


The book explains grammar simply and clearly.
讲解:相当于 anyone。多用在疑问句、 否定句或条件状语从句中。 (anybody 作主语时,谓语动词 要用第三人称单数形式)
pron. 任何人
例句: Is there anybody who can tell a fairy tale?
拓展:miss 的其他用法: (1) vt. 怀念;思念 I do miss the children. (2) vt. 错过;没赶上;未击中
It’s the chance of a lifetime. You shouldn’t miss it.
(3) n.小姐;女士
Miss Zhang is our Chinese teacher. (miss 在此种用法中,首字母须大写, 且常用于未婚女士的姓氏前)
拓展: 反义词:downstairs adj. 位于 楼下的 adv. 往楼下;在楼下
n. 展览;展览会
例句: The photographs will be on exhibition until the end of the month.
n. 规则;法则
短语: break the rules 违反规定 follow the rules 遵守规定 例句: You shouldn’t break the
Module 4 Home alone
Unit 2 词汇课件
v. 管理;支配
例句:The 30 years old man manages a big company by himself. 拓展: 1. v. 做成;(尤指)设法完成 2. manager n. 经理;管理者 例句: I found the manager and told him about the clerk’s kindness and patience.


❖ 同义:两个词根的意义并列,可以互相说明 ❖ 类义:江山、眉目、岁月、领袖、心肠 ❖ 反义:动静、来往、早晚、开关、教学 ❖ 偏义:忘记、师傅、窗户、睡觉、国家
❖ 前一词根修饰、限制后一词根。一般说来,偏 正型的中心语素决定这个词的词性。
❖ 1)名素为中心成分:名+名、形+名、动+名 ❖ 2)动素为中心成分:名+动、形+动、副+动 ❖ 3)形素为中心成分:名+形、形+形、动+形
❖ 名+形:性急、手软、眼红、肉麻、心虚
❖ 此外,还有一种主谓型的词,从语义关系 看,实际上是一种逆序支配(动宾)关系。
(6)连动型 ❖ 两个动作具有先后承接关系。
❖ 贩卖、退休、接管、考取、 报销、认领、扮演
❖ 两个动作分别与主体和客体有 关。
❖ 逼供、请教、促进、逗笑、逗 乐、遣返、迫降
❖ 阿、子、性、者、家、员、儿
❖ 有些语素在某些义项上可以独立成词, 但在另一些义项上意义已经类化,其 自由度已降低,只能与别的语素组合, 呈现定位、粘着的趋势,正在成为一 种类词缀。
❖ 角、热、意识、族
❖ 词是句中最小的能够独立运 用的语言单位。
❖ 小黄和小张去跑步了。
❖ 首先,除了少数异读词以外,词的 语音形式是固定而单一的。
❖ 从汉语构成的情况我们可以分成单纯 词和合成词两种。
❖ 由一个语素构成的词,叫单纯词。单 纯词从音节的角度,可以分为单音节 的、双音节的、多音节的。
❖ 单音节词基本上都是单纯词,但有例 外,那就是儿化。“卷儿”、“信 儿”、“头儿”虽然是单音节的,却 是合成词。



3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
Native words / Angle-Saxon words
Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are native
words. They form the great majority of the
Another important characteristic is that function words belong to a relatively small and permanent set of words, in comparison to content words. The total number of functional words is about 154. They are stable; they do not come and go with changing fashions and ideas.
basic word stock of the English language.
The basic word stock is the foundation of the
vocabulary accumulated over a number of
epochs. Most native words in modern
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ 1) More morphemes than letters, ➢ 2) Stabilization of spelling, ➢ 3) Deliberate change of spelling by

Unit 3 Lesson 1 词汇学习课件-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册

Unit 3 Lesson 1 词汇学习课件-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册
➢ surrounding (adj.) 周围的,附近的 ➢ surroundings (n.) 周围的事物,环境
Ⅰ.单句填空 (1) People say it is Canada’s most beautiful city,__s_u_r_r_o_u_n_d_ed__ (surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
(2) He loves to surround himself __w__it_h__ his family and friends.
➢ surround sb./sth. with ...
(3) I’d like to bring up my child in healthy __s_u_r_ro_u_n_d_i_n_g_s__(surround).
➢ scare sb/sth away (把……吓跑 )
[教材典例P52] Mrs Chen said that it was to scare away the monster Nian.
➢ scared (adj.) 感到害怕的;惊恐的
be scared of doing sth. be scared to do sth.
n. 航班
vt. 环绕,围绕
➢ surround sb./sth. with ... (用...包围某人/物) ➢ be surrounded by/with(被...包围)
e.g. The famous pop star was surrounded by his fans.


narrow the generation gap. 5.The team lost narrowly.
答案:1. adj. 狭窄的 2. adj. 狭隘的 3. adj. 九死一生 4. vt. 缩短, 使变窄 5. adv. 勉强地
Ⅲ. 探究总结重点词的用法:(小组活动,5分钟) 第一组: 1. Her family urged her to find another job. 2. The report urged that all children be taught to swim. 3. We strongly urge on\upon you the importance of this
【巧记】ba-leen 谐音:我们班的一名叫“柏林”的同 学胡须特多,可惜不是鲸须。
4. annual ['ænjʊəl] adj. = yearly 每年的;按年度计算

n. 年刊;年鉴 【巧记】an-nu-al 谐音:阿牛 联想:阿牛每年都到大陆开个人演唱 会。
5. witness ['wɪtnɪs] vt. 当场见到;目击 n.目击者;证人;证据
4. Walking in the forest, he felt __a_b_a_n_d_o_n_e_d(abandon) by the world.
5. The final score of the basketball match was 93:94. We were only __n_a_rr_o_w__ly_ (narrow) beaten.
答案:1. adj. 2. adv. 3. prep. 4. n.
第二组: 1. He witnessed the accident. 2. Neither witness told the truth. 3.She gave witness on behalf of the accused person. 4.These facts are a witness to his carelessness.


21. 结识某人_________________ make the acquaintance of sb be about to…when 22. 正要做,突然___________________ 23.address oneself to
24. 一个被收养的孩子__________________ an adopted child to sb’s advantage advance 25. 对…有利____________ 26.推进/前进_____ adjustment adjust _27. 调整;适应 n ______ v ______________ be accustomed/used to doing sth 28. 习惯于….._____________ acquisition 29. 取得,获得,学到 v acquire ______n _______________ 30. 劝说某人不要做某事__________________ advise sb not to do sth
abandon oneself to === be addicted to 7.沉溺于_________ ability 8.尽某人的最大能力 to the best of one’s _______ abnormal 9.反常的______ be absent from at home and abroad 10.国内外_________ 11.缺勤 ________ absent-minded 12.心不在焉________ be absorbed/buried/lost in ….. 13.全神贯注于…________ abuse 14.虐待_____ have access to 16.某人容易拿到/得到某物______________

词汇 现代汉语词汇的组成 词汇的组成 现代汉语课件

词汇 现代汉语词汇的组成 词汇的组成 现代汉语课件

注意: 基本词中也有构词能力弱的。
(二)一般词汇 定义:语言中基本词汇以外的词汇。 一般词汇的特点: •无稳定性,有灵活性。 •数量多,不一定是全民族成员所普遍掌握的。哪 些领域的人掌握哪些词汇,情况不同。
古语词的作用 •使语言简洁匀称。“须眉皓白”、“精神矍铄” •表达庄重严肃的感情色彩。“铭记”、“拜谒” •可以表达幽默、讽刺等意义。“忙得不亦乐乎”
新词:反映新事物、新概念的词。 1.绝大多数是双音节词。 2.大多是复合式。
如“超女”、“超男” 3.词缀化的新词明显增多。
“犀利哥”、“妖娆哥”、“章鱼哥” 4.简称大量发展。
“法兰西共和国——法国” “中国旅行社——中旅”
(3)音译前加注汉语语素 ballet——芭蕾舞 sardine——沙丁鱼 beer——啤酒
(4)字母外来词 MTV——音乐电视 CD——激光唱片
VS——表示比赛双方的对决 Player Killing(PK)——游戏中玩家相互战斗的模式
•定义:各个行业应用的专有词语。如:比重、水 平、渗透、腐蚀、麻痹、洗牌、感染、消化、突 击、进军……
数学界——正数、函数、微积分、代数 生物界——胚胎、胚芽、胎盘 医学界——氧化、化合、硫酸 经济界——消费、交换、资本、价值、流通 戏曲界——青衣、花旦、老生
•定义:个别社会集团或秘密组织中的一种只有内 部人懂得的特殊用语。
当哈红与丁方刚向花丛里去走时,漠然广播响了, 声音又大又清楚:“现在广播招人:北方经济开 发总公司的荣同志,哈尔滨来的郝师傅找你,请 速回,速回!”
窑洞——灶火旮旯、锅台 正午十分——亮红晌午 妻子——婆姨 年轻人——后生 孩子——娃、碎脑娃娃、憨娃娃



circle 圆形 semicircle 半圆 angle 角,角度 edge边
square 正方形 polygon多边 形
obtuse angle 钝角 side 侧面
rectangle 长方形 a regular polygon
acute angle锐角 right angle直 角
small 小的—big 大的 short 短的—long 长的 short 矮的—tall 高的 slow慢的—fast快的 soft软的—hard硬的 light轻的—heavy重的 young年轻的—old老的 thin瘦的—fat 胖的 ugly难看的—beautiful美丽
neck 颈,脖子chest 胸部 shoulder肩膀 elbow肘部 belly肚子,腹部waist腰部 back背部 arm手臂leg 腿 knee膝盖 foot脚ankle脚踝 hand 手finger手指nails指甲 thumb拇指 toe 脚趾 heel脚后跟 indexfinger食指 middle finger 中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指
triangle 三角形 正多边形 circumference 圆周 周长
heart 心形
center 圆心 cone 圆锥
star 星形 cylinder 圆柱体 diameter 直径 radius 半径
diamond 菱形 rhombus 菱 形
height 高度 depth深度width宽 度
freestyle 自由式 butterfly stroke 蝶泳 diving competition 跳水 water Polo 水球 water skiing 水橇 rowing 划船 canoe 划艇 boat race 赛艇 yacht 游艇 kayak 皮船 sailing 帆船运动



词汇记忆要点・1.词汇广度:同义词拓展・2.词汇深度:熟词生义;一词多义・3.词汇类别:明确词性・4.词汇重点:动、名、形、副1.词汇广度•1.解决:•solve,deal with,cope with,handle, resolve,tackle;•2.明显的:•clear,obvious,evident,self-evident,apparent;・3•重要的:•key,crucial,critical,significant, vital,substantial,indispensable;•4.认为:•believe,insist,maintain,assert, conclude,deem,hold,argue,be convinced;•5.确保:•assure,ensure,guarantee;•6.有益的:•useful,helpful,beneficial, profitable,rewarding, advantageous;2.词汇深度• 1.bury.vt.埋葬,掩埋,隐藏•buried•be buried in sth.埋头做某事A•1.in thoug噫he didn't notice me when I came into his room.•A.Burying B.Buried•C.Put himself D.To be set•2.build•①.建立,创立,建设(常与叩连用):•We have built up our hope.•My parents built this business with years of hard work.•②.创立(学说等),确立;证实:•to build a theory on facts•③.使成为,形成,构成;使发展,培养:•The parents built boys into men.•r09湖北春)25.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good forbuilding.q•A.respect friendship •C.reputation D.character•r09浙江)Practicing Chinese kung fu can not onlyone's strength,but also develop character.板盖bring up B.take up •C.build up D.pull up明确词性[om/knowledge3.词汇类别:•1.long•adj.长的,长期的•vi.渴望,热望•Long/die for freed•length n.长度•lengthen v延长,(使)变长•lengthened adj.加长的•2.light•儿光;光线;日光,白昼•in(the)light o匿照,考虑到•throw light on阐明,解释•lighten讨.减轻负担;使明亮•lighting乃点火,照明;光线08年高考阅读出现的难词•preprogrammed,re­arranged,•autopilot,non-profit,•cross-cultural, dissatisfaction,•sick-leave,showy,•ever-l沁finer4.词汇重点:动、名、形、副五年考点汇总年份名词辨析介词辨析习惯用语2004885 2005654 20061176 20079117 2008897合计424029iii有关的短语•1.(08天津-10)•Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students() financial aid.•A.in favor of in honor of •C.in face of电:in need of•in favor of=support赞同;支持•in honor of向...表示敬意•in face with=face面对•in need of=need需要•2.(08湖北-30)When she first arrived in China,she wondered what the future might have() for her,but now all her worries are gone.•A.in need W in time •C.in preparation D.in store•B.in time及时•C.in preparation准备之中•D.in store•贮藏着,准备着•(意外;问题)即将发生•3.(06湖南・27)achievement, last week's ministerial meeting cf the WTO here earned a low,•hough not failing,grade.•A.in terms of B.in case of •C.As a result of D.In face of•in terms of:•关于;从...观点来看•in case of•假如,在...的时候•In case of fire ring the bell.•4.(07天津-4)—fire,all exists must be kept clear.•A.In place of™Instead of•C.In case of•D.In spite of•5.(07湖北-26)People try to avoid public transportation delays by having their own cars, and this•creates further problems.•A.in short Wjrin case•C.in doubt D.in turn•A.in short简言之;总之•B.in case以防(万一)•C.in doubt不确定的•D.in turn轮流;反过来•6.(07山东-28)I have offered 卡paint the house a week's accommodation.•A.in exchange for•B.with regard to•C.by means of D.in place of•A.in exchange for交换•B.with regard to关于;至于•concerning sb/sth.•C.by means of•=with the help of借助于•D.in place of=instead of代替•1.(湖北重点二联)•John is stupid,but it is different_of Mary;she is just lazy.g g;in spite B.in the course •C.in the case D.in case•A.in spite尽管二despite •B.in the course=during •在...期间•C.in the case•就…的情况而言•D.in case of万一•st week he was caught robbing the bank opposite the station.—his youth,the police f ive decided not to charge him. -in spite of•B.In view of•C.In charge of•D.In case ofe B>In view of鉴于;考虑到•C.In charge of负责•in the charge of被管理,受束缚(有被动含义)•in charge of管理,负责(有主动含义)•I am in charge of financial affairs.•3.(06山东潍坊)The thief broke in,trying to open the safe but()•A.in no way•B・in vain•C.without effect•D.at a loss•A.in no way决不(倒装句)•In no way should you tell the secret to others.•①by no means决不•By no means will we use nuclear weapons first.•©under no circumstance决不•Under no circumstance will I believe you.•B.in vain=uselessly•徒劳地;白费心机•They tried in vain to make him change his idea.•De at a loss=confused •困惑;茫然不知所措•I am at a loss what to say.二beyond相关的短语•1.一why do you suggest we buy a new machine?(2008江苏-28)•—Because the old one has been damaged•思•A.beyond reach S.beyond repair•C.beyond control•D.beyond description•beyond reach够不到•beyond repair无法修理•beyond control无法控制•beyond description难以描述•beyond words•语言无法表达u_q 右M u eP U O A O q •g>伊•虹..日1SDPI 啄 JDq —S S 8M S P D A I P M P 8W s o q 专q s 富(6r 国迷80).z .•3.(06福建・23)Sorry,Madam. You'd better come tomorrow because it's the visiting hour.•A.duringflr at•C.beyond•D.before•1.(08北京东城)I didn't expect to receive a postcard from you! It is reallyT^W wildestimagination.=•A.behind B.beyond•C.expect D.through•2.(07湖北八校)It is—mewhy Alice,aged28,gave up her job and got married to a man of ><^inder•B.above•C.beyond-qxnotp ssou。



• 经济管理系 Department of Economic Management • 经济(学)系 Department of Economics • 教育系 Department of Education • 国际经济系 Department of International Economics • 国际政治系 Department of International Politics • 国际关系 Department of International Relations • 国际贸易系 Department of International Trade • 英语系 English Language Department • 外语系 Foreign Languages Department • 语系 French Language Department
• 1月1日元旦 New Year's Day • 2月14日情人节 Valentine's Day • 3月8日国际妇女节 International Women' Day • 3月12日中国植树节 China Arbor Day • 3月14日白色情人节 White Day
• 4月1日愚人节 April Fools' Day
• 盲人学校 school for the blind/blidmen's school • 成人学校 adult school • 民办学校 voluntary school • 补习学校 continuation school • 夜校 evening (night) school • 职业学校 vocational school • 外语学校 foreign languages school • 卫生学校 health school • 商业学校 commercial school • 师范学校 school for kindergarten teachers • 护士学校 nurses' school • 艺术学校 art school • 舞蹈学校 dancing school • 会计学校 accountant school财贸学校 finance and trade school • 水利学校 water conservancy school

Unit 3 词汇学习课件 高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

Unit 3 词汇学习课件 高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

entertainment [ˌentəˈteɪnmənt] n. 娱乐; 招待; 娱乐活动; 文娱节目 entertain [ˌentərˈteɪn] vt&vi. 招待;款待;娱乐;使快乐 entertaining [ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ] adj. 使人愉快的,娱乐性的 entertainer [ˌentərˈteɪnər]
vt. 祝福
blessing [ˈblesɪŋ]
n. 祝福,祝颂,赞同
blessed [ˈblesɪd]
adj. 神圣的; 有福的; 无忧无虑的
prohibition [ˌprəʊɪˈbɪʃ n] n. 禁止; 阻止; 禁令 prohibit [prəˈhɪbɪt] vt. (尤指以法令)禁止; 阻止
adv. 明显地;显然;看得见地
accompany [əˈkʌmpəni]
vt. 陪同; 陪伴; 伴随; (尤指用钢琴)为…伴奏
company [ˈkʌmpəni] n. 公司;陪伴,同伴 companion [kəmˈpænjən]
adopt [əˈdɒpt] vt. 采用; 采取; 采纳; 领养 adoption [əˈdɒpʃn] n.领养;收养 ;采用 adopted [əˈdɒptɪd] adj. 收养的 adopter [əˈdɒptə(r)] n. 养父母;领养人,收养人
cycle [ˈsaɪkl]
n. 自行车; 摩托车; 循环骑自行车
cyclist [ˈsaɪklɪst]
n. 骑自行车的人
incredible [ɪnˈkredəbl]
adj. 极好的; 极大的; 难以置信的 incredibly [ɪnˈkredəbli] adv. 难以置信地

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT

英语词汇学授课课件 PPT
development and growth.
A: Historical perspective历史的角度
❖ Development of English and its vocabulary: ❖ 1. Old English古英语/ Anglo-Saxon盎格鲁撒
克逊 (449-1100) ❖ England: Celtic(凯尔特语)/ 450AD,
pagoda 宝塔 ❖ German:zinc锌 ❖ Dutch:dock ❖ Russian: vodka, tsar沙皇
❖ 2. Exploration, colonization and trade---borrow from non-European language
❖ Australian: kangaroo ❖ Arabic: sugar, alcohol ❖ Indian: coolie, khaki ❖ Hebrew希伯来语: ❖ Chinese: yamen
❖ This definition emphasizes syntax(句法), but does not touch upon meaning.
Antoine Meillet
❖ “A word is defined by the association of a given sense with a given group of sounds capable of a given grammatical use.” (p.2, para.2 )
❖ The core of the language: Still English
Modern English(1500-present)
❖ 1. Renaissance: the study of the classics ❖ Latin loan words —science and abstract


(2016课标全国Ⅱ)We can _c_h___o__s_e_ between staying at home
and taking a trip.
Irregular verbs
awake become begin
blow break catch choose
Chinese meaning 醒来 开始 打破 选择
teachers took part
in this activity.They said the sports meeting
benefited them a lot.
(除了)winning awards, the event
brought happiness to them.
, it gave
4. The veins(血管) carry blood to the heart.
5. Carry yourself well in formal occasions.
6.He carries the responsibility of the whole company. 4
1. 注意力 __a_tt_e_n_ti_o_n____
2. 击败
3. 助手
_a_s_s_is_t_a_n_t ____
4. 可得到的 __av_a_i_la_b_l_e____
5. 奖,奖品 __aw__a_rd_______
1. 呼吸(v.) _b_r_e_a_th_e_____ 2. 责备 ___b_la_m__e____ 3. 有益于 __b_e_n_e_f_it____ 4. 勇气 __b_r_a_v_e_ry____ 5. 感到厌倦的_b_o_r_e_d___



4. 词汇•语音是语言的物质外壳,词汇是语言的建筑材料,语法是语言的结构规则。


4.1.1 词汇•词汇是一个集合概念,指词和词的等价物—固定词组的总和。



•汉语的词汇很丰富/英语词汇教学要循序渐进/方言词汇4.1.2 词汇学•词汇学是以词汇为研究对象的语言学学科,一般认为,词汇学研究词的性质、词的构成、词义的本质、词义的发展、词的各种关系,以及词汇的划分、关系、发展等。


4.2 语言的词汇•4.2.1 语言词汇的特点•1. 词汇的系统性•词汇的特点之一就是其系统性,词汇系统不像语音和语法系统那样清晰严密,但其内部依然是有规律的。



•口语词汇/书面语词汇、常用词汇/非常用词汇•2. 词汇的绝对任意性和相对理据性•词汇的绝对任意性体现在词的音义结合是任意的、不可论证的。


•白菜/*菜白、出国/*国出•3. 词汇的普遍性和民族性•词汇的普遍性体现在相同的概念在不同民族的语言中都有相应的词。


•sister、uncle•狗•4. 词汇的变化性和稳定性•词汇与社会生活的关系非常密切。




高中英语3500词汇 PPT课件 图文

高中英语3500词汇 PPT课件 图文

arm armchair army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrow art article
artificial artist ash ashamed aside ask asleep aspect assess assessment assist
circulate citizen city civil civilian civilization clap clarify classic classify classmate
claw clay cleaner clerk clever click climate climb clinic clone
content continent continue contrary contribute control convenient conversation convey
convince cook cooker cookie copy corn corner corporation correct correction cost
abandon ability able abnormal aboard abolish about above abroad abrupt absence
absolute absorb abstract absurd abundant abuse academic accelerate accent access accessible accident
• accommodation • accompany • accomplish • according to • account • accountant • accumulate • accurate • accuse • accustomed • achievement
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Writing practice
Frank 曾经是一位非常有经验的语文老 师,致力于教学工作。有一年暑假,他 想去美国旅行。在美国旅行时他学会了 英语,并且能说一口流利的英语。他父 亲有一家外贸公司,他突然有个想法, 在他父亲退休后他可以接管公司。幸运 的是,Frank 比他父亲更成功。所以, 只要我们努力,很可能我们英语讲得和 frank 一样好
Welcome to class 5
1.experience vt.& n.经历→ experienced adj. 有经验的 2.violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强烈的→ violence n.暴力 3.possibility n.可能;可能性→ possibleadj. 可能的→ possibly adv.可能地;或许 4.terrifying adj.吓人的;可怕的→terrifiedadj. terrify vt.使惊恐;使 恐惧的;受惊吓的→ 受惊吓
A small test
1.对……伤害(破坏) 2.埋头于,专心 3.丧命 4. 严重受损;破败不堪 5.接管;接收 6.捡起;用车接;学会 7.某人突然想起…… 1.experience adj. 2.violent adj. → n. 3.possibility n.→ adj. → adv. true → adv. Probable → adv. Immediate → adv. Fortunate → adv. 4.terrifying adj. → adj. → vt. 5.It occurs sb. that.lose one’s life丧命 He lost his life for his country. 4. in ruins. 严重受损;破败不堪 An earthquake left the whole town in ruins . 5.take over 接管;接收 Peter will take over the company after Bill retires.
There is a possibility (possible) that experienced (experience) experts will be able to forecast some terrifying (terrify ) natural disasters accurately in the future.
1.Hand in the writing 2.Get ready for the dictation of module 3
1. It occurs to sb. that.../to do...某人突 然想起…… It suddenly occurred to me that the boy might be in danger and I must take measures to help him. 2. bury oneself in 埋头于,专心于 be buried in专心于 Since she left,he has been buried in /has buried himself in his work. 自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上。
The poor children were very grateful for what he had done. They began to studied hard and were determined to make a (contribute) to the country. As contribution for Tom, life also became more meaningful and he decided to take over his father‘s company to earn more money to help those poor children. So there is a possibility (possible) that what we do to others can make a great change to us.
An earthquake struck the city last month and left the whole town in ruins. Many people lost (lose)their lives and became homeless(home) . It occurred to Tom that he could do something to help those who were in trouble. He found some old books and clothes andsent them to the schools.
6.pick up 捡起;用车接;学会 The school bus picks up the children three times every day.校车每天接孩子三 次 He picked up English when traveling in America.他在美国旅行时学会了英语 7.do / cause damage to对……伤害(破坏) In most cases,human progress does great damageto the natural environment.