







图:巡检维护的八大价值本文将以阿里云ECS云服务器为例进行说明,其他云计算平台的安全巡检指标类似!更多的云产品和云安全产品的巡检操作手册,敬请期待!目录一、ECS巡检指标项 (4)二、ECS巡检操作 (5)1.ECS到期时间 (5)2.运行状态 (7)3.CPU、内存和磁盘使用率 (8)4.安全组规则配置 (9)5.云盘快照备份策略 (10)6.DDoS基础防护状态 (12)7.云监控agent运行状态 (12)8.云监控告警规则配置 (13)9.云监控告警联系人配置 (13)10.云安全中心agent运行状态 (15)三、ECS巡检结论 (16)一、ECS巡检指标项序号巡检指标巡检描述1到期时间查看实例到期,到期时间应大于一个巡检周期。

2 运行状态查看服务器状态是否为正常“运行”状态。

3CPU使用率查看服务器最近一个月CPU使用率平均值和峰值,是否属于合理区间(平均30-50%,峰值不持续高于85%)4内存使用率查看服务器最近一个月内存使用率,是否属于合理区间(平均30-50%,峰值不持续高于85%)5 磁盘空间使用量查看服务器最近一个月磁盘占有率,是否低于80%。


GCS-1: 小逻辑控制系统
GCS-1 单元
48KB程序空间 A-CPU B-Modbus接口 C-IO D-电源 E-底座 F-指示灯 G-扩展口
GCS-200 的主控制器体积将近占机柜的1/3
ECS-100 系统级容量
每套系统最大15个控制站和32个操作站或工程师站。 端子和卡件同柜时,每个机柜可配1只电源机笼和3只卡件 机笼;仅配卡件柜时,可配1电源笼加6卡件笼。 每对主控最多可挂8个机笼(128块IO)。 每个主机柜最多可配置5V(75W)电源1对,24V(150W) 电源1对。端子柜可配置4只24V电源。
烧不到 的部分 8路选通 控制信号 74HC138
输入电压信号 通道7 通道8
A/D 转 换 及单片机
IO总线 接口
PhotoMOS就是 光耦控制的开关。
隔离 电源
系统 电源
特点: 1)8路共用一个16位Sigma-Delta A/D转换器; 2)TC单路扫描时间60ms,整板扫描时间1s; 3) RTD单路扫描时间90ms,整板扫描时间 1.6s; 4)采用PhotoMOS开关选通AI信号,来实现所 谓的点点隔离,当其中一路信号烧毁后端的 A/D电路,则8路同时不能工作,无法实现路间 隔离的主要目的。 5)精度0.2%。 6)由于采用PhotoMOS开关,RTD可以冗余(切 换式冗余,即备卡平时是切断的)。



205 DOOR
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
园周 等级 分类 滤水器 清除(交换) 螺帽 顺时针,右转的 截止 离合器 驾驶舱 共用
准直(平行) 圆柱 结合 燃烧(氧化) 空流器 结束整流器 间隔(舱) 完全的,圆满的 完全, 成分,构造 压缩 压缩机 集中性的 蓄电池 导管,水管 结合,连接

广播电子Econo-Control 16 经济版控制器说明书

广播电子Econo-Control 16 经济版控制器说明书
Data instantly knows when invalid data is being programmed by a pleasant sounding beep emitted from the Keyboard. Programming a nonexistent source or shelf will be sensed immediately and cause automatic reset for accepting valid data.
times • Full data error sensing • Completely interchangeable universal source
cards • Same superior technical performance as full
Control 16
The Econo-Control 16 is an economy version of Broadcast Electronics' highly successful, top of the line Control 16. Many of Control 16's unequaled features such as simplicity of operation and superior technical performance are retained in this new smaller program controller. Econo-Control 16 meets the broadcaster's demand for a small control system with a modest degree of sophistication.



《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》 2019年第11卷第4期·病例报道· 产前诊断嵌合型16 三体1例并文献复习吴丽萍 皮回春 吴曼帧 高玉山 黄如纯 魏凤香 (深圳市龙岗区妇幼保健院产前诊断门诊,广东深圳 518172)【中图分类号】 R714.53 【文献标识码】 B犇犗犐:10.13470/j.cnki.cjpd.2019.04.023 通信作者:魏凤香,E 早期自然流产最常见原因为胚胎染色体异常,约占所有因素的50%~60%,其中以16 三体胚胎最常见,存活至妊娠中期的16 三体胎儿是比较罕见的[1]。


1 临床资料孕妇32岁,G1P0,平素月经规则,末次月经:2018年3月7日。



2018年6月12日孕13+5周早期唐氏综合征血清学筛查示:T21高风险,风险值1∶150;T18高风险,风险值1∶6;PAPP A0.05MoM。

经遗传咨询,于2018年7月10日行羊膜腔穿刺术,羊水细胞经传代培养并G显带核型分析示:46,XN[80];羊水染色体微阵列分析示:16 三体嵌合体(嵌合比例约29%)。






于引产前抽取羊水送行FISH检测,计数200个细胞发现有4个细胞为16 三体。



ECS的简单介绍本节摘要:本节主要是简单的介绍ECS在HTML中的应⽤preparation引⼊:Jakarta Element Construction Set(ECS)是⼀个使⽤ Java 语⾔和⾯向对象⽅法创建标记语⾔⽂档的开放源代码项⽬ECS 是⼀组类,它们可⽤于⽣成以 HTML、XML、VioceXML 和其他标记语⾔编写的⽂档。

⽬前,ECS ⽀持 HTML 和 XML,但是它可以扩展为⽀持其他不同的标记语⾔。

有了 ECS,就可以创建⼀个使⽤⾯向对象⽅法⽣成这种⽂档的应⽤程序,这简化了应⽤程序的开发和维护。

ECS提供了⽤ Java 对象⽣成标记语⾔的更易管理的技术。

下载插件:开发环境:System:xp JDK:1.4 Tomcat:5.X Myeclipse:6.5项⽬环境:修改或新建的⽂件说明 ECS的处理类 2.ECS效果显⽰的页⾯web.xml⽂件不⽤做任何更改start导⼊ecs的jar包TestEcs.javaecs1package com.bean;23import;4import;5import;6import;7import org.apache.ecs.html.BR;8import org.apache.ecs.html.Body;9import org.apache.ecs.html.Button;10import org.apache.ecs.html.Font;11import org.apache.ecs.html.H1;12import org.apache.ecs.html.HR;13import org.apache.ecs.html.Head;14import org.apache.ecs.html.Html;15import org.apache.ecs.html.I;16import org.apache.ecs.html.IMG;17import org.apache.ecs.html.Input;18import org.apache.ecs.html.LI;19import bel;20import org.apache.ecs.html.Link;21import org.apache.ecs.html.OL;22import org.apache.ecs.html.Option;23import org.apache.ecs.html.Select;24import org.apache.ecs.html.Strong;25import org.apache.ecs.html.TD;26import org.apache.ecs.html.TR;27import org.apache.ecs.html.Table;28import org.apache.ecs.html.TextArea;29import org.apache.ecs.html.Title;30import org.apache.ecs.html.U;31import org.apache.ecs.html.UL;3233/**34 * @description ecs.jar包的使⽤35 * @author ptp36 * @date 2012-01-0737*/38public class TestEcs {39/**40 * Jakarta Element Construction Set(ECS)是⼀个使⽤ Java 语⾔和⾯向对象⽅法创建标记语⾔⽂档的开放源代码项⽬41 * ECS 是⼀组类,它们可⽤于⽣成以 HTML、XML、VioceXML 和其他标记语⾔编写的⽂档。







代码如下:```//设置温度范围const int MIN_TEMP = 0;const int MAX_TEMP = 100;//初始温度设置int currentTemp = 25;```2.温度调节:温控器能够根据设定温度进行相应的调节。


代码如下:```//升温操作void increaseTemp() {if (currentTemp < MAX_TEMP) {currentTemp++;}}//降温操作void decreaseTemp() {if (currentTemp > MIN_TEMP) {currentTemp--;}}```3.温控显示:温控器需要将当前温度显示在屏幕上。

代码如下:```//显示当前温度void displayTemp() {Serial.print("Current Temperature: ");Serial.println(currentTemp);}```4.温度控制:温控器需要不断监测当前温度,并根据设定温度进行调节。

代码如下:```//温度控制void temperatureControl() { //监测当前温度int temp = getTemperature(); //温度超出设定范围则自动调节if (temp < MIN_TEMP) { turnOnHeater();} else if (temp > MAX_TEMP) { turnOnCooler();} else {turnOffHeater(); turnOffCooler();}//更新当前温度currentTemp = temp;```5.温度采集:温控器需要不断采集当前环境的温度。
















1 战区导弹防御系统(TMD)的组成TMD分三大系统在三个不同阶段拦截来袭导弹:1.低层点防御系统,主要用于对高度在40公里以下的弹道导弹在飞行终端进行拦截以保护战役战术目标,低层系统主要包括陆军的“爱国者”PAC-3导弹防御系统、海军区域防御系统(NAD)、扩展的中程防空系统(MEADS);2.高层面防御系统,主要用于拦截高度在40至160公里的中程和中远程弹道导弹,以保护较大的具有战略意义的地区和目标,它包括陆军的战区高空区域防御系统(THAAD)和海军全战区系统(NTW);3.助推、上升段拦截系统,如空军的机载激光武器系统,主要用于拦截发射后不久、仍处于助推飞行或上升飞行的战区弹道导弹。

Goulds泵安装,操作和维护手册 型号CV 3196 i-FRAME说明书

Goulds泵安装,操作和维护手册 型号CV 3196 i-FRAME说明书
产品说明.............................................................................................................................................................................17 CV 3196 的一般说明....................................................................................................................................................17 CV 3196 部件说明.....................................................................................................................................................18 状态监视器一般说明...................................................................................................................................................20 标示牌信息.........................................................................................Байду номын сангаас...........................................................................20









2.操作及显示面板3.规格尺寸安装尺寸:71mm×29mm 整机尺寸:78.5mm×34.5mm×82mm4.技术参数1)测温范围:-50℃~90℃2)温度分辨率:1℃3)测温精度:-50℃~50℃时±1℃,其它±2℃4)柜温控制范围:-50℃~85℃5)电源电压:220VAC±10% 50/60Hz6)整机功耗:<3W7)端口输出容量:制冷:30A/240VAC,可直接驱动单相1.5HP压缩机除霜:5A/250VAC(选配)8)前面板防护等级:IP659)工作环境温度:0℃~55℃10)储存温度:-25℃~75℃11)储存湿度:20%~85%(无结露)5.指示灯状态说明指示灯符号状态表示意义设置指示灯亮参数设置灭测控状态控制负载指示灯亮控制负载工作灭控制负载停止闪烁控制负载延时加热模式指示灯亮启动加热控制模式制冷模式指示灯亮启动制冷控制模式除霜指示灯亮除霜启动6.参数表 菜单 菜单功能 设定范围H1 H2 单位用户菜单项St 设置温度 设置温度最小限定值C3~设置温度最大限定值C4 4 3 ℃ Po 菜单密码 0~99(密码为55且不可更改)/管理者菜单项rd 温度回差 1~15 3 6 ℃C1 温度传感器校正 -10~10 -1 -3 ℃ C2 控制输出启动延时 0~60 3 2 min C3 设置温度最小限定值 -50~St 2 0 ℃ C4 设定温度最大限定值St ~85106℃A1 传感器故障后周期开启时间 1~6015 45 min A2 传感器故障后周期关闭时间0~60 0:传感器故障后控制负载关闭 10 15 min d1 除霜周期 0~90 0:禁止除霜 612 hourd2 除霜时间 1~90 20 20 min d3 除霜过程显示0:显示柜温 1:除霜时显示dF2:除霜时显示除霜启动时柜温22/HC 制冷/加热模式转换 0:制冷 1:加热0 0 /7. 按键功能 7.1按键名称按键名称 作用Set进入参数设置状态 切换菜单和参数调整菜单及参数调整菜单及参数 持续10秒执行参数一键还原退出参数设置状态 退出一键还原状态 强制启动除霜7.2按键操作 1)用户参数设置测控状态下,按Set 键3S 进入用户参数设置状态,数码管显示菜单项St ,此时按Set 键显示对应参数值,按、键调整设置温度,再按Set 键返回菜单项St 。



17 主控配电柜 18 相位补偿
8 主轴
19 中央控制器
9 偏航齿轮 10 塔式气闸
20 输出变压器及配电
11 风机座
11 交流电源系统 (20KVA以上) 18 数据机房高压直流电源系统 21 精密制冷系统 30 服务器电源管理系统 31 谐波治理系统 32 交流电源系统 (20KVA以下) 40 服务器机柜 & 管理系统 49 Avocent® IT 管控系统 59 Trellis™ 动态基础设施优化平台
Safety Lighting
SSL系列 集中式逆变器
SPV系列 组串式逆变器
SSM系列 集中式逆变器
动力配电箱 插座 照明
在线式双变换设计,完全隔离市电及油机可能存在的各类电网污染及电网故障对 负载的影响
输出功率因数提升至0.9,更适应大规模采用功率因数校正技术的服务器计算机及 网络中心比传统UPS带载能力增加10%以上
采用先进的第6代DSP及全数字控制技术,系统稳定性更高 标准内置D级防雷器 多种输入谐波抑制技术,提高电能利用率 零相移输出隔离变压器,减小零地电压和负载谐波电流对逆变器的影响 超强输出过载及短路能力,确保系统稳定性和极限状态的系统安全 可实现8台并联 标准内置LBS功能 超宽输入电压、频率范围,适应恶劣电网环境 智能化电池管理,自动维护电池,延长使用寿命 10.4英寸超大触摸屏彩色LCD显示,中英文等多种语言,方便用户使用 分层独立式风道和冗余风扇设计,电路板三防漆防护,内置防尘滤网,具有高效

浙大中控一 ECS 100系统介绍-7

浙大中控一 ECS 100系统介绍-7

3.7、系统组态工作流程框图3.7.1、系统组态工作流程框图,如图3.1-1 所示。

图3.1-1 系统组态工作流程3.7.2、框图说明1、工程设计工程设计包括测点清单设计、常规(或复杂)对象控制方案设计、系统控制方案设计、流程图设计、报表设计以及相关设计文档编制等。

工程设计完成以后,应形成包括《测点清单》、《系统配置清册》、《控制柜布置图》、《I/O 卡件布置图》、《控制方案》等在内的技术文件。


2、用户授权管理用户授权管理操作主要由ScReg 软件来完成。



3、系统总体组态系统组态是通过SCKey 软件来完成的。




5、数据组(区)设置完成数据组(区)的建立工作,为I/O 组态时位号的分组分区作好准备。


7、控制站I/O 组态根据《I/O 卡件布置图》及《测点清单》的设计要求完成I/O 卡件及I/O 点的组态。


9、常规控制方案组态对控制回路的输入输出只是AI 和AO 的典型控制方案进行组态。

10、自定义控制方案组态利用SCX 语言或图形化语言编程实现联锁及复杂控制等,实现系统的自动控制。

11、二次计算组态二次计算组态的目的是在DCS 中实现二次计算功能、优化操作站的数据管理,提供更丰富的报警内容、支持数据的输入输出。




WARNING: Indicates information that a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death.电击危险:标示有可能产生电击危险的信息。

Risk of electrical shock: Indicates information that Potential shock hazard where HAZARDOUS LIVE voltages greater than 30V RMS, 42.4V peak, or 60V DC may be accessible.防止静电:标示防止静电损坏设备的信息。

ESD HAZARD: Indicates information that Danger of an electro-static discharge to which equipment may be sensitive. Observe precautions for handling electrostatic sensitive devices注意:提醒需要特别注意的信息。

ATTENTION: Identifies information that requires special consideration.提示:标记对用户的建议或提示。

TIP:Identifies advice or hints for the user.目录控制站硬件使用手册 (1)1 基本说明 (1)2 技术指标 (1)3 控制站配置 (2)4 各单元装卸 (4)4.1 机架装卸 (4)4.1.1 外形尺寸 (4)4.1.2 安装 (5)4.1.3 拆卸 (6)4.2 I/O模块装卸 (6)4.2.1 外形尺寸 (6)4.2.2 插装 (7)4.2.3 拔除 (7)4.2.4 防混结构 (8)4.3 端子板/底板装卸 (9)4.3.1 安装 (9)4.3.2 拆卸 (10)5 各单元连线 (11)5.1 机柜进线和接地 (11)5.1.1 进线 (11)5.1.2 接地 (12)5.2 配电单元连线 (13)5.2.1 交流配电单元接线 (13)5.2.2 直流配电单元接线 (15)5.3 机架连线 (16)5.3.1 地址设置 (17)5.3.2 电源连接 (17)5.3.3 网络连接 (17)5.4 I/O模块单元连线 (18)5.4.1 地址匹配情况 (19)5.4.2 接线端子连线 (19)5.4.3 转接接口连线 (20)6 控制站启停 (21)6.1 控制站上电操作 (21)6.2 控制站启动步骤 (22)6.3 控制站停车步骤 (22)7 控制站维护 (22)7.1 安全注意事项 (22)7.2 定期维护项 (23)7.3 部件参数设置 (23)7.4 散热风机更换 (23)7.5 E-BUS交换机更换 (25)7.6 I/O模块维护 (25)8 资料版本说明 (26)控制站硬件使用手册1基本说明控制站是系统中直接从现场采样I/O数据、进行控制运算的核心单元,完成整个工业过程的实时控制功能。

技术数据公告160 'Series C' 智能速度调速器说明书

技术数据公告160 'Series C' 智能速度调速器说明书

Technical DataBulletin 160“Series C”Smart Speed ControllersA Step Above the Rest…Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller (SSC™) with Sensorless Vector PerformanceThe Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller is available in models Array rated between 0.37 to 4 kW (0.5 to 5 horsepower) with voltageratings 200-240V and 380-460V three-phase input and 0.37 to1.5 kW (0.5 to 2 horsepower) 200-240V single phase input.When the Bulletin 160 SSC was first introduced in the market,its innovative design helped set the standard for futuremicrodrives. With the Series C design, expanded power ratings(through 5 HP, 4 kW), increased functionality and an enhancedhardware design place the Bulletin 160 SSC a “Step Above theRest” for small drive applications!2Bulletin 160 “Series C” Smart Speed Controllerwith Sensorless Vector PerformanceTechnical DataTABLE OF CONTENTSStandard Drives ProgramDescription PageCatalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Operator Interface & Communication Devices . . . . . . .6Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Accessories and Repair Parts – Field Installed . . . . . .8Bulletin 160 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Branch Circuit Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Approximate Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Communication Module Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . .17Display Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Program Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Standard Drives Program – 160ZCatalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Operator Interface➀ & Communication Devices . . . .20Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Approximate Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Standard Packaged Drive ProgramOrdering Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Custom Configured Drives Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Catalog Number Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Product Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Factory Installed Enclosure Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Option Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Approximate Dimensions for 160 NEMA Type 4/12 & 4XStainless Steel Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2634The 160 SSC (Smart Speed Controller) is a compact variable speed drive for use on three-phase induction AC motors. It is microprocessor controlled and fullyprogrammable for a variety of applications.Standard Features Include:•Ratings of 0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5 HP)•Very Compact Design •Feed Through Wiring •IGBT Technology •PWM Control •Quiet Operation •ProgrammableStandard Drive Configurations:•IP20 (Open Style)•Chassis Mount•160Z (IP 65/NEMA 4X)Standard Packaged Drives Available:•IP66 (NEMA 4/12)•IP66 (NEMA 4X)Approvals:•UL (UL 508C)•C/UL (CSA 22.2)•CE ➀ EMC Directive (EMC: EN61800-3, EN50081-1, EN50082-2)Low Voltage Directive (LVD: EN50178, EN6024-1)•C-Tick AS/NZS2064➀External components and proper guidelines must be followed. Refer to the 160 User Manual for details.Your order must include •Catalog number of the drive•If required, catalog number of any accessories and/or factory installed options.5➀ The Bulletin 160 comes standard with a Ready/Fault indication panel. To order a drive with a Program Keypad Module installed, add suffix “ P1 ” to the catalog number.For example: Catalog Number 160-AA02NSF1 becomes 160-AA02NSF1 P1 ➁ Meets IP54/65/66 (NEMA 12/4/4X) when installed in suitable enclosure. ➂ For pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet.160–AA02NSF1P1Bulletin NumberDrive Rating (must be specified)Enclosure Rating (must be specified)Control Model (must be specified)Programmer (optional)FAULTREADYDeviceNetFor pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet. 67AccessoryDescriptionOrderingInformation DimensionInformation Dynamic Brake Module - Provides external dynamic braking capability for applications with a duty cycle rating not exceeding 5%. Parameter 52 (DB Enable) must be set to 5% to achieve this performance level. Forapplications greater than 5%, a resistor package must be properly sized to avoid overheating.See Page 8See Page 14Capacitor Module - Provides extended ride through capability and increases inherent braking performance. This module connects to the load side power terminals marked DC- and DC+.See Page 9See Page 14Line Filter Module - Reduces conductive emissions to meet EMC compliant installations. The line filters are designed so that the drive can be mounted on top (piggyback) of the line filter module to help reduce overall enclosure size.See Page 9See Page 15Line Reactor - Provides input power conditioning when installed on the line side of the drive, or reflected wave protection when installed on the load side of the drive. When used for reflected wave protection, the reactor should be mounted close to the motor. Consult the 160 Drive User Manual for recommendations on when to use this device.See Page 8See Page 15RWR Module - Reduces potentially destructive reflected wave spikes that can occur in applications with long cable distances between the drive and motor. This device is designed for installation close to the output terminals of the drive. Consult the 160 Drive User Manual for recommendations on when to use this device.See Page 8See Publication 1204-5.124V DC Interface Module - Allows use of 24V DC “sink logic” control. Two versions are available, one for preset speed models and one for analog signal follower models. The 24V DC interface attaches directly to the drives' control terminal block.See Page 8No added panel space is necessary with this device.8➀ Series B 24V Interface Modules are required for use with Series C Drives.➁ Catalog numbers listed are for 3% impedance open style units. NEMA Type 1 and 5% impedance reactor types are also available, refer to publication 1321-2.0. ➂ TWO UNITS MUST BE USED, wired in parallel.➃Refer to Publication 1204-5.1 for dimensional information on RWR Devices.➄ The 1204-RWR2-09-B may be used at a 10.5 Amp current rating providing the cable length from drive to motor is less than 122 meters (400 feet). ➅ For pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet.Catalog Number ➅ Catalog Number ➁➅ Catalog Number ➃➅ 160-BMA1160-BMA21321-3R4-B 1321-3R4-A 160-BMA11321-3R4-A 160-BMA21321-3R8-A 160-BMA21321-3R12-A 160-BMA2 ➂ 1321-3R18-A 1321-3R2-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R2-A 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R2-A 1204-RWR2-09-B 1321-3R4-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1204-RWR2-09-B 1204-RWR2-09-B➄9➀ The 160LF type filters have been tested with a maximum motor cable length of 75 meters (246 feet) for 230V units and 40 meters (131 feet) for 460V units. Refer to the 160 User Manual (publication 0160-5.15) for detailed installation considerations.➁ The 160RF type filters have been tested with a maximum motor cable length of 25 meters (82 feet) for both 230V and 460V units. Refer to the 160 User Manual for more detailed installation considerations.➂ For pricing information refer to the Bulletin 160 Price Sheet.➃ Bulletin 160 Series C drives (with proper filter) meet:– Overall EMC requirements of EN61800-3 for Second (Industrial) Environments– High frequency conducted and radiated emissions of EN61800-3 for (First) Residential Environments – High frequency conducted and radiated emissions of EN55011 for (Second) Industrial Environments ➄ Must mount separately when used with Series C drives. ➅ Must be used with Series C drives.Catalog Number ➀➂➃ Catalog Number ➁➂➃➅ Catalog Number ➂ 160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA1160S-LFA1 ➄160S-RFA-16-B 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-LFA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMA1160-CMB1160-CMB110Short circuit and overload protection are requirements of any motor branch circuit. Input power conditioning, CE conformance, motor cable length and motor cable type (reflected wave and capacitive current coupling considerations) are important considerations of drive applications.Branch Circuit Protective Devices (Consult the 160 User Manual)Class 10 Overload Protection – provided by the 160 drive Line (EMC) Filter – See page 7Motor – See publication 1329R-1.0Dynamic Brake Module – See page 7Motor Cable Type and Length Recommendations –(Consult the 160 User Manual)Operator Interface or Communication Module –See page 6Input Power Conditioning – See Line Reactor on page 7Reflected W ave Protection – See Line Reactor or RWR Module on page 7Capacitor Module – See page 70.37 kW-2.2 kW (0.5-3 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC & 380-460V AC0.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC Approximate Weight is 0.94 kg (2.07 lbs.)4.0 kW (5 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC & 380-460V AC1.5 kW (2 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC Approximate Weight is2.37 kg (5.23 lbs.)*NOTE: 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) is required around the top, bottom and front of all drives. No clearance is required between drives with the exception of the 2.2 kW (3 HP) rating which requires 8.4 mm (0.33 in.).Chassis Mount, All Ratings Approximate Weight is 7.26 kg (16 lbs.) through 1.5 kW (2 HP) and 7.71 kg (17 lbs.) for 2.2 kW (3 HP)Dynamic Brake Module Capacitor ModuleLine ReactorLine Filter ModuleThree-Phase filter shown (single-phase filter is the same size)DeviceNet and RS-232 ModuleRemote Keypad Module➀Required for module removal.➁Module adds this dimension to the overall drive depth.➀➀When using 160Z as wall mount, communication modules should be ordered as separate options. See page 20.➁For 160Z drives mounted on motors, consult factory.➀➀160-P1 is not compatible with 160Z drives.➁160-RPA is not required with 160Z drives. 160-RPA circuitry is included as standard.➂Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.➃For mounting with Allen-Bradley 1329RS motors, cast iron, severe duty.➄For mounting with SEW, D-Type IEC motors.➅Maximum continuous output is 3.0 kW at 40°C and 4 kHz, 3.7 kW at 35°C and 2 kHz.AccessoryCatalog No.Remote Keypad Module Module for remote mounting. Has program, monitor and operator interface capability.160-P2CopyCat Keypad ModuleHand held module with upload/download capability to program, monitor and control drive.160-P3Cables ➁Connects the 160Z to either the Remote or CopyCat Keypad Module.- 1 meter cable, locking each end - 3 meter cable, locking each end - 5 meter cable, locking each end160Z-C10160Z-C30160Z-C50Communication Modules and AccessoriesAllow control and monitoring of parameters via the networks listed below. These modules can be mounted inside the 160Z.-DeviceNet ™-RS-232 Serial Communication -Profibus -Interbus-RS232 Communication Terminal Block -Profibus Communication Terminal Block-Interbus In/Out Communication Terminal Block -Interbus Side Metal plate (5 holes)160-DN2 ➂160-RS1160-PD1160-IB1160Z-RTB 160Z-PTB 160Z-ITB 160Z-ISM Motor Adapters-NEMA motor, 0.5 - 2 HP ➃-NEMA motor, 3 - 5 HP ➃-SEW, IEC Motor, 0.37-1.5 kW ➄-SEW, IEC Motor, 2.2 kW ➄-SEW, IEC Motor, 3.7 kW ➄➅160Z-ABN1160Z-ABN2160Z-SEW1160Z-SEW2160Z-SEW3Hardware-Power cable glands-Motor cable glands, wall mounting only -Communication and I/O cable glands 160Z-G25160Z-G20160Z-G16Accessories-Debris cover, motor mount -Debris cover, wall mount -Fan replacement kit-Spare gasket kit (includes all gaskets)-Wall mounting kit (includes one 160Z-G20)-Wall mount adapter160Z-DC 160Z-DCW 160Z-FRK 160Z-GSK 160Z-WMK 160Z-WMADriveExplorer™ Software Windows based software package that provides an intuitive means for monitoring or con figuring Allen-Bradley drives and communication adapters.See Publication 9306-PL001A-EN-P .RS-232 Serial Communication Module160-RS1DeviceNetCommunication Module160-DN2CopyCat KeypadModule 160-P3Remote KeypadModule 160-P2Pro fibusCommunication Module160-PD1InterbusCommunication Module160-IB12122Wall Mount2324may be specified by assembling a single catalog number string that includes a base drive, enclosure and all required options.Ordering Instructions:1.Select basic Catalog Number based on application requirements (i.e. V oltage, Horsepower, Control Model and Enclosure Ratings).For example: a 200-240VAC, three-phase, 0.37 kW (0.5 HP), analog signal follower model and a IP66 (NEMA Type 4/12) enclosure. The catalog number is: 160-AA02SF1-AF .2.Select Enclosure Options and follow the Option Rules. For example: the catalog number with a fused disconnect switch and Start-Stop pushbuttons is: 160-AA02SF1-AF- DS-D17.Compliance certi fications include:CE (Europe)UL/cUL (U.S. & Canada)Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC EMC Directive 89/336/EEC UL508CEN60204-1EN 61800-3CAN/CSA C222 No. 14EN50178EN 50081-2EN 50082-2C-Tick (Australia)AS/NZS2064.1Important: When the "EMC" option is selected, the product will ship with an RFI "RF" type filter. If the "EMC" option is not selected, reference the Bulletin 160 Series C User Manualfor proper installation instructions.Drive packages that cannot be ordered via a catalog number can be customized to meet customer requirements for specific options suchas special enclosure sizes and colors, terminal blocks, wire type, etc.160–AA02SF1–AF–DS-D1725Figure 10.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)0.37 KW-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC) .37 -.75 without the following options: DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14.Figure 20.37 kW-0.75 kW (0.5-1 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)0.37 KW-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460V AC (without DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC) with the following options: DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14.Figure 32.2 kW (3 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V AC and 380-460VAC (with and without DS or with P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)Diameter - 6 Places26Figure 41.5 kW (2 HP), Single-Phase, 200-240V AC (with DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)4 kW (5 HP), Three-Phase, 200-240V/380-460V AC (with DS, P2C, LTN120, MX14 or EMC)DeviceNet Connector Option LocationsFigure 5DNSC1 and DNSC2DNBC1 and DNBC227Corporate HeadquartersRockwell Automation, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1400, Milwaukee, WI, 53202-5302 USA, Tel: (1) 414.212.5200, Fax: (1) 414.212.5201Headquarters for Allen-Bradley Products, Rockwell Software Products and Global Manufacturing SolutionsAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA, Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation SA/NV, Vorstlaan/Boulevard du Souverain 36, 1170 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846Headquarters for Dodge and Reliance Electric ProductsAmericas: Rockwell Automation, 6040 Ponders Court, Greenville, SC 29615-4617 USA, Tel: (1) 864.297.4800, Fax: (1) 864.281.2433Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation, Br ühlstra ße 22, D-74834 Elztal-Dallau, Germany, Tel: (49) 6261 9410, Fax: (49) 6261 17741Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 55 Newton Road, #11-01/02 Revenue House, Singapore 307987, Tel: (65) 6356-9077, Fax: (65) 6356-9011U.S. Allen-Bradley Drives Technical SupportTel:(1)262.512.8176,Fax:(1)262.512.2222,Email:*****************,Online:/support/abdrivesPublication 0160-TD001F-EN-P — August 2003Supercedes 0160-TD001E-EN-P — November 2002Copyright ® 2003 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.The Allen-Bradley Bulletin 160 Smart Speed Controller (SSC) is a world class product that provides the application flexibility needed to meet today’s changing plant floor environment. Its simplistic design will help save time and money in set-up, integration and maintenance of your automation system.For Allen-Bradley drives support, there are specialists at local sales offices and distributor locations across North America and around the world. We also offer global technical services, specializing in a full spectrum of value-added services and expertise to help simplify maintenance and enhance productivity.Rockwell Automation is committed to helping you meet ever-changing customer demands for more, less expensive product in less time. Our capabilities enable us to become your “Complete Automation™” partner.SSC, DriveExplorer, Complete Automation and the Complete Automation graphic are trademarks of Rockwell Automation.Windows is a registered trademark of the MicroSoft Corporation.DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association.。





企业产品汽缸容积名义功率制冷量输入功率效率油的电机制冷剂名称规格粘度类型 (cm3) (HP) (W) (W) (W/W)QD56 R12 5.6 132 120 1.1 32 YURQD63 R12 6.3 145 132 1.1 32 YURQD72 R12 7.2 165 150 1.1 32 YURQD80 R12 8.0 186 165 1.12 32 YURQD88 R12 8.8 200 180 1.11 32 YURQD96 R12 9.6 233 208 1.12 32 YURQD110 R12 11 261 238 1.1 32 YUR湖北南光制冷QD58 R134a 5.8 132 120 1.1 32 YUR 设备有限公司QD71 R134a 7.1 148 134 1.1 32 YURQD78 R134a 7.8 162 145 1.11 32 YURQD86 R134a 8.6 185 162 1.14 32 YURQ-5 R22 5.6 750 315 2.38 32 YYRQ-6 R22 6.7 890 370 2.4 32 YYRQ-7 R22 7.1 1000 410 2.44 32 YYRQ-8 R22 8.6 1150 460 2.5 32 YYRQD24 R12 2.4 55 75 0.73 22 RSIRQD30 R12 3.0 75 95 0.78 22 RSIRQD45A R12 4.5 113 116 0.95 22 RSIRQD52A R12 5.2 132 139 0.95 22 RSIR 西安远东公司航空工业总公QD57A R12 5.7 142 137 1.05 22 RSIR司 QD62A R12 6.2 154 154 0.95 32 RSIRQD62GR12 6.2 154 134 1.07 32 RSCR AQD75GR12 7.5 190 168 1.09 32 RSCRAQD88G R12 8.8 220 193 1.11 32 RSCR QD59 R12 5.9 137 134 1.02 32 RSIR QD59G R12 5.9 155 124 1.25 32 RSCR QD68G R12 6.8 170 140 1.21 32 RSIR QD70 R12 7.0 160 152 1.05 32 RSIR QD70G R12 7.0 180 144 1.25 32 RSCRQD90 R12 9.0 180 160 1.12 32 RSIR QD90A R12 9.0 180 160 1.12 32 RSIRQD98 R12 9.8 207 185 1.12 32 RSIR QD120 R12 12.0 265 228 1.16 32 RSIR QD120L R12 12.0 265 237 1.12 32 RSIR QD142 R12 14.2 324 280 1.16 32 RSIR 黄石东贝冷机集团有限公司 QD167L R12 16.7 375 330 1.14 32 CSIR QD59 R12 5.9 495 270 1.83 32 RSIR QG70 R12 7.0 590 310 1.90 32 RSIR QG90 R12 9.0 710 3751.90 32 RSIR QG98 R12 9.8 820 4002.05 32 RSIR QG120L R12 12.0 985 4802.05 32 CSIR QG142L R12 14.2 1178 575 2.05 32 CSIR QD88Y R600a 8.8 138 115 1.20 32 RSIR QD100Y R600a 10.0 152 124 1.22 32 RSIR QD123Y R600a 12.3 180 138 1.30 32 RSIR QD80 R12 8.0 180 160 1.12 32 RSIR名义制冷企业产品汽缸容积输入功率效率油的电机制冷剂功率量名称规格粘度类型 (cm3) (W) (W/W) (HP) (W)M612T R12 3.4 70 78 0.9 RSIRM792T R12 4.4 100 96 1.02 RSIRM1040T R12 5.77 130 125 1.04 RSIRM1260T R12 7.00 162 155 1.05 RSIR中国扎努西电气M1350T R12 7.52 180 164 1.10 RSIR 机械天津压缩机M1450T R12 8.04 188 172 1.10 RSIR 有限公司HV57AA R600a 5.73 81 70 1.15 RSIRHV67AA R600a 6.75 89 76 1.17 RSIRHV75AA R600a 7.52 107 89 1.20 RSIRHV57AH R600a 5.73 82 62 1.33 RSIR HV67AH R600a 6.75 89 66 1.34 RSIR HV75AH R600a 7.52 108 78 1.38 RSIROF789C R134a 4.38 99 95 1.04 RSIR OF1033C R134a 5.73 133 121 1.10 RSIR OF1260C R134a 7.00 160 143 1.12 RSIR OF1350C R134a 7.52 178 152 1.15 RSIR OF1550C R134a 8.60 215 187 1.15 RSIR(1.17)/ (RSIR)/ OF789CY R134a 4.38 110 94/89 (1.23) (RSCR)OF1033C115/10(1.20)/ (RSIR)/ R134a 5.73 138 Y 9 (1.26) (RSCR)OF1260CR134a 7.00 162 126 1.28 RSCR HOF1350CR134a 7.52 185 137 1.35 RSCR HOF1550CR134a 8.60 215 159 1.35 RSCR HISO1GQR45AG R134a 4.56 1/8 107 101 1.06 RSIR 5ISO1GQR60AG R134a 5.99 1/6 145 129 1.12 RSIR 5ISO1GQR70AG R134a 6.64 1/5 169 144 1.17 RSIR 5ISO1GQR80AG R134a 8.10 1/5 195 167 1.17 RSIR 5ISO1GQR90AG R134a 9.08 1/4 216 186 1.16 RSIR 5 贵州扎努西电气机械有限公司 ISO1GQR99AG R134a 9.93 1/4 230 198 1.16 RSIR 5ISO1(RSIR)/ GQY45AG R134a 4.56 1/8 119 96 1.24 5 (RSCR)ISO1(RSIR)/ GQY55AG R134a 5.46 1/6 145 116 1.25 5 (RSCR)ISO1(RSIR)/ GQY60AG R134a 5.99 1/5 166 128 1.30 5 (RSCR)ISO1(RSIR)/ GQY75AG R134a 7.39 1/5 204 153 1.33 5 (RSCR)ISO1(RSIR)/ GQY80AG R134a 8.10 1/4 227 169 1.34 5 (RSCR)ISO1(RSIR)/ GQY90AG R134a 9.08 1/4 250 184 1.36 5 (RSCR)名义效率企业产品汽缸容积制冷量输入功率油的电机制冷剂功率(W/名称规格粘度类型 (cm3) (W) (W) (HP) W) HQ80AA R600a 8.10 1/7 120 99 1.21 RSIR HQ99AA R600a 9.93 1/6 137 111 1.23 RSIR HP12AA R600a 12.06 1/5 174 149 1.17 RSIR HP14AA R600a 14.17 1/5 200 169 1.18 RSIR HP16AAR600a 16.14 1/4 222 187 1.19 RSIR HQ80AH R600a 8.10 1/7 121 88 1.37 RSCR HQ99AH R600a 9.93 1/6 140 104 1.34 RSCR HP12AH R600a 12.06 1/5 166 115 1.44 RSCR HP14AH R600a 14.17 1/5 179 123 1.45 RSCR HP16AH R600a 16.141/4 209 143 1.46 RSCR QD24 R12 2.33 48 68 0.70 RSIR QD30 R12 3.00 65 81 0.80 RSIR QD36 R12 3.60 75 88 0.85 RSIR QD43 R12 4.38 95 100 0.95 RSIR 浙江玉环县 QD51 R12 5.10 115 115 1.00 RSIR 冰箱压缩机厂QD57 R12 5.70 135 135 1.00 RSIR QD66 R12 6.60 155 155 1.00 RSIRQD66B R12 6.60 155 141 1.10 RSIR QD77 R12 7.70 185 181 1.02 RSIR QD38R12 3.8 1/10 80 88 0.9 RSIR QD45L R12 4.5 1/8 102 107 0.95 RSIR QD52LR12 5.2 1/7 122 128 0.95 RSIR QD59L R12 5.9 1/6 136 139 0.97 RSIR 杭丽制冷设备 QD66L R12 6.6 1/6 150 145 1.03 RSIR 有限公司QD76LB R12 7.6 1/5 172 164 1.05 RSIR QD91L R12 9.1 1/3 210 190 1.09 RSIR QD110L R12 11.0 3/8 260 232 1.12 RSIR QD81L R12 8.1 1/4 190 1751.08 RSIR QDX36 R12 3.57 130 103 1.26 32 PTCS 西安东方机械厂 QDX40 R12 4.0 147 115 1.28 32 PTCSQDX45 R12 4.5 167 129 1.29 32 PTCS QDX36 MP39 3.57 130 103 1.26 32 PTCS QDX40 MP39 4.0 147 115 1.28 32 PTCS QDX36H 134a / 130 103 1.26 / PTCSISO3LST/RSIECS35LP CFC12 4.34 1/8 111 100 1.11 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS45LP CFC12 5.14 1/6 138 120 1.15 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS60LP CFC12 6.77 1/5 182 157 1.16 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS70LP CFC12 7.90 1/4 208 180 1.16 2 R ECS85LRISO3LST/RSICFC12 7.90 1/4 246 213 1.16 (W) 2 RISO2LST/RSIECS35HLP HFC134a 4.68 1/8 108 98 1.10 2 RISO2LST/RSIECS45HLP HFC134a 5.81 1/6 136 122 1.11 贵阳恩布拉科2 R 雪花压缩机有ISO2LST/RSI限公司 ECS60HLP HFC134a 7.46 1/5 176 156 1.13 2 R ISO2LST/RSIECS70HLP HFC134a 8.71 1/4 208 184 1.13 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS35CLP HC600a 7.46 1/8 110 96 1.14 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS45CLP HC600a 8.71 1/6 127 112 1.14 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS50CLP HC600a 9.32 1/6+ 146 118 1.24 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS55CLP HC600a 10.13 1/5 161 129 1.24 2 RISO3LST/RSIECS60CLP HC600a 11.03 1/5+ 180 143 1.26 2 R汽缸容名义制冷输入功效率企业产品油的电机制冷剂积功率量率(W/名称规格粘度类型 (cm3) (HP) (W) (W) W)ISO3LST/RSECT45LP CFC12 4.68 1/6 138 109 1.27 2 CRISO3LST/RSECT60LP CFC12 5.81 1/5 173 128 1.35 2 CRECT70LP CFC12 6.77 1/4 202 150 1.35 ISO3LST/RS2 CRISO2LST/RSECT45HLP HFC134a 5.14 1/6 133 106 1.27 2 CRISO2LST/RSECT60HLP HFC134a 6.77 1/5 184 137 1.35 2 CRISO2LST/RSECT70HLP HFC134a 7.46 1/4 208 154 1.35 2 CR PW2.4AK R122.7 42 56 0.75 32 RSIR PW3.0AK R12 3.12 56 68 0.82 32 RSIR PW3.5AK R123.60 70 78 0.90 32 RSIR PW4.0AK R12 4.16 90 94 0.96 32 RSIR PW4.5AK R124.57 105 105 1.0 32 RSIR PW5.5AK R12 5.54 128 128 1.0 32 RSIR PW6.1AKR12 6.09 145 140 1.03 32 RSIR PW7.1AK R12 7.06 168 152 1.10 32 RSIRPW8.0AK R12 7.85 186 177 1.05 32 RSIR 四川丹甫制冷压缩机有限责任公司(原建川机器厂) PW8.6AK R12 8.64 205 195 1.05 32 RSIR PW4.0BK R600a 4.16 45 48 0.90 32 RSIR PW6.0BK R600a 6.09 80 78 1.02 32 RSIRPW9.0BK R600a 8.64 125 105 1.20 32 RSIR PW3.0DK R12 3.12 68 80 0.85 32 RSIR PW3.5DK R12 3.60 85 94 0.90 32 RSIR PW3.5CK R22 3.60 455 230 1.95 32 RSIR PW4.5CK R22 4.33 550 265 2.05 32 RSIR PW5.5CK R22 5.54 700 340 2.05 32 RSIR单向极 XLZ272V R12 2.72 91 77 1.18 32单向极 XLZ309V R12 3.09 109 90 1.21 32单向极 XLZ357V R12 3.57 130 104 1.25 32单向极 XLZ400V R12 4.00 148 116 1.28 32单向极 XLZ418V R12 4.18 152 123 1.24 32单向极 XLZ460V R12 4.60 167 135 1.24 32 贵州森林电器有限公司单向极XLZ500V R12 5.00 190 143 1.33 32单向极 XLZ586V R12 5.86 221 171 1.29 32单向极 XLZ091V R12 9.10 330 256 1.29 32单向极 XAZ309V R134a 3.09 99 88 1.13 15单向极 XAZ357V R134a 3.57 116 103 1.13 15单向极 XAZ418V R134a 4.18 146 119 1.23 15单向极 XAZ418W R134a 4.18 174 134 1.30 15单向极 XAZ460V R134a 4.60 156 130 1.20 15单向极 YAZ500V R134a 5.00 181 144 1.26 15单向极 YAZ586V R134a 5.86 218 165 1.32 15单向极 YAZ645V R134a 6.45 239 181 1.32 15单向极 XAZ357R R134a 3.57 118 97 1.22 15单向极 XAZ418R R134a 4.18 143 113 1.27 15单向极 XAZ460R R134a 4.60 160 130 1.23 15单向极 YAZ500R R134a 5.00 184 135 1.36 15单向极 YAZ586R R134a 5.86 222 159 1.40 15单向极 KH122V R22 12.20 1970 690 2.86 56单向极 KH134V R22 13.40 2200 770 2.86 561/2 1 2 下一页尾页名义企业产品汽缸容积制冷量输入功率效率油的电机制冷剂功率名称规格粘度类型 (cm3) (W) (W) (W/W) (HP)单向极 YB586V R134a 5.86 625 260 2.40 15单向极 XB357V R134a 3.57 365 170 2.15 15单向极 XB418V R134a 4.18 440 210 2.10 15单向极 XH235V R22 2.35 335 170 1.97 56单向极 YB645W R134a 6.45 840 360 2.33 15 B1055C R12 3.44 71 86 0.83 32 RSIR B1075C R12 4.38 87 100 0.87 32 RSIR B1085C R12 4.85 102 115 0.89 32 RSIR B1112C R12 5.90 140 137 1.02 32 RSIR B1114C R12 7.00 163 1591.05 32 RSIR B1116C R12 8.00 186 169 1.10 32 RSIR 加西贝拉压缩机有B1118C R12 8.85 210 184 1.14 32 RSIR 限公司B1055CY R600a 5.3 70 64 1.10 32 RSIR B1075CY R600a 6.6 87 76 1.15 32 RSIR B1085CY R600a 8.1 102 87 1.17 32 RSIR B1111CY R600a 8.8 128 1021.20 32 RSIR B1112CY R600a 9.9 140 117 1.20 32 RSIR B1114CY R600a 11.0 160 128 1.25 32 RSIRB1116CY R600a 13.0 186 143 1.30 32 RSIR B1118CY R600a 14.6 203 156 1.30 32 RSIR QD45A R12 4.5 1/8 100 102 0.98 32 RSIR QD45K R12 4.5 1/8 100 108 0.90 32 PTC QD55A R12 5.5 1/6 120 125 0.96 32 RSIR QD65A R12 6.5 1/5 155 160 0.97 32 RSIR QD69A R12 6.9 1/5 175 175 1.00 32 RSIR QD86AR12 8.6 1/4 195 185 1.05 32 RSIR 重庆长风压缩机有限责任公司 QD102A R12 10.2 1/3 248 230 1.08 32 RSIR QD116 R12 11.61/3 268 248 1.08 32 RSIR QD142 R12 14.2 1/2 330 300 1.10 32 RSIR QD162R12 16.2 1/2 380 345 1.10 32 RSIR QZG278 R12 27.8 3/4 2320 1000 2.30 32 RSIR QD35A R12 3.5 1/10 80 85 0.95 32 RSIR YZG-15 R22 9.13 1500 500 3.0 56 PSC YZG-22(R) R22 13.0 2200 730 3.0 56 PSC YZG-23(R) R22 14.2 2350 780 3.0 56 PSC YZG-35(R) R22 21.1 3580 1200 3.0 56 PSC YZG-39(R) R22 23.7 3900 1300 3.0 56 PSC 西安庆安冷机有限公司 YZG-43(R) R22 26.4 4350 1450 3.0 56 PSC YZG-28(R) R22 17.3 2850 950 3.0 56 PSC YZG-32(R) R22 18.9 3200 1067 3.0 56 PSC YZG-28D1 R22 14.2 2850 940 3.0 56 PSC YZG-38D1 R22 18.9 3850 1300 3.0 56 PSC QD30 R12 3.0 78 103.5 0.75 32.8 RSIR 威电器公司浙江温州华 QD51A R12 5.1 114 138 0.95 32.8 RSIR名义油汽缸容制冷企业产品制冷功输入功率效率的电机积量名称规格剂率粘类型 (W) (W/W) (cm3) (W) 度 (HP)D66C15R134 6.5单相诱导 151 120 1.26 22 RA a 5金阳松下冷机D66C15R134单相诱导 6.55 178 136 1.31 22 压缩机 RB a 有限公司 D77C18R134单相诱导 7.69 186 142 1.31 22 RA aD77C18R134单相诱导 7.69 207 149 1.39 22 RB aD77C14R134单相诱导 7.69 236 173 1.36 22 7A aQA66C1R134单相诱导 6.55 150 136 1.1 22 5RA aQA77C1R134单相诱导 7.69 176 150 1.17 22 7GB aHC60(103)/(1(1.36)/单相诱导 DA91E 9.1 140 22 0a 08) (1.30)HC60(116)/(1(1.38)/单相诱导 DA100E 10.3 160 22 0a 21) (1.32)HC60(122)/(1(1.43)/单相诱导 DA110E 10.9 174 22 0a 28) (1.36)HC60(97)/(10(1.45)/单相诱导 DC91E 9.1 140 22 0a 3) (1.36)HC60(109)/(1(1.47)/单相诱导 DC100E 10.3 160 22 0a 16) (1.38)HC60(118)/(1(1.47)/单相诱导 DC110E 10.9 174 22 0a 23) (1.37)PTC启动器电阻分相起 4.3QD43A R12 96 103 0.93 15 动 3PTC启动器电阻分相起QD51B R12 5.10 123 119 1.03 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起QD57A R12 5.65 139 140 0.99 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起QD57B R12 5.65 139 127 1.09 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起QD66A R12 6.55 157 155 1.01 15 动广州万宝冷机集团公司 PTC启动器电阻分相起QD66B R12 6.55 157 142 1.10 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起QD77A R12 7.69 185 176 1.05 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起QD77B R12 7.69 185 168 1.10 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起D110 R12 4.33 116 103 1.12 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起D113 R12 5.10 148 123 1.20 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起D115 R12 5.65 166 131 1.27 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起D116 R12 6.55 180 149 1.21 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起D119 R12 7.69 220 174 1.26 15 动PTC启动器电阻分相起D110 R12 4.33 116 97 1.20 15 动,电容运行PTC启动器电阻分相起D113 R12 5.10 148 116 1.28 15 动,电容运行汽缸容名义制冷输入功效率企业产品油的电机制冷剂积功率量率(W/名称规格粘度类型 (cm3) (HP) (W) (W) W)PTC启动器电阻分相起动,D115 R12 5.65 166 126 1.32 15 电容运行PTC启动器电阻分相起动,D116 R12 6.55 180 140 1.29 15 电容运行PTC启动器电阻分相起动,D119 R12 7.69 220 164 1.34 15 电容运行R152a/RPTC启动器电阻分相起动 CQ66 6.55 165 146 1.13 15 22R152a/RPTC启动器电阻分相起动 CD51 5.10 150 125 1.20 15 22广州万宝冷R152a/RPTC启动器电阻分相起动 CD57 5.65 168 134 1.25 15 机集团公司 22PTC启动器电阻分相起动 BD91 R600a 9.07 132 108 1.23 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 BD110 R600a 10.86 160 128 1.25 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AD51 R134a 5.10 121 106 1.14 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AD57 R134a 5.65 141 116 1.21 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AD66 R134a 6.55 161 132 1.22 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AD77 R134a 7.69 186 150 1.24 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AQD57 R134a 5.65 134 124 1.08 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AQD66 R134a 6.55 150 136 1.10 15PTC启动器电阻分相起动 AQD77 R134a 7.69 176 161 1.09 15 QD35 R12 3.5 78 80 0.98 18 RSIR杭州钱江制QD45 R12 4.5 102 107 0.95 18 RSIR 冷设备 QD55 R12 5.5 125 125 1.00 18 RSIR 实业有限公QD65 R12 6.5 150 145 1.03 18 RSIR 司QD75 R12 7.5 170 162 1.05 18 RSIRQD85 R12 8.5 195 184 1.06 18 RSIR QD68 R12 6.8 160 150 1.07 18 RSIR QD91 R12 9.1 226 207 1.10 18 RSIR名汽缸义效率企业产品制冷容积功制冷量输入功率油的电机 (W/名称规格剂率粘度类型 (cm(W) (W) W) 3) (HP)RH1(2300)/(2760/7840?53.31 R22 13.5 3.03 PSC 35 320) 0 100?7.051 RH1(2470)/(2820/8440?53.31 R22 14.5 3.02 PSC 45 500) 0 100?7.051 RH1(2870)/(2930/9540?53.31 R22 16.5 3.09 PSC 65 890) 0 100?7.051 RH1(2960)/(2960/9840?53.31 R22 17.4 3.09 PSC 74 990) 0 100?7.051 RH1(3190)/(31030/140?53.31 R22 18.5 3.09 PSC 85 210) 060 100?7.051 广州三菱电机华凌压缩机公司 RH1(3390)/(31100/140?53.31 R22 19.7 3.09 PSC 97 420) 130 100?7.051RH2(3580)/(31160/140?53.31 R22 20.7 3.09 PSC 07 600) 190 100?7.051 RH2(3800)/(31230/140?53.31 R22 22.00 3.09 PSC 20 840) 270 100?7.051 RH2(4010)/(41300/140?53.31 R22 23.1 3.09 PSC 31 030) 330 100?7.051 RH2(4290)/(41390/140?53.31 R22 24.7 3.09 PSC 47 330) 430 100?7.051动粘度40?Cst56,62 密闭型(2186)/(2720 3.0/2P14 R22 13.2 100?Cst60,7电机 686) 850 3.12动粘度40?Cst松下*万宝(广州)压缩56,62 密闭型(2419)/(2815 2.9/2P15 R22 14.7 机有限公司 100?Cst60,7电机 965) 950 3.12动粘度40?Cst56,62 密闭型(2606)/(3875 2.9/2P16 R22 15.5 100?Cst60,7电机 145) 1000 3.12动粘度40?Cst56,62 密闭型(2745)/(3955 3.0/2P17 R22 16.3 100?Cst60,7电机 325) 1040 3.12动粘度40?Cst56,62 密闭型(2905)/(3970 3.0/2P18 R22 17.4 100?Cst60,7电机 570) 1135 3.12动粘度40?Cst56,62 密闭型(3115)/(31035 3.0/2P19 R22 18.1 100?Cst60,7电机 715) 1230 3.02动粘度40?Cst56,62 密闭型(3295)/(31080 3.0/2P20 R22 19.1 100?Cst60,7电机 907) 1235 3.12汽缸容名义输入功效率企业产品制冷量油的电机制冷剂积功率率(W/名称规格粘度类型 (W) (cm3) (HP) (W) W)动粘度40?Cst5密闭型电6,62 2K22 R22 22.5 3745 1265 2.9 机100?Cst60,72 动粘度40?Cst5密闭型电6,62 2K23 R22 23.5 3990 1300 3.0 机100?Cst60,72 动粘度40?Cst5密闭型电6,62 2K25 R22 25.2 4295 1380 3.0 机100?Cst60,72 动粘度40?Cst5松下*万宝(广州)密闭型电6,62 2K28 R22 28.2 4665 1565 2.9 压缩机有限公司机 100?Cst60,72 动粘度40?Cst5密闭型电6,62 2K32 R22 31.4 5233 1860 2.8 机 100?Cst60,72 动粘度40?Cst5密闭型电6,62 2K33 R22 33.0 5450 1845 2.9 机 100?Cst60,72 动粘度40?Cst5密闭型电6,62 2K34 R22 34.1 5695 1940 2.9 机 100?Cst60,72广州越胜环境试E级耐 C73A F22 11 2051 700 2.9 34验设备有限公司氟电机 E级耐 C83A F22 14 2491 850 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C93A F22 15 2637 890 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C103A F22 17 2960 1000 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C113A F22 19 3222 1100 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C123A F22 21 3632 1230 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C133A F22 23 3954 1350 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C153A F22 25 4396 1500 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C81B F22 11 2460 850 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C101B F22 14 3012 1035 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C111B F22 15 3223 1100 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C121A F22 17 3602 1235 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C141A F22 19 3958 1365 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C82A F22 11 2430 850 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C102A F22 14 3078 1040 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C112A F22 15 3223 1100 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C122A F22 17 3635 1220 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C142A F22 19 3950 1330 2.9 34 , 氟电机E级耐 C152A F22 21 4395 1465 2.9 34 氟电机 E级耐 C182A F22 25 5425 1750 2.9 34 氟电机企业产品制冷剂汽缸容名义制冷量输入功率效率油的电机名称规格积功率粘度类型 (W) (W) (W/(cm3) (HP) W) AE1330Y R134a 4.05 80 84 0.95 32 RSIR AE1330Y R134a 4.05 90 88 1.02 32 RSIR AE1330Y R134a 4.05 80 84 0.95 32 RSIR AE1340YR134a 5.11 108 100 1.08 32 RSIR AE1340Y R134a 5.11 120 110 1.08 32 RSIR AE1340Y R134a 5.11 108 100 1.08 32 RSIR AE1350Y R134a 5.98 134 120 1.12 32 RSIRCSCAE1350Y R134a 5.98 140 109 1.28 32 R AE1350Y R134a 5.98 138 125 1.10 32 RSIR AE1360Y R134a 6.91 157 136 1.15 32 RSIR AE1360Y R134a 6.91 174 146 1.19 32 RSIR 江西华意压CSC缩机股份有AE1360Y R134a 6.91 166 134 1.24 32 R 限公司AE1370Y R134a 8.09 172 145 1.18 32 RSIR AE1370Y R134a 8.09 189 156 1.21 32 RSIRCSCAE1370Y R134a 8.09 182 144 1.26 32 R AE1390Y R134a 9.41 224 188 1.19 32 RSIR AE1390Y R134a 9.41 244 198 1.23 32 RSIRCSCAE1390Y R134a 9.41 232 182 1.27 32 R AE1330M R600a 5.98 84 741.14 18 RSIR AE1340M R600a 6.91 105 88 1.19 18 RSIR AE1350M R600a 8.09 125 102 1.23 18 RSIR AE1360M R600a 9.41 146 118 1.24 18 RSIR 2500/50SG920DB2-N 690 Hz3150/50SGZ20DB2-N 881 Hzjqdzw.c3020/50SGW20DB4-N 978 贵州日立电om Hz 器有限公司2470/50SG920DB2-Y 760 Hz3120/50SGZ20DB2-Y 969 HzSGW20DB4-Y 2990/501076Hz 2470/50SG720BB2-Y 760 Hz 1560/60SGA0 R22 Hz 1680/20SG1B R22 60 2060/25SG3D R22 10 2320/27SG4E R22 80 2470/50SG5F R22 Hz 2650/32SG5Q R22 00 2760/50SG6G R22 Hz 2850/34SG6P R22 70 3250/40SH7H R22 00 3535/43SH7Q R22 50 3670/50SH8J R22 Hz 3880/50SH8K R22 Hz 4270/50SH9R R22 Hz4820/58SHZL R22 90 5165/64SHYM R22 75 5630/50SHXS R22 Hz 5990/74SHWT R22 70。

1609 工业无中断电源 (UPS) 用户手册说明书

1609 工业无中断电源 (UPS) 用户手册说明书

User Manual41063-222-01 (1)990-1868 12/20043Mount the UPSThis unit is designed to mount on a heavy duty DIN rail or on the back panel of an enclosure. For details on DIN rail installation refer to the DIN rail installation guide included in the DIN rail package. The DIN rail kit is not included.When mounting on the back panel of an enclosure, select screws that are appropriate for the weight of this unit and the mounting surface material.Six screws must be used when mounting this unit in an enclosure. Three screws in the top of the bracket and three screws in the bottom of the bracket. Failure to follow these instructions may result in damage to the unit.Battery InstallationThe UPS battery is shipped in a separate carton.Refer to the installation guide included with the replacement battery for installation instructions.4Front PanelConnect Power and Equipment to the UPSHardwiring should be performed by a qualified electrician. Use appropriate size wires.1.The UPS features a transient voltage surge-suppression (TVSSand network line protectors.Prior to connecting the grounding cable, ensure that the UPS is NOT connected to utility or battery power.2.Hardwire the UPS.–In 230 V applications the UPS must be protected with a circuit breaker that complies withEuropean standards for branch rated protection per the country of installation.–In 208 V applications, the 1609-U500E must be protected by a dual pole, 10 A branch ratedcircuit breaker with UL489 rating.–The 120 V 1609-U500N has supplementary circuit breaker protection. The unit should beprotected by a single pole, 15 A branch rated circuit breaker with a UL489 rating. Allen-Bradley part number 1492-MCAA115 is suggested. Ensure that the branch circuit breaker is off prior to wiring the unit.3.4.Add optional accessories to the SmartSlot located on the front panel.5.Turn on all connected equipment. To use the UPS as a master on/off switch, be sure all connected equipment is switched on.6.––Do not expect full battery run capability during this initial charge period.7.For optimal computer system security, install PowerChute monitoring software included with the UPS.120 V model depicted.models120 V5ConnectorsCommunication PortContact Closure PortOutput Contact Ratings:Emergency Power OffThe emergency power off (EPO) feature is user configurable. EPO provides immediate de-energizing of connected equipment from a remote location, without switching to battery e a normally-open contact to connect the EPO COM terminal to the EPO terminal.The EPO interface is a Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) circuit. Connect it only to other SELVcircuits. The EPO interface monitors circuits that have no determined voltage potential. Such closure circuits may be provided by a switch or relay properly isolated from the utility. To avoid damage to the UPS, do not connect the EPO interface to any circuit other than a closure type e one of the following cable types to connect the UPS to the EPO switch.•CL2: Class 2 cable for general use.•CL2P: Plenum cable for use in ducts, plenums, and other spaces used for environmental air.•CL2R: Riser cable for use in a vertical run in a floor-to-floor shaft.•CLEX: Limited use cable for use in dwellings and for use in raceways.•For installation in Canada: Use only CSA certified, type ELC (extra-low voltage control cable).•For installation in other countries: Use standard low-voltage cable in accordance with national and local regulations.ParameterValuenominal switching capacity 1 A @ 30 VDC maximum switching power 30 W maximum switching voltage 60 VDC maximum switching current 2 ADC maximum carrying current 2 ADCsurge ratings2 kV per Bellcore TA-NWT-0010891.5 kV per FCC part 68SERIAL PORTA standard serial interface cable is incompatible with the e the cable supplied with the unit.The relays are connected from the common (COM) to the normally closed (NC) pins.When the unit enters a low battery or on battery state, the appropriate relay will transition and connect the common (COM) to the normally open (NO) pin.The Contact Closure Port connection will automatically disable when a Network Management Card or the Serial Port connection are used.6OperationOperationUPS Display Panel Display Panel Indicators and Function ButtonsIndicator LEDIndicator TitleDescriptionOn-Line The UPS is supplying utility power to the connected equipment (see Troubleshooting ).A VR Trim The UPS is compensating for a high utility voltage (see Troubleshooting ).A VR Boost The UPS is compensating for a low utility voltage (see Troubleshooting ).On Battery The UPS is supplying battery power to the connected equipment.OverloadThe connected equipment is drawing more than the UPS power rating allows (see Troubleshooting ).Replace Battery/Battery DisconnectedThe battery is disconnected or must be replaced (see Troubleshooting ).120 V modelsmodelsOperation7User Configurable ItemsUser Configurable ItemsUPS settingsSettings are adjusted through PowerChute software or optional Network Management Card.Function FactoryDefault User SelectableChoices DescriptionAutomatic Self-Test Every 14 days(336 hours)•Every 7 days(168 hours)•On start up only•No self-testSet the interval at which the UPS will execute aself-test.UPS ID UPS_IDEN Up to eight characters(alphanumeric)Uniquely identify the UPS (i.e. server name or location) for network management purposes.Date of Last Battery Replacement ManufactureDatemm/dd/yy Reset this date when you replace the batterymodule.Minimum Capacity Before Return from Shutdown 0 percent•0%•15%•30%•45%•60%•75%•90%Specify the percentage to which batteries willbe charged following a low battery shutdownbefore powering connected equipment.V oltage Sensitivity High sensitivity High sensitivityMedium sensitivityLow sensitivity The UPS detects and reacts to line voltage distortions by transferring to battery operation to protect the connected equipment.In situations of poor power quality, the UPS may frequently transfer to battery operation. If the connected equipment can operate normally under such conditions, reduce the sensitivity setting to conserve battery capacity and service life.Alarm Delay Control Enable•Enable•Mute•DisableMute ongoing alarms or disable all alarmspermanently.Shutdown Delay90 seconds•0 s•90 s•180 s•270 s •360 s•450 s•540 s•630 sSet the interval between the time when the UPSreceives a shutdown command and actualshutdown.8User Configurable ItemsLow Battery Warning 2 minutes2, 5, 8, 11, 14,17, 20, 23 minutesPowerChute software interface providesautomatic, unattended shutdown whenapproximately two minutes of battery operatedrun time remains.The low-battery warning beeps are continuouswhen two minutes of run time remain.Change the low battery warning interval settingto the time that the operating system or systemsoftware requires to safely shut down.Synchronized Turn-on Delay 0 seconds•0 s•60 s•120 s•180 s•240 s•300 s•360 s•420 sSpecify the time the UPS will wait after thereturn of utility power before start up (to avoidbranch circuit overload).High Transfer Point120 V models:127 V AC 230 V models: 253 V AC •127 V AC•130 V AC•253 V AC•257 V AC•133 V AC•136 V AC•261 V AC•265 V ACTo avoid unnecessary use of the battery whereutility voltage is chronically high, set the hightransfer point higher if the connectedequipment can tolerate this condition.Low Transfer Point120 V models:106 V AC230 V models: 208 V AC •97 V AC•100 V AC•196 V AC•200 V AC•103 V AC•106 V AC•204 V AC•208 V ACTo avoid unnecessary use of the battery whereutility voltage is chronically low, set the lowtransfer point lower if the connected equipmentcan tolerate this condition.The 1609-U500E ships ready for 230 Vsources. When operating the UPS in 208 Vapplications, the UPS low transfer voltagesettings are adjusted through PowerChutesoftware or the Network Management Card.The proper setting for low transfer voltage is196 V.Refer to the PowerChute user guide or theNetwork Management Card instructions forsetting adjustment details.Output V oltage230 V models230 V AC•220 V AC•230 V AC •240 V AC230 V models only: Sets the output voltage ofthe UPS while operating on battery.Function FactoryDefault User SelectableChoices Description910Storage, Maintenance, TransportStorage, Maintenance, TransportStorageStore the UPS covered in a cool, dry location with the batteries fully charged.At 5° to 86° F (–15° to 30° C), charge the UPS battery every six months.At 86° to 113° F (30° to 45° C), charge the UPS battery every three months.Replacing the Battery ModuleThis UPS has an easy-to-replace, hot-swappable battery module. Replacement is a safe procedure, isolated from electrical hazards. You may leave the UPS and connected equipment on during the replacement procedure.Ensure battery replacement every 2-4 years.Standard (40C) battery; Allen-Bradley catalog number: 1609-500SBAT.High Temperature (50C) battery; Allen-Bradley catalog number: 1609-500HBAT.Once the batteries are disconnected the connected equipment is not protected from power outages.Refer to the appropriate replacement battery installation guide for battery module installation instructions. Seeyour dealer or contact Rockwell Automation at 440-646-5800 for information on replacement battery modules.Be sure to deliver the spent battery(s) to a recycling facility or ship it to the address specified in the replacement battery literature.Troubleshooting TroubleshootingUse this chart to solve minor installation and operation problems. Refer to Rockwell Automation Tech Support at 440-646-5800 for further support.11TroubleshootingAll LEDs are off and the UPS is wired to input utility powerThe UPS is shut down or the battery is discharged from an extended outage.None: The UPS will restart automatically when utility power is restored and the battery has a sufficient charge.The Overload LED is illuminated and the UPS emits a sustained alarm toneThe UPS is overloaded.The connected equipment exceeds the specified “maximum load” as definedin Specifications listed on the rating label located on the UPS.The alarm remains on until the overload is removed. Disconnect nonessentialequipment from the UPS to eliminate the overload condition.The UPS continues to supply power as long as it is online and the circuitbreaker does not trip; the UPS will not provide power from batteries in theevent of a utility voltage interruption.The Replace Battery/Battery Disconnected LED is illuminatedThe Replace Battery/BatteryDisconnected LED flashes and a shortbeep is emitted every two seconds toindicate the battery is disconnected.Check that the battery connectors are fully engaged.Weak battery Allow the battery to recharge for 24 hours and perform a self-test. If theproblem persists after recharging, replace the battery.Failure of a battery self-test: Replace Battery/Battery Disconnected LED illuminates and the UPS emits short beeps for one minute. The UPS repeats the alarm every five hours.Allow the battery to recharge for 24 hours. Perform the self-test procedure to confirm the replace battery condition. The alarm stops and the LED clears if the battery passes the self-test.If the battery fails again, it must be replaced. The connected equipment is unaffected.The input circuit breaker tripsThe connected equipment exceeds the specified “maximum load” as defined in Specifications listed on the rating label located on the UPS. Unplug all nonessential equipment from the UPS. Reset the circuit breaker.The A VR Boost or A VR Trim LEDs are illuminatedThe system is experiencing very high or low utility voltage.Have a qualified service personnel check your facility for electrical problems. If the problem persists, contact the utility company for further assistance.Problem and/or Possible Cause Solution12Troubleshooting13Service and Contact InformationService and Contact InformationServiceIf the UPS requires service do not return it to the dealer. Follow these steps:1.Review the problems discussed in Troubleshooting to eliminate common problems.2.If the problem persists, contact Rockwell Automation Customer Support.–If the product is determined to be defective, contact the distributor for typical return procedures.–Retain the battery and the Network Management Card (when available).3.Pack the UPS in its original packaging.–Pack the UPS properly to avoid damage in transit. Never use Styrofoam beads for packaging.Damage sustained in transit is not covered under warranty.–Always DISCONNECT THE BATTERY before shipping in compliance with U.S.Department of Transportation (DOT) and IATA regulations. The battery may remain in theUPS.Contact Rockwell AutomationRefer to Rockwell Automation at 440-646-5800.14Safety Information - SAVE THIS GUIDEThis Safety Guide contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the equipment and batteries. It is intended for customers who setup, install, relocate, or maintain equipment.Changes and modifications to this unit not expressly approved could void the warranty.Handling Safety<18 kg (<40 lb) 32–55 kg (70–120 lb)18–32 kg (40–70 lb) >55 kg (>120 lb) >10ºCAUTION! Electrical Safety• Do not work alone under hazardous conditions.• High current through conductive materials could cause severe burns.• Check that the power cord(s), plug(s), and sockets are in good condition.• Use qualified service personnel to change the plug on the UPS and to install permanently wired equipment.• When grounding cannot be verified, disconnect the equipment from the utility power outlet before installing or connecting to other equipment. Reconnect the power cord only after all connections are made.• Do not handle any metallic connector before the power has been disconnected.• Connect the equipment to a three wire utility outlet (two poles plus ground). The receptacle must be connected to appropriate branch circuit/mains protection (fuse or circuit breaker). Connection to any other type of receptacle may result in risk of electrical shock.• 230V models only: In order to maintain compliance with the Electro Magnetic Compliance directive for products sold in Europe, output cords attached to the UPS should not exceed 10 meters in length.• 230V models only: Total leakage current from connected equipment and the UPS must not exceed 3.5 mA for a pluggable A Type UPS.CAUTION! Deenergizing Safety• If the UPS has an internal energy source (battery), the output may be energized when the unit is not connected to a utility power outlet.• To deenergize a pluggable UPS, press the OFF button or switch to shut the equipment off. Unplug the UPS from the utility power outlet. Disconnect the external batteries where applicable and disconnect the internal battery (see User Manual). Push the ON button to deenergize the capacitors.To deenergize a permanently wired UPS, press the OFF button or switch to shut the equipment off. Switch off the utility circuit breaker that supplies power to the UPS. Disconnect the external batteries where applicable anddisconnect the internal battery (see User Manual).WARNING! Battery Safety• This equipment contains potentially hazardous voltages. Do not attempt to disassemble the unit. The only exception is for a UPS containing batteries. Refer to the battery replacement procedures detailed in the User’sManual. Except for the battery, the unit contains no user serviceable parts. Repairs are to be performed only by qualified service personnel.• Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. The batteries may explode.• Do not open or mutilate batteries. They contain an electrolyte that is toxic and harmful to the skin and eyes.• To avoid personal injury due to energy hazard, remove wrist watches and jewelry such as rings when replacing the batteries. Use tools with insulated handles.• Replace batteries with the same number and type of batteries as originally installed in the equipment. Replacement and Recycling of BatteriesSee your dealer or contact Rockwell Automation at 440-646-5800, for information on replacement battery kits and battery recycling.Be sure to deliver the spent battery to a recycling facility in the replacement battery packing material.。


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【优质】猎豹仪表使用说明-word范文模板 (6页)

【优质】猎豹仪表使用说明-word范文模板 (6页)

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