市场营销原理principles of marketing


市场营销原理principles of marketing

市场营销原理principles of marketing
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
3、销售观念 (Selling Concept) (推销观念)
时代背景:20世纪20年代末到二战结束前。 泰罗的“科学管理” 社会产品增多;消费水平低,市场萧条, 产品积压;尤为30年代大危机。 公司重视销售,增设销售机构和销售人员。如美皮尔斯堡面粉公 司第一次成立了商情调研部门,加销队伍。 口号:“本公司旨在销售面粉”。“能销售什么就生产什么……”
广泛应用:竞选等非营利机构,发表演说与选民握手,亲吻儿童, 捐赠
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
4、市场营销观念(Marketing Concept)
时代背景: 二战后尤为50年代后,市场环境发生变化
3、潜在需求)—— 开发性营销如对折叠自行车的需求
——同步营销 季节、日期等
公司高级管理对销售的描述:”不是到外面兜售“而仅仅是”从 柜台上寄给顾客“,亨利.福特曾傲慢地说”不管顾客需要什么, 我们的汽车就是黑色的“



第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
市 场 营 销 原 理
• 学习目标

定义市场营销,并指出市场营销过程的步骤。 解释理解顾客和市场的重要性,比较五个核心的市场概念。 识别顾客导向的市场营销战略的关键要素,讨论指导营销战略的营销管理导向。 讨论顾客关系管理,解释为顾客创造价值并获得顾客回报的战略。 描述在关系时代推动市场营销变革的主要趋势和力量。
起点 推销观念 工厂 中心 现存产品 手段 推销和促销 目的 通过提高销 量获得利润 通过创造顾客 满意获得利润
顾客需求 图1-3
整合营销 推销观念和营销观念比较
第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
市 场 营 销 原 理
顾客感知价值(customer-perceived value)指与其他竞争产品相比,顾客拥有或使用某一种市场提供物的总利益与 总成 本之间的差异。 顾客满意(customer satisfaction)取决于顾客对产品的感知效能与顾客预期的比较。
公司能够根据目标市场的特点,将客户关系划分为不同的等级:一种极端的情况是,拥有众多低毛利顾客的公司会 追求与他们建立基本关系。另一种情况是,拥有毛利很高但数量少的顾客的公司则希望与关键顾客建立充分关系。 为建立客户关系,公司可以在财务性和社会性利益之外,增加结构性纽带。
从顾客处获得价 值以创造利润和 顾客权益



• 品牌、商标和包装都是产品整体 的重要组成部分,成功的她们可以 提高产品的身价,吸引消费者,树 立企业形象,提高企业竞争能力。
• 一、品牌的有关概念 • 1、品牌(Brand): • 2、品牌名称(Brand Name):
• 3)要简洁明快,便于识别、认读和记忆。 • 4)要与众不同,寓意深刻,引人注目。 • 5)品牌名称要与产品专用名称统一。 • 如何对品牌来命名?
• 1、效用命名。
• • 香水的品牌是一项重要的产品属性。雷夫隆公司就曾经使用过像彩妮、
琼铎、Ciara、Scoundrel等品牌,来创造以及支持每一种香水定位的形 象。其他竞争厂商也取了诸如Opium,Joy、White Linen、Obsession、 Passion、Eternity、UnIn-hibited,Youth DewfnExclamationl等等品牌,
包装过程(工艺操作过程) 包装装璜。
内包装(Primary Package)(小包装) 外包装(大包装)(储运包装)
(Shipping Package) 中层包装(Secondary Package )(中
包装的作用:1)保护产品使用价值 2)便利经营和消费; 3)便利识别产品 4)促进产品销售。 人称 “无声的推销员”



市场营销原理(principles of Marketing)菲利普·科特勒什么是营销?营销是在某种利润水平下让顾客满意。











营销供给物——产品、服务、体验营销供给物(marketing offer)是提供给某个市场来满足某种需要和欲望的产品、服务、信息和体验的组合。






Principles Of Marketing1

Principles Of Marketing1

Customer Value

心中价值:顾客以他们从产品或服务中所获 得的核心利益来定义价值,也就是说顾客以 自己从产品或服务那获得的满足感大小,主 观地判别其价值高低。 价格价值:用「价格」来认定他们所获得的 价值;顾客认为可以用较低的价格买到相同 的产品,所获得的价值较高
Contents Part 3

Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers 顾客导向的市场营销战略:为目标顾客创造价值 Products, Services, and Brands: Building Customer Value 产品、服务和品牌:构建顾客价值 New Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies 新产品开发与产品生命周期战略 Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value 定价:理解和捕捉消费者价值
Contents Part 2

Analyzing the Marketing Environment 分析市场营销环境 Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights 管理市场营销信息获得顾客想法 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 消费者市场与消费者购买行为 Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior 经营市场与经营购买者行为
Contents Part 4

principles of marketing中文版

principles of marketing中文版

principles of marketing中文版引言概述:市场营销是一门关于如何满足顾客需求并实现企业利润最大化的学科。



正文内容:1. 市场营销的定义和目标1.1 市场营销的概念和范围1.2 市场营销的目标和重要性1.3 市场营销的发展历程2. 市场和顾客分析2.1 市场的定义和分类2.2 顾客需求和市场细分2.3 市场竞争和竞争优势3. 市场营销策略3.1 市场定位和差异化3.2 产品和服务的开发与管理3.3 价格策略和定价方法3.4 渠道选择和分销策略3.5 促销和营销沟通4. 市场营销的实施和控制4.1 市场营销组织和管理4.2 市场营销计划和预算4.3 市场营销绩效评估和控制5. 市场营销伦理和社会责任5.1 市场伦理和道德问题5.2 市场营销的社会责任5.3 可持续发展和环境保护总结:综上所述,《市场营销原理》一书的中文版详细介绍了市场营销的基本原理和概念。









Where can buyers buy your product or service? If they look in a store, what kind? A specialist boutique or in a supermarket, or both? Or online? Or direct, via a catalogue?
GET or
This Monday we planed a marketing event in supermarkets for Nepia that buying 30 yuan Nepia’s goods get a Nepia’s toy of Kitty Cat or Kami. Now we use marketing-mix to analysis it.
What does the customer want from the product/servic e? What features does it have to meet these needs? Are there any features you've missed out? Are you including costly features that the customer won't actually use?
unidirectional makes the profit
hardly build up connect between sellers and buyers

市场营销原理外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

市场营销原理外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献

本科毕业论文外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:New-Product Pricing Strategies 文献、资料来源:著作文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2000.4外文文献:Principles of Marketing1.New-Product Pricing StrategiesPricing strategies usually change as the product passes through its life cycle. The introductory stage is especially challenging. We can distinguish between pricing a product that imitates existing products and pricing an innovative product that is patent protected.A company that plans to develop an imitative new product faces a product-positioning problem. It must decide where to position the product versus positioning strategies. First,the company might decide to use a premium pricing competing products in terms of quality and price. Figure 17.1 shows four possible strategy - producing a high-quality product and charging the highest price. At the other extreme,it might decide on an economy pricing strategy - producing a lower-quality product,but charging a low price. These strategies can coexist in the same market as long as the market consists of at least two groups of buyers,those who seek quality and those who seek price. Thus,Tag-Heuer offers very high-quality sports watches at high prices,whereas Casio offers digital watches at almost throwaway prices.Companies bringing out an innovative,patent-protected product face the challenge of setting prices for the first time. They can choose between two strat-egies:market-shimming pricing and market-penetration pricing.(1) Market-Skimming PricingMany companies that invent new products initially set high prices to 'skim'revenues layer by layer from the market. Intel is a prime user of this strategy,called market-skimming pricing. When Intel first introduces a new computer chip,it charges the highest price it can,given,the benefits of the new chip over competing chips. It sets a price that makes it just worthwhile for some segments of the market to adopt computers containing the chip. As initial sales slow down and as competitors threaten to introduce similar chips,Intel lowers the price to draw in the nest price-sensitive layer of customers.(2) Market-Penetration PricingRather than setting a high initial price to skim off small but profitable market segments,some companies use market-penetration pricing. They set a low initial price in order topenetrate the market quickly and deeply - to attract a large number of buyers quickly and win a large market share. The high sales volume results in falling costs,allowing the company to cut its price even further. For example,Dell and Dan used penetration pricing to sell high-quality computer products through lower-cost mail-order channels. Their sales soared when IBM,Compaq,Apple and other competitors selling through retail stores could not match their prices. The Bank of Scotland and Winterthur of Switzerland used their Direct Line,Privilege and Churchill subsidiaries to grab profits and share in the motor insurance market by selling direct to consumers at market-penetrating prices. The high volume results in lower costs that,in turn,allow the discounters to keep prices low.Several conditions favour setting a low price. First,the market must be highly price sensitive,so that a low price produces more market growth. Second,production and distribution costs must fall as sales volume increases. Finally,the low price must help keep out the competition - otherwise the price advantage may he only temporary. For example,Dell faced difficult times when IBM and Compaq established their own direct distribution channels.2.Product-Mix Pricing StrategiesThe strategy for setting a product's price often has to he changed when the product is part of a product mix. In this case,the firm looks for a set of prices that maximizes the profits on the total product mix. Pricing is difficult because the various products have related demand and costs,and face different degrees of competition.(1) Product Line PricingCompanies usually develop product lines rather than single products. For example,Merloni's sells Indesit,Ariston and Seholte with price and –status ascending in that order. There arc full ranges of Indesit to Ariston appliances,from washing machines to freezers,covering the first two price hands,while Scholte sells expensive built-in kitchen equipment. Kodak offers not just one type of film,hut an assortment including regular Kodak film,higher-priced Kodak Royal Gold film for special occasions,and a lower-priced,seasonal film called Runtime that competes with store brands. Each of these brands is available in a variety of sizes and film speeds. In product line pricing,management must decidion the price steps to set between the various products in a line.The price steps should take into account cost differences between the prod-ucts in the line,customer evaluations of their different features and competitors' prices. If the price difference between two successive products is small,buyers will usually buy the more advanced product. This will increase company profits if the cost difference is smaller than the price difference. If the price difference is large,however,customers will generally buy the less advanced products.(2) Optional-Product PricingMany companies use optional-pro duet pricing - offering to sell optional or acces-sory products along with their main product. For example,a ear buyer may choose to order power windows,cruise control and a radio with a CD player. Pricing these options is a sticky problem. Car companies have to decide which items to include in the base price and which to offer as options. BMWs basic cars come famously under equipped. Typically the 318i is about DM40,000,but the customer then has to pay extra for a radio (prices vary),electric windows (DM700),sun roof (DM! ,800) and security system (DM1,100). The basic model is stripped of so many comforts and conveniences that most buyers reject it. The pay for extras or buy a better-equipped version. More recently,however,American and European car makers have been forced to follow the example of the Japanese car makers and include in the basic price many useful items previously sold only as options. The advertised price now often represents a well-equipped car.(3) Cap Live-Pro duct PricingCompanies that make products that must be used along with a main product are using captive-product pricing. Examples of captive products are razors,camera film and computer software. Producers of the main products (razors,cameras and computers) often price them low and set high mark-ups on the supplies. Thus Polaroid prices its cameras low because it makes its money on the film it sells. And Gillette sells low-priced razors,but makes money on the replacement blades. Camera makers that do not sell film have to price their main products higher inorder to make the same overall profit.(4) By-Product PricingIn producing proeessed meats,petroleum products,chemicals and other products,there are often by-products. If the by-products have no value and if getting rid of them is costly,this will affect the pricing of the main product. Using by-product pricing,the manufacturer willseek a market for these by-products and should accept any price that covers more than the cost of storing and delivering;them. This practice allows the seller to reduce the main product's price to make It more competitive. By-products can even turn out to be profitable. For example,many lumber mills have begun to sell bark chips and sawdust profitably as decorative mulch for home and commercial landscaping.Sometimes companies don't realize how valuable their by-products are. For example,most Zoos don't realize that one of their by-products –their occupants' manure - can be an excellent source of additional revenue. But the Zoo-Doo Compost Company has helped many zoos understand the costs and opportunities involved with these by-products. Zoo-Dolicenses its name to zoos and receives royalties on manure sales. 'Manyzoos don't even know how much manure they are producing or the cost of disposing of it,' explains president and founder Fierce Ledbetter. Zoos are often so pleased with any savings they can find on disposal that they don't think to move into active by-product sales. However,sales of the fragrant by-product can be substantial. So far novelty sales have been the largest,with tiny containers of Zoo Doo (and even 'Love,Love Me Doo'valentines) available in 160 zoo stores and 700 additional retail outlets. For the long-term market,Zoo-Doo looks to organic gardeners who buy15 to 70 pounds of manure at a time. Zoo Doo is already planning a 'Dung of the Month' club to reach these lucrative by-product markets.(5) Product-Bundle PricingUsing,product-bundle pricing,sellers often combine several of their products and offer the bundle at a reduced price. Thus theatres and sports teams sell seas on tickets at less than the cost of single tickets;hotels sell specially priced packages that include room,meals and entertainment;computer makers in elude attractives of ware packages with their personal computers. Price bundling can promote the sales of products that consumers might not otherwise buy,but the combined price must be low enough to get them to buy the bundle. "In other cases,product-bundle pricing is used to sell more than the customer really wants. Obtaining a ticket to an exclusive sports event is difficult,but World Cup football finals tickets are available to people willing to buy them bundled with a supersonic Concorde flight.3. Price-Adjustment StrategiesCompanies usually adjust their basic prices to account for various customer differencesand changing situations. Seven price-adjustment strategics:discount and allowance pricing,segmented pricing,psychological pricing,promotional pricing,-value pricing,geographical pricing and international pricing.(1) Discount and Allowance PricingMost companies adjust their basic price to reward customers for certain responses,such as early payment of bills,volume purchases and off-season buying. These price adjustments - called discounts and allowances - can take many forms.A cash discount is a price reduction to buyers who pay their bills promptly,Atypical example is '2/10,net 30'. which means that although payment is due within 30 days,the buyer can deduct 2 per cent if the hill is paid within 10 days. The discount must be granted to all buyers meeting these terms. Such discounts are customary in many industries and help to improve the sellers' cash situation and reduce bad debts and credit-collection costs.A quantity discount is a price reduction to buyers who buy large volumes. Atypical example might be 'K10 per unit for less than 100 units,$9 per unit for 100or more units'. Wine merchants often give 'twelve for the price of eleven' andMakro,the trade warehouse,automatically gives discounts on any product bought in bulk. Discounts provide an incentive to the customer to buy more from one given seller,rather than from many different sources.A quantity premium is sometimes charged to people buying higher volumes. In Japan it often costs more per item to buy a twelve-pack of beer or sushi than smaller quantities because the larger packs are more gift able and therefore less price sensitive. Quantity surcharges can also oecur when die product being bought is in short supply or in sets - for example,several seats together at a 'sold-out' rock concert or sports event - and some small restaurants charge a premium to large groups. Similarly,in buying antiques,it costs more to buy six complete place settings of cutlery than a single item. In this case the price will continue toincrease with volume,eight place settings costing more than six,and twelve place settings costing more than eight. Quantity premiums are more common than people imagine,and that is why they work. Consumers expect prices to deerease with volume and so do not check unit prices. This allows retailers to slip in high-margin items. Quantity surcharge increases with the variety and complexity of pack sizes and,in some markets,over 30 per cent of ranges include some quantity surcharging.A trade discount (also called a functional discount) is offered by the seller to trade channel members that perform certain functions,such as selling,storing and record keeping. Manufacturers may offer different functional discounts to different trade channels because of the varying services they perform,but manufacturers must offer the same functional discounts within each trade channel.A seasonal discount is a price discount to buyers who buy merchandise orservices out of season. For example,lawn and garden equipment manufacturers will offer seasonal discounts to retailers during the autumn and winter to encourage early ordering in anticipation of the heavy spring and summer selling seasons. Hotels,motels and airlines will offer seasonal discounts in their slower selling periods. Seasonal discounts allow the seller to keep production steady during the entire year.Allowances are another type of reduction from the list price. For example,trade-in allowances are price reductions given for turning in an old item when buying a new one. Trade-in allowances are most common in the car industry,but are also given for othe rdurable goods. Promotional allowances are payments or price reductions to reward dealers for participating in advertising and sales-support programmes.(2) Segmented PricingCompanies will often adjust their basic prices to allow for differences in customers,products and locations. In segmented pricing,the company sells aproduct or service at two or more prices,even though the difference in prices is not based on differences in costs. Segmented pricing takes several forms:* Customer-segment pricing. Different customers pay different prices for thesame product or service. Museums,for example,will charge a lower admission for young people,the unwaged,students and senior citizens. Inmany parts of the world,tourists pay more to see museums,shows andnational monuments than do locals.* Product-form pricing. Different versions of the product are priced differently,but not according to differences in their costs. For instance,the Dutch company Skil prices its 6434H electric drill at DF1200,which isDF1125 more than the price .of its 6400H. The 6434H is more powerful and has more features,yet this extra power and features cost only a few more guilders to build in.* Location pricing. Different locations are priced differently,even though the cost of offering each location is the same. For instance,theatres vary theirs cat prices because of audience preferences for certain locations and EU universities charge higher tuition fees for non-EU students.* Time pricing. Prices vary by the season,the month,the day and even the hour. Public utilities vary their prices to commercial users by time of day and weekend versus weekday. The telephone company offers lower 'off-peak' charges and resorts give seasonal discounts.For segmented pricing to be an effective strategy,certain conditions must exist. The market must be segmen table and the segments must show different degrees of demand. Members of the segment paying the lower price should not beably to turn around and resell the product to the segment paying the higher price.Competitors should not be able to undersell the firm in the segment being charged the higher price. Nor should the costs of segmenting and watching the market exceed the extra revenue obtained from the price difference. The practice should not lead to customer resentment and ill will. Finally,the segmented pricing must he legal.(3) Promotional PricingWith promotional pricing,companies will temporarily price their products below list price and sometimes even below cost. Promotional pricing takes several forms. Supermarkets and department stores will price a few products as toss leaders to attract customers to the store in the hope that they will buy other items at normal mark-ups. Kellers will also use special-event pricing in certain seasons to draw in more customers. Thus linens are promotionally priced every January to attract weary Christmas shoppers back into the stores. Manufacturers will sometimes offer cash rebates to consumers who buy the product from dealers within a specified time;the manufacturer sends the rebate directly to the customer. Rebates have recently been popular with car makers and producers of durable goods and small appliances. Some manufacturers offer low-interest financing,longer warranties or free maintenance to reduce the consumer's price'. This practice has recently become a favourite of the car industry. Or,the seller may simply offer discounts from normal prices to increase sales and reduce inventories.Pricing strategies and tactics form an important element of a company's marketing mix. Insetting prices,companies must carefully consider a great many internal and external factors before choosing a price that will give them the greatest competitive advantage in selected target markets. However,companies are not usually free to charge whatever prices they wish. Several laws restrict pricing practices and a number of ethical considerations affect pricing decisions. Pricing strategies and tactics also depend upon the way that we pay for things. Increasingly what we spend does not depend on how much money we have on us or how much we earned that week. These days our money is rarely something we sec or feel;it is the electronic transmission of data between files. Also,as currency is becoming an increasingly small part of our lives,barter is coming back in international and interpersonal dealing. Marketing Highlight 17,3 tells more about how money is changing.中文译文:市场营销原理第一节新产品定价策略定价策略在产品生命周期的不同阶段常常要改变,尤其是产品的新生期极具挑战性。

01-Principles of marketing

01-Principles of marketing

Demarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Production concept
Product concept
Selling concept
Marketing concept
Societal concept
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 1- slide 15
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 1- slide 17
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy
Marketing Management Orientations
object from someone by offering something in return
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall
Chapter 1- slide 9
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs

principles of marketing中文版

principles of marketing中文版

principles of marketing中文版《市场营销原理》中文版的学习主要涉及市场营销的基本概念、市场营销组合、消费者行为、市场分析、市场竞争、产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、分销渠道策略以及服务营销等方面。





















市场营销近视症(marketing myopia):销售人员过于关注自己为现有欲望开发出来的产品,而忽略了 顾客需要的变化。
第1章 营销:创造和获取顾客价值
市 场 营 销 原 理
顾客对各种市场提供物将递送的价值和满意形成预期,并据此作出购买决定。满意的顾客会重复购买, 并将自己的美好体验告诉别人;不满意的顾客转而向竞争者购买,并向其他人贬低产品。 市场营销者必须谨慎设定恰当的预期水平。顾客价值和顾客满意是建立和管理顾客关系的关键。
市场营销过程的最初四个步骤涉及通过创造和递送卓越的顾客价值建立客户关系(见图1-1)。最后 一步则要获得以当前的和未来的销售、市场份额及利润等形式表现的回报。
顾客份额(customer share)指顾客所购买的某公司的产品占其同类产品购买量的比重。

理 市场提供物——产品、服务和体验
消费者的需求和欲望通过市场提供物(marketing offerings)——即提供给市场以满足需要、欲望和需求 的产品、服务、信息或体验的集合——得到满足。
改变也同样发生在营销者如何与其供应商、渠道伙伴甚至是竞争者的联系上。现在,大多数公司已经是网络化的公 司,严重依赖与其他公司建立的伙伴关系。 市场营销渠道由分销商、零售商以及其他在公司与购买者之间起到媒介作用的组织构成。



Chapter 1Marketing:Managing Profitable CustomerRelationships一What Is Marketing?1.Definition2.The Marketing Process3.Wavy’s preferred definition二Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs1.Customer Needs, Wants,and Demand2.Market Offerings—Product, Services, and Experiences3.Customer Value and Satisfaction4.Exchanges and Relationships5.Markets are the set of actual and potential buyers of a product6.Marketing systemElements of a Marketing System三Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy1.Marketing management2.Selecting Customers to Serve3. Market segmentationTarget marketing4.Choosing a Value Proposition5.Marketing Management OrientationsProduction conceptProduct concept&Selling concept&Marketing conceptSocietal concept四Building Customer RelationshipsCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)Chapter 2Company and Marketing Strategy:Partnering to Build Customer Relationships一Companywide Strategic Planning:Defining Marketing’s Role 1.Strategic Planning for a businessStrategic Planning2.Steps in the Strategic Planning Process3.&Defining a Market-Oriented Missiona)The mission statementb)Market-oriented mission statementSetting Company Objectives and Goalsa)Business objectivesb)Marketing objectives&Designing the Business Portfolio1)Definition1)Analyzing the business portfolio1)Strategic business unit (SBU)1)The Boston Group Approacha.Growth share matrixa.SBUs are classified as:Stars; Cash cows;Question marks;Dogs。



根据市场需求和竞争情况 制定定价策略,以吸引目 标顾客。
通过产品特性和品牌形象 来创造高附加值,并实施 溢价定价策略。
了解不同渠道的优缺点,并选 择最适合产品的分销渠道。
探讨供应链管理的重要性,并 优化供应链以提供高效的产品 分发。
建立和维护良好的客户关系, 提供优质的客户服务。
1 传播渠道
选择适合目标受众的传 播渠道,通过广告、公 关和促销等手段传达营 销信息。
2 品牌推广
制定品牌推广策略,增 强品牌知名度和品牌形 象。
3 社交媒体营销
利用社交媒体平台进行 精准定位和有效推广, 与目标顾客进行互动。
根据产品成本和期望利润 确定最低价格,以确保盈 利。
了解如何将大市场划分为细分市场, 更好地满足不同目标受众的需求。
了解消费者心理和决策过程,探究市 场需求的根源。
确定目标市场并制定定位策略, 使产品与竞争对手区别开来。
创建买家人格,理解目标受众 的特征和行为,以更精确地满 足他们的需求。
市场营销原理 Principles of Marketing
探索市场营销的基本原理和概念,从市场分析到品牌管理,了解市场营销策 略和方法,打造成功的营销计划。






2、市场营销宏观环境:人口、经济、自然、技术、政治、文化人口统计环境:营销人员应当密切注意国内外得人口趋势与发展特点,关注年龄与家庭结构变化、人口地理位置迁移、教育特点以及人口多样化;经济环境:消费者收入变化、消费者支出模式变化、消费者储蓄与信贷情况变化;自然环境:原材料得短缺、环境污染得增加、政府对于自然资源得管理;技术环境:新技术创造了新得市场与机会,有利于公司改善经营管理,将影响零售商业结构与消费者购物习惯;政治环境:与市场营销管理有关得经济立法,社会准则与职业伦理;文化环境:二、消费者市场与消费者购买行为1、消费者市场:个人或家庭为了生活消费而购买产品与服务得市场2、影响消费者购买行为得主要因素文化、社会、个人、心理、学习、信念与态度文化因素:文化、亚文化、社会阶层社会因素:大群体、小群体、家庭、角色与地位个人因素:年龄与生命周期阶段、职业、经济状况、生活方式、个性与自我观念心理因素:动机(弗洛伊德动机理论、马斯洛需要层次理论)、感知(选择性注意、选择性扭曲、选择性记忆)学习: Array信念与态度:3、购买行为类型(1)复杂得购买行为:营销人员必须了解消费者收集、评价信息得行为,制定策略来帮助购买者了解这类产品;她们还必须利用印刷媒体与详细得广告文案来突出自身品牌特性;她们必须谋求商店销售人员与购买这朋友得支持,以影响购买者对品牌得最终选择;(2)寻求平衡得购买行为:消费者在购买后可能会有心里不平衡得感觉,因而售后沟通得目标应该就是提供证据与支持,从而有助于购买者对自己所选得品牌有一种满意得感觉;(3)习惯性得购买行为:对于这类购买行为,由于购买者并不专注于某一特定品牌,市场营销人员应经常利用价格或促销活动来刺激产品得销售;(4)寻求变化得购买行为:市场领导者可通过占领货架、避免脱销及频繁进行提示性广告来鼓励习惯性购买行为;而挑战者则应功过低价、优惠、赠券、免费样品及强调使用新产品得广告活动来鼓励寻求变化得购买行为。



Global marketing Chapter one掌握:营销概念:Although marketing is universal, marketing practice, of course,varies from country to country.了解:The market conceptThe New concept of marketing and the Four Ps: shifted the focus of marketing from the product to the customer.The strategic 1.concept of marketing: shifted the focus of marketing from the customer or the product to the customer in the context of the broader external environment.2.the strategic concept of marketing has shifted the focus of marketing from a microeconomics maximization paradigm to a focus of managing strategic partnerships and positioning the firm between vendors and customers in the value chain with the aim and purpose of creating value for customers.掌握:THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING1.Customer value and the value equationThe task of marketing is to create customer value that is greater than the value created by competitors.petitive or differential advantageThe advantage can exist in any element of the company’s offer: the product, the price, the advertising and point-of-sale promotion, or the distribution of the product.V=B/P3.FocusThe third marketing principle is focus, or the concentration of attention.掌握:全球本土化概念(global localization):it means a successful global marketer must have the ability to “think globally and act locally”掌握:MANAGEMENT ORIENTATION1.Ethnocentric (母国中心)---------international companyHome country is superior, sees similarities in foreign countries2.Polycentric(东道国中心)-----------multinational companyEach host country is unique sees differences in foreign countries3.Regiocentric(区域中心)----------global companySees similarities and differences in the world region; is ethnocentric or polycentric the rest of the world.4.Geocentric (世界中心)-------------transnational companyWorldview, sees similarities and differences in home and host countries.了解:Leverage定义:Leverage is simply some type of advantage that a company enjoys by virtue of the fact that it conducts business in more than one country.类型:1.experience transfers(经验移植) 2.Scale economies (规模经济:可降低成本)3.resource utilization (资源利用)4.global strategy(全球化战略)Chapter two了解ECONOMIC SYSTEMS1.Market allocationA market allocation system is one that relies on consumers to allocate resources.Consumers“write” the economic plan by deciding what will be produced by whom.mand or central plan allocationIn a command allocation system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest.These include deciding which products to make and how to make them.3. Mixed allocation了解STAGES OF MARKET DEVELOMENTUsing GNP as a base , we have divided global markets into four categories.1.low-income countries(also known as preindustrial countries)2.lower-middle-income countries(also known as less developed countries or LDCs)3.upper-middle-income countries(also known as industrializing countries)4.high-income countries(also known as advanced , industrialized, postindustrial countries) chapter three了解:BASIC ASPERTS OF SOCIETY AND CULTURE①It is learned, not innate②The various facts of culture are interrelated, influence or change one aspect of a culture and everything else is affected.③It is shared by members of groups and defines the boundaries between different groups.掌握:High and low context cultures强交际环境文化和弱交际环境文化的对比(看73页表) In low context cultures,①messages have to be explicit.②A person's word is not to be relied on.③Paperwork is important.In high context cultures,①less information is contained in the verbal part of message.② A person's value, position, background are crucial.掌握:Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 马斯洛需求层次理论①physiological 生理需求②safety 安全需求③social 社交需求④esteem 尊重⑤self-actualization 自我实现掌握:Hofstede Framework 霍夫斯诺德构架(看细节)①individualism versus collectivism 个人主义与集体主义②power distance 权力距离③uncertainty avoidance 不确定性规避⑤masculinity versus femininity 男权主义相对女权主义了解:THE SELF-REFERENCE CRITERION AND PERCEPTIONAs we have shown, a person’s perception of market needs is framed by his or her own cultural experience.了解:ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY(了解80页表格)Environmental sensitivity is the extent to which products must be adapted to the culture-specific needs of different national markets. (对环境中最敏感的东西是food)Chapter four了解POLITICAL RISK (经济发达阶段和政治风险的关系,经济越不发达政治风险越高)了解征用(EXPROPRIATION)定义:Expropriation refers to governmental action to dispossess a company or investor.没收(CONPENSATION)定义:compensation is generally provided to foreign investors,although not often in the “prompt effective ,and adequate” manner provided for by international standard. 国有化(NATIONALIZATION)定义:Nationalization occurs if ownership of the property or assets in question is transferred to the host government.了解:Differences of the two systems in solving commercial disputes两种法律体系在解决商务纠纷中的区别common law versus civil law(code law)①Under common law, commercial disputes are subjected to either civil or commercial laws. Under code law, commercial disputes are subjected to the commercial code.②Under common law, industrial property right based on proof of agreement.Under code law, industrial property right based on notarization or registration③Under common law, Performance of contract: Act of God/act of nature means extraordinaryhappenings not reasonably anticipated.Under code law, Performance of contract: Act of God is extended to include unavoidable interferences such as strike or riots (Force Majeure)掌握:Three bases for jurisdiction in resolving private international disputes处理国际争端的3种基本司法程序①negotiation调解协商②Arbitration仲裁③Litigation 诉讼Chapter five掌握:DIFFUSION THEORY(传播理论)(AIETA)Five stages of the adoption process 对新产品接纳过程的五个阶段①Awareness 知晓阶段②Interest 感兴趣阶段③Evaluation 评价阶段④Trial 试用阶段⑤Adoption 采纳阶段Five types of adopter categories 新产品接纳者的5种类型②innovators②early adopters(Early adopters are the most influential people in their communities,even more than the innovators. Thus. The early adopters are a critical group in the adoption process )③early majority④late majority⑤laggards (落后者)掌握:Characteristics of innovations(创新的特征)1.Relative advantage(相对优势)patibility(兼容性)plexity(复杂性)4.Divisibility(可分性)municability(可交流性)Chapter six了解Information subject agenda (理解168页表格)了解SCANNING MODES(搜寻模式): SURVEILLANCE AND SEARCH监视的两种类型Surveillance include: viewing and monitoring了解营销信息的主要来源(sources of market information):1.human sources (人)2.documentary sources(文档资源)3.internet sources(因特网来源)4. Direct perception(直接感知)了解FORMAL MARKETING RESEARCH(正式的市场调研)Step 1: Identifying the research problemStep 2: Developing a research planStep 3: Collecting data (看细节secondary data, primary data, survey research)Step 4: Analyzing research dataStep 5: Presenting the findingsChapter seven掌握市场细分的定义: Market segmentation is the process of subdividing a market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场细分的定义:Global market segmentation is the process of dividing the world market into distinct subsets of customers that behave in the same way or have similar needs.掌握全球市场的主要细分的标准(criteria)(知道归属):1.Geographic segmentation2.Demographic segmentation3.Psychographic segmentation4.Behavior segmentation5.Benefit segmentation掌握全球目标市场确定的定义:Targeting is the act of evaluating and comparing the identified groups and then selecting one or more of them as the prospect(s) with the highest potential.掌握选择目标市场的标准(criteria):1.current segment size and growth potential2.potential competitionpatibility and feasibility掌握选择目标市场的策略:1.standardized global marketing2.concentrated global marketing3.differentiated global marketing掌握全球产品定位(Global product positioning)定义:Positioning is the location of your product in the mind of your customer.Chapter eight掌握出口市场选择的六大标准(MARKET SELECTION CRITERIA):1.market potential(市场潜量)2.market access (市场潜入因素)3.shipping costs(运输成本及时间)4.potential competition(潜在竞争)5.service requirement(服务要求)6.product fit(产品适应性)了解ENTRY AND EXPANSION DECISION MODEL(进入和扩张决策模型,第237页)掌握依托营销(Piggyback Marketing)的定义:The manufacturer using the piggyback arrangement does so at a cost that is much lower than that required for any direct arrangement. Successful piggyback marketing requires that the combined product lines be complement. They must appeal to the same customers, and they must not be competitive with each other.掌握许可贸易(licensing)的定义:Licensing can be defined as a contractual arrangement whereby one company(the licensee) makes an asset available to another company(the licensing) in exchange for royalties, license fees, or some other form of compensation. The licensed asset may be a patent, trade secret, or company name.其中,Franchising is a form of licensing了解Joint Ventures(第247页)了解市场扩张战略(5 MARKET EXPANSION STRATEGIES):1.Strategy one: concentrates on a few segments in a few countries.2.Strategy two: country concentration and segment diversification3.Strategy three: country diversification and market segment concentration4.Strategy four: country and segment diversificationChapter nine了解全球战略联盟的三个特点:1.The participants remain independent subsequent to the formation of the alliance2.The participants share the benefits of the alliance as well as control over the performance ofassigned tasks.3.The participants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategicareas.了解全球战略同盟的六个特性(attributes)(第265页)在日本,战略联盟被称为综合商社在韩国,战略联盟被称为财阀Chapter ten掌握影响产业竞争的五种力量(Forces Influencing Competition in a Industry):1.Thread of new entrants2.Rivalry Among Existing Competitors3.Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.Bargaining Power of Buyers5.thread of Substitute Product or Services掌握新加入者的五种威胁(thread of new entrants):1.Economies of scales(规模经济)2.Product differentiation(产品差异性)3.Capital requirements(资本要求)4.Switching costs(转换成本)5.Access to distribution channels(获取分销渠道的途径)ernment policy(政府政策)7.Established firms may also enjoy cost advantages independent of the scale economies(老公司享有的与规模经济无关的成本优势)掌握Porter’s basic thesis(Porter’s diamond): four national attributes of a nation shape the environment in which local firms compete.波特钻石理论中认为决定一国本地公司竞争环境的四大特征:①factor conditions②demand conditions③related and supporting industries④firm strategy, structure, rivalryAnd two influencers: Governments and chance其中,了解要素来源(factor conditions)的分类1.Human resources2.Physical resources3.Knowledge resources4.Capital resources5.Infrastructure resources掌握要素资源的类型1.Basic versus advanced factors(基本要素与高级要素)2.Generalized(通用要素是前提条件)versus specialized factors(专门要素是企业真正竞争要素的来源)掌握创造竞争优势的一般战略:1.Broad market strategy 大市场战略Cost-Leadership Advantage(成本领先)Differentiation(差异化)2.Narrow target strategies(缩小目标范围)Focused differentiation (差异专注)Cost focus(成本专注)了解日本人创新性竞争的策略:yers of advantage (优势层)2.Loose bricks(松动的砖头)3.Changing the rules(改变规则)4.Collaborating(合作)5.Hypercompetition (超级竞争)CHAPTER11了解产品含义(了解产品属于哪类)Local products(本土产品):A local product is available in a portion of a national market. National products(国家产品): A national product is one that, in the context o a particular company is offered in a single national market.International products(国际产品): international products are offered in multinational,regional markets.Global products(全球产品):global products are offered in global markets了解产品与品牌的不同(了解334页的全球品牌的特征--------地球图)A global product differs from a global brand in one important respect: it does not carry the same name and image from country to country.掌握产品定位(product positioning)的定义:product positioning is a communications strategy based on the notion of mental "space": positioning refers to the act of locating a brand in customers' minds over and against other products in terms of product attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer.掌握产品定位的一般策略(general strategies for positioning products)1.attribute or benefit (属性与性能)2.Quality/price(质量价格)e/user (使用和使用者)4.High-tech positioning (高科技定位)5.High-touch positioning (高感性定位)掌握产品设计的四个因素(Product design considerations)Global market need to consider four factors when making product design decision:1. Preferences (偏好)2. Cost (成本)3. Laws and regulations(法律法规)4. Compatibility(兼容性)5. Labeling and instructions (标签以及用法说明)了解原产国的态度的(coo:country of origin)定义:Country of origin (often abbreviated to COO), is the country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from. There are differing rules of origin under various national laws and international treaties掌握产品地理扩张的主要策略(5个)Strategy1:product/communication extension(dual extension)Strategy2:product extension/communication adaptationStrategy3:product adaptation/communication extensionStrategy4:dual adaptationStrategy5:product invention理解公司的三个阶段(How to choose a strategy)1.cave dweller.(洞穴居住着)2.Naive nationalist(天真的国家主义者)3.Globally sensitive(全球性敏感者)了解新产品开发的几层含义(New products in global marketing):Newness can be assessed in t h e c o n t e x t o f t h e p r o d u c t i t s e l f,t h e o r g a n i z at i o n,a n d t h e m a r ke t.1.an entirely new invention or innovation2. a line extension3.newness may also be organizational4.an existing product that is new to a company may be new to a particular market了解新产品开发的几个步骤:1.Identifying new-product ideas2.New-product development location3.Testing new products in national marketsCHAPTER 12掌握环境对定价决策的影响(Environmental influences on pricing decisions)1.Currency fluctuations(货币的不稳定性)2.Exchange rate clauses(汇率条款)3.Pricing in an inflationary environment(在通货膨胀的环境里定价)ernment controls and subsidies(政府控制和补贴)petitive behavior (竞争行为)6.Price and quality relationships(价格与质量的关系)掌握全球定价目标及战略(Global pricing objectives and strategies)1. 掌握市场撇脂(Market skimming)定义:the market skimming pricing strategy is a deliberate attempt to reach a market segment that is willing to pay a premium price for a product.2. 掌握渗透式定价(Penetration pricing)定义:penetration pricing uses price as a competitive weapon to gain market position.3. 掌握市场保持(Market holding)定义:the market holding strategy is frequently adopted by companies that want to maintain their share of the market.4. 掌握成本加成价格升级Cost plus/price escalation掌握价格升级的定义:Price escalation is the increase in a product’s price as transportation, duty, and distributor margins are added to the factory price.掌握灰色市场(Grey market goods)条件和定义定义:gray market goods are trademarked products that are exported from one country to another, where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizations.条件:The marketing opportunity that presents itself requires gray market goods to be priced lower than goods sold by authorized distributors or domestically produced goods.了解倾销(Dumping) 定义:Dumping is an important global pricing strategy issue.了解转移定价(TRANSFER PRICING)的定义:transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods and services bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a single company.了解几种转移定价的方法:The alternatives are(1)cost-based transfer pricing,(2).market-based transfer pricing(目的基于市场竞争需要的转移定价)Market-based transfer price了解定义:a market-based transfer price is derived from the price required to be competitive in the international market.(3).negotiated prices.掌握三种定价策略(GLOBAL PRICING-THREE POLICY ALTERNATIVES)1.Extension/ethnocentric2.Adaptation/polycentric3.Invention/geocentricCHAPTER 13掌握分销渠道(Channel of distribution)的定义:Channel of distribution American marketing association defines channel of distribution as"an organized network of agencies and institutions which, in combination, perform all the activities required to link producers withusers to accomplish the marketing task."掌握分销(marketing channels)的目的: The purpose of marketing channels is to create utility for customers.掌握渠道的效用:The major categories of channel utility are place (the availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer);time(the availability of a product or service when desired by a customer);form(the product is processed, prepared, and ready to use and in proper condition);and information(answers to questions and general communication about useful product features and benefits are available).了解两种渠道:1.Direct involvement2.Indirect involvement掌握影响渠道因素(CHANNEL OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS)1. customers characteristics2. products characteristics3. middlemen characteristics4. environment characteristics掌握中间商(Middleman characteristics)的定义:Channel strategy must recognize the characteristics of existing middlemen. Middlemen are in business to maximize their own profit and not that of the manufacturer. They are notorious for cherry picking.了解cherry picking的定义:that is, the practice of taking orders from manufacturers whose products and brands are in demand to avoid any real selling effort for a manufacturer’s products that may required push.DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS:TERMINOLOGY AND STRUCTURE掌握消费品(CONSUMER PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.DOOR-TO-DOOR SELLING2.MANUFACTURER-OWNED STORE3.FRANCHISE OPERATIONSBINATION STUCTURES掌握工业产品(INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS)的主要渠道1.M-manufacturer2. W-wholesaler3. MSF-manufacturer's sales force4. D or A-distributor or agentCHAPTER 14掌握全球广告的定义:Global advertising is the use of the same advertising appeals, messages,art, copy, photographs, stories, and video segments in multiple-country markets.了解global advertising content: the extension versus adoption debate了解选择广告代理商的主要因素:In selecting an advertising agency, the following issues should be considered: Company organization, Area coverage, Buyer perception.CHAPTER 15(重点看选择题)掌握几种主要的促销方式(GLOBAL PROMOTION)Advertising(广告)Public Relations and Publicity (公共关系与公众度)Personal selling (个人推销)Sales promotion (营业促销)Direct Marketing(直复营销)Trade Shows and Exhibitions(贸易展示和展会)Sponsorship Promotion (赞助促销)了解公共关系的主要作用:foster goodwill and understanding among constituents both inside and outside the company.还有宣传的特征:Publicity is a nonpaid form of communication (unearned media)掌握推销(personal selling)的定义: personal selling is two-way,personal communication between a company representative and a potential customer as well as back to the company. 掌握推销的主要过程:The selling process is typically divided into several stages:prospecting, preapproaching, aaproaching, presenting, problem solying, handing objections, closing the sale, and following up.了解SALES PROMOTIONTrade promotions are designed to increases product availability in distribution channels.了解DIRECT MARKETINGThe use of direct marketing is growing rapidly in many parts of the world due to increased use of computer databases, credit cards, and toll-free numbers, as well as changing life-styles.了解TRADE SHOWS AND EXHIBITIONSTrade shows and exhibitions are other promotion vehicles that are increasingly important in the promotional mix, especially for industrial products and in the international marketplace.了解SPONSORSHIP PROMOTION特点:Sponsorship can be used to increase awareness and esteem, to build the brand identification, to enhance the brand’s positioning and sales,and to circumvent advertising restrictions in some countries.。







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营销课程的所有课件系任课教师王益锋老师 独立、辛勤制作而得,版权归制做人王益锋 一人独家所有,任何个人、组织未经许可不 得阅抄、复制、转赠。 对所教授的学员(MBA)和学生 ,经王益锋老 师同意后可以复制,但只供学员和学生学习 所用,决不允许转制、转赠他人(同班同学 除外),望周知守信。谢谢! 营销课任课教师王益锋
长的高速公路,就连路标和告示牌都与美国公路上的一模 一样。在设计行李箱时,设计人员意见有分歧,他们就到
意见马上统一起来。结果本田公司的雅阁牌汽车一到美国 就倍受欢迎,被称为是全世界都能接受的好车。

1、市场 market
(分工、前身、概念分析) 我国古代文献《易经》 总结:“市场营销是企业的 营销活动,是引导商品或劳 2、市场营销 marketing 务从生产者到消费者或使用 引导产品与劳务从生产者流向消费者或使用者的企业活动。 者的企业整体活动(销售活 动,4p策略),通过满足顾 市场营销是引导产品及劳务从生产者至消费者或使用者的企 客需求来实现企业利润目标 业活动,以满足顾客并实现企业目标 “。 市场营销是一个完整的企业活动即以计划、产品、定价、推 市场营销的起点、中心、对 广与分销来满足现在与未来过客的需求 象、终点(自行创造、暴力 市场营销是一种人类活动,通过交易而引起满足消费者的需 强求、乞讨恳求、交易方式 ) 求与欲望。

企业调查,91.7%管理不善。 先进技术;科学管理
为什么要学营销? (学习的重要性))
四、改革 现代企业制度的十六个大字:

产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理 科学
原体委主任吴杰的观点 现代产权制度的十六字方针:归属清 晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅
1、非营利营销的增长 2、全球一体化进程加快 3、国际竞争的日趋激烈 4、经济形势的变化 5、伦理和社会责任的强化 6、营销的柔性化:灵活调整营销方案 7、网络营销:互动性、虚拟性、私人性、永恒发展性 8、文化营销:产品文化、品牌文化、企业文化 9、服务营销

第二讲 战略计划与营销过程
Strategy plan & Marketing process
三、营 销 过程
principles of marketing
0d58b4b8 创世至尊 /read/0/526/

们派出工程技术人员专程到洛杉矶地区考察高速公路的情 况,实地丈量路长、路宽,采集高速公路的柏油,拍摄进


现代市场营销是一门内涵十分丰富的科学 市场营销立足于人类营销的实践活动以其高屋建瓴的 思想理念,独特而系统的理论和方法 现在,市场营销学所阐释的有关企业营销活动的原理、 思想、方法已被公认为工商界人士必备的专业知识。 一项调查显示,企业家普遍认为,不懂市场营销就无 法维持企业的生存和发展。 70年代对美国主要公司的总经理的一项典型调查得出 结论:任何企业管理人员,如果没有营销学知识,就 不可能取得成功。
时代背景:19世纪末,20世纪20年代以前 能买到:说明产品少,供不应求。生产率还不很高,“企业能生产 什么就生产什么“……福特公司的”T型车“,在20年代一直畅销, 公司高级管理对销售的描述:”不是到外面兜售“而仅仅是”从 柜台上寄给顾客“,亨利.福特曾傲慢地说”不管顾客需要什么, 我们的汽车就是黑色的“ 买得起:成本高,价格高,提高生产率,降低成本,扩销路。 福特的营销哲学:努力使 T 型车达到完美,从而降低成本使更多 的人买得 起汽车。 改革前的中国此观念盛行:供不应求,埋头生产,不问市场,生 产什么, 收购什么。
坐飞机等有抑制态度。任务是扭转。 ——扭转性营销

3、潜在需求)—— 开发性营销如对折叠自行车的需求

4、衰退需求 ——恢复性营销(remarketing) 5、不规则需求 ——同步营销 季节、日期等 6、饱和需求 ——维护性营销 7、过度需求 ——限制性营销 8、有害需求 ——抵制性营销

三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
3、销售观念 (Selling Concept) (推销观念)
时代背景:20世纪20年代末到二战结束前。 泰罗的“科学管理” 社会产品增多;消费水平低,市场萧条, 产品积压;尤为30年代大危机。 公司重视销售,增设销售机构和销售人员。如美皮尔斯堡面粉公 司第一次成立了商情调研部门,加销队伍。 口号:“本公司旨在销售面粉”。“能销售什么就生产什么……” 广泛应用:竞选等非营利机构,发表演说与选民握手,亲吻儿童, 捐赠 局限:只顾销售不顾售后满意。
背景:60\70年代后出现的新观念。环境恶化、资源短缺、人口爆炸、 通货膨胀。怀疑市场营销观念能否可以胜任 ,此观念兴起。 理论依据:系统理论 如可乐公司;强生公司
1、生态强制观念 2、明智消费观念 3、人性观念 4、亲情营销观念 5、整合营销观念 6、绿色营销观念 观念创新
理念基础——营销理念——营销观念——营销哲学 (一)Marketing Concept概念与理解 定义:
基础————基础 结构————重点 建设————关键 科学————前提
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
1 、生产观念( Production Concept ) 最古老的一
学习的重要性 (marketing)

• 三种经济形态


事实知识——知道是什么(Know-What) 是关于事实方面的知识 原理知识——知道为什么(Know-Why) 是自然原理与规律的科学知识 技能知识——知道怎样运用(Know-How) 是做一些事物的技能和能力 人力知识——知道谁有知识(Know-Who) 是有关知识在哪里的信息

第一讲 市场营销基础

本讲小结 关键术语 案例与讨论
二、概念基础 三、理念基础
讨论可以检验学习效果 四、新世纪的挑战 你们认为: 为什么要学营销?怎么理解营销? 怎样全面理解市场的概念? 如何理解营销观念?怎样演变?各观念的主要区别? 如何理解营销管理? 营销新挑战——营销发展新趋势
菲利普科特勒“对全球经济发展对具影响力的十 位管理大师之一”,被称为“现代营销之父”。他多 次获得美国国家级勋章和褒奖,包括“保尔D康弗斯 奖”、“营销卓越献奖”、“查尔斯库利奇奖”。他 是美国营销学会(AMA)第一届“营销教育奖”的获得 者,也是至今唯一3次获得过《营销杂志》年度最佳 论文奖――阿尔法卡巾帕普西奖(Alpha Kappa Psi Award)的人。 科特勒博士的著作甚多,被翻译为20多种语言, 成为58个国家的营销从业人员的营销宝典。其中《营 销管理》一书更是被奉为营销学的圣经。其它被采用 为教科书的还有:《非赢利机构营销学》、《新竞争 与高瞻远瞩》、《国际营销》、《营销典范》、《营 销原理》、《社会营销》、《旅游市场营销》、《市 场专业服务》以及《教育机构营销学》、《亚洲新定 位》和《营销亚洲》。 科特勒博士一直致力于营销战略与规划、营销组 织、国际市场营销及社会营销的研究,他的最新研究 领域包括:高科技市场营销,城市、地区及国家的竞 争优势等。他创造的一些概念,如“反向营销”和“ 社会营销”等等,被人们广泛应用和实践。
三、理念基础 营销观念Marketing Concept
5、生态学市场营销观念( Ecological Marketing Concept)
是4的进一步发展。 背景: 20世纪60年代后,保护环境呼声日高。 企业方针:企业所生产的会市场营销观念(Societal Marketing Concept)

营销管理(marketing management):为实现组织目
标而设计的各种分析、计划、实施和控制活动,以建立和维持与 目标顾客的互惠交换关系。就是寻求适当的方式,来影响需求水 平、需求时间和需求性质,以实现组织目标。

各种需求状况及其相应的营销任务: 1、负需求:多数人不喜欢甚至厌恶,如肥肉、打针、节育术、
基础理论 战略理论
核心概念 营销观念
需求分析 市场细分 目标市场 市场定位
产品策略 定价策略 分销策略 促销策略
营销计划 营销组织 营销控制 营销审计
——为什么要学营销(学习的重要性)? 一、获取新知识 知识是力量 无知的旅行者犹如没有翅膀的一样 日本的野间清治认为,人生成功的


(二)需要、欲望和需求 (needs\wants\demands) (三)产品、商品和劳务 (Product\merchandise\ rent service) (四)价值、满意和质量 (Value\ satisfaction\ quality) (五)交换、交易和关系 (exchange\tranzaction\relationship)