士兰微半导体SC6122杭州士兰微电子JOINT-STOCK CO。
,LTD修订:2.2 2002-03-01 1红外遥控发射机描述该SC6122是采用CMOS遥控发射机技术专为红外遥控使用应用程序。
特征* CMOS技术*低工作电压(VDD= 2.05.5V)*使用SEL针,SC6122可支持128 + 6功能代码*客户代码可以选择应用*电视和录像机*音频设备*空调* VCD和DVD-ROM /播放器* Moniputer /多媒体个人计算机系统SOP-24订购信息SC6122-001,ROM的内容= 0SC6122-002,定制版引脚配置士兰微半导体SC6122杭州士兰微电子JOINT-STOCK CO。
,LTD 修订:2.2 2002-03-01 2框图绝对最大额定值(环境温度Tamb = 25°C,除非另有规定)特性符号值单位电源电压VDD 6 V输入电压Vin -0.3~VDD V功耗钯250 毫瓦储存温度T -40 + 125 ℃,工作温度T -20 + 75 ℃,推荐工作条件(环境温度Tamb = 25°C,除非另有规定)特性符号最小典型最大单元电源电压VDD 2.0 3.0 3.3 V振荡频率fosc 400 455 500 千赫输入电压V 0 - VDD V自定义代码选择上拉电阻RUP - 100 - K欧姆士兰微半导体SC6122杭州士兰微电子JOINT-STOCK CO。
,LTD修订:2.2 2002-03-01 3电气特性(环境温度Tamb = 25°C,VDD= 3.0V,除非另有规定)参数符号测试条件最小典型最大单元引脚说明引脚号符号I / O 描述功能说明1.传输码传输代码由一引导码,16位的自定义码,和8位数据码。
Sanken SSC9522S Datasheet说明书
Reliability Test Data
TPV Technology Ltd. 御中
for switching regulators IC SSC9522S(Pb free)
ICss (H)
VReg /VB=12V VGL/VGH=10 5V VGL/VGH=10.5V VReg /VB=12V VGL/VGH=1.5V
C: Electric characteristics
Measurement Items 測定項目
Symbols 記号
Measurement Conditions 測定条件
Operation start voltage 動作開始電源電圧 Operation stop voltage 動作停止電源電圧 Circuit current in operation 動作時回路電流 Circuit current in non-operation 非動作時回路電流 Circuit current in latch-operation ラッチ動作時回路電流 FB terminal source current FB端子流出電流 FB terminal threshold voltage FB端子しきい値電圧 Css terminal threshold voltage(1) Css端子しきい値電圧(1) Latch circuit release VCC voltage ラッチ解除VCC電圧 Minimum frequency 最低周波数 Maximum frequency 最高周波数 Maximum dead-time 最大デットタイム Minimum dead-time 最小デットタイム Burst mode start FB terminal source current バースト開始FB端子電流 Oscillation stop FB terminal source current 発振出力停止FB端子電流 Css terminal charge current Css端子チャ-ジ電流 Css terminal reset current Css端子リセット電流 OVP operating VCC voltage OVP動作VCC電圧 Uncontrollability detection voltage 電流共振外れ検出電圧 RC terminal threshold voltage RC端子しきい値電圧(Hi speed) OC terminal threshold voltage(Low) OC端子しきい値電圧(Low) OC terminal threshold voltage (High) OC端子しきい値電圧(High) OC terminal threshold voltage (Hi speed) OC端子しきい値電圧(Hi speed) RV terminal voltage detect Resonance voltage(1) 電圧共振検出端子電圧(1) RV terminal voltage detect Resonance voltage(2) 電圧共振検出端子電圧(2)
16 进制代码 (有小数点)
第 4 页 共 4页 202004-1-8 14:550636
六、 主要电参数(VCC=+5V,T=25℃)
静态电流 输入 低电平 电平 高电平
―S1∽―S8 吸收脉冲电流 A—DP 输出
符号 测试条件 最小值 典型值
LCP, ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้EN
TEC6122 与微处理器并行口 interface 应用时,任选一个并行口输出端为 SI,另一个并 行口输出端为 SCP。此时,移位数据 SI、移位脉冲 SCP,移位脉冲个数均由程序产生。以 8051 为例,我们选 P1.0 为 SI,P1.1 为 SCP。其相应的显示程序见附录三。
驱动单色 8X8LED 点阵
第 1 页 共 1页 202004-1-8 14:550636
TEC6122 说明书
移入 8X8 bit 串行移位寄存器中的段码数据在 LCP 打入锁存器脉冲作用下,锁存到 8X8 bit 段数 据 锁 存 器 。 数 据 锁 存 器 中 的 段 码 经 多 路 选 择 器 , ―S1 时送第一位(个位) A1, B1,……,DP1,段码显示;依次地,S8 送第 8 位(千万位)A8,B8,……,DP8,段码显示。
F1秤的接口模块 ................................................................................................... 20 F2应用环境设置 ................................................................................................... 22 F3串行接口......................................................................................................... 24 F4并行输入/输出接口............................................................................................. 25 F6自诊断功能 ...................................................................................................... 28 F7模拟输出选购件设置 ........................................................................................... 30 CALOFF退出参数设定 ............................................................................................ 31 [5]维护和保养 ............................................................................................................... 32 常用维修工具 ................................................................................................................. 32 日常清洁和维护 .............................................................................................................. 32 出错处理....................................................................................................................... 32 称重终端错误代码表 .............................................................................................. 32 称重终端电压的测量方法 ......................................................................................... 33 [6]PLC接口 ................................................................................................................... 34 Allen-Bradley RIO选件配置说明 ...................................................................................... 34 PROFIBUS选件配置说明 .................................................................................................... 37 Modbus Plus选件配置说明 ................................................................................................ 38 DEVICENET 选件配置说明 ................................................................................................. 41 [7]附录 ....................................................................................................................... 44 5~30V光电隔离接口 ........................................................................................................ 44 串行接口....................................................................................................................... 45 RS-232连接 ........................................................................................................ 45 连续输出数据格式 ................................................................................................. 45 命令输出格式 ...................................................................................................... 47 缺省参数....................................................................................................................... 48
目录1、JTY-LZ-ZM991智能离子感烟火灾探测器2、JTY-GD-ZM992智能光电感烟火灾探测器3、JTW-BD-ZM995智能感温火灾探测器4、JTY-GD-882光电感烟火灾探测器5、JTW-BD-885感温火灾探测器6、JTYJ-GD-2630/B 独立式感烟火灾探测报警器7、JTYJ-GD-2690/B 独立式感烟火灾探测报警器8、BAEM1224S型红外光束感烟火灾探测器9、AEC2361a 可燃气体探测报警器10、AEC2371a 可燃气体探测报警器11、J-SAP-M-SB8304 编址手动火灾报警按钮12、J-SAP-M-SB8304/H 编址消火栓报警按钮13、SM8301 输入模块14、KM8302 输入/输出模块15、KM8302B 切换模块16、DB8307 总线短路保护器17、M902M 探测器接口模块18、SG8306A 编址声光警报器19、ZH8310A 现场转换盒20、SSM24-6 警铃21、SG8306 声光警报器22、CH8504 放气指示灯23、CH8505 紧急启停按钮24、CH8507 手/自动转换盒25、CH8316/20/48/72 路接线端子箱26、CH8907/6/12/20模块箱27、FS-100 火灾显示盘28、CH8605 多线联动控制盘29、CH8601 总线手动控制盘30、JB-QB-CH8000 火灾报警控制器(联动型)31、JB-QB-CH8800 火灾报警控制器(联动型)32、JB-QB-CH8000/S 火灾报警控制器33、JB-MH-CH8500 气体灭火控制器34、JB-QB-CH8800 气体灭火控制器35、CH8909 CRT火灾彩色平面图形显示系统36、GB9242 消防广播主机37、DH9251 多线火警电话主机38、DH9261 总线制火警电话主机39、CH9200 壁挂广播通讯柜1、JTY-LZ-ZM991智能离子感烟火灾探测器功能描述及技术指标◆适用于发生火灾后产生大量的烟和少量热的场所,如宾馆、饭店、办公楼、机房、医院、学校等各种室内场所。
09 08 5E 11 0B 14
5C 0C 15 18 1A 1B 16
46 45 44 43 42 41 40 13 11
4A 49 48 47 0A 03 02 01 00
54 53 52 51 50 4F 4E 4D 4C 4B
8A 88 19 5F 5B 5A 59 58 57 56 55
电话:0755-26869575 26869576
第 6 页 共 6页
不接红外管、led 管
VDD=3.0V , 没 有 按 键
红外管,led 管均不工
REM 高电平输出电流 IOH2
典型值 3.0
最大值 5.5 1.0
单位 V mA
设置了 66 个键,所有系统的键值均按同一方式编码。当任意其他两键同时按下,或任意其他多键被
16 VCC
15 REM 14 CS 13 KO10 12 KO9 11 KO8 10 KO7 9 KO6
VSS 1 OSC 2 KO0 3 KO1 4 KO2 5 KO3 6 KO4 7 KO5 8
Created by Jeff,2014/3/15
Front panel components............................................................................. 23 Disk drive bay numbers .............................................................................. 24 Rear panel view – controller module .......................................................... 24 Rear panel components.............................................................................. 25 P2000 6Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure .............................................................. 25 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure ......................................................... 26 P2000G3 iSCSI .................................................................................................................27 Front panel components............................................................................. 27 Disk drive bay numbers .............................................................................. 28 Rear panel views – controller modules ....................................................... 28 Rear panel components.............................................................................. 29 P2000 6Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure .............................................................. 30 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure ......................................................... 30 P2000G3 SAS...................................................................................................................31 Front panel components............................................................................. 31 Disk drive bay numbers .............................................................................. 32 Rear panel view – controller module .......................................................... 32 Rear panel components.............................................................................. 33 P2000 6Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure .............................................................. 33 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure ......................................................... 34 2. MSA2000 管理方式............................................................................................................35
Amtax Compact II
6.1.1 显示模式.......................................................................................................................... 25 测量模式.......................................................................................................................25 菜单模式.......................................................................................................................26 图形模式......................................................................................................................26 6.2 菜单..............................................................................................................................................27 6.2.1主菜单.................................................................................................................................27 6.2.2 设定菜单...........................................................................................................................28 6.2.3 信号菜单............................................................................................................................30 6.2.4 服务菜单...........................................................................................................................31 6.2.5 功能测试............................................................................................................................33
L6122L6123April 1993100V DMOS SWITCHESADVANCE DATA.OUTPUT VOLTAGE TO 100V .0,5ΩR DS (on).SUPPLY VOLTAGE UP TO 60V .LOW INPUT CURRENT.TTL/CMOS COMPATIBLE INPUTS.HIGH SWITCHING FREQUENCY (200kHz)DESCRIPTIONRealized with the Multipower-BCD mixed bipo-lar/CMOS/DMOS process,the L6122/23monolithic three DMOS switch is designed for high current,high voltage switching applications.Each of the three switches is controlled by a logic input and all three are controlled by a common enable input.All inputs are TTL/CMOS compatible for direct connec-tion to logic circuits.Each source is available for the insertion of the senseresistors in current control ap-plications.Two versions are available :the L6122mounted in a Powerdip 14+3+3package and the L6123in a 15-lead Multiwatt package.Powerdip 14+3+3(Plastic Package)ORDERING NUMBER :L61221/9This is advance d information on a new product now in development or undergo ing evaluation.Details are subject to change without notice.MULTIWATT15V (Plastic Package)ORDERING NUMBER :L6123PIN CONNECTIONS (top view)L6122(POWERDIP)L6123(MULTIWATT15V)MULTIPOWER BCD TECHNOLOGYBLOCK DIAGRAMABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value Unit V DS Drain-source Voltage100V V CC Supply Voltage60VI D Continuous Drain Current@T pins=90°C,POWERDIP@T case=90°C,MULTIWATT 1.53AAI DM(*)Pulsed Drain Current POWERDIPMULTIWATT 58AAI SD Continuous Source-drain@T pins=90°C,POWERDIPDiode Current@T case=90°C,MULTIWATT 1.53AAI SDM Pulsed Source Drain Diode Current POWERDIPMULTIWATT 58AAV IN Input Voltage7V V EN Enable Voltage7V V S Source Voltage–1to+4VP tot Total Power Dissipation@T pins=90°C,POWERDIP@T case=90°C,MULTIWATT@T amb=70°C,POWERDIP@T amb=70°C,MULTIWATT 4.3201.32.3WWWWT stg,T j Storage and Junction Temperature Range–40to+150°C (*)Pulse width≤300µs,duty cycle≤10%.NOTE:I D,I DM,I SD,I SDM are given per channe l.THERMAL DATASymbol Parameter POWERDIP14+3+3MULTIWATT15Unit R th j-pins Thermal Resistance Junction-pins Max.14-o C/W R th j-case Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max.-3o C/W R th j-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max.6535o C/W L6122-L61232/9SWITCHING TIMES RESISTIVE LOAD Figure 1:Test Circuit.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T j =25o C,V CC =40V,unless otherwise specified)Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit V CC Supply Voltage 1448V I CC Supply Current All V IN =HV EN =Square Wave (200kHz,50%DC)9mA I Q Quiescent CurrentV EN =L 23mA BV DSS Drain Source Breakdown Voltage I D =1mA V EN =L100V I DSS Output Leakage CurrentV EN =LV DS =100VV DS =80V,T j =125°C11mAR DS(on)(*)Static Drain-source on Resistance V CC ≥14V,I D =1.5A -V EN ,V IN =H0.7ΩV INL ,V ENL Input Low Voltage -0.30.8V V INH ,V ENH Input High Voltage 27V I INL ,I ENL Input Low Current V IN ,V EN =L -100µA I INH ,I ENH Input High Current V IN ,V EN =H10µA t d (on)Turn on Delay Time I D =1.5ASee Test Circuit and Waveforms300ns t r Rise Time100ns t d (off )Turn off Delay Time 400ns t f Fall Time100ns V SD (*)Source Drain Diode Forward VoltageI SD =1.5A,V EN =L 1.5V V SD(on)(*)Source Drain Forward VoltageI SD =1.5A -V IN ,V EN =H1.2V(*)Pulse test :pulse width =300µs,duty cycle =2%.L6122-L61233/9Figure2:Waveforms.a)b)Figure3:Static Drain-source on Resistance.Figure4:Normalized Breakdown Voltage vs.Temperature.Figure5:Normalized on Resistance vs.Tempe-rature.Figure6:Typical Source-drain Diode Forward Voltage.L6122-L6123 4/9L6122-L6123 Figure7:R th j-amb vs.Dissipated Power(Multiwatt).(*)Rth≈9°C/WFigure8:Transient Thermal Resistance for Single Pulses(Multiwatt).5/9L6122-L6123Figure9:Peak Transient Thermal Resistance vs.Pulse Width and Duty Cycle(Multiwatt). 6/9MULTIWATT15PACKAGE MECHANICAL inchMIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A50.197B 2.650.104C 1.60.063D10.039E0.490.550.0190.022F0.660.750.0260.030G 1.14 1.27 1.40.0450.0500.055G117.5717.7817.910.6920.7000.705H119.60.772H220.20.795L22.122.60.8700.890L12222.50.8660.886L217.6518.10.6950.713L317.2517.517.750.6790.6890.699L410.310.710.90.4060.4210.429L7 2.65 2.90.1040.114M 4.2 4.3 4.60.1650.1690.181M1 4.5 5.08 5.30.1770.2000.209S 1.9 2.60.0750.102S1 1.9 2.60.0750.102Dia1 3.65 3.850.1440.152L6122-L61237/9L6122-L6123POWERDIP20PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATAmm inch DIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.a10.510.020B0.85 1.400.0330.055 b0.500.020b10.380.500.0150.020 D24.800.976 E8.800.346e 2.540.100e322.860.900F7.100.280I 5.100.201L 3.300.130Z 1.270.050 8/9L6122-L6123Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specifica-tions mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information pre-viously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.©1994SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics-All Rights ReservedMULTIWATT®is a Registered Trademark of SGS-THOMSON MicroelectronicsSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia-Brazil-France-Germany-Hong Kong-Italy-Japan-Korea-Malaysia-Malta-Morocco-The Netherlands-Singapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-Taiwan-Thaliand-United Kingdom-U.S.A.9/9。
Omega DP606A DP612A 通用6 12通道
在哪里可以找到过程测量和控制所需的各种产品?当然是OMEGA!网上订购:温度M U热电偶、RTD和热敏电阻探头、连接器、面板以及组件M U线材:热电偶、RTD和热敏电阻M U校准器和冰点基准M U记录仪、控制器和过程监测器M U红外线高温计压力、应变和作用力M U传感器和应变计M U称重传感器和压力表M U位移传感器M U仪表和配件流量/液位M U转子流量计、气体质量流量计和流量积算器M U空气流速指示器M U涡轮/叶轮系统M U累加器和配料控制器pH值/电导率M U p H电极、测试仪和配件M U台式/实验室仪表M U控制器、校准器、模拟器和泵M U工业pH值和电导率测量设备数据采集M U基于通信的采集系统M U数据记录系统M U无线传感器、发射器和接收器M U信号调节器M U数据采集软件加热器M U加热电缆M U筒式和带状加热器M U浸没式和带式加热器M U柔性加热器M U实验室加热器环境监测和控制M U计量和控制仪表M U折射计M U泵和管道M U空气、土壤和水监测器M U工业给水和废水处理M U p H值、电导率和溶解氧仪表M5685/0418电子邮件: ************** 索取最新的产品手册: DP606A/DP612A通用6/12通道¼ DIN面板仪表用户指南目录章节................................................................................ 页码第1节简介 (1)第2节安装和操作条件 (2)第3节安装说明 (3)第4节接线说明 (4)4.1 后面板示意图 (4)4.2 连接电源线路 (5)4.3 连接报警线路 (6)4.4 连接通信线路 (7)4.5 连接输入线路 (7)第5节导航 (8)5.1 运行模式 (8)5.2 锁定分区 (9)5.3 清除报警 (9)5.4 检查设定值 (9)5.5 功能选择模式 (9)5.6 重置默认值 (9)5.7 功能选择模式 (10)5.8 功能1 - 输入密码 (11)5.9 功能2 - 设置活动分区 (11)5.10 功能3和4 - 设置高低设定值 (12)5.11 功能5 - Modbus地址 (13)5.12 功能6 - 设置扫描时间 (13)5.13 功能7 - 设置设备配置 ....................................................... 14-155.14 功能8 - 启用/禁用密码 (16)5.15 功能9 - 校准 (16)5.16 功能A/B - 报警继电器功能 (17)5.17 功能C/D - 标度 (18)5.18 功能F - 串行配置 (19)第6节串行接口 (20)6.1 Modbus功能 (20)6.2 数据格式 (21)6.3 多寄存器读取 (21)6.4 多寄存器写入 (22)6.5 请求数据包大小 (22)目录章节................................................................................ 页码第7节 Modbus寄存器赋值 (23)7.1 系统寄存器 (23)7.2 温度寄存器 (24)7.3 状态寄存器 (24)7.4 分区寄存器 (25)7.5 用户校准 (26)7.6 枚举值 (26)7.7 传感器类型 (26)7.8 RTD类型 (26)7.9 热电偶类型 (27)7.10 传感器状态 (27)7.11 系统状态 (27)7.12 过程单位 (28)7.13 报警类型 (28)7.14 报警状态 (28)7.15 设置切换 (28)第8节规格 (29)8.1 报警继电器 (29)8.2 输入精度 (30)第9节认证信息 (31)图和表图................................................................................... 页码图1 侧面和面板开孔图 (3)图2 DP606A/DP612A:后面板连接 (4)图3 主电源连接 (5)图4 继电器连接 (6)图5 3线RTD接线图 (7)图6 前面板示意图 (8)图7 过程输入标度 (18)表................................................................................... 页码表1 后面板连接 (4)表2 9针输入电源/继电器接线汇总 (5)表3 连接通信线路 (7)表4 功能代码 (10)表5 设备配置 (14)表6 报警继电器配置 (17)表7 串行端口配置 (19)表8 Modbus功能 (20)表9 多寄存器写入 (22)表10 数据包大小 (22)表11 系统寄存器 (23)表12 温度寄存器 (24)表13 传感器状态寄存器 (24)表14 分区寄存器 (25)表15 用户校准 (26)表16 输入精度 (30)第1节 - 简介DP606A/DP612A显示仪表提供了一种灵活且易用的6区或12区、4位数温度和过程测量解决方案,并采用坚固的¼ DIN铝质外壳。
FEATURESAPPLICATIONSDESCRIPTIONV OUT1.8 V to 5.5 V0.7 V to V OUTV IN0.011102. - Output Current - mAIN V - I n p u t V o l t a g e - V≥90%≥80%≥70%OUT (V = 3.3V)Efficiency vs Output Current and Input Voltage TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY 2009LOW INPUT VOLTAGE STEP-UP CONVERTER IN 6PIN SC-70PACKAGE•Adjustable Output Voltage from 1.8V to 5.5V •Up to 95%Efficiency at Typical Operating •Fixed Output Voltage Versions Conditions•Small 6-pin SC-70Package• 5.5µA Quiescent Current•Startup Into Load at 0.7V Input Voltage •Battery Powered Applications•Operating Input Voltage from 0.7V to 5.5V –1to 3Cell Alkaline,NiCd or NiMH •Pass-Through Function during Shutdown –1cell Li-Ion or Li-Primary•Minimum Switching Current 200mA •Solar or Fuel Cell Powered Applications •Protections:•Consumer and Portable Medical Products –Output Overvoltage •Personal Care Products –Overtemperature•White or Status LEDs –Input Undervoltage Lockout•SmartphonesThe TPS6122x family devices provide a power-supply solution for products powered by either a single-cell,two-cell,or three-cell alkaline,NiCd or NiMH,or one-cell Li-Ion or Li-polymer battery.Possible output currents depend on the input-to-output voltage ratio.The boost converter is based on a hysteretic controller topology using synchronous rectification to obtain maximum efficiency at minimal quiescent currents.The output voltage of the adjustable version can be programmed by an external resistor divider,or is set internally to a fixed output voltage.The converter can be switched off by a featured enable pin.While being switched off,battery drain is minimized.The device is offered in a 6-pin SC-70package (DCK)measuring 2mm x 2mm to enable small circuit layout size.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProducts conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSDISSIPATION RATINGS TABLERECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSTPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY These devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.AVAILABLE DEVICE OPTIONS (1)PACKAGE OUTPUT VOLTAGET APACKAGE (2)PART NUMBER (3)DC/DCMARKING AdjustableCKR TPS61220DCK –40°C to 85°C3.3V CKS 6-Pin SC-70TPS61221DCK 5.0VCKTTPS61222DCK(1)Contact the factory to check availability of other fixed output voltage versions.(2)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or see the TI website at .(3)The DCK taped and reeled.Add R suffix to device type (e.g.,TPS61220DCKR)to order quantities of 3000devices per reel.It is also available in minireels.Add a T suffix to the device type (i.e.TPS61220DCKT)to order quantities of 250devices per reel.over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)(1)TPS6122xUNIT V IN Input voltage range on VIN,L,VOUT,EN,FB –0.3to 7.5V T J Operating junction temperature range –40to 150°C T stg Storage temperature range –65to 150°C Human Body Model (HBM)(2)2kV ESDMachine Model (MM)(2)200V Charged Device Model (CDM)(2)1.5kV(1)Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)ESD testing is performed according to the respective JESD22JEDEC standard.THERMAL THERMAL THERMAL DERATING FACTORPOWER RATINGPACKAGE RESISTANCERESISTANCERESISTANCEABOVE T A ≤25°CΘJA (1)ΘJBΘJC T A =25°CDCK 225°C/W70°C/W110°C/W444mW4.44mW/°C(1)Thermal ratings are determined assuming a high K PCB design according to JEDEC standard JESD51-7.MINNOMMAX UNIT V IN Supply voltage at VIN0.7 5.5V T A Operating free air temperature range –4085°C T JOperating virtual junction temperature range–40125°C2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS TPS61220 TPS61221 TPS61222...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY2009 over recommended free-air temperature range and over recommended input voltage range(typical at an ambient temperaturerange of25°C)(unless otherwise noted)DC/DC STAGEPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITV IN Input voltage range0.7 5.5VV IN Minimum input voltage at startup R Load≥150Ω0.7VV OUT TPS61220output voltage range V IN<V OUT 1.8 5.5VV FB TPS61220feedback voltage483500513mVV OUT TPS61221output voltage(3.3V)V IN<V OUT 3.20 3.30 3.41VV OUT TPS61222output voltage(5V)V IN<V OUT 4.82 5.00 5.13VI LH Inductor current ripple200mAV OUT=3.3V,V IN=1.2V,T A=25°C240400mAI SW switch current limitV OUT=3.3V200400mAV OUT=3.3V1000mΩR DSon_HSD Rectifying switch on resistanceV OUT=5.0V700mΩV OUT=3.3V600mΩR DSon_LSD Main switch on resistanceV OUT=5.0V550mΩLine regulation V IN<V OUT0.5%Load regulation V IN<V OUT0.5%V IN0.50.9µA QuiescentI Q I O=0mA,V EN=V IN=1.2V,V OUT=3.3Vcurrent VOUT57.5µAShutdownI SD V IN V EN=0V,V IN=1.2V,V OUT≥V IN0.20.5µAcurrentI LKG_VOUT Leakage current into VOUT V EN=0V,V IN=1.2V,V OUT=3.3V1µAI LKG_L Leakage current into L V EN=0V,V IN=1.2V,V L=1.2V,V OUT≥V IN0.010.2µATPS61220Feedback inputI FB V FB=0.5V0.01µAcurrentI EN EN input current Clamped on GND or V IN(V IN<1.5V)0.0050.1µA CONTROL STAGEPARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITV IL EN input low voltage V IN≤1.5V0.2×V IN VV IH EN input high voltage V IN≤1.5V0.8×V IN VV IL EN input low voltage5V>V IN>1.5V0.4VV IH EN input high voltage5V>V IN>1.5V 1.2VV UVLO Undervoltage lockout threshold for turn off V IN decreasing0.50.7V Overvoltage protection threshold 5.57.5VOvertemperature protection140°COvertemperature hysteresis20°C Copyright©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3PIN ASSIGNMENTSGND LVIN EN VOUTFB DCK PACKAGE (TOPVIEW)TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY Terminal FunctionsTERMINAL I/O DESCRIPTIONNAME NO.EN 6I Enable input (1:enabled,0:disabled).Must be actively tied high or low.FB 2IVoltage feedback of adjustable version.Must be connected to V OUT at fixed output voltage versions.GND 3Control /logic and power ground L 5I Connection for Inductor VIN 1I Boost converter input voltage VOUT4O Boost converter output voltageFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (ADJUSTABLE VERSION)4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONV OUTV INTPS61220TPS61221TPS61222 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY 2009FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (FIXED OUTPUT VOLTAGE VERSION)List of Components:COMPONENT PART NUMBER MANUFACTURER VALUEREFERENCE C 1GRM188R60J106ME84D Murata 10µF,6.3V.X5R Ceramic C 2GRM188R60J106ME84D Murata 10µF,6.3V.X5R Ceramic L 1EPL3015-472MLBCoilcraft4.7µHadjustable version:Values depending on the programmed output voltage R 1,R 2fixed version:R 1=0Ω,R 2not usedCopyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 5TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable of Graphs0.010.1110100I - Output Current - mAOh - E f f i c i e n c y - %0200V - Input Voltage - VI M a x i m u m o u t p u t C u r r e n t - m ATPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY FIGUREMaximum Output Currentvs Input Voltage (TPS61220,TPS61221,TPS61222)1vs Output Current,V OUT =1.8V,V IN =[0.7V;1.2V;1.5V](TPS61220)2vs Output Current,V IN =[0.7V;1.2V;2.4V;3V](TPS61221)3vs Output Current,V IN =[0.7V;1.2V;2.4V;3.6V;4.2V](TPS61222)4Efficiencyvs Input Voltage,V OUT =1.8V,I OUT =[100uA;1mA;10mA;50mA]5(TPS61220)vs Input Voltage,I OUT =[100uA;1mA;10mA;50mA](TPS61221)6vs Input Voltage,I OUT =[100uA;1mA;10mA;50mA](TPS61222)7Input Currentat No Output Load,Device Enabled (TPS61220,TPS61221,TPS61222)8vs Output Current,V OUT =1.8V,V IN =[0.7V;1.2V](TPS61220)9vs Output Current,V IN =[0.7V;1.2V;2.4V](TPS61221)10Output Voltagevs Output Current,V IN =[0.7V;1.2V;2.4V;3.6V](TPS61222)11vs Input Voltage,Device Disabled,R LOAD =[1k Ω;10k Ω](TPS6122x)12Output Voltage Ripple,V IN =0.8V,V OUT =1.8V,I OUT =20mA (TPS61220)13Output Voltage Ripple V IN =1.8V,I OUT =50mA (TPS61221)14Load Transient Response,V IN =1.2V,I OUT =6mA to 50mA (TPS61221)15Load Transient Response,V IN =2.4V,I OUT =14mA to 126mA (TPS61222)16Line Transient Response,V IN =1.8V to 2.4V,R LOAD =100Ω(TPS61221)17Line Transient Response,V IN =2.8V to 3.6V,R LOAD =100Ω(TPS61222)18WaveformsStartup after Enable,V IN =0.7V,V OUT =1.8V,R LOAD =150Ω(TPS61220)19Startup after Enable,V IN =0.7V,R LOAD =150Ω,(TPS61222)20Continuous Current Operation,V IN =1.2V,V OUT =1.8V,I OUT =50mA 21(TPS61220)Discontinuous Current Operation,V IN =1.2V,V OUT =1.8V,I OUT =10mA 22(TPS61220)MAXIMUM OUTPUT CURRENT vsEFFICIENCY vsINPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61220,TPS61221,TPS61222)OUTPUT CURRENT AND INPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61220)Figure 1.Figure 2.6Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporatedh - E f f i c i e n c y - %I - Output Current - mAOh - E f f i c i e n c y - %I - Output Current - mAOh - E f f i c i e n c y - %V - Input Voltage - VI0.70.91.1 1.31.5 1.7V - Input Voltage - VI 102030405060708090100h - E f f i c i e n c y - %3.7V - Input Voltage - VI h - E f f i c i e n c y - % - Input Voltage - VI I - I n p u t C u r r e n t -AI m TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY 2009EFFICIENCY vsEFFICIENCY vsOUTPUT CURRENT AND INPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61221)OUTPUT CURRENT AND INPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61222)Figure 3.Figure 4.EFFICIENCY vsEFFICIENCY vsINPUT VOLTAGE AND OUTPUT CURRENT (TPS61220)INPUT VOLTAGE AND OUTPUT CURRENT (TPS61221)Figure 5.Figure 6.NO LOAD INPUT CURRENT vsEFFICIENCY vsINPUT VOLTAGE,DEVICE ENABLED (TPS61220V OUT =1.8,INPUT VOLTAGE AND OUTPUT CURRENT (TPS61222)TPS61221,TPS61222)Figure 7.Figure 8.Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 7I - Output Current - mAO V - O u t p u t V o l t a g e - VO3. - Output Current - mAO V - O u t p u t V o l t a g e - VOI - Output Current - mAO V - O u t p u t V o l t a g e - VO01V - Input Voltage - VI V - O u t p u t V o l t a g e - VO I coil50 mA/divV O10 mA/div1s/div m Offset: 1.8 VOffset: 0 VV = 0.8 V, V = 1.8 V, I = 20 mAI O O I coil50 mA/divV 10 mV/divOOffset: 0AOffset: 3.31 V1s/divm V = 1.8 V, V = 3.3 V, I = 50 mAI O O TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY OUTPUT VOLTAGE vsOUTPUT VOLTAGE vsOUTPUT CURRENT AND INPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61220)OUTPUT CURRENT AND INPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61221)Figure 9.Figure 10.OUTPUT VOLTAGE vsOUTPUT VOLTAGE vsOUTPUT CURRENT AND INPUT VOLTAGE (TPS61222)INPUT VOLTAGE,DEVICE DISABLED (TPS61220)Figure 11.Figure 12.OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE (TPS61220)OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE (TPS61221)Figure 13.Figure 14.8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedV O50 mV/div200 mA/divI L200s/divm 50 mA/divIOV O50 mV/div200 mA/divI L200s/divm 20 mA/divI OV I200 mV/divV O20 mV/divOffset: 2.8 VOffset: 5 V200s/divm V 2.8 to 3.6 V, R = 100, t = t = 20 msI LOAD rise fall W V I200 mV/divV 20 mV/divOOffset: 1.8 VOffset: 3.3 VV1.8 to2.4 V, R = 100, t = t = 20 msI LOAD rise fall W 200s/divm V EN500 mV/div I coil100 mA/divV L 1 V/divV 1 V/divO500s/divmI coil100 mA/divV 2 V/divL V 500 mV/divENV 2 V/divO 500s/divm TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY 2009LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSE (TPS61221)LOAD TRANSIENT RESPONSE (TPS61222)Figure 15.Figure 16.LINE TRANSIENT RESPONSE (TPS61221)LINE TRANSIENT RESPONSE (TPS61222)Figure 17.Figure 18.STARTUP AFTER ENABLE (TPS61120)STARTUP AFTER ENABLE (TPS61221)Figure 19.Figure 20.Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 9V = 1.2 V, V = 1.8 V, I = 50 mAI O O I coilV 10 mV/divOOffset: 0AOffset: 1.8 V100 mA/divV 2 V/divL Offset: 0 V1s/divm V = 1.2 V, V = 1.8 V, I = 10 mAI O O I coilV 10 mV/divOOffset: 0AOffset: 1.8 V100 mA/divV 2 V/divL Offset: 0 V1s/divm TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY CONTINUOUS CURRENT OPERATION (TPS61220)DISCONTINUOUS CURRENT OPERATION (TPS61220)Figure 21.Figure 22.10Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedDETAILED DESCRIPTIONOPERATIONCONTROLLER CIRCUITILtDevice Enable and Shutdown ModeStartupOperation at Output Overload TPS61220 TPS61221 TPS61222...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY2009 The TPS6122x is a high performance,high efficient family of switching boost converters.To achieve high efficiency the power stage is realized as a synchronous boost topology.For the power switching two actively controlled low R DSon power MOSFETs are implemented.The device is controlled by a hysteretic current mode controller.This controller regulates the output voltage by keeping the inductor ripple current constant in the range of200mA and adjusting the offset of this inductor current depending on the output load.In case the required average input current is lower than the average inductor current defined by this constant ripple the inductor current gets discontinuous to keep the efficiency high at low load conditions.Figure23.Hysteretic Current OperationThe output voltage V OUT is monitored via the feedback network which is connected to the voltage error amplifier. To regulate the output voltage,the voltage error amplifier compares this feedback voltage to the internal voltage reference and adjusts the required offset of the inductor current accordingly.At fixed output voltage versions an internal feedback network is used to program the output voltage,at adjustable versions an external resistor divider needs to be connected.The self oscillating hysteretic current mode architecture is inherently stable and allows fast response to load variations.It also allows using inductors and capacitors over a wide value range.The device is enabled when EN is set high and shut down when EN is low.During shutdown,the converter stops switching and all internal control circuitry is turned off.In this case the input voltage is connected to the output through the back-gate diode of the rectifying MOSFET.This means that there always will be voltage at the output which can be as high as the input voltage or lower depending on the load.After the EN pin is tied high,the device starts to operate.In case the input voltage is not high enough to supply the control circuit properly a startup oscillator starts to operate the switches.During this phase the switching frequency is controlled by the oscillator and the maximum switch current is limited.As soon as the device has built up the output voltage to about1.8V,high enough for supplying the control circuit,the device switches to its normal hysteretic current mode operation.The startup time depends on input voltage and load current.If in normal boost operation the inductor current reaches the internal switch current limit threshold the main switch is turned off to stop further increase of the input current.In this case the output voltage will decrease since the device can not provide sufficient power to maintain the set output voltage.If the output voltage drops below the input voltage the backgate diode of the rectifying switch gets forward biased and current starts flow through it.This diode cannot be turned off,so the current finally is only limited by the remaining DC resistances.As soon as the overload condition is removed,the converter resumes providing the set output voltage.Copyright©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback11Undervoltage LockoutOvervoltage ProtectionOvertemperature Protection TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY An implemented undervoltage lockout function stops the operation of the converter if the input voltage drops below the typical undervoltage lockout threshold.This function is implemented in order to prevent malfunctioning of the converter.If,for any reason,the output voltage is not fed back properly to the input of the voltage amplifier,control of the output voltage will not work anymore.Therefore an overvoltage protection is implemented to avoid the output voltage exceeding critical values for the device and possibly for the system it is supplying.For this protection the TPS6122x output voltage is also monitored internally.In case it reaches the internally programmed threshold of6.5V typically the voltage amplifier regulates the output voltage to this value.If the TPS6122x is used to drive LEDs,this feature protects the circuit if the LED fails.The device has a built-in temperature sensor which monitors the internal IC junction temperature.If the temperature exceeds the programmed threshold (see electrical characteristics table),the device stops operating.As soon as the IC temperature has decreased below the programmed threshold,it starts operating again.To prevent unstable operation close to the region of overtemperature threshold,a built-in hysteresis is implemented.12Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments IncorporatedAPPLICATION INFORMATIONDESIGN PROCEDUREProgramming the Output VoltageV OUT V INæöç÷èøOUT FB V R =R x -112V (1)V OUTV IN ...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY 2009The TPS6122x DC/DC converters are intended for systems powered by a single cell battery to up to three Alkaline,NiCd or NiMH cells with a typical terminal voltage between 0.7V and 5.5V.They can also be used in systems powered by one-cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer batteries with a typical voltage between 2.5V and 4.2V.Additionally,any other voltage source with a typical output voltage between 0.7V and 5.5V can be used with the TPS6122x family.Fixed output voltage versionsAt fixed voltage versions,the output voltage is set by a resistor divider internally.The FB pin is used to sense the output voltage.To configure the fixed output devices properly,the FB pin needs to be connected directly to VOUT as shown in Figure 24.Figure 24.Typical Application Circuit for Fixed Output Voltage OptionAdjustable output voltage versionIn the adjustable output versions,an external resistor divider is used to adjust the output voltage.The resistor divider needs to be connected between VOUT,FB and GND as shown in Figure 25.When the output voltage is regulated properly,the typical voltage value at the FB pin is 500mV for devices.The maximum recommended value for the output voltage is 5.5V.The current through the resistive divider should be about 100times greater than the current into the FB pin.The typical current into the FB pin is 0.01µA,and the voltage across the resistor between FB and GND,R 2,is typically 500mV.Based on those two values,the recommended value for R 2should be lower than 500k Ω,in order to set the divider current to 1µA or higher.The value of the resistor connected between VOUT and FB,R 1,depending on the needed output voltage (V OUT ),can be calculated using Equation 1:As an example,if an output voltage of 3.3V is needed,a 1-M Ωresistor is calculated for R 1when for R 2a 180-k Ωhas been selected.Figure 25.Typical Application Circuit for Adjustable Output Voltage OptionCopyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 13Inductor Selection´´´INOUT IN OUT V (V -V )1L =f 200mA V (2)´ìï´íïîOUT OUT IN L,MAX V I +100mA;continous current operation 0.8V I =200mA;discontinuous current operation (3)´>´OUT OUT INV I 0.8100mA V (4)Capacitor SelectionInput CapacitorOutput Capacitor TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY To make sure that the TPS6122x devices can operate,a suitable inductor must be connected between pin VIN and pin L.Inductor values of 4.7µH show good performance over the whole input and output voltage range .Choosing other inductance values affects the switching frequency f proportional to 1/L as shown in Equation 2.Choosing inductor values higher than 4.7µH can improve efficiency due to reduced switching frequency and therefore with reduced switching ing inductor values below 2.2µH is not recommended.Having selected an inductance value,the peak current for the inductor in steady state operation can be calculated.Equation 3gives the peak current estimate.For selecting the inductor this would be the suitable value for the current rating.It also needs to be taken into account that load transients and error conditions may cause higher inductor currents.Equation 4provides an easy way to estimate whether the device will work in continuous or discontinuous on the operating points.As long as the inequation is true,continuous operation is typically established.If the inequation becomes false,discontinous operation is typically established.The following inductor series from different suppliers have been used with TPS6122x converters:Table 1.List of InductorsVENDORINDUCTOR SERIES EPL3015CoilcraftEPL2010MurataLQH3NP Tajo YudenNR3015Wurth Elektronik WE-TPC Typ S At least a 10-µF input capacitor is recommended to improve transient behavior of the regulator and EMI behavior of the total power supply circuit.A ceramic capacitor placed as close as possible to the VIN and GND pins of the IC is recommended.For the output capacitor C 2,it is recommended to use small ceramic capacitors placed as close as possible to the VOUT and GND pins of the IC.If,for any reason,the application requires the use of large capacitors which can not be placed close to the IC,the use of a small ceramic capacitor with an capacitance value of around2.2µF in parallel to the large one is recommended.This small capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the VOUT and GND pins of the IC.14Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated³´2L C 2(5)LayoutConsiderationsTPS61220TPS61221TPS61222 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................SLVS776–JANUARY 2009A minimum capacitance value of 4.7µF should be used,10µF are recommended.If the inductor value exceeds4.7µH,the value of the output capacitance value needs to be half the inductance value or higher for stability reasons,see Equation5.The TPS6122x is not sensitive to the ESR in terms of ing low ESR capacitors,such as ceramic capacitors,is recommended anyway to minimize output voltage ripple.If heavy load changes are expected,the output capacitor value should be increased to avoid output voltage drops during fast load transients.As for all switching power supplies,the layout is an important step in the design,especially at high peak currents and high switching frequencies.If the layout is not carefully done,the regulator could show stability problems as well as EMI problems.Therefore,use wide and short traces for the main current path and for the power ground paths.The input and output capacitor,as well as the inductor should be placed as close as possible to the IC.The feedback divider should be placed as close as possible to the control ground pin of the IC.To lay out the ground,it is recommended to use short traces as well,separated from the power ground traces.This avoids ground shift problems,which can occur due to superimposition of power ground current and control ground current.Assure that the ground traces are connected close to the device GND pin.Figure 26.PCB Layout Suggestion for Adjustable Output Voltage Options Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 15THERMAL INFORMATION TPS61220TPS61221TPS61222SLVS776–JANUARY Implementation of integrated circuits in low-profile and fine-pitch surface-mount packages typically requires special attention to power dissipation.Many system-dependent issues such as thermal coupling,airflow,added heat sinks and convection surfaces,and the presence of other heat-generating components affect the power-dissipation limits of a given component.Three basic approaches for enhancing thermal performance are listed below.•Improving the power-dissipation capability of the PCB design•Improving the thermal coupling of the component to the PCB•Introducing airflow in the systemFor more details on how to use the thermal parameters in the dissipation ratings table please check the Thermal Characteristics Application Note (SZZA017)and the IC Package Thermal Metrics Application Note (SPRA953).16Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2009,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. TyD DISTORTION
en in THD Equivalent Input Noise Voltage Equivalent Input Noise Current Total Harmonic Distortion f = 100kHz f = 100kHz Vout = 4Vpp, f = 100kHz AVCL = -10 RL = 25Ω//15pF Vout = 4Vpp, f = 100kHz AVCL = -10 Load =25Ω//15pF Vout = 4Vpp, f = 100kHz AVCL = +2 Load =25Ω//15pF Vout = 4Vpp, f = 1MHz AVCL = +2 Load =25Ω//15pF Vout = 4Vpp, f = 100kHz AVCL = -10 Load =25Ω//15pF F1 = 80kHz, F2 = 70kHz Vout = 8Vpp, AVCL = -10 Load = 25Ω//15pF F1 = 80kHz, F2 = 70kHz Vout = 8Vpp, AVCL = -10 Load = 25Ω//15pF 3 1.2 -69 nV/√Hz pA/√Hz dB
Input Bias Current
Common Mode Rejection Ratio
Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio Total Supply Current per Operator
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
- 6/9 -
260 240 220 200
180 150 ~
Rising 5 °C/sec
Cooling -5 °C/sec
0 Time [Hr]
(2) Hand Soldering conditions
Do not exceed 4 seconds at maximum 315ºC under soldering iron.
CUSTOMER Checked by Approved by
SUPPLIER Drawn by Checked by Approved by
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
5. Rank of MBT722
▣ Rank Name Table X1 Iv X2 λd X3 Vf
▣ Luminous Intensity [Iv] Rank Iv (mcd) Name MIN MAX N 300 400 O 400 510 P 510 650 Q 650 860 ▣ Dominant Wavelength [λd] Rank λd (nm) Name MIN MAX 465 469 A 469 473 B C 473 477 ▣ Forward Voltage Rank Name 1 2 3 Vf (V) MIN 2.7 3.1 3.6 MAX 3.1 3.6 4.0
BENQ MS612ST MX613ST数码投影机 说明书
随本投影机提供的附件适用于您所在的地区,可能与手册上图解中所述的不同。 * 仅部分特定地区提供保修卡。详情请咨询经销商。
VGA 线缆
保修卡 *
1. 备用灯泡组 2. 吊装套件
MS612ST/MX613ST 数码投影机 用户手册
重要安全说明 ................ 3
简介............................... 7
投影机特点 ........................................... 7 物品清单 ............................................... 8 投影机外观图 ....................................... 9 控制按钮和功能 ................................. 10
保修及版权信息 ............ 63
法规声明 ......................64
2 目录
您的投影机经过设计和测试,符合最新信息技术设备的安全标准。然而,为确保安 全使用本投影机,按本手册中提及和产品上标记的说明进行操作是至关重要的。
1. 请在使用投影机之前阅读本使用手 5. 册。妥善保存本使用手册以备今后 参考。
我们希望您使用 BenQ 投影机时有 愉快的体验,因此我们需要提醒您 这些安全事项,以防生命财产受到 损害。
H P L C高速载波S S C1667芯片S S C1667/S S C1668芯片是一款H P L C高速载波电力线载波通信芯片,它将模拟前端、基带调制解调、数字信号处理、C P U内核及丰富的功能外设集于一体,提供物理层(P H Y)、介质访问控制层(M A C)、适配层(A D P)、网络层(N E T)、应用层(A P P)等完整的电力线通信解决方案。
S S C1667/S S C1668芯片相比传统的窄带芯片硬件资源更丰富,通信信号带宽宽,传输速率高,抗干扰能力强,在满足电网抄表应用需求的前提下,又可满足智能电网的各种扩展应用,同时还可以为智能家居应用提供高速可靠的解决方案。
S S C1667集成了A R M处理器、1M B S R A M、C a c h e F L A S H及U A R T、S P I、G P I O等接口,S S C1668集成标准的以太网R M I I接口。
产品详细芯片特点40n m F l a s h工艺,S o C芯片集成度高、F L A S H内置,外围成本低O F D M正交频分复用调制技术通信速率:最高达6M b p s通信频带:0.7M H z~12M H z功耗更低:静态0.27w/动态1w支持新国网H P L C互联互通标准和旧国网互联互通标准,支持频段切换功能:四个频段,六种模式模式标准频段频段范围(M H z)子载波数量载波起始编号载波截止编号1新标准01.953~11.96411804902新标准12.441~5.6151311002303新标准20.781~2.93089321204新标准31.758~2.93049721205旧标准01.953~11.96411804906旧标准12.441~5.615131100230芯片优势支持噪声环境下的鲁棒通信模式支持高达256Q A M的增强型调制方式P L C环境中支持过零源同步较强的抗电力线噪声干扰性能支持电力线在线升级支持自动增益控制及R S S I计算功能支持子载波的S N R估计功能支持收发采样频偏补偿功能集中式、分布式路由抄读机制灵活切换,提高系统通讯效率并发抄读机制,提升抄表效率扩展应用支持丰富的深化应用扩展功能。
采样速率 REC_CTRL1[11:8]=0x1(SR0 时钟精度 sample rate selection)
20.48 kSPS
供电 电压
工作电压范围,VDD 记录模式,TA =25℃ 睡眠模式,TA =25℃
3.0 3.3 V
表2。除非另有说明,TA = 25°C,VDD = 3.3 V。参见图3和图4。
I/O SPI,片选。
S = 电源,O = 输出,I = 输入,N/A = 不适用。
ADIS16228是一款结合了三轴MEMS加速度计,具有先进信号处理能力 的振动监测系统。SPI兼容端口和用户寄存器为用户提供了方便的频域 振动数据访问和传感器控制。
Isink =.61mA
闪存 耐久性 数据保持期 Tj =85 ℃,见图25 限
10,000 20
RST 低电平或者GLOB_CMD[7]
复位启动时 =1
V V uA uA mA pF
Cycles Years
ADIS16228上有凸缘,螺丝孔(M2或2-56),和一个柔性连接器。 简单的用户安装界面和15毫米的×24毫米×15毫米模块。它具有-40°C至+ 125°C扩展级工作温度范围。
GB1235-76-15×2.4 S-BSG-03-※-HP
数量 1
材料 NBR90
下图为使用油粘度为 35cSt(mm2/s),比重为 0.85 时的流量压力特性曲线
流量 ◆对其他粘度,乘下表所示系数
mm2/s 15
90 100
98 141 186 232 278 324 371 417 464
06 维护阀
P=31.5(MPa) Q=400(L/min)
10 维护阀
P=31.5(MPa) Q=600(L/min)
▲ 高压溢流阀
BG-03/06-※-HP 系列先导式溢流阀与我公司常规产品 BG-03/06-※-40 相比,具有工作压力更高、流通能力更 强的特点。本阀可以广泛地应用于起重运输、建筑机械、车 辆工程、机床船舶、冶金等设备的液压系统中。用于保护油 泵和系统安全及控制系统压力,还可通过遥控口实现遥控, 使油泵卸荷或加载。
三星 WD6122CKS WD6122CKC洗衣机 说明书
功能1. 热风清新热风清新功能可以除去衣物中的异味,免去了干洗程序。
2. 纳米银离子 (Ag+) 抗菌消毒系统可除去衣物中的细菌并给衣物表面添加纳米银的保护层,保护您的肌肤,保持衣物内部干净舒适。
3. 从洗涤到脱水,一键完成可手动选择脱水时间。
使用须知· 包装材料可能对儿童有危险,请将包装材料(塑料袋、聚苯乙烯等)置于儿童无法接触的地方。
· 本产品专为家庭使用而设计。
· 确保由合格技术人员连接水电,并遵循制造商的说明(请参阅“安装洗衣机”)以及当地的安全条例。
· 使用本产品前必须拆除所有包装及运输螺栓。
· 第一次洗衣之前,必须在没有衣物的情况下进行一次完整的洗涤过程。
安全说明· 清洗或维修前,请拔下电源或将“电源”按钮设定为关。
· 衣物放进洗衣机前,请确保掏空所有口袋。
· 使用后谨记拔下电源及关掉水龙头。
· 打开机门之前,检查机内是否已排水完毕。
· 宠物或儿童可能爬入机内。
· 洗衣过程中,玻璃门可能会发热。
· 切勿自行维修本产品。
· 插头(电源线)如有损坏,必须由制造商、维修代理或具有类似资格的人员更换,以免发生危险。
为了保证DCS 干线放大器产品(设备)安装、使用的顺利进行,防止安装、使用不当造成设备损坏及对人体健康造成的不良影响,请仔细阅读并妥善保存本手册。
1 概述室内覆盖是移动通信网络在建筑物内部的延伸,是提高网络覆盖广度和深度、吸收室内话务和提高通信质量的有效手段,同时也是提高网络容量的有效解决方案。
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- 5/9 -
7. Outline Dimension
Package Outlines
Package Marking (Cathode)
Front View
Right View
Rear View
( Tolerance: ±0.2, Unit: mm )
4. Electro-Optical Characteristics
Parameter Forward Voltage (per die) Reverse Current (per die) Luminance Intensity *1 Luminance Flux Dominant Wavelength Peak Wavelength Spectral Bandwidth Viewing Angle *2 Optical Efficiency Symbol VF IR IV ΦV Condition IF =20 mA VR=5V IF =60 mA IF =60 mA IF =60 mA IF =60mA IF =60 mA IF =60 mA IF =60 mA Min 2.7 300 465 Typ 3.3 580 1.8 470 463 27 120 9 Max 4.0 10 860 477 -
2. Application ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Absolute Maximum Ratings ------------------------------------------ 2 4. Electro-optical Characteristics ---------------------------------------- 3 5. Rank of MBT722 6. Soldering Profile 7. Outline Dimension 8. Packing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 6 6 ---------------------------------------------------- 5
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
- 6/9 -
260 240 220 200
180 150 ~
Rising 5 °C/sec
Cooling -5 °C/sec
0 Time [Hr]
(2) Hand Soldering conditions
Do not exceed 4 seconds at maximum 315ºC under soldering iron.
Circuit Diagram Blue Anode
Recommended Solder Pad
Blue Anode
Blue Anode
Blue Blue Blue Cathode Cathode Cathode
( Tolerance: ±0.2,
Unit: mm )
* MATERIALS PARTS Package Encapsulating Resin Electrodes MATERIALS Heat-Resistant Polymer Epoxy Resin Ag Plating Copper Alloy
Unit V µA mcd lm nm nm nm deg lm/W
λd λP ∆λ
2 θ½
*1 The luminous intensity IV was measured at the peak of the spatial pattern which may not be aligned with the mechanical axis of the LED package. Luminous Intensity Measurement allowance is ±10%. *2 2θ½ is the off-axis where the luminous intensity is 1/2 of the peak intensity. [Note] All measurements were made under the standardized environment of SSC.
1. Features
------------------------------------------------------------- 2
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
- 2/9 -
8. Packing
Package Marking
( Tolerance: ±0.2,
Unit: mm )
(1) Quantity : 700pcs/Reel (2) Cumulative Tolerance : Cumulative Tolerance/10 pitches to be ±0.2mm (3) Adhesion Strength of Cover Tape : Adhesion strength to be 0.1-0.7N when the cover tape is turned off from the carrier tape at the angle of 10º to the carrier tape (4) Package : P/N, Manufacturing data Code No. and quantity to be indicated on a damp proof Package
- 1/9 -
1. Features
Pb-free Reflow Soldering application RoHS Compliant Material : InGaN Suitable for all SMT assembly methods ; Suitable for all soldering methods White colored SMT package and colorless clear window Encapsulating Resin : Epoxy Resin
5. Rank of MBT722
▣ Rank Name Table X1 Iv X2 λd X3 Vf
▣ Luminous Intensity [Iv] Rank Iv (mcd) Name MIN MAX N 300 400 O 400 510 P 510 650 Q 650 860 ▣ Dominant Wavelength [λd] Rank λd (nm) Name MIN MAX 465 469 A 469 473 B C 473 477 ▣ Forward Voltage Rank Name 1 2 3 Vf (V) MIN 2.7 3.1 3.6 MAX 3.1 3.6 4.0
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
- 3/9 -
CUSTOMER Checked by Approved by
SUPPLIER Drawn by Checked by Approved by
SEOUL SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. 148-29 Kasan-Dong, Keumchun-Gu, Seoul, 153-023, Korea Phone : 82-2-2106-7305~6
9. Reel Packing Structure ------------------------------------------------- 7 10. Precaution for Use --------------------------------------------------- 8 11. Characteristic Diagram ---------------------------------------- 9
6.Soldering Profile (1) Reflow Soldering Conditions / Profile (Lead Free Solder)