【尚友制造】Avantasiad 的考点总结之平行结构
【尚友制造】Avantasiad 的考点总结之平行结构

Avantasiad 的考点总结之平行结构尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】平行&结构1. 平行总则: 平行对像的选择非常重要, OG84中be前面既有不定式, 又有名词, 已知的不定式平行有method 和way(OG4E), 如果把固定结构拆开, 则必须先补全结构, TS9-26D就是比较具有迷惑形, 但是要明白method 首先要和to搭配不全结构, 其中D选项后面的and前后非常平行, 优选.2. to do X and (to) do Y; X be done and Y (be) done, 千万注意后面没错, OG218E3. 否定句的并列用or, 大全713 但是Unlike A and B.4. not…but/ …but(可以not verb…+but verb…) & instead of OG264B& rather than & as…as OG168 & or 大全14 & more x than y OG133C& the same to x as to y (介词的补出以示平行) & as well as 大全508A & besides & unlike & both…and & from…between & neither…nor & either…or & the more…the mor e例如. OG40. In metalwork one advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-welding is that the contact, and hence the bonding, is effected continuously over a broad surface instead of a series of regularly spaced points with no bonding in between.(A) instead of(B) as opposed to(C) in contrast with(D) rather than at 答案D, 体会不同介词构成的短语之间的平行.注意: 比较结构往往是含有省略的, 因此不要以为不平行, OG251A, 省略了the number was在when前面.5. be前后平行(包括has been); be动词和实意动词不能并列; Doing sth is N错, 因为不平行, OG240AD, 注意be 动词前后的时态也要平行; OG6E是结合了定语从句的be动词平行, N+that be+N.6. 平行应该尽量的对帐, 状语从句和定语从句平行就不好, OG225ACE.7. 主从句和宾语从句及修饰语中, 主语相同时语态大部分要平行, 但有例外, 因此不要作为开始判断依据,OG16E&OG23DE&OG170&OG133C&OG209; 主要动词相同的不平行必错, 主语相同的不平行不一定错,OG204(主语和动词都不同) & OG186(主要动词不同但是主语相同), OG193E(主语和动词都不同), OG214题干(主要动词不同); 分析OG170, 一个东西刚开始是被动, 不可能后来自己又可以主动了.8. 分词和从句不可以平行, OG135C; 分词和名词也不可以平行.9. such as提示后面的部分遵照平行, OG3.10. 特指与特指平行, 有the的名词平行对象也要有the, 但是极少数专有名词除外, OG106B, OG169AE, 大全315D. 但是注意, the + 名词1 and 名词2, 这是在名词2前省略了限定词, 而不是前面是特指, 后面是泛指; 但是泛指无须平行.11. 过去分词和现在分词只要是adj.的作用, 可以平行, 但前提是逻辑主语必须相同.12. OG83: Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one when it is not. When it is not明显是not后面省略了present, 这就需要前面有一个present和它构成平行, 对于这种省略的提示应该敏感.13. 注意平行的范围,不能在and 的平行结构中间穿插一堆东西, 造成理解的困难, OG27D.14. 平行的最高境界是内容和词义也要平行, 体会OG8D, OG169E, OG109BE.15. AND (then, therefore, also等副词不能代替and起连词的作用. 例如, then在并列结构中的用法为:do A and then do B, and不能省略, OG71):1当形容a sequence of action时, 用and的平行, OG71C(注意这个考点决定了A的错误, then表示一种逻辑动作的先后顺序, C的and平行结构比then+分词更好); 但是注意OG261AC说明了不用and同样可以表达chrnological order(因为A的不平行错误更大).2and可以表示出”cause-and-effect”的逻辑因果关系, 而when不可以(when表示同时发生 OG4, 大全561BE). 另外大全808 B也充分说明了and可以表达出因果关系, 逻辑意思为王.3and 不能用于主从句之间,应该用于两个并列句之间, 大全138B.4and的并列结构中, 必须严格平行对称, 名词必须和名词性结构平行, OG73D; 形式上面也要相同, OG93E(注意这里D酷似更平行, 但是平行指的是大结构上面的, 和partly because那题一样, 开始的大结构平行就可以, 小心陷阱).6and连续性比as well as好, 且表一定程度的因果, 不能A, B, as well as C, 意为as well as指的是前面提到的若干东西的补充, 从地位上面无法完美平行; 连接A and B的时候, 可用A as well as B, 表既…又, 大全74,OG197A.7不可以把逻辑上面联系的一组并列拆分成两组, OG155CE; 也不可以把逻辑关系不同的放在一组, OG190DE. 8and连接的两边最好成分对等, 若不对等, 也不要把谓语省虑, OG81. In 1973 mortgage payments represented twenty-one percent of an average thirty-year-old male's income;and forty-four percent in 1984.(A) income; and forty-four percent in 1984 (分号不可以用来分隔句子和短语, OG50B)(B) income; in 1984 the figure was forty-four percent(C) income, and in 1984 forty-four percent(D) income, forty-four percent in 1984 was the figure(E) income that rose to forty-four percent in 1984To establish the clearest comparison between circumstances in 1973 and those in 1984, a separate clause is needed to describe each year. Choices A and C, in failing to use separate clauses, are too elliptical and therefore unclear.9and表示并列关系, 乱加会破坏句子之间的紧密型和逻辑关系, OG3E, OG68C, OG154CDE; 但是这也不代表and 结构就不能改变, 答案是比出来的, 大全457.10and的并列如果省略主语, 则默认主语相同, 这可能是错误的原因, OG234D; OG264AD对比说明能把代词省掉就省掉, 简洁.11and前面如果没有逗号的话, 后面的分句必须省略主语, 否则Run-on, OG135AC(注意that从句不存在这问题), 即使前面有逗号, 如果平行有要求, 也不能有, OG163E(三个并列).16. 对于词性的判断很重要, 这决定是否平行, OG221(A中的aid for中aid是名词), 但是这题其实还有一层意思是说词性不同, 平行的内容不同.17. 名词可以和名词性从句并列, 因为功能相同.18. and also是正确的, 表连接, 与not only…but also相似, 但是不可以单独用but also, 因为那样就成了contrast 的意思, OG216A解释中提到.19. 关于结构:2主谓之间可以加短的除时间状语外的修饰成份, 如果是介宾做的后置定语, 则限定主语的范围, OG238A(这点很重要, 正确的区分主语的限制语, 并把位置放对是排除DE的好方法); OG193E说明了介宾短语放在主语后面要很慎重, 因为必须照顾后面的平行部分的语意.3a. 时间状语的位置. 时间状语的位置: 主语前/ auxiliary verb前(偶尔)/ main verb前(注意OG32是用定语从句的方式加状语,是可以的)/谓语后(大部分, 大部分是在句尾, 但是TS04-4D说明谓宾之间加入时间状语也可以); 一般放在句尾或句首, OG190ABE就是这个问题的说明, 而且OG解释中明确了主谓之间加入时间状语是Awkward; 一般情况下, 时间状语在句首或者句尾, Eg. Inflation in medical costs slowed in 1986 for the fifth consecutive year but were still about 50 percent greater than rate of price increases for other items included in the consumer price index.(A) Inflation in medical costs slowed in 1986 for the fifth consecutive year but were(B) Inflation in medical costs slowed for the fifth consecutive year in 1986 but was答案A充分说明了位置的重要性; 注意OG135B, 由于省略了主语, 所以相当于还是把时间状语放在句首. 例: OG32. Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were constructed in violation of the city's building code.(B) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had been(E) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had beenBE时间状语位置不同, 修饰的动作不同, 表示的意思就不同了: 一个说地震是去年, 一个说重建是去年, 逻辑意思第一.b. 介宾结构的时间状语放在句尾有可能出现歧义的情况, 但是这个判断顺序在最后面, 除非题目明确了对于这个考点的考察. (OG86就不能算是歧义)Eg. 大全182. Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.(B) What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls. (另外A的Doing is N也是错误标志)时间状语during a period of wage and price controls修饰对象有歧义,既可以指Bring Ford back after WW2 发生于during a period of wage and price controls也可以指A special gov. price increase 发生于during a period of wage and price controlsc. 修饰性状语位置. 修饰性状语必须判断是修饰单个词还是整个句子: OG256E, 大全72DE, 都是修饰整个句子, 所以放在句首比较好, 但是OG133也说明, 状语前置前提是句子里面只有一个动作或者几个动作发生情况相同, 如果有两个动作发生在不同的时间, 放在前面会造成逻辑错误(OG133A, 此时状语紧跟被修饰词, 不然窜改意思), 或者状语提前确实会产生意思错误(OG32BE).d. 时间状语也要小心夹心修饰的问题, OG262E(尽管不是以插入语的形式, 可还是不好)4Verb+to do结构中间可以插入介宾作为定语后置起限定性修饰作用, OG247A.5OG130ADE, GWD10-21, Verb+that结构中, 究竟那些是应该被宾语从句包括的, 逻辑上面要分清楚, OG117是一个很好的例子:Claims from a sample that it can assess…第一句中from…歧义, 以为是修饰claimsClaims that it can assess …from a sample的, 不应该拆开.6N+of的结构最好不拆, 中间插入别的修饰成份Confusingly, Awkward, OG247B.7注意被动语态中的be和-ed之间可以插入状语, OG170C.20. Resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria x 对于介宾短语尤其小心, 就像”火山在信里爆发”,介宾短语可以修饰动词和名词, 因此要小心修饰的语意窜改, OG263A, OG32E, OG117ABD(解释提到把介宾短语放在that的后面明确修饰后面的分句, 这个考点要把握); 因此介宾短语必须跟在被修饰的成份后面, 避免歧义, 大全266During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 down to its nadir in 1933.(B) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 to its nadir in 1933. (B)(E) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell from its peak in 1929 to its nadir in 1933 by nearly fifty percent.这里by引导的介宾短语要跟在被修饰的fell后面.但是, 这个考点应该辩证的接受, 即当介宾结构不会带来复杂的修饰的时候, 例如OG263, 当然要放在后面, 但是如果附带的修饰结构会产生头重脚轻时, 例如OG196D, 尽管这里的over the bridge是有歧义, 但是由于这个介宾结构后面带了一个复杂的定语从句, 无法提前, 只能在后面(介宾短语修饰歧义没有定从修饰这里产生的歧义大).注意, 介宾结构的时间状语在句尾, 不会造成修饰前面名词的歧义, OG86E.21. Among/ Out / Between/ At/ In/ -ed(OG166)+be+subject 倒装. GMA T中倒装不是重点, 即不会考只有倒装的不同的句子, 倒装的作用: 1强调要修饰的部分, 将要突出部分提前. 2平衡句子结构, 避免头重脚轻, OG166; 在不可以倒装的情况下, 不可以把助动词和动词分开, OG20D.22. like不可以引导从句, 因此seem like+句子, 必错.23. have done中的have在and并列句中第二个可以省略, OG113D; be done中的be同理.24. in both public and private life 无须补出介词inboth in public and in private life 要补出, 但是没有第一句简洁25. Run-on-sentence, 用and, but, yet连接两个主语不同的独立分句需要加逗号, 即主语不同的两个句子,OG114E, yet连接的句子主语相同, 因此可以不加逗号, 不要当成错误.读句子的时候要有意识,但是例如OG207A中and连接的是两个原因状语从句(相当于省略了一个相同的Because), 因此不加逗号; 注意不可将分句改成主句, 否则会run-on, OG10.26. 主句也不可变成从句, 否则Sentence Fragments, OG41. Under a provision of the Constitution that was never applied. Congress has been required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it by the legislatures of two-thirds of the states.(D) has never been applied, whereby Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do so(E) has never been applied, Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do soD的错误就是whereby把主句变成了从句, 形成了Sentence fragments, 同理OG68DE.27. 动词加与不加差异大, 不加修饰紧跟成分, 加了修饰主语, OG114AE.28. 分号会将主从句分开(减弱逻辑关系), 因此原句用and时慎重换分号, OG225D说明在最后选择的阶段, 一定要明确原句的希望表达的意思, A是两个从句修饰, D打乱句子的紧凑和联贯;不要用分号连接句子和分词, 因为分词结构不能单独构成一个句子, OG50C.29. despite/ in spite of/ because of/ on account of/ as a result of后面不能跟句子, 只可接简单名词结构(这个名词结构可以很长,甚至包括分词定后), 不可以接动名词OG48D; 当选项中同时出现because/ since和上述结构的时候, 选because/ since.30. a collection of/ a body of/ an array of/ a group of +复数名词+单数谓语.31. 从后不从前(由B决定): A or B; not A but B; either A or B; A nor B; not only A but also B; neither A nor B; there be从前不从后(由A决定): A with B; A, including B, A as well as B; A, together/ along with B; A no less than B; A more than B; A besides B; A except B32. ETS从来不用like举例, 用的话就用such as; such…as(大全299); for instance; A, such as B. such as中B肯定是和A是同一类事物, 但是like用于比较, A like B, 意思是A像B一样, 两者之间不是同一种类, 不可以混用, OG208CE; 注意不要以为出现like和such as就一定是用such as, 大全229.33. OG205: Such dependent clauses can only occur in the predicates of full clauses. Although结构在句子中间, 前后必须是都有谓语的句子.34. Wrong: Ezra Pound was interested but not very knowledgeable about economics.This is wrong because the preposition that’s needed after the word interested (in) is not the same as the preposition that follows the word knowledgeable (about).Correct: Ezra Pound was interested in but not very knowledgeable about economics.One way to check for faulty ellipsis is to complete each component idea in the sentence. Unless each part of the sentence can stand alone, you’ve found a case of faulty ellipsis. Trying that with our wrong example, we have:Wrong: Ezra Pound was interested about economics, but Pound was not very knowledgeable about economics.Clearly that w on’t do, but both parts of the correct version can stand alone.Correct: Pound was interested in economics, but Pound was not very knowledgeable about economics.Wrong: London always has and always will be the capital of the United Kingdom.This is wrong because the verb form that’s needed after has is not the same as the one that’s needed after will, so both must be included.Correct: London always has been and always will be the capital of the United Kingdom.Note that in the correct version, both parts of the sentence can stand alone. See what happens if you do that with the wrong version.35. 关于前置形容词和后置形容词的作用:1如果是作为前置形容词: 即形容词位于句首, 单独修饰主句的主语. 该形容词的作用和分词一样, 逻辑主语必须一致, 而且可以还原为完整的句子, OG 162题干.2如果是作为后置形容词: 既形容词位于修饰对象之后, 且两者之间有逗号隔开. 该形容词的作用作为定语就近修饰, 可以还原为定语从句. 但如果定语从句中有情态动词且不可省略, 则不可省略为简单的形容词; 而且后置形容词不可以像现在分词修饰整个句子, 在该种情况下, 必须在形容词前面加上具体名词, OG38.36. When you are using a verb tense with more than one part such as Simple Future (will help), adverbs usually come between the first part and the second part (will never help, is definitely going to meet).37. the more...the more...结构的四个原则:1the more后面的名词必须使用冠词或所有格, OG252: the more the children..., the greater their...2后面的谓语如果是be动词的话, 可以省略, 这一点对于前后两个都适用. (特别当主谓语时it is时, 常同时省略.) eg.What size box do you want?---The bigger, the better. 就是的The bigger it is, the better it is的省略结构. 上面的252题the greater...引出的主句显然省略了is, 表语是greater.3第二个the more后面可以使用倒装, 而第一个后面却不行 (因为只有主句才能倒装,从句绝不能倒装! 如果继续深究第二个the more后面什么时候用倒装时, 可认为如果主语长, 谓语动词短时, 为避免头重脚轻, 主谓语倒装).4表达的出的共变关系是不可以轻易改变的, 否则信息层次变化, OG7C.38. OG35: A comma is needed after Rhone in choices A and D to set off the modifying phrase thatbegins Vincent...; without the comma, the phrase appears to be part of the main clause, and it is thus unclear what noun should govern the verb sold. 说明对于插入成分, 要明确谁是主语, 并且在插入语和主要动词间隔开, 否则修饰模糊.39. 一个具有迷惑性的平行OG62. Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earth's crust, changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.(A) changing the measured strain across a fault zone and varying(B) changing measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and varying(C) changing the strain as measured across a fault zone, and variations of(D) changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in(E) changes in measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and variations among首先tilting根据后面并列的名词看出是名词, 但是紧跟的and会造成并列已经结束的假象, 这里要明白并列中间的东西也可以用and连接.另外一个: The suspect in the burglary was advised of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, andwas interrogated in a detention room.(A) of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, and was(B) of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, and (B)(D) that he had a right to remain silent, could not leave, and wasD的语意不对, 后面两个动作不用建议, 且主被动平行相对awkward.40. OG89. A recent national study of public schools shows that there are now one microcomputer for everythirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were four years ago.(A) there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were (C)(B) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were(C) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were(D) every thirty-two pupils now have one micro computer, four times as many than there were(E) every thirty-two pupils now has one microcom puter, four times as many asDE的four times作为一个后置成分, 修饰前面的one逻辑错误; ABC利用there be表示比率, 将这个问题避开.41. OG103. Students in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ever more dependent on information-based industries.(A) lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a city's economy that becomes(B) are so lacking in math skills that it will be difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming (B)lack在原句里面是动词, A将其变成了N, 造成了前面的主语成了Dangling element, 这种错误要意识到, 同理OG228CDE; 而且OG103A它也使后面的them指代错误 (因为主语变了, 对于这种变更造成的影响要注意).42. 主谓宾结构中, 复数主语可以对应单数宾语, Eg. We’are a team.43. it be adj. for x to do y 是ETS喜欢的结构, 其中it是形式主语.44. 另外, OG160是用while引出了两个句子的平行, 再用and引出第三个, 比较灵活的平行和句子连接, 结构看清楚.45. It is an oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them, and to drive them to market when the time is ripe.(C) all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and(D) the only thing that has to be done with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them,and (C)首先观察结构, D中的corral them是并列在分句下面, 而分句的主语是they, 明显是错误的, 但是C就用and去和主句并列, 解决了这个问题(注意C的and then是和leave组合并列再和drive并列). 另外, all one has to do with cattle is leave这里leave前省略了to, 同理可能还有what从句 is (to) do, 类似例句:All I can do is watch you leave. OG244选项C: one thing they have had to do is work, 尽管这是个错误的选项但og 没有指出work前要加to.46. 不要被插入语迷惑, 大全537, that is是插入语, 后面仍然是修饰mechanisms的定语从句.47. for后面接doing一般表示sth的用途, eg.it’s a knife for slicing bread;表示目的, 还是不定式最好, 因此当for doing和不定式同时出现时, 选择不定式, OG112BD, OG160CE, OG239AC, OG204BE; for+名词结构表示目的也是正确的, Eg.Several million tons of stone were quarried in France for the building of eight cathedrals.48. 明确修饰对像很重要, OG119DE就是没有明确, 导致significant in compunding不能作为状语修饰前面的动词is growing.49. 主句放在句末头重脚轻, confusing, OG27E.50. What is difficult to understand is A.;What are difficult to understand are A and B, OG211B.51. 大全431, 相同的形容词要放在前面, 对比AB; 如果是形容词的话并列的话就是: both public and private employee.52. 建立一种思想: SVO结构完整, 即”谁, 怎么样”, OG192E就是结构不完整, 话没有说完;同理: OG71. The original building and loan associations were organized as limited life funds, whose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions, then taking turns drawing on the funds for home mortgages.(A) subscriptions and then took turns drawing(B) subscriptions and then took turns, they drew(C) subscriptions and then drew, taking turns (C)BC的错误在于take turns干什么? Drew什么? 将原句一个完整的过程拆开是不对的, 这个思想是很重要的, OG256C就是这个道理, 不能把原来的完整意思拆开说.53. adj.+N and/or +N, adj管两个, 可能存在可数与否的修饰问题, OG107B.54. 副词应该放在要修饰的形容词前面, 否则awkward and vague, 而且这种说法不如用名词结构好, OG73C.55. 并列形式的平行(be, and, not only…but also)尽量保持时态的统一(OG246CDE, OG248C), 除非逻辑上面或者时间状语上面有明显的暗示.56. 表语从句的that不可以省略.57. 不可以be+because of, 用be+caused by, OG237C.58. being单独出现强调正在进行, 一般错误, 介词后面的being单说.59. when/ while+N, 错误. 当状语从句中是系表结构的时候, 而表语这个时候有时一个名词,那么在英语的语法中是不能省略前面的主语和谓语的. 所以When he was a teacher, he lived in the school, 不能省略成when a teacher, he lived in the school. 当后面是形容词或者是介词短语的时候是可以省略的.GMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。

例如:•She likes singing, dancing, and painting.•He is talented, intelligent, and hardworking.平行短语平行短语是指在句子中使用相同的短语结构来表达相关的意思。
例如:•I enjoy reading novels, watching movies, and listening to music.•He is interested in playing basketball, swimming, and hiking.平行从句平行从句是指在句子中使用相同的从句结构来表达相关的意思。
例如:•She said that she would go to the party, that she would bring a gift, and that she would stay until the end.•He told me that he likes to play soccer, that he enjoys listening to music, and that he wants to travel the world.平行结构的注意事项在使用平行结构时,需要注意以下几点:一致性平行结构要求使用相同的句法结构和词类。

•Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.•It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — thatfrom these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which theygave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these deadshall not have died in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth offreedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shallnot perish from the earth.•Where there's a will there's a way.•Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteennineteen six, resulthappiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds oughtand six, result misery.当句子中两个及两个以上的一致的元素以一致的语法形式表达时,读者能更容易辨别其逻辑关系。
英语中的平行结构 Parallelism

4. The salesman expected that he would present his product at the meeting, that there would be time for him to show his slide presentation, and that questions would be asked by prospective buyers.
Types---Parallel clauses
A father who spends time with his son and who thoughtfully answers his son’s question will be respected and loved.
Types---Parallel sentences
他——正直,善良,坦荡,风趣,可爱,开朗,乐观,优雅,迷人,精力充沛, 爱憎分明,张扬又内敛,专情又风情,纯真又性感,温柔又彪悍…… 最重要的是,他未婚。
Types---Parallel phrases
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以博彩,足以长才。
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

例如:(a)This attitude results in a nation of people com mitted to research,experimenting and exploring. 这种态度造就了一个决心投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。
(b)An Englishman thinks seated;a Frenchman,standi ng;an American,pacing;an Irishman,after-ward. 英国人坐着想,法国人站着想,美国人走着想,爱尔兰人事后想。
它是由介词短语、动词短语、分词短语、不定式短语等词组并列而成,例如:(a)Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.(Francis Bacon:Of Studies)读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。

议论文写作中平行结构的类型和作用作文辅导0415 0743议论文结构中较为常见的是平行结构。

平行结构Parallel Structure包括了很多方面,由于中国的英语高考中很少视察这部分的内容,所以中国的高中英语课也忽略了这个知识点,因此造成了很多同学关于此知识点的掌握不牢固,必定会造成在SAT考试中会丢分。
1. 三者之间的平行----N, N, and N(名词,名词,and 名词)此种题型就是我们常说的"名词,名词,and 名词'的形式,这三个名词是互相并列的。
出题的习惯通常划线部分放在第三个,即在and 名词上面划线。
2. 比较句此种题型在考试当中几乎每次都可以见到,考点集中在同类比较。
出现此题型的标志有:-er; more than; as; like; unlike; compare to/with等3. 两者之间的平行两者之间的平行一般的几个标志如下: not only,but also.;neither. nor../ eitheror(在SAT中被视为送分题);.. and / but..4. 两个句子之间的平行两个句子之间的平行,后一个句子之间用逗号加上连词隔开,或者直接用一个分号隔开,标志:and,but,分号等。
【尚友制造】Avantasiad 的考点总结之时态

标题:Avantasiad 的考点总结之时态尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】时态1.at that time + 一般过去时; within the past few year+现在完成时2.有before+过去时间不一定就加过去完成时, 应该从逻辑上面判断时态.3.具体时间状语出现(尤其是封闭的时间段), 基本上只可用一般过去时, OG203: has occurred between 1982and 1987 x “since the period of time covered began and ended in the past, the verb should in一般过去时.4.把两个时态换成一个, 会造成逻辑顺序的不清晰(把”过去完成时+过去时”换成”过去时”), OG32AB.5.现在完成时包含对现在影响的含义, 不可轻易换成过去式; 现在完成时强调的过去一直到现在, 但不表示对将来有任何暗示, 不同于一般现在时, OG88BC(同时应该注意未划线部分的提示), 同理OG77DE, OG213D.6. 现在完成时和一般过去时应该都可以连用in the last year, 不过现在完成时表示和现在有联系, 一般过去时表示和现在无联系; whithin/ during/ over/ in+the past/ last/ recent+时间短语, 这样的形式通通用完成时, 主要看那个the在不在, "Last year" and "in the last year" are very different in meaning. "Last year" means the year before now. "In the last year" means from 365 days ago until now; 但是这不意味着有了the就一定用完成时, 大全968.7. 现在完成时的谓语, 前面不能是现在完成时或者过去时的主语, OG30AB.8. 主句的谓语动词如果是过去时态, 而间接引语是客观事实或说话人认为是事实时, 或者统计数据和科研成果, 或者政府决策的时候, 间接引语谓语动词应用一般现在时, 例如:OG147. At a recent session, the French government decided that (Paris needs a second, larger opera house to complement the famous Paris Opera).大全99. Although the manager agreed to a more flexible work schedule, he said that (it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor will know what everyone) is assigned to do.但是除了上述情况外, 一般都是动词是过去时, 则宾语从句要是过去时.9. We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with time expressions such as "yesterday," "one year ago," "last week," "when I was a chlid," "when I lived in Japan," "at that moment," "that day" or "one day." We CAN use the Present Perfect with expressions like "ever," "never," "once," "many times," "several times," "before," "so far," "already" and "yet."; Sometimes we want to limit the time we are looking in for an experience. Expressions such as "in the last week," "in the last year," "this week," "this month," "so far" and "up to now" can be used to narrow the time we are looking in for an experience; Unlike the Present Perfect, it is possible to use specific time words or phrases with the Past Perfect. Although this is possible, it is usually not necessary.10. 从句不可用将来时: No Future in Time Clauses: Like all future forms, the Simple Future cannot be used in clauses beginning with "when", "while", "before", "after", "by the time," "as soon as," "if" and "unless."Eg. When you will arrive tonight, we will go out for dinner xI already told Mark that when he would arrive, we would go out for dinner. x11. 条件从句(分为真实条件句和非真实条件句)1三种用法:a. if x happens, y will happen, 主将从现, OG37.b. if x heppens, y happen, 表达对一般事实的推测, OG46.c. If it were表示虚拟的语气, 后面用could/ would.2在真实条件句中不用would用should, OG73B的解释中说明这是因为避免和虚拟语气重复.3unless引导的也是条件从句, 不可以在从句中出现将来时, OG146B.4would用法: 情态动词, 主要针对would和should, 用法分为情态动词的用法和非情态动词用法, 例如: If I were you, I would choose that one, 这里的would没有任何含意, 只是表达一种不确定的可能性, 是一种虚拟语气, 即非真实性条件句, 但是OG73中的would就是一种情态动词的意义, refer to a promised but uncertain future event.12. 在没有十分的把握的情况下(除非逻辑意思需要或者有明显的主从关系), 小心使用过去完成时, OG80, 完成时的问题相当复杂, 句中一定要有时间提示或者动词关系提示, 否则不能选.13. 大全497. Many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.(D) The mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries, many of which are chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.(E) The mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries, many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries agoD的时态不对, 后面有明显的时间状语提示, 独立结构可以绕过这个缺点.14. can不可以用在过去时中, 要变成could.15.出现ago, 由于表示过去具体时间, 最好不搭配完成时, 大全110AE.16.当选项中有些涉及时态, 有些不涉及的时候, 小心时态有问题, OG198.17.大全267. During the nineteenth century Emily Eden and Fanny Parks journeyed throughout India, sketchingand keeping journals forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had visited.(A) forming the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had(B) that were forming the basis of news reports about the princely states(C) to form the basis of news reports about the princely states which they have(D) which had formed the basis of news reports about the princely states where they had(E)(E) that formed the basis of news reports about the princely states they不要迷信原句的完成时, 体会不用完成时had visted, 这里的动词是journeyed, visted不能在它前面, 这两个动作都发生在过去, 没有明显的逻辑和时间先后. 另外体会这里不用不定式, 信息层次改变.18.since出现在主句中, 必须用完成时, 但是如果出现在分词的伴随结构中, 如OG259, 大全127, 用分词直接可以表示完成的意思(OG53CE, 这里也是用分词而不用名词的一个重要原因); 绝对不可以用having done 的后置修饰结构, 因为分词已经表达了完成时的意思19.and也可以表达一种先后顺序, 不过更多的表示在一个特定时间内的动作, 不像过去完成时强调不同时间的先后顺序, OG120AC和大全267AE的对比说明了过去完成时不可以随便使用.20.不是说有了过去时就可以用过去完成时, 关键看有没有逻辑顺序和时间关系在里面, OG17AEGMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。

中式英语之鉴--平行结构(parallel structure)1.定义:词或句含义相似或相反;结构相同。
3.举例子:如对比:To be or not to be: that is the questions...To be or to ceasing living: that is the question...可见:平行结构的比非平行结构更加简洁、有力、富有节奏感。
4.特点:a.词汇方面:使用词性一致的词汇:如healthy/wealthy/wiseb.短语方面:使用结构一致的短语,或者带有某个固定词汇重复的短语:如of the people/by the people/for the peoplec.从句方面:使用结构相似的从句,如where there is a will there is a way, 具有相同的结构,there is an x/ there is a y。
d. 句子方面:相邻的句子结构相同,意思或相近或相反。
5.分类:a.由并列连词(coordinating conjunctions)连接:如and, but, or。
例如:Timber is needed for construction 1and to withstand floods2.分析:1部分是介词+名词的结构;2部分是不定式结构+名词的结构;由于两个词由and 衔接,可使用平行结构,让表达更加地道。
可以改为:Timber is needed to provide materials for construction 1and to withstand floods2. 这样1与2两个部分都是不定式结构。
b. 由关联连词(correlative conjunctions) 连接:如both...and, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also, not...but.例如:These are vital issues for the next century: both for people’s quality of life1 and for saving the environment2.分析:1是介词+名词,2是介词+动名词;此时,1与2 由关联连词both...and,可用平行结构,将二者的词性调整一致,可改为:These are vital issues for the next century: affecting both the quality of people’s life1and the preservation of the environment2.b.同一个话题下的多个分话题,多个话题一般由first, second, third 连接(Items in a list or a series of headings):例如:Socialism has two major requirements. First, its economy must be dominated by public ownership1, and second, there must be no polarization2.分析:句中的1 和2两个句子都有结构must be,而构成平行结构。

例如:“She likes hiking, swimming, and cycling.”(她喜欢徒步旅行、游泳和骑自行车。
)二、平行结构的作用1. 提高修辞效果:平行结构能够在句子中形成韵律和对比,使句子更加动听和生动。
2. 增强表达的力度:通过使用平行结构,可以突出重点,使句子更加有力,增加说服力。
3. 提升阅读体验:平行结构使句子更加平衡、流畅,使读者更容易理解和吸收信息。
三、平行结构的常见修饰方式1. 平行词组修饰:在描述一个事物时,使用并列的词组来修饰,使句子清晰明了。
例如:“She is not only intelligent, but also k ind and beautiful.”(她不仅聪明,而且善良美丽。
)2. 平行短语修饰:使用相同的短语结构来修饰句子中的不同成分,增强表达效果。
例如:“He enjoys reading, swimming, and listening to music.”(他喜欢阅读、游泳和听音乐。
)3. 平行句子修饰:在使用多个句子时,使用相同的句子结构,使整个段落或篇章更加连贯。
例如:“She studied hard for the exam, she practiced every day, and she never gave up.”(她为考试努力学习,每天都练习,从未放弃。
)四、注意事项1. 语法一致性:平行结构要求使用相同的语法形式,例如相同的词性、时态、语态等。

• 常见的并列连词有: 1、表递进关系:and, not only…but also…,
neither…nor…, not… but… 2. 选择关系:or,either…or…, otherwise,
whether...or 3. 转折对比关系: but, yet, whereas, while, still 4. 因果关系:so, for 5. 并列关系:and, when
5. Either you can do it by yourself,______ you can
ask someone else to help you.
6. Do youbuht ave a table for two? ----I’m
2021s/5o/27rry,_____ there aren’t any seats now.
• Difficulties will arise in the course of reforming, but we will certainly overcome them.
• He was not feeling well, yet he kept on until it was done.
• He had worked in the foreign service for two years without leave; hence he was tired almost beyond endurance.
• From a running start Pedro launched his body into a vigorous racing drive; however, he was about thirty feet from the pool at the time.

and,but,or,neither...nor,either...or,not only...but also,not...but等,我们在使用
1.刍议英语中的平行结构准则 [J], 王硕
2.科技英语中的平行结构、构成方式及使用原则 [J], 蔡郁;徐燕
3.塑造语言的艺术美--从《最后一片叶子--欧.亨利短篇小说选》译本看如何翻译英语中的平行结构 [J], 张曦
4.浅谈英语中的平行结构 [J], 袁军英
5.浅谈英语中的平行结构 [J], 袁军英;

平行知识点总结一、平行结构的定义1. 什么是平行结构平行结构是指在句子或短语中使用相同的语法结构来表达相似或相关的概念。
2. 平行结构的特点平行结构主要有以下特点:- 使用相同的词类或词组- 使用相同的从句结构- 使用相同的并列连词- 使用相同的动词时态和语态3. 平行结构的作用平行结构的使用可以使语言表达更加清晰明了,也能够增强语句的修辞效果。
二、平行结构的运用1. 平行结构的运用在句子中在句子中,我们可以通过以下方式运用平行结构:- 单词的平行结构:例如,“她喜欢游泳、跑步和骑自行车。
”- 短语的平行结构:例如,“他经常早起锻炼、认真学习和努力工作。
”- 从句的平行结构:例如,“她告诉我她既看了电影,又去了购物中心。
”- 并列连词的平行结构:例如,“他既勤奋又聪明。
”- 动词时态的平行结构:例如,“他喜欢游泳和打篮球。
”2. 平行结构的运用在段落中在段落中,我们可以通过平行结构来表达相似或相关的内容,使得段落更加连贯和具有逻辑性。
三、平行结构的误用1. 平行结构的错误示范在使用平行结构时,有时会出现以下错误示范:- 单词的不平行结构:例如,“她喜欢游泳、跑步和去购物。
”(不平行)- 短语的不平行结构:例如,“他喜欢旅行、阅读和写作。
”(不平行)- 从句的不平行结构:例如,“他告诉我他既喜欢旅行,又喜欢读书。
”(不平行)- 并列连词的不平行结构:例如,“她既聪明又善良。
”(不平行)- 动词时态的不平行结构:例如,“他昨天既洗了衣服又洗了碗。
”(不平行)2. 如何避免平行结构的误用避免平行结构的误用,需要注意以下几点:- 注意词类、词组、从句等的平行结构- 确保使用相同的并列连词- 注意动词时态和语态的一致性四、平行结构的应用技巧1. 平行结构的常见应用在写作中,我们常常会使用平行结构来表达相似或相关的内容,使句子更加连贯和具有逻辑性。

平行结构(parallelism)1.identify the parallelism strcutre: ----words/ phrases/ sentences (form/ part of speech/ structure/ degree/ sentiments:and, but, so, yet, for, nor, or , not only…but also, either…or,以及neither…nor…It is not that (不是)the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that (而是) thelatter (后者) is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former (前者)。
(1993年真题)2. punctuations :, /; / ---/Information systems affect the scope and quality of health care, make social services more equitable, enhance personal comfort, provide a greater measure of safety and mobility, and extend the variety of leisure forms at one’s disposal.3.an array of the clauses, phrases …of the same kind2. 同位结构(apposition)1). identify the apposition, especially the apposition clause a.that,whether,what,when,where,why,how等来引导。

第三章平行结構(Parallelism)一、起源平行结構起源於拉丁文的Parallelu s,意謂兩個事物想法或概念極為類似或雷同,以相同的結構平行呈現,利用對稱連接詞(and, or, but, notonly…but also, either…or, neither…nor)來銜接成一個合句。
連接詞所銜接的句型必須一致,(例如:動詞片語and 動詞片語;分詞片語or 分詞片語)。
目的在顯示出兩件(或多件)事物間的相似性,類似中文修辭裡的"對偶" 或"排比". 也藉者句型的重複性來強調某些概念或事物的重要性或顯著性。
E. P.J. Corbett 曾經詳細的描述平行结構如下:Parallelism is one of the basic principles of grammar andrhetoric. The principle demands that equivalent things be setforth in co-ordinate grammatical structures. So nouns must beyoked with nouns, prepositional phrases with prepositionalphrases, adverb clauses with adverb clauses. When thisprinciple is ignored, not only is the grammar of co-ordinationviolated, but also the rhetoric of coherence is wrenched.Students must be made to realize that violations of parallelismare serious, not only because they impair communication butalso because they reflect disorderly thinking. Whenever yousee a coordinated conjunction in one of your sentences, youshould check to make sure that the elements joined by theconjunction are of the same grammatical kind. (428-9)平行結構的理論基礎在於反映大自然對稱的特質。

二、特点1. 重复性:平行结构要求句子中的成分重复出现,以达到平衡和对等的效果。
2. 平衡性:平行结构要求句子中的成分在形式上保持平衡,没有明显的不一致或不协调之处。
1. 句子层面:平行结构可以用于列举、对比和并列等句子类型。
2. 段落层面:平行结构可以用于段落中的主题句和支持句,使得段落的结构更加清晰。
3. 文章层面:平行结构可以用于整篇文章的标题、段落结构和句子结构,使得文章的逻辑和结构更加清晰。
四、例子1. 列举:他喜欢读书、旅行和运动。
2. 对比:他既喜欢读书,又喜欢写作。
3. 并列:旅行可以开拓眼界,增长见识,结交朋友。
4. 主题句:旅行的乐趣、旅行的意义、旅行的收获。

这是对称结构中最简单的一种形式,也比较容易分辨出来,比如English and Chinese,我们不能说成English and China.因为English and Chinese是两种语言之间的并列,而English and China则成了一种语言一种国家。
比如,reform health care, preserve social security, and balance the budget.这些短语的并列性是它们都是动词短语,为了保持其一致性,我们在做题的时候就决不能用一个动词短语一个不定式一个动名词这类的,而考题中通常都会给你两个动词短语,再给你一个不定式或者动名词,这时候要利用你的火眼金睛把它筛选出来。

如:Many people now think that teachers give pupils too much homework. They say that it is___51___for children to work at home in their free time. ___52___, they argue that most teachers do not___53___ plan the homework tasks they give to pupils.1. A. unnecessary B. uninteresting C. unfortunate D. unimportant2. A. Nevertheless B. However C. Therefore D. Moreover3. A. considerably B. favorably C. properly D. pleasantly【解析】排比结构由Many people think that...They say that...they argue that...所组成。
该结构中所设置的三个空格的正确填入,要求考生首先把握结构所体现的“主题” ——抱怨作业太多。
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Avantasiad 的考点总结之平行结构尚友论坛【GMAT专区】【尚友学堂GMAT公开课】【GMAT机经专区】【GMAT资料下载区】【GMAT黄历查询】平行&结构1. 平行总则: 平行对像的选择非常重要, OG84中be前面既有不定式, 又有名词, 已知的不定式平行有method 和way(OG4E), 如果把固定结构拆开, 则必须先补全结构, TS9-26D就是比较具有迷惑形, 但是要明白method 首先要和to搭配不全结构, 其中D选项后面的and前后非常平行, 优选.2. to do X and (to) do Y; X be done and Y (be) done, 千万注意后面没错, OG218E3. 否定句的并列用or, 大全713 但是Unlike A and B.4. not…but/ …but(可以not verb…+but verb…) & instead of OG264B& rather than & as…as OG168 & or 大全14 & more x than y OG133C& the same to x as to y (介词的补出以示平行) & as well as 大全508A & besides & unlike & both…and & from…between & neither…nor & either…or & the more…the mor e例如. OG40. In metalwork one advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-welding is that the contact, and hence the bonding, is effected continuously over a broad surface instead of a series of regularly spaced points with no bonding in between.(A) instead of(B) as opposed to(C) in contrast with(D) rather than at 答案D, 体会不同介词构成的短语之间的平行.注意: 比较结构往往是含有省略的, 因此不要以为不平行, OG251A, 省略了the number was在when前面.5. be前后平行(包括has been); be动词和实意动词不能并列; Doing sth is N错, 因为不平行, OG240AD, 注意be 动词前后的时态也要平行; OG6E是结合了定语从句的be动词平行, N+that be+N.6. 平行应该尽量的对帐, 状语从句和定语从句平行就不好, OG225ACE.7. 主从句和宾语从句及修饰语中, 主语相同时语态大部分要平行, 但有例外, 因此不要作为开始判断依据,OG16E&OG23DE&OG170&OG133C&OG209; 主要动词相同的不平行必错, 主语相同的不平行不一定错,OG204(主语和动词都不同) & OG186(主要动词不同但是主语相同), OG193E(主语和动词都不同), OG214题干(主要动词不同); 分析OG170, 一个东西刚开始是被动, 不可能后来自己又可以主动了.8. 分词和从句不可以平行, OG135C; 分词和名词也不可以平行.9. such as提示后面的部分遵照平行, OG3.10. 特指与特指平行, 有the的名词平行对象也要有the, 但是极少数专有名词除外, OG106B, OG169AE, 大全315D. 但是注意, the + 名词1 and 名词2, 这是在名词2前省略了限定词, 而不是前面是特指, 后面是泛指; 但是泛指无须平行.11. 过去分词和现在分词只要是adj.的作用, 可以平行, 但前提是逻辑主语必须相同.12. OG83: Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one when it is not. When it is not明显是not后面省略了present, 这就需要前面有一个present和它构成平行, 对于这种省略的提示应该敏感.13. 注意平行的范围,不能在and 的平行结构中间穿插一堆东西, 造成理解的困难, OG27D.14. 平行的最高境界是内容和词义也要平行, 体会OG8D, OG169E, OG109BE.15. AND (then, therefore, also等副词不能代替and起连词的作用. 例如, then在并列结构中的用法为:do A and then do B, and不能省略, OG71):1当形容a sequence of action时, 用and的平行, OG71C(注意这个考点决定了A的错误, then表示一种逻辑动作的先后顺序, C的and平行结构比then+分词更好); 但是注意OG261AC说明了不用and同样可以表达chrnological order(因为A的不平行错误更大).2and可以表示出”cause-and-effect”的逻辑因果关系, 而when不可以(when表示同时发生 OG4, 大全561BE). 另外大全808 B也充分说明了and可以表达出因果关系, 逻辑意思为王.3and 不能用于主从句之间,应该用于两个并列句之间, 大全138B.4and的并列结构中, 必须严格平行对称, 名词必须和名词性结构平行, OG73D; 形式上面也要相同, OG93E(注意这里D酷似更平行, 但是平行指的是大结构上面的, 和partly because那题一样, 开始的大结构平行就可以, 小心陷阱).6and连续性比as well as好, 且表一定程度的因果, 不能A, B, as well as C, 意为as well as指的是前面提到的若干东西的补充, 从地位上面无法完美平行; 连接A and B的时候, 可用A as well as B, 表既…又, 大全74,OG197A.7不可以把逻辑上面联系的一组并列拆分成两组, OG155CE; 也不可以把逻辑关系不同的放在一组, OG190DE. 8and连接的两边最好成分对等, 若不对等, 也不要把谓语省虑, OG81. In 1973 mortgage payments represented twenty-one percent of an average thirty-year-old male's income;and forty-four percent in 1984.(A) income; and forty-four percent in 1984 (分号不可以用来分隔句子和短语, OG50B)(B) income; in 1984 the figure was forty-four percent(C) income, and in 1984 forty-four percent(D) income, forty-four percent in 1984 was the figure(E) income that rose to forty-four percent in 1984To establish the clearest comparison between circumstances in 1973 and those in 1984, a separate clause is needed to describe each year. Choices A and C, in failing to use separate clauses, are too elliptical and therefore unclear.9and表示并列关系, 乱加会破坏句子之间的紧密型和逻辑关系, OG3E, OG68C, OG154CDE; 但是这也不代表and 结构就不能改变, 答案是比出来的, 大全457.10and的并列如果省略主语, 则默认主语相同, 这可能是错误的原因, OG234D; OG264AD对比说明能把代词省掉就省掉, 简洁.11and前面如果没有逗号的话, 后面的分句必须省略主语, 否则Run-on, OG135AC(注意that从句不存在这问题), 即使前面有逗号, 如果平行有要求, 也不能有, OG163E(三个并列).16. 对于词性的判断很重要, 这决定是否平行, OG221(A中的aid for中aid是名词), 但是这题其实还有一层意思是说词性不同, 平行的内容不同.17. 名词可以和名词性从句并列, 因为功能相同.18. and also是正确的, 表连接, 与not only…but also相似, 但是不可以单独用but also, 因为那样就成了contrast 的意思, OG216A解释中提到.19. 关于结构:2主谓之间可以加短的除时间状语外的修饰成份, 如果是介宾做的后置定语, 则限定主语的范围, OG238A(这点很重要, 正确的区分主语的限制语, 并把位置放对是排除DE的好方法); OG193E说明了介宾短语放在主语后面要很慎重, 因为必须照顾后面的平行部分的语意.3a. 时间状语的位置. 时间状语的位置: 主语前/ auxiliary verb前(偶尔)/ main verb前(注意OG32是用定语从句的方式加状语,是可以的)/谓语后(大部分, 大部分是在句尾, 但是TS04-4D说明谓宾之间加入时间状语也可以); 一般放在句尾或句首, OG190ABE就是这个问题的说明, 而且OG解释中明确了主谓之间加入时间状语是Awkward; 一般情况下, 时间状语在句首或者句尾, Eg. Inflation in medical costs slowed in 1986 for the fifth consecutive year but were still about 50 percent greater than rate of price increases for other items included in the consumer price index.(A) Inflation in medical costs slowed in 1986 for the fifth consecutive year but were(B) Inflation in medical costs slowed for the fifth consecutive year in 1986 but was答案A充分说明了位置的重要性; 注意OG135B, 由于省略了主语, 所以相当于还是把时间状语放在句首. 例: OG32. Some buildings that were destroyed and heavily damaged in the earthquake last year were constructed in violation of the city's building code.(B) Some buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake last year had been(E) Last year some of the buildings that were destroyed or heavily damaged in the earthquake had beenBE时间状语位置不同, 修饰的动作不同, 表示的意思就不同了: 一个说地震是去年, 一个说重建是去年, 逻辑意思第一.b. 介宾结构的时间状语放在句尾有可能出现歧义的情况, 但是这个判断顺序在最后面, 除非题目明确了对于这个考点的考察. (OG86就不能算是歧义)Eg. 大全182. Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.(B) What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls. (另外A的Doing is N也是错误标志)时间状语during a period of wage and price controls修饰对象有歧义,既可以指Bring Ford back after WW2 发生于during a period of wage and price controls也可以指A special gov. price increase 发生于during a period of wage and price controlsc. 修饰性状语位置. 修饰性状语必须判断是修饰单个词还是整个句子: OG256E, 大全72DE, 都是修饰整个句子, 所以放在句首比较好, 但是OG133也说明, 状语前置前提是句子里面只有一个动作或者几个动作发生情况相同, 如果有两个动作发生在不同的时间, 放在前面会造成逻辑错误(OG133A, 此时状语紧跟被修饰词, 不然窜改意思), 或者状语提前确实会产生意思错误(OG32BE).d. 时间状语也要小心夹心修饰的问题, OG262E(尽管不是以插入语的形式, 可还是不好)4Verb+to do结构中间可以插入介宾作为定语后置起限定性修饰作用, OG247A.5OG130ADE, GWD10-21, Verb+that结构中, 究竟那些是应该被宾语从句包括的, 逻辑上面要分清楚, OG117是一个很好的例子:Claims from a sample that it can assess…第一句中from…歧义, 以为是修饰claimsClaims that it can assess …from a sample的, 不应该拆开.6N+of的结构最好不拆, 中间插入别的修饰成份Confusingly, Awkward, OG247B.7注意被动语态中的be和-ed之间可以插入状语, OG170C.20. Resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient world at Alexandria x 对于介宾短语尤其小心, 就像”火山在信里爆发”,介宾短语可以修饰动词和名词, 因此要小心修饰的语意窜改, OG263A, OG32E, OG117ABD(解释提到把介宾短语放在that的后面明确修饰后面的分句, 这个考点要把握); 因此介宾短语必须跟在被修饰的成份后面, 避免歧义, 大全266During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 down to its nadir in 1933.(B) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 to its nadir in 1933. (B)(E) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell from its peak in 1929 to its nadir in 1933 by nearly fifty percent.这里by引导的介宾短语要跟在被修饰的fell后面.但是, 这个考点应该辩证的接受, 即当介宾结构不会带来复杂的修饰的时候, 例如OG263, 当然要放在后面, 但是如果附带的修饰结构会产生头重脚轻时, 例如OG196D, 尽管这里的over the bridge是有歧义, 但是由于这个介宾结构后面带了一个复杂的定语从句, 无法提前, 只能在后面(介宾短语修饰歧义没有定从修饰这里产生的歧义大).注意, 介宾结构的时间状语在句尾, 不会造成修饰前面名词的歧义, OG86E.21. Among/ Out / Between/ At/ In/ -ed(OG166)+be+subject 倒装. GMA T中倒装不是重点, 即不会考只有倒装的不同的句子, 倒装的作用: 1强调要修饰的部分, 将要突出部分提前. 2平衡句子结构, 避免头重脚轻, OG166; 在不可以倒装的情况下, 不可以把助动词和动词分开, OG20D.22. like不可以引导从句, 因此seem like+句子, 必错.23. have done中的have在and并列句中第二个可以省略, OG113D; be done中的be同理.24. in both public and private life 无须补出介词inboth in public and in private life 要补出, 但是没有第一句简洁25. Run-on-sentence, 用and, but, yet连接两个主语不同的独立分句需要加逗号, 即主语不同的两个句子,OG114E, yet连接的句子主语相同, 因此可以不加逗号, 不要当成错误.读句子的时候要有意识,但是例如OG207A中and连接的是两个原因状语从句(相当于省略了一个相同的Because), 因此不加逗号; 注意不可将分句改成主句, 否则会run-on, OG10.26. 主句也不可变成从句, 否则Sentence Fragments, OG41. Under a provision of the Constitution that was never applied. Congress has been required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it by the legislatures of two-thirds of the states.(D) has never been applied, whereby Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do so(E) has never been applied, Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do soD的错误就是whereby把主句变成了从句, 形成了Sentence fragments, 同理OG68DE.27. 动词加与不加差异大, 不加修饰紧跟成分, 加了修饰主语, OG114AE.28. 分号会将主从句分开(减弱逻辑关系), 因此原句用and时慎重换分号, OG225D说明在最后选择的阶段, 一定要明确原句的希望表达的意思, A是两个从句修饰, D打乱句子的紧凑和联贯;不要用分号连接句子和分词, 因为分词结构不能单独构成一个句子, OG50C.29. despite/ in spite of/ because of/ on account of/ as a result of后面不能跟句子, 只可接简单名词结构(这个名词结构可以很长,甚至包括分词定后), 不可以接动名词OG48D; 当选项中同时出现because/ since和上述结构的时候, 选because/ since.30. a collection of/ a body of/ an array of/ a group of +复数名词+单数谓语.31. 从后不从前(由B决定): A or B; not A but B; either A or B; A nor B; not only A but also B; neither A nor B; there be从前不从后(由A决定): A with B; A, including B, A as well as B; A, together/ along with B; A no less than B; A more than B; A besides B; A except B32. ETS从来不用like举例, 用的话就用such as; such…as(大全299); for instance; A, such as B. such as中B肯定是和A是同一类事物, 但是like用于比较, A like B, 意思是A像B一样, 两者之间不是同一种类, 不可以混用, OG208CE; 注意不要以为出现like和such as就一定是用such as, 大全229.33. OG205: Such dependent clauses can only occur in the predicates of full clauses. Although结构在句子中间, 前后必须是都有谓语的句子.34. Wrong: Ezra Pound was interested but not very knowledgeable about economics.This is wrong because the preposition that’s needed after the word interested (in) is not the same as the preposition that follows the word knowledgeable (about).Correct: Ezra Pound was interested in but not very knowledgeable about economics.One way to check for faulty ellipsis is to complete each component idea in the sentence. Unless each part of the sentence can stand alone, you’ve found a case of faulty ellipsis. Trying that with our wrong example, we have:Wrong: Ezra Pound was interested about economics, but Pound was not very knowledgeable about economics.Clearly that w on’t do, but both parts of the correct version can stand alone.Correct: Pound was interested in economics, but Pound was not very knowledgeable about economics.Wrong: London always has and always will be the capital of the United Kingdom.This is wrong because the verb form that’s needed after has is not the same as the one that’s needed after will, so both must be included.Correct: London always has been and always will be the capital of the United Kingdom.Note that in the correct version, both parts of the sentence can stand alone. See what happens if you do that with the wrong version.35. 关于前置形容词和后置形容词的作用:1如果是作为前置形容词: 即形容词位于句首, 单独修饰主句的主语. 该形容词的作用和分词一样, 逻辑主语必须一致, 而且可以还原为完整的句子, OG 162题干.2如果是作为后置形容词: 既形容词位于修饰对象之后, 且两者之间有逗号隔开. 该形容词的作用作为定语就近修饰, 可以还原为定语从句. 但如果定语从句中有情态动词且不可省略, 则不可省略为简单的形容词; 而且后置形容词不可以像现在分词修饰整个句子, 在该种情况下, 必须在形容词前面加上具体名词, OG38.36. When you are using a verb tense with more than one part such as Simple Future (will help), adverbs usually come between the first part and the second part (will never help, is definitely going to meet).37. the more...the more...结构的四个原则:1the more后面的名词必须使用冠词或所有格, OG252: the more the children..., the greater their...2后面的谓语如果是be动词的话, 可以省略, 这一点对于前后两个都适用. (特别当主谓语时it is时, 常同时省略.) eg.What size box do you want?---The bigger, the better. 就是的The bigger it is, the better it is的省略结构. 上面的252题the greater...引出的主句显然省略了is, 表语是greater.3第二个the more后面可以使用倒装, 而第一个后面却不行 (因为只有主句才能倒装,从句绝不能倒装! 如果继续深究第二个the more后面什么时候用倒装时, 可认为如果主语长, 谓语动词短时, 为避免头重脚轻, 主谓语倒装).4表达的出的共变关系是不可以轻易改变的, 否则信息层次变化, OG7C.38. OG35: A comma is needed after Rhone in choices A and D to set off the modifying phrase thatbegins Vincent...; without the comma, the phrase appears to be part of the main clause, and it is thus unclear what noun should govern the verb sold. 说明对于插入成分, 要明确谁是主语, 并且在插入语和主要动词间隔开, 否则修饰模糊.39. 一个具有迷惑性的平行OG62. Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earth's crust, changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.(A) changing the measured strain across a fault zone and varying(B) changing measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and varying(C) changing the strain as measured across a fault zone, and variations of(D) changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in(E) changes in measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and variations among首先tilting根据后面并列的名词看出是名词, 但是紧跟的and会造成并列已经结束的假象, 这里要明白并列中间的东西也可以用and连接.另外一个: The suspect in the burglary was advised of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, andwas interrogated in a detention room.(A) of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, and was(B) of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave, and (B)(D) that he had a right to remain silent, could not leave, and wasD的语意不对, 后面两个动作不用建议, 且主被动平行相对awkward.40. OG89. A recent national study of public schools shows that there are now one microcomputer for everythirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were four years ago.(A) there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were (C)(B) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were(C) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many as there were(D) every thirty-two pupils now have one micro computer, four times as many than there were(E) every thirty-two pupils now has one microcom puter, four times as many asDE的four times作为一个后置成分, 修饰前面的one逻辑错误; ABC利用there be表示比率, 将这个问题避开.41. OG103. Students in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ever more dependent on information-based industries.(A) lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a city's economy that becomes(B) are so lacking in math skills that it will be difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming (B)lack在原句里面是动词, A将其变成了N, 造成了前面的主语成了Dangling element, 这种错误要意识到, 同理OG228CDE; 而且OG103A它也使后面的them指代错误 (因为主语变了, 对于这种变更造成的影响要注意).42. 主谓宾结构中, 复数主语可以对应单数宾语, Eg. We’are a team.43. it be adj. for x to do y 是ETS喜欢的结构, 其中it是形式主语.44. 另外, OG160是用while引出了两个句子的平行, 再用and引出第三个, 比较灵活的平行和句子连接, 结构看清楚.45. It is an oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them, and to drive them to market when the time is ripe.(C) all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and(D) the only thing that has to be done with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves, corral them,and (C)首先观察结构, D中的corral them是并列在分句下面, 而分句的主语是they, 明显是错误的, 但是C就用and去和主句并列, 解决了这个问题(注意C的and then是和leave组合并列再和drive并列). 另外, all one has to do with cattle is leave这里leave前省略了to, 同理可能还有what从句 is (to) do, 类似例句:All I can do is watch you leave. OG244选项C: one thing they have had to do is work, 尽管这是个错误的选项但og 没有指出work前要加to.46. 不要被插入语迷惑, 大全537, that is是插入语, 后面仍然是修饰mechanisms的定语从句.47. for后面接doing一般表示sth的用途, eg.it’s a knife for slicing bread;表示目的, 还是不定式最好, 因此当for doing和不定式同时出现时, 选择不定式, OG112BD, OG160CE, OG239AC, OG204BE; for+名词结构表示目的也是正确的, Eg.Several million tons of stone were quarried in France for the building of eight cathedrals.48. 明确修饰对像很重要, OG119DE就是没有明确, 导致significant in compunding不能作为状语修饰前面的动词is growing.49. 主句放在句末头重脚轻, confusing, OG27E.50. What is difficult to understand is A.;What are difficult to understand are A and B, OG211B.51. 大全431, 相同的形容词要放在前面, 对比AB; 如果是形容词的话并列的话就是: both public and private employee.52. 建立一种思想: SVO结构完整, 即”谁, 怎么样”, OG192E就是结构不完整, 话没有说完;同理: OG71. The original building and loan associations were organized as limited life funds, whose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions, then taking turns drawing on the funds for home mortgages.(A) subscriptions and then took turns drawing(B) subscriptions and then took turns, they drew(C) subscriptions and then drew, taking turns (C)BC的错误在于take turns干什么? Drew什么? 将原句一个完整的过程拆开是不对的, 这个思想是很重要的, OG256C就是这个道理, 不能把原来的完整意思拆开说.53. adj.+N and/or +N, adj管两个, 可能存在可数与否的修饰问题, OG107B.54. 副词应该放在要修饰的形容词前面, 否则awkward and vague, 而且这种说法不如用名词结构好, OG73C.55. 并列形式的平行(be, and, not only…but also)尽量保持时态的统一(OG246CDE, OG248C), 除非逻辑上面或者时间状语上面有明显的暗示.56. 表语从句的that不可以省略.57. 不可以be+because of, 用be+caused by, OG237C.58. being单独出现强调正在进行, 一般错误, 介词后面的being单说.59. when/ while+N, 错误. 当状语从句中是系表结构的时候, 而表语这个时候有时一个名词,那么在英语的语法中是不能省略前面的主语和谓语的. 所以When he was a teacher, he lived in the school, 不能省略成when a teacher, he lived in the school. 当后面是形容词或者是介词短语的时候是可以省略的.GMAT备考专区:/forum-34-1.htmlGMAT机经专区:/forum-22-1.htmlGMAT资料下载区:/forum-197-1.htmlGMAT备考微信号:GMAT800微信二维码扫一扫GMAT备考宝典:/html/topic/gmat/bzbd.htmlGMAT活动讲座精华汇总:/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=34&filter=typeid&typeid=658。