



Naglazyme® (galsulfase)(Intravenous)Document Number: MH-0084 Last Review Date: 02/01/2022Date of Origin: 11/28/2011Dates Reviewed: 12/2011, 02/2013, 02/2014, 12/2014, 10/2015, 10/2016, 10/2017, 10/2018, 02/2019,02/2020, 02/2021, 02/2022I.Length of AuthorizationCoverage will be provided for 12 months and may be renewed.II.Dosing LimitsA.Quantity Limit (max daily dose) [NDC Unit]:•Naglazyme 5 mg vial: 23 vials per 7 daysB.Max Units (per dose and over time) [HCPCS Unit]:•115 billable units every 7 daysIII.Initial Approval Criteria 1Coverage is provided in the following conditions:•Patient is at least 5 years of age; AND•Documented baseline 12-minute walk test (12-MWT), 3-minute stair climb test (3-MSCT), and/or pulmonary function tests (e.g., FEV1, etc.); AND•Documented baseline value for urinary glycosaminoglycan (uGAG); ANDMucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI, Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome) † Ф1,4,5•Patient has a definitive diagnosis of MPS VI as confirmed by the following:o Detection of pathogenic mutations in the ARSB gene by molecular genetic testing; ORo Arylsulfatase B (ASB) enzyme activity of <10% of the lower limit of normal in cultured fibroblasts or isolated leukocytes; AND▪Patient has normal enzyme activity of a different sulfatase (excluding patients with Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency [MSD]); AND▪Patient has an elevated urinary glycosaminoglycan (uGAG) level (i.e. dermatan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate) defined as being above the upper limit of normal bythe reference laboratory†FDA-approved indication(s); ‡Compendia recommended indication(s); ФOrphan DrugIV.Renewal Criteria 1,4,5Coverage can be renewed based on the following criteria:•Patient continues to meet indication-specific relevant criteria such as concomitant therapy requirements (not including prerequisite therapy), performance status, etc. identified insection III; AND•Absence of unacceptable toxicity from the drug. Examples of unacceptable toxicity include: anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity reactions, immune-mediated reactions, acute respiratorycomplications associated with administration, acute cardiorespiratory failure, severeinfusion reactions, spinal or cervical cord compression, etc.; AND•Disease response with treatment as defined by improvement or stability from pre-treatment baseline by the following:o Reduction in uGAG levels; AND▪Improvement in or stability of 12-minute walk test compared (12-MWT); OR▪Improvement in or stability of 3-minute stair climb test (3-MSCT); OR▪Improvement in or stability of pulmonary function testing (e.g., FEV1, etc.)V.Dosage/Administration 1Indication DoseMucopolysaccharidosis VI(MPS VI, Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome) 1 mg/kg administered as an intravenous (IV) infusion oncea weekVI.Billing Code/Availability InformationHCPCS Code:•J1458 – Injection, galsulfase, 1 mg; 1 billable unit = 1 mgNDC:•Naglazyme 5 mg per 5 mL solution; single-use vial: 68135-0020-xxVII.References1.Naglazyme [package insert]. Novato, CA; BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.; December 2019.Accessed January 2022.2.Giugliani R, Harmatz P, Wraith JE. Management guidelines for mucopolysaccharidosis VI.Pediatrics. 2007 Aug;120(2):405-18.3.Giugliani R, Federhen A, Rojas MV, et al. Mucopolysaccharidosis I, II, and VI: Brief reviewand guidelines for treatment. Genet Mol Biol. 2010 Oct;33(4):589-604. Epub 2010 Dec 1.4.Vairo F, Federhen A, Baldo G, et al. Diagnostic and treatment strategies inmucopolysaccharidosis VI. Appl Clin Genet. 2015 Oct 30;8:245-55.5.Valaannopoulos V, Nicely H, Harmatz P, et al. Mucopolysaccharidosis VI. Orphanet J RareDis. 2010; 5: 5.6.Harmatz P, Giugliani R, Schwartz I, et al. Enzyme replacement therapy formucopolysaccharidosis VI: a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,multinational study of recombinant human N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfatase(recombinant human arylsulfatase B or rhASB) and follow-on, open-label extension study. JPediatr. 2006 Apr;148(4):533-539.Appendix 1 – Covered Diagnosis CodesICD-10 ICD-10 DescriptionE76.29 Other mucopolysaccharidosesAppendix 2 – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare coverage for outpatient (Part B) drugs is outlined in the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (Pub. 100-2), Chapter 15, §50 Drugs and Biologicals. In addition, National CoverageDetermination (NCD), Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), and Local Coverage Articles (LCAs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. They can be found at: https:///medicare-coverage-database/search.aspx. Additional indications may be covered at the discretion of the health plan.Medicare Part B Covered Diagnosis Codes (applicable to existing NCD/LCD/LCA): N/AMedicare Part B Administrative Contractor (MAC) JurisdictionsJurisdiction Applicable State/US Territory ContractorE (1) CA, HI, NV, AS, GU, CNMI Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLCF (2 & 3) AK, WA, OR, ID, ND, SD, MT, WY, UT, AZ Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC5 KS, NE, IA, MO Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp (WPS)6 MN, WI, IL National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)H (4 & 7) LA, AR, MS, TX, OK, CO, NM Novitas Solutions, Inc.8 MI, IN Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp (WPS) N (9) FL, PR, VI First Coast Service Options, Inc.J (10) TN, GA, AL Palmetto GBA, LLCM (11) NC, SC, WV, VA (excluding below) Palmetto GBA, LLCNovitas Solutions, Inc.L (12) DE, MD, PA, NJ, DC (includes Arlington &Fairfax counties and the city of Alexandria in VA)K (13 & 14) NY, CT, MA, RI, VT, ME, NH National Government Services, Inc. (NGS)15 KY, OH CGS Administrators, LLC。

ACCUSPIN系统-Histopaque 1077产品说明书

ACCUSPIN系统-Histopaque 1077产品说明书

Technical BulletinACCUSPIN™ System – Histopaque ® 1077Catalog Numbers A6929, A7054, and A0561Product DescriptionACCUSPIN System-Histopaque -1077products are intended for use in the isolation of lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells. The separation medium, Histopaque-1077, is a sterile-filtered, endotoxin tested solution of polysucrose and sodium diatrizoate, adjusted to a density of 1.077 g/mL. The ACCUSPIN tube is specially designed with two chambers separated by a porous high density polyethylene barrier (frit).Separation of lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells from whole blood and bone marrow using density gradientseparation media is based on a published method.1 Histopaque-1077 is suitable for human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) typing 2 and as the initial isolation step prior toenumeration of T, B, and ‘null’ lymphocytes.3 It may also be employed in the preparation of pure lymphocyte suspensions for cell culture and cytotoxicity assays.4ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 products consist of radiation sterilized polypropylene tubes fitted with a highdensity polyethylene frit and aseptically filled with Histopaque-1077.Histopaque-1077 is a sterile-filtered solution of polysucrose, 57 g/L, and sodium diatrizoate, 90 g/L.Density: 1.076–1.078 g/mL Endotoxin: 0.3 EU/mL pH: 8.8–9.0ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077Catalog No. A692940 × 3 mLEach tube contains 3 mL ofHistopaque 1077-1 and will separate 3-6 mL of anticoagulated blood Catalog No. A7054 12 × 15 mLCatalog No. A0561100 × 15 mLEach tube contains 15 mL ofHistopaque 1077-1 and will separate 15-30 mL of anticoagulated bloodReagents and Equipment Required but Not ProvidedCentrifuge (swinging bucket rotor)capable of generating 100 to 1,000 g Centrifuge tubes for washing mononuclear cellsIsotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture mediumPrecautions and DisclaimerFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household, or other uses. Please consult the Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards and safe handling practices.Preparation InstructionsSpecimen Collection - Collect blood in preservative-free anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin) or use defibrinated blood. For best results, blood should be processed within 2 hours.On occasion, it may be necessary to dilute the blood sample 3 to 5-fold, depending on absolute cell numbers. A similar volume of prediluted blood may be used or the blood sample may be diluted directly in upper chamber of the ACCUSPIN tube (seeProcedure, step 3). This is appropriate for specimens with hematocrits above normal.Storage/StabilityStore the products at 2–8 C.Histopaque-1077 has an expiration period of 3 years. Reagent label bears expiration date.ProcedureAnticoagulated blood can be added to the top chamber of the tube without risk of mixing with the Histopaque-1077 in the lowerchamber under the frit. On centrifugation the whole blood migrates through the frit to contact with the Histopaque-1077. The elements of greater density displace a volume of Histopaque-1077 above the frit giving a clear separation of the bloodcomponents. The erythrocytes aggregate and the granulocytes become slightly hypertonic, increasing their sedimentation rate, resulting in pelleting at the bottom of the ACCUSPIN Tube. Lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells, e.g., monocytes, remain at the plasma/Histopaque-1077 interface. This dense band of mononuclear cells may be collected by pouring off the contents of the upper chamber or by means of a pipette. Erythrocyte contamination is avoided due to the barrier between the chambers.Most extraneous platelets are removed by low speed centrifugation during the washing steps.1. Bring desired number of tubes to roomtemperature. If Histopaque-1077 isabove the frit prior to use, centrifuge at 1,000 g for 30 seconds at room temperature.Note: Failure to bring ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 to room temperature may cause limited recovery of mononuclear cells. 2. Label tube(s).3. Freely pour the blood sample into theupper chamber of each ACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tube.a. Use 3–6 mL of whole blood withACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tubes, Catalog No. A6929. b. Use 15–30 mL of whole blood withACCUSPIN System-Histopaque-1077 tubes, Catalog Nos. A7054 or A0561. Note: Use of volumes of prediluted or whole blood other than those recommended may result in decreased recovery.4. Centrifuge at 1,000 g for 10 minutes atroom temperature or centrifuge at 800 g for 15 minutes at roomtemperature. Centrifugation at lower temperatures, such as 4 C, may result in cell clumping and poor recovery.Note: If platelet contamination is a concern, add the mononuclear cells to a 4-20% sucrose gradient that has been layered over Histopaque-1077.Centrifuge at 1,000 × g for 10 minutes at room temperature. The platelets will pellet at the bottom, while themononuclear cells will migrate to the Histopaque-1077 layer.5. After centrifugation, carefully aspiratethe plasma layer with a Pasteur pipette to within 0.5 cm of the opaque interface containing mononuclear cells. Properly dispose of the plasma layer.Note: Failure to remove the excesssupernatant may result in contamination of the mononuclear band with plasma proteins.6. Carefully transfer the opaque interfacewith a Pasteur pipette into a clean conical centrifuge tube.Note: Removal of Histopaque-1077 with the mononuclear band increasesgranulocyte contamination from residual granulocytes, which may remain at the mononuclear interface.7. Wash the cells by adding 10 mL ofisotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium and mix by gently drawing in and out of a Pasteur pipette. 8. Centrifuge at 250 g for 10 minutes. 9. Aspirate the supernatant and discard. 10. Resuspend cell pellet with 5 mL ofisotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium and mix by gently drawing in and out of a Pasteur pipette.11. Centrifuge at 250 g for 10 minutes. 12. Repeat steps 9, 10, and 11, discardsupernatant and resuspend cell pellet in 0.5 mL of isotonic phosphate buffered saline solution or appropriate cell culture medium. Erythrocytes and granulocytes should pellet to the bottom of the ACCUSPIN tube. Mononuclear cells should band at the interface between the Histopaque-1077 and the plasma. If observed results vary from expected results, please contact Sigma-Aldrich Technical Service for assistance.References1. Boyum, A., Separation of leukocytesfrom blood and bone marrow. Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest ., 21 (Suppl 97), 77 (1968).2. Amos, D.B., and Pool, P., “HLA typing” inManual of Clinical Immunology, Rose, N.R., and Friedman, H., eds., American Society for Microbiology, (Washington, DC: 1976) pp. 797-804.3. Winchester, R.J., and Ross, G., “Methodsfor enumerating lymphocyte populations” in Manual of Clinical Immunology, Rose, N.R., and Friedman, H. eds., American Society for Microbiology, (Washington, DC: 1976) pp. 64-76.4. Thorsby, E., and Bratlie, A., “A rapidmethod for preparation of pure lymphocyte suspensions.”Histocompatibility Testing, Terasaki, P.I., ed., 665-666 (1970).The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.Merck, Sigma-Aldrich, ACCUSPIN, and Histopaque are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.© 2022 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.NoticeWe provide information and advice to our customers on application technologies and regulatory matters to the best of our knowledge and ability, but without obligation or liability. Existing laws and regulations are to be observed in all cases by our customers. This also applies in respect to any rights of third parties. Our information and advice do not relieve our customers of their own responsibility for checking the suitability of our products for the envisaged purpose.The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by the manufacturing or selling entity, or an affiliate. We assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.Contact InformationFor the location of the office nearest you, go to /offices .Technical ServiceVisit the tech service page on our web site at /techservice .Standard WarrantyThe applicable warranty for the products listed in this publication may be found at /terms .A0561 Technical Bulletin Rev 06/2022。



5th Edition, revised in Dec, 2013(本试剂盒仅供体外研究使用,不用于临床诊断!)去甲肾上腺素(NA/NE)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 使用说明书NA/NE (Noradrenaline/Norepinephrine) ELISA Kit 产品货号:E-EL-0047c使用前请仔细阅读说明书。

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FITC-PEG-NH2FITC-PEG-COOHFITC-PEG-MALFITC-PEG-NHSFITC-PEG-BiotinFITC-Poly-L-lysineFITC-PLLFITC-dextranFITC-CM-dextranRhoB-PEG-NH2RhoB-PEG-COOHRhoB-PEG-MALRhoB-PEG-NHSRhoB-PEG-BiotinRhoB-Hyaluronic acidCY3-PEG-NH2CY3-PEG-COOH CY3-PEG-MAL CY3-PEG-NHS CY3-PEG-Biotin CY5-PEG-NH2CY5-PEG-COOH CY5-PEG-MAL CY5-PEG-NHS CY5-PEG-Biotin DSPE-PEG-CY5DSPE-PEG-CY7 FITC-Hyaluronic acid 5-FAM Alkyne 5-FAM Azide6-Carboxy Fluorescein; 6-FAM5(6)Carboxy fluorescein; 5(6)-FAM5-Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester; 5-FAM, SE5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine; 5-TAMRA5(6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine succinimidyl ester;5(6)-TAMRA, SE5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine; 5-ROX6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine; 6-ROX5(6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine; 5(6)-ROX5(6)-Aminofluorescein5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate5-AminofluoresceinFluorescein isothiocyanate6-Carboxy-X-Rhodamine ,SE (NHS) 6-羧基-X-罗丹明琥珀酰亚胺酯5-TAMRA-Osu 5-羧基四甲基罗丹明琥珀酰亚胺酯体内组织成像近红外荧光染料DIR (荧光载体)体内组织成像近红外荧光染料DIR (荧光载体)纳⽶医学⽹主要从事纳⽶医药相关的技术开发与服务,公司长期专注于⽣物纳⽶原料供应,纳⽶载体系统构建服务(包括各类纳⽶粒、脂质体、胶束等)的全⽅位医学应⽤与技术开发,并已在基因疫苗、蛋⽩药物、常规化药、活体造影剂的纳⽶载体构建及优化⽅⾯积累了⼤量的数据模型与丰富的研究经验。



学报Journal of China Pharmaceutical University2022,53(2):178-184178葎草茎叶石油醚部位化学成分孙彪1,2,敖运林1,2,王德智1,2,王俊雅1,2,叶文才1,2,3,张晓琦1,2,3*(1暨南大学药学院中药及天然药物研究所,广州510632;2暨南大学广东省现代中药工程技术研究中心,广州510632;3国家药品监督管理局中成药质量评价重点实验室,广州510632)摘要研究桑科葎草(Humulus scandens)茎叶石油醚部位化学成分。

采用硅胶、Sephadex LH-20、ODS、制备型高效液相等色谱方法进行分离纯化,从桑科中药葎草(Humulus scandens)茎叶中分离得到15个化合物,应用理化数据和波谱学方法分别鉴定为杨芽黄素(1)、白杨素(2)、5-羟基-3,4',6,7-四甲氧基黄酮(3)、(2S)-5-羟基-7,8-二甲氧基二氢黄酮(4)、欧前胡素(5)、珊瑚菜内酯(6)、4-羟基-3-(3'-甲基-2'-丁烯基)苯甲酸乙酯(7)、对羟基苯丙酸(8)、反式对羟基肉桂酸乙酯(9)、对羟基苯甲醛(10)、anofinic acid(11)、5,6-去氢卡文内酯(12)、大黄素甲醚(13)、齐墩果-12-烯-3,11-二酮(14)、ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one(15),以上化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到。

关键词桑科;葎草;化学成分;黄酮中图分类号R284.1文献标志码A文章编号1000-5048(2022)02-0178-07doi:10.11665/j.issn.1000-5048.20220207引用本文孙彪,敖运林,王德智,等.葎草茎叶石油醚部位化学成分[J].中国药科大学学报,2022,53(2):178–184.Cite this article as:SUN Biao,AO Yunlin,WANG Dezhi,et al.Chemical constituents of petroleum ether extract from the stems and leaves of Humulus scandens[J].J China Pharm Univ,2022,53(2):178–184.Chemical constituents of petroleum ether extract from the stems and leaves of Humulus scandensSUN Biao1,2,AO Yunlin1,2,WANG Dezhi1,2,WANG Junya1,2,YE Wencai1,2,3,ZHANG Xiaoqi1,2,3*1Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine&Natural Products,College of Pharmacy,Ji'nan University,Guangzhou510632; 2Guangdong Engineering Research Center for Modernization of TCM,Ji'nan University,Guangzhou510632;3NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Evaluation of TCM,Guangzhou510632,ChinaAbstract To study the chemical constituents of petroleum ether extract from the stems and leaves of Humulus scandens(family of Moraceae),fifteen compounds were isolated from the stems and leaves of H.scandens by silica gel,Sephadex LH-20,ODS,and preparative HPLC chromatography.The structures were identified by physico‑chemical data and spectroscopic method as tectochrysin(1),chrysin(2),5-hydroxy-3,4',6,7-tetramethoxyfla‑vone(3),(2S)-5-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyflavanone(4),imperatorin(5),phellopterin(6),ethyl4-hydroxy-3-(3'-methyl-2'-butenyl)benzoate(7),p-hydroxy-phenylpropionic acid(8),ethyl p-hydroxycinnamate(9),p-hydroxy‑benzaldehyde(10),anofinic acid(11),5,6-dehydrokavain(12),physcion(13),olean-12-ene-3,11-dione(14)and ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one(15),respectively.All compounds were isolated from this plant for the first time.Key words Moraceae;Humulus scandens;chemical constitutents;flavonesThis study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U1801287,No.82073712),the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province(No.2020B1111110004)and the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangzhou(No.20212210005)收稿日期2021-08-27*通信作者Tel:************E-mail:tzhxq01@基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.U1801287,No.82073712);广东省科技计划资助项目(No.2020B1111110004);广州市科技计划资助项目(No.20212210005)第53卷第2期孙彪,等:葎草茎叶石油醚部位化学成分葎草[Humulus scandens.(Lour.)Merr.]为桑科(Moraceae)葎草属植物,为一年生或多年生草本,广泛分布于我国除青海、新疆以外的大部分地区,另外东北亚、北美洲也有分布[1-2]。

A highly ordered nanostructured carbon–sulphur cathode for lithium–sulphur batteries

A highly ordered nanostructured carbon–sulphur cathode for lithium–sulphur batteries

A highly ordered nanostructured carbon–sulphur cathode for lithium–sulphur batteriesXiulei Ji,Kyu Tae Lee and Linda F.Nazar *The Li–S battery has been under intense scrutiny for over two decades,as it offers the possibility of high gravimetric capacities and theoretical energy densities ranging up to a factor of five beyond conventional Li-ion systems.Herein,we report the feasibility to approach such capacities by creating highly ordered interwoven composites.The conductive mesoporous carbon framework precisely constrains sulphur nanofiller growth within its channels and generates essential electrical contact to the insulating sulphur.The structure provides access to Li +ingress/egress for reactivity with the sulphur,and we speculate that the kinetic inhibition to diffusion within the framework and the sorption properties of the carbon aid in trapping the polysulphides formed during redox.Polymer modification of the carbon surface further provides a chemical gradient that retards diffusion of these large anions out of the electrode,thus facilitating more complete reaction.Reversible capacities up to 1,320mA h g −1are attained.The assembly process is simple and broadly applicable,conceptually providing new opportunities for materials scientists for tailored design that can be extended to many different electrode materials.Safe,low-cost,high-energy-density and long-lasting recharge-able batteries are in high demand to address pressing environmental needs for energy storage systems that can be coupled to renewable sources 1,2.These include wind,wave and solar energy,as well as regenerative braking from vehicular transport.With production of oil predicted to decline,and the number of vehicles and their pollution impact increasing globally,a transformation in transportation economy is inevitable given that we live in a carbon-constrained world.One of the most promising candidates for storage devices is the lithium–sulphur cell.Under intense scrutiny for well over two decades,the cell in its simplest configuration consists of sulphur as the positive electrode and lithium as the negative electrode 3,4.It differs from conventional lithium-ion cells,which operate on the basis of topotactic inter-calation reactions:reversible uptake of Li ions and electrons in a solid with minimal change to the structure.They typically use a lithium transition-metal oxide or phosphate as a positive electrode (cathode)that de/re-intercalates Li +at a high potential with respect to the carbon negative electrode (anode).As the reaction is topotac-tic at both electrodes,the charge storage capability is inherently limited to about 300mA h g −1for any prospective system,and maximum capacities observed so far are 180mA h g −1with high power characteristics having been reported 5.The lithium–sulphur cell operates quite differently.The redox couple,described by the reaction S 8+16Li ↔8Li 2S lies near 2.2V with respect to Li +/Li o ,a potential about 2/3of that exhibited by conventional positive electrodes 6.However,this is offset by the very high theoretical capacity afforded by the non-topotactic ‘assimilation’process,of 1,675mA h g −1.Thus,compared with intercalation batteries,Li–S cells have the opportunity to provide a significantly higher energy density (a product of capacity and voltage).Values can approach 2,500W h kg −1or 2,800W h l −1on a weight or volume basis respec-tively,assuming complete reaction to Li 2S (refs 7,8).Despite its considerable advantages,the Li–S cell is plagued with problems that have hindered its widespread practical realization.These arise from the fact that all components of the cell must be addressed as a whole,including the interfaces betweenUniversity of Waterloo,Department of Chemistry,Waterloo,Ontario N2L 3G1,Canada.* or sulphur-containing organic compounds are highly electrically and ionically insulating 9.To enable a reversible electrochemical reaction at high current rates,the sulphur must maintain intimate contact with an electrically conductive additive.Various carbon–sulphur composites have been used for this purpose,but they have limitations owing to the scale of the contact area.Typical reported capacities are between 300and 550mA h g −1at moderate rates 10.To make a sulphur-containing cathode ionically conductive,liquid electrolytes are used that act not only as a charge transport medium but also as ionic conductors within the sulphur-containing cathode 11.This presents difficulties of electrolyte access.Another major hurdle is capacity degradation on repeated discharge–charge of the cell.This is mainly due to the high solubility of the polysulphide anions formed as reaction intermediates in both discharge and charge processes in the polar organic solvents used in electrolytes 12.During cycling,the polysulphide anions can migrate through the separator to the Li negative electrode whereupon they are reduced to solid precipitates (Li 2S 2and/or Li 2S),causing active mass loss.In addition,the solid product that extensively precipitates on the surface of the positive electrode during discharge becomes electrochemically irreversible,which also contributes to active mass loss 13.In response to these considerable challenges,novel advances in materials design such as new electrolytes 14–17and protective films for the lithium anode have been developed 18–binations of electrolyte modification,additives and anode protection have resulted in some promising results,although rates are not given 21.Much of the difficulty still remains at the cathode,where the lack of breakthroughs has led to some cell configurations in which all of the sulphides are solubilized (so-called ‘catholyte’cells)22.In the opposite approach,that is,to contain the sulphides,some interesting cathode developments have been reported recently 23–26.However,they still fall short of the mark for practical electrochemical performance.They include,for example,the fabrication of disordered mesoporous carbon/sulphur 50:50composites in conjunction with ionic liquid electrolytes;systems that achieve high initial capacity,but suffer extensive capacity0. in Li x S CMK¬3+S mixtureCMK¬3/S 155 °CV o l t a g e (V ) v e r s u s L i /L i +V o l t a g e (V ) v e r s u s L i /L i +Specific capacity (mA h g ¬1)2004006008001,0001,200Specific capacity (mA h g ¬1)02004006008001,0001,2001. cd2 µm2 µmFigure 1|SEM images of CMK-3/sulphur,and its electrochemical characterization.a ,Mixture of CMK-3and elemental sulphur before heating.b ,CMK-3/S heated at 155◦C,showing the disappearance of the sulphur mass indicated by the red rectangle in a .c ,d ,Comparison of the galvanostatic discharge–charge profiles of the first cycles of the carbon–sulphur composites shown in a ,b ,at a current rate of 168mAg −1.The marked increase in capacity in d is due to the encapsulation effect.fading posites with sulphur embedded in conducting polymers have shown some promising results 27.However,a large polarization was observed,resulting in a very low operating voltage that reduces the energy density of cells.The loading of active mass in the S-polymer composite is also limited (less than 55wt%)owing to the low surface area of the conducting polymer.Here,we demonstrate that cathodes based on nanostructured sulphur/mesoporous carbon materials can overcome these challenges to a large degree,and exhibit stable,high,reversible capacities (up to 1,320mA h g −1)with good rate properties and cycling efficiency.Our proof-of-concept studies are based on CMK-3,the most well-known member of the mesoporous carbon family,although they are not limited to this material.Highly ordered mesoporous carbons exhibit a uniform pore diameter,very high pore volume,interconnected porous structure and can exhibit high conductivity 28,29.They,and their oxide analogues 30,31,have attracted much attention recently as nanoscale electrode materials in Li batteries 32,33,as supercapacitors and as supports for proton-exchange-membrane fuel-cell catalysts 34.CMK-3was synthesized by a nanocasting method that uses silaceous SBA-15as a hard template.The resulting replica comprises an assembly of hollow 6.5-nm-thick carbon rods separated by empty 3–4-nm-wide channel voids 35.The channel space is spanned by carbon microfibres that prevent the collapse of the nano-architecture of the two-dimensional hexagonally ordered carbon rods.We tuned the synthesis of the CMK-3to produce a short rod-like morphology,to optimize access to the mesoporous channels 36.The CMK-3/sulphur composite was prepared following a simple melt-diffusion strategy.A 3:7weight ratio mixture of CMK-3and sulphur was heated just above the melting point of sulphur,where the viscosity is lowest 37.The melt is imbibed into the channels by capillary forces,whereupon it solidifies and shrinks to form sulphur nanofibres that are in intimate contact with the conductive carbon walls.The scanning electron microscopy (SEM)images in Fig.1reveal the changes in the mixture of CMK-3and sulphur before and after heating.The bulk sulphur evident in the SEM image of the composite on initial mixing (Fig.1a)largely disappears at 145◦C (see Supplementary Fig.S1),and completely disappears after heat treatment at 155◦C (Fig.1b).Full incorporation of sulphur into the channels of CMK-3occurs at this latter temperature.CMK-3and sulphur are both hydrophobic materials,which accounts for the ready absorption of sulphur into the channel structure.The filling of the carbon channels with sulphur is corroborated by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM)image shown in Fig.2a,along with the magnified image shown in Fig.2b.The fibres have a similar diameter to that of the channels of the mesoporous carbon (3.3nm),and a comparable diameter to the carbon nanorods that enclose them (6–7nm).The filling of the pores with sulphur,of similar density to carbon,is also evident from the decrease in contrast in relation to CMK-3itself (shown in the inset in Fig.2b).The sulphur and carbon elemental maps (Fig.2c,d)clearly demonstrate that sulphur is homogeneously distributed in the framework of the mesoporous carbon,with no significant fraction on the external surface.The marked diminution3 nm6.5 nmC Ka1_2S Ka1S meltS xtalx abc def30 nmFigure 2|TEM image and elemental maps of a CMK-3/S-155composite particle and schematic diagrams of the structure and redox processes.a ,CMK-3/S-155composite particle.b ,Image expansion corresponding to the area outlined by the red square in a ,where the inset shows the TEM image for pristine CMK-3at the same magnification.c ,d ,Corresponding carbon and sulphur elemental maps showing the homogeneous distribution of sulphur.e ,A schematic diagram of the sulphur (yellow)confined in the interconnected pore structure of mesoporous carbon,CMK-3,formed from carbon tubes that are propped apart by carbon nanofibres.f ,Schematic diagram of composite synthesis by impregnation of molten sulphur,followed by its densification on crystallization.The lower diagram represents subsequent discharging–charging with Li,illustrating the strategy of pore-filling to tune for volume expansion/contraction.of the X-ray diffraction (XRD)peak (low-angle diffraction pattern,Fig.3a)due to long-range order in CMK-3is further proof of pore-filling,which is the result of the decrease in the scattering contrast (Fig.3a)paring the wide-angle XRD patterns in Fig.3b,the well-resolved peaks corresponding to bulk crystalline sulphur completely disappear after sulphur impregnation,and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA;Supplementary Fig.S2)shows the composites range up to 70wt%sulphur.A schematic diagram illustrating the impregnation of the CMK-3with sulphur is shown in Fig.2e,showing the alignment of the channels in comparison with the inset of Fig.2b.Note that most of the sulphur is contained within the interior of the pore structure,as the particles span hundreds of carbon channels in width.The average CMK-3particle size is of the order of 1µm (Fig.1b).Table 1summarizes the physical characteristics of the CMK-3and the CMK-3/S composite derived from Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET)and conductivity measurements.After imbibition of the sulphur in the channels,the pore size of the CMK-3/S composite decreases markedly,indicating that the channels of CMK-3are partially filled.Along with the presence of residual micropores in the carbon wall structure 39,this allows ingress of electrolyte within the structure.Empty volume within the pores is also necessary to accommodate the uptake of Liions,I n t e n s i t y2 (°)I n t e n s i t yi abθ2 (°)θFigure 3|XRD patterns of CMK-3/S before and after heating.a ,Low-angle XRD patterns of a mixture of CMK-3and sulphur before heating (i)and after heating at 155◦C (ii).The disappearance of the first peak is due to the loss of contrast on sulphur imbibition.b ,Wide-angle XRD patterns of a mixture of CMK-3and sulphur before heating (i)and after heating at 155◦C (ii),showing the complete incorporation of crystalline sulphur within the framework.given by the reaction S +2Li →Li 2S,because of the lower density of Li 2S (1.66g cm −3)compared with sulphur.Note that the 70wt%sulphur/composite ratio is less than the theoretical limit of 79wt%sulphur/composite based on the pore volume of CMK-3(2.1cm 3g −1)and the density of liquidized sulphur (1.82g cm −3),and is precisely tuned for the volume expansion (see the Methods section).Using even lower S/carbon ratios provides less ‘stuffed’structures and extra porosity,but at the expense of reduced active mass.Most importantly,the electrical conductivity of the composites (∼0.2S cm −1for 70wt%sulphur/composite)is the same as its mesoporous carbon counterpart.The insulating sulphur merely occupies the empty channels in the mesoporous carbon and does not block the electrical current transporting paths.Three-dimensional,multiple electronic contacts are provided by the numerous carbon interconnects that span the channels,as illustrated schematically in Fig.2e,f (ref.35).Coin cells using a metallic Li anode were assembled to evaluate the materials.All of the capacity values in this article are calculated on the basis of sulphur mass.The first discharge–charge curve for a typical nanostructured CMK-3/S cathode is shown in Fig.1d alongside its SEM image,and is compared with a simple physical (unheated)mixture of 7:3weight ratio of sulphur and CMK-3in Fig.1c.The nanostructured composite exhibits an impressive capacity of 1,005mA h g −1.In contrast,the ‘macro-mixture’exhibited a reversible capacity of 390mA h g −1(on average between 300and 420mA h g −1),similar to that reported in the literature for C–S composites 10.The capacity of CMK-3/S was3. o l t a g e (V ) v e r s u s L i +/L i3. o l t a g e (V ) v e r s u s L i +/L i3006009001,2001,500Specific capacity (mA h g ¬1)S p e c i f i c c a p a c i t y (m A h g ¬1)CMK¬3/S at 55 °C with C/10 + C/10000. in Li x S Cycle numberCycle number200406080100S u l p h u r i n e l e c t r o l y t e /t o t a l s u l p h u r (%)1,0001,400abcFigure 4|Electrochemical characterization of PEG-coated CMK-3/S and comparison to reference materials.a ,Lower panel:galvanostaticdischarge–charge profile of PEG-modified CMK-3/S-155recorded at room temperature at 168mA g −1.The reversible capacity of 1,320mA h g −1at room temperature is very close to that obtained for unmodified CMK-3/S obtained at elevated temperature under ‘quasi-equilibrium’conditions shown in the upper panel (CMK-3/S-155recorded at 55◦C at 168mA g −1on discharge to 1.0V followed by quasi-equilibrium discharge at 16.8mA g −1).The slight overcharge in the latter case is due to dissolution of some polysulphide,which is minor even at these conditions.This also indicates that storage of the cell at partial or full discharge does not lead to significant capacity loss.b ,Cycling stability comparison of CMK-3/S-PEG (upper points,in black)versus CMK-3/S (lower points,in red)at 168mA g −1at room temperature.c ,Percentage of sulphur dissolution into the electrolyte from:the CMK-3/S-PEGcomposite cathode (black curve);from the CMK-3/S composite cathode (blue curve);a cathode made of a mixture of acetylene black carbon and sulphur with the exact same C /S ratio (red curve).highly reproducible over many cells.The coulombic efficiency for CMK-3/S in the first discharge–charge cycle is 99.94%without any overcharge,with virtually no irreversibility.This indicates that a very low fraction of polysulphide anions diffuse into the electrolyte.The polarization was decreased by more than a factor of three,owing to the greatly enhanced electrical contact achieved in the nanostructure.Further unequivocal proof of the effectiveness of the contact arises from experiments in which the degree of S incorporation was varied.Nanostructured composites (CMK-3/S-145)with the same S/C ratio,but heated at 145◦C instead of 155◦C result in less complete diffusion of sulphur into the channels because of the higher viscosity at the lower temperature.These composites showed less utilization of sulphur (capacity of 780mA h g −1)in the first discharge sweep (see Supplementary Fig.S3),and an irreversible capacity of 50mA h g −1on plete imbibition prevents sulphur agglomerates on the externalsurface of the mesoporous framework that would have poorer electrical wiring of the conductive carbon phase.These results are superior to those reported for sulphur in contact with multi-walled carbon nanotubes.Such composites exhibit lower capacities and a large electrochemical hysteresis 23.Although the sulphur is apparently confined in the carbon,the contact is limited owing to the relatively large diameter (∼50nm)of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes,and hence of the sulphur fibres within them.Thus,the efficiency of electron transfer to the sulphur mass and accessibility to the Li +electrolyte has a vitally important role in determining the electrochemical behaviour.As seen in Fig.1d,there are two plateaux in the discharge process.The first,which contributes a minor part to the overall capacity from 2.4to 2.0V,corresponds to the conversion from elemental sulphur (S 8)to Li polysulphide anions (Li 2S x ;where x is typically 4–5).The kinetics of this reaction is fast 40.The second plateau atHeat flow (W g ¬1)W e i g h t (%)Temperature (°C)Figure 5|TGA of PEG-modified CMK-3.TGA and differential scanning calorimetry curves recorded in air with a heating rate of 20◦C min −1,for PEG-CMK-3(solid lines),compared with PEG itself (dashed lines),showing the shift to higher temperature of the PEG release on bonding to the CMK-3framework.around 2.0V is due to the conversion of polysulphides to Li 2S 2and then to Li 2S,which occurs at a much slower rate.As we achieve a nominal reversible capacity of Li 1.2S in the nanostructured composite,we wanted to explore the limitations to full conversion.To gain a measure of the reversible capacity under conditions where the kinetics should be a minimal concern,we carried out discharge of the CMK-3/S cathode at 55◦C at 168mA g −1to a cutoff of 1.0V,and allowed the voltage to relax to equilibrium.We then switched the discharge current to a rate of 16.8mA g −1to the end of discharge,and completed charge at 168mA g −1.The electrochemical profile is presented in Fig.4a (upper panel).Under these close-to-equilibrium conditions of full discharge,we achieve a reversible capacity of 1,400mA h g −1—84%of the theoretical capacity (1,675mA h g −1)—indicating that indeed,the kinetics of the last reaction step has a role in capacity limitation.The other factor could be a transport problem.There is progressively more limited accessibility of Li +ions and electrolyte to the sulphur mass towards the end of discharge because the pores become filled with insoluble Li x S (x =1–2)—even though at 70wt%sulphur loading,there is sufficient space for the volume expansion based on the conversion of S to Li 2S.However,we observed that in doubling the rate from 168to 336mA g −1(equivalent to C/5rate),the capacity is reduced by only a small amount to 930mA h g −1(see Supplementary Fig.S4).The mesoporous carbon clearly performs very well as a sulphur container.This is apparent from the small degree of overcharge even under rigorous (55◦C;C/100discharge)conditions as shown in Fig.4a.The complete lack of a sharp minimum in the discharge curve between the two plateaux,as observed by others and ascribed to supersaturation of the electrolyte with S 2−(refs 21,41),is also indicative of the strong extent of sulphide containment in our case.Experiments were carried out to evaluate the degree of self-discharge,by taking the cell to a voltage of 2.1V,holding it at the open-circuit voltage for 24h and then completing discharge.The discharge capacity after relaxation was 5%less than the cell taken to full discharge without the open-circuit voltage step.However,this suggests that the framework still allows for some egress of dissolved sulphur species.We propose that the complex inner pathway and porous,absorptive carbon greatly retard the diffusion of the bulky polysulphide anions out from the channels into the electrolyte,butcannot entirelyprevent it.This is evident by the very slow capacity fading shown in Fig.4b(upperred points).To further trapthe highly polar polysulphide species,we adjusted the hydrophilicity of the carbon external surface afterabcd300 nmFigure 6|Changes in surface morphology of CMK-3/S-155versusPEG-modified CMK-3/S-155on cycling.a ,b ,SEM images of CMK-3/S-155before (a )and after (b )the 15th charge.c ,d ,SEM images of PEG-modified CMK-3/S before (c )and after (d )the 15th charge.Images show the effects of ‘polymer protection’in inhibiting surface deposition.sulphur imbibition by functionalizing the surface with polyethylene glycol (PEG)chains of varying molecular weight.The attachment of the PEG to CMK-3is evident by TGA (Fig.5).The release of the PEG tethered to the CMK-3occurs at 50◦C higher than in PEG itself owing to the ester bonds.The discharge–charge profile of CMK-3/S-PEG is shown in Fig.4a (lower panel).Not only is the initial discharge capacity increased to 1,320mA h g −1(approaching the ‘equilibrium’limit for CMK-3/S of 1,400mA h g −1),and the polarization decreased to low values,but no fading is observed in the second 10cycles and the capacity is stabilized at 1,100mA h g −1on cycling (Fig.4b,upper black points).The entrapment of sulphur active mass on cycling in the polymer-modified CMK-3/S composite is demonstrated in Fig.4c.To measure the degree of sulphur retention in the cathode,a 1.0M LiPF 6solution in a sulphur-free solvent,tetra(ethylene glycol)dimethyl ether (TEGDME),was used as the electrolyte.Glyme solvents are known for their excellent ability to dissolve polysulphides,and hence represent an ‘aggressive’pared with the cathode made of a mixture of sulphur and acetylene black that loses 96%of the total active mass into the electrolyte after 30cycles,the polymer-modified composite shows significant retention of sulphur.Only 25%of the total active mass is solubilized in the electrolyte after 30cycles.The polysulphide retention is also improved in relation to CMK-3/S.We believe that the effect of the PEG-functionalized surface is twofold.First,it serves to trap the polysulphide species by providing a highly hydrophilic surface chemical gradient that preferentially solubilizes them in relation to the electrolyte.Second,by limiting the concentration of the polysulphide anions in the electrolyte,the redox shuttle mechanism is curtailed to a large degree.Deposition of insoluble sulphur species on the surface of the Li electrode and formation of irreversible Li 2S on the cathode surface are strongly inhibited.The last point is clearly demonstrated in SEM images of the PEG-functionalized CMK-3/S cathode before and after cycling,which exhibit very little change in surface morphology (Fig.6),compared with CMK-3/S,which clearly shows precipitation of insoluble products on the surface of the mesoporous carbon particles.In summary,we demonstrate that the strategy illustrated here provides a versatile route to nanostructured polymer-modified mesoporous carbon–sulphur composites that display all of the benefits of confinement effects at a small length scale.Intimate contact of the insulating sulphur and discharge-product sulphides with the retaining conductive carbon framework at nanoscaledimensions affords excellent accessibility of the active material. The carbon framework not only acts as an electronic conduit to the active mass encapsulated within,but also serves as a mini-electrochemical reaction chamber.The entrapment ensures that a more complete redox process takes place,and results in enhanced utilization of the active sulphur material.This is vital to the success of all conversion reactions to ensure full reversibility of the back-reaction.The polymer coating on the external surface of the composite further helps retard diffusion of polysulphide out of the cathode structure,minimize the loss of the active mass in the cathode and improve the cycling stability.The composite materials reported here can supply up to nearly80%of the theoretical capacity of sulphur(1,320mA h g−1),representing more than three times the energy density of lithium transition-metal oxide cathodes,at reasonable rates with good cycling stability.In our laboratory,mesoporous carbon frameworks with various wall thicknesses,conductivities and connectivities have recently been prepared to take advantage of structural and electronic variation of the constraining support.The three-dimensional variants such as CMK-1and CMK-8are particularly promising in this respect42. We will report those results in a forthcoming paper.Owing to the flexibility of the method,the high capacity of the carbon for active material incorporation and facile functionalization of the surface,we believe that a wide variety of nanostructured‘imbibed’composites could find broad application in many areas of materials science,not only as advanced electrode materials that rely on assimilation and conversion reactions.MethodsSynthesis.For the synthesis of SBA-15with controlled morphology43,2g of Pluronic P123(EO20PPO70EO20)was dissolved in60ml of2M HCl at38◦C. Tetraethylorthosilicate(4.2g)was added to the above solution with vigorous stirring.The mixture was stirred for only6min and remained quiescent for24h at38◦C.The mixture was subsequently heated at100◦C for another24h in an autoclave.The as-synthesized SBA-15with short-rod morphology was collected by filtration,dried and calcined at550◦C in air.A nanocasting method was used to fabricate CMK-3from SBA-15as a hard template44.Sucrose(1.25g)was dissolved in5.0ml of water containing0.14g H2SO4.Surfactant-free SBA-15(1.0g)was then dispersed in the above solution and the mixture was sonicated for1h;heated at100◦C for12h and at160◦C for another12h.The impregnation process was repeated once with another5.0ml aqueous solution containing0.8g sucrose and 0.09g H2SO4.The composite was completely carbonized at900◦C for5h in an argon atmosphere.To remove the SBA-15silica template,the composite was stirred in a5%HF solution at room temperature for4h,although NaOH can also be used to dissolve the silica.The CMK-3/S nanocomposite was prepared following a melt-diffusion strategy.CMK-3(1.0g)and sulphur(2.33g)were ground together,and heatedto155◦C.The weight ratio of sulphur/carbon was adjusted to be equal to or less than7:3,to allow for expansion of the pore content on full lithiation to Li2S.For example,1.0g of CMK-3can accommodate3.486g of Li2S(1.66g cm−3(density of Li2S)×2.1cm3g−1,the pore volume of the CMK-3),which corresponds to a maximum of2.425g of sulphur.To prepare the CMK-3/S-PEG composite,CMK-3was first functionalized with carboxylic groups by oxidization treatment in concentrated HNO3solution for half an hour at80◦C,before incorporation of the sulphur.To tether the PEG chains to the surface of the CMK-3/S composite,the composite was dispersedin a PEG aqueous solution and the solution was heated at58◦C and stirred continuously overnight to ensure complete reaction of the carboxylic groups on the carbon particles with the hydroxyl groups on the PEG.The mixture was sonicated for20min to completely remove physically absorbed PEG on the composite,and the CMK-3/S-PEG composite was collected by filtration and dried. Characterization.X-ray diffraction patterns at low-angle(0.75◦to4◦2θ)and wide-angle(from10◦to80◦2θ)were collected on a D8-ADVANCE powderX-ray diffractometer operating at40kV and30mA and using Cu-Kαradiation (λ=0.15406nm).Nitrogen adsorption and desorption isotherms were obtained using a Micromeritics Gemini2735system at−196◦C.Before measurement of CMK-3,the sample was degassed at150◦C on a vacuum line following a standard protocol.It was not possible to carry this out for CMK-3/S owing to the volatility of the sulphur,and so no pretreatment was used.The BET method was usedto calculate the surface area45.The total pore volumes were calculated fromthe amount adsorbed at a relative pressure of0.99.The pore size distributions were calculated by means of the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda method applied to the desorption branch46.As the mesopores of CMK-3/S are decreased to micropores on(partial)filling with sulphur,the possibility of water entrapment,and/or pore blockage means that the values represent lower estimates.The morphology of the sulphur/CMK-3composites were examined by SEM using a LEO1530field-emission SEM instrument or a Hitachi S-5200 instrument.TEM was carried out on a Hitachi HD-2000STEM.Conductivity measurements were carried out at room temperature using the four-point method.Sample bars for the measurement were cut from the pellets and then cold pressed using a force of45kN.Elemental analyses were carried out at M-H-W Laboratories,Phoenix,USA.Electrochemistry.Positive electrodes were comprised84wt%CMK-3/S composite,8wt%Super-S carbon and8wt%poly(vinylidene fluoride)binder. The cathode materials were slurry-cast from cyclopentanone onto a carbon-coated aluminium current collector(Intelicoat).The electrolyte is composed of a1.2M LiPF6solution in ethyl methyl sulphone47.Lithium metal foil was used as the counter electrode.The equivalent current density for the168mA g−1rate is0.19 and0.37mA cm−2for the336mA g−1rate.To measure the degree of sulphur retention in the cathode,a1.0M LiPF6solution in TEGDME was used as the electrolyte.Cathodes comprising CMK-3/S-PEG were compared with simple mixtures of sulphur and acetylene black at the exact same S/C ratio.We used large Swagelok-type cells that accommodate a sufficient excess of the electrolyte to dissolve sulphur species.Swagelok cells were disassembled and immersed into TEGDME to completely extract sulphur species from the electrolyte.Sulphur analysis was carried out by Galbraith Laboratories(Tennessee,USA).Received10September2008;accepted17April2009; published online17May2009References1.Winter,M.&Brodd,R.Batteries,fuel cells and supercapacitors.Chem.Rev.104,4245–4269(2004).2.Bruce,P.G.Energy storage beyond the horizon:Rechargeable lithium batteries.Solid State Ion.179,752–760(2008).3.Rauh,R.D.,Abraham,K.M.,Pearson,G.F.,Surprenant,J.K.&Brummer,S.B.A lithium/dissolved sulfur battery with an organic electrolyte.J.Electrochem.Soc.126,523–527(1979).4.Shim,J.,Striebel,K.A.&Cairns,E.J.The lithium/sulfur rechargeable cell.J.Electrochem.Soc.149,A1321–A1325(2002).5.Kang,K.,Meng,Y.S.,Bréger,J.,Grey,C.P.&Ceder,G.Electrodes withhigh power and high capacity for rechargeable lithium batteries.Science311, 977–980(2006).6.Peled,E.&Yamin,H.Lithium/sulfur organic battery.Prog.Batteries Sol.Cells5,56–58(1984).7.Chu,M.-Y.Rechargeable positive Patent US5686201(1997).8.Peramunage,D.&Licht,S.A solid sulfur cathode for aqueous batteries.Science261,1029–1032(1993).9.Dean,J.A.(ed.)Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry3rd edn,3–5(McGraw-Hill,1985).10.Cunningham,P.T.,Johnson,S.A.&Cairns,E.J.Phase equilibria inlithium–chalcogen systems:Lithium–sulfur.J.Electrochem.Soc.119,1448–1450(1972).11.Choi, al.Rechargeable lithium/sulfur battery with suitable mixedliquid electrolytes.Electrochim.Acta52,2075–2082(2007).12.Rauh,R.D.,Shuker,F.S.,Marston,J.M.&Brummer,S.B.Formationof lithium polysulfides in aprotic media.J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.39,1761–1766(1977).13.Cheon, al.Rechargeable lithium sulfur battery II.Rate capability andcycle characteristics.J.Electrochem.Soc.150,A800–A805(2003).14.Shin,J.H.&Cairns,E.J.Characterization of N-methyl-N-butylpyrrolidiniumbis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide-LiTFSI-tetra(ethylene glycol)dimethyl ether mixtures as a Li metal cell electrolyte.J.Electrochem.Soc.155,A368–A373(2008).15.Yuan, al.Improved dischargeability and reversibility of sulfur cathodein a novel ionic liquid mun.8,610–614(2006).16.Ryu, al.Discharge behavior of lithium/sulfur cell with TEGDME basedelectrolyte at low temperature.J.Power Sources163,201–206(2006).17.Wang, al.Sulfur-mesoporous carbon composites in conjunction with anovel ionic liquid electrolyte for lithium rechargeable batteries.Carbon46, 229–235(2008).18.Chung,K.-I.,Kim,W.-S.&Choi,Y.-K.Lithium phosphorous oxynitride as apassive layer for anodes in lithium secondary batteries.J.Electroanal.Chem.566,263–267(2004).19.Visco,S.J.,Nimon,Y.S.&Katz,B.D.Ionically conductive composites forprotection of active metal Patent7,282,296,October16(2007). 20.Skotheim,T.A.,Sheehan,C.J.,Mikhaylik,Y.V.&Affinito,J.Lithium anodesfor electrochemical patent7247,408,July24(2007).21.Akridge,J.R.,Mikhaylik,Y.V.&White,N.Li/S fundamental chemistry andapplication to high-performance rechargeable batteries.Solid State Ion.175, 243–245(2004).。



硫化氢(hydrogen sulfide;H2S)是一种自然发生的,具有腐蚀性和可燃性,不稳定的易被氧化的无色气体, 为半胱氨酸脱硫(desulfuration)代谢产物,是第三个生理性气体信使分子(messenger molecule)或气体传 导分子(gasotransmitter),存在于脑、心脏、肺、肝、小肠、胰腺以及海绵体(cavernosum)组织等,其中 脑组织含量较低,肾组织含量较高。神经系统的胱硫醚-β-合成酶(Cystathionine-β-synthase;CBS)和心血 管系统的胱硫醚-γ-裂解酶(cystathionine γ-lyase;CGL)是参与内源性硫化氢生成的主要成员。一旦机体缺 氧,硫化氢含量即增高。硫化氢旨在调节组织内含硫氨基酸的水平,具有心血管系统的生理功能和病理生 理调节作用,例如诱导血管平滑肌松弛,血管扩张(vasodilation),致血压下降,以及促炎性作用。同时硫 化氢具有毒性作用,会造成嗅觉神经迅速瘫痪,抑制细胞色素C氧化酶,增加线粒体膜通道孔开放,引起 心脏、小肠、生殖系统、泌尿系统和呼吸系统平滑肌过度松弛,而产生器官损伤、低血压、心动过缓 (bradycardia)等症状。在自然环境中,硫化氢是硫循环(sulfur cycle)的主要中间产物,包括有机硫化物 的矿物化或分解、微生物的同化作用,以及氧化还原。作为化学窒息性(asphyxiant)气体,硫化氢对于鱼 类和其它水生动物具有毒性作用,同时也是细菌污染的标志。使用醋酸锌(zinc acetate)在碱性条件下, 捕获硫化氢,形成稳定的硫化锌沉淀;在酸性条件下,溶解的硫化锌与催化剂对氨基二甲基苯胺 (N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine)和氯化铁(ferric chloride)反应,产生蓝色的亚甲基蓝(methylene blue), 通过其终点吸收峰值的变化(670nm波长),来定量分析硫化氢的含量。



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生物技术进展 2023 年 第 13 卷 第 4 期 596 ~ 603Current Biotechnology ISSN 2095‑2341研究论文Articles重组贻贝粘蛋白的表征及功效评价李敏 , 魏文培 , 乔莎 , 郝东 , 周浩 , 赵硕文 , 张立峰 , 侯增淼 *西安德诺海思医疗科技有限公司,西安 710000摘要:为了推进重组贻贝粘蛋白在医疗、化妆品领域的应用,对大肠杆菌规模化发酵及纯化生产获得的重组贻贝粘蛋白进行了表征及功效评价。

经Edman 降解法、基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱、PITC 法、非还原型SDS -聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法、凝胶法、改良的Arnow 法对重组贻贝粘蛋白进行氨基酸N 端测序、相对分子量分析、氨基酸组成分析、蛋白纯度分析、内毒素含量测定、多巴含量测定;通过细胞迁移、斑马鱼尾鳍修复效果对重组贻贝粘蛋白进行功效评价。

结果显示,获得的重组贻贝粘蛋白与理论的一级结构一致,蛋白纯度达95%以上,内毒素<10 EU ·mg -1,多巴含量大于5%;重组贻贝粘蛋白浓度为60 μg ·mL -1时能够显著促进细胞增殖的活性(P <0.01);斑马鱼尾鳍面积样品组与模型对照组相比极显著增加(P <0.001)。


关键词:贻贝粘蛋白;基因重组;生物材料;表征;功效评价DOI :10.19586/j.2095­2341.2023.0021 中图分类号:S985.3+1 文献标志码:ACharacterization and Efficacy Evaluation of Recombinant Mussel Adhesive ProteinLI Min , WEI Wenpei , QIAO Sha , HAO Dong , ZHOU Hao , ZHAO Shuowen , ZHANG Lifeng ,HOU Zengmiao *Xi'an DeNovo Hith Medical Technology Co., Ltd , Xi'an 710000, ChinaAbstract :In order to promote the application of recombinant mussel adhesive protein in the medical and cosmetics field , the recombi⁃nant mussel adhesive protein obtained from scale fermentation and purification of Escherichia coli was characterized and its efficacy was evaluated. Amino acid N -terminal sequencing , relative molecular weight analysis , amino acid composition analysis , protein purityanalysis , endotoxin content , dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA ) content of recombinant mussel adhesive protein were determined by the following methods : Edman degradation , matrix -assisted laser desorption ionization time -of -flight mass spectrometry (MALDI -TOF -MS ), phenyl -isothiocyanate (PITC ), nonreductive SDS -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS -PAGE ), gel method , modified Ar⁃now. The efficacy of recombinant mussel adhesive protein was evaluated by cell migration and repairing effect of zebrafish tail fin. Re⁃sults showed that the obtained recombinant mussel adhesive protein was confirmed to be consistent with the theoretical primary structure , protein purity of more than 95%, endotoxin <10 EU ·mg -1, DOPA content above 5%. When the recombinant mussel adhesive protein concentration was 60 μg ·mL -1, the effect of promoting cell proliferation was the most obvious , and it had very significant activity (P <0.01). The caudal fin area of zebrafish in sample group was significantly increased compared with model control group (P <0.001). The results indicated that recombinant mussel adhesive protein can promote cell migration and repair healing and has the potential to be used as biomedical materials.Key words :mussel adhesive protein ; gene recombination ; biological materials ; representation ; efficacy evaluation贻贝粘蛋白(mussel adhesive protein , MAP )也称作贻贝足丝蛋白(mussel foot protein ,Mfps ),收稿日期:2023⁃02⁃24; 接受日期:2023⁃03⁃31联系方式:李敏 E -mail:*******************;*通信作者 侯增淼 E -mail:***********************.cn李敏,等:重组贻贝粘蛋白的表征及功效评价是海洋贝类——紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincalis)、厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viri⁃dis)等分泌的一种特殊的蛋白质,贻贝中含有多种贻贝粘蛋白,包括贻贝粘蛋白(Mfp 1~6)、前胶原蛋白(precollagens)和基质蛋白(matrix proteins)等[1]。



第42 卷第 11 期2023 年11 月Vol.42 No.111469~1478分析测试学报FENXI CESHI XUEBAO(Journal of Instrumental Analysis)超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定化妆品中15种N-亚硝胺化合物汪毅1,梁文耀1,何国山1,陈张好2,周智明2,吴谦1,席绍峰1,谭建华1*(1.广州质量监督检测研究院,国家化妆品质量检验检测中心(广州),广东广州511447;2.广东省药品检验所,广东广州510663)摘要:采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)建立了化妆品中15种痕量N-亚硝胺化合物的分析方法。

水剂样品以水或乙腈分组超声提取,膏霜乳液样品采用亚铁氰化钾-乙酸锌溶液沉淀大分子或者饱和氯化钠-乙腈盐析分组处理后,以Agilent Poroshell 120 SB-Aq(100 mm×3.0 mm,2.7 μm)色谱柱分离,经大气压化学电离源(APCI)电离,多反应监测模式检测,以同位素内标法定量。

结果表明,15种N-亚硝胺化合物在相应质量浓度范围内线性关系良好(r2>0.995),检出限和定量下限分别为5~15 ng/g和15~45 ng/g。

水、乳、膏霜3种化妆品基质在25、50、100 ng/g加标水平下的平均回收率为88.0%~111%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=6)为1.4%~9.8%。



关键词:N-亚硝胺化合物;化妆品;超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS);大气压化学电离源中图分类号:O657.63;O623.732文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4957(2023)11-1469-10 Determination of Fifteen N-nitrosamine Compounds in Cosmetics by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-TandemMass SpectrometryWANG Yi1,LIANG Wen-yao1,HE Guo-shan1,CHEN Zhang-hao2,ZHOU Zhi-ming2,WU Qian1,XI Shao-feng1,TAN Jian-hua1*(1.Guangzhou Quality Supervision and Testing Institute,National Quality Supervision and Testing Center for Cosmetics(Guangzhou),Guangzhou 511447,China;2.Guangdong Institute for Drug Control,Guangzhou 510663)Abstract:An ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric(UPLC-MS/MS)method was established for detecting 15 trace N-nitrosamine compounds in cosmetics. The final estab⁃lished method involved ultrasonic extraction of cosmetics using water or acetonitrile for different com⁃pounds. The samples were treated with potassium ferrocyanide-zinc acetate solution for precipitating macromolecules or saturated sodium chloride-acetonitrile for salting out.An Agilent Poroshell 120 SB-Aq(100 mm × 3.0 mm,2.7 μm) chromatography column was used for separation,followed by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization(APCI) source and multiple reaction monitoring mode detec⁃tion in the isotope internal standard method for quantification. The result showed good linearity(r2> 0.995) for the 15 N-nitrosamine compounds in their respective concentration ranges,with detection and quantitation limits of 5-15 ng/g and 15-45 ng/g,respectively.The average recoveries for the three cosmetic matrices(aqueous,emulsion,cream) at spiked levels of 25,50,100 ng/g were be⁃tween 88.0% and 111%,with relative standard deviations(RSD,n=6) of 1.4%-9.8%. The method was applied to the detection of commercial cosmetics and N-nitrosodiethanolamine(NDELA) was de⁃tected in 13 batches,with one batch exceeding the limit. The strong specificity,high sensitivity,and good precision made the method could solve the problems of poor stability and easy interference ofdoi:10.19969/j.fxcsxb.23051602收稿日期:2023-05-16;修回日期:2023-06-10基金项目:广东省药品监督管理局化妆品风险评估重点实验室专项(2021ZDZ03);广东省市场监督管理局科技项目(2022CZ06)∗通讯作者:谭建华,博士,正高级工程师,研究方向:色谱-质谱检测技术研究,E-mail:tanjianhua0734@第 42 卷分析测试学报N-nitrosamine compounds,and was suitable for the trace determination of 15 N-nitrosamine com⁃pounds in cosmetics.Key words:N-nitrosamine compounds;cosmetics;ultra performance liquid chromatography-tan⁃dem mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS);atmospheric pressure chemical ionization(APCI) sourceN-亚硝胺化合物是一类具有N-亚硝基结构的化合物,因取代基的不同,形成了种类繁多的同系物,目前已发现超过300种[1]。

IFCC Aspartate Aminotransferase 检测手册说明书

IFCC Aspartate Aminotransferase 检测手册说明书

ASTAspartate Aminotransferase IFCCMANUAL RX MONZAINTENDED USEFor the quantitative in vitro determination of AspartateAminotransferase (AST) in serum and plasma. This product is suitable for manual use and on the Rx Monza analyser.Cat. No. AS 1202 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 70 ml 20 x 2 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 20 x 2 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200416AS 1204 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 105 ml 10 x 10 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 10 x 10 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200423AS 1267 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 1 x 105 ml 5 x 20 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 5 x 20 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200430AS 2359 R1a. Buffer/Substrate 5 x 100 ml 5 x 100 ml R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/ 5 x 100 ml α-oxoglutarate GTIN: 05055273200454UV METHODThis is an optimised standard method according to the concentrations recommended by the IFCC.CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE (1,2,3,4)The aminotransferases are a group of enzymes that catalyse the inter conversions of amino acids and α-oxoacids by transfer of amino groups. AST (aspartate aminotransferase or glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase) has been found in the cytoplasm and the mitochondria of cells that have been studied. In cases of mild tissue damage, e.g. liver, the predominant form of serum AST is that from the cytoplasm, with a smaller amount coming from the mitochondria. Severe tissue damage will result in more mitochondrial enzyme being released. Elevated levels of AST can signal myocardial infarction, hepatic disease, muscular dystrophy and organ damage.Although heart muscle is found to have the most activity of the enzyme, significant activity has also been seen in the brain, liver, gastric mucosa, adipose tissue and kidneys of humans.The IFCC has now recommended (1980) standardised procedures for AST determinations including:-1. optimization of substrate concentrations.2. Employment of Tris buffers (instead of phosphate, which has beenshown to inhibit recombination of the apoenzyme with pyridoxal phosphate).3. Pre-incubation of combined buffer and serum to allow sidereactions with NADH to occur. 4. Substrate start (α-oxoglutarate)5. Optional pyridoxal phosphate activation.This is an optimised standard method according to the recommendations of the IFCC.PRINCIPLEα-oxoglutarate reacts with L-aspartate in the presence of AST to form L-glutamate plus oxaloacetate. The indicator reaction utilises the oxaloacetate for a kinetic determination of NADH consumption. AST -oxoglutarate + L-aspartate L-glutamate + oxaloacetate MDH oxaloacetate + NADH + H + L-malate + NAD +SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND PREPARATION (5) Serum:- Use serum free from haemolysis.Plasma:- EDTA or heparin can be used as the anticoagulant.Plasma should be separated from cells within one hour after collection.Specimens should be refrigerated if not used immediately:-Specimens stored longer than 3 days should be frozen at -20︒C.REAGENT COMPOSITIONContents Concentrations in the TestR1a. Buffer/Substrate Tris buffer 80 mmol/l, pH 7.5 L-aspartate 240 mmol/l R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate α-oxoglutarate 12 mmol/l MDH ≥420 U/l LD ≥600 U/l NADH 0.18 mmol/lSAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS For in vitro diagnostic use only. Do not pipette by mouth.Exercise the normal precautions required for handling laboratory reagents.Solution R1a contains Sodium Azide. Avoid ingestion or contact with skin or mucous membranes. In case of skin contact, flush affected area with copious amounts of water. In case of contact with eyes or if ingested, seek immediate medical attention.Sodium Azide reacts with lead and copper plumbing, to form potentially explosive azides. When disposing of such reagents flush with large volumes of water to prevent azide build up. Exposed metal surfaces should be cleaned with 10% sodium hydroxide.Health and Safety data sheets available on request.The reagents must be used only for the purpose intended by suitably qualified laboratory personnel, under appropriate laboratory conditions.STABILITY AND PREPARATION OF REAGENTS R1a. Buffer/SubstrateContents ready for use. Stable up to the expiry date when stored at +2 to +8︒C.R1b. Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate Reconstitute one vial of Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate R1b with the appropriate volume of Buffer/Substrate R1a: 2 ml for the 20 x 2 ml kit (AS 1202) 10 ml for the 10 x 10 ml kit (AS 1204) 20 ml for the 5 x 20 ml kit (AS 1267) Stable for 14 days at +2 to +8︒C or 24 hours at +15 to +25︒C. Cat. AS 2359 5 x 100 mlReconstitute one vial of Enzyme/Coenzyme/α-oxoglutarate R1b with a portion of Buffer/Substrate R1a and then transfer the entire contents to bottle R1a rinsing bottle R1b several times. Stable for 14 days at +2 to +8︒C or 24 hours at +15 to +25︒C.MATERIALS PROVIDED Buffer/SubstrateEnzyme/Coenzyme/ -oxoglutarateMATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDEDRandox Assayed Multisera Level 2 (Cat. No. HN 1530) and Level 3 (Cat. No. HE 1532)Randox Calibration Serum Level 3 (Cat. No. CAL 2351) RX series Saline (Cat. No. SA 3854)PROCEDUREAspirate fresh ddH 2O and perform a new Gain Calibration in flow cell mode. Select AST in the Run Test screen and carry out a water blank as instructed.Pipette into a test tube:Sample 0.05 ml Reagent 0.5 mlMix and aspirate into the Rx Monza.CALIBRATION FOR RX MONZAThe use of Saline and Randox Calibration Serum Level 3 isrecommended for calibration. Calibration is recommended with change of reagent lot or as indicated by quality control procedures.FOR MANUAL USEWavelength: 340 nm (Hg 334 nm or Hg 365 nm) Cuvette: 1 cm light path Temperature: 25/30/37︒C Measurement: against airPipette into cuvette: Macro MicroSample 0.2 ml 0.1 ml Enzyme/Coenzyme/ α-oxoglutarate R1 2.0 ml 1.0 mlMix, read initial absorbance after 1 minute. Read again after 1, 2 and 3 minutes. Note: If the absorbance change per minute is between 0.11 and 0.16 at 340/Hg 334 nm 0.06 and 0.08 at Hg 365 nmuse only the values for the first 2 minutes for the calculation.MANUAL CALCULATIONTo calculate the AST activity, use the following formulae:U/l = 1746 x A 340 nm/min U/l = 1780 x A Hg 334 nm/min U/l = 3235 x A Hg 365 nm/minSTANDARDISATIONRandox Calibration Serum Level 3 is traceable to AST reference material JSCC TS01.QUALITY CONTROLRandox Assayed Multisera, Level 2 and Level 3 are recommended for daily quality control. Two levels of controls should be assayed at least once a day. Values obtained should fall within a specified range. If these values fall outside the range and repetition excludes error the following steps should be taken:1. Check instrument settings and light source.2. Check cleanliness of all equipment in use.3. Check water. Contaminants, i.e. bacterial growth, maycontribute to inaccurate results. 4. Check reaction temperature.5. Check expiry date of kit and contents.6. Contact Randox Laboratories Customer Technical Services, Northern Ireland +44 (0) 28 9445 1070.SPECIFICITY/INTERFERENCE (6,7)Gross haemolysis will produce falsely elevated test results. The effects of various drugs on AST activity should be taken intoconsideration in the case of patients receiving large doses of drugs.The analytes below were tested up to the following levels and were found not to interfere: Haemoglobin 250 mg/dl Free Bilirubin 25 mg/dl Conjugate Bilirubin 25 mg/dl Triglycerides 1000 mg/dlIntralipid ® 200 mg/dlA list of substances and conditions known to effect AST activity in vivo is given by both Young et al and Friedman et al. Norepresentation is made by Randox Laboratories Ltd regarding the completeness of these lists and the accuracy of the information contained therein.NORMAL VALUES IN SERUM (8,9) +25︒C +30︒C +37︒C Men up to 18 U/l up to 25 U/l up to 37 U/l Women up to 15 U/l up to 21 U/l up to 31 U/lIt is recommended that each laboratory establish its own reference range to reflect the age, sex, diet and geographical location of the population.SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS The following performance data were obtained using an Rx Monza analyser running at +37o C.LINEARITYThis method is linear up to 562 U/l. If the sample concentration exceeds this value, dilute the sample 1+9 with 0.9% NaCl solution and re-assay. Multiply the result by 10.SENSITIVITYThe minimum detectable concentration of AST with an acceptable level of precision was determined as 9.3 U/l.PRECISIONIntra AssayLevel 2 Level 3Mean (U/l) 35.6 153SD 1.66 1.47CV(%) 4.65 0.96n 20 20Inter AssayLevel 2 Level 3Mean (U/l) 35.6 153SD 1.77 7.10CV(%) 4.96 4.63n 20 20CORRELATIONThis method (Y) was compared with another commerciallyavailable method (X) and the following linear regression equationobtained:Y = 1.07X + 4.9and a correlation coefficient of r = 0.997543 patient samples were analysed spanning the range 28 to 559U/l.REFERENCES1. Wroblewski F, La Due J.S: Ann Intern Med. 1956; 45: 801.2. Wroblewski F, La Due J.S: Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1956;91: 569.3. Bergmeyer HU, Bowers GN Jr, et al: Clin Chem 1977; 23:887.4. Bergmeyer HU, Bowers GN Jr, et al: J.Clin Chem ClinBiochem 1980; 18: 521-534.5. Tietz N W: Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry ed 3.Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co. 1987, pg 372.6. Young D S, et al: Clin Chem 1975, 21; No5.7. Friedman RB, et al: Clin Chem 1980, 26; No4.8. Wallnofer H, Schmidt.E, Schmidt FW, eds: Synopsis derLeberkrankheiten Stuttgart, Georg Thieme Verlag, 1974.9. Thefeld W, et al: Dtsch Med Wschr 1974; 99: 343.Revised 26 Apr 16 biRev. 003THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK。



电话:(010)58941231, (010)58941232 传真:(010)58941232
取待测样品20 μl加入测量管底部,取Fassay Reagent 100 μl加入管底部,轻轻敲击管壁 3~5次混匀,放入仪器中立即测定,记录发光值为Firefly luciferase的发光单位(RLU)。 如用多孔板同时手动测定多个样品,则将各待测样品20 μl分别加入连续的各孔底部, 用多道加样器于各孔底加入Fassay Reagent 100 μl,轻轻敲击板侧3~5次混匀,放入仪器 中立即测定,记录发光值为Firefly luciferase的发光单位(RLU)。
电话:(010)58941231, (010)58941232 传真:(010)58941232
使用者需准备PBS 、双蒸水等。
1) 新鲜配制裂解液:临用前,取适量5xUniversal Lysis Buffer (ULB),用双蒸水稀释至 1xULB,混匀。1xULB可在4℃存放数周。
2) 细胞清洗:倾去培养板/皿中的培养液,加入足量PBS,轻轻洗涤细胞。完全倾去 洗涤液。
配制好的Fassay Reagent置于测定仪内并连接好对应管道。各待测样品20 μl分别加入测 定管/板孔底部,启动自动测量程序。记录Firefly luciferase的发光单位(RLU)。

AZ MIF开发者的中文名字:高对比度、超高纯度TMAH基础开发者,适用于各种先进IC和厚层照相应用

AZ MIF开发者的中文名字:高对比度、超高纯度TMAH基础开发者,适用于各种先进IC和厚层照相应用

APPLICATIONAZ MIF developers are high contrast, ultra-high purity tetramethyl-ammonium hydroxide (TMAH) based photoresist developers formulated for a wide range of advanced IC and thick photoresist applications. •Surfactant enhanced and surfactant free options •Industry leading normality control •Wide range of normality available•High purity, low particulate formulations•Multiple bulk and non-bulk packaging optionsPROCESSINGGENERAL PROCESSING GUIDELINESAZ MIF developers should be used at room temperature in puddle, spray, or batch immersion processing mode. Variations in develop time, developer temperature, and substrate temperature will result in inconsistent develop uniformity and will affect process repeatability/reproducibility. It is important to monitor and control these variables.When processed in batch immersion mode, MIF developer bath life will be limited by the volume of dissolved photoresist in solution and by carbonate uptake from the fab environment. Bath change out frequency should be specified by thenumber of substrates processed and by elapsed time since the last bath change. The maximum number of substrates that may be processed through a given bath will depend upon the photoresist thickness, the % of substrate surface covered, and the volume of the developer tank.MerckPeRFoRmaNce MaTeRIaLstechnical datasheet AZ® Organic DevelopersMetal Ion Free (TMAH) Photoresist DevelopersWhen not in use, developer tanks should be covered to minimize evaporation and the rate of carbonate uptake. Inert gas blankets (dry N2 for example) may also be used to isolate developer tanks from the fab environment. In general, immersion tanks should be changed at least every 24 hours (or sooner if the maximum number of substrates processed is reached).BATH AGITATIONMild agitation of immersion developer tanks may improve wafer-to-wafer develop uniformity and photo speed when batch processing substrates.PUDDLE DEVELOPINGDue to their lower surface tension, surfactant enhanced developers improve substrate wetting and facilitate puddle formation using lower dispense volumes than typical surfactant free developers. Complete development of patterns in thick photoresist films (> 3.0µm) may require multiple developer puddles. Increased normality developers and/or aggressive surfactants can improve dissolution rates and reduce develop time for thick photoresist films (see application guide section of this publication).RINSINGUse de-ionized water only to rinse wafers post develop and to “quench” the developer activity. Spray pressure or bath agitation during rinsing may reduce post develop defect density by minimizing redeposited surface particles.DEVELOPER APPLICATIONS GUIDE0.26N (2.38%) TMAH DEVELOPERS0.26N TMAH developers are the industry standard for advanced integrated circuit (IC) production and general lithography.AZ 300MIF DeveloperAZ 300MIF is an ultra-high purity, general purpose, surfactant free 0.26N TMAH developer featuring class leading normality control and ppb level metals content. Recommended for puddle, spray, and immersion applications.AZ 726MIF DeveloperAZ 726MIF is a surfactant enhanced 0.26N TMAH developer optimized for puddle develop processes.AZ 917MIF DeveloperAZ 917 MIF is a surfactant enhanced 0.26N developer formulated to improve photo speed in puddle or immersion develop processes with no loss of contrast or selectivity. Improves photo speed by 10-20% vs. AZ 726MIF.AZ 2026 MIF DeveloperAZ 2026 MIF developer contains different surfactants which also have an impact on dissolution rate of photoresist. Dark erosion is higher than with AZ 726 MIF, however this helps to avoid scrumming, which mainly is observed when the photoresist is processed on steppers without applying a post-exposure-bake (PEB).CUSTOM NORMALITY TMAH DEVELOPERSCustom normality developers may be desirable in cases where the develop rate or selectivity provided by 0.26N materials is inadequate. Reduced normality developers can improve selectivity to unexposed resist and increased normality developers will reduce the required exposure dose and/or develop time for thick resist processing.AZ 422 MIF DeveloperAZ 422 MIF developer is a reduced normality (0.215N) surfactant free developer engineered to maximize dissolution selectivity and process control.AZ 435MIF DeveloperAZ 435 MIF developer is a surfactant free, increased normality (0.35N) TMAH developer optimized to improve photo speed for medium thick photoresist processing (5-10µm thick) while maintaining good process control. Recommended for use with AZ 9200 and AZ P4000 series photoresists.AZ® Organic DevelopersAZ 405 MIF DeveloperAZ 405 MIF developer is an aggressive, surfactant enhanced, high normality developer (0.405N) designed for thick photoresist processing (>15µm thick). This developer provides a metal ion free alternative to the sodium or potassium based developers typically employed in thick resist processing. Recommended for use with AZ 9260, AZ 50XT, and AZ P4620 photoresists.AZ 2033 MIF developerAZ 2033 MIF developer contains high TMAH (3.0% TMAH), which is specially designed for improved compatibility with the AZ 8100 Series Photoresist.Developer Normality SurfactantAZ 300 MIF developer0.26N NoAZ 726 MIF developer0.26N YesAZ 927 MIF developer0.26N YesAZ 2026 MIF developer0.26N YesAZ 2033 MIF developer0.33N YesAZ 422 MIF developer0.215N NoAZ 435 MIF developer0.35N NoAZ 405 MIF developer 0.405N YesAZ 732c MIF developer0.30N YesProducts are warranted to meet the specifications set forth on their label/packaging and/or certificate of analysis at the time of shipment or for the expressly stated duration. EMD MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE REGARDING OUR PRODUCTS OR ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Customer is responsible for and must independently determine suitability of EMD´s products for customer’s products, intended use and processes, including the non -infringement of any third parties´intellectual property rights. EMD shall not in any event be liable for incidental, consequential, indirect, exemplary or special damages of any kind resulting from any use or failure of the products: All sales are subject to EMD’s complete Terms and Conditions o f Sale. Prices are subject to change without notice. EMD reserves the right to discontinue products without prior notice.EMD, EMD Performance Materials, AZ, the AZ logo, and the vibrant M are trademarks of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.North America:EMD Performance Materials 70 Meister AvenueSomerville, NJ USA 08876(908) 429-3500Germany:Merck Performance Materials (Germany) GmbH Wiesbaden, Germany +49 611 962 4031Korea:Merck Performance Materials (Korea) Ltd.Seoul, Korea+82 2 2056 1316Singapore:Merck Performance Materials Pte. Ltd.Jurong East, Singapore +65 68900629Taiwan:Merck Performance Materials Co. Ltd.Hsinchu, Taiwan+886 3 5970885#375Japan:Merck Performance Materials G. K.Tokyo, Japan+81 3 5453 5062China:Merck Electronic Materials Shanghai, China+86 (21) 2083 2362AZ® Organic DevelopersMATERIALS COMPATIBILITY and HANDLINGTMAH containing developers are compatible with all standard semiconductor processing equipment designed to handle high pH aqueous solutions.Note: Contaminating inorganic developer baths or lines withtetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) based metal-ion-free developers, even at the parts-per-million level, will neutralize the dissolution activity of the inorganic developer process. Use extreme caution when changing developing equipment from a metal-ion-free to an inorganic process.TMAH containing developers should be avoided in cases where slight etching of an aluminum layer cannot be tolerated. 0.26N TMAH developers will etch typical deposited aluminum substrate layers at ~100Å/min.Recommended personal protective gear during handling includes eye protection, apron, caustic resistant gloves. Refer to the current version of the SDS for information on exposure hazards. STORAGEStore AZ MIF Developers in a cool, dry location in sealed original containersaway from sunlight and incompatibles. Do not expose to excessive temperatures or moisture. Recommended storage temperature is >0C. Do not freeze. Empty containers may contain harmful residue. DISPOSALAZ MIF Developers are compatible with typical facility acid/base drain lines and materials. For disposal other than via facility solvent drains, refer to the current product SDS and to local regulations.。



高效液相色谱-质谱/质谱法测定猪肉中11种磺胺类药物残留发布时间:2022-08-01T08:38:02.400Z 来源:《科学与技术》2022年第6期作者:许计元刘淑梅李梦平[导读] 利用高效液相色谱-质谱/质谱仪建立猪肉中11种磺胺类药物残留的检测方法。


本方法用乙腈作为提取溶剂,正己烷去除油脂,液相初始流动相定容,0.1%甲酸水与纯乙腈作为流动相,使用的色谱柱为安捷伦InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC C18(3.0mm×150mm,2.7μm),多重反应监测(MRM)模式下采集数据,基质配标法定量。



关键词:液相色谱;质谱;猪肉;磺胺Determination of 11 sulfonamides residues in pork by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometryXu Ji-Yuan,Liu Shu-Mei,Li Meng-Ping(Anhui Chuangjia Safety environment Technology Co., LTD)A method for the determination of 11 sulfonamides residues in pork was established by high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chromatographic column was agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC C18(3.0mm×150mm,2.7μm), using acetonitrile as the extraction solvent, n-hexane for oil removal, and 0.1% formic acid water as the mobile phase. Data were collected in multiple response monitoring (MRM) mode and quantified by matrix coordination method. The linearity of 11 sulfonamides was good in the range of 1ug/kg-10ug/kg. At the spiked level of4ug/kg, the recoveries were 86.9%-103.6, and the relative standard deviations (RSDS) were 1.35%-3.28%. The method is simple in pretreatment, and the recovery, precision and accuracy can meet the application requirements.Key words: liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry; Pork; Conditions磺胺类药物(SAs)是指具有对氨基苯磺酰胺结构药物的总称,为人工合成的抗菌药,该类药物具有抗菌谱广、抗菌效果明显、性质稳定、价格便宜等优点, 目前大量用于防治畜禽细菌性感染疾病。



ICH领域专业术语表(质量、安全性)序号英文中文1"relevant" viruses and "model" viruses“相关”病毒和“模型”病毒225-fold AUC radio25倍的AUC比值3 a single 2 generation study单项包括两代(生殖毒性)的研究4abbreviated or abridged application简略申请5abnormal karyology异常核形6abortions流产7absorbed moisture吸附水8absorption吸收9acceptable daily intake可接受的日摄入量10acceptable test加速试验11acceptance criteia认可标准12accuracy准确性13accuracy准确度14acelerated/stress stability studies加速/强力破坏稳定性研究15acentric fragment无着丝点片段16acetylation 乙酰化作用17achiral assay非手性测定18achlorhydric eldderly老年性胃酸缺乏症19acridine orange吖啶橙20action limits内控限值21active components/compound/moiety活性成分22active ingredient活性组分23active metabolite活性代谢产物24adaption to specific culture conditions特定培养条件的适应25additional test 附加实验26additions添加剂27adduct加合物28adequate exposure充分暴露29adjuvant 佐剂30ADME吸收、分布、代谢、排泄31administration period给药期32adventitious agents外源性因子33adventitious contaminants外来污染物34adventitious viral or mycoplasma contamination外源性病毒或支原体污染35adventitious viruses外源病毒36advers effect不良反应37adverse reaction不良反应38aerobic microorganisms需氧微生物39affinity亲和力40affinity chromatography亲和层析41affinity column亲和柱42against humanised proteins serum antibodies抗人源蛋白血清抗体 43agar and broth琼脂和肉汤44aggregates 聚合体45aggregation聚集46aginal smear阴道涂片 47air ighting reflex空中翻正反射48alkylating electrophilic center烷化亲电子中心49allele基因突变产生的遗传因子50allergenic/allergic extracts过敏原抽提物51allergic reactions过敏性反应(变应性反应)52altenative validated test有效替代试验53altered conjugated forms改变的结合物形式54altered growth 生长改变55ambient condition自然条件56amino acid composition氨基酸组成57amino acid sequence氨基酸顺序58amino acids氨基酸59amino sugars氨基糖60amino-terminal amino acids氨基端氨基酸61ammonia production Rates产氨率62ammoniun sulphide staining of the uterus子宫硫化胺染色 63analogue类似物(同系物)64analogue series of substances同系物65analyte 被测物66analytical method 分析方法67analytical procedure分析方法68anaphase分裂后期69aneuploidy非整倍体70aneuploidy inducer非整倍体诱导剂71animal cell lines动物细胞系72animal tissues or organs动物组织或器官73antennary profile 触角形状74antibiotic resistance genes抗生素耐药基因75antibiotics抗生素76antibody抗体77antibody production tests抗体产生试验78antigenic specificity抗原特异性79antisera抗血清80apoptosis凋亡81applicant申报者82art and ethical standards技术和伦理标准83ascites腹水84assay含量测定85assay procedure定量方法86assessment of genotoxicity遗传毒性评价87attainment of full sexual function达到性成熟 88AUC曲线下面积89auditory startle relex惊愕反射(听觉惊跳反射)90autoimmune自身免疫91autoradiographic assessment放射自显影评价92autoradiography放射自显影93avian鸟类94avidity亲和性95background 背景96bacteria细菌97bacterial mutagenicity test细菌致变突试验98bacterial reverse mutation test细菌回复突变试验99bacterial strains菌株100bacterial test organisms微生物试验菌101base pairs碱基对102base set of strains基本菌株103base substitution碱基置换104batches批次105batch-to-batch逐批106between-assay variation试验间变异107binary fission双数分裂108binding assays结合试验109bioanalytical method生物学分析方法110bioavaiability生物利用度111bioburden生长量/生物负荷112biochemical methods生化方法113bioequivalency生物等效性114biohazard enformation生物有害信息115biological activity生物活性116biological products生物制品117biological relevance生物学意义118bioreactor生物反应器119biotechnological products生物技术产品120biotechnological/biological products生物技术/生物制品121biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals生物技术药物122biphasic curve双相曲线123birth出生124blood plasma factors血浆因子125body burden机体负担126body fluids体液127bone marrow cell骨髓细胞128bouin's fixation包氏液固定129bovine牛130bovine spongiform encephalopathy(BSE)疯牛病131bracketing括号法132breakage of chromatid染色单体断裂133breakage of chromosome染色体断裂134breeding conditions饲养条件135bridging character桥梁作用136by-products副产物137C(time)一定剂量、某一时间的浓度138calibrate标化139canine犬140cap liner瓶帽内垫141capillary electrophoresis毛细管电泳142carbohydrate碳水化合物143carboxy-terminal amino acids羧基端氨基酸144carcinogen致癌物质145carcinogenesis致癌性146carcinogenic hazard致癌性危害147carcinogenicity bioassay致癌性生物检测148carcinogenicity potential of chemical化合物的潜在致癌性149carcinoginicity(oncogenicity)致癌(致瘤)150cardiovascular心血管151carrier载体/担体152case-by-case个例153catalysts催化剂154cell bank 细胞库155cell bank system细胞库系统156cell banking procedures细胞建库过程157cell banking system细胞库系统158cell culture-derived impurities来源于细胞培养基的杂质159cell cultures 细胞培养物160cell cultures 细胞培养161cell expansion细胞扩增162cell fusion细胞融合163cell line细胞系164cell lines 细胞系165cell membrane lipid细胞膜脂质层166cell metabolites细胞代谢物167cell pooling细胞混合168cell proliferation细胞增植169cell replication system细胞复制系统170cell substrate-derived impurities 来源于细胞基质的杂质171cell substrates细胞基质172cell suspension细胞悬液173cell viability细胞活力174cell-derived biological products细胞来源的生物制品175cell-mediated immunity细胞介导的免疫176cellular blood components血细胞成分177cellular therapy细胞治疗178cemadsorbing viruses红细胞吸附病毒179central nervous systems中枢神经系统180cerbral spinal fluid脑脊液181characterization and testing of cell banks细胞库鉴定及检测182charcoal活性炭183charge电荷184chemical actionmertric system化学光化线强度系统185chemical nature化学性质186chemical reactivity 化学反应性187chemical syntheses化学合成188chemically inert化学惰性189chewable tablets咀嚼片190childbeering potential生育可能性191chinese hamster V79 cell中国仓鼠V79细胞192chiral impurities手性杂质193CHL cell中国仓鼠肺细胞194CHO cell中国仓鼠卵巢细胞195chromatide染色单体196chromatograms色谱图197chromatographic behavior色谱行为198chromatographic procedures色谱方法199chromatography columns色谱分离柱200chromosomal aberration染色体畸变201chromosomal damage染色体损伤202chromosomal integrity染色体完整性203chronic toxicity testing 慢性毒性试验204circular dichroism圆二色性205classfical biotransformation studies经典的生物转化试验206clastogen染色体断裂剂207clastogenic致染色体断裂的208clearance studies清除研究209cleavage of the balanopreputial gland 龟头包皮腺裂开210climatic zones气候带211clinical indication临床适应证212clinical research临床研究213clinical trial application 临床试验申请214clisure闭塞物215cloning 克隆216cloning efficiency克隆形成率217closure of hard palate硬腭闭合218C max峰浓度219coat growth毛发生长220code number编号221coding sequence编码序列222coefficient of variance变异系数223collaborative studies协作实验研究224colony isolation菌落分离225colony sizing集落大小226colony-stimulating factors集落刺激因子227combination product复方制剂228comparative trial对比试验229complement binding补体结合230completely novel compound全新化合物231components成分232compound bearing stuctural alerts结构可疑化合物233concentration threshold阈浓度234conception受孕235concomitant toxicokinetics相伴毒代动力学236confidence interval置信区间237confidence limits可信限238confirmatory studies确认研究239conformance to specifcations符合规范240conformation构型241conjugated product连接产物242conjugation连接243consistency一致性244container容器245container/closure容器/闭塞物246container/closure integrity testing 容器/密封完整性试验247contaminants污染物248contaminated cell substrate污染的细胞基质249content uniformity含量均匀度250continuous treatment 连续接触251control methodology控制方法学252controlled released product控释制剂253conventional live virus vaccines传统的活病毒疫苗254conventional vaccines传统疫苗255cool white fluorescent冷白荧光灯256corpora lutea黄体257corpora lutea count黄体数258correction factor校正因子259correlation coefficient相关系数260covalent or noncovalent共价或非共价261creams霜剂262cross-contamination交叉污染263cross-linking agent交联剂264cross-reactivity交叉反应265cryopreservation冷冻保存266cryoprotectants防冻剂267crystals晶体268culture components 培养基成分269culture condiction培养条件270culture confluency培养克隆率271culture confluenty培养融合272culture media/medium培养基273culture medium培养基274cyanogen bromide溴化氰275cytogenetic细胞遗传学的276cytogenetic change细胞遗传学改变277cytogenetic evaluation细胞遗传学评价278cytokines细胞因子279cytopathic细胞病的280cytoplasmic A-and R-type particles细胞浆a型和r型颗粒281cytotoxicity细胞毒282dark control暗度控制283dead offspring at birth 出生时死亡的子代284deamidation去氨基285deaminated去酰胺化的286deamination脱氨基287decision flow chart/tree判断图288definable and measurable biological activity明确和可测定的生物学活性289degradant降解产物290degradation降解291degradation pathway降解途径292degradation product降解产物293degradation profile降解概况294degree of aggregation 凝集度295degree of scatter离散程度296delay of parturition分娩延迟297delayed-release延迟释放298deleterious有害的299deletion缺失300delivery systems给药体系301derivatives衍生物302description 性状303descriptive statistics描述性统计304detection limit检测限度305detection of bacterial mutagen细菌诱变剂检测306detection of clastogen染色体断裂剂检测307determination of metabolites测定代谢产物308development of the offspring 子代发育309developmental toxicity发育毒性310dilivery systems释放系统311dilution ratio释放倍数312dimers二聚体313diminution of the background lawn背景减少314diode array二极管阵列315diploid cells二倍体细胞316direct genetic damage 直接遗传损伤317dissociation解离318dissolution testing溶出试验319dissolution time溶出时间320distribution分布321DNA adduct DNA加合物322DNA damage DNA损伤323DNA repair DNA修复324DNA strand breaks DNA链断裂325dosage form剂型326dose dependence剂量依赖关系327dose escalation剂量递增328dose level剂量水平329dose -liming toxicity剂量限制性毒性330dose-ranging studies剂量范围研究331dose-related剂量相关 332dose-relatived cytotoxicity剂量相关性细胞毒性333dose-relatived genotoxic activity剂量相关性遗传毒性334dose-relatived mutagenicity剂量相关性诱变性335dose-response curve剂量-反应曲线336dosing route给药途径337downstream purification下游纯化338drug product制剂339drug product components制剂组方340drug substances原料药341duration周期342duration of pregnancy妊娠周期343eaning断奶344earlier physical malformation早期身体畸形345early embryonic development早期胚胎发育346early embryonic development to implantation着床早期的胚胎发育347ectromelia virus脱脚病病毒348elastomeric closures橡皮塞349electro ejaculation电射精350electron microscopy(EM)电镜351electrophoresis电泳352electrophoretic pattern电泳图谱353elimination消除354elution profile洗脱方案355embryofetal deaths胚胎和胎仔死亡356embryo-fetal development 胚胎-胎仔发育357embryo-fetal toxicity胚胎-胎仔毒性358embryonated eggs鸡胚359embryonic death胚胎死亡360embryonic development胚胎发育361embryonic period胚胎期362embryos胚胎 363embryotoxicity胚胎毒性364enantiomer对映体365enantiomer对映异构体366enantiomeric镜像异构体367enantioselective对映体选择性368encephalomyocarditis virus(EMC)脑心肌炎病毒369end of pregnancy怀孕终止370endocytic 内吞噬(胞饮)371endocytic activity内吞噬活性372endogenous agents内源性因子373endogenous components内源性物质374endogenous gene内源性基因375endogenous proteins内源性蛋白376endogenous retrovirus内源性逆转录病毒377endonuclease核酸内切酶378endonuclease release form lysosomes溶酶体释放核酸内切酶379endotoxins内毒素380end-point终点381end-product sterility test-ing最终产品的无菌试验382enhancers增强子383enveloped RNA viruses包膜RNA病毒384environmental factors环境因素385enzymatic reaction rates酶反应速率386enzyme酶387epididymal sperm maturation附睾精子成熟性388epitope表位389epitope抗原决定部位390Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)EB病毒391equine马392error prone repair易错性修复393erythropoietins促红细胞生成素394escalation递增395escherichia coli starn大肠杆菌菌株396esscherichia coli 大肠杆菌397ethnic origin种族起源398eukaryotic cell真核细胞399evaluation of test result试验结果评价400ex vivo体外401exaggerated pharmacological response超常增强的药理作用402excipient赋形剂403excipient specifications赋形剂规范404excretion排泄(消除)405expiration date/dating失效日期406exposure assessment 接触剂量评价407exposure level暴露程度408exposure period光照时间409exposure period接触期410expression constract表达构建体411expression system表达系统412expression vector表达载体413extended-release延时释放414extent of the virus test病毒测试的程度415external metabolising system体外代谢系统416extinction coefficient消光系数417extrachromosomal染色体外418extraneous contaminants外源性污染物419extrapolation 外推法420F1-animals子一代动物421false negative result假阴性结果422false positive result假阳性结果423fecundity多产424feed-back反馈425fermentation发酵426fermentation products发酵产品427fertilisation受精428fertility生育力429fertility studies生育力研究430fetal abnormalities胎仔异常431fetal and neonatal parameters胎仔和仔鼠的生长发育参数432fetal development and growth胎仔发育和生长433fetal period 胎仔期434fetotoxicity胎仔毒性435fill volume装量436filter aids 过滤介质437final manufacturing最终生产438finished product成品439first pass testing 一期试验440flanking region侧翼区441fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH)原位荧光分子杂文442foetuses胎仔443forced degradation testing强制降解试验444foreign matter异质性物质445formal labeling正式标签446formal stability studies正式的稳定性研究447formulation 处方/配方448formulation 制剂449fragmentation片段化450frameshift mutation移码突变451frameshift point mutation移码点突变452free-standing独立453freeze-dried product冻干产品454fresh dissection technique新鲜切片技术455friability脆碎度456functional deficits功能试验457functional test功能性指标458funetional indices融合蛋白459fungi真菌460fusion partners融合伴侣461fusion protein融合蛋白462fusion proteins配子463gametes动物性别464gel filtration 凝胶过滤465gender of animals性别专一性药物466gender-specific drug基因剔除467gene amplification基因扩增468gene knockout基因治疗469gene mutation基因突变470gene therapy基因疗法471generation of the cell substrate细胞基质的产生472genetic遗传473genetic change 遗传学改变474genetic damage遗传学损伤475genetic endpoint遗传终点476genetic manipulation基因操作477genetic toxicity遗传毒性478genomic dinucleotide repeats基因组双核苷酸重复数479genomic DNA基因组DNA480genomic polymorphism pattern基因组形态类型481genotoxic activity遗传毒性作用482genotoxic carcinogen遗传毒性致癌剂483genotoxic effect 遗传毒性效应484genotoxic hazard遗传毒性危害485genotoxic potential潜在遗传毒性486genotoxic rodent carcinogen啮齿类动物遗传毒性致癌剂487genotoxicity 遗传毒性488genotoxicity evaluation遗传毒性评价489genotoxicity test遗传毒性试验490genotoxicity test battery遗传毒性试验组合491genotypic 基因型492germ cell mutagen生殖细胞诱变剂493germ line mutation生殖系统突变494GLP临床前研究质量管理规范495glucose consumption rates耗糖率496glycoforms糖化形式497glycosylation糖基化498goegrapgical origin 地理起源499gross chromosomal damage 染色体大损伤500gross evaluation of placenta 胎盘的大体评价501growth factors生长因子502growth hormones 生长激素503guanidine胍504haematoxylin staining苏木素染色505half-life半衰期506hamster antibody production(HAP) test仓鼠抗体产生实验507Hantaan virus汉坦病毒508hardness硬度509heavy metals重金属510hematopoietic cells造血细胞511heparins肝素512heptachlor七氯化合物513herbal products草药514heritable遗传515heritable defect遗传缺陷516heritable disease遗传性疾病517heritable effect 遗传效应518herpes virus 疱疹病毒519heterogeneities异质性520heterohybrid cell lines异种杂交细胞系521high concentration高浓度522high-resolution chromatography高分辨色谱523histologic appearance of reproductive organ生殖器官的组织学表现524histopathological chang组织病理学改变525homogeneity均一性526homologous proteins同系蛋白527homologous series同系528host cell 宿主细胞529host cell banks宿主细胞库530host cell DNA宿主细胞DNA531host cell proteins宿主细胞蛋白质532hot-stage microscopy热价显微镜533human carcinogen人类致癌剂534human cell lines人细胞系535human diploid fibroblasts人二倍体成纤维细胞536human lymphoblastoid TK6 cell 人成淋巴TK6细胞537human mutagen人类致突变剂538human polio virus人脊髓灰质炎病毒539human subjects人体540human tropism人向性541humidity湿度542humidity-protecting containers防湿容器543humoral immunity 体液免疫544hybridization techniques杂交技术545hybridoma cell杂交瘤细胞546hybridomas杂交瘤547hydrolysates水解物548hydrolytic enzymes水解酶549hydrophobicity疏水性550hygroscopic吸湿性551identification/identity鉴别552immature erythrocyte未成熟红细胞553immediate and latent effect速发和迟发效应554immediate container/closure直接接触的容器/密闭物555immediate pack内包装556immediate release立即释放557immortalization激活558immune spleen cells免疫脾细胞559immunoassay免疫检测560immunochemical methods免疫化学方法561immunochemical properties免疫化学性质562immunoelectrophoresis免疫电泳563immunogenicity免疫原性564immunological interations免疫相互作用565immunopathological effects免疫病理反应566immunoreactivity免疫反应性567immunotoxicity免疫毒性568implantation着床569implantation sites着床部位570impurity profile杂质概况571in vitro体外572in vitro and in vivo inoculation tests体内和体外接种试验573in vitro assay体外检测574in vitro cell age体外细胞传代期575in vitro lifespan体外生命周期576in vitro test体外试验577in vitro tests体外试验578in vitro/in vivo correlation体内体外相关性579in vivo体内580in vivo assays体内检测581in vivo test体内试验582inactivated vaccine 灭活疫苗583incidence of polyploid cell 多倍体细胞发生率584incisor eruption门齿萌出585independent test独立试验586indicator cell指示细胞587indicator organisms指示菌588individual fetal body weight单个胎仔体重589indoor indirect daylight室内间接日光590induced and spontaneous models of disease诱发或自发的疾病模型591inducer of micronuclei微核诱导剂592inducers 诱导剂593inedntification test鉴别试验594infectious agents感染性因子595influenza virus流感病毒596inhalation吸入597inhalation dosage forms 吸入剂型598inhibitor of DNA metabolism DNA代谢抑制剂599in-house内部的600in-house criterea内控标准601in-house primary reference material内部一级参比物质602in-house reference materials内部参比物质603in-house working reference material内部工作参比物质604initial filing原始文件605initial submission最初申报606initial text最初文本607inoculation接种608inorganic impurities无机杂质609inorganic mineral无机矿物质610inorganic salts无机盐611in-process acceptance criteia生产过程认可标准612in-process controls生产过程中控制613in-process testing生产过程中检测614insect昆虫615insulins胰岛素616intact animals完整动物(整体动物)617intake摄入618intended effect预期效果619intended storage period 预期的贮藏期620intentional degradation人为降解621interactions相互作用622interferon干扰素623interleukins白细胞介素624intermediate中间体625intermediate precision中间精密度626intermediates半成品627internal control内对照628international reference standards国际参比标准品629interphase muclei分裂间期细胞核630intra-and inter-individual个体与个体间631intra-assay precision间隙含量精密度632intracytoplasmic细胞浆内633introduction of virus病毒介入634inverted or horizontal position倒立或水平位置635ion-exchange离子交换636ionic content离子含量637isoelectric focusing/isoelectrofocusing等电聚焦638isoenzyme analysis同工酶分析639isoform pattern异构体类型640isolated organs离体器官641isomerized 异构化的642Jp/Ph.Eur./Usp.日本药局方/欧洲药典/美国药典643juvenile animal studies未成年动物研究644K virus K病毒645karyology胞核学646Kinetic profile动力学特点647Kinetics 动力学648laboratory scale实验室规模649lactate production rates乳糖产生速率650Lactating授乳、哺乳651lactic dehydrogenase virus (LDM)乳酸脱氢酶病毒652Large deletion event大缺失事件653Late embryo loss后期胚胎丢失654leachables沥出物655Level of safety安全水平656Libido性欲657Life threatering危及生命658ligand 配位体/配体659light光照660light resistant packaging避光包装661limit for in vitro cell age 细胞体外传代限度662limit of acceptance可接受的限度663limit of in vitro cell age 体外细胞代次664limit test限度试验665limulus amoebocyte lysate鲎试剂666linear relation ship 线性关系667linearity线性668Lipophilic compound亲脂性化合物669liquid nitrogen 液氮670liquid oral dosage forms 液体口服制剂671Litter size每窝胎仔数目672Live and dead conceptuese活胎和死胎673Live offspring at birth出生时存活的子代674live vaccine 活疫苗675living cells活细胞676Local toxicity局部毒性677Lockl tolerance studies 局部耐受性研究678Locu位点679logarithmic scale:对数级680long term test长期试验681Long-term carcinogenicity study长期致癌性试验682long-time and accelerated stability长期和加速稳定性试验683Loss of the tk gene tk 基因丢失684losses of activity活性丧失685lot release 批签发686low molecular weight subsances低分子量物质687lower-observed effect level (LOEL)能观察到反应的最低量688lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCM)淋巴细胞性脉络丛脑膜炎病毒689lyophilised cakes冻干粉饼690lysate of cells 细胞溶解物691Major organ fomeation主要器官形成692Male fertility雄性生育力693Male fertility assessment雄性生育力评价694mammalian哺乳类695Mammalian cell mutation test哺乳动物细胞致突变试验696Mammalian cells哺乳动物细胞697Mammalian species哺乳类动物698manufacturing scale生产规模699marieting pack 上市包装700marker chromosome 标志染色体701marketing approval批准上市702Marketing approval上市许可703mass 重量704mass balance质量平衡705mass spectrometry质谱706master cell bank (MCB)主细胞库707Matemal animal亲代动物708material balance物质平衡709Mating behaviour交配行为710Mating period交配期711Mating ratio交配比例712Matrices基质713matrix基质、矩阵714matrix system矩阵化设计715matrixing每日最大剂量716maximum daily dose平均动力学温度717Maximum tolerated dese(MTD)最大耐受剂量718mean kinetic temperature后生动物细胞培养719Mechanism of genotoxicity遗传毒性机制720Mechanistic activation代谢活化721Mechanistic activation pathway代谢活化途径722Mechanistic activation system代谢活化系统723Mechanistic investigation机制研究724Metabolism代谢725Metabolites profile代谢物的概况726Metaphase中期727Metaphase analysis分裂中期相分析728Metaphase cell分裂中期细胞729metazoan cell culture微生物细胞培养730microbial cells微生物细胞731microbial contamunation 微生物污染732microbial expression system微生物表达系统733microbial limits微生物限度734microbial metabolites微生物代谢物735microbial proteases微生物蛋白酶736microbial vaccine antigens微生物疫苗抗原737microbiological testing 微生物学试验738Micronucleus微核739Micronucleus formation微核形成740Microtitre微滴定741Microtitre method微滴定法742Mimicking模拟743minimum exposure time最低作用时间744minimum of pilot plant试产规模745minute virus of mice小鼠小病毒746mirror image 镜像747mismached S-S linked错连的S-S键748Mitotic index有丝分裂指数749modified-/modifying release修饰释放750modifying factor修正因子751moisture level水分752molar absorptivity克分子吸收753Molecular characterisation分子特性754molecular characteristics分子特性755molecular confirmation分子构型756molecular entities/entity分子实体757molecular size分子大小758Molecular technique分子技术759Monitor监测760Monoclonal antibodies单克隆抗体761monoclonal antibody单克隆抗体762mork run空白对照试验763morphological analysis形态学分析764mouse antibody production (MAP) test小鼠抗体产生试验765mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV)小鼠巨细胞病毒766mouse encephalomyelitis virus (GDVII)小鼠脑脊髓炎病毒767mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)小鼠肝炎病毒768Mouse lymphoma tk assay小鼠淋巴瘤tk检测769Mouse lymphoma L5178Y cell小鼠淋巴瘤L5178Y细胞770mouse rotavirus (EDIM)小鼠小轮状病毒771MuLV murine leukemia virus鼠白血病病毒772murine hybridoma cell lines鼠杂交瘤细胞系773Mutagen诱变原774Mutagen carcinogen诱变性致癌剂775Mutagen potential of chemical化合物的潜在致突变性776Mutant colony突变体集落777Mutation突变778Mutation induction in transgenes转基因诱导突变779mutations 突变780mycoplasma支原体781myeloma cell line骨髓瘤细胞系782Naked eye肉眼783national or international reference material国家或国际参比物质784national reference standards国家参比标准品785near ultraviolet lamp近紫外灯786Necropsy(macroscopic examination)解剖(大体检查)787Negative control阴性对照788Negative result阴性结果789Neonate adaptation to extrautenrine life新生仔宫外生活的适应性790neural sugars中性糖791new chemical entity新化学体792new dosage form新剂型793new drug products/produce新药制剂794new drug substance新原料药795new molecular entities新分子体796Newbom新生仔797Newcleated有核798no effect level不产生反应的量799Non rodent非啮齿类800Non-clinical非临床801noncovalent/convalent forces非共价/共价键802non-enveloped viruses非包膜病毒803Non-genotoxic carcinogen非遗传毒性致癌剂804Non-genotoxic mechanism非遗传毒性机制805Non-human primate非人灵长类806Non-linear非线性807non-mammalian animal cell lines非哺乳动物细胞系808non-recombinant cell-cul-ture expression systems非重组细胞培养表达系统809non-recombinant products/vaccines非重组制品/疫苗810non-specific model virus非特异模型病毒811Non-toxic compound无毒化合物812Non-toxic-effect dose level无毒性反应剂量水平813no-observed effect level不能观察到反应的量814N-terminal sequencing N端测序815nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振816Nucleated bone marrow cell有核骨髓细胞817nucleic acid核酸818Nucleoside analogue核苷酸同系物819nucleotide sequences 核苷酸序列820Number of live and dead implantation宫内活胎和死胎数821Numerical chromosmal aberration染色体数目畸变822Numerical chromosome changes染色体数目改变823Oestrous cycle动情周期824official procedure正式方法825ointments软膏826oligonucleotide低聚核苷酸827Oligonucleotide grugs寡核苷酸药物828oligosaccharide pattern寡糖类型829One,two,three generation studies一、二、三子代研究830opacity浊度831Organ development器官发育832organic impurities有机杂质833origins of replication复制起点834osmolality摩尔渗透压浓度835outdoor daylight室外日光836Ovulation rate排卵率837oxidation氧化838oxygen consumption rates耗氧量839package包装840Paraffine embedding石蜡包埋841parainfluenza virus副流感病毒842parallel control assays 平行对照分析843Parameter参数844Parent compound母体化合物845parent stability Guideline稳定性试验总指导原则846parental cell line母细胞系847Parenteral非肠道848parenterals非肠道制剂849particle size粒度850Particulate material颗粒物851particulate matter微粒852Parturition分娩延迟853parvoviruses细小病毒854passage history of the cell line细胞系的传代史855pathogenic agents致病因子856pathogenicity致病性857patterns of degradation降解方式858Pediatric populations小儿人群859peptide肽860peptide map 肽图861percent recovery回收率862periodic/skip testing定期检验/抽验863Peripheral blood erythrocyte外周血红细胞864permitted daily exposure允许的日接触量865Perpoductive competence生殖能力866phage typing噬菌体分型867pharcodynamic studies药效学研究868Pharmacodinetic药代动力学869Pharmacodynamic effects药效作用870Pharmacodynamics药效学(药效动力学)871pharmacopoeial药典872pharmacopoeial pharmacoppeial specifications药典规范873pharmacopoeial standards药典标准874phenotypic 表型875Phenylene diamine苯二胺876phosphorylation磷酸化作用877photostability testing光稳定性试验878Physical development身体发育879physicochemical changes理化改变880physicochemical methods物理化学方法881physico-chemical properties物理化学特性882Physiological stress生理应激883Pilot studies 前期研究884pilot-plant scale试生产规模/中试规模885Pinna unfolding耳廓张开886piston release force活塞释放力887piston travel force活塞移动力888pivotal stability studies关键的稳定性研究889plaque assays菌斑测定890plasmid质粒891Plasmid质粒892plasmid banks质粒库893plasminogen activators纤溶酶原激活素894Plasminogen activators纤维蛋白溶解酶原激活因子895Ploidy整倍体896pneumonia virus of mice小鼠肺炎病毒897Point mutation点突变898poisson distribution泊松分布899Polychromatic erythrocyte嗜多染红细胞900polyclonal antibody多克隆抗体901Polycyclic hydrocarbon多环芳烃902Polymer聚合物903polymerase chain reaction (PCR)聚合酶链式反应904polymorphic form多晶性型905polymorphs多晶型906polyoma virus多瘤病毒907polypeptides多肽908Polyploid cell多倍体细胞909Polyploidy多倍体910Polyploidy induction多倍体诱导911pooled havest集中回收912Poorly soluble compound难溶化合物913population doubling细胞数倍增/群体倍增914porcine猪915Positive control阳性对照916Positive result阳性结果917Post meiotic stages减数分裂后期918Post-approval批准后919Postcoital time frame交配后日期920Postimplantation deaths着床后死亡921Postnatal deaths出生后死亡922post-translational modifications批准后923post-translationally modified forms翻译后修饰924Postweaning development and growth断奶后发育和生长925potency效价926potent功效927Potential 潜在性928potential adverse consequences潜在的不良后果929potential excipients准赋形剂930Potential immunogenecity潜在免疫原性931potential impurity潜在杂质932potential new drug products准新药制剂933potential new drug substances准新药原料934Potentialtarget organs for toxicity潜在毒性靶器官935potentiometric titrimetry电位滴定936powders粉剂937power outages and human error断电和人为错误938preamble引言939Pre-and post-natal development study围产期的发育研究940Pre-and postweaning survival and growth断奶前后的存活和生长941pre-approval or pre-liscense stage批准前或发证前阶段942Precipitate沉淀物943precision精密度944preclinical and clinical studies临床前和临床研究945Preclinical safety evaluation临床前安全性评价946precursors前体947Predetermined criteria预定标准948Prediction of carcinogenicity致癌性预测949Pregnant怀孕950Pregnant and lactating animals怀孕与哺乳期动物951Preimplantation development着床前发育952Preimplantation stages of the embryo胚胎着床前期953preliminary assessment初步评估954preliminary cell bank初级细胞库955Preliminary studies预试验956Premating交配前957Premating treatment交配前给药958preparation制剂959Pre-screening预筛选960preservative防腐剂961Prevalence of abnormalities异常情况的普遍程度962Preweaning断奶前963Primary active entity主要活性实体964primary cells原代细胞965primary stability data主要稳定性数据966primary stability study/formal study/formal stability study主要稳定性研究/正式研究/正式稳定性研究967primary structure一级结构968primer引物969priming regimen接种方案970Priority selection优先选择971probability概率972process characterisation studies工艺鉴定研究973process controls工艺控制974process optimisation工艺优化975process parameters工艺参数976process validation工艺确证977process-related impurities工艺相关杂质978Pro-drug前体药物979product-related imputies产品相关杂质980progenitor祖细胞981prokaryotic cell原核细胞982Prolongation of parturition产程延长983promoters启动子984proposed commercial process模拟上市985protected samples避光样品。



产品货号 英文品名 中文品名 优惠价 (R M B ) 目录价 (RMB)
A1542-2.5KG A1542-250G A1542-500G B7901-1KG B7901-500G C3041-100CAP C3041-50CAP C3674-100G C3674-1KG C3674-500G E9508-100ML E9508-10UL E9508-1L E9508-2.5L E9508-500ML E6758-100G E6758-500G H3375-100G H3375-1KG H3375-250G H3375-25G H3375-500G H3375-5KG I0125-100G I0125-10G I0125-1KG I0125-25G I0125-500G I0125-5KG M2933-100G M2933-1KG M2933-25G M2933-500G M1254-100G M1254-1KG M1254-250G M1254-25G M1254-50KG M1254-5KG P5493-1L P5493-4L P4809-100TAB P4809-50TAB
Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose Agarose
低熔点琼脂糖 低熔点琼脂糖 低熔点琼脂糖 低熔点琼脂糖 低熔点琼脂糖 低熔点琼脂糖 琼脂糖 琼脂糖 琼脂糖 琼脂糖 琼脂糖 琼脂糖
Ammonium acetate ~98% Ammonium acetate ~98% Ammonium acetate ~98% Boric acid Boric acid Carbonate-Bicarbonate Buffer Carbonate-Bicarbonate Buffer Citric acid trisodium salt Citric acid trisodium salt Citric acid trisodium salt Ethanolamine >=98% Ethanolamine >=98% Ethanolamine >=98% Ethanolamine >=98% Ethanolamine >=98% Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid >=98.5% Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid >=98.5% HEPES >=99.5% (titration) HEPES >=99.5% (titration) HEPES >=99.5% (titration) HEPES >=99.5% (titration) HEPES >=99.5% (titration) HEPES >=99.5% (titration) Imidazole >=98.5% (titration) Imidazole >=98.5% (titration) Imidazole >=98.5% (titration) Imidazole >=98.5% (titration) Imidazole >=98.5% (titration) Imidazole >=98.5% (titration) MES hydrate >=99.5% MES hydrate >=99.5% MES hydrate >=99.5% MES hydrate >=99.5% MOPS >=99.5% (titration) MOPS >=99.5% (titration) MOPS >=99.5% (titration) MOPS >=99.5% (titration) MOPS >=99.5% (titration) MOPS >=99.5% (titration) Phosphate buffered saline Phosphate buffered saline Phosphate-Citrate Buffer Phosphate-Citrate Buffer


For 2D Co-culture experiments, HCC38 and HeLa cells were seeded at 25,000 cells (in 50 μL) per well on day zero. The same day, PBMCs were prepared at a concentration of 500K cells per mL (25K/ 50 μL) and grown for 2 days in T-25 flasks with or without Dynabeads (1 bead: 1 cell ratio). After 2 days, PBMCs were removed from flasks and either added directly to the culture plate containing HCC38 or HeLa cells cells or were spun down to collect supernatant for conditioned media (CM). PBMCs or CM were added at 50 μL/well to the plate containing adherent cells. After 2 days of co-culture (or treatment with CM or IFNγ), culture plates were spun down briefly (~4 minutes at ~500 RPM), 62 μL supernatants were collected (some media left in order to leave PBMCs), and cells were lysed by adding 4X AlphaLISA Lysis buffer (#AL001F) for ~20 minutes. Supernatants and lysate samples (>55 μL lysate per well) were transferred directly to polypropylene StorPlates (#6008290) and kept up to 2 weeks at -20ºC before assays were run.



注意:当跳过此步骤时,不使用二甲苯透明,酒精将会保存于组织切片上,导致伊红从切片 上流出。
13 封片:中性树胶封片,自然风干或烤干,显微镜观察。
注意事项 HE 染色是一个对经验要求非常高的染色,上述实验流程中所提供的染色时间都是参考时间, 要根据实验原理,结合具体情况而定。
染色较弱是由于:1)组织切片过薄;2)染色时间不足;3)随后 95%酒精分化过度。 染色过度是由于:1)染液浓度较高(可能是由于过度蒸发);2)组织切片过厚;3)染色时 间过长;4)随后 95%酒精分化不足。
伊红染色未分化(一种颜色)是由于: 1)固定不彻底; 2)过度染色,a)染色时间过长;b)染液浓度过高。
4. 水洗:苏木素染色后,用水洗组织是非常重要的。这一步以及随后的水洗,可将多余的 染料,媒染剂等去除。适当的漂洗可以去除表面金属光泽,金属光泽可阻止苏木素的染色。 注意:跳过此步,将产生不好的结果,例如沉淀的形成,染液的稀释,表面金属光泽的存在。 5. 酸酒精:酸酒精分色剂 3~5sec。在苏木素染色方 注意:如果没有此步骤,组织切片将变为暗紫色。嗜酸结构,例如,胶原,将不会呈现明亮 的粉红色。组织结构之间将很难区分。很难对切片做出正确的判断。 分色过度可能是由于:1)酸浓度过高;2)脱色时间过长等。分色不足是由于:1)酸浓度过低; 2)脱色时间不足;3)在切片上有多余的蛋白或者明胶等。
结果 细胞核染为蓝色;细胞质染为红色。
温馨提示 1. 为了您的自身安全,使用试剂前,请做好防护,如穿实验服,戴手套等。 2. 试剂应保存于阴凉、干燥、通风良好的环境中。
储存温度 避光储存于室温。
包装清单 货号

哈奇 Surface Scatter 7 sc 振荡法浓度计说明书

哈奇 Surface Scatter 7 sc 振荡法浓度计说明书

TurbidityandSuspendedSolids Surface Scatter®7scTurbidimeterLess Fouling for Easy MaintenanceThe Hach Surface Scatter7sc Turbidimeter(SS7)isuniquely designed so that the light source and photocellnever come in contact with the sample.In fluids with highloads of suspended solids this makes sample cell cleaningand replacement unnecessary.Built to LastAll wetted parts of the Hach SS7turbidimeter are madewith corrosion-resistant materials for extended life.Thephoto-detector and light source assemblies are protectedfrom the effects of corrosive vapors and heated samples.The SS7turbidimeter is warranted against defects inmaterials or workmanship for two years from the date ofshipment.Two Models for Different ApplicationsSurface Scatter7sc Turbidimeter—Use the SS7toestablish and maintain optimum process control and forreliable monitoring.•Drinking water influent•Wastewater effluent•Flocculation and sedimentation•Industrial process water•Food processing waste containing starch,fat,or oilSurface Scatter7sc High Sample Temperature(HST)Turbidimeter—This is an SS7turbidimeter designed tomonitor samples with temperatures of up to70°C.Aninnovative moist air removal system is useful where adifference between the sample temperature and the ambienttemperature causes condensation and fogging.For use inapplications such as:•Fluids ranging from raw water influent to corrosivewhite liquor•High temperature samples—up to70°C•Corrosive white,black,and green liquor in paper mills•Produced water in oil fields containing oil andhydrogen sulfide•Wherever temperature differences cause condensationand foggingWide Measurement RangeThe SS7turbidimeter can reliably measure turbidity from0to9999NTU in samples that vary from clear water tocorrosive and high temperature paper mill and oil fieldsamples.Backed by a2-year WarrantyConsistent with its long-standing reputation for qualityand customer service,Hach Company warrants all SS7turbidimeters against defects in materials or workmanshipfor two years from the date of shipment.DWWWIWUse the Hach Surface Scatter7sc Turbidimeter to monitorhigh range turbidity with greater accuracy and reliability thanever before.The optics never touch the sample in theHach Surface Scatter7Turbidimeter so it’s virtuallymaintenance free.2*Specifications subject to change without notice.Range0to 9999Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU)Accuracy±5%of reading or ±0.1NTU (whichever is greater)from0to 2000NTU;±10%of reading from 2000to 9999NTU Resolution0.01NTU below 100NTU0.1NTU between 100to 9999.9NTU Repeatability1.0%or ±0.04NTU,whichever is greater Response TimeInitial response in 45seconds Sample Flow Required1.0to2.0L/min (15to 30gal/hr)Sample TemperatureSS7:0to 50°C (32to 122°F)SS7/HST:0to 70°C (32to 158°F),intermittent 70to 80°C (158to 176°F)(an optional heat exchanger is available to reduce sample temperature)Ambient Temperature 0to 50°CHumidity5to 95%non-condensingPower Requirements100/230VAC,50/60Hz,auto selecting;40VAInstallation Category Category IISample Inlet Fitting 3/4-inch NPT female Overflow Drain Fitting 1-inch NPT femaleBody Drain Fitting 3/4-inch NPT femaleAir Purge Fitting3/4-inch compression fitting;0-50SCFH airflow clean instrument air EnclosureSample unit:NEMA-12plastic instrument enclosure Mounting Wall mountDimensions64.2x 67.5x 19.0cm (25.3x 26.6x 7.5in.)WeightSS7:15.8kg (35lbs.)SS7/HST:18kg (40lbs.)1.The turbidimeter shall be acontinuous-reading,on-line instrument using the nephelometric method of measurement.2.The turbidimeter shall consist of twomain components:a sample unit and a control unit.3.The turbidimeter shall utilize a singlesilicon photodiode to detect 90degree scattered light.4.The turbidimeter shall be equippedwith a digital display with automatic decimal point placement reading from 0-9999NTU.5.The accuracy of the turbidimeter shallbe better than ±0.1NTU or ±5%from 0to 2000NTU which ever is greater;±10%from 2000to 9999NTU.6.The resolution of the turbidimeter shallbe 0.01NTU.7.Calibration of the turbidimeter shall bebased on formazin.8.The turbidimeter shall be sold with awarranty against defects in materials and workmanship for two years from date of shipment.9.All optical and hydraulic componentsshall be housed in the sample unit.10.The optics of the turbidimeter shallnever touch the sample.11.The light source shall be directed tothe surface of the water source,eliminating the use of a glass window or flow cell.12.The sampling unit shall be constructedof corrosion-resistant structural plastic.13.The sampling unit shall be poweredfrom the control unit and require no separate power source.14.The sampling unit shall be housed in aNEMA-12industrial plastic enclosure.Principle of OperationThe sample is introduced into the center sample tube of an inclined turbidimeter body at a flow rate of 1to 2liters per minute (1/4to 1/2gallon per minute).As the fluid spills over the top of theturbidimeter body,a stable,flat surface of liquid forms and becomes the measuring surface.A high-intensity light source is directed at the surface of the liquid at an acute angle.Light is scattered by particles in the sample and is detected by aphotocell positioned directly over the point where the light enters the liquid.The light is scattered at or near thesurface and very little is absorbed by the liquid.The amount of light scattered changes in direct proportion to turbidity.Most of the light directed at the surface of the sample is reflected up into the instrument cabinet and absorbed,or refracted down into the turbidimeter body.A small amount of the light is scattered by the particles suspended in the fluid.The photocell assemblydetects light scattered at 90°from the incident beam.The electronic signal generated by the photocell is directly related to the concentration of particles suspended in thesample.315.The control unit shall be equipped withlinear output signal that can beprogrammed to span all or any portionof the0-9999NTU range.16.The control unit shall be equipped withtwo turbidity alarm set pointsadjustable over the entire range of theinstrument with a SPDT relay withunpowered contacts rated for6A.17.A bubble rejection algorithm shall beprovided to eliminate spikes inmeasurement due to transient sampleconditions.18.The control unit shall be housed in aNEMA-4X industrial enclosure.19.The turbidimeter shall be the ModelSurface Scatter7sc Turbidimetermanufactured by Hach Company.The Hach Surface Scatter7sc Turbidimeter should be located as close to the sampling point as possible.The control unit and sample unit can be bench-or wall-mounted away from direct sunlight.Best performance will result if the ambient temperature does not change rapidly.Equipped with an4-conductor6-foot(2m)sensor cable expandable up to30feet(10m).HSTModel OnlyLit.No.2509Rev1E11Printed in U.S.A.©Hach Company,2011.All rights reserved.In the interest of improving and updating its equipment,Hach Company reserves the right to alter specifications to equipment at any time.For current price information, technical support,and ordering assistance,contact the Hach office or distributor servingyour area.In the United States,contact:HACH COMPANY World Headquarters P.O.Box389Loveland,Colorado80539-0389U.S.A.Telephone:800-227-4224Fax:970-669-2932E-mail:orders@U.S.exporters and customers in Canada, Latin America,sub-Saharan Africa,Asia, and Australia/New Zealand,contact: HACH COMPANY World Headquarters P.O.Box389Loveland,Colorado80539-0389U.S.A.Telephone:970-669-3050Fax:970-461-3939E-mail:intl@In Europe,the Middle East,and Mediterranean Africa,contact:HACH LANGE GmbHWillstätterstraße11D-40549DüsseldorfGERMANYTel:+49(0)2115288-0Fax:+49(0)2115288-143E-mail:info@hach-lange.deAt Hach,it’s about learning from our customers and providing the right answers. It’s more than ensuring the quality of water—it’s about ensuring the quality of life. When it comes to the things that touch our lives...Keep it pure.Make it simple.Be right.4Ordering InformationAll Surface Scatter7Turbidimeters are shipped with calibration cup,4000NTU Formazin calibration standard,installation accessories,and instruction manual (power cords must be ordered separately).2978500Surface Scatter7sc Turbidimeter;with Hach sc200CH1Controller*2978600Surface Scatter7sc High Sample Temperature(HST)Turbidimeter;with Hach sc200CH1Controller*2977200Surface Scatter7sc Turbidimeter;with Hach sc200Controller* 2977300Surface Scatter7sc High Temperature Turbidimeter;with sc200Controller**Refer to Hach lit#2665for more information about the sc200Controller. Sensor OnlyLPV431.99.00002Surface Scatter7sc TurbidimeterLPV432.99.00002Surface Scatter7sc High Sample Temperature(HST)TurbidimeterSample Conditioning Options4669212Auto Flush Kit;120Vac4669222Auto Flush Kit;220Vac4668000Bubble Trap,Head Regulator4028400Flow Meter;100to1600mL/minuteCalibration Standards7121649400NTU StablCal;500mL2461494000NTU Formazin;500mLCables5796000Sensor Cable Extension;7.7m(25ft.)4630600Power Cord;125Vac,10A,1.83m(6ft.)4630800Power Cord;250Vac,10A,1.83m(6ft.)Optional Accessories68700Cylinder Brush;size24502100Calibration Cup2351300Verification Plates9220500Sun Shield,sc200controller2351300Standardization Plate Kit,uncalibrated。

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