首尔卡萨维尔三星公寓(Casaville Samsung Residence)
首尔明洞乐天酒店(LOTTE HOTEL)地址:首尔特别市中区乙支路30.30,Eulji-ro ,Jung-gu,Seoul.位置:首尔明洞·市厅价格:大概1795起酒店设施:停车场、电梯、餐厅、便利店、ATM 取款机、游泳池、健身房、桑拿房、SPA、吸烟区、咖啡店、酒吧、洗衣房、wifi、保险箱、会议厅服务设施:叫醒服务、洗衣服务、行李存放、叫车服务、中文服务、英文服务餐饮设施:韩餐厅、中餐厅、西餐厅客房设施:电视、空调、吹风机、拖鞋、洗漱用品、24小时热水、淋浴设施、独立卫生间、浴袍、书桌、免费瓶装水、茶、电话首尔卡布明洞民宿公寓(Seoul Kabu guesthouse)酒店式公寓地址:서울시중구충무로13 13-gil Chungmu-ro , Jung-gu, Seoul Korea首尔特别市中区忠武路13价格:¥600酒店信息入住规定:入住时间:下午1点之后退房时间:上午11点之前相关政策酒店设施: wifi服务设施:洗衣服务、机场接送、行李存放、中文服务餐饮设施客房设施:电视、空调、吹风机、拖鞋、洗漱用品、24小时热水、淋浴设施、转换插头、独立卫生间、洗衣机、冰箱首尔新村WS酒店(WS Hotel Sinchon)民宿地址:서울마포구신촌로 18길 15-6 15-6, Sinchon-ro 18-gil, Mapo-gu Seoul, Seoul 首尔特别市麻浦区新村路18号 15-6价格:¥279起入住规定:入住时间:14:00以后;退房时间:12:00以前相关政策: 3岁以下儿童免费. 酒店有专门的吸烟区,不允许携带宠物.酒店设施:便利店、wifi服务设施:叫醒服务、洗衣服务、行李存放、外币兑换、叫车服务、中文服务、英文服务餐饮设施客房设施:电视、空调、电脑、宽带、吹风机、电热水壶、拖鞋、洗漱用品、24小时热水、淋浴设施、浴缸、转换插头、独立卫生间、浴袍、小厨房、书桌、免费瓶装水、咖啡、冰箱首尔泡菜民宿新村店(KIMCHEE SINCHON GUESTHOUSE) 民宿地址:서울시서대문구창천동 503-19Seoul Seodaemun-gu Changcheon-dong 503-19 首尔特别市西大门区沧川洞 503-19价格:¥61起入住规定:入住时间:14:00以后退房时间:12:00以前相关政策酒店设施:便利店、ATM取款机、wifi服务设施:洗衣服务、行李存放、中文服务餐饮设施:客房设施:空调、转换插头首尔明洞允旅游者之家(YUN GUESTHOUSE) 民宿地址:서울중구남산동2가 45-745-7 Namsan-dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea首尔特别市中区南山洞二街 45-7酒店信息价格:¥151起入住规定:入住时间:14:00以后退房时间:12:00以前相关政策酒店设施:餐厅、wifi服务设施餐饮设施:西餐厅客房设施:电视、空调、宽带、吹风机、洗漱用品、24小时热水首尔弘大Bounce民宿(Bounce Guesthouse)酒店式公寓地址:서울시마포구연남동493-17번지(동교로 27길 93)493-17, Yeonnam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 首尔麻浦区延南洞 493-17号(东桥路 27街 93号)价格:¥181起入住规定:入住时间:15:00之后退房时间:11:00之前相关政策:儿童与大人同一个价格。
首尔新村卡萨维勒住宅(Casaville Residence Shinchon)
首尔新村卡萨维勒住宅(Casaville Residence Shinchon)首尔新村卡萨维勒住宅位于首尔,是家3星级酒店,首尔新村卡萨维勒住宅是您来首尔的最佳落脚点。
中文名称首尔新村卡萨维勒住宅英文名称Casaville Residence Shinchon酒店星级3星级地理位置新村/弘大/梨大房间数量183酒店地址57-26 Nogosan-Dong, Mapo-Gu, 麻浦区, 121-100 首尔, 韩国周围景观弘益大学、青瓦台、清溪川广场、光化门广场、景福宫、N首尔塔、首尔特丽爱3D美术馆、首尔泰迪熊博物馆、仁寺洞、梨花女子大学博物馆、国立民俗博物馆【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. 性价比较高,不需豪华只求实用,此酒店绝对值得推荐2. 位置不错,出门即可逛街,各种地方应有尽有3. 这里有停车场,至少不会为没地方停车发愁了4. 酒店的位置很好,附近吃喝玩乐应有尽有,很方便酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:景福宫:直线距离约5公里N首尔塔:直线距离约5公里青瓦台:直线距离约5公里清溪川广场:直线距离约5公里仁寺洞:直线距离约5公里光化门广场:直线距离约5公里梨花女子大学博物馆:直线距离约1公里首尔泰迪熊博物馆:直线距离约5公里弘益大学:直线距离约1公里国立民俗博物馆:直线距离约5公里首尔特丽爱3D美术馆:直线距离约2公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Seoul_c9/9418.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:高级双床间667元标准双人间559元标准双床间595元豪华双人间665元豪华房638元高级房738元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。
5、Club Mute
6、韩国版天上人间:Club octagon
作为韩国夜店的代表,位于首尔江南区的Club octagon人气极高,这里也经常邀请国内外知名dj进行表演,喜爱音乐的年轻人们把这里当成了音乐的圣地,很多的时尚派对会在这里举行。地下一层的bar空间分自由区跟vip区,在自由区天棚是以粗狂的大吊灯组成,吊灯被设计成工厂螺丝的形状。bar区还配有小型的dj台,让你无论在哪个区域都能感受到音乐带来的刺激感受。Vip区有纯皮舒适的大床,无拘无束尽享激情音乐与美酒带来的快感。楼下的club内配备超大液晶屏幕,结合全韩国顶级的dj,画面与音乐的双重刺激让你迅速的融入到超火热的氛围中。值得一提的是场内的配有小型的游泳池,美女置身其中配以光彩陆离的霓虹景色,好一副天上人间的模样。
o Evchain Parkside(首尔EV公寓九老店)干净、整洁338坐机场大巴6003号到九老市厅(Guro office)下车,马路对面就是酒店的楼,但是酒店的入口是在背面(从左边的胡同进去右拐走30米左右就能看见“EV Chain Parkside”黑色的),下午是办理入住的时间,所以基本都是一个会说中文的小伙子上班,很正经的中文,沟通完全没问题,房间是公寓式的,里边有洗衣机、冰箱、微波炉、锅碗筷子勺、电磁炉、吹风机、电熨斗、熨衣板,跟家没区别,屋子不大,但是很干净,生活用品非常齐全。
整体感觉很不错,旁边就是当地人的小区,所以很安静而且很安全,下次还会住这里~~很不错!!∙Astoria Hotel Seoul(首尔阿斯托利亚酒店855-1010∙阿斯托利亚酒店地处首尔时尚、购物、文化的中心。
Seoul City Park Motel(首尔城市公园旅馆)443首尔城市公园旅馆位于首尔钟路区,附近有众多观光点仁寺洞,景福宫。
力 。本 文主要介绍 三星物产在 这 3个方面 采取 的措施 。首
先 是 室 内 环 境 . 三 星 物 产 建 筑 主 要 集 中 处 理 了 与 绿 色 建 筑 认 证 相 关 联 的 6部 分 :室 内 空 间 开 放 性 绿 色 材 料 的 使
用 ,室 内温度 .照明 ,消音 和 I T设施 。 () 1 室内空间开放性 。为了工作人员能够产 生强 烈的空 间开放 的感觉 .此建筑 的每层外 墙柱 的间隔幅度 和到顶棚 间的 幅度都做 了处 理 .柱 子间 隔达 到 了 1 每 层高则 为 2m.
建 筑 节 能 』 n ry a i udn Eeg S v giB ii n n l g
韩 国宿草 三星某大厦绿色建筑认证案例
G r en Bu l i g Ce t ia i s fSa e i n ric t d f on Ca e o ms n r or t u g Co p a i on Bu l n n Su a fSo t i g i c o o u h Kor a di e
有 机 管 理 生 态环 境 室 内环 境
1 0 1 9 3 1
16 3
8 O .0 0 0 .0 2 . 8 5 0
8 . 6 7 3
计划及施 工的期 间 .三 星物产 建筑 为达到 绿色建筑认 证的
3 8绿色建筑
2 01 2年 第1 期
Eeg S v giB ii 建 筑 节 能 n ry a i n udn I n l g
3 室 内环境
韩 国 三 星 物 产 大 厦 建 筑 的 目标 是 建 立 生 态 办 公 室 , 因 此 在 室 内 环 境 .能 源 和 与 自然 环 境 的 融 合 上 做 了 较 多 的 努 性也 设 置 了 内部 网 。
中文名称首尔拉克特尔酒店英文名称Laketel酒店星级2星级地理位置永登浦/汝矣岛房间数量18酒店地址20-7, Yeongdeungpo-dong 3-ga, 永登浦区, 150-033 首尔, 韩国周围景观弘益大学、弘大前艺术市场、现代百货店、汝矣岛春花节、汉江大桥????、时代广场、首尔特丽爱3D美术馆、中央大学、韩国KBS电视台、明洞乱打秀(??)-弘大专用馆、63大厦酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:弘益大学:直线距离约5公里首尔特丽爱3D美术馆:直线距离约5公里63大厦:直线距离约3公里汉江大桥????:直线距离约5公里中央大学:直线距离约5公里弘大前艺术市场:直线距离约5公里时代广场:直线距离约1公里现代百货店:直线距离约5公里明洞乱打秀(??)-弘大专用馆:直线距离约5公里韩国KBS电视台:直线距离约2公里汝矣岛春花节:直线距离约2公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Seoul_c9/22508.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:标准单人间376元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。
首尔新罗酒店 大隐隐于市,南山之侧的名流要所
首尔新罗酒店大隐隐于市,南山之侧的名流要所作者:暂无来源:《饮食科学》 2017年第3期图-文,非墨编辑,浅葵设计,施佩清首尔新罗酒店属于韩国三星集团,靠近南山公园,远离都市的噪音和喧闹。
酒店于201 3年8月重新开张,经过半年的整体翻修,以崭新的面貌迎接新的开始。
或许是为了延续那个时代的美好,1 979年开业的首尔新罗酒店也将这实至名归的奢华带给了来此下榻的宾客们。
同时,新罗酒店不仅是韩国第一家五星级酒店,更是首尔唯一的一家被立鼎世酒店集团( The Leading Hotels of the World)纳入旗下的成员,作为全球最大规模的奢华酒店集团,立鼎世在全球80余个国家拥有逾400家成员酒店。
ENGUSER MANUALThank you for purchasing this Samsung product.To receive more complete service, please register your product at Model Serial No.If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864) for assistance.Figures and illustrations are provided for reference only and may differ from the actual product appearance.Product design and specifications may change without notice.© 2022 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.Before Reading This UserManualThis TV comes with this User Manual and an embeddede-Manual ( > Menu > Settings > Support > Opene-Manual).On the website (), you can download themanuals and see its contents on your PC or mobile device.Warning! ImportantSafety InstructionsPlease read the Safety Instructions before using your TV.Refer to the table below for an explanation of symbols whichmay be on your Samsung product.CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. DO NOT OPEN.CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK,DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). THERE ARENO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER ALLSERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL.This symbol indicates that high voltage ispresent inside. It is dangerous to make anykind of contact with any internal part ofthis product.This symbol indicates that this producthas included important literatureconcerning operation and maintenance.Class II product: This symbol indicatesthat a safety connection to electrical earth(ground) is not required. If this symbolis not present on a product with a powercord, the product MUST have a reliableconnection to protective earth (ground).AC voltage: Rated voltage marked withthis symbol is AC voltage.DC voltage: Rated voltage marked withthis symbol is DC voltage.Caution. Consult instructions for use: Thissymbol instructs the user to consult theuser manual for further safety relatedinformation.Power•Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or adaptorsbeyond their voltage and capacity. It may cause fire orelectric shock. Refer to the power specifications section ofthe manual and/or the power supply label on the productfor voltage and amperage information.•Power-supply cords should be placed so that they are notlikely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon oragainst them. Pay particular attention to cords at the plugend, at wall outlets, and at the point where they exit fromthe appliance.•Never insert anything metallic into the open parts of thisapparatus. This may cause electric shock.•To avoid electric shock, never touch the inside of thisapparatus. Only a qualified technician should open thisapparatus.•Be sure to plug in the power cord until it is firmly seated.When unplugging the power cord from a wall outlet,always pull on the power cord's plug. Never unplug it bypulling on the power cord. Do not touch the power cordwith wet hands.•If this apparatus does not operate normally - in particular,if there are any unusual sounds or smells coming from it -unplug it immediately and contact an authorized dealer orSamsung service center.•To protect this apparatus from a lightning storm, or toleave it unattended and unused for a long time, be sure tounplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antennaor cable system.–Accumulated dust can cause an electric shock, anelectric leakage, or a fire by causing the power cord togenerate sparks and heat or by causing the insulationto deteriorate.•Use only a properly grounded plug and wall outlet.–An improper ground may cause electric shock orequipment damage. (Class l Equipment only.)•To turn off this apparatus completely, disconnect it fromthe wall outlet. To ensure you can unplug this apparatusquickly if necessary, make sure that the wall outlet andpower plug are readily accessible.Installation•Do not place this apparatus near or over a radiator or heat register, or where it is exposed to direct sunlight.•Do not place vessels (vases etc.) containing water on this apparatus, as this can result in a fire or electric shock.•Do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.•Be sure to contact an authorized Samsung service center for information if you intend to install your TV in a location with heavy dust, high or low temperatures, high humidity, chemical substances, or where it will operate 24 hours a day such as in an airport, a train station, etc. Failure to do so may lead to serious damage to your TV.•Do not expose this apparatus to dripping or splashing. Mounting the TV on a wallIf you mount this TV on a wall, followthe instructions exactly as set out by themanufacturer. If it is not correctly mounted,the TV may slide or fall and cause seriousinjury to a child or adult and serious damageto the TV.•To order the Samsung wall mount kit, contact Samsung service center at 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864).•Samsung Electronics is not responsible for any damage to the product or injury to yourself or others if you choose to install the wall mount on your own.•Samsung is not liable for product damage or personal injury when a non-VESA or non-specified wall mount is used or when the consumer fails to follow the product installation instructions.•You can install your wall mount on a solid wall perpendicular to the floor. Before attaching the wall mount to surfaces other than plaster board, contact your nearest dealer for additional information. If you install the TV on a ceiling or slanted wall, it may fall and result in severe personal injury.Safety PrecautionCaution: Pulling, pushing, or climbingon the TV may cause the TV to fall. Inparticular, ensure your children do nothang on or destabilize the TV. This actionmay cause the TV to tip over, causingserious injuries or death. Follow allsafety precautions provided in the SafetyFlyer included with your TV. For addedstability and safety, you can purchaseand install the anti-tip device, referringto "Preventing the TV from falling."WARNING: Never place a television set in anunstable location. The television set may fall,causing serious personal injury or death. Manyinjuries, particularly to children, can be avoidedby taking simple precautions such as:•Always use cabinets or stands or mounting methodsrecommended by Samsung.•Always use furniture that can safely support the televisionset.•Always ensure the television set is not overhanging theedge of the supporting furniture.•Always educate children about the dangers of climbingon furniture to reach the television set or its controls.•Always route cords and cables connected to yourtelevision so they cannot be tripped over, pulled orgrabbed.•Never place a television set in an unstable location.•Never place the television set on tall furniture (forexample, cupboards or bookcases) without anchoringboth the furniture and the television set to a suitablesupport.•Never place the television set on cloth or other materialsthat may be located between the television set andsupporting furniture.•Never place items that might tempt children to climb,such as toys and remote controls, on the top of thetelevision or furniture on which the television is placed.If the existing television set is going to be retained andrelocated, the same considerations as above should beapplied.•When you have to relocate or lift the TV for replacement orcleaning, be sure not to pull out the stand.•When installing a wall mount kit, we recommend youfasten all four VESA screws.•If you want to install a wall mount kit that attaches to thewall using two top screws only, be sure to use a Samsungwall mount kit that supports this type of installation. (Youmay not be able to purchase this type of wall mount kit,depending on the geographical region.)•Do not mount the TV at more than a 15 degree tilt.•Standard dimensions for wall mount kits are shown in thetable on the Quick Setup Guide.Do not install your wall mount kit while your TVis turned on. This may result in personal injuryfrom electric shock.•Do not use screws that are longer than the standarddimension or do not comply with the VESA standardscrew specifications. Screws that are too long may causedamage to the inside of the TV set.•For wall mounts that do not comply with the VESAstandard screw specifications, the length of the screwsmay differ depending on the wall mount specifications.•Do not fasten the screws too firmly. This may damage theproduct or cause the product to fall, leading to personalinjury. Samsung is not liable for these kinds of accidents.•Always have two people mount the TV onto a wall.–For 82 inch or larger models, have four people mountthe TV onto a wall.Providing proper ventilation for your TVWhen you install your TV, maintain a distance of at least4 inches (10 cm) between the TV and other objects (walls,cabinet sides, etc.) to ensure proper ventilation. Failing tomaintain proper ventilation may result in a fire or a problemwith the product caused by an increase in its internaltemperature.•When you install your TV with a stand or a wall mount, westrongly recommend you use parts provided by SamsungElectronics only. Using parts provided by anothermanufacturer may cause difficulties with the product orresult in injury caused by the product falling.Preventing the TV from fallingWall-anchor(not supplied)1. Using the appropriate screws, firmly fasten a set ofbrackets to the wall. Confirm that the screws are firmlyattached to the wall.–You may need additional material such as wall anchorsdepending on the type of wall.2. Using the appropriately sized screws, firmly fasten a set ofbrackets to the TV.–For the screw specifications, refer to the standardscrew part in the table on the Quick Setup Guide.3. Connect the brackets fixed to the TV and the bracketsfixed to the wall with a durable, heavy-duty string, andthen tie the string tightly.–Install the TV near the wall so that it does not fallbackwards.–Connect the string so that the brackets fixed to thewall are at the same height as or lower than thebrackets fixed to the TV.Contact SAMSUNG WORLD WIDECountry Samsung Service Center Web Site AddressU.S.A1-800-SAMSUNG (726-7864)/us/support Samsung Electronics America, Inc.85 Challenger Road Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660Accessibility contact information in U.S.A. : accessibility@If you experience issues, please do not take the TV back to the store.In the United States of America, call us at 1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864) or visit us at or www.samsung. com/spsn for support and warranty service.-01–If your access point or modem has a standby mode button, use it to disconnect your home network from the Internet when it is not in use.•Use strong passwords for all your Internet accounts (Netflix, Facebook, etc.).•If any unexpected messages appear on your TV screen requesting permission to link a device or enable a remote session, do NOT accept.•Do not visit suspicious web sites and do not install any suspicious programs. We recommend that users install only those authorized apps provided by Samsung through Samsung Smart Hub.Operation•This apparatus uses batteries. In your community, there might be environmental regulations that require you to dispose of these batteries properly. Please contact your local authorities for disposal or recycling information. •Store the accessories (remote control, or etc.) in a location safely out of the reach of children.•Do not drop or strike the product. If the product is damaged, disconnect the power cord and contact a Samsung service center.•Do not dispose of remote control or batteries in a fire. •Do not short-circuit, disassemble, or overheat the batteries.•CAUTION : There is danger of an explosion if you replace the batteries used in the remote with the wrong type of battery. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. •WARNING - TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF FIRE, KEEP CANDLES AND OTHER ITEMS WITH OPEN FLAMES AWAY FROM THIS PRODUCT AT ALL TIMES.Caring for the TV•To clean this apparatus, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet and wipe the product with a soft, dry cloth. Do not use any chemicals such as wax, benzene, alcohol, thinners, insecticide, air fresheners, lubricants, or detergents. These chemicals can damage the appearance of the TV or erase the printing on the product.•The exterior and screen of the TV can get scratched during cleaning. Be sure to wipe the exterior and screen carefully using a soft cloth to prevent scratches.•Do not spray water or any liquid directly onto the TV. Any liquid that goes into the product may cause a failure, fire, or electric shock.01 Initial SetupWhen you turn on your TV for the first time, it immediately starts the Initial Setup. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen and configure the TV's basic settings to suit your viewing environment.Using the TV ControllerYou can turn on the TV with the TV Controller button at the bottom of the TV, and then use the Control menu . The Control menu appears when the TV Controller button is pressed while the TV is On.•The screen may dim if the protective film on the SAMSUNG logo or the bottom of the TV is not removed. Please remove the protective film.Control menuTV Controller button / Remote control sensor / Microphone switchHow to turn on and off the MicrophoneType AOn Off Type BOn OffYou can turn on or off the microphone by using the switch at the bottom of the TV. If microphone is turned off, All voice and sound features using microphone are not available. •This function is supported only in Q7*B/Q8*B/QN8*B/QN9*B Series.•The position and shape of the microphone switch may differ depending on the model.•During analysis using data from the microphone, the data is not saved.Internet securitySamsung takes a number of steps to protect its Internet-compatible Smart TVs against unauthorized incursions and hacking. For example, certain sensitive communications between the TV and the Internet servers are encrypted. In addition, the TV’s operating system has adopted controls to prevent the installation of unauthorized applications.Although we take steps to protect your Smart TV and personal information, no Internet-connected device or transmission is completely secure. We therefore encourage you to take additional steps to safeguard your TV, secure your Internet connection, and minimize the risk of unauthorized access. These steps are listed below:•When Samsung releases software updates to improve the security of your TV, you should promptly install these updates. To automatically receive these updates, turn on Auto Update in the TV's menu (>Menu >Settings > Support > Software Update > Auto Update ). When an update is available, a popup message appears on the TV screen. Accept the software download and update by selecting Yes when prompted. Take steps to secure your wireless access point and network. Your access point's manual should provide additional details about how to implement the following measures: –Secure your wireless access point's management settings with a unique password to prevent unauthorized changes to security related settings. –Implement standard encryption (e.g., WPA2 encryption) on your wireless access point to secure your wireless network signal.–Secure access to your wireless network with a hard-to-guess password.–Confirm your access point's firewall setting is enabled (if so equipped).–Make sure that all your Internet-connected devices are behind your network's firewall.02 Troubleshooting and MaintenanceTroubleshootingFor more information, refer to "Troubleshooting " or "FAQ " in the e-Manual. >Menu >Settings > Support > Open e-Manual >Troubleshooting or FAQIf none of the troubleshooting tips apply, please visit "" and click Support or contact the Samsung service center.•This TFT LED panel is made up of sub pixels which require sophisticated technology to produce. There may be, however, a few bright or dark pixels on the screen. These pixels will have no impact on the performance of the product.•To keep your TV in optimum condition, upgrade to the latest software. Use the Update Now or Auto Update functions on the TV's menu ( >Menu >Settings> Support > Software Update > Update Now or AutoUpdate ).The TV won’t turn on.•Make sure that the power cord is securely plugged in to the TV and the wall outlet.•Make sure that the wall outlet is working and the remote control sensor at the bottom of the TV is lit and glowing a solid red.•Try pressing the TV Controller button at the bottom of the TV to make sure that the problem is not with the remote control. If the TV turns on, refer to "The remote control does not work."03 Specifications and Other InformationSpecificationsDisplay Resolution3840 x 2160Sound (Output)Q6*B/Q7*B Series: 20 W Q8*B Series: 60 W (50": 40 W)QN85BA Series: 60 W QN85BD Series: 70 WQN90BA Series: 60 W (43": 20 W, 50": 40 W)QN90BD Series: 70 W (43": 20 W, 50": 40 W)Operating Temperature50 °F to 104 °F (10 °C to 40 °C)Operating Humidity10 % to 80 %, non-condensingStorage Temperature-4 °F to 113 °F (-20 °C to 45 °C)Storage Humidity5 % to 95 %, non-condensing Notes•This device is a Class B digital apparatus.•For information about the power supply, and more information about power consumption, refer to the information on the label attached to the product. –On most models, the label is attached to the back of the TV. (On some models, the label is inside the cover terminal.)•To connect a LAN cable, use a CAT 7 (*STP type) cable for the connection. (100/10 Mbps)* Shielded Twisted Pair•The images and specifications of the Quick Setup Guide may differ from the actual product.The remote control does not work.•Check if the remote control sensor at the bottom of the TV blinks when you press the button on the remotecontrol.–When the remote's battery is discharged, charge the battery using the USB charging port (C-type), or turn over the remote to expose the solar cell to light. •Try pointing the remote directly at the TV from 5 ft. to 6 ft. (1.5-1.8 m) away.•If your TV came with a Samsung Smart Remote (Bluetooth Remote), make sure to pair the remote to the TV. To pair a Samsung Smart Remote, press the andbuttonstogether for 3 seconds.Eco Sensor and screen brightnessEco Sensor adjusts the brightness of the TV automatically. This feature measures the light in your room and optimizes the brightness of the TV automatically to reduce power consumption. If you want to turn this off, go to >Menu>Settings > All Settings > General & Privacy > Power andEnergy Saving > Brightness Optimization .•The eco sensor is located at the bottom of the TV. Do not block the sensor with any object. This can decrease picture brightness.Decreasing power consumptionWhen you shut the TV off, it enters Standby mode. In Standby mode, it continues to draw a small amount of power. To decrease power consumption, unplug the power cord when you don't intend to use the TV for a long time.LicensesThe terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.。
首尔江南酒店(e-Stay Gangnam)
首尔江南酒店(e-Stay Gangnam)首尔江南酒店位于首尔,是家3星级酒店,首尔江南酒店通过提供优质贴心的服务和方便实用的设施,受到了客人的普遍好评,首尔江南酒店是首尔性价比较高的酒店之一,而且是便宜又好的酒店。
中文名称首尔江南酒店英文名称e-Stay Gangnam酒店星级3星级地理位置江南区房间数量50酒店地址Liga Square #301, 1308-26, Seocho 4-dong, Seocho-gu, 瑞草区, 137-074 首尔, 韩国周围景观盘浦汉江公园、狎鸥亭名品街、Galleria百货店名品馆、清潭洞/狎欧亭、韩国国技院、COEX商场、盘浦大桥月光彩虹喷泉、梨泰院、三星电子宣传馆(Dlight)、韩国国立中央博物馆、新沙洞林荫大道【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. 这里有停车场,至少不会为没地方停车发愁了2. 服务员态度很好,都讲英语,沟通方便3. 厨房很大很舒服,平时不想出去的时候可以自己做饭吃4. 酒店的位置很好,附近吃喝玩乐应有尽有,很方便酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:韩国国立中央博物馆:直线距离约5公里盘浦大桥月光彩虹喷泉:直线距离约3公里盘浦汉江公园:直线距离约3公里韩国国技院:直线距离约1公里三星电子宣传馆(Dlight):直线距离约1公里COEX商场:直线距离约4公里新沙洞林荫大道:直线距离约3公里清潭洞/狎欧亭:直线距离约4公里狎鸥亭名品街:直线距离约3公里Galleria百货店名品馆:直线距离约4公里梨泰院:直线距离约5公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Seoul_c9/11144.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:家庭双床间665元商务双床间574元商务双人间825元小型套房665元豪华双人床房696元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。
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Casa Blanca 是西班牙文,譯為白屋。 曾獲1943奧斯卡金像獎的 "北非諜影" (CASABLANCA)描述男主角在非洲摩洛哥的卡 薩布蘭加城港口經營一家酒吧,他是一個犧 牲愛情,成全別人婚姻的傻瓜。 您是否曾有一段心碎的戀情? 讓白屋 Casa Blanca 撫平您或許曾經受創 的心靈。 我喜歡旅行,行程安排要重視質感, 步調放慢,完全放鬆, 尤其需要一張好床滿足我的睡眠品質, 另外還有一個浪漫的花園,一杯香醇的咖 啡… 我把我的需要也讓我的房客享有。 澎湖之美,盡在白屋 Casa Blanca。
一家溫馨浪漫的優質精緻旅店,一家充滿藝術風采及高雅質 感的最佳精緻旅店,對所有客戶的體貼與用心,洋溢在館內 每一個角落,本館是許多外出旅遊,客戶遠在他鄉的第二個 家,更是外出旅遊休閒的第一選擇。 為了實現永續經營的初衷與理想,本館不惜鉅資裝潢,貼心 的為您設計了各式情調浪漫套房及戶外露天泡湯等設備,更 嚴格要求最高的清潔、衛生及安全標準,只為了能提供給您 更完善、舒適的住宿及休憩空間,讓您能在本館享受到最高 品質的服務,徹底放鬆您的心情,滿足您對家的想像。 竭 誠歡迎您蒞臨本館,讓我們能以真心摯情來迎接款待您,就 像是一家人,回家的感覺總是最讓人期待。
優質民宿精選 北部 中部 南部 (外島)
NERC Standard Processes Manual (SPM) 与 NERC Rules
3353 Peachtree Road NE Suite 600, North TowerAtlanta, GA 30326404-446-2560 | December 17, 2020Kun Zhu & Bill Quaintance (on behalf of the SPIDERWG) MISO Energy720 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032-3826 *******************Dear Sirs:Thank you for submitting a Standard Authorization Request (SAR) dated December 30, 2019 for revising MOD-032-1 Data for Power System Modeling and Analysis.Pursuant to Section 4.1 of the NERC Standard Processes Manual (SPM), Appendix 3A to the NERC Rules of Procedure, I am writing to inform you that on December 9, the Standards Committee (SC) reviewed and rejected the SAR submitted by the NERC System Planning Impacts of Distributed Energy Resources Working Group (SPIDERWG) for good cause. The SAR was rejected on the grounds that based on thecomments received during posting, there is insufficient stakeholder support for this project and continued revisions of the SAR would not be productive.For additional information on this matter, please see the attached background document, including a link to the comments received in response to a public posting, and the SAR. These documents were considered at the December 9, 2020 SC meeting.Sincerely,Amy CasuscelliChair, NERC Standards Committee Cc:Greg Ford, Chair and David Zwergel, Vice Chair, Reliability and Security Technical Committee Joshua Pierce, Chair, Project 2020-01 Modifications to MOD-032-1Amanda Schiro, Vice Chair, Project 2020-01 Modifications to MOD-032-1Enclosures:Standards Committee Background Document(s) MOD-032 SARAgenda Item 4Standards CommitteeDecember 9, 2020Project 2020-01 Modifications to MOD-032-1Action•Accept the Project 2020-01 Modifications to MOD-032-1 Standard Authorization Request (SAR) as submitted;•Authorize drafting revisions to the MOD-032-1 Standard; and•Appoint the Project 2020-01 Modifications to MOD-032-1 SAR Drafting Team (DT) as the Project 2020-01 Standard Drafting Team (SDT).BackgroundOn December 30, 2019, the NERC System Planning Impacts of Distributed Energy Resources Working Group (SPIDERWG) submitted the SAR to revise the current MOD-032-1 Standard language. The SAR proposes to revise MOD-032-1 to address gaps in data collection for the purposes of modeling and interconnection-wide case creation regarding distributed energy resources (DER). The goal is to provide clarity and consistency for data collection across Planning Coordinators and Transmission Planners when coordinating with the Distribution Provider to gather aggregate demand and DER data.In March 2020, the Standards Committee accepted the SAR, authorized posting for a 30-day informal comment period beginning March 24, 2020 and authorized for solicitation of SAR drafting team members. The Standards Committee appointed the SAR drafting team on June 17, 2020.The SAR DT met virtually between July 8, 2020, and October 28, 2020, to review and revise the SAR. The team considered the informal industry comments during this process and created eight themes to address industry comments. Industry comments, themes, and response to comments are posted at Project 2020-01 project website.Standard Authorization Request (SAR)The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) welcomes suggestions to improve the reliability of the bulk power system through improved Reliability Standards.Complete and please email this form, with attachment(s) to: **************** Complete and submit this form, with attachment(s) to the NERC Help Desk . Upon entering the Captcha, please type in your contact information, and attach the SAR to your ticket. Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation number which you can use to track your request.Requested informationrequirements and reporting procedures”1 for DER that are necessary to support the development of accurate interconnection-wide models, (2) replace Load-Serving Entity (LSE) with Distribution Provider (DP) because of the removal of LSEs from the NERC registry criteria, (3) enable the SDT to review any additional gaps in DER data collection with the de-registration of LSE.Purpose or Goal (How does this proposed project provide the reliability-related benefit described above?):This SAR proposes to revise MOD-032-1 to address gaps in data collection for the purposes of modeling and interconnection-wide case creation regarding DER. The goal is to provide clarity and consistency for data collection across Planning Coordinators (PCs) and Transmission Planners (TPs) when coordinating with the DP to gather aggregate load and DER data.Project Scope (Define the parameters of the proposed project):The proposed scope of this project is as follows:a.The table in Attachment 1 should be updated to include DER in the steady-state and dynamicscolumns. Details of the changes to be considered by the Standard Drafting Team are included in the “Detailed Description” below.b.Based on item a.) and the detailed description below, the SDT should consider whether includinga definition for “Distributed Energy Resource (DER)” in the NERC Glossary of Terms is necessary.c.In alignment with the SAR submitted by the previous NERC Essential Reliability Services WorkingGroup (ERSWG), LSE should be removed and replaced by DP as the applicable entity in Section4.1.3 and all instances in the standard requirements and attachments.d.The SDT should review any potential gaps regarding data collection for aggregate DER data withthe de-registration of LSE.Detailed Description (Describe the proposed deliverable(s) with sufficient detail for a drafting team to execute the project. If you propose a new or substantially revised Reliability Standard or definition, provide: (1) a technical justification2 which includes a discussion of the reliability-related benefits of developing a new or revised Reliability Standard or definition, and (2) a technical foundation document (e.g., research paper) to guide development of the Standard or definition):This SAR proposes to address the issues identified in the project scope above. Specifically, the following details should be considered and addressed by the drafting team:•In the Applicability section of MOD-032-1, LSE should be replaced with DP, in alignment with the SAR previously submitted by ERSWG. Similarly, all relevant uses of LSE should be replaced withDP.1 See Requirement R1 of MOD-032-1, which requires each TP and PC to develop data requirements and reporting procedures for the collection of modeling data used for the development of models for each PC footprint.2 The NERC Rules of Procedure require a technical justification for new or substantially revised Reliability Standards. Please attach pertinent information to this form before submittal to NERC.Requested information•The table in Attachment 1 should include references to aggregate DER in the steady-state and dynamics columns. The drafting team should consider the data needed for modeling aggregate DER for the purposes of BPS reliability studies. However, the NERC SPIDERWG proposes that the SDT consider including, at a minimum, the following information in the table:o Steady-State:▪Aggregate Distributed Energy Resources•Aggregate maximum and minimum active power capacity•Location (correlated to BPS bus location)•Breakdown by type of DER (e.g., by fuel type or technology) o Dynamics:▪Aggregate Distributed Energy Resources•Note that the SPIDERWG does not see a need to modify the short circuit column of Attachment1 because #1 already states “all applicable elements” in the steady-state column should havenecessary information related to positive, negative, and zero sequence data providedaccordingly. If the TP/PC determines that aggregate DER is needed for these studies, then they have the capability to request such data. However, this is not a prevalent issue currently.•In alignment with adding “DER” to the Attachment 1 table regarding necessary data for modeling purposes, it may be needed (based on the discretion of the SDT) to add a definition for“Distributed Energy Resource (DER)” to the NERC Glossary of Terms.The SPIDERWG is in the process of developing recommended practices and NERC Reliability Guidelines related to data collection for DER modeling. These materials will provide detailed guidance for TPs and PCs to develop their data requirements and reporting procedures, per MOD-032-1. These materials are not intended to dilute the criticality of this SAR to address the issues identified above within MOD-032-1 itself. Rather, the SDT can use these materials as they become available when determining the specific language for inclusion in the standard requirements revisions.Cost Impact Assessment, if known (Provide a paragraph describing the potential cost impacts associated with the proposed project):Cost impacts are not fully known. However, due to the limited scope of the requested data, cost impact is expected to be minimal to all entities. DPs typically collect the maximum capacity and location of DER connected to their systems during the interconnection process. Therefore, data collection effort by the DP would be minimal additional effort. DPs already have processes to provide load data to the TP and PC, so DER data can be managed in a similar manner to reduce cost and effort. If the scope of the required data is expanded, cost impact would likely increase.Please describe any unique characteristics of the BES facilities that may be impacted by this proposed standard development project (e.g. Dispersed Generation Resources):DER owners are not subject to NERC Reliability Standards. However, SPIDERWG believes the DP (a NERC Registered Entity) has the information regarding DER connected to its distribution system that is neededRequested informationfor modeling the aggregate behavior of DER for the purposes of planning studies. The DP should provide that information to the TP and PC accordingly.To assist the NERC Standards Committee in appointing a drafting team with the appropriate members, please indicate to which Functional Entities the proposed standard(s) should apply (e.g. Transmission Operator, Reliability Coordinator, etc. See the most recent version of the NERC Functional Model for definitions):Transmission Planner, Planning Coordinator, Distribution ProviderWhile not a Functional Entity per the NERC Functional Model, the “MOD-032 Designees” that are designated by the ERO to develop interconnection-wide base cases (i.e., the Regional Entities), will also be affected by these changes and should be considered for appointment to the Standard Drafting Team.Do you know of any consensus building activities3 in connection with this SAR? If so, please provide any recommendations or findings resulting from the consensus building activity.The proposals in this SAR were developed by the NERC SPIDERWG, a stakeholder group under the NERC Planning Committee.Are there any related standards or SARs that should be assessed for impact as a result of this proposed project? If so which standard(s) or project number(s)?The ERSWG submitted a SAR related to MOD-032-1, as described above. This SAR supports those changes, and further expands on a few necessary additional changes related to DER modeling.Are there alternatives (e.g. guidelines, white paper, alerts, etc.) that have been considered or could meet the objectives? If so, please list the alternatives.The NERC SPIDERWG is preparing a Reliability Guideline on data collection for DER modeling. That guideline will provide recommendations for improvements to the data requirements and reporting procedures developed jointly by PCs and their TPs. However, updates to MOD-032-1 are also needed to ensure minimum planning consideration and reporting requirement on DER, particularly in Attachment 1. Therefore, this SAR aligns with the necessary changes to meet the objective.3 Consensus building activities are occasionally conducted by NERC and/or project review teams. They typically are conducted to obtain industry inputs prior to proposing any standard development project to revise, or develop a standard or definition.Market Interface PrinciplesDoes the proposed standard development project comply with all of the following Market Interface Principles ?Enter (yes/no) 1. A reliability standard shall not give any market participant an unfair competitive advantage.Yes 2. A reliability standard shall neither mandate nor prohibit any specific market structure.Yes 3. A reliability standard shall not preclude market solutions to achieving compliance with that standard.Yes 4. A reliability standard shall not require the public disclosure of commercially sensitive information. All market participants shall have equal opportunity to access commercially non-sensitive information that is required for compliance with reliability standards. YesIdentified Existingor Potential Regional or Interconnection VariancesRegion(s)/ Interconnection Explanation None NoneFor Use by NERC OnlyVersion HistoryVersion Date Owner Change Tracking1 June 3, 2013 Revised1 August 29, 2014 Standards Information Staff Updated template2 January 18, 2017 Standards Information Staff Revised2 June 28, 2017 Standards Information Staff Updated template。
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首尔TJ酒店(Hotel TJ)
首尔TJ酒店(Hotel TJ)首尔TJ酒店位于首尔,是家2星级酒店,是首尔最热门的酒店之一。
中文名称首尔TJ酒店英文名称Hotel TJ酒店星级2星级地理位置金浦机场房间数量45酒店地址215-1, Oebalsan-dong, 江西区, 157-290 首尔, 韩国周围景观曾米站、加阳站、新亭十字路口站、麻谷站、新亭站、雨装山站、钵山站、木洞站、鹊洞站、金浦机场奥特莱斯、登村站【好巧网解读】4大卖点1. 为了赶飞机住到这家酒店,比在首尔市中心住的房间宽敞很多,且设施齐全,卧室的电视旁边居然也有洗手台2. 房间里有咖啡机,喝不惯速溶咖啡的朋友可以买一包咖啡豆自己煮咖啡喝3. 酒店到便利店还需要一些距离,不是特别方便4. 冰箱内附有矿泉水跟果汁(免费)酒店的图片酒店位置与交通信息酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下:金浦机场奥特莱斯:直线距离约2公里钵山站:直线距离约2公里曾米站:直线距离约4公里麻谷站:直线距离约2公里新亭十字路口站:直线距离约5公里鹊洞站:直线距离约5公里登村站:直线距离约5公里雨装山站:直线距离约2公里木洞站:直线距离约5公里新亭站:直线距离约5公里加阳站:直线距离约4公里如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施,请访问/Seoul_c9/22556.html酒店房型房价介绍全部房型与房价:标准房294元双床房352元豪华房411元房价信息随季节和销售程度动态变化,访问好巧网可查询实时房价,并即时预订确认生效,不用等待。
Bosch 新款内置冰箱 VitaFreshPro 产品介绍说明书
Press ReleaseBSH Home Appliances Limited3/F, North Block, Skyway House,3 Sham Mong Road, Tai Kok Tsui, Kowloon Hong KongEmail:*******************Tel.: (852) 21037691Fax: (852) 25656252Marketing DepartmentContact Person:Mandi KongBrand New Bosch Built-in Refrigerator Series VitaFresh Pro keeps food fresh longer with 0℃technologyFresh food is a vital component for living a healthy lifestyle. The new Bosch built-in refrigerator series is equipped with VitaFresh Pro to create the ideal storage conditions for food ingredients. With VitaFresh Pro your food stays fresh and nutritious for longer period. This means you can store the goods from your weekly bulk purchase without any worries. Even without everyday grocery shopping, healthy nutrition can still become easier.Bosch Built-in Refrigerator Series:Built-in 2-door refrigerator (with bottom freezer)Model: KIF39P61HKKey Feature:∙VitaFresh Pro drawer for keeping food fresh longerAdditional Features:∙Frost free freezer∙Auto defrost function in fridge∙ 3 temperature zones, each zone separately regulated and controlled ∙ 2 VitaFresh Pro drawers in fridge at 0ºC, ideal for fresh food (54 litres)Technical Information:∙Inverter compressor∙Total net capacity: 243 litres; Net fridge capacity: 180 litres;Net freezer capacity: 63 litres∙Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Label Grade 1(equivalent to EU Energy efficiency class A ++)Dimensions:∙Dimensions (H x W x D):1772* x 556 x 545 mm* Excluding the height of the base compressor: 110mmCountry of Origin: GermanyRecommended Retail Price: HK$29,400Bosch Built-in Refrigerator Series:(Can be installed in combination)Built-in 1-door freezer Model: GIN38P61HK Built-in 1-door fridge Model: KIF42P61HKKey Feature:∙Frost free freezerAdditional Features:∙ 5 pull out drawers including 1BigBox∙ 2 freezer compartments with flapTechnical Information∙Inverter compressor∙Total net freezer capacity: 210liters∙Hong Kong Energy EfficiencyLabel Grade 2 Key Feature:∙VitaFresh Pro drawer for keepingfood fresh longerAdditional Features:∙Auto defrost function in fridge∙ 3 temperature zones, each zone separately regulated andcontrolled∙ 3 VitaFresh Pro drawers in fridge at 0ºC, ideal for fresh food (76 litres)Technical Information∙Inverter compressor∙Total net capacity: 299 litres;Net fridge capacity: 223 litres;VitaFresh Pro 0ºC drawer capacity:76 litres∙Hong Kong Energy EfficiencyLabel Grade 2Dimensions:∙Dimensions (H x W x D):1772* x 556 x 545 mm*Excluding the height of the basecompressor: 110mmCountry of Origin: Germany Dimensions:∙Dimensions (H x W x D):1772* x 556 x 545 mm*Excluding the height of the basecompressor: 110mmCountry of Origin: GermanyRecommended Retail Price: HK$ 29,400Recommended Retail Price: HK$27,400About BoschFounded in 1886, Bosch has been synonymous with outstanding technology and craftsmanship. Through continuous innovation, precise electrical engineering and electronic technology, Bosch has become the world’s pioneer in industrial technology. Simple yet elegant, Bosch home appliances make every kitchen an art space with their concise design and aesthetics of life. Today, Bosch is one of the leading home appliances brands in Europe. In 2016, Bosch has become the number 1 brand for major domestic appliances in Europe*. The brand offers a full spectrum of small domestic, free-standing and built-in appliances in Hong Kong. Renowned for its one-stop cooking solution, Bosch products include the highly-rated kitchen machines; professional, high quality ovens, steam ovens, cooktops, cooker hoods, refrigerators and dishwashers. Other home appliances include vacuum cleaners, washing machines, irons and coffee machines, offering a complete solution for living with innovative designs to fulfil the unique need of every consumer.Bosch takes great pride in the design and engineering of its products, always striving to develop appliances that offer premium quality, advanced technology, ease of operation and outstanding German German-made and engineered technology. These attributes have earned us many national and international accolades, such as the Red Dot Design Award, the iF Product Design Award and other endorsements, year after year. For the 60th anniversary of the Red Dot Award, one of the largest and most prestigious award in the world, Bosch was given the honorary title of “Red Dot: Design Team of the Year 2015”, marking Bosch’s achievements in innovation and design.“I would rather lose money than trust”, the philosophy of company founder, Robert Bosch, continues to guide Bosch in developing high-quality products and assuming social responsibility wherever it operates. Treating people and nature with respect has been a corporate principle from the beginning and is reflected in the company's energy-efficient, resource-conserving and sustainable products and processes.True to the brand’s philosophy brand “Invented for life", Bosch will continue to offer consumers with quality and perfect technology for a better life.*Source: Euromonitor volume sales survey in 2016。
三星的这间“星系小屋”工作室,前卫也舒适大概因为 Galaxy 系列是三星最受欢迎的产品系列,所以三星给自己电子产品设计团队在首尔的工作室取名叫“星系小屋(Galaxy Cottage)”。
这里实际上是一间“测试实验室(Test Lab)”,三星的产品设计师团队主要在这里研发新产品,并测试不同产品的性能。
为三星设计这个工作室的是首尔本土设计公司 Aworks,业务范围包括策展、室内设计和零售空间设计。
Aworks 算是三星的长期合作伙伴了,根据他们官网上的信息,他们从平面设计到空间设计,跟三星合作过大大小小超过 10 个项目。
图片来源:Archdaily好奇心日报 , 每个时代都有最好的媒体。
ELM-07S IEC 62056-21 to Modbus converter Instructi
IEC 62056-21 to Modbus converter ELM-07S Converter SeriesInstruction ManualELM-07S is microcontroller-based RS-485 IEC62056-21 (former IEC61107) to Modbus RS-485 RTU/TCP converter. ELM-07S is used as a gateway/bridge in building and industrial networks where it is needed to read IEC62056-21 (mainly electricity meters) in Modbus RS-485 RTU based SCADA systems. ELM-07S can connect up to 32 IEC62056-21 devices in its network. It is mounted on standard M36 DIN rail and comes with both Modbus RTU and TCP.1. General technical data- max. number of IEC62056-21 devices – 32 - max. number of decoded IEC62056 registers per device – 64 - power supply voltage – 165-235 VAC (210-270 VDC) - max. power consumption < 5 W - ambient temperature, operating - -20÷+50 °C - ambient temperature, storage - -50÷+90 °C - air humidity - 40÷90 % - dimensions (H/W/D) – 105/107/74 mm - IP protection class – IP20 - IEC62056 interface – 300, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k , 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k bps, 7 bit even - RS-485 RTU Modbus interface baud rate – 300, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k, 19.2k , 38.4k, 57.6k, 115.2k bps, 8 bit even - Modbus TCP interface – TCP/IP 10/100 Mbit, port 502, DHCP-capable - display - 3 LEDs (on, comm IEC, comm Modbus) - weight – 475 g2. ELM-07S operationELM-07S begins operation immediately after power-up. The sequence is the following:Initialization mode (0.2-0.3 s)– In the first 0.2-0.3s the device initializes its internal data structures. LED “on” is lit. – After 10s ELM-07 starts reading the network of IEC62056-21 devices. All devices to be readshould have their addresses preprogrammed in ELM-07S memory. This process is repeated after predefined time.Normal operationIn normal mode ELM-07 waits predefined period of time and then reads all pre-programmedIEC62056-21 devices. For each device (32 max) there are 128 Modbus registers (4096 registers total). These registers are updated on each device readout. The value of each IEC62056-21 register is split in two Modbus registers. Before reading the IEC62056-21 devices it is needed their ID-addresses and the registers for readout to be programmed in the ELM-07 internal memory. IEC62056-21 devices can be added, deleted, their registers changed any time when device is operational.The Modbus registers can be accessed any time either on Modbus RTU or TCP, as well assimultaneously via both RTU and TCP.3. Mounting and electrical connectionsELM-7S should be mounted on standard M36 din-rail. All connections should be made with isolated multi-wire cables with cross section 0.5mm 2÷2.5mm 2. Mounting should be done in industrial enclosurewith high IP class. All the connections are shown in the figure and the tables below:С1 ‘Power’ – 3P terminal blockNo Description 1, 3 Power input L , N 2 Power Grounding inputPEС2 ‘IEC62056-21' – 5P terminal blockNo Description 1 GND 2,4 RS-458 “+” (B) 3,5 RS-458 “-” (A)C3 ‘Modbus RTU' – 5P terminal block No Description 1 GND 2,4 RS-458 “+” (B) 3,5 RS-458 “-” (A)С4 ‘Modbus TCP' – RJ-45 No Description - RJ-45/TCP Ethernet4. WarrantyThe warranty of the device is limited to 3 years from the date of sale. If the device shows any defect or malfunctions during that period, the manufacturer is obligated to repair the device in its own service for manufacturer’s expense, or, if the repair is impossible, to replace the device with new one. The transportation costs to the manufacturer’s service are due to the client. The warranty voids if this manual’ instructions are not met, warranty seals are removed or the device was opened by unauthorized by the manufacturer personnel.Serial number:.................... Date of sale:.............................Signature:................................5. The package containsELM-7S - 1 pcs.Instruction manual - 1 pcs.6. Manufacturer1528 Sofia, Bulgaria7 Iskarsko shausse blvd, Trade center “Europe”, building 7B, floor 3 phone/fax: +359 2 975 81 05 , e-mail:******************。
上海市部分著名建筑名称中外文对照表建筑中文名称外文名称卜内门大楼 The Brunner, Mond & Co.Building 三井洋行大楼 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha 三井银行大楼 Mitsui Bank三菱银行大楼 Mistubishi Bank 大世界 Great World上海电力公司大楼 Shanghai Power Company 上海华商纱布交易所楼 The Shanghai Cotton Exchange 上海邮政大楼 Shanghai Post Office Building 上海总会大楼 The Shanghai Club 上海总商会议事厅(上海电子元件研究所南楼) Chinese Chamber Of Commerce 上海特别市图书馆 Shanghai Library 上海特别市政府大厦 Government Office Building 上海特别市博物馆楼 Shanghai Museum 上海基督教青年会大楼 Y.M.C.A. Building 凡尔登花园,白费利花园(长乐村) Verdun Terrace, Beverly Gardens 大上海大戏院 Metropolis Theatre 大光明电影院 Grand Theatre大华公寓 Majestic Apts.大来大楼 Robert Dollar Building 大新公司 Sun Co., Ltd女青年会大楼 Y.M.C.A. Building 广学会大楼 Christian Literature Society Building 飞龙大楼 Joffre Arcade马立斯住宅(瑞金宾馆一号 Morriss Estate马勒住宅 Moller Mansion 中山医院院舍 The Liang Tsai Hall of the Chung SanMemorial Hospital, Shanghai 中央研究院 Institute of Science 中央造币厂厂房 Shanghai Central Mint 中汇银行大楼 New Chung Wei Bank Building 中行大楼 The Bank of China Hongkew Branch1中西女中 McGregor Hall in McTyiere School for Girls 中国通商银行大楼The Imperial Bank of China, CommercialBank of China中法学校校舍 Ecole Franco-Chinoise 中南大楼 The China & South SeaBank 元芳大楼Messrs. Maitland & Co.’s Premises 公共租界工部局大楼Shanghai Municipal Council Building 友利银行大厦,天祥洋行大楼 Union Insurance Company, Union Building,The Chartered Mercantile Bank of India,London & China太阳公寓 Sun Apts.巴黎公寓 Paris Apts.巴黎公寓 Paris Court日本领事馆(联合国救灾办公室) The Consulate of Japan 日清大楼 The Nishin Navigation Company 王伯群住宅 Residence of the KMT Minister of Transportation业广地产有限公司 The Shanghai Land Investment Co. 东方汇理银行大楼The Banque de L’ Indochine 东方饭店 Grand Hotel东亚银行 East Asia Bank兰心大戏院 Lyceum Theatre台湾银行大楼 The Bank of Taiwan 四川路桥 Szechuen Road Bridge 四行储蓄会大楼 The Joint Savings Society Bank 圣三一基督教堂 Holy Trinity Church,The AnglicanCathedral圣尼古拉斯教堂 The St.Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church 圣母大堂Russian Orthodox Mission Church 圣约翰大学校舍 St.John's University 圣沙勿略天主堂(董家渡天主堂) St.Francisoo Xavier Church 圣依纳爵新堂(徐家汇天主堂) St.Ignatius Cathedral 圣若瑟天主堂 St. Joseph Cathedral 外白渡桥 Gauden Bridge2外滩信号台 The Gutzlaff Signal Tower 正广和公司大楼 Calbeck Macgregor's Office 正广和汽水厂厂房 Messrs Calbeck Macgregor & CO.永安公司,新永安公司 Wing On Co., Ltd.永年人寿保险公司大楼 China Mutual Life Insurance Company 汇中饭店 Palace House Hotel,Palace Hotel 汇丰银行大楼 Hong Kong and Shanghai BankingCorporation汉弥登大楼 Hamilton House皮裘公寓 Bijou Apts.礼和洋行大楼 The Carlowitz & Co.礼查饭店 Astor House Hotel 亚尔培公寓,皇家花园,梅谷公寓(陕南村) Mico's Apts.,King Albert Apts.亚细亚大楼,史塔夫大楼,麦边大楼 Asia Petroleum Company,Staff Buildings,Ltd.,McBain Building 亚洲文会大楼 The North China Branch of the RoyalAsiatic Society交通银行大楼 Bank of Communications 会乐精舍 Willow Court先施公司 Sincere Co., Ltd. 光陆大楼,光陆大戏院 Capitol Theatre华安合群人寿保险公司大楼 China United Apts.华俄道胜银行大楼 The St.Petersburg Russo-Asiatic Bank 华懋公寓 Cathay Mansions 华懋饭店Sassoon House同孚大楼(吴江大楼) Yates Apts.吕班公寓 Dubail Apts.字林西报大楼 North China Daily News Building 安息堂 Catholic Church 扬子大楼 Yangtsze Insurance Building 毕卡地公寓(衡山宾馆) Picardie Apts.江湾体育场 Shanghai Recreation Ground 百乐门舞厅 Paramount Ballroom 百老汇大厦 Broadway Mansions3自由公寓 Liberty Apts. 西本愿寺上海别院 Shanghai Nishi Honganji 西园大厦 West Park Mansions 西侨青年会大楼 The Foreign Y.M.C.A.Building 达华公寓 Hubertus Court 克莱门公寓 Clements Apts. 宏恩医院楼 Country Hospital 杜月笙住宅Mr.Y.S. Doo’s Residence on Route Doumer and Henry 杜美新村 Doumer Terrace 杨氏公寓(永业大楼) Young Apts. 杨树浦水厂 Shanghai Water Works 杨树浦电厂 River Power Plant, Shanghai Power Co. 沙逊别墅Sassoon’s Villa 犹太人总会,飞星公司 The Jewish Club,Star Ricsha Company’sBuilding犹太教堂,欧黑尔?雪切尔犹太会堂 Ohel Weida Building, Ohel Rachel SynagogueAstrid Apts. 阿斯屈来特公寓(南昌大楼)Chartered Bank 麦加利银行大楼,Lester Hospital 麦加圈医院大楼,Medhurst Apartments 麦特赫斯脱公寓(泰兴大楼)Magy Apts. 麦琪公寓Paul Henry Apts. 亨利(亨雷)公寓Arcadia Hall 味莼园,张园国立上海医学院校舍 National Medical College of Shanghai 国立上海高级机械职业学校校舍(德国技术工Deutsche Ingenieurschule 程学院,同济德文医学堂)国华银行大楼 China State Bank 国际礼拜堂 Community Church 国际饭店(四行储蓄会大楼) Park Hotel 国泰大戏院 Cathy Theatre4建设大厦 Development Building 怡和洋行 Ewo Office and Flats, Jardine Matheson &Co.Ltd.怡泰大楼,格林油船大楼 The Glen Line Ltd., Glen Line SteamshipCo. Building, Glen Line Building 枕流公寓 Brookside Apts. 林肯公寓(曙光公寓) Lincoln Apts. 河南路桥 New Honan Road Bridge 河滨大楼Embankment Building 法邮大楼 Campagnie des Messageries Maritimes 法国太子公寓,道斐南公寓(建国公寓) Dauphine Apts. 法租界公董局 The Municipal Council 法国总会 Cercle Sportif Francais 英国领事馆 British Consulate General 迦陵大楼 Liza Hardoon Building 金城银行大楼 Kincheng Bank 俄罗斯领事馆 The Old Russian Consulate 修道院公寓 The Cloister 南京大戏院(上海音乐厅) Naking Theatre 南洋公学校舍 Engineering Building at Chiao Tung University总巡捕房 The Central Police Head Quarters 美孚洋行大楼(黄中大楼) Standard-Vacuum Oil Company 美国乡村总会 Columbia Country Club 美国花旗总会会所 American Club 美琪大戏院 Majestic Theatre 美童公学校舍 Shanghai American School 峻岭公寓,茂名公寓及附楼,格林文纳公寓 The Grosvernor House 泰山公寓 Tai Shan Apts. 海关大楼 Chinese Maritime Customs House 海格大楼 Haig Court 爱司公寓 Estrella Apts. 爱林登公寓 (常德公寓) Eddington House 诸圣堂 The All Saints Church5诺曼底公寓,东美特公寓 Normandie Apts. 都城饭店 Metropole Hotel培文公寓,培恩公寓 Bearn Apartments 密丹公寓 Midget Apts.清心女中 Pure Heart School for Chinese Girls 清心堂 Pure Heart Church 盖司康公寓,万国储蓄会公寓(淮海公寓) Cascoigne Apts.银行公会大楼 the Shanghai Chinese Banking Association 惠罗大楼Whiteaway Laidlaw & Co., Ltd. 普益大楼 Asia Realty Co. Building 景林堂Allen Nemorial Church 跑马总会 Administration Building& Member Stand of Race Club, Shanghai Hippodrom 新亚酒楼 New Asia Hotel新新公司 Sun-Sun Co., Ltd 福利大楼 Hall & Holtz Ltd. 福新面粉厂 Foo Sing Flour Mills 雷士德工学院院舍 Lester School & Technical Institute 雷士德医学研究院院舍 The Henry Lester Institute for Education and Research颐中大楼 Yee Tsoong Tobacca Co. , Ltd. 嘉道理住宅 Sir Elly Kadoorie’s House, Marble House 沐恩堂 Moore Memorial Church 赛华公寓(瑞华公寓) Savoy Apts.静安别墅 Bubbling Well Road Apts. 德义大楼 Denis Apts.德国花园总会 Deutscher Garter Club 德国邮局(电报大楼) Kaiserlich Deutsche Post 横滨正金银行 The Yokohama Specie Bank of Shanghai *本表由许洪根据字林西报《上海行号录》(英)、《上海行号路图录》等编制。
America sales office
Irvine Office 92612 3345 Michelson Drive, Suite 350,Irvine, CA Te l:1- 949 - 797- 8047 E-mail:sh386.kim@
Quality System Certification List
ISO / TS 16949 ISO 9001 (Product) TL 9000 (Product) ISO 14001 OSHAS 18001
Table 1:Certification list of Samsung Factory
January 2008
Passive components Sales Office
Head Office
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首尔卡萨维尔三星公寓(Casaville Samsung Residence)
英文名称Casaville Samsung Residence
酒店地址945-29, Daechi-dong, Gangnam-gu, 江南区, 135-280 首尔, 韩国
1. 客人还可以在3分钟的步行路程内的餐馆和酒吧享受各种各样的韩国和亚洲菜肴
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3. 大堂里有两台电脑,网速很高,还是免费的