二、商标翻译的原则1. 保持核心功能的对等商标翻译的首要原则是保持产品的核心功能和特点在不同语言中的对等。
2. 适应目标语言文化背景商标翻译不能脱离目标语言的文化背景进行,要结合目标语言的习惯表达和文化特点进行翻译。
三、商标翻译的方法1. 直译法直译法是商标翻译中常用的一种方法,即将商标的词义逐字逐句翻译成目标语言。
学术研讨Academic research■ 邓娜从“功能对等”翻译理论看商标的翻译摘要:随着全球化的整体到来,国与国之前的商贸往来空前繁盛,各个国家的商品都走向国际,商标作为其商品的标志,企业的象征,企业的外包装,更是作为产品给人的第一印象出现在消费者的眼前,如何使它国的消费者接受并且成为开拓国际市场成功的第一步,所以其翻译变得尤为重要。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论《亚瑟王之死》中的骑士精神2 论译语本土化的可行性与局限性3 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝悲剧的分析4 中西方餐桌礼仪文化对比5 Analysis on Heathcliff's Personality in Wuthering Heights6 《老人与海》和《白鲸》的生态意识对比7 A Comparative Study on the Two Chinese Versions of Sense and Sensibility from the Perspective of Foreignization and Domestication8 红色,英汉词汇差异的文化理据9 五官习语的翻译10 The Symbolic Meaning of Setting and Characters in Howards End11 英语课堂中的口语纠错策略12 从功能翻译理论看汉语公示语的英译13 广告语篇的语用分析14 从浪漫主义角度剖析《海上钢琴师》在中国流行的原因15 《乞力马扎罗的雪》中概念隐喻分析16 近年来汉语中英语借词的简析17 浅析《宠儿》中塞丝背上的树的形象18 文化碰撞和融合——探讨少数裔文化在美国主流文化下的生存19 从女性主义角度分析《恋爱中的女人》中女性的形象20 《哈利波特》中西弗勒斯•斯内普的人物分析21 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译22 英语新闻标题中名转动词的认知阐释23 论《了不起的盖茨比》中爵士乐时代的新潮女郎24 谈英语教学中导入文化背景知识的必要性25 国际贸易往来电子邮件写作原则26 《哈克贝利•芬恩历险记》中对自由的追寻27 生命不息,奋斗不止——海明威小说中的英雄伦理观和英雄形象研究28 论中西文化中家庭观念的差异29 从合作原则看《傲慢与偏见》中的会话含义30 Oscar Wilde’s Aestheticism on The Picture of Dorian Gray31 非言语交际及其在二语教学中的运用32 浅析卡夫卡小说中的荒诞意识33 欧•亨利短篇小说艺术手法浅析34 浅析“红”和“黑”在中英文中的文化及语义对比35 从意象的角度看劳伦斯短篇小说中女性的婚姻爱情观36 汉英翻译中的多余词现象37 汉英植物隐喻对比研究38 动物习语翻译中的归化和异化39 中介语对二语习得的影响探究40 从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看性格对命运的影响41 对林语堂的《吾国与吾民》几种中译本比较研究42 中国时政新词翻译探析43 论世纪年代以来美国文化冲击对中国青少年的影响及教育策略改革的应对措施44 英汉动物词语文化内涵的差异45 The Study of Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle46 《飘》中的家园意识探究47 文化图式理论视角下汉英动植物联想意义比较48 The Principles and Approaches of Brand Name Translation49 星巴克营销策略研究50 A Study of the Causes of Tess's Tragedy51 A Tentative Study of Affective Factors in Second Language Acquisition52 论《黄墙纸》中女主人公女性主义思想的局限性53 试论盖茨比对其梦想生活的追求54 小王子旅途的象征意义55 文化差异对商务谈判的影响及策略56 V ocabulary Teaching Based on Pragmatic Approach57 模糊语言在商务英语沟通中的语用功能58 从跨文化交际角度论委婉语的翻译59 从电影《吸血鬼日记》分析现代西方人们新的价值取向60 浅析《红字》中象征手法的运用61 论交际法在初中英语教学中的运用62 艾米丽·狄金森的诗歌主题分析63 希腊神话对英语语言的影响64 英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究65 The Application of Cohesive Devices in Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Literary Works66 《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物身份的矛盾性67 On the Character of Scarlett O’Hara and the Transition of American Society68 论小说《看不见的人》中的象征主义69 从电影《饮食男女》看中西方饮食文化差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)70 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用71 霍桑的《胎记》中乔治亚娜的死的深层原因探究72 虽不起眼,但不可或缺:从《洛丽塔》中的小人物看亨伯特悲剧的必然性73 从功能对等理论角度浅析有关“狗”的汉语四字格成语的英译及方法74 The English Translating of Chinese Neologisms in Political Documentation: Methods and Strategies75 (日语系毕业论文)关于中日赞赏语的比较研究76 男权社会女性意识的觉醒——弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女性主义文学研究77 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经人物原型分析78 黑人英语克里奥起源论79 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响80 对大学课程中“旅游英语”的教材分析81 从女性主义看《兔子,跑吧》中女性形象82 A Contrastive Study on Meanings of Animal Words in English and Chinese83 论中学英语学习策略84 试论英语中的歧义与翻译85 中西丧葬礼俗的对比研究86 论奥斯卡•王尔德的矛盾性——从传记角度解读《奥斯卡•王尔德童话集》87 维多利亚时期文学作品中的女性意识88 论文化软实力的提升对中国在国际社会中的影响力89 A Study of Intertextuality in Advertising Text90 《永别了武器》悲剧特征的分析91 从目的论角度看英语广告中双关语的翻译92 The Major Characters in Wuthering Heights under the Perspective of Ethics93 论福克纳《八月之光》中的耶稣形象94 The Features of Classic-literature-based Movies Showed in Pride and Prejudice95 中英酒俗对比96 浅谈自有品牌在中国零售企业的发展97 Communicative Functions of Silence in Conversations98 背诵在中学英语学习中的作用99 莎士比亚的悲剧对当代女性的影响100 汉英翻译中的中国式英语产生的原因及对策101 Analyzing Holden's Character in The Catcher in the Rye102 从《小妇人》看男性缺失时十九世纪美国女性的成长103 跨文化交际视角下沉默行为的解析104 说谎的语用顺应性分析105 盖茨比的悲剧成因分析106 论托妮莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》中的母女关系107 浅谈来自《圣经》的英语习语108 《傲慢与偏见》与《劝导》中婚姻模式的对比研究109 从功能翻译理论看企业简介汉英翻译110 论初中生英语学习资源策略培养111 从《恋爱中的女人》看劳伦斯的男性霸权意识112 女性主义翻译理论在《傲慢与偏见》翻译中的体现113 西餐命名在认知语言学中的调查与研究114 论小组学习在英语教学中的应用115 《东方快车谋杀案》中的伦理困境116 广告英语的特点及其翻译探索117 凯特肖邦作品中女性自我意识觉醒的主题研究118 中美家庭教育比较—文化差异对家庭教育的影响119 追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜120 从关联理论分析辛弃疾的诗词翻译121 从文化角度谈商标的中英互译122 A Study of Adaptation Theory in Advertising Translation123 英汉文化差异对商标翻译的影响124 新课标指导下的中学英语语法教学125 论反语的语用功能126 跨文化交际中社交语用失误及应对策略127 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位128 论《宠儿》中的象征意象129 《不能承受的生命之轻》中萨宾娜和特蕾莎的人物分析130 从《飘》中人物性格分析看适者生存的道理131 浅析Grice的会话合作原则在求职面试中的应用132 An Analysis of Cultural Differences between China and English-Speaking Countries through Idioms133 从《丧钟为谁而鸣》看海明威的生死观134 由英汉亲属称谓语看中英文化差异135 An Interpretation to The Characters in Nella Larsen’s Novel—Passing136 解读《女勇士》中“乡村医生”里的鬼137 中西方新闻报道看道德观差异138 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策139 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析140 文化意识与外语教学141 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征及其作用142 从社会符号学角度浅谈汉语“一”字成语翻译143 中英委婉语语用功能的对比研究144 An Analysis of Imprisonment and Liberation in Great Expectations145 双重文化下的文化选择——解析电影《刮痧》中中国移民的文化身份危机146 哈代的悲观主义和宿命论在《德伯家的苔丝》中的体现147 论狄更斯《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格148 《哈利波特》的原型——亚瑟王传奇149 试论合作学习在初中英语教学中的应用150 A Comparative Study on Gratitude Expressing Approaches of Chinese and Western Relatives 151 《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突152 从顺应论的角度谈英文电影片名的汉译153 A Comparative Study on the Symbolic Meanings of Color Red Between The Scarlet Letter and Tess of the D’Urbervilles154 对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析155 从《生活大爆炸》看美剧字幕翻译的文化转向156 浅析信息时代的汉语新词语英译策略157 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan158 人民币升值对我国进出口贸易的影响研究159 幼儿英语口语培养160 A Brief Analysis of China English and Its Future161 女性意识在《红字》中的表现162 中西方礼貌用语对比分析163 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略164 An Analytical Research on the Errors in Junior High Students’ English Writing( )165 《女勇士》中美国华裔身份危机的探寻166 影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨167 试析运动品牌口号语的中英译失误168 英汉称谓语的文化差异与翻译--以《京华烟云》为例169170 英汉动物词汇的文化内涵对比及其翻译171 Analyses of the Morels’Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers172 英汉死亡委婉语的文化差异及其分类对比173 从《远离尘嚣》和《无名的裘德》看托马斯•哈代的婚恋观174175 林肯话语中幽默特征的分析176 初中英语听力水平调查研究---以钢城十二中为例的个案调查177 拜伦式人物—艾米莉•勃朗特——《呼啸山庄》的弗洛伊德解读178 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物悲剧的必然性179 佛罗多与亚拉冈:悲剧虚构型模式中的低模仿英雄与喜剧虚构型模式中的高模仿英雄180 English-Chinese Advertisement Translation181 《麦田中的守望者》中霍尔顿的异化182 比较《简•爱》中女性“陈规形象”与《飘》中女性“新形象”183 数字“三”的文化意蕴及其翻译方法184 论中英商标翻译中的文化差异185 从功能派翻译理论中目的论的角度谈广告翻译186 观春潮:浅析“戏仿”背后海明威性格阴暗面187 从电影《这个杀手不太冷》中看中西方文化差异188 从功能对等理论角度看校训的汉英翻译原则189 从文化角度看中西饮食文化的差异190 礼貌原则在商务英语中的运用191 中国现代散文风格精彩再现——评张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》192 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West193 《冰与火之歌》的人文主义分析194 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield195 《野性的呼唤》中的人性和野性196 论《汤姆琼斯》中流浪汉模式的继承与创新197 An Analysis of Verbal Humor in American Sitcom Friends from the Perspective of Cooperative Principal198 功能对等理论视域下的商标名称汉译199 由王尔德的《莎乐美》探究法国象征主义对其唯美主义的影响200 A Comparative Study on the Celebrations of Traditional Chinese and Western Festivals。
湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文题目:A Study of Brand Name Translation from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence功能对等理论视角下的商标翻译研究学生姓名:罗菁学号:08050426专业班级:英语0804班指导教师:谭照亮完成时间:2012年5月A STUDY OF BRAND NAME TRNSLATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF FUNCTIONAL EQUIV ALENCETHESISSubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements forThe degree of Bachelor of ArtsIn Forong college of Hunan University of Arts and ScienceBy Luo JingSupervisor: Tan ZhaoliangMay 2012Furong College of Hunan University of Arts and Science湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文任务书湖南文理学院芙蓉学院本科生毕业论文成绩评定表(指导教师)备注:指导教师评语应从以下几方面评价。
1. 学习态度、纪律情况;2. 完成任务书规定工作情况(含对论文翻译的评价);3. 查阅和应用文献资料能力;4. 综合运用专业知识能力;5. 独立分析和解决问题的能力;;7. 创新与成效。
1. 完成任务书规定工作情况;2. 毕业设计(论文)的难度与工作量;3. 综合运用专业知识能力;4. 内容的正确性和撰写规范化程度;5. 创新与成效。
关键词商标功能对等翻译技巧中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A商标是识别某商品、服务或与其相关具体个人或企业的显著标志。
著名的饮料品牌Coca Cola,在最初进入中国是被译为“蝌蝌啃蜡”,让人感觉可乐里有黑色的蝌蚪,味同嚼蜡,自然销量会大受影响。
由专有名词如人名地名等构成的商标适用于纯音译,例如李宁商标来自公司创始人李宁,采用汉语拼音直译为Li Ning。
著名运动品牌Adidas来自其创始人Adolf Adi Dassler,直接音译为阿迪达斯,与原来的读音保持一致。
词 义和 词 形 语青 和文 字 方 面
对等翻 译 ∋ 商 标词 ∋ 应 用
) 肠∃
( 中圈分类号
文献标识 码
( 文章编号
% 的+
− ,
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0 ∀ 以 代刀 邓代摊
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1 ,4 美 国翻译 理论家诺 伊 贝 特 似, 2 3 队 为 翻 译 的对等 成分 可 以看 作是一 个符号 范畴 包括 符
玩Μ 1
的∀ 年第 # 期
总第 ∃ 期
简单易行 的翻译方法 音译英 文商标词 时 一 方面 可 以根据 摇要 加 上反 映 商 品特 征 或惫 义 的字 以突 出表现 商标 词 。 , 3 的 广 告 宜 传功 能 如 Ν , 香 皂 译 为 波尔 , ∋ 肤 + > Α 砰 呀 青拜 为 高冬 洁 另一方 面 字 眼 的选 择 可 以 脱离原词 的音 节 选 择符合商 品特 征或 意义 的字 最好 是吉样 字 不 必太 多受原商标 词 发音 的 约 束 和 限 制 如 Α ; > 相 机 译 为 佳 7 7 ; , 1 。3 ∋ : − Ο 6 洗 浴 用 品 译 为 舒肤 佳 ∋ 能 , , > Χ 2 ϑ 运 动鞋 释为 锐 步 等 这 些汉 文商 标 词 的语音与原英 文 商标 词 的发音 相 似 且 一 定程 度上 反 映 了 产 品 的种 类 功 能 和 质4 等信 息 这 样 较 为充 分 地实 现 了 商标 词 翻译 的功 能对 等 和 语 形 音 对等 这 是 动 态对 等 理论在 商标 词 翻 译 中的灵 活应用 是商 标词 翻译 的一种趋 势 对 于那 些在 汉语 中可 以 找到 对应词 且该汉 语 词 的意 义 比较符合 中国人 的价 值观 念 审 美 习 惯 > 7 的 可 以 采 用 惫译 法 如 Α 3 Π 汽车 译 为 皇 Β − > ∋ 冠 弘, 伍 油 制 品 解 为 壳 牌 ∋ Θ 3 Ο + 9 > 4 译 为 徽软 这 种 翻 译 方 法实 现商 标 词 翻译 的语 惫对 等 和 功 能对 等 但 它表现 的译语商标 词 的专 用 性 和标识性 不 足 所 以 这 种方法 在汉译英 文商 标 词 中使用较 少 音意结合 的商标词 翻译 效果最 佳 因为音 义
• 女用商品商标在汉译的过程中,往往强调 词形美的原则,注重字词的选用,绝大部 分女用商品商标的中译名往往选用内涵美 的字词。表示草木花卉,金玉古玩的词 (玉、兰、珊、宝、珍、珠、贝、莲)表 示仪态、气质、芬芳的字眼(秀、美、香、 倩、柔、芳),表示柔媚的(娇、媚、婷、 娜、丽、妍、韵)。
Olay __
原则3---- 标识性
所谓“标识”就是产品的标志,为了让 消费者认准产品,该产品应当只具有一个 名称,它应该是独一无一的。所以,在选 取译名时要注意商标的标识性。
避免与他类商品同名 汽车品牌 日用品品牌 服装品牌上
商标是商品能否在激烈的市 场竞争中占有一席之地的重要影 响因素。所以,英语商标名称的 汉译名就应该突出产品的竞争优 势。 Benz(奔驰) Safeguard(舒肤佳)
例如,某品牌女装Hope Show被译为 “红袖”,其中“袖”字即刻体现了该产品 为服装类别,让消费者直截了当地记住其商 品的种类,而“红”更将该品牌提升到一种 喜庆祥和的感觉,同时也迎合了中国消费者 的喜欢,使得产品更深度地体现它的特色。
Mazda 马自达 日本 Tides 汰渍 Rejoice 飘柔
观、道德观、价值取向、宗教信仰等等,让 人在感情上接受。也就是说,商标翻译时应 面对译入语文化“入乡随俗”。否则,可 能会与当地习俗文化产生冲突,从而影响 产品的销售。商标的翻译应包含本民族独 特的文化精髓的信息,中外文化的交流是双 向的,既要适当体现外来文化的特点,又要 能与当地文化相结合。
Langie ___ 兰芝
Clinque __ 倩碧 Avon __
Maybelline _
上个世纪 8 O 年代开始,学者们从跨文化,语用学等角度探讨 了商标的翻译 ,并且提 出了 自己的翻译理论。本文基于奈 达 的功能对 等理论对 商标 的翻译进行 研究 。尤金 奈达 是西方 翻译理论 界 的代 表 ,他 的功 能对等理论 对 中国研 究翻译 的 学 者产生了很大影响并且具有很大的指导意义。他认为翻译是在译入语 中用最切近 ,最 自然的对等语再现原语的信息。本 文 以商标翻译 为研 究对象 ,并 以奈达 的功 能对等理 论为理论 基础 ,对商标 翻译 的诸 多例子进 行探讨 。
功能对等理论看 商标翻译
李星星 华北理工大学
要 :商标 是商 品的名 字 ,是 商品广 告不 可缺 少 的一部分 ,在 商 品进入 国内外市场 中起 着重要 的作用 。 因此,商
标 翻译 的准 确性 ,有 效性 以及 易读 性成 为 了一 直 以来研 究 的话题 。 商标 作 为 一种特 殊 的文体 ,首先 要在声 音 上具 有 美 感 ,这 就要 求商标 的翻译 读起 来要 朗朗上 口,并且 容 易记住 。与此 同 时,商标 的翻译要 求用词 要简单 易懂 ,同 时能够激 起 消费者 的购 买欲 和恰 当的联 想。 因此商标 翻译通 常采 用直译 ,意译 或者直译 与意译相结 合 的方法 。商标翻译 的研 究从
等 的语 言从 语义 到 文体 再现 源语 的信息 ”( 郭建中 , 2 0 0 0,
商 标 翻 译 与 文 学翻 译 ,科 技 翻 译 截 然 不 同 。作 为特
P 6 5 ) 。奈 达 有 关翻 译 的 定义 指 明翻 译 不 仅 是词 汇 意义 上 殊 的文本形 式商 标翻译 作为 重要 的交流 手段 ,涉及 到语 言 的对等 还包 括语 义 、风格和 文 体 的对等 。 翻译 传 达 的信息 学 ,文体 学 ,消费者 心理 学等 。 既 有表 层词 汇 信 息也 有深 层 的文 化信 息。“ 动态 对 等 ” 中
功能对等理论视角下商标名称的翻译研究Translation Strategies of Brand Name from the Perspective of FunctionalEquivalenceAbstractBrand name is important for the success of a product. A good brand name can bring endless profits and a bad one can only lead to the collapse of the manufacturer. In a time where international trade and exchange are more and more frequent, and international competitions are more and more vehement. An entrepreneur that struggles to make profits must be care of the brand name translation. With the brand name gaining its weight in the international trade, the study of translation of the brand name also becomes a major concern of the theorist and translation practitioners.The study of the translation of brand name in this thesis is made under the light of functional equivalence theory proposed by Nida. This is because that one of the major function of brand name is to persuade the consumers to trust the high quality of the product and take actions. This is in line with the essence of the functional equivalence theory, which take the relationship between the consumer and the translation. This thesis will discuss the basic rules and principle of brand names and then analyze the translation methods of brand names in the light of functional equivalence theory and finally some sound conclusions are drawn. The findings show that the translation of brand names should take the functions of the brand name into consideration and combines with functional equivalence theory so that an ideal translation can be obtained.Key words: brand name, translation, functional equivalence摘要商标名称对一个产品的成功至关重要。
关键词:功能对等;商标;翻译AbstractA brand name is the part of brand that can be vocalized, and the sign of a product. This paper starts with the information of brand names to introduce the definition, characteristics and the functions of brand names. The brand name is a phenomenon of culture. We should pay more attention to the possibil ity of brand name translation, and take the Nada’s “Functional Equivalence” as a cardinal principle and methods employed in brand name translation,this is a viable way. Brand names possess peculiar cultural characteristics and have intimate relation with culture,then we need analyze the cultural barriers of the brand name translation from different national traits, different customs and habits, different semantic associative. Although there are cultural barriers in the brand name translation, we can still overcome them. Translators should use the techniques flexibly so as to overcome the cultural barriers in brand name translation and try to translate brand names perfectly.Key words: functional equivalence; brand name; translationContents摘要 (i)A b s t r a c t...........................................................................i i I n t r o d u c t i o n (1)C hapt er 1 Overvi ew of Brand Nam es (2)1.1 Definition of Brand Names (2)1.2 Formation of Brand Names (2)1.2.1P r o p e r N a m e s (3)1.2.2C o m m o n Wo r d s (3)1.2.3C o i n e d Wo rd s (4)1.3 Characteristics of Brand Names (5)1.3.1B r e v i t y (5)1.3.2E l e g a n c e (6)1.3.3O r i g i n a l i t y (7)1.4 Functions of Brand Names (7)1.4.1In fo rm at i v e Fun c t i o n (8)1.4.2A e s t h e t i c F u n c t i o n (8)1.4.3E v o c a t i v e F u n c t i o n (10)Chapter 2 Functional Equivalence Theory and Brand NameTranslation (12)2.1 Funct i onal Equi val ence (12)2.2 Consideration of Factors in Brand Name Translation (13)2.2.1C o ns um e r P s yc h o l o g y (13)2.2.2 Cult ural Fact ors (14)2.2.3A e s t h e t i c Fa c t o r s (16)2.3 Application of Functional Equivalence in Brand Name Translation (16)2.3.1 Equivalence of Informative Function (16)2.3.2 Equivalence of Aesthetic Function (17)2.3.3 Equivalence of Evocative Function (18)Chapter 3 Methods Employed in Brand Name Translation (20)3.1 Li t er al Trans l a t i on (20)3.2Tr a n s l i t e r a t i o n (21)3.3 Combination of Literal Translation and Transliteration (23)3.4C r e a t i v e Tr a n s l a t i o n (24)3.4.1 Addition or Deletion (24)3.4.2B l e n d i n g (25)3.4.3A c r o n y m (26)3.4.4P u r p o s i v e M i s s p e l l i n g (26)C o n c l u s i o n (27)B i b l i o g r a p h y (28)AcknowledgementsIntroductionA brand name is a sign representing cultural characteristics of different nations, societies and times. It serves not only its expected functions of communication; it is also employed in a symbolic manner to identify a brand and its cultural origin. Today, well-known brand names have become cultural icons, and enjoy powerful advantages in the fierce competition. Brand names, as part of language, reflect the features of a certain nation, including the historical and cultural background, their attitudes towards life, and their life style and thinking pattern.Brand name translation is influenced by cultural elements which differentiate it from general translation. Brand name translation is of significance in the competitive market. Brand names mirror the culture of different countries, so cultural elements must not be ignored in the translating process. At present, with economic development and increasing international contact, the exchanges between different countries become more and more frequent. And trade surplus becomes an important part of our national economy. Proper translation of brand names also becomes more and more important so as to promote the sales of goods and cultivate foreign markets.Chapter 1Overview of Brand Names1.1 Definition of Brand NamesA brand name refers to a specific name employed by a corporation to identify uniquely a product or its manufacturer, or a service and its provider. (Li Guisheng,1996)It is quite often used interchangeably within “brand name”, although it is more correctly used to specifically denote written or spoken linguistic elements of any product. A legally protected brand name is called a proprietary name. A powerful brand name embodies a unique set of values and hence personality. A successfully designed brand name can bring about enormous value in a real sense, which is invisible wealth of a company. Therefore, brand name is of more and more importance in “global village” and the right and suitable meaning of a brand can be an enduring advantage.1.2 Formation of Brand NamesFrom the perspective of the linguistic structures, brand names can be mainly divided into proper name brand names, the common word brand names and the coined word brand names.(He Chuansheng,1997) However, there are some similarities and differences in the formation of Chinese and English cosmetic brand names.1.2.1 Proper NamesUsing a proper name especially a person’s name can create a sense of amicability between the product and the consumers. A good name will inspire the consumers to think about the image under that name. Take some brand names for example, “Charlie” in English has the long-standing image of being a confident but warm little girl; “大宝”in Chinese is an adorable nickname for a male who is the family members’ darling. When personal names are used as brand names, distance between the commodities and the consumers could be shortened while the sense of intimacy could be established. In such a delightful and cheerful state, consumers would be inspired to be better informed about the products, if interested and satisfied, they will purchase. Thus, a very successful sale could be fulfilled as the brand name fully performs its fundamental function.1.2.2 Common WordsCommon words will add more amicability and friendliness in the products and names provide the denominators and translators more choices. Usually, the common words used in Chinese and English brand names include adjective and noun.The brand names formed by common nouns have symbolic and metaphor functions. Products with these names possess the characteristics of these words or objects, for example, “Ivory” can make you skin smooth and white. The cosmetic brand names formed by adjectives or adjective plus noun can show a very direct description of the main characters of the product.1.2.3 Coined WordsWhen certain qualities, characteristics and functions are taken into consideration, coined words can be created. Since they are coined, they are unique and novel as there is not much possibility that another similar one will appear. Many English brand names are created by means of lexical methods, such as shortening, compounding, blending, affixation, etc while the Chinese brand names tend to use word group.Shortening is the simplified form of the original words. For example, “SR”, a brand name of toothpaste, is formed by acronym, that is, to use the initials of the ingredients of the product (Sodium, Ricinoleate).Compounding is a popular and crucial way of forming English and Chinese cosmetic brand names. By compounding, two or more words are together to show the feature, quality and function of the product, so compound brand names can illustrate the characteristics of the products from multi-perspectives. Examples are:“Body Flower” stresses its function of making the body full of the fragrance of flowers.“Head & Shoulders” stresses its function of moistening the hair and making it soft and easy to comb.Different from English, Chinese is the ideograph language. So word groups can be formed by putting characters together. Usually, certain words have good connotations are frequently used.Names of plants and animals are often used as brand names. Chinese cosmetic brand names have a preference of the pretty images of some of them which can arouse the interest and bring good association, such as“蜂花”(cosmetic),“紫罗兰” (cosmetic)and “佰草集” (cosmetic).The above-mentioned have attached great importance to the point that they are pure, natural and environmentally safe products by using the raw material from the outside world and the consumers can get the essence of the flowers and herbal extract by using them.1.3 Characteristics of Brand NamesA brand name is the name of a product, which is a mark or a symbol that can be used to define a certain product. The goal of a brand name should aim at setting up a good image in the market, arousing consumers’ favorable association and purchasing desire. Thus the language used in brand names must have some features of its own.1.3.1 BrevityBrevity is a basic requirement of a good brand name, which means brand names should concise in spellings and pronunciations to make them eye-catching and easy to remember. According to an investigation, Chinese brand names consist of mainly two or three characters, and 70% of them (including Chinese versions of foreign ones) are two-character construction, 29% are three-character construction, only about 1% are more than five characters. Name a few as examples, “立白”(washing powder), “碧浪” (washing powder), “汰渍” (washing powder), “雕牌” (washing powder), “奥妙” (washing powder), “海尔”(electric appliance), “双星”(sports product).Whereas most English brand names are made up of one to four syllables on most occasions. Brand names such as “Benz” and “Ford”(cars) consist of one syll able; Brand names like “Sony”(electric appliance) and “Kodak”(film) are composed of two syllables; those like “Accustom”(watch) and “Adidas”(clothing) are made up of three syllables; “Electrolux”(appliance) comprises four syllables. In addition, most of these syllables consist of sonorous vowels and consonants with less friction, making the brand name easy to pronounce and remember.1.3.2 EleganceAs far as elegance is concerned, it means that both brand names and their rendered versions should have favorable association but avoid unpleasant connotation that may offend customers to arouse consumers’ purchasing desire. For example, the Chinese version “金利来” for the English brand name “Goldlion” is better than “金狮”, for “金利来” not only presents consumers the good quality of the tie but indicates the profit or good luck it can bring. While on the other hand, brand names such as “交际花”, “舞女” are forbidden to register in our country according to our Interim Regulations of Brand Name Registration because of their vulgar tastes.1.3.3 OriginalityA brand name should be as novel and unconventional as possible in wording, pronunciation, meaning and other aspects, so as to arouse the interest of the consumers and leave a deep impression on them.There are a variety of methods that can be used to achieve this effect. Word formation such as abbreviation, initials, numbers, and parallelism is one way to create originality. The brand name “TCL”(TV set) is special and new in home-made TV sets. Appealing sound is another way to obtain this effect. “Yahoo” and its Chinese version “雅虎” have a very peculiar and strong phonological effect and thus cause a pleasant psycho-acoustic impact on its hearers. Still unusually combination of common words, or coined words in Engl ish brand names, such as “7-up”(beverage), “0M0” (powder) and so on, leave a fresh yet deep impression on costumers because of their unique form and pronunciation.1.4 Functions of Brand NamesThe brand name is intended to appeal to the target consumers favorable meaning so as to spread ideas or information about persuade symbolic, or convince consumers. The basic functions of brand with pleasant sound and the products that will names are informative, evocative and aesthetic.1.4.1 Informative FunctionIt is well known that high-information is an important value of advertisement, to say nothing of its core, brand name. Brand name should firstly be informative to provide the consumers with information about the uses, characters, values and the target consumers.For example, brand names such as “Benz” (car), “Mary Kay” (cosmetics), “蒙牛”(milk),“张小泉”(scissors),“青岛”(beer) provide consumers with product makers, materials and producing areas. Those like “Microsoft” (computer), “H20” (cosmetics), “立白” (washing p owder), “舒肤佳”(soap) provide us with the information about basic uses of products. Brand names such as “钻石”(watch) imply the characteristics and the value of the products. Brand names can also indicate who the potential consumers are, such as “兰贵人”(cosmetic s), “劲霸”(apparel), “淑女屋”(apparel), etc.1.4.2 Aesthetic FunctionIn order to appeal to consumers, a good brand name should also have an aesthetic effect on them. Information alone supplied by brand names is far from enough to attract consumers and they should also bring consumers pleasant feelings, which can be manifested in the following three aspects — sound, form and meaning.To begin with, sound is not only an indispensable element of a brand name, but also an essential way to attract consumers, i.e. a means of accomplishing advertising effect. So on TV advertisements, brand names are always articulated. Brand names with beautiful sound are preferred by consumers as well as brand name designers. For example, “Kodak” (camera) simulates the sound when we push the shutter of a camera, while “Pepsi” reminds us of the sudden sound “si-” when we open up a bottle of soda drink and “Coca-Cola” is rhythmic and harmonious, easily pronounced and remembered.Then, form is closely related with psychology, and could arouse consumers’ psychological and visual reaction. A brand name with aesthetic features in form is more outstanding. For instance, “S” reminds people of lady’s curvilinear figure. That’s why many femalearticles are named with “S” added, such as, “Aeress” (underwear), “Finess” (cosmetics), “Simples” (cosmetics), etc.Last but not least, semantic aesthetics should also be taken into consideration. Favorite Chinese characters in brand names include “诚”(honesty), “梦”(dream), “爱”(love), “美”(beauty)etc. It is the same case with “淑女屋”(apparel), which attracts girls who desire to be gentlewomen.1.4.3 Evocative FunctionA brand name has evocative function, which means the brand names must interest consumers and stimulate them to make a purchase. According to Newmark, a typical example of evocative texts is advertisement. As the essential part of the advertisement, the brand name has the evocative as its basic function, which is based on its informative and aesthetic functions.In order to realize its evocative function, many brand names tend to choose words with favorable meanings. They offer consumers a kind of aesthetic feeling and arouse their purchasing desire. It turns out that brand names with exotic flavor can arouse peop le’s interest and persuade them to give it a try. For instance, the “Safeguard” (soap) implies that the soap can protect your skin and you more beautiful. And the Chinese brand name “皇冠”(automobile), which means crown, hints the quality of being superior and noble. Such kind of brand names will certainly appeal to consumers and result in their purchasing.Brand names can also succeed in persuading people by catering to their psychological needs. Brand names with romantic connotation can always attract the young customers and stir their enthusiasm of making a purchase. That’s why most costume brand names are common words full of imaginary or romantic connotation so as to meet the purchasing psychology of those young ladies and thus catch their attention. “Kis s-Me” (lipstick) is a call of love and “Youngor” (clothing) tells you that you will be younger than before if you are wearing this kind of clothes. “旺旺”(food) exactly expresses people’s best wishes of being healthy, wealthy and outstanding.B.A Thesis Chapter 2 Functional Equivalence Theory and Brand Name TranslationChapter 2Functional Equivalence Theory and Brand NameTranslation2.1 Functional EquivalenceTranslation equivalence is one of the central topics of translation research. Realizing that no translation is able to attain complete equivalence to the original, Nida advocates the idea of “functional equivalence”. According to Eugene A. Nida, a minimal, realistic definition of functional equivalence could be stated as “the reade rs of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciate it” (1993:118).In addition, a maximal, ideal definition could be stated as “the readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (1993:118). However, this maximal level of equivalence is rarely achieved in practice. In fact the idea “equivalence” is appro ached on the basis of degrees of closeness from minimal to maximal effectiveness.To put it more specific, a minimal adequacy of translation is that the target readers can conceive of how the source readers must have understood and appreciated the source text; a maximal adequacy of translation might be that the target readers can understand and appreciate the translated text in essentially the same manner as the source readers understand and appreciate the source text. Nida suggests that when literal translation fails to attain satisfactory equivalence, adjustments in form are necessary (1993:125).Furthermore, in order to produce functionally equivalent translation, he proposes “the great the differences in the source and target cultures, the greater the need for adjustments; the greater the differences between the source and target languages, the greater the need for adjustments” (1993:129).2.2 Consideration of Factors in Brand Name Translation2.2.1 Consumer PsychologyConsumer psychology in a narrow sense refers to the mental state of a consumer and in a broad sense; it means the science of consumer psychology. It can be defined as “the mental or psychological activities of consumers in their realization, adjustment, and control of purchasing and consuming actions according to their own needs and abilities under the influence of the general social environment of consumption andeconomy”.(Gu Wenjun, 2002: 7)The majority of consumers are the intended reactors of marketing activities. Brand name translation, an indispensable procurer of such activities, is consumer-oriented. Consumers in the target market play the roles as the reader, the addressee, and eventually the reactor of a translated brand name. And the translator of a brand name can be regarded as a target-market brand name producer expressing a source-market brand name producer’s intentions.Information about the target-text addressee is of crucial importance for the translator of the brand name, and the goal of sales promotion is to stimulate immediate consumer purchasing. Therefore, the translator should enable a brand name to attract the attention, to arouse the curiosity and interest of the consumers, to satisfy their psychological needs and further stimulate their motives to purchase the particular commodity.2.2.2 Cultural FactorsCulture has its certain underlying characteristics which can be associated with brand names. Culture exists to satisfy the needs of the people within a society. It offers order, direction and guidance in all phases of human problem solving by providing “tried-and-true” methods of satisfying physiological, personal, and social needs.(Jiang Lei,2003)For example, culture provides standards and “rules” about when to eat, where to eat, and what is appropriate to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and what to present your parent and the aged. Soft-drink companies would suggest that the consumers should choose their products containing more vitamins and minerals since health is the first priority in modern society. In china, we used to have porridge or soy bean milk for breakfast. So, the manufacturer would produce the household mixer w hose slogan might be “soy bean milk is your best choice”.Besides company image strategies, many well-known brands spotlight their cultural connotation. They emphasize what they sell is not a product, but a certain culture, a national spirit. In this regar d, “Haier” means aiming higher and being sincere. So, cultural meaning can move from the culturally constituted world to consumer goods and from there to the individual consumer by means of various consumption-related vehicles, including brand names of course.Since culture is considered as the totality of beliefs and practices of a society, nothing is more important and effective than language through which the beliefs are expressed and transmitted and by which the cultures are conveyed and transferred. It is believed that where there is language, there is culture hidden behind. Language is a kind of institutional culture in some sense. It is not grasped by individuals but shared by a certain society. It is influenced by certain culture and in turn mirrors the culture. Brand names, as part of language, are of no exception. They areinfluenced by culture and in turn reflect culture. Therefore, culture has its underlying characteristics which can be associated with brand names.2.2.3 Aesthetic FactorsAs has been discussed in the first chapter, brand names possess the aesthetic function. In the process of translation, it is vital to reproduce the original aesthetic features of the brand names to the addressees. Brand name translation is demanded to be practical and aesthetic and translators will not only have to reserve the essence of the original brand name but also conform to the aesthetic psychology of consumers. Xu Yuanchong (2006:73) argues that translation is an art to transfer one language into another. His theory regarding to aesthetics in poetry translation goes like this: “beauty in sound, beauty in form and beauty in image”. Consequently, aesthetic factors should be taken into great account in the translation of brand names.2.3 Application of Functional Equivalence in Brand NameTranslationAs Nida’s functional equivalence the equivalent function indicates, an effective translation version should be able to produce or in other words the most proximal function to both the target and the original receptors. A translator must be clear about the functions of the source language, which is the prerequisite for a translator to achieve functional equivalence. Thus, brand name translation should take the functions of original brand name into full consideration in order to achieve functional equivalence.2.3.1 Equivalence of Informative FunctionFirst of all, brand name translation is usually informative. Equivalence in informative function is required. This requires that the renderings must be able to inform people of the functions, characteristics and values of the products as the original brand names do. To achieve the informative requirement, brand name should contain as much information as possible, readable to give the receptors strong impression. Some kinds of brand names inform the consumers of the basic functions of certain products. An English brand name “Goodyear” (tyre), which consists of “good” and “year” (two common words), meaning that if you use this tyre you will be smooth and happy through the whole year because the tyre lasts long in use. And the Chinese translation “固特异” is as good as the original one. “固” implies “lasting long” and “特异”means “extraordinary”. So we can see from the translated name that the life of this tyre will last extraordinarily long. It suggests the function of the tyre.2.3.2 Equivalence of Aesthetic FunctionThe aesthetic function refers to that brand names can provide theaudience with aesthetic feeling. No matter how faithful it is to its original in meaning, any slight failure to aesthetic function may render the name to the state of being rejected by consumers. The renderings should create a sense of beauty either in form or in context to the same or similar extent to the original ones so as to achieve equivalence in aesthetic function. It is of no doubt that a brand name must not only provide information about the product, but also please people and help them to bring aesthetic feeling. Most brand names are carefully selected to perform their aesthetic function, which is mainly realized by creating phonetic beauty, semantic beauty and imaginary beauty. “Coca-Cola” (beverage) is a distinguished example. It is translated to “可口可乐” in Chinese. The version not only imitates alliteration like the original one, but also helps to arouse favorable associations of customers and also consider the phonetic beauty.2.3.3 Equivalence of Vocative FunctionS imply speaking, the vocative function means that brand name can arouse people’s interest and persuade them to make purchases.Brand name translation should not only inform people of the value of products, but also cater to the customers’ psychological need to achieve equivalence in vocative function. One example is “Mr. Muscle” (a detergent brand name). If it is translated as “肌肉先生”,Chinese people are likely to associate it with a person who merely has a simple brain and strong limbs without intelligence. Of course, such a translated version in Chinese will attract few people’s interest and its vocative function would be impossib le. A revised version of “威猛先生” can fulfill its vocative function of inducing housewives to do some cleaning with this detergent.Besides the above-mentioned equivalence in functions of brand names, a translator must also take into consideration simultaneously such elements as linguistic and cultural factors in order to achieve functional equivalence in brand name translation.Chapter 3Methods Employed in Brand Name Translation As discussed above, the successful observance of the principle of “functional equivalence” in translating source brand names into target ones depends on many factors, among which the most important is the flexible employment of translation techniques in practice. There are four kinds of translation techniques: literal translation, transliteration, combination of literal translation and transliteration and creative translation.3.1 Literal TranslationLiteral translation means translating meanings literally, namely, keeping both the original form and the original sense. It is often used when the brand names can find corresponding expressions in target language. As Chinese and English cultures share many similarities, many brand names can be translated into target language by literal translation, especially those brand names invented after the names of plants, animals, birds or precious things like gem, diamond and gold. (Murphy, 1987)For example, “梅花”(recorder) is translated as “Plum Blossom”; “小天鹅”(washing-machine) as “Little Swan”; “钻石”(watch) as “Diamond”; “金杯”(sports shoes) as “Golden Cup”. Some Brand names which indicate the material, the quality, the usage and the peculiarity of certain products can be translated into English by this technique as well.Literal translation is often adopted in many cases as an effective technique for achieving functional equivalence in translating brand names. Nevertheless, translators must make sure first that versions produced by this technique are acceptable in other culture and are not negative in the target market. And this is of great importance, for we may fail to reproduce the same vocative function of the brand names if we do something opposite. For example, “白翎”(White Fe ather) are well accepted in domestic market; while in American and British market, the product was rejected, because its English rendering White Feather does not meet the psychology of the potential customers. In their culture, to show the white feather is a means of insulting, equivalent to abuse the person for being coward.3.2 TransliterationTransliteration refers to the way of translating brand names by taking the sounds of words instead of their verbal meanings into account. It is frequently used when the brand names created by culture-specific。
用性 : 衡量一篇译作质量的高低 , 就是 从文本 出发 , 衡量其在形式、 内容 、 功能、 意义、 风格等方面与原作 相 比等值程度的高低 。
2 商 标 的功能 与 文体 特 点
从 2 世纪五六十年代开始 , 0 翻译对等理论就是
些有影响力 的翻译理论家们争论的核心问题 , 各
第2 3卷
第 2期
郑州铁路职业 技术学院学报
Ju a o hnzo a w yV ct nl Tc ncl oee orl f eghuR i a oao a & ehia C l g n Z l i l
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最 大 限度 的对 等 。
有 以下 4种 功 能 : 1 吸 引 消 费 者 , 2) 别 产 品 , () ( 识
目的语和 目的文化为依归 , 以译文和译文读者为中 心” , … 其核心为“ 等效” 理论。他将 “ 功能对等” 定 义为“ 最切近的 自然的对等” 即从语义到语体 , , 在接 受语 中用 最 切 近 的 自然 对 等语 再 现源 发 语 的信
的信 息 , 能激 发美好 的联想 和购 买 欲 望 , 产生 良好 的
广告 效应 。
中的文化因素、 作者与原文读者及译者 与译文读者 的关系。奈达 的理论贡献 , 主要在于他从语言学和 交际学的角度出发 , 提出了著名 的“ 动态对等” 理论 ,
将 翻译 研 究 与 实践 由局 限 于语 言 层 面 的静 态 行 为 , 转化 为用 动 态 的 眼光 审 视 从 原 文 信 息 到 译 文 信 息 、 从 原文 读 者 到译 文 读 者 的完 整 的语 言 交 际 过 程 , 追
浅谈功能对等理论下的英文品牌名称的翻译》本科毕业论文论文题目:浅谈功能对等理论下的英语品牌名称的翻译姓名:殷红霞学号:2008041128系(部):外语系专业:英语专业班级:2008级本科1班指导教师:胡德良完成时间: 2012 年 3 月On the Translation of English Brand Names from the Prospective of the Functional EquivalenceA Thesis Presented to theFaculty of Foreign Language DepartmentXingtai Collegein Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the DegreeBachelor of TranslationByYin HongxiaFebruary,2012AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Hu Deliang, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Zhang Shaojuan, who led me into the world of literature. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor Li Hong, Professor Cui Jianming, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.ContentsAbstract (in Chinese) (ⅰ)Abstract (in English) (ⅱ)Introduction (1)I. Theoretical Contents of Functional Equivalence (3)A.E v o l u t i o n a n d D e v e l o p m e n t o f F u n c t i o n a l E q u i v a l e n c e (3)B. Definition and Guiding Significance of Nida’s Functional E q u i v a l e n c e (5)II. General Introduction of Brand Names (8)A.D e f i n i t i o n o f B r a n d Names (8)B.F u n c t i o n s o f B r a n d Names (8)1.I n f o r m a t i v e Function (8)2.A e s t h e t i c Function (9)3.V o c a t i v e Function (10)III. Contemporary Ways of Translating Brand Names (12)A.L i t e r a l Translation (12)B.L i b e r a l Translation (13)C. Transliteration (14)D.C o m b i n a t i o n o f L i t e r a l T r a n s l a t i o n a n dT r a n s l i t e r a t i o n (16)Conclusion (18)Bibliography (20)摘要品牌名称是指品牌中可以用语言称呼的部分,也是区别于其他商品和服务的标志,使消费者易于辨认从而促销商品。
的东西 …为 了避免这一误解 和强调 ‘ 功能 ’这 一概 念 , 用 ‘ 功能对 等 ’取代 ‘ 动态对 等 ’来描述 翻译 的充分
性似乎更令人满意。 ”奈达的 “ 功能对等 ”理论要求 “ 译
者着 眼于原文 的意义和精 神 ,而不拘泥 于原文 的语 言 结 构 ,即不拘 泥于形 式对应 ” 。
文化 与翻译 中又对 此做 了解释 功能对 等 ’这一概
息 内容 、说 话方式 、文章风格 、语言文化 到社会 因素
等方 面尽 可能 多 的反 应 原 文 的面貌 。要 想译 出功 能
对等 的名 称 ,就必 须弄懂 原商 标的概念 意义 、联 想意 义 以及 商 品 的功 能特 性 ,还 要结 合 我们 的文化 风 俗 习惯 ,不能死抠字 眼 ,生搬硬 套 ;必须灵 活创新 。这
两者 综合的做法 ,使 翻译 后的 中文 商标名称得 体、 流 畅 、忠实的传译 出原商标 的信息 内容 和美学特征 。 并 符合 国人的审美情 趣和心理 ,激 发其购买欲 望。进 口 商 标 翻译可 采 取如 略
奈 达认 为 :“ 谓翻 译 ,是指 从语义 到语 体 ,在 所
1 7・ 4
职 时 业 空
2 年月 0 1 1 2
对 等 理 论
观 反应和评 价。所 以在 进行进 口商标翻译 时 ,想让译
文达 到 与 原文 相 应 的效 果 和影 响就 必 须使 译 文 从信
美 国当代著名 的翻译理论 家尤 金奈达 的功能对等 翻译观 是为国 内广大 翻译理论 家及工作者 所熟知 的翻 译理论 。奈达首先在 1 6 4年 出版的 ( 9 ( 翻译科学初探》 中提 出 “ 动态对 等”这个概 念 。接着 在 ( ( 翻译 理论与 实践 中 做 了解释 :“ 所谓动态对 等 ,是 指译 文接受者 对译 文的反应 与原文接受者 对原文 的反应基本一 致。 ” 在 18 年 出版的 《 96 从一种语 言到另一种语言 一书 中, 奈达用 “ 功能对等”取代 “ 动态对等” 。后 来在 ( ( 、 语言
【作者单位】石家庄学院,河北石家庄 050035;石家庄学院,河北石家庄 050035【正文语种】中文
1.翻译中的对等及其实践——从功能对等理论的角度谈翻译过程中的困境 [J], 马洁
2.功能对等理论视角下的法律翻译--论法律翻译中效力对等原则的理论依据及其实现 [J], 吴鹏;张璘;任晓霏
3.批评“对等翻译”新解奈达理论——评“对等翻译”理论中的“对等”是“基本相同”或“基本对等” [J], 李田心
4.翻译教科书的金科玉律“对等翻译”是对西方翻译理论的误读和讹传——译论大师批评“对等翻译”是幻想和空想 [J], 李田心
5.对等理论与进口商标的英语翻译研究 [J], 秦枝丽
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CAREER HORIZON学术平台・147・第8卷・第1期 职业时空收稿日期:2011-12-09基金项目:石家庄市哲学社会科学研究规划项目(WJ1110)作者简介:赵芳(1980-),女,石家庄学院外语系讲师,硕士,研究方向:教学与翻译。
二、进口商标翻译的策略奈达认为:“所谓翻译,是指从语义到语体,在对等理论与进口商标的翻译赵 芳,王洁欣(石家庄学院,河北 石家庄 050035)摘要:好的商标翻译不仅可以为企业带来好的第一印象,而且可以对产品的销售起到很大的推动作用。
CAREER HORIZON学术平台・148・职业时空 2012年1月1992年,MEADOW GOLD冰淇淋进入中国市场,受到很多年轻人和儿童的喜爱,是冰淇淋产品中中高档消费的代表品牌之一。
又如Apple Computer在中国是家喻户晓。
还有大家熟悉的品牌牛仔裤Apple 也被直接翻译为“苹果”牌牛仔裤,听起来十分可爱,能够激起人们的购买欲望。
众所周知,“宝洁”是美国“P&G”(Procter& Gamble)公司在中国的品牌名称。
“P&G”代表的是公司创始人William Procter和James Gamble的名字,而“宝洁”的意思是“实用”和“干净”。
婴幼儿用品John’s Baby(强生)就是一个典型的例子。
“强生”与原名发音相近,又符合家长的心理,谁不希望自己的宝宝生下来就很健康强壮,具有顽强的生命力呢?三、结 论商标的翻译不能仅仅是形容产品的载体,更应该拥有一些独特的性质。
这就对CAREER HORIZON学术平台・149・第8卷・第1期 职业时空Abstract: The translation of trademark is an important component of Company Image Strategy . A good translationof trademark can not only bring enterprise an excellent first-impression, but promote greatly the sale of the products. Nida ’s equivalence theory can be applied in the translation of trademark and under the guidance of the theory translators should use different translating methods to achieve functional equivalence.Key words: equivalence theory; trademark; translationEquivalence Theory and the Translation of TrademarkZHAO Fang , WANG Jie-xin3.注重非语言形式的文化背景知识介绍为确保顺利地进行跨文化交际,学习和了解非语言形式的文化背景知识也是必不可少的。