2011年10月16日 大陆托福机经回忆1
2011写作机经2011年08月28日大陆托福机经独立是:Movies are worth watching only when they can teach something about realism.2011年08月27日大陆托福机经重复2010年06月26日北美独立:People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only.2011年08月27日北美托福机经大作文patient is usually not a good thing, we should take actions at once.2011年08月21日大陆托福机经重复2009年11月07日北美2.For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?2011年08月20日北美托福机经提高职工的工作能力是否对于一个公司来说是最重要的投资。
the most important investment for a company is to spend money to improve the work skills of its employees2011年08月13日大陆托福机经重复2010年07月23日北美现在的人和parents 年轻的时候相比,personal和work-realtion面对的challenge是否一样。
agree or disagree。
2.独立作文:The personal and work-lated challenges that young people face are not very different from the chanlleges their parents and grandparents faced when they were young. agree or disagree?2011年08月05日北美托福机经独立写作:如果你的朋友在某门课需要帮忙,而你是这门课的牛人。
还提到玛雅人不合理的耕作方法,后来导致water level降低,地变得不能用了。
2.关于生物的,说当资源有限时,两个共同依赖这种资源的species共同生存在这个环境里,会compete,最后只能有一个species survive;当资源充足时,它们不用争,就都能survive。
后来那个人又做了个实验,他把一个species养在tube bottom,一个养在solution表面,结果它们就都survive 了,因为它们不争资源。
这些特点可以是limited feature,把一个东西归入一个大类以后,可以用这些特点来细化。
另一个描述的方法是同义替换,比如女生说education可以定义成teach students,老师同意,而且说还能用拉丁语的原意来解释(有考点,但没听清)加试是鸟类迁移,霸王花,xxmusic,太经典了。
我们考场全是听力加试SECTION 1Conversation 1学生要申请毕业,去相关部门办理。
学生解释说是选的是introductory courses,professor说可以算,他的同学也是这么research的(这里有点儿小混乱)。
2011年01月30日大陆托福机经回忆阅读1.speciation 此篇文章听到最多的就是describe the city you live in 于是根本进入不了状态!说speciation是怎么形成的。
抱歉,这一篇唯一记得的就是describe the city you live in 我觉得我能错7个。
2.儿童早期教育不同国家的人对于儿童早期教育的目的是不一样的,中国人为了academically well performance,日本人为了更早进入group,美国人忘了。
H机构注重培养whole child,差不多就是全面发展的意思。
研究表明参加了H机构的孩子不可以保证long-term IQ growth,但是还是有好处的,列举了一堆,什么注意身体啊自信啊不犯罪啊什么的。
3.struunm是如何形成的(请勿纠结这个单词,感觉就是一种地质)干旱的地方就可以形成S,但是也有一些S的地方时rain forest根本不干旱,所以还有其他原因。
研究了一下降水量,还有什么sandy land得出原因,形成S地质必须是极端天气,要么是极干旱,要么是极湿润。
托福听力:对话1: 学生和accounting 有活动要报销啊一个去周边一个去伦敦(好像是去搞poem?求对题)去周边那个报销log没填全还没professor签字(有题)去伦敦那个需要去负责travel的department 如果去本地有住宿也要去travel那边(有题)男的说you must be kidding 有题我选的男的被程序折磨的受不了了这篇我有莫名的印象对话2 学生和pro讨论可能有生命的星球(叫啥啥啥)这个话题她不懂的地方有两个条件(题) 第一个是和star的距离合适不冷不热有液态水这个啥啥啥的名字就是起源于一个童话吧(题) 意思是正正好第二个条件是啥我忘了XD 然后说以前人们觉得双星系的行星不好出生命但是这个看法在改变(题)因为细菌什么的还是有可能活在那些行星上的最后女生提了个什么program 目的是想为教授工作(题)讲座1 摄影算不算art 有些人觉得摄影不算art因为太简单但是摄影技术让很多18世纪还是哪时候的画家方便很多因为他们用一种类似投影的技术去描画..这样能(画好细节/还是画快有题二选一求对题)帮助realism 也有些人讨厌photo 所以转向impressionism了现在摄影很容易了装备很多什么的最初是用作庭证的现在啥都有还有电子照片人们PS 以至于法庭要质疑庭证照片是否被PS(题现在照片难用作证据) 而且PS已经含有创作元素了所以摄影是一门art(有题)讲座2 地理一塌糊涂板块在地幔上漂移互相挤压有一边会下沉可以从一个网上看视频(题) 事实上板块运动并不一直发生间歇性的若干年前某个地方有个T海就被大陆挤压没了但是这之后大陆之间不挤压因为T海的消失没有出发新的下沉(subxxxx) 最后还说照现在的trend 350百万年后亚欧大陆会和美洲合体... 全篇有个口头语rocks, what else 意思是没什么新鲜的(题)补充:第二篇对话的第二个条件MS是age哈~~地理的:犹他州有一个石山叫hoodoo,讲它是怎么形成的,中间教授说是acid rain又关系,然后有一个表情很夸张的女童鞋问啊老师啊你上次说酸雨是因为空气污染啊hoodoo山那里空气很好啊不可能有酸雨的说!!然后老师就很鄙视的说:你确定嘛孩子。
新托福阅读真题机经还原(第一期)老郑博客101210NAHow Plants Survive Freezing TemperatureIf a plant is to survive it must be able to fit in with the environmental conditions which occur in its habitat. This fitting in is called adaptation. Every living thing is adapted to enable it to cope with a particular habitat’s environmental factors such as the air, water, soil, light and temperature. For example, cacti plants are adapted specially to be able to withstand the dry conditions of a desert, whereas seaweeds are designed specially to live in salty water – neither would survive if they changed places.Many plants live in climates where the temperature never drops too low, so they don’t have to worry about surviving extreme cold. Plants that live in permanently cold areas (such as Polar Regions) however, need special adaptations which allow them to survive in their harsh environment.An adaptation for many plants is to make the most of a blanket of snow. Air is trapped amongst the snowflakes as they fall and this provides good insulation. The temperature under a layer of snow does not usually fall below freezing. Many plants survive in warm pockets under the snow, waiting for the snow to melt so they can then burst into growth. If winds blow the snow away they may become frozen. A local name for the familiar snowdrop is the ‘snow-piercer’. The tip of the flowering stem is covered by a special protective leaf and this allows the snowdrop flower to force its way up through the snow.Land plants lose water through their leaves by a process called transpiration. Apart from the problem of a shortage of available water during the winter, photosynthesis in the leaves would also be difficult because there are only a few hours of very weak sunlight. Many plants therefore, overcome these problems by ‘shutting down’ almost completely. Perennials, plants which continue growing for several years, may lose all their leaves and stems, relying on the food stored in their underground roots to get them through the winter. Annuals are plants which flower in the summer and then die off completely, leaving only their seeds to survive the winter and germinate the following spring. Some plants produce seeds which actually need to be frozen in the winter before they are ready to germinate. This ensures that they do not germinate during a spell of warm autumn weather.Evergreen trees, such as many conifers, often have narrow, needle-like leaves and a thick waxy coating and these adaptations help them to conserve water during winter. Deciduous trees, such as oak, ash and beech, shed their leaves in the autumn. On frosty winter days, thewater in the soil is frozen, so it cannot be taken up by the roots; the air temperature may be quite warm if the sun is shining, so if leaves were still on the trees they would lose a lot of water and wilt. This would result in the death of the tree. So dropping the leaves before winter sets in is the most sensible thing a deciduous tree can do! They can ‘tick over’ during the winter months using stored energy in their roots. In the autumn a corky layer forms at the base of deciduous leaves, cutting off water supplies. This causes the green color (chlorophyll) to fade, revealing shades of yellow, orange or red beneath.Reading 2The History of Jade and BronzeAlthough only fragments and traces of items created in ephemeral materials remain from the prehistoric and early historic periods, numerous ancient Chinese objects of jade, earthenware, and metal have survived in relatively good condition, many of them preserved in ancient burial sites. These ancient burials and their contents provide invaluable information related to social structure, cultural development, and religious beliefs. The ordered arrangement of the cemeteries together with the grave goods found in them clearly indicates a belief in an afterlife. Items for everyday use were placed in the tombs along with those made specifically for internment. Grave goods were made of a wide range of materials and include large numbers of earthenware storage jars, bone and jade objects for personal adornment, and objects for ritual also made of jade and subsequently of bronze. The grandeur of a burial and value of its contents bear a direct relationship to the social status of the individual, with the more elaborate burials containing works of the finest and most technically sophisticated craftsmanship.During the latter part of the Stone Age or Neolithic period polished stone implements were developed. There can be little doubt that the use of and appreciation for the tonalities and lustrous qualities of jade evolved from a selective process within a highly developed lithic industry. The visual sensibility to and high regard the ancient Chinese had for jade is clearly attested by the surprising number of finely cut and polished jade ceremonial tools, ritual objects, and ornaments produced by some of China's earliest Neolithic cultures. Prismatic tubes (cong), and discs (bi) together with weapons and tools of jade and other hard stones have been found in large numbers in burials of the Liangzhu culture (c. 3300 --2250 BCE). Given the age of these and other early examples, it is not possible to define precisely the symbolic content or uses of these jade tools, weapons, and ritual objects such as cong and bi. However, as the tools, weapons, cubes, and discs evidence none of the typical characteristics of usage, such as scaring and chipping, it is reasonable to suggest that they served ceremonial and possibly protective functions.Cut and polished ornaments of jade, which had become part of the decorative tradition for clothing and furnishings during the Neolithic period, continued to be used throughout the early historic periods of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The use of jade in burials, includingplaques sewn onto shrouds or other coverings for corpses during the Han dynasty period, can be traced back to these Neolithic beginnings. Undoubtedly, ritual objects as well as small ornamental pieces, with their geometric and zoomorphic forms and motifs, held potent meanings for those responsible for their creation. It is also probable that they served as emblems of rank, as in many other early societies.Although initially employed primarily for weapons, bronze, like jade, was also selected early in China's history as a material for the society's most precious objects. Inherently appealing, this alloy was chosen for special ritual or ceremonial versions of standard, everyday items with visual and physical distinctions employed to separate the ceremonial from the everyday. Differences can be seen in scale, attention to ornamental detailing, and the technical skills of the craftsmen. By the middle of the second millennium BCE in the central northern plains area of China, bronze had become the material of choice for the highest-quality cooking pots and wine vessels. In this region during the Shang and Zhou dynastic eras (c. 1500 -- 221 BCE), large sets of bronze vessels were used in ancestral temples or offering halls for ritual offerings and sacrifices to the ancestors. As these practices were thought to continue after death, the deceased were buried with the requisite sets of vessels. Over time, with the ascendancy of human relationships, bronze vessels assumed secular commemorative functions.Most bronze ritual vessels are highly ornamented. The earliest and most frequently occurring motifs, or the patterns derived from them, are called taotie (monster mask), a term first used more than two thousand years after the motif was introduced. Characteristically presented in a bilateral symmetrical manner, taotie appear as composite creature motifs. A great many speculations and deductions by analogy have been advanced about the symbolic and magical significance of the taotie and other patterns in Shang and subsequently in Zhou art. The universal application of these zoomorphic designs on ritual objects leaves little doubt that these creatures were of religious significance and not purely decorative.The number of bronze vessels produced in ancient China is remarkable. Thousands of vessels survive today; recently excavated, intact tombs of the wealthy and influential from the late thirteenth century BCE have revealed that more than four hundred bronzes might be interred with a single member of a royal family.22 The willingness to use such large quantities of bronze for this purpose clearly suggests that the Chinese considered ritual vessels fundamental to the well-being of their society, ranking them in importance equal to or even above weapons.。
2011年10⽉22⽇托福考试真题回忆版本⼀ 听⼒ 听⼒⼀ : 41(23)(13)2,434211,24(12)3(23)4 听⼒⼆:43212 ,23(24)144 ,4314(23)2 第⼀篇说的是⼀个男同学被⼥教授叫到办公室,说他paper的素材有问题,同学的素材是征服者威廉,应该多加⼀些别的材料,解释原因的时候⽀⽀吾吾地说,学⽣有点蒙,说他参考的资料很权威还是怎么(可能有偏差)因为那本书是根据⼤多数亲历那场战争的幸存者叙述纪录⽽来的,结结巴巴(这使我感到很好笑)教授结结巴巴地说,学⽣⽆奈⼜不知道说啥,最后终于解释明⽩:原来编这书的⼈好像是⼀个William Bishop他是征服者威廉的兄弟,再说胜者为王败者为寇,很难说清到底历史是不是真是那样。
(就记了这些,还有可能错,再次请见谅!) 第三篇考古学说的是古⼈类迁徙与定居的事,在20000年前怎么着,⼜在11500年前再次定居下来,然后说找到了不少考古证据,教授说什么⽓候影响⼈们是否迁徙还是定居,在西地中海地区,然后⼜说他们的古代建筑带floor,是⽤来储存grain 的,记不清了,最后⼜⼗分猥琐地提及这些房⼦是由⽯头建的,⽯头从哪来呢?从离建筑很远的地⽅。
阅读 阅读⼀ 32341,13441,224(135) 阅读⼆ 22132,2(24)142,131(456) 阅读三 34311,41433,212(234) 阅⼀:测地球年龄的,⽤⼀个理论叫actualism,但是它有缺陷。
2011年新托福考试大陆区独立作文题库2011年1月8日In the past people ate food that was better for their health than people today.2011年1月15日Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What is your view?2011年1月22日In order to celebrate important events such as graduation or a special birthday, some of them prefer to a large party, while some others prefer a small party with only a few close friends and family members. What is your choice?2011年1月30日Since the society is developing fast, do you agree that people now are less happy or less satisfied with their lives than people in the past?2011年2月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the busy and crowded world, we should not expect people to be polite to others.2011年2月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who move out of their native village or town are happier and more successful than those who stay in native village or town for all their life.2011年2月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people have no influence the decisions that determine the future of the society as a whole.2011年3月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should buy things made by their own country, even if things of other countries may cost less.2011年3月13日Should children only play and study without doing any housework.2011年3月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People today would be happier if they had fewer possessions.2011年3月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should try several different jobs before they decide which job or career they will do in the long term.It is more important for government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities such as swimming pool and playgrounds.2011年4月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time. 2011年5月14日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, it was easier for people to identify what types of career or job would lead to a secure, successful future.2011年5月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The way of a person’s dress is an indication of his or her personality or character.2011年5月29日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It was easier to succeed in the past than it is today.2011年6月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Although many people in many countries care about environmental problems such as pollution and global warming, the environment will not be better in the future.2011年6月19日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All high school students should have basic economics class.2011年6月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2011年7月9日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.2011年7月23日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, students will learn much more effectively than ask them to do alone.The personal and work-related challenges we face now are different from those our parents and grandparents faced when they were young.2011年8月21日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?For successful development of a country, a government should focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities.2011年8月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who focus on one skill only. 2011年8月28日It is only worth watching movies that can teach us something about real life, agree or disagree?2011年9月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The rapid growth of cities has a mostly positive impact on the development of the society.2011年9月24日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children education is a more difficult task than before due to the cell phone, internet connection and social interaction.2011年9月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is much easier for parents to raise children nowadays than it was 50 years ago.2011年10月16日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.2011年10月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Printed books have greater effects on society than television has.2011年10月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Famous entertainers and athletes deserve more privacy than they have now.2011年10月27日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most business people are motivated only by the desire of money.The most important characteristic of a good political or business leader is an ability to accept the responsibility of the mistakes.2011年11月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年11月13日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One can learn a lot about a person from the types of friends the person has.2011年11月20日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill.2011年11月26日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to work at home by using one’s own c omputer and telephone than to do the same work in the company’s office.2011年12月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase the teachers' salaries.2011年12月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.2011年12月18日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important for the government to spend money on building new houses than preserving the historic or traditional buildings and homes.。
一个好像是土地不够自给自足的经济搞不下去了,但是为了满足人口的增长就只能以牺牲环境作为代价了,然后又讲climate 不好了balabala,最后一段说有的地方虽然没有上面两个问题,但是战争。
说有些地方自己没粮了就进口,然后他们的问题就转嫁到了进口国身上,然后引起了摩擦……第二篇是讲 the history of the physical geography (应该是)。
就讲啊,以前发展挺好的,有个人在埃及,虽然哪儿也没去过,但是就通过观察角度 of sunspot(有题,问观察的是什么)居然就推测出地球是圆的(有题,好像是排异,问哪个不能推测出,我选的是地球是flat 的,其他选项还有什么说他地图很牛什么的),而且更可怕的是,他居然能推测出地球上有不同的温度带,靠近赤道的地方热,在两极的地方很冷。
然后就说欧洲后来在这方面就萎了,因为进入了Dark Age, 然后这个时候波斯和China 在这方面进步很快,但是这些进步没能传到欧洲。
(有题,问这一段回答了什么问题,有选项说解释了欧洲萎掉的原因,有选项说波斯和中国很牛B的原因,记不清了……)再然后就说,后来就revive 了(有词汇题,revive = start , recover , 还是其他),说这个时候哥伦布什么的又重新掀起Physical geography 发展,特别提到一个人,说这个人很牛啊,写了30本书(有个句子插入题),然后他观察了岸边的洋流,发现chill 边上这洋流是从南极洲来的(有个句子改写题在这里。
下一段讲虽然方法很好,但是有局限性,原因有四,一、二、三、四最后又讲了个什么……忘了听力:第一个section:说这个男学生去BOOKSTORE买书,结果木有啊,(女服务员查的时候男的就说他要用什么方法,说advisor 建议,然后combine 比较好,有题),然后男囧,说咋能没有啊,老师不是把书单给你们了吗(mainly about 题问男的来干嘛,有选项是说来看看老师书单到了没,应该是错的),然后店员说,我们换New policy了,男惑,为嘛啊这是,女的就说,啊,我们竞争不过Online 的价格,然后只能换了,以前老师的书单来了我们就进货,现在不了,然后女的一段(有题,问女的态度,A觉得书店能像以前一样好,B从长远看不利于书店的利益,D觉得书店这样做理由很充分)。
2011托福写作机经(优秀范文五篇)第一篇:2011托福写作机经2009年1月23日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should take several different kinds of jobs before they decide which career to take in the long term.2009年2月14日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In order to become well-informed, one has to get information from different news resources.2009年2月27日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with more vacation time is better than a job with high salary but less vacation time.2009年2月28日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2009年3月28日(2009年3月27日北美)Do you agree or disagree with the statement?Teachers should make their political or social views known in the classroom.(Teachers should not show their political or social views known in the classroom.)04.03 北美The best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries.2009年6月27日For future career success, is relating well to other people more important than studying hard at school?2009年08月22日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important to working quickly and risking making mistakes than to work slowly and making sure everything is09.11 北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Only movies can teach us something about real life worth watching.2009年09月12日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Some people think children should study and play, other people think children should help with household chores.09.19 北美Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement?It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance center than to build recreational facilities(such as swimming pool, playground) 2009年10月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is easier to succeed nowadays than in the past.10.10 北美现在人多,到处busy and crowed,没必希望别人将礼貌.10.17 北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and televisions should always show audience good people are being rewarded and bad people are being punished.2009年10月24日(2009年10月24日北美)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?One of the best ways for parents to help their teenage children prepare for adult life is to encourage them to take the part-time job.10.31 北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lose of old friends2009年11月07日北美Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For successfuldevelopment of a country, should a government focus itsbudget more on very young children education rather than on universities?2009年11月14日(完全重复08年3月29日的北美考题)Agree or disagree: it is more important to have the rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to work and school.2009年11月21日北美(重复08-10-17 / 09-11-20北美考题)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People benefit more from travelling in their own country than travelling in a foreign country.11.21 北美Whether parents should give money to praise their child for high marks, you agree or disagree that parents should give school-age children money for get a high mark(grade)they get in the school.第二篇:2009新托福写作机经2009年新托福写作机经ps: 红色的部分是重复以往的,黄色部分是在中国考试的题目,剩余部分是在北美考试的题目。
2011年09月16日大陆托福机经回忆口语1. Talk about a book you have not read but you want to because it is important2. Cell phone, you prefer to carry it with you all the time or not all the time, why, using details and example3. 有人写信要eliminate advisory meeting with academic advisora. 现在所有的course information online 都有,为啥非要和老师meeting8 v4 h+ c4 T3 cb. 老师太忙,很难在时间上达成一致和老师对话里面俩人都反对a. 网上对燃油信息,但是没有所有的, 叫兽能提供更多的信息比网络b. 那些时间上不能和叫兽达成一致的都是他妈没早预约,如果预约早,肯定能越到, 他们都是wait to the last minute4. 热带雨林植物如何生存 plants in rain forest1. 张在其他植物上面, 站得高可以吸收到阳光2. 身体有特征, 能存水, 有能形成碗一样的部分,然后存水, 叶子可以引导水到这个碗里面, 碗里面进来的小虫子啥的还能用化学反应处理掉然后进行消化当作营养. 这些小虫子啥的都是又这些水引进到碗里面的5. 哥们儿弄了个乐队,要整concert, 但是希望在summer之前人走光办, 但是周末都被订满了auditorium, 所以只有周三又openinga. 周三弄,但是人太少b. 周末有另外一个乐队,他们说可以一起,但是表演时间要变少!6. Business strategy 吸引客人a. Mustard 盒子的例子, 以前装mustard都用玻璃瓶子, 还有个lid, 很难打开, 打开之后还要用勺子, 或者直接到上去. 现在都用塑料的, 直接挤就行了, 想寄多少就挤多少b. Appearance改变, cookie box for example, use metal box with nice figures and pictures 挺漂亮,客人来了拿出来有面儿, 大家都开心写作1. Natufians 都是农民种地的干agriculture, 为啥呢 passage 给3 原因: a. 打猎太累不comfortable, 种地轻松啊b. 天气变化大,很多地方都没小河, 打猎跑来跑去没水c. 人口便多了, 不种地养不起, 打猎要打多少动物阿.老师反对1. 有人发现现在还有这种人存在,但是他们就打猎阿, 而且发现让他们种地更消耗能量和时间, 更费劲2. 温度还降低呢, 低温度根本不适合种地;3. 种地需要更多人口, 而不是人口多了才要种地大作文你同意: 让你家孩子和你将来和你干一样的工作, similar jobs with you for your children?听力还加试, 加你个妹阿感觉第一个套组作的好, 我考PE 总分要求很低, 做到第二套有点溜号, 好几个都是蒙地, 估计都蒙错了, 而且点的有点快, 2组都是提前2分钟左右打完, 估计看我第一组对得多, 第二组很烂, 所以才给我加试, 第三组感觉特简单, 我提前5分钟点完了阅读太长了 , 不写了写点感想在美国10年了, phd读完了 paper发了一堆, 但是我觉得如果完全把文章都看懂, 还是花费太多时间而且时间会不够用, 因为莫考的时候感觉出来了我读中文都很慢, 别说英文阅读这东西真的要看人, 有人喜欢读书的就是不一样, 我就不行当年GRE也是蒙的, 再让我考一次我肯定脱层皮阿.我其实只在乎口语, 考PE 我们这个州只有口语要求比较高准备了3 个星期, 所有的口语都作了TPO 1-23 看了很多机井, 机经对1,2 题口语还是挺好的还有小马过河没有中阿....... 可能对国内的TOEFL更靠铺把希望这次顺利过关bless……Lalso good luck to everybody!2011年09月17日大陆托福机经回忆20110917NA一个群里好心人发的:综合写作:reading是说测谎仪的reading观点:1.测谎仪因为是brain activity scanner所以撒谎的人没办法改变自己说谎的brain activity;2.测谎仪可以用在法庭作证3.测谎仪可以用在外交或商业谈判场合以判断对方是否说的真话lecture观点:1.brain activity也可以说谎,因为说谎者可以用药来改变(好像是这个意思,我没听太清楚)2.brain scanner测谎仪并不可靠,可能会把好人误认为是说谎者,所以不能用在法庭作证上3.将测谎仪用在外交场合不合理,因为有可能对方确实心里讨厌你,但是为了外交礼仪所以表面上撒谎。
3,学校要建⼀个新auditorium(State Uni.),原因是原来那个太旧了,然后学校⼈数增多,坐不下。
4,讲social referencing,定义是婴⼉对外界的做出反应并理解。
托福口语真题 未完全整理版
2011口语机经2011年08月28日大陆托福机经1 describe a type of music that you would not like listening to. 还是举个例子或者阐述理由之类的。
2 好像是说有些学生喜欢聚在一起做事情,比如做作业讨论什么的,但是有些人喜欢自己做这些事。
2011年08月27日大陆托福机经重复2010年06月26日北美口语1 Describe a good study habit that is different from other students口语2 对Teenage 来说play computer or video games is a waste of time2011年08月27日北美托福机经1:是学校用break的时间组织学生进行某项activity,你会选择什么activity。
2:你同不同意,人们未来会比现在读更少的书?原题是Do you think poeple will read less books than today?2011年08月21日大陆托福机经重复2009年11月07日北美1. Descripte a thing that you always wanted to do but have not yet done it. Detail and explanations.2. 实在想不起来2011年08月20日北美托福机经1. 选择你学习过的2所学校,描述他们的不同。
2. 现代电子产品上市,你是喜欢已上市就买,还是喜欢过一段时间再买2011年08月13日大陆托福机经重复2010年07月23日北美1. 我们现在社会面临着很严重的环境问题,选取一个你认为有用的方法来save our planet。
2. 你是愿意carefully choose the gift which your friends like or choose whatever you like?比如说money。
2011年11月05日大陆托福机经回忆11/05 北美详细机经攒RP发机经,攒RP。
你赞同还是反对,分别说出ADV ANTAGEAND DISADV ANTAGE,也就是正反都要说。
TASK3 学校报纸上有个PROPOSAL说宿舍的电视节目里加入国际频道。
讨論它以前到底是用 4 只脚走路,还是用 2 只hind legs。
后來又拿它和鸟做比较,說鸟尾巴很小,照样用hind legs 走路。
说一开始是游牧民族到处游荡,所以对环境没有什么影响(有题),接着,在某地逐渐出现大量的玉M,于是人们开始settle down,开始种植大量玉M,形成对那个village然后举了一个早期部族的例子,说他们几千人住在一个地方,掌握了大量生产食物的技术(这里有个mechanic要你选同义词),并且建造了自己的pyramid之类的建筑。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2011年10月16日大陆托福机经回忆10月16号南昌托福考点题型回忆:先从最熟悉的部分开始,顺序依次对应:作文—口语—听力—阅读作文部分:1) 综合写作主要内容关于讨论一种large bird(已不存在)之类called mamo,关于mamo是否曾经survive in New Zealand展开讨论阅读部分认为存在,三点原因:first, a girl see there maybe the marks on the sand,然后家人和部分专家确信that is the food size of mamo;In addition, 举例当地marks on bone 被发现,有依据推测骨头上的痕迹may证明是被blade**的,而blade是在那个时期出现的(貌似好像是类似于对其灭绝原因的推测)最后是在考古学的发掘物中,例如旧时的pottery一类,发现有mamo的feature之类,证明古人类对它的记录听力部分教授逐一反驳,对应阅读的三点:首先是所谓的food size on the sand,教授认为那也许只是small size,但是由于沙子容易被风之类的吹变形等等原因,从而enlarge the size,因此那并不是mamo的脚印;其次是骨头上的痕迹,教授认为那个也许是人类后天reshape所导致的,并不能说明blade出现导致mamo的灭绝;Last,教授认为古陶瓷器具上面关于mamo的形象maybe describe by person to person from the family(类似于人类文化的传承吧)2) 独立写作:讨论年轻人于父母的关系方面Disagree or agree the young people today are less dependent on their parent口语部分:由于我绞尽脑汁还是不记得两道题,所以请各位见谅…..人老了都是这样….Task 1/2:只记得其中之一,cell phone or the equipment of communication比起以前,改变了人们的生活,要求describe the influenceTask 3-6部分非顺序记忆(抱歉只记得三题)Task3:学校通知将在每个宿舍配备couple of computers, in order to help students to get the assignment or sent e-mail to professor mo re efficient,但是由于数量有限,每个人使用时间有限制学生讨论(听力部分)认为这个决定没必要,原因两点:一是学生很多时候是在离开宿舍很远的时候才想起来可以用宿舍电脑;二是在宿舍之外其他的地方也能用电脑,例如图书馆之类Task 5: 女生每天都很繁忙,因为参加或enjoy学校play之类的活动,剩余极少时间学习,因此not do well在功课方面,男生询问是否有解决方案,女生接着提到一个cut course(取消部分功课,空余更多时间)的方法,但是后来又提及该取消的课程(包括play之类)是part of education,因此下学期仍要学这些取消的功课(不能根本上解决问题),所以还需要考虑Task 6: company change 产品的package有两点原因:第一,教授认为new technology的发展带来cheaper的material,举例plastic instead of glass;第二,compete with other company, change the size,举例牛奶瓶由large到small,从而更易携带阅读部分:(不分顺序)1,是讲dinosaur是哺乳动物还是爬行动物,列举出各种例子(注意:该阅读可参照TPO4材料中的综合写作背景知识)2,讨论geology history方面,讲述学者对地球地貌形成的探讨,提出了一个可靠地学说(讨论是suddenly event or environment influence mutual)3,讨论plant 和bird(或者食用plant的果实的物种)之间的互利过程,侧重plant依赖相应的bird/animal传播种子的原因(列举松鼠和松树之间,松鼠store more than eat,未食用的松子则生长),讨论了三种plant在成熟期抵抗bird的方法(一是缩短成熟期,二是人为选择较冷环境,bird 少的时间.三是释放有毒化学物,但是对传播其种子的食用鸟类无副作用)(阅读加试是经典加试: 电报和鸟类唱歌)听力部分:我听力最差了,不好意思说准确,所以大家看看就好,作者惭愧中……Conversation部分一篇讲的是学生want for interview, ask how to apply for,其中涉及到上网了解信息和时限的问题;另一篇讲的貌似是学生写essay去问教授意见(我感觉是写好了让修改吧….),教授在学生上一篇essay的基础上提建议Lecture部分只记得三个……一个讲述生物环境,一个是艺术business to earn money(涉及快速赚钱的方法:缩短作画周期,节约时间,在旧的印象上修改成新的画);最后还记得动物贮藏food的行为,区别各种情况下的不同(貌似在有其他观察者时行为不同)补充:20100925NASPEAKING1 What are some of the benefits that cell phones bring to people?2 Do you agree or disagree that students should be required to go to school before they're 16.3.阅读是一个学校打算在寝室加装电脑(带internet的).有人在等的情况下,每个人限用10分钟.然后听力是一个女生觉得这是一个good idea..因为这样她有时候忘记查邮件或者是她要出去但是忘记路线了,就可以很方便的查,不用go all the way down back to her room.因为她住在4楼. 然后就是说每个人限用10分钟很好,因为有些人总是坐在电脑前面发信息什么的,而有些同学是急着用电脑要写paper的...4.就是讲不同地区的动物有同样的觅食习惯.住在Africa和Australia有两种动物.(名字根本没听清,照着读音说的..)这两种动物虽然生活在totally different place,但是他们吃东西的方法一样. 就是有一种什么东西,很难吃到,他们都是make a hole, then put their tongue in it.就是这样吃到..… animals living in different places share the same eating hobby.5.一个女生参加了学校的一个好像是drama表演的东西吧(忘记具体怎么说的了).然后她又很忙与她的主要课程.所以她不知道怎么办.然后她自己想了两个方法.一个是:quite掉drama,这样可以focus on 学习.但是这个drama呢其实也不是just for fun的, 她也是需要这个经历的.而且如果她quite掉了,老师不好再找人了.第二个方法是可以drop掉一门课,这样就不会那么忙了.但问题是,她修的都是required classes,就算drop掉了,下学期还要学.但是现在已经是第三周了,她put in so much work in class了...她如果drop掉,下学期又要重做这些class work了... The women participate in drama performing, but she is also busy engaging in her majors.6.产品换包装的原因第一个原因是new materials 以前牛奶公司都是用Glass container的后来有plastic了....第二个是competition, make their products more competitive. 以前牛奶公司都是大瓶装牛奶, 后来用小瓶子.因为有些juice公司用小瓶子的,便于携带,可以在路上和车上喝.然后牛奶的包装就用小的瓶子了.WRITING综合写作阅读材料:在New Zealand有一种叫做moas的大鸟,很高很大.第一个到New Zealand的民族是Maos.他们说在欧洲人来这里之前这种鸟都是好好的,欧洲人来了就灭绝了.. 第一个观点是:有一个小女孩在178x年看到了一只很大的鸟,然后她告诉她爸爸了,于是她和她爸爸就去找,然后在沙滩上找到了这个鸟的脚印,很大的脚印.所以这个鸟在178X年的时候还是存在的.第二个是说:欧洲人来之前Maos这个名族都只用石头攻击鸟的,然而在这种鸟的骨头上却看到了很smooth,deep mark很明显不是Maos使用的武器造成的.第三个观点不记得了...听力材料:这种大鸟在European来之前就已经灭绝了...反对第一个观点的理由是:这脚印是在沙滩发现的,而沙子是很容易change的,有可能只是一只小鸟的脚印,然后慢慢扩大了,然后他们就误认为是这种大鸟. 反对第二个观点的理由是:其实Maos早就会做那种厉害的工具了,就是chip stone.然后他们这个工具也可以导致鸟的骨头有这样的mark...第三个观点说实话没听清...The reading passage argues the issue that moas birds become extinct after Europeans settled down in New Zealand. The Professor in the lecture deals with the same issue. However, the professor thi nks that moas birds had already been extinct before the settlement of Europeans, and he uses three specific points to support his opinion.First, the professor argues the point in the reading that the footprint found in the sand can not prov e that it was from moas, since sand was changeable. It might be a quite small footprint at the begin ning, and became larger later on, which made people think that might be from moas. Obviously, th e professor’s argument disproves the counterpart in the reading.Moreover, contrary to the statement in the reading that Maos people only used stone to attack bird s at that time, the professor contends that Maos could already produce chip stone tool at that time. With that kind of weapon, it is possible that the deep mark on the moas birds’ bone can be from th e attack of Maos people. In other words, Maos people were also capable to kill moas birds.Finally,In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weaknesses in the reading passage, and convinci ngly shows that the central argument in the reading, that is, moas birds become extinct after Europ eans settled down in New Zealand, is incorrect.独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.Changing circumstanceChanging attitudes towards parentingIt’s generally arguable that our society today is more liberal and less conservative than that in the past, which may lead some people to conclude that young people currently are consequently much more free and independent of their parents. However, I am disagreed with the statement, as I belie ve that young people today are actually more dependent on their parents than in the past because c hanging circumstances and attitudes have actually increased the dependence of young people on th eir parents.In the today’s society, many more children seem to have more opportunities and inclination to rece ive tertiary education in order to get a better job in future. This means that young people are proba bly depend on their parents to help pay for the tuition, and many students will continue to live wit h their parents during university stage and even years after their graduation. This is very different f rom the situation in the past when a university education was largely restricted to the higher and middle class, and many young students from lower class families would have to leave school to seek a job or an apprenticeship after their secondary education. Accordingly, more young people in the past were financially independent of their parents, which required them to leave home and start the ir own families at a much earlier stage of their lives.Attitudes towards parenting have also changed, as people now place greater importance on childre n’s upbringing in determining how successful they would be in future. This added pressure on pare nts result in a more controlling parenting style which encourages parents to be much more persona lly involved in their children’s lives. This situation differs from the more casual attitudes in the pas t, which allows children much more freedom to do what they like and make their own decisions. A s a result of this controlled upbringing, we can say young people today are far more dependent on their parents to offer them advices, rather than making decisions on their own.On the basis of the above discussion, the changing circumstances and attitudes make young people to be even more dependent on their parents than that in the past, not only for advice, but also fina ncially.。