1. EFD Jet Valve System Manual (xMOD) Ver._CN




阀门及附件Valve and accessory进水阀(主阀)inlet valve装在水轮机进口处用以截断水流的阀门。


旁通阀by-pass valve装在进水阀管段的旁通管上,用以充水平衡进水阀前后水压的阀门。

蝴蝶阀butter fly valve具有可旋转的圆盘形或双平板形的活门,用以截断水流的阀门,其转动轴线与水流方向垂直。

球阀(回转阀)spherical valve(rotary valve)阀体做成球形,活门呈圆管状,两端有球状阀座,用以截断水流的阀门。

针阀needle valve活门呈针状,沿水流方向动作,改变过流断面积,用以截断或调节流量的阀门。

闸阀sluice valve活门呈平板形或楔形,垂直于水流方向动作,用以截断水流的阀门。

截止阀stop valve(blow-off valve)活门由阀轴丝杆操作,改变与阀座的间隙,使过流断面积变化用以截断或调节流量的阀门。

止回阀(逆止阀,单向阀)retaining valve(non-return valve,check valve)只允许流体向一个方向流动的阀门。

安全阀sefety valve(relief valve)流体压力超过整定压力时能自动开启泄压的阀门。

减压阀pressure reducing valve(throttle valve)当阀门进口压力高于阀后设备所需压力时,阀体能够减压使其出口压力保持恒定或在一定范围内变化的阀门。

调压阀(空放阀)pressure regulator当水轮机导水机构紧急关闭时,能及时泄放一部分流量,以防止压力水管内产生过高水调压阀滞后时间dead time for pressure regulator从水轮机导水叶开始关闭到调压阀开始动作的时间。

调压阀开启时间opening time for pressure regulator调压阀出水口从全关到全开所需要的时间。



4000S E R I E SFLANGED BALL VALVESAmerican Valve commits itself to consistently fulfilling our customers' needs and expectations by supplying products that are built with confidence and quality. This commitment is accomplished by achieving the following objectives:• American Valve ensures continuousreliability and quality by using well-trained personnel and through the implementation of a quality system that meets international standard ISO 9001.• American Valve develops and maintains professional working relationships in all aspects of its business and builds customer confidence by consistently delivering quality products in a timely manner.• American Valve will continue to pursue a pioneering role in the industry by supplying products which focus on the customer's current and future needs and expectations.Our goal at American Valve is to be fully responsive to the customers’ needs, and to operate within a system which ensures our ability to provide our customers with quality products today and for the future.Industry-Leading InnovationMODEL 4000Cast Iron Flanged End Ball ValveSAMPLE SPECIFICATION:MODEL 4000DDuctile Iron Flanged End Ball ValveSAMPLE SPECIFICATION:MODEL 4001Stainless Steel Flanged End Ball ValveSAMPLE SPECIFICATION:Ball valves shall be full port and of the floating-Quarter turn provides instant shutoff.Full unobstructed opening provides superior flow rate.Easy to open and close, no cheater bar required.Positive shutoff- Exceeds Class VI.No bronze seat rings, bronze disc rings or bronze stems to wear out.Lighter than gate valves, making installation and handling easier.Handle shows whether open or closed.Ball wipes clean during opening and closing.No bronze parts enables use in all-iron gate valve applications.Compact design fits into areas of limited space.Throttling is permitted. Open and shut are not the only working positions.Low profile design enables easier storage and shipping.Can be locked in either open or closed position.Teflon® fused ball resists corrosion, in a wider range of applicationsZero wear rate in the open position.Unique packaging prevents damage during shipping and facilities storage.Easy and inexpensive to rebuild/repair4000 Seriesvs. Gate, Plug, and Butterfly ValvesAdvantages of 4000 Seriesvs. Gate ValvesNo disc in waterway to create turbulence. Same ANSI flanged dimensions as gate valves for easier retrofit.PTFE seats, not Buna N or EPDM.More suitable for steam, petroleum, and corrosive applications.Main seating surface does not face upstream pressure in open position.Full opening provides superior flow characteristics.PTFE packing instead of O-ring stem seals.Positive shutoff- exceeds Class VI.Blow out proof stainless steel stem.Full unobstructed flow.No exposed internal components to catch and retain debris.No lubrication required to ensure smooth operation and maintain seals.Lower torque for more efficient and cost effective automation.Positive shutoff- exceeds Class VI.Advantages of 4000 Seriesvs. Butterfly ValvesAdvantages of 4000 Seriesvs. Plug ValvesApplicationsfor the 4000 Series ValvesPump Isolation Water Main ShutoffHi-Rise Building Booster Pumps Drain LinesLead and VOC Free Materials contribute to Green InfrastructureNatural Gas Meter Sets Propane Gas Storage and DistributionDigester Aerators Sludge Processing Methane Gas Gathering, Storage, and Distribution Force Mains Lift StationsChemical Feed LinesDrain LinesPlumbing Isolation Building Connections Pump Stations Chemical Feed LinesGolf Courses Citrus Groves Farm Fields Public Parks Sports Facilities LivestockMiningBioDiesel and Ethanol Production, Storage, and DistributionPetroleum Blending, Storage, and DistributionPetroleum Loading Facilities Food Processing Plant Utilities Power Plants Air LinesDrain, Waste, and Vent LinesBoiler FeedMakeup WaterDistribution of Hot Water or Steam from Central Plant Condensate ReturnDistribution and Return of Chilled Water from Central Chilled Water Plant Drain LinesPlumbingGasWastewater PlantsWater TreatmentIrrigationIndustrialHVACAmerican Valve offers a complete package ofpneumatic, hydraulic and electric actuators, gearoperators and operating nuts for the 4000 series. Our unique PFA* fused ball and lower operating torques make the 4000 series an effective alternative to cast iron gates, carbon steel ball valves, carbon steel gate valves, and plug valves. Our in-house automation program provides a fast, cost-effective, and turn-key solution for your automation needs.Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric actuators made for the 4000 series have an unmatched cycle life and are the industry-wide preference for even the most severe applications. These actuators offer adaptability to a variety of process conditions to accommodate yourapplication.More Than Just a ValveThe flexible, modular design of the patented 4000 series can be used to combine actuators, solenoid valves, limit switches and other accessories in a variety of applications. American Valve delivers the 4000 series fully automated and factory tested under a single manufacturer's warranty.Standard 2" square operating nuts are available to effectively satisfy underground requirements.*PFA is an ingredient commonly branded as Teflon.American Valve has also created unique, sturdy boxes for the patented family of 4000 ball valves.This exclusive packaging eliminates potential shipping damage and offers unparalleled storage capabilities to wholesalers.A SPECIAL PACKAGE FOR WHOLESALERSOur PFA* fused ball is more corrosion-resistant than balls made with unprotected metal surfaces. Refer to any manufacturer's chemical resistance guide forfurther information.Our PFA* fused ball inhibits the buildup of lime, cal-cium, sludge, etc. that accumulates on ball surfaces and thus prevents premature failure of the valve seats. Series 4000 valves with Teflon® fused balls can last up to ten times longer than valves made with unprotected ball surfaces.The lubricity of our PFA* fused ball allows for lower torque ratings in any application.This feature eliminates ball pitting, prevents build-up, lowers torque, and stops premature valve failure. Since the PFA* is actually impregnated .008" into the solid metal, it can't wear, chip, or flake off.*PFA is an ingredient commonly branded as Teflon.*PFA is an ingredient commonly branded as Teflon.Model 4000 is made of cast iron (ASTM A126 Class B, standard grey iron). Model 4000D is made of ductile iron (ASTM 536, grade 65-45-12). Model 4001 is made of stainless steel (ASTM A351 CF8M).It is useful to understand basic information about ferrous metals (cast irons, steels) and their relationships. 100% pure iron is never used as a cast metal because it is too soft and weak. When carbon is added, hardness and strength appear. When approximately 0.3% carbon is added, the resulting alloy is steel. Steel is a strong but difficult ferrous metal to manufacture from a production standpoint. Adding more carbon (up to about 2%) creates even more production problems. These “semi-steels” are seldom used.When more carbon is added (between 2% and 3%), white iron is formed. White iron is true cast iron and is easy to produce. The problem with white iron is that it is very brittle because the carbon exists as iron carbide instead of pure carbon. Iron carbide (Fe3C) is a hard and brittle compound sometimes referred to as cementite. If white iron is subjected to a lengthy heat treatment, the Fe3C decomposes into iron and nodules of graphite. The end product is malleable iron.When approximately 3.5% carbon is added, Fe3C exceeds its solubility in solid iron (the Fe3C is fully absorbed in the iron until there is no room left. The excess Fe3C is dispersed as graphite flakes). The result is grey iron. Grey iron (standard cast iron) delivers only moderate strength with almost no elongation because the excess Fe3C flakes act as stress raisers (they make cast iron easy to crack). Since grey iron is so economical to produce, its use has been widespread for centuries.Cast Iron with spheroidal graphite (ductile iron) was first produced in 1948. Its chemical composition and percent of carbon is about the same as grey iron. The transformation to ductile iron occurs when molten grey iron is treated with magnesium. The insertion of magnesium into the pouring ladle (the process is called inoculation) transforms the Fe3C flakes into spheroids. These spheroids strengthen the metal by acting as crack arresters instead of crack facilitators. Ductile iron is sometimes referred to as spheroidal or nodular iron.65-45-12 ductile iron is named for its physical properties (65,000 psi tensile strength, 45,000 psi yield, 12% elongation). Ductile iron chemically can be manufactured as Ferritic or Pearlitic. In Ferritic mixes, the graphite spheroids are in a matrix of pure iron. In Pearlitic mixes, the graphite spheroids are in a matrix of pure iron and cementite (Fe3C). The most common grade of ductile is Pearlitic-Ferritic, a combination of the two. American Valve’s 4000D uses a predominately Ferritic mix (9:1) to take advantage of its high impact resistance and added tensile strength (80,000 psi).Except where API 800° F fire safe standards are required for petrochemical refineries, ductile iron is generally preferable to a carbon steel because WCB has a tendency to flake, whereas ductile iron powders when subjected to liquid erosion. Ductile iron also possesses 50% higher yield strength properties and is more cost effective. Ductile iron castings have a maximum temperature rating of 650 degrees F. Traditional glass reinforced PTFE seats begin to deform at 360 degrees F.ASTM A536-70 (MIL SPEC D-4512) requires each casting to be marked by its foundry heat number. Each heat is chemically tested prior to magnesium inoculation and also afterwards. Chemical certification by heat number is available upon request.Standard cast steel (carbon steel) uses the symbol WCB and is defined under ASTM A-216. It contains a maximum of 0.3% carbon. Stainless steel (ASTM A-351) has carbon levels even lower than WCB (0.08% maximum) making its production more costly. 304 Stainless Steel (CF8) adds 8% nickel, about 20% chromium, and a little more silicon. 316 stainless steel (CF8M) adds 2-3% molybdenum to the above. The addition of chromium, nickel and molybdenum enhances corrosion resistance, allowing CF8M to be utilized in a wide variety of chemical, petrochemical, and corrosive environments.MetallurgyTechnical Info for 4000 SeriesThe actual amount of torque required to operate a valve is dependent upon many variables, such as line pressure, temperature, type of fluid, and frequency of operation. This table is based on average breakaway torque requirements for a valve handling a clean, particle-free liquid such as water. The following chart includes a safety allowance for service conditions. The torque figures listed should be further adjusted for dry or special service conditions. For fluids with high solids or abrasive content, consult factory for recommendations.Dimensions and weights are given as approximates; consult factory for details.Operating Torquesfor 4000 Series Ball ValveIndustry-Leading InnovationISO 9001 Registered© 2012 American Valve, Inc, all rights reserved。



第十二章 ValvePro现场工作表ValvePro® 阀门维护保养培训项目SEALWELD 服务响应工单号#_______________________________ 项目名称____________________________ 联系人姓名_____________________________ 设备名称____________________________ 职位�现场监理�阀门勘查技术人员�阀门试车技术人员�阀门维护保养技术人员�其他工作人员 _________联系方式固定电话传真号码移动电话电子邮件_________________ ___________________ _____________________ ______________________检测报告缺陷阀门阀门发生故障的时间:�安装过程中�试车过程中�操作过程中�维护保养过程中阀门发生故障的类型:�操作困难或自锁�阀杆泄漏�阀座泄漏�阀座持续的泄漏�其他原因 __________________阀门在什么位置发生故障:�阀门全开�阀门全关�阀门由关到开的过程中�阀门由关到开的过程中下列情况满足什么条件时,阀门会发生故障:(包括测量单位) 如10000 psi / minute管线试压的时候:_______________________________________________________________ 测量阀门节流能力的时候:________________________________________________________ 测量管线介质流速降的时候:_______________________________________________________ 管线进气的时候:________________________________________________________________ 燃料气管线进气的时候:__________________________________________________________ 其他情况,如天气因素等,并加以解释:_______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________识别哪些组件对处理阀门故障有用:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________列出对这些组件采取何种措施有益于阀门故障的解决:____________________________________________________________________________________________________下列我们将列举一些我们经常疏忽但易导致阀门泄漏的因素:核对一下,看是否你会疏忽这些:�不适合阀门操作的润滑油液位�动力气供给并有足够的压力� ESD系统或紧急关断系统被重新设置�仔细全面的巡检�速度控制阀开度大于25%阀和阀门执行器限位正确设置�所有的继电器和电磁阀正确连接并供电或信号建议:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ValvePro®阀门维护保养培训项目安全会议记录工单号#______________________________ 项目名称__________________________联系人姓名____________________________ 设备名称__________________________职位�现场监理�阀门勘查技术人员�阀门试运技术人员�阀门维护保养技术人员�其他工作人员 _________联系方式固定电话传真号码移动电话电子邮件_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________日常现场报告–安全会议记录1________________________________________ 6 _____________________________________2________________________________________ 7 _____________________________________3________________________________________ 8 _____________________________________4________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________5________________________________________ 10 ____________________________________ 紧急集合点:必须详细描述紧急集合点的地理位置,以便发生紧急情况时,人员能准确在此集合:_________________________________________________________________________________开始工作: (工作前,准备一份工单使用说明书。

CAREL E 2 V System E 2 V 电子膨胀阀系统 说明书

CAREL E 2 V System E 2 V 电子膨胀阀系统 说明书

E2V System/E2V电子膨胀阀系统用户手册User manual重要提示安装和操作本产品前,请仔细阅读本手册中的说明,以及随本产品附送的说明书中的说明。

本产品针对特定用途而设计,因此只要按照如下要求进行操作,就不会发生危险:· 请根据本手册中的说明,以及随本产品附送的说明书中的说明,进行有关的安装、操作以及维护工作。

· 相关的环境条件、运行压力和电源电压的下降幅度,应维持在说明书中规定的范围之内。







零部件弃置E 2V 阀是由金属和塑料部件制成。


IMPORTANT WARNINGSBEFORE INSTALLING OR OPERATING ON THE APPLIANCE,CAREFULLY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL AND ONTHE INSTRUCTION SHEET ENCLOSED WITH THE PRODUCT.This equipment has been designed to operate without risks forthe specific purpose, as long as:• the installation, operation and maintenance are performed accordingto the instructions in this manual and on the instruction sheetenclosed with the product;• the environmental conditions, the operating pressure and the powersupply voltages fall within the values specified on the instruction sheet.The user is responsible for checking that the characteristics describedare compatible with the operating conditions.Any other use or changes which have not been previously authorisedby the manufacturer, are considered improper.Liability for injures or damage caused by improper use lies exclusively with the user.Note that some electrical components of this instrument are live andsome parts are under pressure, thus all the service or maintenanceoperations must be performed by expert and skilled personnel only,aware of the necessary precautions.Before accessing the internal parts, disconnect the power supply andrestore the pressure to that of the surrounding environment. Disposal of the partsThe E2V valves are made up of metal and plastic parts. must be disposed of according to the local legislation in force on waste disposal.我们希望节省您的时间和金钱!We wish to save you time and money! We can assure you that the thorough reading of this manual will guarantee correct installation and safe use of the product described.我们确信彻底阅读本手册是正确安装和安全 使用本设备的保证。



S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E SDirect acting solenoid valves Series PL2/2-way - Normally Open (NO)3/2-way - Normally Closed (NC) and Normally Open (NO) 3/2-way - Universal (UNI)Series PL solenoid valves are available in the normally closed, normally open and universal versions. They can be mounted on single sub-bases or manifolds.Please note that all Series PL solenoid valves are supplied with direct current (DC). To operate in alternating current (AC), it is necessary to use the connector with bridge rectifier Mod. 125-900.»Application sectors: - Industrial Automation - Life Science - Transportation »Mounting on a single base (M5 connections) or on manifold (M5 or fittings Ø3 and Ø4)GENERAL DATATECHNICAL FEATURES Function OperationPneumatic connections Orifice diameterFlow coefficient kv (l/min) Operating pressure Operating temperature MediaResponse time Manual override Installation2/2 NO - 3/2 NC - 3/2 NO - 3/2 UNI direct acting poppet type on subbase 0.8 ... 1.6 mm 0.30 ... 0.62 0 ÷ 3.5 ... 10 bar0 ÷ 50 °C (FKM) / -50 ÷ 50 °C (low temperature NBR on demand)filtered air class [5:4:4] according to ISO 8573-1:2010 (max oil viscosity 32 cSt), inert gas ON <10 ms - OFF <15 msmono/bistable - PBT 3/2 versions onlyin any positionMATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH THE MEDIUM Body SealsInternal parts brass - PBT - PPSFKM - NBR - EPDM (on demand) brass - stainless steelELECTRICAL FEATURES VoltageVoltage tolerance Power consumption Duty cycleElectrical connection Protection class6 ... 110 V DC - other voltages on demand ±10% 1.2 ... 3 W ED 100%industry standard connector (9.4 mm) IP65 with connectorSpecial versions available on demandS E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V ES* 3/2 NO IN-LINE version: the position of the ports 1 - 2 - 3 is identical to 3/2 NC versionCODING EXAMPLES E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E SSeries PL solenoid valve - 2/2-way NO - series PD interfaceSupplied with: 2x O-Rings2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic(opt. P)* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series PL solenoid valve - 3/2-way NCSupplied with: 1x interface seal2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available ST models forT amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR seals.* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E S2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available ST models forT amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR seals.* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)Series PL solenoid valve - 3/2-way NO IN-LINESupplied with: 1x interface seal2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available ST models forT amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR seals.* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E S2x M3x20 screws for mounting on metal or2x Ø3x23 screws for mounting on plastic (opt. P)Also available models for T amb. -50 ÷ 50 °C with NBR sealsVacuum operation with max. pressurereduction* add - VOLTAGE - FIXING(see CODING EXAMPLE)S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V ESSingle sub-base for 15mm size 2 way interfaceSingle sub-base suitable for 2-way solenoid valves Series PD and PL models PD000-2A..., PL000-9B... Use solenoid valves with fixing screws for metal (see codification page)Material: anodized aluminiumConnections: G1/8 threadsSingle sub-base for 3-way solenoid valve size 15 mmSingle sub-base suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumConnections: M5 threadsSingle manifold with rear outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumS E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A LV E SManifold - single side valve - frontal outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Can be fixed through DIN 46277/3 guide with the accessory PCF-E520.Material: anodized aluminiumManifold - double side valve - bottom outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Material: anodized aluminiumManifold - double side valve - frontal outletsManifold suitable for Series P - PL - PN - W 3-way solenoid valveUse solenoid valves with screws for mounting on metal (see coding)Can be fixed through DIN 46277/3 guide with the accessory PCF-E520.Material: anodized aluminiumS E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V ESPosition valve capSupplied with:1x position valve cap 1x interface seal2x screwsConnector Mod. 125-... - industrial std. 9.4 mmConnector Mod. 125-... - industrial std. 9.4 mm - 90° cableThe internal rectifier circuit of the connectorMod. 125-900 allows to use solenoid valves with different AC voltage, even if the voltage indicated onthe solenoid valve is DC.S E R I E S P L S O L E N O I D V A L V E SConnector Mod. 125-... - industrial std. 9.4 mm - in-line cablewithout electronicsConn. Mod. 125-... - ind. std. 9.4 mm - in-line cable+rectifierwith voltage rectifierAC/DC。

美国EFD 点胶配件

美国EFD 点胶配件

Fluid Dispensers Optimum® Components Atlas™ Filling SystemsValve Systems ValveMate™ Controllers Valve Accessories and Fittings Fluid Reservoirs Bulk Unloaders Productivity ToolsPico® Jet Dispensing Systems MicroCoat®Lubrication SystemOptimum® ComponentsCartridgesAdapters Cartridges Cartridges with Pistons InstalledEnd Caps Fittings NozzlesOutlet Caps PistonsCartridge Retainer SystemsRetainer Bodies Retainer Cap Assemblies Retainer SystemsDispense Tips -click here for color coding / ID's & OD's chartAngled Brush ChamferedFlexible General Purpose NozzlesOval PTFE-coated PTFE-linedTapered Tip ShieldsSyringe BarrelsAdapter Assemblies End & Tip Caps PistonsSyringe Barrels Syringe Barrel & Piston SetsSyringe BarrelsSyringe BarrelsSize Most FluidsClear Barrels Light BlockAmber BarrelsOpaqueBlack BarrelsQuantity3cc70120727012083701208950 5cc70120947012101701210740 10cc70121127012122701212830 30cc70121347012143701214720 55cc70121557012158701216215 Syringe Barrel & Piston SetsSize Most FluidsClear BarrelsWhite Pistons Light BlockAmber BarrelsWhite PistonsOpaqueBlack BarrelsWhite PistonsClear BarrelsBlue LV Barrier™Includes Tip CapsQuantity3cc701207470120857012091701207550 5cc701209670121037012109n/a40 10cc701211470121267012130701211830 30cc701213670121457012149701511620 55cc701215370121607012164n/a15 PistonsSize WhiteSmoothFlow™BeigeSmoothFlow™RedSmoothFlow™Orange Flatwall Blue LV Barrier™Quantity3cc7012166701217070121687012321701460250 5cc7012172701217670121747012323n/a4010cc7012178701218270121807012325701460030 30cc, 55cc7012184701218870121867012327701459820Order Online or call 800-556-3484.Snap-tight End & Tip CapsSize Blue Green Quantity3cc7012190701447050end cap5cc7012192701447140end cap 10cc7012194701447230end cap30cc,55cc7012196701447320end cap one size7012198n/a50tip cap one size n/a701446950tip cap Adapter AssembliesSize Blue0.9 m (3ft)HoseBlue1.8 m (6 ft)HoseBlue0.9 m (3 ft)Hose w/ filtertrap3cc7012341 701205970120635cc70120547012058701206210cc70123397012057701206130cc, 55cc701233870120567012060CartridgesClear CartridgesPart Number Size Qty/Box 7012389 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 25 7012398 6 fl oz (180 ml)25 701240712 fl oz (360 ml)25 701241620 fl oz (600 ml)10 701408832 fl oz (960 ml)10Part Number Size Qty/Box 7012392 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7012401 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701241012 fl oz (360 ml)250 701241720 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409232 fl oz (960 ml)100Amber CartridgesPart Number Size Qty/Box 7012390 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 25 7012399 6 fl oz (180 ml)25 701240812 fl oz (360 ml)25 701273620 fl oz (600 ml)10 701408932 fl oz (960 ml)10Part Number Size Qty/Box 7012393 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7012402 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701241112 fl oz (360 ml)250 701273720 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409332 fl oz (960 ml)100Black CartridgesPart Number Size Qty/Box 7012391 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 25 7012400 6 fl oz (180 ml)25 701240912 fl oz (360 ml)25 701387820 fl oz (600 ml)10 701409132 fl oz (960 ml)10Part Number Size Qty/Box 7012394 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7012403 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701241212 fl oz (360 ml)250 701387920 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409532 fl oz (960 ml)100Green CartridgesPart Number Size Qty/Box7014167 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 257014170 6 fl oz (180 ml)25701417312 fl oz (360 ml)25701417620 fl oz (600 ml)10701409032 fl oz (960 ml)10Part Number Size Qty/Box7014168 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 2507014171 6 fl oz (180 ml)250701417412 fl oz (360 ml)250701417720 fl oz (600 ml)100701409432 fl oz (960 ml)100 Order Online or call 800-556-3484.Clear Cartridges With Pistons Installed Part Number Size Qty/Box 7012395 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7012404 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701241312 fl oz (360 ml)250 701241820 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409632 fl oz (960 ml)100Amber Cartridges With Pistons Installed Part Number Size Qty/Box 7012396 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7012405 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701241412 fl oz (360 ml)250 701273820 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409732 fl oz (960 ml)100Black Cartridges With Pistons Installed Green Cartridges With Pistons InstalledPart Number Size Qty/Box 7012397 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7012406 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701241512 fl oz (360 ml)250 701388020 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409932 fl oz (960 ml)100Part Number Size Qty/Box 7014169 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 250 7014172 6 fl oz (180 ml)250 701417512 fl oz (360 ml)250 701417820 fl oz (600 ml)100 701409832 fl oz (960 ml)100Cartridge PistonsPartNumberSize Qty/Box70124192.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380 ml)25701242120, 32 fl oz (600, 960 ml)10PartNumberSize Qty/Box70124202.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)250701242220, 32 fl oz (600, 960 ml)100 Cartridge End CapsPartNumberSize Color Qty/Box70124232.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)Blue2570144752.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)Green2570124252.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)Blue10701447420, 32 fl oz (600, 960 ml)Green10PartNumberSize Color Qty/Box70124242.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)Blue25070127392.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)Green25070124262.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 380ml)Blue100701274020, 32 fl oz (600, 960 ml)Green100Cartridge Outlet CapsPartNumberSize Color Qty/Box 7012427All Blue25 7014476All Green25 7012428All Blue250 7012741All Green250Cartridge FittingsPart Number Material Description7022420Nylon Barrel loader fitting 90° 1/4 NPT male Female luer lock to barrel elbow7022415Stainless Steel Barrel loader fitting 1/4 NPT male Female luer lock7017020Black Polypropylene1/4 NPT x 3/8 compression7017014Black Polypropylene1/4 NPT x 1/4 compressionOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.Tip AdaptersPart Number Material Description7016941Polypropylene1/4 NPT standard cartridge tip adapter7016945Nickel-plated Brass1/4 NPT special purpose tip adapter for 725D, 725DA Series, 725HF-SS, 736HPA-NV and cartridge 7016948Black Polypropylene1/4 NPT tip adapterNozzles38.1 mm (1 1/2") long metal nozzles with 1/4 NPTPart Number Gauge ID701763071/4 NPT standard cartridge tip adapter701763381/4 NPT special purpose tip adapter for 725D, 725DA Series, 725HF-SS, 736HPA-NV and cartridge 7017638101/4 NPT tip adapter7017643121/4 NPT special purpose tip adapter for 725D, 725DA Series, 725HF-SS, 736HPA-NV and cartridge 7017651141/4 NPT tip adapterDisposable polypropylene nozzles thread into all cartridge sizes with 1/4 NPTPart Number Size7018555 6.35 x .318 cm (2.5 x .125")7018557 6.35 x .157 cm (2.5 x .062")701855910.2 x .157 cm (4.0 x .062")701856110.2 x .08 cm (4.0 x .031")Retainer SystemsRetainer SystemsPart Number Size7012430 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 7012433 6 fl oz (180 ml)701243612 fl oz (360 ml)701243920 fl oz (600 ml)701389932 fl oz (960 ml)Retainer Systems with 0-15 psi RegulatorPart Number Size7012431 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 7012434 6 fl oz (180 ml)701243712 fl oz (360 ml)701388920 fl oz (600 ml)Retainer Systems with 0-100 psi RegulatorPart Number Size7012432 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 7012435 6 fl oz (180 ml)701243812 fl oz (360 ml)701244020 fl oz (600 ml)701410032 fl oz (960 ml)Order Online or call 800-556-3484.Retainer BodiesPart NumberSize7013857 2.5 fl oz (75 ml) 7013858 6 fl oz (180 ml)701385912 fl oz (360 ml)701386020 fl oz (600 ml)701390032 fl oz (600 ml)Retainer Cap AssembliesPart Number Size7012531 2.5, 6, 12 fl oz (75, 180, 360 ml)701253220, 32 fl oz (600, 960 ml)Dispense TipsColor Coding For Tips SizesColorGaugeInner Diameter Outer Diameter mminch mm inch Olive 14 1.54.060 1.83.072Amber 15 1.36.053 1.65.065Grey 16 1.19.047n/a n/a Green 180.84.033 1.27.050Pink 200.61.0240.91.036Purple 210.51.0200.82.032Blue 220.41.0160.72.028Orange 230.33.0130.65.025Red 250.25.0100.52.020Clear 270.20.0080.42.016Lavender 300.15.0060.31.012Yellow320.10.0040.24.009Precision Stainless Steel Tips (50 per box)Gauge6.35 mm (0.25")12.7 mm (0.50")25.4 mm (1.0")38.1 mm (1.50")45° bend/12.7 mm (0.50")90° bend/12.7 mm (0.50")45° bend/38.1 mm (1.50") Color14701802970180437018032 7018035701804470180457016906Olive 15701805670180687018059701806270180697018070n/aAmber 187018107701812270181107018113701812370181247016908Green20701816370181787018166701816970181797018180n/a Pink 217005005701823370182227018225701823470182357016910Purple 22701826070182727018263701826670182737018274n/a Blue 23701830270183147018305701830870183157018316n/a Orange 25701833370183457018336701833970183467018347n/aRed 2770183957005008n/a n/a 70184047018405n/a Clear3070184247018433n/a n/a 70184347018435n/a Lavender 327018462n/an/an/an/an/an/aYellowOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.SmoothFlow™ Tapered Tips (50 per box)Gauge Standard Opaque Rigid Color 1470180527018049Olive 1670181007018097Grey1870181587018147Green 2070050097005006Pink 2270182987005007Blue 2570183917018370Red 277018417n/aClearFlexible Tips (50 per box)Gauge 12.7 mm (0.50")38.1 mm (1.5")Color 1570180857018080Amber 1870181437018138Green 2070182057018201Pink 2570183667018362RedChamfered Tips (50 per box)Gauge 12.7 mm (0.50")Color 187018129Green 237018321Orange 257018352Red 337018482**Clear** 6.35 mm (0.25") long, 25 per boxOval Tips (50 per box)Gauge 12.7 mm (0.50")Color 157018078Amber 187024653Green 237024656OrangeBrush Tips (sold individually)Style Standard High Flow soft bristle 7018490 7018491Stiff bristle70184947018495PTFE-Coated Tips (20 per box)Gauge ID OD 12.7 mm (0.50")Color 210.020"0.033"7018243Purple 230.013" 0.026"7018326OrangePTFE-Lined Tips (50 per box)ID 12.7 mm (0.50")25.4 mm (1.0")Color 0.020"70182567005003Grey 0.012"70183887005004PinkTip Shields (10 per box)Size Part Number Color 3cc 7017715Red 5cc to 55cc7017717BlackOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.Polyethylene Nozzles (10 per bag)SizePart Number 6.35 x .318 cm (2.5 x .125")70185556.35 x .157 cm (2.5 x .062")701855710.6 x .157 cm (4.0 x .062")701855910.6 x .08 cm (4.0 x .031")7018561Metal NozzlesGauge Part Number ID mm ID inch 77017630 3.8.150******** 3.4.135107017638 2.7.1061270176432.2.085147017651 1.6.063167017660 1.2.047Fluid DispensersBenchtop DispensersAccessories Performus™ Dispensers Ultimus™ DispensersHandheld/PortableRelius™ Handheld Dispense Valves Relius™ Portable DispensersTube CoatingRelius™ Tube Coating Systems Replacement PartsSpecial PurposeHPx™ High-Pressure Dispensing Tool Mikros™ Dispensing PenBenchtop DispensersAccessoriesPart Number Accessory Description7017105Flex arm syringe barrel holder Mounts to dispenser cabinet; can be adjusted to multiple positions 7017113Stiff arm syringe barrel holder Mounts to dispenser cabinet and holds barrel in fixed position 7017131Finger switch Ergonomic hand grip with built-in touch sensor and high beam penlight 7017133Barrel hand grip Hand grip only without finger switch7016718Finger switchLow voltage, push button finger switch controls dispense cycle 7017089Finger switch7017288Syringe barrel production stand Provides full-barrel swivel, horizontal and vertical adjustment.Accepts all EFD barrels.7021053Syringe barrel production stand7017122Workstation lamp Mounts on flex arm and provides targeted lighting on work area 7017119Safety shield Provides splash protection7017185Safety shield Accessory mount (1 required for use with Ultimus IV)7017138Production extension shelf Provides flat work surface for other tools or dispenser stacking 7017135Magnifying lens 1.7x magnification mounts on flex arm7017185Magnifying lens Accessory mount (required for use with Ultimus IV)70171438-pin I/O connector assembly Allows easy connection to dispenser for external control7017049Cleanroom filter muffler Filters output air to meet Fed 209-B (0.5 micron particulates) 7017167Vacuum pickup pen system Vacuum generator and pen system for picking and placing small parts Part Number Accessory Description7013229Dispensing tip sampler kit Includes a selection of various types and styles of dispensing tips, pistons, tip and end caps—158 pieces7022455VacTweezer™ pickup tool Useful, low cost pick-and-place tool with staticide treated kit. Includes (7) tips, (5) pad sizes7002002Five-micron filter regulator Provides proper air filtering for all dispensers. Order if you do not have a clean, dry, filtered factory air supply.7016548Five-micron filter regulator with coalescing filter Five-micron filter regulator with coalescing filter 7021515Coalescing filter assembly only Recommended for systems dispensing cyanoacrylates 7016540Filter element replacement kit Removes liquid aerosols from air supplyOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.Ultimus™ DispensersName Part Number DescriptionUltimus I (2400)7017041 0-100 psi (0-7 bar)Ultimus II (2415)70020030-15 psi (0-1 bar)Ultimus III (2405)70170680-5 psi (0-0.35 bar)Ultimus IV (2800-3)7017178For 3cc syringe barrelsUltimus IV (2800-5)7017181For 5cc syringe barrelsUltimus IV (2800-10)7017177For 10cc syringe barrelsUltimus IV (2800-30)7017179For 30cc syringe barrelsUltimus V7012589CalibratedUltimus V7012590Performus™ DispensersName Part Number DescriptionPerformus I70123300-100 psi (0-7 bar)Performus II70123310-100 psi (0-7 bar)Performus III 70123320-100 psi (0-7 bar)Performus IV70123330-15 psi (0-1 bar)Performus V70123340-100 psi (0-7 bar)Performus VI70123350-15 psi (0-1 bar)Performus VII70123360-100 psi (0-7 bar)Performus VIII70123370-15 psi (0-1 bar)Handheld/PortableRelius™ Handheld Dispense ValvesName Part Number Description725-HL7020888High-flow Piston Valve with Hand Lever 740V-HL7021209Needle Valve with Hand Lever740SYS-1 system7021205Supplied with 1 liter tank.740SYS-4 system7021206Supplied with a 5.0 liter pressure tank 752V-HL7021415Diaphragm Valve with Hand Lever752SYS-1 system7021408Supplied with a 1.0 liter tank.752SYS-4 system7021409Supplied with a 5.0 liter pressure tank. For components, click here.Relius™ Portable DispensersName Part Number DescriptionHPD3K70236153cc syringe barrel sizeHPD570236225cc syringe barrel sizeHPD10K702359610cc syringe barrel sizeHPD30K702361030cc syringe barrel sizeDG370231333cc syringe barrel sizeDG570231375cc syringe barrel sizeDG10702312510cc syringe barrel sizeDG30702313430cc syringe barrel sizeDG55702314155cc syringe barrel sizeOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.Tube CoatingRelius™ Tube Coating SystemsPart Number Description7012502Solvent Tube Coating System7012501UV Adhesive Tube Coating SystemReplacement PartsPart Number DescriptionCustom Adapter for solvent dispenser Custom Adapter for UV adhesive dispenser Custom Wick adapter7012500Adapter O-ring kit, (10/pkg) 7012499Disposable tank linerSpecial Purpose Dispensing SystemsHPx™ Handheld, High-Pressure Dispensing ToolName Part Number DescriptionHP3cc7023590Uses 3cc EFD syringe barrels and pistons and produces a maximum pressure of 700 psi (48.2 bar).HP5cc7015289Uses 5cc EFD syringe barrels and pistons and produces a maximum pressure of 400 psi (27.6 bar).HP10cc7012598Uses 10cc EFD syringe barrels and pistons and produces a maximum pressure of 400 psi (27.6 bar).Mikros™ Dispensing PenName Part Number Description5800MP7018877Mikros pen and user’s guide included. Order reservoir tips separately.5800MP-SYS7018879Complete system includes (1) Mikros pen; (5) each reservoir tips in sizes 30,32, and 33 gauge; (5) loading tubes; (1) piston installation tool and users’guide.Mikros 0.25cc Fluid Reserv oir TipsPart Number Gauge ID Hub Color Description7018881300.2 mm (.006")lavender Polypropylene reservoirs with stainless steel chamfered tips.Packaged with tip protectors. (25) tips and pistons per box. 7018887330.1 mm (.004")grey7018884320.1 mm (.004")yellow Polypropylene reservoirs with stainless steel blunt-end tips. Packaged with tip protectors. (25) tips and pistons per box.Mikros Replacement PartsPart Number Description7018889Loading tubes; 38 mm (1.5") long. (50/pkg.)7018902Piston installation tool. Sold individually.7018893Neoprene finger grip. Sold individually.7018899Mikros air seal O-ring. NBR (10/pkg.)7018901Mikros air seal O-ring. Viton (10/pkg.)7018897Mikros dampening O-ring. NBR (10/pkg.)Order Online or call 800-556-3484.Atlas™ Filling SystemsManual Filling SystemsName Part Number Description922BL70224462.5 fl oz cartridge. Comes complete with 0-100 psi (0-7.0 bar) regulator and gauge, retainer and cap assembly with toggle switch, fittings, stand, cartridge with plunger and 5cc, 10cc and 30/55cc syringe barrel fill level plugs.926BL7022447 6 fl oz cartridge. Ships with the same parts as the 922BL. 920BL702244512 fl oz cartridge. Ships with the same parts as the 922BL. 940BL70224521/10 Gallon Caulking TubeAutomatic Filling SystemsName Part Number Description8000BF-PW7022070System ships complete with microprocessor controller, five-micron filter regulator, fittings and foot pedal.8000BF-HF7022064Use with cartridges and tanks at pressures up to 100 psi (7.0 bar). Ships with the same parts as 8000BF-PW.8000BF-HPA7022068Use with very thick fluids at pressures up to 2,500 psi (172 bar). Ships with the same parts as 8000BF-PW.Dispense Valv esPrecision Valv e SystemsAseptic Valves Auger Valves Diaphragm ValvesHigh Pressure Valves MicroDot™ Valves Needle ValvesPiston Valves Radial Spinner SystemSpray Valv e SystemsAseptic Spray Valves General Purpose Spray Valves Microspray ValvesRadial Spray Valves Spray Marking SystemValv e AccessoriesAccessories Fittings Tip AdaptersValv eMate™ ControllersAuger Valve Controller Dispense Valve Controllers Radial System ControllerSpray Valve ControllersPrecision Valv e SystemsAuger ValvesBrushless Motor StyleName Part Number Description794-SB Valve7021913 Auger valve, 8 pitch, BRUSHLESS motor, SLIDING head, footed tip 794-FB Valve7021908Auger valve, 8 pitch, BRUSHLESS motor, FIXED head794-SB-16 Valve7021914Auger valve, 16 pitch, BRUSHLESS motor, SLIDING head794-FB-16 Valve7021909Auger valve, 16 pitch, BRUSHLESS motor, FIXED headBrush Motor StyleName Part Number Description794-SR Valve7021916Auger valve, 8 pitch, BRUSH motor, SLIDING head, footed tip794-FR Valve7021910Auger valve, 8 pitch, BRUSH motor, FIXED head794-SR-16 Valve7021917Auger valve, 16 pitch, BRUSH motor, SLIDING head, footed tip 794-FR-16 Valve7021911Auger valve, 16 pitch, BRUSH motor, FIXED headOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.Diaphragm ValvesGeneral-purposeName Part Number Description752V-UHSS Valve7021428Air cylinder body assembly is passivated 303 stainless steel. UHMW* fluid body and diaphragm. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and #7007038.752V-SS Valve7021419Air cylinder body assembly is passivated 303 stainless steel. Acetal copolymerfluid body and UHMW* diaphragm. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and#7007038.752V-DVD Valve7021411Air cylinder body assembly is hard-coat anodized aluminum. Tamper-resist stroke adjustment. UHMW* diaphragm and 303 stainless steel fluid body with integral tip adapter. Includes inlet fitting #7021499.752V-UHDVD Valve7021427Same as 752V-DVD except fluid body is UHMW* with #7021443 tip adapter. Includes inlet fitting #7021499.750V-SS Valve7021285Air cylinder body assembly is 303 stainless steel. UHMW* fluid body and diaphragm. Includes fluid inlet fitting #7021300.*UHMW—Ultra High Molecular Weight polyethyleneMini-diaphragm Name Part Number Description702M-SS Valve7020679Air cylinder body and fluid body are made of passivated 303 stainless steel. UHMW diaphragm. Includes sample tip kit of PTFE-coated tips, (4) each of 21 and 23 gauge.702V-SS Valve7020683Air cylinder body and fluid body are made of passivated 303 stainless steel. UHMW diaphragm. Includes 1.5 m (5 ft) input air hose with male quick-connect and fluid inlet fitting, #7020671.702V-A Valve7020680Fluid body is acetal copolymer with a 303 stainless steel air cylinder body.UHMW diaphragm. Acetal copolymer wetted parts are preferred whendispensing UV-cure adhesives, anaerobics, cyanoacrylates, and other fluidsthat might otherwise react when in contact with stainless steel. Includes 1.5m (5 ft) input air hose with male quick-connect and fluid inlet fitting,#7020677.High FlowName Part Number Description752HF-A Valve7014139Air cylinder body assembly and tamper-resist stroke reference knob are hard-coat anodized aluminum. Acetal copolymer fluid body and UHMW* diaphragm. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and #7007038.752HF-SS Valve7014315Same as 752HF-A except fluid body is passivated 303 stainless steel.AsepticName Part Number Description754V-SS Valve7021514Wetted components are made of 316L stainless steel and PTFE, to conform to biopharmaceutical regulations. 754V valve includes 1.5 m (5 ft.) input air hose with male quick-connect, barbed fluid inlet fitting, polypropylene tip adapter, and dispensing tip kit.High Pressure ValveName Part Number Description736HPA-NV Valve7013449Fluid body and air cylinder body are passivated 303 stainless steel. The fluid inlet and outlet threads are 1/4 NPT female. High pressure fluid inlet fittings are not supplied by EFD. They are available from the pump supplier. Specify inlet size 1/4 NPT.MicroDot™ ValvesName Part Number Description741MD-SS Valve7021233Fluid body is passivated 303 stainless steel. Air cylinder body assembly ishard-coat anodized aluminum. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and#7007038.Order Online or call 800-556-3484.Needle ValvesName Part Number Description741V-SS Valve7007029Fluid body is passivated 303 stainless steel. Air cylinder body assembly is hard-coat anodized aluminum. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and #7007038.741V-SS-TR Valve7021239Same as 741V-SS but tamper resistant. Piston ValvesGeneral-purpose Name Part Number Description725DA-SS Valve7021014Adjustable piston stroke provides fine-tuning of fluid flow rate and pullback volume. UHMW* diaphragm and sealing head. Fluid body and body cap are passivated 303 stainless steel. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and#7007038 and dispensing tip kit.725D-SS Valve7021009Fluid body and body cap are passivated 303 stainless steel. UHMW* diaphragm and sealing head. Includes fluid inlet fittings #7021499 and #7007038.*UHMW—Ultra High Molecular Weight polyethyleneHigh FlowName Part Number Description725HF-SS Valve7021020Hard-coat anodized aluminum air cylinder body assembly with passivated 303 stainless steel fluid body and shaft. UHMW* diaphragm and sealing head. Includes 1.5 m (5 ft) input air hose with male quick-connect, fluid inlet fitting #7021038 tip adapter, and two #7018554 disposable polyethylene nozzles.725HF-A Valve7021015Same as 725HF-SS except wetted parts are acetal copolymer, UHMW* polyethylene and PTFE-coated stainless steel. Includes 1.5 m (5 ft) input air hose with male quick-connect, fluid inlet fitting #7021038, tip adapter, and (2) #7018554 disposable polyethylene nozzles.*UHMW—Ultra High Molecular Weight polyethyleneRadial Spinner SystemName Part Number Description7860C-RS7021798Radial spinner motor/bracket assembly. Includes all hoses, #7021844 tip kit and #7021448 rotating luer lock tip adapter.7860C7021795Radial spinner air motor only.7060RA Radial System Controller7014235Accessories included with each ValveMate 7060RA controller: Input air hose and fittings, five-micron filter regulator with air lubricator, universal mounting bracket and power cord.70218427880-9MM9 mm (.354") radial spinner/disc70218367880-12MM12 mm (.473") radial spinner/disc70218387880-15MM15 mm (.590") radial spinner/disc70218407880-19MM19 mm (.745") radial spinner/discOrder Online or call 800-556-3484.Spray Valv e SystemsAseptic Spray ValveName Part Number Description784S-SS Valve7012988Microspray valve with 316L stainless steel parts and round pattern air cap. 784S-SS-F Valve7013000Microspray valve with 316L stainless steel parts and fan pattern air cap. General PurposeName Part Number Description781S-SS Spray Valve7007031Nozzle size is 1.17 mm (.046") diameter. Round pattern, narrow angle. All metal parts are passivated 303 stainless steel.781S-SS-TR7021616Same as 781S-SS, except with tamper-resist stroke.781S-SS-46F7021615Nozzle size is 1.17 mm (.046") diameter, fan shape.781S-SS-WF7021618Same as 781S-SS-46F except wide fan pattern is 2x the width.781S-SS-287021613Nozzle size is 0.71 mm (.028") diameter. Round pattern, narrow angle. All metal parts are passivated 303 stainless steel.781S-SS-28F7021614Nozzle size is 0.71 mm (.028") diameter, fan shape. All metal parts arepassivated 303 stainless steel.781S-SS-147021611Nozzle size is 0.36 mm (.014") diameter. Round pattern, narrow angle. All metal parts are passivated 303 stainless steel.781S-SS-14F 7021612Nozzle size is 0.36 mm (.014") diameter, fan shape. All metal parts are passivated 303 stainless steel.781S-SS-WA7021617Same as 781S-SS except round pattern is 2x as large.MicroSpray™ ValveNamePart Number Description787MS-SS Valve7012549Includes spray tip kit, air hoses, fluid inlet fitting, barrel reservoirs, and adapter assembly for reservoir pressure.Order Online or call 800-556-3484.Radial Spray ValveNamePart Number Description782RA Radial Spray Valve7021649Radial valves include fluid inlet fittings and two 1.5 m (5 ft) control air hoses with fittings to connect the valve to the ValveMate 7060RA controller.Recirculating Spray Marking SystemName Part Number Description781RC-SS7013915Recirculation spray valve with 0.36 mm (.014") diameter nozzle. Round pattern, narrow angle. All metal parts are passivated 303 stainless steel.781RC-SS 7013769Same as #7013915 recirculation spray valve but with 0.71 mm (.028")diameter nozzle. Round pattern, narrow angle. All metal parts are passivated 303 stainless steel.781RC-SS 7023895Includes spray valve, ValveMate 8040 controller, solenoid valve kit and 1-liter tank reservoir.Valv e AccessoriesAccessoriesDescriptionPart NumberValv eUniversal valve mount 7020507All valvesUniversal valve mount with #7007003 rod 7020509All valvesUniversal stainless steel valve stand with cast aluminum base Includes universal valve mount/rod 7021057All valvesValve stand 7021054750 Series Valve stand 7021056781 Series Valve stand7021059725D Series Stainless steel mounting rods are 1.3 cm diameter x 17.8cm long (0.5" x 7"). Designed for specific valves.7021070750 Series 7007003741/781Series 7021079725D Series7021136736HPA-NV/ 725HF SeriesFilter/Regulator provides dry, filtered air to controllers and。

阿肯锐 butterfly 阀门操作与维护手册说明书

阿肯锐 butterfly 阀门操作与维护手册说明书

Butterfly V alvesContents(1) Be sure to read the following description of ourproduct warranty 1(2) General Operating Instructions2(3) General Instructions for Transportation,Unpacking and Storage3(4) Names of Parts4(5) Comparison between W orking Temperature and Pressure6(6) Installation Procedure7(7) Operating Procedure12(8) Disassembly and Assembly Procedurefor Parts Replacement14(9) Installation Procedure for Handle16(10) Adjustment Procedure forStopper on Gear Type17(11) Inspection Items 18(12) Troubleshooting18(13) Handling of Residual and W aste Materials19User ’s ManualASAHI AV VALVEST ype 57: 40 mm (1 1/2”) - 350 mm (14”) Body: PVC, PP , PVDFT ype 56: 400 mm (16”) Body: PP , PVDFT ype 56D: 400 mm (16”)Body: PDCPDThis User’s Guide contains information important to the proper installation, maintenance and safe use of the ASAHI A V product store in an easily accessible location.WarningCaution-Always observe the specifications of and the precautions and instructions on using our product.-W e always strive to improve product quality and reliability, but cannot guarantee perfection.Therefore, should you intend to use this product with any equipment or machinery that may pose the risk of serious or even fatal injury, or property damage, ensure an appropriate safety design or take other measures with sufficient consideration given to possible problems. W e shall assume no responsibility for any inconvenience stemming from any action on your part without our written consent in the form of specifications or other documented approval.-The related technica l d ocuments,operation manuals,and other documentation prescribe precautions on selecting, constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, and servicing our products. For details, consult with our nearest distributor or agent.-Our product warranty extends for one and a half years after the product is shipped from our factoryor one year after the product is installed, whichever comes first. Any product abnormality that occurs during the warranty period or which is reported to us will be investigated immediately to identify its cause. Should our product be deemed defective, we shall assume the responsibility to repair or replace it free of charge.-Any repair or replacement needed after the warranty period ends shall be charged to the customer.-The warranty does not cover the following cases:(1) Using our product under any condition not covered by our defined scope of warranty.(2) Failure to observe our defined precautions or instructions regarding the construction,installation, handling, maintenance, or servicing of our product.(3) Any inconvenience caused by any product other than ours.(4) Remodeling or otherwise modifying our product by anyone other than us.(5) Using any part of our product for anything other than the intended use of the product.(6) Any abnormality that occurs due to a natural disaster, accident, or other incident not stemming from somethinginside our product.(2) General Operating Instructions- Using a positive-pressure gas with our plastic piping may pose a dangerous condition due to the repellent force particular to compressed gases, even when the gas is under the same pressure as water. Therefore, be sure to take the necessary safety precautions such as covering the piping with protective material. For inquiries, please contact us. For conducting a leak test on newly installed piping, be sure to check for leaks under water pressure. If absolutely necessary to use gas in testing, please consult your nearest service station beforehand.- Do not step on the valve or apply excessive weight on valve. (It can be damaged.)- Keep the valve away from excessive heat or fire. (It can be damaged, or destroyed.)- Operate the valve within the pressure Vs temperature range. (The valve can be damaged by operating beyond the allowable range. - Allow sufficient space for maintenance and inspection.- Select a valve material that is compatible with the media, refer to “CHEMICAL RESIST ANCE ON ASAHI A V V AL VE”.(Some chemicals may damage incompatible valve materials.) - Do not use the valve on condition that fluid has crystallized. (The valve will not operate properly.)- Keep the valve away from places of direct sunlight, water and dust. Use cover to shield the valve. (The valve will not operate properly.) - Perform periodic maintenance.(Leakage may develop due to temperature changes or changes with time during prolonged storage, rest, or operation.)- Gear Operator Operation; we utilize a self-locking worm gear design on our manual operators. This design allows flow control of the valve in intermediate positions in normal process conditions. In applications where very high velocity , turbulence flow or vibration is present and an intermediate setting is required, It is recommended to install a locking device. The locking device will prevent the possibility of the valve drifting in severe condition from it is original intermediate setting.Handle lockWarningCaution(3) General Instructions for Transportation, Unpacking and Storage-In suspending and supporting a valve, take enough care and do not stand under a suspended valve.-The valve is not designed to handle any kind of impact. A void throwing or dropping the valve.-A void scratching the valve with any sharp object.-Do not pile up corrugated cardboard packages one on top of another too much. Excessively piled-uppackages may collapse.-A void contact with any coal tar creosote, insecticides, vermicides or paint.(The force of swelling may damage the valve.)-When transporting a valve, do not carry it by the handle.-Store valves in the original corrugated cardboard boxes, avoid direct sunlight, and store it indoors (atRoom Temperature). Also avoid storing it in a place which may become very hot.(Corrugated cardboard packages become weaker as they become wet with water or other liquid.Take enough care in storage and handling.)-After unpacking the products, check that they are defect-free and meet the specifications.WarningCautionType56 (Gear Type): 400mm (16”)Body material: PP, PVDF, PDCPD** Reference figure(5) Comparison between working temperature and pressure[70][150]W o r k i n g p r e s s u r e (M P a ) [P S I ][70][150]W o r k i n g p r e s s u r e (M P a ) [P S I ][70][150]W o r k i n g p r e s s u r e (M P a ) [P S I ]BUTTERFLY VALVE TYPE57[70][150]W o r k i n g p r e s s u r e (M P a ) [P S I ][70][150]W o r k i n g p r e s s u r e (M P a ) [P S I ]BUTTERFLY VALVE TYPE57(6) Installation Procedure- In suspending and supporting a valve, take enough care and do not stand under a suspended valve.- Be sure to conduct a safety check on the machine tools and motor-driven tools to be used, beforebeginning work. - W ear protective gloves and safety goggles as fluid remains in the valve. (Y ou may be injured.)-When installing a pipe support by means of a U-band or something similar, take care not to overtighten. (Excessive tension may damage it.)- When installing pipes and valves, ensure that they are not subjected to tension, compression, bending, impact, or other excessive stress. - Use flat faced flanges for connection to A V V alves.- Ensure that the mating flanges are of the same standards.- When installing the piping, do not do so with the valves fully closed.(The disc may pinch into the seat, resulting in a high operating torque, thus disabling opening and closing.) - The gasket is unnecessary.(The seat carries out the role of the gasket.)WarningCautionCautionCautionProcedure -The parallelism and axial misalignment of the flange surface should be under the values shown in the following table The parallelism and axial misalignment of the flange surface should be under the values shown in theA failure to observe them can cause destruction due to stress application to the pipe )3) Tighten the bolts and nuts gradually with torque wrench to the specified torque in a diagonal manner. (Fig. 6-3)- Tighten the bolts and nuts gradually with a torque wrench to thespecified torque level in a diagonal manner.Fig. 6-3The disk [2] is prevented from overflowing. (The disk [2] is damaged.)CautionCautionCautionCaution : A void excessive tightening. (The valve can be damaged.)<ANSI Standard>Body Material: PVC, PP, PVDF<ANSI Standard>Body Material: PDCPDNote:Longer bolts may be required for stub-end and back-up ring arrangements. Always double check your mating flange thickness before assuming any bolt lengths.(7) Operating Procedure-Do not use the valve to fluid containing slurry.(The valve will not operate properly.)-The installed valve must never be opened or closed when foreign matter such as sand is present in thepipeline.-Do not exert excessive force in closing the valve.-When operating the handle, be sure to do so with your hand. (Using a tool may damage the handle.)1)Open and close the valve by turning handle smoothly.(Turn clockwise to close and counterclockwise to open.)2)In case of lever type (40-200 mm{1 1/2”-8”}), the direction of handle is same a s the disc as shown in Fig. 6-1.-The adjustments for full-opened and full-shut position are set using the stopper adjuster.Fig. 7 – 2CautionCautionTechnical Data for OperationNote : Data mentioned in the table above is reference only.These data are measured in standard condition and it slightly differs depending on conditions.(8) Disassembly and Assembly Procedure for Parts Replacement- The handle part can be removed with line pressure present. The stem retainer can't be removed with linepressure present. If stem retainer needs to be removed, there can not be line pressure present.- W ear protective gloves and safety goggles as fluid remains in the valve.(Y ou may be injured.)- When installing pipes and valves, ensure that they are not subjected to tension, compression, bending,impact, or other excessive stress.- Do not change or replace valve parts under line pressure.Gear Type <Nominal size 40mm-400mm (1 1/2”-16”)5) Loosen set bolt [28] for gear box [25] and pull off the gear box upward with gasket [158]*. (*Nominal Size: 400mm is gasket [25])6) <Nominal size 40mm-350mm (1 1/2”-14”) *It advances 400mm (16”) as follows.>To take off stem holder [8]. Release 4 tapping screws [157] by using screw driver (+).WarningCautionLever & Gear Type7)Hold flat surface of Stem [7] with vise and pull off valve body[1].8)(A) Set the valve body [1] on square lumbers at edges of valve body on the press and put a lumber on the disc[2].Operate the press slowly and push disc [2] and seat [3] out if the valve body[1].(B) Set the valve body [1] on square lumbers at edges of valve body and put a circular stick on the disc[2].Strike the circular stick with a hammer and remove disc [2] and seat [3] out of the valve body[1].9)Set the disc [2] parallel to the working desk to half opened position. Push the seat[3], and remove the disc[2].10)<Nominal size 40mm-350mm (1 1/2”-14”) *It advances 400mm (16”) as follows.>Remove the stabilization ring [156] and the O-ring(C) [6]from the stem[7].<< Assembly >>Procedure1)Put the O-ring(C) [6]onto the stem[7].2)Before starting assembly, grease (Silicone) should be spread on the top and bottom disc[2], the stem hole of theseat [3] and the stem O-ring(C)[6].3)<Nominal size: 40mm-350mm(1 1/2”-14”) *It advances 400mm (16”) as follows.>Insert the stabilization ring [156] into the upper side slot of the seat [3]. The upper side slot of seat [3] has largerstem hole than lower side.Make certain tabs are properly aligned. Both upper and lower stabilization ring [156] are identical.4)Insert the stem [7] about 1/3 into the body [1]. Install the seat [3] into the body [1] by aligning upper seat stem holewith the stem [7].5)Collapse the left or right side of seat [3] in towards opposing side exposing lower stem hole by screw driver (–).<Nominal size: 40mm-350mm (1 1/2”-14”) *It advances 400mm (16”) as follows.>Install the stabilization ring [156]into the body [1] aligning tabs of ring with center groove of the body [1]. Seat[3]tabs should line up when bottom of seat is reset into body of valve.6)Remove the stem [7].7)Reset the seat [3] into the body [1].<Nominal size: 40mm-350mm(1 1/28)To install disc [2], make certain valve size on disc [2] is in upright direction. Install top of disc [2] into seat [3]aligningwith upper stem hole.9)Rotate disc [2] to 75% (Approx.) closed position and install stem [7] about 50% into the body [1].10)Press in bottom of disc [2] to lower stem hole.Look into valve body [1] to be certain full square in disc [2] is centered with upper valve [1] stem hole. If not, repeat 11) Install the stem [7] into valve body [1] and disc [2]. If disc [2] is properly aligned, stem [7] should slide in smoothly .If stem [7] does not slide in smoothly , report from step 8) to properly align the disc [2] in the valve body [1]. 12) <Nominal size: 40mm-350mm(1 1/2”-14”) *It advances 400mm (16”) as follows.>Install stem holder [8] onto valve body [1] with countersunk holes facing up using 4 screws [157]. 13) To install lever or gear operator reverse disassembly procedure #5).14) After assembly , make sure that the valve can be fully opened and closed smoothly.(9) Installation procedure for handle《Installation 》Procedure1) with the indication line at the top o f stem. 2) Secure the handle at the top of stem with the attached bolts washer, using socket wrench.3)handle, and install the cap by striking lightly by using a hammer.Do not use excessive force in installing or removing the cap. Caution《Remove 》 Procedure1)(–). 2) handle.- Do not use excessive force, in installing or removing the cap.(It can be damaged )(10) Adjustment Procedure for Stopper Gear TypeThe adjustments for full-opened and full-shut position are set using the stopper adjuster. Adjustment for Full-shut (Full-opened) position1) Remove the rubber cap of Full-closing (Full-opening)adjuster.2) Loosen the first stopper hex-bolt completely by allen wrench.3) Adjust the disc of valve to required position. 4) Tighten the stopper hex-bolts until it just stops.5) Put the rubber cap of Full-closing (Full-opening) adjuster back on gearbox by hand.Adjuster for Full-Shut PositionAdjuster for Full-Opened PositionRubber CapCaution(11) Inspection Items- Perform periodic maintenance.(Leakage may develop due to temperature changes or changes with time during prolonged storage, rest, or operation.)Inspect the following items.(12) TroubleshootingCaution(13) Handling of Residual and Waste Materials- Make sure to consult a waste treatment dealer to dispose of the valves.(Poisonous gas is generated when the valve is burned improperly.)Butterfly V alves40mm-350mm(1 1/2”-16”) Type 57400mm(18”) : Type 56Information in this manual is subject to change without notice.2009.8ASAHI AV VALVESCaution。

自动阀门 VALVES The Series WE01说明书

自动阀门 VALVES The Series WE01说明书

The Series WE01incorporates a full port2-piece SS ball valve for great flow rateswith minimal pressure drop. The valvefeatures a blowout proof stem for addedsafety, reinforced PTFE seats and seals forlonger life, and a 316 SS (ASTM CF8M) ballfor better performance. Actuators aredirect mounted creating a compactassembly for tight spaces. Limit switchesare able to be mounted directly to the valvesallowing for remote position indication.The Series WE01 can be configured witheither an electric or pneumatic actuator.Electric actuators are available inweatherproof or explosion-proof, a varietyof supply voltages and two-position ormodulating control. Two-position actuatorsuse the supply voltage to drive the valveopen or closed, while the modulatingactuator accepts a 4 to 20 mA input for valvepositioning. Actuators feature thermaloverload protection and permanentlylubricated gear train.The pneumatic double acting actuator usesan air supply to drive the valve open andclosed. The actuator has two supply ports,with one driving the valve open and theother driving the valve closed. Springreturn pneumatic actuators use the airsupply to open the valve and internallyloaded springs return the valve to the closedposition. Also available is the SN solenoidvalve to electrically switch the air supplypressure between the air supply ports foropening and closing the valve. Actuators areconstructed of anodized and epoxy coatedaluminum for years of corrosion freeservice.FEATURES•Capable of being configured to fit anyapplication• Limit switches can be mounted tomanual valves for remote monitoringSPECIFICATIONSVALVEService:Compatible liquids and gases.Body:2-piece.Line Sizes:1/2 to 3˝.End Connections:Female NPT.Pressure Limits:20˝ Hg to 1000 psi(-0.7 to 69 bar).Wetted Materials:Body and Ball: 316 SS (CF8M);Stem: 316SS;Seat: RTFE/PTFE;Seal, Washer and Packing: PTFE.Temperature Limits:-20 to 392°F (-29to 200°C).Other Materials:O-ring: Fluoroelastomer;Handle: 304 SS;Washer: 301 SS;Stem Nut, Locking Device,Gland Ring: 304SS;Handle Sleeve: PVC.ACTUATORSPneumatic “DA” and “SR” SeriesType:DA series is double acting andSR series is spring return (rack andpinion).Normal Supply Pressure:DA: 40 to 115 psi (2.7 to 7.9 bar);SR: 80 psi (5.5 bar).Maximum Supply Pressure:120 psi(8.6 bar).Air Connections:DA01: 1/8˝ female NPT;DA02 to DA05: 1/4˝ female NPT;SR02 to SR07: 1/4˝ female NPT.Housing Material:Anodized aluminumbody and epoxy coated aluminumend caps.Temperature Limits:-40 to 176°F (-40to 80°C).Accessory Mounting:NAMURstandard.Electric “TD” and “MD” SeriesPower Requirements: 110 VAC,220 VAC, 24 VAC or 24 VDC (MDmodels not available in 24 VDC).Power Consumption:See manual.Cycle Time (per 90°):TD01 4 s;MD01: 10 s;TD02 and MD02: 20 s;TD03 and MD03: 30 s.Duty Rating:85%.Enclosure Rating:NEMA 4X (IP67).Housing Material:Powder coatedaluminum.Temperature Limits: -22 to 140°F(-30 to 60°C).Electrical Connection:1/2˝ femaleNPT.Modulating Input:4 to 20 mA.Standard Features:Manual override,position indicator, and TD models comewith two limit switches.Electric “TI” and “MI” SeriesPower Requirements:110 VAC,220 VAC, 24 VAC or 24 VDC.Power Consumption:See manual.Cycle Time (per 90°):TI01 and MI01: 2.5 s;TI02 and MI02: 5 s;TI03 and MI03: 5 s;TI04 and MI04: 10 s;TI05 and MI06: 15 s.Duty Rating:Two-Position: TI01-TI06: 25%;Modulating: MI01-MI06: 75%.Enclosure Rating:NEMA 7.Housing Material:Powder coatedaluminum.Temperature Limits:-40 to 140°F(-40 to 60°C).Electrical Connection:1/2˝ femaleNPT.Modulating Input:4 to 20 mA.Standard Features:Position indicatorand two limit switches.2-Piece NPT Stainless Steel Ball ValveFull Port, Vented Ball, Electric or Pneumatic ActuatorsSeriesWE01ACCESSORIESR2-2120,Air RegulatorAFR2-2, Instrument Air Filter RegulatorVB-01, Volume Booster。


General Maintenance
To ensure proper operation of your Dixon® valve, proper maintenance must be performed at regular intervals. To prevent damage, check all fitting connections and screw connections for any loosening of the connections during equipment operation. Maintain adequate spare parts stock for all replacement components on the piece of equipment. Please refer to the repair kits section of the manual for complete component part numbers and kit part numbers.
use cleaning agents that will attack stainless-steel or the elastomers that were supplied with the valve. If you are unsure what elastomer is used in the valve, reference the part number key in this manual to make the determination. Follow any MSDS instructions for proper use or handling of cleaning agents. Flush the equipment sufficiently to remove any soiling from the product contact components. Depending on the process, there may be varying amounts of soiling. Cleaning times and cleaning agent concentrations will vary depending on the product being processed. It is the responsibility of the operator to determine and adjust these cleaning specifications as necessary. The equipment should not be allowed to sit with product present in it for extended periods of time. Equipment should be cleaned immediately after processing is complete.

Sample Valves 安装、运行和维护手册说明书

Sample Valves 安装、运行和维护手册说明书
Parts Listings and Cross-Sectional Drawings ...................................................................... 8 Sample valve .......................................................................................................................... 8
Operational safety precautions Be aware of these safety precautions when operating this product: • Do not hang items from the product. Any accessories must be firmly or permanently attached. • Do not use the product as a step or hand hold. • Do not paint over the identification tag, warnings, notices, or other identification marks associated with the product.
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 7 Inspection ............................................................................................................................... 7 Disassemble the valve ............................................................................................................ 7 Assemble the valve ................................................................................................................. 7

阿尔法拉瓦尔Unique SSV手动调节RF单座阀门产品介绍说明书

阿尔法拉瓦尔Unique SSV手动调节RF单座阀门产品介绍说明书

•Exceptional valve hygiene•Long service life•Low total cost of ownershipStandard designThis manually regulating single seat valve consists of one valve body, plug, sealing, crank mechanism, and clamp ring. The plug can be adjusted to a fixed position with a lock screw. The valve can easily be converted to a pneumatic valve by replacing the crank mechanism with an actuator, sealing element and plug.Using the Alfa Laval Anytime configurator, it is easy to customize to meet virtually any process requirement.Working principleThe Alfa Laval Unique SSV Manually Regulating RF operates manually using a crank mechanism to control pressure and flow through gradual opening and closing.TECHNICAL DATAMin. product pressure:Full vacuum1 This equipment is outside the scope of the directive 2014/34/EU and must not carry a separate CE marking according to the directive as the equipment has no own ignition source.Valve body combinations00PHYSICAL DATAOther steel parts:1.4301 (304)External surface finish:Semi-bright (blasted)Internal surface finish:Bright (polished), Ra < 0.8 µm Other product wetted seals:EPDMOptions•Product wetted seals in HNBR or FPM.Pressure drop/capacity diagrams03215476981011Kv % StrokeFigure 1. The flow in % of the total flow at a pressure drop of 1 bar * optionalKv = m 3/h at a pressure drop of 1 barFor other pressure drops than 1 bar the flow can be calculated with the following formula:Q = Kv x √Δp WhereQ = Flow in m 3/h Kv = See aboveΔ p = Pressure drop in bar over the valveDimensions (mm)Unique Manually Regulating Valve1A2205.4OD38ID34.8t 1.6E162.9E249.5F126.6H80This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are made as a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights are reserved.200004007-2-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate AB How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。



Knowledge of safety relief valves introducedSafety relief valve is a safe and protected with a valve, opening and closing parts of its external force is normally closed by the state, when the device or media pressure inside the tubes increases, exceeds the value of open automaticallyEmissions through the media outside the system to prevent the medium pressure piping or equipment exceeds the value, safety relief valves are automatic valves, mainly used for boilers, pressure vessels and piping,Control pressure does not exceed the value of personal safety and equipment operation play an important protective role.Safety relief valve by valve opening height can be divided into inching safety relief valve and the entire Kai safety relief valves, safety relief valve inching height of the opening stroke, ≤ 0.05d0 (throat diameter minimum emissions );Kai-type safety relief valves full opening height is ≤ 0.25d0 (minimum emissions throat diameter).Safety relief valve according to the structure form of points to be divided into vertical hammer, lever, spring-type and (pulse), body structure according to points, can be divided into closed and not closed two,Safety relief valve that is closed to exclude the media is not compromised, all along the exit discharge to designated location, usually used in the toxic and corrosive media, for the safety of air and steam pressure relief valve,To use more safety relief valve is not closed, the safety relief valve products for the selection of the actual sealing pressure should be determined. For the spring-loaded safety relief valve, in a nominal pressure (PN) within theWorking pressure level has several springs, except as noted when ordering safety relief valve type, name, medium and temperature, there should specify the pressure valve seal, or by the maximum sealing pressure supply.Safety relief valve installation and maintenance should note the following, a variety of safety relief valve should be installed vertically, the safety relief valve outlet should be no resistance, to avoid the phenomenon of pressure, safety relief valve should be specifically tested before installation and check its official seal, the use of the safety relief valve should be checked regularly.First, knowledge of safety relief valves overviewSafety relief valve is boilers, pressure vessels and other pressure equipment subject to important safety accessories.Reliability and performance of its action is directly related to equipment and personal security, and with energy conservation and environmental protection are closely related.Second, the definition of safety relief valves safety relief valve called the broad sense, including relief valve, from the rules point of view, directly installed in the steam boiler or pressure vessel onThe necessary conditions must be approved valve technology supervision department, called the safety relief valve on the narrowly defined, other general discharge valve.Safety relief valves and relief valves in the structure and performance is very similar, both are more than open automatically when the discharge pressure of the internal medium, to ensure plant safety. By the existence of such a nature similar to the dry nature, it is in use,Often confuse the two, In addition, some production facilities are also provided in the rules which can be used. Therefore, the difference between the two is often overlooked. So also there were many problems.If you want to make a more precise definition, may be in accordance with the "ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code"First articulated in the definition to understand,1, the safety relief valve (SafetyValve) a static pressure from the valve before the media-driven automatic pressure relief device, characterized by a sudden opening of all open action. For gas or steam applications.2, the relief valve (ReliefValve), also known as a kind of relief valve before the media by the static pressure-driven automatic pressure relief device. It opened with the pressure exceeds the growth of power in proportion to open. Mainly used for fluid situations.3, the safety relief valve (SafetReliefValve), also known as pressure safety relief valve of a media driven by the automatic pressure relief device.Use different according to both valid for the safety relief valve is also valid for the relief valve. Japan, for example, to the safety relief valves and relief valves to less clearly defined,General large-scale energy storage such as a boiler pressure vessel safety device called the safety relief valve, installed in the pipe or other established facilities in the bleed valve. But under MITI's "thermal technology" of the device an important part of the safety and security,Specify the use of safety relief valves, such as the boiler, superheater, reheater, and so on. In the valve of the lower side with the boilers and turbines phase of the occasion,Relief valve to be installed or safety relief valve. This view, the safety relief valve is more reliable than the relief valve requirements. In addition, from the Japanese Ministry of Labor's high-pressure gas management rules,Ministry of Transport and Shipping Association rules at all levels, the identification of safety and emissions regulations, we take the guarantee of emissions called safety relief valves,Not guarantee emissions valve called the relief valve. Kai in the country regardless of type or Weiqi collectively referred to as safety relief valve.Third, the safety relief valve selection1, the safety relief valve of the classification, the current mass production of the safety relief valve spring and the rod are two major categories. There are also impulse-type safety relief valves, safety relief valve, safety valve switch,Safety release valve, the static weight safety relief valve. Spring-loaded safety relief valve spring force and rely mainly on the work of the spring-type safety relief valve in the closed and not closed, generally flammable,Explosive or toxic media should use closed, steam or inert gas used is not closed, the spring-loaded safety relief valve with a wrench in there and without wrenches. Wrench key is to examine the role of the flexibility of the disc, and sometimes can also be used manually with emergency relief. Lever-type safety relief valve lever hammer rely mainly on the force and work,However, the safety relief valve lever is often bulky and limit the range of choice. At high temperature safety relief valve with a radiator. The main parameters of the safety relief valve is the displacement,The displacement depends on the caliber of the valve seat and valve opening height, from the opening height, then divided into Weiqi and all Kai two.Weiqi is the valve opening height for the seat throat diameter of 1 / 40 ~ l/20. All Kai is the valve opening height of seat throat diameter of 1 / 4.2, the selection of the safety relief valve, operating pressure determined by the nominal pressure safety relief valve, operating temperature determined by the use of safety relief valves temperature rangeSecurity from the calculated value of constant pressure relief valve spring or lever decide the scope of constant pressure, then under the decision to use media materials and the safety relief valve structure type,According to the safety relief valve Discharge calculated safety relief valve throat diameter. The following is the safety relief valve used in the general rule.(L) hot water boilers generally is not closed with a wrench inching safety relief valve.(2) steam boiler or steam pipe generally is not closed with a wrench for type safety relief valve.(3), water and other liquids can not be closed for general use compressed medium inching safety relief valve or safety relief valve.(4) high-pressure water supply general use of closed-type safety relief valve, such as high pressure feedwater heater, heat exchanger.(5) gas and other compressible medium for general use of closed-type safety reliefvalve, such as the gas tank, gas pipelines.(6) E-class steam boilers generally static weight safety relief valve.(7) large diameter, large displacement and high pressure systems typically use pulse type safety relief valve, such as temperature and pressure reduction equipment, boiler, and so on.(8) transportation of liquefied gas tanker train car tanker, tanks and other general use built-in safety relief valve.(9) tank top general, hydraulic safety relief valve, to be used in conjunction with the breathing valve.(10) underground water or gas pipes for general use safety relief valve.(11) Liquefied petroleum gas station can pump liquid return pipe back to normal with the safety valve.(12) or negative pressure during operation may have negative pressure systems generally use vacuum safety relief valve.(13) back pressure and toxic volatile flammable container or piping systems are generally used bellows safety relief valve.(14) medium low freezing point of the system is generally used in thermal insulation jacket safety relief valve.Mainly consists of the following categories,(1) (API526 Wire Joints safety relief valve) (Wire Joints safety relief valve) based American Standard system.Chemical equipment with safety relief valve connection sizes are generally in accordance with this standard, as shown.All of the standard nominal diameter of DN15 ~ DN200 (l / 2 "~ 8"), nominal pressure of 0.1 ~ 2500bar, throat diameter from D-T (9.5 ~ 146mm).Comparison of the standard scientific norms, pressure, material, temperature, throat diameter and so overall consideration. Throat diameter determined in accordance with specifications, the same throat diameter can have several specifications,On the contrary may be the same size pipe diameter can choose several. Such as 4 "to 6" diameter pipe with L, M, N, P are four to choose from.(2) the greatest impact in the international company based in Germany KER safety relief valve (KDA21W) series.Commonly known as safety relief valves,As shown, the safety relief valve from the main valve and pilot valves, pilot valve operating the main valve is opened and closed. The valve displacement large; from the impact of back pressure;Can be very close to not leak under pressure to open operation; advantages, such as blowdown. Generally applicable to natural gas pipelines.No current international standards and safety relief valve connection size standards. And this type of valve development, no widely.According to my factory experience and available information, the international standards of most manufacturers in accordance with the API design and manufacturing data, such as Germany. Corey Valve Co., Ltd.Anderson Greenwood (AndersonGreenwood & Co.) And so on.4, the throat diameter of the throat diameter calculated according to the calculation of the general, "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Technical Code" in accordance with APIRP520 refinery pressure relief system design and installation of the first part of the recommended implementation of the method of design "Listed in the formula. The results of these two formulas the same or not materially different.(9) tank top general, hydraulic safety relief valve, to be used in conjunction with the breathing valve.(10) underground water or gas pipelines general safety relief valve with the pilot.(11) Liquefied petroleum gas station can pump liquid return pipe back to normal with the safety valve.(12) or negative pressure during operation may have negative pressure systems generally use vacuum safety relief valve.(13) back pressure and toxic volatile flammable container or piping systems are generally used bellows safety relief valve.(14) medium low freezing point of the system is generally used in thermal insulation jacket safety relief valve.Mainly consists of the following categories,(1) API526 "steel flanged safety relief valve" (FlangedSteelSafetyReliefValve)-based American Standard system.Chemical equipment with safety relief valve connection sizes are generally in accordance with this standard, as shown.All of the standard nominal diameter of DN15 ~ DN200 (l / 2 "~ 8"), nominal pressure of 0.1 ~ 2500bar, throat diameter from D-T (9.5 ~ 146mm).Comparison of the standard scientific norms, pressure, material, temperature, throat diameter and so overall consideration. Throat diameter determined in accordance with specifications, the same throat diameter can have several specifications,On the contrary may be the same size pipe diameter can choose several. Such as 4 "to 6" diameter pipe with L, M, N, P are four to choose from.(2) the greatest impact in the international company based in Germany Corey safety relief valve (PilotOperatedPressureReliefValves) series.Commonly known as pilot-type safety relief valve,As shown, the pilot safety relief valve from the main valve and pilot valves, pilot valve operating the main valve is opened and closed. The valve displacement large; from the impact of back pressure;Can be very close to not leak under pressure to open operation; advantages, such as blowdown. Generally applicable to natural gas pipelines.No pilot present international safety standards and pressure relief valve connection size standards. And this type of valve development, no widely.According to my factory experience and available information, the international standards of most manufacturers in accordance with the API design and manufacturing data, such as Germany. KER Valve Co., Ltd.Anderson Greenwood (AndersonGreenwood & Co.) And so on.4, the throat diameter of the throat diameter calculated according to the calculation of the general, "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Technical Code" in accordance with APIRP520 refinery pressure relief system design and installation of the first part of the recommended implementation of the method of design "Listed in the formula. The results of these two formulas the same or not materially different.。



2.1 Valve Specifications((Note)Impact resistance:No malfunction when tested with a drop tester inthe axial direction and at a right angle to the mainvalve and armature, one time each in bothenergized and de-energized status. (initial value)Vibration resistance:No malfunction when tested with one sweep of 8.3to 2000Hz in the axial direction and at a right angleto the main valve and armature, one time each inboth energized and de-energized states.(initial valve)Solenoid SpecificationNote:The following voltage range must be kept for T type (with power savingcircuit) as voltage drop may occur due to the internal circuit.24VDC: -5~+10%12VDC: -6~+10%2.2 Circuit Symbolsnot switch.(Note) This circuit shows 2 position double, 3 position, 4 position dual 3-port valve(Note) This circuit shows 2 position double, 3 position, 4 position dual 3-port valveup to 9 stations. The valves are connected in order of 1 2 3 4 so thatthere will be no extra terminal.Light/surge voltage suppressorNon-polar typeWhen the solenoid valve has no polarity.With power savingPower consumption is decreased by 1/3 (SJ3!60T) by reducing the wattagerequired to hold the valve in an energized state. (Effective energizing time is over62ms at 24VDC.)How to use plug connectorsWhen attaching and detaching a connector, first shut off the electric power and the airsupply. Also, crimp the lead wires and sockets securely.1.Attaching and detaching connectorsAttachingHold the lever and connector unit between your fingers and insert straight ontothe pins of the solenoid valve so that the lever's pawl is pushed into the grooveand locks.DetachingRemove the pawl from the groove by pushing the lever downward with yourthumb, and pull the connector straight out.SJ2000-TFM84Installation and Maintenance ManualSJ2000/3000 Cassette TypeManifold Solenoid ValvesX2.Crimping of lead wires and socketsStrip 3.2 to 3.7mm at the end of the lead wires, insert the ends of the corewires evenly into the sockets, and then crimp with a crimping tool. When this is done, take care that the coverings of the lead wires do not enter the core wire crimping area.(crimping tool: model no. DXT170-75-1)3.Attaching and detaching lead wires with sockets AttachingInsert the sockets into the square holes of the connector (with (+), (-)indication), and continue to push the sockets all the way in until they lock by hooking into the seats in the connector . (When they are pushed in, their hooks open and they are locked automatically.) Then confirm that they are locked bypulling lightly on the lead wires.DetachingTo detach a socket from a connector , pull out the lead wire while pressing the socket's hook with a stick having a thin tip (about 1mm). If the socket will be used again, first spread the hook outward.CAUTION:SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do not require lubrication in service.If a lubricant is used in the system, use turbine oil Class 1(no additive), ISO VG32.Once lubricant is used in the system, lubrication must be continued because theoriginal lubricant applied during manufacturing will be washed away.4SETTINGS AND PROGRAMMING CAUTION:Manual switch operationWhen the valve is operated manually, move the switch to the position where the letters A and B becomes visible. [Manual switch freed condition (refer to below).]If the valve is operated manually with the switch locked, the switch may break or airleakage may occur . Therefore, be sure to free the manual switch before operation.After manual operation, re-lock the switch. (The manual switch cannot be operated ifpush and turn locking slotted manual override [D type] is locked.)WARNING:Manual override operationUse extreme CAUTION when operating the manual override as connected equipmentwill commence operation. Ensure all safety measures are in place. Non locking push typePress in direction specified with an arrow.Push-turn locking slotted typePush and rotate in direction specified with an arrow (90° clockwise).If not rotated, can be used in the same way as non-locking push type.With D type, use a precision driver (flat blade) and rotate lightly. [Torque: Less than 0.1Nm] When D type is locked, be sure to push before rotating. Rotating withoutpush-ing may break manual override and cause failure such as air leakage.CAUTION:Light IndicationWhen equipped with indicator light and surge voltage suppressor , the light window turns orange when solenoid A is energized, and green when solenoid B is energized.WARNING:When the valve is turned off by operating a switch, be sure to move it to the lock position. Turning off in the improper position may cause connected equipment to start.5MAINTENANCE WARNING:Not following proper procedures could cause the product to malfunction and could lead to damage to the equipment or machine.If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous. Assembly, handling and repair of pneumatic system should be performed by qualified personnel only. Drain: remove condensate from the filter bowl on a regular basis.Before removing the positioner for maintenance or replacing unit parts after installation, make sure the supply pressure is shut off and all residual air pressure is released from piping.Shut-down before maintenance: before attempting any kind of maintenancemake sure the supply pressure is shut off and all residual air pressure is released from the system to be worked on.Start-up after maintenance: apply operating pressure and power to theequipment and check for proper operation and possible air leaks. If operation is abnormal, please verify product set-up parameters. Do not make any modification to the productDo not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.CAUTION:Changing the connector entry directionWhen changing the connector entry direction, move the switch on the top of theconnector block to the FREE position and then rotate the connector . Be sure to return the switch to the LOCK position before connecting the connector . (If the switch cannot be slid smoothly, move the connector slightly.)Forcible operation of the connector in the LOCK position or allowing the connector to move in the FREE position may break the connector block or lead wire respectively.CAUTION:Fitting Assembly replacementBy replacing a valve's fitting assembly, it is possible to change the connection diameter of the 4(A), 2(B), 1(P) and 3/5(E) ports.When replacing, pull out the fitting assembly after removing the clip with a flat head screwdriver . To mount a new fitting assembly, insert in place and reinsert the clip.Note 1, When changing the connection diameters for port 1(P) and 3/5(E), indicateon the manifold specification sheet.Note 2,Be careful to avoid damage or contamination of O-rings, as this can causeair leakage.Note 3,When removing a straight type fitting assembly from the valve, afterremoving the clip, connect a tube or plug (KJP-02, KQ2P-!!) to the One-touch fitting and pull it out by holding the tube (or plug).If the fitting assembly is pulled out by holding its release button (resin part),the release bushing may be damaged.Note 4,Be sure to shut off the power and air supplies before disassembly.Furthermore, since air may remain inside the actuator , piping and manifold,confirm that the air is completely exhausted before performing any work.Note 5,When inserting tubing into an elbow type fitting assembly, insert the tubingwhile holding the elbow fitting assembly body with your hand. If the tubing is inserted without holding the elbow, excessive force can be applied to the valve and fitting assembly, causing air leakage or damage.CAUTION:Plug-in manifold station expansion1.Loosen screws a fixed to DIN rail (2pcs at one side)2.Slide the valve and valve lock switch of each block to which the station is to be added in the direction toward the coil and release the linkage. (If the linkage of the blocks is released without the valve lock switch released firmly, a hook of the valve locking switch might deform or break.)3.Mount added valve or SUP ./EXH. block assembly on DIN rail.4.The valves and block assembly can be linked and remounted to the DIN railexcept for EX180 series. (In the case of EX180 series, the connector block needs to be mounted independently beforehand. After that, other valves and block assembly can be mounted linked.5.Link the valve and each block by pressing and pushing down the valve locking switch in the direction toward the cylinder port.Tighten the screws a to fix on DIN rail.6.To improve sealing performance, hold the end block by hand lightly after fixing the connector block and tighten fixing screws.Connector block assembly for D-sub and flat ribbon cable, End block assembly M3: 0.6NmConnector block assembly for serial M4: 1.4Nm 10LIMITATIONS OF USECAUTION:1.If 10 stations or less are made into 11 stations or more, add SUP ./EXH.block assembly.2.Be sure to shut off the power and air supplies before disassembly. Furthermore,since air may remain inside the actuator , piping and manifold, confirm that the air is completely exhausted before performing any work.3.When disassembly and assembly are performed, air leakage may result ifconnections between blocks and tightening of the end block's holding screw, is inadequate. Before supplying air , confirm that there are no gaps, etc. between blocks, and that manifold blocks are securely fastened to the DIN rail. Then supply air and confirm that there is no air leakage before operating.6LIMITATIONS OF USE WARNING:Do not exceed any of the specifications laid out in section 2 of this document or the specific product catalogue.1.Voltage LeakageWhen C-R device (surge voltage suppressor) Is used for the protection of switching device, note that the voltage leakage will be increased by passingvoltage leakage through C-R device. Suppressor residual voltage leakage should be as follows: DC coil: 3% or less of rated voltage.2.Drive the solenoid valve for AC with SSR or triac output. Leak current:When C-R device (surge voltage suppressor) Is used for the protection of switching device, note that the voltage leakage will be increased by passing voltage leakage through C-R device. Suppressor residual voltage leakage should be as follows: DC coil: 3% or less of rated voltage. Minimum load capacity (minimum load current)When valve's consumption current is less than minimum load capacity of output element, or when the margin is small, output element sometimes can not change itself. Please consult SMC.3.Surge voltage suppressorIf a surge protection circuit contains non-ordinary diodes such as Zener diodes or ZNRs, a residual voltage that is in proportion to the protective elements and the rated voltage will remain, Therefore, give consideration to surge voltage protection of the controller . In the case of diodes, the residual voltage is approximately 1V .4.Use in low temperature environmentsValve use in possible to temperature extremes to -10 C. Take appropriate measures to avoid freezing of drainage, moisture etc. 5.Mounting direction.All mounting postures are available7EUROPEAN CONTACT LIST7.1 SMC CorporationCountry Telephone Country Telephone Austria (43) 2262-62 280Italy(39) 02-92711 Belgium(32) 3-355 1464 Netherlands (31) 20-531 8888 Czech Republic (420) 5-414 24611 Norway (47) 67 12 90 20 Denmark (45) 70 25 29 00 Poland (48) 22-548 50 85 Finland (358) 9-859 580 Portugal (351) 22 610 89 22France (33) 1-64 76 1000 Spain (34) 945-18 4100 Germany (49) 6103 4020 Sweden (46) 8 603 12 00 Greece (30) 1- 342 6076 Switzerland (41) 52-396 3131 Hungary (36) 23 511 390 Turkey(90) 212 221 1512 Ireland(353) 1-403 9000United Kingdom(44) 1908-56 38887.2 WebsitesSMC Corporation SMC EuropeSJ2000*-TFJ0003。

ValveMate 8000控制器操作手册说明书

ValveMate 8000控制器操作手册说明书

ValveMate 8000 ControllerYou have selected a reliable, high-quality dispensing system from Nordson EFD, the world leader in fluid dispensing. The ValveMate™ 8000 controller was designed specifically for industrial dispensing and will provide you with years of trouble-free, productive service.This manual will help you maximize the usefulness of your ValveMate 8000 controller.Please spend a few minutes to become familiar with the controls and features. Follow our recommended testing procedures. Review the helpful information we have included, which is based on more than50 years of industrial dispensing experience.Most questions you will have are answered in this manual. However, if you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact EFD or your authorized EFD distributor. Detailed contact information is provided on the last page of this document.The Nordson EFD PledgeThank You!You have just purchased the world’s finest precision dispensing equipment.I want you to know that all of us at Nordson EFD value your business and will do everything in our power to make you a satisfied customer.If at any time you are not fully satisfied with our equipment or the support provided by your Nordson EFD Product Application Specialist, please contact me personally at 800.556.3484 (US), 401.431.7000 (outside US), or **************************.I guarantee that we will resolve any problems to your satisfaction.Thanks again for choosing Nordson EFD.TaraTara Tereso, Vice PresidentValveMate 8000 ControllerContentsContents (3)Introduction (4)Nordson EFD Product Safety Statement (5)Halogenated Hydrocarbon Solvent Hazards (6)High Pressure Fluids (6)Qualified Personnel (6)Intended Use (7)Regulations and Approvals (7)Personal Safety (7)Fire Safety (8)Preventive Maintenance (8)Important Disposable Component Safety Information (9)Action in the Event of a Malfunction (9)Disposal (9)Specifications (10)Front Panel Buttons (11)Indicator Lamps (12)Modes of Operation (12)Typical Setup — Two Valve System Installation (14)Mounting the ValveMate 8000 (15)Input/Output Connections (16)Initiate Connection (17)Initiate Connection Schematic (19)Installing the Air Solenoids (20)Final Setup Checklist (21)Testing the Dispense Valves (22)Part Numbers (23)Replacement Parts (23)Troubleshooting (24)ValveMate 8000 ControllerIntroductionIMPORTANT: The primary control of deposit size is the valve open time. The ValveMate 8000 provides easy access and “on the fly” adjustment of valve open time.The ValveMate 8000 is an EFD dispense valve controller, incorporating programmable dispense time, digital time readout, four independent solenoid drivers and input/output communication with host machine PLCs.Other features include:• Push-button time setting input or onetouch time programming.• Floating decimal, providing dispense time ranges of 0.001 to 99.9 seconds.• Bright red LED display.• Push-button purge feature.• Low air-pressure, optional tank low level detection, or other alarm detection devices.• End-of-Cycle feedback signal.The ValveMate 8000 has been designed with the machine builder and operator in mind. The objectives are to bring dispensing control close to the point of application, and to provide the features necessary to make setup and operation as easy and precise as possible. The ValveMate is easy to operate. Once you have reviewed the features, you will understand the benefits and the ease of control the ValveMate provides.As with all EFD products, the ValveMate has been produced to exacting specifications and thoroughly tested prior to shipment.To obtain maximum performance from this equipment, please read the instructions carefully.ValveMate 8000 Controller Nordson EFD Product Safety StatementThe safety messages that follow have a CAUTION level hazard.Failure to comply may result in minor or moderate injury.CAUTIONREAD MANUALRead manual for proper use of this equipment. Follow all safety instructions. Task- and equipment-specific warnings, cautions, and instructions are included in equipment documentation whereappropriate. Make sure these instructions and all other equipment documents are accessible topersons operating or servicing equipment.The safety message that follows has a WARNING level hazard.Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.WARNINGELECTRIC SHOCKRisk of electric shock. Disconnect power before removing covers and/or disconnect, lock out, andtag switches before servicing electrical equipment. If you receive even a slight electrical shock, shutdown all equipment immediately. Do not restart the equipment until the problem has been identifiedand corrected.MAXIMUM AIR PRESSUREUnless otherwise noted in the product manual, the maximum air input pressure is 7.0 bar (100psi). Excessive air input pressure may damage the equipment. Air input pressure is intended to beapplied through an external air pressure regulator rated for 0 to 7.0 bar (0 to 100 psi).RELEASE PRESSURERelease hydraulic and pneumatic pressure before opening, adjusting, or servicing pressurized systems or components.BURNSHot surfaces! Avoid contact with the hot metal surfaces of heated components. If contact can not beavoided, wear heat-protective gloves and clothing when working around heated equipment. Failureto avoid contact with hot metal surfaces can result in personal injury.ValveMate 8000 ControllerNordson EFD Product Safety Statement (continued)Halogenated Hydrocarbon Solvent HazardsDo not use halogenated hydrocarbon solvents in a pressurized system that contains aluminum components.Under pressure, these solvents can react with aluminum and explode, causing injury, death, or property damage. Halogenated hydrocarbon solvents contain one or more of the following elements.Element Symbol PrefixFluorine F “Fluoro-”Chlorine Cl “Chloro-”Bromine Br “Bromo-”Iodine I “Iodo-”Check the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) or contact your material supplier for more information. If you must use halogenated hydrocarbon solvents, contact your EFD representative for compatible EFD components.High Pressure FluidsHigh pressure fluids, unless they are safely contained, are extremely hazardous. Always release fluid pressure before adjusting or servicing high pressure equipment. A jet of high pressure fluid can cut like a knife and cause serious bodily injury, amputation, or death. Fluids penetrating the skin can also cause toxic poisoning.WARNINGAny injury caused by high pressure liquid can be serious. If you are injured or even suspect an injury:• Go to an emergency room immediately.• Tell the doctor that you suspect an injection injury.• Show the doctor the following note.• Tell the doctor what kind of material you were dispensing.Medical Alert — Airless Spray Wounds: Note to PhysicianInjection in the skin is a serious traumatic injury. It is important to treat the injury surgically as soon as possible. Do not delay treatment to research toxicity. Toxicity is a concern with some exotic coatings injected directly into the bloodstream.Qualified PersonnelEquipment owners are responsible for making sure that EFD equipment is installed, operated, and serviced by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel are those employees or contractors who are trained to safely performtheir assigned tasks. They are familiar with all relevant safety rules and regulations and are physically capable of performing their assigned tasks.ValveMate 8000 Controller Nordson EFD Product Safety Statement (continued)Intended UseUse of EFD equipment in ways other than those described in the documentation supplied with the equipment may result in injury to persons or damage to property. Some examples of unintended use of equipment include:• Using incompatible materials.• Making unauthorized modifications.• Removing or bypassing safety guards or interlocks.• Using incompatible or damaged parts.• Using unapproved auxiliary equipment.• Operating equipment in excess of maximum ratings.• Operating equipment in an explosive atmosphere.Regulations and ApprovalsMake sure all equipment is rated and approved for the environment in which it is used. Any approvals obtained for Nordson EFD equipment will be voided if instructions for installation, operation, and service are not followed. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by Nordson EFD, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Personal SafetyTo prevent injury, follow these instructions:• Do not operate or service equipment unless you are qualified.• Do not operate equipment unless safety guards, doors, and covers are intact and automatic interlocks are operating properly. Do not bypass or disarm any safety devices.• Keep clear of moving equipment. Before adjusting or servicing moving equipment, shut off the power supply and wait until the equipment comes to a complete stop. Lock out power and secure the equipment to prevent unexpected movement.• Make sure spray areas and other work areas are adequately ventilated.• When using a syringe barrel, always keep the dispensing end of the tip pointing towards the work and away from the body or face. Store syringe barrels with the tip pointing down when they are not in use.• Obtain and read the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for all materials used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe handling and use of materials and use recommended personal protection devices.• Be aware of less-obvious dangers in the workplace that often cannot be completely eliminated, such as hot surfaces, sharp edges, energized electrical circuits, and moving parts that cannot be enclosed or otherwise guarded for practical reasons.• Know where emergency stop buttons, shutoff valves, and fire extinguishers are located.• Wear hearing protection to protect against hearing loss that can be caused by exposure to vacuum exhaust port noise over long periods of time.ValveMate 8000 ControllerNordson EFD Product Safety Statement (continued)Fire SafetyTo prevent a fire or explosion, follow these instructions:• Shut down all equipment immediately if you notice static sparking or arcing. Do not restart the equipment until the cause has been identified and corrected.• Do not smoke, weld, grind, or use open flames where flammable materials are being used or stored.• Do not heat materials to temperatures above those recommended by the manufacturer. Make sure heatmonitoring and limiting devices are working properly.• Provide adequate ventilation to prevent dangerous concentrations of volatile particles or vapors. Refer to local codes or the SDS for guidance.• Do not disconnect live electrical circuits when working with flammable materials. Shut off power at a disconnect switch first to prevent sparking.• Know where emergency stop buttons, shutoff valves, and fire extinguishers are located.Preventive MaintenanceAs part of maintaining continuous trouble-free use of this product, Nordson EFD recommends the following simple preventive maintenance checks:• Periodically inspect tube-to-fitting connections for proper fit. Secure as necessary.• Check tubing for cracks and contamination. Replace tubing as necessary.• Check all wiring connections for looseness. Tighten as necessary.• Clean: If a front panel requires cleaning, use a clean, soft, damp rag with a mild detergent cleaner. DO NOT USE strong solvents (MEK, acetone, THF, etc.) as they will damage the front panel material.• Maintain: Use only a clean, dry air supply to the unit. The equipment does not require any other regularmaintenance.• Test: Verify the operation of features and the performance of equipment using the appropriate sections of this manual. Return faulty or defective units to Nordson EFD for replacement.• Use only replacement parts that are designed for use with the original equipment. Contact your Nordson EFD representative for information and advice.ValveMate 8000 Controller Nordson EFD Product Safety Statement (continued)Important Disposable Component Safety InformationAll Nordson EFD disposable components, including syringe barrels, cartridges, pistons, tip caps, end caps,and dispense tips, are precision engineered for one-time use. Attempting to clean and re-use components will compromise dispensing accuracy and may increase the risk of personal injury.Always wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing suitable for your dispensing application and adhere to the following guidelines:• Do not heat syringe barrels or cartridges to a temperature greater than 38° C (100° F).• Dispose of components according to local regulations after one-time use.• Do not clean components with strong solvents (MEK, acetone, THF, etc.).• Clean cartridge retainer systems and barrel loaders with mild detergents only.• To prevent fluid waste, use Nordson EFD SmoothFlow™ pistons.Action in the Event of a MalfunctionIf a system or any equipment in a system malfunctions, shut off the system immediately and perform the following steps:1. Disconnect and lock out system electrical power. If using hydraulic and pneumatic shutoff valves, close andrelieve pressure.2. For Nordson EFD air-powered dispensers, remove the syringe barrel from the adapter assembly. For NordsonEFD electro-mechanical dispensers, slowly unscrew the barrel retainer and remove the barrel from the actuator.3. Identify the reason for the malfunction and correct it before restarting the system.DisposalDispose of equipment and materials used in operation and servicing according to local codes.ValveMate 8000 ControllerSpecificationsNOTE: Specifications and technical details are subject to change without prior notification.Item SpecificationCabinet size18.3W x 5.1H x 8.6D cm (7.20W x 2.00H x 3.38D") Weight0.3 kg (0.6 lb)Cycle rate Exceeds 600 per minuteTime range0.001–99.9 sElectrical power input24 VDC, 1.25 Amp maximumInput AC (to power supply)100–240 VAC (±10%), 50/60Hz, 1.0 AmpOutput DC (from power supply)24 VDC, 1.25 Amp maximumFeedback circuits5–24 VDC NC solid-state switch, 100 mA maximum Cycle initiate5–24 VDC signalAmbient operating conditions Temperature: 5–45° C (41–113° F)Humidity: 85% RH at 30° C, 40% at 45° C non-condensing Height above sea level: 2,000 m (6,562 ft) maximumProduct Classification Installation Category I Pollution Degree 2Approvals CE, TÜV, RoHS, WEEE, China RoHS RoHS标准相关声明 (China RoHS Hazardous Material Declaration)产品名称Part Name 有害物质及元素Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements铅Lead(Pb)汞Mercury(Hg)镉Cadmium(Cd)六价铬HexavalentChromium(Cr6)多溴联苯PolybrominatedBiphenyls(PBB)多溴联苯醚PolybrominatedDiphenyl Ethers(PBDE)外部接口External ElectricalConnectorsX00000O:表示该产品所含有的危险成分或有害物质含量依照EIP-A, EIP-B, EIP-C的标准低于SJ/T11363-2006 限定要求。



Commissioning Scheme of Motor-operated ValveContent1 Basis of preparation (2)2 Project Outline and Construction Scope (2)3 Allocations of Construction Personnel, Personnel Qualifications and Division of Duty (2)4 Machines & Tools, Measuring Apparatus and Safety Protection Articles for Erection (3)5 Construction Condition and Preparatory Work before Construction (3)6 Working Procedures, Method and Requirement (4)7. Quality Control and Acceptance (9)8. Requirement and Measure of Safety, Civilized Construction and Environment Management (10)1 Basis of preparation1.1 Service manual supplied by manufacture1.2 Design drawing of design institute2 Project Outline and Construction Scope2.1 Project OutlineThere is various model and many suppliers for motor-operated valves in this project. Motor-operated valves device are widely used in thermal piping of boiler drain system, soot blower system, feedwater system, turbine condensate water, drain, main steam, auxiliary steam, open (close) cycle cooling water, circulating water.2.2 Construction ScopeCommissioning of all the motor-operated valves included in BTG package3 Allocations of Construction Personnel, Personnel Qualifications and Division of Duty3.1 Allocation of Construction Personnel3.2 Qualifications of Construction Personnel3.2.1 The construction personnel of motor-operated valves commissioning must be trained with special skills, know structure and operating principle of motor-operated valves device and master commissioning method and step.3.2.2 Commissioning personnel should be familiar with operation method and can operate skillfully.3.2.3 Commissioning personnel should understand production technological process and be clear about erection location of device.3.2.4 Commissioning personnel must be clear with regulations of construction safety, master some first aid treatment, qualified in safety exam and be in good physical &mental condition during working.3.2.5 Two commissioning persons are demanded for each motor-operated valve at least i.e. one person takes charge of operating valves in distribution board room; meanwhile the other takes charge of commissioning of positioning and feedback signal.A safety inspector is necessary when commissioning on danger area at site.4 Machines & Tools, Measuring Apparatus and Safety Protection Articles for Erection5 Construction Condition and Preparatory Work before Construction5.1 Commissioning personnel must read service manual of device, be familiar with structure and working principle of motor driving actuator of valves, master method and step of commissioning and be clear with matters needing attention during commissioning.5.2 Commissioning tools which inspected qualified must be ready.5.3 Understand production work technological process and make clear erection location of device.5.4 Be familiar with location of motor-operated valves in thermal system and flow direction of system medium.5.5 Check wiring diagram of motor-driven actuator of valves with design drawing, modify if any discrepancy and guide assist wiring personnel to complete modification of site wiring.5.6 Erection of valves is finished, electric part is dry, wiring finished, label is clear, and power supply of distribution board is ready for charging and power voltage is qualified before site commissioning. Scaffold for working at high is fixed and reliable.5.7 Illumination for control panel and local must be in good condition. It is clean inside distribution panel and barrier that block commissioning at local must be cleared.5.8 Technology system is ready for commissioning and actuation of valves will not induce system safety problem. It must be approved by relevant party to operate valves of thermal system piping which is put into operation. Valves commissioning must be approved by trial operation department during commissioning period and “Permission to Work” is needed.5.9 DCS system works normally, which can indicate device status and give control instruction.6 Working Procedures, Method and Requirement6.1 Work Procedure Flow Chart6.2 Operation Method and RequirementCommissioning content of switch motor-operated valve is described only due to too much kinds of motor-operated and only pushbutton or location feedback device is added for the other kinds of motor-operated valve.6.2.1 Check Control Loop of ValvesCheck that secondary wiring of control loop and primary wiring conform to design requirement, meanwhile check the capacity of fuse or automatic air switch match with motor capacity. Check whether wiring of distribution box of motor-operated valve-DCS, local motor-operated valves-wiring of DCS is correct or not to make sure it will not affect DCS. Attention shall be paid to safety if somebody operates at DCS side.6.2.2 Measure Insulation Resistance of Control DeviceMeasure insulation resistance of control loop to ground and motor winding using 500V megger and its value >0.5 MΩ.6.2.3 Check whether it is ready for commissioningVisually inspect wiring of motor-operated valves is finished, flange bolts are fastened, and piping is fixed. Make sure commissioning the valve will not influence thermal system, otherwise inform trial running department and adopt isolation measure. Scaffold is needed if working at high.6.2.4 Measure DC Resistance of MotorMeasure DC resistance between three phases of motor for the motor-operated valves that are not integral and three-phase resistance should be basically balanced.6.2.5 Change Control Loop to Crawl ModeDisassemble self-hold contact to make it from crawl mode to continuous mode.6.2.6 Hand Operate Motor-Operated Valve to Center Position6.2.7 Check Actuating Direction of ValvesMake operation power and power supply charged to test switch operation direction which shall be same with actual switch direction, otherwise stop motors, cut all the power, change phase sequence of motor incoming power and test again.6.2.8 Check Control Function of Travel SwitchWhen valves are open, operate travel switch on open position, so that valves shall stop; when valves are close, operate travel switch on close position, so that valves shall stop.6.2.9 Check Control Function of Moment SwitchWhen valves are open, operate moment switch on open position, so that valves shall stop; when valves are close, operate moment switch on close position, so that valves shall stop.6.2.10 Adjust Moment Limit Mechanism6.2.10.1 Adjusting of Moment Switch on Close PositionMoment switch is already adjusted when leave factory, so just check at site. If it is against requirement, adjusting is needed. For the general (travel switch) motor operated valves, first close valves completely, adjust from the min. moment, and rough adjust fit fine adjust it until according with requirement. Check whether moment switch react with torque spanner with torque operating value requested by manufacture, otherwise adjust torque operating value. For the motor operated valves which will close under over-torque value, make sure first travel switch on close position react, then moment switch on close position react to stop motor operated valves running during the close process, adjust position of travel switch to meet requirement if torque value is acceptable. Adjusting of Moment Switch on Open PositionIt is the same with adjusting of moment switch on close position, but torque value for open position must be bigger than that for close position.The said adjusting is under no-load and no medium pressure. Check whether it can be closed completely under certain pressure and temperature, otherwise increase properly torque value till close completely and can open. Commissioning personnel shall confirm correct location of valves with mechanical personnel during commissioning process.6.2.11 Adjusting of Travel Limit Mechanism6.2.11.1 Adjusting of Control Mechanism for Travel on Close Position1. Close valves deadly by hands, residue is not needed for working medium under 150℃, 1/4-1/2 circle should be reserved for working medium on 150-300℃, and 3/4-1circle for that above 300℃.2. Push crown bar of travel control, rotate 90 degree and hold to make active pinion disengage from gear of counter single-digit.3.Rotate adjusting shaft on close position as per arrow direction indication to make gear match well, and then open by some circles by motor, at last close valves by motors to check whether travel for close position accord with requirement, if not, re-adjust as per the above steps. Adjusting of Control Mechanism for Travel on Open Position1. Open valves to needed position by hands, which within 85-90% of total travel of gate valves, and within 100% of total travel for butterfly valves, then push control crown bar of travel and rotate by 90 degree, than adjust travel switch on open position as per arrow direction until travel switch react.2.Loosen crown bar to make it out, then rotate adjusting shaft slightly, close it by certain circles by motor and then open to position to check whether travel accordS with requirement, re-adjust as per the above steps if not.3. If there is clear on-off sign, adjust travel switch as per the sign. Inform maintenance personnel to cooperate commissioning to make sure its travel position, if there is no clear sign so that travel position can not be confirmed. Make full travel react 2-3 times by motor, and check whether travel switch accords with requirement, i.e. repeatability error ≤ 4%, and record full travel time.Calculation of repeatability errorδ=|Ln+1-Ln|/LnLn+1— travel measured on the n+1 times testLn— travel measured on the n times test6.2.11.4 Make micro-gap switch of flashing device contact with cam if flashing requirement designed. Micro-gap switch reacts one times if output shaft rotates one circle.6.2.12 Change loop back to self-holding modeConnect self-holding contact into loop to change crawl to continuous react.6.2.13 Record Commissioning ParameterRecord commissioning parameters of valves such as No, model, specification, manufacture, production No. actuating time of full stroke and insulation resistance etc.6.2.14 Clean Commissioning SiteRecover valves to original position before commissioning, cut off power, install cover, lock local control box and recover original device maintenance & protection device after commissioning completed.6.3 Special Technical MeasureIt must be ensured before charging that site commissioning personnel ready, motor insulation resistance acceptable, communication between operator and site personnel free and sign of power switch and control loop according with local valves location.It must be ensured that valves are ready for commissioning and commissioning will not affect thermal system.Cut power and control power of motors before modify wiring and adjust local travel switch and torque switch.7. Quality Control and Acceptance7.1 Quality Control StandardsCommissioning of motor operated valves is as per requirement of <Criterion for Quality Acceptance and Evaluation of Thermal Power Construction-Thermodynamic Instrument and Control Device>.7.2 Setting of Intermediate Control Witness Point: None7.3 Setting of Intermediate Process IntersectionMotor operated valves will be released to commissioning department of main project and operating department to do operation test after valves commissioning completed.7.4 Process Requirement and Quality Assurance Measure7.4.1 Make sure wiring arrangement well and pulling at random is strictly forbidden during wiring modification.7.4.2 Marking at random on surface of panel and valve by marker is strictly forbidden.7.4.3 Cover of valves should be installed well with complete thread to prevent from corrosion of rain and dust. Maintenance & protection device at local should be recovered well.7.4.4 Forced operation is forbidden under valves jamming during commissioning and mechanical personnel should be informed to treat. Knocking motor operated valves by wrench and iron bar is strictly forbidden.8. Requirement and Measure of Safety, Civilized Construction and Environment Management8.1 Commissioning personnel should master and strictly obey related regulation of electric power construction safety operation rules. Wear safety shoes and dress correctly during commissioning. Safety belt must be worn when working at high. Live line modification wiring and adjustment of travel and moment switch under charging is forbidden.8.2 Application to trail running department is needed before commissioning motor operated valves, commissioning can only be started after approved and inform trial running department in time after completed. If motor operated valve to be commissioned is related with system in service, inform rail running department and get “Permit to Work”after approved and at last start commissioning after isolation measure ready. Finally inform trail running department in time to cancel “Permit to Work” after completed.8.3 Recover maintenance measure and cut working power supply of valves.8.4 Clear site and remove waste material after test complete。



Doc. no. VEP-OMM0002-CElectro-pneumatic proportional valveVEP/VEF/VEA/VER SeriesSafety Instructions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,3 Design / Selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Mounting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Piping --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Lubrication --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5Air Supply ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Operating Environment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Specific Product Precautions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 to 14 Trouble shooting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage.These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.” They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1) , and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines .(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could resultin minor or moderate injury.Warning Warning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will resultin death or serious injury.Warning 1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs the equipment ordecides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility with specific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides its specifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure when configuring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety is confirmed.1.The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures to prevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2.When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above are implemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if the product is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a place exposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping, vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring special safety analysis.e in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by using a mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.- 2 -Safety InstructionsCaution1.The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsThe product used is subject to the following “Limited warranty and Disclaimer” and “Compliance Requirements”.Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1.The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product is delivered,whichever is first.∗2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts. Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly our responsibility,a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any other damage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms and disclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.∗2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of the vacuumpad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limitedwarranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons of massdestruction(WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are govemed by therelevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules goveming that export ollowed.are known and f ollowed.- 3 -1. Confirm the specifications.Products represented in this manual are designed only for use in compressed air systems.Do not operate at pressures or temperatures, etc., beyond the1. Operation in a low temperature conditionIt is possible to operate a electro-pneumatic proportional valve in extrememeasures to avoid freezing of drainage, moisture etc., in low 1. Operation manualInstalloperationAlso, 1. Preparation before pipingBefore piping is connected, it should be thoroughly blown out with air (flushing) or washed to remove chips, cutting oil and other debris from inside the pipe.the end of the threads.3. Preparation after piping1. The electro-pneumatic proportional valve has been lubricated for lifeservice.2. If a lubricant is used in the system, use turbine oil class 1 (no 1. Type of fluidsPleaseapplications other than compressed air.2. When there is a large amount of drainage.1. WheninsidereliabilityPlease avoid using the extremely dry air. 4. Ifseparatorpneumatic proportional valve.If excessiveCaution1. Do electro-pneumatic contact1. Perform procedures indicated in the operation manual. If handled improperly, malfunction and damage of machinery Maintenance1. Drain flushing Remove drainage from the air filters regularly.2. LubricationBe sure to continue to supply lubricant once it has been started.And, use turbine oil Class 1 (with no additive) ISO VG32 for lubrication.If other lubricant oil is used, it may cause malfunction.VEA250 SeriesVEF ・ VEP Series VER SeriesCautionCaution1. Vibrations caused by proportional solenoid valve oscillation are transmitted to the transmission of vibration rubber material before installation.2. Flush the piping to thoroughly remove any dust or scale from inside of the piping before connecting it.3. Mount a silencer (AN series) on the exhaust port.4. Handle the molded while energized.5. Mount the EP proportional mounted horizontally.To check without applying power, remove the rubber cap and press the tip of the core with a screwdriver. After checking the operation, reinstall the rubber cap in its original position.Wiring procedure1. Loosen the holding screw and pull the connector out of the pin plug.2. Make sure to remove the holding screw, insert the tip of a flat3. Put the cable 8 through the cable gland 5, washer 6 and rubber seal 7 in that order and insert it into the cover4.Strip the sheath of the cable 8 as shown below and crimp the crimped terminal 9 to the end of the cable.Remove the self-up screw 3f from the bracket 3e (loosen it ifRemarksa) Wiring can be done with a bare wire. In that case, loosen the self-up screw 3f, insert the lead wire into the bracket 3d and screw in the screw again.b) The maximum size of the crimped terminal 9 is 1.25mm to 3.5 for O terminal and 1.25mm 2 to 4 for Y terminal. c) Use a cable with outside diameter of φ6 to 12mm for the cable 8.∗ When the outside diameter of the cable ranges from to12mm, remove the internal part of the rubber seal 7.Terminal blockConnect the terminal block to the terminal 1 and 2. Terminal 3 is not used.∗ The coil does not have polarity.CloseupSelf-up screwWarningCautionSome elements (such as a 10W cement resistor) generate heat up to around 100installing the power Also, never touch these parts directly while and after they are energized.1. Twist and solder the end of a lead wire before connecting it.2.Separate the wiring SENSOR, and DETECT portions. are recommended lead wires that measure 0.75 mm the 24 VDC, OUTPUT and 0.5 mm3. A fuse is mounted on the power supply to protect the equipment on the secondary side and the elements on the board. Be aware that it may be broken due to reverse connection of the 24 VDC If the feedback circuit of the VEA252 is not used, remove the jumper pin J1 from “side 2” side and reinsert it into “side 1” on the board. Since this disables the feedback function, it will have the same function as the VEA251.When the jumper pin J1 is inserted into input the feedback signal from the sensor. signal is not input, the EP proportional even when the externally set input voltage is changed, because VEA250 VEA251/2 In VEA252, when the jumper shown above is changed from ‘’side 2” to ‘’side 1’’, it is possible to use it without feedback circuit.Circuit DiagramAdjustment trimmerAdjustment trimmer SW power source Line filter Power amplifier varistorVEA25□1. Installation locationPay attention to the environmentalopen type power amplifier.Operating temperature: 0 to 50Operating relative humidity: 25 to 85% (avoid high humidity.) Vibration: 20m/s2[2G] at the maximum (The electronic parts may be damaged.2. Mounting orientationExternal Connection Precautions for connectionWe recommend peeling off 4 to 5mm of the tip of the lead wire and neatly soldering it before connecting.If it is not soldered, the lead wire may come loose when inserted into the terminal block, causing short-circuit with adjacent terminals. Therefore, careful handling is required.1. Power supply [24VDC]Use a constant voltage switching power supply with 1.3A or more of 24+/-2VDC current capacity.2. Command signal [SIGNAL]The signal is controlled by manual potentiometer or external command signal (0 to 5VDC). The signal is controlled by manual potentiometer or external command signal (0 to 5VDC).Since input impedance is 100kΩ, the current required for external command signal is not more than 0.05mA.In case of external command signal, use in an isolated condition (not common grounded) by separating the power for signal from that of power amplifier drive.3. Output [OUTPUT]Use the output cable (connecting to the electro-pneumatic proportional valve) with a conductor sectional area of 0.75mm or 1.25mm2 and keep the length so that the impedance of the output cable only (2Ω in total of plus and minus sides) does not exceed 1Ω.For example, if using JIS C 3306 1.25mm2, the 60m long output cable (120m long in total of plus and minus sides) is applicable.4. Failure detection output [DETECT](VEA251 and 252 only)The failure detection circuit is an open collector circuit in which failure such as cable breakage, short-circuitshut-off in the output circuit is isolated by a photocoupler, whichOne amplifierHorizontalVerticalVerticalmotesresulting in improved heatdissipation.Mount at least40mm apartMultiple amplifiersA safety circuit for the entire system is provided through the use of relays and sequence controllers as a safety measure in case the electro-pneumatic proportional valve does not operate due to an open circuit.[Example for short-circuit protection circuit]If short-circuit occurs at the current output terminal side, the power supply is shut off immediately to prevent damage to the output circuit of the power amplifier.It can be restarted by pressing the manual RESET switch.AdjustmentRefer to ”Appearance” for the position of adjustment trimmers[NULL, GAIN, DITHER, S.GAIN, I., D. ] .1. Adjustment of input/output (NULL, GAIN)The relationship between the input (command signal) and output (current) can be adjusted to suit the control conditions. The trimmer position is different between new type and old type. Please check the indication of trimmer when adjusting trimmer.NULL ・・・This function biases the size of current to thecommand signal. The range of current (0 to 500mA) can be adjusted to 0V of the command signal. (5mA or less when shipped)GAIN ・・・This function changes the ratio of current (tilt) to thecommand signalThe variable range of input/output when NULL and GAIN are combined with the electro-pneumatic proportional valve is shown on the next page, using an example of the pressure type (VEP , VER).ON ManualRelayRelay Sequence Controller, etc.Variable range of set pressure adjustment ofelectro-pneumatic proportional valves VEP and VERAdjustment of dither frequency (DITHER)Dither is fine shaking of the movable part of the electro-pneumaticproportional valve caused by pulsation of the magnetizing currentto maintain its proper operation (to keep hysteresis smaller).The dither frequency is adjusted to 140Hz at the time of shipment.However, if the buzzing sound caused by dither is too loud or themounting board resonates, adjust it within a range of 140170Hz. Adjust the DITHER frequency of the adjusting trimmerwhile measuring its value, keeping the EP proportional valveconnected and operating.<When an oscilloscope is used> DC range+24VApprox. -130V(At maximum)Period: T ≒7.1ms When the frequency is 140HzT ≒5.9ms When the frequency is 170Hz<When a frequency counter is used>The frequency can be read directly.Adjustment of feedback(S.GAIN, I. D.) VEA252 onlyMore highly-accurate control is possible by feeding back the state of load (pressure, force, speed, etc.) with a sensor.At this time, the feedback needs to be adjusted to match with the control state.S.GAIN・・・This adjusts the amplitude of the feedback signal from the sensor.larger theprecision will be, but if the magnification is too large,the sensorthe load or changes in of the command signal, causingoscillation.I (Integral controldeviations (by time integration) and precisely correctsthem. The20sec. The shorter the integration time, the faster theCheck the following list depending on the failure and take countermeasures. Content offailureItem to check CountermeasuresOperation failure Are wires properlyconnected?Connect wires properly. Also check that there is noerror on the power amp. side.Especially when a feedback circuit is used forVEA252, the valve supplies maximum pressureand flow rate (fully open) if the feedback signal isnot input. Input the feedback signal or use it withoutthe feedback circuit (See page 8).Is the inlet pressure withinthe specified range?Keep it within the specified pressure range.Is manual operationpossible?Foreign matter might be caught in the spool.Replace the electro-pneumatic proportional valve. Is drainage accumulated? Exhaust drainage from the filter and lubricate.Oscillation - See ’’adjustment’’ (on page 10) for adjustment.Air leakage -The spool might be worn out.Replace the electro-pneumatic proportional valve.If it is not possible to solve the problems even with the above-mentioned countermeasures, the valve may have other errors. In that case, please stop using the valve immediately.In the following cases, the valve may have internal problems. If so, please stop using the valve immediately.1. The valve has been lubricated with oil other than the specified type.2. Lubrication has been stopped partway through, or temporarily stopped.3. Water has splashed directly onto the valve.4. Intense vibration has been applied.5. Foreign matter such as drainage or dust has got inside.6. The valve has been used in some other way corresponding to the precautions in the operation manual.If the electric-pneumatic valve is thought to have an error, please return it as it is. Troubleshooting- 15 -VEP-OMM0002-C□A Safety Instructions Po□B Renewal QR□C Renewal TY1st printing:NP 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.© 2015 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。

FEL 自由落体消防阀系列及配件说明书

FEL 自由落体消防阀系列及配件说明书

& AccessoriesTable of ContentsFree Fall Fire Valves (Screwed) (3)Maintenance - Free Fall Fire Valves (Screwed) (4)Achieving an Even Operating Torque (4)Maintenance Steps (4)Re-Order Codes for FEL Free Fall Valve Lubricating Grease (5)Free Fall Fire Valves (Flanged) (6)Accessories - Free Fall Fire Valves (9)Fitting Kits (9)Changeover Switches (10)Manual Quick Release (MQR) (11)Electro-Manual Quick Release (EMQR) (13)E-Mag & E-Mag 2 – Electro-Magnetic Quick Release (SQR Type Device) (15)Fusible Links (17)Electro-Thermal Fusible Links (18)Installation - Electro-Thermal Fusible Links (18)Free Fall Fire Valve Control Panel (20)Did you know the following...? .. (21)Free Fall Fire Valves (Screwed)Suitable for installation in either horizontal or vertical pipework.Designed to provide a 100% shut off when used as a fuelisolating valve.May also be used as a fuel ‘dump’ valve, whereby the valvewill open on actuation.Standard Free Fall Valve assembly comprises of a valve,lever, and weight, together with a fitting kit.Standard valves are manufactured in cast iron to ASTMA126 Gr B.Suitable for use with fuel oils at pressures up to 14 bar.Valves with screwed connections have BSP parallel threads.Standard Fire Valves are supplied with a ‘Lubricating Compound’, which is a ge neral-purposesealant, suitable for hydrocarbons.May be actuated mechanically or electrically.Supplied with a Fire Valve Kit, available in sizes, Small (15 to 50mm NB valves), Medium (65to 100mm NB valves) and Large (125 to 200mm NB valves).Kits contain Pulley Wheels, Stainless Steel Cable, Fusible Links (Standard 72 Degrees),Warning Signs, Cable Connectors and Tension Springs, any of which may be purchased as individual products.Electrically actuated Fire Valve systems utilise a standard valve, lever and weight and use anE-MAG Electro-Magnetic Release System, allowing actuation by making or breaking an electrical circuit, usually 24V DC or 230V AC.The installation of a valve mounted changeoverSwitch, Electro Mechanical Release or WallMounted Changeover Switch may provide remotesignalling of the Fire Valve status or allow directswitching of electrical equipment where applicable.Competitively priced with a full range of ancillaries.Available Sizers are below –Email– ******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 4 Maintenance - Free Fall Fire Valves (Screwed)Frequent maintenance of your Free Fall Fire Valve is strongly advised. We recommend that the valve is inspected every 3 month s. The Fire Valve will need to be ‘re -charged withlubricating grease’ throughout its life. Frequency of re-charging depends on several aspects: flow rate, valve usage, pressure and temperature. FEL Lubricating Grease is supplied in ‘Stick Form’ and can be inserted into the valve spindle without a grease gun. During inspection, attention should be paid to the ‘Combination Screw’ and how far it is screwed into the valve spindle. The Combination Screw is fitted into the valve spindle and is used to insert lubricating grease into the aperture between the valve body and plug valve by turning until resistance is felt. If the Combination Screw is fully screwed into the valve spindle, this indicates that the valve needs to be re-charged with lubricating grease. Lack of lubricating grease may be the cause of fuel leakage, or, if the valve is fitted to the suction side of a fuel pump, it may allow air to enter your fuel system. Each FEL Free Fall Fire Valve is supplied complete with a Maintenance Record Card at the time of purchase. The Maintenance Card will provide a record of the installation date and ongoing routinemaintenance as well the original FEL Order Reference. This is an important record for the end customer and will help to keep the valve in a serviceable condition throughout its life.Achieving an Even Operating TorqueShould a valve become jammed or unusually stiff to operate, this can usually be cured by the injection of lubricant. If this is ineffective it will be necessary to dismantle the valve, clean the components and recharge with lubricant. Please contact us for more information.Maintenance Steps1. Visually inspect the valve for damage and leakage.2. Release the stainless-steel cable and work the valvelever for several strokes, the valve plug should rotate evenly backward and forward.3. The combination screw is used to force lubricatinggrease into the valve body.Before it has reached its limit (Fully ScrewedDown), the Combination Screw should be removed, a grease stick should then be inserted into the aperture in the valve spindle.Replace the combination screw, remember to re-attach the Maintenance Record Card.*Mainten ance Card(Always leave attached to the valve Body)4.Tighten the Combination Screw until some resistance is felt. Give several steady strokes of thelever to distribute the lubricant. Ensure the lever moves evenly. This may need repeating.5.The first indication of the valve becoming fully charged is an increase in rotate the combinationscrew and/or an increase in effort required to rotate the lever.6.Should grease appear between the valve body and plug, this indicates the valve is overcharged.7.When the correct even operation of the valve is achieved, re-attached the stainless-steel cable.8.Inspection and re-charging should be carried out every 3 months to ensure correct operation ofthe valve.Re-Order Codes for FEL Free Fall Valve Lubricating GreaseTo re-order the lubricant, you can use code number –20-050 followed by the quantity of grease sticks you require –Free Fall Fire Valves (Flanged)Suitable for installation in eitherhorizontal or vertical pipe work. Designed to provide a 100% shut offwhen used as a fuel isolating valve. May also be used as a fuel ‘dump’ valve, whereby the valve will open onactuation. Standard Free Fall Valve assembly comprises of a valve, lever and weight all finished in RAL 3000 Flame Red, togetherwith a fitting kit. Suitable for use with fuel oils and gasesat pressures up to 14 bar. The double Viton O ring stem seals makethe valve ideal for pump suction lines.Valve connections are flanged to BS 4504 PN16 or ANSI CL. 150Valves may be actuated mechanically or electrically.Fire Valve Open/Close status signals are available for all valves. We have a wide range of ancillary signalling switches.Free Fall Fire Valve Set Up (Mechanical)Free Fall Fire Valve – Kit Components20-107 Caution Sign & Maintenance Card 20-101 Tension Spring20-080 316 Stainless Steel Cable 20-110 Cable Connectors20-070/M6 M6 Pulley Assembly, 40mm Diameter c/w Backplate 20-074/M6 M6 Brass Anchor c/w Backplate 20-077/M6 M6 Backplate 20-110 Cable ConnectorsFree Fall Fire Valves (Screwed)20-001 ½” 20-003 ¾”20-005 1” 20-007 1 ¼” 20-009 1 ½” 20-0112”Release Mechanisms20-160 Manual Quick Release20-161 Electro-Manual Quick ReleaseSpare Free Fall Fire Valve Kits20-060 “Small” for ½” to 2” Valves 20-061 “Medium” for “2 ½” to 4” Valves20-062“Large” for 5” to 8” ValvesElectro Magnetic Valve Release Mechanisms20-162 24V DC Emag 20-163 110V AC Emag 20-164 230V AC Emag20-165 24V DC Emag2 c/w Volt Free Contacts 20-166 110V AC Emag2 c/w Volt Free Contacts 20-167230V AC Emag2 c/w Volt Free ContactsLubricant for Free Fall Fire Valves20-050/4 Lubricant, Diesel fuel x 4 Sticks 20-050/8 Lubricant, Diesel fuel x 8 Sticks 20-050/12 Lubricant, Diesel fuel x 12 Sticks 20-050/16 Lubricant, Diesel fuel x 16 Sticks 20-050/24 Lubricant, Diesel fuel x 24 Sticks 20-050/32Lubricant, Diesel fuel x 32 SticksProduct Code (Light Duty)Temperature ofLinksMax Load20-090 72°C 161F 30lb 20-091 92°C 197F 30lb 20-092 103°C 217F 30lb 20-093 127°C 260F 30lb 20-094 143°C 289F 30lb 20-095183°C361F30lbProduct Code (Heavy Duty)Temperature ofLinksMax Load20-090/HD 72°C 161F 40Kg 20-091/HD 92°C 197F 40Kg 20-092/HD 103°C 217F 40Kg 20-093/HD 127°C 260F 40Kg 20-094/HD 143°C 289F 40Kg 20-095/HD183°C361F40KgChangeover Switches20-150Changeover Switch - Single Phase 10 amp 20-151Changeover Switch - Three Phase 10 ampFree Fall Fire Valve Set Up (Electrical)Email – ******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 8Fire Valve Control Panels20-180 240V AC Fire Valve Control Panel with Changeover and Facility 20-181 24V DC Fire Valve Control Panel with Changeover and Facility 20-182 110V AC Fire Valve Control Panel with Changeover and Facility 20-183240V AC Fire Valve Control Panel with 24V DC Outputs & chargerEmail – ******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 9 Accessories - Free Fall Fire ValvesFitting KitsEach Free Fall Fire Valve purchased comes with a fitting kit.Small Kit, 20-060for 15 to 50mm Valve Sizes Medium Kit, 20-061for 65 to 100mm Valve Sizes Large Kit, 20-062 for 125 to 200mm Valve SizesFitting Kits - Free Fall Fire Valves Medium Kit Contents 20-061Large Kit Contents20-062Changeover SwitchesValve mounted changeover switchesprovide position status via a robust voltfree changeover switch, rated to 230V 10amps, allowing direct switching of pumpsor relays upon valve actuation.Single phase mercury switch assemblieshouse one single pole changeover switch,whilst three phase installations have threeSPCO switches, housed within oneenclosure.The SPCO switch is a steel encased mercury switch, potted within a dielectric resin andencapsulated within a sealed terminal enclosure, which in turn, is fixed within a grey ABS valvemounted housing. The switching action is generated by valve closure. As the valve lever travelsfrom 45 degrees above the horizontal plane of the pipe to 45 degrees below the pipe, althoughboth single and three phase versions can also be used with vertically mounted Free Fall FireValves.An alternative switch assembly is also available, ideal for water industry applications or wherethe use of mercury as a switching media is not authorised.All Free Fall Fire Valves manufactured by FEL have pre-drilled levers to accept retrofittedchangeover switches.Open PositionClosed PositionEmail –******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 10Designed for use with ‘fusible link operated free fall fire valve’Provides manual release of fire valve systemCan be used with electro-mechanical fire valve Systems40mm red push button operationIntegral shroud to prevent accidental operationBrass release spindle and 40mm pulley wheel assemblyWall or generator enclosure mountingOptional 24v DC volt free changeover switchOption Red/Green LED’s for status indicationThe Manual Quick Release (MQR) is designed for use with fusible link actuated fire valves.In operation, the MQR provides manual activation of the fire valve system. Pressing the redpush button will release the fire valve cable tension, allowing the valve to close by gravity.The MQR is usually sited adjac ent to an ‘Exit’ doorway in a plant room or generator enclosure and is particulary useful for testing fire valve systems as well as providing manual fire valve closure in an event whereby an operator observes something of concern and doesnot want to wait for a fusible link to melt, triggering valve closure.The MQR can also be used in conjunction with a wall mounted FEL E-Mag or E-Mag2 electro-magnetic fire valve release. This combination provides fire valve release options by fusible link, MQR manual operation and also electrically using an E-Mag via a fire alarm interface.Release Mechanisms20-160Manual Quick Release20-161Electro-Manual Quick ReleaseEmail– ******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 13 Electro-Manual Quick Release (EMQR)Designed for use with fusible link actuated fire valves.Provides manual activation of the fire valve system by pressing the red push button. Automatically senses the release of tension on the stainless-steel fire valve cable.Internal volt free change over switch changes status, de-energising the ‘Load’ terminal energisi ng the ‘Alarm’ output terminal. Safety shroud included.In operation, the EMQR provides manual activation of fire valve system by pressing the red push button, or, it can automatically detect when a fusible link has melted bysensing the release of tension on the stainless-steel fire valve cable. In either event, an internal volt free changeover switches changes status, de-energising the ‘Load’ terminal energizing the ‘Alarm’ output terminal.When tension is applied to the stainless-steel fire valve cable, this will upwardly extend the spring loaded, removable spindle housed within the EMQR. By doing this, the ‘Load’ terminal is energised and th e Green ‘Load Circuit’ lamp is illuminated. Release of tension or pressing the red push button will contract or release the spring-loaded spindle and the Red ‘Alarm Circuit’ lamp is illuminated whilst turning off the ‘Load’ lamp.Release Mechanisms20-160 Manual Quick Release20-161Electro-Manual Quick ReleaseEmail– ******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 15 E-Mag & E-Mag 2 – Electro-Magnetic Quick Release (SQR Type Device)The E-Mag and E-Mag2Electromagnetic quick release mechanisms are for use with electrically actuated fire valvesystems. They provide instant release of Free Fall Fire Valves when de-energised, making them the ideal method for remote fire valve closure. The E-Mag is a standardelectromagnet, which will de-magnetise on loss of power, the E-Mag2 version has inbuilt auxilliary volt free changeover contacts, which signal valve status.Both E-Mag and E-Mag2 may b e installed as ‘wall mounted’ or ‘direct mounted’.Wall mounted E-Mag or E-Mag2 installations can be designed to release a stainless steel fire valve cable, which can be used in the normal way with pulley wheels and fusible link, by using an interface which will isolate a fuel supply in the event of a Fire Alarm or other means of control input by de-energising the electromagnet. Similar to the way in which anautomatic fire door closes in the event of a building fire alarm. However, the system still incorporates a fusible link, providing a mechanical means of fire valve shut off as well as electrical control.Open PositionDirect mounting installations have the E-Mag or E-Mag2 sited directly above the fire valveand do not incorporate a fusible link in the system, but rely upon electrical control only. Both E-Mag & E-Mag2 version include a ‘Push to test’ facility and have 40Kg electromagnetic holding power as standard.Wall mounted E-Mag or E-Mag 2 Electromagnetic Release used with soldered fusible link for electrical control with mechanical fusible link local fire protectionClosed PositionFusible LinksFusible links are made in a range of sizes and temperatures using high quality brass pressings and low melting point alloys.A range of fusible links, manufactured from formed brass leaves, soldered using eutecticsolder, each fitted with zinc plated steel ‘S’ hooks for ease of installat ion within a fire valvesystem.The use of eutectic solder, as opposed to a ranged solder, gives rise to greater accuracy atthe actual fuse temperature.Available as a “Light Duty Link”, with static loading up to 13KgA vailable as a ‘Heavy Duty Link’, with 45Kgmaximum weight strain rating.Customised versions also available.`Product Code(Light Duty)Temperature ofLinksMaxLoad20-09072°C 161F 13Kg20-09192°C 197F 13Kg20-092103°C 217F 13Kg20-093127°C 260F 13Kg20-094 143°C 289F 13Kg20-095 183°C 361F 13KgProduct Code(Heavy Duty)Temperature ofLinksMaxLoad20-090/HD72°C 161F 45Kg20-091/HD92°C 197F 45Kg20-092/HD103°C 217F 45Kg20-093/HD127°C 260F 45Kg20-094/HD 143°C 289F 45Kg20-095/HD 183°C 361F 45KgElectro-Thermal Fusible LinksElectro Thermal Link contains a fuse which melts whenexcessive ambient temperature is detected breaking thepower supply to safety valves.Electrical Rating: 10A, 230VACFuse melts at desiEnclosure: IP30Installation - Electro-Thermal Fusible LinksThe unit should be fitted between 0.3 to 1.3m directly above the potential fire hazardwith the slotted lid facing downloads.Can be suspended by metal conduit.The ventilation holes in the box must not be covered.Allow free unrestricted airflow through the enclosure.Electro ThermalFusible LinksTemperature ofLinks20-17072°C 161F20-17184°C 183F20-17296°C 204F20-173121°C 249F20-174 167°C 332F20-175 184°C 363FFree Fall Fire Valve Control PanelThe FEL Fire Valve Control Panel is used to maintain power to an E-MAG or SQR type device.Power Output is 24V DC, with 230V Input24V DC Units are battery backed and designed tomaintain power output in the event of mains failurewhilst continuing to provide fire detection throughelectro-thermal links or normally closed emergencypush buttons wired in seriesBattery backup time and battery size is calculated onthe required load to maintain multiple E-Mag,Motorised Valves or SQR type devicesBMS connectivity via volt free contactsInside the Panel Inside of the Panel(Door)Did you know the following…?We also supply -Float SwitchesFill Point, Level Gauges, ControlsMotorised Valves (Fail Safe)Pumps & PanelsFuel PolishersEmail –******************* Web - Tel- 00 44 (0)1565 733137 P a g e | 21。



APPLICATION LIMITSThese products are intended for use in general purpose compressed air systems only.MediaSolenoid Pilot Supply Source Internal Pilot SupplyExternal Pilot SupplyPSIG BAR kPaPSIG BAR kPaAirValve Inlet Minimum 35 2.41241Maximum 140*9.65965Valve Inlet Minimum 000Maximum 250*17.241724Pilot Supply PortPLUGGED Pilot Supply Port Minimum 35 2.41241Maximum 140*9.65965VacuumDO NOT USEValve InletWithin 1" Hg of Perfect Pilot Supply Port Minimum 35 2.41241Maximum 140*9.65965*Unless valve is equipped with 200 PSIG pilot valve (9th digit of model number is a "3", i.e. L3854810353).Operating Temperature Range:Operator TypeDuty CycleMinimum AmbientTemperature Maximum AmbientTemperature Standard Service Intermittent 0°F (-18°C)125°F (52°C)SolenoidContinuous 0°F (-18°C)100°F (38°C)Special Service Intermittent 0°F (-18°C)125°F (52°C)SolenoidContinuous0°F (-18°C)125°F (52°C)Voltage Range:+10% to -15% of ratingWIRING INSTRUCTIONSUse wires marked "2" and "3" for connection to the solenoid. Either may be "Hot".CAUTION : DC solenoids with indicator lights and/or arcsuppression coils are polarity sensitive. Use wire number 3 forsingle solenoid valves as positive.Earth ground: All electrically operated valves must be provided a proper earth ground. Connect to green wire from valve.NOTE:In addition to the above instructions, follow all requirements forlocal and national electrical codes.SERVICE PROCEDURESNOTE: All cleaning of parts to be done with mineral spirits or equivalent cleaning solution. Grease should be a mineral based lubricant (Sunaplex 781). All parts showing nicks, scratches or other signs of wear or damage should be replaced.Valve Service DISASSEMBLY1)Orient valve with Solenoid 'B' on the right hand side. (Letters 'A' and'B' are cast into the sides of the body near each end.)2)Remove end cap assembly (A) from left end of valve and end cap (B)from right end of valve.3)Remove socket head cap screws (C & D) and washers (E) fromeach end of valve.4)Remove piston assembly (F) from right end of valve.5)Pull piston (G), stem (H), end spacer (J), poppet assembly (K),spring (L), spacer (M), and poppet assembly (K) from left end of valve.6)Push remaining end spacer (J) and piston (G) out left end of valve.7)Remove retaining ring (N) from piston assembly (F) with retainingring pliers. Separate inner piston (P) from outer piston (R).8)Remove and discard all o'rings from parts removed. Clean parts andexamine for signs of wear.ITEM QUANDESCRIPTION ITEM QUANDESCRIPTION A 1End Cap Assembly N 1Retaining Ring B 1End CapP 1Inner Piston C 1#10-32 X 3/8 LG SHCSR 1Outer PistonD 1#10-32 X 1-1/4LG SHCS S 71.174 ID X .103 W O’ring E 2#10 Washer T2.737 ID X .103 W O'ring F 1Piston Assembly U 2.301 ID X .070 W O'ring G 2Piston V 2.239 ID X .070 W O'ring H 1StemW 1.549 ID X .103 W O'ring J 2End SpacerX 1.176 ID X .070 W O'ring K 2Poppet Assembly Y 1 1.414 ID X .103 W O'ring L 1Spring Z11.049 ID X .099 W SealM1SpacerService Instructions: V-557P1/2" SK-200 Single Solenoid Poppet Valves ISSUED: November, 1998Supersedes: K583-392, March, 1996ECN #8910Pneumatic Division North America Richland, MI 49083!SERVICE PROCEDURES (CONTINUED)REASSEMBLY1)Apply lubricant to all o'rings from kit, the main valve bore and stem(H).2)Assemble o'rings (S) to spacer (M), end spacers (J) and outer piston(R). Assemble o'rings (T & U) to pistons (G). Assemble o'rings (V)to stem (H). Assemble o'rings (W & X) to inner piston (P).3)Push inner piston (P) into outer piston (R). Reinstall retaining ring(N).4)Slide one piston (G) onto stem (H).5)Take the sub assemblies created in steps 3) and 4) and assembleusing cap screw (D) and washer (E).6)Slide one end spacer (J) into left end of valve until it stops on theretaining ring.7)Slide the sub assembly created in step 5) into the right end of thevalve.8)From the left end of the valve - Slide one poppet assembly (K) andspring (L) onto stem (H). Next push spacer (M) into main valve bore.Slide other poppet assembly (K) onto stem (H). Push end spacer (J)into main valve bore. Slide piston (G) onto stem (H) and secure with cap screw (C) and washer (E).9)Assemble o'ring (Y) to end cap (B). Screw end cap (B) into right endof valve and tighten to 30-40 ft.-lb.10)Assemble seal (Z) to end cap (A). Screw end cap (A) into left end ofvalve and tighten to 30-40 ft.-lb.Pilot Valve ServiceSee Service Instructions V-644P L-Pilot Valves and Operators packed with Pilot Valve Service Kit K352166 included in this kit.Coil / Indicator Light ReplacementSee Service Instructions V-644P L-Pilot Valves and Operators packed with replacement coils and lights.MANUAL OVERRIDE REPLACEMENT OR CONVERSIONThe following override assemblies are interchangeable and can be replaced or field converted:Non-locking override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K162001Locking override . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K152003Extended locking override . . . . . . . . . . . .K152006Remove override and clean internal threads in housing. Apply pipesealant sparingly to threads of override housing and assemble override to pilot valve housing.NOTE: Overrides are held out by air pressure and may not extend until pressure is reapplied to the valve.CONVERSION PROCEDURE FOR EXTERNAL PILOTFor field conversion to external pilot supply, remove (2) 1/8" pipe plugs from top of valve body and movebottom plug from "Y" to "Z". Replace 1/8" pipe plugs and connect pilot pressure to the 1/4" pipe external pilot supply port "X" in subbase or manifold.SERVICE KITS / PARTSService Kit (Single Solenoid - Standard Service). . . . . . . . .K352088Service Kit (Single Solenoid - Special Service). . . . . . . . . .K352089Poppet Assembly (2 required). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K242002Pilot Valve / Remote Pilot Gasket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K183001Body to Base Gasket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K183030Indicator Light (24VDC - Base Mounting). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H19112Indicator Light (120V / 60 HZ - Base Mounting). . . . . . . . . . .H19105Replacement CoilsVoltageCoil 60 Hz 50 Hz D. C.No Light With Light12----K593052--24--6K593048----24--K593061----36--K593062------12K593055------24(Standard)K593060K593274----24(Arc Suppressed)K593305K593275----48K593074--120110--K593071K593125240220--K593081----240--K593079--V-557PINSTRUCTION MANUALS THAT UTILIZE THESE PRODUCTS. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE.。

EFD Auger Valve Solder Dispensing说明书

EFD Auger Valve Solder Dispensing说明书

Auger Valve DispensingSolderPlus®We listen and respond.SummaryIn this paper, EFD identifies the most criticalvariables affecting auger valve use and explains how to use those variables to your advantage.• Deposit Size • Tip Type • Air Pressure • Auger Speed• Auger Screw Selection • Temperature • Fixturing • Tip Position • Reservoir size• Care & Maintenance When tuned well, auger valves are capable of making sub-milligram size deposits with less than 5% variability from deposit to deposit. When tuned poorly, a variety of problems can result, all of which may cause unacceptable deposit size variation.IntroductionThe use of auger valves for high accuracy dispensing of solder paste has been accepted as the method ofchoice for over a decade. The speed, flexibility, and cost of auger valves have kept them a step ahead of the alternatives.Auger valves are wonderful tools for placing small to moderate sized solder deposits. But, as with many other flexible systems, there exists room for use and abuse of the features available.It is worth noting here, in the introduction that while highly accurate and rapid in response, auger valves do not dispense material quickly. If cycle time is critical and deposit size is moderate to large, an auger valve may not be quick enough. Under these condition, pulsed air dispensing or a spool valve may be a more effective option.Deposit SizeThe first step in developing a dispensing process is identifying the size deposit required. In some cases, the criteria for deposit size and shape may be purelyvisual but many cases require a repeatable measurement technique.In the cases where “by eye” is adequate, the tried and true trial-and-error method is applied to identify the size required. You rely on the value judgment of an operator to maintain process control.For processes demanding a finer degree of control, deposit size requirements are still developed using trial-and-error but this is followed by the implementation of process controls driven by measurement or calculation.In such cases, a method for measurement capable of identifying changes in performance is required. A “best” solution is one that produces the desireddeposit while staying within the recommended range defined for the process control variables addressed in this paper.Tip TypeAs a rule, you should choose to use the leastrestrictive type of dispense tip that will meet your deposit size requirements. Larger gage tips allow for faster paste flow and produce less backpressure on the solder paste during the dispense cycle. As a consequence, they are also less resistant to paste drool under constant pressure. Shorter shank tips have less flow resistance than longer ones. Tapered tips produce less backpressure than straight walled stainless steel tips but are vulnerable to process variation, as they are more flexible and can expand and contract due to auger induced pressures. Rigid tapered tips, as opposed to “regular” tapered tips, deform much less and produce more consistentdeposits.¼” GP ½” GPTTThe determination of the correct tip size and type for each application is one of the most critical steps in the design of an optimized solder paste dispensing process.Using too restrictive of a tip for the paste type in use will cause excessive backpressure and foster tip clogging. Using too large a tip for the deposit size can interfere with deposit size control within established tolerances.Gage EFD TipColor Tip ID Minimum Dot Diameter 14 Olive 0.060” 0.090” 15 Amber 0.054” 0.081” 16 Grey 0.047” 0.071” 18 Green 0.033” 0.050” 20 Pink 0.023” 0.035” 21 Purple 0.020” 0.030” 22 Blue 0.016” 0.024” 23 Orange 0.013” 0.020” 25 Red 0.010” 0.015” 27 Clear 0.008” 0.012”30 Lavender0.006” 0.009”When choosing a tip, the rule of thumb is you may not expect to produce a deposit with a diameter less than 1½ times the tip ID. It is technically possible to do so but is difficult.Every tip size and type is the best choice for some application. The trick is identifying which is the best for your application. Longer tips are useful for reaching out of the way deposit locations and can add resistance to keep paste from drooling from large gage tips. Paste dispenses more slowly from a smaller tip, allowing for smaller increments in deposit size per unit time. When deposit sizeconsistency is of primary importance, cycle time can be sacrificed for tolerance by using a smaller gage tip. In any case, tip choice can make or break a dispense process.Air PressureAuger valves are intended for use with constant pressure when dispensing solder paste. The system relies on the inherent resistance to flow provided by the auger screw and the dispense tip to preventconstant material flow out of the tip (tastefully called drool). The air pressure should only be high enough to maintain material flow, keeping the auger cavity filled. Pressure typically ranges from 4psi to 10psi but both higher and lower values have been required for particular valve models unusual applications. Even with a “correct” pressure setting, there may be an unacceptable quantity of drool during extended pauses between dispense cycles. Programmed removal of pressure from the solder paste reservoir is recommended in this situation.Auger valves are not intended for use with pulsed pressure but pulsed pressure can be used. When in need of using pulsed pressure, specialized paste formulations may be required to handle theaggressive processing conditions. Typically, pulsed pressure is thought of as a solution to a cycle time problem.Example: “The valve does not dispense fast enough at the recommended pressure setting so a higher pressure is used to increase flow. The higher pressure results in unacceptable drool so the air feed is switched from constant to pulsed, eliminating the drool in between deposits. Pulsing the pressure adds energy to the paste in the form of heat,accelerating flux decomposition, and causes paste separation. The eventual failure mode is deposit size reduction followed by flux rich deposits until the valve and/or tip becomes completely blocked. The paste manufacturer is then called in to fix the perceived paste problem.”If an application has a cycle time that seems tonecessitate the use of pulsed pressure, then an auger valve may not be the best solution. Contact your paste and valve manufacturers before using pulsed pressure with an auger valve to see if they have a better alternative.Auger SpeedAfter defining the tip and pressure that gives the best performance, deposit size should be fine tuned with auger speed and time. The pressure generated by the spinning auger is a product of rotational speed. Auger speed is defined in revolutions per minute. To a point the more revolutions per unit time, the more material the valve will dispense per unit time. For any combination of valve, paste, and tip types, there are maximum and minimum achievable flow rates at the maximum recommended pressure. This means that beyond a certain point, higher valve speed does nothing to change dispense rate. The amount of pressure required to overcome the inherent resistance in the dispense tip reaches the stress level at which two things happen. The alloy particles start to cold-weld together causing valve blockage and paste temperature is elevated by the combination of friction and pressure. At the low end, either the auger motor fails to turn or thepressure generated by the spinning auger goes below the threshold required to overcome the inherent tip resistance resulting in no flow.To achieve the most precise control, combine slower speed with longer time. To maximize dispense rate, run the valve at the highest speed possible without damaging the paste.Auger Screw SelectionThere is a second variable, beside speed, which can have a profound affect on dispense control: the screw design. Most auger valves have two auger styles: eight threads-per-inch (sometimes referred to as flights) and sixteen threads-per-inch. They also come in a variety of thread depths. As usual, there are tradeoffs associated with each of the availableauger screw options.The eight thread-per-inch auger screw is a standard among valve manufacturers, and is appropriate for most applications. Inherent resistance is moderate and paste flow is fastest.The sixteen thread-per-inch auger screw is usedwhen either additional inherent resistance is required and/or finer deposit size control is required. With the distance between threads halved, the total distance paste must travel around the screw is doubled while the amount of material exiting the screw per revolution is halved.If the most appropriate screw type can be identified early in the process development cycle, time and effort can be saved.TemperatureThe effects of temperature on solder paste dispensing are generic to most dispensemethodologies. Auger valves are not an exception. As temperature changes, three things happen:1) The paste changes viscosity. Increases intemperature soften components in the paste making it thinner; less viscous. Decreases in temperature have the inverse affect, thickening the paste. Note: Above 27˚C (80˚F), softening can reach the point at which the paste loses the ability to hold the solder alloy in suspension, resulting in paste separation.2) Deposit size varies as the temperaturevaries. Changes in viscosity affect flow rate and, therefore, deposit size produced with a particular set of dispense settings. Keep temperature variation to a minimum as a safeguard against temperature related deposit size variation.3) The flux chemistry reaction rate accelerateswith increased temperature. The flux is active to some extent even at low storage temperatures. At temperatures above 27˚C (80˚F) the reaction rate is noticeably faster.Unless a temperature control system is used, paste temperature is increased by both environmental conditions such as room temperature and localized heat sources as well as the conversion of kinetic energy to heat through friction as the valve cycles. FixtureOften overlooked as either a process design consideration or possible cause for problems, the valve fixture can play a pivotal role. The operating life of dispensable solder paste can be drastically reduced by poor fixture design practices.The single most frequent fixture mistake is placement of dispense equipment relative to a heat source used for reflow. Close proximity to heating units can result in elevated solder paste temperatures with attendant affects. Shielding and improved airflow can both be used to minimize or eliminate such heating affects when close proximity is required.Physical stress applied to solder paste in the forms of shaking, sharp impacts, and vibration all have degradation effects. The worst of the three is vibration. Equipment that generates strong vibrations, such as vibratory bowl feeders, should be isolated from dispense machinery to avoid rapid paste separation. If the dispense machinery cannot be isolated, smaller reservoirs can be used to match the volume used to the exposure limit imposed by the vibration source.Sharp impacts and vigorous shaking of solder paste by slides and high-speed XYZ positioning systems can have cumulative separations effects over many dispense cycles. In some cases, smaller reservoirs of paste may be used to eliminate paste waste due to scrap by matching the cycle count limit before paste failure to the paste volume dispensed over those cycles.Tip PositionA sub-topic of fixture design that deserves attention in its own right is tip position: the relative placement of the dispense tip to the work piece during a dispense cycle.The goals of any tip positioning exercise are to achieve unrestricted paste flow out of the tip during the dispense cycle and a clean paste break-off when the tip separates from the part.Orientation falls into two categories: perpendicular to the product surface and non-perpendicular. Only perpendicular orientation is addressed in this paper due to the almost infinite variety of outcomes possible with non-perpendicular tip positions. Non-perpendicular tip positions are often a great solution to a difficult dispensing problem but are not easily addressed with general guidelines.There are two critical variables with regards to tip position: product surface and Z-height. Dispensable product surfaces come in many flavors: flat, bumpy, smooth, textured, wide, thin, pointy, recessed, and gapped just to name a few. In every case, the goal of tip positioning remains the same; achieve a consistent and clean paste break-off when the tip separates from the part. The surface shape dictates the techniques required for consistent dispense results. Your equipment and paste suppliers should be able to help in identifying solution.Z-height is the distance from the bottom of the dispense tip to the product surface. If the tip is too close to the surface, paste will exit the tip, hit the part, and backpressure will prevent further paste flow. Continued valve operation without paste flow causes flux separation and cold welding of solder alloy in the valve. If the tip is too far from thesurface, paste will have greater adhesion to itself and the dispense tip than the product surface and fail to stay on the product. A “large dot small dot” pattern is likely to emerge and sure sign of too great a Z-height. A good starting point for Z-height is ½ the tip ID.No Dot Good DotSmall dot/Big dotReservoir SizeReservoir size is rarely a problem with auger valvedispensing applications. Typical deposit sizes allow for thousands of trouble-free deposits per reservoir using standard packaging for the paste type in question.In vibration rich and high temperature environments, smaller reservoirs may be used to minimize paste waste due to accelerated paste damage.In vibration free applications where the temperature is within the recommended range, larger reservoirsmay often be used without fear of paste yield loss.Picking a reservoir size that produces the bestbalance of run time between changeovers and pasteyield requires an understanding of the process goals and limitations. Work with your paste supplier to identify the best package for your application.Care and MaintenanceCare and maintenance requirements for auger valves vary by manufacturer and model but some basic guidelines apply to most.When idle for more than a few hours, the tip should be removed from the valve and an airtight cap put in place. This will protect paste in the valve from degeneration due to air exposure. Solder paste in tips left on an inactive valve hardens over time. The smaller the tip, the faster it hardens.The most frequently required maintenance activity is purging of the valve. For best performance, purge a valve after 48 run hours to flush out ageing paste and metal shards. If a valve will be left inactive for a day or more, purging the valve will prevent paste from hardening in the valve if exposed to elevated temperature.On a weekly basis, disassemble and clean the valve with a manufacturer recommended solvent. Regular cleaning keeps valves performing at their best.ConclusionNobody becomes an expert in auger dispensing over night. It takes a basic education followed by plenty of experimental practice to develop an intuitiveunderstanding of the relationships between the many process control variables.The same is true of every other soldering process so there are no real shortcuts on the learning curve. Manual methods require the development of control and technique. Automatic and semi-automatic systems have their own sets of process variables to control.The three most influential, and frequentlyproblematic variables are air pressure, tip type, and environment temperature. Each of these variables can mask a problem with other variables.Elimination of these three as possible causes will narrow down root cause identification dramatically. Both new and experienced auger valve users have opportunities to extract the best performance from their equipment and material by evaluating their auger valve dispensing process and applying the techniques presented in this paper.。

Series SAE 蝴蝶阀门 低成本,S.A.E. 螺纹焊盘,水力储备切断阀门说明书

Series SAE 蝴蝶阀门 低成本,S.A.E. 螺纹焊盘,水力储备切断阀门说明书

SPECIFICATIONS Service: Compatible liquids and gases. Line Size: 2˝ to 5˝. Body Style: 2-way, lug butterfly. End Connections: O-ring flange face seal (S.A.E. J518). Pressure Limit: Shut-off: 25 psi (1.72 bar) bubble tight; Body shell: 500 psi (34.5 bar).
Wetted Materials: Body and disc/vane: Cast iron; O-rings: Buna-N or fluoroelastomer; Stem: Steel.
Temperature Limits: Buna-N: 180°F (82°C); Fluoroelastomer: 300°F (149°C).
Fluoroelastomer O-ring seals
Example: SAE-30-VIT
Locking handle
Example: SAE-30-LHR
Price +$7.40
Valves, Butterfly, Manual
FEATURES/BENEFITS • Flange face complies with S.A.E. J518 dimensional requirements • Bubble tight shut-off • Locking handles are available
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(根据不同Viscosity 适合的Valve 冲程杆高度也不一样)
xMOD Valve
9. Standard Valve & xMOD Valve 比较
Standard Jet Valve
xMOD Jet Valve
温度设定比Standard Jet Valve 高点 安装Heater Sink (Cover) 来保证温度
9. Standard Valve & xMOD Valve 比较
Standard Jet Valve
带Ball的Load直接固定在 Piezo Stick Load位置变更时存在危险要素
xMOD Jet Valve
固定在Piezo Stick的Load直接延伸到Valve Body 内部 Cartridge起到对Nozzle的 Buffer 作用
种类 : 2chanel, 4chanel
3. Controller Parameter
Pulse time
1. 阀门开放进行涂布的时间 2. 调节Dot的大小
3. Controller Parameter
Cycle time
1. 阀门一开一合的一个周期 2. 调节 Dot间的距离 时长
Valve上发生 Error 时确认方法
6. Driver Type Graph
Stroke (h) Pulse Time
时间Байду номын сангаас(t)
120us 300us 200us 400us
600us 800us
1000us 1300us
- X轴 : 时间 - Y轴 : Jet Valve Stroke 高度 - 调节Jet Valve 冲程杆从最高高度到最低高度的一个作业周期的时间差里 带给溶液的冲击力 - 在 F = ma里 调节 a (加速度) 控制 F (涂布力量)的方式.
10. Valve & Nozzle Type Table
MV – 100 – 5.0S – F0 – D15
MV 100 5.0S F0 D 15
Valve Type
Maximum Temperature
Index Ball Size
Nozzle Design
Nozzle Type
Orifice Diameter
(Jet Valve power on/off) (溶液温度可在0~100℃之间调节) (Error 及 Jet Valve data 等确认)
2. Jet Valve 温度控制.
3. Jet Valve Error 及情报记录.
种类 : Normal / Slow / Slow+
5. Driver Error List
10 15 20 30 40 60 - 100um – 150um – 200um – 300um – 400um – 600um
20℃ 100℃
3.0S – 0.8mm 5.0S – 1.5mm
F0 – Flat Nozzle TL – Tip Adapter Luer Lock
8. Valve & Nozzle
产品名称 : Valve
特性 /技能 : 1. 涂布 种类 : Valve type : Standard HV / MV / LV, xMOD MV Valve Ball size : 3.0S – 直径 0.8mm, 5.0S – 直径 1.5mm Nozzle type : D / E series Nozzle size : 100 / 150 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 600um
Nordson EFD Jet Valve System Manual
1. EFD Jet Valve 主要构成
2. Controller
产品名称 : PDA 2+2 Controller
特点 /技能 : 1. Jet Valve 调节涂布量.
(利用Clock generator 调节 Jet Valve On/Off time 来控制涂布量)
3. Controller Parameter
涂布不良内容 : 徒步效果未能形成一条线, 呈现波浪纹
解决方案1) 增加 Pulse time
解决方案 2) 减少Cycle time
4. Driver
产品 : DCON Driver
特点 /技能 : 1. Jet Valve 电源控制.
11. Nozzle Type
Valve Nozzle “D type ” Valve Nozzle “E type ”
大部分溶液 适合低/中粘度溶液
喷头孔径体积比E Type 小
触变性(Thixotropy)高或 高粘度溶液
喷头孔径体积比 D Type 大
冲程杆 喷头 喷头
9. Standard Valve & xMOD Valve 比较
Load Cartridge • xMOD Valve分为 Load和Cartridge两部分 Cartridge 部分(冲程杆head, 喷 头, 驱动弹簧, O-ring)全部可以替换,以达到维护修理费用的降低及使用寿命 的延长 • Standard Valve在 Flow Path安装 Heater,故在冲程杆的 Fluid Chamber和 中间有 1~2度温度差, xMOD Valve安装 Heat sink来保证温度