

Adobe CC 破解

Adobe CC 破解

Adobe CS6 Adobe CC 注册机完美破解全部功能可用[原创](2013-05-03 09:48:53)分类:软件标签:adobe破解adobecs/cc激活adobecs/cc破解adobecs6adobecc免责声明这篇博客是根据Adobe CS6 大师版Mac注册机和Adobe CS4 的注册机注册方法写的,经过Baidu“Adobe CS6 Mac注册机”发现所有的文章(2013年5月3日8:15 ,百度搜索的前11页词条)都是教你如何激活大师版,而没有说如何激活独立安装的软件(如果只安装里一个PS或AI等等,不安装大师版的前提下),所以我根据这一点写了这一博客,教你使用“Adobe CS6大师版注册机”激活独立安装的软件。

下面进入正题前期准备:1.还原以前的破解,保证Adobe CS6/CC各个软件处于未激活状态(打开软件出现输入序列号对话框)。

方法:还原各个软件的amtlib.framework(Mac)、amtlib.dll(Win)、adobe_oobelib.dll(Win)破解补丁,如果没有备份,那么恭喜你,可以离开此博客了...2.检查Hosts 文件不包含以下项目:(可选)(针对Mac 下可能出现断网后下输入序列号点击"下一步"提示“无法验证此序列号”的情况.) (如果存在则删除)Mac 下“前往”如下文件夹/private/etc找到Hosts 文件使用文本编辑器查看Win下:C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc3.运行所有的Adobe CS6/CC各个软件,使其出现输入序列号对话框(简单方法:联网状态下打开软件,使以前输入的序列号被验证为无效),然后关闭。

(必选)如果仍然未出现序列号输入(CC版本要断网先点击稍后登陆才会出现序列号输入对话框)对话框,请清除以下路径中的文件(慎重选择,建议所有用户都清理激活信息缓存,保证激活正常进行,若同时安装有CS6和CC及更早的版本产品,请慎重选择,清理后需重新激活!)Mac 10.8.X & 10.9:/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLStore/Library/Application Support/Adobe/SLCacheOS X 清理缓存信息是注意:在桌面建立名为“SLStore”和“SLCache”的文件夹,删掉原来目录的文件夹,将桌面建好的文件夹复制进/Library/Application Support/Adobe/目录下,因为有隐藏文件,不显示隐藏文件删不干净,特为懒人准备的方法...(貌似删掉这两个目录后打开CC或CS6产品就会生成这两个目录)Win7 & Win8:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache (包含隐藏文件,需一并删除)C:\ProgramData\Adobe\SLStore (包含隐藏文件,需一并删除)Win XP:C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache(包含隐藏文件,需一并删除。


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网络通信 网络管理 PKI
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跳出证书登录框 插入证书介质并输入 介质口令 获取用户证书 产生随即会话密钥 加密浏览器请求, 并用站点证书加密 会话密钥 提交证书、会话密 钥密文、浏览器请 求密文以及用户私 钥对请求的签名
0 无认证(单向认证, 客户端可以 验证服务端身份, 但是服务端 无法验证客户端身份)
服务端有证书 客户端无证书
仅保障通讯加密, 不鉴别客户身份
要求客户端出示证书,但是如果 客户端不提交证书,则进入单向 认证模式,否则,进入双向认证 模式 双向认证. 要求客户端必须提 交证书, 否则将拒绝连接 双向认证. 但是对客户端证书 要更高的要求, 客户端所提交 的证书必须在服务端已经注册
• SSL产பைடு நூலகம்形态比较
软件方式 部署复杂度 高 (涉及操作系统, 网络接入方式, 客户服 务器管理策略, 证书和CRL更新, 密钥落地 问题,国密算法加密卡的安装和接入等) 软硬件一体化方式 非常低. 可独立运行

Adobe CS6 全语全系官方下载地址

Adobe CS6 全语全系官方下载地址

目录Photoshop CS6 (date of files 12 Apr 2012) (1)Illustrator CS6 (date of files 12 Apr 2012) (1)InDesign CS6 (date of files 16/17 Apr 2012) (2)InCopy CS6 (date of files 16/17 Apr 2012) (3)Dreamweaver CS6 (date of files 12 Apr 2012) (3)Flash Professional CS6 (date of files 10 Apr 2012) (4)Premiere CS6 (date of files 16 Apr 2012) (4)After Effects CS6 (date of files 16 Apr 2012) (5)Production Premium CS6 (date of files 17 Apr 2012) (5)Master Collection CS6 (date of files 17/18 Apr 2012) (5)Adobe CS6 Master Collection (6)Adobe CS6 Design Premium (6)Adobe CS6 Design Standard (6)Adobe CS6 Web Premium (7)Adobe CS6 Production Premium (7)Adobe CS6 Master Collection (7)Adobe CS6 Design Premium (8)Adobe CS6 Design Standard (8)Adobe CS6 Web Premium (8)Adobe CS6 Production Premium (8)参考地址:/f13/adobe-cs6-esd-direct-links-adobe-win-mac-51929/#ixzz1t1PsYAEULS1是英文LS2日文LS3是中文LS4德文、意大利文等多国语言Photoshop CS6 (date of files 12 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS1.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/osx10/Photoshop_13_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS2.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS2.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/osx10/Photoshop_13_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TWWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS3.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/osx10/Photoshop_13_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE Win: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS4.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/osx10/Photoshop_13_LS4.dmgLanguage ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UAWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS6.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/win32/Photoshop_13_LS6.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/PHSP/13/osx10/Photoshop_13_LS6.dmgIllustrator CS6 (date of files 12 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS1.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/osx10/Illustrator_16_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS2.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS2.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/osx10/Illustrator_16_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TWWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS3.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/osx10/Illustrator_16_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE Win: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS4.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/osx10/Illustrator_16_LS4.dmgLanguage ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UAWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS6.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/win32/Illustrator_16_LS6.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/ILST/16/osx10/Illustrator_16_LS6.dmgInDesign CS6 (date of files 16/17 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS1.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/osx10/InDesign_8_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS2.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS2.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/osx10/InDesign_8_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TWWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS3.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/osx10/InDesign_8_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE Win: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS4.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/osx10/InDesign_8_LS4.dmgLanguage ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UAWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS6.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/win32/InDesign_8_LS6.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/IDSN/8/osx10/InDesign_8_LS6.dmgInCopy CS6 (date of files 16/17 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS1.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/osx10/InCopy_8_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS2.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS2.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/osx10/InCopy_8_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TWWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS3.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/osx10/InCopy_8_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE Win: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS4.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/osx10/InCopy_8_LS4.dmgLanguage ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UAWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS6.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/win32/InCopy_8_LS6.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/AICY/8/osx10/InCopy_8_LS6.dmgDreamweaver CS6 (date of files 12 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/win32/Dreamweaver_12_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/osx10/Dreamweaver_12_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/win32/Dreamweaver_12_LS2.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/osx10/Dreamweaver_12_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TWWin: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/win32/Dreamweaver_12_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/osx10/Dreamweaver_12_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE Win: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/win32/Dreamweaver_12_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/osx10/Dreamweaver_12_LS4.dmgLanguage ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UAWin: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/win32/Dreamweaver_12_LS6.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/DRWV/12/osx10/Dreamweaver_12_LS6.dmgFlash Professional CS6 (date of files 10 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/win32/FlashPro_12_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/osx10/FlashPro_12_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/win32/FlashPro_12_LS2.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/osx10/FlashPro_12_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TWWin: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/win32/FlashPro_12_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/osx10/FlashPro_12_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE Win: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/win32/FlashPro_12_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/osx10/FlashPro_12_LS4.dmgLanguage ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UAWin: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/win32/FlashPro_12_LS6.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/FLPR/12/osx10/FlashPro_12_LS6.dmgPremiere CS6 (date of files 16 Apr 2012)Multi-LanguageWin: /AdobeProducts/PPRO/6/win32/PremierePro_6_LS7.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/PPRO/6/win32/PremierePro_6_LS7.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/PPRO/6/osx10/PremierePro_6_LS7.dmgAfter Effects CS6 (date of files 16 Apr 2012)Multi-LanguageWin: /AdobeProducts/AEFT/11/win64/AfterEffects_11_LS7.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/AEFT/11/win64/AfterEffects_11_LS7.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/AEFT/11/osx10-64/AfterEffects_11_LS7.dmgProduction Premium CS6 (date of files 17 Apr 2012)Multi-Language - Win: 5.83 GB / Mac: 5.50 GBWin: /AdobeProducts/STVD/CS6/win32/ProductionPremium_CS6_LS7.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/STVD/CS6/win32/ProductionPremium_CS6_LS7.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/STVD/CS6/osx10/ProductionPremium_CS6_LS7.dmgMaster Collection CS6 (date of files 17/18 Apr 2012)Language ISO code: en_US / en_GBWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS1.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS1.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS1.dmgLanguage ISO code: ja_JPWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS2.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS2.exeMac: //AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS2.dmgLanguage ISO code: ko_KR / zh_CN / zh_TW - Win: 5.86 GB / Mac: 5.63 GBWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS3.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS3.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS3.dmgLanguage ISO code: da_DK / de_DE / es_ES / es_MX / fi_FI / fr_CA / fr_FR / it_IT / nb_NO / nl_NL / pt_BR / sv_SE - Win: 8.45 GB / Mac: 8.14 GBWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.7zWin: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.exeMac: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.dmg Language ISO code: cs_CZ / hu_HU / pl_PL / ro_RO / ru_RU / tr_TR / uk_UA - Win: 7.62 GB / Mac: 7.49 GB Win: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS6.7z Win: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS6.exe Mac: /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS6.dmg Adobe CS6 Master Collection/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS1.exe/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS1.7z/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS2.exe/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS2.7z/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS3.exe/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS3.7z/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.exe/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.7z/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS6.exe/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/win32/MasterCollection_CS6_LS6.7zAdobe CS6 Design Premium/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS1.exe/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS1.7z/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS2.exe/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS2.7z/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS3.exe/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS3.7z/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS4.exe/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS4.7z/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS6.exe/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/win32/DesignPremium_CS6_LS6.7zAdobe CS6 Design Standard/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS1.exe/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS1.7z/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS2.exe /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS2.7z /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS3.exe /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS3.7z /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS4.exe /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS4.7z /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS6.exe /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/win32/DesignStandard_CS6_LS6.7z Adobe CS6 Web Premium/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS1.exe /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS1.7z /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS2.exe /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS2.7z /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS3.exe /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS3.7z /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS4.exe /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS4.7z /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS6.exe /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/win32/WebPremium_CS6_LS6.7z Adobe CS6 Production PremiumEnglish / French / German / Japanese:/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS6/win32/ProductionPremium_CS6_LS7.exe English / French / German / Japanese:/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS6/win32/ProductionPremium_CS6_LS7.7z Mac OS X:Adobe CS6 Master Collection/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS1.dmg /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS2.dmg /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS3.dmg /AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS4.dmg/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS6/osx10/MasterCollection_CS6_LS6.dmg Adobe CS6 Design Premium/AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/osx10/DesignPremium_CS6_LS1.dmg /AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/osx10/DesignPremium_CS6_LS2.dmg /AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/osx10/DesignPremium_CS6_LS3.dmg /AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/osx10/DesignPremium_CS6_LS4.dmg /AdobeProducts/MDIA/CS6/osx10/DesignPremium_CS6_LS6.dmg Adobe CS6 Design Standard/AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/osx10/DesignStandard_CS6_LS1.dmg /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/osx10/DesignStandard_CS6_LS2.dmg /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/osx10/DesignStandard_CS6_LS3.dmg /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/osx10/DesignStandard_CS6_LS4.dmg /AdobeProducts/DSGN/CS6/osx10/DesignStandard_CS6_LS6.dmg Adobe CS6 Web Premium/AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/osx10/WebPremium_CS6_LS1.dmg /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/osx10/WebPremium_CS6_LS2.dmg /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/osx10/WebPremium_CS6_LS3.dmg /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/osx10/WebPremium_CS6_LS4.dmg /AdobeProducts/WEBB/CS6/osx10/WebPremium_CS6_LS6.dmg Adobe CS6 Production PremiumEnglish / French / German / Japanese:/AdobeProducts/STVD/CS6/osx10/ProductionPremium_CS6_LS7.dmg。






优化流程1.帧数2.买枪脚本3.游戏字体4.武器名字的问题1. 首先,我们要改善你的游戏帧数使其达到标准.打开你的config.cfg文件,通常在%:********************************************下可以找到,然后把下面的指令加进去.cl_weather "0"fps_max "150"developer "1"r_dynamic "1"r_novis "0"r_traceglow "1"r_wateralpha "1"r_mirroralpha "0"r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"r_lightmap "0"gl_max_size "256"precache "1"mp_decals "20"gl_affinemodels "0"gl_alphamin "0.25"gl_clear "0"gl_dither "1"gl_flipmatrix "0"gl_flashblend "0"gl_lightholes "0"然后你要把垂直同步,各向异性过滤和全屏反锯齿关掉,你可以在显卡设置里面找到.安装最新的显卡驱动.ok,搞定以上,就是店铺带给大家的CS1.6版本优化大全的内容,希望大家喜欢。

auditooncs6 插件大全

auditooncs6 插件大全

24 回到主程序界面,打开主界面工作区左侧的列表窗口,里面文件和效果和收藏夹,打开效果看DX插件里面是否有1.Audition 2.BBE SONIC MAXIMIZER 3.FFDSHOW AUDIO PROCESSOR 4.IZOTOPE 5.TECHSMITH 6ULTRAFUNK FX 7WAVES
14 waves40 插件安装 双击就可以了。复制为了\Waves区分 安装在C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Audition 3.0\Plug-ins\Waves。完成 里面序列号。 点第一个sonitus_r3.exe,后面ur3a_dxi_hh_setup.exe那个是汉化。安装过程中把VST的勾打掉。就是第二个勾去掉。复制为\Sonitus-fx-R3区分 安装在C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Audition 3.0\Plug-ins\Sonitus-fx-R3。这里提示查找的,
11 bbe插件 安装打开记事本 serial复制里面SMV100W1002507 特别注意打BBE的。需要输入号码c:\program files\adobe\adobe audition 3.0\plug-ins\BBE ,电脑提示创建一个文件夹,点YES,这个可以同时在酷编辑软件Cool Edit Pro 2.1里面使用。
Adobe Audition3.0安装步骤与调试
1 .打开Audition 3.0 Setup.exe双击。言语不管,直接点NEXT,用注册机算出第一组序列号,添到程序里面,里面各项选择默认格式,




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UL Recognized UL Standard 1077Component Recognition Program as Protectors,Supplementary (Guide QVNU2,File E75596)UL Standard 508Switches,Industrial Control (Guide NRNT2,File E148683)CSA CertifiedComponent Supplementary Protector under Class 3215 30,FIle 047848 0 000CSA Standard C22.2 No. 235VDE CertifiedEN60934,VDE 0642 under File No.10537Agency CertificationsNotes for T able A:1DC and 1Ø 277 Volt ratings are 1 or 2 poles breaking. 3Ø Ratings are 3 poles breaking.2 Requires branch circuit backup with a UL LISTED Type K5 or RK5 fuse rated 15A minimum and no more than 4 times full load amps not to exceed 150A for 250 Volt rating and 125A for 277and 480 Volt ratings.3 UL Recognition and CSA Certification at 480 Volts refers to 3 and 4 pole versions, used only in a 3Ø wye connected circuit or 2 pole versions connected with 2 poles breaking 1Ø and backedup with series fusing per note 2.Table A:Lists UL Recognized and CSA and VDE Certified configurations and performance capabilities as a Component Supplementary Protector.ElectricalCURRENT RA TINGCIRCUITMAX FULL LOAD WITH WITHOUT (Inc) WITH (Icn) WITHOUTCONFIGURA TIONRA TINGFREQUENCYPHASEAMPSBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSEBACKUP FUSE65DC ---0.02 - 50 ---500050001500125/25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 50 ---3000 --- ---25050/60 1 and 30.02 - 505000 ---5000150027750/6010.02 - 505000 --- --- ---480 Y 50/60 1 and 30.02 - 305000---------65DC ---0.02 - 5025050/60 1 and 30.02 - 5027750/6010.02 - 50480 Y50/6030.02 - 30480 Y 50/6010.02 - 30SWITCH ONL Y UL / CSAVDED-SERIES TABLE A: COMPONENT SUPPLEMENTARY PROTECTORVOLT AGEINTERRUPTING CAPACITY (AMPS)SERIESDesigned for snap-on-back panel rail mounting on either a 35mm x 7.5mm, or a 35mm x 15mm Symmetrical Din Rail,allowing rapid and simple mounting and removal of the breaker.It features recessed, wire-ready, touch-proof, shock-resistant ter-minals, suitable for automatic screwdriver assembly, as well as "Dead Front" construction characteristics.Available with a Visi-Rocker two-color actuator, which can be specified to indicate either the ON or the TRIPPED/OFF mode,or solid color rocker or handle type actuators. All actuator types fit in the same industry standard panel cutouts.0.02 - 50 amps, up to 480 VAC or 65 VDC, 1 - 4 poles (Handle),1 - 3 poles (Rocker), with a choice of time delays.Number of PolesRocker Type: 1-3; Handle Type: 1-4 Internal Circuit Config. Switch Only and Series Trip with cur-rent or voltage trip coils.WeighApproximately 128 grams/pole (Approximately 4.57 ounces/pole)Standard Colors Housing - Black; Actuator - See Ordering Scheme.MountingMounts on a standard 35mmSymmetrical DIN Rail (35 x 7.5 or 35x 15mm per DIN EN5002).MechanicalElectricalPhysicalEndurance10,000 ON-OFF operations @ 6 per minute; with rated Current and Voltage.Trip FreeAll D-Series Circuit Breakers will trip on overload,even when actuator is forcibly held in the ON position.Trip IndicationThe operating actuator moves posi-tively to the OFF position when an overload causes the breaker to trip.Designed and tested in accordance with requirements of specifi-cation MIL-PRF-55629 & MIL-STD-202 as follows:Shock Withstands 100 Gs,6ms,sawtoothwhile carrying rated current per Method 213,Test Condition "I".Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested @ 90% of rated current.Vibration Withstands 0.060" excursion from10-55 Hz,and 10 Gs 55-500 Hz,at rated current per Method 204C,Test Condition A. Instantaneous and ultra-short curves tested at 90% of rated current.Moisture Resistance Method 106D,i.e.,ten 24-hourcycles @ + 25°C to +65°C,80-98%RH.Salt Spray Method 101,Condition A (90-95%RH @ 5% NaCl Solution,96 hrs).Thermal Shock Method 107D,Condition A (Fivecycles @ -55°C to +25°C to +85°C to +25°C).Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°CEnvironmental020 0.0200250.0250300.0300500.050075 0.0750800.0800850.0852100.1002150.1502200.2002250.2502300.3002350.3502400.4002450.450250 0.5002550.5502600.6002650.6502700.7002750.7502800.8002850.850410 1.000512 1.250413 1.300414 1.400415 1.500517 1.750420 2.000522 2.250425 2.500527 2.750430 3.000532 3.250435 3.500436 3.600440 4.000445 4.500547 4.750450 5.000455 5.500460 6.000465 6.5004707.0005727.2504757.5004808.0004858.5004909.0004959.500610 10.00071010.50061111.00071111.50061212.00071212.50061313.00061414.000615 15.00061616.00061717.00061818.00061919.00062020.00062121.00062222.000623 23.00062424.00062525.00062626.00062727.00062828.00062929.00063030.00063232.00063535.00064040.00064545.00065050.000A06 6 DC, 5 DC A1212 DC, 10 DC A1818 DC, 15 DC A2424 DC, 20 DC A3232 DC, 25 DC A4848 DC, 40 DC A6565 DC, 55 DC J06 6 AC, 5 AC J1212 AC, 10 AC J1818 AC, 15 ACJ2424 AC, 20 AC J4848 AC, 40 AC K20120 AC, 65 AC L40240 AC, 130 AC10Agency Approval8Actuator Color8 ACTUATOR COLOR & LEGEND Actuator orVisi-Color Marking: Marking Color: Single Color Visi-Rocker Color:I-O ON-OFF Dual Rocker/Handle (Actuator Black)8White A B 1Black White Black C D 2White n/a Red F G 3White Red Green H J 4White Green Blue K L 5White Blue Y ellow M N 6Black Y ellow Gray P Q 7Black Gray OrangeRS8Black Orange10 AGENCY APPROVAL C UL Recognized & CSA Certified D VDE Certified, UL Recognized & CSA Certified9 MOUNTING/VOLTAGEMOUNTING STYLE VOLTAGE Threaded Insert 16-32 x 0.195 inches< 300C 96-32 X 0.195 inches ≥300 2ISO M3 x 5mm< 300D 9ISO M3 x 5mm ≥3007 TERMINAL1#10 Screw & Pressure Plate for Direct Wire Connection 2#10 Screw without Pressure Plate3 POLES 1One2Two 3Three4Four5 FREQUENCY & DELA Y 03DC 50/60Hz, Switch Only 105DC Instantaneous 11DC Ultra Short 12DC Short 14DC Medium 16DC Long20550/60Hz Instantaneous 2150/60Hz Ultra Short 2250/60Hz Short 2450/60Hz Medium2650/60Hz Long32DC, 50/60Hz Short 34DC, 50/60Hz Medium 36DC, 50/60Hz Long42650/60Hz Short, Hi-Inrush 44650/60Hz Medium, Hi-Inrush 46650/60Hz Long, Hi-Inrush 527DC, Short,Hi-Inrush 547DC,Medium, Hi-Inrush 567DC, Long, Hi-Inrush4 CIRCUITA0 Switch Only (No Coil) 4B0Series Trip (Current)C0Series Trip (Voltage)1 SERIES D6Current Rating4Circuit3Poles2Actuator9Mounting/Voltage7Terminal5Frequency & Delay1SeriesNotes:1 Handle breakers available up to four poles. Rocker breakers available up to three poles.2Actuator Code:A: Multi-pole units factory assembled with common handle tie.B: Handle location as viewed from front of breaker:2 pole - left pole3 pole - center pole4 pole - two handles at center poles3Multipole rocker breakers have one rocker per breaker, as viewed from the front of thepanel. Two pole - left pole. Three pole - center pole 4≤30A, select Current Rating code 630. 31-50A, select Current Rating code 650.5Voltage coil only available with delay codes 10 & 20.6Available to 50A max with circuit code BO only.7Available to 50A (UL/CSA), 30A (VDE) with circuit code BO only.8Color shown is visi and legend with remainder of rocker black.9≥300V: Three pole breaker 3Ø or 2 pole breaker 1Ø, UL/CSA limited to 30 FLA max.10VDE Approval requires Dual (I-O, ON-OFF) or I-O markings6 CURRENT RATING (AMPERES)OR VOLTAGE COIL (VOLTS, MIN. TRIP RATING)5P0LE 3P0LE 2P0LE 1SERIES TRIP (2 TERM'S.)LINELINEROCKER ACTUATOR INDICATE "ON"HANDLE ACTUATORSWITCH ONL Y (2 TERM'S.)#10-32 SCREW AND PRESSURE PLA TE PER TERMINAL"MULTI-POLE IDENTIFICATION SCHEMENotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3-POLE(DF3) 3-POLE(DC3)REMOVALASSEMBL YNotes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.015 [.38] unless otherwise specified.3Dimensions apply to all variations shown. Notice that circuit breaker line and load termi-nal orientation on indicate OFF is opposite of indicate ON.4For pole orientation with horizontal legend, rotate front view clockwise 90°.Notes:1All dimensions are in inches [millimeters].2T olerance ±.010 [.25] unless otherwise specified.。



Cakewalk SONAR 7官方中文手册美国Cakewalk公司 原著云天音乐网 饶磊 编译云天音乐网()版权所有 抄袭必究本文档所涉及的信息如有更改,孰不另行通知,Twelve Tone Systems公司不承担相应的义务。




在没有得到Twelve Tone Systems 公司书面许可的任何情况下,本文件不得以任何形式、任何理由(电子的或机械的)进行复制或传播,包括复印和录制。

Copyright © 2007 Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. 版权所有。


Cakewalk是Twelve Tone Systems公司的注册商标。

SONAR和Cakewalk标志是Twelve Tone Systems公司的注册商标。





SONAR 7 官方中文手册0.目录0. 目录 (3)1. 编者的话 (6)2. 中文SONAR系列图书 (7)3. 前言 (9)4. SONAR 7 介绍 (11)7 新特性概览 (12)4.1. SONAR7 的系统需求 (13)4.2. SONAR4.3. SONAR7 新特性详解 (13)7 的峰值限制器-Boost 11 (17)4.4. SONAR7 包含的虚拟乐器 (17)4.5. SONAR4.6. SONAR7 的母带后期处理插件 (19)7Producer Edition(制作人版)和Studio Edition(工作室版)功能比较 (21)4.7. SONAR4.8. 选择SONAR 7的20个理由 (21)5. 安装 (28)6. 指南 (38)6.1. 指南1——基础 (39)6.1.1. 打开工程 (39)6.1.2. 回放准备 (39)6.1.3. 播放工程 (42)6.1.4. 自动重新开始工程 (44)6.1.5. 更改速度 (46)6.1.6. 静音和独奏 (47)6.1.7. 更改音轨乐器 (48)6.1.8. 在MIDI键盘上演奏音乐 (49)6.2. 指南2——录制MIDI (51)6.2.1. 创建新工程 (51)6.2.2. 录制MIDI音轨 (51)6.2.3. 保存 (54)6.2.4. 循环录制 (54)6.2.5. 插入录制 (56)6.3. 指南3——录制数字音频 (58)6.3.1. 设置采样率 (58)6.3.2. 设置音频驱动器的精度和录制精度 (58)6.3.3. 新建一个工程 (59)云天音乐网()版权所有 抄袭必究6.3.4. 设置音频轨 (59)6.3.5. 检查输入电平 (59)6.3.6. 录制数字音频 (60)6.3.7. 聆听录制结果 (60)6.3.8. 录制另外一个动机 (61)6.3.9. 输入监听 (61)6.3.10. 循环和插入录制 (62)6.3.11. 多通道录制 (62)6.4. 指南4——编辑MIDI (63)6.4.1. 移调 (63)6.4.2. 用托放的方法复制事件条 (63)6.4.3. 在钢琴卷帘视图里编辑音符 (64)6.4.4. 滑动编辑 (65)6.4.5. 绘制MIDI包络线 (66)6.4.6. 把MIDI转换成音频 (67)6.5. 指南5——编辑数字音频 (69)6.5.1. 打开工程 (69)6.5.2. 导入音频文件 (69)6.5.3. 移动以及循环事件条 (70)6.5.4. 对事件条进行滑动编辑 (70)6.5.5. 自动交叠淡变 (71)6.5.6. 合并音轨 (71)6.6. 指南6——使用智能事件条 (72)6.6.1. 添加智能事件条到工程里 (72)6.6.2. 循环智能事件条 (73)6.6.3. 更改智能事件条的音高 (75)6.6.4. 更该工程的速度 (76)6.6.5. 创建你自己的智能事件条 (76)6.7. 指南7——混音 (80)6.7.1. 添加实时的音频效果 (80)6.7.2. 对单独的效果设置自动控制 (80)6.7.3. 编组控制 (81)6.7.4. 对混音自动控制 (81)6.7.5. 导出MP3文件 (82)6.8. 指南8——使用软件合成器 (84)6.8.1. 把Cakewalk TTS-1插入到工程里 (84)6.8.2. 通过软件合成器播放MIDI音轨 (85)6.8.3. 将软件合成器音轨转换成音频 (85)6.9. 指南9——鼓映射 (87)SONAR 7 官方中文手册6.9.1. 创建一个新工程 (87)6.9.2. 创建鼓映射 (87)6.9.3. 创建一条鼓音轨 (87)6.9.4. 映射鼓音符到不同的输出端口上 (88)6.10. 指南10——Cyclone软件合成器 (91)6.10.1. Cyclone概述 (91)6.10.2. 添加文件到节奏垫 (91)6.10.3. 设置节奏垫的音量和相位 (92)6.10.4. 演奏Cyclone (92)6.10.5. 在循环编辑器里编辑循环 (93)7. 版权说明 (95)云天音乐网()版权所有 抄袭必究1.编者的话云天音乐网()是专门从事电脑音乐研究和教学的专业网站,自从2000年开办以来一直得到广大电脑音乐爱好者的喜爱。

Adobe CS6 Master Collection 安装与激活方法 破解后可升级

Adobe CS6 Master Collection 安装与激活方法 破解后可升级


首先建议大家下载正式版CS6 Master Collection .下载地址,www.zic.so在官网下载页面。

也不能用amtlib.dll 文件替换各CS系列软件根目录的amtlib.dll文件。

如今是离线激活,离线不是断网,大家看一下就知道了,在安装前先打开C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc文件夹用记事本在host文件最下面里加入: 然后进行安装CS6 Master Collection 软件如下。





这时需要登录ADOBE ID.点登录。



设置Adobe CS6 Master Collection 的安装位置。






之前我们用amtlib.dll文件替换CS 系列软件根目录的amtlib.dll文件,那样会损坏ADOBE软件。

CS6是要找到C 盘中连接官网验证激活的DLL文件,把它给修改了,即可激活。

方法是打开(64位WIN系统)"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\P6"文件夹(32位WIN系统)"C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\P6" 。





破解文件与帮助址网:http://www.zic.so /item.htm?id=14601085265安装CS6 Master Collection后,运行CS6其中的某款软件,会出现激活窗口,选择“Having trouble connecting to the internet?”(无法连接到互联网?)项,再点“Validate”按钮。






CS1.6的秘籍很多,目前已知的有以下你可以适当的选择使用banid 几分钟 #编号 kick.......踢人Wonid让他换名字后也进不来,除非他换计算机,时间0=永远deathmatch 1..................开dm模式,一个人一组,把其它人解决掉decalfrequency 30.............玩家的logo多久可喷一次(秒)kick #编号....................踢人(server专用,踢编号需加#,踢名字不用,但大小写要一样)mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt.....选择地图切换的设定档,内定为mapcycle.txt,可准备好几份设定档mp_autokick 1.................睡死和TK三次后自动被系统踢掉mp_autoteambalance 1..........自动队伍平衡,0为准许双方人数不平均和Bot玩时的好参数!mp_buytime 1.5................以分钟计,即90秒内均可回基地买东西mp_c4timer 45.................设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间。

Adobe Photoshop CS6官方原版完美激活方法

Adobe Photoshop CS6官方原版完美激活方法

Adobe Photoshop CS6官方原版完美激活方法一、安装0. 断开网络连接确认hosts文件未被修改1. 下载的是两个文件,双击Photoshop_13_LS3.exe,会自动解压到桌面2. 打开桌面上的Adobe CS6文件夹,双击Set-up文件3. 初始化4. 选择安装5.接受6. 输入序列号。


提供几个可用的序列号,这些号实际上是CS5.5的注册机算出来的1330-1134-1895-6731-5643-62681330-1925-3253-3803-6068-17131330-1742-2932-8737-2834-86551330-1051-3776-9634-4110-70441330-1836-0234-9720-8035-38401330-1665-3331-1240-5404-75061330-1808-5457-7861-6073-34431330-1440-3152-0117-4032-67421330-1849-7178-6253-4667-65731330-1738-0748-1356-8648-73821330-1935-0859-9944-2693-86507. 稍后连接8. 默认安装64位 32位两个版本,也可以不安装32位版9. 正在安装10. 安装完成二、激活1. 启动PS cS6,弹出序列号验证的对话框,点选那行蓝色的字2. 脱机激活3. 生成请求代码4. 打开注册机第一行输入你安装时的序列号第二行输入请求代码点击左边的按钮,会在第三行生成响应代码5. 输入响应代码,点激活6. 脱机激活完成三、修改hosts文件1. 以管理员身份运行记事本2. 打开hosts文件(C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts)3. 添加127.0.0.1 保存4. 将修改后的hosts文件属性设为只读,避免被其他软件修改安装完成,现在可以连网启动PS CS6了。


F-224 WEB
– ST
= Straight
– RA
= Right-angle (–J–TH1 only)
(6.00) .236 SQ
(0.50) .020
(5.08) .200 DIA
(0.71) .028 DIA
(10.44) .411
(3.94) .155
(6.00) .236 SQ
Lead–Free Solderable: Yes
= Plug
= Jack
= PCB Mount
(6.00) .236 SQ
(0.76) .030
(5.08) .200 DIA
(6.76) .266
(0.71) .028 DIA
(1.65) .065
(6.00) .236 SQ
(8.20) .323
(4.00) .158
(0.20) .008 (1.00) .039
(0.90) .035 DIA
(3.00) .118
= 30 µ" (0.76 µm) Gold center contact, 3 µ" (0.08 µm) Gold outer

Tentec Bolt Load 软件说明书

Tentec Bolt Load 软件说明书

• Instruction Manual - Tentec Bolt Load Software a lTvaiTentec are an innovative designer of spe-cial purpose bolt tensioning equipmentwith a high level of focus on quality. Thecompany have accreditation to:- ISO 9001,ISO 14001 & ISO 18001Tentec LimitedPlymouth HouseGuns Lane.West Bromwich. West MidlandsUnited Kingdom. B70 9HS Tentec Bolt Load Software 2010Beta VersionThis software is the property of Tentec Limited. Guns Lane. West Bromwich. WestMidlands. UK and is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthor-ised reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result insevere civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extentpossible under the law.Tentec Limited do not accept any liability for errors within or caused by the use of thissoftware.Contents.Page 3 Introduction.Page 4 Project List, Header Window.Page 5 Tool BarsPage 6 Application definition, Joint Inspector.Page 7 Information Tab Bar, Setting up a projectPage 8 Project Definition Window.Page 9 Setting up the application.Page 12 Information Tabs.Page 14 Manual Input Mode, File MenuPage 15 File MenusPage 16 Summary Report.Page 17 Individual Application Report.Minimum System RequirementsOperating system: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (32-bit edition only), Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit editions), Windows 7 Beta (32-bit or 64-bit editions), or Windows Server 2008.Processor: 1 GHz or higher for Windows Vista; 800 MHz or higher for Windows XP Memory: 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or more recommended) for Windows XP; 512 MB for Windows VistaResolution: Minimum 1024 x 768Notes:Tentec Bolt Load Software is currently in beta.It contains data for the Subsea Optimus 6, Optimus 5 & Topside CTST Range of Tentec Bolt Tensioning Tools.It is possible to replace the Tentec Logo on the documentation that the software produces in order to brand the documentation to another company.It is not possible to brand the software to another companyWe would hope that our partners that use the beta version of the software help us by making suggestions and reporting any problems they encounter with the software.It has been developed completely in-house by Tentec and as such we have the ability to implement changes and add features.Due to its beta status the software will fail to work at the end of each month and will require the latest version to be downloaded and installed, this is to ensure our partners are using the latest version.There is currently no input of flange material, it is assumed that adequate strength flange materials are being used. Stainless Steel 316 flanges are not to be tensioned with the recommended bolt stresses.The following flange materials or equivalents are suitable for the recommended bolt stresses.ASTM A105ASTM A182 Grades F65ASTM A182 Grade F60ASTM A182 Grade F52ASTM A182 Grade F50ASTM A182 Grade F51ASTM A350 Grade LF2ASTM A350 Grade LF3ASTM A694 Grade F52ASTM A694 Grade F60ASTM A694 Grade F65Standard ANSI B16.5 Flanges manufactured from material with yield strength equal to or greater than 247N/mm2 (35840lbs/In2)ANSI B16.5 Flange specification does not implicitly specify a minimum target bolt stress. The software will suggest recommend-ed target bolt stress values for these flanges. The recommended values are based on the experience of Tentec Limited and are used without any guarantee or liability to Tentec Limited. The recommended bolt stress values assume that flange material yield strength is equal to or greater than 247N/mm2 (35840lbs/In2).DO NOT USE THE RECOMMENDED ANSI B16.5 BOLT STRESS VALUES FOR FLANGES MANUFACTURED WITH MATE-RIAL YIELD STRENGTH LESS THAN 247N/mm2 (35840lbs/In2)The data produced by this software is only applicable when using Tentec Bolt Tensioning tools.Flange Service Temperature range for the recommended bolt stress values are -101ºc to +200ºc. Or as limited by the piping class specifications or the the bolt minimum or maximum temperature specification. Do not use the recommended bolt stress values outside of this range of temperature.Paul EggintonEngineering DirectorTentec LimitedAugust 2009The Tentec Bolt Load Software is a purpose designed software package, that allows rapid creation of nec-essary documentation for topside and subsea bolt tensioning projects. The package was designed with the philosophy of minimal input, maximum output. Documentation for multiple bolted joint projects can be created very quickly with minimal operator input. The software package contains data for the following standard bolted flanges.ANSI B16.5 MSS-SP44Norsok L-005 issue2IntroductionThe Main ScreenProject ListHeader ScreenThis area gives details of the current selected applications and the global project header information. This area also displays the current selected Tentec tool range.Application Tool BarThis area is the main control tool bar.Project - Global project header information can be set upAdd App - A new blank application can be created.Del App - Applications from the Project List can be deletedSave-Overwrites the currently selected application in the Project list with the currentinformation shown in the application definition areaSave New - Saves a new application entry in the Project List area with the current information in the application definition area.Save PDF’s - Generates a summary document and a multi-page application docu-ment. (PDF Format)View PDFs - Allows the user to view the summary and application documentsApply- Used to update the data in the application definition areaProject Tool BarThis area is above the project list.Project - Global project header information can be set upAdd App - A new blank application can be created.Del App - Applications from the Project List can be deletedJoint InspectorThis area is where the current bolted joint application is displayed.information Tab BarThis area is where catagorised information for the current application is displayed. The are 6 tabs.Bolt StressTorqueLoad GraphBoltToolSequenceSetting up a Project.Selecting the Projects button in the Tool Bar opens up the project definition windowProject Definition WindowHere the user sets up the global project information, which appears on the application documentationCustomerProject NameReference NoDateEngineerNotesSummary Documentation NotesTool Range - Select the relevant range of Tentec tools to use on all applications in the project.Only a single range of tools per project can be selected. It is not possible to change the selected range of tools to use once a project contains an application.Tool Ranges Available• Optimus 5 Subsea Tool Range• Optimus 6 Subsea Tool Range• CTST Topside RangeCross Loading %Here you can set the % factor that defines the global difference between the first and second pass tool pressures when using a 50% or 25% tool to bolt ratio. (It is possible to define a different factor on each application by altering the cross loading %in the application definition areaDefault = 20%Detensioning %Here you can set the % factor that defines the global detensioning pressure. The detensioning pressure is set at the residual bolt load value and a + or - % will set up a deviation from the residual bolt load base value.Torque Coefficient Friction FactorDefines the global friction value to be used on all torque load conversions.(It is possible to define a different friction factor on each application by altering the friction factor in the Information Tab Bar select Torque Tab)Default = 0.12Stress areas are based on:-Defines if the bolt stress is calculated using the Bolt Tensile Stress Area or Bolt MinorDiameter Area. ( The software defaults to Tensile Stress Area)ABCDEFG HJL MKISetting up your first applicationA A free form cell that allows the user to give a unique name to the bolted jointB Defines the flange specification (note the use of the manual input mode is detailedlater in this document, this part of the document only refers to the choice of ANSIFlanges, API Flanges or Norsok Flanges)C Defines the flange rating.D Defines the bolt material for the applicationE Selects the appropriate Tentec tool for the applicationF Allows the user to apply a comment to the application that appears on the individualapplication documentsG Defines the configuration of the flange 1 configuration and enters the thickness ofthe flange at HIn the case of a special thickness flange being used the flange thickness can be edited.J Defines the configuration of the flange 2 configuration and enters the thickness of theflange at KIn the case of a special thickness flange being used the flange thickness can be edited.I Defines the Gasket gap between the 2 mating flanges. This value can be edited.Flange 1Flange 1Flange 2Flange 2Clamp Length 1Clamp Length 2Clamp Length 1select “BlindThread” & enterthe length of en-gaged thread.Note: For a special Blind Threaded hole flange selectBlind Thread in Flange -2 config & enter the value of theengaged thread length into the clamp length 2 field.L In some cases an application may be fitted with washers below the joints application hexagon nuts. Enter the washer thickness here MIt is possible to define a single washer, 2 washers or a single spacer.Selecting “Auto Spacer” from the Spacer drop down menu, allows the software to calculate a suitable spacer thick-ness based on a target Load Transfer Factor (Note the lowest LTF when using bolt tensioning tools is 1.15). The software will not allow a target load transfer factor that is greater than the current LTF.N This cell defines the suitable Bolt diameter for the selected flange. It defaults to anInch imperial thread but can be changed to a metric bolt thread.P This cell defines if a maximum detensioning pressure is detailed on the applicationdocuments. (Refer to the note at the bottom of the summary document regarding the use of max detensioning pressures.)The maximum detensioning pressure defaults to a value equal to the 2nd pass toolpressure B. This can be edited on a global basis in the project definition window. To edit the detensioning pressure, per application, apply a plus or a negative % deviation value to cell U 0% gives a detensioning pressure = Pressure B, first pass pressure.O This cell defines either the pitch (metric threads) or the Threads per Inch - TPI (impe-rial threads) The defaults are:-Imperial threads - 8UN threads except UNC threads below 1” diameter MetricThreads - ISO Course pitch series.It is possible to edit the Pitch/TPI value if the applications calls for different thread forms.N O P QR U WSTQ Defines the number of bolts on the selected flangeS Recommended Reaction Nut Type. The software recommends the type of reaction nut to use and is depenedent on the flange bolt loading requirements. This cell only ap-pears if the selected tool range is Optimus 6.T Residual Bolt Stress, here is where the software recommends the residual boltstress, it can be overwritten by clicking on the cell which opens up a edit windowallow you to save the application to the project if the tool working pressures exceed the maximum working pressure of the tool, in this instance it will offer you a choice of either down rating the target bolt stress to a level within the capacity of the selected tool or to adjust the application parameters.Be aware that if you down rate the recommended residual bolt stress the application will not be tensioned in accordance with API or Norsok specifications. ANSI Flanges do not specify recommended residual bolt stresses.Bolt load can be defined in terms of either.. Target Residual Bolt Stress (psi) (lbs/In2) Target Residual Bolt Stress (N/mm2). Residual % of Bolt Yield (%) Residual Bolt Load (Tons)The edit window allows the user to overwrite the recommended bolt load or bolt stress in a variety of formats. Once the default recommended bolt stress is edited a yellow exclamation icon appears next to the value and the value is italicized. Clicking on the icon restores the default recommended bolt stressInformation Tab BarThe information tab bar consists of 6 Tabs labeled Bolt Stress Torque Load Graph Bolt ToolSequenceBolt Stress TabDisplays Bolt Stress, Bolt Load and % Bolt Yield over a 3 stage time period.Warning indicators will appear if the % bolt yield ex-ceeds 95% of bolt yield. It is Tentec policy not to exceed 95% of the bolt yield strength.This tab also allows the user to switch between using bolt tensile stress area and bolt minor area to calculate bolt stress. When switching a new bolt load is calculated based on the type of bolt area chosen.This tab displays the torque value to achieve the re-sidual bolt load based on the displayed coefficients of friction. The global coefficient of friction value can be edited in the project definition window. Changing the coefficient value in the Torque Tab only changes it for the current application.Torque TabStress Graph TabThis tab displays the predicted bolt stress path overa 3 point time period.T0 = Unstressed boltT1 = Initial bolt stress A pressureT1 = Initial bolt stress B pressureT2 = Final residual bolt stressThe Red line indicates the yield strength of the boltThe yellow line indicates the maximum detension-ing stress.Units can be switched between Metric and Imperial. Bolt TabThis tab displays the bolt detailNo edit is available from this TabThe Bolt Length value is based on the Tentec toolrange chosen in the Project Definition Window. Tool TabThis tab displays the recommended Tensioning ToolNo edit is available from this TabThe Bolt Length value is based on the Tentec toolrange chosen in the project definition window.When a special tensioner is chosen, this tab will bedisabled.Sequence TabThis tab displays the recommended tensioningsequence.Manual Input ModeAll 6 orange fields in the application definition area are to be completed first before the Joint Inspector displays the results. It is recommended that the bolt thread is selected first. Once the thread is selected the software will suggest tensioning tools in the tensioning tool ident menu.The tensioning tool ident menu will display all tools available for the selected bolt size, these include the standard tools from the particular Tentec tool range selected plus any user defined tensioning tools. A user defined tool can be defined by selecting “Spe-cial tool library” from the File/Special Tools Library menu.In manual input mode the software will not recommend a residual bolt stress .Here special tools can be added to your library of tools. Once defined the tool will be available from the Tension-ing Tool Ident cell for selection in manual mode whenever the library click the add button and enter the required the list and select the edit button open up, enter the special tool details. Click OK to leave the special tools library.project file. The name is built from the following vari-ables from the project definition window.Reference: in this case 4064 R1Note R1 represents “Revision1” can be used as a simple revision counter.Project: Pig Launcher Pulling HeadsThe summation of the two viariables makes the project file name.Note:Similar file names are created for the report PDF Files.File MenuThis logo can be changed in order to“Badge” the documentation to anothercompanyTo change the image copy a 220 x 110pxbitmap file to the software installation folder, thefile should be named logo.bmpSummary ReportBolt Load% of Bolt YieldProposed Tensioning ToolKey to GraphT0=Unloaded Bolt T1=Tensioner Initial Load T2= Tensioner Residual Load (retained)Flange Configuration WN WNPredicted Bolt Stress PathPass 11--Pass 2Pass 3Pass 4Pass 11--Pass 11--Checking Pass Pass psi bar Tensioner Bolt #Applied Pressure© 2009 Tentec Limited - All Rights Reserved This Logo can be changed in order to “Badge” the documentation to another companyTo change the image copy a 220 x 110pxbitmap file to the software installation folder, the Individual Application ReportTentec LimitedPlymouth HouseGuns LaneWest Bromwich. West MidlandsUnited Kingdom. B70 9HSTentec products are subject to continual development and Tentec reserve the right to。



FREESTYLE2007QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE2007FREESTYLE *7F9J-19G217-AA*7F9J-19G217-AAFEBRUARY 2006FIRST PRINTINGQUICK REFERENCE GUIDE624848121LOCATION OF SPARE TIRE AND TOOLSYour vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare tire,which is smaller than a regular tire,and designed for emergency use only.The jack,spare tire,jack handle,and lug nut wrench are under the carpeted floor panel in the rear of the vehicle.If the 3rd row seat is stowed in the floor,you will need to unstow it to access the spare tire and jack.FUSESIf your electrical components aren't working properly,a fuse may have blown.Please consult your Owner's Guide.FUEL PUMP SHUT-OFF SWITCHThis device stops the electric fuel pump from sending fuel to the engine when your vehicle has had a substantial jolt.After an accident,if the engine cranks but does not start,this switch may have been activated.The fuel pump shut-off switch is located in the front passenger footwell area in the right upper corner.For switch reset instructions,please consult your Owner's Guide.UNLEADED FUEL RECOMMENDATIONSFor optimum performance,use “Regular”unleaded fuel with a pump (R+M)/2octane rating of at least 87.We do not recommend the use of gasolines labeled “Regular”with octane ratings of 86or lower that are sold in high altitude areas.TIRE PRESSURESafe operation of your Freestyle requires that your tires be properly inflated.The Ford recommended inflation pressure is found on the Tire Label or the Certification Label located near the front door latch on the driver's side.At least once a month and before long trips,inspect each tire and check the air pressure with a digital or dial-type tire gauge.Don't forget the spare.Air pressure should be checked when the tires are cold.Inflate all tires to the inflation pressure recommended by Ford Motor Company.ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEIn addition to your New Vehicle Limited Warranty,Ford provides new vehicle owners with a complimentary roadside assistance program.This service is available 24hours a day,seven days a week,for three years or 36,000miles (60,000km).It covers changing a flat tire,jump starts,limited fuel delivery,lock-out assistance,winch out,and towing of your vehicle.United States (800)241-3673Canada (800)665-2006UNDERSTANDING THE CVTThe Continuously Variable Transaxle (CVT)is a fully automatic transmission that electronically monitors vehicle system inputs/outputs and driver demands to select the desired drive ratio.Unlike traditional automatic transmissions,the CVT continually adjusts the optimum overall drive ratio between engine and drive wheels for all operating conditions.As traditional automatic transmissions shift up or down in gears,the shifting in gear ratios is noticeable by increasing and decreasing engine RPM,which causes a slight energy loss as the gears change.The gear changes can be felt by the driver.With the CVT,there is no energy transfer loss from shifting because there is no gear shifting up or down.Accelerating up to vehicle operating speed is smooth and continuous,uninterrupted by gear shifting.The same holds true for coasting down to idle:smooth and continuous.Unlike traditional automatic transmissions,the CVT offers more responsive performance and increased fuel economy.The use of fluids other than the recommended fluid could seriously damage internal transmission components.Please consult your Owner’s Guide.REAR WINDOW BUFFETINGWhen one or both of your rear windows are fully open,you may experience a wind throb or buffeting noise.This is common among all vehicles and can be eliminated simply by lowering a front window two to three inches.POWER SIDE MIRRORSRotate the control clockwise to adjust theright mirrorand counterclockwise toadjust the leftmirror.Move the controlin thedirection you wish totilt themirror.Rotate thecontrol to thecenter position to lock the mirrors in place.REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEMYour vehicle is equipped with a remote entry system which allows you to lock or unlock the doors.It also allows you to activate a panic alarm with thekey in the 1(LOCK)or 2(ACC)position.The remote entry system can also control the memory seat/power mirrors/adjustable pedals feature (if equipped).Please consult your Owner's Guide.KEYLESS ENTRY KEYPADThe keyless entry keypad can be used to lock or unlock the doors without using a key.It can also control the memory seat,power mirrors,and adjustable pedals (if equipped).Please consult your Owner’s Guide.MEMORY FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)This feature will allow you to set two positions for the driver's seat,power mirrors,and adjustable pedals (if equipped).Please consult your Owner's Guide.ADJUSTABLE PEDALS(IF EQUIPPED)The accelerator and brake pedal should only be adjusted when the vehicle is stopped and the gearshift is in the P (Park)position.Press thetop of the control to adjust thepedals away from you,or press the bottom of the control to adjust the pedals toward you.HOMELINK ®(IF EQUIPPED)The HomeLink Wireless Control System on the driver's visor provides a convenient way to replace up to three handheld transmitters with a single device.This feature willoperate most garage doors,entry gate operators,security systems,and home or office lighting.For programming,please consult your Owner's Guide.HEATED SEATS(IF EQUIPPED)Press the heated seat button to cycle through available settings of high heat (2lights),low heat (1light),and off (no lights).REVERSE SENSING SYSTEM(IF EQUIPPED)The Reverse Sensing System (RSS)sounds a tone to warn the driver of obstacles near the rear bumper when R (Reverse)is selected and the vehicle is moving at speeds less than 3mph (5km/h).The system is not effective at speeds above 3mph (5km/h)and may not detect certain angular or moving objects.CLIMATE CONTROLDual Zone Automatic Temperature Control (IF EQUIPPED)Driver and Passenger Side TemperatureSet desired cabin temperature with the blue and red buttons.Press to increase or decrease the temperature on the driver or passenger side of the cabin.Dual Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press DUAL to engage/disengage separate passenger side temperature control.For controls without a DUAL button,press and hold AUTO to engage/disengage separate passenger side temperature control.Automatic OperationSet desired cabin temperature.Then press AUTO for full automatic operation.The system will automatically adjust airflow temperature,front fan speed,airflow direction,A/C,and recirculated air based on the selected temperature to heat or cool the vehicle to the desired temperature as soon as possible.Defogging/DemistingPress Defrost to distribute outside air through the windshield defroster vents and demister vents.To reduce humidity build-up in the vehicle,do not drive with the climate control turned off.Also,do not drive with recirculated air selected unless the A/C is operating.Air Flow Direction Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press repeatedly to select desired airflow direction.Heated Seats (IF EQUIPPED)Press to cycle through available settings of high heat (2lights),low heat (1light),and off (no lights).Rear (IF EQUIPPED)Press to give rear passenger control of the auxiliary climate system.Press again to turn system off.Rear Temperature Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press to increase or decrease temperature to the rear of the vehicle.Rear Fan Speed Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press to increase or decrease the rear fan speed.18222120191416131517On/Off/Volume ControlPush to turn ON or OFF .Turn to increase or decrease volume.If the volume is set above a certain level and the ignition is turned off,the volume will come back on at a “nominal”level when the ignition switch is turned back on.Tune/Disc SelectorPress to go up or down the radio frequency band or to select a desired disc.Also use in MENU mode to select various settings.Bass/TreblePress MENU until Bass/Treble settings are displayed.Adjust using the SEEK control.Balance/FadePress MENU until Balance is displayed.Press to adjust the audio between the left and right speakers using the SEEK control.Press MENU again to display Fade.Press to adjust audio between the front and rear speakers using the SEEK control.MP3Track/Folder ModeIn Track mode,pressing SEEK will scroll through all tracks on the disc.In Folder mode,pressing SEEK will scroll only through tracks within a selected folder.CDPress to enter CD mode.If a CD is already loaded into the system,the CD will begin playing where it last ended.LOADPress LOAD to begin the CD load sequence.When the display prompts to select a slot,use the desired slot to load the CD.Press and hold LOAD to autoload up to 6CDs,one at a time,when the display prompts to load a CD.AM/FMPress to select AM or FM frequency bands.Setting Memory Presets To set a station:Select AM/FM frequency band,tune to a station,then press and hold a preset button until the sound returns.SCAN controlPress for a brief sampling of radio stations or CD tracks.Press again to stop.SEEK controlPress to access the next/previous strong station or track.Setting the ClockPress MENU until SELECT HOUR or SELECT MINS is e the up/down arrows and SEEK control to adjust the hours/minutes.Dual Play/Single PlayIf the vehicle has a DVD system,simultaneously press preset buttons 2and 4to switch between Dual Play and Single Play.Please consult your Owner's Guide for DVD system operation.117121098654321SEATINGFront Passenger Fold Flat Seat Back The front passenger seat back can be folded down to a horizontal position to allow room for a long load.Ensure that the seat is in the rearmost position and the headrestraint is fully down,prior to pulling the strap located on the back of the seat back.Adjusting 2nd Row Bucket and Bench Seats Lift the side handle to adjust the seat ing the same control will fold the seat back flat.Lifting the control (if equipped)located underneath the seat cushion will adjust the seat forward or backward.Accessing the 3rd Row Seats Ensure that the 2nd row seat adjustable head restraints (if equipped)are in the full down position and no objects such as books,purses,or briefcases are onthe floor in front of the 2nd row seats before folding them down.Place the front row seat in a forward position to allow the 2nd row seat to be fully ”tumbled.”Lift the handle once to fold the seat back flat.Lift the same handle a second time to “tumble”the seat forward to allow access to the 3rd row seat.Stowing the 3rd Row Bench or Split Bench Seat in TubMove the adjustable head restraint (if equipped)fully down.Ensure that the stowage tub is clear of objects prior to cycling.From the rear of the vehicle,foldthe seat back by pulling and holding the number 1strap while pushing the seat back forward.Release the strap after the seat back starts rotating forward.Release the cushion latches by pulling the number 2strap while pulling on the long strap located on the seat back,to rotate the seat all the way into the tub in the floor.ESSENTIALINFORMATION ADDITIONALFEATURESAUDIO SYSTEMPremium/Audiophile In-Dash 6-CD/MP3Sound System (IF EQUIPPED)1234567891011121719191820212213141615Max A/C OperationAutomatic Operation:Press AUTO for full automatic operation.Do not override A/C or recirculated air.Set the temperature to 60°F (16°C).Override Operation:Select air distribution.Select A/C and recirculated e recirculated air with A/C to provide colder airflow.Set temperature to 60°F (16°C).Set to highest front fan speed initially,then adjust to maintain comfort.Manual Override OperationSet desired cabin temperature.Adjust any of the following for personal comfort preferences:front fan speed,airflow direction,A/C,and recirculated air.Front fan speed,A/C,and recirculated air overrides will not turn off the AUTO indicator light.Airflow direction overrides will turn off the AUTO indicator light.ONE |HEADLAMP CONTROLTurning the headlamp control clockwise to the first position turns on the parkinglamps,instrument panellamps,license platelamps,and thetail lamps.Continuingto turn theheadlamp control tothe second positionturns on theheadlamps.To use theautolamp light-sensitive,automatic on-off control for the headlamps,turn the headlamp control counterclockwise.To turn autolamps off,turn the control clockwise to the O (OFF)position.To activate the high beams,simply pull the turn signal lever towards you to the second detent.Pull the lever towards you again to deactivate e the same lever to activate the “Flash to Pass”feature.Pull the lever towards you to the first detent to activate and release it to deactivate.TWO |FOGLAMP CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition on,the foglamps can be turned on when the headlamp control is in the parking lamp,headlamp,or autolamp position,and the high beams are not on.Simply pull the headlamp control towards you to turn on the foglamps.The foglamp indicator light will illuminate.The foglamps will not operate when the high beams are activated.THREE |PANEL DIMMERUse this control to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicable switches in the vehicle during headlamp and parking lamp operation.Move the control to the full upright position,past the detent,to turn on the interior lamps.FOUR |HOOD RELEASETo open the hood,pull the hood release handle under the bottom of the instrument panel,near the steering column.Go to the front of the vehicle and release the auxiliary latch located under the front center of the e the prop rod to support the raised hood.FIVE |SPEED CONTROLFor your speed control to work,you must press and release the ON button.Pressing and releasing the OFF button,disengages the system and turns it off.To set a desired speed,accelerate to the desiredspeed,press and release the SET+button,then take your foot off the accelerator pedal.You can increase speed using speed control by pressing and releasing the SET+button until you reach the desired speed,increasing speed by 1mph (1.6km/h)with each tap.You can decrease speed in the same way using the SET-button.Pressing the RSM(resume)button will automatically return the vehicle to the previously set speed.The RSM control will not work if the vehicle speed is below 30mph (48km/h)or if the OFF button was pressed.To disengage the speed control,press the OFF or CNCL button or press the brake.SIX |TIL T STEERING COLUMNTo adjust the steering wheel,push the adjustment lever down to unlock the steering column.While the lever is down,tilt the steering column to your desired position.While holding the steering column in place,pull the lever up to its original position to lock the steering column.Do not adjust while driving.SEVEN |STEERING WHEEL AUDIO CONTROLS (IF EQUIPPED)These controls allow you to adjust the radio and CD features from the steering wheel.Press MEDIA to select AM,FM1,FM2or CD.Press SEEK to access the next/previous strong station or track on a CD.Press VOL+/-to adjust volume and MUTE to mute the volume.EIGHT |WINDSHIELD WIPER /WASHERThe multifunction lever controls the windshield wiper modes,speeds,and the windshield washer.For intermittent operation,move the control up one position.You can then adjust the rotary control to the desired interval speed.For normal or low wiper speed,move the control up two positions from OFF.For high speed operation,move the control up three positions from OFF.For windshield washer control,pull the end of the lever toward you.Abrief pull causes a single swipe of the wipers without washer fluid.With a quick pull and hold,the wipers will swipe three times with washer fluid.A long pull and hold will activate the wipers and washer fluid for up to ten seconds.NINE |TRACTION CONTROL ™(IF EQUIPPED)This system helps you maintain the stability and steerability of your vehicle on slippery road surfaces such as snow,ice,or gravel.The system works closely with many of the elements already present in the Anti-lock Braking System.The system defaults to ON.However,should you become stuck,try switching the Traction Control™off.ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINETEN |THROTTLE CONTROL /TRANSMISSION LAMPThe throttle control /transmission lamp illuminates when a powertrain fault or an AWD fault (if equipped)has been detected.Contact your dealer as soon as possible.ELEVEN |ENGINE COOLANT LAMPThe engine coolant lamp Illuminates when the engine coolant is low.Stop the vehicle as soon as safely possible and let the engine cool.TWEL VE |ABS WARNING LAMPIn an emergency,apply continuous force to the brake pedal.Do not pump the brakes.Any pulsation or mechanical noise you may feel or hear is normal.If the lamp stays on or continues to flash,have your vehicle serviced.Normal braking is still functional unless the brake warning lamp is also illuminated.THIRTEEN |MESSAGE CENTER (IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition in the RUN position,the message center displays important vehicle information by constantly monitoring vehicle systems.You may select display features on the message center for a display of status,preceded by a brief indicator chime.The system will also notify you of potential vehicle problems with a display of system warnings.For more detailed information,please consult your Owner's Guide.FOURTEEN |CHECK ENGINE LAMPThe check engine indicator lamp illuminates when the ignition is first turned to the RUN position to check the bulb.If the lamp stays on or blinks,the On Board Diagnostics System has detected a malfunction.Drive in a moderate fashion (avoid heavy acceleration or deceleration)and have your vehicle serviced immediately.As the owner of this very capable,very versatile and most refined new Ford Freestyle,you really are…ready to go.And wherever you're going,you'll get there with confidence and style.Pack it for work,pack it for play...your new Ford Freestyle is ready to take you…well…just about anywhere.From tight city streets to snow-covered country roads,your adventures are about to begin.So,what are you waiting for?Let's go.This Quick Reference Guide was designed to help you quickly get to know your new Freestyle and its features.For the most detailed information,please consult your Owner's Guide.So,let's get started.The sooner you know more about your new Freestyle…the sooner you can get packing.ADVENTURES FREESTYLE2007QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEINSTRUMENT PANEL ANDINTERIORFEATURES。

Cybermation ESP系统代理6.1发行说明说明书

Cybermation ESP系统代理6.1发行说明说明书

Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.1Release NotesAG-SA-R6.1-RN-07Seventh Edition (February 2006)This edition applies to Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.1. The software and related manuals are protected by copyright law.Cybermation ESP System Agent documentation© Copyright 2006 Cybermation International Distribution SRLAll rights reserved.No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission ofCybermation International Distribution SRLU.S. Government Users. RESTRICTED RIGHTS - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by the GSA ADP Schedule Contract with Cybermation USA, Inc., a subsidiary of Cybermation International Distribution SRL.Trademark NoticeCybermation, Cybermation ESP, ESP Workload Manager, and ESP Espresso are registered trademarks of Cybermation, Inc.ESP Alchemist is a registered trademark of Cybermation International Inc.ESP System Agent and ESP Business Agent are trademarks of Cybermation International Distribution SRL.Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, AIX, OS/2, OS/400, RS/6000, z/OS, and WebSphere are trademarks of IBM.Sun, Solaris, and Java are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.SPARC is a trademark or registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc.Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.HP-UX and ALLBASE are registered trademarks of Hewlett Packard.Oracle Applications and Oracle E-Business Suite are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.PeopleSoft is a trademark of PeopleSoft Inc.UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group.WebLogic and WebLogic Server are trademarks of BEA Systems, Inc.SAP, R/3, and ABAP are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG.Micro Focus and Net Express are registered trademarks of Micro Focus International Limited. All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective companies.Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.1Important notes for existing ESP Agent usersESP System Agent Release 6.1 is fully backward compatible for all ESP WorkloadManager and ESP Espresso job definitions you have predefined in your system.If you are an existing Version 2 ESP Agent customer, you will notice significantchanges in the installation and configuration routine. Read the productdocumentation and refer to the ESP System Agent Administrator’s Guide for importantinformation on how to install ESP Agent.Companion documentationFor an overview of ESP System Agent Release 6, refer to What’s New in Release 6 of theESP System Agent.For information on installing and maintaining ESP Agent, refer to the ESP SystemAgent Administrator’s Guide.For information on scheduling•On ESP Workload Manager, see the ESP System Agent Guide to SchedulingWorkload•On ESP Espresso, see the ESP Espresso User’s GuideFor information on using ESP Alchemist to manage the software life cycle of entitiesESP Agent accesses, see the ESP Alchemist Installation and Configuration Guide.AG-SA-R6.1-RN-071Section–Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.12AG-SA-R6.1-RN-07ApplicabilityCybermation HostESP System Agent Release 6.1 is compatible with the following Cybermation Hosts:•ESP Workload Manager 5.3 and higher •ESP Espresso 4.1 and higher •ESP Alchemist 5.3 and higherNote: Alchemist is currently not supported for Linux on Itanium and Linux on zSeries. Alchemist support for Linux on Itanium and Linux on zSeries will follow in a future release.Load balancingLoad Balancing is currently supported with ESP Workload Manager 5.4 only. The ESP Workload Manager High Performance Option is required. Load Balancing support for ESP Espresso will follow in a future release.Strong encryptionStrong encryption is currently supported with ESP Workload Manager 5.4 only. Strong encryption support for ESP Espresso will follow in a future release.System requirementsThis section describes the minimum operating system and maintenance levels required to run ESP Agent.Windows SystemsESP System Agent Release 6.1 supports the following Windows operating systems with current Windows patches applied:Minimum available disk space required: 50 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 150 MB The ESP Agent machine must be at a minimum an Intel Pentium P3 with 128 Megabytes (MB) of RAM.The NTFS file system is required for all types of Windows.Microsoft Windows Operating Systems JRE RequiredWindows 20001.4.2_08 Windows 20031.4.2_08 Windows XP Professional 1.4.2_08AG-SA-R6.1-RN-073UNIX SystemsESP System Agent Release 6.1 supports the following UNIX operating systems:IBM AIXMinimum available disk space required: 160 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 235 MB Obtain the latest required JRE patches from the following URL:/developerworks/java/jdk/aix/service.html Sun SolarisMinimum available disk space required: 150 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 220 MB Obtain the latest required JRE patches from the following URL:/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patches/J2SE HP-UX and HP-UX on ItaniumMinimum available disk space required: 220 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 330 MB Obtain the latest required JRE patches from the following URL:/products1/unix/java/patches/index.html Operating System Version JRE Required5.15.25.3 1.4.2 32 bit (ca142-20050413)Operating System Version JRE RequiredSolaris 7 and higher 1.4.2_08Operating System Version JRE Required Additional JRE Patches Required 2251411.11 1.4.2_08PHSS 26560Section–Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.14AG-SA-R6.1-RN-07LinuxMinimum available disk space required: 150 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 225 MB Linux on Itanium Minimum available disk space required: 90 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 135 MB Linux on zSeries (zLinux)Minimum available disk space required: 80 MBMinimum available temporary disk space required during installation: 120 MB Operating System Version Minimum glibc required JRE RequiredRed Hat Enterprise 2.1 glibc-2.2.4-32.18 1.4.2_08Red Hat Enterprise 3.0glibc-2.2.4-32.18 1.4.2_08SUSE Linux 8.0 Professional, Service Pack 3glibc-2.2.5-213 1.4.2_08SUSE Linux 9.0 Professionalglibc-2.3.5-88 1.4.2_08Operating System Version JRE Required JVM RequiredLinux IA64RedHat Enterprise 2.1Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_09-b05)Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (1.4.2_09-b05, mixed mode)Operating System Version JRE Required JVM RequiredSUSE Linux 9.0Standard Edition(build 1.4.2)Classic VM (cxz64142-20050929)New features in Release 6.1ESP Agent support for ESP AlchemistThe Alchemist plug-in enables Alchemist users to access entities and control builds ofentities ESP System Agent can access. This release includes the Data T ransfer Server(DTS) component the Alchemist plug-in uses to securely transfer files between ESPSystem Agent and the Alchemist server.ESP System Agent Release 6.1 adds support for ESP Alchemist 5.3 for the followingoperating systems:•Windows•IBM AIX•Sun Solaris•HP-UX•HP-UX on Itanium•Linux on IntelThis release does not support Alchemist for the following operating systems:•Linux on Itanium•Linux on zSeriesAlchemist support for Linux on Itanium and Linux on zSeries will follow in a futurerelease.ESP Agent support for aliasing in clustered environmentsThis release adds support for ESP Agent Aliasing in clustered processingenvironments, such as HACMP/6000 for IBM AIX, MC/ServiceGuard on HP-UXand Linux, and VERITAS Cluster Service on Windows 2000. ESP Agent Aliasingenables ESP Agents to accept and respond to AFM messages directed to applicationpackages that have migrated to a different node due to failover.Installation procedure changes and notesInstructions for installing ESP Agent (UNIX only)When running setup.bin, you no longer have to specify the -i console option.Console mode is the default. To run setup.bin in graphical mode, specify thefollowing:./setup.bin -i guiAG-SA-R6.1-RN-075Section–Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.1Preserving an existing FTP users file in an upgradeWhen upgrading from Release 6, if you have ESP Agent set up as an FTP server, youcan preserve your FTP users file by moving your existing ftpusers.txt file, alongwith your agentparm.txt file and security.txt file, to a directory other thanthe directory ESP Agent will be installed in. The installer will copy theftpusers.txt file to the new ESP Agent directory.Configuration notesMessage queue size (UNIX only)T o support ESP Agent messages up to 64K in length, we recommend you increase thesize of the message queue on your ESP Agent machine. Set the following two UNIXkernel parameters to at least 65535:•MSGMAX — maximum message size•MSGMNB — maximum bytes on queueNote: ESPmgr commands may not work with a smaller message queue.Upgrading from a Version 2 or Release 5 ESP Agent (AIX only)If you upgrade from a Version 2 or Release 5 ESP Agent, the installer adds thefollowing FTP security line in the security file (security.txt) of the old version:f d**+If you want to switch back to the old version of ESP Agent, you must remove this linefrom the old security file before starting the old ESP Agent.PREFIXING operand is not mandatory if ENCRYPT is usedWhen defining ESP Agent on ESP Workload Manager, the PREFIXING orNOPREFIXING operand is not mandatory if encryption is defined in one of thefollowing ways:•The default encryption key is defined using the ENCRYPT parameter.•The encryption key is defined using the ENCRYPT operand in the AGENTinitialization parameter.Encryption automatically uses prefixing regardless of the PREFIXING orNOPREFIXING operand.6AG-SA-R6.1-RN-07Document defectsLog files can be stored in a different locationIn a standard ESP Agent installation, ESP Agent maintains the log files in a directorycalled log, which resides in the directory that contains the ESP Agent files. You canstore the log files in a different directory by setting the ESP Agent parameterlog.folder in the agentparm.txt file.UNIX examplelog.folder=/export/home/userid/ESPSystemAgent/logFTP client can use passive mode connectionWhen you set up ESP Agent as an FTP client, you can use passive mode FTPconnection by setting the ESP Agent parameter ftp.passive to true in theagentparm.txt file.CRYPTKEY command description refers to the wrong security profileThe ESP System Agent Administrator’s Guide refers to the "Host security CRYPTKEYprofile" in the CRYPTKEY command description.This note is incorrect. "Host security CRYPTKEY profile" should be "Host securityPASSWORD profile".AG-SA-R6.1-RN-077Section–Cybermation ESP System Agent Release 6.18AG-SA-R6.1-RN-07。

Damage Control Demonizer 说明书

Damage Control Demonizer 说明书
Refer all service and repairs to a qualified certified technician.
Unplug unit when not is use.
Left Tube Stasis Chamber
Magic Eye Bio-Feedback Meter
FOOTSWITCHES Engage – toggles the Demonizer from TRUE BYPASS to ON. The Demonizer will pass the input signal to the output jack with no power supplied to the pedal, due to the TRUE BYPASS nature of the circuit. Nuclear – adds 20dB of gain to the Demonizer’s tube gain stages. TOP PANEL INDICATORS Magic Eye – input meter has a soothing swirling pattern and responds to the input signal level, changing its colors and patterns. Left Tube Stasis Chamber – Indicates the state of the Demonizer. The chamber glows GREEN when the pedal is in BYPASS. When ENAGAGED, the Chamber glows to match the color of the NUCLEAR state - ORANGE when NUCLEAR OFF, and RED when NUCLEAR ON. Right Tube Stasis Chamber – Indicates the state of the NUCLEAR switch. The chamber glows orange when NUCLEAR is OFF, and RED when NUCLEAR is ON BACK PANEL JACKS Input – Connect your guitar here. Amplifier Out –Connect to guitar amplifier input, or power amp input. Direct Out – Connect to console or full-range system. This output employs an advanced 14th order analog network to reproduce the sound and feel of a professionally mic’d 4x12 closed-back cabinet for direct recording. The 100% analog signal path allows a superb direct tone without sonic compromise Note that when the Demonizer is in TRUE BYPASS, no signal will appear at the Direct Out jack. Power – Connect only the supplied Damage Control AC adapter to power the Demonizer.
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CS6717 1.25Gbps Fiber-Optic Pre-AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTION CS6717 is a low noise trans-impedance amplifier designed for 1.25Gbps fiber optical applications. In typical applications, it is connected to a PIN type photo diode, and amplifies the photo current into a differential voltage output. CS6717 uses advanced CMOS process and achieves typical input sensitivity of -32dBm. control, the typical overload limit is at +4dBm. components to achieve lower noise and higher sensitivity. And with AGC CS6717 uses discrete AGC circuits that minimize the input circuit CS6717 also include on-chip decoupling capacitors for There is also monitor output that mirrors theboth PINK and VCC that can reduce TO assembly configurations.photo diode current, and the output can be selectable current sink or current source output. FEATURES● ● ● ● ● ● ●3.3V operation 50 K-Ohm differential trans-impedance gain 1000MHz bandwidth -32dBm optical sensitivity +4dBm overloadOn-chip PINK (600pF) and VCC (1100pF) decoupling capacitorAvailable as dieAPPLICATIONS● ● ● ●Fiber Channel SDH/SONET Gigabit Ethernet GEPON**This datasheet is the confidential information of MYSON CENTURY, INC. and is subject to various privileges against unauthorized disclosure. Recipient shall not disclose this confidential information to any other person, nor shall one use the confidential information for the purpose of competing with MYSON CENTURY, INC.Myson Century, Inc. No. 2, Industry East Rd. III, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan Tel: 886-3-578-4866 Fax: 886-3-578-4349 sales@ Rev. 1.1 February 2010 Page 1 of 10CS6717BLOCK DIAGRAMMON_S Default=Source 1100pFR1 1.2K R2 1.2K+PINK 600pF I_PINMONITOR CONTROLI_MONMON1 MON2OPAMPI_R2AGC REGPD Rf I_AGCPINADOUTPTIABuff1 Buff2 Buff3DOUTNI_DCRESGNDFigure-1Block Diagrampage 2 of 10CS6717PAD CONNECTION DIAGRAMY GND VCC MON DOUTP5432 1GNDPINK6 16GND950μ mPINA259um 7CS671715MON_SPINK814 13 9 10 11 12GNDGNDGNDMON 1150 μmVCCDOUTN XFigure-2 PAD LOCATION Pad No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Pad Name GND DOUTP MON VCC GND PINK PINA PINK GND MON VCC DOUTN GND GND MON_S GND X (μm) 1087.155 735.685 588.165 440.305 292.785 63 259 63 288.425 435.945 583.805 731.325 1087.155 1087.155 1087.155 1087.155Die Diagram Y (μm) 719.085 887.5 887.5 887.5 887.5 747.035 491.59 209.215 62 62 62 62 234.865 329.285 477.145 624.665Note: The coordinates start from the left bottom of the die to the center of the padpage 3 of 10CS6717Area A: total chip size in Figure 2 mentioned 1150*950 um. (including seal ring ) Area B: scribe line residue after die saw, X=17.5±2.5 um/side, Y=17.5±2.5um/side Actual size after die-saw, Max: 1190*990um, Min: 1180*980um Chip thickness: 12mil±1milCS6717 chipA Bpage 4 of 10CS6717PIN DESCRIPTION Name GND DOUTP VCC MON PINK PINA DOUTN Pin 1, 5, 9, 13, 14,16 2 4, 11 3, 10 6, 8 7 12 Description Ground pin. Connect to most negative supply voltage. Data output pin. This pin goes high when current flows into pin PINA. Power pin. Connect to most positive supply voltage. Received Signal Strength Indicator. Sinks or sources current equal to PD current. PIN Cathode bias pin. Connect to the cathode of the photodiode. Connect an external capacitor between this pin and ground. PIN Anode pin. Connect to the anode of the photodiode. Inverting data output pin. Complementary to pin DOUTP. Selects whether MON output is a current sink or source. This pin has internal MON_S 15 pull-up resistor. Leave this pin floating (internal pulled-up) will configure MON output as a current source, connecting this pin to ground will configure MON output as current sink. Note: PINA is an ESD sensitive pin. Handle with care.page 5 of 10CS6717FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CS6717 is a trans-impedance pre-amplifier fabricated by CMOS process. The CS6717 consists of a trans-impedance amplifier, an output buffer, a DC restore block, a voltage regulator, an AGC block and a monitor block. Voltage Regulator and PINK bias An on-chip regulator is used to provide a clean supply voltage to the front-end amplifier. The PINK bias is supplied with an on-chip variable resistor (40K – 12K – 3.1K – 1K – 300) depending on input current level. The current switching points of the resistor are the same as the AGC switching points. The current flowing through the on-chip resistor, which is really the average current of the photo diode, is replicated by a DC-Restore OPAMP (I_R2). This current is then duplicated at PINA to compensate the DC input current and reduce the pulse distortion at the input due to DC component. There is also an on-chip PINK decoupling capacitor of 600pF, therefore external decoupling capacitor for PINK can be omitted. External capacitor can be added to increase the decoupling effect and thus may gain 0.5dBm increase in sensitivity. However, the added capacitor should not be larger than 3500pF to ensure the stability of AGC loop. Low Noise Trans-Impedance Amplifier The first stage of CS6717 is a low-noise trans-impedance amplifier. The input current is fed into an inverting amplifier with a variable feedback resistor. The feedback resistor converts the input photo current to voltage at the output node. The feedback resistance is reduced by AGC control when the input is large. The typical input referred noise current (integrated to 875MHz) is 70nA when AGC is not turned-on. AGC Block The AGC control block receive the information of the input photo-diode current level then set the trans-impedance gain accordingly. stage amplifier. The higher the input current, the lower the gain is set to prevent the overload saturation of the first The AGC defines five gain settings according to the input current as shown in Figure 3. The input Typically, for low power input, the differentialpower is calculated from 0.9A/W photo-diode conversion efficiency. trans-impedance gain is set to 52KOhm. reduced to about 16KOh, as shown in Figure 3. oscillating around the switching points.60At -16.8dBm, the first AGC step is turned on, and the trans-impedance is As the input power is increased, the following AGC switching points These AGC switching points also include hysteresis to preventare -11.5dBm, -6.3dBm, and -0.8dBm respectively.50G a in v s in p u t p o w e r Transimpedance Gain (K)403020100 -3 5 -3 0 -2 5 -2 0 -1 5 -1 0 -5 0 5I n p u t o p t ic a l p o w e r ( d B m )Figure-3TIA Gain versus Input Powerpage 6 of 10CS6717The discrete AGC simplifies the circuit of front-end low-noise amplifier so to allow better noise performance. in typical AGC design to allow more stable operation to resist noise effect. The AGC switching points are determined by the input current from the regulator, thus also avoid dual-loop time constants With AGC reducing the trans-impedance gain, CS6717 can have up to +4dBm input without overloading the front-end amplifier. Output Buffer The single-ended output of trans-impedance amplifier is converted to differential signal through output buffer stage (Figure-4). The conversion is accomplished through the extraction of the DC average level by a RC low pass filter shown in the figure. This low-pass filter 3dB frequency is set at 50KHz. The output buffer has internal pull down current sources and is able to drive 100Ohm load. The output should be AC coupled to the post-amplifier input, and Please note the external AC coupling capacitor and thetermination resistors be placed after the coupling capacitor.external termination resistor also set another 3dB lower frequency.DO UTP Single-ended Signal DO UTNFigure-4Single-ended to Differential Signal conversionBecause the discrete AGC effects described above, the output amplitude is limited when the input power is higher than the first AGC setting. Because AGC circuit is discrete, the hysteresis is needed in order to keep the circuits stable when each AGC step switches from high (low) power to low (high) power. The typical output amplitude of CS6717 is shown in Figure-5.220 200 180 160Output Swing (mV)140 120 100 80 60 40 20 -3 5 -3 0 -2 5 -2 0 -1 5 -1 0 -5 0H ig h P o w e r ~ L o w P o w e r L o w P o w e r ~ H ig h P o w e rO p t ic a l P o w e r ( d B m )Figure-5oDifferential Output Swing versus Input Power(Ta=25 C, CPD=0.5pF, data is collected by differential output with 50ohm termination).page 7 of 10CS6717Monitor Block The MON output provides a copy of the photodiode mean input current. The MON output can be configured as either a current sink or a current source to suit the application requirement. By connecting a resistor between the MON output and either VCC (+3.3 V) or ground (GND) a voltage proportional to the photodiode current can be generated. If MON_S is left open the MON output is configured as a current source. In this case the resistor RMON should be terminated to ground to develop a ground referenced voltage across it directly proportional to the photodiode mean current. If MON_S is tied to ground, the MON output is configured as a current sink and the resistor RMON should be connected to VCC (+3.3 V). The typical the input optical power to the MON output current of CS6717 is shown in Figure-6.Figure-6Monitor current versus Input Powerpage 8 of 10CS6717ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VCC Tstg Parameter Power Supply (VCC - GND) Storage Temperature Rating 6 -65 to +150 Unit VoCRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Symbol VCC TA Parameter Power Supply (VCC - GND) Operating Ambient Rating 3.0-3.6 -40 to 85 Unit VoCELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Symbol VIN ICC RO G IAC,MAX IDC,MAX VDF BW BWL IN Sensitivity PIN(max) PSRR Parameter Input bias voltage Supply current Output impedance Small signal trans-impedance Input = 2uAP-P (Note 1) Maximum AC input current Maximum DC input current Maximum differential output voltage Small signal bandwidth Cutoff frequency Input referred RMS noise Optical sensitivity Optical saturation Power supply rejection ratio F < 4MHz (Note 2) -3dB Cpd = 0.5pF (Note 1) Iinput = 1mAP-P,(RL = 100,differential)ConditionMin 0.55 -Typ 0.65 22 50 52K 260 1000 50 70 -32 +4 -Max 0.75 30 100 -10Unit V mA Ω Ω mAp-p mA mV MHz KHz nA dBm dBm dBSingle ended Differential(RL = 100,differential)3.6 2 800 30Note 1. Assuming photodiode of 0.9A/W conversion, extinction ration of 10 dB and BER of 10 , CPD=0.5pF Note 2. The result is guaranteed by design simulation.page 9 of 10CS6717TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITVCC 3.3VC10.1uF DINPGNDGNDVCCMONDOUTP GND GNDGND PINKCS6717PINA MON_SCS6705 Post_Amp orGND(CS6716 Post_Amp +LD Driver)GNDPINKGND GND GND MON VCC DOUTNMONVCCDINN C4 1nF C2 0.1uFC3 0.1uFGNDFigure-7Typical Application CircuitTOP VIEW OF TO-46 HEADERTOP VIEW OF TO-46 HEADERCS6717 GND GND GNDCS6717 GNDDOUTPDOUTNDOUTPDOUTNPINKPINAPINKPINAPHOTODIODEPHOTODIODEVCCMONVCCCASE IS GROUNDCASE IS GROUNDFigure-8Typical 5-pin Assembly CircuitFigure-9Typical 4-pin Assembly Circuitpage 10 of 10。
