



113 看胸脯抱歉天啊,我受够了你不敲门就闯进来? 难道你不尊重别人的隐私权? 瑞秋,慢着不,你慢着,这太荒唐了我能说一件事吗? 什么事?这块布编的非常松因此我仍能看见你的胸脯亲爱的,告诉他们你的病人如何把事想成另一件事例如电话响时她就去洗澡差不多是那样但你说得很好谢谢快走开我们才能谈你好吧,我会想念你的他很不错吧他好帅,也好像很喜欢你我知道,他人很好导演:亚伦梅尔森而且很复杂为何他们就得成为人间男女?他会在沙发上做吗?我不知道…有点奇怪聚乙稀做的大家还想要别的吗?要,我要…抱歉,卖完了,其他人呢?我是否错过某事? 没有她很生气因为我看见她的胸脯你看她的胸脯干吗? 那是意外和拿着望远镜和甜甜圈过街的感觉不同能改变话题吗?没错,因为那不是她的胸脯而是她的胸部菲比,我要的不只是改变字眼我不知你如此介意你的胸脯很好看好看?就这样?手套也很好看我…左右为难你真逗他真的很逗他不笑的时候我也不想待在这儿等等那是什么意思?你似乎有亲密上的问题你用你的幽默和人保持距离我才刚认识你我对你毫无所知独子?父母在你青春期前离婚?你怎会知道?你很典型各位乔伊你们都认识我爸吧?打算在纽约待多久?几天我在中城工作我想和儿子同住比来回坐渡轮好我没见过他他是我朋友罗杰幸会,罗杰彼此彼此玩布偶的那个怎么了? 爸抱歉,罗斯,你的太太呢?两人出局了?钱德,说点好笑的我得挂电话了,我也想你我爱你,但现在很晚了让我向她打声招呼妈,我和包西达大夫约了时间什么?你知道这不是妈吗?她叫罗妮,宠物殡葬业者当然你和她多久了…记得小时候我常带你去海军军港看大船? 从那时候?不,才6年我只想勾起你美好的回忆让你不会觉得我一直是个大烂人乔伊,你爱过吗?我不知道那就是没有你的蕃茄烧焦了别想转移话题乔,你老爸爱得无法自拔最糟的是我爱两个女人拜托你告诉我其中一个是妈当然其中一个是你妈你是怎么搞的?这就像你某天起床突然发现你爸是个双面人就像是为中情局工作的间谍那一定很酷但这个很烂我懂为何父母就不能是父母?为何他们就得成为人间男女?别再盯着我的胸部看什么?什么?那一天你还看得不够吗?我们都已是成年人此事只有一个解决之道既然你看过她的胸脯你应该让她看你的小弟弟办不到拜托,他说得对以眼还眼我不会让你看的我不会让你看的快上来这下可好,罗杰来了罗杰有什么不对劲吗?没什么,小事我讨厌这家伙为什么?因为他太善于分析他就是这种人别这样嘛,他没那么糟这就是你错误的地方如果当初我感觉到她是女同志我何必和她结婚呢? 我不知道或许你想让婚姻失败为什么…我不知道,或许自信心不足或许是弥补你让你妹相形见绌的愧疚或许…等等,回到妹妹的话题什么?我不知道你要使你的婚姻触礁让你妹在父母面前不那么抬不起头这太荒谬了她不争气我并未感到自责你认为我不争气?他不错吧我不是那个意思?多年来我以为你支持我但或许你婚姻失败目的是想巴结爸妈让他们更心疼你我娶女同志是想让你建立自信你说得对那不是“威伯”的问题而是威伯游乐宫和游轮的问题它上面的救生艇让威伯能缓缓驶出那滋味不好受菲比,如果想看电影我们现在该走了打起精神来,瑞秋菲比,我们快来不及了好谢谢不客气各位,很高兴和各位再度见面摩妮卡,饼干别吃太多切记,那只是食物不是爱我讨厌这家伙晚安,各位这是我们订的女人需要帮忙吗?不用,谢谢,我在等乔依我就是乔依不是你,是老乔依天啊,你此照片上帅多了我是罗妮想吃起司块(夹子)吗?乔伊有“栓子”但我可以来一点大部份人在宠物过世后希望它们就像长眠一样但有些人要他们摆出姿势像追自己的尾巴跳起接住飞盘乔伊,如果我先走我的姿势要像找钥匙一样这姿势不错乔伊罗妮来了宝贝你来干什么?你的假发留在我的住处我想你明天用得上谢谢谁想玩“科普朗克”?我不该来这儿我该走了我不想错过最后一班地铁不,我不要你坐这么晚的车我要住哪儿?这里?我们去住饭店我们去住饭店不行不行你们去饭店就一定会办事我要你们待在这儿这样我就可以监视你要监视我们?没错,我不管你们多大只要住在我家—切就得听我的那就是不准你们睡在一起他好严格爸,你睡我房间罗妮,你睡钱德的房间谢谢你真是个好孩子来,我带你去看我房间感觉真奇怪你没说“不,谢了,时候不早了”只有今晚明天你们就得做出改变6年已经够久了什么改变?不是和她分手就是…我办不到不然就是向妈自首这样是不对的对,但是…我不想听快进我房里别踢了你在干什么?找寻舒适的位置穿着内裤我睡不着你非穿不可我一直在想…我总是看见女人叠在女人上面她们是首尾相接或是像煎饼一样高懂我意思吗?我总想像自己和这些女人约会因为我总想梦中情人出现时我就会勇往直前坚持到最后但如今看见我爸…你不是他,你是你自己当全天下都希望你继承你爸的事业时你有屈服吗?没有你决心当个演员这不是一件容易的事但你办到了我也相信梦中情人出现时你会有勇气对她说“抱歉,我已婚”你真的这样认为?真的谢谢滚开有事吗?乔伊说我能用你的浴室因为钱德正在用我们的可以啊你是谁?我叫罗妮情妇请进谢谢我叫瑞秋浴室在那儿好罗妮,钱德进浴室多久了?约5分钟太好了请系好安全带“小弟弟”时间到了崔先生早安钱德,该我看你的小弟弟了你是怎么搞的?我以为你是钱德什么事?你应该在浴室这样我才能看见你的小弟弟抱歉,我的小弟弟和我在那儿菲比如何?不错罗杰想邀大家一起吃晚餐怎么了?没事只是…罗杰我说不上来,有些事…基本上我们认为他…我们讨厌他…菲此,我们很抱歉是不是他观察入微反而吓到你们了不,我们讨厌他…抱歉妈,你来干什么?我拿这个来给你还有这个头好晕你为何讲一大堆要你爸改正的垃圾? 何不顺其自然呢?里面有鸡肉,拿去放拜托,乔依,真的慢着,你都知道?我当然知道,你认为呢?你爸又不是詹姆士庞德你应该听过他的谎言“我在会计这儿睡”那是什么?拜托你怎能…记得你爸以前的模样吗? 总是大吼大叫总是不开心连木店和瓶内的小船也无法让他开心这样也好,他总算有个嗜好妈,恕我直言你到底在说什么?你呢?我很好啊在理想的世界中没有她你爸也长得和史汀一样帅再告诉你别的自从那女人出现后他感到内疚而开始对我体贴每天都像我们的结婚纪念日我该为你高兴?不需要因为现在全搞砸了我只想回到从前妈,对不起我以为自己做了你想做的事我知道告诉我,你看见她没?你此她漂亮多了嘴巴真甜我斗得过她?你有戒指,她斗不过的怎么了?没事到底怎么了?快说嘛好吧,我…没事问题出在我朋友身上他们对你有意见他们…他们?他们看不见你的好处他们看不见你好的一面他们认为你有点…什么?难以相处但我菲比不这么认为我对他们的反应毫不感到惊讶你不惊讶? 这就是我欣赏你的地方当群体动力失调时这是很平常的反应这种相互依赖,情绪激动坐在那家烂咖啡屋拿着大咖啡杯抱歉,或许还有乳头在上面你们都会说“定义我这个人”“爱我,我需要爱”你和你爸谈过了?他要以我妈希望的方式继续欺骗我妈我妈要继续假装她一无所知我妹蒂娜不能再见她丈夫因为他接到禁制令这两件事没关系但我今天才听说华登山这儿的事全变了乔伊,你没事吧?或许吧,他们是父母你不得不顺其自然即使你知道这样做不对但你还是得让他们犯自己的错误而且几年后我们就和他们一样拜托如果我像他们一样我不是变成追逐金发帅哥的酒鬼就是变得和我妈一样如何?还好,只是我和罗杰分手了没错不…怎么了?我说不上来他的个好人而且对我很体贴他的某些方面很适合我只是…我讨厌这个人。

老友记S01E11-The One With Mrs Bing

老友记S01E11-The One With Mrs Bing

Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News?你想他们有昨天的报纸吗?I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right.我只是想看我的星座准不准Oh,my God! Don't Iook now. Behind you there's a guy... 天啊,菲比,别看你背后有个将会令我们...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. 伤心欲绝的帅哥Come to mama.到妈妈这来呀He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.他来了,酷一点…-Nice hat. -Thanks. -帽子不错-谢谢-We should do something. Whistle. -I' m not whistling. - 我们应该有所行动,吹口哨-我不吹Come on,do it!来吧,吹!Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.吹.吹.吹I can't believe you did that.我不敢相信你居然这么干了The One With Mrs. Bing六人行第1季第11集宾太太(钱德的母亲)-It's all my fault. -No,it's mine. -这都是我的错-不,是我的错Why did I whoo-hoo?我为什么要“喔-呵”的叫呢?Was I hoping he'd turn around and say...难道我期望,他回过头来然后说…... " I Iove that sound. I must have you now"? …“我喜欢那声音,我现在就要你”?I wish there was something we could do.我只希望我们能帮上一点忙Hello,coma guy.你好,昏迷的帅哥Get up,you Girl Scout! Up,up,up!起来,你这少女侦察机! 起来!起来!起来!What are you doing?菲比,你在干什么?Maybe nobody's tried this.或许没人试过这一招I wish we at Ieast knew his name.希望至少能知道他的名字I hate that they're calling him John Doe.我讨厌他们叫他“某约翰”(无名氏)It's so sad. It's Iike he's a deer, a female deer.这真让人伤心.感觉他像一只小鹿一只小雌鹿Oh,I was gonna stop.喔,我就此打住Look at that face.瞧他这张脸Even sleeping he Iooks smart.即使他在昏迷中仍一副聪明样Yeah,but the dents in his knuckles mean he's artistic.你有看见他手关节上的凹凸? 那代表他有艺术气息Okay. He's a Iawyer who teaches sculpting on the side.他是个兼职教雕塑的律师And he can dance.而且他会跳舞And he's the kind of guy who, when you're talking,he's Iistening...他是那种静静听你讲话的人... not saying," I understand "...而不是说“我了解”... but really wondering what you Iook Iike naked.**********I wish all guys could be Iike him.我希望男生都像他这样I know.我知道You don't even know this guy.你们甚至不认识这小伙Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?纽约难道没有适合你们的清醒男生?He doesn't have anyone.他身旁没人照顾We feel kind of responsible.我们觉得应该负起责任I can't believe you said "whoo-hoo. "我不敢相信你会“喔-呵”I don't even say "whoo-hoo. "连我都不说“喔-呵”Oh,she's coming up. oh,她出现了When we return,we 'll talk with the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing. 稍后,我们将和永远引人人胜的诺拉.泰勒.宾进行访谈Put the kids to bed for this one.你得叫你的孩子上床睡觉了Don't watch this. Weekend at Bernie 's is on Showtime and HBO.我们别看这个电影台有许多好电影No way.不行,这怎么可以-She's your mom. -Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's. -***********************Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20,30 times.死人的腹股沟被打二,三十次I gotta tell you, I Iove your mom's books.***************I can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool.飞机上没她的书陪伴,我会度日如年她的书简直是酷毙了You wouldn't think so if you were 1 1...你无法想象当你11岁的时候...and your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress *****.你的朋友们争相传阅“情妇**”79页时的感觉I remember page 79.我记得第79页The thing after the opera with the girl with the trick hip?********************I Iove your mom. I think she's a blast.**************That's because she's not your mom.**********Oh,please. She's the拜托Hi,sweetie.亲爱的When did " Rigatoni " get back from Rome?那个“波纹贝壳状通心粉(保罗的头发)” 什么时候从罗马回来的? -Last night. -Really?昨晚-真的?So,his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire?难道,他的飞机没在空中炸成火球?Just a dream I had.只是我做过的一个梦But,phew!但, 呼!Hey,she's on.她出现了Nora Bing.诺拉宾Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London?等会儿再谈你的书吧听说你在伦敦被逮捕?Your mom was arrested?******I'm busy beaming with pride.安静,我正感到无比的骄傲This is kind of embarrassing...说来有点难为情…...but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man... …在我不经意和一个男人亲热后Why would she say that's embarrassing?她怎会说难为情?...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken. …我非常想吃宫保鸡丁That's too much information.透露太多了!Needless to say,he got a huge tip.不必说,他当然有一个大家伙Oh,God,I Iove her! oh,上帝,我爱她!I think I' m having a stroke.我想我很有节奏感So how is your book tour going?现在你正为新书做宣传,情况如何?Oh,fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow,which I hate.还不错,明天我将前往纽约其实我不喜欢纽约But I get to see my son,who I love.我的儿子住那儿,我爱他This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone.这就是我了解这个的方式. 而大多数母亲只会透过电话这么说Don 't take this wrong,I just don 't see you as a mom.别会错意,只是我看不出你已为人母-I don 't mean that bad. -Oh,no. I'm a fabulous mom. -我绝对没有恶意-不,我是个很前卫的母亲I bought my son his first condoms.我儿子的第一个保险套,是我买给他的And then he burst into flames.********Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit-reduction bill.国会正讨论新削减预算赤字法案The mayor wants to raise subway fares. The high today was 45.市长想再度提高地铁票价今天最高气温是45度And teams played sports.还有各球队正在比赛What about GIen?格伦如何?He could be a GIen.可以叫他格伦Not special enough.不,还不够特别How about Agamemnon?阿伽门农(荷马史诗英雄)怎么样?Way too special.太特别了I'm famished. What do I want?我饿死了,我想吃什么呢?PIease,God,don't Iet it be kung pao chicken.拜托,别又是宫保鸡丁You watched the show. What did you think?你看了那节目,感觉如何?I think you need to come out of your shell.我觉得你应该更放开一些…What is this dive?为何选在这种二流餐厅?Only you could've picked this place.只有你才会选这种地方Come on. Shut up. It's fun. Give me a hug.闭嘴,这样满不错的来,抱一个I heard about the divorce. Lesbian,huh?****************Well,you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for. 你知道他们总是说:“要小心你内心希望的.”-I think we' re ready for some tequila. -I know I am. -我想我们可以喝点龙舌酒了-我知道我可以-Who's doing shots? -Hit me. -谁要来一杯-我要There you go. Ross?这是你的,罗斯?I' m not really a shot-drinking kind of guy.我不喝酒Hi. Sorry we' re Iate.抱歉,我们迟到了We kind of just,you know, Iost track of time.我们有点忘了时间But a man can change.男人可以改变Anyone want me to appraise anything?有人要我评价任何事物吗?Well,I' m gonna go to tinker-town.我要去补锅镇Mrs. Bing,I've read everything you've written.宾太太,我拜读过你所有的大作When I read Euphoria at Midnight, I wanted to become a writer. 我读《浪漫夜》后,就一心想成为作家Oh,please. If I can do it,anybody can.别这么说,我能办到大家都能办到Start with half a dozen European cities...你只需先描述半打欧洲城市...throw in 30 euphemisms for male genitalia...***********...and you've got yourself a book.这样就能写成一本书了My mother,Iadies and gentlemen.各位,我母亲Yeah,any messages for room 226? 226房有留言吗?-You okay,slugger? -Oh,yeah. I' m fine.*************What is with you tonight?你今晚怎么了?Nothing. Nothing,nothing.没什么Okay,thank you.谢谢It's the Italian hand-Iicker,isn't it?是因为那个意大利舔手男?No. It's the one he's Iicking.不,是因为被他舔的人She's supposed to be with you.她应该和你在一起You' re good.你真行I have sold 1 00 million copies of my books,and you know why? 罗斯,我卖出上亿本的书知道为什么吗?The girl on the cover with her nipples showing?因为封面上的辣妹露两点?No,because I know how to write men that women fall in Iove with. 不,因为我知道该如何描写让女人陷入爱河的男人I cannot sell a Paolo.相信我,保罗没有卖点People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo.没人有兴趣翻325页看保罗的Come on. The guy's a secondary character.他不过是个二等货He's just a complication you eventually kill off.不过是最后被你终结的纠葛When?什么时候?He's not a hero.他不是主角You know who our hero is?知道我们的最佳男主角是谁?The guy on the cover with his nipples showing?*******No,it's you.是你啊-PIease. -No,really. -不要这么说-不,我是说真的Come on. You' re smart. You' re ***y.你既聪明又性感-Right. -Yes,you are.真的-是呀The fact that you don't think you are makes you ***ier.事实是,你不认为自己比以前更性感了Come on,kiddo. You' re gonna be fine,believe me.你会走出阴霾的,相信我I'II just pee in the street.我到街上尿就好了Is Chandler here?钱德在吗Wait. Come here.等等.过来Okay,about Iast night... ok,关于昨天晚上...you know...你知道的... Chandler,you didn't tell....钱德,你没有告诉他吧We don't need to tell Chandler. It was just a kiss. No big deal,right? 因为我想不需告诉他只是个吻,没什么大不了的Right. No big deal.对,没什么大不了的In bizarro world.在疯狂世界中才叫没什么You broke the code.你违反规定-What code? -You don't kiss your friend's mom. -什么规定? -不能亲朋友母亲的规定Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot-Iooking aunt.姐妹还可以火辣的姑妈,或许也行But not a mom. Never a mom.母亲不行,绝对不行What are you guys doing out here?你们在外面干什么?Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game. 乔和我说过要早起去打回力球But apparently somebody overslept.*******Well,you don't have your racquet.对,你没带球?No. No,I don't because it's being restrung.不,我的拍子拿去换线了Somebody was supposed to bring me one.有人应该帮我准备一支拍子Well,you didn't call and Ieave your grip size.是吗?你没说握把的尺寸You guys are spending way too much time together.你们俩真会浪费时间I' m scum. I' m scum.************-How could you Iet this happen? -I don't know. -罗斯,你怎能让这种事发生? -我也不知道It's not Iike she's a regular mom.她不像是一般的妈妈She's ***y. She's....她很性感You don't think my mom's ***y?你认为我妈不性感?Well,not in the same way.不一样的性感I'II have you know,GIoria T ribbiani was a handsome woman in her day. 我妈当年也是美得吓吓叫You think it's easy giving birth to seven children?你认为生7个小孩是件容易的事?Okay,I think we're getting into a weird area here.我们愈谈愈离谱了What are you doing here?你们在这儿干什么?Not playing racquetball.不是打回力球-He forgot to Ieave his grip size. -He didn't get the goggles. -他忘了告诉我握把尺寸-他没带护目镜Sounds Iike you two have issues.你们似乎有点争执Goodbye,baby.再见,宝贝Do they wait for me to do this?他们在等我做这件事?-Are you gonna tell him? -Why would I tell him? -你到底要不要告诉他? -为何要告诉他?If you don't,his mother might.**********What are you guys doing here?你们在这儿干什么?He's not even wearing a jock strap.他没穿护裆What did I ask?我刚问什么?What are you doing here?你在这儿干什么?Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by,you know,after...没事,我只是顺路… 我被那个,你知道的,就是那个...that I,you know.那个,我,你知道的So,what are you doing here?你来这儿干什么?I' m not really here.我不是专程来此I just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way.只是顺路拿这些过来Do you come here a Iot...你常自己来?...without me?一个人来?No,no,no.没有Do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning? 你认为他早上好点没?How would I know? I wasn't here.我怎会知道?我又没来Really? Not even to change his pajamas?真的?也没替他换睡衣?Oh,my God.我的天You're my friend. I had to tell you.你是我朋友,我得告诉你I can't believe it.我简直不敢相信Paolo kissed my mom?保罗亲了我妈?I don't know if you noticed, but he drank a Iot.对,我不知道你是否注意到他喝了很多酒I mean,you know how he gets他酒醉的模样你也见识过I can't do this. I did it.我办不到…是我It was me. I' m sorry. I kissed your mom.*********What?什么?I was upset about Rachel and I had too much tequila,and Nora...瑞秋和保罗的事令我很沮丧我想我是喝太多龙舌酒,诺拉... Mrs. Mom,your Bing,was...诺拉,妈妈太太,宾... being nice. But nothing happened.你的宾对我很体贴但没发生什么事Nothing. Ask Joey.什么都没有,可以问乔伊-Joey came in -You knew about this? -乔依刚好走进来-你知道这件事?You know,knowledge is a tricky thing.知识是很狡猾的Why didn't you tell me?你为何没告诉我?You're Iucky I caught them,or else who knows what would've happened? 他们被我逮到算你幸运不然后果可不堪设想Thanks,man. Big help.谢了,老兄,大忙一个What the hell were you thinking?你到底在想什么?I wasn't. I don't know. I我没有…我不知道No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you.我和我妈之间的鸟事朋友中属你最清楚了-I know. -I can't believe you did this. -我知道-我无法相信你会做这种事-Me neither. -I' m mad at you too. -我也无法相信-我也对你很生气-Why are you mad at me? -Let me slam the door. -为什么生我的气? -让我用力关门吧I didn't kiss her. See what happens when you break the code?钱德,我没亲她, 违反规定就是这种下场"A Woman Undone, by Rachel IKaren Greene. " “丢脸的女人”瑞秋凯伦格林I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm on the first chapter.对,我想尝试一下,我仍在写第一章Do you think his "Iove stick" can be "Iiberated from its denim prison"? 你认为他“粗棉布监牢”中的“爱棒”能获得解放吗? Yeah,I'd say so.我想可以吧And there's no "J " in "engorged. "我也这么认为,另外你拼错词了-You going to the hospital tonight? -No. You? -你今晚要去医院吗? -没有,你呢?No. You?没有,你呢?You just asked me.你刚问过了Maybe it was a trick question.好吧,或许这是个圈套Rachel,can we do this now?瑞秋,我们现在能开始了吗?I am so hot.我好兴奋Here's my mom and dad on their wedding day.这是我爸妈在婚礼时照的Now,you tell me she's not a knockout.你告诉我,她不是旷世美人-I can't believe this conversation. -Just try to picture her not pregnant. - 没想到我们会谈论这个-就试着想像她没挺着大肚子Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.*******************Thanks.谢谢I'd Iike to start with a song about a man I recently met...这首歌是有关个我刚认识的男生...who's come to be very important to me.他已成为我生命中重要的男人You don 't have to be awake To be my man你无须醒来当我的男人Long as you have brain waves I'll be there to hold your hand只要你一息尚存我就会在一旁守候Though we just met the other day虽然我们相遇不久There 's something I have got to say我想说…Thank you very much. I' m gonna take a short break. 谢谢各位,我得休息一下That was Phoebe Buffay,everybody.我们感谢菲比小姐-What the hell was that? -Phoebe just started -她在搞什么东西? -菲比刚…I was talking to Joey. AII right,there,mother-kisser? **************" Mother-kisser. "亲妈妈的人I'II shut up.我闭嘴I know you' re still mad at me...我知道你仍在生我的气... but there were two people there that night.我只想说那一夜有两个人-There were two sets of Iips. -I expect this from her. - 两双嘴唇-是哦,我希望她亲口告诉我She's always been a Freudian nightmare.她一直都是个佛洛依德梦魇Then why don't you say something?你为何不找她谈谈?Because it's complicated. It's complex.因为太复杂了,这是个情结You kissed my mom.你亲了我妈We' re rehearsing a Greek play.我们正在排练希腊剧That's funny. Are we done now?真幽默,排练完没?You mean you' re not gonna tell her how you feel? 还没,你不找她谈? 不说出你的感受?Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom... 别因为你亲过她...doesn't mean you know her. You can't talk to her. 就自以为了解她相信我,不能找她谈Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't?到底是能还是不能?Okay,that's my finger.我的手指Okay,that's my knee.我的膝盖Still doing the play.还在排练What did you do with him?你对他怎么了?-You're awake. -Look at you. -你醒了-你瞧你How do you feel?感觉如何?A Iittle woozy,but basically okay.头有点晕,基本上还行Gosh,you Iook good.你的气色好极了I feel good.我感觉好极了Who are you?你们是谁?-Sorry. -I'm Phoebe. -对不起-我叫菲比I' m Monica. I've been caring for you.我叫摩妮卡我一直在照顾你We both have.我们一直在照顾你-The Etch A Sketch is from you? -Actually,me. -蚀刻艺术是你们送的? -其实只有我一个-I got you the foot massager. -I shaved you. -我替你做脚底按摩-知道是谁帮你刮胡子的吗?是我-I read to you. -I sang. -我念书给你听-我唱歌给你听Well,thanks.谢了-Oh,my pleasure. -You' re welcome. -我的荣幸-没关系So I guess I'II see you around.我想那就再见了What? That's it?什么?就这样?"See you around "再见?-What do you want me to say? -I don't know. -不然要我说什么? -我不知道Maybe...或许... "That was nice. "该说你们真好" It meant something to me. "向我表白吧" I'II call you. "我会打电话给你们的-Okay. I'II call you. -I don't think you mean that. -好吧,我会打的-一点诚意都没有This is so typical.男生都这样You know,we give and we give...我们付出,付出...and we give.不断的付出And we just get nothing back.却得不到任何回报And then one day,you wake up, and it's,"See you around. "有一天他醒来却只说再见Let's go,Phoebe.走吧菲比You know what? We thought you were different.知道吗?我们以为你与众不同But I guess it was just the coma.我想这只是昏迷的缘故The car's waiting. I just wanted to drop off my book for your friends.楼下的车已发动我只想拿几本我的书给你朋友Autographed. And give you a goodbye kiss.有我的亲笔签名.来一个吻别Here's the kiss, here's the goodbye....这是一个吻这是告别…-Anything you want from Lisbon? -Just knowing you' re there is enough. - 需要我在里斯本帮你买什么吗? -不需要,知道你要去就够了AII right. Well,be good. I Iove you.好吧,要乖哦,我爱你You kissed my best Ross.你亲了我最好的罗斯Or something to that effect.好像说错了,反正差不多Look,it was stupid.好吧,我做了蠢事-Really stupid. -Really stupid. -愚蠢至极-愚蠢至极I don't even know how it happened.我也不知道是怎么发生的I' m sorry,honey. I promise it will never happen again.抱歉,孩子,我保证不会再发生这种事Really,really stupid.真的愚蠢至极Really,really stupid.真的,真的愚蠢之极-Are we okay now? -Yeah. -你感觉好点吗? -是的No.不The forbidden Iove of a man and his door.男人与门之间禁忌的爱He told her off. And not just about the kiss.他说了,不只是亲吻的事一切都说出来了You're kidding?你在开玩笑?He said,"When are you gonna start being a mom? "他说你何时才能成熟开始当个妈?Then she said:等等,她回答说"The question is,when are you gonna realize I have a bomb? " 你何时才能长大了解我是个性感女郎?Are you sure she didn't say:等等,你确定她不是说"When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom? " ***************-That makes more sense. -You think? -这样比较合理-你也这样认为?What's going on now?现在情况怎么样?I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you. 我不知道.我一直在这儿说给你听I don't hear anything. Wait.我什么都听不到,等等…What do you see?你看见什么?It's hard to tell. They're tiny and upside down.很难说,他们好小而且上下颠倒Wait,wait,wait.等等,等等They're walking away. They're walking away.他们走过来,他们走过去No,they' re not. They' re coming right at us. Run!不,不是.他们走过来了,快逃-Are you okay,kiddo? -Yeah,I' m okay.你还好吧,孩子? -还好AII right. You be good.希望都好Drive safe.小心开车-Mrs. Bing. -Mr. Geller.你好,宾太太-你好,盖勒You mean that?你当真?Yeah,why not?对,有何不可?So I told her.我告诉她了-How did it go? -Awful. Awful. -情况怎么样? -简直是可笑到了极点Couldn't have gone worse.没有比这更糟糕的啦-Well,how do you feel? -Pretty good. -感觉怎样-不错I told her.我告诉她了Well,see?瞧,看到没有?So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, me kissing your mom,huh? *************But we don't have to go down that road.我们不必继续往下说了吧This is just the first chapter...这只是第一章...and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay?我要大家坦白的意见And on page two,he's not reaching for her " heaving beasts. " 在第二页中他的手没伸向她那灰尖挺的双峰She could have heaving beasts.她本来可以有尖挺的双峰Right,but in this case she doesn't.好吧,在这里她没有What's a " niffle"?什么是“如头”?You can usually find them on the heaving beasts.通常在双峰上可以找到Okay,so I' m not a great typist.好吧…算我不会打字Did you get to the part about his "huge,throbbing pens"?看到这里没有“他那巨大,颤动的笔”You don't wanna be around when he starts writing with those. 他用那支笔时你不会想在场的That's it. Give them back.够了,还我…Wait,I just got to the part about her "public hair. "等等,我才刚刚看到她的“公共头发”。

老友记第一季 14中英文字幕

老友记第一季 14中英文字幕

第十四集Ross,she wants you. 告诉你吧,罗斯,她要你We just live in the same building. 我们只是住在同一栋公寓-Any contact? -She lent me an egg. 有过任何接触? -她借过我一颗蛋-You're in! -Right. 有机会了-真的Hey,Ross. 嗨,罗斯Come on. Get back in the game. 拜托,你得再接再厉The Rachel thing isn't happening, your ex-wife's a lesbian.... 你和瑞秋的事没指望你前妻是个女同志I don't think we need a third. 我们不想有第三回Could we get an egg, still in the shell? 抱歉,能给我们个蛋吗?整颗蛋?An egg? 蛋?Go up to her and say, "I'm returning your egg." 对,你拿这颗蛋去还她I think it's winning. 我们赢定了-It's insane. -She'll love it. 拜托,这太离谱了-她会喜欢的-Thank you. -Thank you. Here. 谢谢-谢谢,给Go with the egg,my friend. 朋友,带着蛋去Go,go,go! 快去-Think it'll work? -No way. It's suicide. 你想会成功吗? -才怪,这简直是自杀.带蛋的男人The One With The Candy Hearts 六人行第1季第14集情人节糖果-You can't do this. -Do what? 你不能这样做-做什么?-Roger wants to take her out. -No! Remember why you dumped him? 罗杰明天要带她出去-不,菲比难道你忘了为何抛弃他?Because he was creepy. 因为他惹人厌And mean. And frightening. 卑鄙又可怖Still,it's nice to have a date on Valentine's Day! 但情人节有人共渡也不差You can go out with a creep any night. 其他任何一夜跟他约会都无所谓I know I do. 我知道我会这么做-What are you doing tomorrow night? -That depends on how tonight goes. 你们明晚有何节目? -明天有何节目全看今天的表现-About tonight -Don't you bail on me! 关于今晚-你不能背叛我I said I'd bring a friend for her friend. 我答应为她朋友带一位男伴-But her friend sounds like a -Pathetic mess. I know,but.... 我知道,但她朋友好像是个…-可怜虫,我知道Come on. She's needy,vulnerable. 但她是如此渴望如此脆弱I'm thinking.... 我想.Thanks. 谢谢You haven't been out with a woman since Janice. You're doing this. 你和珍妮丝之后就没约过会你一定要去-She said yes. -Way to go,man! 她答应了-干得好Still got the egg,huh? 蛋还在?. -对How do I look? 我的样子如何?I don't care. 不关我的事There's Lorraine. 萝拉妮来了No trading. You get the pretty one, I get the mess. 切记,不准交换你有美女相伴,我有贱货作陪Hi,Joey. 乔依Well,well! Look what you brought! 瞧你带什么人来Very nice. 真帅And what did you bring? 你带谁来?She's checking her coat. 她在放外套I'm gonna wash the cab smell off of my hands. 我去洗掉手上的出租车味Get me a white zinfandel, and a glass of red for Janice. 你帮我和珍妮丝点萄葡酒和红酒Janice? 珍妮丝…Janice!? 珍妮丝…Oh... 哦…... my... 我的…...God! 天哪!Hey,it's Janice! 是珍妮丝Okay,I'm making a break for it! 我得逃了,我要从窗子爬出去I've been waiting for,like,forever to go out with Lorraine. 我一直梦想与萝拉妮约会-Just calm down. -Calm down? 冷静点.. -冷静?You set me up with a woman I've dumped twice in the last five months! 你竟撮合我与在五个月内被我甩掉两次的女人Can you stop yelling? You're making me nervous and.... 别这么大声行吗?你害我紧张得…I can't go when I'm nervous. 我一紧张就尿不出来I'm sorry,you're right. 抱歉,你说得对Come on! Do it,do it! 拜托!快点Roger was creepy,but he was nothing compared to Pete. 罗杰虽讨人厌但与彼得卡尼相较还差得远呢-Who? -Pete the Weeper. 谁? -爱哭鬼彼德The guy that used to cry every time we had sex? 我们每次做爱他就哭"Was it good for you?" 你满足吗?I'd take crying any day over Howard,the "I win" guy! 我每天都想为霍尔那个家伙哭"I win! I win!" “我赢!我赢!”We went out for two months. I didn't win once. 我和他约会两个月一次都没赢过How do we end up with these jerks? 我们怎会和这些浑蛋在一起?We're some kind of magnets. 我们可是良家妇女I know I am. That's why I can't wear a digital watch. 我知道我有所以我不能戴电子表There's more beer,right? 还有啤酒?You know my friend who shaves her head? 记得我那剃光头的朋友艾比?No. No. 不I have this friend who shaves her head. 我那剃光头的朋友She says to break the bad boyfriend cycle... 她说想要停止与恶男交往的恶性循环...you can do a cleansing ritual. 可以举行一个清理仪式Pheebs,this woman is voluntarily bald. 菲比,她是个大秃头Yeah. 是的We can do it tomorrow night. 我们明晚可以试试看It's Valentine's Day. It's perfect. 明天情人节是绝佳的时刻Okay,what kind of ritual? 什么仪式?We can burn the stuff they gave us. 我们可以烧掉他们送的东西Or...? 或者是?Or we can chant and dance around naked with sticks. 或是念经,拿着权杖裸体跳舞Burning's good. 还是烧东西好You know... 知道吗... I can pick up quarters with my toes. 我从儿时就能用脚趾夹起25美分Yeah? Good for you. 是吗?真厉害Quarters or rolls of quarters? 硬币还是纸币?By the way,I cut you out of all of my pictures. 对了,钱德我把照片上的你都剪掉了So if you want,I have a bag with just your heads. 如果需要,我有一袋你的头That's okay. 不用了You could make little puppets out of them. 你可以用它们做傀儡And you could use them in your Theater of Cruelty! 也可以在你的“残酷戏院”中用它们!-We can't do that! -What? What can't you do? 不能这么做-什么?不能做什么?Can I talk to you for a second? Over there? 能过去和你谈谈吗?We might be leaving now. 我们得先离开Tell me it's you and me "we." 告诉我“我们”是指你和我She wants to slather my body with stuff and lick it off. 她说她要在我身上涂满东西然后舔乾净I'm not even sure what slathering is! 我甚至不知道涂是什么意思But I definitely want to be a part of it! 但我绝对不想错过任何部分!Okay,you cannot do this to me. 你不能这样待我You're right. I'm sorry. 你说得对,抱歉Can we have three chocolate mousses to go? 三份巧克力慕斯外带I'm out of here. 我走了Here's my credit card. Dinner's on me. 这是我的信用卡,这一顿算我的I hope she throws up on you. 我希望把她扔在你身上Thanks. 谢谢-So.... -Just us. 只剩下我们What a crappy night! 真是糟糕的一夜I have enjoyed the fact... 但我还是一直欣赏...that your shirt's been sticking out of your zipper. 你拉链里的衣服Excuse me. 抱歉How you doing? 近来可好?So do we have the best friends, or what? 他们是我们最要好的朋友?Joey's not a friend. He's... 乔伊哪儿称得上是朋友,他…...a stupid man who left us his credit card. 他这留下信用卡的笨蛋Another drink? Dessert? A big-screen TV? 想再来一杯?甜点?大银幕电视?-I'll have a drink. -Got it. Good woman! 我想再来一杯-没问题,好女人-A bottle of overpriced champagne. -Each. 拿瓶最贵的香槟来-每人一瓶That's right,each. And a rob roy. 对,再每人各一瓶罗伯罗伊I've always wanted to know. 我老早就想品尝了Happy Valentine's Day! 情人节快乐Oh,I miss you already. 我现在就开始想念你了-Can you believe this happened? -No,no! 你能相信会发生这种事吗? -不能And yet it did. 但还是发生了-Goodbye,Janice. -kiss me! 再见,珍妮丝-吻我Oh,Chandler. Sorry. 钱德,抱歉Oh,Chandler. Sorry! 钱德,抱歉-Hey,Janice. -Hi,Monica. 珍妮丝-摩尼卡Well,this was very special. 真是太特别了Rach,come see who's out here! 瑞秋,看谁来了What's going on? Oh,my God! 怎么了?天啊Janice! Hi! 珍妮丝!Hi!Janice is gonna go away now! 她就要走了I'll be right back. 我马上回来Joey! Look who it is! 乔伊,看谁来了Good. Joey's home. 很好,乔伊回来了This is so much fun! 这真是太好玩了This is like a reunion in the hall! 好像是大团圆一样Ross,there's someone I want you to say hi to. 罗斯,对,跟某人打个招呼吧He happened to call. 他恰好打电话来Hi,Ross. That's right,it's me! How did you know? 罗斯,对,是我.你怎么会知道?So,if dogs experience jet lag... 我是说会如果狗也有时差问题... because of the seven dog years to one human year thing... 因为狗的七年等于人的一年...when a dog flies from New York to Los Angeles... 那么狗从纽约飞到洛杉矶... he doesn't just lose three hours, he loses a week and a half. 损失的不是三小时,而是十天That's funny! 真好笑They should be cooking the food soon. 他们应该马上就做饭了Oh,good. oh, 好的Who are they? 她们是谁?The blond is my ex-wife. The woman touching her is her... 金发的是我前妻,碰她的是她的...close,personal friend. 密友-They're lovers? -lf you want to put a label on it. 你是指她们是情人? -如果你硬要这么说的话-Anything else I should know? -Nope. That's it. 我还需要知道什么? -不,就这些了Oh,and she's pregnant with my baby. 对了,她怀了我的孩子I always forget that part. 我总是忘了这件事Hello! Hello!Now we need sage branches and the sacramental wine. 我们需要鼠尾草和沙加缅度酒All I had is oregano and a Fresca. 我只有牛至叶和佛瑞斯加That's okay! 那样也行Now we need the semen of a righteous man. 现在我们需要正义男子的精液If we had that,we wouldn't be doing the ritual in the first place. 菲比,如果我们有现在就无需进行仪式了-Can we start throwing things in? -Yeah,okay! 可以丢东西了吗? -可以了Okay. Barry's letters. 巴瑞的信Adam Ritter's boxer shorts. 亚当瑞塔的四角裤And I have the receipt from my dinner with.... 晚餐的收据-A picture of Scotty Jared naked! -Let me see! 这是史考帝的裸体照片-让我看看!-He's wearing a sweater. -No. 他穿着毛衣-没有-Whose MCl card is that? -Mine. Shoot! 这是谁的MCl卡? -我的.咻!Remember this number: Nine,seven,four.... 赶紧记住号码:9,7,4….Okay,and here we have the last of Paolo's grappa. 最后这是保罗的格拉巴酒Wait,isn't it almost pure 等等,这不是几乎纯…How can I dump this woman on Valentine's Day? 我怎能在情人节甩掉她I don't know. You dumped her on New Year's. 天晓得,但你在新年甩掉她In my next life, I'm coming back as a toilet brush. 下辈子我要当马桶刷Hello,funny valentine! 有趣的情人Hi,just Janice. 珍妮丝Hello,Joey,our little matchmaker. 乔伊,我们的小媒婆I could just kiss you all over, and I'm gonna. 我忍不住想吻你If you don't do it,I will. 如果你不敢,就让我来开口-So are you actually from New York? -Not originally. I'm from 你真的从纽约来的? -本来不是,我从-You said they'd shoot it without you. -I thought they could. 你说他们可以自己做-我以为他们可以The maxi-pads were a piece of cake. Mini-pads should be that much easier. 最大版都是小菜一碟最小版当然是更简单一些了啊-It's Valentine's Day. -I know,but it's my job. 但现在是情人节我知道,但这是我的工作I'll try to get back as soon as I can. 我会尽量赶回来,抱歉I'm spending most of my time teaching science... 但我大部分时间都在教科学...which is funny because that wasn't even my major. 真好笑,我又不是主修科学Now,that is funny! 真好笑Do you think it would be too weird if I invited Carol over to join us? 我邀卡萝过来会很奇怪吗? Because she's alone now. And pregnant. And sad. 因为她现在一个人,怀孕了,心情又不好-I guess. -Are you sure? Carol! 大概吧-你确定?卡萝!-Wanna join us? -No,I'm fine. 愿意过来坐吗? -不,我没事Come on. These people will scooch down. 来吧,这些人会挪过去的You guys will scooch,won't you? Let's try scooching! Come on! 你们会挪过去的,对吧? 各位挪过去好吗,动起来-Come on. -Thank you. 拜托-谢谢IKristen Riggs,this is Carol Willick. Carol,Kristen. 克莉丝汀,这位是卡萝卡萝,克莉丝汀-How do you do? -Carol teaches sixth grade. 你好-卡萝教六年级And Kristen.... 克莉丝汀…IKristen does something... 克莉丝汀…...that,funnily enough... 最好笑的是...wasn't even her major! 是她的工作不是她的主修-Thanks for coming over. -Not at all. It's pretty much our job. 谢谢你们能来-没关系.这是我们的工作That's why we get the cool hats. 这就是我们为什么戴这么酷的帽子啊-What do we got there? -A piece of sik boxer shorts. 里面有什么东西? 一些真丝四角内裤Some greeting cards. 问候卡A half-charred picture of.... 烧焦的照片That guy's hairier than the chief! 这家伙的体毛比队长的还浓密It's a really funny story how this happened. 这件事说来好笑I was taking out the trash, and Phoebe was burning incense 我拿出垃圾桶,菲比点燃熏香It's all right. 没关系.你们不用解释This isn't the first boyfriend bonfire we've seen get out of control. 这不是第一件烧毁男友物品失控的事件了-Third one tonight. -Really? 这已是今晚的第三件-真的?Valentine's is our busiest night of the year. 情人节之夜是我们最忙的时刻Next time you're burning your ex-boyfriend's stuff: 下一次烧你们前男友的东西时:One,do it in a well-ventilated area. 第一,在一个通风好的地方Two,if you wanna burn his clothing, stay away from synthetic fabrics. 第二,如果你们要烧衣服,小心合成纤维的Three,try to let go of the anger, and learn to love yourself. 第三,试着放掉你们的怒气学会爱护自己啊-I brought you something. -ls it loaded? 我带了东西给你-装上子弹了没?Oh,little candy hearts. "Chan and Jan Forever." 心型糖果“钱德与珍尼丝,永远”I had them made special. 我订做的Okay,Janice. ok, 珍妮丝…Hey,Janice. 嗨,珍妮丝…There's no way to tell you this. 我不该告诉你At least,there's no new way. 至少没有别的方法来告诉你I just don't think things are gonna work out. 我觉得我们不会结果That's fine. 无所谓It is? It is? 是吗?Because I know that this isn't the end. 因为我知道我们还没结束You see,actually,it is. 事实上已经结束了No,because you won't let that happen. 不,还没因为你不会让它发生的Don't you know it yet? 难道你还不懂?You love me,Chandler Bing! 你爱我,钱德.宾Oh,no,I don't. 不,我不爱Why do we keep ending up together? New Year's,who invited who? 那么就扪心自问,我们为何总是会复合? 新年是谁邀谁?-Valentine's,who asked who into bed? -I did,but 情人节是谁邀谁上床? -是我,可是…You seek me out! 我是你寻找的对象Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn! 你的内心深处不断呼喊着我Janice! Janice! 珍妮丝…珍妮丝…You push me away, you pull me back! 你推开我,你拉回我!You want me. You need me. 你要我,你需要我You can't live without me. And you know it. 你不能没有我.你知道You just don't know you know it. 你只是不知道你知道罢了See? 明白吗?Call me! 打电话给我It's not true. I never called your mother a wolverine. 这不是真的.我没说你妈是狼人You did so,I swear to 你有,我发誓How long has she been in the bathroom? 她上洗手间多久了?She isn't in the bathroom. Her coat's gone. 我想她不是去上洗手间,她的外套不见了Well,maybe it's cold in there. 或许是太冷吧I screwed up my first date in nine years. 或许我搞砸了九年来的第一次约会-That could be it. -Oh,God. 有可能-天哪You know,this is still pretty hot. 知道吗,这里还是很热Mushroom. 磨菇Smile. 微笑They won't all be like this. Some might stay through dinner. 不会每次都这样的还是有些女人会把晚餐吃完的-I'm sorry. That's not funny. -It's just.... 抱歉,不好笑-只是You know the whole "get on with your life" thing? 人们老说要继续你的人生Well,do I have to? 我必须吗?I'm sitting here with this cute woman... 我和这位美女坐在这儿...and she's perfectly nice,but that... 她是那么好...that's it. 但就这么吹了Then I'm here talking to you, and it's easy and it's fun. 我现在又和你聊天,轻松又自在And I don't have to.... 我何必…-I know. -You know? 我懂-你懂?Here's a wacky thought. 我有个疯狂的念头Let's say you and I give it another shot. 我们再试一次好吗?I know what you're gonna say. You're a lesbian. 我知道你要说你是个女同志But what do you say we just put that aside for now. 但何不暂时将它摆在一旁Let's just stick a pin in it. 完全不去想它Because we're great together. You can't deny it. 因为我们在一起很开心这不容你否认I've got a ring at home that fits you. 我有一个适合你的戒指I've got lots of pictures with both of us in them. 我有无数我俩一起的照片And best of all, you're carrying my baby. 最美妙的地方是,你怀着我的孩子-I mean,how perfect is that? -Ross 这样不是很完美吗? -罗斯You keep saying that,but there's something right here. I love you. 虽然你一直回绝, 但我仍然想对你说,我爱你I love you too. 我也爱你-But -No "but." 但是-不要但是You know that thing we put over here with the pin in it? 你要知道,暂时拦置一旁的事It's time to take the pin out. 迟早会浮现的You'll find someone. The right woman is waiting for you. 你会找到对象的,合适的女人正在等着你It's easy for you to say. You found one already. 你说得倒是轻松,你已找到合适的女人All you need is a woman who likes men, and you'll be set. 你只需找到爱男人的女人即可Not her. 不是她So,you guys really slide down a pole? 你们真的从一个柱子上滑下去?-Absolutely. -That's so cool. 绝对的-太酷了How do you get back up? 那你们怎么回上面的呢?Well,we rarely have to return from a fire as quickly. 我们很少需要像着火一样急的往上去So,would you guys.... 你们这些小伙…Would you like to,sometime,maybe.... 你们愿意,有时,可能…Go for a drink sometime? 有时一起出去喝一杯Sure,sounds good. 当然,听起来不错We get off at midnight. We'll pick you up then. 我们午夜下班之后,来找你们可以吗?Okay. Great! 好啊,太好了So will you bring the truck? 你们会开消防车过来吗?I'll even let you ring the bell. 还会让你们拉警铃-We'll see you later. -Bye! See you later! 再见了…晚安,再见…Oh,my God! 天啊See? There you go. The cleansing worked. 看到没有?清理仪式奏效了You're right. They're nice guys! 没错,他们是好男人They're firemen guys! 他们是消防队员-Tell them you're married? -No. My girlfriend doesn't even know. 你们有告诉她们你们已婚吗? -当然没有,连我女友都不知道。


《老友记 第八季 第 21-24 集 Friends》英中字幕 制作:沈金河 目录
第 21 集 ........................................................................................................................... 2 第 22 集 ..........................................................................................................................12 第 23 集 ..........................................................................................................................22 第 24 集 ..........................................................................................................................32
- Ross? - What? What? - I am freaking out! - Are you? My due date is in one week!
(第 21 集开始)-伙计们 有个坏消息 什么 这样怎么卖得出去报纸 试试"号外 号外 快来买啊" 不 莫妮卡的餐厅在纽约邮报上的评价很 差 我不希望她看到 所以跑遍附近报摊买下了所有报纸
好吧 谢谢你 太棒了 谢谢 等等 西十街在哪里 因为那里有家不错的鞋店... 好吧 你要是想做这个 那我就去做那个了 等一下 罗斯 抱歉 还有一件事 好 我们的情况 我们对彼此的意义

老友记S01E12-The One With the Dozen Lasagnes

老友记S01E12-The One With the Dozen Lasagnes

No,no,we're done!不-不-不-不,够了The One With the Dozen Lasagnas六人行第1季第12集十二碗面条Aunt Silv,stop yelling!斯娃婶婶,别喊了!If you'd told me vegetarian lasagna...如果你告诉过我你要素面条... I would've made vegetarian lasagna.我就会给你做素的了The meat's only every third layer. Maybe you could scrape.好吧,肉都在第三层, 也许你能把它们刮下来Ross,did you really read all these baby books?罗斯,你真的把所有婴儿书都读了?You could plunk me down in any woman's uterus,no compass... 恩!你可以把我塞到子宫里的任何地方,用不着指南针...and I could find my way out like that!我都能从里面爬出来,就像~~!This is cool.噢,太棒了…It says in some parts of the world people eat the placenta.书上说在有些地方,人们真的吃胎盘And we're done with the yogurt.呃..这酸奶算是吃不下去了Sorry.对不起I did this as a favor. I am not a caterer.我是为了帮你, 我可不是承包宴席的What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas?那你让我拿这一打面怎么办?Nice talk,Aunt Silv.说话真好听,斯娃婶婶You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth?你用这张嘴亲弗莱蒂叔叔吗?Ross,listen. Do you know that right now your baby is only this big? 嗨,罗斯,你现在知道了, 你的宝贝就这么大?This is your baby. " Hi,Daddy. "这是你孩子.你好,爸爸!Hello.你好" How come you don't live with Mommy? "为什么你不和妈咪一起住?" How come Mommy lives with that other lady? "为什么妈咪和另一个女人一起住?"What's a lesbian? "什么是女同性恋?Honey,you can say it. Poconos.亲爱的,你能说的,泊科农斯Poconos. It's like " poke a nose. "泊科农斯,就像泊科-阿-农斯(Poc-o-nos)Poke a nose.啊, 戳一下鼻子(poke a nose), mmm-So did I hear Poconos? -Yes. -那么,我听见泊科农斯了吗? -是的My sister's giving us her place for the weekend.我妹妹让我们去她那渡周末First weekend together.哇,第一次周末结伴出游!-It's a big step. -I know. -是啊,进展了一大步-我知道…-It's just a weekend. Big deal. -Wasn't this supposed to be a fling? - 啊, 就是个周末, 没什么! -不是说就玩玩不认真的吗?Shouldn't it be...这…该...flung by now?玩完了吧现在?We are way past a "fling. "我想,我们已远远超出玩的范围了I' m feeling things I've read about in Danielle Steel books.我现在的感觉只有在丹尼尔.斯仃的书里才找得到When l' m with him, l' m just totally....我是说,当我和他在一起的时候我完全,完全地…Nauseous. I' m physically nauseous. …恶心,我本能的恶心What am I supposed to do? Call lmmigration?我该怎么办? 打电话给移民局?I could call lmmigration.我可以打电话给移民局!What? 什么?什么?Ugly Naked Guy is making shadow puppets.丑陋裸男正在做暗黑傀儡Look,it's Abraham Lincoln.看啊,那是阿不拉罕.林肯Oh,right!噢,真的!Go. Go!去吧!去吧!I love babies with their little baby shoes...我喜欢孩子, 他们的小鞋...and their little baby toes and their little hands....小脚指头, 小手…Okay,you' re gonna have to stop that. Forever.好了, 你别再这样了, 永远不要!Need a new table.需要新桌子了You think?你这么想?-Come on in. -Hello.嗨,嗨,进来! -HelloI brought the books...我把书都拿回来了...and Monica sends her love along with this lasagna.摩尼卡送爱心,送你这些面条Great! Is it vegetarian? Because Susan doesn't eat meat.哦,太好了!是素的吗,苏珊不吃肉I' m pretty sure that it is.我肯定是素的…Nineteen weeks,the breasts are starting to swell.十九周,乳房开始膨胀According to the literature.因为文学作品-I got the results of the amnio. -T ell me. Is everything...? -我拿到超声波结果了-告诉我,告诉我,都还….?-T otally and completely healthy. -That is great! -完全彻底的健康! -太棒了, 太棒了!When did you and Susan meet Huey Lewis?你和苏珊什么时候认识的休伊.路易斯?That's our friend T anya.那是我们的朋友塔尼亚Of course,it's your friend T anya.当然是你们的朋友塔尼亚-Don't you wanna know about the ***? -The ***? -你不想知道性别(性)吗? -性?I' m having enough trouble with the image of you and Susan together. 光想你和苏珊一起的样子我就够呛了But when you throw in T anya....你要再把塔尼亚加进来, 呃…The *** of the baby,Ross.孩子的性别,罗斯You know the *** of the baby?你知道孩子的性别了?-Want to know? -No.想知道吗? -不I don't want to. Absolutely not.我不想,绝对不想You shouldn't know until you look down there... 我想你知道,你应该到时候低头一看...and see," Oh,there it is. "然后说,哦,带那个的!Or isn't. Or isn't.或不带的…-Hello,Ross. -Susan.你好,罗斯-苏珊So?怎么?So did you hear?你知道了吗?Yes,we did. Everything's A-Okay.是的,我们知道了,一切OK!Oh,that's so cool!噢,那太…It really is.真的是…Do we know?我们知道那个…?We certainly do. It's going to be a是的, 当然知道了, 它是个…Hello? Hello?A guy who doesn't wanna know is standing here. 这有人不想知道,就站在这呢!Well,is it what we thought it would be?噢,那么,我们猜的对吗?What? 什么?什么?What did we think it'd be?我们以为是男是女?I don't wanna know. Don't wanna know.我不想知道,不想I should probably just go.我想我大概该走了-Well,thanks for the books. -No problem. Okay. 好的, 谢谢你的书. -没问题, okSusan.苏珊Who should we call first? Your folks or Deb and Rhona?好吧,我们该先告诉谁, 你家人,还是黛比和罗娜?Hello?你好Never mind. I don 't wanna know.没事, 我不想知道Because it was my table, I have to buy a new one?那么就因为这是我的桌子, 就得让我买新的?-That's the rule. -What rule? There's no rule. -规则上讲是的. -什么规则?没有什么规则-You owe me a table. -How did you get there? -如果有,就是你欠我个桌子! -你从哪得的这个结论?It was fine until your breakfast adventure with Angela Delvecio.这个桌子一直很结实直到你开始在早餐时蹂躏黄油You knew about that?你知道这事?The impressions in the butter left little to the imagination.这么说吧,看到那罐黄油的惨相, 根本连想象都省了How about if we split it?那我们合钱买怎么样?-What do you mean,buy it together? -Yeah.你什么意思, 一起买? -是啊-Do you think we' re ready for that? -Why not? -你认为我们到了做这样事的程度了吗? -为什么不?It's a big commitment. What if one of us wants to move out?这可是个很大的承诺, 我意思是要是有人想搬出去呢?-You' re moving out? -l' m not. -为什么,你要搬吗? -我不搬呐-You'd tell me if you were,right? -Yes. -你要是搬的话得告诉我好吗-好的-It's just,with my last roommate -I know all about Kip. -好, 好, 只是我上个室友-我知道提普所有的事!We bought a hibachi,then he ran off and got married. Things got ugly. 我们一起买了个日式古桌,后来他要结婚走人,结果事情搞得很糟Let me ask you something. Was Kip a better roommate than me?好吧,我问你点事,作为室友提普比我好吗?Oh,don't do that.哦,别这样There's changes in your schedule.你的日程有些变化Your 4:00 herbal massage is at 4:30.你4:00的香蕈按摩推迟到4:30And Miss Summerfield canceled her 5:30 shiatsu.还有尚穆.福德太太取消了5:30的日式指压谢谢Oh,here comes your 3:00.噢, 你3:00的顾客来了I don't mean to sound unprofessional, but Yum!我不想表现的不专业,但是,诱人呃.Paolo! Hi! What are you doing here?保罗, hi, 你来这干什么?Rachella tell me you...瑞秋告诉我你…... massage? …按摩?Well,Rachella's right.是的,瑞秋说得对Oh,okay.好吧I don't know what you just said, so let's start.我不知道你刚才说什么, 我们开始吧I am...我... being naked?需要裸体?That's your decision. Some people prefer to take off你说了算, 我是说,有的人喜欢Being naked!你光着身子!I can't believe you don't wanna know. I couldn't not know.我不能相信你不想知道. 我意思是, 我可不能不知道If the doctor knows, Carol and Susan know如果医生知道,卡萝和苏珊都知道And Monica knows.摩尼卡也知道How? I don't even know.你怎么知道的, 我都不知道!Carol called to thank me for the lasagna. She told me.卡萝因为面条打电话道谢, 我问了,她告诉我了So what's it gonna be?那么孩子是?-Oh,great! Now he knows. -l' m just excited about being an aunt. - 哦,太好了现在他都知道了-对不起, 当了姑姑我太兴奋了! Or an uncle.还有叔叔…-Hey,Phoebe. -Hey,Pheebs.嗨,菲比-嗨,菲比很好!-What's the matter? -Nothing. I' m just out of sorts. -怎么了? -对不起, 我就是, 我的sorts用完了(意思为:有点心烦)Well,you can use some of my sorts. I rarely use them.好的,你可以用我的sorts.我很少用到Can we get some cappuccino over here?我们能要点热牛奶咖啡吗?Oh,right! That's me!噢, 对了, 是叫我!That table place closes at 7. Come on.那个卖桌子的地方7点就关了, 走吧Fine.好吧What is it?怎么了?-All right. You know Paolo? -l' m familiar with his work.好吧, 你知道保罗? -我了解他那点把戏的, 是的…He made a move on me.他调戏我-The store will be open tomorrow. -More coffee,please. -商店明天还会开! -再来点咖啡Well,what happened?到底怎么回事?He came in for a massage, and everything was fine until....他来按摩, 本来挺好的直到.-Oh,my God. -Are you sure?天哪. -你确定?Oh,yeah. I' m sure.噢,是的,我确定And all of a sudden,his hands weren't the problem anymore.然后突然间他的手就不算什么问题了Was it...?他那儿…?Boy Scouts could've camped under there.童子军都能在那扎营了Wow.哇-What did you do? -I dealt with it like a professional. -你怎么做的? -我很专业的处理了这件事" Ooh," what?噢,” 什么?ma Thurman.马.瑟曼-The actress! -Uma Thurman! -那个女演员! -乌玛.瑟曼Thanks,Rach.谢了,瑞秋-What'll you do? -You have to tell her. -那么你打算怎么办? -你必须告诉她!It's your moral obligation as a friend, as a woman. It's a feminist issue. 这是道德上的义务,作为朋友,女人, 我认为这涉及到女权问题! Guys?伙计们?-You have to. -Feminist issue? That's where I went. -你必须告诉她-女权问题. 这是我的观点!-She is gonna hate me! -Yeah,well.... -她会恨我的-这样啊Will you pick one? Just pick one.你挑一个, 挑一个!-Here,how about that one? -That's patio furniture. -那个怎么样? -那是放在院子里用的!So what? Like people will come in and think," Oh,l' m outside again. " 那有什么,难道人们进屋后会想“哦-吼,我又出去了?”Fine.当然!What about the birds?那鸟桌怎么样?I don't know. They don't say, " Hello,sit here. Eat something. "不知道,鸟桌不会对你说, “你好, 坐这, 吃点什么.”-You pick one. -Okay. How about the ladybugs? -那你选吧-好吧, 那瓢虫桌怎么样?Forget about the birds,but big red insects suggest fine dining.这样, 忘了鸟和红昆虫, 建议点有品位的餐桌!-Fine! Want the birds? Get the birds! -Not like that,I won't.好, 你想要鸟, 就要鸟吧! -不是这样, 我不要!Kip would have liked the birds.提普会喜欢鸟桌的!-Hi,Pheebs. -What's going on?嗨,菲比-怎么样?-Are you moving out? -l' m getting ready for the weekend. -你要搬出去吗? -我在为周末出行做准备Are your weekends longer than two days?你的周末不止两天These aren't all my suitcases.这不全是我的行李This one's Paolo's.这个是保罗的-Rachel,can we talk for a sec? -Well,sure.瑞秋,我们能谈谈吗? -好的, 当然…Just for a sec,Paolo's on his way.就一会,保罗正在来的路上We haven't known each other that long.我们认识还不长There are three things you should know:我有三件事你应该知道One,my friends are the most important thing in my life.一.朋友是我生命中最重要的Two,I never lie.二.我从不说谎And three,I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world.三.我做的提子燕麦饼干是最好的Okay. Thanks,Pheebs. ok,谢谢,菲比-Oh,my God! -I know. -oh,上帝啊! -我知道Why have I never tasted these?为什么我从来没吃过这些?I don't make them a lot,because it's not fair to the other cookies. 我不经常做因为我想这对别的饼干来说不太公平These are the best oatmeal raisin cookies.好吧,你是对的, 这是我吃过的最好提子燕麦饼干-Which proves that I never lie. -I guess you don't. -这也证明了我不说谎-我想是的Paolo made a pass at me.保罗调戏我What do you think?你们看怎么样?It's the most beautiful table I've seen.我想这是我见过的最漂亮的桌子I know.我知道!Will you balance plates on these heads?你得把盘子平衡在这些小人头上吗?Who cares? We'll eat at the sink. Come on!管他呢,我们在水槽边吃饭!来吧!Heads up,Ross.闪开你的小人罗斯!Score! You suck!得分! 你们真臭!Are you okay?你没事吧?I need some mik.我需要牛奶Okay. I've got milk. Ok,我有牛奶Here you go.给你…Better?好点?No.没有I feel so stupid! I think about the other day with you guys. 我真太蠢了!我想起来那天And I was all," Oh,Paolo! He's so great!我还是“哦,保罗,他真好,”He makes me feel so"他让我觉得真…God!天哪!I' m so embarrassed!我真觉得尴尬!I' m so embarrassed.我才觉得尴尬!-l' m the one he hit on. -I unleashed him on you. -我是他调戏的那个! -如果我没遇见他If I had never met him事情就不会发生!-l' m so sorry. -No,l' m sorry.真对不起! -不,我对不起你!-l' m sorry. -l' m sorry. Wait. -是我对不起-应该是我.等等-What are we sorry about? -I don't know.我们道什么歉? -不知道…Right. He's the pig. Right. He's the pig.对, 他才是猪!-Such a pig! -Oh,God,he's such a pig!真是猪! -哦,天哪,他真是头猪He's like a big disgusting pig....他就像一个…恶心猪-Pig man! -Yes,good!猪人! -是的,不错!But he was my pig man!但他是我的猪人…How did I not see this?为什么我看不出来?Oh,I know!噢! 我知道!Because...是因为…... he's gorgeous.他太帅了And he's charming.他太迷人-And when he looks -Okay,Pheebs.当他看你的时候.. -ok,菲比The end.结束God.天啊Should I not have told you?我应该瞒着你吗?T rust me,it's much better that I know.相信我,让我知道是对的But I just liked it better before. It was better.只是我更喜欢以前那样.(不知道的时候) 更好过一些She took it pretty well. Paolo's over there now,so....她只是把事情想的太好了…保罗现在就在那边,所以…We should go and see if she's okay. Just one second.我们应该过去,看看她有没有事. 稍等片刻-Score! -Game! Nice!得分! -不错的比赛!Come on,Pheebs.来吧,菲比Well,it looks like we kicked your butts.看起来,我们打得你们屁滚尿流She did. You could be on the Olympic "Standing There" team.不,她打得我们屁滚尿流你可以参加奥林匹克的“站一边看”之队Come on. Two on one.得了吧,二对一Why are you here? She just broke up with him.你还在这干什么? 她刚和那男的分手It's time for you to swoop in.该你趁虚而入啦!-What,now? -Yes. Now is when you swoop.什么, 现在? -是的, 现在正是时候!When Paolo walks out, you gotta be the first guy she sees.你得确保保罗走出屋子后, 你是瑞秋见到的第一个男人She's gotta know you' re everything he's not. You' re the anti-Paolo.得让她知道你是那么好而他一无是处!你就像,像反-保罗!My Catholic friend is right.我这天主教朋友说的对She's distraught. You' re there for her.她现在很烦恼.你就在那陪伴她You pick up the pieces and then you usher in "The Age of Ross. "你帮她承担所有烦恼, 然后你就走向了罗斯时代!-See this? See? -Hold it! Ascolta!看这个?看? -停住!-How's it going? -Don't stare. -怎么样了? -别盯着看She threw his clothes off the balcony. Now there's gesturing and arm-waving. 现在她刚把他的衣服从阳台上扔下去现在是他们比比画画的That is," How could you? " or " Enormous breasts! "要么是,“你怎么能?”或,“大胸脯!”Here he comes.他过来了!I am...我...to say goodbye.说再见Okay,bye-bye.好的,再见Paolo,I really hate you for what you did,but I still have five of these...保罗,我非常憎恨你对瑞秋做的事, 但我还有五个面条没处理掉...so heat it at 375 until the cheese bubbles.在烤箱里用375度烤到奶酪冒泡就行了I just wanna tell you,and I think I'd speak for everyone when I say....我只想告诉你我要代大家说,当我说…Oh,just look at her.哦, 看看她呀…Guys,I think only one of us should go...伙计们,我认为最好我们中的只去一个-...so she's not overwhelmed. -Right. -这样她就不会被压垮…-你对And I really think it should be me.而且那个人应该是我You all right?你没事吧?I've been better.我好点了…I don't believe this.我无法相信这一切I wasn't supposed to care about this guy.我本来很在意这个小伙It was just supposed to be this big,fun,ltalian thing.就像是个搞笑的大个子意大利家伙Someday I could look back and say, "That was a big,fun,ltalian thing. " 也许有一天我回头看会说“那个搞笑的大个子意大利家伙”It wasn't supposed to feel like this when it was over.当一切都结束的时候应该是这种感觉Come here.过来Listen...听着...you deserve so much better than him.他远远配不上你…I mean,you...我意思是,你...should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you.你应该找一个能明白拥有你是多么幸福的人What?什么?I' m so sick of guys!我讨厌死男人了I don't want to look at or think about another guy.我都不想看见男的, 我也不想考虑别的男人I don't even want to be near another guy.我甚至不想靠近任何一个男人Ross,you' re so great.罗斯,你真太好了!-Are you all right? -Are you okay?你怎么样? -你没事?-Medium. Any cookies left? -Yeah.一般吧.还有饼干吗? -有!See,Rach...看,瑞秋... I don't think swearing off guys altogether is the answer.我不认为发誓再不要男人是个好答案What you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process. 我认为你需要建立一个先进的筛选程序I just need to be by myself for a while.我只想先单身一阵-I just gotta figure out what I want. -No,no. -我得先弄明白我想要什么样的-不, 不See,because not all guys out there are gonna be a Paolo.因为不是所有人都像保罗No,I know. I know.不, 我知道, 我知道And l' m sure your little boy's not gonna grow up to be one. 而且我肯定,你的小儿子不会长成他那样-What? -What?什么? -什么?I' m having a boy?我,我有,我有了个儿子?No.不No. In fact,you' re not having a boy.不,事实上,你没有儿子I' m having a boy.我有了儿子!-Huh? Am I having a boy? -You' re having a boy! -我是有了儿子吗? -是,你有儿子了!I' m having a boy!我有儿子了!-l' m having a boy! -What is it?我有儿子了! -怎么了?I' m having a boy! I' m having a boy!我有儿子了!我有儿子了!We already knew that!我们已经知道了!I' m having a son.我有儿子了Yes! And that would be a shutdown!好的!这样一局又就结束了!Shutout!闭嘴吧!Where you going? One more game!你们去哪?来呀,再来一局!-It's 2:30 in the morning. -Yeah,get out!现在是凌晨2:30! -对,出去!You guys always hang out in my apartment.你们可老是到我那屋去泡着!I'll only use my left hand.来吧, 我就用左手Come on,wussies!来吧, 软蛋!All right! Okay! I gotta go!好吧,ok,我得走了I' m going.我走了And l' m gone.我已经走了-One more game? -Oh,yeah. 再来一局? -哦,好的。

老友记(Friends)S01E21 中英文台词对照

老友记(Friends)S01E21 中英文台词对照
Joey Switzerland?
Plus I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like I'm...
而且我觉得叫乔就好 乔伊听起来好像我只有…
...this big.
Which I'm not!
Marcel, stop it! Marcel! Bad monkey!
马塞尔 给我停止 马塞尔 你这个坏猴子
- What? - Ugh!
- 怎么了? - 呃
Let's just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious.
就说我的好奇娃娃 已经不再好奇了吧
How'd someone get your credit card number?
I have no idea. Look how much they spent!
我也不知道 看看他们花了多少钱
Monica, Calm down.
摩妮卡 冷静点
You only have to pay for the stuff you bought.
Joe, Joe, Joe... Stalin?
乔 乔 乔… 史达林?
Do I know that name? That sounds familiar.
- Well, it does not ring a bell with me. - Huh.

老友记Friends第一季101完全版字幕【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate

老友记Friends第一季101完全版字幕【101】The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate

The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate (The Pilot)1.01 PilotRachel leaves Barry at the alter and moves in with Monica.Monica goes on a date with Paul the wine guy, who turns out to be less than sincere. Ross is depressed about his failed marriage.Joey compares women to ice cream.Everyone watches Spanish soaps.Ross reveals his high school crush on Rachel.Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!Joey: C'mon, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be something wrong with him!go out with <俚>约会Chandler:All right Joey, be nice. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?hump n.驼背/hairpiece:false hair;wig n.假发/这是Chandler挖苦Paul的话,意思是:他有驼背么?有假发的秃子?Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk?bemused: puzzled adj.困惑的发呆的Phoebe: Just 'cause I don't want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh!Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. It's just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex.Chandler: Sounds like a date to me.lapse v.(时间)流逝Chandler:Alright, so I'm back in high school, I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally…naked.All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream.Chandler: Then I look down, and I realize there's a phone... there.Joey: Instead of...?Chandler: That's right.Joey: Never had that dream.Phoebe: No.Chandler:All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring,Now I don't know what to do, everybody starts looking at me.Monica: And they weren't looking at you before?!Chandler: Finally, I figure I'd better answer it,all of a sudden adv.突然/weird adj.离奇的,古怪的/I figured I’d better answer it, and it turns out it’s my mother, which is very very weird: I suppose these three bold(adj.粗体的) denoted(adj.表示的) words are most frequently used in each episode.Ross: (mortified) Hi.mortified adj.受羞辱的窘迫的/mortify v.使感屈辱使失面子使羞愧[eg:The teacher was mortified by his own inability to answer such a simple question]Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself.Monica: Are you okay, sweetie?Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck...intestine [in’testin]n.肠Chandler: Cookie?Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today.Joey: Ohh.Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee.Ross: Thanks.Phoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.)pluck v.拔去(鸡鸭等)毛扯拉[eg:He plucked the letter from her hands]/pluck at:To remove abruptly(adv.唐突地) or forcibly(adv.强制地)Ross:No, no don't! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay? I'll be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope she'll be very happy.aura:a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source n.气氛灵气光环[eg: the place had an aura of mystery]/Phoebe: Fine! Be murky!Ross: Monica: No you don't.Ross: No I don't, to hell with her, she left me!Joey: And you never knew she was a lesbian...Ross:No!! Okay?! Why does everyone keep fixating on that?She didn't know, how should I know?fixate [ˈfikseit] on: to focus one’s gaze or attention on sth v.关注某事Chandler: Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian... (They all stare at him.) Did I say that out loud?Ross: I told mom and dad last night, they seemed to take it pretty well.Monica: Oh really, so that hysterical phone call I got from a woman at sobbing 3:00 A.M., "I'll never have grandchildren, I'll never have grandchildren." was what? A wrong number?Ross: Sorry.Joey: Alright Ross, look. You're feeling a lot of pain right now. You're angry. You're hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?(Ross gestures his consent.) consent vi.同意赞成Joey: Strip joint! C'mon, you're single! Have some hormones.strip v.剥去/joint:place通常指不那么高雅的地方/Strip joint:A nightclub(n.夜总会) or other establishment where striptease[ˈstripti:z] (n.脱衣舞) is performed n.脱衣舞酒吧/hormone [ˈhɔ:məun] n. 荷尔蒙激素Ross: I don't want to be single, okay? I just... I just- I just wanna be married again!(Rachel enters in a wet wedding dress and starts to search the room.)Chandler: And I just want a million dollars! (He extends his hand hopefully.)Monica: Rachel?!Rachel:Oh God Monica hi! Thank God! I just went to your building and you weren't there and then this guy with a big hammer said you might be here and you are, you are!Waitress: Can I get you some coffee?Monica: (pointing at Rachel) De-caf. (to All) Okay, everybody, this is Rachel, another Lincoln High survivor. (to Rachel) This is everybody, this is Chandler, and Phoebe, and Joey, and- you remember my brother Ross?Rachel: Sure!Ross: Hi.(They go to hug but Ross's umbrella opens. He sits back down defeated again.A moment of silence follows as Rachel sits and the others expect her to explain.)Monica: So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids?Rachel: Oh God... well, it started about a half hour before the wedding.I was in this room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravy boat. This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat. When all of a sudden- (to the waitress that brought her coffee)Sweet 'n' Lo?- I realized that I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry! And then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me: how much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. Y'know, I mean, I always knew looked familiar,but... Anyway, I just had to get out of there, and I started wondering 'Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this for?'. (to Monica) So anyway I just didn't know where to go, and I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart, but you're the only person I knew who lived here in the city.gravy n.肉汁/Gravy boat: An elongated, boat-shaped pitcher used to serve gravy. A gravy boat usually sits on a matching plate, which is used to catch gravy drips. Sometimes the plate is permanently attached to the pitcher. A matching ladle often accompanies a gravy boat. Also called sauce boat. 船行卤肉盘sweet'n'low 低脂糖:Low in fat, sugar alternative to ordinary sweetsgorgeous adj.华丽的,灿烂的,极好的/turn on a.打开(turn on the radio)b.指让某人更兴奋激动or引起人的性兴奋(wow,the gal really turns me on)/ turn on :if someone or something turns you on, that means they make you interested or excited, the opposite is turn off/freak out means you suddenly behave in a very strange and uncontrolled way;freak out a.have an extreme reaction to sth吓坏了 b.act abnormally (under the influence of drugs) 举止异常c.make sb feel extreme plaesure or unease焦躁害怕不安/drift apart a.感情疏远b.(两者)漂移/Potato head is a kind of funny face toy popular among children in US //I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart: lose person contact over timeMonica: Who wasn't invited to the wedding.Rachel: Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue.[Scene: Monica's Apartment, everyone is there and watching a Spanish Soap on TV and are trying to figure out what is going on.]Monica:Now I'm guessing that he bought her the big pipe organ, and she's really not happy about it. pipe organ n.管风琴Chandler: (imitating the characters) Tuna or egg salad? Decide! Ross: (in a deep voice) I'll have whatever Christine is having.Rachel: (on phone) Daddy, I just... I can't marry him! I'm sorry. I just don't love him. Well, it matters to me!Chandler: (re TV) Ooh, she should not be wearing those pants.Joey: I say push her down the stairs.Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey: Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!Rachel: C'mon Daddy, listen to me! It's like, it's like, all of my life, everyone has always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!'. And today I just stopped and I said, 'What if I don't wanna be a shoe? What if I wanna be a- a purse, y'know? Or a- or a hat! No, I'm not saying I want you to buy me a hat, I'm saying I am a ha- It's a metaphor, Daddy!metaphor:analogy n.隐喻类比/I’m not saying I want you to buy me a hat, it’s a metaphor: shoe 就是鞋子的意思。

老友记1-10季中英文剧本之205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant

老友记1-10季中英文剧本之205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant
ALL:Hi, Julie!
RACHEL:(sarcastically) Hi, Julie.
CHANDLER:Ok, while Ross is on the phone, everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday.
PHOEBE:Um, is, is there any chance that you're rounding up? You know, like from, like 20?
JOEY:For Ross.
RACHEL:For Ross, Ross, Ross.
MONICA:(enters) Oh my god.
MONICA:I'm at work, ordinary day, you know, chop chop chop, sauti, sauti, sauti. All of a sudden, Leon, the manager, calls me into his office. It turns out they fired the head lunch chef, and guess who got the job.
CHANDLER:We don't know Bob, ok? We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy.
ROSS:Go over there and tell that woman the truth.
CHANDLER:All right.
CHANDLER:Oh, come on. I can never get a girl like that with conventional methods.


We can? Okay, I'm trying that.我们行吗?我倒要试试看
Know what blows my mind?知道什么最令我嫉妒?
Women can see breasts anytime they want.女人随时都可以看自己的胸部
You look down, and there they are.低头一看……它就在那里
I go on three auditions a month and say l' m an actor, but he's我呢?我每个月面识三次就称自己是演员
-God help us. -What? -愿神帮助我们-什么?
Ugly Naked Guy is laying kitchen tile.丑陋的裸男在铺厨房磁砖
It was horrible! He called me "young lady. "太可恶了……他称我为〞年轻的女士〞
I hate when my father calls me that.我最受不了我爸这样叫我
Did he say "You' re not up to this" again?他是不是又说你年纪太轻之类
Sorry, Joey. You said, " Let's be friends. " So guess what?抱歉,乔伊你曾说我们当朋友就好,那么
-What? -We' re just friends. -什么? -我们只是朋友
Fine. Fine.行,
Why don't the four of us have dinner tonight? As friends.我们四个何不一起出去吃晚饭?就像朋友一样



1.I t’s j u s t s o m e g u y I w o r k w i t h他不过是我的同事2.There has something wrong with him 这个人肯定有问题3.So does he have a hump and a hairpiece? 他既驼背又带假发?4.I don’t want her to go through what I did with Carl 我只是不想她重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙5.I’ve had that dream 我也做过那种梦6.Then I look down and I realize there is a phone 我低头一看,看见一部电话7.Carol moved her stuff out today 卡罗今天搬走了他的东西8.to hell with her 去她的9.you never knew she was a lesbian? 你一直不知道她是同性恋?10.Why does everyone keep fixating fikseit on that? 为什么老是提这件事11.How should I know 我怎么知道12.You’re feeling a lot of pain right now你现在感到很痛苦13.I don’t want to be single, okay? 我不想单身14.decaf di:kæf不含咖啡因的15.bridesmaid braɪdz me d伴娘16.I realized I was more turned on by… than…我发现我对。


更感兴趣17.I always knew he looked familiar 我总觉得他很眼熟18.He brought her ..and she’s rea lly not happy about it 他给她买了个。

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Rachel’s Assistant》

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Rachel’s Assistant》
Rachel:(reading the resume) And you were at this job for four years?
Hilda:That’s right.
Rachel:Okay, well this is all very impressive Hilda, um I just have one last question for you. Uh, how did I do? Was this okay?
(They all make happy faces as they are unable to express their feelings verbally. Finally, the phone rings and the race to answer it is won by Monica.)
Monica:(on phone) Hello? (Listens) Hold on please. Joey, it’s your mom. (Hands him the phone.)
Chandler:It’s your mommy. It’s your mommy.
Rachel:That’s nice.
Joey:Ooh, sorry. Sorry. You finish, go.
Rachel:Okay, so anyway I’m sittin’ in my office and guess who walks in.
Joey:I’m gonna be on two TV shows!
Monica and Phoebe:Oh, that’s great!!
Rachel: Joey!
Joey:Oh, you weren’t finished?



第十六集Unbelievable! It's been half an hour. 真是令人难以置信,已过了半个小时If this was a cartoon, you'd look like a ham now. 如果这是卡通你应该看起来像火腿一样-There's the waitress. Hello,miss! -It's Phoebe! -女侍在那儿,抱歉,小姐…等等-是菲比!-Okay,will that be all? -Wait. What are you doing here? -好的,这些就是全部啦? -等等,你来这儿干什么?I was over there. Then you said, "Hello,miss." So I'm here. 我本来在那儿,然后你叫“嗨,小姐.”所以我就过来了No,how come you're working here? 不,你怎么会在这儿工作?Because it's close to where I live, and the aprons are cute. 因为这儿离我的住处很近而且围裙也很漂亮-Can we start over? -Okay,I'm gonna be over here. -可以重来吗? -好的,我到那边去The One With Two Parts - Part l 六人行第1季第16集第17集双胞胎两部曲I don't know whether he's testing me... 我不知道它是不是在考验我... but my monkey is out of control! 我的猴子已失去控制He keeps erasing the messages on my machine. 它不断清除我答录机上的留言Supposedly by accident. 应该是个意外Oh,yeah,I've done that. 哦,是的,我做过这种事And then he got to the newspaper before I did... 它连续三天在我看报纸前...and peed all over the crossword! 在猜字游戏上尿尿I've never done that. 这我没做过Last night,I don't know what he did but there were capers everywhere! 昨晚,我不知道他做了什么他到处蹦来蹦去!-She looks exactly like her sister. -I'm saying I see a difference. -她看起来和她姐姐完全一样-我看到不同之处They're twins. 她们是双胞胎I don't care. Phoebe's Phoebe. Ursula's hot! 我不管,菲比是菲比,乌苏拉很火辣You know how we talk about things? 你知道我们怎么说这种事情?-Let's not do that anymore. -All right. -别再谈论那事了-好吧-Pheebs,guess who we saw today? -Oh,fun! Okay. -菲比,猜我们今天遇见谁? -哦,好玩的事情!好的-Liam Neeson. -No. -连恩尼逊-不是-Morley Safer. -No. -茉莉.塞弗-不是-The lady who cuts my hair! -This could be a very long game. -剪我头发的女人! -这会是一个很长的游戏-Your sister,Ursula. -Oh,really? -你姐姐,乌苏拉-哦,真的?-She works at that place.... -Riff's. I know. -她在那儿工作…-瑞菲餐厅,我知道You do? She said you guys haven't talked in years. 你知道?因为她说你们已多年不说话So,is she fat? 对,她胖吗?Not from where I was standing. 从我的角度看不会Where were you standing? 你从什么角度?Pheebs,so you guys just don't get along? 菲比,你们合不来?It's mostly just dumb sister stuff. 这只是姐妹之间的事Everyone always thought of her as the pretty one. 大家都认为她漂亮She was the first to walk even though I did it later that same day. 她先学会走路虽然我是在当天稍后学会的But to my parents,by then it was, "Yeah,what else is new?" 对我爸妈而言那,就已经不新鲜了I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I've got Lamaze class. 菲比,抱歉,我得走了我得去参加心理助产班And I've got earth science, but I'll catch you in gym? 我得去参加地球科学班健身房见了-ls this just gonna be you and Carol? -Susan will be there too. -就你和卡萝两人去? -不,苏珊也要去We've got dads,we've got lesbians. The whole parenting team. 那有爸爸,女同志…全部的父母都会到-lsn't that gonna be weird? -lt might have been at first... -这样不是会很奇怪? -不会的,一开始或许会... but now I'm comfortable with it. 现在我已坦然面对-Ross,that's my jacket. -I know. -罗斯,那是我的外套-我知道Hi. We're the Rostens. I'm J. C. and he's Michael. 我们姓罗,我是洁西他叫麦可And we're having a boy and a girl. 我们有一个男孩和一个女孩Good for you. All right,next? 厉害,下一位I'm Ross Geller. And that's my boy in there. 我叫罗斯,我儿子在那儿And this is Carol Willick. And this is Susan Bunch. 她叫卡罗,这位是苏珊Susan is Carol's.... 苏珊是卡罗的…Who's next? 下一位是谁?Sorry,Susan is...? 抱歉,苏珊是…-Carol's friend. -Life partner. -苏珊是卡萝的朋友-生活拍档Like buddies. 就像伙伴-Like lovers. -You know how close women can get. -好像恋人-你知道女人能有多亲近的-We live together. -I was married to her. -我们俩住在一起-我俩曾经结过婚-Carol,not me. -It's a bit complicated. -卡萝,不是我-有点复杂了-But we're fine. -Absolutely! -但是我们不错-绝对的!So,twins! That's like two births. 双胞胎,好像要生两次Ouch! 噢!to you too,Helen. 彼此,海伦-Nina Bookbinder is here to see you. -Okay,send her in. -妮娜.布克宾德来找你-好的,让她进来-Come on in. -You wanted to see me? -妮娜,快进来-你想见我?I was reviewing your data. You've been postdating your Friday numbers. 我刚看过你的资料你一直填迟你周五数字的日期-Which is bad,because...? -lt throws my WENUS out of whack. -这样很不好,因为…-这样使我的WEENUS出现问题-Excuse me? -WENUS. -对不起? -WEENUS…Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics. “Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics”每周估计净值使用统计Gotcha! 对Won't happen again. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt your WENUS. 不会再发生了我不会做任何事伤害你的…维纳斯(WEENUS)I'll take "ldiots in the Workplace" for 200,Alex. 要我就在“工厂里的白痴”上押200,亚里克斯It's not just that she's cute,okay? It's just that... 这不是她漂不漂亮的问题,这是…...she's really,really cute. 她真的很漂亮It doesn't matter. You don't dip your pen in the company ink. 都一样,兔子不吃窝边草God,I even know that and I'm pretty much unemployable. 上帝,我知道我几乎不应该被雇用Ross,your little creature's got the remote again. 罗斯你的小动物又在玩遥控器Marcel,give Rossy the remote. 马修,把遥控器给罗斯Marcel! 马修!Marcel,you give Rossy the remote right now! 马修,现在马上把遥控器给罗斯You give Rossy the remote 把遥控器给罗斯-Great. -Relax. I'll fix it. -这下好了-放心.我会修好的Oh,cool! Urkel in Spanish is Urkel. 酷在西班牙文中叫“乌酷”How did he do this? 他是怎么办到的?Is leaving Christmas lights up your plan to keep us merry all year long? 你让圣诞灯开是想让我们“快乐”一整年?No,someone was supposed to take them down but obviously someone forgot. 不,某人在新年期间就应该把它拿下她显然是忘了Someone was supposed to write, "Rach,take down the lights"... 某人应该写个字条“瑞秋,拿下圣诞灯”...and put it on the refrigera 然后贴在冰…-How long has that been there? -A really long time. -在这儿多久了? -时间可不短了-Where you been? -Riff's. -你上哪儿去了? -瑞佛餐厅I think Ursula likes me. I ordered coffee. 我想乌苏拉喜欢我我只点咖啡She brought me a tuna melt and four plates of curly fries. 她却端给我鲔鱼和四盘的薯片Score. 有门了She is so hot! 她好带劲儿Before you do anything Joey-like, you might want to run it by.... 你展开“乔依”行动之前, 或许你可以找…-Pheebs? -Yeah. -菲比? -当然Is it okay if I asked out your sister? 菲比,我约你姐出去你会介意吗?Why? Why would you want to do that? Why? 为什么?你为何要那样做?为什么?So if we went out on a date, she'd be there. 因为如果我去约会时,她就会在我身边Well,I'm not my sister's, you know,whatever. 好吧,不管怎样,我不是她And I mean,it's true, we were one egg once. 没错,我们确实曾待在同一颗卵子But you know, we've grown apart so.... 但我们各自发育I don't know. Why not? 我不知道…有何不可?Cool. Thanks. 酷.谢啦-You okay? -Yeah,I'm fine. -你还好吧? -还好Do you wanna watch Laverne y Shirley? 你还要继续看?Sorry. 抱歉Hi. Sorry I'm late. Where's Carol? 抱歉,我迟到了.卡萝在哪儿?Stuck at school. Some parent-teacher thing. 学校有事,老师和家长间的事You can go. I'll get the information. 你可以走了,我留下来上课No,I think I should stay. We should both know what's going on. 不…我应该留下来我们两个都该留下来上课Oh,good. This will be fun. 很好,一定会很有意思的We're gonna start with some basic third-stage breathing exercises. 首先是第三阶段基本呼吸练习Moms,get on your back. 各位妈妈请躺下And coaches,you should be supporting Mommy's head. 教练们支撑妈妈们的头-What? -What? -什么? -什么?-I'm supposed to be the mommy? -I'll play my sperm card once more. -我该当妈? -好吧,我再打一次精子牌I have to miss the coaching training because I'm a woman? 只因我是个女人我就得错过教练训练-So,what do we do? -I'll flip you for it. -了解,你说该怎么办? -掷铜板Flip me for it? No,no. Heads! 掷铜板?不…我选头…On your back,Mom! 躺下吧,妈All right,mommies,take a nice deep,cleansing breath. 各位妈妈们,请深呼吸Good. 很好Now imagine your vagina is opening like a flower. 很好,现在请想像你的阴道像花一样绽放着-Mr. D! How's it going,sir? -It's been better. -迪先生,如何? -好多了The Annual Net Usage Statistics are in. 年度净值已经算出来了-And? -It's pretty ugly. -然后呢? -奇惨无此We haven't seen an ANUS this bad since the '70s. 70年代之后没见过这么惨的ANUS-What does this mean? -We'll be laying off people. -这代表什么? -每个部门都得裁员I know I was late last week. But I slept funny and 我知道虽然我上星期迟到, 我那天睡姿不良把头发睡塌?Not you. Relax. 不是你,放松Ever have to fire anyone? 曾经必须开除某人吗?No,but that's not a problem. That's why my name's on the door. 没有,不过那不成问题. 这就是我的名字在门上的原因啊Do you know when I'm getting my name on the door? 你知道我什么时候,能在门上有自己的名字吗?I don't know. I put it in the thing. 我不清楚.我会记下来的It's okay. So,who is it gonna be? 不说这些.那将会是谁呢?Nina! 妮娜!Nina. 妮娜Nina. 妮娜Are you okay? 你没事吧?Yes. Yes,I am. 是的,我没事Listen,the reason that I called you in here today was.... 听着,我今天叫你进来…是因为Please don't hate me. 请别恨我What? 怎么了?Would you like to have dinner sometime? 能约你共进晚餐吗?So,what do you want for your birthday? 菲比,你想要什么生日礼物?What I want is for my mom to be alive and enjoy it with me. 我想要我妈复活和我共享人生Okay. Let me put it this way. Anything from Crabtree &amp; Evelyn? 好吧.这样吧.想不想要“艾芙琳”的产品?-Bath salts would be nice! -Okay! Good. -我想要浴盐! -好的!What is this place? 这是什么地方?You're cold,I have to pee and there's coffee. How bad could it be? 你很冷,我想尿尿, 窗户上有个咖啡杯还有比这更糟的吗?I think we have an answer. 我想我们有答案了Why is she here? 她怎么会在这儿?This could be God's way of telling us to eat at home. 也许这就是老天爷叫我们回家吃饭的方法-Think Riff's fired her? -No,we were there last night. -她被瑞佛餐厅开除? -不,昨晚我们还在那儿吃饭,她不断端来剑鱼Are you gonna go to the...? 你不是要去…?-I'll wait till we order. It's her. -lt looks like her. -不,点完之后再去-是她吧?看起来像她-Excuse me? -Yeah. -抱歉? -是Hi,it's us! 是我们Right. And it's me! 好呀,是我-So you're here too? -As much as you are. -你也在这儿? -和你们一样Your turn. 该你了-We know what we want. -That's good. -我们知道我们要什么-很好-Two caffe lattes. -And some biscotti. 我们要两杯拿铁还有小饼乾Good choice. 不错的选择-It's definitely her. -Yeah. -绝对是她-绝对是她I can't believe you haven't told that girl she doesn't have a job. 我真不敢相信, 你还没告诉她她失业了?You haven't taken down the Christmas lights. 你还没把圣诞灯拿下来Congratulations! You've found the world's thinnest argument. 恭喜!你发现了世上最薄弱的论点I'm finding the right moment. 我只是在寻找适当的时机That shouldn't be so hard now that you're dating. 应该不会太难找到因为你们已开始约会"Honey,you're fired. But how about a quickie before I go to work?" 亲爱的,你被开除了我上班前何不来个“速战速决”Once you're inside, you don't have to knock anymore. 进门后就不用再敲门了I'll get it. 我来开-Hi,Mr. Heckles. -You're doing it again. -哈克先生-你们又来了We're not doing anything. We're sitting and talking quietly. 我们什么都没做. 我们只是坐在这儿静静地聊天I can hear you through the ceiling. 我可以透过天花板听见My cats can't sleep. 我的猫睡不着-You don't even have cats. -I could have cats. -你根本没养猫-我原本有机会养-Goodbye,Mr. Heckles. -We'll try to keep it down. -再见了,哈先生-我们会很小声的Phoebe,do me a favor. Try this on. I want to make sure it fits. 菲比,帮个忙,能试穿看看吗? 我想知道合不合身?My first birthday present! This is really 我的第一件生日礼物,这衣服真…No,no,it's for Ursula. I just figured size-wise.... 不,是送乌苏拉的,我只是想知道尺寸Sure. Yeah. Okay,it fits. 好呀,合身-Are you seeing her again? -Yep,lce Capades. -你今晚又和她约会? -对,去看花样滑冰This is serious. I've never known you to pay for any kind of "capade." 这回你是来真的没想到你会为任何花式玩意儿付钱I don't know. I like her. 我也不知道,我喜欢她She's different. There's something about her 她和众不同,她有…That you like. We get it. You like her. Great! 你喜欢?我们懂你喜欢她,太好了Phoebe,I asked you. You said it was okay. 菲比,我问过你而你也同意了Maybe now it's not okay. 也许现在不同意了Okay. Maybe now I'm not okay with it not being okay. 也许我对于你的不同意也不同意了Okay! 好吧!IKnit,good woman,knit! 快织,好女人And that's the Chrysler Building right there. 克莱斯勒大楼就在那儿-Nina! -Mr. Douglas. Cool tie. -妮娜! -道格拉斯先生.领带不错She's still here. 她还在这里?Yes. Yes,she is. Didn't I memo you on this? 没错,她还在.我没有给你这个备忘录吗?After I let her go,I got a call from her psychiatrist,Dr. Flennan 我开除她后,接到她心理医生的电话Dr. Flennan Dr. Flynn. 佛…佛林大夫And he informed me that she took the news rather badly. 他说她一时无法适应In fact,he mentioned the word "frenzy." 老实说他提到“狂暴”这两个字-You're kidding! She seems so -No. Nina? She's -她?开什么玩笑?她…-不,妮娜?她…If you asked her now... 如果你现在问她...she'd have no recollection of being fired at all. 她根本记不得被开除这件事-That's unbelievable. -And yet believable. -难以置信-你不得不信So I decided not to fire her again until she'll be no threat to anyone. 因此我决定暂时不再开除她直到我确定她对自己或其他人不构成威胁为止I guess you never know what's going on inside a person's head. 人的心中在想什么别人永远无法完全了解Well,I guess that's why they call it psychology,sir. 我想这就是为什么被成为“心理学”了The sound Mom and Dad will never forget. 爸妈永远忘不了这声音For this,after all, is the miracle of birth. 这个,毕竟是生产的奇迹Lights,please. And that's having a baby. 请开灯,这一集是生宝宝Next week is our final class. 下周是我们的最后一堂课Susan,go deep. 苏珊,准备接球-It's just impossible. -What is,honey? -这太离谱了…-怎么了?What that woman did. 那个女人干了什么I am not doing that. It'll just have to stay in. 我不会这么做的.他得留在我体内Everything will be the same. It'll just stay in. 一切和原来一样,他得留在我体内-Carol,honey,it'll be all right. -What do you know? -卡萝,亲爱的,不会有事的-你怎么知道? No one's asking you,"Mind if we push this pot roast through your nostril?" 你怎么知道?没人问你,我能将这肉块穿你的鼻孔吗?Carol,sweetie. Cleansing breath. 卡萝,亲爱的,深呼吸I know it's frightening. But big picture: 我知道你很惶恐,往远处想The birth part is just one day. 生产过程只是一天When it's over,we'll all be parents for the rest of our lives. 结束后我们这辈子都是他的父母了I mean,that's what this is all about,right? Ross? 怀胎生子为的不就是这些吗?罗斯?Ross? 罗斯?I'm gonna be a father. 我要当爸爸了-This is news to you? -I knew I was having a baby. -你才刚知道? -我一直都知道我有个孩子I just never realized the baby was having me. 只是不知道孩子有我-You'll be great. -How can you say that? -你会是个好爸爸的-你怎会知道?I can't even get Marcel to stop eating the bathmat. 我连阻止马修吃浴室垫都办不到-How will I raise a kid? -Some scientists are now saying... -我如何养儿育女? -罗斯,科学家说...that monkeys and babies are actually different. 孩子和猴子是不一样的You might want to look into it. 我们可以验证一下-Where you going? -Out. -你去哪里? -外面With...? 和谁?Yes. 是的Can I just ask you one question? 能问你一个问题吗?Have you two,you know, like,you know? 你们有没有,你明白的,就像,你知道的嘛?You know,yet? 你知道的,对吧?Not that it's any of your business, but no,we haven't. 不关你的事,没有,行了吗?You meant sex,right? 你是指性吧?-Do you have a sec? -Sure. What's up? -有空吗? -当然,什么事?The past few days,people have been avoiding me and giving me weird looks. 最近几天,大家都避开我而且以奇怪的眼神看我Well,maybe that's because they're jealous of us. 或许他们在嫉妒我们Maybe. But that doesn't explain why they keep taking my scissors. 或许吧,这无法解释他们为何拿走我的剪刀Maybe that's because you're getting a big raise! 或许是因为你被升职的缘故-I am? -Sure. Why not? -我升职了? -当然.为什么不呢?Oh,my God! You're amazing! 天啊,你真是太了不起了You don't know. 你不知道Helen,do the paperwork on Miss Bookbinder's raise. 海伦,能快处理布小姐升职的手续吗? You still want me to send her psychological profile to Personnel? 你仍要我拿她的心理分析结果到人事部?Helen drinks. 海伦喝醉了Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?So after the proposal, I kind of unraveled. 升职后的事情,我就未经修剪了Right. Because you were really in control up until then. 是啊.因为你控制全盘直到那个时候-I told her everything. -How'd she take it? -最后我把一切都告诉她了-她的反应如何? Pretty well. Except for the stapler thing. 坦然接受,除了拿钉书机钉我之外A tip. If you're ever in a similar situation... 提示.以后遇见类似的状况... never,ever leave your hand on the desk. 切记别把手放在桌上Okay,I think I get how to do this. 我知道该怎么调成这样了啊Can we turn it off? Make them go away because I can't watch. 我们能把这关掉吗? 把他们弄走,因为我没法看了啊Okay,they're gone. 好了,现在没有了Are you all right? 你还好吧?It's just this whole stupid Ursula thing. 还不是乌苏拉惹的祸Pheebs,can I ask? So he's going out with her. Is it really so terrible? 菲比,我能问…他和她约会真有那么糟吗?Yeah. 是的I'm not saying she's evil or anything. 我不是说她是很坏She's just always breaking my stuff. 她总是弄坏我的东西When I was 8,she threw my Judy Jetson Thermos under the bus. 我8岁时,她把我得朱迪杰特森热水壶丢到公车下And then when I was 1 2, she broke my collarbone. 我12岁的时候,她弄断了我的锁骨She didn't mean to do it but I think it still counts. 她不是有意的,不过也算And then there's Randy Brown, who was like 然后,有个蓝迪布朗,就像Have you ever had a boyfriend who was your best friend? 你们有没有过男友身兼好友的情况? That's what he was for me. 我当时的状况就是如此And she kind of stole him away and then broke his heart. 她把他抢走又伤了他的心Then he wouldn't talk to me anymore. 他从此不和我说话He didn't want to be around anything that looked like either one of us. 因为他说他不愿再见像她的人I know Joey's not my boyfriend or my thermos... 我知道乔伊不是我男朋友或者热水壶...or anything,but 或其他的什么,但是-You won't lose him. -You gotta talk to Joey. -你不会失去他的-你得找乔伊谈-lf he knew how you felt -But he's falling in love with her. -如果他知道你的感受-但他爱上她了They've been going out a week. 拜托,他们才约会一个星期They haven't even slept together yet. That's not serious. 根本还没上床八字都还没一撇呢Okay. Okay. 好吧.好吧May we help you? 需要帮忙吗?What are you doing? It's freezing! Come inside. 瑞秋,你在干什么?外面好冷,进来好吗?No,you wanted me to take them down... 不…你要我把灯取下...so I'm taking them down,okay? 我正在做,行吗?Rachel! 天啊,瑞秋!I'm okay. I'm okay. 我没事…Mr. Heckles? 哈克先生…Mr. Heckles,could you help me,please? 哈克先生…能帮一下忙吗?This is just the kind of thing I was talking about. 我指的就是这种事儿My friend was taking down Christmas lights... 我朋友取下圣诞灯时...and may have broken her ankle. 从阳台跌下来,可能伤了脚踝My God,you still have your Christmas lights up? 你们的圣诞灯还亮着?-Fill this out and bring it back. -Here you go. -填好资料后拿给我-给你All right. Name,address. 姓名?地址-Are you currently on any medication? -No. -你现在进行任何药物治疗? -没有Oh,wait! Yes. Blistex. 哦,等等!有.Blistex(一种药用润唇膏)-No. In case of emergency,call...? -You. -填没有,紧急联络电话? -你。



All right, no peeking. 好了,不准偷看…No peeking. 不准偷看No peeking. No peeking! 不准偷看…All right, but you better be wearing clothes when I open my eyes. 不过我张开眼睛时你最好穿著衣服All right. Open your eyes! 好了,张开眼睛Sweet mother of all that is good and pure! 妈妈咪呀,我的小乖乖Days of our Lives picked up my option! ”我们的日子”跟我绩约了-Congratulations! -I know! 我知道Now we can watch Green Acres the way it was meant to be seen. 现在我们终於可以比较像样地看”绿色大地”了So which one is mine? 哪一张是我的?Whichever one you want, man. Whichever one you want! 随你喜欢哪一张随你喜欢哪一张Not that one. 那张不行Oh, yes! 哦,帅Oh, yeah! That's the stuff. 哦,帅,这才叫生活Do we dare? 我们敢吗?We dare. 我们敢The One Where Ross and Rachel...Y ou Know The One Where Ross and Rachel...Y ou KnowI can't believe two cows made the ultimate sacrifice... 真不敢相信两条牛的牺牲是…...so you could watch TV with your feet up. …让你们跷起二郎腿来看电视No, they were chair-shaped cows. 不,它们是椅形牛They never would have survived in the wild. 它们在野外无法生存的This screen is amazing. Dick V an Dyke is practically life-size. 这个萤幕太炫了狄凡戴看起来跟真人一样大Rose Marie belongs on a smaller screen, doesn't she? 露丝玛丽不该上这么大的萤幕对不对? Hi, you guys. 嗨,各位Hey, you. 嘿,你How was your day? 你今天怎么样?Y ou know, pretty much the usual. 和平常没什么不同Sun shining, birds chirping. 晴空万里,鸟儿欢唱Really? Mine too. 真的?我的也是Hey, cool! Mine too! 酷,我的也是I gotta get to the museum. 我得去馆里一趟So I'll see you tonight? 我们今晚见?Bye, guys! 再见,各位Tonight? 今晚?-What's tonight? -Our first official date. 今晚怎样?第一个正式的约会Our first date. 第一次约会Hello? 哈罗?Hi. 嗨Y ou're supposed to waitress for me? My catering thing? 今晚你说要替我跑堂的派对餐点那件事?-Any of that trigger anything? -Oh, God, Monica. I forgot! 我的话有没有让你想起什么? 哦,天啊,摩妮卡,我忘了This is our first date. 这是我们的第一次约会-Y es, but my mom got me this job. -I can be a waitress! 蛋着工作是我妈妈帮我找的,我可以当服务生Thank you, thank you. See? Phoebe! Phoebe! 谢谢,菲比Really, Pheebs? Y ou'd have to be an actual waitress. 真的,菲菲?你必须真的当服务生This can't be like your "I can be a bear cub" thing. 这不是像”我可以当小熊”之类的I can be a waitress. Okay, watch this. 我可以当服务生,瞧我的Give me two number ones, 86 the bacon... 给我两份一号餐培根要八六分熟…...one Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck them! …一份亚当夏娃叠吐司It's James Bond! 是007-Sorry we're late. -That's okay. Come on in. 抱歉来迟了,没关系,请进Is Monica Geller coming? I was told she was. 对不起,盖勒摩妮卡来不来?我听说她要来Dr. Burke, it's me. 柏大夫,是我Monica? 摩妮卡?My God! Y ou used to be so.... 老天,你以前好…I mean, you've Y ou must have lost like.... 我是说你…你一定减了…Y ou look great. 你美极了Thank you. 谢谢This is Phoebe. She'll be helping me. 这是我朋友菲此她今天晚上来帮忙Nice to meet you. 菲此,幸会-So how you been? -Great. How have you been? 你近来如何?很好呀,很好,你呢? Obviously you know Barbara and I split up... 你大概也知道我跟芭芭拉分手了…...or you wouldn't do the head tilt. …不然你不会来歪头那一招The head tilt? 歪头?Since the divorce, everybody asks how I am... 对,自从离了婚当别人向我问好时·,...with a sympathetic head tilt. "How you doing? Y ou okay?" …他们总是同情地歪头问”你好吗?不要紧吧?”I'm sorry. 对不起It's fine. Believe me, I do it too. 不…没关系相信我,我也一样I always answer with the "I'm okay" head bob. "I'm okay."我总是以点头来表示”我没事”"Y ou're sure?" ”你确定?”"Yeah, I'm fine." ”对,我没事”I gotta set up the music. I got a new CD changer. 听著,我得去放音乐了我有个自动换片音响Of course, the divorce only left me with four CDs to change. 当然了,离婚的结果我只剩四张CD可换了That's too bad. 真不幸I'll survive. 死不了的Two larges, extra cheese on both. 两份大的,起士都要双份But listen... 听着......don't ring the buzzer for 19. …别按十九号的电铃Ring 20. Geller/Greene. 按二十号,高林寓They'll let you in, okay? 她们会开门,懂吗?If you buzz our door, there's no tip for you. 按我们的门铃就没小费Okay, thanks. 谢了Pizza's on the way. I told you we wouldn't have to get up. 薄饼马上就来我说我们不用起来的What if we have to pee? 如果要尿尿呢?I'll cancel the sodas. 我把汽水取消Get back out there. It's your party! 你必须回去里面这是你的派对But they're so dull! They're all ophthalmologists. 可是他们好乏味他们都是眼科医生Y ou're an ophthalmologist. 你也是眼科医生Because my parents wanted me to be. I wanted to be a sheriff. 那是因为我父母要我那样我本来想当警长的That's funny. Cadillac, cataract. I get it. 真好笑白内衣,白内障,我懂了But you stay out there! 不,我懂了,你留在那里-Y ou see? -I tell you what. 瞧,好,这样吧I'll come get you in five minutes with some sort of kebob emergency. 五分钟後我来叫你就说烤肉出了问题好了Better. 好吧,你最好这么做Oh, God, here we go. 天,我去了Hey, want to see them go nuts? 要看他们发狂吗?Watch this. 瞧我的Who needs glasses? 谁需要杯子?Y ou are so smitten. 你好神魂颠倒哦I am not! 我才没有Oh, you are so much the smitten kitten. 你是只神魂颠倒的小猫咪-Y ou should ask him out. -Dr. Burke? 你应该约她,柏大夫?I don't think so. I mean, like, he's a grownup. 我不认为我是说,他是个大人So? Y ou two are totally into each other. 所以呢?你们两个完全互相著迷He's a friend of my parents. He's like 20 years older than me. 菲比,他是我父母的朋友他比我大二十岁So you're never gonna see him again? 那你就再也不跟他见面了?Not never. 不是永远I'm gonna see him tomorrow at my eye appointment. 我明天约好了要去他那儿检查眼睛-Didn't you just get your eyes checked? -Y eah, but you know... 你不是才检查过眼睛吗?是啊,但是…... 27 is... 27是个应该...a dangerous eye age. ...小心眼睛的年龄They are peeking teams to play my discreption, help me. 帮帮我I'm not saying it was a bad movie. I'm just saying it was a little... 我不是说这部电影不好我只是说这电影有一点点…... hard to follow. …难懂I told you there'd be subtitles. 我说过会有字幕的I know. 我知道I just didn't want to wear my glasses on our first date. 我只是不想在第一次约会戴眼镜Monica? 摩妮卡?It would help when I'm kissing if you didn't shout my sister's name. 我亲你时你不叫我老妹的名字会很有帮助Honey, I'm just checking. 蜜糖,只是检查看看-Monica? -Mon? 摩妮卡?...摩妮卡?What? 怎么了?I'm sorry. 抱歉It's just, when you moved your hands down to my butt... 对不起只是当你的手滑到我屁股上时…...it was, like, "Whoa! Ross' hands are on my butt!" 就像”哇罗斯在摸我屁股”,抱歉And that's funny. Why? 很好笑,为什么呢?Well, it's not. 那不好笑I'm sorry. I guess I'm just nervous. 我是说,对不起我猜我是有点紧张I mean, it's you. 这是你啊Y ou know, it's us. 是我们呀We're crossing that line. It's sort of a big thing. 我们在越过那条线那是件大事Well, I know it's big. I just didn't know it was ha-ha big. 我知道很大我只是不知道这有…哈哈大Okay, my hands were nowhere near your butt. 我的手离你屁股好远I know, I know, I know! 我知道...I was thinking about when they were there the last time. 我只是想到你的手上次在那里那回I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Okay, look! I promise. 对不起…听著,我保证我会乖I won't laugh anymore. Put your hands back there. 我不会再乱笑了把手放回去No, see, now I can't. 不,现在…换我不行了-I feel self-conscious. -Come on, touch my butt. -我觉得太不自然了-来吧,摸我的屁股Just one cheek 就一边(屁股)The moment's gone. 不,那一刻过去了-I'll back up into your hands. -That's romantic. -把手伸出来,我自己钻进去-好”浪漫”- Touch it. -No. 来吧,摸一下-Oh, come on, squeeze it. -No! 来吧,捏一下,不要Rub it? 揉呢?Oh, come on! Would you just grab my ass? 来嘛,你抓我屁股,好吗?Wow! Look at that! The car is on fire... 你瞧瞧,车子起火了…...yet somehow its expensive paint job... …可是它那昂贵的烤漆…...is protected by the Miracle Wax. …却被奇迹蜡保护得毫发无伤Y ou've got a Cheeto on your face, man. 你脸上有条起士,老兄Aren't you supposed to be out with Rachel? 你来这儿干什么?不是要跟瑞秋出去吗?That was 14 hours ago. 那是十四个小时前We gonna set a clock on this scene. 我们应该在屏幕上放个钟So how'd it go? 那结果如何?Have you ever been, you know, fooling around with a girl... 听著,你们有没有试过跟一个女孩亲热…...and she started laughing? …然後她开始笑起来…But it was 1982... 有啊,不过那是1982年…...and my Flock of Seagulls haircut was tickling her chin. …我的”天地一群鸥”发型让她的下巴发痒She laughed at you? 怎么?她笑你吗?It could be worse, could be naked. 也许会更糟,也许裸体I've been wanting this since ninth grade typing. 我从九年级的打字课起就想这一刻了And I just want it to be perfect... 我只是希望一切能完美…...and right and.... …顺利,而...Why isn't that laser beam cutting through the paint? 激光光束为什么切不断烤漆?-It's the Miracle Wax! -lt certainly is a miracle. 是奇迹蜡的关系那绝对是一项奇迹Hi, you guys. 各位Listen, I was thinking about.... 听著,我在想…Can you guys speak up? 听著,你们可以大声点吗?It's harder for us to hear you when you lower your voice. 你们放低声音我们反而更听不到I'm sorry about last night. I really want to make it up to you. 昨晚的事我很抱歉我真的真的很想补偿你There's no need to make it up 你不需要补偿我…How? …怎么个补偿法?Well, I was thinking maybe a romantic dinner... 我在想或许来顿浪漫的晚餐…...with candles and wine. …烛光加上美酒And then maybe going back to my place... 或许回我那边去…...for dessert. 点心?That sounds... 听起来... perfect? …很完美?What's this? 这是什么?Would you get us a couple of beers? 帮忙买两瓶啤酒,好吗?I'm going to look into your eyes now. 我现在要看你的眼睛了Really? 真的?That's my job. 对,那是我的工作All right. 好Look up. 看上面Look down. 看下面Now, open your eyes and look down. 不,张开眼睛看下面That's right. 那就对了Look into the light. 看光线这里Now look at me. 现在看我Y our eyes look good. Those are good eyes. 看起来很好,很好的眼睛Good. They feel good. 很好,它们觉得很好In my head. 在我头上-lt was great to see you. -Y ou too. 见到你真好,彼此Y ou too. 彼此Goodbye. 再见了Drops! 眼药水Here, they're free. 眼药水,来,免费的Thanks. 谢谢I better be going. 我最好走了Y eah, I'll see you later. 对,咱们改天见Thanks again. 再次谢了We have to get you lazy boys out of these chairs. 我们得把你们这两只懒猪弄起来Y ou should go outside and be with the three-dimensional people. 你们应该走出这里去跟三度空间的人打交道No. Inside good. 不,里面好Outside bad. 外面坏Y ou guys are so pathetic. 你们真是太可悲了Oh, Xanadu! ”仙纳度”She's one of us now. 她加入会员了We just wanted to stop by and say good night. 我们只是想过来跟各位道晚安Good night. 晚安They won't even turn their heads. 你瞧瞧,他们连头都不回All right, you guys. I'm taking off my shirt. 好了,各位,我要脱上衣了She's lying. 她说谎Stop sending food to our apartment! 别再叫吃的去我们家Why are you dressed up? 摩妮卡,打扮得这么美干嘛?Y ou're not the only one with a date. 今晚又不是只有你有约会而已-What? Y ou have a date? Who with? -No one. 什么?你有约会?跟谁?没有谁Come on, what's his name? 他叫什么名字嘛?Nothing. 没什么Come on, tell me. 来嘛,告诉我All right, but I'm very excited about this, okay? 好吧,不过这件事我非常兴奋,懂吗?So promise you won't get big-brothery and judgmental. 你得保证你不会摆出大哥架子来教训我I promise. What? 我保证,是谁?-It's Richard Burke. -Who's Richard Burke? 是柏理查,柏理查是谁?Dr. Burke? 柏大夫?Y ou have a date with Dr. Burke? Why? Why? Why... 你要跟柏大夫约会?为什么…...should that bother me? …我会不高兴呢I love that man. He's like a... 我爱那家伙他就像…...a brother to Dad. …爸爸的兄弟-Here we go. -I know, I think it's great that he looks like 50. -来了吧-我知道他看起来就像50岁的人It's insperation to a man almost retired all over the world. 我的意思是说,这对于一个差不多都要退休的人来说非常不错He is the brightest, most sophisticated, sexiest man I've ever been with. 他正好是我交过的男人中最聪明,最成熟,最性感的Dr. Burke is sexy? 柏大夫性感?Oh, God! Absolutely! 天啊,绝对是Damn! 该死It's the museum again. Can l? 该死-Dr. Burke kissed me once. -When? 柏大夫亲过我一次什么时候?When I was 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house... 我七岁时我骑单车在他家门前摔了跤…...and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here. …为了让我停止哭泣他亲我这里-Oh, you are so lucky! -I know. 我知道Australopithecus isn't supposed to be in that display. 南方古猿不应该在那个展览的No, Homo habilis was erect. Australopithecus was never fully erect. 不…能人是挺起的南方古猿从来不是完全挺起的Well, maybe he was nervous. 或许他是紧张罢了Oh, look! I can't believe this! 看,我真不敢相信Homo habilis can't use tools yet, and they've got him with clay pots? 能人根本还没学会使用工具他们竟然还给他陶罐Why don't they just give him a microwave? 不如给他一个微波炉算了Clearly, they don't have a place to plug in. 很显然,他们这里没有地方插插头.I'm sorry this is taking so long. 抱歉我花了那么多时间It's longer than I expected. We will have dinner. 这此我想像的还花时间我们会吃晚饭的That's okay. 没关系,不要紧Karl! 卡尔Oh, God. 天啊-Wow! Is that Michelle? -Y ep. 那是米雪吗?对I've not seen her since high-school graduation. 高中毕业後就没见过她了Oh, my God, that night she got so dru 老天,那天晚上她好醉…Emotional. 激动Y ou know, she's having another baby. 你知道她又要生了吗?-I thought she just had one. -No, no. Henry's almost 2. 我以为她才刚生过不…亨利快两岁了And he's talking and everything. Here. 他讲话啊什么都会,看The other day he told me he liked me better than his other grandpa. 前几天他告诉我他喜欢我胜过他的爷爷In all fairness, his other grandpa's a drunk, but still.... 公平说来,他的爷爷是酒鬼,但还是... Y ou're a grandpa. 你是个爷爷Are we nuts here? 我们疯了吗?I don't know. Maybe. 我不知道,或许I mean, I'm dating a man whose pool I once peed in. 我是说我在你游泳池里尿尿过I didn't need to know that. 我不需要知道那个I guess 21 years is a lot. 我猜21年是差太多了I mean, hell, I'm a whole person who can drink older than you. 去他的我此你老了整整一个饮酒年龄So maybe we should just.... 那么,或许我们应该就...Maybe.... 对...或许...Wow. 去他的我此你老了整整一个饮酒年龄This really sucks. 这真的太逊了Y eah, it sure does. 是呀,可不是吗?We don't really have to decide anything right now, do we? 我们不用现在就决定什么对吧? No, there's no rush or anything. 不…我们一点都不用急-Pizza delivery! -Oh, I'm gonna kill those guys! 送薄饼来我要杀了那两个人I'm done. 我好了Y eah, well, you know what? So is Sorentino's. 对,不过餐厅也打烊了I'm sorry. Why don't we find someplace else? 什么?对不起我们…去别家餐厅好了It's late. Everything will be closed. We'll do it another night. 很晚了,所有餐厅都打烊了我们改天晚上再吃好了No, no, we won't. 不…不要We won't? 不要?Come on. 来吧Okay, that's dead, right? 那是死的,对吧?What are we doing? 这是什么?我们在干嘛?-Do you want Cranapple or Cran-Grape? -Grape. 你要红莓苹果或红莓葡萄?葡萄Okay, now... 现在......sit. ...坐下Oh, my God! 天啊Billions of years ago, Earth was only 数十亿年前,地球只是…Sorry. 抱歉So what are we looking at? 我们在看什么?Well, you see that little cluster of stars next to the big one? 你看那边…那一大团旁边那一小堆星星That is Ursa Major. 那是大熊座-Really? -No idea. It could be. 真的?我不知道,有可能Listen, I'm sorry I had to work tonight. 听著,抱歉我今晚必须工作Oh, that's okay. 没关系Y ou were worth the wait. 你值得我等And I don't just mean tonight. 我指的不只是今晚Y ou're not laughing. 你没笑This time it's not so funny. 这次没那么好笑了Oh, God! 天啊Honey? 甜心That's okay. 没关系What? 什么?Oh, no. Y ou just rolled over the juice box. 不,你刚刚压到了果汁Thank God! 谢天谢地Hey, you. 嘿,你I can't believe I'm waking up next to you. 真不敢相信我会在你身边醒来I know. It is pretty unbel 我知道,是很令人难以…We're not alone. 怎么了?Is that the fire alarm? 是火警警报器吗?It's not warm yet. We still have time. 还没变热,还有时间-Cool. -Y eah, yeah. Cool! 酷,对,酷。



六人行1-5季中英文标题第1 季《六人行》第1 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate 试播1994-09-2202 The One With the Sonogram at the End 参加助产训练班1994-09-2903 The One With the Thumb 飞来横财1994-10-0604 The One With George Stephanopoulos 乔治·史特喷那彼拉斯先生1994-10-1305 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent 洗衣服1994-10-2006 The One With the Butt 屁股秀1994-10-2707 The One With the Blackout 停电1994-11-0308 The One Where Nana Dies Twice 娜娜死了两回1994-11-1009 The One Where Underdog Gets Away 气球飞了1994-11-1710 The One With the Monkey 猴子1994-12-1511 The One With Mrs Bing 宾太太1995-01-0512 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes 十二碗面条1995-01-1213 The One With the Boobies 看胸脯1995-01-1914 The One With the Candy Hearts 情人节糖果1995-02-0915 The One With the Stoned Guy 大麻客1995-02-1616 & 17 The One With Two Parts 双胞胎两部曲1995-02-2318 The One With All The Poker 玩扑克1995-03-0219 The One Where the Monkey Gets Away 猴子被送走1995-03-0920 The One With the Evil Orthodontist 风流牙医1995-04-0621 The One With The Fake Monica 假莫妮卡1995-04-2722 The One With the Ick Factor 倒人胃口的约会1995-05-0423 The One With the Birth 本出世1995-05-1124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out 瑞秋恍然大悟1995-05-18第2 季《六人行》第2 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend 罗斯的新女友1995-09-2102 The One With the Breast Milk 母乳1995-09-2803 The One Where Mr Heckles Dies 海先生之死1995-10-0504 The One With Phoebe's Husband 菲比的丈夫1995-10-1205 The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant 五块牛排和一根茄子1995-10-1906 The One With the Baby on the Bus 宝宝落在巴士上了1995-11-0207 The One Where Ross Finds Out 罗斯发现瑞秋对他有意思1995-11-0908 The One With the List 清单1995-11-1609 The One With Phoebe's Dad 菲比的爸爸1995-12-1410 The One With Russ 罗斯的翻版1996-01-0411 The One With the Lesbian Wedding 同志婚礼1996-01-1812 & 13 The One After the Superbowl 超级杯1996-01-2814 The One With the Prom Video 高中舞会录影带1996-02-0115 The One Where Rachel and Ross.. You Know 罗斯和瑞秋……你知道的1996-02-0816 One Where Joey Moves Out 乔伊搬走了1996-02-1517 The One Where Eddie Moves In 艾迪搬入1996-02-2218 The One Where Dr Ramoray Dies 拉莫瑞医生之死1996-03-2119 The One Where Eddie Won't Go 艾迪赖着不走1996-03-2820 The One Where Old Yeller Dies 猎狗之死1996-04-0421 The One With the Two Bullies 两个小流氓1996-04-2522 The One With the Two Parties 一个头两个大1996-05-0223 The One With the Chicken Pox 出水痘1996-05-0924 The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding 巴利和明蒂大喜之日1996-05-16第3 季《六人行》第3 季(共25 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy 莉亚公主1996-09-1902 The One Where No-one's Ready 没人准备好1996-09-2603 The One With the Jam 果酱1996-10-0304 The One With The Metaphorical Tunnel 战胜自我,不再害怕承诺1996-10-1005 The One With Frank Jr 菲比的弟弟小福兰克1996-10-1706 The One With The Flashback 时光倒转,昔日重现1996-10-3107 The One With the Race Car Bed 赛车床1996-11-0708 The One With The Giant Poking Device 戳他一下1996-11-1409 The One With The Football 六人橄榄球比赛1996-11-2110 The One Where Rachel Quits 瑞秋辞职1996-12-1211 The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister 钱德想不起勾搭了乔伊的哪个妹妹1997-01-0912 The One With All The Jealousy 嫉妒1997-01-1613 The One Where Monica and Richard Are Friends 莫妮卡和里查德只做朋友1997-01-3014 The One With Phoebe's Ex-Partner 菲比的旧搭档1997-02-0615 The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break 罗斯和瑞秋分手1997-03-1316 The One The Morning After 次日清晨1997-02-2017 The One Without The Ski Trip 滑雪之旅1997-030618 The One WithThe Tape 催眠录音带1997-03-1319 The One With The Tiny T-shirt 小小T恤1997-03-2720 The One With The Dollhouse 玩偶屋1997-04-1021 The One With A Chick And A Duck 小鸡和小鸭1997-04-1722 The One With The Screamer 尖叫的汤米1997-04-2423 The One With Ross's Thing 罗斯长了怪东西1997-05-0124 The One With The Ultimate Fighting Champion 终极搏击比赛1997-05-0825 The One At The Beach 在海滩1997-05-15第4 季《六人行》第4 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One With The Jellyfish 水母惊情1997-09-2502 The One With The Cat 转世灵猫1997-10-0203 The One With The Cuffs 手铐游戏1997-10-0904 The One With The Ballroom Dancing 社交舞1997-10-1605 The One With Joey's New Girlfriend 乔伊的新女友1997-10-3006 The One With The Dirty Girl 灰姑娘1997-11-0607 The One Where Chandler Crosses a Line 钱德横刀夺爱1997-11-1308 The One With Chandler in a Box 钱德到箱子里过节1997-11-2009 The One Where They’re Gonna PARTY 参加派对1997-12-1110 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie 帕基普希来的姑娘1997-12-1811 The One With Phoebe’s Uterus 菲比被“借鸡生蛋”1998-01-0812 The One With The Embryos 受精卵1998-01-1513 The One With Rachel’s Crush 瑞秋坠入情网1998-01-2914 The One With Joey’s Dirty Day 乔伊臭臭的一天1998-02-0515 The One With All The Rugby 橄榄球1998-02-2616 The One With The Fake Party 假派对1998-03-1917 The One With The Free Porn 免费成人电影1998-03-2618 The One With Rachel’s New Dress 瑞秋的新装1998-04-0219 The One With All The Haste 忙中出错1998-04-0920 The One With All the Wedding Dresses 婚纱1998-04-1621 The One With The Invitation 邀请1998-04-2322 The One With The Worst Best Man Ever 史上最不称职伴郎1998-04-3023 & 24 The One With Ross's Wedding 罗斯的婚礼1998-05-07第5 季《六人行》第5 季(共24 集)集标题(英文)标题(中文)播放日期01 The One After Ross Says Rachel 罗斯说漏嘴以后1998-09-2402 The One With All The Kissing 来吻别吧1998-10-0103 The One Hundredth三胞胎1998-10-0804 The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 菲比讨厌PBS 1998-10-1505 Kip The One With All the Kips 我不想当1998-10-2906 The One With The Yeti 雪男1998-11-0507 The One Where Ross Moves In 罗斯入伙1998-11-1208 The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks 感恩节大回顾1998-11-1909 The One With Ross's Sandwich 罗斯的三明治1998-12-1010 The One With The Inappropriate Sister 兄妹“情”1998-12-1711 The One With All The Resolutions 新年新气象1999-01-0712 The One With Chandler's Work Laugh 钱德例行公事的假笑1999-01-2113 The One With Joey's Bag 乔伊背包包1999-02-0414 The One Where Everyone Finds Out 恍然大悟1999-02-1115 The One With The Girl Who Hits Joey 敲打乔伊的女孩1999-02-1816 The One With A Cop 警察来了1998-02-2517 The One With Rachel's Inadvertant Kiss 瑞秋的无心之吻1999-03-1818 The One Where Rachel Smokes 瑞秋开始吸烟1999-04-0819 The One Where Ross Can't Flirt 罗斯不会放电1999-04-2220 The One With The Ride Along 一起去巡逻1999-04-2921 The One With The Ball 掷球游戏1999-05-0622 The One With Joey's Big Break 乔伊的大好机会来了1999-05-1323 & 24 The One In Vegas 拉斯维加斯之旅1999-05-20。

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss》

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One With Rachel’s Big Kiss》
Chandler:Well this is just sad!
Monica:All right, all right. Maybe I can fit them in if I just do some rearranging. But uh, Rachel may actually have to sit at the bar!
Monica:(ToChandler) Okay, the red ones are my guests and the blue ones are yours.
Chandler:This is so sad. I mean, I only have like ten pins.
Monica:Chandler, relax it’s not a contest. (To Rachel) Certainly not a close one.
Rachel:Oh, wow thanks! (Reading the card) Oh you’re in real estate!
Melissa:Oh no, that’s-that’s an old card. Umm, I wanted to get out of that and-and do something where I can really help people and-and make a difference.
Joey:(excitedly) Who you what? Who you what?!
Rachel:(To Monica) Yes.
Monica: Wow!
Joey:(excitedly) Wow? Wow what?! Wow what?! Who you—what?!!

115老友记 第一季15剧本

115老友记 第一季15剧本

115. The One with the Stoned Guy[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is serving Joey, Ross, and Monica their drinks.]-Rachel: (to Joey) Coffee. (Hands it to him.)hand to: 递给咖啡。

-Joey: Thank you.谢谢。

-Rachel: (to Ross) Cappuccino. (Hands it to him.)卡布其诺。

-Ross: Grazie.grazie: 意大利文,谢谢的意思。


-Rachel: And a nice hot cider for Monica. (Hands it to her.)cider: 苹果酒Monica的热苹果酒。

-Monica: Aww, thank you. (Notices something.) Uh Rach?notice: 注意谢谢。

哎呦?!-Rachel: Yeah?怎么了?-Monica: Why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser?cinnamon: 肉桂stick: 杆,棒eraser: 橡皮擦Rachel为何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦?-Rachel: Oh! That's why. (Rachel checks behind her ear, and finds a cinnamon stick.) I'm sorry! check: 检查,查看cinnamon stick: 枝,杆这就是原因,对不起!(She takes the pencil out of Monica's coffee and Monica puts her cup down in disgust.)put down: 放下in disgust: 厌恶地[Scene: Chandler's job, Chandler is typing data into his computer, he keeps typing even while taking a drink of coffee with one hand. One of his co-worker walks by.]type sth. into computer: 把某资料输入电脑a drink of coffee: 一杯咖啡with one hand: 用一只手co-worker: 同事-Woman: Chandler?Chandler?-Chandler: Mrs. Tedlock. You're looking lovely today. And may I say, that is a very flattering sleeve length on you.flattering: 谄媚的, 讨人欢喜的, 奉承的sleeve length: 袖长【美国人说你这衣服穿着特合适就说:这袖子在你身上长度正好!?】Tedlock小姐,你今天真漂亮。



各位,这位是芙莉 灵 我们还没见面 没有连坐二十小时飞机明天我会让各位刮目 相看 那个尖叫的家伙…还有吐口水 你们一定要听这个故事 我们坐的巴士一定有两百年旧 至少两百年旧
1 著名美发沙宣 vidal sussoon,Chan 说成是 Vidal Buffay, 即表示对 Phoebe 手艺的赞赏,又幽默了一把。 2 if you don't look good, we don't look good,广告词 3 get the verbs.猜动词。Rachel 说话上气不接下气,没有动词,所以 chan 挖苦说 4 slowpoke['slǩupǩuk] 〈美口〉行动迟缓的人,迟钝的人行动迟缓的人, 迟钝的人
Ross: Well, we just wanted to say a quick hi, and 我们只是来打个招呼
then we're gonna go see the baby. Julie: And then we've gotta get some sleep. Ross: Yeah, it's really 6:00 tomorrow night our
It's just, I just heard this story in the cab, and it is 我在计程车上听了这个故事…
all I can think about.
Mon: This is amazing. I mean, how, how did this 真是惊人
没关系,我们拿了行李 这是我妹妹摩妮卡
Julie: Hi, but I'm not here, you haven't met me. 这是钱德

老友记第一季 15中英文字幕

老友记第一季 15中英文字幕

第十五集Coffee. 咖啡-Thank you. -Cappuccino. -谢谢-卡布其诺And a nice,hot cider for Monica. 摩妮卡的热苹果酒Thank you. 谢谢Rach,why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser? 瑞秋,为何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦?That's why. 这就是原因,Sorry. 对不起The One With The Stoned Guy 六人行第1季第15集大麻客Chandler? 钱德Miss Tedlock,you look lovely today. 泰洛克小姐,你今天真漂亮That is a very flattering sleeve length on you. 我能说这件衣服真好看吗?Mr. Costilick would like you to stop by his office today. 科斯特.力克先生希望你在下班后能到他办公室去If it's about those prank memos, I wasn't involved. 如果他是为搞笑备忘录不是我干的, Nothing at all. Really. 和我完全没有关系.真的.And frankly,those shenanigans have no place in an office environment. 弗兰克,办公室里没有地方容纳这些恶作剧.Hey,you guys! 各位,Chandler's coming and he has incredible news. 钱德说他有天大的好消息So when he gets here, let's all act,like,you know 所以他来的时候我们就……Never mind. But it was gonna be really good. 不管了,这一定很有意思.What's going on? 到底怎么了…So it's a typical day at work... 今天和平常没什么两样...and Big Al tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor. 然后艾尔叫我到他办公室说他要我当电脑处理的主管-That is great! -Congratulations! -真是太好了-恭喜...So I quit. 所以我就辞职不干了Why? 为什么?Why? This was a temp job. 为什么?因为这只是暂时的工作Chandler,you've been there for five years. 钱德,你已在公司五年了I know,but if I took it,I'd be admitting that this is what I do. 我知道,但接受升职不就承认这就是我的目的Does that mean we have to start buying our own toilet paper? 这是不是意味着我们必须开始自己购买手纸That was Joey Tribbiani with the big picture. Dan? 那是有大照片的乔伊.丹?Was it more money? 这那不是能赚更多钱?Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be a guy who sits in his office... 我不在乎,我不想成为坐在办公室到午夜...worrying about the WENUS. 担心"WEENUS"的人The "WENUS"? "WENUS"?Weekly estimated net usage system. It's a processing term. " 每周估计净值使用系统" 这是电脑处理的术语Oh,that WENUS. 哦,那个是"WENUS"啊What will you do? 你有何打算?I don't know. But I won't figure it out working there. 我也不知道该怎么办我只知道我不会再待在那儿工作了I have something you can do! 我有一份你可以做的工作I have this new massage client,Steve. 我的新按摩客户史蒂芬Anyway,he's opening up a restaurant... 他开了一家餐厅...and he's looking for a head chef. 他正在寻找总厨师-Hi,there. -Hi. -你好-你好.I know. You're a chef and I thought of you first. 我知道你是个厨师,而且我先想到你But Chandler's the one who needs a job right now,so.... 但钱德目前没有工作所以...I just don't have a lot of chef-ing experience. 我没有太多厨师的经验Unless it's an all-toast restaurant. 除非那是一家只卖土司的餐厅What is he looking for? 他想要什么菜色?He wants to do something eclectic. 他想要菜色丰富多变He's looking for someone who can create the entire menu. 因此他在找一个能创造出整个菜单的人So,what do you think? 意下如何?Thanks. I just don't see myself in a big,white hat. 谢了.我大概没资格戴白色大帽吧(无法胜任) Oh,Monica! Guess what? 摩妮卡,考虑考虑?a perfect run-up and there he goes,a perfect.... 一个完美的积累,然后就自然而然出现了,完美的Watch stuff like this... 看看这个...and you realize why evolution is just a theory. 你就知道为什么变革仅仅是理论上的事情了. Can you see my nipples through this shirt? 你能透过衬衫看见我的乳头吗?No,but don't worry. I'm sure they're still there. 看不见,但别担心,它们还在Where are you going? 你要上哪儿去,西装笔挺先生?I have an appointment with Dr. Robert Pilman,career counselor-a-go-go! 我和罗伯提曼博士有约,求职顾问阿哥哥-I added the "a-go-go." -Career counselor? -阿哥哥是我加的-求职顾问?You guys all know what you want to do. 你们都已找到人生的方向I don't. 还没You guys in the living room all know what you want to do. 在客厅里的各位全都知道未来该怎么走You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream! 你们有目标,有梦想, 但我却没有梦想The lesser-known "I Don't Have a Dream" speech. 少见的“我没有梦想”演说I love my life! I love my life! 我爱我的人生!我爱我的人生!"Brian's Song"! 布莱恩的歌-The meeting went great? -So great! -见面的结果如何? -相当顺利He showed me where the restaurant's gonna be. 他告诉我未来餐厅的位置It's not too big or too small. It's just right. 就在第十街不太大也不太小, 大小适中Was it formerly owned by a blond woman and some bears? 前任老板是金发女人和几只熊吗? I'm cooking for him Monday, kind of an audition. 周一我们要煮一餐让他品尝有点像是面试Phoebe,he wants you here. It's great. You can make yummy noises. 菲比,他也要你在场这样对我有好处因为你可以发出好吃的赞叹声-What are you gonna make? -Yummy noises. -你打算做什么? -好吃的声音.-And Monica,what are you gonna make? -I don't know. It's gotta be great. 摩妮卡,你要做什么菜? 我也不知道,但一定会很棒的I know what you can make! I know! 我知道你可以做什么了!You should make that thing with the stuff. 你应该用那些东西做这个.You know that thing with the stuff? 你知道用那些东西做的这个?Okay,I don't know. 好吧,我也不知道Anyone know a good date place in the neighborhood? 各位,谁知道附近有约会的绝佳地点? How about Tony's? If you finish a 32-ounce steak,it's free. 东尼餐厅如何?吃下32盎斯的牛排就免费Anyone know a good place if you're not dating a puma? 谁知道和美洲豹约会,哪儿是好地点? -Who are you going out with? -ls this the bug lady? -你要和谁约会? -是昆虫女?"I love you,Ross." 我爱你,罗斯Her name is Celia and she's insect curator at the museum. 她叫希莉亚,不是昆虫女她是昆虫博物馆的主任-What are you gonna do? -Go out to dinner... -你们打算如何共渡? -出去吃晚餐...then bring her back to my place and introduce her to my monkey. 然后带她回我的住处介绍我的猴子给她认识And he's not speaking metaphorically. 他没用暗示So back to your place? You thinking maybe.... 回你的住处?你想...Well,I don't know.... 我不知道…I'm hoping.... 我希望…That monkey is a chick magnet. 告诉你,那猴子是魅力十足She'll take one look at his cute, little face and it'll seal the deal. 她看见它那毛绒绒可爱的小脸然后一切就搞定Celia,don't worry. He's not gonna hurt you! 希莉亚,别担心,它不会伤害你的Soothing tones. 用安抚的语调-Here,Marcel. -I can't stand this. -过来,马修-我受不了了.-He's got his claws on my -Yeah,all right. -它的爪子在我的-乖..Okay,try this salmon mousse. 试试这鲑鱼慕斯Good. 好吃Is it better than the other salmon mousse? 比其他的鲑鱼慕斯好吃?-It's creamier. -Yeah? Well,is that better? -更滑更柔-是吗?这样更好?I don't know. We're talking about whipped fish. 我不知道.我们在谈一条搅成泡沫的鱼I'm just happy I'm keeping it down. 我能不吐出来就已经不错了God,what happened to you? 天啊,你怎么了?Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests... 8个半小时的性向测验...intelligence tests,personality tests,and what do I learn? 智力测验,个性测验,我了解了什么? "You're suited for data processing for a large multinational corporation." 你适合在大型跨国公司资料处理部门方面发展That's so great! You already know how to do that. 这太好了因为你已知道该如何做Can you believe it? 你们能相信吗?Don't I seem like I should be doing something cool? 我不像是做那种酷工作的人吗?I just always pictured myself doing something.... 我总是想像自己能做点事情Something! 事情!Chandler,I know,I know. 钱德,我知道Hey,you can see your nipples through this shirt. 嗨,你可以透过你的衬衫看自己的乳头Maybe this will cheer you up. 这个或许能让你开心点I had a grape about five hours ago, so I better split this with you. 5小时前我吃了一颗葡萄所以我最好该和你平分It's supposed to be small. It's a pre-appetizer. 它本来就应该那么小这是餐前开胃菜The French call it an amuse-bouche. 法国人称它为“阿姆兹布许”Well,it is amusing. 这简直是太神奇了Hi,Wendy. Yeah,8:00. 温蒂,对,八点What did we say,$10 an hour? 我们不是说过吗?每小时十块Okay,great. All right,I'll see you then. 很好,再见了-$10 an hour for what? -A waitress from work is helping me. -什么每小时十块? -我请餐厅里的女服务生帮忙Waitressing? 服务生?Of course I thought of you. But.... 当然我考虑过你.但...-But.... -But,but.... -但是…-但是什么?But it's just this night has to go just perfect,you know? 但是这今晚一定要做到完美,你知道吗? Wendy's more of a professional waitress. 温蒂的经验丰富,是个职业服务生And I'm maintaining my amateur status so I can waitress in the Olympics. 我应该继续保持业余的姿态将来才能在奥运会上当服务生I don't mean to brag,but I waited tables at lnnsbruck in '76. 我不想自吹自擂但我在76年的因斯布鲁克当过服务生Took home a bronze. 带回家一块铜牌.Amuse-bouche? 阿姆兹-布许?Talk to me. 和我说话A weird thing happened on the train this morning 早上我坐地铁时发生了一件诡异的事Talk dirty. 说猥亵的话-Here? -Come on. Come on. -这里? -对.Say something hot. 说点火辣的What? What? 什么?什么?Vulva. 外阴.Vulva? 外阴?I panicked,all right? She took me by surprise. 我当时好害怕,她吓了我一跳But it wasn't a total loss. We ended up cuddling. 但并未完全失去自我.我们以爱抚收场You cuddled? How many times? 爱抚?几次?Shut up. It was nice. 闭嘴,那种感觉好好I don't think I'm a dirty-talking kind of guy. 我不是那种讲猥亵话的人Just say what you wanna do to her. Or what you want her to do to you. 你只要说出你想对她如何或是你想她对你如何Or what other people might be doing to each other. 或是别人想对彼此如何I'll tell you what. Try something on me. 这样吧,对我说吧Please be kidding. 开什么玩笑Why not? 有何不可,Just close your eyes and tell me what you'd like to be doing right now. 只要闭上眼睛告诉我现在你想干什么I'm in my apartment.... 好吧…我在我的住处-Yeah,what else? -You're not there. -然后呢? -你不在那里.-We're not having this conversation. -All right,I'll start. Ready? -我们在进行这样的谈话-好的,我要开始了,准备好了吗?Oh,Ross... 噢,罗斯...you get me so hot. I want your lips on me now. 你让我欲火焚身, 我要你舔我-Now you say something. -I really don't think so. -该你了-我看还是算了吧You like this woman,right? You wanna see her again,right? 你喜欢她吧?想再见到她吗?If you can't talk dirty to me, how will you talk dirty to her? 如果你无法对我说出狠亵的话你如何对她说呢?Now tell me you wanna caress my butt! 说你想爱抚我的屁股Okay,turn around. 好吧,转过去I don't want you staring at me. 我不想你盯著我看All right,I'm not looking. Go ahead. 好吧,我不看,说吧Okay. Ok.I want Okay,I want... 我要......to feel your hot,soft skin with my lips. 用我的双唇感觉你那光滑的皮肤There you go. IKeep going,keep going. 这就对了,继续I want to take my tongue and 我要用我的舌头…Say it. 快说啊Say it! 快说run it all over your body... 舔遍你的全身... until you're trembling with 直到你颤抖…With? 然后呢?-Funny story. -You're not gonna believe this. -真好笑-你不会相信的I was always rooting for you two kids to get together. 我一向赞成你们两个小子交往-The trembling thing was nice. -Shut up! -颤抖那一段不错-闭嘴!That guy from your old job called again. 你睡觉时老东家又打电话来-Again? -And again and again and again. -又打来? -一遍又一遍.And again. 又打来了Hey,Mr. Costilick. How's life on the 1 5th floor? 科先生,15楼的情况如何?Yeah,I miss you too. 我也想念你.It's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home. 对,偷家里的笔不够刺激That's very generous. But this isn't about the money. 你真慷慨,但这不是钱的问题I need more than a job. I need something I really care ab 我需要的不只是一份工作我要的是我真正想要的That's on top of the year-end bonus? 这是你稍早提过的年终红利之外的津贴?Your dream! 你的梦想…Look,Al,I'm not playing hardball here,okay? 艾尔,我不是在故意为难你This is not a negotiation. This is a rejection! 这不是交涉,这叫拒绝Stop saying numbers! 不,别再讲数字了I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy! 告诉你,你看错人了I'll see you Monday! 星期一见Wow! It's huge! It's so much bigger than the cubicle. 好大,比小格子大多了This is a cube! 这是一个格间!Look at this. 看这里.You have a window! 你有窗户!Yes,indeed-y. With a beautiful view of 没错,还有美丽的风…Look! That guy's peeing! 看,有人在小便That's enough of the view. Check this out. 风景看够了,看这个Okay,sit down here. 坐下This is great. 这个最酷,-You ready? -Yeah. -准备好没? -好了Helen,could you come in here? 海伦,能进来一下吗?Thank you,Helen. That'll be all. 谢谢你,海伦,没事了Last time I do that. I promise. 最后一次了,我保证-She doesn't seem very warm. -I know. She has no personality. -她看起来不怎么热情-我知道.她没有个性.Wendy,don't do this to me. 温蒂,不要这样对我.We had a deal. Yeah,you promised. 我们约好的.你答应过我-Who was that? -Wendy bailed. -那是谁? -叛徒温蒂I have no waitress. 我没服务生了That's too bad. Bye-bye. 真是太糟糕了.再见Ten dollars an hour! Twelve dollars an hour! 一小时十元!一小时十二元!I wish I could,but I've made plans to walk around. 我希望可以但我已经计划好去走走When you ran out on your wedding, I was there. 你逃婚之后我一直关心你I put a roof over your head! If that means nothing.... 我让你有地方住如果这样对你仍毫无意义…Twenty dollars an hour. 一小时二十元Done. 成交Hello. Welcome to Monica's. May I take your coat? 欢迎光临摩尼卡的厨房我能拿你的外套吗?-Hi,Steve. -Hello,Monica. -史帝夫-摩妮卡Hello,greeter girl. 招待小姐-This is Rachel. -Yeah,okay. -她叫瑞秋-好的,Everything smells so delicious. 味道好香I can't remember ever smelling such a delicious combination of 我早已忘记这种…Okay,smells. 香味-It's a lovely apartment. -Thank you. Would you like a tour? -这房子真漂亮-谢谢,想参观一下吗?I was just being polite, but all right. 我只是客套一下,但,好吧-What's up? -ln the cab on the way over... -怎么了? -他坐计程车来时...Steve blazed up a doobie. 燃了一根草What? 什么?Smoked a joint,you know? Lit a bone. Weed,hemp,ganja 抽了一根大麻…好了,我懂I'm with you,Cheech. 我和你在一起,cheech.-Do you think he's gonna be cool? -ls it dry in here? -你认为他会冷静吗? -这里很干燥吗? Let me get you some wine. 我来为你倒杯酒I think we're ready for our first course too. 我们可以上第一道菜了These are rock shrimp ravioli in a cilantro ponzu sauce... 这些是石虾小方饺...with just a touch of minced... 芫萎调味酱加上一点点…...ginger. 碎姜Well,smack my ass and call me Judy! 打我屁股叫我朱蒂-These are fantastic! -Gosh! I'm so glad you liked them. -真是太好吃了-我真高兴你喜欢Like them? I could eat 100 of them! 喜欢?我可以吃下上百个That's all there is of these... 只有这一些...but in a few minutes, we'll serve some tartlets. 但再过8分半钟我们就会献上美味的洋葱馅饼"Tartlets"? 馅饼..."Tartlets." 馅饼..."Tartlets." 馅饼...Word has lost all meaning. 文字都已失去意义Excuse me. Can I help you with anything? 请问需要任何帮忙吗?You know,I don't know what I'm looking for. 你看,我也不知道自己在找什么Cool! Taco shells! 酷,墨西哥馅饼They're like a little corn envelope,you know? 这个就像是玉米卷-You don't wanna spoil your appetite. -Hey,Sugar-O's! -你不该影响食欲. -糖欧You know,if you just wait another 6 1 /2 minutes 再等6分钟半Macaroni and cheese! We gotta make this! 乾酪通心面!我们要做这个-No,we don't. -Oh,okay. -不,我们不做-哦,好吧.Sorry. 抱歉Why don't you just have a seat here? 我们何不坐这儿-Give me the gummy bears. -No. -小熊软糖给我-不-Give them to me. -We'll share. -把他给我-好吧,分你一半-No. Give me the bears. -You can't have any. -小熊给我-你不能全部抢走It's not worth it! 这样不值得!Bears overboard! They're drowning! 小熊落水了,他们快淹死了Don't just stand there. Call 9-1 -1. 不要站在那里.打9-1-1.Hey,fellas,grab onto a Sugar-O! Save yourselves! 嗨,伙计们,抓住糖欧逃命啊!Help! Help,I'm drowning! 救命啊....我淹水了-That's it! Dinner is over! -What! Why? -我受够了,晚餐结束-什么?为什么?Why? What if I came into your office and I started...? 什么?试想一下我到你的办公室然后开始...?I can't think of an example. 我想不出一个合适的例子.I've waited seven years for an opportunity like this... 这机会我已等了七年...and you can't wait 4 1 /2 minutes for a tartlet? 而你却等不了四分半钟之后再吃洋葱馅饼So I told him, "I'm sorry. That's how I feel." 所以我跟他说, "对不起.这就是我的感受."And he told me I harsh-ed his buzz. 他居然说我声音太刺耳搞得他耳朵嗡嗡叫Then I said,"Don't eat that. It's a kitchen magnet." 然后我说,"别吃这个,这是厨房磁铁"And he didn't listen, so we left him in the emergency room. 结果他不听,我们只好把他留在急救室了.-Mon,I'm sorry. -What a tool. -摩尼卡,对不起-真是个王八蛋-You did the right thing. -You don't wanna work for that guy. -你做的很对-你不会想为那种人工作的I just thought that this was it. 我以为我的机会来了-Don't worry. You're an amazing chef. -Those yummy noises? I wasn't faking. -不要担心.你是个了不起的厨师-记得那些赞美的声音?我不是装的Am I gonna get paid for the full three hours? 我能拿到全时三小时工资吗?Just a question. We'll talk about it later. 只是一个问题而已.我们以后再说.So,how did it go with Celia? 和希莉亚的状况如何?-I was unbelievable. -All right,Ross! -我简直是太神了-干得好,罗斯!I was the James Michener of dirty talk. 我就像是詹姆斯密奇尼一样满口狠亵的话It was the most elaborate filth ever heard. 天下最具巧思的猥亵话I mean,there were characters, plot lines,themes,a motif. 有人物,剧情,主题At one point,there were villagers. 其中一段的主角是村夫与村姑And? 然后呢?By the time we finished all the dirty talk... 猥亵话讲完后已经很晚了...it was late and we were exhausted 而且我们也已精疲力竭所以…-You cuddled. -Yeah,which was nice. -你们爱抚? -那种感觉好好Do you guys want to try to catch a late movie? 你们想看晚场电影吗?-Shouldn't we wait for Chandler? -Where the hell is he? -或许吧,但我们不是该等钱德? -他到底跑哪儿去了?I know what time it is... 我知道现在几点...but I'm looking at the WENUS and I'm not happy! 但我看着WENUS而且我相当不高兴Let me tell you something. 真的?告诉你吧You will care about it because I care about it. Got it? Good! 你会在乎是因为我在乎,明白了吗?很好!How's this? 这样如何?Sorry. How about over here? 不好意思,这边那?That means it's working. 这就说明有效果了.-Does this hurt? -No. -痛不痛? -不痛.How about this? 这样呢?There you go! 爽啦!I'm gonna throw up! 爽呆了!!。

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One Where Joey Tells Rachel》

Frinds老友记1-10季中英文对照完整版《The One Where Joey Tells Rachel》
Ross:So, uh, this guy, she used to go out with, is, uh… is he a good guy?
Joey:Yeah, he’s the best.
Ross:Then talk to him! He might be fine with it.
Joey:Oh, I don’t know.
816 The One Where Joey Tells Rachel
Lisa Kudrow:(voiceover) Previously on Friends
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is talking to Ross]
Joey:There’s this woman, that I like. A lot. Well, it’s complicated. She’s with this other guy. For a long time. And I could never do that to the guy, y’know? ’Ccause we’re really good friends.
Ross:Sure, because women never like Joey. Y’know, I think he’s a virgin.
Monica:Joey…he’s not even thinking about going after Rachel!
Ross:He’s not?
Monica:No! All he’s thinking about is how you’re taking this! I mean, listen it’s totally freaking him out. He’s talking about moving to Vermont.
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215 罗斯和瑞秋生米煮成

你来这儿干什么?不是要跟瑞秋出去吗? 那是十四个小时前

