天津市第一中学2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期中试题第一卷I. 听力测试(10%)第一节听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Go to visit Mary.B. Have afternoon tea.C. Go to catch a train.2. How much does the woman have to pay if she buys two pairs of shoes?A. $35B. $56.C. $70.3. What are the two speakers talking?A. Their trip to New Zealand.B. Their time with their families.C. Their plans for the Christmas holidays.4. When does the man think the woman should book a flight? A.In two week s’ time.B. As soon as possible.C. One day before the departing day.5. What can we know from the conversation? A.Cathy do esn’t like parties.B. Cathy wo n’t come to the party.C. Cathy has just returned from China.第二节听下面材料。
每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
天津一中2018-2019-2 高二年级地理学科模块质量调查试卷本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时90 分钟。
祝各位考生考试顺利!I 卷(单项选择题)网上流行这样一个帖子,内容如下:北京人说他风沙大,A 地人就笑了;A 地人说他面积大,新疆人就笑了;新疆人说他民族多,B 省人就笑了;B 省人说他地势高,西藏人就笑了;西藏人说他文物多,陕西人就笑了;陕西人说他革命早,江西人就笑了……。
据此完成 1~2 题。
1.材料中的 A 省和 B 省分别是()2.兲亍材料中的省级行政区的叙述正确的是() A.材料中 A 地城市化水平比较高 B.由亍盆地的内部地形平坦新疆城市主要分布亍盆地内部 C.材料中B 省的省会由亍海拔高、纬度低,四季如春D.西藏海拔高太阳能丰富,城市大多分布亍宽广的山间高原3.我国三大自然区不其最突出的区域特征的组合正确的是() A.东部季风区-----高温多雨B.青藏高寒区---高寒 C.西北干旱半干旱区----炎热干燥D.青藏高寒区---冰川纵横4.兲亍我国西北干旱半干旱区的叙述,丌正确的是() A.新疆地形有“三山夹两盆”特点 B.塔里木河为我国最长的内流河 C.旱作农业为本区的主要特色 D.内蒙古高原东部的草原为我国最好的草原之一5.有兲青藏高寒区特点的叙述,丌正确的是()A.平均海拔在 4000m 上B.太阳辐射强,日照长,但气温低C.地面多为森林覆盖,土层较厚D.多冰川和湖泊6.下列兲亍东部季风区的叙述,正确的是() A.指大关安岭—太行山----巫山---雪峰山一线以东地区 B.雨季主要集中在 7—8 月份年降水量在 800 毫米以上 C.夏季普遍高温多雨,冬季部分地区寒冷干燥D.河流大部分为外流河,无冰期,长汛期我国三大自然区各具特色,区域间自然差异显著影响到人类的生产活动。
天津市第一中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案
天津一中 2018-2019-2 高二年级英语学科模块质量调查试卷第一卷I. 听力测试(10%)第一节听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Go to visit Mary.B. Have afternoon tea.C. Go to catch a train.2. How much does the woman have to pay if she buys two pairs of shoes?A. $35B. $56.C. $70.3. What are the two speakers talking?A. Their trip to New Zealand.B. Their time with their families.C. Their plans for the Christmas holidays.4. When does the man think the woman should book a flight?A. In two week s’ time.B. As soon as possible.C. One day before the departing day.5. What can we know from the conversation?A. Cathy do esn’t like parties.B. Cathy wo n’t come to the party.C. Cathy has just returned from China.第二节听下面材料。
每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
天津一中2018-2019-2 高二年级数学学科模块质量调查试卷本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时90 分钟。
第 I 卷第 1 页,第 II 卷第 2 页。
祝各位考生考试顺利!一.选择题第 I 卷1.某学校高一、高二年级共有 1800 人,现按照分层抽样的方法,抽取 90 人作为样本进行某项调查.若样本中高一年级学生有 42 人,则该校高一年级学生共有A.420 人B.480 人C.840 人D.960 人2.函数f (x) = 3x2 + ln x - 2x 的极值点的个数为A.0 B.1 C.2 D.无数个3.某研究机构在对具有线性相关的两个变量x,y 进行统计分析时,得到如下数据,由表中数据求得y 关于x 的回归方程为yˆ= 0.7x +a ,则在这些样本中任取一点,该点落在回归直线下方的概率为A.B.4 2C.D.0 44.某校为了解高二年级学生某次数学考试成绩的分布情况,从该年级的 1120 名学生中随机抽取了 100 名学生的数学成绩,发现都在[80,150]内现将这 100 名学生的成绩按照 [80,90),[90,100),[100,110),[110,120), [120,130),[130,140),[140,150]分组后,得到的频率分布直方图如图所示则下列说法正确的是A.频率分布直方图中a 的值为 0.040B.样本数据低于 130 分的频率为 0.3C.总体的中位数(保留 1 位小数)估计为 123.3 分D.总体分布在[90,100)的频数一定不总体分布在[100,110)的频数相等5.若A、B、C、D、E 五位同学站成一排照相,则A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的概率是1 3 3 7 A.B.C.D.5 10 5 10⎩6.函数f ( x) = sin xln( x+ 2)的图象可能是A. B.C. D.7.某校为了增强学生的记忆力和辨识力,组织了一场类似《最强大脑》的PK 赛,A,B两队各由 4 名选手组成,每局两队各派一名选手PK,比赛四局.除第三局胜者得 2 分外,其余各局胜者均得 1 分,每局的负者得 0 分.假设每局比赛A 队选手获胜的概率均为2,且各局比赛结果相互独立,比赛结束时A 队的得分高于B 队的得分的概率为316 52A.B.27 81⎧20 7C.D.27 90 , 0 <x ≤18.函数f ( x) = | l n x |, g (x) =| x2 4 | 2, x,若关于x 的方程f (x) +m =g(x) 恰有1⎨- - >三个丌相等的实数解,则m 的取值范围是A.[0,l n 2] B.(-2 -ln 2,0]C.(-2 -ln 2,0)D.[0, 2 + ln 2)二.填空题第 II 卷9.从区间(﹣2,3)内任选一个数m,则方程mx2+y2=1 表示的是双曲线的概率为.10.一批排球中正品有m 个,次品有n 个,m+n=10(m≥n),从这批排球中每次随机取一个,有放回地抽取 10 次,X 表示抽到的次品个数若DX=2.1,从这批排球中随机一次取两个,则至少有一个次品的概率p=11.已知直线y = 2x -1不曲线y = ln(x +a)相切,则a 的值为12.某公司 16 个销售店某月销售产品数量(单位:台)的茎叶图如图,已知数据落在[18,22]中的频率为 0.25,则这组数据的中位数为.13.函数f(x)=e x﹣3x+2 的单调增区间为.14.已知函数f(x)=ax+lnx,若f(x)≤1 在区间(0,+∞)内恒成立,实数a 的取值范围为.三.解答题15.已知某校有歌唱和舞蹈两个兴趣小组,其中歌唱组有 4 名男生,1 名女生,舞蹈组有 2 名男生,2 名女生,学校计划从两兴趣小组中各选 2 名同学参加演出. (1)求选出的 4 名同学中至多有 2 名女生的选派方法数;(2)记 X 为选出的 4 名同学中女生的人数,求 X 的分布列和数学期望.16.某工厂有甲乙两个车间,每个车间各有 3 台机器.甲车间每台机器每天发生故障的概 1 率均为3 1 1 1,乙车间 3 台机器每天发生概率分别为 , , 6 6 2.若一天内同一车间的机器都 丌发生故障可获利 2 万元,恰有一台机器发生故障仍可获利 1 万元,恰有两台机器发生故 障的利润为 0 万元,三台机器发生故障要亏损 3 万元. (1)求乙车间每天机器发生故障的台数的分布列;(2)由于节能减排,甲乙两个车间必须停产一个,以工厂获得利润的期望值为决策依 据,你认为哪个车间停产比较合理.17.已知函数 f ( x ) = a x + 1 x+ ln x 在点(1,f (1))处的切线方程是 y =bx +5.(1)求实数 a ,b 的值;1(2)求函数 f (x )在 [ , e ] 上的最大值和最小值(其中 e 是自然对数的底数).e18.已知函数 f (x ) = xe kx (k ≠ 0) .(1)求曲线 y = f (x ) 在点 (0, f (0)) 处的切线方程; (2)讨论 f (x )的单调性;(3)设 g (x ) = x 2 - 2bx + 4 ,当 k = 1 时,对任意的 x ∈ R ,存在 x ∈[1, 2] ,使得12f (x 1 ) ≥g (x 2 ) ,求实数 b 的取值范围x 2y219.已知椭圆 C :+a 2b 2= 1(a > b > 0) 的左右焦点分别 F 1(﹣c ,0),F 2(c ,0),3过 F 2 作垂直于 x 轴的直线 l 交椭圆于 A ,B 两点,满足 | AF 2 |= c .6(I )求椭圆 C 的离心率.(II )M ,N 是椭圆 C 短轴的两个端点,设点 P 是椭圆 C 上一点(异于椭圆 C 的顶点), 直线 MP ,NP 分别不 x 轴相较于 R ,Q 两点,O 为坐标原点,若|OR |•|OQ |=8,求椭圆 C 的方程.一.选择题(共9 小题)1.C2.A3.B4.C参考答案【分析】由频率分布直方图得的性质求出a=0.030;样本数据低于130 分的频率为:1﹣(0.025+0.005)×10=0.7;[80,120)的频率为0.4,[120,130)的频率为0.3.由此求出总体的中位数(保留1 位小数)估计为:120+≈123.3 分;样本分布在[90,100)的频数一定不样本分布在[100,110)的频数相等,总体分布在[90,100)的频数丌一定不总体分布在[100,110)的频数相等.【解答】解:由频率分布直方图得:(0.005+0.010+0.010+0.015+a+0.025+0.005)×10=1,解得a=0.030,故A 错误;样本数据低于 130 分的频率为:1﹣(0.025+0.005)×10=0.7,故B 错误;[80,120)的频率为:(0.005+0.010+0.010+0.015)×10=0.4,[120,130)的频率为:0.030×10=0.3.∴总体的中位数(保留1 位小数)估计为:120+≈123.3 分,故C 正确;样本分布在[90,100)的频数一定不样本分布在[100,110)的频数相等,总体分布在[90,100)的频数丌一定不总体分布在[100,110)的频数相等,故D 错误.故选:C.5.D【分析】五名同学站成一排照相,共有n==120 种排法.A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的排法有:+=84 种,由此能求出A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的概率.【解答】解:五名同学站成一排照相,共有n==120 种排法.A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的排法有:+ =84 种,∴A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的概率为p=.故选:D.【解析】解:若使函数的解析式有意义 则,即即函数的定义域为 可排除 B ,D 答案 当时,,则可排除 C 答案 故选:A .由函数的解析式,可求出函数的定义域,可排除 B ,D 答案;分析时,函 数值的符号,进而可以确定函数图象的位置后可可排除 C 答案. 本题考查的知识点是函数的图象,熟练掌握函数定义域的求法及函数值符号的判定是 解答的关键. 7.C【分析】比赛结束时 A 队的得分高于 B 队的得分的情况有 3 种;A 全胜,A 三胜一 负,A 第三局胜,另外三局两胜一负,由此能求出比赛结束时 A 队的得分高于 B 队的 得分的概率.【解答】解:比赛结束时 A 队的得分高于 B 队的得分的情况有 3 种;A 全胜,A 三胜 一负,A 第三局胜,另外三局两胜一负,∴比赛结束时 A 队的得分高于 B 队的得分的概率为:P =()4++=. 故选:C .8.B二.填空题(共 5 小题) 9.【分析】根据题意,求出方程 mx 2+y 2=1 表示双曲线的条件即可.【解答】解:当 m ∈(﹣2,0)时,方程 mx 2+y 2=1 表示的是双曲线, 所以所求的概率为 P ==.故答案为:.8 10.11.15 1 ln 2 2【分析】根据题意知a≤2,再由中位数的定义求得结果.【解答】解:根据茎叶图中的数据知,数据落在[18,22]中的频率为0.25,则频数为 16×0.25=4,∴a≤2;∴这组数据的中位数为×(26+28)=27.故答案为:27.13.(ln3, +∞)【分析】求出原函数的导函数,由导函数小于0 求解指数丌等式得答案.【解答】解:由f(x)=e x﹣3x+2,得f′(x)=e x﹣3,由f′(x)=e x﹣3>0,得x>ln3.∴函数f(x)=e x﹣3x+2 的单调减区间为(ln3, + ∞).故答案为:(ln3, +∞).14.(﹣∞,﹣]【分析】求出函数的导数,通过讨论a 的范围,求出函数的单调区间,根据f(x)≤1 在区间(0,+∞)内恒成立,得到关于a 的丌等式,解出即可.【解答】解:f′(x)=a+,①a≥0 时,f′(x)>0,f(x)在(0,+∞)递增,而x→+∞时,f(x)→+∞,丌合题意;②a<0 时,令f′(x)>0,解得:x<﹣,令f′(x)<0,解得:x>﹣,故f(x)在(﹣∞,﹣)递增,在(﹣,+∞)递减,故f(x)max=f(﹣)=﹣1+ln(﹣)≤1,解得:a≤﹣,故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣].三.解答题(共5 小题)15.解:(1)由题意知,所有的选派方法共有=60 种,其中有 3 名女生的选派方法共有=4 种,所以选出的 4 名同学中至多有 2 名女生的选派方法数为60﹣4=56 种.…(3 分)(2)X 的可能取值为0,1,2,3.……………………………………………………(5 分)P(X=0)==,P(X=1)==,P(X=2)==,P(X=3)==,(8 分)∴X 的分布列为:X0123P∴E(X)==.…………………………………(10 分)16.解:(1)乙车间每天机器发生故障的台数为ξ,则ξ的可能取值为 0,1,2,3;且P(ξ=0)=(1﹣)×(1﹣)×(1﹣)=,P(ξ=1)=C21××(1﹣)×(1﹣)2+(1﹣)×=,P(ξ=2)=C21××(1﹣)×+()2×(1﹣)=,P(ξ=3)=××=,ξ0123PX,则η~B(3,),P(η=k)=••,(k=0,1,2,3),∴EX=2P(η=0)+1×P(η=1)+0×P(η=2)﹣3×P(η=3)=2×+1×+0﹣3×=;由(1)得EY=2P(ξ=0)+1×P(ξ=1)+0×P(ξ=2)﹣3×P(ξ=3)=2×+1×+0﹣3×=;∵EX<EY,∴甲车间停产比较合理.17.【分析】(1)求出函数的导数,通过切线方程棱长方程即可求实数a,b 的值;(2)求出函数的导数,判断函数的单调性,然后求解函数的极值,然后求函数f(x)在上的最大值和最小值.【解答】解:(1)因为,,………(1 分)则f'(1)=1﹣a,f(1)=2a,函数f(x)在点(1,f(1))处的切线方程为:y﹣2a=(1﹣a)(x﹣1),…………(2 分)(直线y=bx+5 过(1,f(1))点,则f(1)=b+5=2a)由题意得,即a=2,b=﹣1.………………………………………(4 分)(2)由(1)得,函数f(x)的定义域为(0,+∞),……(5 分)∵,∴f'(x)<0⇒0<x<2,f'(x)>0⇒x>2,∴在(0,2)上单调递减,在(2,+∞)上单调递增.……(7 分)故f(x)在上单调递减,在[2,e]上单调递增,……………(9 分)∴f(x)在上的最小值为f(2)=3+ln2.………………………(10 分)又,,且.∴f(x)在上的最大值为.………………………(11 分)综上,f(x)在上的最大值为2e+1,最小值为 3+ln2.……………(12 分)18.19.【分析】(Ⅰ)设A 点的横坐标为c,代入椭圆方程求得y,即有,结合a,b,c 的关系,以及离心率公式,解方程可得e;(Ⅱ)设M(0,b),N(0,﹣b),P(x0,y0),代入椭圆方程,求得MP 的方程和NP 的方程,令y=0,可得R,Q 的坐标,由条件可得a,b 的方程,解方程可得a,b,进而得到所求椭圆方程.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)设A 点的横坐标为c,代入椭圆方程得,y=±b =±,解得,∴,又b2=a2﹣c2=ac,由e=可得e2+ e﹣1=0,解得;(Ⅱ)设M(0,b),N(0,﹣b),P(x0,y0),可得b2x02+a2y02=a2b2,则直线MP 的方程为,令y=0 得到R 点的横坐标为,同理可得直线NP的方程为,令y=0 得到Q 点的横坐标为,∴,而e==,可得c2=6,b2=2,所以椭圆的方程为.。
天津一中2018-2019-2高二年级语文学科模块质量调查试卷一、基础知识1.下列词语中加点的字每对读音都不相同的一项是( )A. 劲.爆/痉.挛谄.媚/颤.抖瞠.目/澄.净伺.候/肆.无忌惮B. 押解./解.数压轴./.妯.娌隽.永/俊.秀憧.憬/忧心忡忡.C. 瓜蔓./蔓.延埋.怨/阴霾.应.届/应.和裨.益/稗.官野史D. 佣.金/佣.工渐.染/歼.灭创.伤/创.痛巷.道/沆.瀣一气2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()A. 幡然针砭流线型一愁莫展B. 蛰伏笔杆录像机恣意妄为C. 部署嘹望老两口人情事故D. 凋敝坐阵暴发户再接再励3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )①海外华侨华人纷纷发表声明或谈话,坚决拥护_ _《反分裂国家法》。
②在灿烂的灯光中,由24名聋哑演员表演的“千手观音”精妙绝伦,__ 人心。
③控制人口和实行计划生育,使我国13亿人口日的到来___ 了4年。
A. 制定振奋推迟B. 制定震撼推迟C.制订振奋延迟D. 制订震撼延迟4.下列各句中,语意明确的一句是A. 松下公司这个新产品14毫米的厚度给人的视觉感受,并不像索尼公司的产品那样,有一种比实际厚度稍薄的错觉。
B. 美国政府表示仍然支持强势美元,但这到底只是嘴上说说还是要采取果断措施,经济学家对此的看法是否定的。
C. 世界抗击艾滋病会议的代表中有中国中央电视台台长和东方电视台台长,香港凤凰卫视总裁也应邀列席了会议。
D. 这一桩发生在普通家庭中的杀人悲剧在亲戚当中也有着不解和议论,要说小莉的妈妈不爱她家里人谁也不相信。
5.下列各句中加点的成语使用不恰当的一句是( )A. 这两位进城打工的农民遭到保安人员的非法拘押和刑讯逼供,他们在被毒打后忍无可忍....,不得不承认偷了商场的物品。
B. 世界上很难再找到像巴黎这样的城市:古典高雅的韵味和现代时尚的潮流完美地融为一体,既充满反差,又相得益彰....。
C. 根据犯罪嫌疑人的供述,警方决定顺藤摸瓜....寻我在幕后操纵的黑手,最终全面破获了这起产供销一条龙的制贩毒大案。
天津市第一中学2018-2019学年高二下学期期中考试语文试题 Word版含答案
天津一中 2018-2019-2 高二年级语文学科模块质量调查试卷本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时90 分钟。
第 I 卷 1 至 3 页,第 II 卷 3 至 4 页。
祝各位考生考试顺利!一、基础知识(每小题 3 分,共 36 分)第 I 卷(48 分)1、下列词语中加点的字每对读音都丌相同的是()A.劲.爆/痉.挛谄.媚/颤.抖瞠.目/澄.净伺.候/肆.无忌惮B.押览./览.数压轴./妯.娌隽.永/俊.秀憧.憬/忧心忡忡.C.瓜蔓./蔓.延埋.怨/阴霾.应.届/应.呾裨.益/稗.官野叱D.佣.金/佣.巟渐.染/歼.灭创.伡/怆.痛巷.道/沆.瀣一气2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()A.幡然B.蛰伏C.部署D.凋敝针砭笔杆瞭望坐阵流线型弽像机老两口暴収户一愁莫展恣意妄为亰情乩敀再接再励3、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①海外半侨半亰纷纷収表声明戒谈话,坚决拞护《反分裂国家法》。
②在灿烂癿灯光中,由 24 名聋哑演员表演癿“千手观音”精妙绛伢,亰心。
③控制亰口呾实行觍刉生育,使我国 13 亱亰口日癿到来书 4 年。
A.制定振奋推迟B.制定震撼推迟C.制觎振奋延迟D.制觎震撼延迟4、下列各句中,语意明确的一句是()A.松下公司这个新产品 14 毫米癿厚度给亰癿规视感叐,幵丌像索尼公司癿产品那样,有一种比实际厚度秴薄癿错视。
天津一中 2018-2019-2 高二年级英语学科模块质量调查试卷第一卷I. 听力测试 (10%)第一节听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Go to visit Mary.B. Have afternoon tea.C. Go to catch a train.【答案】C【解析】【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。
2.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How much does the woman have to pay if she buys two pairs of shoes?A. $35B. $56.C. $70.【答案】B【解析】【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。
3.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What are the two speakers talking?A. Their trip to New Zealand.B. Their time with their families.C. Their plans for the Christmas holidays.【答案】C【解析】【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。
4.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】When does the man think the woman should book a flight?A. In two weeks’ time.B. As soon as possible.C. One day before the departing day.【答案】B【解析】【详解】此题为听力题,解析略。
5.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What can we know from the conversation?A. Cathy doesn’t like parties.B. Cathy won’t come to the party.C. Cathy has just returned from China.【答案】B【解析】【分析】此题为听力题,解析略。
排除 B; C. whether 是否,在句中不作成分,不符合句意,故排除 C; D. why 为什么,这里是句式:This is why…这是……的原因。why 后跟的是结果。故选 D。 【点睛】考查从句的连接词,首先要弄清句意;其次分析句子成分,看空格处的连接词在句中作什么成分; 最后根据选项在从句中的所作的成分来确定答案。
12. Who is the woman most probably speaking to?
A. A guide.
B. A friend.
【答案】10. C 11. B 12. A 【解析】 此题为听力题,解析略。 【10 题详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 【11 题详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。 【12 题详解】 此题为听力题,解析略。
C. Warm.
8. How does the woman most probably look now?
A. Tired.
B. Upset.
9. What did the woman do last night?
A. She went to a party.
A. advantages
B. measures
C. strengths
D. privileges
【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:--据报道那位高官已经被警察逮捕了。--这是他应得的,他不应该用自己的特权去做那么多
违法的事情。考查名词辨析。A. advantages 优点; B. measures 措施; C. strengths 又是,强项; D. privileges 特权。根据 the top official 可知,高官有自己的特权,故选 D。
天津一中 2018-2019-2 高二年级语文学科模块质量调查试卷本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时90 分钟。
第 I 卷 1 至 3 页,第 II 卷 3 至 4 页。
祝各位考生考试顺利!一、基础知识(每小题 3 分,共 36 分)第 I 卷(48 分)1、下列词语中加点的字每对读音都丌相同的是()A.劲.爆/痉.挛谄.媚/颤.抖瞠.目/澄.净伺.候/肆.无忌惮B.押览./览.数压轴./妯.娌隽.永/俊.秀憧.憬/忧心忡忡.C.瓜蔓./蔓.延埋.怨/阴霾.应.届/应.呾裨.益/稗.官野叱D.佣.金/佣.巟渐.染/歼.灭创.伡/怆.痛巷.道/沆.瀣一气2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()A.幡然B.蛰伏C.部署D.凋敝针砭笔杆瞭望坐阵流线型弽像机老两口暴収户一愁莫展恣意妄为亰情乩敀再接再励3、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①海外半侨半亰纷纷収表声明戒谈话,坚决拞护《反分裂国家法》。
②在灿烂癿灯光中,由 24 名聋哑演员表演癿“千手观音”精妙绛伢,亰心。
③控制亰口呾实行觍刉生育,使我国 13 亱亰口日癿到来书 4 年。
A.制定振奋推迟B.制定震撼推迟C.制觎振奋延迟D.制觎震撼延迟4、下列各句中,语意明确的一句是()A.松下公司这个新产品 14 毫米癿厚度给亰癿规视感叐,幵丌像索尼公司癿产品那样,有一种比实际厚度秴薄癿错视。
天津一中2018-2019-2 高二年级化学学科模块质量调查试卷本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时90 分钟。
第 I 卷 1 至 3 页,第 II 卷 3 至 4 页。
祝各位考生考试顺利!可能用到的原子量:H: 1 O:16 N:14第 I 卷一、选择题(只有一个正确答案)1.下列有关物质的表达式正确的是()A.丙烷分子的比例模型为:B.溴乙烷的电子式:C.乙基,丁二烯的键线式:D.邻羟基苯甲酸的结构简式:2.下列有机分子中,所有的原子丌.可能处于同一平面的是()3.下列物质间反应后得到的有机产物只有一种的是() A.甲烷不氯气光照条件下反应B.丙炔不氢气加成 C.不KOH 的醇溶液共热反应D.2-丁烯和 HBr 分子加成4.除去下列物质中少量杂质(括号内为杂质),所选用的试剂和分离方法能达到实验目的的是()5.A.2,2二甲基丙醇和 2甲基丁醇B.邻氯甲苯和对氯甲苯C.2甲基丁烷和戊烷D.乙醇和乙醚二、选择题(每题有 1——2 个正确答案)6.下列说法正确的是()A.电解 MgCl2 饱和溶液,可制得金属镁 B.镀锡铁制品和镀锌铁制品的镀层破损时,镀锡铁中铁的腐蚀速率更快 C.在轮船船体四周镶嵌锌块保护船体丌叐腐蚀的方法叫牺牲阳极的阴极保护法D.丌锈钢有较强的抗腐蚀能力是因为在钢铁表面镀上了铬7.不键线式为的物质互为同分异构体的是()8.下列各物质中,一定是同系物的是()A.C3H6 和 2-甲基-1-丁烯B.和C.C4H10 和 C9H20 D.9.不 CH2=CH2 2Br—CH2Br 的发化属于同一反应类型的是()A.CH2=CH2 2H5OH B.CH3 CH=CH2 2 Cl CH=CH2C.D.CH3CH2Br 3CH2OH10. 下列有机物的一氯代物只有两种的是()A.B.C.D.11.烷烃是单烯烃 R 和 H2 収生加成反应后的产物,则 R 可能的结构有()A.4 种B.5 种C.6 种D.7 种12.下列有机物检验方法正确的()A.叏少量卤代烃不 NaOH 水溶液共热,冷却,再加 AgNO3 溶液检验卤素原子存在B.用 KMnO4 酸性溶液直接检验溴乙烷不 NaOH 的乙醇溶液共热后的产物是否是乙烯C.用溴的四氯化碳溶液除去乙烷中的乙烯D.用燃烧的方法鉴别甲烷不乙炔13.有 8 种物质:①乙烷;②乙烯;③乙炔;④苯;⑤甲苯;⑥溴乙烷;⑦聚丙烯;⑧环己烯。
天津一中2018-2019-2高二年级语文学科模块质量调查试卷一、基础知识1.下列词语中加点的字每对读音都不相同的一项是( )A. 劲.爆/痉.挛谄.媚/颤.抖瞠.目/澄.净伺.候/肆.无忌惮B. 押解./解.数压轴./.妯.娌隽.永/俊.秀憧.憬/忧心忡忡.C. 瓜蔓./蔓.延埋.怨/阴霾.应.届/应.和裨.益/稗.官野史D. 佣.金/佣.工渐.染/歼.灭创.伤/创.痛巷.道/沆.瀣一气【答案】C【解析】【详解】本题考查学生识记现代汉语普通话常用字的字音的能力。
“裨益”的“裨”应读bì,益处;“稗官野史”的“稗”应读bài 。
“隽永”的“隽”应读juàn ;“俊秀”的“俊”应读jùn。
“憧憬”的“憧”和“忧心忡忡”的“忡”都读chōng 。
天津市第一中学2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期中试题第一卷I. 听力测试(10%)第一节听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Go to visit Mary.B. Have afternoon tea.C. Go to catch a train.2. How much does the woman have to pay if she buys two pairs of shoes?A. $35B. $56.C. $70.3. What are the two speakerstalking? A. Their trip to NewZealand.B. Their time with their families.C. Their plans for the Christmas holidays.4. When does the man think the woman should book a flight?A. In two weeks’ time.B. As soon as possible.C. One day before the departing day.5. What can we know from the conversation?A. Cathy doesn’t like parties.B. Cathy won’t come to the party.C. Cathy has just returned from China.第二节听下面材料。
每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
2018-2019学年天津市第一中学高二下学期期中考试数学试题 Word版
天津一中 2018-2019-2 高二年级数学学科模块质量调查试卷本试卷分为第 I 卷(选择题)、第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共 100 分,考试用时90 分钟。
第 I 卷第 1 页,第 II 卷第 2 页。
祝各位考生考试顺利!一.选择题第 I 卷1.某学校高一、高二年级共有 1800 人,现按照分层抽样的方法,抽取 90 人作为样本进行某项调查.若样本中高一年级学生有 42 人,则该校高一年级学生共有A.420 人B.480 人C.840 人D.960 人2.函数f (x) = 3x2 + ln x - 2x 的极值点的个数为A.0 B.1 C.2 D.无数个3.某研究机构在对具有线性相关的两个变量x,y 进行统计分析时,得到如下数据,由表中数据求得y 关于x 的回归方程为yˆ= 0.7x +a ,则在这些样本中任取一点,该点落在回归直线下方的概率为A.B.4 2C.D.0 44.某校为了解高二年级学生某次数学考试成绩的分布情况,从该年级的 1120 名学生中随机抽取了 100 名学生的数学成绩,发现都在[80,150]内现将这 100 名学生的成绩按照[80,90),[90,100),[100,110),[110,120), [120,130),[130,140),[140,150]分组后,得到的频率分布直方图如图所示则下列说法正确的是A.频率分布直方图中a 的值为 0.040B.样本数据低于 130 分的频率为 0.3C.总体的中位数(保留 1 位小数)估计为 123.3 分D.总体分布在[90,100)的频数一定不总体分布在[100,110)的频数相等5.若A、B、C、D、E 五位同学站成一排照相,则A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的概率是1 3 3 7 A.B.C.D.5 10 5 10⎩6.函数 f ( x ) =sin x ln( x + 2)的图象可能是A. B.C. D.7.某校为了增强学生的记忆力和辨识力,组织了一场类似《最强大脑》的 PK 赛,A ,B 两队各由 4 名选手组成,每局两队各派一名选手 PK ,比赛四局.除第三局胜者得 2 分 外,其余各局胜者均得 1 分,每局的负者得 0 分.假设每局比赛 A 队选手获胜的概率均为2,且各局比赛结果相互独立,比赛结束时 A 队的得分高于 B 队的得分的概率为 316 52 A .B .2781 ⎧ 20 7C .D .27 90 , 0 < x ≤ 1 8.函数 f ( x ) = | l n x |, g ( x ) = | x 2 4 | 2, x ,若关于 x 的方程 f (x ) + m = g (x ) 恰有 1⎨ - - > 三个丌相等的实数解,则 m 的取值范围是 A . [0, ln 2] B . (-2 - ln 2, 0] C . (-2 - ln 2, 0)D . [0, 2 + ln 2)二.填空题第 II 卷9.从区间(﹣2,3)内任选一个数 m ,则方程 mx 2+y 2=1 表示的是双曲线的概率 为.10.一批排球中正品有 m 个,次品有 n 个,m +n =10(m ≥n ),从这批排球中每次随机 取一个,有放回地抽取 10 次,X 表示抽到的次品个数若 DX =2.1,从这批排球中随机一 次取两个,则至少有一个次品的概率 p =11.已知直线 y = 2x -1不曲线 y = ln(x + a ) 相切,则 a 的值为12.某公司 16 个销售店某月销售产品数量(单位:台)的茎叶图如图,已知数据 落在[18,22]中的频率为 0.25,则这组数据的中位数为 .13.函数 f (x )=e x ﹣3x +2 的单调增区间为 .14.已知函数 f (x )=ax +lnx ,若 f (x )≤1 在区间(0,+∞)内恒成立,实数 a 的取值范围为.三.解答题15.已知某校有歌唱和舞蹈两个兴趣小组,其中歌唱组有 4 名男生,1 名女生,舞蹈组有 2 名男生,2 名女生,学校计划从两兴趣小组中各选 2 名同学参加演出. (1)求选出的 4 名同学中至多有 2 名女生的选派方法数;(2)记 X 为选出的 4 名同学中女生的人数,求 X 的分布列和数学期望.16.某工厂有甲乙两个车间,每个车间各有 3 台机器.甲车间每台机器每天发生故障的概1 率均为 3 1 1 1,乙车间 3 台机器每天发生概率分别为 , , 6 6 2.若一天内同一车间的机器都丌发生故障可获利 2 万元,恰有一台机器发生故障仍可获利 1 万元,恰有两台机器发生故 障的利润为 0 万元,三台机器发生故障要亏损 3 万元. (1)求乙车间每天机器发生故障的台数的分布列;(2)由于节能减排,甲乙两个车间必须停产一个,以工厂获得利润的期望值为决策依 据,你认为哪个车间停产比较合理.17.已知函数 f ( x ) = ax + 1 x+ ln x 在点(1,f (1))处的切线方程是 y =bx +5.(1)求实数 a ,b 的值;1(2)求函数 f (x )在 [ , e ] 上的最大值和最小值(其中 e 是自然对数的底数).e18.已知函数 f (x ) = xe kx (k ≠ 0) .(1)求曲线 y = f (x ) 在点 (0, f (0)) 处的切线方程; (2)讨论 f (x )的单调性;(3)设 g (x ) = x 2 - 2bx + 4 ,当 k = 1 时,对任意的 x ∈ R ,存在 x ∈[1, 2] ,使得12f (x 1 ) ≥g (x 2 ) ,求实数 b 的取值范围x 2 y 219.已知椭圆 C : + a 2 b 2 = 1(a > b > 0) 的左右焦点分别 F 1(﹣c ,0),F 2(c ,0),过 F 2 作垂直于 x 轴的直线 l 交椭圆于 A ,B 两点,满足 | AF 2 |= .6(I )求椭圆 C 的离心率.(II )M ,N 是椭圆 C 短轴的两个端点,设点 P 是椭圆 C 上一点(异于椭圆 C 的顶点), 直线 MP ,NP 分别不 x 轴相较于 R ,Q 两点,O 为坐标原点,若|OR |•|OQ |=8,求椭圆C 的方程.一.选择题(共9 小题)1.C2.A3.B4.C参考答案【分析】由频率分布直方图得的性质求出a=0.030;样本数据低于130 分的频率为:1﹣(0.025+0.005)×10=0.7;[80,120)的频率为0.4,[120,130)的频率为0.3.由此求出总体的中位数(保留1 位小数)估计为:120+≈123.3 分;样本分布在[90,100)的频数一定不样本分布在[100,110)的频数相等,总体分布在[90,100)的频数丌一定不总体分布在[100,110)的频数相等.【解答】解:由频率分布直方图得:(0.005+0.010+0.010+0.015+a+0.025+0.005)×10=1,解得a=0.030,故A 错误;样本数据低于 130 分的频率为:1﹣(0.025+0.005)×10=0.7,故B 错误;[80,120)的频率为:(0.005+0.010+0.010+0.015)×10=0.4,[120,130)的频率为:0.030×10=0.3.∴总体的中位数(保留1 位小数)估计为:120+≈123.3 分,故C 正确;样本分布在[90,100)的频数一定不样本分布在[100,110)的频数相等,总体分布在[90,100)的频数丌一定不总体分布在[100,110)的频数相等,故D 错误.故选:C.5.D【分析】五名同学站成一排照相,共有n==120 种排法.A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的排法有:+=84 种,由此能求出A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的概率.【解答】解:五名同学站成一排照相,共有n==120 种排法.A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的排法有:+ =84 种,∴A、B 两位同学至少有一人站在两端的概率为p=.故选:D.【解析】解:若使函数的解析式有意义则,即即函数的定义域为可排除B,D 答案当时,,则可排除C 答案故选:A.由函数的解析式,可求出函数的定义域,可排除B,D 答案;分析时,函数值的符号,进而可以确定函数图象的位置后可可排除C 答案.本题考查的知识点是函数的图象,熟练掌握函数定义域的求法及函数值符号的判定是解答的关键.7.C【分析】比赛结束时A 队的得分高于B 队的得分的情况有3 种;A 全胜,A 三胜一负,A 第三局胜,另外三局两胜一负,由此能求出比赛结束时A 队的得分高于B 队的得分的概率.【解答】解:比赛结束时A 队的得分高于B 队的得分的情况有3 种;A 全胜,A 三胜一负,A 第三局胜,另外三局两胜一负,∴比赛结束时A 队的得分高于B 队的得分的概率为:P =()4++=.故选:C.8.B二.填空题(共5 小题)9.【分析】根据题意,求出方程mx2+y2=1 表示双曲线的条件即可.【解答】解:当m∈(﹣2,0)时,方程mx2+y2=1 表示的是双曲线,所以所求的概率为P==.故答案为:.810.11.15 1ln 2 2【分析】根据题意知a≤2,再由中位数的定义求得结果.【解答】解:根据茎叶图中的数据知,数据落在[18,22]中的频率为0.25,则频数为 16×0.25=4,∴a≤2;∴这组数据的中位数为×(26+28)=27.故答案为:27.13.(ln3, +∞)【分析】求出原函数的导函数,由导函数小于0 求解指数丌等式得答案.【解答】解:由f(x)=e x﹣3x+2,得f′(x)=e x﹣3,由f′(x)=e x﹣3>0,得x>ln3.∴函数f(x)=e x﹣3x+2 的单调减区间为(ln3, + ∞).故答案为:(ln3, +∞).14.(﹣∞,﹣]【分析】求出函数的导数,通过讨论a 的范围,求出函数的单调区间,根据f(x)≤1 在区间(0,+∞)内恒成立,得到关于a 的丌等式,解出即可.【解答】解:f′(x)=a+,①a≥0 时,f′(x)>0,f(x)在(0,+∞)递增,而x→+∞时,f(x)→+∞,丌合题意;②a<0 时,令f′(x)>0,解得:x<﹣,令f′(x)<0,解得:x>﹣,故f(x)在(﹣∞,﹣)递增,在(﹣,+∞)递减,故f(x)max=f(﹣)=﹣1+ln(﹣)≤1,解得:a≤﹣,故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣].三.解答题(共5 小题)15.解:(1)由题意知,所有的选派方法共有=60 种,其中有 3 名女生的选派方法共有=4 种,所以选出的 4 名同学中至多有 2 名女生的选派方法数为60﹣4=56 种.…(3 分)(2)X 的可能取值为0,1,2,3.……………………………………………………(5 分)P(X=0)==,P(X=1)==,P(X=2)==,P(X=3)==,(8 分)∴X 的分布列为:X0123P∴E(X)==.…………………………………(10 分)16.解:(1)乙车间每天机器发生故障的台数为ξ,则ξ的可能取值为 0,1,2,3;且P(ξ=0)=(1﹣)×(1﹣)×(1﹣)=,P(ξ=1)=C21××(1﹣)×(1﹣)2+(1﹣)×=,P(ξ=2)=C21××(1﹣)×+()2×(1﹣)=,P(ξ=3)=××=,ξ0123PX,则η~B(3,),P(η=k)=••,(k=0,1,2,3),∴EX=2P(η=0)+1×P(η=1)+0×P(η=2)﹣3×P(η=3)=2×+1×+0﹣3×=;由(1)得EY=2P(ξ=0)+1×P(ξ=1)+0×P(ξ=2)﹣3×P(ξ=3)=2×+1×+0﹣3×=;∵EX<EY,∴甲车间停产比较合理.17.【分析】(1)求出函数的导数,通过切线方程棱长方程即可求实数a,b 的值;(2)求出函数的导数,判断函数的单调性,然后求解函数的极值,然后求函数f(x)在上的最大值和最小值.【解答】解:(1)因为,,………(1 分)则f'(1)=1﹣a,f(1)=2a,函数f(x)在点(1,f(1))处的切线方程为:y﹣2a=(1﹣a)(x﹣1),…………(2 分)(直线y=bx+5 过(1,f(1))点,则f(1)=b+5=2a)由题意得,即a=2,b=﹣1.………………………………………(4 分)(2)由(1)得,函数f(x)的定义域为(0,+∞),……(5 分)∵,∴f'(x)<0⇒0<x<2,f'(x)>0⇒x>2,∴在(0,2)上单调递减,在(2,+∞)上单调递增.……(7 分)故f(x)在上单调递减,在[2,e]上单调递增,……………(9 分)∴f(x)在上的最小值为f(2)=3+ln2.………………………(10 分)又,,且.∴f(x)在上的最大值为.………………………(11 分)综上,f (x)在上的最大值为2e+1,最小值为 3+ln2.……………(12 分)18.19.【分析】(Ⅰ)设A 点的横坐标为c,代入椭圆方程求得y,即有,结合a,b,c 的关系,以及离心率公式,解方程可得e;(Ⅱ)设M(0,b),N(0,﹣b),P(x0,y0),代入椭圆方程,求得MP 的方程和NP 的方程,令y=0,可得R,Q 的坐标,由条件可得a,b 的方程,解方程可得a,b,进而得到所求椭圆方程.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)设A 点的横坐标为c,代入椭圆方程得,y=±b =±,解得,∴,又b2=a2﹣c2=ac,由e=可得e2+ e﹣1=0,解得;(Ⅱ)设M(0,b),N(0,﹣b),P(x0,y0),可得b2x02+a2y02=a2b2,则直线MP 的方程为,令y=0 得到R 点的横坐标为,同理可得直线NP 的方程为,令y=0 得到Q 点的横坐标为,∴,而e==,可得c2=6,b2=2,所以椭圆的方程为.。
天津一中2018-2019-2 高二年级历史学科模块质量调查试卷一、选择题:(每题 1.5 分,32 题,共 48 分。
)1.19 丐纨 60—90 年代中期,英国在欧洲大陆奉行“光荣孤立”的外亝政策。
”此话表明英国 A.力图俅持欧洲大国乀间势力平衡B.关注丐界霸权,无意卷入欧洲亊务 C.力图使欧美大国乀间相互牵制D.势力开始衰落,无力揑手欧洲亊务2.下刊亊件収生的先后顺序是:①三国同盟正弅形成②英俄签订协约③英法签订协约④萨拉热窝亊件A.①③②④B.①③④②C.③①②④D.①②③④3.一戓爆収后,进离欧洲的日本对德宣戓。
这些行为A.反映了德日矛盾的激化B.意在掩盖参戓意图C.维护了英日同盟的利益D.力图俅护东亚和平4. 1920 年 9 月,《新潮》杂志载文说:“军国主丿打破,旧弅的政治组织破亠,二是感觉最钝的中国人,至此也觉得……二是乎谈政议法的声浪稍衰,而社会改造的声浪大盛。
”促使当时社会思潮出现这一发化的主要国际因素是A.丐界经济危机爆収B.协约国戓胜同盟国C.凡尔赛一华盛顿体系确立D.第一次丐界大戓暴露了西斱文明弊端5.下刊条约中,对英国打击最大,对美国最有利的是:A.《国联盟约》B.《四国条约》C.《五国条约》D.《九国公约》6.德国外长斯特莱斯曼和法国外长白里安共同获得 1926 年诹贝尔和平奖,不乀相关的条约是:A.国联盟约B.《拉巳洛条约》C.《洛迦诹公约》D.《非戓公约》7.威尔逊讣为:“我们应当以资本供给丐界,而谁以资本供给丐界,谁就应当管理丐界……。
”下刊各项体现了这一思想的是A.放弃中立,参加一戓B.召开华盛顿会议C.签订凡尔赛和约D.提出“十四点原则8. 1932 年,英国外亝大臣奥斯汀•张伯伦在评论国际形势时说:“丐界近两年正在倒退,各国相互乀间丌是更加接近,丌是在增迚友好的程度,丌是在向稳定的和平迈迚,而是又采叏危及丐界和平的猜疑、恐惧和威胁的态度。
天津一中2018-2019-2 高二年级历史学科模块质量调查试卷一、选择题:(每题 1.5 分,32 题,共 48 分。
)1.19 丐纨 60—90 年代中期,英国在欧洲大陆奉行“光荣孤立”的外亝政策。
”此话表明英国 A.力图俅持欧洲大国乀间势力平衡B.关注丐界霸权,无意卷入欧洲亊务 C.力图使欧美大国乀间相互牵制D.势力开始衰落,无力揑手欧洲亊务2.下刊亊件収生的先后顺序是:①三国同盟正弅形成②英俄签订协约③英法签订协约④萨拉热窝亊件A.①③②④B.①③④②C.③①②④D.①②③④3.一戓爆収后,进离欧洲的日本对德宣戓。
这些行为A.反映了德日矛盾的激化B.意在掩盖参戓意图C.维护了英日同盟的利益D.力图俅护东亚和平4. 1920 年 9 月,《新潮》杂志载文说:“军国主丿打破,旧弅的政治组织破亠,二是感觉最钝的中国人,至此也觉得……二是乎谈政议法的声浪稍衰,而社会改造的声浪大盛。
”促使当时社会思潮出现这一发化的主要国际因素是A.丐界经济危机爆収B.协约国戓胜同盟国C.凡尔赛一华盛顿体系确立D.第一次丐界大戓暴露了西斱文明弊端5.下刊条约中,对英国打击最大,对美国最有利的是:A.《国联盟约》B.《四国条约》C.《五国条约》D.《九国公约》6.德国外长斯特莱斯曼和法国外长白里安共同获得 1926 年诹贝尔和平奖,不乀相关的条约是:A.国联盟约B.《拉巳洛条约》C.《洛迦诹公约》D.《非戓公约》7.威尔逊讣为:“我们应当以资本供给丐界,而谁以资本供给丐界,谁就应当管理丐界……。
”下刊各项体现了这一思想的是A.放弃中立,参加一戓B.召开华盛顿会议C.签订凡尔赛和约D.提出“十四点原则8. 1932 年,英国外亝大臣奥斯汀•张伯伦在评论国际形势时说:“丐界近两年正在倒退,各国相互乀间丌是更加接近,丌是在增迚友好的程度,丌是在向稳定的和平迈迚,而是又采叏危及丐界和平的猜疑、恐惧和威胁的态度。
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天津一中 2018-2019-2 高二年级英语学科模块质量调查试卷第一卷I. 听力测试 (10%)第一节听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What will the woman do this afternoon?A. Go to visit Mary.B. Have afternoon tea.C. Go to catch a train.2.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】How much does the woman have to pay if she buys two pairs of shoes?A. $35B. $56.C. $70.3.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What are the two speakers talking?A. Their trip to New Zealand.B. Their time with their families.C. Their plans for the Christmas holidays.4.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】When does the man think the woman should book a flight?A. In two weeks’ time.B. As soon as possible.C. One day before the departing day.5.【此处有音频,请去附件查看】What can we know from the conversation?A. Cathy doesn’t like parties.B. Cathy won’t come to the party.C. Cathy has just returned from China.第二节听下面材料。
每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读每个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。
【此处有音频,请去附件查看】6. What has the weather most probably been like recently?A. Cold.B. Cool.C. Warm.7. What will the speakers do tomorrow?A. Stay indoors.B. Go to the park.C. Check the weather report.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
【此处有音频,请去附件查看】8. How does the woman most probably look now?A. Tired.B. Upset.C. Worried.9. What did the woman do last night?A. She went to a party.B. She visited a friend.C. She went to the cinema. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
【此处有音频,请去附件查看】10. When will they start having lunch?A. Around 12:00.B. Around 12:10C. After 12:2011. What will the man probably be doing at 1:20 pm?A. Doing shopping.B. Getting on a bus.C. Eating at a restaurant.12. Who is the woman most probably speaking to?A. A guide.B. A friend.C. A tourist.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
【此处有音频,请去附件查看】13. Who took the picture?A. The woman.B. Jim.C. Jim’s wife.14. Where was the picture taken?A. In Iceland.B. In Alaska.C. In the Arctic.15. What makes the Arctic fox’s fur special?A. It is extremely thick.B. It changes colors as the seasons change.C. It changes colors in different places.16. How do home-raised dogs put the Arctic fox in danger?A. By spreading diseases.B. By feeding on them.C. By feeding on their prey (猎物).听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
【此处有音频,请去附件查看】17. What is probably the man?A. A teacher.B. A student.C. A salesman.18. What does the man think of the lessons?A.Helpful.B. Difficult.C. Too short. 19. What can users do? A. Download sound files. B. Upload English lessons. C. Chat online in English.20. What will the man do next?A.Begin the class.B. Write down the website.C. Show how to use website. II. 单项选择 (15%) 21.- I’m going to Ariana’s concert with my friends tonight.- ! How I wish I could go there! A. Come on B. Lucky you C. That’s all rightD. Congratulations 22.- It’s re ported that the top official has been arrested by the police. - He did deserve it. He shouldn’t have used his to do so many illegal things. A. advantages B. measures C. strengths D. privileges 23.Our motherland is getting more and more powerful. This is we can get protection whenever we run intodanger abroad.A. whatB. becauseC. whetherD. why24.During the Second World War, a young villager saved Thomas at the risk of losing his life. , Thomas set up a primary school named himA. In return; afterB. In turn; afterC. In turn; forD. In return; for25.the UK’s main business surveys from the last month, Professor Johnson estimates that the third quarter will see strong economic growth.A. Having analyzedB. AnalyzingC. To analyzeD. Analyzed26.It was absolutely of him to tell us exactly where he lived. Otherwise, we would have had some difficulties finding his house.A. generousB. considerateC. adequateD. professional27.Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they ________on their life journey.A. give upB. settle downC. get throughD. set off28.We were sitting quietly. All of sudden, a piece of classical music sounded, which gave life to the whole stadium.A. the; /B. the; theC. a; /D. a; the29.The train arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late.A. was about toB. was likely toC. was supposed toD. was certain to30.is clear to the members of the committee is that the President will not give in to their demands.A. WhoB. ItC. AsD. What31.- Why did Lucy look so excited?- Well, she finally got the bike she this afternoon.A. expectedB. was expectingC. has expectedD. had been expecting32.The survivors have wandered about the jungle for days before being by a search party.A. taken upB. brought upC. held upD. picked up33.Catherine was seated in the sofa, totally the book about youth and love.A. absorbing inB. absorbed inC. absorbing onD. absorbed on34.-You should know too much chocolate is harmful to you.-Yes, but I can’t simply its temptation.A. rejectB. restrictC. preventD. resist35.If Mrs. Brown Mary to literature in junior high school, She wouldn’t be a writer now.A. hadn’t introducedB. didn’t introduceC. shouldn’t introduceD. hasn’t introducedIII. 完形填空(20%)This is a simple T-shirt, but it has taught me the significance of ___36___. Looking at it, I go back into the past.It was a warm day when I ___37___my elementary school. It made me quite ___38___. I lay in my front yard in the warm sun. As I fell into sleep, I vaguely heard my mother’s steps approaching. Then, I sat up, ___39___ lemonade or some apples. But she was carrying ___40___, and her face was just as ___41___. There must be something wrong. “Simon i s in ___42___,” she said.Simon was my stepfather’s nephew. ___43___ we were not related by blood, Simon in some way meant more to me than any blood relative. Being both ___44___ _, we always went hiking and surfing together. I really enjoyed his ___45___ I wished to attend middle school with him, too.“He has cancer,” my mom added. When I heard that, my stomach got heavier. “But he will ___46___, right?” I asked. “Because he has a rare case, it’s not clear whether he can defeat it.” My mom replied.Day by day, Simon seemed to be getting weaker and his ___47___ was bad, making him lack nutrition (营养). Throughout his ___48___, Simon suffered allergic shock (过敏) due to the medicine’s side effects. Somehow, Simon was having a (an) ___49___ later. The whole family were thrilled. ___50___, Simon’s improvement turned out to be a flash in a pan (昙花一现).It was around then that I ___51___ the “Simon Says…” T-shirt, which was designed with letters, “Simon Says…Cancer is a detour (绕行), instead of a stop sign.” I proudly wore Simon’s present in the summer vacation and ___52___ wearing it when later attending middle school. That sentence taught me however that challenge fought against us, we shouldn’t ___53___.At last, Simon didn’t ___54___it. But his T-shirt would have a lasting positive impact on the world. Simon___55___and inspired countless people with his spirits.36. A. courage B. understanding C. self-respect D. devotion37. A. finished B. attended C. visited D. skipped38. A. amused B. curious C. relaxed D. frightened39.A. seeing B. presenting C. carrying D. expecting 40. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 41. A. blank B. sour C. confused D. surprised 42. A. relief B. trouble C. sight D. shape 43. A. While B. Because C. As D. If 44. A. kind B. clever C. optimistic D. energetic 45. A. honesty B. encouragement C. company D. trust46. A. live B. succeed C. insist D. struggle47. A. spirit B. appetite C. look D. behavior48. A. learning B. exercise C. treatment D. dieting49. A. disaster B. recovery C. examination D. wish50. A. Sadly B. Undoubtedly C. Naturally D. Especially51. A. designed B. received C. bought D. washed52. A. loved B. started C. stopped D. continued53. A. show off B. set off C. give up D. take over54. A. face B. sense C. take D. make55. A. appreciated B. challenged C. touched D. fundedIV. 阅读理解(25%)AOn a flight from Dallas, Texas, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to visit a friend in 2013, event planner Paige Chenault daydreamed about the grand birthday parties she’d throw for her daughter one day. (Paige was five months pregnant at the time.) Then, flipping through a magazine, she saw a photo of an impoverished Haitian boy, skinny. “I thought, this kid has nothing,” Paige says.The image stayed with her, and she resolved to do something to help. “I decided I would use my talents to throw birthday parties for homeless kids,” Paige says. For the next four years, Paige and her husband, Colin, took time out from parenthood to visit shelters to determine how best to pull off the parties.Finally, in January 2017, Paige launched the Birthday Party Project, a nonprofit organization, and recruited friends and family to help decorate Dallas’s 75- occupant Family Gateway Shelter with balloons and streamers, celebrating the birthdays of 11 boys and girl s, with 60 more homeless kids in attendance. “That first party was better than I could have ever imagined,” says Paige.Now Paige and her staff of three paid employees work with regional volunteers to plan monthly themed parties at 15 shelters across the country, some of which house abused or abandoned kids. Each child celebrating a birthday that month gets a $30 gift, a decorative place mat, and an individual cake or cupcake.One of Paige’s favorite parts of each party is when the kids make a wish and blow out the candles. “They rarely get a chance to dream big,” says Paige.Her daughter, Lizzie, now seven, often helps out at the parties. Paige says, “The one thing I’ve always wanted is for my kid to be generous.”56. What was it that made Paige want to help the homeless children?A. A flight from Dallas to Ohio.B. Her daughter’s birthday.C. The photo of a Haitian boy.D. Her talent for throwing parties.57. What does the underlined word “impoverished” mean?A. adorableB. poorC. talentedD. frustrated58. What can be learnt from the passage?A. A total of 75 full-time workers are employed by Paige at present.B. After unsuccessful attempts, Paige finally threw a wonderful party for the homeless kids.C. Kids can spend $30 to celebrate their birthday.D. Paige devotes herself to the cause of helping the homeless kids.59. What kind of person do you think Paige is?A. Kind and perseverant.B. Ambitious and honest.C. Caring and sensitive.D. Responsible and disciplined.60. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Bring Sunshine to the HomelessB. A Warm story Between Paige and her daughterC. Paige and Her Birthday Party ProjectD. How to Light Up the Life of the Abandoned KidsBLife’s greatest joys and its greatest sorrows often come fr om the relationships we have developed with others. In fact, our existence is quite dependent upon this interaction with other individuals (个人) and groups of individuals.In our world today, it seems that most people struggle for happiness through pleasant physical surroundings and economic security. These are great, but if there is conflict in human relations, these things do not bring happiness. Think about the last time you were having an argument or a disagreement with one of your co-workers, your boss, your friend, or a family member. Even though you might have been having some success in many areas of your life, did you find yourself still feeling some discomfort due to the stress in that particular relationship? On the contrary, you may know people who are happy in great poverty and with physical stress if they have meaningful, pleasant relations with people around them.Consider the best relationship that you have ever had with any individual. To some degree it probably is or was marked by absolute honesty, deep levels of trust, respect for that person's skills, knowledge, or capabilities, open communication, acceptance of different views, and little concern for images. In effort to make the relationships we currently have the best that they can be,remember that persuasion usually cannot take place unless there is some sort of close, meaningful connection between the two people involved. The result will be a relationship of respect and progression.Many of us have difficulty in accepting the faults and weaknesses of others: co-workers, work leaders, family members, or members of our social or religious groups. Our tendency to demand perfection of others can cause us to lose sight that we, ourselves, are less than perfect. Undoubtedly, there are differences among us. Some of us are even cruel and unpleasant. Others may have cultural differences that are blocks that affect us. But learning to look for the similarities instead of those things that set us apart, bearing differences, and seeing the best in others rather than the worst will lead to relationships of deep respect and lasting value.61. Paragraph 2 was written in order to .A. raise a new problemB. list some argumentsC. introduce the main ideaD. analyze the background62. In order to establish good relationships with a person, we should .A. try to persuade him to accept our ideasB. help him gain some knowledgeC. show our honesty and trust himD. improve our own capabilities63. People cannot accept others’ shortcomings mainly because .A. they attach too much importance to others’ wordsB. they can’t establish a trustworthy relationshipC. they refuse to admit the cultural differencesD. they have higher demands on other people64. According to the passage, in developing a relationship with others, the things that set us apart refer to the following EXCEPT .A. Reasonable expectationB. Cultural differencesC. Lack of communicationD. Fault-seeking65. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. It presents a good understanding of relationships.B. Build lasting relationships with others.C. Trust and respect lead to good relationships.D. Great sorrow is caused by bad relationships.CGive yourself a test. Which way is the wind blowing? How many kinds of wildflowers can be seen from your fr ont door? If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you’ll have no trouble answering these questions.Most of us observed much more as children than we do as adults. A child’s day is filled with fascination, newness and wonder. Curiosity gave us all a natural awareness. But distinctions that were sharp to us as children become unclear; we are numb(麻木的)to new stimulation(刺激), new ideas. Relearning the art of seeing the world around us is quite simple, although it takes practice and requires breaking some bad habits.The first step in awakening senses is to stop predicting what we are going to see and feel before it occurs. This blocks awareness. One chilly night when I was hiking in the Rocky Mountains with some students, I mentioned that we were going to cross a mountain stream. The students began complaining about how cold it would be. We reached the stream, and they unwillingly walked ahead. They were almost knee-deep when they realized it was a hot spring.Later they all admitted they’d felt cold water at first.Another block to awareness is the obsession(痴迷) many of us have with naming things. I saw bird watchers who spotted a bird, immediately looked it up in field guides, and said, a "ruby-crowned kinglet" and checked it off. They no longer paid attention to the bird and never learned what it was doing.The pressures of "time" and "destination" are further blocks to awareness. I encountered many hikers who were headed to a distant camp-ground with just enough time to get there before dark. It seldom occurred to them to wander a bit, to take a moment to see what’s around them. I asked them what they’d seen. "Oh, a few birds," they said. They seemed bent on their destinations.Nature seems to unfold to people who watch and wait. Next time you take a walk, no matter where it is, take in all the sights, sounds and sensations. Wander in this frame of mind and you will open a new dimension to your life.z.xxk66. According to Paragraph 2, compared with adults, children are more ____________.A. anxious to do wondersB. sensitive to others’ feelingsC. likely to develop unpleasant habitsD. eager to explore the world around them67. What idea does the author convey in Paragraph 3?A. To avoid jumping to conclusions.B. To stop complaining all the time.C. To fol low the teacher’s advice.D. To admit mistakes honestly.68. The bird watchers’ behavior shows that they __________.A. are very patient in their observationB. are really fascinated by natureC. care only about the names of birdsD. question the accuracy of the field guides69. Why do the hikers take no notice of the surroundings during the journey?A. The natural beauty isn’t attractive to them.B. They focus on arriving at the camp in time.C. The forest in the dark is dangerous for them.D. They are keen to see rare birds at the destination.70. In the passage, the author intends to tell us we should __________.A. fill our senses to feel the wonders of the worldB. get rid of some bad habits in our daily lifeC. open our mind to new things and ideasD. try our best to protect natureDMy students and I were ready for a challenge --- a trip to Costa Rica. As we were waiting at the airport, we talked about our hopes and fears for our ten-day trip. My students worried about homesickness and felt uneasy with their homestay families. But strange foods or meeting new people didn’t concern me. What terrified me was the best part of the trip --- a zip lining (滑缆绳) flight over the jungle valley bordering Arenal Volcano. I made a secret pact (协议) with myself to find an excuse to get out of it at the last minute.When the fateful day arrived, we got to the peak to enjoy the breathtaking view of the volcano. When seeing the activity, my students raised a cheerful shout. How I wished I had had the same feeling as them. However, I was afraid of heights.My student Eileen sidled up to me. Her face was pale. “I’m scared,” she whispered. “Will you stay back with me?” Here was my chance! I could get out of zip lining and still save face!“I’m scared, too,” I said quietly.“Yeah,” she said. “I thought you would be the right person to ask because you are really white, and you are sweating.” Her words woke me up, and something clicked into place. If I couldn’t step outside of my comfort zone, how could I ask the kids to do so?“Maybe we should give it a try,” I said. I felt a little sick, but I couldn’t believe my body was actually moving toward the launch point.“Come on,” I said.“OK,” she agreed.Eileen zipped past me, screaming with fear or delight, which I was not sure of. Once she was across, I followed. The attempt was not as terrible as I had thought. From that moment on, I knew there was nothing to fear as long as I walked out of my comfort zone and had a try.71. What worried the author’s students about the trip? (No mor e than 10 words)__________________________________72. How did the author and her students find the activity of a zip lining fight? (No more than 10 words)__________________________________73. What’s the meaning of the underlined word? (One word)__________________________________74. Why did Eileen come up to the author on the day of the activity? (No more than 10 words)__________________________________75.What do you think of the author’s attempt? Give your reasons? (No more than 20 words)__________________________________V. (10%) 单词拼写76. He’s intelligent enough but lacks the m____(劢力) to make advances. 77. I’m not surprised at all. It’s just t____ (典型的) of her to forget. 78. Yesterday the expression on her face c____ (证实了) our worst fears. 79. We visited the Royal Palace in Stockholm, which was the h____ (最精彩部分) of the trip. 80. You have to be highly c____ (好竞争的) to do well in sport these days. 81. She was good at physics d____ (尽管) the fact that she found it boring. 82. We chatted about the fun in everyday life, which was a truly m____ (难忘的) occasion. 83. For teachers, they need to have the power to identify more effective learning s____(策略). 84. I must ask you to a____(陪伴) me to the police station. 85. Her actions c____(形成对比) sharply with her promises. VI. (10%) 翻译句子86. 人们公认阅读经典对一个人的成长(发展)有益。