周杰伦魔天伦演唱会南京站歌词《惊叹号》越山丘过哑口云端的空气稀薄这街头敌意多烟硝弥漫不了我空袭对我是种罗嗦警报呢是让你们有时间走哇靠毅力极限燃烧哇靠斗志仰天咆啸哇靠自己创作跑道靠!!!!!!!靠毅力极限燃烧哇靠斗志仰天咆啸哇靠高速奔向目标靠!!!!!!!靠哇靠高速奔向目标靠!!!!!!!顺向坡从不走逆着风清醒了我我沉默话不多赢的时候才开口势均力敌才叫战斗希望呢你们是像样的对手哇靠毅力极限燃烧哇靠斗志仰天咆啸哇靠自己创作跑道哇靠高楼的视野不知名的街霓虹侵略庸俗了这一切是与非隔着路口对决我主宰我自己的世界横着写意气风发的谁永不放弃去超越去粉碎是非《龙拳》以敦煌为圆心的东北东这民族的海岸线像一支弓那长城像五千年来待射的梦我用手臂拉开这整个土地的重蒙古高原南下的风写些什么内容汉字到底懂不懂一样肤色和面孔跨越黄河东登上泰山顶峰我向西引北风晒成一身古铜渴望着血脉相通无限个千万弟兄我把天地拆封将长江水掏空人在古老河床蜕变中我右拳打开了天化身为龙把山河重新移动填平裂缝将东方的日出调整了时空回到洪荒去支配去操纵我右拳打开了天化身为龙那大地心脏汹涌不安跳动全世界的表情只剩下一种等待英雄我就是那条龙我右拳打开了天化身为龙把山河重新移动填平裂缝将东方的日出调整了时空回到洪荒去支配去操纵我右拳打开了天化身为龙那大地心脏汹涌不安跳动全世界的表情只剩下一种等待英雄我就是那条龙渴望着血脉相通无限个千万弟兄我把天地拆封将长江水掏空人在古老河床蜕变中我右拳打开了天化身为龙把山河重新移动填平裂缝将东方的日出调整了时空回到洪荒去支配去操纵我右拳打开了天化身为龙那大地心脏汹涌不安跳动全世界的表情只剩下一种等待英雄我就是那条龙我右拳打开了天化身为龙把山河重新移动填平裂缝将东方的日出调整了时空回到洪荒去支配去操纵我右拳打开了天化身为龙那大地心脏汹涌不安跳动全世界的表情只剩下一种等待英雄我就是那条龙化身为龙填平裂缝调整了时空去支配去操纵化身为龙不安跳动只剩下一种等待英雄我就是那条龙《最后的战役》机枪扫射声中我们寻找遮蔽的战壕儿时沙雕的城堡毁坏了重新盖就好可是你那沾染血布满弹孔的军外套却就连祷告手都举不好在硝烟中想起冰棒汽水的味道和那些无所事事一整个夏天的年少我放下枪回忆去年一起毕业的学校而眼泪一直都忘记要掉嘲笑的声音在风中不断被练习这树林间充满了敌意部队弃守阵地你坚持要我也离去我怎么能放弃我留着陪你强忍着泪滴有些事真的来不及回不去你脸在抽搐就快没力气家乡事不准我再提我留着陪你最后的距离是你的侧脸倒在我的怀里你慢慢睡去我摇不醒你泪水在战壕里决了堤在硝烟中想起冰棒汽水的味道和那些无所事事一整个夏天的年少我放下枪回忆去年一起毕业的学校而眼泪一直都忘记要掉嘲笑的声音在风中不断被练习这树林间充满了敌意部队弃守阵地你坚持要我也离去我怎么能放弃我留着陪你强忍着泪滴有些事真的来不及回不去你脸在抽搐就快没力气家乡事不准我再提我留着陪你最后的距离是你的侧脸倒在我的怀里你慢慢睡去我摇不醒你泪水在战壕里决了堤你脸在抽搐就快没力气家乡事不准我再提我留着陪你最后的距离是你的侧脸倒在我的怀里你慢慢睡去我摇不醒你泪水在战壕里决了堤《比较大的大提琴》演唱人- 周杰伦+梁心颐+杨瑞代词:方文山/ 曲:周杰伦杰伦/小傻瓜这不是大提琴我拨弦你却在吃点心我一人就足够等我震惊你们的死表情明明围观一堆人却听不到吭噔零钱声只能硬撑越弹越认真我慢慢等慢慢等慢慢等那识货的人人潮人潮掌声回应钞票钞票却不靠近吃干抹净真有点不甘心隔壁摊拿我的音乐当背景放竟还表演流畅我干脆将音乐中断微笑着看你怎么办看你怎么办你却借别摊音乐还继续在跳我好心提醒你的Key别跑掉会很好笑你竟然在嫌我吵哇咧喵~我哪里碍到你硬说跟我有默契是音乐让我们东拼西凑在一起A-gogo 不会跳跳了脚麻手会抖来表演就要选在街头感动的人才多我教你请起立副歌记得要换气跳街舞演哑剧全都搅和在一起Disco 没去过就怕去了钱不够交朋友就不要太罗嗦一句话开心自由Lara/小傻瓜这不是大提琴我拨弦你却在吃点心我一人就足够等我震惊你们的死表情杰伦/明明围观一堆人却听不到吭噔零钱声只能硬撑越弹越认真我慢慢等慢慢等慢慢等那识货的人合/人潮人潮掌声回应钞票钞票却不靠近吃干抹净真有点不甘心Gary/隔壁摊拿我的音乐当Lara/隔壁摊拿我的音乐当背景放竟还表演流畅Lara/背景放竟还表演流畅合/我干脆将音乐中断微笑着看你怎么办哇咧看你怎么办I don’t care你却借别摊音乐还继续在跳我好心提醒你的key别跑掉会很好笑你竟然在嫌我吵哇咧喵~我哪里碍到你硬说跟我有默契是音乐让我们东拼西凑在一起A-gogo 不会跳跳了脚麻手会抖来表演就要选在街头感动的人才多我教你请起立副歌记得要换气跳街舞演哑剧全都搅和在一起Disco 没去过就怕去了钱不够交朋友就不要太罗嗦一句话开心自由还有一遍啦我哪里碍到你硬说跟我有默契是音乐让我们东拼西凑在一起A-gogo 不会跳跳了脚麻手会抖来表演就要选在街头感动的人才多我教你请起立副歌记得要换气跳街舞演哑剧全都搅和在一起Disco 没去过就怕去了钱不够交朋友就不要太罗嗦一句话开心自由《陷阱》作词:迦安作曲:袁咏琳演唱:袁咏琳从来不问对不对听从我任性指挥你说我的爱很珍贵(爱很珍贵)如此的不顾一切谢谢你贴心追随有些事我需要告解(需要告解)那天午后美丽的相遇让你相信了命中注定你说我像女神般神秘告诉你一个小秘密我们完美的默契是我为了得到你设了陷阱偷偷爱上你以后变身爱情的凶手只跟踪你的脚印即时动态Follow我策划每场Show 你眼中只有我都怪我太有决心爱上你没了救Oh ...我无药可救小小欺骗对不起滥用自私的权利不小心刺伤了你(伤了你Baby)爱是红透的苹果怕它成熟时坠落只好犯规小动作(I'm Sorry Baby)那天午后美丽的相遇让你相信了命中注定你说我像女神般神秘告诉你一个小秘密我们完美的默契是我为了得到你设了陷阱偷偷爱上你以后变身爱情的凶手只跟踪你的脚印即时动态Follow我策划每场Show 你眼中只有我都怪我太有决心爱上你没了救Oh ...我无药可救当红幕拉上以后掌声都像烟火少了真心不停留不需要满天烟火只求一颗流星为我划过偷偷爱上你以后变身爱情的凶手只跟踪你的脚印即时动态Follow我策划每场Show 你眼中只有我都怪我太有决心爱上你没了救Oh ...爱上你没了救Oh...我无药可救《天台》作词:黄俊郎作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦,柯有伦,徐帆我我我我叫自在我我我我会烧菜我知道我我我是你的菜你听谁说我送货我扛砖块我躲债样子超帅我们整天就是东摸摸西摸摸地瓜香只能嗅嗅酱油再继续抹抹爷爷教我懒惰会变恶魔会变恶魔坐在水塔上刺绣捣衣顺便练肌肉阿姨对麻雀说她很有肉天窗打开棉被晒晒小鸟在Do Do Do Do Re Me 月光真好月光真好空气真好空气真好饿到饱~呜我的爱永远不穷多笑就不觉得痛这里更靠近蔚蓝的天空下雨还可以洗头屋外就能够烤肉不看电影因为我们就是小说(没错~我们是小说)钻石我只能摸摸麻将也继续摸摸为了唱歌打错一只北风(啊你白痴喔)没有钱但有朋友爱做梦但不强求世界再寒冷也毫无怨尤(哈哈)天台上永远都招待寂寞《哪里都是你》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦把她忘记重复告诉自己熟悉不再熟悉但清晰却还是一样清晰哦去吧随着右手旋律忘了左手的委屈就算没伴奏也可以继续前进找寻新的记忆和空气放晴等雨说放弃在有眼泪的雨里哪里都是你擦干是否就看不见你脑海里你的笑容太彻底彻底把我囚禁在你的呼吸我跟着哭泣在有眼泪的雨里哪里都是你抱紧你是我逃离的距离太拥挤我在你的世界里看不清楚的是你还是自己我们都在等雨停把她忘记重复告诉自己熟悉不再熟悉但清晰却还是一样清晰哦去吧随着右手旋律忘了左手的委屈就算没伴奏也可以继续前进找寻新的记忆和空气放晴等雨说放弃在有眼泪的雨里哪里都是你擦干是否就看不见你脑海里你的笑容太彻底彻底把我囚禁在你的呼吸我跟着哭泣在有眼泪的雨里哪里都是你抱紧你是我逃离的距离太拥挤我在你的世界里看不清楚的是你还是自己我们都在等雨停《一路向北》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦后视镜里的世界越来越远的道别你转身向背侧脸还是很美我用眼光去追竟听见你的泪在车窗外面排徊是我错失的机会你站的方位跟我中间隔着泪街景一直在后退你的崩溃在窗外零碎我一路向北离开有你的季节你说你好累已无法再爱上谁风在山路吹过往的画面全都是我不对细数惭愧我伤你几回后视镜里的世界越来越远的道别你转身向背侧脸还是很美我用眼光去追竟听见你的泪在车窗外面排徊是我错失的机会你站的方位跟我中间隔着泪街景一直在后退你的崩溃在窗外零碎我一路向北离开有你的季节你说你好累已无法再爱上谁风在山路吹过往的画面全都是我不对细我一路向北离开有你的季节方向盘周围回转着我的后悔我加速超越却甩不掉紧紧跟随的伤悲细数惭愧我伤你几回停止狼狈就让错纯粹数惭愧我伤你几回《不能说的秘密》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦冷咖啡离开了杯垫我忍住的情绪在很后面拼命想挽回的从前在我脸上依旧清晰可见最美的不是下雨天是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐回忆的画面在荡着秋千梦开始不甜你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远又何必去改变已走过的时间你用你的指尖阻止我说再见想象你在身边在完全失去之前你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远或许命运的签只让我们遇见只让我们相恋这一季的秋天飘落后才发现这幸福的碎片要我怎么捡冷咖啡离开了杯垫我忍住的情绪在很后面拼命想挽回的从前在我脸上依旧清晰可见最美的不是下雨天是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐回忆的画面在荡着秋千梦开始不甜你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远又何必去改变已走过的时间你用你的指尖阻止我说再见想象你在身边在完全失去之前你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远或许命运的签只让我们遇见只让我们相恋这一季的秋天飘落后才发现这幸福的碎片要我怎么捡《双截棍》演唱:周杰伦岩烧店烟味弥漫隔壁是国术馆店里的妈妈桑柔道有三段教拳脚武术的老板练铁砂掌耍杨家枪硬底子功夫最擅长还会金钟罩铁布衫他们儿子我习惯从小就耳濡目染什么刀枪棍棒我都耍的有模有样什么兵器最喜欢双截棍柔中带钢想要去河南嵩山学少林跟武当(什么干什么干)呼吸吐纳心自在(什么干什么干)气沉丹田手心开(什么干什么干)日行千里系沙袋飞檐走壁莫奇怪去去就来一个马步向前一记左钩拳右钩拳一句惹毛我的人有危险一再重演一根我不抽的烟一放好多年它一直在身边(什么干什么干)我打开任督二脉(什么干什么干)东亚病夫的招牌(什么干什么干)已被我一脚踢开哼快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿习武之人切记仁者无敌是谁在练太极风生水起快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿如果我有轻功飞檐走壁为人耿直不屈一身正气哼他们儿子我习惯从小就耳濡目染什么刀枪棍棒我都耍的有模有样什么兵器最喜欢双截棍柔中带钢想要去河南嵩山学少林跟武当快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿习武之人切记仁者无敌是谁在练太极风生水起快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿如果我有轻功飞檐走壁为人耿直不屈一身正气哼他们儿子我习惯从小就耳濡目染什么刀枪棍棒我都耍的有模有样什么兵器最喜欢双截棍柔中带钢想要去河南嵩山学少林跟武当快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿快使用双截棍哼哼哈嘿习武之人切记仁者无敌是谁在练太极风生水起快使用双截棍哼快使用双截棍哼如果我有轻功为人耿直不屈一身正气哼快使用双截棍哼我用手刀防系哼漂亮的回旋踢《明明就》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦糖果罐里好多颜色微笑却不甜了你的某些快乐在没有我的时刻中古世纪的城市里我想就走到这海鸥不再眷恋大海可以飞更远远方传来风笛我只在意有你的消息城堡为爱守着秘密而我为你守着回忆明明就不习惯牵手为何却主动把手勾你的心事太多我不会戳破明明就他比较温柔也许他能给你更多不用抉择我会自动变朋友糖果罐里好多颜色微笑却不甜了你的某些快乐在没有我的时刻中古世纪的城市里我想就走到这海鸥不再眷恋大海可以飞更远远方传来风笛我只在意有你的消息城堡为爱守着秘密而我为你守着回忆明明就不习惯牵手为何却主动把手勾你的心事太多我不会戳破明明就他比较温柔也许他能给你更多不用抉择我会自动变朋友明明就明明就明明就他比较温柔也许他能给你更多不用抉择我会自动变朋友《搁浅》作词:宋健彰作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦久未放晴的天空依旧留着你的笑容哭过却无法掩埋歉疚风筝在阴天搁浅想念还在等待救援我拉着线复习你给的温柔曝晒在一旁的寂寞笑我给不起承诺怎么会怎么会你竟原谅了我我只能永远读着对白读着我给你的伤害我原谅不了我就请你当作我已不在我睁开双眼看着空白忘记你对我的期待读完了依赖我很快就离开久未放晴的天空依旧留着你的笑容哭过却无法掩埋歉疚风筝在阴天搁浅想念还在等待救援我拉着线复习你给的温柔曝晒在一旁的寂寞笑我给不起承诺怎么会怎么会你竟原谅了我我只能永远读着对白读着我给你的伤害我原谅不了我就请你当作我已不在我睁开双眼看着空白忘记你对我的期待读完了依赖我很快就我只能永远读着对白读着我给你的伤害我原谅不了我就请你当作我已不在我睁开双眼看着空白忘记你对我的期待读完了依赖我很快就离开我很快就离开《青花瓷》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然宣纸上走笔至此搁一半釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放你的美一缕飘散去到我去不了的地方天青色等烟雨而我在等你炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里在瓶底书刻隶仿前朝的飘逸就当我为遇见你伏笔天青色等烟雨而我在等你月色被打捞起晕开了结局如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意色白花青的锦鲤跃然于碗底临摹宋体落款时却惦记着你你隐藏在窑烧里千年的秘密极细腻犹如绣花针落地帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿而我路过那江南小镇惹了你在泼墨山水画里你从墨色深处被隐去天青色等烟雨而我在等你炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里在瓶底书刻隶仿前朝的飘逸就当我为遇见你伏笔天青色等烟雨而我在等你月色被打捞起晕开了结局如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意天青色等烟雨而我在等你炊烟袅袅升起隔江千万里在瓶底书刻隶仿前朝的飘逸就当我为遇见你伏笔天青色等烟雨而我在等你月色被打捞起晕开了结局如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽你眼带笑意《安静》词曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦只剩下钢琴陪我谈了一天睡著的大提琴安静的旧旧的我想你已表现的非常明白我懂我也知道你没有舍不得你说你也会难过我不相信牵著你陪著我也只是曾经希望他是真的比我还要爱你我才会逼自己离开你要我说多难堪我根本不想分开为什么还要我用微笑来带过我没有这种天份包容你也接受他不用担心的太多我会一直好好过你已经远远离开我也会慢慢走开为什么我连分开都迁就著你我真的没有天份安静的没这么快我会学著放弃你是因为我太爱你只剩下钢琴陪我谈了一天睡著的大提琴安静的旧旧的我想你已表现的非常明白我懂我也知道你没有舍不得你说你也会难过我不相信牵著你陪著我也只是曾经希望他是真的比我还要爱你我才会逼自己离开你要我说多难堪我根本不想分开为什么还要我用微笑来带过我没有这种天份包容你也接受他不用担心的太多我会一直好好过你已经远远离开我也会慢慢走开为什么我连分开都迁就著你我真的没有天份安静的没这么快我会学著放弃你是因为我太爱你你要我说多难堪我根本不想分开为什么还要我用微笑来带过我没有这种天份包容你也接受他不用担心的太多我会一直好好过你已经远远离开我也会慢慢走开为什么我连分开都迁就著你我真的没有天份安静的没这么快我会学著放弃你是因为我太爱你《公公偏头痛》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦巨炮:哈哈哈哈~~你这个笑话,有够难笑,来人啊~把他给我拖出去斩啦!文山:公公~公公~公公~~~公公他偏头痛公公他偏头痛说银两不够重公公公公公公公公公公贪污很凶公公贪污很凶那军饷被掏空后宫有佳丽三千却不能碰紧挨着灯笼这十年苦读无人能懂春夏秋冬无奈这夜晚寒风却穿透了屏风吹几页刺客列传我淡定背诵平仄先搞懂诗词歌赋才能够通书法的篆隶楷行草乃是基本功过眼的繁华朝代更迭来去匆匆法家的内容道家的从容儒家的宽容这些都该懂我是个穷秀才中状元考进来却一直状况外被宦官所陷害那公公的人脉遍五湖通四海大内的高手坏砸朝廷的招牌公公他偏头痛公公他偏头痛说银两不够重公公公公公公公公公公贪污很凶公公贪污很凶那军饷被掏空后宫有佳丽三千却不能碰公公~公公~公公~~~~~~我进京赶考免不了学而时习之的摇头晃脑东方的琴棋书画比西方有情调弹琵琶古筝我的调调给力重要再感谢各位乡亲还有父父老提供我盘缠设宴款待外加水饺老子我读了老子老聃出关逍遥我说道可道你说非常道我说风萧萧你说你知道我是个穷秀才说道理明黑白在朝中如尘埃没人理有人爱不畏惧当权派上奏摺硬着来那公公站起来整个人快气坏公公他偏头痛公公他偏头痛说银两不够重公公公公公公公公公公贪污很凶公公贪污很凶那军饷被掏空后宫有佳丽三千却不能碰公公公公公公公公公他不靠谱百姓们在歌颂他下台一鞠躬(躬)公公公公公公公公公他不靠谱百姓们在歌颂他下台一鞠躬他下台一鞠躬他下台一鞠躬红尘客栈作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦天涯的尽头是风沙红尘的故事叫牵挂封刀隐没在寻常人家东篱下闲云野鹤古剎快马在江湖里厮杀无非是名跟利放不下心中有江山的人岂能快意潇洒我只求与妳共华发剑出鞘恩怨了谁笑我只求今朝拥妳入怀抱红尘客栈风似刀骤雨落宿命敲任武林谁领风骚我却只为妳折腰过荒村野桥寻世外古道远离人间尘嚣柳絮飘执子之手逍遥檐下窗棂斜映枝桠与妳席地对座饮茶我以工笔画将妳牢牢的记下提笔不为风雅灯下叹红颜近晚霞我说缘份一如参禅不说话妳泪如梨花洒满了纸上的天下爱恨如写意山水画剑出鞘恩怨了谁笑我只求今朝拥妳入怀抱红尘客栈风似刀骤雨落宿命敲任武林谁领风骚我却只为妳折腰过荒村野桥寻世外古道远离人间尘嚣柳絮飘执子之手逍遥任武林谁领风骚我却只为妳折腰妳回眸多娇我泪中带笑酒招旗风中萧萧剑出鞘恩怨了《大笨钟》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦你说我比大笨钟还笨要怎麽比吵架我太安静钟至少还有声音要我离开我早就打包好行李喝完这杯咖啡我就走答应你过这麽久怎麽还没叫我还你DVD再不打给我我就不打算追回你我走在你喜欢的电影场景里你却不在我想要的场景里耍什麽嘴硬耍耍什麽嘴硬有什麽毛病有有什麽毛病我很大器我没你小气我会原谅你你仔细听我从未爱过你怎麽会想念你发什麽神经有理说不清只是脑袋还不清醒其实还爱着你其实还想着你Yeah~请你别太得意你说我比大笨钟还笨要怎麽比吵架我太安静钟至少还有声音要我离开我早就打包好行李喝完这杯咖啡我就走答应你过这麽久怎麽还没叫我还你DVD再不打给我我就不打算追回你我走在你喜欢的电影场景里你却不在我想要的场景里耍什麽嘴硬耍耍什麽嘴硬有什麽毛病有有什麽毛病我很大器我没你小气我会原谅你你仔细听我从未爱过你怎麽会想念你发什麽神经有理说不清只是脑袋还不清醒其实还爱着你其实还想着你Yeah~请你别太得意Ooh wah~Ooh wah~Baby我从未爱过你怎麽会想念你Yeah~发什麽神经有理说不清只是脑袋还不清醒其实还爱着你其实还想着你Yeah~请你别太得意《完美主义》作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦演唱:周杰伦如果说怀疑可以造句如果说分离能够翻译如果这一切真的可以我想要将我的寂寞封闭然后在这里不限日期然后将过去慢慢温习让我爱上你那场悲剧是你完美演出的一场戏宁愿心碎哭泣再狠狠忘记你爱过我的证据让晶莹的泪滴闪烁成回忆伤人的美丽你的完美主义太彻底让我连恨都难以下笔将真心抽离写成日记像是一场默剧你的完美主义太彻底分手的话像语言暴力我已无能为力再提起决定中断熟悉然后在这里不限日期然后将过去慢慢温习让我爱上你那场悲剧是你完美演出的一场戏。
《Tonight Tonight》Hot Chelle Rae版歌词带翻译完整版
It's been a really really messed up weekSeven days of torture, seven days of bitterAnd my girlfriend went and cheated on meShe's a California dime but it's time for me to quit herLa la la, whatever, la la la,It doesn't matter,La la la, oh well, la la laWe're going at it tonight, tonightThere's a party on the rooftop top of the world tonight, tonightAnd we're dancing on the edge of the Hollywood signI don't know if I'll make it but watch how good I'll fake itIt's all right, all right, tonight, tonightI woke up with a strange tattooNot sure how I got it, not a dollar in my pocketAnd it kinda looks just like youMixed with Zach GalifianakisYou got me singing like woah, come on, ooh,It doesn't matter, woah, everybody now, oohJust don't stop, let's keep the beat pumpin'Keep the beat up, let's drop the beat downIt's my party, dance if I want toWe can get crazy, let it all outIt's you and me and we're runnin' this townAnd it's me and you and we're shakin' the groundAnd ain't nobody gonna tell us to go cause this is our showEverybodyWoah, come on, ooh, all you animalsWoah, let me hear you now, oohTonight, tonight, there's a party on the rooftop top of the worldTonight, tonight, and we're dancing on the edge of the Hollywood signI don't know if I'll make it but watch how good I'll fake itIt's alright, alright, tonight, tonightYeah it's alright, alright, tonight, tonightJust singing likeWoah, come on, ooh, all you party peopleWoah, all you singletons, ooh, even the white kids这一周实在是糟糕透了七天的折腾,七天的痛苦女友背着我与他人有染她是加州大美女,但现在是时候甩了她啦啦啦,随他去吧啦啦啦无所谓了啦啦啦噢哦啦啦啦我们今晚去狂欢今晚在世界之巅办个派对在好莱坞招牌旁我们尽情欢舞不知能否坦然自若,但你瞧我伪装的多好一切尽兴,一切合意,今夜狂欢醒来发现身上有处奇怪的纹身不知道怎么会这样,口袋空无分文纹身看起来像你还有点像Zach Galifianakis啦啦啦随他去吧啦啦啦无所谓了啦啦啦噢哦啦啦啦我们今晚去狂欢今晚在世界之巅办个派对在好莱坞招牌旁我们尽情欢舞不知能否坦然自若,但你瞧我伪装的多好一切尽兴,一切合意,今夜狂欢你让我放声高歌哇,来吧噢没关系,哇,大家一起来噢不要停,让我们节奏持续高涨保持节奏此起彼落这是我的派对,想怎么跳就怎么跳让我们纵情狂欢,宣泄一切不要停,让我们节奏持续高涨保持节奏此起彼落这是我的派对,想怎么跳就怎么跳让我们纵情狂欢,宣泄一切你与我玩转这城市你与我撼动这地面没人能让我们离去,因为这是我们的表演所有人哇,来吧,哦,带上你们的宠物哇,让我听听你们的心声,噢今晚在世界之巅办个派对在好莱坞招牌旁我们尽情欢舞不知能否坦然自若,但你瞧我伪装的多好一切尽兴,一切合意,今夜狂欢一切尽兴,一切合意,今夜狂欢耶,一切尽兴,一切合意,今夜狂欢就这样放声高歌哇,来吧,噢,大家一起来哇,所有单身贵族,噢,甚至那些白种家伙们不要停,让我们节奏持续高涨保持节奏此起彼落这是我的派对,想怎么跳就怎么跳让我们纵情狂欢,宣泄一切不要停,让我们节奏持续高涨保持节奏此起彼落这是我的派对,想怎么跳就怎么跳让我们纵情狂欢,宣泄一切。
《Top of the World》Mike Posner版歌词带翻译完整版
At this time next year, I may have enough to buy the whole damn thing (thang, thang)Yeah, I’m doing pretty good right now but I said wait, waitI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top, ha, I knew itYou came in here solo? Naw, I crew’d itFunny I turned all my I’m gunna bes to I do itsBeen balling out for a minute, still play like I’m ge tting recruitedI showed and proved it and came up in the game and made a name, clap it upSeem like yesterday, man, we was in your hoopy, lapping upHow sometimes you gotta look back on your life and laugh it upTry’na make it to the top and throw my dawg s a ladder upAt this time next year, I may have enough to buy the whole damn thing (thang, thang)Yeah, I’m doing pretty good right now but I said wait, waitI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldAin’t an artist in the game that can match thisGym shorts on a date with an actressAnd I’m still gon’ hitI could (pbbbt) on a track and it still gon’ hitF*ck the dre ss code, these ain’t retrosWe’re a a small voices with the best flowUh, yours trulyKeep your feelings to yourself let me do meAt this time next year, I may have enough to buy the whole damn thing (thang, thang)Yeah, I’m doing pretty good right now but I said wait, waitI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldSame OG, I just made a crib replacementWhip replacement, floating down the street, floating, ***** I’ve been parading (swerve swerve)Everybody ’round me paid like getting rich contagiousAnother hit, ‘scuse me while I run the basesThis the graduating, so yeah I’m feeling hardMidwest beard all over HollywoodSee the way they hating, see the way I shineDexter Ave, it’s a big mirror on me and SeanAt this time next year, I may have enough to buy the whole damn thing (thang, thang)Yeah, I’m doing pretty good right now but I said wait, waitI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the worldI’mma take it to the top top top of the world明年的这个时候,我会有足够的钱买这些该死的东西对,我现在做的很好,但我说等等,等等我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到巅峰,我知道你独自来到这里?不是,我知道太有趣了,我将用贝斯来做虽然被骂了一分钟,依旧假装被录用我展示他,证明他,在游戏中出现,我成功了,鼓掌吧似乎就在昨天,先生,我就在你的爱好里,照单全收非要回忆往事并且嘲笑一番吗努力登临巅峰,把哥们儿扔上上一个台阶明年的这个时候,我会有足够的钱买这些该死的东西对,我现在做的很好,但我说等等,等等我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我不是个与之相符的游戏中的艺术家穿着短裤与女演员约会依旧无法达到我能跟上调,依旧没达到操蛋的穿着,这些不够复古我们只是汹涌波涛中的溪流哦,我是真心的不要表露你的感情,让我做好自己明年的这个时候,我会有足够的钱买这些该死的东西对,我现在做的很好,但我说等等,等等我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰同样的标志,我只是抄袭替代了一下打击替代,在街上飘,妈的一直在徘徊周围的所有人给钱就像得了严重传染病另一个打击,对不起我在弹贝斯这是毕业,所以我感觉很困难好莱坞到处是中西部的胡须看他们讨厌的道路,看我发光的道路德克斯特大道,它是我和Sean的大镜子明年的这个时候,我会有足够的钱买这些该死的东西对,我现在做的很好,但我说等等,等等我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰我会把它带到世界的巅峰。
英文歌曲中英对照Top of The World 世界之巅
Top of The World 世界之巅Not a cloud in the sky got the sun in my eyes and I won't be surprised if it's a dream.在我眼中天空无云,阳光闪耀。
Everything I want the world to be is now coming true especially for me.我想要这世界变成的一切,特别是对我,每件事都能实现。
And the reason is clear. It's because you are here. You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen.理由很清楚。
I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find.我在世界之巅俯瞰众生。
Is the love that I've found every since you've been around. Your love put me at the top of the world.是你在我身边的时候我发现了那份爱。
Something in the wind has learned my name and it's telling me that things are not the same.风中有东西知道了我的名字,它告诉我事情不再一样。
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze, there's a pleasing sense of happiness for me.在枝头树叶和微风轻抚中,我感觉到一种幸福。
卡伦·卡朋特(Karen Carpenter)及其兄理查德·卡朋特(Richard Capenters)出生于美国康涅狄格州,理查德是位很有才华的艺人,演唱、弹琴、制作及歌曲创作均可胜任,与其妹组建乐队后,甘为配角为妹妹写歌,伴奏。
Such a feeling’s coming over me 这种感情萦绕着我There is wonder in most everything I see 在很多事上我都存在疑问Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes 没有云的天空,阳光照射在我的眼中And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream 如果这是个梦,我不会觉得惊奇Everything I want the world to be 我希望世界能每件事都能实现Is now coming true especially for me 特别是对我And the reason is clear, it’s because you are here 原因是合理的,因为这里有你You’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seen你是我所见过离天堂最近的事物I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我在世界之巅俯瞰众生And the only explanation I can find 我发现只有一种解释Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 有爱的地方你都在旁边Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅Something in the wind has learned my name 往事随风And it’s telling me that things are not the same 他告诉我没有一成不变的事情In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze 在枝头落叶和微熙和风中There’ a pleasing sense of happiness for me 对我来说有一种快乐感觉的幸福There is only one wish on my mind 在我心中只有一个愿望When this day is through I hope that I will find时间一天天的过去,我希望我会找到That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me 明天对于你我来说完全一样All I need will be mine if you are here 如果有你在此,我会心想事成I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我在世界万物之上俯身看And the only explanation I can find 我发现只有一种解释Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 有爱的地方你都在旁边Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我在世界万物之上俯身看And the only explanation I can find 我发现只有一种解释Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 有爱的地方你都在旁边Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅。
中文歌词是音乐家们在配词时的再创作,并非直译,句位也不全对应.Such a feelings coming over me .我的心里充满柔情,There is wonder in most everything I see.看到一切都是繁花似锦,Not a cloud in the sky,蓝天上没有云,got the sun in my eyes.金太阳放光明.And I won’ t be surprised if it’s a dream.好像我已进入了梦境.Everything I want the world to be.我的梦想已变成真,Is now coming true especially for me.感到一切都如此称心,And the reason is clear,有了你的来临,It's because you are here.有了你的热情,You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen.你的心灵最美最纯净.I'm on the top of the world looking 我好像站在世界之巅,down on creation and the only低头看人间美景,explanation I can find你说这是什么原因?is the love that I've found因为我有了你,ever since you've been around有了你的爱情,your love put me at the top of the world 使我好像站在世界之巅.Something in the wind has learned my name .风儿沙沙呼唤我的名,And it’s telling me that things are not the same.它告诉我世上万象都更新, In the leaves on the trees,树枝上,叶儿青,and the touch of the breeze,微风吹,歌声轻,. There’s a pleasing sense of happiness for me.到处生气蓬勃一片欢欣.there is only one wish on my mind我还有一个愿望藏在心,when this day is through I hope that I will find 明天我们依然相爱又相亲,that tomorrow will be像这样甜蜜,just the same for you and me像这样幸运,all I need will be mine if you are here假如留住你的身影.I'm on the top of the world looking 我好像站在世界之巅,down on creation and the only低头看人间美景,explanation I can find你说这是什么原因?is the love that I've found因为我有了你,ever since you've been around有了你的爱情,your love put me at the top of the world 使我好像站在世界之巅.got the sun in my eyes.2 6 5 4 53Not a cloud in the sky,4 5 6 6 42There is wonder in most everything I see. 3 4 5 5 5 323 4 2 3 --And I won’ t be surprised if it’s a dream 2 3 4 43 4 3 2 1 5 ---.Such a feelings coming over me ..5 3 2 17 1 6 7 5 --....Everything I want the world to be..5 3 2 17 1 6 75 --....Is now coming true especially for me.3 45 55 3234 65 --And the reason is clear,4 56 6 42It's because you are here.2 65 4 53You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen.2 34 44 34 32 15 -..I'm on the top of the world looking0 5 1 20 3 3 3 4 3 2 1.down on creation and the only0 66 67 65 43 5explanation I can find5 32 34 65 -0is the love that I've found4 56 5 67ever since you've been around6 71 11 56 0...your love put me at the top of the world5 43 34 32 1 71 -.Something in the wind has learned my name .And it’s telling me that things are not the same.In the leaves on the trees,and the touch of the breeze,There’s a pleasing sense of happiness for me..5 3 2 17 16 75 --....3 45 55 3234 23 --4 56 6 422 65 4 532 34 43 44 32 15 ---.there is only one wish on my mindwhen this day is through I hope that I will findthat tomorrow will bejust the same for you and meall I need will be mine if you are here.5 3 2 17 1 6 7 5 --....3 45 55 3234 65 --4 56 6 422 65 54 532 34 4 34 32 15 ---..I'm on the top of the world looking0 5 1 20 3 3 3 4 3 2 1.down on creation and the only0 66 67 65 43 5explanation I can find5 32 34 65 -0is the love that I've found4 56 5 67ever since you've been around6 71 11 56 0...your love put me at the top of the world5 43 34 32 1 71 -.5 3 2 1 7 16 75 5 3 45 5 5 3 2 3 4 23 34 5.....Such a fee-lings com -ing ov -erme . There is Some-thing in the wind has learned my name . And it ’s 我的心里充满柔情,看到.风儿沙沙呼唤我的名,它告won -der in most ev -ry -thing I see. Not a tell -ing me that things are not the same. In the一切都是繁花似锦,蓝天诉我世上万象都更新, 树枝21 = D4美国流行歌曲4 2 . 3 7 1 2 )( 3. 3 4 2 . 3. 3 4 2 . 3. 3.上,4 4 3 4 4 3 2 1 5 55 3 2 1 7 1 6 75 5 3 46 6 4 2 2 6 5 4 5 3 2 3leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze, there ’s a 上,叶儿青,微风吹,歌声轻,到处cloud in the sky got the sun inmy eyes and I没有云,金太阳,放光明,好像Won ’t be sur -prised if it ′s a dream 生气蓬勃一片欢欣。
为你歌唱谢娜&吴昕- 为你歌唱轻声哼这样的旋律唱给你听每一句都是我们的回忆点点滴滴我害怕来不及好好珍惜一切过往不及每个音符都在说很想你请你用心听你陪我疯狂陪我去闯就算有风浪也有你护航你筑的城墙保护我的倔强放纵我的梦想陪我流浪我为你歌唱为你坚强如果爱是光芒你就是太阳你想要飞翔我做你的避风港若你疲倦的时候我会在这里等你返航我害怕来不及好好珍惜一切过往不及每个音符都在说很想你请你用心听你陪我疯狂陪我去闯就算有风浪也有你护航你筑的城墙保护我的倔强放纵我的梦想陪我流浪我为你歌唱为你坚强如果爱是光芒你就是太阳你想要飞翔我做你的避风港你陪我疯狂陪我去闯就算有风浪也有你护航你筑的城墙保护我的倔强放纵我的梦想陪我流浪我为你歌唱为你坚强如果爱是光芒你就是太阳你想要飞翔我做你的避风港Forgotten Sorrow(永恒之塔主题曲——被遗忘的悲伤)歌手:Yozoh (申秀珍)专辑:《永恒之塔》MUSIC音乐~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Don't cry for me. How easy love has gone. 不要为我哭泣。
Try to see. How deep my despair is. 尝试看看。
Come the winds of fate and time. 命运和时间来风。
Take all my tearful memories. 采取一切我含泪回忆。
Call out to thee sing your name is sweet harmony 向你呼唤你的名字是甜蜜的歌唱和谐But only echoes fade away. 但只有回声消失。
Crying breeze to thee ever moment with chiming wind 哭泣的微风向你曾经与钟声风时刻Where has gone silent tears 在无声的眼泪已经MUSIC音乐~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Don't sigh for me. Your hate rings false to me. 别为我叹息。
卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,1969年11月15日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。
《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)、《Top of the World》(世界之颠)、《Please Mr. Postman》(请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲广为人知。
”Richard因为The Carpenters一炮而红而闻名世界。
RISE(登峰造极境—英雄联盟2018全球总决赛主题曲)Welcome to the wild no heroes and villains欢迎来到善恶交织的荒原Welcome to the war we've only begun so 战争的硝烟在眼前弥漫Pick up your weapon and face it拿起武器没有后悔There's blood on the crown go and take it 心中有梦就要扞卫You get one shot to make it out alive so 只有这一次证明的机会Higher and higher you chase it 抗争命运奋起直追It's deep in yourbones go and take it燃烧生命不愿卑微This is your momentnow is your time so巅峰时刻决胜交锋Prove yourself and握紧双拳RISE RISEMake 'em rememberyou一战成名RISEPush through helland勇往直前RISE RISEThey will rememberyou一战成名RISEWelcome to the climbup reach for thesummit历尽万般磨难战意如火Visions pray thatone false step leadthe end so横扫千军只为铸造传说Higher and higheryou chase it抗争命运奋起直追This is your momenttake to the skies go跨越巅峰展翅高飞Prove yourself and握紧双拳RISE RISEMake 'em remember you一战成名RISEPush through hell and勇往直前RISE RISEThey will remember you登峰造极境RISESo get along so get along go向前冲向前冲 GoGet along 'long get a move on up向前冲勇敢攀登So get along so getalong go向前冲向前冲 GoGet along 'long get amove on up向前冲勇敢攀登And as you fightamong the deathbeneath the dirt踏入命运注定交汇的漩涡Do you know yet战意可曾觉醒Do you want it心中可有渴望And when the giantscall to ask you whatyou're worth为梦想无悔战斗在这一刻Do you know if不再去想Win or die you'll是胜是败Prove yourself and握紧双拳RISE RISEMake 'em rememberyou一战我成名RISEPush through helland勇往直前RISE RISEThey will rememberyou登峰造极境RISEProve yourself and握紧双拳RISE RISEPick up your weapon and face it拿起武器没有后悔RISEIt's deep in your blood go and take it 热血沸腾不愿卑微Push through hell and勇往直前RISE RISEHigher and higher you chase it抗争命运奋起直追RISE RISE 登峰登峰!。
mountain top
mountain top
mountain top 就跟着一起来没有什么阻挡着未来deeping night 就你和我的爱没有什么阻挡着未来mountain top 就跟着一起来现场演唱high歌
没有什么阻挡着未来deeping night 就你和我的爱没有什么阻挡着未来mountain top 就跟着一起来没有什么阻挡着未来deeping night 就你和我的爱没有什么阻挡着未来yiyiyi你不在我不在yiyiyi谁还会在yiyiyi你不在我不在yiyiyi谁还会在mountain top 就跟着一起来没有什么阻挡着未来常石磊
deeping night 就你和我的爱没有什么阻挡着未来yiyiyi你不在我不在yiyiyi谁还会在yiyiyi你不在我不在yiyiyi谁还会在
Top of the world歌词
And the only explanation I can find
is the love that I've found
Ever since you've been around
Your love's put me on the top of the world
Ever since you've been around
Your love's put me on the top of the world
I'm on the top of the world
Looking down on creation
Looking down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
is the love that I've found
Ever since you've been around
And the reason is clear
It's because you're here
You are the nearest thing to heaven
That I've seen
I'm on the top of the world
Top Of The World世界之巅-Carpenters歌词
Put me at the top of the world
I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
and the only explanation I can find
Everything I want the world to be
Is now coming true especially for me
and the reason is clear
It's because you are here
You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen
Is the love that I've found
Every since you've been around your love
Put me at the top of the world
I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation
and the only explanation I can find
Is the love that I've found
Every your love
Put me at the top of the world
Something in the wind has learned my name
And it's tellin' me that things are not the same
Top of the world中英文歌词
All I need will be mine if you are here I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation And the only explanation I can find Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around Your love’s put me at the top of the world I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation And the only explanation I can find Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around Your love’s put me at the top of the world 3rd.
Such a feeling’s coming over me There is wonder in most everything I see Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream Everything I want the world to be Is now coming true especially for me And the reason is clear, it’s because you are here You’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seen I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation And the only explanation I can find Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around Your love’s put me at the top of the world
英语歌词加翻译---Top of the World
因为你,我在世界之巅Top of the Worldcoming over me一种突然涌上我的心头/席卷全身There is wonder in most everything I see眼中所见几乎都充满神奇Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes天空无云,满眼的阳光And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream若这只是一场梦,我也不会惊讶Everything I want the world to be我理想中的世界Is now coming true especially for me正在为我变成现实And the reason is clear, it’s because you are here原因无他,只因你在这里You’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seen你是我见过的离天堂最近的东西/是你使我如此接近天堂I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation我站在世界之顶俯视红尘And the only explanation I can find我找到的唯一解释是:Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around自从认识你以后,我才找到了爱Your love’s put me at the top of the world是你的爱使我登上世界之巅Something in the wind has learned my name风中有声音在呼喊我的名字And it’s telling me that things are not the same它告诉我一切都不一样了In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze树上的叶子,微风的轻抚There’ a pleasing sense of happiness for me都在带给我愉悦的幸福感There is only one wish on my mind我心中只有一个愿望When this day is through I hope that I will find当时间逝去,我希望That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me你我的明天都将一如今日All I need will be mine if you are here只要你在我身边我就能心想事成I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation我站在世界之顶俯视红尘And the only explanation I can find我找到的唯一解释是:Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 自从认识你以后,我才找到了爱Your love’s put me at the top of the world是你的爱使我登上世界之巅I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation我站在世界之顶俯视红尘And the only explanation I can find我找到的唯一解释是:Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 自从认识你以后,我才找到了爱Your love’s put me at the top of the world是你的爱使我登上世界之巅。
《Top of the World(世界之巅)》这首金曲就是由理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝迪斯共同创作。
top of the world歌词
三一文库()〔top of the world歌词〕top of the world是一首极为经典的英文歌曲,中文译名为《世界之巅》。
Top of the world 世界之巅Such a feeling’s coming over me 这样一种感觉突然涌上我的心头There is wonder in most everything I see 眼中所见几乎都充满神奇Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes 天空无云,阳光耀眼And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream 若这只是一场梦,我也不会惊讶Everything I want the world to be 我理想中的世界Is now coming true especially for me 正专为我实现And the reason is clear, it’s because you are here 原因无他,只因你在这里You’re the nearest thing to heaven thatI’ve seen你是我所见到的最完美的天使I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我站在世界之顶俯视红尘And the only explanation I can find我找到的唯一解释是自从认识你以后Is the love that I’ve found ever sinceyou’ve been around我才找到了爱Your love’s put me at the top of the world 是你的爱使我登上世界之巅Something in the wind has learned my name 风中有声音在呼喊我的名字And it’s telling me that things are not the same 它告诉我一切都不一样了In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze树上的叶子,微风的轻抚There’ a pleasing sense of happiness for me 都在带给我愉悦的幸福感There is only one wish on my mind 我心中只有一个愿望When this day is through I hope that I will find 当时间逝去That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me 希望你我的明天都将一如今日All I need will be mine if you are here 只要你在我身边我就能心想事成I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我站在世界之顶俯视红尘And the only explanation I can find 我找到的唯一解释是自从认识你以后Is the love that I’ve found ever sinceyou’ve been around 我才找到了爱Your love’s put me at the top of the world是你的爱使我登上世界之巅I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation我站在世界之顶俯视红尘And the only explanation I can find 我找到的唯一解释是自从认识你以后Is the love that I’ve found ever sinceyou’ve been around 我才找到了爱Your love’s put me at the top of the world 是你的爱使我登上世界之巅。
Who is the champion
Yes!You are the champion
满身的伤痕痊愈在胜利的漩涡Welcome the show Oh 没有那么多时间找认输的理由
I wanna show I I wanna show
Who is the champion
Yes!You are the champion
满身的伤痕痊愈在胜利的漩涡Welcome the show Oh 没有那么多时间找认输的理由
不管多难走还有我就在你你背后I wanna show I I wanna show
I Can Now
Next World文本歌词
牛奶咖啡- Next World
super magic world
super magic world。
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There is wonder in most everything I see 在很多事上我都存在疑问
Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes 没有云的天空,阳光照射在我的眼中
I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我在世界万物之上俯身看
And the only explanation I can find 我发现只有一种解释
Is thபைடு நூலகம் love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 有爱的地方你都在旁边
Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅
That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me 明天对于你我来说完全一样
All I need will be mine if you are here 如果有你在此,我会心想事成
I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我在世界万物之上俯身看
And I won’t be surprised if it’s a dream 如果这是个梦,我不会觉得惊奇
Everything I want the world to be 我希望世界能每件事都能实现
Is now coming true especially for me 特别是对我
And the reason is clear, it’s because you are here 原因是合理的,因为这里有你
You’re the nearest thing to heaven that I’ve seen你是我所见过离天堂最近的事物
I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation 我在世界之巅俯瞰众生
There’ a pleasing sense of happiness for me 对我来说有一种快乐感觉的幸福
There is only one wish on my mind 在我心中只有一个愿望
When this day is through I hope that I will find时间一天天的过去,我希望我会找到
Something in the wind has learned my name 往事随风
And it’s telling me that things are not the same 他告诉我没有一成不变的事情
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze 在枝头落叶和微熙和风中
And the only explanation I can find 我发现只有一种解释
Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 有爱的地方你都在旁边
Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅
And the only explanation I can find 我发现只有一种解释
Is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around 有爱的地方你都在旁边
Your love’s put me at the top of the world 你的爱放我在世界之巅