her household duties. My hands felt every object and observed every motion, and in this way I learned to know many things. Soon I felt the need of some communication with others and began to make crude signs. A shake of the head meant "No" and a nod, "Yes," apull meant "Come" and a push, "Go." Was it bread that I wanted? Then I would imitate the acts of cutting the slices and buttering them. If I wanted my mother to make ice-cream for dinner I made the sign for working the freezer and shivered, indicating cold. My mother, moreover, succeeded in making me understand a good deal. I always knew when she wished me to bring her something, and I would run upstairs or anywhere else she indicated. Indeed, I owe to her loving wisdom all that was bright and good in my long night.在我生病之后的头一个月里发生了什么,我已经记不得了。
关于幸福哲学的英文名言1. "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." - Dalai Lama2. "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama3. "Happiness is the highest form of health." - Dalai Lama4. "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt5. "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius6. "The joy of life is to put out one's power in some good way." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.7. "The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances." - Martha Washington8. "Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product." - Eleanor Roosevelt9. "True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." - Helen Keller10. "The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open." - Chuck Palahniuk11. "The happiest people don't have the best of everything,they make the best of everything." - Roy T. Bennett12. "Happiness is a state of mind. It's just according to the way you look at things." - Walt Disney13. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer14. "Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present." - Jim Rohn15. "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Mahatma Gandhi16. "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." - George Sand17. "Happiness is not a possession to be prized. It is a quality of thought, a state of mind." - Daphne du Maurier18. "Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrate it for everything that it is." - Mandy Hale19. "Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed." - Unknown20. "The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less." -Socrates。
美国第二十五任总统威廉· 麦金莱的 夫人艾达· 萨克斯顿· 麦金利。
美国第二十六任总统罗斯福· 西奥 多· 罗斯福的夫人伊迪丝· 罗斯福。
美国第二十八任总统伍德罗· 威尔逊 的夫人伊迪丝· 宝琳· 威尔逊。
美国第二十九任总统沃伦· 哈定的 夫人佛罗伦斯· 克林· 哈丁。
美国第三十任总统卡尔文· 柯立芝的 夫人格雷斯· 柯立芝。
美国第十任总统约翰· 泰勒的夫人利蒂布亚· 克 里斯琴,她是第一个死在白宫的总统夫人。
美国第十一任总统詹姆斯· 波尔克的 夫人萨拉· 波尔克。
美国第十二任总统扎卡里· 泰勒的夫 人马特里特· 泰勒。
美国第十三任总统米勒德· 菲尔莫尔 的夫人艾比盖尔· 菲尔莫尔。
美国第十四任总统富兰克林· 皮尔斯 的夫人简· 皮尔斯。
美国第十五任总统亚伯拉罕· 林肯的 夫人玛丽· 托德· 林肯。
美国第十六任总 统詹姆斯· 布坎南 终生未婚,其侄 女哈丽雅特· 莱恩 行使第一夫人的 夫人伊丽莎· 约翰逊。
美国第十八任总统尤利塞斯· 格兰特 的夫人茱莉亚· 格兰特。
美国第十九任总统拉瑟福德· 伯查 德· 海斯的夫人露西· 海斯。
美国第三十六任总统林登· 贝恩斯· 约 翰逊的夫人克劳迪娅· 德斯特· 约翰逊。
美国第三十七任总统理查德· 米尔豪 斯· 尼克松的夫人塞尔玛· 尼克松。
美国第三十八任总统杰拉德· 福特的 夫人伊丽莎白· 福特。
美国第三十九任总统吉米· 卡特的夫 人埃莉诺· 卡特。
美国第四十任总统罗纳德· 威尔逊· 里 根的夫人南希· 里根。
2000年2月,尚未离开白宫的希拉里宣布竞选纽 约州参议员,成为美国历史上第一位谋求公职的 第一夫人。同年11月7日,她当选为国会参议员。 2006年,她获得连任。在2008年美国总统民主党 党内预选期间,希拉里作为强有力的竞争对手曾 一度领先奥巴马,但最终以失利告终。2008年12 月1日,纽约州联邦参议员、美国前第一夫人希拉 里· 克林顿被奥巴马正式提名为下届国务卿。2009 年1月21日,希拉里· 克林顿在美国首都华盛顿宣 誓就职,成为第67任美国国务卿。
乔治华盛顿(1732 -- 1799)乔治·华盛顿1732年生于美国弗吉尼亚的威克弗尔德庄园。
Washington, George(1732 -- 1799)First U.S. president. Born February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. His father, a prosperous planter and iron foundry owner, died when he was 11, andWashington moved in with his elder half-brother Lawrence, who owned the plantation Mount Vernon. In 1748 Washington did some surveying for Lord Fairfax, a relative of Lawrence by marriage, meanwhile reading widely in Mt Vernon's library. In 1751, he accompanied the ailing Lawrence to Barbados; on his death the next year, Washington was left guardian of Lawrence's daughter at Mt Vernon, which Washington would inherit in 1761 after her death.Having studied military science on his own, in 1753 Washington began several years' service with the Virginia militia in the French and Indian Wars, taking command of all Virginia forces in 1755 and participating in several dangerous actions. Commissioned as aide-de-camp by General Edward Braddock in 1755, he barely escaped with his life in the battle that took Braddock's life. He resigned his commission in 1758, following his election to the Virginia House of Burgesses (1759--1774).In 1759, Washington married the wealthy widow Martha Custis, thus securing his fortune and social position. They had no children together but raised her two children, and later her two grandchildren. After a period of living the sociable life of a gentleman farmer, however, Washington risked it all by casting his lot with those rebelling against British rule, although his original motives probably had less to do with high principles and more to do with his personal annoyance with British commercial policies.In 1774, Washington participated in the First Continental Congress and took command of the Virginia militia; by the next year the Second Congress, impressed with his military experience and commanding personality, made him commander in chief of the Continental army (June 1775). With remarkable skill, patience, and courage, Washington led the American forces through the Revolution, strugglingnot only with the British but with the stingy Continental Congress and also on occasion with resentful fellow officers. Notable among his achievements were his bold crossing of the Delaware to rout enemy forces at Trenton on Christmas night of 1776 and his holding the army together during the terrible winter encampment at Valley Forge in 1777--8. His victory over the British at Yorktown (1781) effectively ended the war, but for almost two more years he had to strive to keep the colonists from splintering into selfish enterprises.Washington returned to Mount Vernon in 1783, but maintained his presence in the debate over the country's future. He solidified that role when he chaired the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787. In 1789, the first electors unanimously voted Washington as president; he was reelected in 1793. A natural leader rather than a thinker or orator, he had great difficulty coping with an unruly new government, futilely resisting the growing factionalism that resolved into the forming of Hamilton's Federalist Party - to which Washington finally gravitated - and Jefferson's liberal Democratic-Republican Party.In 1796, Washington announced he would not run again (thus setting a precedent for only two terms) and retired from office the next year. In 1798, he accepted command of a provisional American army when it appeared there would be war with France, but the threat passed. The following year, Washington died at Mount Vernon and was mourned around the world. He immediately began to attain almost legendary status, so that succeeding generations throughout the world could bestow no higher accolade than to call their own national hero, "the George Washington" of their country.Key words: first president general。
①根本原因: 英国的殖民统治阻碍了北美殖民地资本主义 经济的发展。
②直接原因: 波士顿倾茶事件
经济 人口
本土六七百万,连同 不到300万
军 建制 事
无海军 物资奇缺
独立战争艰苦、持久 5
马莎.华盛顿 (Martha Washington)是 美国纸张货币上唯一出现的 女性肖像。此肖像出现在 1886年,1891年以及1896年 系列的1元「银券」 (Silver Certificate )。
美国独立自由钟ຫໍສະໝຸດ 美国宪法原稿华盛顿就职演说稿
⑵建立联邦制共和政体,加强了中央集权, 为后世民主化建设提供了宝贵经验;
⑶许多国策具有开创性,为历届政府沿用,影 响深远;
⑷不迷恋权力,人格高尚,促进了美国民主制 度的发展;
2、局限: 存在时代和阶级的局限性,例如,
上一位伟大的资产阶级军事家 和政治家;被美国人尊称为
材料一:他说:“我认为这个请求孕育着可能使 我国蒙受最大灾难的阴谋。假使我没有利令智昏、 自欺欺人的话,你就不可能找到一个比我更不同 意你的阴谋的人了。”——《中外历史人物评说》 (岳麓版)
问题1:材料一中“阴谋”指的是什么?华盛 顿是如何解决美国立国之初面临的新问题的?
①“阴 谋”:
第8课 美国首任总统华 盛顿
以下是几种被视为优质品种的芦笋:1. Jersey Giant芦笋这个品种是一个非常受欢迎的选择,因为它对于各种不同的土壤和气候条件都非常适应。
Jersey Giant芦笋通常在早春至初夏开始生长,会产生又长又粗的茎,是一个非常高产的品种。
2. Martha Washington芦笋Martha Washington芦笋是另一个备受喜爱的品种,它产生的茎条非常长,直径也很粗,口感清脆,深受消费者的喜爱。
3. Purple Passion芦笋这是一种非常特别的品种,它的茎条是深紫色的,给人一种视觉上的享受。
Purple Passion芦笋的茎条非常嫩,口感非常好,而且它还富含抗氧化剂和维生素,对健康非常有益。
4. UC 157 F1芦笋这是一个产量高、品质好的品种。
UC 157 F1 对土壤条件要求严格,对水分需求也比较高,不过只要给予足够的关爱,这个品种能够产出非常多的茎条。
5. Mary Washington芦笋Mary Washington芦笋是美国最受欢迎的品种之一,它味道鲜美,茎条长而嫩,非常适合市场销售。
罗伯特爱德华 李
西点军校毕业 李将军其后曾驻防于乔治亚州考克斯珀岛(Cockspur Island)上的普拉斯基堡(Fort Pulaski) 七个月。1831年,他转调至维吉尼亚州的门罗堡(Fort Monroe)担任助理工程师。驻扎该地期间,他与马莎·华 盛顿(Martha Washington)的曾孙女玛丽·安娜·伦道夫·蒄提斯·李(Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee,1808 年–1873年)结褵于其父母位于华盛顿特区对面的住处,阿灵顿之屋(Arlington House)。他们共有三子四女: 乔治·华盛顿·卡斯蒂斯·李、威廉·亨利·菲茨休·李、Robert Edward、Mary、Annie、Agnes、与Mildred。
李将军申请特赦立下范例,鼓励许多前美利坚联盟国部队官兵接受再度成为美利坚合众国公民。1975年, 在一名国家档案记录管理局(National Archives and Records Administration)职员发现李将军宣誓效忠的誓词后, 杰拉尔德·福特总统对他发布特赦,并由美国国会恢复其公民权。
罗 伯 特 ·爱 德 华 ·李
01 战前
03 战后
02 内战 04 琐事
罗伯特·爱德华·李(Robert Edward Lee,1807年1月19日—1870年10月12日),美国军事家,出生于弗 吉 尼 亚 。 他 在 美 墨 战 争 中 表 现 卓 越 , 并 在 1 8 5 9 年 镇 压 了 约 翰 ·布 朗 的 武 装 起 义 。 在 美 国 南 北 战 争 中 , 他 是 美 国 南 方联盟的总司令。内战中,他在公牛溪战役、腓特烈斯堡战役及钱瑟勒斯维尔战役中大获全胜。1865年,他在联 盟军弹尽粮绝的情况下向尤里西斯·辛普森·格兰特将军投降,从而结束了内战。战后,他积极从事教育事业,任 华盛顿大学(现名华盛顿与李大学)的校长。1870年病逝,葬在弗吉尼亚列克星敦。
美国总统和他们的孩子(图片)乔治·华盛顿美国第一任总统没有亲生的儿女,但是是他1759年与寡妇Martha Custis结婚后成为她的个孩子的继父。
在上面这张1961年的图片,约翰·“杰克”Parke Custis是左边这位,玛莎“帕斯媞”Parke Custis则是中间这位。
George WashingtonAmerica's first President had no biological children, but he became stepfather to the two children of the widow Martha Custis when he married her in 1759: John "Jacky" Parke Custis, left in the c. 1761 illustration above, and Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis. Both of the Custis children met with untimely ends; Jacky joined his stepfather's army but died from dysentery soon thereafter, while Martha suffered from epilepsy and died at 17.尤利赛斯·S·格兰特在这个摄影1880年左右的多人相片中,格兰特四个孩子中的三个在上面:他唯一的女儿妮利(最左边),在她后面的是最小的儿子耶西,长子弗雷德里克就是右边那个把手插在腰间那位。
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Martha Washington (1731-1802)
June. 21 Martha Washington was our country’s first First Lady(第一夫人). But she never lived in the White House(白宫). That’s because the White House had not yet been built. When her husband became the first U.S. President, Washington, D.C. was not the capital.
Martha was born on June 21, 1731, on a plantation in Virginia(弗吉尼亚州). When she was 18, she married Daniel Parke Custis. They had four children. Two
died very young. In 1757, when Martha was 26, her husband died suddenly. Their two surviving children were one and three years old.
Two years later, Martha married George Washington. They lived at Mt.
Vernon(弗农山),George’s home in Virginia. George was a loving father to her children. George and Martha never had children of their own.
In 1775, George became Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. He played an important part in winning the war of independence. As the new nation formed, George became President in 1789. The family moved to a house there. Later, they moved to Philadelphia, the second temporary capital.
Martha was described as a warm and friendly person. She was a gracious First Lady, but took no part in public affairs. In a letter to her niece, she wrote she would much rather live a private life at home in Mt. Vernon.
The Washingtons did return to Mt. Vernon in 1797 when George’s term in
office was over. Two years later, he died. Martha died in 1802. She was 71. Both were buried at Mt. Vernon.。