深深宝A:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-29
深圳华强:2011年第一季度报告正文 2011-04-28
证券代码:000062 证券简称:深圳华强公告编号:2011-009 深圳华强实业股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告正文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人胡新安、主管会计工作负责人周红斌及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)常华声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况□适用√不适用3.2.4 其他√适用□不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用3.4 预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能为亏损或者与上年同期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及原因说明□适用√不适用3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用3.5.2 报告期接待调研、沟通、采访等活动情况表3.6 衍生品投资情况□适用√不适用3.6.1 报告期末衍生品投资的持仓情况□适用√不适用深圳华强实业股份有限公司董事会2011年4月28日。
即时发布腾讯公布2011年第一季度业绩香港,2011年5月11日–中国领先的互联网服务和移动及电信增值服务供应商–腾讯控股有限公司(“腾讯”或“本公司”,香港联交所股票编号: 00700)今天公布截至2011年3月31日未经审核的第一季度综合业绩。
中国人寿保险股份有限公司 2011年第一季度报告(股票代码:601628)二〇一一年四月二十五日目 录§1 重要提示 (3)§2 公司基本情况 (3)§3 重要事项 (5)§4 附录 (8)§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及其董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。
1.2 本公司全体董事出席董事会会议。
1.3 本公司2011年第一季度财务报告未经审计。
1.4 本公司董事长杨超先生、负责财务工作的副总裁刘家德先生、总精算师邵慧中女士及财务机构负责人杨征先生声明:保证本季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标币种:人民币本报告期末 上年度期末本报告期末比 上年度期末增减资产总计(百万元)1,514,206 1,410,579 7.3%归属于公司股东的股东权益(百万元)213,530 208,710 2.3%归属于公司股东的每股净资产(元/股)7.55 7.382.3%年初至报告期期末 比上年同期增减经营活动产生的现金流量净额(百万元)60,762 -22.7% 每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元/股) 2.15 -22.7%本报告期 上年同期本报告期比 上年同期增减归属于公司股东的净利润 (百万元)7,971 10,214 -22.0%基本每股收益 (元/股)0.28 0.36 -22.0%扣除非经常性损益后的基本每股收益 (元/股)0.28 0.36 -22.0% 稀释每股收益 (元/股)0.28 0.36 -22.0% 加权平均净资产收益率 (%) 3.78 4.77减少0.99个百分点扣除非经常性损益后的加权平均净资产收益率 (%)3.77 4.77减少1.00个百分点注:涉及股东权益的数据及指标,采用归属于公司股东的股东权益;涉及净利润的数据及指标,采用归属于公司股东的净利润。
宁波银行:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-28
宁波银行股份有限公司BANK OF NINGBO CO.,LTD.(股票代码: 002142)2011年第一季度报告2011年4月28日宁波银行股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 没有董事、监事、高级管理人员对本报告内容的真实性、准确性、完整性无法保证或存在异议。
1.4 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.5 公司负责人陆华裕先生、行长俞凤英女士、主管会计工作负责人罗维开先生及会计机构负责人孙洪波女士声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1主要会计数据及财务指标2.1.1 主要会计数据2011年3月31日2010年12月31日增减幅度总资产(千元)271,373,390 263,274,332 3.08%股东权益(千元)16,694,860 15,876,639 5.15% 股本(千股)2,883,821 2,883,821 -每股净资产 5.79 5.51 5.15%2011年1-3月 2010年1-3月 比上年同期增减营业收入(千元)1,690,859 1,326,158 27.50%净利润(千元)814,966 498,052 63.63%经营活动产生的现金流量净额(千元)-43,099,381 -6,396,137 573.83%每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元)-14.95 -2.56 483.98% 基本每股收益(元)0.28 0.20 40.00%扣除非经常性损益后的基本每股收益(元)0.23 0.20 15.00% 稀释每股收益(元)0.28 0.20 40.00% 净资产收益率 4.88% 4.86% 提高0.02个百分点 扣除非经常性损益后的净资产收益率 4.03% 4.81% 下降0.78个百分点 注:1、净资产收益率、扣除非经常性损益后的净资产收益率按全面摊薄法计算。
农 产 品:2011年第一季度报告正文 2011-04-29
证券代码:000061 证券简称:农产品公告编号:2011-14 深圳市农产品股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告正文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2除下列董事外,其他董事亲自出席了审议本次季报的董事会会议1.3 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元1、2011年一季度,公司归属股东净利润变动原因主要系(1)公司2010年第一季度减持深深宝股票获得税后收益1,699万元,而公司2011年第一季度无此项收益;(2)公司全资子公司广西海吉星公司因市场尚未正式开业,2011年第一季度亏损约649万元;2、2011年一季度,公司经营活动产生现金流量净额比去年同期减少的主要原因是,与去年同期相比公司下属企业退还客户保证金押金增加所致;2011年第一季度,母公司经营活动产生的现金流净额为52,674,595.36元,与去年同期相比增长了50.47%。
非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况□适用√不适用3.2.4 其他√适用□不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用注1、公司控股股东深圳市国资局在《深圳市农产品股份有限公司股权分置改革方案》中承诺:(1)深圳市农产品股份有限公司股权分置改革方案获股东大会审议通过后,则在股权分置改革方案实施之日起的第十二个月的最后五个交易日内,即2006年9月5日至2006年9月11日,所有流通股股东有权以人民币4.25元/股的价格将股票出售给深圳市国资局,具体实施程序严格按照中国证券监督管理委员会和深圳证券交易所的有关规定执行。
兔 宝 宝:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-16
2公司基本情况2.1主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元本报告期末上年度期末增减变动(%)总资产(元)884,814,045.48878,096,908.290.76%归属于上市公司股东的所有者权益(元)441,488,983.60434,948,594.14 1.50%股本(股)183,000,000.00183,000,000.000.00%归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元/股) 2.41 2.38 1.26%本报告期上年同期增减变动(%)营业总收入(元)229,155,728.69185,062,123.3523.83%归属于上市公司股东的净利润(元)6,614,837.543,117,285.43112.20%经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元)20,598,750.27-15,704,468.90231.16%每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元/股)0.11-0.09222.22%基本每股收益(元/股)0.040.02100.00%稀释每股收益(元/股)0.040.02100.00%加权平均净资产收益率(%) 1.51%0.75%0.76%扣除非经常性损益后的加权平均净资产收益率(%) 1.00%0.67%0.33%非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元非经常性损益项目金额附注(如适用)非流动资产处置损益4,193,813.04计入当期损益的政府补助,但与公司正常经营业务密切相关,符合国家政策规定、按照一定标准定额或定量持续享受的政府补助除外1,440,500.00除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债和可供出售金融资产取得的投资收益-2,055,805.00除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出-100,470.09所得税影响额-142,076.21少数股东权益影响额-1,097,606.10合计2,238,355.64-2.2报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股报告期末股东总数(户)28,432前十名无限售条件流通股股东持股情况股东名称(全称)期末持有无限售条件流通股的数量种类德华集团控股股份有限公司64,995,840人民币普通股郑兴龙6,409,728人民币普通股陆利华2,026,752人民币普通股华泰证券股份有限公司1,968,941人民币普通股北京易初莲花科技有限公司1,775,930人民币普通股中信证券股份有限公司1,495,471人民币普通股中国对外经济贸易信托有限公司-新股信贷资产A191,231,979人民币普通股中国银行股份有限公司企业年金计划-中国银行1,215,070人民币普通股中国建设银行-华宝兴业多策略增长证券投资基金1,114,225人民币普通股苗福强876,657人民币普通股3重要事项3.1公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用一、资产负债表项目变动的原因说明1、应收票据比年初减少4,538,741.33元,减少比率68.37%。
1.2 2011年4月28日,本行董事会审议通过了《2011年第一季度报告》。
§2公司基本情况2.1公司基本信息A股:股票简称工商银行股票代码 601398上市证券交易所上海证券交易所H股:股票简称工商银行股份代号1398上市证券交易所香港联合交易所有限公司董事会秘书、公司秘书:姓名胡浩联系地址中国北京市西城区复兴门内大街55号(邮政编码:100140)电话86-10-66108608传真86-10-66106139电子信箱ir@2.2 主要会计数据及财务指标2.2.1 按中国会计准则编制的主要会计数据及财务指标(除特别注明外,以人民币百万元列示)2011年3月31日2010年12月31日本报告期末比上年度期末增减(%)资产总额 14,389,99613,458,622 6.92客户贷款及垫款总额 7,063,3516,790,506 4.02贷款减值准备 174,478167,134 4.39证券投资净额 3,751,7543,732,2680.52负债总额 13,517,77112,636,965 6.97客户存款 11,764,42411,145,557 5.55同业及其他金融机构存放款项 985,810922,369 6.88拆入资金 172,661125,63337.43归属于母公司股东的权益 870,968820,430 6.16每股净资产(人民币元) 2.50 2.35 6.382011年1至3月比上年同期增减(%)经营活动产生的现金流量净额 331,53216.50每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(人民币元) 0.9511.76非经常性损益项目列示如下:单位:人民币百万元非经常性损益项目 2011年1至3月营业外收入 560营业外支出 (144)所得税影响 (104)合计 312其中:归属于母公司股东的非经常性损益 311 归属于少数股东的非经常性损益 12011年1至3月年初至报告期期末本报告期比上年同期增减(%、百分点)净利润53,83653,83629.03归属于母公司股东的净利润 53,78753,78729.46基本每股收益(人民币元) 0.150.1525.00扣除非经常性损益后归属于母公司股东的基本每股收益(人民币元)0.150.1525.00稀释每股收益(人民币元) 0.150.1525.00年化加权平均净资产收益率(%) 25.4425.44增加1.58个百分点扣除非经常性损益后的年化加权平均净资产收益率(%) 25.2925.29增加1.49个百分点2.2.2 按中国会计准则与按国际财务报告准则编制的财务报表差异说明本集团按中国会计准则和按国际财务报告准则编制的财务报表中,截至2011年3月31日止报告期归属于母公司股东的净利润和报告期末归属于母公司股东的权益并无差异。
宝德股份:2011年第一季度报告正文 2011-04-26
证券代码:300023 证券简称:宝德股份公告编号:2011-013 西安宝德自动化股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告正文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人赵敏、主管会计工作负责人邢连鲜及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)王汕声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股2.3 限售股份变动情况表单位:股§3 管理层讨论与分析3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 业务回顾和展望§4 重要事项4.1 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况√适用□不适用4.2 募集资金使用情况对照表√适用□不适用单位:万元4.3 报告期内现金分红政策的执行情况□适用√不适用4.4 预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能为亏损、实现扭亏为盈或者与上年同期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及原因说明□适用√不适用4.5 向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的涉及金额万元。
4.6 证券投资情况□适用√不适用4.7 按深交所相关指引规定应披露的报告期日常经营重大合同的情况√适用□不适用。
中国海诚:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-23
中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2除下列董事外,其他董事亲自出席了审议本次季报的董事会会议1.3 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.4 公司负责人陈鄂生、主管会计工作负责人胡小平及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)胡小平声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况√适用□不适用3.2.4 其他□适用√不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用3.4 对2011年1-6月经营业绩的预计3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用§4 附录4.1 资产负债表编制单位:中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司2011年03月31日单位:元4.2 利润表编制单位:中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司2011年1-3月单位:元本期发生同一控制下企业合并的,被合并方在合并前实现的净利润为:0.00元。
4.3 现金流量表编制单位:中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司2011年1-3月单位:元4.4 审计报告审计意见:未经审计董事长:陈鄂生中国海诚工程科技股份有限公司2011年4月23日。
万 科A
*ST 威达
ST 四 环
深天马A:2011年第一季度报告正文 2011-04-26
证券代码:000050 证券简称:深天马A公告编号:2011-017 天马微电子股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告正文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人吴光权、主管会计工作负责人刘静瑜及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)高艳声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况□适用√不适用3.2.4 其他√适用□不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用3.4 预测年初至下一报告期期末的累计净利润可能为亏损或者与上年同期相比发生大幅度变动的警示及原因说明□适用√不适用3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用3.5.2 报告期接待调研、沟通、采访等活动情况表3.6 衍生品投资情况□适用√不适用3.6.1 报告期末衍生品投资的持仓情况□适用√不适用。
深物业B:2011年第一季度报告全文(英文版) 2011-04-30
SHENZHEN PROPERTIES & RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT (GROUP) LTD.THE FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT 2011§1 Important Notes1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as directors, supervisors and seniorexecutives of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) individually and jointly accepted responsibility for the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report and confirmed that there was no false information, misleading statement or material omissions.1.2 None of the directors demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about the truthfulness, accuracy,and completeness of this quarterly report.1.3 All directors attended the Board meeting.1.4 The first quarterly financial report has not been audited by Accounting Firm.1.5 Mr. Chen Yugang, Chairman of the Board of the Company, Mr. Wang Hangjun, Person inCharge of Accounting Work, Mr. Gong Sixin, the CFO, and Ms. Shen Xueying, Manager of Financial Management Department, hereby confirmed that the Financial Report enclosed in the quarterly report is true and completeEnglish version for reference only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.§2 Company Profile2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicesUnit: RMB YuanAt the end of theAt the end of last year Increase/decrease (%)reporting periodTotal assets 3,038,489,092.412,913,281,353.84 4.30% Owner’s equity attributable1,159,513,142.82874,185,621.8832.64% to shareholders of listedcompanyShare capital (Share) 595,979,092.00595,979,092.000.00% Net asset per share1.9456 1.4668 32.64%attributable to shareholdersof listed companyReporting period Same period of last year Increase/decrease (%)Sales turnover (RMB977,257,810.34 83,097,068.04 1076.04% Yuan)Net profit attributable to284,605,173.95 2,839,794.18 9922.04% shareholders of listedcompany (RMB Yuan)Net cash flow arising fromoperating activities (RMBYuan)-386,088,186.93-19,498,084.971880.13%Net cash flow per sharearising from operatingactivities (RMB Yuan/share)-0.6478 -0.0327 1881.04%Basic earnings per share(RMB Yuan/share)0.4775 0.0048 9847.92% Diluted earnings per share(RMB Yuan/share)0.4775 0.0048 9847.92% Weighted average return onequity (%)27.99%0.43%Increase of 27.56% Weighted average return onequity after deductingextraordinary gains andlosses (%)27.98%-0.08%Increase of 28.06%Items of extraordinary gainsand lossesAmount from 1 Jan. to 31 Mar. 2011Gains on disposal ofnon-current assets-14,836.00 Other non-operating incomeand expense other thanabovementioned146,725.86Influence of income tax afterdeducting non-recurringgains and losses-15,871.40Total 116,018.46 Note: Other non-operating income and expense other than abovementioned mainly cover fines.2.2 Statement on total number of shareholders and shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratoriumUnit: ShareTotal number of shareholders By the end of the reporting period, the Company has 47,293 shareholders in total, including 37,535 ones of A-share, 9,758 ones of B-shareShares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratoriumFull name of shareholders Shares not subject to trading moratoriumheld at the period-endType of shareZeng Ying 3,350,000Domestically listed foreign sharesChina Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Ltd. 855,810Domestically listedforeign sharesZhang Xiankai 673,800RMB common sharesLong Huizhen 667,020RMB common sharesLiu Liaoyuan 641,900Domestically listed foreign sharesGUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG)LIMITED 633,273Domestically listedforeign sharesSUN HUNG KAI INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD-CUSTOMERS A/C 560,000Domestically listedforeign sharesHe Shujie 551,195RMB common shares Liu Yunde 550,000RMB common shares Deng Weichao 480,100RMB common sharesExplanation on associated relationship among the above shareholders orconsistent action The Company is not aware of whether there exists associated relationship or consistent action among the top ten shareholders holding trade shares or not.§3 Significant Events3.1 Significant changes in major accounting data, financial highlights and reasons for these changes. √Applicable □Non-applicable1. Prepayments were RMB 391,278,337.28 as at the end of the reporting period, up 692.70% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the Company prepaid for the land in Yangzhou and the relevant taxes in the reporting period.2. Deferred income tax assets were RMB 41,453,082.09 as at the end of the reporting period, down 50.18% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the estimated profit calculated based on the Company’s real estate pre-sale income was recognized at the end of the reporting period and deferred income tax assets decreased accordingly.3. Short-term borrowings were RMB 500,000,000.00 as at the end of the reporting period, up 4900.00% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the entrustment loans given by the holding company to the Company increased in the reporting period.4. Accounts received in advance were RMB 34,766,758.80 as at the end of the reporting period, down 96.04% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the income from the pre-sale of the PRD-Shengang No. 1 Project satisfied conditions for recognition and was carried over to income for the reporting period.5. Taxes and fares payable were RMB 499,050,580.15 as at the end of the reporting period, up 155.16% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the income from the PRD-Shengang No. 1 Project was recognized for the reporting period, and the income tax and land V AT payable increased accordingly.6. Non-current liabilities due within one year were RMB 149,580,000.00 as at the end of the reporting period, down 40.40% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because mature loans were repaid in the reporting period.7. Retained earnings were RMB 433,566,838.35 as at the end of the reporting period, up 191.06% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the Company achieved profits in the reporting period.8. Total owners’ equity was RMB 1,160,375,229.88 as at the end of the reporting period, up 32.61% as compared to the opening amount, which was mainly because the Company achieved profits inthe reporting period.9. Operating revenue for the reporting period was RMB 977,257,810.34, up 1076.04% from a year earlier, which was mainly because: The PRD-Shengang No. 1 Project developed by the Company satisfied conditions for income recognition in the reporting period and the recognizable part were almost all settled in the reporting period, while in the same period of last year, only a small trail part of real estate were eligible for income recognition. As a result, real estate income for the reporting period showed dramatic increase over the same period of last year.10. Operating cost for the reporting period was RMB 266,881,637.62, up 369.60% from a year earlier, which was mainly because the estate of the PRD-Shengang No. 1 Project which generated income eligible for recognition increased in the reporting period as compared to the same period of last year.11. Business taxes and surcharges for the reporting period were RMB 310,352,802.05, up 4274.94% from a year earlier, which was mainly because real estate income increased and business taxes and land V AT increased accordingly.12. Financial expense for the reporting period was RMB 1,714,761.50, up 206.65% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to increase of total borrowings for working capital and decrease of interest income.13. Investment income for the reporting period was RMB 127,236.78, up 66.64% from a year earlier, which was mainly due to increase of income from joint ventures.14. Investment income from associated and joint enterprises for the reporting period was RMB 127,236.78, up 47.18% from a year earlier, which was mainly because the Company’s joint venture Shenzhen ITC Guomao Tianan Property Management Co., Ltd. achieved a profit growth in the reporting period.15. Non-business income/expense for the reporting period was RMB 131,889.86, down 96.07% from a year earlier, which was mainly because in the same period of last year, subsidiaries of the Company received some payments that needed not to be returned.16. Income tax expense for the reporting period was RMB 91,962,168.59, up 8275.81% from a year earlier, which was mainly because the subsidiary Shenzhen Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. enjoyed a consideration profit increase in the reporting period.17. Operating profit, total profit and net profit for the reporting period were RMB 376,435,452.68, RMB 376,567,342.54 and RMB 284,605,173.95 respectively, up 65009.09%, 9463.02% and 9922.04% respectively as compared to the same period of last year, which was mainly because: The PRD-Shengang No. 1 Project developed by the Company satisfied conditions for income recognition in the reporting period and the recognizable part were almost all settled in the reporting period, while in the same period of last year, only a small trail part of real estate were eligible for income recognition. As a result, real estate income for the reporting period showed dramatic increase over the same period of last year.18. Net cash flows generated from operating activities during the period from 1 Jan. to 31 Mar. 2011 were RMB -386,088,186.93, with net outflows up 1880.13% as compared to the same period of last year, which was mainly because the Company paid for the land in Yangzhou and the relevant taxes in the reporting period.19. Net cash flows generated from investing activities during the period from 1 Jan. to 31 Mar. 2011 were RMB -670,121.00, with net outflows down 94.73% as compared to the same period of last year, which was mainly because in the same period of last year, some subsidiaries of theCompany replaced old taxies.20. Net cash flows generated from investing activities during the period from 1 Jan. to 31 Mar. 2011 were RMB 381,055,814.46, up 354.60% as compared to the same period of last year, which was mainly because the Company obtained an entrustment loan from the holding company and repaid fewer loans in the reporting period.3.2 Process of significant events and influence, as well as analysis and explanation on resolving proposal□Applicable √Inapplicable3.3 Special commitments made by the company, shareholders and actual controllers√Applicable □InapplicableShenzhen Construction Investment Holdings Co. (hereinafter referred to as “Construction Holdings”) and Shenzhen Investment Management Co. (hereinafter referred to as “Investment Management Company”) were nominal shareholders of the Company (Shares of the Company are registered under the name of these two companies.). Later, these two companies and Shenzhen Trade & Commerce Investment Holdings Co. combined on a legal basis and became one company known as Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Investment Holdings”). However, due to various reasons, the Company’s shares held by Construction Holdings and Investment Management Company has not been transferred to Investment Holdings, which is the actual controller of the Company.1. Investment Holdings stated that it would establish and perfect the internal control over undisclosed information of the listed company known by it, urge relevant insiders not to trade the shares of the Company by making use of the undisclosed information, not suggest other buying and selling shares of the Company, nor leak any undisclosed information of the Company. Meanwhile, it would provide an insider name list to the Company in a timely, factual, accurate and complete way so that the Company could submit the name list to the Shenzhen Bureau of CSRC and the Stock Exchange for records.In the reporting period, it was found that no actual controller of the Company or insiders bought and sold stocks of the Company by taking advantage of undisclosed information of the Company. And the Company submitted monthly the particulars about the parties to which the undisclosed information had been submitted to CSRC Shenzhen Bureau for reference.2. Commitments made by non-tradable share holders in the share merger reform(1) The Company’s non-tradable share holders Construction Holdings and Investment Management Company made a common commitment to abide by laws, regulations and rules and perform prescribed commitment duties. And they also made special commitments as follows:Non-tradable shares held by Construction Holdings and Investment Management Company would not be traded or transferred within 36 months since they acquired right of trade. After expiration of the aforesaid commitment, originally non-tradable shares sold through the listing and trading system on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange should not exceed 5 percents of total shares of the Company within 12 months, as well as not exceed 10 percents within 24 months. In case these companies acted against the above commitment and sold shares of the Company, the income from sales of the shares would belong to the Company.As at the date of issuing the announcement, Construction Holdings and Investment ManagementCompany failed to sell the shares of the Company.(2) Investment Holdings made a commitment to abide by laws, regulations and rules and perform prescribed commitment duties. And it also made special commitments as follows:① Non-tradable shares held by Investment Holdings would not be traded or transferred within 36 months since they acquired right of trade. After expiration of the aforesaid commitment, originally non-tradable shares sold through the listing and trading system on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange should not exceed 5 percents of total shares of the Company within 12 months, as well as not exceed 10 percents within 24 months. In case these companies acted against the above commitment and sold shares of the Company, the income from sales of the shares would belong to the Company. As at the date of issuing the announcement, Investment Holdings failed to sell the shares of the Company that are actually controlled by it.②Within one year since the non-tradable shares held by Construction Holdings and Investment Management Company controlled by Investment Holdings acquired the right of trading, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd will start up capital injection to the Company, that is, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd will inject legitimate capital no less than RMB 500 million including land resource in lump sum or in batches by replace or other legitimate way, will increase land reserves of the Company and enhance profitability in the future. In case the aforesaid capital failed to start completely within one year, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd will compensate 20% of reorganization capital failing to start to the Company within 30 days when expiration of 1 year, and continued to implement the capital injection which had been started. As for the capital injection failing to start, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd will not implement. Note: Startup of capital injection means capital injection program has been reviewed and approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting of the Company. Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd was willing to entrust China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch to freeze 30 million shares of the Company, which was under name of Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings and actually controlled by Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd, as guarantee for the above commitment.To fulfill the commitment, the Company and Investment Holdings jointly planned to start relevant matters. On 17 Sep. 2010, the Company disclosed Public Notice on Fulfilling Share Merger Reform Commitments and Implementing Significant Assets Replacement (Significant Related Transactions), which was approved at the 1st Special Shareholders’ General Meeting in 2010. For details, please refer to the Company’s Public Notice on Resolutions of the 1st Special Shareholders’ General Meeting in 2010 dated 14 Oct. 2010. In Nov. 2009, Investment Holdings had applied to the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch for freezing 30 million shares of the Company that are actually controlled by its and are registered under the name of Construction Holdings; By now, those shares have been unfrozen due to expiration of the freezing period.③ Since non-tradable shares held by Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings and Shenzhen Investment Co., Ltd acquired right to trade within 24 months, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd commit that they will support balance no less than RMB 500 million with method of entrust loan in line with relevant provisions of laws and administrative statutes to release nervous capital of the Company. The aforesaid balance means accumulative incurred amount within 24 months since the date when non-tradable shares held by Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings andShenzhen Investment Co., Ltd acquired right to trade, and each entrust loan for support will not be less than 12 months; the above cash support of RMB 500 million excluded entrust loan offered before the date when non-tradable shares held by Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd, Shenzhen Construction Investment Holdings and Shenzhen Investment Co., Ltd acquired right to trade.On 18 Mar. 2010, the Company convened the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2009, which reviewed and approved the Proposal on Applying Entrusted Loan from Controlling Shareholder. The Shareholders’ General Meeting authorized the Company Board to deal with events including signing of agreement concerning the entrusted loan of no less than RMB 500 million, application of additional loan, loan extension, grant of new loan for repaying old loan, and loan repayment. For details, please refer to the Company’s Public Notice on Resolutions of the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting for Y2009 dated 19 Mar. 2010. On 28 Dec. 2010, with China Everbright Bank Shenzhen Jingtian Sub-branch as the trustee, Investment Holdings provided entrusted loan of RMB 10 million to the Company’s subsidiary Shenzhen ITC Vehicles Industry Co., Ltd. In the reporting period, Investment Holdings provided entrusted loan of RMB 490 million to the Company.④In case that net profit of the Company in any year of 2010, 2011 and 2012 was less than 2009, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd will make up balance of net profit between the year and 2009 with cash.The implementation of the said commitment depends on the net profit as of year 2011.3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons√Applicable □InapplicableBusiness forecast Sharp increase at the same directionItem From the year-begin tothe end of the nextperiodSame period of lastyearIncrease/decrease (%)Estimate of accumulated netprofit (RMB Ten thousand)27,000-32,00012,675Increase of 113%-152% Basic EPS (Yuan/share) 0.4530-0.53690.2127Increase of 113%-152%Explanation on performance forecast Reason for sharp change in business performance: In the reporting period, the PRD·Shenggang No.1 Project constructed by the Company reached the carry-over condition in revenue. The revenue carried over registered a sharp year-on-year increase over the carried-over revenue of PRD·Xinhua Town Project, and the gross profit also hiked.The above forecast is the initial estimate reckoned by the Company in accordance with current sales situation of PRD·Shengang·No.1 Project. For actual profitability of the Company in the 1st half year of 2011, data in Semi-annual Report 2011 shall prevail.3.5 Other significant events need to be explained 3.5.1 Securities investment√Applicable □InapplicableNo. StockvarietyStockcodeShort form ofStockInitialinvestmentamount(RMB Yuan)SharesheldBook value atperiod-endProportionin totalsecuritiesinvestmentatperiod-end(%)Profits andlosses inreporting period1 ShenzhenA Share000030 ST Sunrise 268,735.50 30,000 272,100.00 100.00Other securities investment at the end ofperiodInvestment gains/(losses) arising fromsale of securities———— Total 268,735.50-272,100.00100.00 3.5.2 Equity of other listed companies held by the Company√Applicable □InapplicableStock codeShortform ofStockInitialinvestmentamountRatio toequity ofinvestedcompany(%)Book value atyear-endProfits andlosses in thereporting periodChange ofowners’equity in thereportingperiodAccountingsubjectSource ofstock000509 S*STT.H.2,962,500.00 0.33% 802,199.55 0.00 0.00Long-termequityinvestmentPurchasinglegal personsharesdirectionallyTotal 2,962,500.00-802,199.55 0.00 0.00 3.5.3 Equity of Pre-IPO and unlisted financial enterprises held by the Company□Applicable √Inapplicable3.5.4 Offering capital to controlling shareholders or related parties and external guarantee in violation of the procedure specified□Applicable √Inapplicable3.5.5 Shareholders holding shares exceeding 30% proposed or implemented plan on increasing shares in the reporting period□Applicable √Inapplicable3.5.6 Significant contracts√Applicable □Inapplicable3.5.7 Reception of research, interviews and visits in the reporting periodReception time Reception place Reception way Reception object Major discussion content and the information provided by theCompany27 Jan. 2011 The Office of BOD Communicationby TelephoneIndividualinvestorWhether the Company’s businessperformance in 2010outperformed that of 2009?11 Feb. 2011 The Office of BOD Communicationby TelephoneIndividualinvestorWhether the formalities oftransferring the land of Moon Bayhas been completed?23 Feb. 2011The Office of BODCommunication by TelephoneIndividual investorThe Company’s stock trade suddenly increased at the first 10minutes of early quotation, whether the Company held any non-published significantinformation?10 Mar. 2011The Office of BODCommunication by TelephoneIndividual investorThe price of the Company’ sharesurged to the trade limit in the afternoon, whether the Company held any non-published beneficialinformation?Events after balance sheet date28 Apr. 2011The Office of BODCommunication by TelephoneIndividual investorWill the Company make profit in2011?3.5.8 Explanation on other significant events3.6 Implementation of cash dividends policy during the reporting period□Applicable √Inapplicable§4 Attachment4.1 Balance sheetPrepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.31 Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB YuanClosing balance Opening balanceItemConsolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent companyCurrent assets:Monetary funds 528,671,205.69 8,565,150.25 534,418,695.36 78,920,447.75Settlement fund reserve 272,100.00 272,100.00 272,100.00 272,100.00Notes receivable 300,000.00 300,000.00receivable 75,347,965.47 59,268,760.97 67,935,785.29 59,680,032.75 AccountAdvances to suppliers 391,278,337.28 385,593,863.60 49,360,431.87Dividend receivableOther account receivable 40,613,985.67 492,736,587.33 37,787,880.10 558,839,822.28Financial assets purchasedunder agreements to resellInventories 1,397,577,646.79 56,594,638.32 1,576,183,305.38 56,594,638.32Non-current assets duewithin 1 yearOther current assetsTotal current assets 2,434,061,240.90 1,003,031,100.47 2,266,258,198.00 754,307,041.10Non-current assets:Loans and advanceAvailable for sale financialassetsHeld to maturity investmentsLong-term accountreceivableLong-term equity81,517,424.98 250,927,924.98 81,390,188.20 250,800,688.20 investmentInvestment real estate 298,718,688.01 202,305,208.88 295,584,704.09 205,439,020.58Fixed asset 75,685,768.26 34,953,849.94 78,112,745.51 35,645,685.39Project in constructionEngineering materialFixed asset disposalBearer biological assetOil and gas assetsIntangible assets 104,933,929.43 106,563,665.92Development expenseGoodwillLong-term expense to be2,118,958.74 2,118,958.74 2,162,202.81 2,162,202.81apportionedDeferred income tax assets41,453,082.09 83,209,649.31Other non-current assetsTotal of non-current assets 604,427,851.51 490,305,942.54 647,023,155.84 494,047,596.98Total assets 3,038,489,092.41 1,493,337,043.01 2,913,281,353.84 1,248,354,638.08Current liabilities:Short-term borrowings 500,000,000.00 10,000,000.00Transactional financialliabilitiesNotes payableAccounts payable 94,738,800.87 34,368,872.65 105,465,038.93 34,423,717.0479,725.48 Advances from customers34,766,758.80 878,660,737.46Financial assets sold underagreements to repurchaseHandling charges andcommissions payablePayroll payable 56,506,812.40 10,831,416.57 53,817,405.36 9,636,557.03Taxes and fares payable 499,050,580.15 1,378,685.90195,585,180.87 1,264,740.40Dividend payableInterest payableOther accounts payable 230,079,523.85 757,843,379.57 229,549,997.54 508,763,899.07Non-current liabilities due149,580,000.00 250,960,000.00within 1 yearOther current liabilitiesTotal current liabilities 1,564,722,476.07 804,422,354.69 1,724,038,360.16 554,168,639.02Non-current liabilities:Long-term borrowings 212,000,000.00 212,000,000.00Debentures payableLong-term payablesSpecific-purpose accountpayablesAccrued liabilitiesDeferred income tax807.48 807.48 807.48 807.48 liabilitiesOther non-current101,390,578.98 2,429,164.54 102,194,477.26 2,429,164.54liabilitiesTotal non-current liabilities 313,391,386.46 2,429,972.02 314,195,284.74 2,429,972.02Total liabilities 1,878,113,862.53 806,852,326.71 2,038,233,644.90 556,598,611.04Owner’s equity (orShareholders’ equity)Paid-in capital (or share 595,979,092.00 595,979,092.00 595,979,092.00 595,979,092.00capital)capital 64,020,275.72 38,914,227.99 64,020,275.72 38,914,227.99 ShareLess: Treasury StockSurplus reserve 69,712,050.51 69,712,050.51 69,712,050.51 69,712,050.51General risk provisionRetained earnings 433,566,838.35 -18,120,654.20 148,961,664.40 -12,849,343.46Foreign exchange-3,765,113.76 -4,487,460.75 differenceTotal owners' equity1,159,513,142.82 686,484,716.30 874,185,621.88 691,756,027.04 attributable to holdingcompanyMinority interests 862,087.06 862,087.06 Total owners’ equity 1,160,375,229.88 686,484,716.30 875,047,708.94 691,756,027.04Total liabilities and owners’3,038,489,092.41 1,493,337,043.01 2,913,281,353.84 1,248,354,638.08 equity4.2 Income statementPrepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) LtdJan. - Mar. 2011 Unit: RMB YuanJan. – Mar. 2011 Jan. – Mar. 2010ItemsConsolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent companyI. Total operating revenue 977,257,810.34 7,942,430.03 83,097,068.04 7,350,856.95 Including: Sales 977,257,810.34 7,942,430.03 83,097,068.04 7,350,856.95 cost 600,949,594.44 13,366,376.25 82,630,360.50 11,720,743.69 operatingII.TotalIncluding: Cost of sales 266,881,637.62 4,793,314.44 56,831,611.01 3,118,742.91Taxes and associate310,352,802.05 1,103,292.48 7,093,878.83 383,666.00 chargesSelling and distribution2,106,306.08 2,205,666.09expensesAdministrative19,894,087.19 7,551,280.30 15,940,013.09 7,175,602.37 expensesFinancial expenses 1,714,761.50 -81,510.97 559,191.48 1,398,155.07 Asset impairment loss-355,422.66Add: Gain/(loss) from35,100.00 35,100.00 change in fair value (“-”means loss)Gain/(loss) from127,236.78 127,236.78 76,353.59 76,353.59 investment (“-” means loss)Including: income forminvestment on affiliated127,236.78 127,236.78 86,447.23 86,447.23 enterprises and jointly-runenterprisesForeign exchange difference。
高新发展:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-27
成都高新发展股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人平兴、主管会计工作负责人栾汉忠及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)李海明声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元本报告期末上年度期末增减变动(%)总资产(元)2,502,371,458.902,752,143,290.28 -9.08%归属于上市公司股东的所有者权益(元)162,405,584.09168,323,623.42 -3.52%股本(股)219,480,000.00219,480,000.00 0.00%归属于上市公司股东的每股净资产(元/股)0.740.77 -3.90%本报告期上年同期增减变动(%)营业总收入(元)255,094,092.93248,044,945.59 2.84%归属于上市公司股东的净利润(元)-5,918,039.33285,528.25 -2,172.66%经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元)132,688,462.85-25,866,445.23 -612.98%每股经营活动产生的现金流量净额(元/股)0.60-0.12 -6,000.00%基本每股收益(元/股)-0.0270.001 -2,800.00%稀释每股收益(元/股)-0.0270.001 -2,800.00%加权平均净资产收益率(%)-3.58%0.19% -3.77%扣除非经常性损益后的加权平均净资产收益-3.48%-1.66% -1.82%率(%)非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元非经常性损益项目金额附注(如适用)非流动资产处置损益1,965,890.68 主要是处置房屋收益除同公司正常经营业务相关的有效套期保值业务外,持有交易性金20,960.54融资产、交易性金融负债产生的公允价值变动损益,以及处置交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债和可供出售金融资产取得的投资收益除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出-1,666,902.33 主要是计提违约金少数股东权益影响额23,381.85所得税影响额-513,249.07合计-169,918.33 - 2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股报告期末股东总数(户)31,393前十名无限售条件流通股股东持股情况股东名称(全称)期末持有无限售条件流通股的数量种类成都高新投资集团有限公司26,922,300人民币普通股成都普天电缆股份有限公司1,934,400人民币普通股四川省国有资产经营投资管理有限责任公司1,560,000人民币普通股徐红1,238,631人民币普通股张利华1,002,101人民币普通股王兴钢810,000人民币普通股成都市自来水有限责任公司780,000人民币普通股成都城建投资管理集团有限责任公司780,000人民币普通股成都无线电机械高科技应用公司779,900人民币普通股张湘月667,900人民币普通股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用1、交易性金融资产期末数较年初数减少11.23万元,下降34.01%,主要原因是本期出售申购的新股。
科士达:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-28
深圳科士达科技股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人刘程宇、主管会计工作负责人蔡艳红及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)陈锐亭声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况□适用√不适用3.2.4 其他□适用√不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用3.4 对2011年1-6月经营业绩的预计3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用§4 附录4.1 资产负债表编制单位:深圳科士达科技股份有限公司2011年03月31日单位:元4.2 利润表编制单位:深圳科士达科技股份有限公司2011年1-3月单位:元本期发生同一控制下企业合并的,被合并方在合并前实现的净利润为:0.00元。
4.3 现金流量表编制单位:深圳科士达科技股份有限公司2011年1-3月单位:元4.4 审计报告审计意见:未经审计深圳科士达科技股份有限公司法定代表人:刘程宇。
奥 特 迅:2011年第一季度报告全文 2011-04-23
深圳奥特迅电力设备股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告全文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2除下列董事外,其他董事亲自出席了审议本次季报的董事会会议1.3 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.4 公司负责人廖晓霞、主管会计工作负责人王树及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)吴云虹声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况√适用□不适用3.2.4 其他□适用√不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用3.4 对2011年1-6月经营业绩的预计3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用§4 附录4.1 资产负债表编制单位:深圳奥特迅电力设备股份有限公司 2011年03月31日单位:元4.2 利润表编制单位:深圳奥特迅电力设备股份有限公司 2011年1-3月单位:元本期发生同一控制下企业合并的,被合并方在合并前实现的净利润为:0.00元。
4.3 现金流量表编制单位:深圳奥特迅电力设备股份有限公司 2011年1-3月单位:元4.4 审计报告审计意见:未经审计。
诺 普 信:2011年第一季度报告正文 2011-04-12
证券代码:002215 证券简称:诺普信公告编号:2011022 深圳诺普信农化股份有限公司2011年第一季度季度报告正文§1 重要提示1.1 本公司董事会、监事会及董事、监事、高级管理人员保证本报告所载资料不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性负个别及连带责任。
1.2 公司第一季度财务报告未经会计师事务所审计。
1.3 公司负责人卢柏强、主管会计工作负责人陈俊旺及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)何庆敏声明:保证季度报告中财务报告的真实、完整。
§2 公司基本情况2.1 主要会计数据及财务指标单位:元非经常性损益项目√适用□不适用单位:元2.2 报告期末股东总人数及前十名无限售条件股东持股情况表单位:股§3 重要事项3.1 公司主要会计报表项目、财务指标大幅度变动的情况及原因√适用□不适用3.2 重大事项进展情况及其影响和解决方案的分析说明3.2.1 非标意见情况□适用√不适用3.2.2 公司存在向控股股东或其关联方提供资金、违反规定程序对外提供担保的情况□适用√不适用3.2.3 日常经营重大合同的签署和履行情况√适用□不适用3.2.4 其他√适用□不适用3.3 公司、股东及实际控制人承诺事项履行情况上市公司及其董事、监事和高级管理人员、公司持股5%以上股东及其实际控制人等有关方在报告期内或持续到报告期内的以下承诺事项√适用□不适用3.4 对2011年1-6月经营业绩的预计3.5 其他需说明的重大事项3.5.1 证券投资情况□适用√不适用深圳诺普信农化股份有限公司董事长兼总经理:2011年4月11日。
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