ppt,variability in interlanguage,宋柳


语言学第四章 ppt课件

语言学第四章 ppt课件
代关系 – relations of co-occurrence同
• EX:
• The _______ smiles.



4.1.2 Relation of Substitutability
• 替代关系 • The Relation of Substitutability
• , and Paradigmatic Relations (聚合关系) by Hjemslev(丹麦语言学家,哥本哈根学派的 创始人和主要理论家 ).To make it more understandable, they are called Vertical Relations(垂直关系) or Choice Relations.
On the level of syntax, we distinguish for any construction in a language its external and internal properties.
The external syntax of a construction refers to the properties of the construction as a whole, that is to say, anything speakers know about the construction that is relevant to the larger syntactic contexts in which it is welcome.
Any syntactic string of words ranging from sentences over phrasal structures to certain complex lexemes.(词的单位)



( 1 ) Levi’s :
( 2 ) A diamond
quality never goes
lasts forever. ( De
out of style. 这是列
Bierres ) 这 是 迪 比
语。该牛仔服饰是 世
广告语。英文原句 虽
在西方,“广告”一词源于拉丁语 (Advertere),作 “引人注意”解,以后逐渐演变为“让众人知道某事”、 “唤起大众对某事 的注意力”,成为英语中的 Advertising(广告活动)和Advertisement(广告宣传 品或广告物)。 英文中早的广告一词来源于圣经。1450 年英国 开始印刷圣经;1655年,英国出版商引用圣经中 的广告(Advertising )一词作招牌;1660年,该 词作 为商业推广的一般用语使用。随着经济全球 化的不断深 入发展,国际商务活动日趋可编辑频ppt 繁, “广告”一词的内涵3
各民族之间语言不同,思维也往往不同。 这也是“萨丕 尔—沃尔夫假设”(Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)中“语 言相对论”(Linguistic relativity)的核心思想。有些商 务广告,若只求 字面对应英汉互译是很容易的,但是如 果不考虑 国家背景,不考虑风俗习惯等因素,译入语就 可 能会显得生硬,甚至让人不知所云。所以,在翻译商 务广告时,应尽可能地用译入语国民所能接 受的惯用法 来表达,用“自然”、流畅的语言来传达出源语信息。只 有这样的语言才能使人感到熟悉和亲切,才能在消费者心 目中留下印象,以达到广告宣传的效果。
很好地吸引注意力外, 五彩缤纷。” 寥寥数


1.有的学者从科德(Corder)1967年发表的《学生偏误的意义》 一文算起,把该文和塞林克(SelinKer)1972年发表的《中介语》 一文看做是第二语言习得研究的开端。
2.另一部分学者认为把以拉多(Lado)于1957年发表的《跨文化语 言学》为标志的对比分析研究,作为第二语言习得研究的起点。 这样算来,第二语言习得的研究已有40年的历史。
⑵目的语与母语结构特征相似时,产生正迁移,学起来容易。 “我学习法语。/I study French.”
反之,产生负迁移,学起来困难。母语干扰是引起困难和偏误的 主要原因或者唯一原因。二语学习者的任务就是克服母语的干扰, 即克服来自母语的负迁移。
语言学家们试图为语言教师提供一种比较的方法来预测和 预防学习者在语言表达中经常出现的错误。对比分析方法正是 基于这一期望应运而生的。
时间: 产生于20世纪50年代,兴盛于60年代。
理论基础:( (12))心语理言学学基理础论:基行础为:主结义构心主理义学语和言迁学移。理论;
01 基本假设:语言迁移(Language Transfer) 02 分析方法:对比和分析 03 两个观点(两个流派)
1.基本假设:语言迁移(Language Transfer)
1.意 义:
⑴有利于确定教学中的重点和难点; ⑵有利于预测学生可能犯的错误; ⑶有利于选择测试项目; ⑷有利于发现在单语研究中发现不了的问题; ⑸有利于不同国家的教材编写和教学。



The arrow can be read as “consist of ” or
“branches into”. The parentheses mean that the
element in them can be omitted and the three
dots in each rule indicate that other complement
Syntactic category can be divided into two groups:
Lexical category and phrase category
Lexical category is most central to the study of syntax.
Lexical categories are divided into two kinds: major lexical categories and minor lexical categories.
rule. The phrase structural rule for NP, VP, AP,
and PP can be written as follows:
NP →
(Det) N
(PP) …
VP → (Qual) V
(NP) …
AP →
(Deg) A
(PP) …
PP →
(Deg) P
(NP) …
options are available.
Phrase structure rule
Examples: a phrase consisting of a specifier, a head, and a complement



1.4 语言学流派(Schools):
(1) 传统语法 (600BC—18世纪)traditional grammar;
(2) 历史语言学(19世纪100年) historical linguistics;
(3) 现代语言学开端(索绪尔, 20世纪初) the beginning of modern linguistics;
4.2 历史语言学: 语言比较,语言历史,语言谱系, 语音 变化规律;其后期的新语法学派为20世纪培养了人 才;历史语言学为20世纪现代语言学开端铺平道路。
Historical Linguistics: language comparison, family trees of languages; laws of sound change; Neogrammarians; paved the way for modern linguistics in the 20th century.
公元前100年,狄奥尼修斯·斯 拉克斯(Dionisius Thrax):
《语法艺术》(Techné Grammatiké),第一部希腊语法书, 西方第一部完整的、全面的语法书, 直到12、3世纪仍然被认为是语 法学的典范。
瓦罗(Marcus Varro) 《论拉丁语》
The formal camp say linguistic universals are men’s biological inheritance; the functional camp say language similarities come from the common use of language.
bleat ( 羊叫 ) tinkle (钟表声)

interlanguage语言学 ppt课件

interlanguage语言学 ppt课件

The process is not in a straight line, because it has repeatability (反复性). It is a continuous movement from native
language to target language.
2、语用方面 语体有中间状态。播音员的语言就是出于口语和书面语的中间
状态。 3、词语方面
词语在形态上的变化。有些词处在中间位置,需要动词形式的 时候就以动词形式存在,需要名词的时候就以名词的形式存在, 表现出名词的特征。例如动名词。 4、语法方面 词类的划分,介词的使用。如 arrive at school, arrive home/abroad。其中at 根据语法习惯有时应该省略。
一个不时出现的过程。在这一过程中,不正确的语言特征成为个人说或写一 门语言的方式中不可改变的一部分。
简单来说,许多外语者在其外语达到一定水平之后,在一段时间内可能会出 现止步不前的情况
Types of Fossilization
individual fossilization vs group fossilization temporary fossilization vs permanent fossilization
strategies to avoid fossilization
✓ taking effective means to stimulate emotional factors ✓ the proper use of communicative strategies ✓ having right attitude towards the errors in the process of learning ✓ applying learning methods flexibily ✓ reducing mother tongue interference



从白天钓到黑夜,从 春天钓到冬天。
从白天钓到黑夜,从春 天钓到冬天。
从( )到( )
钓到了吗?没有。灰心 了吗?也没有。日子一天 天过去了,你看:绿色的 钓线,越垂越多,越垂越 长。
柳树,多天真,多漂 亮,多逗人喜爱呀!
日 月 人

月人太柳树 Nhomakorabea序言
本编为大家提供各种类型的PPT课件,如数学课件、语文课件、英语 课件、地理课件、历史课件、政治课件、化学课件、物理课件等等,想了 解不同课件格式和写法,敬请下载!
Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays, such as contract agreements, documentary evidence, planning plans, summary reports, party and youth organization materials, reading notes, post reading reflections, essay encyclopedias, lesson plan materials, other sample essays, etc. If you want to learn about different formats and writing methods of sample essays, please stay tuned!
(1)课文中的柳树什么样子? (2)她在做什么? (3)柳树哪些地方值得你学习?
柳树,站在池塘边。 她弯着身子,垂下一根根 绿色的线。
柳树,站在池塘边。 她弯着身子,垂下一根根 绿色的线。

英文版 中国书法介绍ppt课件

英文版 中国书法介绍ppt课件
•His style is more fluid than his father's, demonstrating a reaction against Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. •Until the Tang Dynasty his influence and reputation rivaled and even surpassed that of his father.
The style is flowing, powerful and graceful in stroke.
Thank you!
Zhong Yao(151–230)was a calligrapher and politician who lived in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He served in the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.
Northern Dynasty: tablet inscriptions
The artistic result of the cultural merge between all nationalities. A perfect combination of stone carving and calligraphy.
On Duck Head Pill
Amongst his innovations is the one-stroke cursive script,

U5 Variability in interlanguage

U5 Variability in interlanguage

The effects of linguistic and situational context
• The effects of linguistic and situational context interact to influence jointly the learner’s use of interlanguage forms. (see figure 4.3 on P.84)
Contextual variability
• Dickerson’s work (1975) P. 83 • Situational /stylistic variability • Researh subject/time/content/result • Your teaching practice concerning Ss’reading
Contextual variability
• Tarone (1983)’s Interlanguage continuum • (E: figure 4.2 P.83)
Linguistic context
• Dickerson’s work (1975) • The phonetic quality of the sound /Z/ • /Z/ followed by vowel/silence
• What can you infer from the Dikerson’s studies if you want to improve Ss pronunciation of new words? • Reading the text aloud • Reading the sentence with new words • Reading the word lists aloud • Correct target language variant frenquently in ? Least frenquently in?

北师大版选修七 Unit 20 Language Awareness 5 (共49张PPT)

北师大版选修七 Unit 20 Language Awareness 5 (共49张PPT)

a picturesque place is pretty and interesting in an old-fashioned way
an unspoilt place is beautiful because it has not changed for a long time and does not have a lot of new buildings
recommend an ideal place for a Spring Outing
Task 1 lead-in
• Recommend some places to visit in or near Shucheng County:
• Wanfo Lake • Mount Wanfo • Sanhe Ancient Town
Task 3 Look at the words in red and underline the
parts of the text that they refer to .
Line 4 it Line 8 it Line 12 it
Shropshire to base yourself in Ludlow
Unit 20 New Frontiers
Language Awareness 5
桃溪中学 李圣香
• To find pronouns and their reference in the Ad .
• To learn Grammar Summary about pronouns.
• To use pronouns to write a guide article to
4. Ludlow is only 150 miles from London , which makes it a great place for a weekend .


语言变体与社会语 境
20 世纪后半期, 语言学领域经历了一次重点的转移, 即从音韵学、 词法学到句法学、尤其是从语义学到语用学的转移。换句话说, 语言学家 们不再是单纯地研究语言本身, 而是把语言看作一种社会现象, 看作一种 在某一社会语境中人与人之间有意义的交流。迄今为止, 在社会语言学领 域, 就语言变体( linguistic varieties) 与说话人的社会特征( 如他的社会阶层、 种族、年龄和性别等等) 之间的共变已经做了很多研究。这里将主要说明 语言变体是如何随着构成社会语境( social contexts) 的四大要素: 场合、 听者、主题以及媒介的变化而变化的。也就是说, 在不同的社会语境中会 出现不同的语言变体。
由于地位或亲疏程度不同而产生的不同形式的称谓(address)就是反映谈话双 方关系对语言变体选择的影响的一个很好的例子。地位或亲疏程度不同,可能 需要在礼貌和尊敬的程度上有所不同,而这些都是通过语言来表示的。比如在
2 大学校园里,老师们之间就有几种不同的称呼方式。比你资深的老师或者你不
太熟悉的老师你会用头衔加姓氏的方式称呼他(或她),比如张教授( Professor Zhang)。对你很熟悉但又比你年长的老师你可能会用一种更亲密的称呼“某某 老师”(英语中用Mr. 或Miss. 加姓氏)
再比如, 朗读课文时总是比用自己的话回答问题时发音更正式、 清晰, 因为朗读是一种专门的语言活动, 且读的是书面语言, 他 ( 或她) 会特别注意自己语音、语调的正确与恰当。如果只是朗 读一组单词, 那么其语音文体则会更加正式, 因为此时其注意力 一次只集中在一个单词上。由此可见, 即使是在同一场合, 面对 同样的听者, 由于说话所涉及的主题不同, 一个人所选择的语言 变体也会迥然不同。







1.汉语词汇理据性在对外汉语词汇教学中的运用 [J], 田永芳
2.在对外汉语教学中如何进行反义词的不平衡性教学 [J], 吴文杰
3.理据性在对外汉语语序教学中的应用 [J], 李薇
4.理据性在对外汉语语序教学中的应用 [J], 李薇;
5.浅析汉韩同形词在对外汉语词汇教学中的迁移作用 [J], 刘乐乐

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2.2 non-systematic variability
2.non-systematic variability
• a. free variability • b. performance variability
2. Variability in language use
1.systematic variability 2.non-systematic variablity
2.1 Systematic varibility
The status of the variability in the interlanguage use of native speakers has been viewed very differently by linguists, depending on whether they approach it in terms of a homogenous competence model or a heterogeneous competence model.
Another way of accounting for variability is by means of implicational analysis(Decamp1971;Bickerton1975) This approach involves viewing language as an intersecting set of idiolects.
2.1 Systematic varibility
In a homogenous competence model all variability is classified as non-systematic variability. That is to say, the language user is credited with a system of rules(his “competence”) which is homogeneous. This underlies all his efforts at performance, and the fact that he does not always manifest the ideal system in the way he speaks or writes is dismissed as irrelevant to an understanding of the ideal system.(Chomsky1965)
2.1 Systematic variability
“Observer’s paradox” by Labov Good data requires systematic observation(as stated by axiom4), but axiom5 prevents access to the user’s vernacular style, which, because it is the most systematic style, is the principal goal of linguistic enquiry.
2.1 Systematic varibility
A heterogeneous competence model posits that although some of the variability observed is the result of relatively unpredictable factors to do with the state of the mind or emotions of the user, other variability, particularly that deriving from the user’s knowledge of how to use language appropriately, is systematic, and more importantly, constitutes an integral part of the user’s communicative competence(Hymes 1971)
2.1 Systematic variability
Furthermore, the presence of one feature in an idiolect entails the co-occurrence of one or more other features.(hierarchically ordered) i.e. 1. I am I’m(both employ) 2. I’m(might not necessarily use “I am ” ) language users shift along this continuum of styles, varying the choice of the idiolect in accordance with social factors.(heterogeneous competence model)
2.1 Systematic varibility
Labov(1970)—heterogeneous competence model—5 axioms about how to study language use.(P.77)
1. All speakers posse several “styles”. 2. Styles can be ranged along a single dimension, measured by the amount of attention paid to speech. 3. The vernacular is the style in which minimum attention is given to monitoring speech. It provides “the most systematic data” for linguistic study. 4. It is not possible to tap the vernacular style of the user by systematic observation of how he performs in a formal context.(experiment) 5. The only way to obtain good data on the speech of a language user is through systematic observation.
1.Introduction: types of variability
Variability in interlanguage 1.systematic variability
• a. contextual variability linguistic context situational context • b. individual variability (i.e. product of individual learner factors such as age, motivation, personality)
2.1 Systematic variability
Labov’s studies (spread according to the amount of attention paid by the speakers to their own speech) 1.Casual speech 2.Careful speech 3.Reading 4.Word lists 5.Minimal pairs
2.1 Systematic variability
「θ」或「ð」as in “thing”& “they” 」 」
Findings: More attention given, the more approachable to the target language.
2.1 Systematic variability
2.1 Systematic variability
The presupposition of the analysis:
Any one speaker will have access to a number of such idiolects, but is unlikely to be capable of the full range. But within a language community, the full range of idiolects will be observed. The competence of the community can be viewed as a continuum. At one end of the continuum is an idiolect(usually the standard dialect) which contains all of a number of specified features, while at the other end is an idiolect which contains few or even none of these features.
2.1 Systematic varibility
In other words, the user’s ability to perform needs to be understood in terms of communicative rather than linguistic competence. i.e. When , where and with whom to perform . So, in a heterogeneous competence model, stylistic variability is viewed as an integral part of competence, not performance.