A、CB、D D、E D、F2、《中华人民共和国国歌》的曲作者是()。
(每小题1.5分,共15分)1、我国最大的高原是()A、青藏高原B、云贵高原C、内蒙古高原D、黄土高原2、世界人种主要分为:白色人种,黄色人种和()A、红色人种B、绿色人种C、黑色人种3、希腊三面环海,其中南面是()A 、亚得里亚海 B、爱奥尼亚海 C、地中海 D、爱琴海4、有风车之国称号的国家是()A 、美国B、荷兰C、英国5、下列哪些地方的人普遍爱吃辣椒?()A、上海、苏州、杭州B、长沙、成都、贵阳C、北京、合肥、南京D、无锡、宁波、厦门6、世界贸易组织的简称是()A、WTO B 、OPEC C 、IOC7、在西方,一年中最重要的节日是()A、复活节B、狂欢节C、感恩节D、圣诞节8、以前很多人都相信“天圆地方”的说法,其实地球是()A、方的B、圆的C、扁的9、占世界人口比例最大的是()A、黑种人B、白种人C、黄种人D、混血种人10、亚洲经济论坛的永久性所在地在我国海南的()A 、三亚市B、海口市C、博鳌镇二、判断题,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。
31(10分)(1)A ①②组织细胞(不完整不给分)泌尿系统(2)上升抗利尿激素
33.(1)降低、Rubisco的活性下降或光反应产生的[H]和ATP的量减少(能写出其中之一即给2 分,答气孔导度不得分)
34.(1) 增多受体
(2)、A血型:B血型=1:1 (2分,表现型及比例不完整不给分)
(3)、O型(2分)hhI A I A或hhI A i (2分,写一种给1分)HHI B i(2分,HhI B i不给分)。
2013-2014学年度第一学期九年级期末质量检查考试数学试卷考试时间:120分钟;命题人:游宝发学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、选择题1.下列式子中,属于最简二次根式的是(A )(B (C ) (D 2.下列图形中,中心对称图形有【 】A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个 3.已知一元二次方程2x x 1 0+-=,下列判断正确的是( ) A.方程有两个相等的实数根 B.方程有两个不相等的实数根C.方程无实数根D.方程根的情况不确定4.一根水平放置的圆柱形输水管道横截面如图所示,其中有水部分水面宽0.8米,最深处水深0.2米,则此输水管道的直径是A .0.5B .1C .2D .45.已知⊙O 1和⊙O 2相切,两圆的圆心距为9cm ,⊙1O 的半径为4cm ,则⊙O 2的半径为( ) A .5cm B .13cm C .9 cm 或13cm D .5cm 或13cm 6.已知圆锥的母线长为5,底面半径为3,则圆锥的表面积...为( ) A .15π B .24π C .30π D .39π 7.下列事件是随机事件的为A 、度量三角形的内角和,结果是180︒B 、经过城市中有交通信号灯的路口,遇到红灯C 、爸爸的年龄比爷爷大D 、通常加热到100℃时,水沸腾 8.如果将抛物线2y x =向左平移2个单位,那么所得抛物线的表达式为A.22y x =+B.22y x =-C.2(2)y x =+D.2(2)y x =-9.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线2y 1x 2=经过平移得到抛物线21x 2y 2x =-,其对称轴与两段抛物线所围成的阴影部分的面积为A .2B .4C .8D .1610.如图,已知边长为2的正三角形ABC 顶点A 的坐标为(0,6),BC 的中点D 在y 轴上,且在A 的下方,点E 是边长为2,中心在原点的正六边形的一个顶点,把这个正六边形绕中心旋转一周,在此过程中DE 的最小值为A.3B.34-C.4D.326- 二、填空题11x 的取值范围是____________. 12.如果关于x 的方程220xx m -+=(m 为常数)有两个相等实数根,那么m =______.13.两块完全一样的含30°角的三角板重叠在一起,若绕长直角边中点M 转动,使上面一块的斜边刚好过下面一块的直角顶点,如图,∠A =30°,AC =10,则此时两直角顶点C 、C ′间的距离是_______. 14.如图,AB 为⊙O 的直径,点P 为其半圆上任意一点(不含A 、B ),点Q 为另一半圆上一定点,若∠POA 为x°,∠PQB 为y°,则y 与x 的函数关系是 . 15.如图,一条抛物线m x y +=241(m<0)与x 轴相交于A 、B 两点(点A 在点B 的左侧).若点M 、N 的坐标分别为(0,—2)、(4,0),抛物线与直线MN 始终有交点,线段AB 的长度的最小值为 .三、解答题16.计算:(1))323(235a bb a ab b ÷-⋅(2) 17.解方程:0822=--x x18.如图,在正方形网络中,△ABC 的三个顶点都在格点上,点A 、B 、C 的坐标分别为(-2,4)、(-2,0)、(-4,1),结合所给的平面直角坐标系解答下列问题:(1)画出△ABC 关于原点O 对称的△A 1B 1C 1; (2)平移△ABC,使点A 移动到点A 2(0,2),画出平移后的△A 2B 2C 2并写出点B 2、C 2的坐标; (3)△A 1B 1C 1与△A 2B 2C 2成中心对称,写出其对称中心的坐标. 19.某人定制了一批地砖,每块地砖(如图(1)所示)是边长为0.5米的正方形ABCD.点E 、F 分别在边BC 和CD 上,△CFE 、△ABE 和四边形AEFD 均由单一材料制成,制成△CFE 、△ABE 和四边形AEFD 的三种材料的价格依次为每平方米30元、20元、10元.若将此种地砖按图(2)所示的形式铺设,则中间的阴影部分组成正方形...EFGH.已知烧制该种地砖平均每块需加.工费..0.35元,要使BE 长尽可能小,且每块地砖的成本价为4元(成本价=材料费用+加工费用),则CE 长应为多少米?解:设 CE =x ,则S △CFE = ,S △ABE = S 四边形AEFD = (用含x 的代数式表示,不需要化简)。
福州市2013—2014学年第一学期高三期末质量检测英语试卷听力材料Text 1M: You can sit in my place if you like a window seat.W: Oh, it’s very kind of you, but mine is right over a wing. I would be able to see anything. Thanks anyway.Text 2M: Mr. Cheng’s briefing seems to go on for ever. I was hardly able to stay awake.W: How could sleep through that? I think it was very important for the work we are going to carry out.M: Sorry! I promise I’ll listen carefully next time.Text 3W: What do you plan to do on your vocation?M: I’m jus t going to be lazy at home. I will probably do some gardening, watch TV and work on my stamp collection. However, I once volunteered to protect our plant in the west.Text 4M: How much are these bags?W: The red ones sell for $5.5 each and the green ones for $6.8 each.M: I’ll take two of the cheaper ones then.Text 5M: What’s the matter with you, Mary? You looked tired.W: I didn’t sleep well last night.M: Maybe a stomachache or headache?W: Neither. The noise almost drove me mad.Text 6M: I’d like to make an appointment with the doctor, please.W: OK. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00 pm?M: Do you happen to have an opening in the morning?W: Um…How about tomorrow at 8:00 am or Thursday at 8:15 am?M: Uh, do you have anything earlier?W: No, I’m sorry.M: Well, in that case, tomorrow would be fine.W: What’s the purpose of your visit?M: Well, to tell you the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago while painting my house, and my foot landed in a paint can and it was badly hurt.Text 7W: Do you have anything particular on this evening?M: No, I’ve got a lot of time to kill.W: Well, then. Won’t you come over to dinner and have a game of mahjong afterwards?M: With pleasure.W: You were not so eager about mahjong before.M: That’s because I didn’t know the fun of playing it then. Why is mahjong such a popular game, do you know?W: I’ve got no idea. I only know that foreigners are beginning to take an interest in it, besides their old card games.M: That’s right. Some of them are alre ady experts.W: Indeed they are. But the trouble about m ahjong is once you’re interested in it, you can’t shed it off.M: Yes. Once I went crazy over other hobbies such as stamp collecting and reading, but I find them very boring now.W: I’m sure your for mer hobbies are more beneficial.M: I can’t deny that, and I can’t help it, either.W: The bell’s ringing. That must be our partners.Text 8W: How’s your first day on the job going?M: Fine.W: I’m glad to hear that. Tell me, have you ever used a floor-polishing machine before?M: No, I haven’t. Could you show me how?W: Certainly. First, spray the wax on the floor.M: I see.W: Then, press here to turn the machine on … Okay so far.M: I follow you.W: Then, polish the floor with a back-and-forth motion li ke this. Do you think you’ve got that? M: Yes, I’m sure I won’t have any trouble.W: Make sure and let me know if you have any questions.M: OK. Thanks.Text 9M: Is this table on the corner, Okay?W: Sure. We can sit here.M: Gee. You’ve hardly got anything on your plate.W: Yeah. I guess I’m just not that hungry.M: What’s the matter? Aren’t you feeling well?W: Well, I’ve been really worried. It’s my car. It’s in the shop again.M: Really? What’s wrong this time?W: I don’t know exactly. Something is wrong with the brakes, I think.M: Well, at least that shouldn’t cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?W: He said he would call me later today about the cost.M: Watch out h e doesn’t try to take advantage of you.W: What do you mean?M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn’t know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.W: Maybe so. But I trust this man. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be fair.M: Oh, that’s good to know. Maybe I’ll try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?Text 10W: Mary, I usually miss very important dates and feel confused. Have you ever forgotten an appointment at the doctor’s or been late in getting to your part-time job?W: Occasionally, but I’d like to show you my tips. Sure that these difficulties happen to everybody. However, you can avoid such problems if you write out schedules. They will help you to find out how much time you have to do the things that are important as well as those that are fun. A master schedule can be used to find out how much time you really have for activities. This schedule lists all of the activities that must complete. A weekly schedule can also be used to help you plan time for the things that you really like to do. Your weekly schedule should include time for activities. It also should include activities that will help you to achieve lifetime, long-term and short-term goals. Finally, it should include your study time and free time. Free time is necessary so that you can make needed changes in your schedule. A daily schedule is a final suggestion to help you plan your time.。
1. W: What do you want to be when you grow up?M: I want to be an astronaut.2. M: Nancy, come and have a look. This is my favorite cartoon character.W: Donald Duck? But I don’t like it. I like Mickey Mouse best.3. W: What are you going to do this weekend?M: We’re going to plant trees in the park. Would you like to go with us?4. W: How do you usually learn Englis h, Peter?M: I often learn it on the radio.5. M: Hi, Maria! Where have you been for your summer vacation?W: I have been to Shanghai with my parents.第二节对话理解。
W: Mr. Black speaks French well and now he is beginning to study Chinese.M: He also knows a little Japanese.听第二段对话,完成第7小题。
W: Dad, I’d like to buy clothes made of animal fur.M: I don’t think that’s right. We should protect wild animals.听第三段对话,完成第8小题。
福州市2013-2014学年第一学期九年级期末质量检查模拟物 理 试 卷(完卷时间:90分钟 总分:100分)友情提示:请把所有解答填写到答题卡上!请不要错位、越界答题一、选择题(本大题有14小题,每小题2分,共28分。
每小题只有一个选项正确)1、下列现象中,其形成过程与清晨草叶上露珠的形成相同的是( )A .飘渺的雾B .雪白的霜C .坚硬的冰D .晶莹的雾凇 2、下列数据中最接近生活实际的是( )A .家用空调工作时的功率约为100WB .教室里让人感觉舒适的温度是40℃C .人的正常体温是37℃D .电视机的正常工作电压为380V3、以下取暖方式中,通过做功增加内能的是( )A .冬天晒太阳B .围坐篝火边C .用嘴向手呵气D .双手用力对搓4、创建平安和谐校园”是大家共同的心愿,必须注意安全,珍惜生命 下列做法中,不符合安全用电要求的是( )A .雷雨闪电时,不要在树下躲雨B .空调插头应选用图2中的乙C .发生触电时,首先要切断电源D .做卫生时不能用湿抹布擦插座面板5、在1个标准大气压下,根据表中数据判断下列说法,正确的是( )A .可以用铜锅熔化钢块B.金块掉入铁水中会熔化 C .在-265℃时氮气是液态 D .-40℃的气温可用水银温度计测量6、图3所示的四幅图中,说明电动机工作原理的实验装置是( )A B C D7、如图4所示是小明家的电能表,从中可获取的正确信息是( ) A .它测的是小明家用电器消耗的电功率 B .此时电能表的读数是15723kW·h C .电路每消耗1度电,电能表转盘转过3000转 D .正常工作时,允许接入用电器的最大功率是4400W图1图38、质量相等、初温相同的水和煤油,分别用两个相同的电加热器加热(不计热损失),加热过程中温度变化如图5所示,则下列判断正确的是( )A .甲的比热容大,是水B .甲的比热容大,是煤油C .乙的比热容大,是水D .乙的比热容大,是煤油9、小冬在学了有关家庭电路知识后安装了如图6四盏电灯,你认为其中正确的是( )10、如图7所示的电路,电源电压不变,闭合开关S ,灯L 不亮,电压表有示数,电流表无示数,可能的原因是 ( )A .灯L 短路B .变阻器R 短路C .灯L 开路D .变阻器R 开路11、将光敏电阻R 、定值电阻Ro 电流表、电压表、开关和电源连接成图8所示电路。
(4分)2013年12月14 日晚间,“嫦娥”携带着“玉兔”,安全平稳着陆月面。
(2 分)(2)阅读《水浒传》选段,回答问题。
福州市2013—2014学年第一学期高三期末质量检测数学(文科)试卷 参考答案与评分标准第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题所给的四个答案中有且只有一个答案是正确的.把正确选项涂在答题卡的相应位置上.)1. D2.D3. B 4.A 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C. 10.C 11. C 12. A第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题 共90分)二.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.把答案填在答题卡的相应位置上.13.16π14.9 15. 16..②④ 三、解答题(本大题共6小题,共74分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算过程. 17.(本小题满分12分)解: (Ⅰ)x b x g 2sin 1)(22=-=→- ······················································· 2分 由0)(=x g 得()Z k k x x ∈=∴=π202sin 即 ()Z k k x ∈=2π······················· 5分 故方程)(x g =0的解集为{()}Z k k x x ∈=2π······································· 6分 (Ⅱ)12sin 3cos 21)2sin ,1()3,cos 2(1)(22-+=-⋅=-⋅=→-→-x x x x b a x f ···· 7分 )62sin(22sin 32cos π+=+=x x x ········································· 9分∴函数)(x f 的最小周期ππ==22T ···················································· 10分 由()Z k k x k ∈+≤+≤+-πππππ226222得()Z k k x k ∈+≤≤+-ππππ63故函数)(x f 的单调增区间为()Z k k k ∈⎥⎦⎤+⎢⎣⎡+-ππππ6,3. ( 开区间也可以)···································································································· 12分18. (本小题满分12分)解:(Ⅰ)1111,033n n n n a a a a n ++==∴>Q ks5u 1111==n 13n 13n n a aa +∴+g Q ,又 ······················································ 2分 n n a ⎧⎫∴⎨⎬⎩⎭11为首项为,公比为的等比数列33 ····································· 4分n 1n 11n==n 333n n a a -⎛⎫∴⨯∴ ⎪⎝⎭, ····························································· 6分 (Ⅱ) 1231233333n nnS =++++L ……① ················································· 7分 231112133333n n n n nS +-∴=++++L ……② ········································ 8分 ①-② 得:123121111333333n n n nS +=++++-L ·························· 9分1111331313n n n +⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭=-- ······································· 10分3114323n nn n S ⎛⎫∴=-- ⎪⨯⎝⎭ 133243n n nn S +--∴=⨯ ··························································· 12分19. (本小题满分12分). 解:(Ⅰ)设“从该批电器中任选1件,其为”B ”型”为事件1A , ············· 1分则15059()5010P A -== ································································· 3分 所以从该批电器中任选1件,求其为”B ”型的概率为910. ·················· 4分 (Ⅱ)设“从重量在[80,85)的5件电器中,任选2件电器,求其中恰有1件为”A ”型”为事件2A ,记这5件电器分别为a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,其中”A ”型为a ,b .从中任选2件,所有可能的情况为ab ,ac ,ad ,ae ,bc ,bd ,be ,cd ,ce ,de ,共10种.······································································································ 8分 其中恰有1件为”A ”型的情况有ac ,ad ,ae ,bc ,bd ,be ,共6种. ········ 10分 所以263()105P A ==. 所以从重量在[80,85)的5件电器中,任选2件电器,其中恰有1件为”A ”型的概率为35. ······································································································· 12分20.(本小题满分12分)解:依题意得g(x)3x =+,设利润函数为f(x),则f(x)(x)g(x)r =-,所以20.5613.5(0x 7)f(x),10.5(x 7)x x x⎧-+-≤≤=⎨->⎩ ·································· 2分 (I )要使工厂有盈利,则有f (x )>0,因为f (x )>0⇔20x 770.5613.5010.50x x x x ≤≤>⎧⎧⎨⎨-+->->⎩⎩或, ····························· 4分 ⇒20x 771227010.50x x x x ≤≤>⎧⎧⎨⎨-+<->⎩⎩或⇒0x 7710.539x x ≤≤⎧<<⎨<<⎩或⇒3x 7<≤或7x 10.5<p , ·················································· 6分 即3x 10.5<p . ··································································· 7分 所以要使工厂盈利,产品数量应控制在大于300台小于1050台的范围内. ···· 8分 (II )当3x 7<≤时, 2f(x)0.5(6) 4.5x =--+故当x =6时,f (x )有最大值4.5. ······················································ 10分 而当x >7时,f(x)10.57 3.5<-=.所以当工厂生产600台产品时,盈利最大. ·········································· 12分 21. (本小题满分12分)解:(1)32f x =2x x ax +-Q () '2f x =34x x a ∴+-() ············ 2分对于x R ∈恒有2'()224f x x x ≥+-,即2240x x a ++-≥对于x R ∈恒成立····································································································· 4分44(4)0a ∴∆=--≤ 3a ⇒≤······················································· 5分 max 3a ∴= ··················································································· 6分(2)a=3F x =()f x k x --Q 当时()有三个零点3224k x x x ∴=+-有三个不同的实根··············································· 7分 32()24g x x x x =+-令,则2'()=3x 4x 4g x +- ···························· 8分令'()0g x =解得1222,3x x =-= ,'(),()x g x g x 情况如下表:········ 由上表知,当2x =-时()g x 取得极大值(2)8g -=,当23x =时()g x 取得极小值240()327g =- 数形结合可知,实数k 的取值范围为40(,8)27-········································· 12分22. (本小题满分14分)解:(I )设双曲线C 的方程为22221(00)x y a b a b-=>>,, ························ 1分由题设得229a b b a ⎧+=⎪⎨=⎪⎩,······························································· 3分解得2245.a b ⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩,,········································································· 5分所以双曲线C 的方程为22145x y -=; ··········································· 6分 (II )设直线l 的方程为(0)y kx m k =+≠,点11()M x y ,,22()N x y ,的坐标满足方程组221.45y kx m x y =+⎧⎪⎨-=⎪⎩, ① ②,将①式代入②式,得22()145x kx m +-=, 整理得222(54)84200k x kmx m ----=, ····································· 8分 此方程有两个不等实根,于是2540k -≠, 且222(8)4(54)(420)0km k m ∆=-+-+>,整理得22540m k +->.③ ························································· 9分 由根与系数的关系可知线段MN 的中点坐标00()x y ,满足:12024254x x km x k +==-,002554my kx m k =+=-, ······················· 10分 从而线段MN 的垂直平分线的方程为225145454m km y x k k k ⎛⎫-=-- ⎪--⎝⎭,·· 1分 此直线与x 轴,y 轴的交点坐标分别为29054km k ⎛⎫⎪-⎝⎭,,29054m k ⎛⎫ ⎪-⎝⎭,, 由题设可得22199********km m k k =--g ,整理得222(54)k m k -=,0k ≠, ································································································· 12分将上式代入③式得222(54)540k k k-+->,·································· 13分 整理得22(45)(45)0k k k --->,0k ≠,解得0k <<或54k >,所以k的取值范围是5555004224⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫---+⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝U U U∞,,,,∞. ·····14分ks5u。
福建省福州市金桥高级中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、选择题1. --- If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o'clock.--- What a pity! Tina ________ here to see you.A. isB. wasC. would beD. has been参考答案:B2. This year the celebrations have been more spectacular than_____ with more than 200,000 people congregating to watch a huge parade of lions, dragons and drums.A. thatB. everC. neverD. before参考答案:B3. The music, which used to _____ before the important meeting, has now been changed.A. playB. playingC. be playedD. being played参考答案:C4. --- Why don’t you ride your bicycle today?--- Oh, it broke down. It ________ now.A. is repairingB. is being repairedC. is repairedD. will repair参考答案:B略5. James has just arrived,but I didn't know he_______until yesterday.()A.had come B.will come C.had come D.was coming参考答案:D.根据第一个分句可知,"到来"的动作发生在过去,排除C;表示位置移动的词go,come,leave,move等可以用进行时表示将来,根据didn't可知,这里指的是我昨天之前不知道他将会来,应该用过去将来时.6. They say that the meeting will be _________.A. of great importantB. of great importanceC. great importantD.great importance参考答案:B试题分析:考查固定搭配。
福州市2013—2014学年第一学期高三期末质量检测英语试卷(满分:1 50分;完卷时间:1 50分钟)本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。
第一卷(选择题共11 5分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a shop.B.In a train.C.In a plane.2.What is the feeling of the man?A.He feels sleepy.B.He is tired pf listeningC.He thinks the work is important.3.What is the man going to do for his holiday?A.Stay at home.B.Collect stones.C.Volunteer in the west. 4.What is the man going to buy?A.One red bag.B.Two red bags.C.Two green bags.5.Why didn’t Mary sleep well?A.She was mad.B.She had a stomachache.C.She was troubled by noise.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
福建省福州市2014届九年级政治上学期期末质检试题福州市2013—2014学年第一学期九年级期末质量检测思想品德试卷参考答案及评分标准选择题(48分)题1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112号答B C B A D D C A A D A C案题13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24号答B ACD C C B C D C A A案非选择题(52分)25.(共10分)(1)行政审批难或审批制度不合理或政府工作人员服务意识差等(符合题意,言之有理即可)(2分)(2)①依法行政(1分)②生活在法治国家里,人人都要和政府打交道。
(每空1分,共10分)①、直.不百步耳:②、狗彘食人食而不知检.:③、无如..寡人之用心者:④王无罪.岁:⑤、声非加疾也,而闻者彰.:⑥锲而不舍,金石可镂.:⑦、木直中.绳:⑧、君子生.非异也:⑨、弟子不必..不如师:⑩、君子不齿.:三、文言基础(每题2分,共10分)3、下列句中加点词语,意义与现代汉语相同的一组是(2分)()A.弃甲曳兵而走.B.河内凶.C.今之众人.. D.从师..而问焉4、下列句子中没有通假字的一项是(2分)()A.颁白者不负戴于道路矣B.所守或匪亲,化为狼与豺C.涂有饿莩而不知发D.梦啼妆泪红阑干5、下列划横线词意义和用法相同的一项是(2分)()A. 涂有饿莩而不知发顺风而呼,声非加疾也B. 河东凶亦然开国何茫然C.填然鼓之,兵刃既接人非生而知之者D. 则无望民之多于邻国也水为之,而寒于水6、下列选项中对加点的词的活用现象归类正确的一项是(2分)()①木直中绳,輮.以为轮②吾从而师.之③假舟楫者,非能水.也,而绝江河。
)1.下列符合物理学史实的是A.卡文迪许利用扭秤巧妙地测得静电力常量k的数值B.开普勒发现了行星运动的规律,提出了万有引力定律C.伽利略通过斜面实验的合理外推,得出了自由落体运动的规律D.法拉第根据小磁针在通电导线周围的偏转发现了电流的磁效应1.C 解析:库仑利用扭秤巧妙地测得静电力常量k的数值,A项错;牛顿提出了万有引力定律,B项错;伽利略通过斜面实验的合理外推,得出了自由落体运动的规律,C项正确;奥斯特根据小磁针在通电导线周围的偏转发现了电流的磁效应,D项错。
由图可知A.在t2时刻两个质点相遇B.在t1时刻两个质点运动方向相同C.在t1时刻两个质点加速度相同D.在t1时刻两个质点相距最远2.B 解析:在0-t2时间内两个质点的位移不同,故在t2时刻两个质点不能相遇,A项错;t1时刻两个质点速度均为正值,故运动方向相同,B项正确;在t1时刻两个质点加速度方向相反,C 项错;因运动时间未知,故无法确定两个质点何时相距最远,D项错。
要使两球在空中相遇,则必须A.两球的初速度一样大B.B球初速度比A大C.同时抛出两球D.先抛出A球3.C 解析:由t=2hg可知两球的运动时间相同,故要使两球在空中相遇,则必须同时抛出两球,C项正确,D项错;由于水平方向两球的位移不同,故两者的初速度不同,AB两项错。
4.如图所示,质量为m的小球沿光滑的斜面AB下滑,然后可以无能量损失地进入光滑的圆形轨道BCD,小球从A点开始由静止下滑,已知AC之间的竖直高度为h,圆轨道的半径为R,重力加速度为g,则下列判断正确的是A.若h=2R,则小球刚好能到达D点B.若小球恰好能通过D点,则小球到达DC .小球能通过D 点,则小球在C 点和D 点的向心加速度大小相等D .若小球到达D D 点的压力大小为2mg4.B 解析:由mg =m v 2r 得v 临=gr ,可知小球若要恰好能通过D 点,则小球到达Dh =2R ,则小球到达D 点时的速度为零,故不能到达D 点,A项错;小球能通过D 点,由动能定理2211222D C mgR m m v v -=-,可得C D v v >,由2n va R =可知小球在C 点向心加速度大小大于其在D 点的向心加速度大小,故C项错;若小球到达D 2Dv F mg m R+=,小球对D 点的压力大小为mg ,D项错。
13-14三上 期末试卷
福州市2013—2014学年第⼀学期⾼三期末质量检测英语试题word版福州市2013—2014学年第⼀学期⾼三期末质量检测英语试卷第⼀部分听⼒(共两节,满分30分)第⼆部分英语知识运⽤(共两节,满分45分)第⼀节单项填空(共15⼩题;每⼩题1分,满分15分)21.—Skipping breakfast is a great way to lose weight.—_____ .Actually it has the opposite effect.A.That?s not the caseB.I cannot agree moreC.That?s for sureD.I'm glad to know that22.—Do you know why Chris decided to leave the company?—He held out for higher wages,which were_____ in the end.A.put awayB.broken downC.broken awayD.turned down23._____ his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends,Williams is now under investigation.A.AbusedB.To abuseC.Having abusedD.To have abused24.Many plants could move northward and toward the Pacific coast_____ rising temperatures and changes in rainfall.A.with regard toB.in defense ofC.by means ofD.in reaction to25.As Britain?s first and only female Prime Minister, Thatcher was famous for her_____ style, and thus she was calledthe“Iron Lady”.A.constantB.toughC.rough/doc/c4331331844769eae109ed1b.html d26.Just_____ those thoughts from your mind——they?re crazy and not worth thinking about.A.cancelB.defendC.fireD.dismiss27.The government will begin a series of_____ to help the public fully understand the new educational system.A.applicationsB.PresentationsC.traditionsD.administrations28.⼀What if you_____ to send an essay with your application?⼀I would have been rejected.A.forgotB.would forgetC.had forgottenD.should forget29.With the word“PM2.5"_____ appearing in media reports,people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days.A.constantlyB.instantlyC.rarelyD.directly30.The No.1 underground,hopefully_____ in the near future,will greatly improve the traffic conditions in FuzhouA.opensB.to be openedC.openD.will be opened31.Whether you like it or not,we live in a community_____ on--line chatting is an important part of communication.A.whichB.thatC.whenD.where32.The so-called Asia—Pacific century will make no sense_____ China develops.A.unlessB.whenC.ifD.as33. —You seem to be familiar with this city.—I_____ here for three years.It?s great to be back.A.will liveB.livedC.had livedD.live34._____ more than 100 million references to the word“tuhao” on social media since early September.A.It has beenB.There isC.There have beenD.They are35._____ I believe,and you will find him very capable.A.Having a talk with TomB.Given a talk with TomC.One more talk with TomD.If you have a talk with Tom第⼆节完形填空(共20⼩题;每⼩题1.5分,满分30分)Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. 36 he story of this boy for example.He decided to study judo(柔道) 37 he had lost his left 38 in a car accident.The boy began lessons 39 an old Japanese judo master.The boy was doing well, 40 he couldn?t understand why,after three months of training,the master had 41 him only one move.“Sensei,”the boy42 said to his master,“shouldn?t I be learning more moves?”“This is the only move you?11ever43 to know,”the sensei replied.Not quite understanding,but believing in his teacher,the boy 44 training.Several months later,the sensei 45 the boy to his first tournament.To his 46 , the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more47 ,but after some time,his opponent(对⼿)became impatient and charged;the boy skillfully48 his one move to win the match.Still amazed by his 49 ,the boy was now in the finals.This time,his opponent was bigger,stronger,and more 50 .For a while,the boy appeared to be defeated. 51that the boy might get 52 ,the referee called a timeout(暂停).He was about to stop the match when the sensei 53 ,saying,“No,let him continue.”Soon after the match began again,his opponent made a big 54 :he dropped his guard.The boy won the tournament.When asked,“how did I win with only one move ? ”,the sensei answered, “First, you?ve almost 55 one of the most difficult throws in all of judo.Second,the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grasp your left arm.”36.A.Take B.Give C.Tell D.Make37.A.because B.though C.before D.until38.A.1eg B.eye C.arm D.hand39.A.with B.as C.beneath D.1ike40.A.for B.since C.so D.or41.A.promised B.taught C.allowed D.delivered42.A.honestly B.finally C.impatiently D.rapidly43.A.need B.fail C.agree D.demand44.A.avoided B.stopped C.kept D.regretted45.A.applied B.kept C.carried D.took46.A.embarrassment B.encouragement C.disappointment D.astonishment47.A.difficult B.awkward C.frightening D.unique48.A.sacrificed B.suggested C.quitted /doc/c4331331844769eae109ed1b.html ed/doc/c4331331844769eae109ed1b.html petitor B.master C.success D.challenge50.A.responsible B.experienced C.casual D.stressed51.A.Concerned B.Threatened C.Disappointed D.Delighted52.A.tired B.defeated C.hurt D.fined53.A.sighed B.added C.approved D.interrupted54.A.discovery B.difference C.mistake D.decision55.A.created B.mastered C.exposed D.watched第三部分阅读理解(共20⼩题;每题2分,满分40分)AHaving just quit a highly moneymaking job with tech giant Microsoft in theUnited States,where he?d made millions working as a program manager,PatrickAwuah would wake up once in a while wondering if he?d done the right thing.What Awuah wanted was to create a university in hi s native Ghana.a state-of-the-art education centre that would help educate the country?s next generation of leaders.Awuah moved with his family.back to Ghana.There,he invested his own money and with the help of other donors he founded Ashesi University.“Africa needs to have a renaissance(复兴),” says Awuah as he explained what drove him to take the risky decision.“The world needs to change in this way and I strongly believe that people like me need to be part of the solution;I need to be really actively involved in helping to drive this change in Africa……Located about an hour's drive from the capital Accra,Ashesi,which appropriately translates to “beginning,” is the first Ghanaian university to combine technical majors with a liberal arts approach.Its campus,set on 100 acres in a town called Berekuso,was designed to be inspiring for the more than 500 young Ghanaians studying there.“S o when I look at universities I see Africa fast—forward 30 years.When this 20-year-old is now in his or her 50s,that person is going to be a leader.”Today Ashesi,which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year,offers degrees in business,information systems and computer science.There are plans to offer engineering and economics majors in the near future.The school?s graduation rate is between 70%and 90%,according to Awuah.In our last freshman class,50%of the students paid full tuition(学费),25%were on full scholarships and 25%on partial scholarships ,”he said.“The reason why variety is so important is that the most important conversation on campus is a conversation about the good society—what is the good society we would like to see in Africa? That conversation is a lotmore interesting if you have variety in the classroom,”adds Awuah.56.In Awuah?s opinion,Africa should be changed byA.investing more money for developmentB.developing computer scienceC.training future leaders for developmentD.founding more universities57.The underlined sentence in the first paragraph infers that “_____”.A.Awuah regretted that he had once worked with MicrosoftB.Awuah would doubt if he should resign from MicrosoftC.Awuah wondered whether it was right to invest for a universityD.Awuah felt it wrong that he had refused a job with a large salary58.The university founded by Awuah_____.A.came into being 10 years agoB.was named with “beginning”C.is located in the capital of GhanD.will be run for 30 years59.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.Ashesi has offered five degrees since it was founded.B.Ashesi had earned millions of dollars before he left Microsoft.C.50%of the new students in Ashesi receive education for free.D.Awuah was the only investor in setting up Ashesi University.B60.Parents who want to help their children with mathematics may buyA.Virtua Striker 3ver.2013B.Racing Car Kiddy RideC.Happy Doctor MonkeyD.Happy Zoo DX61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ads?A.Kiddy Ride is a new machine worth EURO$1150.B.Virtua Striker 3 ver.2013 is a latest version of software.C.Virtua Striker 3 ver.2013 may be popular among basketball fans.D.Happy Zoo DX will help children in their study of music and art.62.If you use Virtua Striker 3 ver.2013,you can_____.A.watch the World Cup 2013 liveB.greatly improve your football skillC.change players? data whenever you wantD.feel World Cup fever more intensely63.It is obvious that people can read the ads_____.A.on a boardB.on TVC.in a newspaperD.on the InternetCPupils remember more and behave better when 3D images are used inlessons,research suggests.They are quicker to learn and absorb new concepts,anddisplay higher levels of concentration.Professor Anne Bamford,of the University of the Arts,London,studied the effectiveness of 3D content in 15 schools across seven countries,including the UK.Pupils in 3D classes can remember more than those in the 2D classes after four weeks,improving test scores by an average of 17 percent compared with eight percent for 2D lessons.They gave more detailed answer to the tasks and were more likely to think in 3D, using hand gestures and mime(模仿动作) to answer the test questions successfully.The teachers commented that the pupils in the 3D groups had deeper understanding,increased attention span.more motivation and higher engagement in the lessons.Children are used to 3D with the rise of computer games that use the technology—90 percent of those in the study had seen a 3D film.Schools would need 3D—enabled projectors(投影仪),laptops with good picture capabilities,3D software and glasses for children to introduce animations(动作) into classrooms.But Danny Nicholson,an educationist,said the technology would be impractical to use in schools and could be costly.He said,“While I think the idea of 3D technology is very interesting,I worry that 3D is a bit of an expensive gimmick(⼩玩意⼉).There are a few cases where a true 3D image might help,but most of the time,good 2D models that can be moved would be just as effective.”In the US,one school district in Colorado is already in the process of having 1.000 3D projectors fixed in classrooms.And the University of Caledonia.which carries out scientific research into the Lake Tabon Basin.has used 3D presentations with Grade Six pupils.Those who watched the 3D presentations were more engrossed and reported a general increase in their interest in science compared with students who watched the 2D version.64.What is the main idea of the first three paragraphs?A.There are slight differences between 3D and 2D images.B.Pupils perform better when 3D images are used in classes.C.Schools have difficulties in making full use of 3D technology.D.3D technology is always more effective than 2D technology.65.Danny Nicholson holds the view that 3D_____.A.is of no help in classesB.has a bright future in classesC.is more practical than 2D modelsD.may not be affordable for schools66.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.3D technology will replace 2D models in the future.B.Many pupils are now more Interested In science than before.C.Teachers will use the 3D technology through specific training.D.3D will soon be put into use in one school district in Colorado.67.The underlined word “engrossed” in the last paragraph means_____.A.absorbedB.annoyedC.relaxedD. confusedDA new /doc/c4331331844769eae109ed1b.html ernment report says more than two million Americans fall ill each year with drug—resistant bacterial infections(感染),and 23,000 of them are dying as a result.The head of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention[CDC]said that the number probably will grow.Officials warn that steps must be taken now to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotic(抗⽣素)drugs.Without urgent action to stop that trend,warned Tom Frieden whose agency wrote the report,the miracle drugs to fight them won?t be available in the future.“If we are not careful,the medicine chest will be empty when we go there to look for a lifesaving antibiotic for someone with a deadly infection.But if we act now,we can preserve these medications while we continue to work on development of new medicines.”The report names a drug—resistant abuse of gonorrhea(淋病),which causes about one quarter of a million hospitalizations in the United States annually.Of the number at least 14,000 result in death.Drug resistance develops through the overuse and inappropriate use of anti—bacterial agents.These can be:doctors prescribing(开药) them to patients who have viral infections that are not affected by medicine meant to fight bacteria;patients not taking all of their medicine as prescribed,so the bacteria making them sick are only weakened,not killed;antibiotic use in healthy farm animals to prevent illness and promote growth.Antibiotic remainders left in meat and animal products can then lead to drug resistance in humans.To limit the spread of resistant infections,experts recommend wider use of routine immunizations(预防),as well as hand—washing in hospitals and other health care facilities.Also,the report urges hand—washing by food handlers?Michael Bell,deputy director of the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion at CDC,said Patients also can play a role in preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics by asking health care providers a few simple questions.68.What?s the best title of the passage?A.Drug Resistance Developing Quickly in the USB.Drug—Resistant Bacterial Infections Growing in the USC.Actions for Preserving Anti-Bacterial Medications in the USD.Preventions of Drug-resistant Bacterial Infections in the US69.According to Frieden,we must take measures without delay to preserve effectiveness of antibiotics,or_____.A.we will have to develop better medicines in place of antibioticsB.there may be no effective anti-bacterial drugs for use in the futureC.we can?t find other medicines to cure serious illnesses in the futureD.more and more Americans will suffer from bacterial infections each year70.Of those patients admitted to the hospital because of a drug-resistant abuse of gonorrhea annually,deaths add upto_____.A.at least 5.6%B.about 25%C.about 1.4%D.at least 2.5%71.One of the approaches through which drug resistance develops is that_____.A.people eat the meat with Antibiotic remainder in animalsB.doctors prescribe less antibiotics than needed for patientsC.doctors prescribe much more antibiotic than needed for patientsD.patients don?t take their ant-bacterial agents that doctors prescribeEDowning Street sources have indicated that the British tennis player,Andy Murray,will be Recommended for a knighthood(爵⼠头衔)for ending Britain?s 77-year wait for a Wimbledon men?s champion title.David Cameron,the British prime minister,who was in the royal box on Sunday at Wimbledon.told reporters that he couldn?t t hink of anyone who deserves one more.More news on the knighthood is surely to come.but Murray?s achievement has a twist in that he is Scottish.not English.Also in the royal box show on Sunday was Scotland?s first minister, Alex Salmond, waving the white-and-blue Scottish flag.in the row directly behind Cameron after the victory.No Scotsman had won the singles at Wimbledon since Harold Mahony in 1896.Salmond was later asked on BBC Radio whether Murray?s achievement had been a victory for Britain.“Absolu tely,and for tennis fans everywhere,"Salmond said.“Let everyone enjoy the victory.But you will allow us just the little private thing.Let us wave our national flag.??The Scottish government,headed by Salmond,has announced that Scotland will hold a referendum(全民票)on independence from Britain in September 2014.Murray,who lives in the London area but was born and raised in the Scottish town of Dunblane,has not said publicly which way he would vote on the issue,and his Wimbledon Championship will only mix interest in his views.But this was,make no mistake,a national moment.Murray?s semifinal victory over Jerzy Janowicz drew a peak television audience of 13.24 million viewers.the biggest of the year in Britain.The final then topped that with a peak audience of 17.3 million,the biggest audience for a Wimbledon final since at least 1990, according to the BBC.Only one name will go on the trophy(奖杯),but tennis at the highest level has now become a team event.Murray,who once had frequent fits of anger during matches,has transformed himself into a much more focused force with the help of an extensive support group.Murray?s rise to champion has clearly something to do with his decision to hire the former number one tennis champion Ivan Lendl as his coach just before the2012 season.“He?s been very patient with me; I'm just happy I managed to do it for him.”Onward Team Murray goes toward a defense of the United States Open title,beginning nextmonth,and then eventually to defending at Wimbledon next year with the British drought(⼲旱) well and truly over.72.The underlined word “twist” in the second paragraph refers to Murray?s_____.A.achievementB.knighthoodC.champion titleD.nationality73.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Murray is the first British to have won the singles at Wimbledon.B.Murray?s victory over Jerzy Janowicz drew the biggest audience of the year.C.Murray has won the championship of the United States Open before.D.Murray was born a strong,talented and cool-headed tennis player.74.What does the author mean by saying“the British drought well and truly over”?A.Murray is concerned about the drought that struck Britain.B.Drought in Britain will be over next year when Wimbledon is held.C.British gover nment?s rule over Scotland will come to an end soon.D.The British people?s desire for a Wimbledon victory is fully satisfied.75.What does the writer intend to tell us?A.The whole Great Britain is enjoying Murray?s victory.B.Scotland is going to gain independence from BritainC.The secret lies behind Murray?s Wimbledon victory.D.Murray was torn between the choices in the referendum.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第⼀节短⽂填词(共10⼩题;每⼩题1分,满分10分)阅读下⾯短⽂,根据以下提⽰:1)汉语提⽰,2)⾸字母提⽰,3)语境提⽰,在每个空格内填⼊⼀个适当的英语单词。
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福州金桥学校13-14学年第一学期期末考试卷高一政治完卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分命题:高一政治集备组 审核: 陈剑萍 校对:徐荣娘 考试时间:2014.1.21 第一卷(选择题,共48分)一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共48分) 1.下列属于商品的是( )①超市出售的粮食产品 ②赠送同学的礼物 ③向地震灾区空投的援助物资 ④家庭用的自来水 A .①③ B .①② C .③④ D .①④2.漳州至福州的动车票二等座票价为84.5元。
这里货币执行的职能与下列选项中货币执行的职能相同的是( )A .交电费130元B .一新款手机标价2999元C .领了工资3200元D .用400元买羽绒服3.“定制服务”如今已经成为了一种简单而时尚的生活方式,为了追求个性,不少消费者喜欢自己动手设计鞋子的颜色和在衣服上绘上别致的图案……。
这主要体现了消费者( ) A .从众心理 B .求异心理 C .攀比心理 D .求实心理4.某市民用银行信用卡在网上定购瘦西湖景区门票一张。
该市民使用的银行信用卡( ) A .是一种特殊的价值符号 B .是一种电子货币,具有货币所有职能 C .可以在任何商场买东西 D .可以在指定的营业机构存取现金或转账 图表为2012年至2013年的某些日期的美元对人民币的汇率情况,据此回答第5题5.美元对人民币汇率的变化表明( )A .美元汇率升高,人民币贬值B .美元汇率降低,人民币升值C .人民币汇率升高,人民币贬值D .人民币汇率降低,人民币升值 6.一般来说,下列商品中属于互为替代品的是:( )。
①汽车和火车 ②食品和药品 ③钢铁和水泥 ④牛肉和羊肉 A.①② B.②④ C.②③ D.①④7.湖南卫视全新“亲子秀”《爸爸去哪儿》播出后,爸爸和孩子的亲子装扮备受消费者追捧。
目前,络上已有几家店及时抓住商机做起了这门生意,这表明( ) A .生产决定消费的方式 B .消费为生产创造出新的劳动力 C .消费对生产具有导向作用 D .消费总能促进生产8.2013年11月11日,这个从网络上衍生出来的光棍节,被演绎成一场盛大的购物狂欢节,吸引了亿万用户的狂热参与。
发展网络购物有利于( )①扩大消费需求,促进生产发展 ②带动相关产业发展,促进就业 ③拓宽居民投资渠道,增加居民收入 ④促使消费者转变消费的方式 A .①②③ B . ②③④ C .①③④ D .①②④ 9.我国社会主义经济制度的基础是( )A .生产资料公有制B .非公有制经济C .国有经济D .集体经济 10. 十八大报告明确指出要“毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,保证各种所有制经济依法平等使用生产要素、公平参与市场竞争、同等受到法律保护”。
这表明( ) A .国有经济的控制力逐步减弱B. 非公有制经济和公有制经济在市场竞争中的地位是平等的C.非公有制经济是国民经济的支柱D.个体、私营和外资经济已成为社会主义经济的重要组成部分11.根据媒体报道,近日有应届毕业生在应聘工作岗位时, 因不满足“申请人星座要求”而被拒。
上述招聘歧视侵犯了劳动者依法享有的( )A .接受职业技能培训的权利B .平等就业的权利C .取得劳动报酬的权利D .获得劳动安全卫生保护的权利 12.下列关于投资方式的说法正确的是( )A .股票持有者可以定期获得利息B .股票是一种债务证书,不能流通C .储蓄是一种没有风险的投资方式D .国债利率一般高于相同期限的储蓄存款利率 13.李某大学毕业后到一家国有企业工作,年薪4万元,岗位津贴1万元;他还利用业余时间搞一些技术发明,一年的技术转让所得为2万元,期间炒股获得收益2万元。
其中,按劳分配和按生产要素分配的收入分别为( ) A .5万元、4万元 B .4万元、2万元 C .5万元、2万元 D .4万元、4万元14.下列对效率与公平关系理解正确的有( ) ①效率的提高意昧着财富的增加和公平的真正实现 ②效率是公平的物质前提,公平是提高经济效率的保证 ③社会主义市场经济条件下,效率与公平具有一致性 ④在初次分配中要讲效率,再分配中要讲公平A .①④B .①③C .②③D .②④15.随着福厦高铁的通车,城际交通更为方便。
国家花巨资修建高铁,体现了( )A .财政是促进社会公平、改善人民生活的物质保障B .财政具有促进资源合理配置的作用C .财政具有促进国民经济平稳运行的作用D .国家必须占有大量的社会财富16. 一般来说,当经济发展过快、物价上涨幅度过大时,政府为抑制社会总需求,保持经济稳定增长的货币和财政政策是 ( )A .提高存贷款利率,降低税率B .扩大货币供应量,提高税率C .减少货币供应量,增加财政支出 D.提高存贷款利率,减少财政支出17.作为富人行列的少数房地产老板,经常通过“高招”躲过“个税”:一是把个人收入转移到国外;二是用欺骗手段,获得“出口税收”优惠;三是采取各种手段,推迟交税等。
上述做法分别属于( )A .偷税、骗税、抗税B .骗税、抗税、欠税C .骗税、欠税、偷税D .偷税、骗税、欠税18.右边漫画《中国腾飞,坚强保证》启示我们,作为公民 A .要了解税收基本特征 B .要参与税收征管 C .要依法诚信纳税 D .要杜绝偷漏税行为19. 这些年在食品行业暴露出来的一系列诸如地沟油、毒牛奶、瘦肉精、染色馒头等事件,表明单纯的市场竞争具有( )A.自发性B.盲目性C.滞后性D.开放性20.2013年11月12日中国共产党十八届三中全会公报全文发布。
”这说明 A .政府不应该干预经济B .政府要发挥对资源配置的基础性作用C .发展社会主义市场经济要与国际接轨D .市场在国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础性作用21.党的十八大对全面建成小康社会的目标提出了新要求。
这些新要求是 ( )①经济持续健康发展 ②人民生活水平全面提高 ③资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设取得重大进展 ④效率优先,兼顾公平 A .①②③B .②③④C .①③④D .①②③④22.经济全球化的主要表现是( )①国际分工全球化 ②生产全球化 ③资本全球化 ④贸易全球化 A .①②③ B .②③④ C .①③④ D .①②④ 23.以下关于经济全球化认识不正确的是( )A .经济全球化主要包括生产全球化、贸易全球化和资本全球化B .在现阶段,经济全球化实质上是以发达资本主义国家为主导的C .经济全球化对发达国家是机遇,对发展中国家是挑战D .经济全球化加剧了全球经济的不稳定性,也意味着“风险全球化24.随着次贷危机影响不断深化,主要针对新兴市场和发展中国家的美式贸易保护主义又开始回潮。
面对美式贸易保护主义,我们在对外经济关系中应坚持 原则。
A .扩大出口,减少进口 B .独立自主,自力更生C .“引进来、走出去”相结合D .保护本国企业,限制外国企业福州金桥学校13-14学年第一学期期末考试卷高一政治完卷时间:90分钟 满分:100分命题:高一政治集备组 审核: 陈剑萍 校对:徐荣娘 考试时间:2014.1.21第二卷(非选择题,共52分)二、非选择题(共52分)25.(9分)在大学校园里,一些同学的手机不断更新换代。
初次分配中居民收入占整个GDP 的比重不到40%,国际惯例一般最低在60%。
材料二 党的十八大报告指出,千方百计增加居民收入,到二〇二〇年实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比二〇一〇年翻一番,这是对我国经济社会发展作出的重大部署。