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Travian游戏内容完全解读游戏内容在这个部分你可以找到许多相关游戏本身的介绍, 包括游戏中的互动行为, 游戏中相关的规则设定等等. 记得一定要仔细阅读哦!^^联盟联盟是一群玩家一起进行游戏的组织. 一个联盟可以容纳最多60名玩家. 如果要创建一个联盟或加入一个已经存在的联盟, 你需要拥有一个3级或1级的大使馆. 每一级大使馆可以多容纳3名成员, 但只有联盟创建者村庄中的大使馆对此有效. 不论是成员或创建者的大使馆在战争中被摧毁, 都不会影响到玩家的联盟成员身份.大使馆的效果大使馆等级效果1 你可以加入一个联盟3 你可以创建一个联盟3+ 提升联盟成员上限, 每一级增加3个名额当我建造了大使馆后, 可以执行那些命令?如果你在大使馆内收到了一个联盟邀请, 你可以在你的大使馆内接受它. 如果你想要创建一个联盟,则你需要一个3级或3级以上的大使馆. 当你加入或创建了联盟后, 你可以拥有以下权力或执行以下功能:联盟概况: 显示联盟基本信息及人员列表论坛: 联盟自己架设的论坛或由Travian提供的论坛系统联盟攻击: 显示所有与联盟成员有关的战役情况联盟新闻: 联盟中发生的新闻, 例如成员退出, 加入, 不侵略契约签署或与其他联盟达成协议等选项: 在联盟中你可能有权进行的操作:分配位置: 这里你可以设置联盟成员的权限及等级修改名字: 这里你可以修改联盟的名字及简称开除玩家: 这里你可以将成员从联盟中开开除修改联盟描述: 这里你可以修改联盟的描述联盟外交: 这里你可以向其他联盟宣战或是与其签署不侵略契约或联盟协议邀请玩家加入联盟: 这里你可以邀请其他玩家加入你的联盟(他们需要一座至少1级的大使馆才能加入)论坛链接: 这里你可以对Travian提供的论坛进行修改或是将其链接至一个外部论坛放弃联盟: 这里你可以退出你现在已经加入的联盟根据成员列表后的彩色圆点你可以判断出成员的活跃程度:蓝色 = 在线绿色 = 过去24小时之内曾经上线黄色 = 过去3天之内曾经上线红色 = 过去7天内曾经上线灰色 = 过去7天内未曾上线在T3版本中所有的联盟成员都能够看到这个状态圆点, T2时, 只有被给予权限的成员才能查看.#p#副标题#e#神器(CN服暂不开放除建筑图纸外的其他神器)在部分Travian游戏世界中, 开放了能够给予玩家各项数值加成的神器. 之前在游戏中被称做联盟加成的功能不再存在!如果你想要抢夺一件神器, 你需要先摧毁放置神器的宝库然后从你建筑有10级宝库的村庄出兵进行普通攻击. 只有当这次攻击成功时(至少有一个你的士兵存活下来), 你才可以成功抢夺到对方的神器.Travian中的神器种类名称效果1 巴瑟的卷轴建筑拥有5倍的耐久度1 阿波罗多的知识建筑拥有5倍的耐久度1 维特鲁维的泥刀建筑拥有5倍的耐久度1 杜罗顶盖建筑拥有5倍的耐久度2 埃克西奥的马车商人拥有两倍的运载量2 塞劳拉的背包商人拥有两倍的运载量2 阿瑟姆的手推车商人拥有两倍的运载量2 金索的大袋子商人拥有两倍的运载量3 七里靴军队拥有两倍的行军速度3 战争旅行者军队拥有两倍的行军速度3 赫耳墨斯的靴子军队拥有两倍的行军速度3 暴君的鞭子军队拥有两倍的行军速度3 行军靴军队拥有两倍的行军速度3 血色之靴军队拥有两倍的行军速度4 鹰眼间谍部队拥有5倍的侦察效果4 猫之暗影斗篷间谍部队拥有5倍的侦察效果4 詹蒙的知识间谍部队拥有5倍的侦察效果4 魔眼石间谍部队拥有5倍的侦察效果5 丰饶号角军队的粮食消耗减半5 德米特的礼物军队的粮食消耗减半5 奇奥的种子军队的粮食消耗减半5 不朽的葡萄枝军队的粮食消耗减半5 农夫的吉祥物军队的粮食消耗减半5 收割者的镰刀军队的粮食消耗减半6 建筑图纸 I 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 II 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 III 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 IV 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 V 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 VI 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 VII 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 VIII 用来建造世界奇观6 建筑图纸 IX 用来建造世界奇观#p#副标题#e#新手保护期在Travian中有"新手保护"的机制, 即在你加入游戏并开始活动后的一定时期内, 任何对你的攻击行为都是被禁止的. 这个时间会随着服务器开放的时间增长而逐渐增加, 目前新开放的一倍速服务器保护期皆为7天.#p#副标题#e#取消动作已经点击的命令可以通过点击红色的叉()来取消.以下动作是可以被取消的:新建建筑或升级建筑:下方的图片向你解释了在你取消动作时将损耗的资源量,这个机制是为了防止用户在遭受攻击时滥用建造功能.出兵:在你出兵后的前90秒内你可以通过点击红色的叉()在集结点中对其进行取消. 出兵的类型不限, 无论是普通攻击, 掠夺, 还是增援, 你都可以取消动作.下列行为不能被取消:研发所/军械库/铁匠铺内进行的研究或升级.市场中商人的行为.军队的训练.为什么这些行为不能被取消?很简单, 只是为了防止用户滥用"取消"将其变为一种"额外的山洞".#p#副标题#e#首都从T2升级至T3后, 首都的功能发生了很大的变化. 在这里你可以找到对于T3中首都一些较为完整的解释.首都有何特别之处?首都将完全不能被征服.在首都中不可以建造大兵营或大马厩.你可以在首都中建造石匠铺, 可以将建筑耐久度增加至300%.在首都内,你可以无限升级你的资源田, 至少,理论上如此.我要怎样选择我的首都?游戏中你初始的村庄将被自动作为你的首都, 无论你在其中建造了一座行宫或是一座皇宫. 只有当你将另一座村庄命名为首都时这个默认的村庄状态才会改变. 你可以通过在你想要作为首都的村庄内建立一座皇宫来做到这一点. 你可以在皇宫界面点击"将这座村庄作为你的首都". 同T2版本一样,每个玩家帐号只能在一个村庄里建造一座皇宫.当我改变首都时会发生什么?如果你改变了你的首都, 原有的首都将会失去所有等级10以上的资源田. 如果原先的村庄中有石匠铺也会被摧毁. 新定义的首都中如果之前建有大兵营或大马厩也将被摧毁. 注意:当你自定义过首都后, 将不能再做改变!我怎样知道敌方的首都是哪座村庄?从大地图的村庄描述或玩家的村落概貌中都可以看到.#p#副标题#e#征服村庄准备创造一个官员 (参议员,首领,执政官):要得到一个官员, 你首先需要在等级20研发所中研究他们(你同样也需要5级的集结点当你的种族为日耳曼时, 罗马和高卢则需要10级). 之后你可以在皇宫或行宫选择训练这些官员只要你在此时没有在训练拓荒者.罗马的参议员是极其雄辩且富有说服力的, 每次他可以降低对方村庄20%到30%的忠诚度.日耳曼的执政官训练费用低廉, 每次他可以降低对方村庄20%到25%的忠诚度.高卢的首领行军速度是其他种族官员的120%, 每次他可以降低对方村庄20%到25%的忠诚度.以上所述的官员作用均为理想状态下, 根据各种加成条件的不同, 一般情况下他们在征服村庄中的作用都与此有所差异. 当那座村庄的忠诚度降至0时, 前去进行说服的官员将会消失, 与其同行的军队则将留在被征服的村庄成为防御部队.攻击征服村庄:只有不是首都的村庄才可以被征服, 无论那里是否建有皇宫.提示: 只有在一个村庄的行宫或皇宫被摧毁时并且你拥有足够的文明度时且对方村庄不是其首都时,你才可以成功征服它.波状攻击:征服村庄的军队应该波状出动, 将所有部队一次出动是非常愚蠢的. 你的第一波队伍将作为"清理者", 将对方村庄的防御部队扫清, 然后是第二波投石器队伍, 摧毁对方的行宫或皇宫, 随后而来的官员则可以安全地对村庄人民进行说服.设想你拥有3000帝国兵, 60投石器及2个参议员:1. 2700帝国兵作为第一批"清理者", 为避免不必要的麻烦, 尽量使用普通攻击.2. 150帝国兵及投石器作为第二批队伍, 摧毁对方的行宫或皇宫, 记得使用普通攻击,否则投石器将不会射击!3. 150帝国兵以及参议员作为第三批队伍, 记得使用普通攻击, 否则参议员将不会做任何工作!在必要的时候重复第一步和第三步并且注意对方是否重建了行宫或皇宫!攻击完成后:尽快重建行宫或皇宫以便及时恢复村庄的忠诚度并且放置合适的防御队伍及侦察部队.#p#副标题#e#文明度文明度(CP)是对你可以扩张或征服村庄数量的限制. 你可以通过兴建或升级建筑来得到文明度. 现有的及村庄每天产生的文明度可以在行宫或皇宫中查看. 下面的表格显示了建筑物在每个等级生产的以及建立新村庄所需要的文明度.各建筑每日生成的文明度建筑名称等级1234567891011121314151617181920伐木场1122234456791113151822273238黏土矿1122234456791113151822273238铁矿场1122234456791113151822273238农场1122234456791113151822273238木材厂11222砖块11222厂铸造厂11222磨坊11222面包房11222仓库1122234456791113151822273238粮仓1122234456791113151822273238铁匠铺23345679101215182126313744536477军械库23345679101215182126313744536477竞技场1122234456791113151822273238中心大楼23345679101215182126313744536477集结点1122234456791113151822273238市场44567911131519222732394655678096115大使馆567810121417212530364351627489106128153兵营1122234456791113151822273238马厩23345679101215182126313744536477工场44567911131519222732394655678096115研发所567810121417212530364351627489106128153山洞1122234456市政厅67910121518212631374553647792111133160192行宫23345679101215182126313744536477皇宫67910121518212631374553647792111133160192宝宝库10121417202429344150交易所44567911131519222732394655678096115大兵营1122234456791113151822273238大马厩23345679101215182126313744536477罗马城墙1122234456791113151822273238日耳曼城墙1122234456791113151822273238高卢城墙1122234456791113151822273238石匠铺1122234456791113151822273238酿酒厂1122234456791113151822273238陷阱机1122234456791113151822273238英雄园1122234456791113151822273238大仓库1122234456791113151822273238大粮仓1122234456791113151822273238世界奇迹00000000000000000000村庄总数量T2[.5]版本所需文明度T3版本所需文明度3倍速服务器所需文明度10002200020005003800080002600 418000200006700 5320003900012900 6500006500021600 7720009900032900 89800014100046900 912800019100063700 1016200025100083500 11200000319000106400 12242000397000132500 13288000486000161900 14338000584000194600 15392000692000230700 16450000811000270400 17512000941000313700 185780001082000360600 196480001234000411300 207220001397000465700 218000001572000524000 228820001759000586300 239680001957000652500 2410580002168000722700 2511520002391000797000 2612500002627000875500 2713520002874000958200 28145800031350001045000 29156800034090001136200 30168200036950001231700 31180000039950001331600 32192200043080001435900 33204800046340001544700 34217800049740001658000 35231200053270001775800 36245000056950001898300 37259200060760002025300 38273800064710002157100 39288800068810002293500 40304200073040002434700 41320000077420002580700 42336200081950002731500 43352800086620002887200 44369800091430003047700 45387200096400003213200 464050000101510003383700 474232000106770003559100 484418000112190003739600 494608000117750003925100 504802000123470004115800515000000129350004311500 525202000135370004512400 535408000141560004718500 545618000147900004929800 555832000154390005146400 566050000161050005368300 576272000167860005595400 586498000174840005827900 596728000181970006065700 606962000189270006309000 617200000196730006557600 627442000204350006811700 637688000212140007071300 647938000220090007336400 658192000228210007607000 668450000236490007883100 678712000244950008164900 688978000253570008452200 699248000262360008745200 709522000271310009043800 719800000280440009348100 7210082000289740009658100 7310368000299220009973900 74106580003088600010295400 75109520003186800010622600 76112500003286700010955700 77115520003388400011294600 78118580003491800011639300 79121680003597000011989900 80124820003703900012346400 81128000003812700012708800 82131220003923200013077200 83134480004035400013451500 84137780004149500013831800 85141120004265400014218100 86144500004383100014610400 87147920004502600015008800 88151380004624000015413200 89154880004747100015823700 90158420004872100016240400 91162000004998900016663100 92165620005127600017092000 93169280005258100017527100 94172980005390500017968400 95176720005524800018415900 96180500005660900018869600 97184320005798900019329600 9818818000593870001979580099192080006080500020268400 100196020006224200020747200 #p#副标题#e#恶意攻击遭到恶意攻击时我该怎么做?恶意攻击, 即一个或多个玩家在一天内不断对你进行攻击.基本最好的防御: 山洞,并且如果你正好是高卢种族, 将陷阱机与其配合使用.非常便宜且大众化的建筑. 它让你免于损失所有的资源. 你应该在被攻击之前就开始建造一些山洞.建造足够的山洞以藏匿你的资源.如果你被日耳曼军队袭击, 确保你想要藏匿的资源只占用了你山洞2/3的容量, 因为日耳曼军队拥有掠夺加成, 他们可以夺取藏匿于山洞中1/3的资源.市场如果攻击部队的运载量未满并且你仓库和粮仓已被掠夺一空, 则你置于市场中待交易的物资也会被夺走!心理学角度理解游戏规则是一个方面, 懂得良好的外交及坚韧的意志也是非常重要的, 尤其对于游戏中的防御者来说.永远保持冷静和友好!在地图上邻接的朋友常常会非常有用有创意地对自己的村庄进行防御思考可能的后果不要为你的损失勃然大怒攻击你的人起初只想要你的资源, 如果你不懂合适的外交技巧并不断激怒他, 情况只会越来越糟.策略每种对策的目的都是为了让攻击者尽可能地得不到任何资源, 而不是让他们每次都夺得一定的战利品.吝啬的家伙山洞是你最主要的"武器", 建造足够多的山洞, 确保在你半天都没有上线的情况下, 日耳曼军队也不能从中抢夺到任何物资.将资源用于建造或升级建筑将你的资源运输至其他地方一定要牢记日耳曼可以抢夺你山洞中1/3的物资, 如果他们在一次攻击中有所收获, 他们一定会再来.带刺的豪猪做一个"吝啬的家伙", 保护好你的资源. 另外, 建造一支足够强大的防御队伍(记得使用战斗模拟器!),使其足以抵挡可能的攻击部队.外交手段记住, 很多事情都和人们的心理有关, 下文中我们将从这个方面为你解决问题:加入一个联盟你的目标应该是加入一个有名望的让你的对手无法对抗的联盟. 在不少情况下你甚至可以拿回之前被夺走的资源, 但你也要记住, 你也可能因为加入了某个联盟而遭到更多的有目的性的攻击!直接联络攻击你的人一个技巧性的话题, 当巨人攻击一个矮人的时候, 他有理由停止吗? 绝对是有的!只有一个简单的原因: 使用谦恭有礼的言辞, 友好地请求对方停止攻击. 记住, 所有人都会喜欢"请"这个字如果你用的不是太过分的话.也许在你发送了友好的信息后对方仍然不会停止攻击, 但这样的信息将在很多方面对你有所益处.如果你不确定你可以发送一份有效的短信, 干脆放弃这个想法, 攻击者很有可能被你不友好或者表达不明的信息激怒而加强对你的攻击力量.联络联盟向你自己的联盟寻求帮助或者给攻击方的联盟发送信息, 也许他们可能通过其他方式帮助你.#p#副标题#e#交流互动Travian提供了以下几种让玩家交流互动的方式:攻击你可以对任何一位玩家发起攻击, 只要他不在新手保护期或因为某些原因被管理员冻结了帐号.要攻击其他玩家你需要拥有军队以及一个目标. 你可以从游戏地图, 统计数据中寻找或进入集结点直接输入村庄坐标来确定你的目标. 普通攻击和掠夺的区别在于, 普通攻击将持续到一方军队被全部消灭为止, 而掠夺攻击则对双方部队造成不完全的伤害, 在一般情况下攻击者将至少有一个士兵存活.增援你可以对任何一位玩家进行增援, 只要他不在新手保护期或因为某些原因被管理员冻结了帐号. 要增援其他玩家你需要拥有军队以及一个目标. 你可以从游戏地图, 统计数据中寻找或进入集结点直接输入村庄坐标来确定你的目标. 除非你将支援的部队召回或对方将其会派, 否则他们会一直待在支援的村庄直到在战争中死亡. 他们将消耗你所支援的村庄的粮食.交易市场 (开发要求: 中心大楼等级 3 , 粮仓等级 1, 仓库等级 1) 允许你向其他玩家提供你村庄中有所盈余的资源. (请注意资源运输规则!). 你不需要拥有市场来接收货物但如果你没有市场你将不能确认货物到达的时间.消息通过消息菜单你可以阅读, 撰写以及如果你拥有plus帐号, 你可以对你的消息进行批量管理并撰写笔记. 只需要在收件人处键入玩家的ID, 输入标题及内容 (注意游戏规则!). 然后点击 "发送", 消息就会被转达到另一位玩家那里. 如果你有相应的权限, 你也可以向整个联盟发送消息, 只要在收件人处键入[ally] (并不是 [你联盟的名称]).#p#副标题#e#地图普通地图通过点击菜单中心的圆圈可以查看地图. 你可以在这里看到你的邻居们并且通过许多途径与他们进行互动. 当你想要这么做的时候只需要点击他们的村庄就可以看到可以进行互动的选项. 在右侧你可以看到村庄拥有者的资料, 例如他的联盟或者你和你盟友之前对其发起的侦察攻击报告. 通过在地图上的箭头你可以看到更广泛的地域. 四个箭头分别代表四个方向 (东, 西, 南, 北). 点击每一个方向箭头, 你的地图将向那个方向移动一列. 当然, 你也可以直接键入地图坐标将地图直接跳转至你的目的地.大地图 (Plus帐号功能)大地图可以通过同样的菜单查看, 你只需要在普通地图界面点击左上角的四个小方向箭头. (注意:将你的浏览器设置成为允许弹出窗口!).大地图的功能和普通地图一样, 只是你能在每个屏幕看到更广泛的区域 (13x13格).世界结构整个Travian的世界是由 map.sql文件创建的.一小块你可以在游戏中直接查看的地图.村落概貌界面.村庄中心界面.#p#副标题#e#消息及报告消息通过点击右侧的按钮 (当你收到新消息时它会变为黄色) 你可以进入你的收件箱, 在这里你可以查看, 撰写, 或存档消息(如果你开启了plus账号功能的话).消息系统是travian为玩家提供的交流功能. 只需要在收件人处键入玩家的ID, 输入标题及内容 (注意游戏规则!). 然后点击 "发送", 消息就会被转达到另一位玩家那里. 如果你有相应的权限, 你也可以向整个联盟发送消息, 只要在收件人处键入[ally] (并不是 [你联盟的名称]).报告报告是由Travian系统给你发送的消息, 通知你账号的各种变化和事件. 例如, 如果你被某人攻击或某人出兵给予你增援等等. 报告的标志为绿色, 就在消息图标的左边, 与它在同一个菜单圆圈中.完整的战斗报告只会当你座位防御方或在进攻中至少消灭了敌人25%兵力的情况下被发送. 增援的报告将只显示你的士兵损失的数量.#p#副标题#e#新的村庄当你的皇宫到达等级10, 15 or 20 行宫到达等级10或20, 并且拥有足够的文明度时, 你就可以建造或征服一座新的村庄.建造一座新的村庄你只需要三个拓荒者及地图上的一块空地. 征服一座村庄则需要一个参议员/首领/执政官并且有一个已经存在的村庄作为目标.我怎样建造一座新的村庄?要建造一座新的村庄你需要三个拓荒者, 地图上的一块空地及足够的文明度. 你不需要在研究所对拓荒者进行研究, 当你的皇宫达到等级 10, 15 和 20 或者行宫达到等级 10 和 20 时, 你可以直接训练他们. 建造皇宫需要中心大楼等级 5 和一座大使馆, 行宫则只需要中心大楼等级 5. 当你训练了三个拓荒者后, 你可以选择一块空地并且点击"建立一座新的村庄"选项(注意: 你需要至少拥有每种资源各750的储备!), 然后你的拓荒者将从训练他们的村庄出发并为你建造一座新的村庄.我怎样征服一座村庄?查阅征服村庄页面, 你可以得到相关的详细信息.#p#副标题#e#绿洲在游戏初始, 绿洲是由野生动物. 绿洲是可以被掠夺的. 你需要一个兵力颇为强大的军队才可以成功地从绿洲掠夺资源. 绿洲中的动物增长十分缓慢. 他们的原始数量越少, 恢复速度就越快. 用一个英雄加上几百人的军队就基本可以成功的掠夺一个绿洲. 你可以在地图上直接查看绿洲中动物的数量而无需先派遣间谍做侦察.每种资源都有两个类型的绿洲. 第一种只生产一种资源. 另一种则在生产一种资源的同时也生产粮食. 当你征服了一块绿洲后, 它附加的产量值将只作用于你出兵征服它的村庄! 绿洲效果的作用基数为基础村庄生产力而非显示于界面中的实际数字.绿洲的种类外观 1 外观 2 加成作用种类 1 +25% 木材每小时种类 2 - +25% 木材每小时,+25% 粮食每小时种类 1 +25% 黏土每小时种类 2 - +25% 黏土每小时,+25% 粮食每小时种类 1 +25% 铁矿每小时种类 2 - +25% 铁矿每小时,+25% 粮食每小时种类 1 - +50% 粮食每小时袭击也会对你很有帮助.罗马城墙/高卢城墙/日耳曼城墙这些防御建筑可以最多增加村庄内军队81%的防御力量 (每个种族具体的防御加成比率请参见建筑一览中各种族城墙的相关页面). 由于这个效果, 即便是一小队士兵也可以变得非常具有破坏力.联盟一个强大的联盟不仅仅能使敌人闻风丧胆, 而且还能在你遭受攻击时提供援助. 外交是非常重要的!庆典如果可能的话, 你应该在村庄中建立一个10级的市政厅以便进行大型庆典, 这可以影响官员们说服村民的效力. 另外, 庆典也可以产生一定量的文明度.攻击的种类有三种不同的攻击种类:突袭这类攻击往往由速度快的士兵编队组成, 给予防御者出其不意的攻击.伪袭这类攻击常常在征服战中配合使用, 用来混淆对方视听使其难以分辨主力部队的去向.征服战征服战往往由几波攻击组成, 因为部队中带有投石器和冲撞车, 这种部队往往移动速度非常缓慢.你军队的行军速度是由队伍中速度最慢的单位来计算的. 投石器和冲撞车不论在哪个种族中都是最慢的兵种, 投石器在征服战中是非常重要的(可以摧毁皇宫或行宫).当你在村庄中查看到有人对你的攻击时, 你可以使用行军时间计算器计算出对方的兵种(以最慢的兵种计算). 当然前提是你要能在其出兵时尽快查看以便确定准确的时间.另外, 形成几波的攻击。

苹果MacBook Air快速入门指南说明书

苹果MacBook Air快速入门指南说明书

Quick Start GuideWelcome to your MacBook AirLet’s begin. Press the power button to start up your Mac, and Setup Assistant guides you through a few simple steps to get you up and running. It walks you through connecting to your Wi-Fi network and creating a user account. And it can transfer your documents, photos, music, and more to your new Mac from another Mac or PC.You can sign in with your Apple ID in Setup Assistant. This sets up your account in the Mac App Store and the iTunes Store, and in apps like Messages and FaceTime. It also sets up iCloud, so apps such as Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Safari all have your latest information. If you don’t have an Apple ID, you can create one in Setup Assistant.Multi-Touch trackpadFaceTime HD camera Power buttonThunderbolt 2Connect external displays and high-performance devicesUSB 3Charge devices, connect external storage, and more MagSafe 2Magnetically attach the power cordHelp menu Menu barFinder Dock System PreferencesGet to know your desktopYour Mac desktop lets you find everything and do anything. Keep theapps you use most in the Dock at the bottom of the screen. Open System Preferences to customize your desktop and other settings. Click the Finder icon to get to all your files and folders.The menu bar at the top provides useful information about your Mac. To check the status of your wireless Internet connection, click the Wi-Fi icon. Spotlight lets you find anything on your Mac or look up information online. It can also open your favorite apps.Control your Mac with Multi-Touch gesturesYou can do a lot on your MacBook Air using simple gestures on the trackpad. Here are some popular gestures. To learn more, choose System Preferences in the Dock, and then click Trackpad.ClickPress anywhere on the trackpad.Secondary click (right click)Click with two fingers to open shortcut menus.Two-finger scrollBrush two fingers along the trackpad to scroll up,down, or sideways.Swipe to navigateSwipe with two fingers to flip through webpages,documents, and more.Back up your dataYou can wirelessly back up your MacBook Air using Time Machine withan AirPort Time Capsule (sold separately). Open System Preferences and click the Time Machine icon to get started.An important notePlease read this document and the safety information in the Important Product Information guide carefully before you first use your computer. Learn moreTo view the MacBook Air Essentials guide in iBooks, open iBooks, then search for “MacBook Air Essentials” in the iBooks Store. You can also find information, watch demos, and learn about MacBook Air features at /macbook-air.HelpYou can find answers to your questions, as well as instructions and troubleshooting information, in Mac Help. Click the Finder icon, clickHelp in the menu bar, and choose Mac Help or “Get to know your Mac.”OS X UtilitiesIf you have a problem with your Mac, OS X Utilities can help you restore your software and data from a Time Machine backup or reinstall OS Xand Apple apps. If your Mac detects a problem, open OS X Utilities by restarting your computer while holding down the Command and R keys. SupportVisit /support/macbookair for MacBook Air technical support. Or call 1-800-275-2273. In Canada, call 1-800-263-3394.Not all features are available in all areas.TM and © 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Designed by Apple in California.Printed in XXXX. 034-00961-A。

ateq f620 快速入门指南说明书

ateq f620 快速入门指南说明书

Quick Start Guide2 /02Table of contents Safety advisory / WarrantyGood practices and safety instructionsAir quality requirementsPreambleATEQ F620, a universal leak testerLeak testPrinciple of a cycleYour ATEQ F620Front panelConnectors on the back panel (with all options) Power supply connectorsDigital linksAnalog outputsDigital inputs/outputsPneumatic connectorsPneumatics configurationUser interfaceOverviewKeysDisplayStarting upPower upPreparing a programModifying a parameterSelecting a programStarting and stopping current cycleUser adjustmentsOptions of the menus SpecificationsCharacteristicsQSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-20QSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-203 /46ATEQ Manufacturer Plants - Measurement Solution, Global Leader.We continuously work on improving our products. This is why information contained in this manual, the device and the technical specifications may be modified without prior notification.Pictures and figures in this manual are non-contractual.Safety advisory / Warranty4 /46Safety recommendationsIf the device is supplied with 100 / 240 V AC, it is mandatory to connect it to the ground witha good link to the ground, to protect against electric hazard or electrocution.It is dangerous to change the status of the outputs.They can control power actuators or other equipment (mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic,electrical or other) which can cause serious personal injury and damage to surrounding material.For safety and quality measurement reasons, it is important, before powering on the device,to ensure that it is air supplied with a minimum operating pressure (0.6 MPa (87 PSI) ± 15%).Recommendations for the test environmentKeep the test area as clean as possible.Recommendations for operatorsATEQ recommends that the operators who use the devices have training and a level ofqualification that correspond to the job to perform.General recommendations—Read the user manual before using the device.—All electrical connections to the device must be equipped with safety systems (fuses, circuit breakers, etc.) adapted to the needs and in accordance with the applicablestandards and rules.—To avoid electromagnetic interference, electrical connections to the device must be shorter than 2 meters.—Power supply plug must be grounded.—Disconnect the device from the mains before performing any maintenance work.—Shut off the compressed air supply when working on the pneumatic assembly.—Do not open a connected device.—Avoid splashing water on the device.ATEQ is at your disposal for any information concerning the use of the device undermaximum safety conditions.We draw your attention to the fact that ATEQ cannot be held responsible for anyaccident related to a misuse of the measuring instrument, the workstation or non-compliance of the installation with safety rules.In addition, ATEQ declines any responsibility for the calibration or the fitting of theirinstruments that is not done by ATEQ.ATEQ also declines any responsibility for any modification (program, mechanical orelectrical) of the device done without their written consent.QSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-20QSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-205 / 46The air supplied into the device must be clean and dry. Even though the device is provided with a filter, the presence of dust, oil or impurities may cause malfunction.Air quality requirements according to ISO standard 8573The air must be clean and dry.The presence of impurities, oil or humidity in the air may cause deterioration which will not be covered by the warranty.When the instrument is working in vacuum conditions, impurities must be prevented from being drawn into its internal components.For this purpose we strongly recommend that a suitable airtight filter is installed between the part under test and the instrument.ATEQ recommends the following characteristics for the air supplied into the device.Recommended additional equipmentATEQ recommends the installation of this additional equipment: —Air dryer to provide dry air at less than - 40°C dew point —25 micron and 1/100 micron double filter.Preamble6 /46ATEQ F620 is a leak detector that tests the airtightness of parts.ATEQ F620 can memorise 128 different test programs.QSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-20QSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-207 / 46Direct measurement principleThe part under test 3 and the reference part 5 are filled to an identical pressure.A differential sensor 4 measures the pressure variation between the part under test 3 and the reference part 5. In some applications, the reference part can be replaced by a cap.1 Device2 Pressure sensor3 Part under test4 Differential pressure sensor5 Reference partDesensitized testThis mode is used for the measurement of large leaks, when the reject level required isabove the full scale of the differential sensor.The test pressure is applied to the input of the test part 3.The measurement is performed by the pressure sensor 2.1 Device2 Pressure sensor3 Part under test4 Cap on the reference connectorOther types of test are available in option (Burst test, Volume, Operator...).The measurement cycle is made of 4 main phases: fill, stabilization, test, dumping.8 /460Waiting phase1Fill phase2Stabilization phase3 Test4 DumpingQSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-20Your ATEQ F6209 /46 The user interface is located on the front panel.1 Display2Cycle keys3Navigation keys4USB connectors5Quick connector6Mechanical RegulatorFor more information, refer to User interfaceQSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-2010 /46QSG_F620.283.00_EN_01 / 2019-02-2011 /46 * These connectors are not operational. They are provided for future development of ourdevices.12 /46The device can be connected to an external power supply (24 V DC - 2 A) or provided with an internal power supply (100 / 240 V AC) (option).External supply24 V DC connector (J7)The device can be connected to a 24 V DC - 2 A power supply through a M12 4 pins type connector.24 V DC on the relay board connector (J11) (option)The device can also be connected to a 24 V DC - 2 A power supply through J11 connector on the relay board.Apply 24 V DC to the pin 2 or 4.13 /46Internal supply only100 / 240 V AC connector (J7) (option)The device can be connected to a 100 / 240 V AC power supply (option).This connector has a ON/OFF button.It is mandatory to connect the device to the ground with a good link to the ground, to protectagainst electric hazard or electrocution.1 ON 0 OFF14 /46PC USB connectors (on front face)USB connectors can be used for connecting miscellaneous compatible USB devices.The USB connectors are located under the rubber cover 1 (see figure).1Rubber cover2USB connector to PC3USB connector to USB keyDo not connect two USB devices at the same time.Do not use a cable longer than 2 m.Push the rubber cover 1 slightly forward for an easy access to USB connectors 2 and 3.Only use this connection for temporary communication. Connection to a PC cannot be usedpermanently because the communication can be disconnected by the PC.Printer RS232 connector / Modbus (option) or Profibus (option)(J12)RS232 - SubD 9 pins male connector (printer)RS232 for printer, bar code reader, PC connection.15 / 46RS232 - SubD 9 pins female connector (Profibus) optionProfibus: SubD 9 pins female connector.Devicenet connectors (J5) (J6) (option)M12 type connector - 5 pins male connector (J5) (Devicenet input)For connection to others ATEQ devices.M12 type connector - 5 pins female connector (J6) (Devicenet output)For connection to others ATEQ devices.Profinet connectors (J5 + J6) (option)M12 D coded type connector - 4 pins female connector (J5 + J6)16 /46Standard connection Ethernet TCP / IP protocol.—Ethernet IP—Profinet—Ethercat (J5 = Input J6 = Output).M12 type connector - 8 pins female connector (J1)17 /4618 /46The 24V DC power supply for the digital inputs can be provided by 2 means:—The internal power supply of the device (0.3A max)—An external power supply provided by the customer.Inputs default mode is PNP. NPN mode is available on request.Relay board connector (J11) (option)Characteristics—Inputs• Activation: + 24 V DC.—Outputs• Dry contacts• 60 V AC / DC max - 200 mA max.19 /46The device can be energized through the J11 connector of the relay board (except if internal supply option):0 V to the pin 1624 V DC to the pin 2 or 4.Program selection extension connector (J10) (option)The J10 connector is an extension of the J11 connector that enables the selection of 128 programs.Characteristics—Inputs•Activation: + 24 V DC.20 /46Program selection (J11 and J10)The connectors J11 and J10 (option) enable you to select a program from digital inputs.Combinations of connector pins to activate for program selection* X is equal to 0 or 1 in function of the program number.21 /46Valve codes and auxiliary outputs board connector (J9) (option)Characteristics—Outputs:• 24 V DC - 100 mA max per output. —Inputs:•Activation: + 24 V DC.22 /46Pneumatic connectors used to connect the part under test are located on the back panel of the device.Pneumatic supplyThe pneumatic supply has to meet specific requirements recommended by ATEQ. Refer to Good practices and safety instructions section.A specific filter may be necessary.The air is supplied via the filter located on the back panel of the device.Metal air filterThe metal filter is used for 1 MPa(145 PSI) range.The maximum pressure admissible is1.2 MPa (174 PSI).Plastic air filterThe plastic filter is used for 0.5 MPa(72.5 PSI) range (direct and indirectmodes) or 2 MPa (290 PSI) range (forpilot valves input).The maximum pressure admissible is690 kPa (100 PSI).23 /46Quick connector (on front face) (option)Use this function to check the calibration.As this connector is part of the measurement circuit, all its connections must be air tight.Test and reference outputsThe outputs enables parts to be connected (test and reference)1 Test connector2 Reference connector3 Not used4 Exhaust output5 Pressurization outputMetallic fitting available for test (1) and reference (2) connectors: —2.7/4 mm —3/5 mm —4/6 mm —6/8 mmDifferential sealed part connectors (option) (V1 and V2)External volume (closed tube) connection.Metallic fitting available for V1 and V2 connectors: —2.7/4 mm24 /46Other inputs / outputsThe outputs enables parts to be connected (test and reference)1Pilot pressure input or test pressureinput (according configuration)2Test pressure output (indirect mode)(from 0.5 to 2 MPa (72.5 to 290 PSI)according configuration)3Pneumatic input or output (accordingconfiguration)4Exhaust output (indirect mode)Pneumatic output 0.6 MPa (87 PSI) (option)A and B: automatic connectors option. Theseconnectors are used to drive pneumaticcaps on the part under test.Air supply input for optionsInstant fitting: 6 mm diameter—Vacuum input for vacuum range—External regulated pressure (accordingconfiguration)Calibration check by volume variation connector (option) (V)External volume (closed tube) connection.25 /46 Direct mode - Low rangePressure: from 0 to 500 kPa (72.5 PSI)ConnectionsDirect mode - Medium rangeMaximum pressure: 1 MPa (145 PSI)26 /46ConnectionsDirect mode - High rangeMaximum pressure: 2 MPa (290 PSI)27 /46ConnectionsIndirect modeMaximum pressure: 1 MPa (145 PSI)28 /46Connections29 /46Direct mode - Sealed part testPressure: from 0 to 500 kPa (72.5 PSI)This configuration can be used for test of small test part volumes.Protect volumes and pipes from air blowing and temperature variations.ConnectionsDirect mode - Sealed part differential volume testPressure: from 0 to 500 kPa (72.5 PSI)30 /46ConnectionsDirect mode - Option test check by pressure dropPressure: from 0 to 500 kPa (72.5 PSI)31 /46ConnectionsUser interface32 /46The user interface comprises a display and user keys located on the front panel.1 Display2Cycle keys3Navigation keysKEYSCycle keysThe cycle keys are used to start and to stop a measurement cycle.33 /46Navigation keysThe navigation keys are used to select menus/options and change parameter values.Smart keySmart key is a programmable key that provides direct access to a function selected bythe user.This key is programmable through the MAIN MENU screen:MAIN MENU > CONFIGURATION > MISCELLANEOUS > SMART KEYDISPLAYThe device uses 4 main screens.The Program screenUse the Program screen to select a test program.1Current program name (here NAME )2 Current program number (here 001)3 Test type (here LEAK TEST )Access at start-up of the instrument or by pressing several times Esc .34 /46The Measurement cycle screenThe Measurement cycle screen displays the different values of the current test (or last one).1Test pressure measurement2Test result or step phase3Test reject value4Vertical line test result5Remaining time of the current phaseor ready status6Leak measurement7Measurement unit8Current program9Vertical line test resultA star (*) can be displayed after the measurement unit 7 when the standard conditions function is validated.Refer to the Reference Manual.The MAIN MENU screenThe MAIN MENU screen gives access to different sections for managing the device and the test parameters.Access: from the Program screen, press .MAIN MENUSPE CYCLEPARAMETERSCONFIGURATIONSERVICERESUL TSUSB35 / 46Starting up1. Make sure that all the necessary connections are in place.Electrical: such as power supply, inputs/outputs Pneumatic: including line pressure supply2. Power up your device.When power-up is completed, the Program screen is displayed with last program used on screen.Use this procedure to configure a new test program.On the MAIN MENU screen:ACCESSING THE PARAMETERS1.Select PARAMETERSusing the up/downkeys and press .MAIN MENUPARAMETERS CONFIGURATIONSERVICE RESUL The program list is displayed.SELECTING A PROGRAM NUMBER 2. Select the program to configure and press.A list of the available measurement types is displayed: —LEAK TEST type—BLOCKAGE type (option)—DESENSITIZED TEST type (option) —OPERATOR type (option) —BURST TEST type (option) —VOLUME type (option)36 /46CONFIGURING THE ASSOCIATED MEASUREMENTS3.Select a measurement type and press .The parameters of the selected measurement type aredisplayed.4. Define the measurement cycle parameters.See: Modifying a parameter.Use this procedure to complete the test program setup.The protection of the parameters is configurable. If the icon is displayed at the bottom of the screen, you must insert the USB unlocking device or enter a password before modifying a parameter.On the PARAMETERS screen of the program (see: Preparing a program):1. Press up/down to select the parameter tomodify, and press.An arrow is displayed on the right of the parameterbeing modified.2. Use the up/down up/down keysto modify the parameter value, and press tovalidate.The arrowreturns to the left of the modified parameter.3. Repeat these steps until all parameters are set.4. To return to the MAIN MENU screen, press Escas many times as necessary.37 / 46If necessary, you can select another program.1. Pressup/down.Use the front panel keys to start/stop a measurement cycle.With the desired program displayed on the Program screen:STARTING A MEASUREMENT CYCLE 1. Press Start.The cycle phases of the program are successively displayed:FILLSTABILISATION TEST DUMPAt the end of the cycle, the results are displayed and READY appears at the bottom right of the screen.During the measurement cycle, you may press to access the MAIN MENU screen and set parameters for a next measurement cycle.STOPPING A CYCLE2. Press Reset to immediately stop the current measurement cycle and return to the Program screen.User adjustments38 /46Different menus are accessible on the MAIN MENU screen.For more information, refer to the Reference Manual.SPE CYCLE menuUse this menu to carry out specific procedures necessary to ensure the proper operationof specific measurement cycles (for example, adjustment of pressure regulator).Some parameters are displayed when specific functions are activated.39 /46TO START SPECIAL CYCLES...1. On the SPECIAL CYCLE MENU screen, select acycle, and press to validate.2. PressStart to start the cycle.3. To stop the current cycle pressReset .PARAMETERS menuUse this menu to configure the measurement cycle associated to each test program.Default parameters of the LEAKtype testsSome parameters are displayed when specific functions are activated.40 /46Additional functions41 /46Some functions are available depending on software version.42 /46CONFIGURATION menuUse this menu to configure your ATEQdevice.Start on the instrument frontpanel. Programs can only be started from the instrumentConfiguration of the assigned function to theSmart key43 /46SERVICE menuUse this menu to do the maintenance of your device (status check, internal tests...).RESULTS menuIn this section, manage measurements results.44 /46USB menuThis section describes save and restore parameters on an external USB device.Specifications45 /46 Technical characteristics of the device.Main characteristics46 /46。



HeroEmblems英雄纹章攻略新⼿教程Hero Emblems英雄纹章攻略新⼿教程游戏玩法:游戏的基本玩法是在⼀个7×8的格⼦中,通过对4种不同纹章进⾏三消消除来与敌⼈进⾏战⽃,通关来完成任务。








Embler Shop(纹章商店):纹章能提⾼英雄本⾝的属性,购买纹章,可增加英雄的属性,战⼠霍尔德购买初级纹章会增加物理攻击⼒,骑⼠奥斯顿能增加⼏张防御值,法师艾尔莎能增加法术攻击⼒,牧师翠丝特能增加⾎量。

经济有限的话,纹章建议购买优先级:霍华德 = 艾尔莎> 奥斯顿 > 翠丝特Skill Shop(技能商店):技能是三个相同纹章碰撞的技能,英雄所带的技能不⼀样,展现的效果不⼀样,不同的怪物需要⽤相⽐配的技能来打或者防御效果可能更佳。





































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BRAVEN 快速使用指南说明书

BRAVEN 快速使用指南说明书

QUICK START GUIDEQ U I C K S T A R T G U I D E /TUTORIALSPOWER SWITCHPAIRING / ANSWER-END CALL /PAUSE-RESUME MUSIC VOLUME UP /SKIP TRACK (PRESS AND HOLD)VOLUME DOWN /SKIP BACK (PRESS AND HOLD)L RTURN ON & BLUETOOTH ®PAIRING PAIRING TWO TOGETHER – WIRELESS STEREO-PAIRING USING AS A BLUETOOTH ® RECEIVER WATER RESISTANT FEATURESSEE MORE ONLINE /TUTORIALS 1234TURN ON & BLUETOOTH® PAIRINGTo get started press the powerbutton for 2-3 seconds. Whenyou release the power button youwill hear the BRAVEN power-updrone. (When you’re finishedlistening press the same buttonagain for 2-3 seconds to turnyour BRAVEN off.)In order to pair your BRAVEN to your cell phone, tablet, or other Bluetooth® enabled source (hereafter referred to as a “device”), first activate Bluetooth® on the device (see your device’s instruction manual for information on activating its Bluetooth® settings).Then press and hold the play button on your BRAVEN until you hear the BRAVEN pairing call.1Next go to your device’s Bluetooth® settings and select “BRAVEN 710” from the list. (If asked for a passcode enter “0000”) Y our BRAVEN will remember the last 8 devices it has paired with.PAIRING WITH NFC If your device is NFC enabled, you can quickly pair via the BRAVEN 710 speaker’s “NFC Deck”. First, ensure that NFC on your device is turned on. Then place your NFC-enabled device directly over the NFC logo on the base of the BRAVEN 710 speaker. Hold it in place until you see a prompt on your device asking you if you want to pair to the BRAVEN 710 speaker. Y ou may need to adjust the positioning of the device on the NFC Deck to ensure the device’s internal NFC transmitter aligns with the BRAVEN710 speaker’s internal NFC receiver.NOTE: If your BRAVEN does not have an active Bluetooth® connection and is left on, it will shut itself off after 30 minutes to preserve the battery. To restart button for 2-3 seconds.PAIRING TWO TOGETHER – WIRELESS STEREO-PAIRINGWant even bigger sound? If you have two BRAVEN 710 units (yeah, you should probably get two), you can pair them together for left and right stereo using “True Wireless” technology. Here’s how you do it:First be sure to disconnect all Bluetooth® connections BRAVEN 710 speakers from your device.Next, press and hold the battery checkbutton on both BRAVEN speakers for5 seconds until you hear a sonar soundfrom both speakers. Within 30 seconds, asecond beep will indicate a True Wirelessconnection between the BRAVEN 710speakers.previously connected device. Y ou will hear two beeps indicating True Wireless is reestablished.23Note: True Wireless technology only supports one activeBluetooth® connection to your device at the same time.If any other Bluetooth® device (other than the pairedBRAVEN 710 speakers) is simultaneously connectedto your device, the BRAVEN 710 audio will distort. Ifdistortion occurs, power down all other Bluetooth®devices in range of your phone/tablet, other than theBraven 710. Refresh the Bluetooth® connections on yourphone/tablet by turning Bluetooth® off and then back on.True Wireless is now reestablished.For troubleshooting and tutorial videos, please go to/TrueWirelessUSING AS A BLUETOOTH® RECEIVERThe BRAVEN 710 has the unique ability to act as a“Bluetooth Receiver” for other home or audio speakersystems that are not natively equipped for Bluetoothconnectivity.Simply connect one end of a 3.5mm/aux cable to the“AUDIO IN” port of your home or audio speaker system,and plug the other end of the cable into the 3.5mm“OUT” port on the BRAVEN 710 speaker. Then pairyour BRAVEN 710 speaker to your phone or tablet viaBluetooth.The audio will play over both theBRAVEN 710 and your home oraudio speaker system. If you onlywant the audio to play over yourother speakers (not through theBRAVEN 710), press and holdthe BRAVEN 710 volume up (+)and volume down (-) buttons simultaneously while theaudio is playing, until the Braven 710 audio stops.WATER RESISTANT FEATURES4The BRAVEN 710 is IPX5 Water Resistant. BRAVEN710 speakers are not intended to be submerged inwater, but are resistant to rainfall, water jets, and watersplashing.IMPORTANT - To ensure your BRAVEN 710 speaker isprepared for use in a wet environment, remove all cableconnections and tightly close the end water cap. If thewater cap is not properly closed, the BRAVEN 710 willnot be water resistant.USING AS A SPEAKERPHONE5SEE MORE ONLINE /TUTORIALSUSING AS A SPEAKERPHONE5To use your BRAVEN as a noisecancelling speakerphone, all youhave to do is press the answer-end button on the BRAVEN whenyou have an incoming phone call.When you’re done, simply pressthe answer-end button again toend the call.TRUE WIRELESS PAIRINGBLUETOOTH ®RECIEVERSEE MORE ONLINE /TUTORIALS67CHARGING YOUR BRAVENBefore usingyour BRAVENfor the firsttime, charge theunit until all 5battery capacity lights are solid (not flashing), indicating a full charge (typically 2 to 3 hours).When juice is running low, all you need to do is plug the included USB-to-Micro-USB cable into a wall power adapter (not included) or into a powered USB port ona computer. Plug the Micro-USB connector end of the cable into the BRAVEN charging port. Soon you’ll be ready to rock on.CHARGING EXTERNAL DEVICESBRAVEN is designedto keep the partygoing. Y our BRAVENserves as a portablepower bank allowingyou to charge USBdevices that draw from0.3A - 1A (most cell phones & mp3 players; tablets andother 2A devices cannot be charged by your BRAVEN710 speaker). Here’s how to charge an external device:Make sure your BRAVEN is on. Plug the USB powercable that came with your phone, mp3 player, or othermobile device into the USB port on your BRAVENspeaker.Plug the other end of the cable into your mobile device,and charging will commence.76124 3576/TUTORIALS1234567/TUTORIALS1234567/TUTORIALS1234576/TUTORIALS124 3567/TUTORIALS124 3567/TUTORIALS1234567/TUTORIALS1234567/TUTORIALSTHE WORLD’S MOST TALENTED SPEAKERS™V7.4。










当然如果能攻击到对面A DC无疑是最好的,即使没有时间打他也要给他一个Q让他打不出伤害。







但总的来说A P提莫团战作用是很小的,我们要做的就是全图种上蘑菇。




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Quick Start GuideThe Solix was designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. Complete the following steps to prepare your Solix for operation.1. Loosen the light stand receptacle knob and place the Solix on your preferred stand or arm. Tighten the knob to secure.2. Loosen the large tilting knob and adjust the Solix’s angle into preferred position. Tighten the knob to secure in place.3. Insert the AC power cord into the cord receptacle on the power supply unit.4. Insert the power supply cable into the power input receptacle on the back of the Solix. Twist the cable’s locking nut onto the Solix to secure. If you find it difficult to secure the locking nut, the cable’s barrel may not be fully inserted into the Solix. Gently press the nut towards the Solix to secure the connection.5. Ensure all connections are secure. Then, plug the AC power cord into your wall outlet.6. Utilize the PowerStrap to secure the Solix’s power supply unit to your stand or arm.Power the Solix on and off by pressing the rear dial. This dial also controls the Solix’s output. Twist the dial clockwise to increase output and counter-clockwise to decrease output. Output level isdisplayed on the Solix’s digital screen.Solix LED Diffusion Cap BarndoorsAC Power Supply & Cable PowerStrap by Tether Tools Travel Case with RemovableFoam Insert & Shoulder StrapThe Solix can be operated with DC power using a 14.8V D-T ap/PowerT ap battery.When powering the Solix with the Westcott Portable D-Tap Battery #7424 (sold separately), simply attach the battery’s included D-T ap cable into the power input receptacle on back of the Solix and connect to the battery.When operating the Solix with another D-T ap/PowerT ap battery, simply attach the Westcott D-Tap Cable #7423 (sold separately) into the power input receptacle on the back of the Solix and connect to your battery.When the Solix is disconnected from its power source, spot clean the Solix’s external housing with a warm, damp cloth and wipe dry. The Solix’s external LED array can be wiped clean with soft, dry cloth. Store the Solix inside the included travel case in a dry environment when not in use.Caution:• Do not store the Solix with the power cord attached to protect its power receptacle. • Do not operate, store, or submerge the Solix in or near liquids.• Do not utilize softboxes or other modifiers weighing more than 4.5 pounds (2 kilograms).Visit for softbox and umbrella compatibility.Attaching the Diffusion Cap T o soften the Solix’s output, attach the included magnetic diffusion cap onto the face of the Solix.Attaching the Barndoors T o direct the Solix’s output, attach the included magnetic barndoors onto the face of the Solix. These can be used in tandem with the Solix’s diffusion cap. The adjustable barndoor leafs should be located along the sides of the Solix, positioned vertically. These leafs can be extended for precise light control.Attaching a Light Modifier with the Umbrella Mount T o mount an umbrella or umbrella-style softbox to the Solix, simply place your modifier’s umbrella shaft into the standard umbrella receptacle located directly above the Solix’s tilter bracket.Attaching a Softbox to the Built-in Speedring The Solix is equipped with an integrated rotatable speedring that can be used to mount a majority of standard softboxes. When mounting a 4-rod strip softbox, insert the rods into the speedring rod receptacles notated with an ’S’. When mounting a 4-rod square or rectangular softbox, insert the rod into the receptacles on the left side of the ’S’ notation. When mounting an octabox, the rods will utilize all 8 of the speedring rod receptacles.Westcott products are made to the company’s traditionally high standards of quality and comply with all applicable government safety regulations and requirements. In an effort to provide the best quality products possible, we periodically make product modifications. Actual products may not be identical to items pictured. Designed in Ohio, USA. Assembled in China. © F.J. Westcott Co. All rights reserved. 180219.REGISTER YOUR NEW GEAR ONLINE AT Westcott’s warranty obligations for the Solix (“product”) are limited to the following terms. The F.J. Westcott Co. (“Westcott”) warrants this Westcott branded product against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of retail purchase from Westcott or an authorized retailer by the original end-user purchaser (“Warranty Period”). If a defect arises and a valid claim is received within the Warranty Period, at its option and to the extent permitted by law, Westcott will either (1) repair the defect at no charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or (2) exchange the product with a product that is new or which has been manufactured from new or serviceable used parts and is at least functionally equivalent to the original product. This Limited Warranty applies only to products manufactured by or for Westcott that can be identified by the Westcott trademark, trade name, or logo affixed to them.This warranty does not apply to: (a) damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, flood, fire, earthquake, mold, or other external causes; (b) damage caused by operating the product outside the permitted or intended uses described by Westcott; (c) a product or part that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of Westcott; or (d) cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents and broken plastic.Disclaimer: By purchasing, borrowing and/or using this product for any event, both public or private, you, the customer, accepts all responsibility and releases Westcott, and its associates, of any and all liability in the event of manufacturer’s defect, malfunction or misuse of the product which may lead to further injuries or complications unforeseen by the user. Westcott is not responsible for any potential or incurred damage caused by failure to properly mount, hang, or store the product, which includes, but is not limited to damage to cameras, electronics, electrical equipment, buildings, building materials, personal injury, death, or disability, fire damage, or any and all other damage not mentioned previously.Please contact Westcott’s Repair Department for a Return Authorization Number “RMA” prior to requesting warranty service. This RMA must be clearly written on the outside of the box to the left of the shipping label. Items sent in without pre-authorization or that do not fall under the limited warranty will be returned at the expense of the sender.Repair Department: 800-886-1689 / 419-243-7311 (International)Email:**********************Shipping: F.J. Westcott Co, 1425-B Holland Rd. Maumee, OH 43537Westcott Cares About the Environment Recycling electronics and light bulbs is a great way to reduce your environmentalimpact and ensure that you’re playing your part in preserving an environment that can be enjoyed by future generations. Many retail stores have bins designed for recycling these items. You can also contact a local recycling center to inquire about recycling your electronics and bulbs there.。





















Jack 快速入门指南说明书

Jack 快速入门指南说明书

QUICK START GUIDEMAKE ANY HEADPHONESWIRELESSTABLE OF CONTENTJACK TABLE OF CONTENT DIAGRAM...................................................................................................................... PAGE 01GET STARTED................................................................................................................ PAGE 02 BASIC USE..................................................................................................................... PAGE 04 CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................................... PAGE 05 TECH SPECS.................................................................................................................. PAGE 06 CARE............................................................................................................................ PAGE 07 MODES......................................................................................................................... PAGE 08 WARRANTY................................................................................................................... PAGE 13 CONTACT...................................................................................................................... PAGE 1901Volume + Volume -PowerLED Indicator JACK DIAGRAMGETTING STARTEDThank you for purchasing Jack! This section contains articles that will guide you through setup and basic use. After that, you can check out the other sections to learn about more advanced features.Charge for at least 1 hour.• Use the included Micro-USB cable to plug in to a computer or wall adapter.STEP 2Turn on Jack.• Press the larger button for at least two seconds • The LED will turn purple, then flash blueSTEP 1Find Jack in your phone's Bluetooth menu.• iOs - Open the Settings app and click "Bluetooth"• Android - Long press the Bluetooth icon on the topmenu, or open Settings -> Connected Devices ->Bluetooth (may be slightly different depending on OS version)STEP 4Pair and connect to Jack.STEP 304After Step 4, Jack will be paired to your phone and connected in "Receive Mode". Audio is streamed from a phone or computer to Jack, and played from the AUX port. Plug in headphones, wired speakers, or anything that can play audio from an AUX cable. DisconnectingIf no audio is playing, Jack will disconnect and turn off after 20 minutes. To save battery, we recommend turning Jack off manually when you're done by hold-ing the power button for 3 seconds.Auto ConnectWhen powered on, Jack will attempt to connect to the previously connected device. If the device is unavailable (out of range, or Bluetooth is off), Jack will remain in pairing mode.Volume ControlThere are three ways to control Jack's volume:1. Change the volume on your phone or computer2. Press the volume buttons on Jack3. Use headphones with in-line volume control Note: Not all in-line headphones will work correctly due to different specifications between vendors. However, headphones shipped with Jack will work correctly, and we have done our best to be as com-patible as possible.BASIC USE05 Receive ModeWhen Jack is off, press the Power button for twoseconds to turn on in Receive Mode.Transmit ModeWhen Jack is off, press Power button and Volume + button for two seconds (at the same time) to turn on in Transmit Mode.Share ModeWhen two Jacks are in Receive Mode, hold the Volume+ and Volume- down until they are sycned.Power Volume + Volume –Volume + Power06HARDWARE• 1/8" Aux port for input and output• 300mAh LiPo battery• Up to 12 hours playback at reasonable volume• Steel clip• Micro USB charging port• 3 buttons• 1 RGB LEDCONNECTIVITY AND AUDIO• Bluetooth 4.2• SBC and AptX audio codecs• Play audio from up to 2 devices in Receive Mode• One device active at a time• Share synchronized Bluetooth audio with another Jack• Stream input from the Aux port to 2 devices in Transmit Mode07ChargingJack fully charges in less than 2 hours. If you haven't charged Jack in several weeks or more, it could take a bit longer.To ensure product longevity, it's best not to let the battery completely run out. Jack will shut itself off before the battery is damaged, but it's not ideal to let this happen too often.WeatherMake sure to keep Jack out of extreme conditions. Jack can handle a wide range of temperatures, but it can get hotter than you might expect on a car dash-board or asphalt outside.Jack is weather resistant and can handle rain, but should not be fully submerged.ClipThe clip is made of metal, but take care not to bend it too far!CARE08SUPPORTMODESIn the Getting Started section, you learned how to use Jack in "Receive Mode." That's the most common way to use Jack, but in this section we'll go over everything else that's possible.If you follow the "Connecting" section in Quick Start Guide, you will be connected to Jack in Receive Mode. In this mode, a device (phone, computer, etc) streams audio over Bluetooth to Jack. The audio is played through the Aux port.ButtonsThe table below lists button functionality when Jack is in Receive Mode. Buttons are labeled Power (1), Volume- (2), and Volume+ (3) according to this image:RECEIVE MODEVolume + ( 3 )Volume – ( 2 )Power ( 1 )TRANSMIT MODEHeadphone ButtonsSome headphones, such as the ones we sell with Jack, have in-line pause/play and volume buttons.* Pause/play, volume, and next/previous track functions can be controlled with these buttons.Note: Due to differences in how these are implement-ed for iPhone/Android, not all headphone buttons will work properly with Jack.Jack can be placed in Transmit Mode by holding buttons 1 and 3.In Transmit Mode, Jack streams audio from the Aux port to a connected Bluetooth device. For example, you can use an Aux cable to plug Jack in to a TV, and stream audio to Bluetooth headphones. ConnectingWhen Jack is turned on in Transmit Mode for the first time, it will attempt to pair with the nearest Bluetooth Audio device (headset, speaker, etc). Jack will auto-matically attempt to reconnect to the paired device the next time it is turned on in Transmit Mode. TheMake sure the Bluetooth headset or speaker is in pairing mode the first time, or Jack will not be able to find it. If Jack is attempting to connect to a paired device and you would like to pair instead, hold down Button 3 for two seconds.ButtonsThis table lists button functionality when Jack is in Transmit Mode. Buttons are labeled 1, 2, and 3according to this image:If you have two Jacks, they can connect in two different ways:1. One Jack is in Receive Mode, while another is in Transmit Mode • For example, the Transmit Jack is connected to a TV via Aux, and the Receive Jack plays audio via wired headphones.2. Both Jacks start in Receive Mode, then enter Share Mode.This section explains how to connect two Jacks in Share Mode.Steps Jack-A will refer to the Jack that connects to your phone or computer. Jack-B will refer to the second one that receives synchronized audio.1. Connect your phone or computer to Jack-A in SHARE MODEReceive Mode2. Turn on Jack-B, and make sure it doesn't auto-connect to anything3. Double tap buttons 2+3 together on Jack-A • This can be a bit difficult to do properly thefirst time • Jack-A's LED will flash blue to indicate it is ready to connect4. Hold down buttons 2+3 on Jack-B until it connectsto Jack-A • If you're not sure whether the Jacks areconnected, try playing music.Notes– Turning off either Jack will cause both to turn off.– Both Jacks can pause or play the music.– You must follow the above steps each time to use Share Mode.– Certain environmental factors may cause Jack toeventually get out of sync. To fix this, try turningoff both Jacks and reconnecting.LIMITED WARRANTY: Podo Labs products and accessories are guaranteed against defects in manufacturing or workmanship for six (6) months from the original date of purchase. Podo Labs, at our sole discretion, will repair or replace this product at no charge with new or reconditioned parts, if found to be defective during the limited warranty period specified above. Returns or replacements of parts and/or products are subject to shipping, handling, replacement and/or restocking fees.To submit a claim:1. Contact our Support Team via email *****************************************problem (with images or video if available), Podo serial number and date of purchase.2. If our Support Team cannot first solve the issue and determines that your problem qualifies for a warranty claim, you will receive a RMA (ReturnLIMITED WARRANTYMerchandise Authorization) number and shipping label.3. Package your defective product carefully for return to Podo Labs, including your original receipt or order confirmation, written explanation of the problem, and RMA number. Podo Labs is not responsible for damage caused during shipment, whether due to inadequate packaging or otherwise.4. Copy your RMA number on the outside of the box and send to Podo Labs (items must be received by Podo Labs within 14 days of issuing the RMA).5. Podo Labs, at our sole discretion, will repair or replace this product at no charge with new or reconditioned parts, if found to be defective during the limited warranty period specified above.Podo Labs is not responsible for shipping costs associated with warranty returns. Parts or products received without an RMA number or out of the warranty period will not be accepted and may or maynot be returned.30 DAY GUARANTEE: If at any time within 30 days of receiving a purchase from you are not satisfied, you may return it for a refund. Damaged items due to reasons not covered under warranty cannot be accepted for refund under this Guarantee. Any associated shipping fees are not refundable and returns or replacements of parts and/or products are subject to shipping, handling, replacement and/or restocking fees. NOTE: this guarantee only applies to orders placed online at .To return an item purchased from :If you bought your product directly from and would like to return it for whatever reason within 30 days of purchase, please follow the below procedure. Podo Labs will credit your card or other purchase method after receipt of the undamaged merchandise.1. Contact our Support Team by clicking on the Support link on our contact page. We would love to fix any problem that is leaving you unsatisfied.2. Obtain an RMA number from Podo Labs Support Team3. Package your product carefully for return to Podo Labs, including your original receipt and copy of RMA form. We also appreciate comments or suggestions to serve you better next time.4. Copy your RMA number on the outside of the box and send to Podo Labs (items must be received by Podo Labs within 14 days of issuing the RMA). Podo Labs 582 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94104 EXCLUSIONS & LIMITATIONS: This Limited Warrantycovers only the intended and normal use of the Podo hardware and accessories. Safe handling and proper use instructions can be found in this User Manual. This Limited Warranty covers only the hardware product “Podo” and official accessories manufactured by or for Podo Labs, Inc. bearing the "Podo" trademark, trade name or logo. The Limited Warranty does not apply to any non-Podo Labs product or any software. For more information on rights regarding software use, please refer to the Podo Software License Agreement.To the maximum extent allowed under applicable law, Podo Labs assumes no liability for any accident, injury, death, loss, or other claim related to or resulting from the use of our products.Podo Labs does not warrant that the operation of our products will be error-free. This warranty does not cover:a) Consumable parts, such as Sticky pads, batteries, coatings or finishes, and/or other parts designed to diminish in function or efficacy over time, unless failure is due to a defect in materials or workmanship;b) Damage or failures caused directly or indirectly by use with non-Podo Labs products;c) Damage caused by improper handling, charging, accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, misapplication, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature; failure to follow directions or warnings; incorrect electrical line voltage, fluctuations or surges; damage caused by improper installation; product alteration or modification; improper or unauthorized repair; exterior finish or cosmetic damage; normal wear and tear or normal aging of the product;d) Damage caused by falls or impacts through negligent or incorrect use of the Sticky pad or magnet (including application to an inappropriate surface or failure to test adherence in a safe manner) or use of a worn-out Sticky pad;THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE LISTED AND DESCRIBED ABOVE, AND NO WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND WARRANTIES AGAINST HIDDEN OR LATENT DEFECTS, SHALL APPLY AFTER THE EXPRESS WARRANTY PERIOD STATED ABOVE, AND NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE GIVEN BY ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE BINDING ON PODO LABS. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN THIS WARRANTY AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, PODO LABS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS, FAILURE TO REALIZE SAVINGS OR OTHER BENEFITS, LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY, LOSS OF GOODWILL, LOSS OF REPUTATION, LOSS OF, DAMAGE TO, COMPROMISE OR CORRUPTION OF DATA, OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT, OR ANY BREACH OF ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL THEORY ON WHICH THE CLAIM IS BASED, AND EVEN IF PODO LABS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. RECOVERY OF ANY KIND AGAINST PODO LABS SHALL NOT BE GREATER IN AMOUNT THAN THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR PODO. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, PURCHASER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PURCHASER AND PURCHASER'SPROPERTY AND TO OTHERS AND THEIR PROPERTY ARISING OUT OF THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT SOLD BY PODO LABS NOT CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF PODO LABS. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER OF THIS PRODUCT, IS NONTRANSFERABLE AND STATES YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY.Depending on your state of residence and applicable local laws, the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Beyond the specific rights specified by this Limited Warranty, you may have other or additional rights, which vary from state to state. GOVERNING LAW & ARBITRATION: This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles that may provide the application of the law of another jurisdiction. Any claim or dispute in connection with this Limited Warranty shall be resolved in a cost effective manner through binding non-appearance-based arbitration. The arbitration shall be initiated through an established alternative dispute resolution provider mutually agreed upon by the parties. The alternative dispute resolution provider and the parties must comply with the following rules: a) The arbitration shall be conducted by telephone, online and/or be solely based on written submissions, the specific manner shall be chosen by the party initiating the arbitration;b) The arbitration shall not involve any personal appearance by the parties or witnesses unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties; andc) Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.If the foregoing arbitration clause does not apply for any reason, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state courts located within Santa Clara County, California and the federal courts in the Northern District of California for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes, which courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction of such claims or disputes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Podo Labs may seek injunctive or other equitable relief to protect its intellectual property rights in any court of competent jurisdiction.To the extent this “GOVERNING LAW & ARBITRATION” section is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severed from this warranty and the remainder of this warranty shall be unaffected.MODIFICATIONS: The instructions and information in this Guide are for reference only and may be modified at any time without prior notice. For the most accurate and up-to-date version of this Guide, please visit . Podo Labs reserves the right to modify or amend the product design or User Guide without restrictions or notification.19CONTACT****************** - Say hi! Let us know how we're doing****************** - For brand partnerships or media inquiries******************** - Reach our support team or submit a warranty claim 582 Market Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94104。



Quick Start GuideFor more informationGo to /en/ to download the user guide for your device and read the FAQ, privacy policy, and other information.Go to Settings > About phone > Legal information to read the legal information.Please visit /en/support/hotline/ for the most up-to-date contact information for your country or region.Your phone at a glanceBefore you start, let's take a look at your new phone. Press and hold the power button to turn your phone on or off.To forcibly restart your phone, press and hold the power button until your phone vibrates.Getting startedFollow the instructions in the following figures to set up your phone. Do not insert or remove a SIM card while your phone is on.Please exercise caution when using the SIM ejector pin to avoid hurting your fingers or damaging your phone. Store your pin in a safe place out of the reach of children to prevent them from swallowing it or injuringthemselves by accident.Caution Insert the SIM card into the correct card slot to ensure that it can be recognized by the phone.Dual card dual standby single passMHA-L29: Your phone supports only dual card dual standby single pass, which means you cannot use both SIM cards for calls or data services simultaneously.• When you are on a call using SIM card 1, SIM card 2 cannot be used to make or answer calls. If someone calls SIM card 2, the caller will hear a voice message similar to "The subscriber you dialed is out of the service area" or"The subscriber you dialed cannot be connected for the moment, please try again later." The actual message will vary by service provider.• When you are using SIM card 1's data service, SIM card 2's data service will be disabled.Your phone's single pass feature helps reduce power consumption and increase your phone's standby time. It is not related to your service provider's network conditions.It may be a good idea to contact your service provider and subscribe to missed call reminder and related assistance services to avoid the conflicts mentioned above.Safety InformationPlease read all of the safety information carefully before using your device to ensure its safe and proper operation and to learn how to dispose of your device properly.Viewing the safety and regulatory information For more information on safety, touch Settings > About phone > legal information > Safety information.For more information on regulation, touch Settings > About phone > Authentication info.Operation and safety• To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.• Using an unapproved or incompatible power adapter, charger, or battery may damage your device, shorten its lifespan, or cause a fire, explosion, or other hazards.• Ideal operating temperatures are 0 °C to 35 °C. Ideal storage temperatures are -20 °C to +45 °C.• Pacemaker manufacturers recommend that a minimum distance of 15 cm be maintained between a device and a pacemaker to prevent potential interference with thepacemaker. If using a pacemaker, hold the device on the side opposite the pacemaker and do not carry the device in your front pocket.• Keep the device and the battery away from excessive heat and direct sunlight. Do not place them on or inheating devices, such as microwave ovens, stoves, orradiators.• Observe local laws and regulations while using the device. To reduce the risk of accidents, do not use your wireless device while driving.• While flying in an aircraft or immediately before boarding, only use your device according to instructions provided. Use of a wireless device in an aircraft maydisrupt wireless networks, present a hazard to aircraft operation, or be illegal.• To prevent damage to your device's parts or internal circuits, do not use it in dusty, smoky, damp, or dirtyenvironments or near magnetic fields.• When charging the device, make sure the power adapter is plugged into a socket near the devices and is easilyaccessible.• Unplug the charger from electrical outlets and the device when not in use.• Do not use, store or transport the device where flammables or explosives are stored (in a gas station, oil depot, or chemical plant, for example). Using your device in these environments increases the risk of explosion or fire.• Dispose of this device, the battery, and accessories according to local regulations. They should not bedisposed of in normal household waste. Improperbattery use may lead to fire, explosion, or other hazards.• Use only the following listed AC Adapters/Power Supplies: HUAWEI: HW-050450B00, HW-050450E00,HW-050450U00, HW-050450A00.EU regulatory conformanceBody worn operationThe device complies with RF specifications when used near your ear or at a distance of 0.5 cm from your body. Ensure that the device accessories, such as a device case and device holster, are not composed of metal components. Keep the device away from your body to meet the distance requirement.MHA-L09: The highest SAR value reported for this device type when tested at the ear is 1.64 W/kg, and when properly worn on the body is 1.36 W/kg.MHA-L29: The highest SAR value reported for this device type when tested at the ear is 1.64 W/kg, and when properly worn on the body is 1.36 W/kg.StatementHereby, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. declares that this device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and 2009/ 125/EC.The most recent, effective version of the DoC (declaration of conformity) can be viewed at/certification.The following marking is included in the product:This device may be operated in all member states of the EU. Observe national and local regulations where the device is used.This device may be restricted for use, depending on the local network.Restrictions in the 2.4 GHz band:Norway: This subsection does not apply for the geographical area within a radius of 20 km from the centre of Ny-Ålesund. Restrictions in the 5 GHz band:WLAN function of this device is restricted only to indoor use when operating in the 5150 to 5350 MHz frequency range.FCC Regulatory ComplianceBody worn operationThe device complies with RF specifications when used near your ear or at a distance of 1.5 cm from your body. Ensure that the device accessories, such as a device case and device holster, are not composed of metal components. Keep the device away from your body to meet the distance requirement.Certification information (SAR)This device is also designed to meet the requirements for exposure to radio waves established by the Federal Communications Commission (USA).The SAR limit adopted by the USA is 1.6 W/kg averaged over one gram of tissue. The highest SAR value reported to the FCC for this device type complies with this limit.MHA-L09: The highest SAR value reported to the FCC for this device type when using at the ear is 1.42 W/kg, and when properly worn on the body is 0.60 W/kg, and when using the Wi-Fi hotspot function is 1.39 W/Kg.MHA-L29: The highest SAR value reported to the FCC for this device type when using at the ear is 1.42 W/kg, and when properly worn on the body is 0.60 W/kg, and when using the Wi-Fi hotspot function is 1.39 W/Kg.FCC statementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Industry Canada complianceBody worn operationThe device complies with RF specifications when used near your ear or at a distance of 1.5 cm from your body. Ensure that the device accessories, such as a device case and device holster, are not composed of metal components. Keep the device away from your body to meet the distance requirement.MHA-L09: The highest SAR value reported to the IC for this device type when using at the ear is 1.41 W/kg, and when properly worn on the body is 0.60 W/kg.MHA-L29: The highest SAR value reported to the IC for this device type when using at the ear is 1.41 W/kg, and when properly worn on the body is 0.60 W/kg.IC StatementThis device complies with CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B).This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Restrictions in the 5 GHz band:Within the 5.15 to 5.25 GHz band, UNII devices will be restricted to indoor operations to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel Mobile Satellite System (MSS) operations.Legal NoticeTrademarks and Permissions, , and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.LTE is a trademark of ETSI.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is under license.Wi-Fi®, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, and the Wi-Fi logo are trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance.Privacy PolicyTo better understand how we protect your personal information, please see the privacy policy at/privacy-policy.Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2016. All rights reserved.THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE ONLY, AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ANY KIND OF WARRANTIES.All pictures and illustrations in this guide, including but not limited to the phone color, size, and display content, are for your reference only. The actual product may vary.Nothing in this guide constitutes a warranty of any kind, express or implied.For DTS patents, see .Manufactured under license from DTSLicensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, & DTS andthe Symbol together are registeredtrademarks, and DTS Sound is a trademark ofDTS, Inc. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Note: Remember the Google account your phone last logged in to.During an untrusted factory settings restoration or microSD card–based update, Google's anti-theftmechanism requires you to enter the Google account your phone last logged in to on the startupnavigation screen for identity authentication. Your phone can properly power on only after the identity authentication passes.Model: MHA-L09 MHA-L2931507907_01Please visit /en/support/hotline for recent updated hotline and email address in your country or region.The N-Mark is a trademark or registeredtrademark of NFC Forum, Inc. in the UnitedStates and in other countries.。



传奇双英雄脚本:辰星-3(@@BuHero @PlayDrink )[@main]魔法不单是华丽的攻击,更需要在战斗中感受它的使用技巧。


如果能在修\行中遇到值追随一生的伙伴,对他们来说也许就更有意义!\ \<召唤卧龙英雄/@召唤卧龙英雄>\<寄存领回英雄/@寄领英雄> \<主将副将英雄培养/@主副英雄培养> \<我不想再带领卧龙英雄/@不带英雄>\[@召唤卧龙英雄]<我想找卧龙英雄做为我的历练伙伴/@领取卧龙英雄>\ \<返回/@main>[@寄领英雄]<我想找您帮个忙,我想寄放英雄/@寄放英雄>\<我想领回英雄/@领回英雄> \ \<返回/@main>[@主副英雄培养]#ifCheckHeroAutoPractice#say看来你的副将英雄正在进行自我修炼....\ \<我要停止副将英雄的自我修炼/@停止自我修炼>\ \<查看副将英雄修炼时间/@查看修炼时间>#elsesay随着我们多年以来对英雄的训练,我们发现了一种新的培养方式和\战斗方式。




\<主将副将英雄评定/@主副将评定> <副将英雄自我修炼/@自我修炼> <英雄的历史/@英雄历史>\<主将副将英雄指南/@英雄指南>\<返回/@main>[@停止自我修炼]#ACTStopHeroAutoPracticeClose[@StopHeroAuto]#if#ACTgive 金创药1Close[@查看修炼时间]你的副将英雄本次的修炼时间为:<$HEROAUTOTIME>秒\<返回/@主副英雄培养>[@主副将评定]#if#actASSESSMENTHERO[@自我修炼]#ifCheckDeputyHero#say请注意:副将英雄的等级上限为主将英雄当前等级减三,副将\英雄的内功等级上限为主将英雄当前内功等级减三。

16年7月 VIN新手指导U19(7月13日,添加了虚空遗物掉落表)

16年7月 VIN新手指导U19(7月13日,添加了虚空遗物掉落表)
WARFRAME 新手入门篇.............................................................................................................................................. 5 入门须知.............................................................................................................................................................6 初始战甲推荐.................................................................................................................................................... 7 初始武器选择.................................................................................................................................................... 8 初始 50 白金的使用..........................................................................................................................................8 系统界面介绍.................................................................................................................................................... 9 氏族界面...........................................................................................................................................................10 氏族道场地图.................................................................................................................................................. 10 段位系统介绍.................................................................................................................................................. 11 任务系统介绍.................................................................................................................................................. 12 ARCHWING 空战系统介绍................................................................................................................................ 13 库伯系统介绍.................................................................................................................................................. 14 游戏内地图介绍.............................................................................................................................................. 15 星球解锁...........................................................................................................................................................16 MOD 系统介绍................................................................................................................................................... 17 新手过渡战甲推荐.......................................................................................................................................... 19 新手升阶武器推荐.......................................................................................................................................... 20 新手问题总汇(推荐必看完,因为排序比较混乱)............................................................................... 21







这对于普通版的白金玩家无疑是一个巨大的挑战,反正我是急性子,讨厌这样啊~不过,太极门也有自己的很多优点:后期武功威力极大,很容易秒杀对手;绝招多--太极门是所有门派中绝招最多的;请教师傅的时候,技能后面的*130什么的最多,这样,用同样经验学的技能就越多;技能丰富,拳脚有太极拳、刀法有玄虚刀法、剑法有太极剑…二、绝招及需要条件列表『太极拳』震字决:基本拳脚60太极拳60基本内功60太极神功60(常用攻击绝招,威力巨大)挤字决:基本拳脚70太极拳70基本内功70太极神功70(损耗对手内力,使对手攻击力减弱)乱环决:基本拳脚100太极拳100基本内功100太极神功100(使对手呆若木鸡)阴阳决:基本拳脚120太极拳120基本内功120太极神功120『太极剑』缠绵决:基本剑术80太极剑80基本内功80太极神功80(使对手呆若木鸡)连字决:基本剑术80太极剑80基本内功80太极神功80(多个回合加强自身防御)三环套:月基本剑术120太极剑120基本内功120太极神功120(连出三剑,攻击力强) 三、速成法以下纯属个人意见1、拜师之后建议马上去做老婆婆的义工义务,一直做到她说你小有名气,使唤不动你(经验值大于5000之后就小有名气了),当然了,你一定要有耐心重复。


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