
The Truman Show The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe've become bored with watching actorsgive us phony emotions. We're tired ofpyrotechnics and special effects. Whilethe world he inhabits is in somerespects counterfeit, there's nothingfake about Truman himself. Noscripts, no cue cards...It isn't alwaysShakespeare but it's genuine. It's alife.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to make it. You're goingto have to go on without me. No way,mister, you're going to the top of thismountain...Broken legs and all.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe find many viewers leave him on allnight for comfort.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)You're crazy, you know that?InterviewMERYLWell, I mean, there is no--there is nodifference between a private life and apublic life. My--my life is my life, isThe Truman Show. The Truman Show is...alifestyle. It's a noble life. It is...atruly blessed life.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to get to the top. Allright, promise me one thing though: IfI die before I reach the summit, you willuse me as an alternative source of food.Eeeewwww, gross.InterviewMARLONIt's all true. It's all real. Nothing hereis fake. Nothing you see on this showis fake. It's merely controlled. Truman's BathroomTRUMANEat me, dammit. That's an order.Maybe just my love handles.I have love handles.....little ones.MERYL (O.S)Truman! You're going to be late!Okay!!(sighs)On Truman's PorchTRUMANGood Morning!MRS. WASHINGTONGood Morning!WASHINGTON KIDGood Morning!TRUMANOh! And in case I don't see ya'! GoodAfternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight!(laughs jovially)Yeah...yeah...SPENCERGood morning Truman!TRUMANGood mornin', Spencer!PLUTO (the dog)(barks at Truman)TRUMANHey Pluto. Hey Pluto! Hey Pluto!SPENCERHey...c'mon, buddy. Get back here.TRUMANGet down! 'at a girl...I know... It's just me..SPENCERC'mon, Pluto!TRUMAN(re: light from sky)Truman's CarRADIOHere's a news flash just in: an aircraft introuble began shedding parts as it flew overSeahaven just a few moments ago.TRUMANNnnnnnn...RADIOWow. Luckily no one was hurt. But hey! Howdo you feel today?TRUMANMmm-mmm. (okay)RADIOThat's good. You thinking of flying anywhere?TRUMANNope.RADIOO-o-oh, good. (The weather?)Sit back and letthis music calm you down.Newspaper StandCUSTOMERDog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank youvery much.TRUMANOhhh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold?Oh, and uh...one of these - for the wife.Loves her fashion mags.HAROLDWill that be all for you, Truman?TRUMANThat's the whole kit 'n' caboodle.HAROLDCatch ya' later.TRUMANOf course. Yeah...In Front of Chicken AdTRUMANGood morning.RON OR DON?Hey! Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman!TRUMANHey! How are you guys?RON OR DON?Beautiful day, in't it?TRUMANAh...always.RON OR DON?Ah. And how's your lovely wife?TRUMANs'Good. Good. How about yours'?RON OR DON?Ohhh...Couldn't be better!TRUMANAhhhh...RON OR DON?Uh..nice talkin' to ya', Truman.TRUMANYou too, you too.RON OR DON?But we must go now.TRUMANHey, think about that policy!RON OR DON?Yes, we'll think about it.TRUMANOkay, that's two for one, that's a good deal.Doppelganger Special.At the Revolving Door, Truman's OfficeTRUMANHey, fella's, going in? Go ahead....Hey, whoa....I'm not that anxious to getthere.Truman's OfficeTRUMAN(on phone)Uh, could I have directory assistance forFiji, please? Fiji Islands...OFFICE NEIGHBOR(re: Newspaper article"SEAHAVEN THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH!") Truman, did you see this?TRUMAN(on phone)All right, sure ma'am, if--if uh..he's in a(whispering)Yes, uh..Fiji please. Do you have a listingfor a Lauren Garland?....unlisted....okay..Do you have a Sylvia Garland? S for Sylvia.None...okay, thank you.(hangs up phone)OFFICE NEIGHBORLet's see, Burbank, got a prospect in WellsPark for you to close.TRUMANWel-Wells Park? On uh...Harbor Island?OFFICE NEIGHBORYou...know another one?TRUMANWell, I can't do it. I uh...have anappointment. Dentist.OFFICE NEIGHBORReally?TRUMANYeah.(Toothy grin)OFFICE NEIGHBORYou're going to lose a lot more than your teethif you don't meet your quota. Truman. They'remaking cutbacks in here this month.TRUMANCutbacks?OFFICE NEIGHBORYeah. You need this. 'sides, half hour acrossthe bay, a little sea air..do you good.TRUMANHey, thanks.At the DocksTRUMANHello! Ferry's still here, huh? Well, I'mheadin' to sea.TICKETPERSONOne way or return?TRUMAN(like duh)Return.TICKETPERSONHere you go, sir.FERRY STAFF(re: Truman's faint condition)Do you need any help, sir?TRUMANYou go ahead, I'll-I'll be fine.Truman's LawnMERYLI'm home, Truman! Look what I got for youat the checkout. It's a Chef's Pal. It's adicer, grater, peeler all in one. Neverneeds sharpening. Dishwasher safe.TRUMANWow. That's amazing!MERYLTruman. Missed a spot. Unfinished BridgeMARLONMm. THAT is a beer.TRUMANYou know, I've been thinking about gettin' out, Marlon.MARLONYeah? Out of what?TRUMANOut of my job. Out of this city. Off this island. Out.MARLONOut of your job? What the hell is wrong with your job? You have a great job, Truman. You have a desk job. I'd kill for a desk job.(re: beer)Here ya' go.(continuing)You should try stocking vending machines for a living.TRUMANNo thanks.MARLONNow there's excitement.TRUMANDon't you ever get restless? Itchy feet?MARLONWhere is there to go?TRUMANFiji.MARLONWhere the hell is Fiji? Near Florida?TRUMAN(using golf ball as Earth)See here?MARLONTRUMAN(finger on one point of ball)This is us...and all the way around here..(finger slides around toopposite point)Fiji.MARLONMmmm... (Oh...)TRUMANcan't get any further away before you startcoming back.....You know, there are stillislands in Fiji where no human being has everset foot?(question to Andrew Niccol: is Fiji a reference to Lister's, a character on the British Sci-fi comedy "Red Dwarf," dream of building a farm in Fiji?)MARLONhoo..So, when're you gonna go?TRUMANIt's not that simple. It takes money.Planning. Can't just..up and go.MARLONRight.TRUMANI'm gonna' do it. Don't worry about that.You know, bonus time's just around the corner.MARLONHmmm. Hey, you comin' for a drink?TRUMANNo. Can't..Flashback to OceanI don't like the look of that weather, son.I think we should head back.YOUNG TRUMANOh no, Dad.KIRKNo..we should go back.YOUNG TRUMANJust a little further. Please.KIRKOkay.YOUNG TRUMANYeah.THUNDER(boom)YOUNG TRUMANDaddy!BeachTRUMANUgh. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ahhhhhhhh! Truman HomeMERYLYou're soaked! Where have you been?TRUMANI figured we could scrape together eightthousand dollars--MERYLEvery time you and Marlon get together something--TRUMANWe could bum around the world for a yearon that.MERYLAnd then what, Truman? We'd be where we werefive years ago. You're talking like ateenager.TRUMANMaybe I feel like a teenager.MERYLWe have mortgage payments, Truman. We havecar payments. What? We're just going towalk away from our financial obligations?TRUMANWe need adventure..MERYLI thought we were going to try for a baby.Isn't that enough of an adventure?TRUMANThat can wait. I need to get away. Seesome of the world. Explore!MERYLYou want to be an explorer...This'll pass.We all think like this now and again.Let's get you out of these wet clothes,huh? And into bed.Security GarageSECURITY GUARDYou never see anything anyway. They alwaysuh..turn the camera, and..play music and...youknow, the wind blows and then the curtain moves.You don't see anything.Newspaper StandTRUMANOoohhhhh...and I'll pick one of these upwhile I'm at it.HAROLDFor the wife.TRUMANShe's gotta' have 'em.HAROLDAnything else?TRUMANThat's the whole ball o' wax.HAROLDSee ya' later Truman.On the StreetTRUMANDad?........Hey. What're you doing? Hey!Oh! Oof! Ah! Move out of the way! Stopthem! Oh! Oh. Oof. No no wait! Stop! Stop!Hey! Open the doors! Open the...! Somebodystop the bus! Stop the bus! Somebody stop it! Truman's Mother's HouseMOTHERIt doesn't sound insane at all, Truman.I see him ten times a week, in a hundreddifferent faces. You know I almost hugged aperfect stranger in the salon last Thursday.TRUMANIt was dad. I swear! Dressed like a homelessman! And you know what else was strange? Abusiness man and a woman with a little dog cameout of nowhere and forced him onto a bus.MOTHERWell! It's about time they cleaned up the trashdowntown before we become just like the restof the country.TRUMANThey never found Dad's body. Maybe somehow...MOTHEROh no...!TRUMANI'm telling you, if it wasn't him, it washis twin. Did dad have a bother?MOTHERTruman, you know perfectly well that yourfather was an only child, just like you.No sweetie, you're just feeling bad becauseof what happened. You, sailing off intothat storm....But I never blamed you, Truman.And I don't blame you now.Truman's BasementMERYLWhat're you doing down here?TRUMANFixin' the mower....I saw my father today.MERYLI know....(in response to Truman'sparanoid look)Your mother called. You REALLY shouldn't upsether like that.TRUMANDid you want--? What did you want?MERYL(super happy)I made macaroni!TRUMANI'm not hungry.MERYLYou know..you really oughta' throw out thatmower. Get one of those new Elk Rotaries.The Truman BarWAITRESS(re: Truman holding redsweater)What's he doing?WAITRESSSee, they got rid of her, but they couldn'terase the memory.WAITRESSThe memory of who?WAITRESSshh shh shh shh shh shh...Flashback: In Front of Truman's College (Go Seahorses)CHEERLEADERS (O.S.)S! E! A! H! O! R! S! E! S!MERYL(stumbling into Truman)Ow! Ouch!TRUMANOh! Ohhhh!MERYLOuch!TRUMANYou okay?MERYLExcuse me! Hi!TRUMANHi!MERYLOh..I'm so sorry I fell on you.TRUMANIt's okay.MERYLI'm just--I've just..been a klutz all day.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI think I...sprained my ankle. I could be...sorry...I'm so sorry for falling on you likethat.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI--I'm Meryl.TRUMANHi. It's... Truman.MERYLHey, nice to meet you...College DanceTwentieth Century Boy plays here.LibraryMERYLLet's go.TRUMANShh.MERYLYou can study later. C'mon.TRUMANNo. I gotta' commit this to memory.MARLONC'mon, Truman. Let's go for a brewski. C'mon. C'mon.TRUMANYou're going to hafta' copy off me so be careful.MERYLNo..? ...Better person than I am. I'll see you later, kay? Bye.TRUMANBye.MARLONSee ya' later, loser.TRUMANOw! Shhhh! *sigh*....... Hi...Konichiwa?LAURENWhat?TRUMANYou take Japanese.LAURENOh! Yes. Yes..TRUMANLauren, right?....It's on your book.LAURENLauren. Right. Right.TRUMANWell, I'm Truman.LAURENYeah. I know. Look, Truman, I'm not allowedto talk to you. You know.TRUMANYeah, well, I can understand, I'm a pretty dangerous character.LAURENI'm sorry. It's not like that.TRUMANA girl's gotta' be careful.....It's a boyfriend,right?LAURENNo, it's not like--TRUMANOf course not. Is it--was it Meryl, the girl I was with? We're not--we don't--we're--we're--we're just-- we're friends. It's how I look. Not your type.LAURENNo. (that's not it)TRUMANI like your pin. Was wondering that myself.LAURENMm.TRUMANWould you wanna maybe, possibly..sometimego out for some pizza or something? Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Coming Tuesday?....(re: Lauren's note "NOW")We have finals tomorrow...LAURENYeah, I know. If we don't go now, we won't havethe chance. Do you understand? So what are yougonna do.BeachTRUMANWoohoo! Please keep your hands inside thecaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!...This is my favorite pizzaplace. Tony! I wanna large, extra plankton.LAURENWe have so little time. They're going tobe here any minute.TRUMANWho are they?LAURENThey don't want me talking to you.TRUMANThen don't talk.They kiss.LAURENTruman.TRUMANWhat do they want?LAURENListen to me. Everyone knows about--everyone knows everything you do. 'Cause they'repretending, Truman. Do you--Do you understand?Everybody's pretending.TRUMAN__?__.LAURENNo no no, ah, my name's not Lauren. No no.My name's Sylvia.TRUMANSylvia?LAURENYeah.LAUREN'S FATHERLauren, sweetheart. Out again?TRUMANHey, wait a minute. Who are you?LAUREN'S FATHERI'm her father!LAURENWhat? I've never even seen you before today.LAUREN'S FATHERC'mon, sweetie. Please, honey.LAURENHe's lying! Truman, please! Don't listen to him! Everything I've told you is the truth!LAUREN'S FATHER Please...LAURENThis..it--it's fake. It's all for you.TRUMANI don't understand.LAURENAn--and the sky and the sea, everything. It's a set. It's a show.LAUREN'S FATHERPlease. It'll be all right.LAURENPlease don't listen! He's going to lie to you!Everyone's arguing at once.TRUMANI really would like to know what's going on!LAUREN'S FATHERSchizophrenia. It's episodes.TRUMANIt's what? (?)LAURENPlease! No!LAUREN'S FATHERYou forget it, forget everything.LAURENDon't do it! Don't Truman!LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. Don't worry! You're not the first.You're not the first.LAURENTruman!LAUREN'S FATHERShe brings all her boyfriends down here.LAURENWhat's he saying? Truman, he's lying!Get out of here. Come and find me.LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. We're going to Fiji.TRUMANSee you in school!LAUREN'S FATHERFiji. We're moving to Fiji.TRUMANFiji?.....(re: Sylvia's sweater)Sylvia! Hey!Truman BarWAITRESSWell, why didn't he just follow her to Fiji?WAITRESSHis mother got sick. Really sick. He couldn'tleave her. He's kind. Maybe he's too kind.WAITRESSI can't believe he married Meryl on the rebound.BARTENDERExcuse me....It's sad, we've already got this onthe greatest hits tape.WAITRESSCan I borrow that?Truman's BasementTRUMAN__?__.Truman's CarRADIOAnd it's another beautiful day in paradise,folks, but don't forget to buckle up out therein radio land. remember...a good driver....gogo go go go go go driver good driver really goodgood good good good driver good driver goodriver goo goo goo...(TRUMAN plays with knob)Wait for the cue __?__ wait for the cue. Standby one.Stand by to watch him. Stand by(static...)He's heading west on Stewart. Stand by all extras. Lynn,he'll be on you in about 90 seconds, props make surethe copies out. Okay, he's making his turn ontoLancaster Square...(screams)Oh my God! He knew we were following, something's wrong,uh, change frequencies!(Feed back, everyone on thestreet reacts)Ouch! Huh, sorry about that, folks, I guess we pickedup a police frequency or something. It sometimeshappens and it can drive you crazy. Okay, it'sclassical climb, back on the air, and we've stillgot some great music up ahead. But hey! Don't forgetto buckle up. Remember safety. A good driver is asafe driver. A safe driver is what? Yes! Haha!*click*Omnicom BuildingSECURITY GUARDUh, do you need help?TRUMANUh, yeah, um, I have an appointment at uh...Huh?...What's that stuff he's...? Just tell me what's...SECURITY GUARDIt's nothing. We're remodeling.TRUMANThose people...SECURITY GUARDIt's none of your business, sir.TRUMANIf you don't tell me what's happening I'll reportyou!Mini-marketTRUMANMarlon!MARLONTruman? What're you doing here?TRUMANI gotta' talk to you.MARLONIt's a bad time, okay? I'm way behind on--TRUMANI'm on to something, Marlon. Something big.MARLONYou okay? You look like shit.TRUMANI've gotten mixed up in something.MARLONMixed up in what?TRUMANThere's no point in trying to explain it, buta lot of strange things have been happening.Like, like.. at your company. There were people getting on the elevator, there was no--there wasno backing on it.MARLONHeh.TRUMANI looked out, there was people there. And the--on the radio, on the way to work, it started to,like, follow me around! Kept talking about everything that I'm doing! You know what I mean?MARLONNow, Truman, if this is one of your fantasies, I've got no time to--TRUMANI think this is about my dad.MARLONYour dad?TRUMANI think he's alive. Yeah. I'll tell you about itlater. I think I'm being followed.MARLONBy who?TRUMANIt's hard to tell. They look just like regularpeople.MARLONHow about those two?TRUMANI dunno.MARLONmm-hmm...TRUMANWatch, it's those unpredictable actions...(or they can't follow unpredictable actions...)Truman claps twice.TRUMANAnything happen?MARLONNo.TRUMANMm-hmm. We gotta' get out of here. You ready to go?MARLONNo, I just can't--...I told you I can't.TRUMAN(makes a disgusted noise)MARLONYou're going to get both our asses fired, youTRUMANOkay, then! Let's do it!MARLONWhat?TRUMANWhatever you say! I'm game!MARLONWhat? What're you talking about?TRUMANYessirree! Birthday comes but once a year! Hah hah... Beach at SunsetTRUMANMaybe I'm being set up for something. You everthink about that, Marlon? That your whole lifehas been building towards something?MARLONNnnnn-no.TRUMANWhen you would haul chickens in the summer forKaiser, what was the furthest you ever got offthe island?MARLONWe went all over. Never found a place like this,though. Look at that sunset, Truman.TRUMANHmm?MARLONThat's the Big Guy. What a paintbrush he's got.TRUMANJust between you and me, Marlon--I'm going awayMARLONYou are? Really.TRUMANYeah.Truman's Living RoomMOTHER(re: photo album)*sigh* Little angel....Ohhh..my little clown.'N carrot top, remember this? Awww...TRUMANWe should be getting you home, mother.MOTHEROh, hold on a minute, here's us at Mount Rushmore.Remember, Truman, when dad was still with us? Itwas quite a drive. You slept all the way there!TRUMAN(re:Mount Rushmore) It's so small.MOTHERThings always do dear, when you look back on them...MERYLLook, Truman. The happiest day of our lives.TRUMANMmmm...MERYLLook! Jean, Joey, Joanne...MOTHERDoesn't she look beautiful, Truman? Well, shestill does! And there's lots of pages left overfor baby photos. I would like to hold a grandchildin my arms before I go. And you know I reallyshould be getting Truman to--MERYLNo no no no no, you stay, relax, enjoy yourself.Your favorite show will be coming on.TRUMANYou sure?MERYLBesides, we have something to discuss...MOTHERA certain person's birthday...TRUMANOohhh...I see.T.V.And there'll be another episode of I Love Lucysame time tomorrow, but right now, it's time forFilm Classics. Tonight we present the endearing, much-loved classic, "Show me the Way to go Home."A hymn of praise to small town life where we learnthat you don't have to leave home to discover whatthe world's all about. And that no one's poor whohas friends. Full of laughter and love, pain andsadness, but ultimately redemption. We share thetrials and tribulations of the Abbot family. Notethe touching performance of Ronald Griereed (?) asUncle Buddy. And that scene with the bowl ofcherries is going to have you splitting your sideswith laughter all over again. And there'll betears, too, when David and Jennifer are reunited.But enough from me, let's join the Abbots in __?__Village.At this point, Truman notices Meryl crossing her fingers in one of their wedding photos...Happiest Day?Truman's HomeMERYLThank you, sweetie.TRUMANI need to talk to you.MERYLI'd love to, but, I'm really late.TRUMANWhat's your rush?MERYLSurgery. There was that--that elevator disasterdowntown. It was on the news, last night. This--this cable just snapped. This elevator ju--it justplummeted down ten flights with nonunion workers.Just monstrous. You know, that..that building..it's right next door to where you work. Can youimagine if you had been in there? It's not evenworth thinking about. Anyway, I have an amputationon one of the young women who was..in that elevatorShe's very young. It's very..sad. Anyway, um..wishme luck.TRUMAN(slyly)I'll cross my fingers for you.HospitalRECEPTIONISTAh, excuse me! Excuse me. May uh...May Ihelp you?TRUMANWell, uh....yes. I'm looking for..my wife.Nurse Burbank. It's very important.RECEPTIONISTYou know what, I'm afraid that that's um...that's not possible. She's in pre-op.TRUMANOkay, fine. Can you pass along a message?RECEPTIONISTI'll try.(giggles nervously)TRUMANCan you tell her: I had to go to Fiji, and thatI'll call her when I get there.RECEPTIONISTWhen you...when you get to Fiji?TRUMANYou got it.RECEPTIONISTOkay..um...I'll tell her.TRUMANThank you so much........(re: man in the waywith a large cart)Oh! Sorry! Here, let me help you with that.DOCTORHe's here.NURSEWhat do we...?DOCTORShh shh shh...scalpel...I'm now making my primary incision just... above the right... knee.NURSEOh! Er...SECURITYThis isn't going to be pretty. Unless you're family...TRUMANExcuse me...NURSEGood job.DOCTORI'll just let someone else clean up here. Travel Agent's OfficeAGENTI'm sorry to keep you.TRUMANThat's okay.AGENTHow can I help?TRUMANI would like to book a flight to Fiji.AGENTWhen would you like to leave?TRUMANToday.AGENTI'm sorry. I don't have anything for at leasta month.TRUMANA month?!AGENTIt's the busy season. You want to book the flight?TRUMANIt..doesn't matter. I'll..make other arrangements.Okay.Bus StationENGINEERLast call for Chicagoooo! All abooooard!Thank you. Windy city, here we come!On the BusTRUMANHi, how you doin'?...hello...sisters...LITTLE GIRLMom, isn't that...?GIRL'S MOTHERShh...LITTLE GIRL...Truman...?GIRL'S MOTHER...face the front.ENGINEEREverybody off. We've got a problem.BUS DRIVER(too sincerely)'m sorry, son.Truman BarBARTENDERWell, his father was from Chicago, wasn't he?WAITRESSNo no no no no no. His dentist was from Pensacola.His father was from Des Moines.BARTENDERBut, how come he wants to go to Chicago?WAITRESSHe's not going to Chicago. He's not going anywhere.He has to have it out with Meryl.Truman's CarMERYLTruman? Honey, are you okay?TRUMANYeah.MERYLTruman.(starts to say something)TRUMANEh! Shhh....In just a moment, we'll see a ladyon a red bike, a man with flowers, and a Volkswagenbeetle with a dented fender.MERYLTruman.TRUMANLook!dy...Flowers!...TRUMAN AND MERYL...And...MERYLTruman, this is silly.TRUMANThere it is! There it is! There's that dented beetle!Yes! Whooooooooooo! Ha-ha! Ha.......Do you wannaknow how I did that? I'll tell ya'. They're on a loop.They go around the block. They come back. They goaround again. They just go 'round and 'round!(almost singing)Round and round!MERYLYou know, I invited Rita and Marlon for a barbecueon Sunday. I'm gonna make my potato salad and--TRUMAN--I need to remind you that we need more charcoal.TRUMANAre you listening to a word I'm saying?MERYLYou're upset because you want to go to Fiji, is thatit? Okay. Okay. Go. I think we should save for afew months, and then, go. There! You happy now? I'mgonna take a shower.TRUMANLet's go now. I'm ready to go now, why wait?MERYLWhat?TRUMANEarly bird gathers no moss, rolling stone catches theworm, right? Ha ha ha!Driving in CirclesMERYLTruman!TRUMANWhere shall we go? Where. Shall. We. Go?MERYLTruman, where are we going?TRUMANI don't know. I guess we're being spontaneous.MERYLOh!(giggles nervously)TRUMANSomebody help me! I'm being spontaneous! Forget(nervous laughter, quick glancesdirectly into the camera)No...TRUMANWhat about Atlantic City!?MERYLOh, no, you hate to gamble.TRUMANThat's right, I do, don't I?MERYLSo, why would you want to go there?TRUMAN'Cause I never have! That's why people go places.Isn't it?MERYLTruman. Truman I think I'm going to throw up.TRUMANMe too!Suddenly Jammed StreetTRUMANBlocked at every turn. Beautifully synchronized,don't you agree?MERYLYou're blaming me for the traffic?TRUMANShould I?MERYLTruman, let's go home.。

推荐楚门的世界英语作文The Truman ShowThe Truman Show is a thought-provoking film that delves into the complexities of human existence and the nature of reality. The story centers around Truman Burbank, a man who unknowingly lives his entire life in front of a live television audience. As the protagonist of a 24-hour reality television show, Truman is the unwitting star of a world that revolves around him. Throughout the film, Truman begins to question the artificiality of his surroundings and yearns for a life beyond the confines of his meticulously constructed world.The film raises compelling questions about the nature of truth and the manipulation of reality. Truman's gradual realization of the artificiality of his world serves as a powerful metaphor for the human experience. As he begins touncover the truth about his existence, Truman experiences a profound inner conflict as he grapples with the realization that his entire life has been carefully orchestrated for the entertainment of others. The film challenges viewers to contemplate the extent to which our own lives may be subject to external influence and manipulation.The Truman Show also explores the ethical implications of blurring the lines between reality and entertainment. The audience's voyeuristic relationship with Truman raises important concerns about the invasion of privacy and the commodification of personal lives. The film serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of succumbing to a culture of constant surveillance and the dehumanizing effects of reducing individuals to mere spectacle.Furthermore, The Truman Show offers a poignant commentary on the human longing for authenticity and genuine connection. Truman's desire to break free from his manufactured realityreflects a universal yearning for autonomy and self-discovery. The film encourages viewers to reflect on the ways in whichwe navigate the complexities of our own lives and the extentto which we are willing to confront uncomfortable truths in pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment.In conclusion, The Truman Show is a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience and the nature of reality. Through its compelling narrative and thematic depth, the film challenges viewers to contemplate the ethical and existential implications of living in a world that prioritizes spectacle over substance. Ultimately, The Truman Show serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of authenticity, self-discovery, and the pursuit of genuine human connection.。

The Truth
Truman was born in front of a camera, all his life is a TV show. The island is a huge studio, all the people on the island are actors of the TV show.
. Andrew Niccol
Director-Peter Weir
Australian director One of the most attractive directors in Hollywood Feature films: Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社 (1989) The Truman Show 楚门的世
Major Achievement:
The 71st Annual Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖) :
(Nominated)Best Supporting Actor –Ed Harris
(Nominated)Best Directing –Peter Weir
(Nominated)Best Wr Nhomakorabeating Original Screenplay-
Main supporting actorChristof-Ed Harris
Born in 1950, America. Three times nominated the Academy Awards. Feature films: The Rock 勇闯夺命岛 (1996) A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)

TRUMAN (to the audience) In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Hahaha! Yeah!
Knowing your destiny is arranged by others, will you be brave to face it and get rid of it?
We accept the reality of the world 楷桴眠楨档眠?牡?牰獥湥整?
Daisy Wu
(Drama/Comedy) (1998)
Major Characters: Truman Burbank..............................Jim Carrey Meryl(Truman's wife)ura Linney Christof( the show's director)……....Ed Harris
TRUMAN You never had a camera in my head!
CHRISTOF You're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay, Truman. I understand. I have been watching you your whole life. I was watching when you were born. I was watching when you took your first step. I watched you on your first day of school. The episode when you lost your first tooth. You can't leave, Truman. You belong here...With me. Talk to me. Say something. 'ell, say something, goddamnit! You're on television! You're live to the whole world!

“In case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.”
• 导演在建立这个世界的目的是想看到一个更真实的楚门,因为他认为 真实的世界缺少“真实”,而虚假的世界里有楚门的 “真实”。随着 时代的发展,难道我们的欺骗、谎言,因为这就是真实的世界!但是我们心存 希望的去接受这个世界,用心去感受真实,用善良去包容谎言。就想 楚门最后的选择一样,他没有选择逃避,而是勇敢的接受真实世界的 挑战。因为那才是真实的!
When Truman start to wondering about his life, he try to leave “the world”. Finally, after much difficulty he find the door of "EXIT".
“ there’s no more truth out there……than there is in the world I created for you ,the same lies ,the same deceit .but in my world ,you have nothing to fear. Iknow you better than you know yourself. You can’t leave,Truman. You belong here.
The Truman Show
The film is framed around(围绕着) the television show "The Truman Show". Its main character, Truman Burbank, has lived his entire life since before birth in front of cameras for the show, though he himself is unaware of this fact. (整体介 绍)

楚门的世界英文作文楚门的世界英文作文楚门的世界英文作文1As the movie started,Truemans life was peaceful and warm,filled with happyness,of which we may be envious.Everything went on wheels,such as the first footstep,the first time to go to school,the first kiss and the first marriage.This life should be pretty comfortable,and its just the one which most people want.However,everyone in the movie knew Trueman in detail.They watched him raised up.Outside the island ,people watched it just like a interesting movie focus on ones privacy.On the island,people acted all the roles in society,they did the same thing with sham day after day ,for instance,that twins seems like good oldies,said so much to pleasure Trueman,but they didnt really want to help him,that is,didnt want to buy any insurance.So,they were politely ,say hello to him "Good morning,good afternoon,good evening and goodnight!" His mother,wife ,even the best friend pretended to encourage and understand him.whats a pity!Where are your spirit and soul? How can a person live without freedom and ideality?Trueman found that his father still alive ,and he still love the first girl deeply in his heart.Finally,he wanted to go Fiji and left this "lucky homeland".He went to several agencies of transporting,while the ships were gone or destroyed,the airport had no ticket.Then he drove his own car,but the road was round and round.When he found one way to escape,amazing that,the police knew him and brought him home.He realize he must do itall by himself.The faith of love and freedom gave him the brave heart to defeat the stormy sea.At the end,Christopher try to persuade him back to the island,Trueman made his choice,"In case I dont see you,good afternoon goodevening and goodnight"There may be more dangerous ,sham and cheat out of the island ,but all of this come from nature and society not from the people stared him all the day.We learn from Trueman that we should have a brave heart to pursuit the thing which in our inner heart instead of setting for the surface of our life!楚门的世界英文作文2Unusually intelligent Jim Carrey movie - a provocative and prescient media satire. Puts Big Brother and the current spate of docu-soaps firmly into perspectiveTruman Burbank (Carrey) is a happily married insurance salesman living a normal life in a small American town so perfect that he has never felt the need or desire to leave it. He has a loving wife (Linney), and a loyal best buddy (Emmerich). Life is good until one morning a stage light drops from the skies and shatters on the ground perilously close to him. It is the trigger that sets him questioning everything around him. What is behind the facades of the buildings he has never entered? Why do people seem to be travelling around him in a perfectly synchronized loop? What is going on outside his home-town? Truman is, it turns out, the unwitting star of a top-rated 24-hour-a-day TV docu-soap.Under the careful critical scrutiny to which it has been subjected, the plot turns out not to be watertight. This is to miss the point of what is a hilarious and breathtakingly conceivedsatire which also allows Carrey to edge away from broad comedy.The Truman Show is also oddly moving and has, as you would expect from a Weir film, a pronounced metaphysical slant with Ed Harris playing the show"s archly named producer/creator Christof.VerdictOne of the cinematic highlights of the 1990s, The Truman Show is up there with Weir"s very best work.楚门的世界英文作文3When I first saw The Truman Show I came out of the theatre amazed. This is your first clue that you are watching something different from your normal Jim Carrey movie. I love the dialogue, camera shot, performances, direction, music, and running time of this movie. There is nothing I would do to change it. I came away from The Truman Show feeling inspired which is the goal of good filmmaking Jim Carrey was outstanding as Truman, underplaying him, not making him too comic or too dramatic, but giving true sincerity when asked. He deserved an Oscar nomination. Ed Harris has always been a good actor, but in this movie hes a great actor. He plays Christof with such arrogance and bullheadedness that you dont know whether hes helping or destroying Truman. He and the director, Peter Weir, deserved their Oscar nods.Weir, who directed the great Witness, uses different camera angles to make you feel like youre actually watching The Truman Show and not a movie. He ends it before you get tired of the concept and helped Carrey and Harris give immaculate performances. Andrew Niccol script is a real star in the movie too because of its inventiveness and ingenuity. Overall, The Truman Show is what I like to call a true American classic.。
英语作文 楚门的世界

英语作文楚门的世界英文回答:The Truman Show is a satirical drama film directed by Peter Weir and released in 1998. It stars Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, a man who unknowingly lives his entire life as the subject of a reality television show.The film follows Truman as he begins to question the authenticity of his world, noticing subtle inconsistencies and strange occurrences. As he digs deeper, he uncovers the truth about his existence and the extent to which his life has been manipulated.The Truman Show explores themes of privacy, surveillance, and the nature of reality. It raises questions about the ethics of observing someone's life without their consent and the implications of creating a false world for entertainment purposes.The film's climax occurs when Truman confronts the show's creator, Christof, and chooses to leave the world he has known. This moment represents Truman's assertion of his own autonomy and his rejection of the artificiality that has surrounded him.The ending of The Truman Show leaves the audience to ponder the implications of Truman's decision. Some may argue that he has escaped a life of deception and gained true freedom, while others may suggest that he has lost the only world he has ever known.Ultimately, the film's message is open to interpretation. It invites viewers to consider the complexities of reality, the value of privacy, and the importance of authenticity in human existence.中文回答:《楚门的世界》是一部由彼得·威尔执导的讽刺性戏剧电影,于1998年上映。

《楚门的世界》英文剧本The Truman ShowThis is the full transcript of The Truman Show. It in no way intends toinfringe upon the rights of the writers, producers, distributors, exhibitors,etc., of the movie.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe've become bored with watching actorsgive us phony emotions. We're tired ofpyrotechnics and special effects. Whilethe world he inhabits is in somerespects counterfeit, there's nothingfake about Truman himself. Noscripts, no cue cards...It isn't alwaysShakespeare but it's genuine. It's alife.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to make it. You're going to have to go on without me. No way, mister, you're going to the top of this mountain...Broken legs and all.The Lunar RoomCHRISTOFWe find many viewers leave him on all night for comfort.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)You're crazy, you know that?InterviewMERYLWell, I mean, there is no--there is no difference between a private life and a public life. My--my life is my life, is The Truman Show. The Truman Show is...a lifestyle. It's a noble life. It is...a truly blessed life.Truman's BathroomTRUMAN(to mirror cam)I'm not going to get to the top. All right, promise me one thing though: IfI die before I reach the summit, you will use me as an alternative source of food. Eeeewwww, gross.InterviewMARLONIt's all true. It's all real. Nothing hereis fake. Nothing you see on this show is fake. It's merely controlled.Truman's BathroomTRUMANEat me, dammit. That's an order. Maybe just my love handles.I have love handles.....little ones.MERYL (O.S)Truman! You're going to be late!TRUMANOkay!!(sighs)On Truman's PorchTRUMANGood Morning!MRS. WASHINGTONGood Morning!WASHINGTON KIDGood Morning!TRUMANOh! And in case I don't see ya'! Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Goodnight! (laughs jovially)Yeah...yeah...SPENCERGood morning Truman!TRUMANGood mornin', Spencer!PLUTO (the dog)(barks at Truman)TRUMANHey Pluto. Hey Pluto! Hey Pluto!SPENCERHey...c'mon, buddy. Get back here.TRUMANGet down! 'at a girl...I know... It's just me..SPENCERC'mon, Pluto!TRUMAN(re: light from sky)Oh my God!Truman's CarRADIOHere's a news flash just in: an aircraft in trouble began shedding parts as it flew over Seahaven just a few moments ago.Nnnnnnn...RADIOWow. Luckily no one was hurt. But hey! Howdo you feel today?TRUMANMmm-mmm. (okay)RADIOThat's good. You thinking of flying anywhere?TRUMANNope.RADIOO-o-oh, good. (The weather?)Sit back and let this music calm you down.Newspaper StandDog Fancy please...Why thank you. Thank you very much.TRUMANOhhh. Get a paper there, will you, Harold? Oh, and uh...one of these - for the wife. Loves her fashion mags.HAROLDWill that be all for you, Truman?TRUMANThat's the whole kit 'n' caboodle.HAROLDCatch ya' later.TRUMANOf course. Yeah...In Front of Chicken AdTRUMANGood morning.RON OR DON?Hey! Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman.RON OR DON?Good morning, Truman!TRUMANHey! How are you guys?RON OR DON?Beautiful day, in't it?TRUMANAh...always.RON OR DON?Ah. And how's your lovely wife?TRUMANs'Good. Good. How about yours'?RON OR DON?Ohhh...Couldn't be better!TRUMANAhhhh...RON OR DON?Uh..nice talkin' to ya', Truman.TRUMANYou too, you too.RON OR DON?But we must go now.TRUMANHey, think about that policy!RON OR DON?Yes, we'll think about it.TRUMANOkay, that's two for one, that's a good deal. Doppelganger Special.At the Revolving Door, Truman's OfficeTRUMANHey, fella's, going in? Go ahead....Hey, whoa....I'm not that anxious to get there.Truman's OfficeTRUMAN(on phone)Uh, could I have directory assistance for Fiji, please? Fiji Islands...OFFICE NEIGHBOR(re: Newspaper article"SEAHAVEN THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH!") Truman, did you see this?TRUMAN(on phone)All right, sure ma'am, if--if uh..he's in a coma he's probably uninsurable! (whispering)Yes, uh..Fiji please. Do you have a listing for a Lauren Garland?....unlisted....okay.. Do you have a Sylvia Garland? S for Sylvia. None...okay, thank you.(hangs up phone)OFFICE NEIGHBORLet's see, Burbank, got a prospect in Wells Park for you to close.TRUMANWel-Wells Park? On uh...Harbor Island?OFFICE NEIGHBORYou...know another one?TRUMANWell, I can't do it. I uh...have an appointment. Dentist.OFFICE NEIGHBORReally?TRUMANYeah.(Toothy grin)OFFICE NEIGHBORYou're going to lose a lot more than your teeth if you don't meet your quota. Truman. They're making cutbacks in here this month.TRUMANCutbacks?OFFICE NEIGHBORYeah. You need this. 'sides, half hour across the bay, a little sea air..do you good.TRUMANHey, thanks.At the DocksTRUMANHello! Ferry's still here, huh? Well, I'm headin' to sea.TICKETPERSONOne way or return?TRUMAN(like duh)Return.TICKETPERSONHere you go, sir.FERRY STAFF(re: Truman's faint condition)Do you need any help, sir?TRUMANYou go ahead, I'll-I'll be fine.Truman's LawnMERYLI'm home, Truman! Look what I got for you at the checkout. It's a Chef's Pal. It's a dicer, grater, peeler all in one. Never needs sharpening. Dishwasher safe.TRUMANWow. That's amazing!MERYLTruman. Missed a spot.Unfinished BridgeMARLONMm. THAT is a beer.TRUMANYou know, I've been thinking about gettin' out, Marlon.MARLONYeah? Out of what?TRUMANOut of my job. Out of this city. Off this island. Out.MARLONOut of your job? What the hell is wrong with your job? You have a great job, Truman. You have a desk job. I'd killfor a desk job.(re: beer)Here ya' go.(continuing)You should try stocking vending machines for a living.TRUMANNo thanks.MARLONNow there's excitement.TRUMANDon't you ever get restless? Itchy feet?MARLONWhere is there to go?TRUMANFiji.MARLONWhere the hell is Fiji? Near Florida?TRUMAN(using golf ball as Earth)See here?MARLONMmmhm..TRUMAN(finger on one point of ball)This is us...and all the way around here.. (finger slides around toopposite point)Fiji.MARLONMmmm... (Oh...)TRUMANcan't get any further away before you startcoming back.....You know, there are stillislands in Fiji where no human being has everset foot?(question to Andrew Niccol: is Fiji a reference to Lister's, a character on the British Sci-fi comedy "Red Dwarf,"dream of building a farm in Fiji?)MARLONhoo..So, when're you gonna go?TRUMANIt's not that simple. It takes money.Planning. Can't just..up and go.MARLONRight.TRUMANI'm gonna' do it. Don't worry about that.You know, bonus time's just around the corner.MARLONHmmm. Hey, you comin' for a drink?TRUMANNo. Can't..Flashback to OceanKIRKI don't like the look of that weather, son.I think we should head back.YOUNG TRUMANOh no, Dad.KIRKNo..we should go back.YOUNG TRUMANJust a little further. Please.KIRKOkay.YOUNG TRUMANYeah.THUNDER(boom)YOUNG TRUMANDaddy!BeachTRUMANUgh. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ahhhhhhhh! Truman HomeMERYLYou're soaked! Where have you been? TRUMANI figured we could scrape together eightthousand dollars--MERYLEvery time you and Marlon get together something--TRUMANWe could bum around the world for a yearon that.MERYLAnd then what, Truman? We'd be where we werefive years ago. You're talking like ateenager.TRUMANMaybe I feel like a teenager.MERYLWe have mortgage payments, Truman. We havecar payments. What? We're just going towalk away from our financial obligations?TRUMANWe need adventure..MERYLI thought we were going to try for a baby. Isn't that enough of an adventure?TRUMANThat can wait. I need to get away. See some of the world. Explore!MERYLYou want to be an explorer...This'll pass. We all think like this now and again.Let's get you out of these wet clothes, huh? And into bed.Security GarageSECURITY GUARDYou never see anything anyway. They alwaysuh..turn the camera, and..play music and...you know, the wind blows and then the curtain moves. You don't see anything.Newspaper StandTRUMANOoohhhhh...and I'll pick one of these upwhile I'm at it.HAROLDFor the wife.TRUMANShe's gotta' have 'em.HAROLDAnything else?TRUMANThat's the whole ball o' wax.HAROLDSee ya' later Truman.On the StreetTRUMANDad?........Hey. What're you doing? Hey!Oh! Oof! Ah! Move out of the way! Stopthem! Oh! Oh. Oof. No no wait! Stop! Stop! Hey! Open the doors! Open the...! Somebody stop the bus! Stop the bus! Somebody stop it!Truman's Mother's HouseMOTHERIt doesn't sound insane at all, Truman.I see him ten times a week, in a hundred different faces. You know I almost hugged a perfect stranger in the salon last Thursday.TRUMANIt was dad. I swear! Dressed like a homelessman! And you know what else was strange? A business man and a woman with a little dog came out of nowhere and forced him onto a bus.MOTHERWell! It's about time they cleaned up the trash downtown before we become just like the restof the country.TRUMANThey never found Dad's body. Maybe somehow...MOTHEROh no...!TRUMANI'm telling you, if it wasn't him, it washis twin. Did dad have a bother?MOTHERTruman, you know perfectly well that yourfather was an only child, just like you.No sweetie, you're just feeling bad becauseof what happened. You, sailing off intothat storm....But I never blamed you, Truman. And I don't blame you now.Truman's BasementMERYLWhat're you doing down here?TRUMANFixin' the mower....I saw my father today.MERYLI know....(in response to Truman'sparanoid look)Your mother called. You REALLY shouldn't upset her like that.TRUMANDid you want--? What did you want?MERYL(super happy)I made macaroni!TRUMANI'm not hungry.MERYLYou know..you really oughta' throw out that mower. Get one of those new Elk Rotaries.The Truman BarWAITRESS(re: Truman holding redsweater)What's he doing?WAITRESSSee, they got rid of her, but they couldn't erase the memory.WAITRESSThe memory of who?WAITRESSshh shh shh shh shh shh...Flashback: In Front of Truman's College (Go Seahorses)CHEERLEADERS (O.S.)S! E! A! H! O! R! S! E! S!MERYL(stumbling into Truman)Ow! Ouch!TRUMANOh! Ohhhh!MERYLOuch!TRUMANYou okay?MERYLExcuse me! Hi!TRUMANHi!MERYLOh..I'm so sorry I fell on you.TRUMANIt's okay.MERYLI'm just--I've just..been a klutz all day.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI think I...sprained my ankle. I could be... sorry...I'm so sorry for falling on you like that.TRUMANIt's all right.MERYLI--I'm Meryl.TRUMANHi. It's... Truman.MERYLHey, nice to meet you...College DanceTwentieth Century Boy plays here.LibraryMERYLLet's go.TRUMANShh.MERYLYou can study later. C'mon.TRUMANNo. I gotta' commit this to memory.MARLONC'mon, Truman. Let's go for a brewski. C'mon. C'mon.TRUMANYou're going to hafta' copy off me so be careful.MERYLNo..? ...Better person than I am. I'llsee you later, kay? Bye.TRUMANBye.MARLONSee ya' later, loser.TRUMANOw! Shhhh! *sigh*....... Hi...Konichiwa?LAURENWhat?TRUMANYou take Japanese.LAURENOh! Yes. Yes..TRUMANLauren, right?....It's on your book.LAURENLauren. Right. Right.TRUMANWell, I'm Truman.LAURENYeah. I know. Look, Truman, I'm not allowedto talk to you. You know.TRUMANYeah, well, I can understand, I'm a pretty dangerous character.LAURENI'm sorry. It's not like that.TRUMANA girl's gotta' be careful.....It's a boyfriend, right?LAURENNo, it's not like--TRUMANOf course not. Is it--was it Meryl, the girl I was with? We're not--we don't--we're--we're--we're just-- we're friends. It's how I look. Not your type.LAURENNo. (that's not it)TRUMANI like your pin. Was wondering that myself.LAURENMm.TRUMANWould you wanna maybe, possibly..sometimego out for some pizza or something? Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Coming Tuesday?....(re: Lauren's note "NOW")We have finals tomorrow...LAURENYeah, I know. If we don't go now, we won't have the chance. Do you understand? So what are you gonna do.BeachTRUMANWoohoo! Please keep your hands inside the caaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!...This is my favorite pizza place. Tony! I wanna large, extra plankton.LAURENWe have so little time. They're going tobe here any minute.TRUMANWho are they?LAURENThey don't want me talking to you.TRUMANThen don't talk.They kiss.LAURENTruman.TRUMANWhat do they want?LAURENListen to me. Everyone knows about--everyone knows everything you do. 'Cause they're pretending, Truman. Do you--Do you understand? Everybody's pretending.TRUMAN__?__.LAURENNo no no, ah, my name's not Lauren. No no. My name's Sylvia.TRUMANSylvia?LAURENYeah.LAUREN'S FATHERLauren, sweetheart. Out again?TRUMANHey, wait a minute. Who are you?LAUREN'S FATHERI'm her father!LAURENWhat? I've never even seen you before today.LAUREN'S FATHERC'mon, sweetie. Please, honey.LAURENHe's lying! Truman, please! Don't listen to him! Everything I've told you is the truth!LAUREN'S FATHERPlease...LAURENThis..it--it's fake. It's all for you.TRUMANI don't understand.LAURENAn--and the sky and the sea, everything. It's a set. It's a show.LAUREN'S FATHERPlease. It'll be all right.LAURENPlease don't listen! He's going to lie to you!Everyone's arguing at once.TRUMANI really would like to know what's going on!LAUREN'S FATHERSchizophrenia. It's episodes.TRUMANIt's what? (?)LAURENPlease! No!LAUREN'S FATHERYou forget it, forget everything.LAURENDon't do it! Don't Truman!LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. Don't worry! You're not the first. You're not the first.LAURENTruman!LAUREN'S FATHERShe brings all her boyfriends down here.LAURENWhat's he saying? Truman, he's lying!Get out of here. Come and find me.LAUREN'S FATHERDon't worry. We're going to Fiji.TRUMANSee you in school!LAUREN'S FATHERFiji. We're moving to Fiji.TRUMANFiji?.....(re: Sylvia's sweater)Sylvia! Hey!Truman BarWAITRESSWell, why didn't he just follow her to Fiji?WAITRESSHis mother got sick. Really sick. He couldn't leave her. He's kind. Maybe he's too kind.WAITRESSI can't believe he married Meryl on the rebound.BARTENDERExcuse me....It's sad, we've already got this onthe greatest hits tape.WAITRESSCan I borrow that?Truman's BasementTRUMAN__?__.Truman's CarRADIOAnd it's another beautiful day in paradise,folks, but don't forget to buckle up out therein radio land. remember...a good driver....gogo go go go go go driver good driver really good good good good good driver good driver goodriver goo goo goo...(TRUMAN plays with knob)Wait for the cue __?__ wait for the cue. Standby one. Stand by to watch him. Stand by(static...)He's heading west on Stewart. Stand by all extras. Lynn, he'll be on you in about 90 seconds, props make surethe copies out. Okay, he's making his turn onto Lancaster Square...(screams)Oh my God! He knew we were following, something's wrong, uh, change frequencies!(Feed back, everyone on thestreet reacts)Ouch! Huh, sorry about that, folks, I guess we pickedup a police frequency or something. It sometimes happens and it can drive you crazy. Okay, it'sclassical climb, back on the air, and we've stillgot some great music up ahead. But hey! Don't forgetto buckle up. Remember safety. A good driver is asafe driver. A safe driver is what? Yes! Haha!*click*Omnicom BuildingSECURITY GUARDUh, do you need help?TRUMANUh, yeah, um, I have an appointment at uh...Huh?... What's that stuff he's...? Just tell me what's...SECURITY GUARDIt's nothing. We're remodeling.TRUMANThose people...SECURITY GUARDIt's none of your business, sir.TRUMANIf you don't tell me what's happening I'll report you!Mini-marketTRUMANMarlon!MARLONTruman? What're you doing here?TRUMANI gotta' talk to you.MARLONIt's a bad time, okay? I'm way behind on--TRUMANI'm on to something, Marlon. Something big.MARLONYou okay? You look like shit.TRUMANI've gotten mixed up in something.MARLONMixed up in what?TRUMANThere's no point in trying to explain it, buta lot of strange things have been happening.Like, like.. at your company. There were people getting on the elevator, there was no--there wasno backing on it.MARLONHeh.TRUMANI looked out, there was people there. And the--on the radio, on the way to work, it started to, like, follow me around! Kept talking about everything that I'm doing! You know what I mean?MARLONNow, Truman, if this is one of your fantasies, I've got no time to--TRUMANI think this is about my dad.MARLONYour dad?TRUMANI think he's alive. Yeah. I'll tell you about it later. I think I'm being followed.MARLONBy who?TRUMANIt's hard to tell. They look just like regular people.MARLONHow about those two?TRUMANI dunno.MARLONmm-hmm...TRUMANWatch, it's those unpredictable actions...(or they can't follow unpredictable actions...) Truman claps twice.TRUMANAnything happen?MARLONNo.TRUMANMm-hmm. We gotta' get out of here. You ready to go?MARLONNo, I just can't--...I told you I can't.TRUMAN(makes a disgusted noise)MARLONYou're going to get both our asses fired, youknow that.TRUMANOkay, then! Let's do it!MARLONWhat?TRUMANWhatever you say! I'm game!MARLONWhat? What're you talking about?TRUMANYessirree! Birthday comes but once a year! Hah hah... Beach at Sunset。

楚门的世界英文简介The Truman Show is a 1998 American comedy-drama film directed by Peter Weir, written by Andrew Niccol, andstarring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. The film tells thestory of Truman, who, unaware that his life is the subject of a popular television show, is living in a simulated town named Seahaven.The film opens with a pan shot of Seahaven Island, accompanied by the fervent, manufactured enthusiasm of its inhabitants. As the camera moves higher, it reveals the town itself, a sprawling heavily monitored community nestled inthe middle of a giant soundstage. On the surface, Seahaven exudes the American dream, a perfect town full of happypeople and wealth.Truman is the protagonist of the fictional television show called The Truman Show, which is broadcasted live around the world 24 hours a day. Unbeknownst to him, Truman’sentire life has been a production, orchestrated by Christof, the show’s creator and director. Since Truman’s birth,every aspect of his life has been recorded for the entertainment of the masses. Most of the people in his life including his parents, wife and friends are actually actors and every element of Seahaven is controlled and manipulatedby Christof and his team. Even the weather and sunlight areall part of an enormous, carefully constructed illusion.The rest of the film follows Truman’s gradualrealization that his entire world is a lie, as he strugglesto break free from the show’s control and confront its maker;a task that eventually leads him up the stairs of the set’s biggest set piece, and into the real world beyond.The Truman Show is an exploration of reality, identity, and freedom. It calls to mind how our lives can be spinning out of control, manipulated by forces beyond our control. In the end, it challenges us to challenge the authority and to break free of our own preconceived notions. It forces us to think, “Am I living my life the way I choose, or am I merely a puppet on someone else’s strings?”。
英语作文 楚门的世界

英语作文楚门的世界English Answer:In the enigmatic realm of film, "The Truman Show" stands as a poignant masterpiece that explores theintricate interplay between reality and illusion. Director Peter Weir's cinematic masterpiece presents a thought-provoking examination of the constructs of identity, authenticity, and the limits of free will.At the heart of the story lies Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey), a seemingly ordinary man whose life unfolds as a meticulously orchestrated television show. Unbeknownst to Truman, his every move, word, and thought are meticulously observed by a global audience, captivated by the spectacle of his mundane existence.As Truman begins to question the surreal nature of his world, his suspicions are met with a barrage of expertly crafted distractions and elusive answers. The creators ofthe Truman Show, led by the enigmatic Christof (Ed Harris), are determined to preserve the illusion at all costs.Christof, the architect of Truman's reality, embodies the seductive power of control. He wields the medium of television as a tool for manipulating perceptions and shaping destinies. Yet, as Truman's resolve to uncover the truth intensifies, Christof's facade crumbles, exposing the emptiness and fragility of his constructed world.In the climactic scene, Truman stands at the thresholdof freedom, the vast expanse of the real world stretching out before him. Faced with the choice between the familiar confines of his fabricated existence and the uncharted waters of authenticity, Truman resolutely embraces the path of truth.Through Truman's journey, "The Truman Show" invites usto reflect not only on the nature of reality but also onour own complicity in the fabrication of our own narratives. As we consume and shape media, we participate in thecreation of collective realities, often blurring the linesbetween the real and the imagined.The film's profound exploration of themes such as identity, truth, and the limits of control continues to resonate with audiences worldwide, prompting them to question their own assumptions and strive for authenticityin an increasingly mediated world.中文回答:《楚门的世界》。

以楚门的世界为例的英语作文题目The Truman Show is a thought-provoking film that raises important questions about reality, freedom, and the influence of media. The story revolves around Truman Burbank, a man who unknowingly lives in a constructed reality television show. As Truman begins to suspect that his life is not what it seems, he becomes determined to escape and find the truth.The film's exploration of the ethical implications of manipulating a person's reality without their knowledge or consent is particularly relevant in today's media-saturated world. It forces viewers to consider the impact of surveillance, media control, and the boundaries of privacy.Moreover, The Truman Show serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of living in a society where the line between reality and fiction becomes increasingly blurred. It prompts us to reflect on the ways in which we are influenced by the media and the extent to which we are willing to sacrifice our autonomy for the sake of entertainment.By revealing the constructed nature of Truman's world, the film challenges us to question our own perceptions of reality and to critically examine the information that is presented to us. It highlights the need for skepticism and independent thinking in a world where truth can be easily manipulated and distorted.In conclusion, The Truman Show offers a powerful commentary on the intersection of media, reality, and individual freedom. It serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a critical perspective and the value of seeking the truth, even when it may be uncomfortable or inconvenient.《楚门的世界》是一部发人深省的电影,引发了人们对现实、自由和媒体影响的重要问题。

(英文五分钟演讲)《楚门的世界》presentation(合集五篇)第一篇:(英文五分钟演讲)《楚门的世界》presentation Good morning everyone!I’m XXX.I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation about a movie “The Truman’s show”.Now let me introduce this movie to you.This movie is a black comedy about a man named Truman Burbank.In the movie, Truman is a happily married insurance salesman living a normal life in an island named Seahaven.He has many desires and very easy to meet.He has a loving wife Meryl, and a loyal buddy named Marlon.His life is so comfortable that he has never felt the need or desire to leave this island although he wants to be an explorer.Life is rosy until one morning a stage light drops from the skies and shatters on the ground close to him.Then, he finds that everyone surrounds him is strange.In this way he is beginning to feel scared extremely.Why do people seem to be travelling around him in a loop? As a matte of fact, he doesn’t know the truth that he lives in a film studio.His own life is controlled by director.Life to him is real but fake.Truman’s life is just a soap opera made by the director and open to the mass.People knew everything he does,such as how he was born, went to school, got a job,got married and so on.They are witness of Truman’s life.Everyone live together with him are all actors.Everything they do is in the director’s arrangement.His wife, who is claimed herself a doctor, is not a doctor at all.His father, who was died in a storm, is still alive.All actors are supposed to be cheated.Truman’s life is absolutely a vast lie.Cruel but realistic!After Truman knew the truth, he wanted to leave this “lucky homeland” to find the first girl he loved deeplyin heart.He went to several agencies of transporting, while the ships were gone or destroyed, the plane tickets sold out.Then he drove his own car, it is strange that he will always face the traffic jam wherever he go.When he found one way to escape, amazing that, the police knew him and brought him home.He realize he must do it all by himself.The faith of love and freedom gave him the brave heart to defeat the stormy sea.At the end, the director try to persuade him back to the island, but Truman made his choice.He said to the director “In cas e I don't see you, good afternoon good evening and good night” There may be more dangerous, sham and cheat out of the island, but all of this come from nature and society not from the people stared him all the day.Well.After I saw the film, I am shocked.As time passed, no longer the young birds, we are the eagles soaring to the skies.We should have a brave heart to pursuit the thing which in our inner heart instead of setting for the surface of our life!第二篇:(英文五分钟演讲)《楚门的世界》presentation Good morning everyon e!I’m XXX.I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation about a movie “The Truman’s show”.Now let me introduce this movie to you.This movie is a black comedy about a man named Truman Burbank.In the movie, Truman is a happily married insurance salesman living a normal life in an island named Seahaven.He has many desires and very easy to meet.He has a loving wife Meryl, and a loyal buddy named Marlon.His life is so comfortable that he has never felt the need or desire to leave this island although he wants to be an explorer.Life is rosy until one morning a stage light drops from the skies and shatters on the ground close to him.Then, he finds that everyone surrounds him is strange.In this way he is beginning to feel scared extremely.Why do people seem to betravelling around him in a loop?As a matte of fact, he doesn’t know the truth that he lives in a film studio.His own life is controlled by director.Life to him is real but fake.Truman’s life is just a soap opera made by the director and open to the mass.People knew everything he does,such as how he was born, went to school, got a job,got married and so on.They are witness of Truman’s life.Everyone live together with him are all actors.Everything they do is in the director’s arrangement.His wife,who is claimed herself a doctor, is not a doctor at all.His father, who was died in a storm, is still alive.All actors are supposed to be cheated.Truman’s life is absolutely a vast lie.Cruel but realistic!After Truman knew the truth, he wanted to leave t his “lucky homeland” to find the first girl he loved deeply in heart.He went to several agencies of transporting, while the ships were gone or destroyed, the plane tickets sold out.Then he drove his own car, it is strange that he will always face the traffic jam wherever he go.When he found one way to escape, amazing that, the police knew him and brought him home.He realize he must do it all by himself.The faith of love and freedom gave him the brave heart to defeat the stormy sea.At the end, the director try to persuade him back to the island, but Truman made his choice.He said to the director “In case I don't see you, good afternoon good evening and good night” There may be more dangerous, sham and cheat out of the island, but all of this come from nature and society not from the people stared him all the day.Well.After I saw the film, I am shocked.As time passed, no longer the young birds, we are the eagles soaring to the skies.We should have a brave heart to pursuit the thing which in our inner heart instead of setting for the surface of our life!第三篇:楚门的世界英文影评Life is starting to imitate satire.“The Truman Show” was only made seven years ago, but it predates the current mania for so-called “reality” television shows such as “Big Brother”.The idea behind such shows is that they present the viewer with a slice of actual reality-real people in real situations with real emotions-rather than the simulated reality of drama or the edited reality of documentaries.The flaw in this idea is that nothing is more unreal than a reality show.The presence of the cameras has a distorting effect, inducing artificial behaviour patterns in those who appear in front of it, and the sort of people who star in such programmes are almost invariably eccentric exhibitionists.“The Tru man Show” takes the central concept of reality TV shows one stage further in order to overcome this flaw: what would happen if we made a reality programme about a person who has absolutely no idea that he is appearing on television? Truman Burbank is an insurance executive, living in a small American seaside town called Seahaven, and happily married to a nurse named Meryl.Or at least he thinks he is.What Truman doesn't know is that he is the central character in a soap opera and that his whole life is a fiction.The company he works for does not exist.Seahaven, the island it stands on and the surrounding ocean are all part of a gigantic set, specially created for the programme and sealed off from the outside world in a gigantic geodesic dome.Everyone in Truman's life-Meryl, his mother, his colleagues at work, his best friend Marlon-are actors playing out their roles in his drama.For thirty years Truman has accepted his world unquestioningly, but at the beginning of the film a series of incidents-a light falling from the sky, the reappearance of his father, who was supposed to have drowned in a boating accidentwhen Truman was a boy, strange messages picked up on his car radio-awaken his doubts.Although members of the cast make strenuous attempts to dissuade him, he decides to try and explore the world outside Seahaven;in particular he wants to travel to Fiji where he has been told that his former girlfriend Sylvia now lives.(Sylvia was written out of the show when the scriptwriters decided that he should marry Meryl instead).The film has certain similarities with another film from the late nineties, “Pleasantville”, which dealt with an inverted version of the same idea;two teenagers from the real world are magically transported into the world of a fifties television show.In my view, however, “The Truman Show” is the better of the two.“Pleasantville” deals with its political themes in a heavy-handed way with some very obvious symbolism.“The Truman Show”, although it deals with some weighty issues, is never ponderous or excessively serious;indeed, it is often very humorous.The main source of humour is the contrast between the naïve, trusting Truman and the behaviour of those around him, all living a lie and desperately trying to prevent Truman from finding out that it is a lie.I had previously thought of Jim Carrey as a rather annoying actor whose appeal was based upon the idea that manic overacting is in itself funny, but here as Truman he is very good indeed, both amusing and touching.I was also impressed by Ed Harris as Christof, the show's enigmatic producer.Another factor in the success of the film is its visual look.Seahaven(like the town in “Pleasantville”)appears as an eerily perfect, not-quite-real version of the typical American small town, but was actually filmed in a real place, the purpose-built village of Seaside, Florida.There are similarities with the cult British sixties television series “The Prisoner”, which was alsofilmed in an eerily perfect seaside village, Portmeirion in North Wales.Critics have been lavishing enormous praise on this movie since it opened in America last June, and probably rightly so because it is a superbly crafted piece of work.Weir's direction is outstanding, frequently viewing events from the point of view of hidden spy cameras, such as the one in Truman's car radio.One stunning shot has the town's main street full of motionless extras, waiting for Truman to turn the corner.Jim Carrey's performance has been singled out for particular praise, and though his acting is of a much higher standard that his usual comedy antics, it is not exactly Laurence Olivier.This said, an Oscar nomination would have been well deserved.The film is obviously a satire on the intrusiveness and obsession with celebrity of the modern media;added relevance was given by the fact that it came out shortly after the death of Princess Diana.There is, however, more to it than that.Much has been made of the film as religious allegory;it has been pointed out that Christof whose name is clearly, and quite deliberat ely, similar to “Christ”, is a God-figure, whereas Truman(the “True Man”)is a symbolic Everyman.It has even been claimed that the film is an anti-religious allegory, with Truman's final escape from Seahaven symbolic of man's need to break away from outdated religious dogmas.This is not an interpretation with which I would agree-if one is trying to put across a “God is dead” message, it seems odd to provide a God-figure who is very much real, not mythical or illusory.The imagery of the final scenes – the calm after the storm, the ascent up a flight of stairs into the sky and clouds-also struck me as religious rather than secular.Moreover, the film seems too complex to be reduced to any single allegorical meaning, although it certainly deals with the relationshipbetween man and God.It also touches on man's need to explore-both to explore new places and also to explore new ideas and to break away from established ways of life and ways of thought-and on the nature of reality.Truman's world may seem unreal to us, but as Christof says, “we accept the reality we are presented with”.This is a brilliant, multi-layered film, part comedy, part satire, part philosophical speculation, and in my view one of the two best movies of the late nineties.(The other was “American Beauty”).I felt it should have taken the “Best Picture” Oscar for 1999-“Shakespeare in Love” is a good film, but “The Truman Show” is a great one.It confirms my view that Peter Weir is one of the best directors currently working第四篇:楚门的世界英文观后感I feel deeply after I watch Truman show.It makes me think about our life and media Truman is a leading role in his own world unconsciously.He lives in that peaceful world out of willingness.Do the creature that others pay attention to.His own life is control by direct or.Life to him is real but fake.Truman’s life is completely open to the mass.People knew everything he does,such as how he was born, went to school, got a job,got married and so on.They are witness of Truman’s life.Everyone live together with him are all performers.Everything they do is in the director’s arrangement.His wife, who is claimed herself a doctor, is not a doctor at all.His father, who was died in a storm, is still alive.All performers are supposed to be cheat.Truman’s life is absolutely a vast lie.But when you know your life is rally a lie, do you have to courage to expose it? Will you choose to give up your peaceful life under control rather than to be the leading role of your show? Not everyone has the courage to go out.May be you will say: “It is easy to go out.”But we can’t understand, predict and control the outside world, can you?Sometimes I wonder if I also live in that fake world.Am I the real leading role of my Truman Show? I don’t know.If I live in this situation, I will be angry and want to escape from this huge prison.I will feel disrespect and boring because in my mind no one has the right to arrange my life.No one can control it including me.My life is supposed to be an adventure.Nobody knows what is going to happen.If it is like a soap opera as Trumann’s, it will be meaningless.Nobody wants to be a victim of media.But I have to admit, media is powerful, we can’t live without it and we have to suffer from it, especially stars.Nowadays media is full of our daily life.We surf the internet to look up news whenever we want.We like to watch movies, news, soap operas, talk shows or other television programs in our leisure time.Surfing the internet to know anything we want to know.We always talk with our classmates about everything happened around us, such as new movies on show, new songs, the scandal about starts and so on.Public figures seems don’t have the right to keep privacy.They are beneficiaries of media, but also victims.What can we do to avoid us suffer from media, or to avoid being violated and misleading? I think we should not rely on media everywhere and anytime.Sometimes we should have our own judgments rather than follow those so called experts.We had better more focus on our daily life not the famous person’s.We had better not spending to much time on watching TV and try to do something meaningful by watching TV.We should make full use of media rather than rely on it.第五篇:楚门的世界英文影评西北民族大学全校性选修课期末考试《英美影视作品欣赏》试卷专业:金融学课程代码 :名: 学号:姓10990009汤玲利得分:上课时间:星期三第五、六节《楚门的世界》英文影评Movie Review ofThe Truman show was really a very good movie, we can learn some truths from it, the lively perform and the touching story let us moving, I feel very happy about at last Truman run out the ‘truth’ world by other make, in spite of other attit ude and choose his life.Born as a TV star, Truman is imprisoned in a small island called Seahaven for the first half of his life.Of course Truman don’t know he is a star, at first we all think Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us, he has many desires and very easy to meet, he has work、wife、parents、friend and so on, live a normal life, everything look normal, but with the develop of the plot, we know everything is arranged, his work、wife、parents and everybody around him are all actor, when we know it , all the audiences care about him ,Truman start to find his friends, his wife and everybody, everything are focus on him, And at last, he finally realized that there was something wrong with the world he lived in.Leading by his dream, he managed to get out, leaving the world that was created for him and went to that unknown outside, dark and dangerous.Audience see the Truman’s ‘truth’ live, the director aim to attract the audience’s eye, when Truman happy he would give him time to create some trouble, when in its depressed, then size the opportunity to open it alive.The most moving is the end of the movie, Truman is awake, and he told the camera, really the ‘God’ strike played out.Panic talented director, he will lose the audience,he strove to retain Truman, the director told him to leave the control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman was out of the door, walks over to the dark unknown world, he said that the world waiting for him no matter what, he did not care, Buddhism, the ‘epiphany’ one said, and that a complete self-sufficiency of human nature is dead in the dust covering it, it lost, Truman is the insight it seems, he should get back the lost self, the self-contained complete and carefree nature.The audiences are cry, they feel very happy just because Truman , He get truth life with his struggle, no matter how the world was, the importance is that he choose his life , he decide his friends、wife and so on about himself, no one can make Truman’s life.Not only the story was very good, but also the dialogue was worth to remember, such as first, Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!Second, I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world, the place you live in, is the sick place.Third, I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life.The world, the place you live in, is the sick place, of course these only part of the wonderful dialogue, but I very like these dialogue.We can learn some thing from the movie, actually life is like a show, no matter in virtual world or fact life , we all play role in different part, we all should bravery in the fact of new life, new challenge, we should let us life become funny and live a meaning life.Weather we may give up something or not, I think life should make by you, no one can do it except you, I hope everybody can do it.。

• 技术的发展、物质的充裕,究竟是解放了 人还是束缚了人? • 究竟是把人推向了更加自主的方向,还是 把他更加失去了自我,更加远离了真实的 世界和鲜活的人生?
“他可以随时离开—如果他有这样清晰 的目标,如果他有这样坚定的决心去发 现事情的真相—那么,我们谁也无法 阻止他离开。”
其实,内心的禁锢,比外在的约束更 可怕,一旦你鼓起勇气,迈出那一步,你 会发现,横在面前的困难,就像《楚门的 世界》中那蓝天大海一样,只是一块薄薄 的道具墙而已。
《 The Truman’s World 》 《楚门的世界》
• 作为一个不受期待的生命,主人公Truman Burbank 被电视网络公司收养,在一个宁静和谐的小岛生活。 • 他与周围的人们愉快融洽地相处着,还娶到了一位 美丽的妻子。没有想到的是,这一切竟然都是电 视台的安排。
• 他生活的社区是一个巨大的摄影棚,他的朋 友、邻居,甚至是妻子都不过是演员而已。 • 从小时候开始,他的一切行踪便被隐藏的摄 像机拍了下来,并且成为了一部受到全球观 众喜爱的电视剧集。
• 为了维持收视率,电视台的幕后操纵者千 方百计地隐瞒着一切。
• Truman 厌倦了这种监狱似的生活,于是, 他踏上了逃亡之路,开始了对新生活的追 寻……

The story told us that:
• Cherishing your life and enjoying your life, you can make a big difference. • we pay more attention to our life, we may fin
d that there are so many things for us to do t o enhance our life.
Work as an insurance adjustor Everything seems so normal
Truman lived in a huge studio and
was the only hero
in a live soap
opera(纪实性肥 皂剧,电视真人 秀)
-----A classic move about escape the virtual reality
Brief introduction Analysis of the film Thinking and enlightenment
Major Characters: Truman Burbank Meryl(Truman’s wife) Christof( the show’s director)
Excellent Dialogue
Network Executive: For God's sake, Chris! The whole world is watching. We can't let him die in front of a live audience!
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The Truman Show reflects the falseness of the reality media. For the sake of the audience’s curiosity, the show’s group ignores Truman’s right of privacy.
The plot
Truman Burbank has been living on the Seahaven island for 30 years since he was born.
He lives a harmonious life on the island. He gets on well with everyone and also married a beautiful woman. Each day to him, is that happily.
But good things doesn’t last long. One day, a strange thing changes his whole life. He meets a man who just looks like his dead father! He feels excited and confused.
Andrew NicБайду номын сангаасol
Director-Peter Weir
Australian director One of the most attractive directors in Hollywood Feature films: Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社 (1989) The Truman Show 楚门的世
He decides to find out the truth. And the abnormal things just follow with him. He finds the other people, include his best friend and wife, seem to work together to conceal something.
Truman’s life is an arranged life, maybe it looks so perfect, you don’t need to care about education, work, health and so on, but it is arranged. Nobody likes to live an arranged life. That’s why Truman choose to leave.
Chief actor-Truman-Jim Carrey
Canadian actor. World famous comedian. His facial expressions are very rich. People call him “the rubber man”. Feature films: The Mask 变相怪杰 (1994) The Truman Show 楚门的世 界 (1998) Bruce Almighty 冒牌天神 (2003)
The Truth
Truman was born in front of a camera, all his life is a TV show. The island is a huge studio, all the people on the island are actors of the TV show.
The Truman Show
姓名:曹潮 学号:1301120548
Information about the movie
(Drama/Comedy) (1998)
Major Achievement: The 71st Annual Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖) : (Nominated)Best Supporting Actor –Ed Harris (Nominated)Best Directing –Peter Weir (Nominated)Best Writing Original Screenplay-
Main supporting actor-
Christof-Ed Harris
Born in 1950, America. Three times nominated the Academy Awards. Feature films: The Rock 勇闯夺命岛 (1996) A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)
Run away
Truman decides to run away. But the TV show director doesn’t want him to make it. He makes a storm on the sea.
The end
Truman overcomes the storm, at last, he find the exit of the studio. He starts his new life! And the TV show goes to its end.