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( )1.There was a time ______there were slaves in the USA.

A. which

B. that

C. when

D. who

( )2.Who is the student ______was late for school today?

A. that

B. which

C. whose

D. who

( )3.He lives in the room ______window faces to the south.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. whose ( )4.That is the very book ______ I am looking for.

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. who

( )5.Is that the reason ______ you are in favor of the proposal?

A. which

B. what

C. why

D. for that ( )6.He has to work on Sundays ______ he does not like.

A. which

B. what

C. when

D. on when ( )7.Qingdao is the most satisfactory place ______ we’re going to visit.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. in which ( )8.Is this the shop ______ sells children’s clothing?

A. which

B. where

C. in which

D. what ( )9.The world ______ we live is made up of matter.

A. on which

B. of which

C. at which

D. in which

( )10.People are talking about the old houses ______ Jackie Chan bought in Anhui twenty years ago.

A. which

B. where

C. who

D. when ( )11.A graduation ceremony(典礼) is a custom(惯例)______ takes place(发生)______students graduate from a school.

A. which; when

B. that; who

C. which; whose

D. that; which

( )12.She is the girl ______ invention got the first prize in the school competition.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. whose ( )13.I love the school ______ I have studied for three years.

A. where

B. when

C. that

D. which ( )14.Yesterday Li Ming went to the village ______ his family lived ten years ago.

A. when

B. which

C. where

D. that

( )15.The Palace Museum is the best place ______ I’ve ever visited.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. what


16.I hope you will find this valley a beautiful place ________ you may spend your


17.Do you still remember the place________ we visited the painting exhibition(展


18.Winter is the time of year________the days are short and nights are long.

19.Who is the girl ________ is wearing a red dress?

20.The most important thing ________ we should pay attention to is the first thing

________ I have said.

21.The man ________ coat is black is waiting at the gate.

22.We visited the factory ________ makes toys for children.

23.We all remember the days ________we studied together at school.

24.The factory ________ I am going to is the place ________ my mother used to

work many years ago.

25.The day ________ you are looking forward to will certainly come.


26.I like the music that I can dance to.


27.Mrs. Simth is the person whom you should write to.


28.Do you still remember the place which we visited last week?





What’s the name of the place ___________________________?



1—5:CADAC 6—10:ACADA



16. where 17. where 18. when 19. that

20. that; that 21. whose 22. which/that 23. when
