



床头柜:床头两侧的小柜子,用于放置杂物或灯具 衣柜:存放衣物的柜子,一般有挂衣架、抽屉等设施 沙发:供人坐下的家具,一般由座垫、靠背和扶手组成 茶几:放在客厅或起居室中,用于放置茶具或杂物的桌子
宽度:Width 长度:Length 高度:Height 深度:Depth
"The wardrobe door is not
closing properly, please check the
"The sofa is sagging in the middle, possibly due to worn-out
"The table leg is cracked, we may need to order a
询问尺寸:How large or small do you want your furniture to be?
询问预算:What is your budget for purchasing new furniture?
客户询问家具保养方法 专家提供清洁和护理建议 客户询问家具材质特点 专家介绍不同材质家具的保养要点
客户询问维修服务范围和价格 维修人员提供专业意见和解决方案 确认维修时间和地点,以及支付方式 完成维修后,客户验收并支付费用
客户询问家具材质 客户询问家具尺寸和颜色 客户询问家具价格和促销活动 客户询问家具送货和安装服务
Could you show me some examples of modern dining tables?



设计英语常用词汇enclosure 围栏void 空间,虚体edifice 大厦,体系aisle 走廊nave (教堂)的正厅chapel 教堂cathedral 大教堂balustrade 栏杆colonnade 柱廊ornament 装饰tensile 空的housing 住房quarters 住宅neighborhood 住宅小区single-family 独户的hallway 门厅tenenment 住房terrace 露台wing 厢房hip 屋脊balcony 阳台房子,住宅 house Haus室内装饰 interior Inneneinrichtung家具 furniture M(o)bel墙壁 wall Wand窗户 window Fenster门 door T(u)r地板 floor Boden天花板 ceiling Decke窗帘 curtain Gardine地毯 carpet Teppich桌子 table Tisch书桌 desk Schreibtisch照明,灯饰 lighting Beleuchtung餐厅 dining room Esszimmer卧室 bedroom Schlafzimmer起居室,客厅 living room Wohnzimmer浴室bathroom Badezimmer浴缸 bathtub Badewanne淋浴 shower Dusche洗手间 restroom Toiletten椅子chair Sitzmobel扶手椅 armchair Sessel单人靠椅(或沙发) chair Stuhl双人靠椅(或沙发) love seat,settee Zweisitzer 三人靠椅(或沙发) sofa Sofa 垫脚凳 ottoman Ottomane/Sofa板凳,凳子 stool Hocker长条椅 bench Bank安乐椅 easy chair Lehnstuhl,Klubsessel睡椅,沙发床 lounge chair,couch Chaiselongue折叠椅 stacking chair Stapelbarer stuhl装软垫的沙发 upholstery Polsterm(o)bel鞣制皮革 tanned leather Leder人造皮革 synthetic leather Kunstleder椅套 covering Bezug椅背靠档 spindle Stab,Pfosten椅背靠板 splat,backpanel R(u)ckenlehne椅座 seat Sitz侧拉档 stretcher Steg椅腿 leg Stuhlbein收藏用家具 storage furniture Kastenm(o)bel衣橱 wardrobe Kleiderschrank碗橱 cupboard K(u)chenschrank书架 bookshelf B(u)cherregal陈设架或柜whatnot,curio Vitrine f(u)r ziergegenst(a)nde餐具柜 sideboard Sidebord组合家具 modular furniture Systemm(o)bel(组家的)基本单元 basic unit Grundelement拆装式,组装式knockdown M(o)bel zum zusammenbauen搁板,层板 shelf board Regalbrett底板 bottom board Sockelplatte,Bodenbrett顶板 top board Obere Abdeckplatte固定搁板 fixed shelf Boden,Regalboden活动搁板 removable shelf Einlegeboden底座 base Sockelplatte固定式(嵌入式)家具 built-in Einbau-...推拉门 sliding door Schiebet(u)r折叠式双开门double swinging door T(u)relement(mit 2 T(U)ren)折叠式单开门single swinging door T(u)relement(mit 1 T(u)r模数 module Modul尺寸(成品) size Gr(o)sse尺寸(部件) dimension Abmessungen背板 back panel R(u)ckwand旁板,侧板 side panel Seitenwange配件,附件 accessory Zubeh(o)r插手 knob Knopf拉手 handle,catch Griff部件 components Einzelteile垂直框架 vertical frame senkrechter Rahmen水平框架 horizontal frame waagerechter Rahmen 床 bed Schlafraumm(o)bel单人床 single bed Einzelbett双人床 double bed Doppellbett婴儿床 baby bed Kinderbett折叠床 folding bed Klappbett弹簧 spring Feder床头板 headboard Kopfteil床尾板 footboard Fu(b)teil床架 frame Bettrahmen弹簧床垫 bedstead Matratze床单 bedspread Tagesdecke盖被 comforter Bettdecke床垫 bedpad Steppdecke枕头 pillow Kopfkissen被单 flat sheets Bettlaken包被单 fitted sheets Spannbettlaken整体厨房 system kitchen Einbauk(u)chen厨房 kitchen K(u)che台面面板 worktop Arbeitsplatte,Anrichte吸排油烟机 ventilator Dunstabzugshaube吊柜 hanging cabinet H(a)ngeschrank水槽 sink Sp(u)le水龙头 faucet Wasserhahn台面 worktop Arbeitsplatte 冰箱 refrigerator K(u)hlschrank洗碗机 dishwasher Sp(u)lmaschine烤箱 oven Backofen煤气灶 kitchen stove Herd微波炉 microwave oven Mikrowellenherd面板 panel Oberfl(a)cheupanlele实木 solid wood Massivholz多层板 laminated panel Laminat油漆板 lacquered wood lackiertes Holz三聚氰胺(防火板) meramin board Melamin材料 material Materiallen木 wood Holz藤 rattan Rattan竹 bamboo Bambus软木 cork Kork纸绳 papercord Papierband橡胶 rubber Gummi铝 aluminum Aluminlum钢铁 steel Stahl大理石 marble Marmorgranite [graenit]n.花岗岩PU发泡材 polyurethane foam Urethan-Schaum玻璃 glass Glas镜子 mirror Spiegel刨花板 particle board Spanplatte平滑 smooth glatt粗糙 jagged zackig,gekerbt粗制rough rau精制 fine fein光亮 shiny gl(a)nzend闪亮,晶亮 glaring grell硬,挺 stiff steif透明的 transparent durchsichtig半透明的 translucent durchscheinend波浪状,有波纹的 corrugated gewellt排骨状,凹凸不平的 ribbed gerippt木材(泛指) wood Holz原木 timber Bauholz,Nutzholz制材,成材 lumber bauholz,Nutzholz阔叶材 hard wood Hartes Holz针叶材 soft wood Weiches Holz树皮 bark Rinde饰面板 sliced veneer Furnier(gute Qualit(a)t) 实木 solid wood Massivholz集成材 laminted wood Laminat胶合板 plywood Sperrholz印刷胶合板 printed plywood Furnier(gute Qualit(a)t)单板 veneer Furnier成型胶合板 shaped plywwod Verformtes sperrholz (木纹)直纹straight grain Gerade,strarke Maserung(木纹)平纹 flat grain schlichte Masserung弯曲木 bentwood Biegholz人工干燥 kyln drying k(u)nstliche Trocknung天然干燥 natural drying nat(u)rliche Troknung 特级木 grade timber hochwertiges(seltenes)Holz 木材纹理 grain,morie Maserung,moire 树木种类 kinds of tree Holzarten 橡木 Japanese oak Eiche白桦木 birch Birke松木 pine Kiefer雪松木 ceder Zeder冷杉,枞木 fir Tanne枫木 maple Ahorn柚木 teak Teak桃花心木 mahogany Mahagoni山核桃木 hickory Hickorynussbaum涂装和粘接 painting & adhesive Farbe und Kleber(丙烯酸)树脂乳胶涂料 acrylic emulsion paint Acryllackoberfl(a)che (醇酸)树脂涂料 alkyd paint Acryaharzoberfl(a)che(聚胺脂)树脂涂料 polyurethan paint Polyurethhanlack-Oberfl(a)che (环氧)树脂涂料 epoxy paint Epoxydharzbeschichtete-Oberfl(a)che丙烯酸硅涂料 acrylic silicon paint Silicon-acryl Oberfl(a)che含氟树脂涂料 fluoride paint fluorid-Farbe透明着色加工 clear tint finish Klarlackoberfl(a)che上油加工 oil stain geolte Oberfl(a)che瓷漆(面涂) enamel finish Emailoberfl(a)che罩光(面涂) varnish finish Klarlack清漆(面涂) lacquer lackierte Oberfl(a)che日本产天然漆 Japanese lacquer japanichser Lack消光 matt Matt上光 gloss glatt镜面抛光加工 mirror gloss finish poliert 烤漆(面涂) backed-on finish UV-geh(a)rtet UV漆饰(光固化漆) UV coat UV-beschichtet 模拟(木纹)涂饰 faux finish tromp l'oeuil 底涂 undercoat Grundierung面涂 surface Oberfl(a)che 水性 water-based auf Wasserbasis油性 oil-based auf (O)lbasis水溶性 water-soluble Wasserl(o)slich甲醛 formaldehyde Formaldehyd动物胶 orqanic glue organischer Lein尿醛树脂 urea resin Harnstoffharz白乳胶 acetic acid resin Essigs(a)ureharz 树脂 resin Harz合成橡胶类粘接剂 synthetic rubber glue Kautschukkleber酚醛树脂粘接剂 phenol resin adhesive Phenolharz挥发性有机化合物 volatile organic chemical compound fl(u)chtige organisch-chemische-Verbindung家具五金 hardware for furniture Beschl(a)ge 合页 rolled hinge gerolltes Scharnier仿古合页 antique hinge Antikscharnier暗铰链 concealed hinge Schiebeband门头铰 pivot hinge Zapfenband撑(拉)杆 stay Klappenhalter磁碰,门吸 magnetic catch Magnetschnapper脚轮 caster Rollen桌脚 table bases Tischgestelle抽屉滑轨 drawer rail schubladenf(u)hrung 搁板销 shelf support,dowel D(u)bel螺钉 screw schraube在展览会场 at the fair, auf der Messe展览会 trade fair Messe入口 entrance Eingang出口 exit Ausgang馆 pavilion Pavilion展览会场 exhibition hall Halle入场费 admission fee Eintrittsgeb(u)hr入场券,门票 admission ticket Eintrittskarte 会期 date,period Dauer展览时间 exhibition hours (O)ffnungszeiten 会场指示图 exhibition floor plan Hallenplan 服务台 information Information洗手间 restroom Toiletten。



1 / 12常用英语词汇沙发术语沙发sofa 沙发床Sofa bed 沙发套The sofa cover 真皮沙发Leather Sofa 布艺沙发Cloth art sofa足疗沙发足浴沙发桑拿沙发酒店沙发Foot sofa 带电视沙发With television sofa 单人沙发Single person sofachair 双人沙发Double sofalove sofa 三人沙发Three sofa 卡座沙发Gets stuck sofa 餐厅沙发Ding-room sofa 咖啡厅沙发Cafes sofa 茶餐厅沙发Tea restaurant sofa 酒吧沙发Bar sofaKTV沙发气动沙发Pneumatic sofa 会所沙发Club sofa 部件及工艺术语扶手:2 / 12arm 扶板: wing 层板: plywood 填料: padding 转角: cornor 扶手面板: arm panel 后挡板: tailgate 扶手垫: armcap, 头枕: headrest 坐垫: cushion 拉练: zipper3 / 12搁脚leg supporter 茶几: end table 躺椅: recliner 塑料膜:plastic film/bubble film 海绵:foam 泡沫板:EPS block 2 纸板:cardboard扶手内侧inside armbath sofasauna sofaHotel sofa扶手外侧outside arm 扶手前front arm 扶手后侧the rear arm. 扶手top arm / arm 接缝seam靠背正面inside back 缝针、针脚stitch 靠背后面outside back4 / 12双针two-needle stitch 靠背backrest双针机double needle machine 屏耳the wing on both sides of the back 回针returned-stitch 防护绵:poly (top back rail) (STAPLED) 缝止the width of the seam喷胶棉(树脂棉)Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距stitch size spacing 蓬松棉Loosed Fiber 刀眼notch 编织带Webbing 针眼stitch mark 封口胶带Tape for sealing the carton 浮线float stitch 抓钉T-Nuts 线头Odd pieces of thread 枪钉staple露线exposed stitches垫圈ring / bezel/washer贴边/嵌条5 / 12效影(阴阳色)two-tone effect 搁脚Ottoman 瑕疵flaw 转椅swivel chair 色差off shade 结点knot深色纱线斑点mottled yarns 橡皮膏stress tape (cloth tape) forC&S 天鹅绒kin velvet 杀真菌剂fungicide无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover 里布denim 毡毯felt中垫Center / Central cushion 倒顺毛the direction of pile 上垫Upper layer cushion S簧/蛇簧no-sag spring 拉布/拉条Puller 塔簧long coil spring 防霉:mildew-proof6 / 12靠垫:back pillow 抛枕:throw pillow 夹板ply wood 雌雄扣Velcro缝制工艺图Sewing diagram 家具固定带,无弹性Puckering 纸板Paper pattern 松紧带Elastic 样套Sample C&S T 隔布partion (PCS.) 钉饰nail trim五金压条metal tacking strip 弯度curve board 海棉--密度-density 弹性-hysteresis loss 支撑系数-support factor 阻燃测试-Flammability test 2KG 黄芯-yellow core wood frame木架7 / 12sharp edge棱角untidy乱/不整齐slant歪斜wrong dimensio尺寸错误to jion or stick with glue用胶粘贴welt cord嵌foam海棉skite panel裙边frame wrok结构/组成fire brand烙印protrude突出rise up鼓起pleat打褶fringe排须/须边pressing熨平brass nail铜钉4 leg not in level4脚不平cut\sew裁剪缝纫Seam缝边Stitch缝针Double needle stitch双针8 / 12Kink打结,扭曲Denim里布Drop in coil连体簧8-way hand tied人工绑(宝塔簧) zigzag springS簧notch刀眼Liner material里布,衬布Micro fiber麂皮绒Jacpuard提花Plaid格子花呢Fireproof防火Daylight日光Tapestry织锦Damask缎子Latex浮胶Backing背胶Yarn dye色织Piece dye披染Polyester涤纶Rayon人造纤维织物Warp经线9 / 12woof\weft纬线fringe排须tassel流苏,缨,坠子skirt裙边webbing松紧带,绷带elastic webbing弹性绷带needle work缝纫saddle stitch双针crown patch加胖海棉non-woven fabric无纺布throw pillow抱枕,抛枕bolster长枕kidney pillow腰枕stripe条纹,斑纹down绒毛(水禽) duck鸭绒dtp(down proof ticking)防雨布n 皮革术语蜡变革wax finish, wax effect 油变革oily pull-up leather 磨砂革buffed leather, nubuck, sanded10 / 12头层皮top grain 二层皮split 仿皮vinylcorrected grain修面革suede split起绒二层veins纹理neck wrinkles颈纹scars疤痕belly腹部nu-buck磨沙革carf小牛hide兽皮,皮革, full-grain全粒面luster铜绿光泽patina光泽pull-up油变革two-tone双色革top grain头层皮) wax leather蜡变革light corrected grain轻修皮PVC仿皮11 / 12backbone脊椎Open scar开裂疤痕Healed scar愈合疤痕otchristance撕破强度wearing test耐磨测试wearing capacity耐磨性wearing property耐磨性water repellency拒水性water resistance抗水性water proof防水性皮革工艺术语liming去毛(浸灰,石灰处理) fleshing去肉splitting分层tanning鞣制shaving削匀dyeing染色drying干燥staking振荡(拉软) finishing喷浆(整饰,涂装) printing压花12 / 12trimming清理(修边) crocking掉色,磨擦脱色embossing压花(饰以图案) hand-rub手擦wet blue蓝湿皮pigment颜料milling干滚(在转鼓中) sammiering挤水包装术语包装packing包装方式Packing method 无纺布Non-woven(fabric) 气泡袋Bubble Bag 毛毯Woolen blanket 塑料编织袋Plastic bag 纸箱Carton五层瓦楞纸5 ply corrugated board 天地盒Cover and tray carton 纸箱强度Carton strength 散装in bulk装柜Load the container装柜量Loading quantity。






1. Furniture (家具)- Sofa:沙发- Chair:椅子- Table:桌子- Bed:床- Wardrobe:衣柜- Bookshelf:书架- Dresser:梳妆台- Desk:写字桌2. Appliances (家用电器)- Television:电视机- Refrigerator:冰箱- Washing machine:洗衣机- Dishwasher:洗碗机- Microwave oven:微波炉- Toaster:烤面包机- Blender:搅拌机- Coffee maker:咖啡机3. Kitchenware (厨房用具)- Pot:锅- Pan:平底锅- Knife:刀- Cutting board:砧板- Plate:盘子- Bowl:碗- Cup:杯子- Spoon:勺子4. Bathroom Essentials (洗漱用品) - Towel:毛巾- Toothbrush:牙刷- Toothpaste:牙膏- Shower gel:沐浴露- Shampoo:洗发水- Conditioner:护发素- Soap:肥皂- Toilet paper:卫生纸5. Home Decor (家居装饰品) - Curtain:窗帘- Rug:地毯- Painting:画作- Clock:钟表- Vase:花瓶- Candle holder:烛台- Photo frame:相框- Wall mirror:墙镜6. Cleaning Supplies (清洁用品) - Broom:扫帚- Vacuum cleaner:吸尘器 - Dustpan:簸箕- Sponge:海绵- Detergent:洗涤剂- Cleaning cloth:清洁布 - Trash can:垃圾桶7. Bedding (床上用品)- Mattress:床垫- Pillow:枕头- Bed sheet:床单- Blanket:毯子- Quilt:被子- Pillowcase:枕套- Duvet cover:被罩- Throw pillow:靠垫8. Lighting (照明设备)- Ceiling light:吊灯- Floor lamp:落地灯- Table lamp:台灯- Wall sconce:壁灯- Chandelier:吊灯9. Storage (储物设备)- Shelf:架子- Storage box:储物盒- Drawer:抽屉- Chest:柜子- Basket:篮子- Hanger:衣架- Closet:壁橱- Shelving unit:置物架10. Miscellaneous (其他) - Mirror:镜子- Heater:加热器- Air purifier:空气净化器- Plant pot:花盆- Wallpaper:壁纸- Cushion:坐垫- Door mat:门垫以上是一些常见家居用品的英文表达,掌握这些词汇有助于我们更好地进行英文交流,并理解外文资料中的相关内容。



常用英语词汇沙发术语沙发sofa沙发床Sofa bed沙发套The sofa cover真皮沙发Leather Sofa布艺沙发Cloth art sofa足疗沙发足浴沙发桑拿沙发酒店沙发Foot sofa bath sofa sauna sofa Hotel sofa 带电视沙发With television sofa单人沙发Single person sofa chair双人沙发Double sofa love sofa三人沙发Three sofa卡座沙发Gets stuck sofa餐厅沙发Dining-room sofa咖啡厅沙发Cafes sofa茶餐厅沙发Tea restaurant sofa酒吧沙发Bar sofaKTV 沙发气动沙发Pneumatic sofa会所沙发Club sofa网吧沙发Internet sofa部件及工艺术语扶手:arm扶板:wing层板:plywood填料:padding转角:cornor扶手面板:arm panel后挡板:tailgate扶手垫:armcap,头枕:headrest坐垫:cushion拉练:zipper搁脚leg supporter茶几:end table躺椅:recliner塑料膜:plastic film /bubble film海绵:foam泡沫板:EPS block 2纸板:cardboard扶手内侧inside arm扶手外侧outside arm扶手前front arm扶手后侧the rear arm.扶手top arm / arm接缝seam靠背正面inside back缝针、针脚stitch靠背后面outside back双针two-needle stitch靠背backrest双针机double needle machine屏耳the wing on both sides of the back回针returned-stitch防护绵: poly (top back rail) (STAPLED)缝止the width of the seam喷胶棉(树脂棉)Glued Fiber / Rolled Fiber 针距stitch size spacing蓬松棉Loosed Fiber刀眼notch编织带Webbing针眼stitch mark封口胶带Tape for sealing the carton浮线float stitch抓钉T-Nuts线头Odd pieces of thread枪钉staple露线exposed stitches垫圈ring / bezel/washer 贴边/嵌条效影(阴阳色)two-tone effect搁脚Ottoman瑕疵flaw转椅swivel chair色差off shade结点knot深色纱线斑点mottled yarns橡皮膏stress tape (cloth tape) for C&S天鹅绒kin velvet杀真菌剂fungicide无纺布non-woven fabric/dustcover里布denim毡毯felt中垫Center / Central cushion倒顺毛the direction of pile上垫Upper layer cushionS 簧/蛇簧no-sag spring拉布/拉条Puller塔簧long coil spring防霉:mildew-proof靠垫:back pillow抛枕:throw pillow夹板ply wood雌雄扣Velcro缝制工艺图Sewing diagram家具固定带, 无弹性Puckering 纸板Paper pattern松紧带Elastic样套Sample C&S T隔布partition (PCS.)钉饰nail trim五金压条metal tacking strip弯度curve board海棉--密度-density弹性-hysteresis loss支撑系数-support factor阻燃测试-Flammability test 2KG 黄芯-yellow corewood frame 木架sharp edge 棱角untidy 乱/不整齐slant 歪斜wrong dimensio尺寸错误to jion or stick with glue用胶粘贴welt cord 嵌foam 海棉skite panel 裙边frame wrok结构/组成fire brand 烙印protrude 突出rise up 鼓起pleat 打褶fringe 排须/须边pressing 熨平brass nail 铜钉4 leg not in level 4脚不平cut\sew 裁剪缝纫Seam 缝边Stitch 缝针Double needle stitch 双针Kink 打结,扭曲Denim 里布Drop in coil 连体簧8-way hand tied 人工绑(宝塔簧) zigzag spring S簧notch 刀眼Liner material 里布,衬布Micro fiber 麂皮绒Jacpuard提花Plaid 格子花呢Fireproof 防火Daylight 日光Tapestry 织锦Damask 缎子Latex 浮胶Backing 背胶Yarn dye 色织Piece dye 披染Polyester 涤纶Rayon人造纤维织物Warp 经线woof \weft 纬线fringe 排须tassel 流苏,缨,坠子skirt 裙边webbing松紧带,绷带elastic webbing 弹性绷带needle work 缝纫saddle stitch 双针crown patch 加胖海棉non-woven fabric 无纺布throw pillow 抱枕,抛枕bolster 长枕kidney pillow 腰枕stripe 条纹,斑纹down 绒毛(水禽)duck 鸭绒dtp(down proof ticking)防雨布n 皮革术语蜡变革wax finish, wax effect油变革oily pull-up leather磨砂革buffed leather, nubuck, sanded 头层皮top grain二层皮split仿皮vinylcorrected grain 修面革suede split 起绒二层veins 纹理neck wrinkles 颈纹scars 疤痕belly 腹部nu-buck 磨沙革carf小牛hide 兽皮,皮革,full-grain 全粒面luster 铜绿光泽patina 光泽pull-up 油变革two-tone 双色革top grain 头层皮)wax leather 蜡变革light corrected grain轻修皮PVC 仿皮backbone 脊椎Open scar 开裂疤痕Healed scar 愈合疤痕otchrisistance撕破强度wearing test 耐磨测试wearing capacity 耐磨性wearing property 耐磨性water repellency 拒水性water resistance 抗水性water proof 防水性皮革工艺术语liming 去毛(浸灰,石灰处理) fleshing 去肉splitting 分层tanning 鞣制shaving 削匀dyeing 染色drying干燥staking 振荡(拉软) finishing 喷浆(整饰,涂装) printing 压花trimming 清理(修边)crocking 掉色,磨擦脱色embossing 压花(饰以图案)hand-rub 手擦wet blue 蓝湿皮pigment 颜料milling 干滚(在转鼓中)sammiering挤水包装术语包装packing包装方式Packing method无纺布Non-woven(fabric)气泡袋Bubble Bag毛毯Woolen blanket塑料编织袋Plastic bag纸箱Carton五层瓦楞纸5 ply corrugated board天地盒Cover and tray carton纸箱强度Carton strength散装in bulk装柜Load the container装柜量Loading quantity。

衣食住行 常用英语

衣食住行 常用英语

1. 食 (Food):
- breakfast (早餐)
- lunch (午餐)
- dinner (晚餐)
- snack (小吃)
- cuisine (菜肴)
- restaurant (餐厅)
- chef (厨师)
- cooking (烹饪)
2. 衣 (Clothing):
- clothes (衣服)
- wardrobe (衣柜)
- clothing (服装)
- dress (裙子)
- suit (西装)
- shirt (衬衫)
- pants (裤子)
- shoes (鞋子)
- socks (袜子)
3. 住 (Accommodation):- house (房子)
- apartment (公寓)
- room (房间)
- furniture (家具)
- sofa (沙发)
- bed (床)
- table (桌子)
- chair (椅子)
- lamp (灯)
4. 行 (Transportation):- car (汽车)
- bus (公交车)
- train (火车)
- plane (飞机)
- bike (自行车)
- motorcycle (摩托车)
- taxi (出租车)
- subway (地铁)
- ticket (车票)



家居英语词汇大全掌握家居用品及装饰品的表达提高家居交流能力家居英语词汇大全:掌握家居用品及装饰品的表达,提高家居交流能力一、家居用品1. Furniture(家具)- Sofa(沙发)- Armchair(单人椅)- Coffee table(咖啡桌)- Dining table(餐桌)- Chair(椅子)- Wardrobe(衣柜)- Bedside table(床头柜)- Bookshelf(书架)- Desk(写字桌)- Dresser(梳妆台)- Ottoman(脚凳)- TV stand(电视柜)2. Appliances(家电)- Television(电视)- Refrigerator(冰箱)- Washing machine(洗衣机)- Microwave oven(微波炉)- Dishwasher(洗碗机)- Air conditioner(空调)- Vacuum cleaner(吸尘器)- Blender(搅拌机)- Toaster(烤面包机)- Coffee maker(咖啡机)- Rice cooker(电饭煲)- Fan(风扇)3. Kitchenware(厨房用具)- Cookware(炊具)- Cutlery(餐具)- Plates(盘子)- Bowls(碗)- Glasses(玻璃杯)- Cups(杯子)- Pots and pans(锅具)- Knife(刀)- Fork(叉子)- Spoon(勺子)- Cutting board(菜板)4. Bedding(床上用品)- Mattress(床垫)- Pillow(枕头)- Bed sheet(床单)- Duvet(被子)- Blanket(毯子)- Pillowcase(枕套)- Quilt(被子)- Comforter(被褥)- Bedspread(床罩)- Cushion(坐垫)- Throw(抱枕)5. Bathroom essentials(浴室用品)- Towel(毛巾)- Bath mat(浴垫)- Shower curtain(浴帘)- Soap dispenser(肥皂液器)- Toothbrush holder(牙刷架)- Toilet paper holder(卫生纸架)- Showerhead(淋浴头)- Bathrobe(浴袍)- Shampoo(洗发水)- Conditioner(护发素)- Body wash(沐浴露)二、装饰品及家居摆设1. Wall decorations(墙饰)- Painting(画)- Mirror(镜子)- Clock(时钟)- Wallpaper(壁纸)- Picture frame(相框)- Wall sticker(墙贴)- Wall sculpture(壁雕)- Wall sconce(壁灯)2. Plants(植物)- Houseplants(室内植物)- Flowerpot(花盆)- Vase(花瓶)- Succulent(多肉植物)- Bonsai(盆栽)- Hanging plant(悬挂植物)- Terrarium(玻璃花瓶)3. Lighting(灯具)- Ceiling light(吊灯)- Floor lamp(落地灯)- Table lamp(台灯)- Pendant light(吊灯)- Chandelier(吊灯)- Wall lamp(壁灯)- Spotlight(聚光灯)- LED strip(LED灯带)4. Curtains and blinds(窗帘和百叶窗)- Curtains(窗帘)- Roman blinds(罗马窗帘)- Roller blinds(卷帘)- Sheer curtains(纱帘)- Blackout curtains(遮光窗帘)- Valance(装饰纱帘)- Curtain rod(窗帘杆)5. Rugs and carpets(地毯)- Area rug(地毯)- Carpet(地毯)- Rug pad(防滑垫)- Runner rug(走廊地毯)- Shaggy rug(绒毯)- Oriental rug(东方地毯)- Sisal rug(麻绳地毯)- Wool rug(羊毛地毯)三、家居交流能力提升1. Common phrases(常用短语)- "Could you pass me the remote control?"(“你能把遥控器递给我吗?”)- "Let's rearrange the furniture in the living room."(“让我们把客厅的家具重新布置一下。



沙发英语词汇沙发:sofa二人位:loveseat单人位:lounge / single chair功能沙发:recilner sofa扶手椅:armchair无扶手椅:side chair沙发床:sofa bed抱枕:pillow抛枕:Throw pillow靠垫:backcushion坐垫:seatcushion靠背:back rest中垫:center / central cushion靠背后:outside back靠背正面:inside back上垫:Upper Layer cushion五金脚:metal leg实木脚:solid leg扶手:arm扶板:wing多层板:Plywood中纤板:MDF落叶松:larch桦木:birch橡胶木:rubber wood填料:padding转角:wedge底座:arm panel后挡板:tailgate扶手垫:armcap头枕:headrest坐垫:seat cushion拉练:zipper滚边:piping搁脚:ottoman茶几:end table摇椅:recliner塑料膜:plastic film / bubble film 海绵:foam泡沫板:EPS block 纸板:corrugate / cardboard后下:outside back扶手内侧:inside arm面板:front arm panel扶手外侧:outside arm扶手前:front arm扶手后侧:the rear arm扶手:top arm / arm防霉:mildew-proof杀真菌剂:fungicide蜡变革:wax finish, wax effect拉变皮:pull-up leather油变革:oily pull-up leather磨砂革:buffed leather头层皮:top grain二层皮:split leather鹿皮绒:micro fiber天鹅绒:kin velvet底布:dust cover无纺布:non-woven fabric / dustcover 里布:denim毡毯:felt结点:knot色差:off shade阻燃测试:flammability test包装方式:packing style胶水:glue包装木: plywood skid封口胶:tape for sealing the carton PP膜:plastic film双瓦楞纸片:double layers cardboard 珍珠棉:pearl wool干燥剂:desiccant泡沫:foam polystyrene。

装修 家具英语词汇

装修 家具英语词汇

中文英文德文房子,住宅 house Haus 室内装饰 interior Inneneinrichtung 家具 furniture M(o)bel 墙壁 wall Wand 窗户 window Fenster 门 door T(u)r 地板 floor Boden 天花板 ceiling Decke 窗帘 curtain Gardine 地毯 carpet Teppich 桌子 table Tisch 书桌 desk Schreibtisch 照明,灯饰 lighting Beleuchtung 餐厅 dining room Esszimmer 卧室 bedroom Schlafzimmer 起居室,客厅 living room Wohnzimmer 浴室bathroom Badezimmer 浴缸 bathtub Badewanne 淋浴 shower Dusche 洗手间 restroom Toiletten 中文英文德文椅子chair Sitzmobel 扶手椅 armchair 单人靠椅(或沙发) chair 双人靠椅(或沙发) love seat 三人靠椅(或沙发) sofa 垫脚凳 ottoman 板凳,凳子 stool 长条椅 bench 安乐椅 easy chair 睡椅,沙发床 lounge chair, 折叠椅 stacking chair 装软垫的沙发 upholstery鞣制皮革 tanned leather人造皮革 synthetic leather 椅套covering 椅背靠档 spindle 椅背靠板 splat,backpanel 椅座 seat 侧拉档 stretcher 椅腿 leg 收藏用家具storage furniture 衣橱wardrobe 碗橱cupboard书架bookshelf 陈设架或柜whatnot,curio Vitrine 餐具柜sideboard 组合家具modular furniture (组家的)基本单元basic unit 拆装式,组装式knockdown 搁板,层板shelf board 底板bottom board 顶板top board 固定搁板fixed shelf活动搁板removable shelf 底座base 固定式(嵌入式)家具built-in 推拉门sliding door 折叠式双开门double swinging door 折叠式单开门single swinging door模数module 尺寸(成品) size 尺寸(部件) dimension 背板back panel 旁板,侧板side panel 配件,附件accessory 插手knob 拉手handle, catch 部件components垂直框架vertical frame 水平框架horizontal frame 床bed 单人床single bed 双人床double bed 婴儿床baby bed 折叠床folding bed 弹簧spring 床头板headboard床尾板footboard 床架frame 弹簧床垫bedstead 床单bedspread 盖被comforter床垫bed pad 枕头pillow 被单flat sheets 包被单fitted sheets整体厨房system kitchen 厨房kitchen 台面面板worktop 吸排油烟机ventilator 吊柜hanging cabinet 水槽sink 水龙头faucet 台面worktop 冰箱refrigerator 洗碗机dishwasher 烤箱oven 煤气灶kitchen stove 微波炉microwave oven 面板panel 实木solid wood 多层板laminated panel 油漆板lacquered wood 三聚氰胺(防火板) meramin board 材料material 木wood 藤rattan竹bamboo 软木cork 纸绳papercord橡胶rubber 铝aluminum钢铁steel 大理石marble 花岗岩granite PU发泡材polyurethane foam玻璃glass镜子mirror 刨花板particle board 平滑smooth 粗糙jagged 粗制rough 精制fine 光亮shiny闪亮,晶亮glaring 硬,挺stiff 透明的transparent 半透明的translucent 波浪状,有波纹的corrugated 排骨状,凹凸不平的ribbed 木材(泛指) wood 原木timber 制材,成材lumber 阔叶材hard wood 针叶材soft wood 树皮bark 饰面板sliced veneer 实木solid wood M集成材laminated wood 胶合板plywood 印刷胶合板printed plywood 单板veneer 成型胶合板shaped plywood (木纹)直纹straight grain (木纹)平纹flat grain 弯曲木bentwood 人工干燥kiln drying 天然干燥natural drying 特级木grade timber 木材纹理grain, morie 树木种类kinds of tree 橡木Japanese oak 白桦木birch 松木pine 雪松木ceder 冷杉,枞木fir 枫木maple 山毛榉beech 栗木chestnut水曲柳,白蜡木ash 樱桃木cherrytree 柚木teak 桃花心木mahogany 山核桃木hickory 涂装和粘接painting & adhesive (丙烯酸)树脂乳胶涂料acrylic emulsion paint (醇酸)树脂涂料alkyd paint (聚胺脂)树脂涂料polyurethane paint (环氧)树脂涂料epoxy paint 丙烯酸硅涂料acrylic silicon paint 含氟树脂涂料fluoride paint 透明着色加工clear tint finish 上油加工oil stain 瓷漆(面涂) enamel finish 罩光(面涂) varnish finish 清漆(面涂) lacquer 日本产天然漆Japanese lacquer 消光matt 上光gloss 镜面抛光加工mirror gloss finish 烤漆(面涂) backed-on finish UV漆饰(光固化漆) UV coat 模拟(木纹)涂饰faux finish 底涂undercoat 面涂surface 水性water-based 油性oil-based 水溶性water-soluble 甲醛formaldehyde 动物胶organic glue 尿醛树脂urea resin 白乳胶acetic acid resin 树脂resin 合成橡胶类粘接剂synthetic rubber glue 酚醛树脂粘接剂phenol resin adhesive 挥发性有机化合物volatile organic chemical compound 家具五金hardware for furniture 合页rolled hinge 仿古合页antique hinge 暗铰链concealed hinge 门头铰pivot hinge 撑(拉)杆stay 磁碰,门吸magnetic catch 脚轮caster 桌脚table bases 抽屉滑轨drawer rail 搁板销shelf support, dowel 螺钉screw 在展览会场at the fair 展览会trade fair 入口entrance 出口exit 馆pavilion 展览会场exhibition hall 入场费admission fee 入场券,门票admission ticket 会期date, period 展览时间exhibition hours 会场指示图exhibition floor plan 服务台information 洗手间restroom accordion door 推拉门Customer built 按照客户的要求制造如:customer built apartment ,customer built car 即按客户要求制造的房子,按客户要求制造的车pendulum 铅锤,钟摆grandfather clock 老爷钟上常用的计算秒数的东西.. coating 涂层sample 样品stoneware:粗瓷 dolomite:白云土 terracotta:红土 construction building material :建白材料 type of glaze: matt:哑光 transparent:透明釉 opaque: 不透明釉 pigmented:色釉 crackled:裂纹釉 pearlized :珍珠釉 under glazed:釉下彩 on-glazed:釉上彩浮雕:relief, emboss bisque firing:素烧 glost firing:釉烧 gild :镀金 decal:贴花 trinket box:首饰盒 silk screen printing :丝网印素彩瓷 plain porcelain 高温陶瓷 refractory china 窑:kiln tunnel:隧道窑印花:stamping 陶瓷原料Ceramic Material长石feldspar 瓷泥petunse, petuntse, petuntze 瓷漆enamel paint, enamel 封泥lute 高岭土kaolin, china clay 硅石,二氧化硅silica, SiO2 堇青石cordierite 莫来石,红柱石andalusite 泥果,坯体clay body 泥釉slip 石灰,生石灰,氧化钙lime, calcium oxide, CaO 氧化锡tin oxide 釉glaze 原材料raw material 云母mica 皂石,块滑石steatite 陶瓷类型Types of Pottery 碧玉细炻器jasper 薄胎瓷thin china 彩陶器,釉陶faience 陈设瓷,摆设瓷display china 瓷porcelain, china (China ‘中国’来自’Chin’’秦’,在英文中’中国’和’瓷’同一单词) 赤陶terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware 代尔夫精陶delft 德化陶瓷Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery 高温陶瓷refractory china 工业陶瓷industrial ceramics 工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china 骨瓷bone china 官瓷mandarin porcelain 光瓷lusterware 黑色陶器basalt 裂变瓷crackled porcelain 裂纹瓷crazed china 米色陶器creamware 青瓷celadon 青花瓷bule and white porcelain 轻质瓷、轻瓷light china 日用瓷household china, table ware 软瓷soft porcelain 杀菌陶瓷antiseptic pottery 绳纹陶器Jomon pottery 施釉陶器slipware 炻瓷stoneware 素彩瓷plain porcelain 陶earthenware 陶瓷pottery无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯biscuit, unglazed ware 锡釉陶majolica 细瓷fine china 硬瓷hard porcelain 赭色粘土陶器terra sigillata 紫砂purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 工艺技术Technology 凹雕intaglio 标记marking 玻璃化vitrify 车削turning 成型forming 冲压,冲压花repousse 瓷土加工clay processing 雕刻carving 浮雕relief 隔焰窑muffle 工艺技术technology 硅氧键silicon-oxygen bond 技艺technique, craft 间断窑intermittent kiln 浇铸casting 拉毛sgraffito 连续窑continuous kiln 镂雕、镂空piercing 辘轳车jigger 泥釉彩饰法trailing 碾磨grinding 抛光burnishing, polishing 破裂chip 嵌入inlay 切刻incising 筛子sieve 烧制firing 陶瓷科技ceramics 陶轮potter’s wheel 贴花、嵌花appliqué, decal 凸雕,底切,拉底,底部掏槽undercut 细裂纹craze 性能property 压印impressing 窑kiln 印花stamping 釉上彩overglazed color figure 釉下彩underglazed color figure 预加工pre-processing 粘性,粘滞性viscosity, stiffness 转模片jiggered piece 转印transfer print 装饰décor, decoration 其它Others 斑点speck 半透明translucence, translucency, translucent 不渗透的nonporous 不透明的opaque 茶叶罐caddy 单色的monochrome 多色的polychrome 高白high white, Gaobai 工艺品artware 鬼工,鬼爷神工demon’s work, kuei kung景德镇Jingdexhen, Ching-te-chen 景泰蓝cloisonné 绝缘子insulator 考古学archaeology 可塑的plastic 流变学rheology 琉璃瓦glazed tile 模型、模特model 模子mould 耐热heat-proof 配方formula 盆栽bonsai 漆器lacquer work 器皿ware 秦始皇陵兵马俑life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in Chin tomb 青铜器bronze work 人类学antropology 渗透的porous 手印,指印finger mark 丝网印刷silk screen printing 四面体tetrahedral 搪瓷,珐琅enamel 陶瓷的ceramic 陶瓷专家,陶瓷艺术家ceramist 陶工potter 瓦tile 碗bowl 卫生洁具sanitary ware 温度temperature 硬度hardness 釉工glazier 圆块,雕球,瘤knob 砖brick 爱比克泰德Epicteus(活动于520-500 BC)古希腊陶工兼画家何朝宗He Chaozhong(1522-1620)Chinese ceramist in Ming Dynasty,中国明代陶瓷艺术家韦奇伍德Wedgwood(1730-1795)英国著名陶瓷工匠和制造商希腊古瓮颂’Ode on a Crecian Urn’英国诗人济慈Keats(1795-1821)的名诗,惊叹古希腊陶器彩绘之精美耐火材料赛拉棉Cerafiber赛拉含锆棉Cerachem Fiber 赛拉毯Cerablanket 赛拉含锆毯Cerachema Blanket 马福特克(莫来石)毯MAFTEC Blanket 耐火纤维组件Refractory Fiber Modules 纤维贴面块Veneering Modules 赛拉板Ceraboard TM 背衬板607 Blok 607TM 赛拉纸Cerapaper 赛拉毡Cerafelt 轻质隔热砖Insulating Firebircks JM 隔热吊顶砖Root Blocks BV 耐火胶泥JM2600 Blakite JM3300 轻质莫来石绝热砖Light Insulating Bricks 聚轻高铝砖Poly Light High Aluminum Firebrick 高温耐火胶泥High- temperature Refractory Mortar 磷酸铝不烧砖系列Aluminophosphat Bonded Firebricks 高温窑具High-temperature Kiln Furniture 堇青石--莫来石窑具Cordierite-mullite Kiln Furniture 轻质耐火浇注料Low-weight Refractory Castable 高温轻质耐火浇注料High-temp Light Weight Refractory Castable 低蠕变高铝砖Low Creep High Alumina Bricks 热风炉用高铝砖High Alumina Bricks for Hot Blast Stove 通用粘土质耐火砖Fireclay Bricks 高炉用粘土质耐火砖Fireclay Bricks for Blast Furnaces 特种耐火泥浆Special Refractory Mortar 轻质隔热耐火砖Insulating Bricks 电炉顶砖High Alumina Bricks for EAF 微膨胀刚玉砖Dilatable High Alumina Bricks 不烧铝镁砖Unburnt Al2O3-MgO Bricks 铝镁尖晶石砖Alumina-Spinel Bricks 刚玉、铬刚玉透气砖Corundum and Chrome-Corundum Purging Plugs for Ladle Refining 铝-碳化硅-碳砖Al2O3-SiC-C Bricks 锆铬刚玉砖Zr-Cr-Corundum Brick 铬刚玉尖晶石砖Chrome-Corundum-Spinel Brick 铝镁碳砖Al2O3-MgO-C Bricks 铝碳砖Al2O3-C Bricks 通用高铝砖High Alumina Bricks 高炉用高铝砖High Alumina Bricks for Blast Furnaces 高炉出铁沟浇注料Refractory Castables for BF Troughs and Runners 钢包浇注料Refractory Carstables for Ladles 金花米黄、渗花砖、蓝宝石、大颗粒、纯色砖golden yellow, glazed-lmitated, sapphire of polishing series, big grain and solid color内墙砖wall tile 地砖floor tile 广场砖paving tile 完全玻化砖polished tile 金玉石polished mosaic 精工钻fine granule 陶瓷砖和卫生陶瓷分类及术语陶瓷砖ceramic tile 由粘土或其他无机非金属原料,经成型、烧结等工艺处理,用于装饰与保护建筑物、构筑物墙面及地面的板状或块状陶瓷制品。



整理英语中的家具词汇(按字母排序)AAir bed 气床Adjustable bed 可调床Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antique furniture 古式家具Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具Armchair 扶手椅BBaby crib 婴儿床Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱Bamboo furniture 竹家具Banqueting chair 宴会椅Barstool 吧椅Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架Bathroom furniture 浴室家具Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台Batten door 板条门Bed base床架,床套Bed base set 成套床架Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具Bedstead 床架Bentwood furniture 曲木家具Beside table 床头柜Birch door 桦木门Board-room and conference table 会议桌Bookcase 书柜Bookshelf 书架Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具Bunk 双层床Bunk bed 双层床CCabin bed 儿童多功能床Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床CD-video storage cabinet边音响组合柜Chair with castors 脚轮椅Changing table 可调桌Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜Child cot 童床Children’s bed 儿童床Children’s bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具Children’s chair 儿童椅CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具Clothes rail 挂衣杆Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌Combine-unit 组合柜Composite furniture 复合家具Console 小桌Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具Contract programmes 订做家具Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆Cot 童床(婴儿床)Couch 长沙发椅Cupboard 橱柜Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜Curtain 窗帘,挂帘Customized furniture 订做家具DDecorative lighting 装饰灯具Dining room furniture 餐厅家具Dining room set 起居室配套家具Dining table 餐桌Divan 长沙发,沙发床Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列DIY furniture 自装式家具Double-bed 双人床Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床Double sided mirror 双面镜Draughtsman chair 吧椅Drawer 抽屉Dressing table 梳妆台EEasy chair 轻便椅End table 茶几Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具Exterior door户外门FFiling cabinet 文件柜Fireplace壁炉Fitment 固定家具Fitting 家居用品Flap 翻门Flower stand 花架Flush door 平面门,全板门Folding chair 折叠椅Folding furniture 折叠家具Folk furniture 民间家具Foot-stool 踏脚凳Framed mirror 带框镜子French-type furniture 模式家具French cabinet 法式桌椅弯脚French door 玻璃门Function sofa多功能沙发椅Furniture for bedrooms 卧室家具Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具GGame table 玩具桌Gate-leg table折叠桌Glass cabinet 玻璃陈设柜Glass case玻璃陈设柜Glass unit and container 玻璃容器制品Glazed door 玻璃门HHall furniture 厅房家具Hat and coat stand 衣帽架Headboard 床头Heirloom quality furniture 祖传家具High bed 儿童高脚床(不带屉柜)High chair 高脚椅Highback executive chair 高背办公椅Home furniture 家庭家具,民用家具Home office furniture 家庭办公家具Hotel furniture 酒店家具Household furniture 家庭家具Hutch碗架IInstitutional furniture 风俗家具,公用家具JJunior desk chair 学生书桌椅KKitchen block /kitchen rock 厨房地砖Kitchen cabinet 餐具柜Kitchen chair, stool and bench 厨房椅、圆凳及条椅Kitchen fitment 厨房固定家具Kitchen table 厨房餐桌Kitchen unit 厨房成套家具LLamp table 灯桌Lath grid 板条格Ledged door 直板门Link chair 写字板椅Living room furniture 起居室家具Locker 衣帽柜Lounge furniture 客厅家具Louvered door 百叶窗柜门Lowback executive chair 低背办公椅Lowback guest chair 低背来宾椅Lowback visitor chair 低背接待椅MManagerial mediumback chair 中背经理椅Margined flush door 镶边平板门Mattress 床垫,席梦思Mediumback executive chair 中背办公椅Metal furniture金属家具Mirror door 玻璃门Mirror for chest of drawers 多屉柜梳妆镜Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙发Multi-purpose table 多用桌NNest 茶几OOccasional furniture 配套家具,休闲家具Occasional table 休闲桌Office furniture 办公家具Office seating 办公座椅Office table 办公桌PPartition wall 隔断Pembroke table 折面桌Planters chair 园艺工用椅Plastic furniture 塑料家具Play furniture 娱乐家具Presidential highback chair 高背办公椅Pull-out table 伸缩餐具RRattan furniture 藤家具Recliner 躺椅Refectory table长餐桌Rocking chair 摇摆椅Rotary chair 转椅Rustic style furniture 乡村风格家具rectangular table 长方桌red-lacquered chest 红漆木箱round bed 圆床round stool 圆凳round table 圆桌round-backed armchair 圈椅SSchool table 课桌screen 屏风Seat 座椅secretaire 写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者) Secretarial chair 秘书椅sectional sofa 拼合沙发semi-CKD 半拆装家具separate wine cabinet 独立厨柜serving table 送餐桌settee; chaise longue 长靠椅shelving combination 组合架shoe rack 鞋架side table 小桌sideboard 餐具柜simmous bed 席梦思床single bed 单人床slat stool 板条凳sleeper sofa 可睡沙发sofa 沙发sofa bed 沙发床sofa table 沙发桌soft chair 软椅spring bed; steel cot 钢丝床;弹簧床spring-seat chair 弹簧座椅square stool 方凳square table 方桌steel chair 扶手椅steel desk 钢制写字台steel safe 保险柜step stool 梯凳stool 凳子;搁脚凳storage for umbrellas 伞架straight back chair 直背椅strong box; safe 保险箱studio couch 单人沙发床suitcase; trunk 衣箱;小型旅行箱swivel armchair 帆布折叠躺椅swivel-top stool 转动凳。



沙发相关词汇wood frame木架arm chair单人沙发loveseat双人沙发sharp edge棱角open scars开口伤healed scars愈合伤untidy乱/不整齐slant歪斜back cushion靠背cushion垫子foam海棉welt cord嵌条skite panel裙边frame wrok结构/组成fire brand烙印protrude突出rise up鼓起wrong dimensio尺寸错误pleat打褶tassel流苏pressing熨平4 leg not in level 4脚不平factory工厂back后liming去毛(浸灰,石灰处理)splitting分层shaving削匀:n0`6g O/s drying干燥finishing喷浆(整饰,涂装)trimming清理(修边) semi-aniline半苯胺suede split起绒二层neck wrinkles颈纹belly腹部carf小牛crocking掉色,磨擦脱色full-grain全粒面luster铜绿光泽pigment颜料two-tone双色革shrink缩水,收缩wax leather蜡变革light corrected grain轻修皮sammiering挤水Velcro魔术贴Cushion border座垫四周Out arm扶手外侧Outside back后下Healed scar愈合疤痕Stitch缝针Welt嵌条ticking内套to jion or stick wich glue用胶粘贴zipper拉链fringe排须/须边铜钉balance余额front前side侧fleshing去肉tanning鞣制染色staking振荡(拉软)printing压花pure-aniline全苯胺corrected grain修面革veins纹理scars疤痕nu-buck磨沙革hide兽皮,皮革,embossing压花(饰以图案) hand-rub手擦patina光泽pull-up油变革backbone脊椎头层皮wet blue蓝湿皮milling干滚(在转鼓中)cut\sew裁剪缝纫座垫in arm扶手内侧Front arm panel扶手前板Open scar开裂疤痕Seam缝边Double needle stitch双针打结,扭曲brass naildyeingtop grainCushionKinkDenim里布Flammability可燃性Compression压力Drop in coil连体簧8-way hand tied人工绑(宝塔簧)zigzag springS簧notch刀眼PVC仿皮Decking material里布,衬布Logo material里布,衬布Liner material里布,衬布Incandescent白炽灯Fluorescent荧光灯Suede小山羊皮Micro fiber麂皮绒Jacpuard提花Plaid格子花呢Fireproof防火Daylight日光Tapestry织锦Damask缎子Latex浮胶Backing背胶Yarn dye色织Piece dye披染Chenille雪尼尔Polyester涤纶Rayon人造纤维织物Warp经线woof \weft纬线fringe排须tassel流苏,缨,坠子skirt裙边webbing松紧带,绷带elastic webbing弹性绷带plygrip反包条,反包扣plump饱满的needle work缝纫saddle stitch双针crown patch加胖海棉non-woven fabric无纺布throw pillow抱枕,抛枕stripe条纹,斑纹down绒毛(水禽)duck鸭绒nap起绒dtp(down proof ticking)防雨布notch ristance撕破强度wearing test耐磨测试blocking高温粘着测试printed embossed grain压花粘面preesing熨平wearing capacity耐磨性wearing property耐磨性water repellency拒水性water resistance抗水性water proof防水性lumpy块状不平的plaid格子花呢bias斜纹,斜的fireproof防火left side face对面左侧right side face对面右侧raw edge未锁的边家具英语相关Adjustable bed可调床Air bed气床Anti-slip strip for stairs(儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antique furniture古式家具Antique reproduction furniture仿古家具Armchair扶手椅BBaby crib婴儿床Backless wall-unit不设背板的壁橱Bamboo furniture竹家具Banqueting chair宴会椅Barstool吧椅Bathroom accessories浴室配套装置Bathroom consoles浴室多用架Bathroom furniture浴室家具Bathroom vanity浴室盥洗台Batten door板条门Bed base床架,床套Bed base set成套床架Bedroom suite卧室系列家具Bedstead床架Bentwood furniture曲木家具Beside table床头柜Birch door桦木门Board-room and conference table会议桌Bookcase书柜Bookshelf书架Built-in kitchen配套厨房家具Bunk双层床Bunk bed双层床CCabin bed儿童多功能床Cabin furniture for ships船用家具Canopy bed带天篷的床,四柱床Chair with castors脚轮椅Changing table可调桌Chest of drawers多屉橱柜Child cot童床Children’s bed儿童床Children’s bedroom suite儿童卧房系列家具Children’s chair儿童椅Clothes rail挂衣杆Cocktail table鸡尾酒桌Coffee table茶几,咖啡桌Combine-unit组合柜Composite furniture复合家具Console小桌Console table(装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌Contract furniture订做家具,承建家具Contract programmes订做家具Corner sofa suite拐角扶杆Cot童床(婴儿床)Couch长沙发椅Cupboard橱柜Cupboard wall unit for flat套房衣柜Curtain窗帘,挂帘Customized furniture订做家具DDecorative lighting装饰灯具Ding room furniture餐厅家具Ding room set起居室配套家具Ding table餐桌Divan长沙发,沙发床Dividing wall and fitted wall unit隔墙板及系列DIY furniture自装式家具Double-bed双人床Double function sofa-bed双人沙发床Double sided mirror双面镜Draughtsman chair吧椅Drawer抽屉Dressing table梳妆台EEasy chair轻便椅End table茶几Entrance hall furniture门厅家具Fireplace壁炉Fitment固定家具Fitting家居用品Flap翻门Flower stand花架Flush door平面门,全板门Folding chair折叠椅Folding furniture折叠家具Folk furniture民间家具Foot-stool踏脚凳Framed mirror带框镜子French-type furniture模式家具French door玻璃门Function sofa多功能沙发椅Furniture for bedrooms卧室家具Furniture for public premises公共场所家具GGame table玩具桌Gate-leg table折叠桌Glass case玻璃陈设柜Glass unit and container玻璃容器制品Glazed door玻璃门HHall furniture厅房家具Hat and coat stand衣帽架Headboard床头Heirloom quality furniture祖传家具High bed儿童高脚床(不带屉柜)High chair高脚椅Highback executive chair高背办公椅Home furniture家庭家具,民用家具Home office furniture家庭办公家具Household furniture家庭家具Hutch碗架IInstitutional furniture风俗家具,公用家具JJunior desk chair学生书桌椅KKitchen block /kitchen rock厨房地砖Kitchen chair, stool and bench厨房椅、圆凳及条椅Kitchen fitment厨房固定家具Kitchen table厨房餐桌Kitchen unit厨房成套家具LLamp table灯桌Lath grid板条格Ledged door直板门Link chair写字板椅Living room furniture起居室家具Locker衣帽柜Lounge furniture客厅家具Louvered door百叶窗柜门Lowback executive chair低背办公椅Lowback guest chair低背来宾椅Lowback visitor chair低背接待椅MManagerial mediumback chair中背经理椅Margined flush door镶边平板门Mattress床垫,席梦思Mediumback executive chair中背办公椅Mirror door玻璃门Mirror for chest of drawers多屉柜梳妆镜Multi-purpose sofa多用沙发Multi-purpose table多用桌NNest茶几OOccasional furniture配套家具,休闲家具Occasional table休闲桌Office furniture办公家具Office seating办公座椅Office table办公桌PPartion wall隔断Pembroke table折面桌Planters chair园艺工用椅Plastic furniture塑料家具Play furniture娱乐家具Presidential highback chair高背办公椅Pull-out table伸缩餐具RRattan furniture藤家具Recliner躺椅Refectory table长餐桌Rocking chair摇摆椅Rotary chair转椅Rustic style furniture乡村风格家具rectangular table长方桌red-lacquered chest红漆木箱round bed圆床round stool圆凳round table圆桌round-backed armchair圈椅SSchool table课桌screen屏风Seat座椅secretaire写字桌(尤指有抽屉及分类格者) Secretarial chair秘书椅sectional sofa拼合沙发semi-CKD半拆装家具serving table送餐桌settee; chaise longue长靠椅shoe rack鞋架side table小桌sideboard餐具柜simmous bed席梦思床single bed单人床slat stool板条凳sleeper sofa可睡沙发sofa沙发sofa bed沙发床sofa table沙发桌soft chair软椅spring bed; steel cot钢丝床;弹簧床spring-seat chair弹簧座椅square stool方凳square table方桌steel chair扶手椅steel desk钢制写字台steel safe保险柜step stool梯凳stool凳子;搁脚凳storage for umbrellas伞架straight back chair直背椅strong box; safe保险箱studio couch单人沙发床suitcase; trunk衣箱;小型旅行箱swivel armchair帆布折叠躺椅swivel-top stool转动凳家具的使用( The use of furniture)1)家具在使用前15-20天空置,并适当保持空气流通,以消除家具涂料中残留气味。



家具英语词汇大全English:Furniture is a significant part of our daily lives and plays a vital role in creating a comfortable and functional living space. There are various types of furniture, each serving a specific purpose. Starting with the basics, we have seating furniture, which includes chairs, sofas, and stools. Chairs are available in different designs, such as armchairs, rocking chairs, and recliners, while sofas come in various sizes and styles, including sectional sofas, loveseats, and sofa beds. In addition to seating furniture, we have storage furniture, including cabinets, bookcases, and shelves, which help us keep our belongings organized and accessible. Dining furniture, such as dining tables and chairs, allow us to enjoy meals together as a family or entertain guests. Bedroom furniture typically consists of a bed frame, mattress, bedside tables, and wardrobes, providing us with a comfortable and relaxing environment for rest. Desks, office chairs, and filing cabinets are essential furniture pieces for creating a productive workspace. Entertainment furniture, like TV stands and media cabinets, helps us store and display our electronic equipment. Outdoor furniture, suchas patio sets, chairs, and loungers, enables us to enjoy the fresh air and natural surroundings. In terms of materials, furniture can be made of wood, metal, plastic, or a combination of these. Wood furniture, including oak, pine, and walnut, adds warmth and elegance to any space, while metal furniture, such as steel or aluminum, offers a contemporary and sleek look. Plastic furniture is lightweight and easy to clean, making it suitable for outdoor use. With the advancement of technology, smart furniture is also becoming popular, incorporating features like built-in charging ports, Bluetooth speakers, and adjustable settings to enhance convenience and comfort. In conclusion, furniture encompasses a wide range of items, providing us with the necessary comfort, functionality, and aesthetic appeal in our homes and workplaces.中文翻译:家具是我们日常生活中的重要组成部分,对于营造舒适和实用的居住空间至关重要。



英语部分 English part 一,仓库产品拆分: Divide up the products1,妆台 dresser/dressing table(1),旁板 side board(2),旁线 side line(3),顶板 top board(4),底板 bottom board(5),带框妆镜 framed mirror(6),妆凳 stool2,床 bed(1),床头 head board/high side(2),床尾 foot board/low side(3),床板 bed board(4),床栏 guard board/bed shelf(5),床头柜 night table/night stand3,衣柜 wardrobe(1),顶板 top board(2),底板 bottom board(3),旁板 side board(4),旁线 side line(5),中门 mid door(6),旁门 side door(7),底线 bottom line(8),旁柱 side pole(9),顶线 top line4,餐边柜 buffet/side board(1),顶板 top board(2),底板 bottom board(3),旁板 side board(4),门 door(5),带框镜子 framed mirror5,酒柜 cellaret /wine cabinet(1),顶板 top board(2),底板 bottom board(3),旁板 side board(4),旁线 side line(5),中门 middle door(6),旁门 side door(7),底线 bottom line(8),地脚线 floor board(8),玻璃 glass6,五斗柜 chest of drawers(1),旁板 side board(2),旁线 side line(3),顶板 top board(4),底板 side board(5),抽屉 drawer7,书柜 book case/book shelf(1),顶/底板 top/bottom(2),旁/侧板 side board(3),门 door(4),栏顶木 top bar(5),底线 bottom line8,电视柜 TV cabinet(1),旁板 side board(3),顶板/底板 top/bottom(5),带框妆镜 framed mirror(6),妆凳 stool9,办公台/写字台 office table/desk(1),顶/底板 top/bottom(2),旁板 side board二,其他单件产品, Other single product .1),客厅系列 lounge furniture/hall furniture组成为: Composition is(1),沙发 sofa(2),茶几 tea table/end table/nest长茶几 long tea table方几 square tea table角几 corner table(3),咖啡桌 coffee table(4),花架 flower shelf/stand(5),地柜 floor cabinet(6),酒柜 cellaret/wine cabinet(7),电视柜 TV cabinet(8),休闲椅 leisure chair/occasional chair(9),休闲桌 occasional table(10),组合柜 combine unit cabinet(10),玄关台 console table2)餐厅系列 dining room furniture(1),餐边柜 buffet(2),餐台 dining table(3),餐椅 dining chair扶手椅 armchair无扶手椅 sidechair(4),酒柜 wine cabinet(5),餐车 serving table/buffet(6),茶水柜 tea and water cabinet(7),组合柜 combine unit cabinet3)书房系列 booking room furniture(1),写字台 desk(2),转椅 rotary chair(3),躺椅 recliner(4),摇椅 moving chair(5),书柜 bookcase4)卧室系列 bedroom furniture/living room furniture(1),床 bed(2),床屏 screen(3),床头柜 night table(4),五斗柜 chest of drawers(5),衣帽架 hat and clothes shelf(6),鞋柜 shoe cabinet/rack(7),妆台 dresser(8),妆凳 stool(9),穿衣镜(礼仪镜) formail mirror(10),衣柜 wardrobe(11),床垫 mattress(12),贵妃椅 queen chair5)厨房系列 kitchen cabinet(1),地柜 floor cabinet(2),半高柜 mid-high cabinet(3),高柜 high cabinet(4),吊柜 wall cabinet(5),吧台 bar table(6),吧凳 bar stool/chair6)卫生间 bathroom furniture(1),马桶 flush toilet / nightstool(2),浴室柜 washbasin(3),淋浴柱 shower panel(4),淋浴房 shower enclosure(5),蒸汽房 steam shower box(6),浴缸 bathtub附: besides仿古家具 antigue reproduction furnirure儿童卧房系列家具 children”s bedroom suite配套家具 occasional furniture风格 style乡村风格 rustic style furniture意大利 Italian style现代风格 contemporary design新古典风格 neoclassic style巴洛克风格 baroco style洛可可风格 rococo style美式家具 federal styleLeo.linJune 4,2009。



关于家具的英文单词相关英语词汇家具的英文单词:CCabin bed 儿童多功能床Cabin furniture for ships 船用家具Canopy bed 带天篷的床,四柱床CD-video storage cabinet边音响组合柜Chair with castors 脚轮椅Changing table 可调桌Chest of drawers 多屉橱柜Child cot 童床Childrens bed 儿童床Childrens bedroom suite 儿童卧房系列家具Childrens chair 儿童椅CKD(complete knock down) 整体拆装式家具Clothes rail 挂衣杆Cocktail cabinet 吧柜,酒柜Cocktail table 鸡尾酒桌Coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌Combine-unit 组合柜Composite furniture 复合家具Console 小桌Console table (装在墙上的)蜗形腿台桌Contract furniture 订做家具,承建家具Contract programmes 订做家具Corner sofa suite 拐角扶杆Cot 童床(婴儿床)Couch 长沙发椅Cupboard 橱柜Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜Curtain 窗帘,挂帘Customized furniture 订做家具家具的英文单词:AAdjustable bed 可调床Air bed 气床Anti-slip strip for stairs (儿童床)防滑楼梯打击扶手Antique furniture 古式家具Antique reproduction furniture 仿古家具Armchair 扶手椅家具的英文单词:BBaby crib 婴儿床Backless wall-unit 不设背板的壁橱Bamboo furniture 竹家具Banqueting chair 宴会椅Barstool 吧椅Bathroom accessories 浴室配套装置Bathroom combination 浴室组合柜Bathroom consoles 浴室多用架Bathroom furniture 浴室家具Bathroom vanity 浴室盥洗台Batten door 板条门Bed base床架,床套Bed base set 成套床架Bedroom suite 卧室系列家具Bedstead 床架Bentwood furniture 曲木家具Beside table 床头柜Birch door 桦木门Board-room and conference table 会议桌Bookcase 书柜Bookshelf 书架Built-in kitchen 配套厨房家具Bunk 双层床Bunk bed 双层床家具的英文单词:DDecorative lighting 装饰灯具Dining room furniture 餐厅家具Dining room set 起居室配套家具Dining table 餐桌Divan 长沙发,沙发床Dividing wall and fitted wall unit 隔墙板及系列DIY furniture 自装式家具Double-bed 双人床Double function sofa-bed 双人沙发床Double sided mirror 双面镜Draughtsman chair 吧椅Drawer 抽屉Dressing table 梳妆台家具的英文单词:EEasy chair 轻便椅End table 茶几Entrance hall furniture 门厅家具Exterior door户外门家具的英文单词:FFiling cabinet 代件柜Fireplace壁炉Fitment 固定家具Fitting 家居用品Flap 翻门Flower stand 花架Flush door 平面门,全板门Folding chair 折叠椅Folding furniture 折叠家具Folk furniture 民间家具Foot-stool 踏脚凳Framed mirror 带框镜子French-type furniture 模式家具French cabinet 法式桌椅弯脚French door 玻璃门Function sofa多功能沙发椅Furniture for bedrooms 卧室家具Furniture for public premises 公共场所家具下一页更多家具相关英语词汇。




下面是分享的家居类,希望能帮到大家!doormat n. 门垫radiator n. 暖气片, 散热器,辐射体lid n. 盖shower nozzle 喷头淋浴喷头settee n. 长靠椅, 长沙发椅cupboard n. 碗橱Thermos n. 热水瓶thermos bottle n. 热水瓶ventilator n. 通风机,送风机,换气扇robe n. 长袍 v. (使)穿上长袍等pane n. 窗玻璃, 方框, 方格 v. 嵌窗玻璃counterpane n. 床单, 床罩velvet n. 天鹅绒,[俚语]赌博赢的钱;意外的赢利(或收益) adj. 天鹅绒的家居[1]stool n. 凳子, 搁脚凳,便桶,根株 vi. 引诱bench n. 长凳,工作台,梯田 vt. 坐在长凳上,放置长凳,在展览会上展览 vi. 形成梯田tea table 茶几wardrobe n. 衣柜,衣橱 n. 全部服装closet n. 壁橱,衣帽间 adj.(用于名词前)隐藏(身分等)的;不公开(个人信息)的 vt. 把…关在房间里(尤指为了私下会谈或防止他人打搅)mattress n. 床垫slipper n. 拖鞋quilt n. 被子,被状物 vt. 缝被, 缝制, 用垫料填塞 vi. 制作被子, 做缝制工作blanket n. 毛毯,覆盖物,排字版 vt. 用毯子裹,扑灭,挡风,覆盖,使包含 adj. 包含所有的,适用于所有情形的bedspread n. 床单, 床罩pillow n. 枕头 vt. 枕,搁,垫pillowcase n. 枕头套mat n. 垫,丛,衬边,消光面 vt. 遮盖, 保护, 用垫子装饰, 使纠缠,铺席于...上,使...无光泽,给(照片)镶框 vi. 缠结cushion n. 垫子, 橡皮软垫, 缓冲 vt. 加垫褥, 放在垫子上, 保护, 减缓, 为...装垫子bathtub n. 浴缸shower n. 阵雨,淋浴 vi. 倾盆而下,淋浴 vt. 淋湿,下骤雨,使(大量东西)落在某人身上water tap 水龙头faucet n. 水龙头nozzle n. 喷嘴dressing table 梳桩台,镜台,台bath towel 浴巾bathrobe n. 浴衣,睡衣thermometer n. 温度计sponge n. 海绵, 海绵状的东西 v. 用海绵擦拭, 吸收掉, 抹掉towel n. 毛巾 v. 用毛巾擦 vt. 用毛巾擦或擦干balcony n. 阳台shutter n. 百叶窗, 遮门, 快门 v. 装以遮门, 以百叶窗遮闭curtain n. 窗帘,遮蔽物,幕 vt. 用窗帘装饰,遮蔽transom n. 横档, 横楣, 横粱,气窗windowsill n. 窗沿,窗台ashtray n. 烟灰缸central heating n. 中央暖气系统desk lamp n. 桌灯bedside lamp n.床头灯socket n. 插座,插口, 穴孔 vt. 装上或插入插座plug n. 塞子,消防栓,电插头 vt. 塞住,射杀,宣传 vi. 射杀,持续的工作toilet seat n. 马桶座圈soap stand 肥皂盒TV bench 电视柜airer n.枯燥器,晒衣架。



关于家具的词汇题英语好的,以下是一些关于家具的英语词汇题:1. 请写出以下家具的英文名称:床(床架):bed床头柜:bedside table衣柜:wardrobe沙发:sofa茶几:coffee table书桌:desk椅子:chair餐桌:dining table电视柜:TV cabinet2. 请写出以下家具的英文名称,并简要描述它们的特点或用途:书架:bookshelf特点或用途:用于存放书籍和其他纸质物品。

餐桌和椅子:dining table and chairs特点或用途:用于家庭或餐厅中的用餐场合,餐桌通常配有椅子,以便人们可以舒适地坐着用餐。

电脑桌:computer desk特点或用途:用于放置电脑和其他相关设备,如显示器、键盘和鼠标等。


3. 请用英文描述以下家具的材质和颜色:床架:由木质或金属制成,颜色可以是白色、棕色、黑色或灰色等。



4. 请写出以下家具的英文名称,并描述它们的材质和特点:实木家具:solid wood furniture材质:由天然木材制成,如橡木、松木、樱桃木等。


金属家具:metal furniture材质:由钢铁、铝合金等金属材料制成。


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单人位:lounge / single chair
功能沙发:recilner sofa
无扶手椅:side chair
沙发床:sofa bed
抛枕:Throw pillow
靠背:back rest
中垫:center / central cushion
靠背后:outside back
靠背正面:inside back
上垫:Upper Layer cushion
五金脚:metal leg
实木脚:solid leg
橡胶木:rubber wood
底座:arm panel
坐垫:seat cushion
茶几:end table
塑料膜:plastic film / bubble film 海绵:foam
泡沫板:EPS block 纸板:corrugate / cardboard
后下:outside back
扶手内侧:inside arm
面板:front arm panel
扶手外侧:outside arm
扶手前:front arm
扶手后侧:the rear arm
扶手:top arm / arm
蜡变革:wax finish, wax effect
拉变皮:pull-up leather
油变革:oily pull-up leather
磨砂革:buffed leather
头层皮:top grain
二层皮:split leather
鹿皮绒:micro fiber
天鹅绒:kin velvet
底布:dust cover
无纺布:non-woven fabric / dustcover 里布:denim
色差:off shade
阻燃测试:flammability test
包装方式:packing style
包装木: plywood skid
封口胶:tape for sealing the carton PP膜:plastic film
双瓦楞纸片:double layers cardboard 珍珠棉:pearl wool
泡沫:foam polystyrene。
