08 Mobile Application UI Design
《移动应用开发》课程教学大纲课程编号:08152400课程名称:移动应用开发/ Mobile application development总学时/学分:48 /3 (其中理论32学时, 实验16学时)适用专业:计算机科学与技术一、课程目标通过本课程学习,学生应达到如下目标:目标1. 了解Android特征,理解Android的体系结构,熟悉Android的用户界面,能够较为深入地理解Android的体系结构。
目标2. 利用Android的四大组件和组件通信等技术来表达处理程序应用问题。
目标3. 将数据存储等技术运用到综合系统开发中。
目标4. 搭建Android开发环境,能设计实现各种Android技术的应用程序,且能测试运行。
六、教材及主要参考资料[1] 仲宝才,颜德彪,刘静. Android移动应用开发实践教程.清华大学出版社,2018-9[2] 明日科技.零基础学Android,吉林大学出版社,2017年9月.[3] 王向辉,张国印,沈洁. Android应用程序开发.清华大学出版社,2016-6[4] 杨谊.喻德旷.Android移动应用开发. 人民邮电出版社;2018.4[5] 兰红,李淑芝. 21世纪高等学校计算机类课程创新规划教材:Android studio移动应用开发从入门到实战.清华大学出版社; 第1版,2018.11。
一、NativeBaseNativeBase 是一个建立在React Native之上的UI组件库,拥有丰富的组件并且具备高度可定制性。
二、Ant Design MobileAnt Design Mobile 是一个基于React的移动端UI组件库,由蚂蚁金服团队开发。
Ant Design Mobile的设计原则是提供统一的视觉和交互规范,帮助开发者们快速构建出符合用户期望的界面。
三、Material-UIMaterial-UI 是一个为React开发者设计的UI组件库,它完全遵循Google的Material Design规范。
四、WeUIWeUI 是腾讯公司开发的一个基于微信样式的UI组件库。
WeUI 的设计风格简洁明了,符合移动应用的潮流,同时也是一个经过大规模验证的稳定组件库。
五、VantVant 是一个轻量级的移动端UI组件库,由有赞公司开发。
技术的进步与市场的需求,合理设计智能手机UI 交互界面的重要性显得格外突出,以用户为中心的体验设计也越来越被重视。
手机主题设计作为界面交互设计中的一个新兴领域,满足用户追求个性化的需求,受到越来越多 UI 设计师的关注。
论文通过研究智能手机 UI 主题界面的设计,在遵循手机主题设计的原则基础上,进行手机主题的系列设计,完成了本次的设计方案。
关键词:UI 设计;智能手机;手机主题设计AbstractNowadays, smart phones have become an indispensable part of our daily life. Young consumers spend a lot of time on mobile phones. With the development of technology and the demand of the market, the importance of reasonably designing the UI interface of smartphone becomes more and more prominent. User-centered experience design has also been paid more and more attention. As a new field of interface interaction design, mobile phone theme design has attracted more and more attention from UI designers to meet the needs of users in pursuit of personalization. How to reasonably formulate the interaction mode, determine the user interface style, layout structure and information display mode, and how to organically integrate the mobile phone theme interface design and user interaction experience, are currently very worthy of discussion and research. By studying the design of UI theme interface of smartphone, this paper designs a series of mobile phone theme based on the principle of mobile phone theme design, and completes the design scheme. It is hoped that this series of designs will expand the use value of design techniques and contribute to the vigorous development of the mobile phone theme market.Key words: UI design; smartphone; mobile theme design目录第一章绪论.......................................... - 1 -1.1 课题来源................................................ - 1 -1.2 课题研究的目的及意义.................................... - 1 -1.3 课题研究内容及方法...................................... - 2 -1.3.1 调查法............................................. - 2 -1.3.2 文献分析法......................................... - 2 -1.3.3 实证研究法......................................... - 2 -1.3.4 设计创作法......................................... - 2 - 第二章智能手机 UI 主题设计的概况与分析.............. - 4 -2.1 智能手机 UI 主题设计的概念.............................. - 4 -2.2 智能手机 UI 主题设计的国内外研究现状及分析.............. - 4 -2.2.1 国内研究现状及分析................................. - 4 -2.2.2 国外研究现状及分析................................. - 5 - 第三章智能手机 UI 主题设计.......................... - 7 -3.1 手机壁纸设计............................................ - 7 -3.2 手机应用图标设计....................................... - 10 - 第四章结论与展望................................... - 12 - 参考文献............................................ - 14 - 致谢................................................ - 16 -天津滨海职业学院毕业设计(论文)第一章绪论1.1 课题来源随着网络化和信息化进程的加快发展,现如今,智能手机已然成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。
技术的进步与市场的需求,合理设计智能手机UI 交互界面的重要性显得格外突出,以用户为中心的体验设计也越来越被重视。
手机主题设计作为界面交互设计中的一个新兴领域,满足用户追求个性化的需求,受到越来越多 UI 设计师的关注。
论文通过研究智能手机 UI 主题界面的设计,在遵循手机主题设计的原则基础上,进行手机主题的系列设计,完成了本次的设计方案。
关键词:UI 设计;智能手机;手机主题设计AbstractNowadays, smart phones have become an indispensable part of our daily life. Young consumers spend a lot of time on mobile phones. With the development of technology and the demand of the market, the importance of reasonably designing the UI interface of smartphone becomes more and more prominent. User-centered experience design has also been paid more and more attention. As a new field of interface interaction design, mobile phone theme design has attracted more and more attention from UI designers to meet the needs of users in pursuit of personalization. How to reasonably formulate the interaction mode, determine the user interface style, layout structure and information display mode, and how to organically integrate the mobile phone theme interface design and user interaction experience, are currently very worthy of discussion and research. By studying the design of UI theme interface of smartphone, this paper designs a series of mobile phone theme based on the principle of mobile phone theme design, and completes the design scheme. It is hoped that this series of designs will expand the use value of design techniques and contribute to the vigorous development of the mobile phone theme market.Key words: UI design; smartphone; mobile theme design目录第一章绪论.......................................... - 1 -1.1 课题来源................................................ - 1 -1.2 课题研究的目的及意义.................................... - 1 -1.3 课题研究内容及方法...................................... - 2 -1.3.1 调查法............................................. - 2 -1.3.2 文献分析法......................................... - 2 -1.3.3 实证研究法......................................... - 2 -1.3.4 设计创作法......................................... - 2 - 第二章智能手机 UI 主题设计的概况与分析.............. - 4 -2.1 智能手机 UI 主题设计的概念.............................. - 4 -2.2 智能手机 UI 主题设计的国内外研究现状及分析.............. - 4 -2.2.1 国内研究现状及分析................................. - 4 -2.2.2 国外研究现状及分析................................. - 5 - 第三章智能手机 UI 主题设计.......................... - 7 -3.1 手机壁纸设计............................................ - 7 -3.2 手机应用图标设计....................................... - 10 - 第四章结论与展望................................... - 12 - 参考文献............................................ - 14 - 致谢................................................ - 16 -第一章绪论1.1 课题来源随着网络化和信息化进程的加快发展,现如今,智能手机已然成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。
数字化产品设计 子项目
数字化产品设计子项目1. 用户体验设计(User Experience Design,简称 UXD 或 UED):这是数字化产品设计的核心子项目之一。
2. 交互设计(Interaction Design):交互设计关注用户与产品之间的互动方式。
3. 界面设计(Interface Design):界面设计是数字化产品设计的重要组成部分。
4. 信息架构设计(Information Architecture Design):信息架构设计关注产品中信息的组织和结构。
5. 数据可视化设计(Data Visualization Design):数据可视化设计将数据以直观的方式呈现给用户。
6. 移动应用设计(Mobile Application Design):随着移动设备的普及,移动应用设计成为数字化产品设计的重要子项目。
7. 产品策略与创新(Product Strategy and Innovation):这个子项目关注产品的整体策略和创新方向。
格式塔心理学视角下的移动端UI 设计研究
关键词:格式塔 设计心理学 UI设计 用户体验 设计方法中图分类号:J05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-0069(2021)04-0115-04Abstract:In the era of internet ,portable devices have played an important role in people ’s life and work ,leading to the fact that many RD for applications lay emphasis on user-oriented design concept. User-oriented design relies on psychology ,where gestalt psychology shines in the design of UI whose size and layout are usually limited. This article probes into the design approaches guided by gestalt psychology and analyzes strengths of gestalt psychology. Taking butter camera as an example ,this article analyzes several rules from gestalt psychology applied in UI design in APPs.Gestalt psychology contains the essence of visual communication.Having a good knowledge of design mindset and rule in gestalt psychology will help designers to continuously improve users ’ experience.Keywords:Gestalt Design psychology UI design User experience Design methodology江苏师范大学科文学院人文与艺术学院 孙韵琦引言在“互联网+”时代,虚拟产品、虚拟社区和虚拟服务是流量变现的重要商业手段,因此市场竞争十分激烈。
ui设计专业名词以下是一些与UI设计专业相关的常见名词:1. 用户界面(User Interface,UI)2. 用户体验(User Experience,UX)3. 信息架构(Information Architecture,IA)4. 人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction,HCI)5. 可用性(Usability)6. 可访问性(Accessibility)7. 响应式设计(Responsive Design)8. 互动设计(Interaction Design)9. 视觉设计(Visual Design)10. 样式指南(Style Guide)11. 网格系统(Grid System)12. 色彩理论(Color Theory)13. 字体排版(Typography)14. 用户测试(User Testing)15. 信息设计(Information Design)16. 动效设计(Motion Design)17. 响应式布局(Responsive Layout)18. 策略分析(Strategic Analysis)19. 竞争分析(Competitive Analysis)20. 交互原型(Interactive Prototype)21. 静态原型(Static Prototype)22. 反馈机制(Feedback Mechanism)23. 图标设计(Icon Design)24. 插图设计(Illustration Design)25. 响应式图像(Responsive Images)26. 响应式图片压缩(Responsive Image Compression)27. 栅格视觉设计(Grid Visual Design)28. 可编辑的设计系统(Editable Design System)29. 移动优先设计(Mobile First Design)30. 渐进式增强(Progressive Enhancement)这些名词涵盖了UI设计专业中的一些核心概念和常用方法。
AUTOMOBILE DESIGN | 汽车设计车载UI与手机UI的设计区别及发展潜力范文婷厦门安防科技职业学院 福建省厦门市 361000摘 要: U I设计(User Interface Design,界面设计)是提高界面操作舒适度、便捷性与个性化的关键。
关键词:车载UI 手机UI 智能车机系统在特斯拉智能电动车迅速畅销全球之际,融合电动能源与智能化屏幕操作系统的互联网智能汽车应运而生。
1 车载UI设计车载UI设计即车载界面设计,也可称之为车载交互界面设计。
移动应用综合课程设计报告For our mobile application comprehensive course design report, we have developed a project that aims to address a common need among modern smartphone users. In today's fast-paced world, people are constantly looking for ways to make their lives more efficient and convenient. This is where our app comes in - it offers a solution to streamline everyday tasks and simplify the user experience.在我们的移动应用综合课程设计报告中,我们开发了一个项目,旨在满足现代智能手机用户的共同需求。
这就是我们的应用的用武之地 - 它提供了一个方案,可以简化日常任务并简化用户体验。
One of the key features of our app is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for even the most technologically-challenged individuals to navigate and use. We understand the importance of simplicity in design, and have ensured that our app is intuitive and easy to use for users of all ages and backgrounds. This inclusivity iscrucial in ensuring that our app is accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their level of technical expertise.我们应用的一个关键特点是其用户友好的界面,即使是对技术挑战较大的人也能轻松导航和使用。
《Android应用开发》教学大纲课程名称:Android应用开发课程英文名称:Mobile Application Design课程代码:学分: 2.5理论学时:40 讲课学时:40课程性质: 专业选修课考核方式:考查总评成绩:过程考评40%(含作业和平时表现)+结课作品演示及答辩30%+结课报告30% 先修课程:JAVA语言程序设计数据结构适用专业:计算机科学与技术开课教研室(系):计算机教研室一、课程简介《移动应用开发》课程是高等学校计算机类相关专业学习移动设备终端开发的一门重要的专业课。
本课程以Android平台开发为主要内容,详细介绍Android操作系统及其APP 设计。
三、课程与毕业要求、知识和能力对应关系通过本课程的学习,使学生对Android平台有较好的理解,对Android APP开发有较好的掌握。
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mpai 标准
mpai 标准
MPAI(Mobile Application Interface)标准是指移动应用程序接口的标准规范。
1. 数据传输格式:定义了数据在移动应用程序之间传输的格式和协议,如JSON、XML等。
2. API接口规范:定义了应用程序可以使用的API接口及其参数、返回值等规范,以实现特定的功能或服务。
3. 安全性要求:规定了移动应用程序之间的通信和数据交换的安全性要求,包括身份验证、数据加密等。
4. 用户界面设计:定义了移动应用程序的用户界面设计准则,以提高用户体验和易用性。
5. 性能要求:规定了移动应用程序的性能要求,包括响应时间、资源消耗等指标。
6. 兼容性要求:确保移动应用程序能够在不同的操作系统、设备和浏览器上正常运行和显示。
设计一个移动应用程序的英语作文Designing a mobile application is a complex and dynamic process that involves a variety of steps, from conceptualizing the idea to testing the final product. In this essay, we will explore the key considerations and steps involved in designing a mobile application.First and foremost, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the target audience and their needs. This involves conducting thorough research to identify the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of the potential users. By understanding the target audience, designers can tailor the features and functionalities of the app to meet their specific needs and expectations.Next, designers need to define the goals and objectives of the app. This includes determining the primary purpose of the app, whether it is to provide information, facilitate communication, or offer entertainment. By clearly defining the goals of the app, designers can create a roadmap for the development process and ensure that the final product aligns with the original vision.Once the goals and objectives are established, designers can begin to sketch out the user interface and experience. This involves creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the layout and flow of the app. Designers should pay close attention to the user journey, ensuring that the app is intuitive and easy to navigate.After finalizing the design, developers can start building the app using programming languages and tools such as Swift, Java, or React Native. During the development phase, designers should continuously test and iterate on the app to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This may involve conducting usability tests, gathering feedback from beta testers, and making adjustments based on user input.Once the app is built and tested, it is ready for launch. Designers should create a marketing strategy to promote the app and attract users. This may involve leveraging social media, app store optimization, and online advertising to generate awareness and drive downloads.In conclusion, designing a mobile application requires a combination of creativity, technical skill, and strategic thinking. By understanding the target audience, defining clear goals, and creating a user-friendly interface, designers can create asuccessful app that meets the needs of users and stands out in a crowded marketplace.。
附件1:中国电信网络型综合办公业务规范(试行)集团公司政企客户部2008年9月目录1总则 (1)1.1术语定义 (1)1.2业务开放范围 (1)1.3本规范的内容和适用范围 (1)1.4本规范的编写依据 (1)2业务描述 (2)2.1业务定义 (2)2.2业务分类 (2)3业务实现 (4)3.1网络拓扑 (4)3.2综合办公业务平台 (4)3.3安全 (5)4业务码号 (7)4.1SP编码 (7)4.2业务标识/产品标识 (7)4.3短信接入代码 (7)4.4彩信接入代码 (8)4.5用户账户 (8)4.6集团标识 (9)5业务特征 (11)5.1业务功能列表 (11)5.2业务模块 (12)5.3公文处理 (13)5.4工作安排 (15)5.5单位通讯录 (16)5.6信息发布 (18)5.7信息应用 (19)5.8移动邮件 (21)5.9商务服务 (23)5.10协同通信 (24)5.11自服务管理 (24)6客户端 (25)6.1PC终端界面 (25)6.2移动终端客户端 (29)7业务使用流程 (33)7.1业务使用方式 (33)7.2业务使用流程 (33)8对业务网络支撑的要求 (40)8.1对业务发布的需求 (40)8.2对业务受理的需求 (40)8.3对业务变更的需求 (41)8.4白名单管理 (41)9计费结算 (43)9.1计费方式 (43)9.2计费点 (43)9.3话单 (43)1总则1.1 术语定义1.2 业务开放范围全国范围内使用PC终端和中国电信CDMA手机终端的政企行业客户、中小企业及聚类客户。
1.3 本规范的内容和适用范围本规范适用于网络型综合办公业务,规定了该业务的业务定义、业务特征、业务使用流程、业务实现、相关支撑要求、计费结算等内容。
1.4 本规范的编写依据下列标准中被本规范所引用。
《中国电信综合业务管理平台ISMP规范总册》2业务描述2.1 业务定义综合办公业务是基于固定网络和移动网络,针对客户使用的PC终端和移动终端所搭建的支持政企客户综合办公需求的应用系统。
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For example, the domain of a basic pager is information access.
– Its tasks are receiving phone numbers or short text messages and displaying them. – It is used in very short sessions and can be carried to any location. – The consumer must be able to retrieve information (a phone number or a short message) quickly.
Consumer application users have different characteristics than users of desktop systems. Consumers are familiar with appliances that typically have simple, predictable UIs, such as phones, microwave ovens and might feel uncomfortable dealing with anything they consider too “high-tech.” They expect consumer products to be predictable, easy to learn, and easy to use.
J2ME Networking
Business Functions
Products in the business functions domain help workers or operators perform specific, job-related tasks.
Examples include:
Understand the limitation of target platform and conduct performance tuning.
J2ME Networking
Consumer-Product Domains
Specialization for particular activities is a strength of consumer products such as televisions and mobile phones. The focus of a device (the tasks it performs and the setting in which it is used) identifies its domain.
• Short periods at a time (a few seconds to five minutes) • Specific tasks
– Tasks:
• Are usually structured and directed
J2ME Networking
Information Access and Communication
– Devices to help waiters take orders – Applications to help assembly line supervisors debug problems – Stock checking in a warehouse
These products can also be thought of as verticalmarket devices and applications, because they target a specific task in a narrow field.
J2ME Networking
Information Access and Communication
e.g. Booking a movie ticket, Reading stock, reading email etc. Typical applications of mobile phones. The domain has these characteristics: – Products are used for:
Make new devices and applications as familiar, responsive, easy to learn, and easy to use as possible.
J2ME Networking
The Nature of Consumer ristics and design implications of the business functions domain are similar to those of the information access and communication domain.
Color Dialog
Mobile Controls
Signature Capture Control
Pocket ftCalc
Registry Control
Simple Wireless API
J2ME Networking
Consumer Characteristics
It is important to consider the limited resources and particular input and output (I/O) mechanisms of a consumer device . Software and hardware must be tightly integrated.
J2ME Networking
Business Functions
The business functions domain has the following characteristics: – Products are used for job-related tasks, for which training costs can be an issue. – Tasks might be completed incrementally. – Consumers usually have domain knowledge specific to the application.
– Consumers:
• Are likely to concentrate during their interactions • Approach the product with specific task or goals in mind • Are motivated to complete tasks and want quick, efficient, easy experiences
Information Access and Communication
2. Let the consumer know the outcome of an interaction that takes place across a network. – It is obvious when some interactions have completed successfully. – For example, when a browser requests a web page, the information exchange has obviously completed when the page is displayed. – For other interactions, such as sending data to a remote location, the outcome might not be as obvious. Let consumers know that such data exchanges are progressing and when they completed. 12
• May be skeptical of the device’s network connectivity
• May doubt the device’s ability to communicate properly at all times
J2ME Networking
Information Access and Communication
1. Make screens work together. – For example, an application should not ask the consumer to input data in one screen and again a few screens later.
J2ME Networking
Mobile Application UI Design
This chapter introduces design considerations for MIDlets in the consumer market. Designing MIDlets differs significantly from designing desktop computer software. Some important differences, such as focusing on ease of use, resource limitations, and the domain of consumer devices, and their design implications are covered in the following sections of this chapter: