
Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowinglow-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible,software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, andapplication-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, andhigh-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware PlatformsNI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tightintegration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NICVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module With LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEWFPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI with Corresponding LabVIEW HostVI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours.To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use abit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministicprocessing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial controlapplications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:•Batch control•Discrete control•Motion control•In-vehicle data acquisition•Machine condition monitoring•Rapid control prototyping (RCP)•Industrial control and acquisition•Distributed data acquisition and control•Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

High Level Programming for Real TimeFPGA Based Image ProcessingD Crookes, K Benkrid, A Bouridane, K Alotaibi and A BenkridSchool of Computer Science, The Queen‟s University of Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK ABSTRACTReconfigurable hardware in the form of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has been proposed as a way of obtaining high performance for computationally intensive DSP applications such us Image Processing (IP), even under real time requirements. The inherent reprogrammability of FPGAs gives them some of the flexibility of software while keeping the performance advantages of an application specific solution.However, a major disadvantage of FPGAs is their low level programming model. To bridge the gap between these two levels, we present a high level software environment for FPGA-based image processing, which aims to hide hardware details as much as possible from the user. Our approach is to provide a very high level Image Processing Coprocessor (IPC) with a core instruction set based on the operations of Image Algebra. The environment includes a generator which generates optimised architectures for specific user-defined operations.1. INTRODUCTIONImage Processing application developers require high performance systems for computationally intensive Image Processing (IP) applications, often under real time requirements. In addition, developing an IP application tends to be experimental and interactive. This means the developer must be able to modify, tune or replace algorithms rapidly and conveniently.Because of the local nature of many low level IP operations (e.g. neighbourhood operations), one way of obtaining high performance in image processing has been to use parallel computing [1]. However, multiprocessor IP systems have generally speaking not yet fulfilled their promise. This is partly a matter of cost, lack of stability and software support for parallel machines; it is also a matter of communications overheads particularly if sequences of images are being captured and distributed across the processors in real time.A second way of obtaining high performance in IP applications is to use Digital Signal Processing (DSP) processors [2,3]. DSP processors provide a performance improve-ment over standard microprocessors while still maintaining a high level programming model. However, because of the software based control, DSP processors have still difficulty in coping with real time video processing.At the opposite end of the spectrum lie the dedicated hardware solutions. Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) offer a fully customised solution to a particular algorithm [4]. However, this solution suffers from a lack of flexibility, plus the high manufacturing cost and the relatively lengthy development cycle.Reconfigurable hardware solutions in the form of FPGAs [5] offer high performance, with the ability to be electrically reprogrammed dynamically to perform other algorithms. Though the first FPGAs were only capable of modest integration levels and were thus usedmainly for glue logic and system control, the latest devices [6] have crossed the Million gate barrier hence making it possible to implement an entire System On a Chip. Moreover, the introduction of the latest IC fabrication techniques has increased the maximum speed at which FPGAs can run. Design‟s performance exceeding 150MHz are no longer outside the realm of possibilities in the new FPGA parts, hence allowing FPGAs to address high bandwidth applications such as video processing.A range of commercial FPGA based custom computing systems includes: the Splash-2 system [7]; the G-800 system [8] and VCC‟s HOTWorks HOTI & HOTII development [9]. Though this solution seems to enjoy the advantages of both the dedicated solution and the software based one, many people are still reluctant to move toward this new technology because of the low level programming model offered by FPGAs. Although behavioural synthesis tools have made enormous progress [10, 11], structural design techniques (including careful floorplanning) often still result in circuits that are substantially smaller and faster than those developed using only behavioural synthesis tools [12].In order to bridge the gap between these two levels, this paper presents a high level software environment for an FPGA-based Image Processing machine, which aims to hide the hardware details from the user. The environment generates optimised architectures for specific user-defined operations, in the form of a low level netlist. Our system uses Prolog as the basic notation for describing and composing the basic building blocks. Our current implementation of the IPC is based on the Xilinx 4000 FPGA series [13].The paper first outlines the programming environment at the user level (the programming model). This includes facilities for defining low level Image Processing algorithms based on the operators of Image Algebra [14], without any reference to hardware details. Next, the design of the basic building blocks necessary for implementing the IPC instruction set are presented. Then, we describe the runtime execution environment.2. THE USER’S PROGRAMMING MODELAt its most basic level, the programming model for our image processing machine is a host processor (typically a PC programmed in C++) and an FPGA-based Image Processing Coprocessor (IPC) which carries out complete image operations (such as convolution, erosion etc.) as a single coprocessor instruction. The instruction set of the IPC provides a core of instructions based on the operators of Image Algebra. The instruction set is also extensible in the sense that new compound instructions can be defined by the user, in terms of the primitive operations in the core instruction set. (Adding a new primitive instruction is a task for an architecture designer).The coprocessor core instruction setMany IP neighbourhood operations can be described by a template (a static window with user defined weights) and one of a set of Image Algebra operators. Indeed, simple neighbourhood operations can be split in two stages:∙ A …local‟ operato r applied between an image pixel and the corresponding window coefficient.∙ A …global‟ operator applied to the set of intermediate results of the local operation, to reduce this set to a single result pixel.The set of local operators contains …Add‟ (…+‟) and …multiplication‟ (…*‟), whereas the global operator contains …Accumulation‟ (…∑‟), …Maximum‟ (…Max‟) and …Minimum‟ (…Min‟). With these local and global operators, the following neighbourhood operations can be built:For instance, a simple Laplace operation would be performed by doing convolution (i.e. Local Operation = …∑‟ and Global operation= …*‟) with the following template:The programmer interface to this instruction set is via a C++ class. First, the programmer creates the required instruction object (and its FPGA configuration), and subsequently applies it to an actual image. Creating an instruction object is generally in two phases: firstly build an object describing the operation, and then generate the configuration, in a file. For neighbourhood operations, these are carried out by two C++ object constructors:image_operator (template & operator details)image_instruction (operator object, filename)For instructions with a single template operator, these can be conveniently combined in a single constructor:Neighbourhood_instruction (template, operators, filename)The details required when building a new image operator object include:∙The dimension of the image (e.g. 256 ⨯ 256)∙The pixels size (e.g. 16 bits).∙The size of the window (e.g. 3⨯3).∙The weights of the neighbourhood window.∙The target position within the window, for aligning it with the image pixels (e.g. 1,1).∙The …local‟ and …global‟ operations.Later, to apply an instruction to an actual image, the apply method of the instruction object is used:Result = instruction_object.apply (input image)This will reconfigure the FPGA (if necessary), download the input pixel data and store the result pixels in the RAM of the IPC as they are generated.The following example shows how a programmer would create and perform a 3 by 3 Laplace operation. The image is 256 by 256; the pixel size is 16 bits.2.1 Extending the Model for Compound OperationsIn practical image processing applications, many algorithms comprise more than a single operation. Such compound operations can be broken into a number of primitive core instructions.Instruction Pipelining: A number of basic image operations can be put together in series. A typical example of two neighbourhood operations in series is the …Open‟ operation. To do an …Open‟ operation, an …Erode‟ neighbourhood operation is first performed, and the resulting image is fed into a …Dilate‟ neighbourhood operation as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 ‘Open’ complex operationThis operation is described as follows in our high level environment:Task parallel: A number of basic image operations can be put together in parallel.For example, the Sobel edge detection algorithm can be performed (approximately) by adding the absolute results of two separate convolutions. Assuming that the FPGA has enough computing resources available, the best solution is to implement the operations in parallel using separate regions of the FPGA chip.Figure 2 Sobel complex operationThe following is an example of the code, based on our high level instruction set, to define and use a Sobel edge detection instruction. The user defines two neighbourhood operators(horizontal and vertical Sobel), and builds the image instruction by summing the absolute results from the two neighbourhood operations.The generation phase will automatically insert the appropriate delays to synchronise the two parallel operations.3. ARCHITECTURES FROM OPERATIONSWhen a new Image_instruction object(e.g. Neighbourhood_instruction) is created (by new), the corresponding FPGA configuration will be generated dynamically. In this section, we will present the structure of the FPGA configurations necessary to implement the high level instruction set for the neighbourhood operations described above. As a key example, the structure of a general 2-D convolver will be presented. Other neighbourhood operations are essentially variations of this, with different local and global operators sub-blocks.A general 2D convolverAs mentioned earlier, any neighbourhood image operation involves passing a 2-D window over an image, and carrying out a calculation at each window position.To allow each pixel to be supplied only once to the FPGA, internal line delays are required. These synchronise the supply of input values to the processing elements, ensuringthat all the pixel values involved in a particular neighbourhood operation are processed at the same instant[15, 16]. Assuming a vertical scan of the image, Figure 3 shows the architecture of a generic 2-D convolver with a P by Q template. Each Processing Element (PE) performs the necessary Multiply/Accumulate operation.Figure 3 Architecture of a generic 2-D, P by Q convolution operation Architecture of a Processing ElementBefore deriving the architecture of a Processing Element, we first have to decide which type of arithmetic to be used- either bit parallel or bit serial processing.While parallel designs process all data bits simultaneously, bit serial ones process input data one bit at a time. The required hardware for a parallel implementation is typically …n‟ times the equivalent serial implementation (for an n-bit word). On the other hand, the bit serial approach requires …n… clock cycles to process an n-bit word while the equivalent parallel one needs only one clock cycle. However, bit serial architectures operates at a higher clock frequency due to their smaller combinatorial delays. Also, the resulting layout in a serial implementation is more regular than a parallel one, because of the reduced number of interconnections needed between PEs (i.e. less routing stress). This regularity feature means that FPGA architectures generated from a high level specification can have more predictable layout and performance. Moreover, a serial architecture is not tied to a particular processing word length. It is relatively straightforward to move from one word length to another withvery little extra hardware (if any). For these reasons, we decided to implement the IPC hardware architectures using serial arithmetic.Note, secondly, that the need to pipeline the bit serial Maximum and Minimum operations common in Image Algebra suggests we should process data Most Significant Bit first (MSBF). Following on from this choice, because of problems in doing addition MSBF in 2‟s complement, there are certain advantages in using an alternative number representation to 2‟s complement. For the p urposes of the work described in this paper, we have chosen to use a redundant number representation in the form of a radix-2 Signed Digit Number system (SDNR) [17]. Because of the inherent carry-free property of SDNR add/subtract operations, the corresponding architectures can be clocked at high speed. There are of course several alternative representations which could have been chosen, each with their own advantages. However, the work presented in this paper is based on the following design choices:∙Bit serial arithmetic∙Most Significant Bit First processing∙Radix-2 Signed Digit Number Representation (SDNR) rather than 2‟s complement.Because image data may have to be occasionally processed on the host processor, the basic storage format for image data i s still, however, 2‟s complement. Therefore, processing elements first convert their incoming image data to SDNR. This also reduces the chip area required for the line buffers (in which data is held in 2‟s complement). A final unit to convert a SDNR resu lt into 2‟s complement will be needed before any results can be returned to the host system. With these considerations, a more detailed design of a general Processing Element (in terms of a local and a global operation) is given in Figure 4.Figure 4 Architecture of a standard Processing ElementDesign of the Basic Building BlocksIn what follows, we will present the physical implementation of the five basic building blocks stated in section 2 (the adder, multiplier, accumulator and maximum/ minimum units). These basic components were carefully designed in order to fit together with as little wastage as possible.The ‘multiplier’ unitThe multiplier unit used is based on a hybrid serial-parallel multiplier outlined in [18]. It multiplies a serial SDNR input with a two‟s complement parallel coefficient B=b N b N-1…b1 as shown in Figure 5. The multiplier has a modular, scaleable design, and comprises four distinct basic building components [19]: Type A, Type B, Type C and Type D. An N bit coefficient multiplier is constructed by:Type A → Type B→ (N-3)*TypeC → Type DThe coefficient word length may be varied by varying the number of type C units. On the Xilinx 4000 FPGA, Type A, B and C units occupy one CLB, and a Type D unit occupies 2 CLBs. Thus an N bit coefficient multiplier is 1 CLB wide and N+1 CLBs high. The online delay of the multiplier is 3.In+In-Figure 5 Design of an N bit hybrid serial-parallel multiplierThe ‘accumulation’ g lobal operation unitThe accumulation unit is the global operation used in the case of a convolution. It adds two SDNR operands serially and outputs the result in SDNR format as shown in Figure 6. The accumulation unit is based on a serial online adder presented in [20]. It occupies 3 CLBs laid out vertically in order to fit with the multiplier unit in a convolver design.Figure 6Block diagram and floorplan of an accumulation unitThe ‘Addition’ local operation unitThis unit is used in additive/maximum and additive/minimum operations. It takes a single SDNR input value and adds it to the corresponding window template coefficient. The coefficient is stored in 2‟s complement format into a RAM addressed by a counter whose period is the pixel word length. To keep the design compact, we have implemented the counter using Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs). The coefficient bits are preloaded into the appropriate RAM cells according to the counter output sequence. The input SDNR operand is added to the coefficient in bit serial MSBF.+-+-Figure 7. Block diagram and floorplan of an …Addition‟ local operation unitOut-Out+The adder unit occupies 3 CLBs. The whole addition unit occupies 9 CLBs laid out in a 3x3 array. The online delay of this unit is 3 clock cycles.The Maximum/Minimum unitThe Maximum unit selects the maximum of two SDNR inputs presented to its input serially, most significant bit first. Figure 10 shows the transition diagram of the finite state machine performing the maximum …O‟ of two SDNRs …X‟ and ‟Y‟. The physical impl ementation of this machine occupies an area of 13 CLBs laid out in 3 CLBs wide by 5 high. Note that this will allow this unit to fit the addition local operation in an Additive/Maximumneighbourhood operation. The online delay of this unit is 3, compatible with the online delay of the accumulation global operation.*(O=X)*(O=Y)X +X --+Figure 8. State diagram and floorplan of a Maximum unitThe minimum of two SDNRs can be determined in a similar manner knowing that Min(X,Y)=- Max(-X,-Y).5. THE COMPLETE ENVIRONMENTThe complete system is given in Figure 11. For internal working purposes, we have developed our own intermediate high level hardware description notation called HIDE4k [21]. This is Prolog-based [22], and enables highly scaleable and parameterised component descriptions to be written.In the front end, the user programs in a high level software environment (typically C++) or can interact with a Dialog-based graphical interface, specifying the IP operation to be carried out on the FPGA in terms of Local and Global operators, window template coefficients etc. The user can also specify:The desired operating speed of the circuit.∙The input pixel bit-length.∙Whether he or she wants to use our floorplanner to place the circuit or leave this task to the FPGA vendor‟s Placement and Routing tools.The system provides the option of two output circuit description formats: EDIF netlist (the normal), and VHDL at RTL level.Behind the scenes, when the user gives all the parameters needed for the specific IP operation, the intermediate HIDE code is generated. Depending on the choice of the output netlist format, the HIDE code will go through either the EDIF generator tool to generate an EDIF netlist, or the VHDL generator tool to generate a VHDL netlist. In the latter case, the resulting VHDL netlist needs to be synthesised into an EDIF netlist by a VHDL synthesiser tool. Finally, the resulting EDIF netlist will go through the FPGA vendor‟s specific tools to generate the configuration bitstream file. The whole process is invisible to the user, thus making the FPGA completely hidden from the user‟s point of view. Note that the resulting configuration is stored in a library, so it will not be regenerated if exactly the same operation happens to be defined again.Complete and efficient configurations have been produced from our high level instruction set for all the Image Algebra operations and for a variety of complex operations including…Sobel‟, …Open‟ and …Close‟. They have been successfully simulat ed using the Xilinx Foundation Project Manager CAD tools.Figure 10 presents the resulting layout for a Sobel edge detection operation on XC4036EX-2 for 256x256 input image of 8-bits pixels. An EDIF configuration file, with all the placement information, has been generated automatically by our tools from the high level description in 2.1. Note that the generator optimises the design, and uses just a single shared line buffer area for the two (task parallel) neighbourhood operations. The resulting EDIF file is fed to Xilinx PAR tools to generate the FPGA configuration bitstream. The circuit occupies 475 CLBs. Timing simulation shows that the circuit can run at a speed of 75MHz which leads to a theoretical frame rate of 143 frames per second.Figure 10 Physical configuration of Sobel operation on XC4036EX-2 Figure 11 presents the resulting layout for an 'Open' operation on XC4036EX-2 for 256x256 input image of 8-bits pixels. As previously, EDIF configuration file with all the placement information has been generated, automatically by our tools from the correspondinghigh level description presented in section 2.1. The resulting EDIF file is then fed to Xilinx PAR tools to generate the FPGA configuration bitstream. The circuit occupies 962 CLBs. Timing simulation shows that the circuit can run at a speed of 75MHz which leads to a theoretical frame rate of 133 frames per second.Figure 11 Physical configuration of Open operation on XC4036EX-26. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we have presented the design of an FPGA-based Image Processing Coprocessor (IPC) along with its high level programming environment. The coprocessor instruction set is based on a core level containing the operations of Image Algebra. Architectures for user-defined compound operations can be added to the system. Possibly the most significant aspect of this work is that it opens the way to image processing application developers toexploit the high performance capability of a direct hardware solution, while programming in an application-oriented model. Figures presented for actual architectures show that real time video processing rates can be achieved when staring from a high level design.The work presented in this paper is based specifically on Radix-2 SDNR, bit serial MSBF processing. In other situations, alternative number representations may be more appropriate. Sets of alternative representations are being added to the environment, including a full bit parallel implementation of the IPC [23]. This will give the user a choice when trying to satisfy competing constraints.Although our basic approach is not tied to a particular FPGA, we have implemented our system on XC4000 FPGA series. However, the special facilities provided by the new Xilinx VIRTEX family (e.g. large on-chip synchronous memory, built in Delay Locked Loops etc.) make it a very suitable target architecture for this type of application. Upgrading our system to operate on this new series of FPGA chips is underway.REFERENCES[1] Webber, H C (ed.), …Image processing and transputers‟, IOS Press, 1992.[2] Rajan, K, Sangunni, K S and Ramakrishna, J, …Dual-DSP systems for signal and image-processing‟, Microprocessing & Microsystems, Vol 17, No 9, pp 556-560, 1993.[3] Akiyama, T, Aono, H, Aoki, K, et al,…MPEG2 video codec using Image compressionDSP‟, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol 40, No 3, pp 466-472, 1994. [4] L.A. Christopher, W.T. Mayweather and S.S. Perlman, …VLSI median filter for impulsenoi se elimination in composite or component TV signals‟, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol 34, no. 1, pp. 263-267, 1988.[5] J. Rose and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, …Architecture of Field Programmable GateArrays‟, Proceedings of the IEEE Volume 81, No7, pp 1013-1029, 1993.[6] /products/virtex/ss_vir.htm[6] Arnold, J M, Buell, D A and Davis, E G, …Splash-2‟, Proceedings of the 4th AnnualACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, ACM Press, pp 316-324, June 1992.[7] Gigaops Ltd., The G-800 System, 2374 Eunice St. Berkeley, CA 94708.[8] Chan, S C, Ngai, H O and Ho, K L, …A programmable image processing system usingFPGAs‟, International Journal of Electronics, Vol 75, No 4, pp 725-730, 1993.[9] /[10] /news/pubs/snug/snug99_papers/Jaffer_Final.pdf[11] FPL99.[12] Hutchings.[13] Xilinx 4000.[14] Ritter G X, Wilson J N and Davidson J L, …Image Algebra: an overview‟, ComputerVision, Graphics and Image Processing, No 49, pp 297-331, 1990.[15] Shoup, R G, …Parameterised Convolution Filtering in an FPGA‟, More FPGAs, WMoore and W Luk (editors), Abington, EE&CS Books, pp 274, 1994.[16] Kamp, W, Kunemund, H, Soldner and Hofer, H, …Programmable 2D linear filter forvideo applications‟, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, pp 735-740, 1990.[17] Avizienis A, …Signed Digit Number Representation for Fast Parallel Arithmetic”, IRETransactions on Electronic Computer, Vol. 10, pp 389-400, 1961.[18] Moran, J, Rios, I and Mene ses, J, …Signed Digit Arithmetic on FPGAs‟, More FPGAs, WMoore and W Luk (editors), Abington, EE&CS Books, pp 250, 1994.[19] Donachy, P, …Design and implementation of a high level image processing machineusing reconfigurable hardware‟, PhD Thesis, Depar tment of Computer Science, The Queen‟s University of Belfast, 1996.[20] Duprat, J, Herreros, Y and Muller, J, …Some results about on-line computation offunction‟, 9th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Santa Monica, September 1989. [21]D Crookes, K Alota ibi, A Bouridane, P Donachy and A Benkrid, 1998, …An Environmentfor Generating FPGA Architectures for Image Algebra-based Algorithms‟, ICIP98, Vol.3, pp. 990-994.[22]Clocksin W F and Melish C S, 1994, …Programming in Prolog‟, Springer-Verlag.。

Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowinglow-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible,software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, andapplication-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, andhigh-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.NI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NICVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module With LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEWFPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use abit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.The NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for thisconfiguration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:∙Batch control∙Discrete control∙Motion control∙In-vehicle data acquisition∙Machine condition monitoring∙Rapid control prototyping (RCP)∙Industrial control and acquisition∙Distributed data acquisition and controlMobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

使用LabVIEW FPGA模块开发可编程自动化控制器学院:通信与电子工程学院班级:电子071学号: 2007131010姓名:欧洪材Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIOhardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible,software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such ashigh-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, and application-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by controlengineers.Within the test-fixture the tx output of the transmitter module is loop ed back to the rx input of the receiver module.This allows the transmitter module to be used as test signal generator for the receiver module.Data can be written in parallel format to the transmitter module and looped back in serial format to the rx input of the receiver module,and data received can finally be read out in paral lel format from the receiver module.In order to automate the testing of the UART a s much as possible,tree independent Verilog tasks were written as follows.The Ve rilog task“write_to_transmitter”holds all necessary statements required to generate a s ingle parallel data write sequence to the transmitter module.Data that are writt en to the transmitter upon execution of the“write_to_transmitter”task,get la tched internal to the test-fixture for later analysis.The Verilog task“read_ou t_receiver”holds all necessary statements required to generate a single paral lel data read out sequence from the receiver module.Data that are read out of the receiver upon execution of the“read_out_receiver”task,get latched internalto the test-fixture for later analysis.The Verilog task“compare_data”holds a ll necessary statements required to compare the previous data written to the tran smitter module,to the corresponding and most recent data received and read out f rom the receive r module.If any discrepancy occurs,the“compare_data”task fl ags for an error by writing out the data values that were written to the transmitte r module,as well as the corresponding data values that were received by and read o ut from the receiver module.The simulation is immediately stopped by the“compa re_data”task if any discrepancy occurs.Besides the tree above mentioned Verilo g tasks,the test-fixture holds the statements to generate the mclkx16,the master reset signals as well as the“tx to rx”loop back feature.The statements are c onsidered trivial,and will not be illustrated here,but can be referred to within the test-fixture itself.The core of the test-fixture is a behavioral level“for loop”that executes the tree above mentioned Verilog tasks in order to write all possible data combinations to the transmitter and verify that same data gets prop erly received by the receiver.The for loop is showed below in figure21.Next to port definitions comes port directions.Directions are specified as in put,output or inout(bidirectional),and can be referred to in table1.Next to the specification of port directions comes declaration of internal signals.Inter nal signals in Verilog are declared as“wire”or“reg”data types.Signals of the“wire”type are used for continuos assignments,also called combinatorial s tatements.Signals of the“reg”type are used for assignments within the Verilog“always”block,often use for sequential logic assignments,but not necessari ly.For further explanation see aVerilog reference book.Data types of the internal signals of the module can be referred to in table3.We have now passed by all nec essary declarations,and are now ready to look at the actual ing hardware description language allows us to describe the function of the transm itter in a more behavioral manner,rather than focus on it’s actual implementation at gate level In software programming language, functions and procedures breaks larger programs into more readable,manageable and certa inly maintainable pieces.The Verilog language provides functions and tasks as co nstructs,analogous to software functions and procedures.A Verilog function andtask are used as the equivalent to multiple lines of Verilog code,where certain i nputs or signals affects certain outputs or variables.The use of functions and ta sks usually takes place where multiple lines of code are repeatedly used in a desi gn,and hence makes the design easier to read and certainly maintain.A Verilog fu nction can have multiple inputs,but always have only one output,while the Veril og task can have both multiple inputs,and multiple outputs and even in some cases,non of each.Below is shown the Verilog task,that hold all necessary sequential statements,to describe the transmitter in the“shift”modeWith the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, and high-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware PlatformsNI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with thehigh-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NICompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NI CVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA ModuleWith LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEW FPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI with Corresponding LabVIEW HostVI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use a bit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer databetween the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:Batch control∙Discrete control∙Motion control∙In-vehicle data acquisition∙Machine condition monitoring∙Rapid control prototyping (RCP)∙Industrial control and acquisition∙Distributed data acquisition and control∙Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

Field-programmable gate array(现场可编程门阵列)1、History ——历史FPGA业界的可编程只读存储器(PROM)和可编程逻辑器件(PLD)萌芽。
同年,Xilinx共同创始人,Ross Freeman和Bernard Vonderschmitt发明了第一个商业上可行的现场可编程门阵列——XC2064。
20多年后,Ross Freeman 进入全国发明家名人堂,名人堂对他的发明赞誉不绝。

使用LabVIEW FPGA模块开发可编程自动化控制器Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEW FPGA OverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. Youalso can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC(application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible, software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, and application-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, and high-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digitalsignals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware Platforms NI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customizationbenefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NI CVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality,performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA ModuleWith LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEW FPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. Thisapplication reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI withCorresponding LabVIEW Host VI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use a bit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windowsdevelopment computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using theRead/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Timeand Host PCWithin each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:•Batch control•Discrete control•Motion control•In-vehicle data acquisition•Machine condition monitoring•Rapid control prototyping (RCP)•Industrial control and acquisition•Distributed data acquisition and control•Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysisConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowinglow-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible, software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such ashigh-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, and application-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, andhigh-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically.NI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics oftransferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NI CVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA ModuleWith LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are alreadyprogrammed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEW FPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use a bit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA onthe RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.The NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration . Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI,even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:∙Batch control∙Discrete control∙Motion control∙In-vehicle data acquisition∙Machine condition monitoring∙Rapid control prototyping (RCP)∙Industrial control and acquisition∙Distributed data acquisition and controlMobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiringultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

使用LabVIEW FPGA模块开发可编程自动化控制器Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEWFPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible,software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, andapplication-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, andhigh-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware PlatformsNI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NICVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module With LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEWFPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target thatcommunicates with the NI RIO hardware. This application reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI with Corresponding LabVIEW HostVI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use abit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using the Read/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGARead/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity controlloop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:∙Batch control∙Discrete control∙Motion control∙In-vehicle data acquisition∙Machine condition monitoring∙Rapid control prototyping (RCP)∙Industrial control and acquisition∙Distributed data acquisition and control∙Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysis ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEW FPGAOverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers(PACs)are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integratedanalog and digital I/O,floating-point processing,and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes.National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by onecommon software development environment,NI LabVIEW.With LabVIEW,you can buildcustom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software,such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O(RIO)hardware,National Instruments delivers an intuitive,accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility andcustomizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems.You can define the logicembedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages(HDLs)or board-level hardware design details, as wellas quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control,customized timing and synchronization,low-level signal processing,and custom I/O with analog,digital,and counters within a single device.You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware withimage acquisition and analysis,motion control,and industrial protocols,such as CAN andRS232,to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.IntroductionNI RIO2.Hardware for PACsBuilding PACs with LabVIEW and bVIEW FPGA ModuleFPGA Development4.FlowUsing NI SoftMotion to Create5.Custom Motion ControllersApplications6.Conclusion7.IntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA(field-programmable gate array)on NI RIO devices.RIO technology,themerging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides aflexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you couldhardware.custom-designed with only create previouslyAn FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates.Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC(application-specific integrated circuit)chip, you canconfigure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application.FPGAs are usedin applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive,orthe hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service.The flexible, software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution ofcustom algorithms,precise timing and synchronization,rapid decision making,and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks.Today,FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments,consumer electronics,automobiles,aircraft,copy machines,and application-specific computer hardware.While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products,FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complexdesign tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware,you now can use LabVIEW, ahigh-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement andcontrol applications,to create PACs that have the customization,flexibility,and high-performance of FPGAs.Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry inhardware,your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digital signalsrapidly and deterministically.Figure1illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you canconfigure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.bVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware PlatformsNI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically,programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools,which require overcoming a very steeplearning curve.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module,NI has opened FPGA technology to abroader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development.Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and controlapplication,where their expertise lies,rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logicinto the cells of the chip.The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tightintegration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular,off-the-shelf platforms for your industrialcontrol applications.With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI,PXI,and CompactVision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO,engineers nowhave the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance,flexibility,and customization benefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs.National Instruments PCIand PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control forhigh-performance,user-configurable timing and synchronization,as well as onboard decisionmaking on a single ing these off-the-shelf devices,you can extend your NI PXI orPCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, customsensor interfaces,and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO,a platform centered on RIO technology,provides a small,industrially rugged,modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedentedflexibility in system timing.You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system forapplications such as in-vehicle data acquisition,mobile NVH testing,and embedded machinecontrol systems.The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and itis designed for greater than50g of shock at a temperature range of-40to70°C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harshenvironments common in robotics,automated test,and industrial inspection systems. NICVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE1394 (FireWire)technology,compatible with more than40cameras with a wide range of functionality, performance,and price.NI CVS-1455and NI CVS-1456devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters,timing,or motor control in yourvision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA ModuleWith LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module,you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware.Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW,programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it usesthe same LabVIEW development environment.When you target the FPGA on an NI RIOdevice,LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, furthereasing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs.The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functionspalette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions,such as While Loops,For Loops,Case Structures,and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEW FPGA-specific functions for math,signal generation and analysis,linear and nonlinear control,comparison logic,array and cluster manipulation,occurrences,analog and digital I/O, andtiming.You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligencedevice.RIO NI your ontoFigure2shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NIRIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware.This application reads from analog input0 (AI0),performs the PID calculation,and outputs the resulting data on analog output0(AO0). Whilethe FPGA clock runs at40MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because eachcomponent takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute.Analog control loops can run on anFPGA at a rate of about200kHz.You can specify the clock rate at compile time.This example shows only one PID loop;however,creating additional functionality on the NI RIOdevice is merely a matter of adding another While Loop.Unlike traditional PCFPGAs are parallel processors.Adding additional loops to your application does not affect theperformance of your PID loop.Figure2.PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI with Corresponding LabVIEW Host VI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI,you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware.Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system,compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours.To maximize development productivity,with the R Series RIO devices you can use a bit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating thecompile process.When you target the FPGA Device Emulator,LabVIEW accesses I/O fromthe device and executes the VI logic on the Windows development computer.In this mode,you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows,such as executionhighlighting,probes,and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled,you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrateyour NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system.Figure3illustrates the developmentprocess for creating an FPGA application.The host VI uses controls and indicators on theFPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the hostprocessing engine.These front panel objects are represented as data registers within theFPGA.The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC,PXI controller,Compact Vision System,or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system(RTOS).In the above example,we exchange the set point,PID gains, looprate,AI0,and AO0data with the LabVIEW host VI.bVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA.The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGAVI and RIO device.The Open FPGA VI Reference function,as seen in Figure2,also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution.After opening the reference,you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using theRead/WriteControl function.Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function,you can simply selectwhich controls and indicators you want to read and write to.You can enclose the FPGARead/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally,the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure2is the Close FPGA VIReference function.The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closesthe reference to the device.Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device tochange or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations,data logging,networking,and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric.For addeddeterminism and reliability,you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time bVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA.For example,floating-point arithmetic,including FFTs,PID calculations,and custom controlalgorithms,are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment.Relevant data canbe stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computeroff-line analysis,data logging,or user interface displays.The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure4.Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can runLabVIEW Real-Time VIs.plete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA,LabVIEW Real-Time and Host PC Within each R Series and CompactRIO device,there is flash memory available to store acompiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of thedevice.In this configuration,as long as the FPGA has power,it runs the FPGA VI, even if thehost computer crashes or is powered down.This is ideal for programming safety power downand power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that caninclude NI RIO devices,DAQ devices,and Compact FieldPoint.NI SoftMotion provides allof the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP.With it,you can handle pathplanning,trajectory generation,and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEWenvironment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEWFPGA-basedtarget hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control,position,and velocity controlloop using the PID algorithm.Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates.The spline engine and thecontrol loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on aLabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system,it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware.These custom applications can include a custom mixof analog,digital,and counter/timer I/O,analog control up to125kHz,digital control up to20MHz,and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:Batch control?Discrete control?Motion control?In-vehicle data acquisition?Machine condition monitoring?Rapid control prototyping(RCP)?Industrial control and acquisition?Distributed data acquisition and control?Mobile/portable noise,vibration,and harshness(NVH)analysis?ConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility,performance,and customization ofFPGAs to PAC ing NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming,youcan build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrialcontrol applications.Because you are using LabVIEW,a programming language already usedin many industrial control applications,to define your NI RIO hardware,there is nolearn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using theLabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significantflexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces tocounters.and digital,analog,of mix I/O custom a or protocols,digital custom使用(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控FPGALabVIEW制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。

Introduced FPGAProgrammable logic devices is a universal logic chip can be configured for various purposes, which is to achieve ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) semi-customized device, its emergence and development make electronic systems designers can use CAD tools to design their own ASIC device in the laboratory. Especially the emergence and development of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), as a microprocessor, memory, the figures for electronic system design and set a new industry standard (You can purchase the standard product catalog in the sales market). Digital systems are facing to the developing of microprocessor, memory, FPGA those three standard building blocks constituting or their integration direction.Using FPGA devices design digital circuit, can not only simplify the design process and can reduce the size and cost of the entire system, increasing system reliability. They do not need to spend the traditional sense a lot of time and effort required to create integrated circuits, to avoid the investment risk and become the fastest-growing industries of electronic devices group. The main advantage of using FPGA devices circuit design of digital systems is as follows: (1)Design flexibleUsing FPGA devices may not be limited to standard series device at logic functional . And logic can be modified at any stage of the system design and the use of the process, and only re-programming the using FPGA device can be completed, provides the system design for great flexibility.(2) Increased functional densityFunctional density means the number of logic functions can be integrated in given space. The count of components gate in programmable logic chip is high, a piece of FPGA can replace several films, dozens of films or even hundreds of small-scale digital integrated circuit chip. FPGA devices use fewer chips when achieves digital system, thus reducing the number of chips, reducing printed circuit board area and the number of printed circuit boards, eventually causing an overall reduction in system size.(3) Improve reliabilityReducing the number of chips and the printed board, not only can reduce system size, but it greatly enhanced system reliability. System with a high degree of integration have much higher reliability than the same system with a low degree of integration designed by many standardcomponents. Using FPGA device reduces the number of chips required to achieve the system, the number of leads and pads on the printed circuit board is also reduced, so the reliability of the system can be improved.(4) Shortening the design cycleBecause of programmability and flexibility of FPGA devices, and use it to design a system, the time required is much shorter than the traditional method. FPGA devices have high integration, the printed circuit board layout simply when using. Meanwhile, after the success of the prototype design, due to the advanced development tools, high degree of automation, its logic is very simple and quick to modify. Therefore, using FPGA devices can greatly shorten the design cycle and accelerate speed to market, improve product competitiveness.(5) Work fastFPGA/CPLD devices work fast, generally can reach several hundred Hertz, far faster than the DSP device. And circuit series required to achieve the system is less after using FPGA devices, thus the working speed of the entire system will be improved.(6)Increased system security performanceMany FPGA devices have encryption capabilities, using FPGA devices widely in system can effectively prevent the product from being illegally imitation of others.(7) Reduce costsUsing FPGA devices to achieve digital system design, if only consider the price of the device itself, sometimes do not see its advantage, but the factors that affect the cost of the system is multifaceted. comprehensive consideration, cost advantages of using FPGA is obvious. First, using FPGA devices is easy to modify design, shorten the design cycle, allowing the system to reduce the cost of research and development; secondly, FPGA devices enable to reduce the printed circuit board area and the number of plug-ins required, thereby reducing the manufacturing cost of the system; once again, the use of FPGA devices enables the system to improve reliability, reduce maintenance workload, thereby reducing the cost of servicing the system. In short, the system design using FPGA devices cost savings.FPGA design principles :One important guiding principle of FPGA design: the balance and interchangeable of size and speed, this principle is reflected with a large number of validation in filter design behind.Here, "area" means the number of FPGA / CPLD logic resources consumed by design , theFPGA can be measured by the consuming of flip-flop (FF) and a lookup table (LUT) , a more general approach can measure by the number of equivalent logic gates which occupied by design. "Speed" refers to the highest frequency can be achieved with stable operation on the chip, this frequency is determined by the design of the timing condition, and closely related to the clock cycle, PAD to PAD Time, Clock Setup Time, Clock Hold Time, Clock-to-Output Delay timing and many timing feature quantity. Area and speed are always imbued with FPGA design ,are the ultimate standard of design quality evaluation. Two basic concepts of area and speed: the balance of the area and the speed , the area and the speed of exchange.Size and speed are a pair of opposites contradiction. Requires a design along with the smallest design area, and the highest operating frequency is unrealistic. A more scientific design goal should be under the premise of meeting the design timing requirements (including the requirements of the design frequency), occupying the smallest chip area. Or in the specified area, designed to make more timing margin, running higher frequency. Both targets fully reflects the thinking of the balance of the area and speed. About the area and speed requirements, should not be simply interpreted as the pursue of raising the engineers level and design perfection, but should recognize that they are directly related to quality and cost of the products . If the timing margin of the design is relatively large, run a relatively high frequency, which means design is more robust, the quality of the whole system is more certified; On the other hand, design consumes less area, it means that the unit chip can achieve more functional modules, needs less chips, the cost of the entire system also will be slashed. As two parts of the contradiction, area and speeds’ status are not the same. In contrast, to meet requirements of timing and operating frequency is more important, when the two conflict, using the criteria of speed priority.Area and speed of exchange is an important idea in FPGA design. In theory, if a design have larger timing margin, and can run much higher frequency than design requirements, it will be able to reuse the function module to reduce the chip area consumed by entire design, this is the savings using the advantages of the speed to change area; On the contrary, if a design's timing requirements are high, conventional methods can not reach the design frequency, then generally make data flow serial-parallel transforming, parallel copy multiple operating modules, take on the "serial-parallel conversion" thought to operate on the entire design, conduct the "serial-parallel conversion"in date at the output of the chip module, from a macro point of view, the entire chip have meet the requirements of processing speed, this corresponds with the areareplication and faster of exchange.Give an example. Assuming input data stream of the digital signal processing system is 350Mb / s, while the processing speed in the FPGA design data processing module up to 150Mb / s, since the data throughput of processing module can not meet the requirements, direct implementation at FPGA is impossible. In this case, we should use"area-for-speed" thought, at least copied into three processing module, the input data first conduct serial-parallel conversion, then using these three modules conduct parallel processing, then the processing result conduct "serial conversion " to complete the data rate requirements. We look at both ends of the entire processing module, the data rate is 350Mb / s, while inside the FPGA, the data rate of each sub-module process is 150Mb / s, in fact, the indemnification of the entire data throughput is dependent on the three sub-modules parallel processing, that takes more advantage of the chip area, to achieve high-speed processing,to achieve the design through the "copy area in exchange for improving processing speed"thinking.FPGA is the abbreviation of the field programmable gate array, it is the product on the basis of PAL, GAL, EPLD and other programmable devices' further development. It is appeared as a semi-custom circuit in ASIC field, it not only solve the lack of custom circuits, but also overcome the defect of limited numbers of gates in original programmable device.FPGA uses LCA (Logic Cell Array) such a new concept, including internal CLB (Configurable Logic Block), IOB (Input Output Block), and internal connections in three parts. The basic characteristics of FPGA:(1)Using FPGA to design ASIC circuits, users do not need to cast film production can get applicative chips.(2)FPGA can make the specimen of other full-custom or semi-custom ASIC circuits .(3)FPGA internal have rich triggers and I / O pins.(4)FPGA is one of the shortest design cycle, the lowest development costs, the least risky devices in ASIC circuits.(5)FPGA uses high-speed CHMOS technology with low power, can be compatible with CMOS, TTL level.It can be said that the FPGA chip is one of the best choice for small-scale systems to improve system integration and reliability .Currently, FPGA have many varieties, XILINX's XC Series, TI company's TPC series,company's ALTERA series.FPGA sets its work status by a program stored in the on-chip RAM, so when work, it needs to program the on-chip RAM. The user can use different programming form depending on the configuration mode.When powered up, FPGA chip will read the data inside EPROM to the on-chip programming RAM. When the configuration is completed, FPGA go into working condition. After brownout, FPGA restore to the blank chip, the internal logic disappears, therefore, FPGA can be used repeatedly. FPGA programming don't need a dedicated FPGA programmer, just use common EPROM、PROM programmer. When the FPGA function need modified, just to change an piece of EPROM. Thus, one same FPGA, different programming data, can bring different circuit functions. Therefore, FPGA is very flexible.There are a variety of FPGA configuration modes: parallel host mode for an FPGA plus an EPROM; master-slave mode can support a PROM programs multi-chip FPGA; serial mode can use serial PROM programs FPGA; peripheral mode can make FPGA to be used as peripherals of micro-processor, programmed by the microprocessor.Verilog HDL is a hardware description language, used as multiple abstract design levels of digital system modeling from algorithm-level, gate-level to switch level. Digital systems can describe hierarchically, and can conduct timing modeling in the same description explicitly.Verilog HDL language has the following ability to describe: behavioral characteristics of the design, the data flow characteristics of the design, structure and composition of the design as well as including response monitoring, response delay and waveform generation mechanism of design verification. All these use the same modeling language. In addition, Verilog HDL language provides programming language interface, through the interface, it can access design from external design in the simulation, verification period, including the simulation of specific control and operation.Verilog HDL language not only defines the syntax but also defines a clear simulation and simulation semantics for grammatical structure. Thus, the model written by this language can use the Verilog emulator to verify. Language inherit multiple operator structure from C programming language. Verilog HDL provides expanded modeling capabilities, which many extensions initially difficult to understand.FPGA介绍:可编程逻辑器件是一种可以构成各种用途逻辑的通用芯片,它是实现专用集成电路ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)的半定制器件,它的出现和发展使电子系统设计师借助于CAD手段在实验室里就可以设计自己的ASIC器件。

The serial controller design based on FPGAIntroductionThe use of hardware description language (HDL) is becoming a more dominant factor, when designing and verifying FPGA designs. The use of behavior level description not only increases the design productivity, but also provides unique advantages in the design verification. The most dominant HDL stoday are called Verilog and VHDL. This application note will illustrate the use of Verilog in design and verification of a digital UART (U niversal A synchronous R eceiver & T ransmitter).Defining the UART.The UART consists of two independent HDL modules. One module implements the transmitter, while the other module implements the receiver. The transmitter and receivermodules can be combined at the top level of the design, for any combinations of transmitter and receiver channels required. Data can be written to the transmitter and read out from the receiver, all through a single 8 bit bi-directional CPU interface. Address mapping for the transmitter and receiver channels can easily be build into the interface at the top level of the design. Both modules share a common master clock called mclkx16. Within each module mclkx16 are divided down to independent baud rate clocks.UART functional overview.A basic overview of the UART is shown below. At the left hand side is shown “transmit hold register”,“transmit shift register” and the transmitter “control logic” block, all contained within the transmitter module called “txmit”. At the right hand side is shown the “receive shift register”, “receive hold register”and the receiver “control logic” block, all contained within the receiver module called “rxcver”. The two modules have separate inputs and outputs for most of their control lines, only the bi-directional data bus, master clock and reset lines are shared by both modules.UART timing diagrams.Below is shown, how data written to the “transmit hold register” gets loaded into the “transmit shift register”, and at the rising edge of the baud rate clock, shifted to tx output.The Transmitter module.The master clock called mclkx16 are divided down to the proper baud rate called txclk and equals to mclkx16/16. Data written in parallel format to the module are latched internally, and shifted in serial format to the tx output at the frequency of the baud rate clock. Data shifted to the tx output follows the UART data format shown in fig. 6.Behavioral description of the transmitter.The transmitter waits for new data to be written to the module. When new data are written a transmit sequence is initialized. Data that was written in parallel to the module gets transmitted as serial data frames at the tx output. When no transmit sequence are in place, the tx output is held high.Implementation of the transmitter module.Internal signals in Verilog are declared as “wire” or “reg” data types. Signals of the “wire” type are used for continuos assignments, also called combinatorial statements. Signals of the “reg” type are used for assignments within the Verilog “always” block, often use for sequential logic assignments, but not necessarily. For further explanation see a Verilog reference book. Data types of the internal signals of the module can be referred to in table 3.We have now passed by all necessary declarations, and are now ready to look at the actual implementation. Using hardware description language allows us to describe the function of the transmitter in a more behavioral manner, rather than focus on it’s actual implementation at gate level.In software programming language, functions and procedures breaks larger programsinto more readable, manageable and certainly maintainable pieces.A Verilog function and task are used as the equivalent to multiple lines of Verilog code, where certain inputs or signals affects certain outputs or variables. The use of functions and tasks usually takes place where multiple lines of code are repeat edly used in a design, and hence makes the design easier to read and certainly maintain.A Verilog function can have multiple inputs, but always have only one output, while the Verilog task can have both multiple inputs, and multiple outputs. Below is shown the Verilog task, that hold all necessary seque ntial statements, to describe the transmitter in the “shift” mode.We here see the two tag bits called tag1 and tag2 concatenated to the “transmit shift register.Similar tasks were created to describe the transmitter in “idle” and “load”modes.By using these Verilog tasks, we can now create a very“ easy to read”behavioral model of the hole transmit process.If tx done and tx datardy both are true, the transmitter enter load mode. Next to the lo ad mode, the transmitter enters shift mode. At the rising edge of the baud rate clock, the contents of tsr are shifted to the tx output. Parity generation takes place during shifting of the tsr, as shown below.Simulation of a transmit sequenceThe contents of the data bus are latched into thr at the rising edge of write. At the next rising edge of txclk, the contents of thr are loaded into tsr, the active low start bit is a asserted to tx, and the txrdy flag indicates, that thr again is ready for new data to be written. At each rising edge of txclk, the contents of tsr is shifted to tx. Parity generati on takes place during shifting of data. Parity cycle is high one cycle next to last cycle, and tx gets the parity result.The Receiver module.The master clock mclkx16 are divided down to the proper baud rate clock called rxclk, and equals to mclkx16/16. Serial data to be received at the rx input of the module,mu st follow the UART data format. Data received in serial format can be read out inparallel format, through the 8 bit data bus.Behavioral description of the receiver.Between successive transmissions, the transmission line is held high, according to standard UART behavior. The receiver waits in “idle” mode for the rx input to go low. At the falling edge of rx the receiver enter “hunting” mode, now searching for a validstart bit of a new data frame to be received. If a valid start bit is detected, the receiver enter “shift data” mode. During receive of a data frame, various parity and error checks are performed. When a complete data frame has been received the receiver returns to idle mode. The basic operation of the receiver works as shown below.Implementation of the receiver module.In order to create an easy to read and easy to maintain behavioral model of the recei ver two Verilog tasks are written to describe the different modes of the receiver. The Verilog tas k called “idle_reset” holds all necessary sequential statements to describe the receiver at reset condition, and when the receiver is in it’s idle mode.When the receiver is not at it’s reset condition, and not in it’s idle mode, the receiver samples data at the rx input, shifts the data to the “receive shift register”, and generates parity based on the incoming data. The Verilog task called “shift_data” holds all necessary sequential statements to describe all above actions.Using the two Verilog tasks described above, we are now able to create the behavioral level description of the receiver at it’s reset condition, idle mode or when shifting in date . All above actions is synchronous to the baudrate clock called rxclk, and the im plementation is shown below.A complete data frame has been received, when the leading low start bit reaches rsr[0], and the receiver returns to idle mode again at the next rising edge of rxclk. At return to “idle” mode the receiver raises the “receive data ready” interrup t to indicate, that the new data received now can be read out in parallel format. Error flags are updated as well upon return to “idle” mode, and cleared when data are read out of the receiver. At the falling edge of read, the contents of the rhr are latched to the data bus. In table 8 shown below are the various error checks supported by the receiver.Simulation of a receive sequence.Between successive transmissions, the transmission line is held high. At the falling edge of rx input, the internal rxcnt starts counting up, synchronous to mclkx16. If rx input stays low for 8 cycles of mclkx16, the internal status bit idle is reset, and there by enable generation of rxclk. Rxclk is now synchronized to the center point of the l ow start bit. At the rising edge of rxclk, data are shifted from the rx input to rsr. When the leading low start bit reach rsr[0], the next rising edge of rxclk forces idle high aga in and there by disable generation of rxclk.At return to idle mode, the contents of rsr are loaded into rhr, the status flags are updated. The flag “rxrdy” now indicates, that the contents of rhr can be read out. At the falling edge of read, the contents of rhr are applied to the data bus.Using Hardware Description Language for Simulation.We have now studied how HDL can be used for the behavioral level design impleme ntation of a digital UART. While HDL make the design implementation easier to read and hopefully to understand as well, it also provides the ability to easily describe dep endency in between various processes that usually occur in such a complex event dri ven systems, as for example the UART. This ability to describe dependency in betwe en various processes is extremely need for simulation purposes as we will see very so on.Simulation stimulu s in Verilog HDL is called a “test fixture”. A test-fixture is a Verilog module that holds all lines of HDL code necessary to generate the simulation stimulus, while it at the same time port maps these signals to the design that are to be simulated. The port mapping is done by hierarchical module instantiation of the UAR T top level module into the test-fixture, as shown below.This allows simulation stimulus to be applied to the inputs of the design, while monit oring the outputs of the design. Input stimulus can be made conditionally to the response on the outputs ect. In fig. 19 shown below is illustrated, how the test-fixture port maps to the top level of the UART.Within the test-fixture the tx output of the transmitter module is looped back to the rx input of the receiver module. This allows the transmitter module to be used as test sig nal generator for the receiver module. Data can be written in parallel format to the tra nsmitter module and looped back in serial format to the rx input of the receiver modu al and data received can finally be read out in parallel format from the receiver modu al. In order to automate the testing of the UART as much as possible, tree independent Verilog tasks were written as follows. The Verilog task“write_to_transmitter” holds all necessary statements required to generate a single parallel data write sequence to the transmitter module. Data that are written to the transmitter upon execution of the “write_to_transmitter” task, get latched internal to the test-fixture for later analysis. The Verilog task “read_out_receiver” holds all necessary statements required to ge nerate a single parallel data read out sequence from the receiver module. Data that are read out of the receiver upon execution of the “read_out_receiver” task, get latchedinternal to the test-fixture for later analysis. The Verilog task “compare_data” holds all necessary statements required to compare the previous data written to the transmit ter module, to the corresponding and most recent data received and read out from the receiver module. If any discrepancy occurs, the “compare_data” task flags for an err or by writing out the data values that were written to the transmitter module, as well as the corresponding data values that were received by and read out from the receiver module.Silicon for synthesis.While HDL as design implementation method offers several advantages over traditio nal FPGA design entry approaches such as schematic capture, it meanwhile require great flexibility as well as high performance by the target devices for the synthesis flow. The synthesis flow for the UART has been targeted two flexible and high perfo rmance FPGA architectures available from QuickLogic, called the pASIC-1 and the pASIC-2 families.After synthesis, the design were placed & routed using the Place & Route tools from QuickLogic. After the Place & Route, the UART design were simulated using back-annotated Verilog post-layout timing models. The fast Verilog simulator called Silos III from Simucad were used for the post-layout simulation. All used tools are available within the QuickWorks tool suite from QuickLogic.基于FPGA的串口控制器设计简介使用硬件描述语言 (HDL) 设计和开发验证FPGA成为当前的主流因素。

PC端安装Lab VIEW应用程序,用于控制图像采集和工业相机的视频捕获。
FPGA控制器是基于ALTERA的Cyclone II 芯片,其作用是作为一个系统级可编程芯片(SOPC)嵌入NIOSII内核。
当一个程序需要实时处理,如视频或电视信号的处理,机械操纵时,要求非常严格,FPGA 可以更好的去执行。
当需要严格的计算功能时,如滤波、运动估算、二维离散余弦变换(二维DCTs )和快速傅立叶变换(FFTs )时,FPGA能够更好地优化。

译文VPR:一种新的包装,布局和布线工具的FPGA研究沃恩贝茨和乔纳森罗斯系电气与计算机工程系,多伦多大学多伦多,ON,加拿大M5S3G4{沃恩,jayar} 摘要我们描述了一个基于FPGA新的功能和CAD工具使用的算法,各种途径和方(VPR)。
1 简介在FPGA的研究中,人们通常必须评估新结构特色的实用工具而做评估实验。
路由相优于所有的VPR在查看FPGA的路由器方面,任何标准基准测试的结果都可用,并且指出VPR的砂矿和路由器的组合胜过所有出版的FPGA 布局和布线工具。

Field-programmable gate array(现场可编程门阵列)1、History ——历史FPGA业界的可编程只读存储器(PROM)和可编程逻辑器件(PLD)萌芽。
同年,Xilinx共同创始人,Ross Freeman和Bernard Vonderschmitt发明了第一个商业上可行的现场可编程门阵列——XC2064。
20多年后,Ross Freeman 进入全国发明家名人堂,名人堂对他的发明赞誉不绝。

使用LabVIEW FPGA模块开发可编程自动化控制器Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEW FPGA OverviewProgrammable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. Youalso can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.Table of Contents1.Introduction2.NI RIO Hardware for PACs3.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module4.FPGA Development Flowing NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion Controllers6.Applications7.ConclusionIntroductionYou can use graphical programming in LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module to configure the FPGA (field-programmable gate array) on NI RIO devices. RIO technology, the merging of LabVIEW graphical programming with FPGAs on NI RIO hardware, provides a flexible platform for creating sophisticated measurement and control systems that you could previously create only with custom-designed hardware.An FPGA is a chip that consists of many unconfigured logic gates. Unlike the fixed, vendor-defined functionality of an ASIC(application-specific integrated circuit) chip, you can configure and reconfigure the logic on FPGAs for your specific application. FPGAs are used in applications where either the cost of developing and fabricating an ASIC is prohibitive, or the hardware must be reconfigured after being placed into service. The flexible, software-programmable architecture of FPGAs offer benefits such as high-performance execution of custom algorithms, precise timing and synchronization, rapid decision making, and simultaneous execution of parallel tasks. Today, FPGAs appear in such devices as instruments, consumer electronics, automobiles, aircraft, copy machines, and application-specific computer hardware. While FPGAs are often used in industrial control products, FPGA functionality has not previously been made accessible to industrial control engineers. Defining FPGAs has historically required expertise using HDL programming or complex design tools used more by hardware design engineers than by control engineers.With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware, you now can use LabVIEW, a high-level graphical development environment designed specifically for measurement and control applications, to create PACs that have the customization, flexibility, and high-performance of FPGAs. Because the LabVIEW FPGA Module configures custom circuitry in hardware, your system can process and generate synchronized analog and digitalsignals rapidly and deterministically. Figure 1 illustrates many of the NI RIO devices that you can configure using the LabVIEW FPGA Module.Figure 1. LabVIEW FPGA VI Block Diagram and RIO Hardware Platforms NI RIO Hardware for PACsHistorically, programming FPGAs has been limited to engineers who have in-depth knowledge of VHDL or other low-level design tools, which require overcoming a very steep learning curve. With the LabVIEW FPGA Module, NI has opened FPGA technology to a broader set of engineers who can now define FPGA logic using LabVIEW graphical development. Measurement and control engineers can focus primarily on their test and control application, where their expertise lies, rather than the low-level semantics of transferring logic into the cells of the chip. The LabVIEW FPGA Module model works because of the tight integration between the LabVIEW FPGA Module and the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware architecture of the FPGA and surrounding I/O components.National Instruments PACs provide modular, off-the-shelf platforms for your industrial control applications. With the implementation of RIO technology on PCI, PXI, and Compact Vision System platforms and the introduction of RIO-based CompactRIO, engineers now have the benefits of a COTS platform with the high-performance, flexibility, and customizationbenefits of FPGAs at their disposal to build PACs. National Instruments PCI and PXI R Series plug-in devices provide analog and digital data acquisition and control for high-performance, user-configurable timing and synchronization, as well as onboard decision making on a single device. Using these off-the-shelf devices, you can extend your NI PXI or PCI industrial control system to include high-speed discrete and analog control, custom sensor interfaces, and precise timing and control.NI CompactRIO, a platform centered on RIO technology, provides a small, industrially rugged, modular PAC platform that gives you high-performance I/O and unprecedented flexibility in system timing. You can use NI CompactRIO to build an embedded system for applications such as in-vehicle data acquisition, mobile NVH testing, and embedded machine control systems. The rugged NI CompactRIO system is industrially rated and certified, and it is designed for greater than 50 g of shock at a temperature range of -40 to 70 °C.NI Compact Vision System is a rugged machine vision package that withstands the harsh environments common in robotics, automated test, and industrial inspection systems. NI CVS-145x devices offer unprecedented I/O capabilities and network connectivity for distributed machine vision applications.NI CVS-145x systems use IEEE 1394 (FireWire) technology, compatible with more than 40 cameras with a wide range of functionality,performance, and price. NI CVS-1455 and NI CVS-1456 devices contain configurable FPGAs so you can implement custom counters, timing, or motor control in your machine vision application.Building PACs with LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA ModuleWith LabVIEW and the LabVIEW FPGA Module, you add significant flexibility and customization to your industrial control hardware. Because many PACs are already programmed using LabVIEW, programming FPGAs with LabVIEW is easy because it uses the same LabVIEW development environment. When you target the FPGA on an NI RIO device, LabVIEW displays only the functions that can be implemented in the FPGA, further easing the use of LabVIEW to program FPGAs. The LabVIEW FPGA Module Functions palette includes typical LabVIEW structures and functions, such as While Loops, For Loops, Case Structures, and Sequence Structures as well as a dedicated set of LabVIEW FPGA-specific functions for math, signal generation and analysis, linear and nonlinear control, comparison logic, array and cluster manipulation, occurrences, analog and digital I/O, and timing. You can use a combination of these functions to define logic and embed intelligence onto your NI RIO device.Figure 2 shows an FPGA application that implements a PID control algorithm on the NI RIO hardware and a host application on a Windows machine or an RT target that communicates with the NI RIO hardware. Thisapplication reads from analog input 0 (AI0), performs the PID calculation, and outputs the resulting data on analog output 0 (AO0). While the FPGA clock runs at 40 MHz the loop in this example runs much slower because each component takes longer than one-clock cycle to execute. Analog control loops can run on an FPGA at a rate of about 200 kHz. You can specify the clock rate at compile time. This example shows only one PID loop; however, creating additional functionality on the NI RIO device is merely a matter of adding another While Loop. Unlike traditional PC processors, FPGAs are parallel processors. Adding additional loops to your application does not affect the performance of your PID loop.Figure 2. PID Control Using an Embedded LabVIEW FPGA VI withCorresponding LabVIEW Host VI.FPGA Development FlowAfter you create the LabVIEW FPGA VI, you compile the code to run on the NI RIO hardware. Depending on the complexity of your code and the specifications of your development system, compile time for an FPGA VI can range from minutes to several hours. To maximize development productivity, with the R Series RIO devices you can use a bit-accurate emulation mode so you can verify the logic of your design before initiating the compile process. When you target the FPGA Device Emulator, LabVIEW accesses I/O from the device and executes the VI logic on the Windowsdevelopment computer. In this mode, you can use the same debugging tools available in LabVIEW for Windows, such as execution highlighting, probes, and breakpoints.Once the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled, you create a LabVIEW host VI to integrate your NI RIO hardware into the rest of your PAC system. Figure 3 illustrates the development process for creating an FPGA application. The host VI uses controls and indicators on the FPGA VI front panel to transfer data between the FPGA on the RIO device and the host processing engine. These front panel objects are represented as data registers within the FPGA. The host computer can be either a PC or PXI controller running Windows or a PC, PXI controller, Compact Vision System, or CompactRIO controller running a real-time operating system (RTOS). In the above example, we exchange the set point, PID gains, loop rate, AI0, and AO0 data with the LabVIEW host VI.Figure 3. LabVIEW FPGA Development FlowThe NI RIO device driver includes a set of functions to develop a communication interface to the FPGA. The first step in building a host VI is to open a reference to the FPGA VI and RIO device. The Open FPGA VI Reference function, as seen in Figure 2, also downloads and runs the compiled FPGA code during execution. After opening the reference, you read and write to the control and indicator registers on the FPGA using theRead/Write Control function. Once you wire the FPGA reference into this function, you can simply select which controls and indicators you want to read and write to. You can enclose the FPGA Read/Write function within a While Loop to continuously read and write to the FPGA. Finally, the last function within the LabVIEW host VI in Figure 2 is the Close FPGA VI Reference function. The Close FPGA VI Reference function stops the FPGA VI and closes the reference to the device. Now you can download other compiled FPGA VIs to the device to change or modify its functionality.The LabVIEW host VI can also be used to perform floating-point calculations, data logging, networking, and any calculations that do not fit within the FPGA fabric. For added determinism and reliability, you can run your host application on an RTOS with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module. LabVIEW Real-Time systems provide deterministic processing engines for functions performed synchronously or asynchronously to the FPGA. For example, floating-point arithmetic, including FFTs, PID calculations, and custom control algorithms, are often performed in the LabVIEW Real-Time environment. Relevant data can be stored on a LabVIEW Real-Time system or transferred to a Windows host computer for off-line analysis, data logging, or user interface displays. The architecture for this configuration is shown in Figure 4. Each NI PAC platform that offers RIO hardware can run LabVIEW Real-Time VIs.Figure 4. Complete PAC Architecture Using LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Timeand Host PCWithin each R Series and CompactRIO device, there is flash memory available to store a compiled LabVIEW FPGA VI and run the application immediately upon power up of the device. In this configuration, as long as the FPGA has power, it runs the FPGA VI, even if the host computer crashes or is powered down. This is ideal for programming safety power down and power up sequences when unexpected events occur.Using NI SoftMotion to Create Custom Motion ControllersThe NI SoftMotion Development Module for LabVIEW provides VIs and functions to help you build custom motion controllers as part of NI PAC hardware platforms that can include NI RIO devices, DAQ devices, and Compact FieldPoint. NI SoftMotion provides all of the functions that typically reside on a motion controller DSP. With it, you can handle path planning, trajectory generation, and position and velocity loop control in the NI LabVIEW environment and then deploy the code on LabVIEW Real-Time or LabVIEW FPGA-based target hardware.NI SoftMotion includes functions for trajectory generator and spline engine and examples with complete source code for supervisory control, position, and velocity control loop using the PID algorithm. Supervisory control and the trajectory generator run on a LabVIEW Real-Time target and run at millisecond loop rates. The spline engine and the control loop can run either on a LabVIEW Real-Time target at millisecond loop rates or on a LabVIEW FPGA target at microsecond loop rates.ApplicationsBecause the LabVIEW FPGA Module can configure low-level hardware design of FPGAs and use the FPGAs within in a modular system, it is ideal for industrial control applications requiring custom hardware. These custom applications can include a custom mix of analog, digital, and counter/timer I/O, analog control up to 125 kHz, digital control up to 20 MHz, and interfacing to custom digital protocols for the following:•Batch control•Discrete control•Motion control•In-vehicle data acquisition•Machine condition monitoring•Rapid control prototyping (RCP)•Industrial control and acquisition•Distributed data acquisition and control•Mobile/portable noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) analysisConclusionThe LabVIEW FPGA Module brings the flexibility, performance, and customization of FPGAs to PAC platforms. Using NI RIO devices and LabVIEW graphical programming, you can build flexible and custom hardware using the COTS hardware often required in industrial control applications. Because you are using LabVIEW, a programming language already used in many industrial control applications, to define your NI RIO hardware, there is no need to learn VHDL or other low-level hardware design tools to create custom hardware. Using the LabVIEW FPGA Module and NI RIO hardware as part of your NI PAC adds significant flexibility and functionality for applications requiring ultrahigh-speed control, interfaces to custom digital protocols, or a custom I/O mix of analog, digital, and counters.使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器综述工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。
FPGA 外文文献 原版

z Salcic/Microprocessorsand Microsystems21 (1997) 249-256 2.3. Standard FPGA chip A standard Altera FLEX 8000 [7] chip is used as a major resource for implementation of application-specific hardware structures, which are a part of embedded system solution. In our case we decided to implement a PCB with a FLEX8282-84 devices, but it can be easily modified to accommodate any other FPGA from the FLEX 8000 family because they have the same architecture and reconfiguration mechanism. 2.4. Memory Existing 68HC 11 on-the-chip memory resources are not sufficient for most of intended applications. This was the reason for using the microcontroller in the expanded bus mode, and extend memory resources with external 8KB of SRAM and 32KB of EEPROM. Larger memory resources are needed to store programs and data, but also to store hardware configurations that are implemented in the FPGA chip. 2.5. Serial communication link A serial communication link is needed to provide communication with a personal computer, which is used as a software/hardware development platform. It enables both programs which run on the microcontroller and hardware configurations from the PC to the prototyping board to be downloaded. It can also be used in the target application. 2.6. Simple input/output devices for testing purpose In order to provide flexibility for system operation, different options, and to indicate the current state of the system a number of input switches, which are switched on or off manually, and a number of led indicators are provided. 2.7. System clocks The PROTOS system provides two system clocks. One is used to drive the microcontroller at 2 MHz, and the other one to drive sequential circuits, which are implemented in the FPGA at higher frequencies (up to 50 MHz in our case). 2.8. Access to the FPGA through memory-mapped I/0 As the 68HCll supports memory-mapped I/O, our decision was to extend this I/O method to the FPGA. This enables access to the FPGA resources through a number of registers, implemented in an EPLD, that appear in the address space of the 68HC 11. However, this does not prevent a user to implement more registers within the FPGA, as an application requires.

FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array)是一种集成电路芯片,具有可编程功能。
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Field-programmable gate array(现场可编程门阵列)1、History ——历史FPGA业界的可编程只读存储器(PROM)和可编程逻辑器件(PLD)萌芽。
同年,Xilinx共同创始人,Ross Freeman和Bernard Vonderschmitt发明了第一个商业上可行的现场可编程门阵列——XC2064。
20多年后,Ross Freeman进入全国发明家名人堂,名人堂对他的发明赞誉不绝。
2、Modern developments ——现代的发展最近的趋势是通过组合逻辑块和嵌入式微处理器和相关外设传统的FPGA 互连,形成一个完整的“可编程片上系统”,采取粗粒度的架构方法实现了这一步。
这项工作反映了由宝来先进系统集团的Ron Perlof 和Hana Potash在单一芯片SB24上结合可重构CPU架构的体系结构。
这项工作是在1982年完成的,这种混合动力技术可以在Xilinx公司的Virtex-II Pro和Virtex-4设备中看到,包括嵌入式FPGA的逻辑结构中的一个或多个PowerPC处理器。
Atmel 的FPSLIC是另一个这样的设备,它使用的是组合了Atmel可编程逻辑架构的AVR处理器。
Actel的SmartFusion器件集成了配置有Cortex-M3硬处理器内核(最大闪存和512KB为64KB RAM)的ARM架构和模拟外设,如多通道ADC和DAC的基于闪存的FPGA架构。
正如前面提到的,许多现代的FPGA对于“运行时间”必须拥有重新编程的能力,这就引导一个想法:可重构计算或可重构系统- CPU,可以重新配置自己以适应手头的任务。
3、FPGA comparisons ——FPGA的比较从历史上看,比起比自己稳定的ASIC同行,FPGA速度较慢,更节能,一般能达到的功能较少。
Altera公司的Cyclone II FPGA,在一个Altera teraSIC 的DE1原型开发板上。
供应商还可以通过开发自己的普通的FPGA 硬件中间道路,但它是制造最终版本,因此在设计已经被提交后它不可再进行修改。
Xilinx提供了一些市场和技术动态特性发生变化的ASIC / FPGA范例:●集成电路的成本都在积极上涨●ASIC的复杂性已经延长了开发时间●研发资源和员工人数在下降●缓慢推向市场的收入损失正在增加●经济不景气的财政限制正在推动低成本技术较于比以往较高的批量使用,这些趋势都使得FPGA比起ASIC是一个更好的选择。
4、Versus complex programmable logic devices ——复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)和FPGA之间的主要区别是体系结构。
CPLD 具有由一个或多个可编程求和的副产物逻辑阵列供给相对少量的计时寄存器的稍微限制性结构。
5、Applications ——应用FPGA中的应用包括数字信号处理,软件定义无线电,航空航天和国防系统,ASIC原型设计,医学成像,计算机视觉,语音识别,密码学,生物信息学,计算机硬件仿真,射电天文学,金属检测和范围日益扩大其他领域。
FPGA越来越多地传统的高性能计算应用程序中使用,其计算内核例如FFT 或卷积是在FPGA中执行的而不是微处理器。
6、Security considerations ——安全注意事项在安全性方面,无论是与ASIC还是与安全微处理器相比,FPGA都有利有弊。
7.Architecture ——体系结构最常见的FPGA架构包括逻辑块阵列(称为可配置逻辑块,CLB或逻辑阵列块,LAB,根据供应商),I / O焊盘和路由的信道。
多个I / O焊盘可以放入一个行的高度或一列的阵列中的宽度。
而CLB/ LAB和I / O 需要的的数量由设计决定,需要即使在用相同量的逻辑的设计也可以有很大的不同路由的轨道数目。
一个逻辑单元的简化的例子说明ALMs 和Slices通常包含类似于示例图2或4的结构,具有某些共享信号。
CLBs/LABs 通常包含少量ALMs/LEs/Slices。
类似地,I / O焊盘可以连接到在邻近它的信道的接线部分中的任何一个。
例如,在芯片的顶部的I / O焊盘在紧接其下的水平通道可以连接到任何的W电线(其中,W是沟道宽度)。