Basic wine酒吧酒品培训资料

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Basic wine knowledge 葡萄酒基础知识
Objective: 目的
to know at least 8 kinds of grape; 至少知道8 至少知道8个葡萄品种 To list the three parts of the grape; 列出组成葡萄的三个部分 To list the 8 steps for the production of wine. 列出酿酒的8 列出酿酒的8个步骤
2.Cabernet Franc:
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 ---soft, fruity, unoaked in Loire, elsewhere usually ---soft, oaked. 柔和,果香浓郁, Loire地区外, 柔和,果香浓郁,除Loire地区外,大多地区需要橡木桶 陈酿 Where grown: 种植范围 --- Italy, New York, NZ Argentina, Bordeaux, native to France’s Loire valley . 意大利,纽约,新西兰,阿根廷,波尔多,原产地法国Loire 意大利,纽约,新西兰,阿根廷,波尔多,原产地法国Loire
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 ---dry, fruity, usually oak aged ---dry, 干,果味浓郁,通常需要橡木桶陈酿 果味浓郁, Where grown:种植范围 grown:种植范围 ---almost all of the world, but native ---almost to Bordeaux 几乎全世界范围都有种植, 几乎全世界范围都有种植,原产地是法国波尔多
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 --- dry, full, rarely oaked, except in Australia 干,饱满.除澳大利亚外很少用橡木桶陈酿 饱满. Where grown:种植范围 grown:种植范围 ---US, NZ, Australia, Native to ---US, France’s Northern Rhone valley. 美国,新西兰,澳大利亚,原产地法国Rhone valley北部 美国,新西兰,澳大利亚,原产地法国Rhone valley北部
The major grape we should know 我们需要了解的主要的葡萄名称
1.Cabernet sauvignon
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 ---dry, full ,usually oak aged. ---dry, 干,饱满,通常需要橡木桶陈酿 饱满, Where grown: 种植范围 ---almost all of the world, but native to Bordeaux. ---almost 几乎全世界范围都有种植, 几乎全世界范围都有种植,原产地是法国波尔多
The steps in winemaking 酿酒的步骤
1.The fresh grape are de-stemmed and crushed. de将新鲜的葡萄进行去梗然后压榨 2.The juiced is pressed from the grapes. 果汁从葡萄里流出 3.The juice and feast are added to a vat to ferment. The yeast converts the grapes’ sugar into alcohol. 果汁与酵母在大桶中进行发酵,酵母将葡萄中的糖份转化成酒精 4.The juice ferments for less than two weeks until the sugar is gone. 果汁在桶中进行数周发酵后所有糖份已完成转化
5.The dead yeast are now either removed or left in to add complexity. 失去活力的酵母可能被取走或是留下给酒增加层次 6.The wine can be kept in a stainless steel vat or oak barrel. Tue oak gives a vanilla, toast taste. 酒液将在不锈钢或橡木桶中进行陈酿, 酒液将在不锈钢或橡木桶中进行陈酿,橡木桶将给酒以 香草或熏的味道 7.The remaining particles are removed from the wine by draining and filtering. 在过滤和取酒过程中还会有少量的反应 8.The wine is bottled and labeled. 将酒进行调兑装瓶
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 --- dry, semi-sweet, sweet (late-harvest) sparkling semi(latenever oaked 干,半甜,甜(晚摘型) 带汽. 从不使用橡木桶陈酿 半甜, 晚摘型) 带汽. Where grown:种植范围 grown:种植范围 ---US,NZ, Native to France’s Alsace and Germany ---US,NZ, 美国,新西兰, 原产地是法国Alsace和德国 美国,新西兰, 原产地是法国Alsace和德国
The pulp is the majority of the grape. It contains mostly
water, sugar and acid. 果肉占整个葡萄的大分,它所提供的是水分,糖份 和酸性物质
The seeds gave the tannins.
葡萄组成Biblioteka Must know: 必须知道 name of the grape(葡萄名称) grape(葡萄名称 葡萄名称) major part of grape(葡萄主要组成部分) grape(葡萄主要组成部分 葡萄主要组成部分) the steps to make wine(酿酒步骤) wine(酿酒步骤 酿酒步骤) Should know: 应该知道 where to grow the grape(葡萄的种植范围) grape(葡萄的种植范围 葡萄的种植范围) Could know: 可以知道 Fermentation styles (发酵形式) (发酵形式 发酵形式)
皮是其中最主要的部分,它是单宁酸,颜色和味道的来源. 皮是其中最主要的部分,它是单宁酸,颜色和味道的来源. (单宁无法品尝出它的味道,却可以感觉到它的存在,它 在酒中的作用就象 单宁无法品尝出它的味道,却可以感觉到它的存在, 人的骨骼一样支撑着人体.单宁可以使酒变的很重,但单宁含量太多的话, 人的骨骼一样支撑着人体.单宁可以使酒变的很重,但单宁含量太多的话, 对葡萄酒来说也不是一件好事,单宁应该和酒的果味保持平衡.) 对葡萄酒来说也不是一件好事,单宁应该和酒的果味保持平衡.)
4.Pinot noir
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 --- dry, fruity usually oak aged, 干,果味浓郁,通常需要橡木桶陈酿 果味浓郁, Where grown:种植范围 grown:种植范围 ---France, Italy, US, NZ, Native to ---France, France's Burgundy. 法国,意大利,美国,新西兰, 法国,意大利,美国,新西兰,原产地法国波根地
8.Sauvignon Blanc:
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 --- dry, usually unoaked 干,通常不需要橡木桶陈酿 Where grown:种植范围 grown:种植范围 ---all of the world, native to Loire valley. ---all 几乎全世界范围都有种植,原产地是法国Loire 几乎全世界范围都有种植,原产地是法国Loire valley
Fermentation styles:发酵形式 styles:发酵形式 --- dry, usually oak aged (not in Chablis) 干,通常需要橡木桶陈酿 (Chablis地区不需要橡木桶 (Chablis地区不需要橡木桶 陈酿 ) Where grown:种植范围 grown:种植范围 ---almost all of the world, but native to Burgundy. ---almost 几乎全世界范围都有种植, 几乎全世界范围都有种植,原产地是法国波根地
White and red The juice of most grapes is white. It is the skin that gives the wine its color. By removing the skins a white wine is produced, so that even a black grape can produce a white wine. A rose is created in the same manner as a red except the skins are removed earlier, so it becomes lighters body and color. Remember: it is the skin that give wine its color.
Three major parts of the grape 葡萄的主要组成部分 The skin contains all of the “good” tannins, color and
flavor of the wine. (tannins do not have taste, instead they give structure to the wine like a skeleton give s a body, Tannins make the wine full-bodied, more tannins in the fullwine is not always a good thing)