会 议 纪 要12-2


(1) 标题由会议名称和文种组成。
(2) 文件日期成文日期通常写在标题之下,位置居中,并用括号括起。
(3) 正文正文可写三部分,也可只写前两部分。

等一下还将从《党政机关公文格式》 (GB/T9704—2012)与《国家行政机关公 文格式》(GB/T9704—1999)所规定的新 的变化和细节作详细讲解。这里先大概提一 下不同的地方。
1. 取消了主题词。
2. 对需要标明文件份号的要求不同:《办法》 要求:“绝密”、“机密”级公文还应当标 明份数序号。 《条例》要求:涉密公文应当 标注份号。
(1)同级党政机关、党政机关与其他同级机关必要 时可以联合行文。各联合行文机关行政层级应相 当;有共同管理的事项或者有关联的事项;联合 行文应当确有必要;应当明确主办机关,主办机 关一般排列在前。
(2)党委、政府的部门依据职权可以相互行文。过 去只有政府的部门依据部门职权可以相互行文。
五、公文拟制 与《办法》要求基本一致。
将《办法》的“发文办理”的有关内容和 “收文办理”、“公文归档”2章的内容,统 一为“公文办理”,要求与《办法》基本一 致,只是更为概括、简洁。《条例》主要从运
转角度,以流程为主线,从“收、发、归档”三 个方面阐述公文办理相关内容。
第一章 总则:目的、适用范围、概念、负责 机关等
第二章 公文种类:明确了15种党政机关公文 文种
第三章 公文格式:对公文的格式作出规定。 在《党政机关公文格式》(GB/T9704— 2012)作了详细规定。
第四章 行文规则:行文的原则和规定等
矿山会议纪要--201709 (2)


会议纪要范文简短模板7篇会议纪要范文简短(篇1)1.孙_主任讲话1)通报了近期发生的几起事故,要求高度重视安全工作;2)学习县局文件(《__县教育局关于印发全县教育系统消防安全大排查大整治活动实施方案的通知》),要求会后立即向一把手校长汇报;3)7.10上报至县局安稳办学校消防安全大排查大整治工作方案学校消防安全大排查大整治领导小组联系人名单(校长为第一责任人,分管校长为具体责任人)4)每月7日、17日、27日下午5点前报告一次工作情况,每月23日上午12时前报当月工作小结5)要求各校开展“五个一” 活动(文件第7-8页),要注意保留过程性资料6)检查重点:查流程查措施查制度查设施查隐患查消防安全意识(举例说明,可能到学校调查门卫应知的职责及安全知识,调查各个功能室的管理员相关的消防安全知识)7)其他几件事:科普示范校创建 (__小学)组织好安全教育书画作品上报工作7.27前报安全教育方面的摄影作品 2件书画作品2件征文2篇8)计划好下阶段的防震减灾工作(10月份前完成)修改完善地震疏散预案;地震知识演讲比赛(9月底),校内先开展活动,留有演讲稿、图片等资料; 地震教育不少于10课时(总课表中显示在地方课程栏目中,相机拍摄,有不少于10课时的电子教案上报);地震知识手抄报比赛(图片等资料)上报;防震减灾黑板报(图片等上报);成立地震科普兴趣小组徐主任:1.高度重视:10天一报,检查结果晚上跟踪公布,宣传发动(7.4-7.6) 自查自纠(7.7-7.15)排查整治(7。
15-9.30) 检查验收(10.1-10.10 教育局查派出所查镇政府查)2.认真排查:确保零隐患零容忍,建立台帐,谁检查,谁登记,谁签字,谁负责实行网格式管理3.切实整改,4.转董_局长的一个文件要求:__年14号文件关于校舍安全排查及校园内违章建筑拆除的通知要求能拆除的不封存,能封存的不住人于祥彤科长:(请将下面的会议精神通知相关负责同志)农村义务教育学校布局专项规划(-三年发展规划)1重要性::和学校各类建设项目有关;和皇粮户口有关;和义务教育均衡发展示范区有关;和安全事故预案有关;2要求:1)向校长汇报、向乡镇领导汇报、联系派出所、计生站等部门2)初中学校要向派出所、计生站了解现在的4、5、6年级年龄段的人数(新集镇范围内,不管有没有在新集小学读书)3)初中不超过8轨,每班不超45人;小学不超6轨,每班不超40人会议纪要范文简短(篇2)_月_日,_×局长主持召开局长会议。
月度例会纪要 [2006]第2期[1]
![月度例会纪要 [2006]第2期[1]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/21198563700abb68a982fbbe.png)
公司月度工作例会纪要金物管公司纪〔2006〕2号签发人: 郭琳时间:2005年4月5日 14:30-17:30地点:公司六楼大会议室主持:郭琳出席:张晓峰、张明、尹智伟、闫智广、杨震、谢超文、吴宪生、陈忠、黄少平、杨辉龙、陈军、谢志生、董宏超、黄优仓、赵晋容、鲍远琴、刘胜勇、马祥宏、黄金喜、黄如新、董俭、熊国政、周建荪、邵伟、吕大明、高勇、仲晓松、钱炜、陈步高、叶兴群、张卫文、蒋新民、谭文、姜祖华列席:桂久顺、李琦记录:李文广纪要:会议听取了品质管理部、财务部考核结果汇报,各部门、管理处就3月份工作中存在的困难、问题以及4月份需要公司协调支持的工作进行了汇报,并进行了工作经验交流。

十二届二中全会:通过《中共中央关于整党的决定》日期:1983-10-11 作者:来源:新华社(中共十二届二中全会一九八三年十月十一日通过)中国共产党第十二次全国代表大会决定,从一九八三年下半年开始,用三年时间对党的作风和组织进行一次全面整顿。

视听说教程第二册第六单元测试试卷编号:b2-ls-u6-lfPart 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. A. The man thinks negatively about them while the woman is positive about them.B. The woman thinks negatively about them while the man is positive about them.C. Both the man and woman think they play a positive role.D. Both the man and woman think they play a negative role.2. A. They are really too short.B. They are really too long.C. They will look well if one wears suitable shoes.D. They will look well if the tailor shortens them a bit.3. A. He has little sense of style. B. He is good at choosing a tie that matches his shirt.C. He likes polka dots.D. He favors stripes.4. A. She cleaned the man's shoes. B. She discarded the man's shoes.C. She bought the man a new pair of shoes.D. She helped the man look for his sneakers.5. A. He was a late starter on his career path.B. Early success brings lifelong happiness.C. Often there is a high price to pay for success.D. A high salary is the key to satisfaction.Part 2 Short passages and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of fashion?A. English.B. Mathematics.C. Clothes.D. Computer program writing.7. According to the passage, when will a fashion trend start?A. When most people begin to like something new.B. When important people begin to wear something new or different.C. When something different is introduced from abroad.D. When something in the past attracts the public attention.8. What is the main feature of fashion?A. Satisfying the young.B. Overlooking the old.C. Beauty.D. Change.9. Why are some people against fashion?A. Because they don't like spending money on clothes.B. Because they don't like change.C. Because they enjoy variety.D. Because it causes waste.10. What is the main idea of this passage?A. The social and economic role of fashion.B. The definition and evolution of fashion.C. The functions and characteristics of fashion.D. The constant changes of fashion.Part 3 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions11. What does the woman suggest?A. Buying the man a suit for work.B. Buying the man a suit for travel.C. Buying herself a suit for work.D. Buying herself a suit for modeling.12. What does the woman think about the suit the man is wearing?A. It looks handsome.B. It looks outdated.C. It should be cleaned.D. It should be ironed.13. Why doesn't the man like the jacket the woman recommends?A. Because it is single-breasted (单排扣的).B. Because it is double-breasted (双排扣的).C. Because it is brown.D. Because it looks out of style.14. What kind of trousers does the man dislike?A. Dark blue trousers.B. Short trousers.C. Black trousers.D. Brown trousers.15. What does the woman think about the black trousers?A. They are too long.B. They are too short.C. They can be shortened if they are too long.D. They should be longer.Part 5 Short dialogs and blank fillingDirections:Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Chris: Tina? What are you wearing?Tina: I'm 26. an outfit for a job interview. What do you think?Chris: You're wearing 27. ! I've never seen you 28. and a blouse before!Tina: I know. These nylons are really itchy. Maybe I should wear 29. , instead.Chris: You'll be too hot. Maybe you should wear a long skirt or 30. . You'd lookgood in 31. , too!Tina: I can't wear a miniskirt 32. !Chris: You'd 33. in a miniskirt than you would in that 34. !Tina: You're such 35. !Part 1 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. CPart 2 1.A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. CPart 3 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. CPart 5 1.trying on 2. a business suit 3. in a skirt 4. cotton tights 5. a dress6. a miniskirt7. to an office8. catch more eyes9. suit 10.a typical boy听说第二册第七单元测试试卷编号:b2-ls-u7-hjwPart 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. A. They are worthless people. B. They are not liking to spend money.C. They make too much money.D. They spend too much money.2. A. She is going to travel. B. She is going to blow it all immediately.C. She is going to save it for future use.D. She is going to invest it in a project.3. A. They depend mainly on bookstores to get rich.B. They depend mainly on cheating.C. They know the secret to getting rich.D. They may not really know how to make a fortune.4. A. To spend it at Christmas. B. To pay the tuition.C. To buy books.D. To pay for the accommodations.5. A. The interest rates have been low. B. The interest rates would rise soon.C. Her old computer did not work well.D. The new computer was on sale.6. A. When he borrows money from a friend. B. When he receives his salary.C. Not until half a year later.D. Not until a year later.7. A. More than 30 pounds. B. Exactly 30 pounds.C. Less than 30 pounds.D. Less than 13 pounds.8. A. Put all her money in the bank. B. Put her money in his hands.C. Write down her decision to save.D. Make a budget.9. A. She will try her luck with a lottery ticket.B. She is sure she is going to win.C. She wants to share the money she wins with the man.D. She wants to buy the ticket by herself.10. A. She would try to become a famous star.B. She would spend all of it on travel.C. She would save all of it in a bank.D. She would consider both saving and enjoyment.Part 2 Short passages and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.11. How much did the hotel charge them initially?A. $13.B. $27.C. $29.D. $30.12. How much did the hotel overcharged them?A. $1.B. $2.C. $5.D. $9.13. How did the bellboy ((旅馆的)男侍者) expect the guests to react after he pocketed $2?A. The guests would be angry.B. The guests would be happy enough to get a refund.C. The guests would be slightly disappointed.D. None of the above.14. Which of the following calculations did the bellboy use to find that $1 was missing?A. 30 - (27 + 2)B. 29 - (27 + 1)C. 5 - 3 - 1D. 9 - 5 - 315. Which of the following calculations should the bellboy use to solve his puzzle?A. 27 + 2 + 1 = 30B. 30 - 5 = 27 - 2C. 29 + 1 = 30D. 30 - 1 = 29Part 3 Long dialogs and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.16. What is Robert doing?A. He is buying a lottery ticket.B. He is looking at his lottery ticket.C. He is looking at Jane's lottery ticket.D. He is asking Jane to look at the wining lottery ticket.17. Why doesn't Jane know the final result?A. They won't announce the result until tomorrow.B. They haven't drawn the winning numbers yet.C. The horse race has not started yet.D. The horse race has not finished yet.18. Why does Jane feel lucky with that particular ticket?A. It does not include an unlucky number like 13.B. It does not include an odd number like 7.C. It has her complete birth date in it.D. It has her birthday in it.19. What does Robert think about a Ferrari car?A. It can be very expensive.B. It runs fast.C. It looks beautiful.D. It is a safe car.20. What does Jane think about the car?A. It is cheap and of bad quality.B. It is inexpensive and of good quality.C. It is expensive and will cost her all the money.D. It is expensive but she can still save some money.Part 4 Short dialogs and blank fillingDirections:Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 21 to 30 are based on the same passage or dialog.Thomas: Bill, can you 21. ?Bill: 22. ?Thomas: I can't 23. my family with my pay. They 24. too much.Bill:I'm sorry,Thomas,I'm 25. . But Brown is a banker. If you 26. , he might be glad to help you.Thomas: I'll 27. trying to borrow money from that miser.Bill: But Mrs. Brown is 28. and ready to help. And she is the 29. of a big company. Thomas: OK, I'll try 30. with her.Part 1 1.B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. DPart 2 1. D 2. C 3.B 4. A 5. BPart 3 1.C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. DPart 4 1. give me a loan 2. What for 3. support 4. are spending 5. hard up myself6. let him know7. get nowhere8. easy-going9. general manager 10. my luck新视野视听说第二册第八单元测试试卷编号:B2-LS-U8-LCPart 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions(Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. A. Warning the woman against walking at night. B. Offering to walk back with the woman.C. Saying goodbye to the woman.D. Telling the woman to be on guard.2. A. He stole a mobile phone. B. He lost his purse.C. He had his mobile phone stolen.D. He is an annoying man.3. A. She hopes to get back her laptop (笔记本电脑). B. She hopes to catch the thief.C. She hopes Steve will get over his rage.D. She hopes Steve will get some compensation.4. A. None. B. One. C. Two D. Three.5. A. Her bike was locked by the police. B. Her bike was damaged.C. Her bike and lock were stolen.D. Her bike pump was stolen.Part 2 Short dialogs and blank filling(Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 6 to 18 are based on the same passage or dialog.W: What do you think about your life here 6.____________ ?M: Well, it's not too bad. I spend 7._______________ my time in an 8x10 cell(囚室), and you spend most of your time in a 6x8 8.___________________ .W: That's a funny way of looking at 9. _______________________.M: Here I get 10. _________________ a day. There in the office you 11.________________ for one meal and you have to pay for it.W: You're getting more interesting.M: In prison I can watch TV and 12.___________________ . At work you 13. _______________ for watching TV and playing games.W: Go on. I'm 14. _______________.M: Here in prison they 15. ________________ my family and friends to visit. In the office you can't even speak to your family and friends 16.__________________ . Now would you like to 17. _____________ with me?W: 18. ____________________- what you've said, I'm afraid I wouldn't.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 19 to 23 are based on the same passage or dialog.19. What was Clive doing?A. He was going out.B. He was coming home.C. He was presenting a report at a meeting.D. He was sleeping.20. What did the police officer see at the crime scene?A. A young businessman lay in a pool of blood.B. Clive's key was in the lock of the door.C. Clive was dead.D. All of the above.21. What did the taxi driver NOT say?A. He was just one block away from the scene.B. He heard a loud noise.C. He had the car window down.D. He saw a parcel delivery truck nearby.22. What did the delivery man say?A. He guessed someone must have waited outside for Clive to come out.B. He guessed someone must have followed Clive home.C. He heard something like a car backfiring.D. He saw the taxi driving fast away from the crime scene.23. What strange thing did the delivery man say that caused the officer's suspicion?A. He played the radio loud.B. He did not hear anything.C. He knew Clive was coming back home early in the morning.D. He knew Clive was going to work early in the morning.Part 4 Short passages and True/False questions(Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then mark the statements T (true) or F (false). You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to write the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 24 to 28 are based on the same passage or dialog.24. The trial is concerned with a burglar case. T F25. The judge announced the verdict (判决) himself. T F26. The verdict found the defendant (被告) innocent. T F27. The relatives of the defendant were delighted. T F28. The defendant was innocent in reality. T FPart 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 29 to 33 are based on the same passage or dialog.29. What is the dialog mainly about?A. The man tells the woman about the mugging he experienced.B. The woman tells the man about the mugging she experienced.C. The woman tells the man about the mugging her friend experienced.D. The woman advises the man not to commit mugging.30. What did the woman lose in the mugging?A. Her trust in men and week's pay.B. MasterCard, Visa card and sixty-six dollars.C. Her ID, Visa card and sixty dollars.D. Her sense of humor and fear of the dark.31. When was the woman robbed?A. Just before dawn in a dark alley.B. At sunset on the sunny side of the street.C. In broad daylight in a parking lot.D. In the park during the day.32. What can we learn from the woman's description of the mugger?A. He is about 170cms tall and unusually fat.B. He is a teenager with pale-blue eyes.C. He is a tall, strong young man.D. He is short, with brown eyes.33. What does Jackie hope will happen to the mugger?A. He spends the remaining years of his life in prison.B. He reforms and becomes a useful citizen.C. He apologizes to her next time they meet in the park.D. He locks up his apartment at night.Note: There is NO audio recording for the questions.Part 1 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. CPart 2 1. in prison 2. the greater part of 3. small office 4. things 5. three meals/3 meals6. get a break7. play games8. get fired9. all ears 10. allow11. on the phone 12. change places 13. In spite ofPart 3 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. CPart 4 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. BPart 5 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A视听说第二册第九单元测试试卷编号:B2-LS-U9-LCPart 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. A. He lost is license. B. He was driving in the wrong direction.C. He knocked down a woman.D. He drove through a green light.2. A. Drivers should follow the new law. B. Drivers should not forget the old rules.C. Drivers will ignore the new law.D. Drivers find the new law has saved a lot of lives.3. A. They both think cyclists do not have to wear helmets.B. They both think cyclists should wear helmets.C. The man suggests wearing helmets while the woman thinks otherwise.D. The woman suggests wearing helmets while the man thinks otherwise.4. A. A taxi driver-a passenger. B. A driver-a friend.C. A new driver-the trainer.D. Mother-son.5. A. They warned people against too much drinking.B. They offered people more drinks than reasonable.C. They welcomed the law that prohibited too much drinking.D. They ignored the law that prohibited too much drinking.Part 2 Short dialogs and blank filling (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 6 to 13 are based on the same passage or dialog.Jane: Peter, you shouldn't have 6.________________ the red light.Peter: Sorry, but I'm tired. I want to get home 7._______________ early.Jane: I told you not to drink so much. Your breath 8.__________________ alcohol. We'll get into trouble if we 9._______________ a policeman. Slow down a bit.Peter: I’m only 10.___________________ 50.[They see a dog in the middle of the road.] Jane: 11._____________________- ! There's a dog ahead!Peter: Oh, no! That damned dog! I almost 12.____________________ .Jane: You almost hit the police car coming 13.______________________ !Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions(Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 14 to 18 are based on the same passage or dialog.14. What did the police officer find?A. He found a crashed car and a dead body.B. He found a crashed car and two dead bodies.C. He found a crashed car and a monkey in it.D. He found a crashed car with an injured man in it.15. What happened when the officer was looking at the car?A. The injured man called for help.B. The injured woman called for help.C. A monkey jumped out of the car.D. A monkey came out of the woods.16. How did the monkey motion the owners of the car had been drinking?A. He pretended to turn up a can by his mouth.B. He raised a can and poured the water out.C. He drank some water.D. He got some water from a can.17. How did the monkey motion the owners of the car had been smoking?A. He struck a match to light a cigarette.B. He put a cigarette between his lips.C. He put his fingers together and held them to his mouth.D. He pretended to be smelling at something.18. Who was driving the car at the time of the car crash?A. The man.B. The woman.C. The monkey.D. Nobody.Part 4 Short passages and True/False questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then mark the statements T (true) or F (false). You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to write the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 19 to 23 are based on the same passage or dialog.19. Present at the seminar are an engineer, a physician, and a mathematician. T F20. The engineers tries to use a trash can to cover the fire. T F21. The physicist is concerned with precision. T F22. The mathematician is satisfied with an abstract solution. T F23. The story says people of different professions may look at the same problem from different angles. T FPart 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questionsDirections:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 24 to 28 are based on the same passage or dialog.24. What happened to the man?A. He had a major accident.B. He had a small accident.C. He drove back home without any problem.D. He won a race.25. What would happen to the driver if he talked on the cell phone while driving?A. He would hit another car.B. He would hit somebody walking across the street.C. He would be accused by the police.D. He would be put into prison.26. What would the police charge the driver with?A. Illegal driving.B. Driving without concentration.C. Drunk driving.D. All of the above.27. What encouraging words does the woman say?A. The driver is not arrested.B. The driver does not get a fine.C. Nobody is hurt.D. Nobody dies.28. According to the dialog, what is the problem with drivers who have cell phones?A. Their phones may beep a lot while there is a green light.B. Their phones may beep a lot while the traffic is crowded.C. They may not be aware of the fact that talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous.D. They want to talk more on the phone than usual.Note: There is NO audio recording for the questions.Part 1 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. BPart 2 1.driven through 2.right away 3. smells of 4. run into 5. going 6. Look out 7. hit it 8. the opposite way the opposite wayPart 3 1.B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. CPart 4 1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. APart 5 1.B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C视听说第二册第十单元测试试卷编号:B2-LS-U10-LCPart 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1. A. It deserves to live. B. It should be killed immediately.C. It is a harmful insect.D. It is a black insect.2. A. He has accepted a promotion. B. He has got a raise.C. He is afraid of flying.D. He is afraid of the woman.3. A. She is concerned with the future rather than the present.B. She is concerned with the present rather than the future.C. She is afraid of the past.D. She is afraid of the future.4. A. She had nightmares almost every day. B. She welcomed her parents' visits.C. She slept with her parents when she was happy.D. She slept with her parents when she was afraid.5. A. She saw a ghost. B. She is writing on a white sheet.C. She was frightened by a big spider.D. She was frightened by a small spider.Part 2 Short dialogs and blank filling (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 6 to 22 are based on the same passage or dialog.Tony: Nancy and Laura, just the 6.____________ I was looking for.Laura: Well, Sherlock Holmes, you've just found us. 7._____________?Tony: The Outdoor Club is going 8._____________ this weekend. 9.__________ join us for an adventure?Nancy: Gee, I'd like to go, Tony, but if 10. __________________, I wouldn't be able to 11._____________ my biology assignment, and it's 12._________________ on Monday. Laura: I could be interested, but will there be 13. ____________________? I hate snakes. They leave me 14.___________________ .Tony: Probably not, Laura, we’ll be 15. _________________, and snakes don't much 16. ________________ the cold. But there are different kinds of snakes. 17._____________ like rattlers (响尾蛇), and friendly ones 18._____________________ garter snakes(乌蛇,乌梢蛇). You can't be afraid of the friendly snakes, 19.____________________-- ?Laura: Well, if we encounter any snakes, friendly 20.________________- , you'll see 21.________________ I can 22. _____________.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 23 to 27 are based on the same passage or dialog.23. Which of the following is true according to the speaker?A. No one loves flying.B. Only birds love flying.C. Not everyone likes to fly.D. Most people know how to deal with fear of flying.24. According to the speaker, if one and his neighbor both fear flying, what can they do to lessen their fears?A. Talk about one's courage in flying.B. Share their fears with each other.C. Break the ice with a firm handshake.D. Walk across the aisle to talk to them25. What is the advantage of bringing an MP3 player with you when flying?A. It can create a small world of your own.B. It can decrease the noise from the engine.C. You can concentrate on the music you like.D. All of the above.26. What does the speaker finally suggest?A. Do something difficult to forget the fear.B. Do something interesting to forget the fear.C. Try to forget the height.D. Try to remember the height.27. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. The Importance of Overcoming Fear of Flying.B. Types of People Who Fear Flying.C. Ways to Lessen Your Fear of Flying.D. The Relationship between Fear and Types of Passengers.Part 4 Short passages and True/False questions (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then mark the statements T (true) or F (false). You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to write the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 28 to 32 are based on the same passage or dialog.28. To reduce one's fear, one had better avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. T F29. Young children may find a flight experience exciting. T F30. If you observe young children's behavior, you may get more nervous. T F31. Even if you are not afraid of the height, you had better not sit by the window. T F32. Think about the numerous safe flights that take place every day, and you will feel better. T F Part 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questions (Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 33 to 37 are based on the same passage or dialog.33. Where did the woman go?A. She went to see a movie.B. She went to see a concert.C. She went to treat a patient.D. She went to see a psychiatrist.34. Which method did the woman try before?A. Medicine.B. Physical exercise.C. More contact with spiders.D. All of the above.。


ISO9000培训试题及答案姓名:时间:分数:一、项选择题,从以下每题的几个答案中选择一个你认为最合适的答案:(每题3分)( )1)以下标准不是 ISO9000 族的核心标准?a.ISO9001b.ISO9004c.ISO10012d.ISO19011( )2)确保在整个组织内提高满足顾客要求意识是a.最高管理者的职责b.管理者代表的职责c.人力资源部负责人的职责d.各部门负责人的职责( )3)GB/T19001 标准鼓励组织在质量管理体系中采用a.过程b.控制c.统计d.监督( )4)GB/T19001-2000 标准规定的质量管理体系要求a.是为了进一步明确规定组织的产品要求b.是为了统一质量管理体系的结构和文件c.是为了统一组织的质量管理体系过程d.以上都不是( )5)增强满足要求的能力的循环活动是( ) 。
a.纠正措施b.预防措施c.质量改进d.持续改进( )6)组织需要控制的外来文件包括a.适用于组织的产品和过程的法律、法规b.国家和/或行业公开发布的适用于组织的检验活动的检验规范c.国家和/或行业公开发布的适用于组织的设计活动的设计规范d.a+b+c( )7)以下哪种说法是正确的():a.组织的质量管理体系符合 GB/T19001 标准的要求,说明该组织的产品符合要求b.提供不同产品的组织,其质量管理体系都有可能符合 GB/T19001 标准的要求c.组织的质量管理体系符合 GB/T19001 标准的要求,表明该组织遵守了适用的法律法规d. a+b+c( )8)管理评审应由a.管理者代表负责领导和组织实施b.质量经理负责领导和组织实施c.最高管理者领导进行d.负有决策职责的董事长领导进行( )9)电视机的特性是赋予特性。
a.清晰度b.音响保真度c.价格d.颜色( )10)阐明所取得的结果或提供所完成活动的证据的文件称为a.程序文件b.记录c.质量计划d.质量手册( )11)组织应按 GB/T19001-2000 标准中 4.2.3 的要求控制的文件范围是a.组织制订的所有文件b.组织需用的所有外来文件c.质量管理体系所要求的文件d.a+b+c( )12)系统地识别和管理组织内所使用的过程,特别是这些过程之间的相互作用,称为a.管理的系统方法b.过程方法c.基于事实的决策方法d.与供方互利的关系( )13)质量手册不要求包括a.质量管理体系的范围b.形成文件的程序或其引用c.产品技术要求d.质量管理体系过程之间的相互作用( )14)质量管理体系可以a.帮助组织实现顾客满意的目标b.提供持续改进的框架c.向组织和顾客提供信任d.a+b+c( )15)2000 版 ISO9001 标准名称中不用“质量保证”,意味着a.不要求质量保证b.与 ISO9004 标准的要求保持一致c.除了要求产品质量保证还要增强顾客满意d.a+b+c( )16)以下是 GB/19000-2000 标准中提出的质量管理原则:a.持续改进、全员参与、领导作用、管理职责b.以顾客为关注焦点、过程方法、资源管理、持续改进c.领导作用、过程方法、与供方的互利的关系、持续改进d.全员参与、基于事实的决策方法、统计技术、领导作用二、是非题(每题4分)1.ISO9000族标准是由TC176技术委员会负责制定的国际标准。

事业单位会议记录模板事业单位会议记录模板事业单位会议记录模板会议纪要会议主题:XXXXXX会议XX会议地点:X X大会议室参会人员:xx-xxx-xxx-x会议主持:XX主任一、XX:请各位同事在今天的会议上认真学习XX市XX区城市监督管理局发布的“XXXX”,由主任为各位同事讲解该文件的具体实施的方式、方法。
二、 XXX:根据我所主管部门下发的该通知,对于新的薪酬制度的实施方式我作如下讲解:1、我们先学习该通知的精神。

团支部会议记录范文团支部会议记录范文1会议时间:20__年9月15日会议地点:监测站309参会人员:杨智峰、周云飞、张恒、蒋小勇、周业、陈曦、刘双湖、高赫男、刘婷婷、曹倩、张琼云、李国渊请假人员:谭宜豪记录人:刘海仪会议议程:1、各委员汇报所分管的各部门本周计划及对上周进行工作总结2、军训结束后,我系团总支学生分会后备轮岗工作将继续开展3、我系将着手准备运动会、双代会、表彰大会的各项相关工作一、上周工作总结1、我系在9月15日向院部上交军训解说词2、办公室在上周向院部上交学期计划3、素拓部“三下乡”材料已上交院部二、本周计划1、1+1打印制度将从本周起实施2、9月16日,我系大一新生将在中午1:15举行“叠军被大赛”3、宣传部将在本周为系部准备纳新海报4、生活部和勤工助学部将在本周以“为贫困学生多服务”为宗旨,筹划相关系列活动5、纪检部将在19日晚,严格、狠抓对新生的晚自习管理6、15日晚,我系部在主席台挑选迎新晚会节目;17日,将进行最后一次彩排;18日,正式进行比赛7、办公室将在本周筹备双代会的相关工作8、心理部将在本周开始准备新生心理普查的调查方案9、组织部将在本周准备后备第二次面试方案10、体育部将在本周开始筹备运动会11、各部门需在本部门中挑选一人做代表进行部门介绍,以PPT的形式;PPT 将在本周五晚7时发至张恒处12、15日,经大会决议,将正式免去潘小安体育部部长一职,任命冯荷丽为体育部部长三、军训结束后,我系团总支学生分会后备轮岗工作将继续开展四、我系将着手准备运动会、双代会、表彰大会的各项相关工作环境监测系团总支学生分会办公室二〇__年九月十五日团支部会议记录范文2会议时间:20__年5月19日会议地点:监测站309参会人员:杨智峰、刘洋、周云飞、周江、张恒、李甜甜、蒋小勇、周业、刘双湖、曹倩、刘婷婷、张琼云、陈曦、李国渊、高赫男请假人员:谭宜豪记录人:刘海仪会议内容:一、第十三周工作总结1、新闻编辑部对“寝室卫生检查”活动进行照片拍摄并对其新闻稿的发布。
2会 议 纪 要



社工例会会议纪要范文2篇Model text of minutes of social work regular meeting编订:JinTai College社工例会会议纪要范文2篇前言:会议纪要是在会议记录基础上经过加工、整理出来的一种记叙性和介绍性的文件。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:社工例会会议纪要范文2、篇章2:阳光助学社工作协调会会议纪要文档篇章1:社工例会会议纪要范文会议纪要有一定的格式和内容,下面小泰整理了社工例会会议纪要范文,欢迎阅读!社工例会会议纪要范文会议时间:20xx年2月27日星期日会议地点:教五A206 主持人:程燕青记录人:黄静考勤状况:应到人数:18 人实到人数:16人无故未到:路超郭羽田迟到(包括时间):无请假(包括原因):无会议主题:新学期,新社工,新发展(工作模式的转变和本学期的活动)会议内容:一、工作模式的转变(一)背景:1、学社干部已开设专业课,可以压力增加2、社工学社的干事即将接任,需要进一步熟悉社团各项运作3、给干事们更多的表现机会,使学社有新的发展(二)转变方式:1、组建团队要求:(1)干事:不指认队长职务,组成无领导小组,自行讨论,分配任务; 按进度完成任务;轮流撰写小组运行状况:前期分工;各成员表现评价;任务进行状况;意见问题的反馈以及需要的帮助(各小组每周一篇,周五晚前发到社团公邮)(2)干部:团队例会听取工作汇报,做参考指导;干部例会汇报个团队运行情况,讨论问题,提出解决方案2、团队组建方案(1)各部门为一小组(2)两个部门合为一组:秘书部和社会工作站;外联部和策划部;宣传部和校园工作站(三)团队任务1、无论是“妇女儿童之家”之家项目或是“矿大学子与儿童共成长”轮流完成每周或每月的任务2、社工文化节:前期策划;中期活动实施;后期总结宣传各团队要出一个宣传类活动,一个服务性的活动,一个开幕式方案,(进行竞标,成功的团队必须包办策划,组织,宣传,实施,总结等各方面)3、各部门完成一些日常事务,各司其职(四)运行保证1、(1)院团委、校社联任务不接(2)除非有市级及以上更有挑战的任务不为追逐名誉而存,只为锻炼我们自己2、干部之间相互配合3、各团队优异表现,有始有终二、本学期活动内容(一)3月5日志愿者活动月1、上午公益社团联盟2、下午义务服务去奎山敬老院(全体参与)3、团辅形式的大会(二)社工文化节(三)特色活动“妇女儿童之家”或“矿大学子与儿童共成长”篇章2:阳光助学社工作协调会会议纪要文档【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】xx年3月20日下午三时,阳光助学社在塘厦金岛泰年酒店召开xx年度重要工作协调会,参加的社员有:春风绿茶、刘x、紫x、胡x、卢x、平x、sammi、娇姐、启明星、冯x、小叶、和天才在一起、继续及他的朋友、……等15名社员。

二○一三年三月二十八日纪检部会议记录模板201X.09.13(周二)18:30 地点:1115一、主席团总结上周各项工作,并对本周工作提出计划和要求。

七、会议纪要发放范围报送:王总、张总、李总、刘总主送:项目组全体成员项目专题会议纪要篇2会议时间:XX年11月6日星期四9:30-10:40会议地点:xxx主持人:xx参会人员:xx记录人:xx会议主题:对xxx项目的初步评审以及下一步工作安排会议内容:XX年10月29日至XX年10月30日,考察小组对“xxx公司”及该公司负责的“x x项目”进行了考察。

中国共产党纪律检查机关案件检查工作条例实施细则发布时间:2017-05-05 第一章总则第一条根据《中国共产党纪律检查机关案件检查工作条例》(以下简称《条例》)第四十九条的规定,制定本细则。
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