IR 推出优化版车用 DirectFET®2 功率 MOSFET 芯片组, 适合高功率密度和高效率 DC-DC 应用
选配 能 ......................................................................................... 10
操作 管理 ..................................................................................... 10
2.3.9 机械钥匙使用方法................................................................... 12
说明 ................................................................................. 13
子门 如果您未按说明书的要求操作电子门 而由 引起的任何损失,根据相关
规定本 将
本说明书仅适用于书中 介绍的本 电子门 型 产品的使用和使用条件
境要求的说明, 体表明产品软硬件的实 配置和界面,实 配置请以您
购买的产品 装箱清单 准 本说明书 一定能适用于 它型 和配置的本 电
子门 ,更 一定适用于 它品牌的产品
2.1.2 常开 能 ................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 反 能 ................................................................................... 9
本人曾經替憶華電機設計即時制程管制系統,系統中要求以dppm爲單位計算制程的品質水準,所以熟知憶華電機品質水準的計算方式,當時就以下例來說明兩者 ppm 的計算方法不同,而造成品質指標不一致的結果。
假設某制程;例如SMT,AI或HI,某天的生産日報如下:l 假如以台爲計算基礎P =(5+10+15)/(1,000+1,000+2,000)=30/4,000=7,500ppm即表示每100萬台平均有7,500台是不良。
c =(10+20+30)/(1,000+1,000+2,000)=60/4,000= dpu即表示每台平均有個缺點。
l 假如以檢點爲計算基礎μ=(10+20+30)/( 200×1,000+100×1,000+50×2,000)=60/400,000=150 dppm即表示每100萬個檢點平均有150個缺點。
以上的解釋以100萬台爲單位及100萬個檢點爲單位,當然要兩個 ppm 的品質指標互相比較就有所出入。
超级节油 艾里逊推xFE高效节油变速器
04□邮箱:yumn-830@12■ 本报记者 田 野 文/图5月23日,中国重汽集团杭州发动机销售有限公司(以下简称“重汽杭发销售公司”)携4款曼技术客车专用发动机亮相2016北京国际道路运输、城市公交车辆及零部件展览会(以下简称“客车展”)。
硬实力 拥傲娇资本据了解,重汽杭发销售公司是中国重汽系列发动机对外销售的惟一窗口,其产品包含卡车发动机、客车发动机及工程机械发动机等。
本次展会上,重汽杭发销售公司展出MC05、MC07、MC11系列柴油发动机及MT 系列天然气发动机均基于德国曼技术打造,具有极强的技术优势和市场竞争力。
”求发展 积极谋转变通常情况下,产品品质理应与市场表现成正比。
达到 3 fs 支持 V A; 0p , G 全球最低 的待机
mA;0 脉 冲 充 电 /线 性 充 电 ; 1V 块 , 们 还 可 以在 几 分 钟 内 测试 流 行 的 接 功 耗 1 他 国 际整 流 器 公 司 日前 推 出 了一 款 优 U B一 站 式 下载 、 准 和 测试 。这 些特 性 化 版 车 用 Di cF T S 校 口, U R 、 P 和 F 如 A TS I C和 L D 控 制 。设 C r tE 2功 率 MOS E e F T芯 能 够 帮 助 客 户 以最 低 成 本 实 现最 优质 的 片组 , 合 内 燃 机 、 合动 力和 电动 车 中 计 人员可以使用免费下载 的参考设计源 适 混
MT 2 2特性包含 :卓越 的 e OM; I B R推 出优化版 车用 Di cF T r tE 2功 e 式 优 化 功 耗 , 些 是典 型 的低 功 耗 消费 电 外 , 6 5 这 高 性 能 的 摄像 、 照相 功 能 ; 频 播 放速 度 视 子 的应 用 用 集 成 的 8位 微控 制器 。使 率 MOS E F T芯 片组
五 月 大 规 模 上 市 , 同 时 海 外 市 场 亦 有 斩 应用 , 以及 液 压和 电子 悬挂 控 制器 。 此外 ,
6 5 2电路 、 1 三插 槽 直 角 连 接头 也带 有 焊 接 Ma h O2 i 开 发 套 件 配 有 获 ,东 南 亚 多 家 品 牌 手 机 基于 MT 2 2 1 c X Pc o 的 丰 富终 端 也将 全 面 上市 。届 时 , 大 的 端子 ,是任何需要较多 电路数 目的 E U 广 C Ma h O2L MX 2— 1 0 Z cX C O 2 0 E器 件 、1 高 的 这两款连接头均 由具有 兆 SI P 闪存 、 C温度 传感 器 、。 G、 P F Jr S I 消 费 者 将 会 享 受 到 真 正 “ 而 不 贵 ” 手 应用的理想选择。 A 机 带 来 的精 彩 移 动 多 媒体 生 活体 验 。 抗 水 解 性 ( doyi l tb ) 高 阻 燃 h rl c l sa l 和 y t ay e 和1 2 C和 GPO 接 口的 扩 展 头 、 晶显 示 I 液
RT7295CGJ6F Evaluation BoardPurposeThe RT7295C is a synchronous step-down converter with Advanced Constant On-Time (ACOT™) mode control. It can deliver up to 3.5A output current from a wide input voltage range of 4.3V to 18V.This document explains the function and use of the RT7295C evaluation board (EVB) and provides information to enable operation and modification of the evaluation board and circuit to suit individual requirements.Table of ContentsPURPOSE (1)INTRODUCTION (2)KEY PERFORMANCE SUMMARY TABLE (2)BENCH TEST SETUP CONDITIONS (3)SCHEMATIC, BILL OF MATERIALS AND BOARD LAYOUT (5)MORE INFORMATION (10)IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR RICHTEK REFERENCE DESIGNS (10)IntroductionGeneral Product InformationThe RT7295C is a synchronous step-down converter with Advanced Constant On-Time (ACOT™) mode control. The ACOT™provides a very fast transient response with few external components. The low impedance internal MOSFET supports high efficiency operation with wide input voltage range from 4.3V to 18V. The proprietary ci rcuit of the RT7295C enables to support all ceramic capacitors. The output voltage can be adjusted between 0.6V and 8V. The RT7295C also provides output under voltage protection and thermal shutdown protection. The low current (<4μA) shutdown mode provides output disconnection, enabling easy power management in battery-powered systems. The RT7295C is available in TSOT-23-6 FCOL (Flip-Chip-On-Lead) package.Product Feature●±1.5% High Accuracy Feedback Voltage● 4.3V to 18V Input Voltage Range● 3.5A Output Current●Integrated N-MOSFET Switches●ACOT™ mode control●Fixed Frequency Operation : 500kHz●Output Adjustable from 0.6V to 8V●Up to 95% Efficiency●Fast Transient Response●Stable with Low-ESR Ceramic Output Capacitors●Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current Protection●Input Under Voltage Lockout●Output Under Voltage Protection●Thermal Shutdown Protection●Thermal Improve FCOL package (Flip Chip On Lead)●RoHS Compliant and Halogen FreeKey Performance Summary TableBench Test Setup ConditionsHeaders Description and PlacementPlease carefully inspect the EVB IC and external components, comparing them to the following Bill of Materials, to ensure that all components are installed and undamaged. If any components are missing or damaged during transportation, please contact the distributor or send e-mail to ***********************Test PointsThe EVB is provided with the test points and pin names listed in the table below.Power-up & Measurement Procedure1. Apply a 12V nominal input power supply (4.3V < V IN < 18V) to the VIN and GND terminals.2. The EN voltage is pulled to logic high by R5 (100kΩ to VIN) to enable operation. Drive EN high (>1.5V) toenable operation or low (<0.4V) to disable operation.3. Verify the output voltage (approximately 1.2V) between VOUT and GND.4. Connect an external load up to 3.5A to the VOUT and GND terminals and verify the output voltage and current.Output Voltage SettingSet the output voltage with the resistive divider (R2, R3) between VOUT and GND with the midpoint connected to FB. The output is set by the following formula:V OUT=0.6×(1+R2 R3)The installed VOUT capacitors (C9, C10 and C11) are 22μF, 16V X5R ceramic types. Do not exceed their operating voltage range and consider their voltage coefficient (capacitance vs. bias voltage) and ensure that the capacitance is sufficient to maintain stability and provide sufficient transient response for your application. This can be verified by checking the output transient response as described in the RT7295C IC datasheet.Schematic, Bill of Materials & Board Layout EVB Schematic DiagramC3, C4: 10μF/50V/X5R, 1206, TDK C3216X5R1H106KC9, C10, C11: 22μF/16V/X5R, 1210, Murata GRM32ER61C226KL1: 2μH TAIYO YUDEN NR8040T2R0N, DCR=9mΩEVB LayoutTop View (1st layer)Bottom View (4th Layer)Component Placement Guide—Component Side (1st layer)PCB Layout—Component Side (1st Layer)PCB Layout—Bottom Side (4th layer)More InformationFor more information, please find the related datasheet or application notes from Richtek website .Important Notice for Richtek Reference DesignsTHIS DOCUMENT IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY, NOTHING CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUME NT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS RICHTEK’S WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, UNDER CONTRACT, TORT OR STATUTORY, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRESENTATION HEREIN. IN NO EVENT SHALL RICHTEK BE LIABLE T O BUYER OR USER FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION TO DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.Connect Richtek Through WeChat微信扫一扫,服务马上到!。
单片机张力检测控制系统本科 毕业设计
毕业设计(论文) 论文题目单片机张力检测控制系统
随着科技的发展,单片机在一些自动控制的生产系统中得到充分的应用,本课题主要 研究对象是车牌膜卷冲压的张力控制,通过我们苦苦的研究,终于找到一种比较好的解决 方法:通过传感器检测膜卷带转动的角度转化为电流信号 I(in),将 4~20mA 电流信号 I(in) 转换为 A/D 转换器能接收的电压信号 U(in);A/D 转换器将模拟电压信号 U(in)转化为 单片机处理器可以读写的数字信号 D0-D7,将此数字信号与给定线速度电流数字信号送给 单片机处理器,用预先汇编好 PID 算法程序进行处理,PID 算法是能自我调节增量式的自 动控制系统,以及用 8155 扩展输入输出口芯片进行扩展成一个输入口一个输出口,两个 IO 口都是用 2501 隔离芯片进行各种输出输入信号的光电隔离。然后将得出的增量式的数 字信号传送给 D/A 转换器,通过转换得到需要的电流信号,将电流信号通过放大器等模拟 芯片转换成电压信号,再将此电压信号用 XR101 转换成 4~20mA 的电流信号。将此模 拟电流信号驱动伺服电机控制器,再驱动伺服电机,使膜卷带保持恒定的线速度。 关键词:单片机;PID 控制
IR新型25V DirectFET芯片组为高频率DC-DC开关应用带来业界领先效率
传 统 的微 控 制 器 只 能 实 现 控 制 应 用 ,无 法 满 足 复 杂 的 数 字 信 号 处 理 算 法 要 求 。 增 加 单 独 的 数 字 信 号 处 理
功 能 不 仅 会 大 大 增 加 整 个 系 统 的 复 杂 性 , 更 会 使 成 本 升
Co t x r e —M4 系 列 微 控 制 器 产 品 ,从 性 能 、功 耗 和 价 格 全 方 面 满 足 客 户 的 嵌 入 式 系 统 需 求 。◆
出f RF6 0 S2 76 PbF和 } RF6 9 MPb Dfect 78 F r FET
肖 特 基 二 极 管 ,能 够 减
少 与 体 二 极 管 传 导 相 关
MOSFET芯 片 组 , 为 1 V输 入 同 步 降 压 应 用 ( 括 服 务 2 包 器 、台 式 电 脑 和 笔 记 本 电脑 ) 供 最 佳 效 率 。 提
坌 整 ! 篁塑 丛塑 曼 圃 垒
恩 智 浦 将在 硅 谷 嵌 入 式 系统 博 览会 上 现 场展 示 7 通 道 音 频 /视 频 均 衡 器 的 应 用 ,利 用 CO t x r e —M4 DSP 的
e t n in 能 处 理 3 位 精 度 的 音 频 数 据 只 需 要 1 MHz x e so 功 2 2 的
25 25 0. 91 5 3. 2 1. 6 5. 3 + /一 2O + /一 2O 37 17 5O 12 1 6 4. 2 M × S1
恩 智浦 推出基 于ARM re — 内核 的新 型数字 信号 控制 器 Co tx M4
但 采用 了J 新 一代 M0sFET硅 技 术 ,还具 有 业界 领 R最
先 的 性 能指 数( FOM) Dje FET封 装 卓 越 的 开 关 和 及 ct r 热 特 性 , 成 为 一 个 为 高 频 率 DC—DC开 关 应 用 而 优 化 的
Abbreciation........Note........Chinese........Remark........8D........8.Discipline.Report........8D.报告,.qua ntifying.and.resolving.process.and.product.quality.issuesA........ABS........Anti-lock.Break.System........防抱死制动系统................ABS+T................防抱死制动系统+循迹系统................ACI........Automatic.Car.Identification.System........汽车自动识别系统........ ........APQP........Advanced.Product.Quality.Planning........产品质量先期策划........ ........AQL........Approval.Quality.Level........品质允收水准........C=0/AQL=04 ........APQP........Advanced.Product.and..Quality.Planning.........先期质量策划........ ........ASC................加速防滑控制品................ASD........Approval.Supplier.Database........合格供应商名录................ASES........Alliance.Supplier.Evaluation.Standard........................ASM................动态稳定系统................ASN........Advance.Shipping.Notification........................ASR................加速防滑系统................ASSY........Assembly........装配................A-TRC................车身主动循迹控制系统................AVL........Approved.Vendor.List........被Intier客户和Intier批准的供应商名单........ ........AYC................主动偏行系统........B........BAS................制动辅助系统................BDAR........Business.Development.Activity.Request........................BOM........Bill.Of.Material........材料清单........C........CAputer.Aided.Design........计算机辅助设计................CAPEX........SCAPital.Expenditure................"ed.for.controlling.progra"'s........Critical.Characteristics........关键特性................CDL........Control.Door.Lock........控制门锁................CER........Capital.Expenditure.Request...固定资产投资申请........" tal.investment"........CFT........Cross.Functional.Team........跨部门小组................CFR................成本加运费(……指定目的港)................CIF........Cost.Insurance&Freight........到岸价................CIP................运费、保险费付至(……指定目的港)................CMK........Capability.of.Machine.Index........设备能力指数................Change.Notice........更改通知........pany.Operating.Procedure........公司营运程序................CP.........Control.Plan........控制计划................CPK........Capability.of.Process.Index........工序能力指数................CPT................运费付至(……指定目的港)........D........DAF................边境交货(……指定地点)................DCC........Document.Control.Coordinator........文件控制协调员........ ........DDP........Delivery.with.Duty.Paid........完税交货价................DDU........Delivery.with.Duty.Unpaid........未完税交货价................DES........Delivered.Ex.Ship........目的港船上交货价................DEQ........Delivered.Ex.Quay........目的港码头交货价................DFM........Design.For.Manufacturing................bor........直接员工................DMN........Defect.Material.Notice........不合格品控制单................DOS........Days.Of.Stock........存货天数................DSC/VSC................车身稳定控制系统................DV........Design.Verification.........设计验证........DV.are.tests,.inspections,紧急制动辅助系统................EBD................电子制动力分配系统................ECN........Engineering.Change.Notice........工程变更通知................ECR........Engineering.Change.Request.........工程变更申请工程变更实施................EDI........Electronic.Data.Infrastructrue........电子数据信息................EDS................电子差速锁................EES................座椅自动调节系统................EHS........Environment,.Health&Safety........环境、健康、安全........ ........EIC........Carbon.Emission.Index........碳排放量指数................EOL........End.of.Line........终检........""........EOS........Employee.Opinion.Survey........员工意见调查................EPS........Expanded.Polystyrenes........改良聚苯乙烯................ERP........Enterprise.Resources.Planning........企业资源计划................ESP................电子稳定程序系统................EV........Equipment.Variation........设备变差................EXW................厂内交货........F........FAI........First.Article.Inspection........首次检验................FAQ‘s........Frequently.Ask.Question........常见问题................FAS................船边交货(……指定装运港)................FCA................货交承运人(……指定地点)................FF................前轮驱动................FIFO........First.In.First.Out........先进先出标签................FMEA........Failure.Mode.and.Effects.Analysis........失效模式及后果分析........ ........FOB........Free.on.board........离岸价................FQC........Finial.Quality.Control........最终出货检验................FR................后轮驱动................FSP........Ford.Supplier.Portal........................F-W-D.Car................前轮驱动轿车........G........GAGE........gage........量具................GD&T........Geometric.Dimensioning&Tolerancing........形状与位置公差........ ........GIS................地理信息管理系统................GPS........Global.Postioning.System........全球卫星定位系统................GP12........General.Motor.Process.12........通用遏制计划................GT................跑车........I........IATF........International.Automotive.Task.Force........国际汽车工作组........ bor........间接员工................IMDS........International.Material.Data.System........................IRR........Incoming.Reject.Report.........进料拒收报告........anization........国际标准化组织........ J........JD........Job.Description........工作描述................JIT.........Just.In.Time........及时生产........K........KC........key.characteristics........关键特性................KOI........Key.Operating.Index........主要绩效考核指标........L........LOT........lot........批次........M........MAR........Manufacturing.Action.Request.Form........特采单........ ........MES........Manufacturing.Execution.System................"ed.,.process.monitoring.and.control.of.automated.manufactuing.processes"........MFG........Manufacturing........................MPV........Multi.Purpose.Vehicles........多功能汽车................MOQ........Min.Order.Quatity........................MPS........Master.Production.Schedule........................MRB........Material.Review.Board........材料审核小组........Consist.Quality,.Material,.ME,.Production........MRO........Maintenance.Repair.and.Others........非原材料采购........ ........MSA........Measure.System.Analysis........测量系统分析........N........NCRs........Nonconformance.Reports........不符合项报告........O........ODS........Operator.Description.Sheet................" ustrate.what.anplete.his/her.job.properly"........OEE........Overall.Equipment.Effectiveness........全面设备效率........ ........OEM........Original.Equipment.manufacturers........原始设备制造商(主机厂)........ ........OGP........ogp(公司名)........光学测量仪................OIL........Open.Issue.List........开口问题清单........",.internal.and.supplier.concerns"........OQC........Output.Quality.Control........出货检验................OTS........Off.Tooling.Sample........工装样件........"Off.tool.samples.are.the.initial.samples.that.supplierssubmit.for.assessment.of.tlloing.and.functions"P........PCL........Powered.Child.Lock........电动儿童门锁................PCN........Process.Change.Notice........工艺变更通知过程失效模式及后果分析................PM........Program.Manager........................PP................................PPAP........Production.Parts.Approval.Process........生产件批准程序........ ........PPK........primary.Process.Capability........短期过程能力........lion.quality.metrics........百万分之概率................PSO........Process.Sign-Off........................PSW........Part.Submit.Warranty........零件提交保证................PV.Test........Production.Validation.Test........工艺生产验证........""Q........QC........Quality.Control........质量控制................QIP................过程检验规程................QMS........Quality.Management.System........质量管理体系................QOS................................QSA........Quality.System.Audit........质量体系评定................Quattro................全时四轮驱动系统........rmation........信息申请表................RFQ........Request.For.Quote........报价申请........"Request.from.Customer(S)rmation.on.a.product.or.a.proposal"........RPN........Risk.Priority.Number........风险系数................RSP................电子稳定程序.................RTV........Return.To.Vendor........退回供应商................Run#Rate................节拍生产........""S........SC's........Special.Characteristics........特殊特性........"Are.specifications.which.require.special.manufacuring.control.toernment.requirements"........SIM........Supplier.Improvement.Metrics........供应商改进数据........"Supplier.performance.measurements.available.through.FSP(Ford.Supplier.Portal"........SLL........Skip.Lot.List........免检清单................SOP.........Start.Of.Production........批量生产........"" ........SOP's........Standard.Operation.Procedure........标准作业程序................SPC........Statistical.Process.Control,........统计过程控制........","........SQA........Supplier.Quality.Assurance........................SREA........Supplier.Request.for.Engineering.Approval........................SRS................双安全气囊................STA........Supplier.Technical.Assistance........供应商技术支持........"pany'"T........TRC/TCS................牵引力控制系统........V........VDA........Verdand.Dor.Automobiliudustrie.ev........德国汽车工业联合会........W........WGQ................外高桥........ ........WI........Work.Instruction。
产 品 基本 规 格
l 器# 编号 l 封装 I UR 73 L F a f A IF 7 9 2 l D 2L C n I AURF 6 5 l DF n l I 7 6 S2 2 S Ca Vd s 4V 0 1O V O 典型R so ) d ( n O7 Q .m 5 1Q m 最大Rd (n I so ) 1 Q m I 6 mo 2 I 典型Q 0i 20C 2n 83C .n
国际整 流 器公 司( 简称 f R,纽 约 证交 所代 号 { F) 全球 功 率半 导体 和 管理 方 案 领导 厂 商 。f 成 立 于 1 4 年 ,总 部 设 R 是 R 7 9 在美 国 洛杉 矶 ,在二 十 个 国 家设 有 办事 处 。I 的 模 拟 及混 合 信号 集 成 电路 、先 进 电路 器 件 、集 成 功率 系 统 和器 件 广 泛 R 应用 于 驱 动 高性 能 计算 设 备 及 降低 电机 的 能耗 ( 电机 是 全球 最 大 耗 能 设备 ) ,是 众 多 国 际知 名 厂 商开 发 下 一 代计 算 机 、 节 能 电器 、照 明 设备 、汽车 、卫 星 系统 、宇航 及 国防 系 统的 电源 管理 基 准 。◆
I 推l适 用于汽车的 Die t E @ R t t r 罐 器 件 可 提 供 极 低 的 栅 极 电荷 ,表 6 5 \ J 现 出非常 /的 寄生效 应 ,以及快 速 、高效 的开关性 能 。 j \
DJeCt r FET2 MOSFET是 汽 车 开关 应 用 的理 想 选 择 ,包 括 D类 音 频放 大 器 的 输 出 级 电路 ,以 及DC—DC转 换 器和 燃 油喷 射 系统 。
实现卓越的功率 密度和性能
DIRECTIVE2002/95/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof27January2003on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipmentTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu-nity,and in particular Article95thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(2),Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of Regions(3),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251of the Treaty in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on8November2002(4),Whereas:(1)The disparities between the laws or administrativemeasures adopted by the Member States as regards therestriction of the use of hazardous substances in elec-trical and electronic equipment could create barriers totrade and distort competition in the Community andmay thereby have a direct impact on the establishmentand functioning of the internal market.It thereforeappears necessary to approximate the laws of theMember States in this field and to contribute to theprotection of human health and the environmentallysound recovery and disposal of waste electrical and elec-tronic equipment.(2)The European Council at its meeting in Nice on7,8and9December2000endorsed the Council Resolution of4December2000on the precautionary principle.(3)The Commission Communication of30July1996onthe review of the Community strategy for waste manage-ment stresses the need to reduce the content of hazar-dous substances in waste and points out the potentialbenefits of Community-wide rules limiting the presenceof such substances in products and in productionprocesses.(4)The Council Resolution of25January1988on aCommunity action programme to combat environmentalpollution by cadmium(5)invites the Commission topursue without delay the development of specificmeasures for such a programme.Human health also hasto be protected and an overall strategy that in particularrestricts the use of cadmium and stimulates research intosubstitutes should therefore be implemented.The Reso-lution stresses that the use of cadmium should be limitedto cases where suitable and safer alternatives do notexist.(5)The available evidence indicates that measures on thecollection,treatment,recycling and disposal of wasteelectrical and electronic equipment(WEEE)as set out inDirective2002/96/EC of27January2003of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council on waste elec-trical and electronic equipment(6)are necessary toreduce the waste management problems linked to theheavy metals concerned and the flame retardantsconcerned.In spite of those measures,however,signifi-cant parts of WEEE will continue to be found in thecurrent disposal routes.Even if WEEE were collectedseparately and submitted to recycling processes,itscontent of mercury,cadmium,lead,chromium VI,PBBand PBDE would be likely to pose risks to health or theenvironment.(6)Taking into account technical and economic feasibility,the most effective way of ensuring the significant reduc-tion of risks to health and the environment relating tothose substances which can achieve the chosen level ofprotection in the Community is the substitution of thosesubstances in electrical and electronic equipment by safeor safer materials.Restricting the use of these hazardoussubstances is likely to enhance the possibilities andeconomic profitability of recycling of WEEE anddecrease the negative health impact on workers in recy-cling plants.(7)The substances covered by this Directive are scientificallywell researched and evaluated and have been subject todifferent measures both at Community and at nationallevel.(8)The measures provided for in this Directive take intoaccount existing international guidelines and recommen-dations and are based on an assessment of availablescientific and technical information.The measures arenecessary to achieve the chosen level of protection of(1)OJ C365E,19.12.2000,p.195and OJ C240E,28.8.2001,p.303.(2)OJ C116,20.4.2001,p.38.(3)OJ C148,18.5.2001,p.1.(4)Opinion of the European Parliament of15May2001(OJ C34E,7.2.2002,p.109),Council Common Position of4December2001(OJ C90E,16.4.2002,p.12)and Decision of the European Parlia-ment of10April2002(not yet published in the Official Journal).Decision of the European Parliament of18December2002andDecision of the Council of16December2002.(5)OJ C30,4.2.1988,p.1.(6)See page24of this Official Journal.human and animal health and the environment,havingregard to the risks which the absence of measures wouldbe likely to create in the Community.The measuresshould be kept under review and,if necessary,adjustedto take account of available technical and scientific infor-mation.(9)This Directive should apply without prejudice toCommunity legislation on safety and health require-ments and specific Community waste management legis-lation,in particular Council Directive91/157/EEC of18March1991on batteries and accumulators containingcertain dangerous substances(1).(10)The technical development of electrical and electronicequipment without heavy metals,PBDE and PBB shouldbe taken into account.As soon as scientific evidence isavailable and taking into account the precautionary prin-ciple,the prohibition of other hazardous substances andtheir substitution by more environmentally friendly alter-natives which ensure at least the same level of protectionof consumers should be examined.(11)Exemptions from the substitution requirement should bepermitted if substitution is not possible from the scien-tific and technical point of view or if the negative envir-onmental or health impacts caused by substitution arelikely to outweigh the human and environmental bene-fits of the substitution.Substitution of the hazardoussubstances in electrical and electronic equipment shouldalso be carried out in a way so as to be compatible withthe health and safety of users of electrical and electronicequipment(EEE).(12)As product reuse,refurbishment and extension of life-time are beneficial,spare parts need to be available.(13)The adaptation to scientific and technical progress of theexemptions from the requirements concerning phasingout and prohibition of hazardous substances should beeffected by the Commission under a committee proce-dure.(14)The measures necessary for the implementation of thisDirective should be adopted in accordance with CouncilDecision1999/468/EC of28June1999laying downthe procedures for the exercise of implementing powersconferred on the Commission(2),HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article1ObjectivesThe purpose of this Directive is to approximate the laws of the Member States on the restrictions of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment and to contri-bute to the protection of human health and the environmen-tally sound recovery and disposal of waste electrical and elec-tronic equipment.Article2Scope1.Without prejudice to Article6,this Directive shall apply to electrical and electronic equipment falling under the cate-gories1,2,3,4,5,6,7and10set out in Annex IA to Direc-tive No2002/96/EC(WEEE)and to electric light bulbs,and luminaires in households.2.This Directive shall apply without prejudice to Commu-nity legislation on safety and health requirements and specific Community waste management legislation.3.This Directive does not apply to spare parts for the repair, or to the reuse,of electrical and electronic equipment put on the market before1July2006.Article3DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Directive,the following definitions shall apply:(a)‘electrical and electronic equipment’or‘EEE’means equip-ment which is dependent on electric currents or electro-magnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation,transfer and measurement of such currents and fields falling under the categories set out in Annex IA to Directive2002/96/EC(WEEE)and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding1000volts for alternating current and1500volts for direct current;(b)‘producer’means any person who,irrespective of the sellingtechnique used,including by means of distance communi-cation according to Directive97/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of20May1997on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts(3):(i)manufactures and sells electrical and electronic equip-ment under his own brand;(ii)resells under his own brand equipment produced by other suppliers,a reseller not being regarded as the‘producer’if the brand of the producer appears on theequipment,as provided for in subpoint(i);or (iii)imports or exports electrical and electronic equipment on a professional basis into a Member State. Whoever exclusively provides financing under or pursuant to any finance agreement shall not be deemed a‘producer’unless he also acts as a producer within the meaning of subpoints(i) to(iii).(1)OJ L78,26.3.1991,p.38.Directive as amended by CommissionDirective98/101/EC(OJ L1,5.1.1999,p.1).(2)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.(3)OJ L144, 4.6.1997,p.19.Directive as amended by Directive2002/65/EC(L271,9.10.2002,p.16).Article4Prevention1.Member States shall ensure that,from1July2006,new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market does not contain lead,mercury,cadmium,hexavalent chromium,poly-brominated biphenyls(PBB)or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE).National measures restricting or prohibiting the use of these substances in electrical and electronic equipment which were adopted in line with Community legislation before the adoption of this Directive may be maintained until1July 2006.2.Paragraph1shall not apply to the applications listed in the Annex.3.On the basis of a proposal from the Commission,the European Parliament and the Council shall decide,as soon as scientific evidence is available,and in accordance with the prin-ciples on chemicals policy as laid down in the Sixth Commu-nity Environment Action Programme,on the prohibition of other hazardous substances and the substitution thereof by more environment-friendly alternatives which ensure at least the same level of protection for consumers.Article5Adaptation to scientific and technical progress1.Any amendments which are necessary in order to adapt the Annex to scientific and technical progress for the following purposes shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article7(2):(a)establishing,as necessary,maximum concentration valuesup to which the presence of the substances referred to in Article4(1)in specific materials and components of elec-trical and electronic equipment shall be tolerated;(b)exempting materials and components of electrical and elec-tronic equipment from Article4(1)if their elimination or substitution via design changes or materials and compo-nents which do not require any of the materials or substances referred to therein is technically or scientifically impracticable,or where the negative environmental,health and/or consumer safety impacts caused by substitution are likely to outweigh the environmental,health and/or consumer safety benefits thereof;(c)carrying out a review of each exemption in the Annex atleast every four years or four years after an item is added to the list with the aim of considering deletion of materials and components of electrical and electronic equipment from the Annex if their elimination or substitution via design changes or materials and components which do not require any of the materials or substances referred to inArticle4(1)is technically or scientifically possible,provided that the negative environmental,health and/or consumer safety impacts caused by substitution do not outweigh the possible environmental,health and/or consumer safety benefits thereof.2.Before the Annex is amended pursuant to paragraph1, the Commission shall inter alia consult producers of electrical and electronic equipment,recyclers,treatment operators,envir-onmental organisations and employee and consumer ments shall be forwarded to the Committee referred to in Article7(1).The Commission shall provide an account of the information it receives.Article6ReviewBefore13February2005,the Commission shall review the measures provided for in this Directive to take into account,as necessary,new scientific evidence.In particular the Commission shall,by that date,present propo-sals for including in the scope of this Directive equipment which falls under categories8and9set out in Annex IA to Directive2002/96/EC(WEEE).The Commission shall also study the need to adapt the list of substances of Article4(1),on the basis of scientific facts and taking the precautionary principle into account,and present proposals to the European Parliament and Council for such adaptations,if appropriate.Particular attention shall be paid during the review to the impact on the environment and on human health of other hazardous substances and materials used in electrical and elec-tronic equipment.The Commission shall examine the feasibility of replacing such substances and materials and shall present proposals to the European Parliament and to the Council in order to extend the scope of Article4,as appropriate.Article7Committee1.The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee set up by Article18of Council Directive75/442/EEC(1).2.Where reference is made to this paragraph,Articles5and 7of Decision1999/468/EC shall apply,having regard to Article8thereof.The period provided for in Article5(6)of Decision1999/468/ EC shall be set at three months.3.The Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure.(1)OJ L194,25.7.1975,p.39.Article8PenaltiesMember States shall determine penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. The penalties thus provided for shall be effective,proportionate and dissuasive.Article9Transposition1.Member States shall bring into force the laws,regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before13August2004.They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.When Member States adopt those measures,they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a refer-ence on the occasion of their official publication.The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member States.2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of all laws,regulations and administrative provisions adopted in the field covered by this Directive.Article10Entry into forceThis Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publica-tion in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article11AddresseesThis Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Brussels,27January2003.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentP.COXFor the CouncilThe PresidentG.DRYSANNEXApplications of lead,mercury,cadmium and hexavalent chromium,which are exempted from the requirementsof Article4(1)1.Mercury in compact fluorescent lamps not exceeding5mg per lamp.2.Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for general purposes not exceeding:—halophosphate10mg—triphosphate with normal lifetime5mg—triphosphate with long lifetime8mg.3.Mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes.4.Mercury in other lamps not specifically mentioned in this Annex.5.Lead in glass of cathode ray tubes,electronic components and fluorescent tubes.6.Lead as an alloying element in steel containing up to0,35%lead by weight,aluminium containing up to0,4%leadby weight and as a copper alloy containing up to4%lead by weight.7.—Lead in high melting temperature type solders(i.e.tin-lead solder alloys containing more than85%lead),—lead in solders for servers,storage and storage array systems(exemption granted until2010),—lead in solders for network infrastructure equipment for switching,signalling,transmission as well as network management for telecommunication,—lead in electronic ceramic parts(e.g.piezoelectronic devices).8.Cadmium plating except for applications banned under Directive91/338/EEC(1)amending Directive76/769/EEC(2)relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations.9.Hexavalent chromium as an anti-corrosion of the carbon steel cooling system in absorption refrigerators.10.Within the procedure referred to in Article7(2),the Commission shall evaluate the applications for:—Deca BDE,—mercury in straight fluorescent lamps for special purposes,—lead in solders for servers,storage and storage array systems,network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling,transmission as well as network management for telecommunications(with a view to setting a specific time limit for this exemption),and—light bulbs,as a matter of priority in order to establish as soon as possible whether these items are to be amended accordingly.(1)OJ L186,12.7.1991,p.59.(2)OJ L262,27.9.1976,p.201.。
国际整流器公司IR是国际整流器公司(International Rectifier)的英文简称,是一家从事先进电源管理技术的世界领先企业,涉及数字、模拟以及混合信号,集成电路,先进电路器件,电源系统和电子元器件等方面;同时IR也是一家从事电脑,家电,汽车,消费电子和防御系统制造的领先者,依赖红外线技术改进自身产品的性能和效率。
国际整流器公司 (简称 IR,纽约证交所代号 IRF) 是全球功率半导体和管理方案领导厂商。
IR的模拟及混合信号集成电路、先进电路器件、集成功率系统和器件广泛应用于驱动高性能计算设备及降低电机的能耗 (电机是全球最大耗能设备) ,是众多国际知名厂商开发下一代计算机、节能电器、照明设备、汽车、卫星系统、宇航及国防系统的电源管理基准。
主要产品:- 高性能数字、模拟及混合信号集成电路- 先进电路器件- 功率系统- 基准MOSFET/irfsite/index.asp功率半导体领袖IR国际整流器公司(代码:IRF - 纽约证券交易所)是高级电源管理技术的先驱及全球领先的数字,模拟及混合信号集成电路,先进电路器件,动力系统和元件。
在过去的五十多年里,国际整流器公司在半导体行业中创下了许多项世界第一: · 1958年发布第一个商业齐纳二极管和太阳能电池 · 1959年第一个推出硅可控整流器件(SCR) · 1962年率先发展了外延工艺用以生产工业上最稳定的高压SCR · 1974年采用玻璃钝化工艺生产出功率晶体管和大功率达林顿管 · 1979年售出第一个hexagonal-celled功率MOSFET · 1983年发布第一个智能功率IC、第一个高压功率IC · 1996年首次采用4-mask MOS FET工艺生产第五代HEXFET功率。
视频监控联网方案目录一、内容简述 (3)1.1 背景与目标 (3)1.2 方案概述 (4)二、需求分析 (5)2.1 现状分析 (6)2.2 功能需求 (7)2.3 性能需求 (9)2.4 安全性需求 (10)三、系统设计 (11)3.1 系统架构 (13)3.1.1 数据采集层 (14)3.1.2 传输层 (15)3.1.3 存储层 (17)3.1.4 应用层 (18)3.2 硬件设备选择 (19)3.2.1 摄像头 (20)3.2.2 服务器 (23)3.2.3 网络设备 (24)3.3 软件平台开发 (26)3.3.1 视频监控软件 (27)3.3.2 数据库管理系统 (28)3.3.3 管理与控制软件 (30)四、工程实施 (31)4.1 工程规划 (32)4.2 工程实施步骤 (34)4.3 工程质量控制 (35)4.4 工程验收 (36)五、系统测试 (38)5.2 测试范围 (39)5.3 测试方法 (40)5.4 测试结果分析 (41)六、系统维护 (43)6.1 日常维护 (44)6.2 定期维护 (45)6.3 故障处理 (46)6.4 安全管理 (48)七、培训与支持 (48)7.1 培训内容 (49)7.2 培训方式 (51)7.3 技术支持 (51)7.4 用户反馈收集 (53)八、方案总结 (54)8.2 实施效果预期 (57)8.3 后续发展规划 (58)一、内容简述本视频监控联网方案旨在构建一个高效、稳定、安全且易扩展的视频监控网络,以满足不同场景下的监控需求。
有助 于没 计人 员提 高电路 的工作 频率 。该产 品具 备更完
善 的 开 关 性 能 ,配 合 经 优 化 的 正 温 度 系 数 特 性 和 更 低 的 栅 极 导 通 电 荷 ,有 效 提 升 了 电 流 密 度 。 在 并 行 模 式 下 ,
电 源 接 地 引 脚 中 分 离 出 来 的 逻 辑 接 地 偏 移 引 脚 VSS 于 列
COM 瞬 态 电压 变 化 具 有 更 高
的免疫 力 。 AU RS2 9 I 用 专 I 11 S C采 有 的 高 压 集 成 电 路 ( 和 HV C) 闭 锁 免 疫 CM oS技 术 , 可 提 供坚固耐用的单片式结构 。
速度 。
结 构 中 的 高 侧 和 低 侧 实 现 独 立 控 制 。 该 器 件 可 提 供 高 达 35 . A/~3 5 源 / ) 电 流 能 力 ,具 有 非 常 快 的 传 播 . A( 汇 的
该 器件 的关 断拖尾 电流极 / ,关断开 关损 耗很低 , J \
延迟 日 间( 寸 典型 值达 到9 n ) 0 s ,使开 关可 以高度 响应驱 动
品推 介
0 。 、
。 _一 _ u
I 针对DC DC R — 节能 汽车 应用推出高功 率 、高速度 、 高密度 的分立解决方案
全 球 功 率 半 导 体 和 管 理 方 案 领 导 厂 商 —— 国 际 整 流
侧 配 置 中 的 N沟 道 功 率 MOSFET或 I GBT ,工 作 电 压 最 高可达 6 0 0 V。此 外 ,这 些 器 件 具 有 基 准 负 电压 尖 峰 免 疫 力 ,即 使 在 极 端 开 关 条 件 和 短 路 情 况 下 也 能 实 现 可 靠 运
新能源汽车推广政策对企业技术创新的影响机理主要包括以下几个方面:一是 政策手段直接作用于企业,激励企业增加新能源汽车研发投入,加快技术更新 换代;二是政策手段间接影响企业和行业环境,通过改变市场结构和竞争格局, 推动企业进行技术创新;三是政策手段与企业的互动关系影响技术创新效果, 不同企业对政策的反应和适应能力不同,导致技术创新效果存在差异。
PSMDID方法是研究政策对企业技术创新影响的重要工具。该方法基于政策手 段、企业和行业特征等多维度数据,通过定性和定量分析,识别政策手段对企 业技术创新的作用。PSMDID方法的流程包括政策梳理、数据收集、建模分析 和影响评估等步骤。相较于其他方法,PSMDID方法能够全面、深入地评估政 策对企业技术创新的影响。
本次演示利用PSMDID方法对新能源汽车推广政策对企业技术创新的影响进行 了深入探讨。研究结果表明,政策手段对企业技术创新具有显著的促进作用, 但同时也受到技术瓶颈、充电设施不足等因素的制约。因此,政府和企业应采 取以下措施:一是加大技术研发支持力度,突破关键技术瓶颈;二是加强充电 设施建设,提高新能源汽车的使用便利性;三是通过政策激励和市场引导,进 一步提高新能源汽车的市场竞争力。
3、政府和企业应共同加强合作,推动新能源汽车产业链的发展和完善,提升 整个产业的技术创新能力和市场竞争力。
本次演示采用PSMDID方法,对新能源汽车推广政策对企业技术创新的影响进 行了全面深入的分析。结果表明,新能源汽车推广政策对企业技术创新投入、 创新产出以及创新绩效具有积极促进作用。然而,政策对企业技术创新的影响 具有复杂性,不同类型的企业受到的影响程度存在差异。
3、政府和企业应该加强合作创新,推动技术研发和转化。政府可以通过合作 创新政策鼓励企业与高校、研究机构等合作创新;同时,企业也可以通过与高 校、研究机构等的合作创新,提高自身的技术水平和研发能力。
高功率密度汽车用DirectFET 2功率MOSFET
高功率密度汽车用DirectFET 2功率MOSFET
【摘要】AUIRF7739L2和AUIRF7665S2 Direct FET2功率MOSFET以坚固可靠、符合AEC—Q101标准的封装为汽车应用实现了卓越的功率密度、双面冷却和极小的寄生电感和电阻。
这些汽车用Direc FET2完全不含铅,与传统标准塑料封装元件相比,可降低整体系统级尺寸和成本,实现更优异的性能和效率。
1.电动汽车用高功率密度电机关键技术初探 [J], 杨济军
2.三菱电机成功开发混合动力汽车用超紧凑功率组件和高功率密度电机 [J], ;
3.IR推出为D类应用优化的汽车用DirectFET2功率MOSFET [J],
4.电动汽车用高功率密度感应电机的设计与研究 [J], 谢颖; 黎志伟; 郭金鹏
IR推出新型DirectFET HOSFET有效降低高达30%的导电损耗
IR推出新型DirectFET HOSFET有效降低高达30%的导电
【摘要】世界功率管理技术领袖国际整流器公司(IR)近日推出一款新型60V DirectFET功率MOSFET—IRF6648。
该器件的最大导通电阻为7.0m (VGS=10V),导电损耗可比同类解决方案减少30%。
1.IR推出新型逻辑电平驱动型HOSFET [J],
2.IR推出新型HOSFET [J],
3.IR推出最新型200V DirectFET MOSFET效率高达95%并可大幅节省占位空间[J],
4.IR为高达2MHz的直流—直流转换器推出DirectFET MOSFET [J],
5.IR推出用于DC/DC降压式转换器的30V DirectFET MOSFET [J],
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IR推出 AUIRF8736M2 车用DirectFET2功率 MOSFET
IR 推出AUIRF8736M2 车用DirectFET2 功率
全球功率半导体和管理方案领导厂商– 国际整流器公司(InternaTIonal RecTIfier,简称IR)宣布推出AUIRF8736M2 DirectFET2 功率MOSFET,适合需要在紧凑的占位面积内提供高功率密度的重载汽车应
由于采用COOLiRFET 硅技术,40V AUIRF8736M2 与上一代设备相比,导通电阻(Rds(on))改善了40%,从而可以将传导损耗降到最低。
双面冷却的中罐式DirectFET2 功率封装提供卓越的热性能和极低的寄生电感。
IR 亚太区销售副总裁潘大伟表示:AUIRF8736M2 将COOLiRFET 硅性能和DirectFET2 封装相结合,可在相同的占位面积内将导通电阻改善40%,也可以提供与大罐式器件相同的性能,即可以减少50%的封装面积,
新器件符合AEC-Q101 标准,是在IR 要求零缺陷的汽车质量理念下
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IR 推出优化版车用 DirectFET®2 功率 MOSFET 芯片组,适合高功率密度和高效率DC-DC 应用
全球功率半导体和管理方案领导厂商– 国际整流器公司(International Rectifier,简称IR) 推出了一款优化版车用DirectFET®2 功率MOSFET芯片组,适合内燃机、混合动力和电动车中的DC-DC应用。
新型40V 逻辑电平栅极驱动芯片组包含AUIRL7732S2 MOSFET 和AUIRL7736M2 MOSFET,有助于最大限度减少DC-DC 转换器的开关和传导损耗。
IR 亚太区销售副总裁潘大伟表示:“DirectFET2 功率封装提供了低电阻及低于
D2Pak 10 倍的寄生电感,从而保证优良的高频开关性能,减少波形振铃,而这也有助于限制电磁干扰和滤波器的大小。
另外,新型车用DirectFET2 芯片组还具备双面冷却和低导通电阻的特点,为DC-DC 转换提供了理想的解决方案。
AUIRL7732S2 逻辑电平MOSFET 具备低栅极电荷(Qg)的特点,PCB 占用空间比采用SO-8 封装小38%,使其非常适用于同步降压转换器中的控制MOSFET 位置。
AUIRL7736M2 MOSFET 适用于同步开关位置,具有低导通电阻,PCB大小与5x6 PQFN 或SO-8 封装一致。
AUIRL7732S2 和AUIRL7736M2的低电感可以在更高频率条件下实现比传统MOSFET 更好的开关性能。
车用DirectFET2 产品线基于多年的研究与开发,旨在开发出一个专为汽车应用,且立足于高度可靠、成熟的消费级DirectFET 产品的产品平台。
新器件符合AEC-Q101 标准,是在IR要求零缺陷的汽车质量理念下研制而成的,所采用的环保材料既不含铅,也符合电子产品有害物质管制规定(RoHS) 。