

Tektronix Source Measure Unit (SMU) 选择指南说明书

Tektronix Source Measure Unit (SMU) 选择指南说明书

SOURCE MEASURE UNITS The Broadest Choice of SMU Instruments Available Selector GuideS ou r c e M e a s u r e U n i t (S MU ) S o u r c e M e t e r ®Precision DMMTrueCurrent SourcePulse GeneratorElectronic LoadPrecision Power SupplyLA source measure unit (SMU) instrument is a five-in-one tool. It combines the useful features of a digital multimeter (DMM), power supply, current source, electronic load and pulse generator, all in a compact form factor. This empowers you to:Precisely source and measure voltage • Run production tests 60% faster and gain up to 10X more throughput • Save time, maximize speed and get jobs done quickly.MAKE MULTIPLE MEASUREMENTS ACCURATELY USING A SINGLE INSTRUMENTFor more than 70 years, Tektronix — the manufacturer of Keithley SMUs — has beendesigning, manufacturing and marketing advanced electrical test instruments and systems for the specialized needs of electronics manufacturers in high performance production testing, process monitoring, product development and research.• Repeatability Guaranteed • High Accuracy and Sensitivity • Fast and Precise • Broadest ChoicesWHY A KEITHLEY SOURCE MEASURE UNIT?2 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSTouch, Test, Invent TM with a Graphical Touchscreen SMU2450 SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2460High Current SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2461 High Current Pulse SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)2470 High Voltage SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (4)Standard Performance SMUs for the Most Basic Needs2601B/2602B/2604B Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (6)2611B/2612B/2614B Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (6)2634B/2635B/2636B Low Current Single/Dual Channel System SourceMeter®SMU Instrument (6)2601B-PULSE System SourceMeter 10 μs Pulser/SMU Instrument (7)High Power SMUs with Unprecedented Power, Precision, and Speed 2651A 50 Amp High Power System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (8)2657A 3000 Volt High Power System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (8)High Density, More Channels in a Smaller Form Factor2606B 4-Channel System SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (9)Specialty SMUs for Very Low Current and Optoelectronics Testing 6430 Sub-femtoamp Remote SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2510 TEC SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2510-AT Autotuning TEC SourceMeter® SMU Instrument (10)2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System (10)Determine which Keithley SMU Is Right For You (11)KEITHLEY’S WIDE SELECTION OF SOURCE MEASURE UNIT SMU INSTRUMENTS| 3/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS• Source and sink (4-quadrant) operation• Dual 1 MS/s digitizers for fast sampling measurements (2461 only)• Enhanced sensitivity with 20 mV and 10 nA source/measure ranges (2450 only)• Built-in, context-sensitive front panel help• SCPI and Test Script Processor (TSP®) programming modes• Front-panel USB 2.0 memory I/O port for transferring data, test scripts, or test configurationsSave Time, Maximize Speed, and Get Jobs Done QuicklySMU models that use familiar graphical interfaces, like icon-based menu structures, are easier to use for all experience levels. You’ll make measurements faster by reducing the learning curve and configuration steps, enabling you to learn faster, work smarter, and invent easier.4 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSTANDARD PERFORMANCE SMUS FOR THE MOST BASIC NEEDSSeries 2400 SourceMeter SMU InstrumentsSMU VS. POWER SUPPLIES• SMUs can automatically sweep voltage or current to and from negative and positive outputs when the source crosses zero. • During these operations, there is no need to change test leads.• Output of a SMU can settle to within 0.01% of the specified accuracy in as little as 50 ms.• SMU has higher precision and wider operating ranges.• SMU is a more flexible optionSMU VS. THE DMMAND POWER SUPPLY COMBO• SMU tightly integrates the source and measure capability into one instrument, eliminating the need for a separate DMM and power supply.• Improves test times, simplifies overall test system design and increases usability • SMUs can outperform the DMM and Power Supply Combo on current vs. voltage (IV) measurements for a variety of applications.VS.VS.MORE USEFUL THAN THE COMBINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INSTRUMENTS| 5/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSeries 2600B System SourceMeter SMU Instruments2601B-PULSE System SourceMeter10 μs Pulser/SMU Instrument• Industry leading 10 A @ 10 V, 10 microsecond pulse output• No tuning required for inductive loads up to 3 μH• Dual 1 Megasample/second digitizers for high speed I/Vpulse measurements (pulser function only)• DC capability up to ±40 V @ ±1.0 A, 40 Watt• TSP technology embeds complete test programs inside theinstrument for best-in-class system-level throughput• TSP-Link expansion technology for multi-channel paralleltest without a mainframe• USB 2.0, LXI-C, GPIB, RS-232, and digital I/O interfaces• Supported in the Keithley KickStart non-programming software toolTypical pulse output from a competitive SMU withovershoot and 6.47 μs rise time.2601B-PULSE output without overshoot and 1.4 µsrise time./KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSAchieving Fast Pulse Measurementsfor Today’s High-Power DevicesGreen initiatives and energy efficiency standards worldwide have motivatedengineers to find ways to design more efficient semiconductor devices andintegrated circuits, and measuring the true state of these devices withoutthe effects of self-heating is critical. Pulsed characterization is a solutionto this issue. The use of a pulsed stimulus demands faster measurements.For high-speed digitization or waveform capture applications that requirethese capabilities, Keithley’s High Power SourceMeter® Instrument also includestwo high-speed ADCs for measuring current and voltage simultaneously. TheseADCs use sampling technology like an oscilloscope and take snapshots of thesignal over time. Each high-speed ADC samples at a rate of up to 1 MHz with18-bit resolution, which is much higher than the typical 8-bit resolution of anoscilloscope, resulting in more precise transient characterization in comparablebandwidths. Coupled with the ability to measure asynchronously from the source,this feature makes the 2651A and 2657A ideal for many waveform capture andtransient characterization applications.• Source or sink:−2,000 W of pulsed power (±40 V, ±50 A)−200 W of DC power (±10 V @ ±20 A, ±20 V@ ± 10 A, ±40 V @ ±5 A)• Easily connect two units (in series or parallel) to create solutions up to ±100 A or ±80 V1 pA resolution enables precise measurement of very low leakage currents1 μs per point (1 MHz), 18-bit sampling, accurately characterizes transient behavior2651A 50 Amp High Power System SourceMeter SMU Instrument2651A LEARN MORE• Source or sink up to 180 W of DC or pulsed power, (±3000 V @ 20 mA, ±1500 V @ 120 mA)• 1 fA low current resolution• Dual 22-bit precision ADCs and dual 18-bit 1 μs per point digitizers for high accuracyand high speed transient capture• Fully TSP® compliant for easy system integration with Series 2600B System SourceMeter modelsand 24XX Graphical SMUs2657A 3000 Volt High Power System SourceMeter SMU Instrument 2657A LEARN MORE8 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSSMALLER FORM FACTORwhich requires placing additionalracks of test equipment on theplant floor.| 9/KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSRemote Electrical TestHead included• Fully digital P-I-D control; Autotuning capability for the thermal control loop (2510-AT)• Designed to control temperature during laser diode module testing• Wide temperature setpoint range (–50˚C to +225˚C) and high setpoint resolution (±0.001˚C) and stability (±0.005˚C)• Compatible with a variety of temperature sensor inputs: thermistors, RTDs, and IC sensors2520 Pulsed Laser Diode Test System• Integrated solution for in-process LIV production testing of laser diodes at the chip or bar level• Combines high accuracy source and measure capabilities or pulsed and DC testing• Synchronized DSP-based measurement channels ensure highly accurate light intensity and voltage measurements • Programmable pulse on time from 500 ns to 5 ms up to 4% duty cycle• Pulse capability up to 5 A, DC capability up to 1 A• 14-bit measurement accuracy on three measurement channels (V F , front photodiode, back photodiode)• Up to 1000-point sweep stored in buffer memory eliminates GPIB traffic during test, increasing throughput2510 LEARN MORE2520 LEARN MORE10 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS| 11 /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS12 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITS| 13 /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSFor more information about Source Measure Units, visit our Source Measure Unit Tutorial page to review additional literature, and view product demos and webinars. /learning/what-is-a-source-measure-unit14 | /KEITHLEY-SOURCE-MEASURE-UNITSContact Information:Australia 1 800 709 465Austria* 00800 2255 4835Balkans, Israel, South Africa and other ISE Countries +41 52 675 3777Belgium* 00800 2255 4835Brazil +55 (11) 3759 7627Canada 180****9200Central East Europe / Baltics +41 52 675 3777Central Europe / Greece +41 52 675 3777Denmark +45 80 88 1401Finland +41 52 675 3777France* 00800 2255 4835Germany* 00800 2255 4835Hong Kong 400 820 5835India 000 800 650 1835Indonesia 007 803 601 5249Italy 00800 2255 4835Japan 81 (3) 6714 3086Luxembourg +41 52 675 3777Malaysia 180****5835Mexico, Central/South America and Caribbean 52 (55) 56 04 50 90Middle East, Asia, and North Africa +41 52 675 3777The Netherlands* 00800 2255 4835New Zealand 0800 800 238Norway 800 16098People’s Republic of China 400 820 5835Philippines 1 800 1601 0077Poland +41 52 675 3777Portugal 80 08 12370Republic of Korea +82 2 565 1455Russia / CIS +7 (495) 6647564Singapore 800 6011 473South Africa +41 52 675 3777Spain* 00800 2255 4835Sweden* 00800 2255 4835Switzerland* 00800 2255 4835Taiwan 886 (2) 2656 6688Thailand 1 800 011 931United Kingdom / Ireland* 00800 2255 4835USA 180****9200Vietnam 12060128* European toll-free number. If notaccessible, call: +41 52 675 3777Rev. 02.2018Find more valuable resources at Copyright © Tektronix. All rights reserved. Tektronix products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Information in this publication supersedes thatin all previously published material. Specification and price change privileges reserved. TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. All other tradenames referenced are the service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.040920.sbg 1KW-61458-2。

Fireye E1R1、EUV1、ERT1和EUVS4火花增强器模块产品说明书

Fireye E1R1、EUV1、ERT1和EUVS4火花增强器模块产品说明书

The FIREYE E1R1, EUV1, ERT1 and EUVS4 Amplifier Modules are used in conjunction with the FIREYE FLAME-MONITOR system. These modules provide flame scanning using any of the FIREYE AutoCheck infrared scanners, standard ultraviolet scanners, flame rod, photocell and ultra-violet self-check scanners. After scanner selection the proper amplifier module must be inserted in the Flame-Monitor chassis.Refer to Fireye Bulletin E-1101 for more detailed information concerning the FIREYE FLAME-MONITOR system and operation. Also, follow the scanner installation and wiring suggestions found in E-1101 for proper flame scanning operation.UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES, INC.CANADIAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATIONACCEPTABLE BY: INDUSTRIAL RISK INSURERS (I.R.I.)FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVEDYear 2000 Compliant in accordance with BSI document DISC PD2000-I:1998FIREYE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONUSE WITH SCANNEREUV1STANDARD UV AMPLIFIER UV1A, UV8A, 45UV3E1R1 *AUTOCHECK INFRARED AMPLIFIER 48PT2E1R2AUTOCHECK INFRARED AMPLIFIER (FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS ONLY) CONSULT FACTORY 48PT2ERT1RECTIFICATION AMPLIFIER 45CM1, 69ND1EUVS4SELF-CHECK UV AMPLIFIER 45UV5-1007/1008/1009E1R3 *AUTOCHECK INFRARED AMPLIFIER48PT2* The E1R1 is not to be used with solid fuel applications. It is designed for oil fog rejection. The E1R3 is suitable for all fuel applications and does notcontain oil fog rejection. Equipment should be tested for the proper application of this amplifier to avoid property damages or personal injury.The flame amplifier module is installed in the third set of guide channels found in the EB700FLAME-MONITOR chassis. It is marked “AMPLIFIER MODULE.” Do notforce the module into position.Amplifier Module (One Required)FIREYE PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIONUSE WITH AMPLIFIER BULLETIN48PT2-100348PT2-900348PT2-100748PT2-9007Infrared 1 / 2 ” straight mount 96” cable Infrared 1 / 2 ” 90 ° angle mount 96” cable Infrared 1 / 2 ” straight mount 48” cable Infrared 1 / 2 ” 90 ° angle mount 48” cable E1R1, E1R2 * and E1R3 *SC103UV1A3UV1A6UV8A UV245UV3-1050UV 1 / 2 ” straight 36” flex conduit UV 1 / 2 ” straight 72” flex conduit UV 1 / 2 ” 1/2 90 ° 72” unshielded leads UV 3 / 8 ” straight 36” flex conduitUV 3 / 4 ” cast aluminum housing, 8’ cable EUV1SC10245CM1-100045CM1-1000Y 69ND1-1000K469ND1-1000K669ND1-1000K8Photocell with filter Photocell without filterFlame rod 12”, 1 / 2 ” NPT mount Flame rod 18”, 1 / 2 ” NPT mount Flame rod 24”, 1 / 2 ” NPT mountERT1SC10345UV5-100745UV5-100845UV5-1009Self-check UV 1” British thread mounts, 230 V Self-check UV 1” British thread mounts, 120 V Self-check UV 1” NPT threads, 120 VEUVS4SC101E1R1E1R2E1R3EUV1EUVS4ERT1PhotocellTERMINAL WIRING BASERefer to Service Note SN-100 for recommended grounding techniques.When Fireye products are combined with equipment manufactured by others and/or integrated into systems designed or manufactured by others, the Fireye warranty, as stated it its General Terms and Conditions of Sale, pertains only to the Fireye products and not to any other equipment or to the com-bined system or its overall performance.FIREYE guarantees for one year from the date of installation or 18 months from date of manufacture of its products to replace, or, at its option, to repair any product or part thereof (except lamps, elec-tronic tubes and photocells) which is found defective in material or workmanship or which otherwise fails to conform to the description of the product on the face of its sales order. THE FOREGOING IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND FIREYE MAKES NO W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Except as specifically stated in these general terms and conditions of sale, remedies with respect to any product or part number manufactured or sold by Fireye shall be limited exclusively to the right to replacement or repair as above provided. In no event shall Fireye be liable for consequential or special damages of any nature that may arise in connection with such product or part.When wiring to the FLAME-MONITOR controlwiring base, scanner terminal S2 must be grounded when using flame rod or photocell scanner. When using an infrared scanner (48PT2), ground S2 on all EB700’s labeled “ENG CODE 00.” All other ENG CODE models do not require that S2 be grounded. Do notground S2 when using ultra violet scanners.。



6.连接器及端子台的构成.......................................................................................................... 5
6-1 USB连接器 , X1...............................................................................................................................5 6-2 I/O接口连接器 , X2 .........................................................................................................................6 6-3 编码器连接器 , X3................................................................................................................................8 6-4 电源连接器及端子台 , X4....................................................................................................................8 1 6-5 前面板简介..............................................................................................................................................10

关于USTER_ HVI 1000纺织企业使用体会

关于USTER_ HVI 1000纺织企业使用体会

关于USTER® HVI 1000纺织企业使用体会山东大海集团陈荣定安永强任会生瑞士乌斯特公司是全球最先进、最可靠的从棉纤维到织物全面质量分析的保障者,深受广大用户的青睐。

原料不仅占整个纺纱生产成本的65%,而且其内在质量的好坏直接关系到纺纱质量指标的优劣,因此准确掌握原料的内在特性至关重要,USTER® HVI 1000仪正是专门针对棉纤维进行全方位检测的一种高端仪器。

一、USTER® HVI 1000仪器的基本特征:1、棉花分级中全球唯一公认的统一标准,象美国、欧洲政府间的棉纤维分级检验以及私人的分级室和棉花采购部都使用USTER® HVI 1000,中国目前90%纤维检验所和大部分有较强实力纺高尖端客户的企业,均使用USTER® HVI 1000,对棉纤维进行针对性采购和配棉结构优化。

2、USTER®HVI 1000仪器能快速、精确对棉花进行分级,是专为大型纺织企业进行大量测试而设计,有条件的纺织厂针对原料进行逐包检测,三班运转每个班大约能测试700个样品,平均每个样品整个测试过程仅需花1.5分钟,而且检测数据一致性高、精准,对纺织企业原料进行有的放矢分级,USTER® HVI 1000仪器既能快速简捷检测原纤维,又能大大提高检测数据的准确性,因为人工检测速度慢、用工多,从而导致数据存在波动性偏差较大。

3、USTER®HVI 1000仪器对棉纺织企业所用的棉纤维主要物理指标进行全方位提供,例如纺织企业经常使用的马克隆值、上半部长度、整齐度指数、断裂比强度、成熟度比、纤维回潮率等13项指标,帮助纺织企业深入了解每批棉花乃至每包棉花的特性,给我们纺织企业提供坚强后盾,为纺出高质量的棉纱打下坚实的基础。

4、USTER® HVI 1000仪器能与配棉优化管理系统简称EFS进行完美结合,EFS是由美国国际棉花协会和美国棉花公司联合推出,目前在我国已举办三届研讨会,此软件在国内逐步被人们接受,真正做到了快速高效准确的人机对话,通过HVI与EFS 有机结合,不仅能使纺织企业对棉花进行有效的物流管理,而且还可以科学的优化配棉,稳定提升产品质量,使产品质量有个质的飞跃。



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DIN EN 10111 热轧低碳钢

DIN EN 10111 热轧低碳钢
EURONRM 12 厚度在 3 mm 以下的钢板和钢带的弯曲试验。
3 分类
钢的种类和产品形式的选择,由订货商决定。在 选择时,当订单没有其它的约定时,订货商可以 征求供货商的建议,但是,不受其约束。 按照化学成份、机械性能和可成形性,热轧钢产 品可分为四种:DD11,DD12,DD13,和 DD14 (见表1)。
打字 朱立新
日期 2004.04.13
第 2页 DIN EN 10111:1998-03
更改 相对于 DIN 1614-2:1986 年 3 月版,做了如下更改:
a)删除了牌号为 UStW23 的钢的类型,新采用了牌号为 DD14(见德文本前言中的表格) 的钢。
b)按 DIN EN 10027-1 的规定,更改了钢分类的名称。 c)增加并部分更改了化学成份和机械性能的规定(见表 1)。 d)更改了表面特性的说明(见下面的 5.4 和 5.7 节)。
该欧洲标准 EN 10111 的制订者是:欧洲钢铁标准化委员会(ECISS)技术委员会 TC13“关 于冷成形薄钢板—质量,尺寸和特殊检验标准”(秘书处:比利时)。 德国标准委员会主管该项工作的部门是:钢铁标准化委员会(FES)负责 DIN 标准的下属委 员会 01/1“用于冷成形的薄钢板”。 本标准包含了对热轧薄钢板的特性要求,目前包含在 DIN 1614-2“薄钢板;热轧钢带和钢 板;供货技术条件;用于直接冷成形的非合金低碳钢”(版本 1986 年 3 月)中。化学成份 和机械性能在表 1 中给出了规定,下表列出了此标准与 DIN 1614-2 规定的钢的种类的对照:
第 5页 EN 10111:1998-03
5.4.2 脱氧的产品通常以涂油的状态供货。在这种情 况下,要求在产品的两面均匀涂覆,油为不易干的, 无杂质的,化学性质呈中性的油,以便保证产品在三 个月的保质期内,在通常情况下的包装、运输、装卸 和存贮条件下,不受腐蚀。 此涂层油必须可以用碱性溶剂,或者其它的普通溶剂 除去。 防护油的种类可以特殊约定。如果在运输过程和存贮 条件下,需要特殊的防腐保护时,那么,在订货时, 订货商必须对供货商做出相应的说明。 当订货商不希望在产品表面涂油时,必须在订货时 给出明确的说明。


额定电压(kV) 设计序号 两端绝缘式 相对地 浇注绝缘 电压互感器
2. 使用条件: 2.1 环境温度: 最高气温: +40℃ 日平均气温不超过 30℃ 最低气温: -5℃ 2.2 湿度条件: 24h 内测得的相对湿度平均值不超过 95%; 24h 内水蒸气压力平均值不超过 2.2kPa; 一个月内相对湿度平均值不超过 90%; 一个月内水蒸气压力平均值不超过 1.8kPa。 2.3 海拔高度: 不超过 1000m 2.4 环境空气无明显灰尘、烟、腐蚀性气体、蒸汽或盐等污秽 2.5 中性点非有效接地系统 3. 额定值和性能要求 3.1 额定电压、准确级、额定负荷见表 1
4 一般结构要求 4.1 本系列电压互感器采用环氧树脂全浇注绝缘结构,浇注体表面应平整光洁,色泽均匀。 4.2 本系列电压互感器采用矩形铁心。 4.3 一次绕组引出线采用圆螺母型端子。 4.4 二次接线端子处用罩盒封住,并有馈线出口,底板上有接地标志。 5.标志 用大写字母 A、N 表示一次绕组,用小写字母 1a、1n; 2a、2n 分别表示二次绕组(只有一 个测量绕组时用 a、n 表示) ;复合字母 da、dn 表示剩余电压绕组。 6. 包装、运输、保管及出厂文件 6.1 应保证产品及其零部件在运输及储存期间不致损坏和松动,不受雨淋。 6.2 电压互感器各个供电气连接的接触面在运输和储存期间应有防蚀措施 6.3 电压互感器在运输过程中应无严重震动,颠簸和冲击现象。 6.4 每台电压互感器应附有下列出厂文件 6.4.1 产品合格证; 6.4.2 产品试验报告; 6.4.3 产品使用说明书(按用户要求提供)。 出厂文件应妥善包装,防止受潮。
额定雷电冲击 工频试验 感应试验 耐受电压(峰 电压(kV) 电压(kV) 值) (kV) 30 42 30 42 60 75


18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
400 bar
18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
2 bar
18~36 VDC




M18 X 1.5
20~30 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V



3 Watt DC-DC Converters
♦ Utilizes Surface Mount Technology ♦ 2:1 Input Range ♦ 7.5 Watts/Cubic Inch ♦ Efficiency to 80% ♦ Remote On/Off Control ♦ 200 KHz Switching Frequency ♦ Continuous Short Circuit Protection
Voltage Accuracy, Single Output ..……………….. ±1% max. Dual + Output ………….……... ±1% max. -Output .………………... ±1% max. Voltage Balance, Dual Output at Full Load ……………………………..………………….... ±1.0% max. Transient Response, Single, 25% Step Load Change .……………….. <500μsec. Dual,FL-1/2FL,±1% Error Band .……………….. <500μsec. Ripple and Noise, 20MHz BW, Single ….………………………………….. 100mV P-P max. Dual ……………………………………..... 100mV P-P max. Temperature Coefficient ..………………..... ±0.02%/°C max. 1 Line Regulation ………………..………………... ±0.2% max. 2 Load Regulation , Single Output ………………. ±0.2% max. Dual Output .………….…….. ±0.5% max. Short Circuit Protection .…………….…………... Continuous

ESMH201VNN821MQ45T中文资料(United Chemi-Con)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

ESMH201VNN821MQ45T中文资料(United Chemi-Con)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

22 25 22 30 22 30 22 35 22 40 22 50 25.4 25 25.4 25 25.4 30 25.4 35 25.4 40 25.4 45 25.4 50 30 25 30 25 30 30 30 35 30 40 30 45 30 50 35 25 35 30 35 30 35 35 35 40 35 45 35 63 35 80 40 25 40 30 40 35 40 40 40 50 40 63 40 80
Tan ( DF ) Max.† 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15
*0.15 maximum for 35mm and 40mm diameter.
†For rated voltages ≤ 63V, values are not valid for case sizes >35mmin diameter or >63V, values are not valid for case sizes 35mmin diameter or 50mmin length.
VSN Ø22 - Ø 30 4.0 0.5
VSN Ø35 VNN Ø22 - Ø 35
3.5 0.5 5.8 1.0 1.5 0.2
VND Ø35 - Ø 40 5.8 1.0
* 使用仅用于机械支撑空白的终端.空白终端不能连接到PC板上的焊 料迹,但可从负极或正极端子电隔离.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
(E S)MH 2 0 1 V S N 4 7 1M的p 3 5吨

米尔100 用户手册 (zh)说明书

米尔100 用户手册 (zh)说明书

用户指南(zh) 06/2019v.1.3版权和免责声明保留所有权利。

未经Mobile Industrial Robots A/S(MiR)明示书面许可,禁止以任何形式复制本手册任何内容。





版权所有©2019,Mobile Industrial Robots A/S。

联系制造商:Mobile Industrial Robots A/SEmil Neckelmanns Vej15FDK-5220Odense SØ电话:+4520377577电子邮件:**********************CVR:35251235目录1.关于本文档51.1.如何获取更多信息51.2.文档历史62.安全72.1.安全消息类型72.2.一般安全注意事项72.3.可预见误用92.4.风险评估2.5.剩余风险2.6.安全相关的功能和接口112.7.安全相关的限制功能2.8.锂电池123.开始使用3.1.随箱物品3.2.开箱MiR100144.调试164.1.通电164.2.连接机器人界面204.3.在手动模式下驾驶机器人214.4.检查硬件状态234.5.机器人充电234.6.关停机器人265.产品介绍5.1.MiR100的主要特性275.2.识别标签285.3.MiR100外部零件5.4.MiR100内部零件5.5.传感器系统315.6.灯光指示器376.维护38 6.1.每周定期检查和维护任务38 6.2.定期检查和更换396.3.包装运输7.应用437.1.安装顶部模块438.有效载荷规格459.接口规格9.1.应用接口9.2.急停4710.更新MiR100软件491.关于本文档本文档包含以下信息:•如何启动和操作MiR100。



声 明首先感谢您选择购买并使用本产品,为了您能够更好的使用本产品的所有功能,请您在正式使用本产品前仔细阅读本手册内所提及的在产品使用过程中应注意的事项以及详细功能操作说明。







免除义务条款¾铁威马(Terra Master)对因地震、雷电等自然灾害、不是因为铁威马(Terra Master)的责任而发生的火灾、第三方操作、失盗、损坏、意外事故等,或在不正常情况下使用(如不正常的操作、误操作或其他问题)引起的损失不承担任何责任。

¾铁威马(Terra Master)对因故不能使用本产品或使用本产品而带来损失(利润损失、工作中断等)不承担任何责任。

¾铁威马(Terra Master)对因未遵守本使用说明书而引起的任何损失不承担任何责任。

¾铁威马(Terra Master)对因与铁威马(Terra Master)无关的设备或软件结合使用而引起的故障造成的任何损失不承担任何责任。

¾铁威马(Terra Master)对硬盘的损坏以及数据的丢失不承担任何法律责任。

¾铁威马(Terra Master)对软件使用界面与实际产品不符合、软件BUG未及时升级、说明书内容、光盘内容等与实际产品不符甚至不能操作,主机按键标识与实际有误等不承担任何有关法律的责任。




Monel 合金是镍基耐蚀合金中的Ni—Cu系合金,最早是由美国国际镍公司(International镍公司)开发的【¨,其典型成分为70%Ni和30%Cu,它是镍基耐蚀合金中应用最广泛的合金。

Monel 合金既具有较高的强度和韧性,又具有优良的抗还原酸及强碱介质和海水等腐蚀的性能。


Monel合金也适用于干燥氯气、氯化氢气、高温氯气(425℃ ) 及高温氯化氢(450℃)等介质,但不抗含硫介质和氧化性介质(如硝酸,含氧量高的介质)的腐蚀,因为镍与硫和氧有剧烈反应,易形成Ni3S2和NiOC引。





加入Mn和Si 可以改善合金的机械性能,特别是Si 的含量对Monel合金的机械性能和物理性能有重要的影响。



如M onel400、 M onelC、M onel403、 M onel404、M onel R一405、M onel406、M onel4 1 1、M on—elK500、Monel501和Monel502等。

因Monel在不同的美国标准体系中有各自的表示方法,为了便于使用和计算机统一管理,sAE (美国汽车工程师学会)和ASTM (美国材料与试验学会)联合发展了ASTM—SAE统一数码系统(Unified Numbtring System—UNS)。



Timer Counter
Serial interface
Serial 0 ~ 3 : UART (full duplex) / synchronous × 1 Serial 4 : multi master I²C / synchronous × 1 Serial 5 : I²C slaveEG25 43
P57, KEY7, D7, SEG26 42
P47, SCL5B, SEG27
P61, SEG18
P74, SCL5A, NCS, SEG7 P75, SBO1B, TXD1B, A8, SEG6 P76, SBI1B, RXD1B, A9, SEG5 P77, SBT1B, A10, SEG4 P80, SDO0, A11, SEG3 P81, SDO1, A12, SEG2 P82, SDO2, A13, SEG1 P83, SDO3, A14, SEG0 P84, SDO4, A15, COM0 P85, SDO5, A16, COM1 P86, SDO6, A17, COM2 P87, SDO7, A18, COM3 P92, A19, VLC3 P93, NDK, VLC2 P94, SYSCLK, VLC1 P95 PB3, AN11 PB2, AN10 PB1, AN9 PB0, AN8
PA7, AN7
P91, XO

TE 系列产品

TE 系列产品

1 重新设置总线地址 2 正确设置总线地址 3 排查线路连接
1 零线没有穿过探测器 监控设备 2 零线穿过互感器后接地
超量程报警 3 PE线穿过互感器 4 多个用电回路的零线共用
1 表示检测到的漏电流大于 1000mA
正确安装探测器 (正确穿线)
正确安装探测器 (正确穿线)
b 故障分析与处理
探测器检测电流大、;2. 或线路安装不规范,应尽快纠正;3.要么探测器安装的选点不正确,这需 要结合电气火灾消防要求和国家标准GB 13955-2005《剩余电流动作保 护装置的安装和运行》,重新合理选点。
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
每箱数量 540
112 84 69 48 38 34
A 发货方式——电路板包装图
剩余电流式电气火灾监控探测器 TE1110系列
➢ 产品简介
TE111X系列剩余电流式 电气火灾监控探测器,是一款 集现场示值显示、光报警, 漏电流采集和信号转换处理 于一体的探测器,适用于对 单个用电回路的漏电流进行 检测,需适配监控设备实现 监控和报警。
该系列产品包括:TE1110、TE1111、TE1112、TE1113、 TE114、TE1115。
379×140×32 305×48
➢ 产品特点
l 国内唯一仅需两根信号线,支持现场示值显示的2

杰瑞恩光电有限公司 LMD20057AUE-101A 产品说明书

杰瑞恩光电有限公司 LMD20057AUE-101A 产品说明书

Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Fax : Page 1 of 8SpecificationCustomer confirmApproved byChecked byIssued byJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 2 of 8 ◆Features:● E mitting dot 5.0mm diameter.● High efficiency, low power consumption. ● Extremely low current. ● Low development cost.● Big viewing angle vertically and horizontally.● This product doesn’t contain restriction Substance, comply ROHS standard.◆Descriptions:● The LMD20057 is a 53.1mm (2.0") matrix height 5×7 dot matrix display. ● These devices are made with white dots and black surface.◆Application● Instrument panels.● Digital read out display.◆Selection Guide:ChipPart No.Material Emitting Color Lens ColorLMD20057AUE-101ACathodeAlGaInPHigh Super RedWhite DiffusedJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 3 of 8 ◆Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta=25℃)Parameter Symbol High Super RedUnit Power Dissipation/Dot P d 70 mW Peak Forward Current /Dot ① I FP 80 mA Continuous Forward Current/Dot I F 20 mA Reverse Voltage /Dot V R 5 V Operating Temperature Range Topr -40~ +85 ℃ Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 ~ +85 ℃ Solder Temperature ②Tsol260±5℃Notes :1、This is the limit current . It is not allowed to use when the product work continuously. 2、Soldering time ≤5 seconds.3、I FP condition: pulse width ≤1ms ,duty cycle ≤1/10◆Electrical Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)High Super RedParameterSymbolTyp.Max. UnitTest ConditionLuminous Intensity/ Dot I V 9.8 -- mcd I F =10mA Forward Voltage/ Dot V F 2.0 2.5 V I F =20mA Reverse Current/ Dot I R -- 50 uA V R =5V Dominant Wavelength λd 640 -- nm I F =20mA Spectral Line Half WidthΔλ30--nm I F =20mAJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 4 of 8 ◆Package Dimensions:NOTES :∙ All dimensions are in millimetres (mm), Tolerance is ±0.25mm unless otherwise noted. ∙ Specifications are subject to change without notice.◆Internal Circuit:Common CathodeLMD20057AUE-101A7564321COL 3412ROW55671234Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 5 of 8 ◆Reliability(1) Test Items and ConditionsNO Test Item Test ConditionsSample Ac/Re 1 Temperature Cycle -40±5℃→25±5℃→85±5℃→25±5℃ (30min ,5min ,30min ,5min) 20 Cycles 20 0/1 2 High Temperature Storage Ta :100±5℃Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 3 High Temperature And High Humidity Working Ta :85±5℃,R H :85±5%,IF=10mA/seg Test time=500HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 4 Low Temperature Storage Ta :-40±5℃Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 5 Operating Life Test Connect with a power IF=10mA/seg Ta=25±5℃Test time=1000HRS(-24HRS,+72HRS) 20 0/1 6 Solder Resistance T.Sol=260±5℃ one timeDwell Time=5±1Secs ,distance 3mm 20 0/1 7Thermal Shock-40±5℃→85±5℃(15min ,15min) 20Cycles200/1(2)Criteria of judging the damageCriteria for judgement Item Symbol Test condition Min. Max. Forward voltage VF IF=10mA/Seg / U.S.L*1.1 Reverse current IR VR=5V / 15uA Luminous intensity IV IF=10mA/Seg L.S.L*0.7/ Wave length λD/λPIF=10mA/Seg /U.S.L ±2nmAppearance/View checkNo mechanical damage* U.S.L: Upper standard level L.S.L: Lower standard levelJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 6 of 8 ◆Typical Electro-Optical Characteristics Curves◆Storage and application notices1、 Storage1. Before opening package: the LEDs should be kept at 18-30℃, related humility: 30-70%RH.They should be used out within 3mothes;2. LEDs should be used out within 24Hs after opening package to avoid the lead frame’s corrode;3. The internal box can not be contacted with ground to prevent absorption of moisture4. No acid, alkali, salt, corrosive and explosive gas; away from sunlight and keep the environment clean;2、 Application1.Do not use any unknown chemical liquid to clean LED, it will damage the LED resin surface; use theJiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 7 of 8 alcohol under the room temperature if necessary but less than 1 min;2.When forming lead frame, the lead frame should be bent at a point at least 2mm from the base of epoxy. The forming should be done before soldering which can avoid epoxy’s broken and internal structure’s damage. Forming must be operated by the specific jig or the qualified operator to make sure the lead frame and distance are as same as the circuit board. Specific is shown as below,Mark:“○” means correct ,“×”means incorrect.3.Do not apply any bending stress to the surface of the LED. The stress to the surface may damage the surface ink color and internal connection which causes the electric character & appearance’s failure. 4.a. Soldering iron power: under 30W; soldering temperature: 295℃±5℃; soldering time: within 3sec.(only1time) ;b. Soldering temperature in solder machine: 250℃±10℃; soldering time: within 5sec.c. Soldering temperature during wave soldering process: 230℃±10℃, soldering time: within 5sec. 5.The LEDs should be soldered at the coordinated position on the PCB; the distance from soldering point to epoxy resin should be 3mm at least. If the 2nd soldering process required, 3mins must be left to ensure the high temperature status can return to room temperature. But the recommended soldering time is only 1time in principle.6.If solder the LEDs on one PCB by the soldering iron; do not solder the different lead frames of one LED,Jiangsu Wenrun Optoelectronic Co.,LTD Rev:1 Tel************** Fax :************* Page 8 of 8 but solder in proper sequence; 7.Note of Electrical matter:① One-way conduction, LED does not allow the reverse driving; ②a. LED is a kind of constant current component which can not be lighted by the constant voltage mode;a smaller voltage fluctuation can cause the large current fluctuation which causes the failure of LED; b. Each LED should be drove under constant current mode if in a parallel circuit design, otherwise, thecolour and brightness will be nonuniform;c. When the environmental temperature rising, the LED junction temperature will rise, internalresistance will decrease, so the current will be increased by the constant voltage power which short the life span;③ If the brightness of lighting source can meet the requirement, we recommend using the drivingcurrent less than the rated current, in order to improve the product’s reliability;8.LED is a kind of electrostatic sensitive devises, anti-static measures have to be processed during storage and operation:① LED production workshop should lay anti-static floor and ground connection, the work table haveto use the anti-static materials and cover a table mater with the surface resistance of 106-109Ω ② Production machine: REFLOW, SMT equipment, electric iron, test equipment; all the equipmentsmust be well grounded, and the grounding alternating current impedance should be less than 1.0Ω. A fan need to be installed on the equipments and production processes that easy to generate static electricity; the operators must wear anti-static clothing, shoes, wristband , and gloves, etc. in the process;③ LEDs must be contained in the anti-static box, and all the package material should be the anti-staticmaterials;9.The details electronic characters can refer to our product specification.◆Notes:1、Above specification may be changed without notice. We will reserve authority on material changefor above specification.2、When use this product, please observe the absolute maximum ratings and the instructions for thespecification sheets. We assume no responsibility for any damage resulting from using of the product which does not comply with the instructions included in the specification sheets.。

MACHEREY-NAGEL MN 96 Bead Plates说明书

MACHEREY-NAGEL MN 96 Bead Plates说明书

MN 96 Bead PlatesContents1MN 96 Bead Plates are prefilled Racks of T ubes Strips (racks including 12 strips with 8 tubes each in a 96 well format) containing different types of beads. They are intended for the disruption of biological sample material and subsequent nucleic acid purification. The MN 96 Bead Plates are recommended to be used in combination with a swing mill (e.g., mixer mill MM300 from Retsch®), depending on MN 96 Bead Plate type (see following comments). WARNING: Many modern disruption devices can cause very high energy input and high mechanical stress on the MN 96 Bead Plate. Depending on bead plate type and content (beads, liquid volume, sample type), especially high frequency of shaking and / o r long shaking duration can cause breaking up of individual tubes or plates! If using such a disruption device, it is the responsibility of the user to perform initial stability tests to ensure stability of MN 96 Bead Plates during the individual experimental setup (e.g.,intensity of agitation).Never use the MN 96 Bead Plate with less than 12 tube strips. It is the responsibility of the user to perform initial stability test for the used MN 96 Bead Plates under the conditions used! This is especially important for MN 96 Bead Plates that contain steel beads. Perform initial test with water instead of lysis buffer and moderate machine setting (low frequency, short time) in order to avoid spillage of chaotropic lysis buffer in case of tube breakage. Integrity and tightness of the individual tubes and rack needs to be controlled after every run.Note: Stability testing has been conducted on the MN 96 Bead Plate T ype B and D on a Retsch® Mixer Mill MM300 at highest frequency (30 Hertz) for up to 15 minutes (T ype B and D). Do not exceed the maximal disruption time. For optimal sample disruption, avoidance of DNA fragmentation, and highest DNA yield, see recommendations above for adequate disruption conditions. Other disruption devices will require different settings regarding frequency and duration for optimal performance with the selected sample material.Please note that the position of the tube within the machine (e.g., Retsch® Mixer Mill) is important for optimal performance! Please consult instruction manual of the respective device. Re-orient MN 96 Bead Plates vertically for 180° after the first disruption time. Ensure that all wells are sealed properly before and after each disruption. Samples which have been the closest to the machine body should be now the furthest apart.3 Storage conditionsThe product can be stored at room temperature (18–25 °C) and is stable for at least one year.4 Safety InstructionsMN 96 Bead Plates do not contain hazardous material. Respect warning in section 2 for proper usage of the MN 96 Bead Plates.5 ProtocolAdd biological sample material and lysis buffer from a suitable nucleic acid purification kit to the tube. Close the tubes with the cap strips and insert the plate into the swing mill according to the respective user manual.Time and frequency of disruption using a Retsch® Mixer MillMM300After sample disruption, recover the lysate for further nucleic acid purification.6 Product use restrictions / w arrantyMN 96 Bead Plates are developed, designed, and sold for research purposes only. We offer a one year warranty from date of delivery that our products will conform to applicable specifications set forth in the product specifications if not sold to persons set forth in § 13 of German Civil Code. In such a case, the provisions of the German Civil Code shall be valid. This warranty does not cover defects in or damage to the products which are due to improper installation or maintenance, misuse, neglect or any use other than ordinary commercial application. The seller shall not be liable for the goods being fit for a particular purpose unless otherwise agreed upon, to which the buyer intends to put them. This warranty is strictly exclusive. MACHEREY-NAGEL MAKES no other warranty of any kind whatsoever, and SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND OR NA TURE WHA TSOEVER; DIRECTL Y OR INDIRECTL Y; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED; INCLUDING; WITHOUT LIMIT A TION; AS TO THE SUIT ABILITY; REPRODUCIBILITY; DURABILITY; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE; MERCHANT ABILITY; CONDITION; OR ANY OTHER MA TTER WITH RESPECT TO MACHEREY-NAGEL PRODUCTS OR THE SALE OF MACHEREY-NAGEL PRODUCTS. If not superseded by these terms the current terms and conditions for the sale of goods (export version) are additionally valid.T rademarks:Retsch is a registered trademark of Retsch GmbHAll used names and denotations can be brands, trademarks, or registered labels of their respective owner – also if they are not special denotation. T o mention products and brands is only a kind of information (i.e., it does not offend against trademarks and brands and can not be seen as a kind of recommendation or assessment). Regarding these products or services we can not grant any guarantees regarding selection, efficiency,or operation.x / 0690.1。

UNI EN 14411 BIII 白色精美地毯产品说明书

UNI EN 14411 BIII 白色精美地毯产品说明书

Bianchi25x 75Bianco mattInserto geometrico bianco-nero mattListello neroBIANCO MATT 25x7551LISTELLO NERO 3,8x75pc. box: 641INSERTO GEOMETRICO BIANCO-NERO MATT 25x75pc. box: 378PAVIMENTI CONSIGLIATIrecommended loor tiles / sols conseille / empfohlene BödenliesenNERO MATTNEROPZ.MQKG61,1322,50111,002241,4432110,9928,7131,0825,36FORMATOsize /format/Formate SCATOLEboxes /boites/KartonsCM25x7530x30 urano matt 60x60 urano matt 30x30 moonlight60x60 moonlight6472,3214404848,0010563246,0810245655,401607,763238,88811,52FORMATOsize /format/Formate CM25x7530x30 urano matt 60x60 urano matt 30x30 moonlight 60x60 moonlightRIVESTIMENTO IN PASTA BIANCA179178R I V E S T I M E N T OBIANCO LUCIDO RETTIFICATO 29,7x88,5rectiied. rectiié. Rektiiziert51BIANCO MATT RETTIFICATO 29,7x88,5rectiied. rectiié. Rektiiziert51Bianchi29,7x 88,5SUPERBIANCO LEVIGATONERO LEVIGATOURANOBIANCO LEVIGATOGRIGIO LEVIGATOBEIGE LEVIGATOMOKA LEVIGATOBIANCO MATTGRIGIO MATTBEIGE MATTMOKA MATTNERO MATTPAVIMENTI CONSIGLIATIrecommended loor tiles / sols conseille / empfohlene Bödenliesen Serie completa Super a pag. 510. Serie completa Urano a pag. 514NERO LEVIGATOBIANCO LUCIDO 30x60rectiied. rectiié. Rektiiziert27BIANCO MATT 30x60rectiied. rectiié. Rektiiziert27UNIQUE BIANCO LUCIDO 29,7x59,1rectiied. rectiié. Rektiiziert37UNIQUE BIANCO MATT 29,7x59,1rectiied. rectiié. Rektiiziert37PZ.MQKG81,4422,761,0531741,05117,50FORMATOsize /format/Formate SCATOLEboxes /boites/KartonsCM30x6029,7x59,129,7x88,54057,69204042,126805456,75945FORMATOsize /format/Formate CM30x6029,7x59,129,7x88,5RIVESTIMENTOBianchi3x 60.29,7x 59,1MOONLIGHTBIANCOGRIGIONEROBLUROSSOPAVIMENTI CONSIGLIATIrecommended loor tiles / sols conseille / empfohlene Bödenliesen Serie completa Moonlight a pag. 582RIVESTIMENTO IN PASTA BIANCA 181180R I V E S T I M E N T OBianchi25x 75. 20x 60. 20x 45,2. 20x 20. 15x 15. 10x 30. 10x 20. 10x 10BIANCO LUCIDO 20x45,224BIANCO MATT 20x45,22434VOGUE BIANCO LUCIDO 20x60BIANCO LUCIDO 25x75rivestimento in pasta bianca51BIANCO MATT 25x75rivestimento in pasta bianca51BIANCOLUCIDO 20x2014BIANCO MATT 20x2014BIANCO LUCIDO 15x1510SIXTIES LUCIDO 10x1032BIANCO 10x30LUCIDO BUGNATO48BIANCO 10x30MATT BUGNATO48BIANCO 10x20LUCIDO BUGNATO 35BIANCO 10x20MATT BUGNATO35MOONLIGHTBIANCOGRIGIONEROBLU ROSSOPAVIMENTI CONSIGLIATIrecommended loor tiles / sols conseille / empfohlene Bödenliesen Serie completa Moonlight a pag. 582PZ.MQKG1001,0013,50501,0014341,021115,51441,0010451,8019171,542461,1322,5091,0817,87272972,05969613448788,83571349,37120120120064115,212165584,713206472,3214408086,41424FORMATOsize /format/Formate SCATOLEboxes /boites/KartonsCM10x1010x2010x3015x1520x20 20x45,225x7520x60SUPERBIANCO LEVIGATONERO LEVIGATOURANOBIANCO LEVIGATO GRIGIO LEVIGATO BEIGE LEVIGATO MOKA LEVIGATO BIANCO MATT GRIGIO MATT BEIGE MATT MOKA MATT NERO MATTPAVIMENTI CONSIGLIATIrecommended loor tiles / sols conseille / empfohlene Bödenliesen Serie completa Super a pag. 510. Serie completa Urano a pag. 514NERO LEVIGATO 183182R I V E S T I M E N T OBianchiMOSAICO ISOLE 2,5x2,5. Serie completa pag. 554mosaico di vetro / mosaic in glass / mosaïque en verre / Glasmosaik34STROMBOLITAVOLARAMADDALENACAPRERAELBAMOSAICO PENISOLE 2,5x2,5. 1,5x5 Serie completa pag. 555mosaico di vetro. mosaic in glass. mosaïque en verre. Glasmosaik343434LAMPEDUSA3434GARGANO MURETTO37SALENTO MURETTO3738MOSAICO BAIE 1,5x1,5. Serie completa pag. 548mosaico di vetro e pietra. mosaic in glass and stone. mosaïque en verre et pierre. Glas-und Steinrmosaik.SARDINIAHUDSON✂1,6x3059,40 ml/box✂3,2x3029,7 ml/box✂4,8x3019,8 ml/boxvendita solo a scatole complete.to be sold as full box only.vendable uniquement en boites entières.abnahme nur volle pakete.38MARINA38PORTOFINO38SAN PABLOMANILA3838ARGENTARIO37SALENTO37CONERO37✂2,5x3039,60 ml/box✂5x3019,80 ml/box✂7,5x3013,20 ml/box✂10x309,90 ml/boxvendita solo a scatole complete.to be sold as full box only.vendable uniquement en boites entières.abnahme nur volle pakete.✂2,5x3039,60 ml/box✂5x3019,80 ml/box✂7,5x3013,20 ml/box✂10x309,90 ml/box✂1,5x 3059,4 ml/box ✂3x 3029,7 ml/box ✂4,5x 3019,8 ml/boxvendita solo a scatole complete.to be sold as full box only.vendable uniquement en boites entières.abnahme nur volle pakete.BACCHETTE llist. listel. Leiste.BACCHETTA ORANGE 1,5x45,2pc. box:6BACCHETTA PISTACCHIO 1,5x45,2pc. box:627BACCHETTA MALVA 1,5x45,2pc. box:6BACCHETTA AZUL 1,5x45,2pc. box:6272727BACCHETTE IN ALLUMINIOalluminium list. listel en aluminium. Alu-Leiste*BACCHETTAPLATINO 2,5x60spessore 10 mm*BACCHETTA ORO 2,5x60 spessore 10 mm5050*BACCHETTA PLATINO 2,5x40 spessore 8 mm*BACCHETTA ORO 2,5x40spessore 8 mm3939*vedi consigli di posa pag. 599*see installation guide page 599*voir conseil pour la pose pag 599*siehe technische Hinweise auf Seite 599AVORIO TORTORA 35AVORIO-BRONZO AVORIO GRIGIO3535BIANCO-GRIGIOBRONZONERO353535AVORIO TORTORA MURETTO AVORIO-BRONZO MURETTOAVORIO GRIGIO MURETTO353535BIANCO-GRIGIO MURETTO BRONZO MURETTO NERO MURETTO 35 35 3535SABBIA-BRONZO MURETTO RAMAGE ORO MURETTO RAMAGE PLATINO3737SABBIA-BRONZO MURETTO 35MOSAICO ETNOCHIC 1,5x1,5. Serie completa pag. 544mosaico di vetro e pietra. mosaic in glass and stone. mosaïque en verre et pierre. Glas-und Steinrmosaik.✂1,6x3059,40 ml/box✂3,2x3029,7 ml/box✂4,8x3019,8 ml/box✂3,3x30,523,48 ml/box ✂2,2x30,536,90 ml/box ✂4,4x30,516,77 ml/box✂3,3x3526,99 ml/box ✂2,2x3543,35 ml/box ✂4,4x3519,25 ml/box185184R I V E S T I M E N T O。





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6. 多种尺寸可选:逊克碳刷E101提供多种尺寸可选,以适应不同设备的需求。


7. 易于安装:逊克碳刷E101的安装非常简便,用户只需按照说明书的指引进行安装即可。


8. 广泛应用:逊克碳刷E101适用于各种工业设备,如电动机、发电机、风机、电动工具等。


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