(12)生产效率 生产效率英文为 Production Efficiency,是指固定投入量下,制程的实际产出与最大产出两者间 的比率。可以反映出达成最大产出、预定目标或是最佳营运服务的程度。在工厂实际生产中 经常以以下工式计算: 生产效率=产出工时÷投入工时
IE 手 册
1. 工业工程相关名词解释 (13)动素 动素是完成一件工作所需的基本动作的元素。它由吉尔布雷斯创立的动素分析而来,他 将人的基本动作分成17个动素,后美国机械工程师学会增加“发现”这一动素变成了18动素 。 (14)动作单元 动作单元是完成一件工作所需的基本动作,由动素构成。它具体关系到产品加工过程中 使用的工具、加工方法,拆分原则为可传递,不调整。每个动作单元对应一个工时,具有确 定性与唯一性。 (15)单元动作 单元动作是完成一件工作所需的基本动作单元。层级关系为: 动素→动作单元→单元动作。
IE 相关术语
IE 手 册
IE 手 册
目 录
IE相关名词解释 IE工作指引
线平衡 排拉表讲解
IE 手 册
1. 工业工程相关名词解释 (1)客户节拍 客户需求节拍是指在一定的时间长度内,总的有效时间与客户需求数量的比值,是客户 需求一件产品的市场必要时间。 (2)生产节拍 生产节拍是一条生产线的相邻两个产品通过生产线尾端的时间间隔,即每隔多长时间有 一件产品从生产线流出。 (3)循环周期 单个工位按照排拉设定的加工内容重复指定的单个或多个动作单元的有效作业时间。 (4)线平衡 (Line Balance)如何指派工作给予各个工作站,使各个工作站作业负荷一致的决策过程。
IE管理IE的来源于industrial(⼯业) engineering(⼯程)两个英⽂单词的第⼀位字母。
主要研究领域⼯业⼯程基础(⼯作研究): 利⽤⽅法研究和作业测定(⼯作衡量)2⼤技术,分析影响⼯作效率的各种因素,帮助企业挖潜、⾰新、消除⼈⼒、物⼒、财⼒和时间⽅⾯的浪费,减少劳动强度,合理安排作业,并制定各作业时间,从⽽提⾼⼯作效率。
设施规划与设计:对系统(⼯⼚、医院、学校、商店等)进⾏具体的规划设计,包括选址、平⾯布置、物流分析、物料搬运⽅法与设备选择等,使个⽣产要素和各⼦系统(设计、⽣产制造、供应、后勤保障、销售等部门)按照IE 要求得到合理的配置,组成有效地集成系统。
企业管理常用缩写术语中英文对照•5S: 5S管理•6σ:六西格玛管理A•ABC: 作业制本钱制度 (Activity-Based Costing)•ABB: 实施作业制预算制度 (Activity-Based Budgeting)•ABM: 作业制本钱管理 (Activity-Base Management)•APS: 先进规划与排程系统 (Advanced Planning andScheduling)•ASP: 应用程序服务供货商〔Application ServiceProvider〕•ATP: 可承诺量 (Available To Promise)•AVL: 认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List)B•BOM: 物料清单 (Bill Of Material)•BPR: 企业流程再造 (Business ProcessReengineering)•BSC: 平衡记分卡 (Balanced ScoreCard)•BTF: 计划生产 (Build To Forecast)•BTO: 订单生产 (Build To Order)C•CPM: 要径法 (Critical Path Method)•CPM: 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(plaint perMillion)•CRM: 客户关系管理 (Customer RelationshipManagement)•CRP: 产能需求规划 (Capacity RequirementsPlanning)•CTO: 客制化生产 (Configuration To Order)D•DBR: 限制驱导式排程法 (Drum-Buffer-Rope)•DMT:成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing)•DVT: 设计验证(Design Verification Testing)•DRP: 运销资源计划 (Distribution ResourcePlanning)•DSS: 决策支持系统 (Decision Support System)E•EC:设计变更/工程变更 (Engineer Change)•EC:电子商务 (Electronic merce)•ECRN: 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change RequestNotice)•EDI: 电子数据交换 (Electronic Data Interchange)•EIS: 主管决策系统 (Executive Information System)•EMC: 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability)•EOQ: 根本经济订购量 (Economic Order Quantity)•ERP: 企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning) F•FAE: 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer)•FCST: 预估(Forecast)•FMS: 弹性制造系统 (Flexible Manufacture System)•FQC: 成品质量管理 (Finish or Final QualityControl)I•IE: 工业工程师 (Industrial Engineering)•IPQC: 制程质量管理 (In-Process Quality Control)•IQC: 进料质量管理 (Ining Quality Control)•ISO: 国际标准组织 (International Organizationfor Standardization)•ISAR: 首批样品认可(Initial Sample ApprovalRequest)J•JIT: 实时管理 (Just In Time)K•KM:知识管理 (Knowledge Management)L•L4L: 逐批订购法 (Lot-for-Lot)•LTC: 最小总本钱法 (Least Total Cost)•LUC: 最小单位本钱 (Least Unit Cost)M•MES: 制造执行系统 (Manufacturing ExecutionSystem)•MO: 制令(Manufacture Order)•MPS: 主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule)•MRO: 请修(购)单(Maintenance Repair Operation)•MRP: 物料需求规划 (Material RequirementPlanning)•MRPII: 制造资源计划 (Manufacturing ResourcePlanning)N•NFCF: 更改预估量的通知〔Notice for ChangingForecast〕O•OEM: 委托代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture)•ODM: 委托设计与制造 (Original Design &Manufacture)•OLAP: 在线分析处理 (On-Line AnalyticalProcessing)•OLTP: 在线交易处理 (On-Line TransactionProcessing)•OPT: 最优生产技术 (Optimized ProductionTechnology)•OQC: 出货质量管理 (Out-going Quality Control) P•PDCA: PDCA管理循环 (Plan-Do-Check-Action)•PDM: 产品数据管理系统 (Product Data Management)•PERT: 计划评核术 (Program Evaluation and ReviewTechnique)•PO: 订单(Purchase Order)•POH: 预估在手量 (Product on Hand)•PR: 采购申请〔Purchase Request〕Q•QA: 质量保证(Quality Assurance)•QC: 质量管理(Quality Control)•QCC: 品管圈 (Quality Control Circle)•QE: 质量工程(Quality Engineering)R•RCCP: 粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning)•RMA: 退货验收Returned Material Approval•ROP: 再订购点 (Re-Order Point)S•SCM: 供给链管理 (Supply Chain Management)•SFC: 现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)•SIS: 策略信息系统 (Strategic Information System)•SO: 订单(Sales Order)•SOR: 特殊订单需求(Special Order Request)•SPC: 统计制程管制 (Statistic Process Control)•SQE:供给商质量工程师〔Supplier Quality Engineer〕T•TOC: 限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)•TPM: 全面生产管理Total Production Management•TQC: 全面质量控制 (Total Quality Control)•TQM: 全面质量管理 (Total Quality Management)W•WIP: 在制品 (Work In Process)BOM(Bill Of Material,物料清单)BOM的概念物料清单〔Bill Of Material 简称BOM〕是MRP的重要文件,几乎所有的管理部门都要到它。
IE英文术语IE專業詞匯BSBrainStorming腦力激蕩FacilitieDeignandPlanning设施规划与设计MaterialFlowSytemAnalyi物流系统分析ProductionPlanningandControl 生产计划与控制HumanEngineering人机工程(工效学)CotControl成本控制ValueEngineering价值工程WorkAement工作评价与考核EngineeringEconomicAnalyi工程经济分析MachineInterference機器干擾SingleMinuteE某changeofDie(SMED)六十秒即时換模Fool-Proof防止錯誤法(防錯法)Man人Machine机Material料Method法Environment環境Temperature(temp)溫度Humidity濕度learningcurve學習曲線Timemeaurement時間測量NOVALUE無價值Incidentalwork(neceary)必要Wate浪費TaktTime生產節拍TranportEmpty伸手Grap握取Move移物Diaemble折卸Ue應用Aemble裝配ReleaeLoad放手Inpect檢查Search尋找Select選擇Play計划Pre-Poition預定位Poition定位Hold持住Ret休息PRA-ProbabiliticRik風險率評估RikPriorityNumber(RPN)風險關鍵指數What完成了什么where何處做When何時做who由誰做Why為何這樣做how何時做delay等待operation操作inpection檢查tranportation搬運torage儲存Colormanagement顏色管理QualityControlCircle品管圈(QCC)yntheticleveling合成評比WorkSampling工作抽樣ManufacturingE某ecutionSytem製造執行系統(MES)MaterProductionScheduling主生產排程(MPS)MaterProductionPlanning主生產計划MaterialRequirementPlanning物料需求規劃(MRP)ManufacturingReourcePlanning製造資源計劃(MRPII)OperationScheduling作業計划Flowhop流水車間OptimizedProductionTechnology最佳生產技術SupplyChainManagement供應鏈管理(SCM)StatiticProceControl統計製程管制(SPC)TotalProductionManagement全面生產管理(TPM)TotalQualityManagement全面品質管理(TQM)ZeroDefectQualityControl零缺陷質量管理:PDCACyclePDCA循環: continueImprovement持續改善:Project項目ProjectManager項目經理ProjectManagement項目管理ProjectPlan 項目計划ProceImprovement現場改善WORKINPROCESS半成品Preident董事長Viualmanagement目視管理bottleneck瓶頸Layout布置圖qualityengineering品質工程人員(QE)firtarticleinpection新品首件檢查(FAI)firtarticleaurance首件確認(FAA)capabilityinde某能力指數(CP) QualityImprovementTeam品質改善小組(QIT)Claification整理(orting,organization)-eiriRegulation整頓(arrangement,tidine)-eitonCleanline清掃(weeping,purity)-eioConervation清洁(cleaning,cleanline)-eiktuCulture教養(dicipline)-hitukeSave節約Safety安全Make-to-tock備貨型生產(MTS)Make-to-order訂貨型生產(MTO)Aemble-to-order按訂單裝配(ATO)Fle某iblemanufacturingytem柔性制造系統Grouptechnology成組技術(GT)Concurrentengineering并行工程(CE)Intelligentmanufacturing智能制造(IM)Dependability可靠性Fle某ibility柔性productdatemanagement產品數据管理(PDM)Facilitylocation設施選址Fi某edpoitionlayout固定式布置procelayout工藝過程布置layoutbaedongrouptechnology成組制造單元布置Jobdeign工作設計workmeaurement工作測量Timetudy時間研究Baicmotiontudy基本動作世界研究法(BMS)Adjutablecapacity可#123;整能力productionrate生產率Inventory庫存modularbillofmaterial模塊物料清單Ma某imumpart-periodgain最大周期收益(MPG)ditributionrequirementplanning分配需求計划cheduling編制作業計划equencing排序Dipatching派工controlling控制e某pediting 趕工upplychain供應鏈PurchaingManagement采購管理QuickRepone快速用戶反應JITPurchaing准時采購phyicalditribution物流Materialhandling物料搬運project項目。
工业工程常用术语1、允收质量水准:AQL (Acceptable Quality Level)允收品质水准是顾客与供应商之间的交易运作模式。
2、问五次为什么:Ask why five times一个发掘问题真正原因的常识原则。
3、查核现场:Check Gembutsu当欲探寻问题的根源时,对现场实地有形的物体加以调查。
5、管制图:Control Chart为一个具有上下管制界线的图。
6、成本:Cost在QCD 的范畴,成本通常是指成本管理。
7、跨部门(功能)管理:Cross Function-Management为达成QCD,而进行的跨越部门的活动。
8、周期时间:Cycle Time作业员完成加工一个产品所需要的实际耗用时间(产距时间takt time )。
9、交期:Delivery在QCD 范畴内,指交货的数量和时间,皆要符合顾客要求。
10、不接受,不制造,不流出:Don ’t get it ,Don’t make it ,Don’t send it在现场里提出的一个常识性口号。
在任何一个QCD 计划中,应将品质最优的概念予以实践出来。
11、失效树分析:FAT (Failure Tree Analysis )借着确定因果关系,以及利用树关图,来认定问题的机率。
12、流线生产:Flow Production及时制生产模式的支柱之一,在流线生产中,机器是按照加工顺序排列。
英文质量术语从事质量多年,但在交流的时候仍会对一些术语(英文简称)搞不清楚,现普及一下部门名称的专有名词QS:Quality system品质系统CS:Coutomer Sevice 客户服务QC:Quality control品质管理IQC:Incoming quality control 进料检验LQC:Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制IPQC:In process quality control 制程检验FQC:Final quality control 最终检验OQC:Outgoing quality control 出货检验QA:Quality assurance 品质保证SQA:Source(supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证(VQA)CQA:Customer Quality Assurance客户质量保证PQA rocess Quality Assurance 制程品质保证QE:Quality engineer 品质工程CE:component engineering零件工程EE:equipment engineering设备工程ME:manufacturing engineering制造工程TE:testing engineering测试工程PPE roduct Engineer 产品工程IE:Industrial engineer 工业工程ADM: Administration Department行政部RMA:客户退回维修CSDI:检修PC:producing control生管MC:mater control物管GAD: General Affairs Dept总务部A/D: Accountant /Finance Dept会计LAB: Laboratory实验室DOE:实验设计HR:人资PMC:企划RD:研发W/H:仓库SI:客验PD: Product Department生产部PA:采购(PUR: Purchaing Dept)SMT:Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术MFG:Manufacturing 制造MIS:Management information system 资迅管理系统DCC:document control center 文件管制中心厂内作业中的专有名词QT:Quality target品质目标QP:Quality policy目标方针QI:Quality improvement品质改善CRITICAL DEFECT:严重缺点(CR)MAJOR DEFECT:主要缺点(MA)MINOR DEFECT:次要缺点(MI)MAX:Maximum最大值MIN:Minimum最小值DIA iameter直径DIM imension尺寸LCL:Lower control limit管制下限UCL:Upper control limit管制上限EMI:电磁干扰ESD:静电防护EPA:静电保护区域ECN:工程变更ECO:Engineering change order工程改动要求(客户)ECR:工程变更需求单CPI:Continuous Process Improvement 连续工序改善Compatibility:兼容性Marking:标记DWG rawing图面Standardization:标准化Consensus:一致Code:代码ZD:Zero defect零缺点Tolerance:公差Subject matter:主要事项Auditor:审核员BOM:Bill of material物料清单Rework:重工ID:identification识别,鉴别,证明PILOT RUN: (试投产)FAI:首件检查FPIR:First Piece Inspection Report首件检查报告FAA:首件确认SPC:统计制程管制CP: capability index(准确度)CPK: capability index of process(制程能力)PMP:制程管理计划(生产管制计划)MPI:制程分析DAS efects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统PPB:十亿分之一Flux:助焊剂P/N:料号L/N:Lot Number批号Version:版本Quantity:数量Valid date:有效日期MIL-STD:Military-Standard军用标准ICT: In Circuit Test (线路测试)ATE:Automatic Test Equipment自动测试设备MO: Manafacture Order生产单T/U: Touch Up (锡面修补)I/N:手插件P/T:初测F/T: Function Test (功能测试-终测)AS 组立P/K:包装TQM:Total quality control全面品质管理MDA:manufacturing defect analysis制程不良分析(ICT) RUN-IN:老化实验HI-pot:高压测试FMI:Frequency Modulation Inspect高频测试DPPM: Defect Part Per Million(不良率的一种表达方式:百万分之一) 1000PPM即为0.1% Corrective Action: (CAR改善对策)ACC:允收REJ:拒收S/S:Sample size抽样检验样本大小SI-SIV:Special I-Special IV特殊抽样水平等级CON:Concession / Waive特采ISO:国际标准化组织ISA:Industry Standard Architecture工业标准体制结构OBA:开箱稽核FIFO:先进先出PDCA:管理循环Plan do check action计划,执行,检查,总结WIP:在制品(半成品)S/O: Sales Order (业务订单)P/O: Purchase Order (采购订单)P/R: Purchase Request (请购单)AQL:acceptable quality level允收品质水准LQL;Limiting quality level最低品质水准QVL:qualified vendor list合格供应商名册AVL :认可的供货商清单(Approved Vendor List) QCD: Quality cost delivery(品质,交期,成本)MPM:Manufacturing project management制造专案管理KPI:Key performance indicate重要绩效指标MVT:Manufacturing Verification Test制造验证试产Q/R/S:Quality/Reliability/Service质量/可靠度/服务STL:ship to line(料到上线)NTF:No trouble found误判CIP:capacity improvement plan(产能改善计划)MRB:material review board(物料审核小组)MRB:Material reject bill退货单JIT:just in time(即时管理)5S:seiri seiton seiso seiketsu shitsuke(整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,修养)SOP:standard operation process(标准作业程序)SIP:Specification inspection process制程检验规格TOP: Test Operation Process (测试作业流程)WI: working instruction(作业指导书)SMD:surface mounting device(表面粘着原件)FAR:failure aualysis report故障分析报告CAR:Corrective action report改善报告BPR:企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering)ISAR :首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request)-JIT:实时管理(Just In Time)QCC :品管圈(Quality Control Circle)Engineering Department (工程部)TQEM: Total Quality Environment Management(全面品质环境管理)PD: Production Department (制造)LOG: Logistics (后勤支持)Shipping: (进出口)AOQ:Average Output Quality平均出货质量AOQL:Average Output Quality Level平均出货质量水平FMEA:failure model effectiveness analysis失效模式分析CRB: Change Review Board (工程变更会议)CSA:Customer Simulate Analysis客户模拟分析SQMS:Supplier Quality Management System供应商品质管理系统QIT: Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组QIP:Quality Improvement Plan品质改善计划CIP:Continual Improvement Plan持续改善计划M.Q.F.S: Material Quality Feedback Sheet (来料品质回馈单) SCAR: Supplier Corrective Action Report (供货商改善对策报告)8D Sheet: 8 Disciplines sheet ( 8D单)PDCA:PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) (管理循环)MPQ: Material Packing Quantity (物料最小包装量)DSCN: Delivery Schedule Change Notice (交期变更通知) QAPS: Quality Assurance Process Sheet (品质工程表)DRP :运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning)DSS:决策支持系统(Decision Support System)EC :电子商务(Electronic Commerce)EDI :电子资料交换(Electronic Data Interchange)EIS :主管决策系统(Excutive Information System)ERP:企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning) FMS :弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System)KM :知识管理(Knowledge Management)4L :逐批订购法(Lot-for-Lot)LTC :最小总成本法(Least Total Cost)LUC :最小单位成本(Least Unit Cost)MES :制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System) MPS :主生产排程(Master Production Schedule)MRP :物料需求规划(Material Requirement Planning) MRPⅡ:制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning) OEM :委托代工(Original Equipment Manufacture) ODM :委托设计与制造(Original Design & Manufacture) OLAP:线上分析处理(On-Line Analytical Processing) OLTP:线上交易处理(On-Line Transaction Processing) OPT :最佳生产技术(Optimized Production Technology) PDCA:PDCA管理循环(Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM:产品数据管理系统(Product Data Management)) RCCP:粗略产能规划(Rough Cut Capacity Planning) SCM :供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)SFC :现场控制(Shop Floor Control)TOC:限制理论(Theory of Constraints)TQC :全面品质管制(Total Quality Control)FYI/R:for your information/reference仅供参考ASAP:尽快S/T:Standard time标准时间TPM:total production maintenance:全面生产保养ESD Wrist strap:静电环IT:information technology信息技术,资讯科学CEO:Chief Executive Officer执行总裁COO:Chief Operaring Officer首席业务总裁SWOT:Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,Threat优势﹐弱点﹐机会﹐威胁Competence:专业能力Communication:有效沟通Cooperation:统御融合Vibration Testing:振动测试IDP:Individual Development Plan个人发展计划MRP:Material Requirement Planning物料需求计划MAT'S:Material材料LRR:Lot Rejeet Rate批退率ATIN:Attention知会3C:Computer ,Communication , Consumer electronic消费性电子5W1H:When , Where , Who , What , Why , Ho5M: Man , Machine , Material , Method , Measurement人,机器,材料,方法,测量4MIE: Man,Material,Machine,Method,Environment人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)7M1I: Manpower , Machine , Material , Method, Market , Management , Money , Information人力,机器,材料,方法, 市场,管理,资金,资讯1 Accuracy 准确度2 Action 行动3 Activity 活动4 Analysis Covariance 协方差分析5 Analysis of Variance 方差分析6 Approved 承认7 Attribute 计数值8 Average 平均数9 Balance sheet 资产负债对照表10 Binomial 二项分配11 Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法12 Cause and Effect Matrix 因果图(鱼骨图)13 CL:Center Line 中心线14 Check Sheets 检查表15 Complaint 投诉16 Conformity 合格(符合)17 Control 控制18 Control chart 控制(管制)图19 Correction 纠正20 Correlation Methods 相关分析法21 CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善22 Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表23 CS: Customer Sevice 客(户)服(务)中心24 DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统25 Data 数据Description:品名26 DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心27 Decision 决策、判定28 Defects per unit 单位缺点数29 Description 描述30 Device 装置31 Do 执行32 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计33 Element 元素34 Engineering recbnology 工程技35 Environmental 环境36 Equipment 设备37 Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数38 E Equipment Variation 设备变异39 External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷40 FA: Failure Analysis 失效分析41 Fact control 事实管理42 Fatigue 疲劳43 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis失效模式与效果分析44 FP First-Pass Yield (第一次通过)合格率45 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证46 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制47 Gauge system 测量系统48 Grade 等级49 Histogram 直方图50 Improvement 改善51 Initial review 先期审查52 Inspection 检验53 Internal Failure 内部失效、内部缺陷54 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制55 IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料品质控制56 IS International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织57 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限58 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制59 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限60 Machine 机械61 Manage 管理62 Materials 物料63 Measurement 测量64 Median 中位数65 MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析66 Occurrence 发生率67 Operation Instruction 作业指导书68 Organization 组织69 Parto 柏拉图70 PPM arts per Million (百万分之)不良率71 Plan 计划72 Policy 方针73 Population 群体74 PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程品质保证75 Practice 实务(践)76 Prevention 预防77 Probability 机率78 Probability density function 机率密度函数79 Procedure 流程80 Process 过程81 Process capability analysis 制程能力分析(图)82 Process control and Process capability制程管制与制程能力83 Product 产品84 Production 生产85 Projects 项目86 QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证87 QC: Quality Control 品质控制88 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程89 QFD: Quality Function Desgin 品质机能展开(法)90 Quality 质量91 Quality manual 品质手册92 Quality policy 品质政策(质量方针)93 Random experiment 随机试验94 Random numbers 随机数95 R:Range 全距(极差)96 Reject 拒收97 Repair 返修98 Repeatusility 再现性99 Reproducibility 再生性100 Requirement 要求101 Responsibilities 职责102 Review 评审103 Reword 返工104 Rolled yield 直通率105 RPN: Risk Priority Number 风险系数106 Sample 抽样,样本107 Sample space 样本空间108 Sampling with replacement 放回抽样109 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样110 Scatter diagram 散布图分析111 Scrap 报废112 Simple random sampling 简单随机取样113 Size 规格114 SL: Size Line 规格中心线115 Stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样116 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书117 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制118 Specification 规范119 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商品质保证120 Stage sampling 分段随机抽样121 Standard Deviation 标准差122 Sum of squares 平方和。
电子厂里常见的英文缩写-??浏览次数:1591次悬赏分:10|解决时间:2009-6-28 20:57 |提问者:Smile2008com比如ECN是指工程变更-AOI是光学检测-QE是品质工程....那FIFO是指什么呢???OEM....ODM--又是指什么呢..??这些都要谁来执行完成呢??这些是我们要学的?但是我要在学之前把它弄懂一些--万分谢谢--!!!!最佳答案ISO 国际标准化组织(ISO,International Organization for Stan-dardization缩写)。
OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商R&D (research&design) 研发ODM,即Original design manufacture(原始设计商)的缩写。
IQC incoming quality controlRD research development centerIPQC in process quality controlRD HQ research development center head quarterFQC final quality controlQA quality assuranceBOM bill of materialPVT product verification testOQC outgoing quality controlPRP phase review processQE quality engineeringPM project managementDCC document center controlPJE project engineerECN engineering change noticePE product engineerECR engineering change requestNPI new product introductionMRB material review bomMP mass productionCAR corrective action requestMFG manufacturingFPC flexible printed circuit boardME mechanical engineerNCR non conforming reportKBD keyboardOBE out of box evaluationIFR instant failure rateIQA internal quality auditIFIR instant failure incident ratePCR process change requestHW hardwareIPO internal purchase officeN/A No ActionIE industrial engineeringESD electrostatic dischargeQPA quality process auditEOL end of lifeQSA quality system auditEN engineering noticeATE automatic test equipmentEMI electromagnetic interferenceAOI automatic optical inspectionEMC electromagnetic compatibilityPCBA print circuit board assemblyEE electronic engineer(ing)TTL technology transfer listEDC electronic data centerSQA supplier quality assuranceECO engineering change orderORT ongoing reliability testingDVT design verification testQM quality manualDOA dead on arrivalSW softwareCAD/ID computer aided design /industrial designSOW standard of workBIOS basic input /output systemSCSI small computer system interfaceAP application programSA software applicationAFR annual failure rateSO sales orderNTF no trouble foundMRP material requirement planningCND can not duplicateAVL approved vendor listDPPM defect parts per millionFAI first article inspectionFMEA failure mode effect analysisCLCA closed loop corrective actionLRR line reject rate measured by DPPMMQR monthly quality reviewMTQ manufacturing ,test and qualityRCA root cause analysisPFMEA process failure mode effect analysisSFIS Shop Floor Information SystemQEM Quality engineering measurementBGA Ball Grid ArrayIC Integrated CircuitQFP Quad Flat PackEOS Elwctrical Over StressTNB terminal notebook businessSMT Surface Mount Technology品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供应商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人电脑CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 作业系统TBA To Be Assured 待定。
Insert L901.L301.F1.D901
2 31.87 28.56 27.39 26.88 29.55 31.87 26.88 14.43
Insert SK.CR1.CX1.CX2
2 31.67 30.59 31.64 29.68 30.14 31.67 29.68 15.37
T U-04
Total inspection
1 15.99 15.34 14.28 13.48 10.38 15.99 10.38 13.89
Testing components of main board
1 10.23 12.34 11.25 13.88 14.22 14.22 10.23 12.38
UPH(units per hour)单位小时产能,产能的指标。
UPH=年生产量/(12*月工作日*日工作小时)或 UPH=日生产量/日工作小时
计算当前整机cell 线UPPH?
常用术语— OPE
OPE(Overall Plant Efficiency)整体工厂效率
用来衡量工厂经营管理的整体效率,包含:设计者效率,管理者 效率,作业效率。反应工厂综合能力。
标准工时的制定方法有很多,归纳起来有如下几种: 1)秒表观测法俗称“马表法”或时间观测法(我司采用的方法) 2)标准时间预定法(PTS法) a、WF法(Work Factor) b、MTM法(Methods Time Measurement) C、MODAPTS法(Modular Arrangement of PTS) 3)标准资料法 4)经验法 5)VTR法(摄影法)
二、基础IE里的东西:IE手法包括:方法研究(程序分析、动作分析),作业测定,布置研究,Line Balance等,但好象不够七个.在现场IE里,IE七大手法包括:程序分析、动作分析,搬运分析,动作经济原则,作业测定,布置研究,Line Balance。
三、台湾公司教材里面的1、工程分析.2、搬运工程分析.3、运动分析(工作抽查work sampling)4、生产线平衡.5、动作分析。
1. i.e. - 也就是(in other words):用于引出一个更明确或更简洁的表达方式。
2. IE - 国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization):一个制定国际标准的组织。
3. IEP - 个人教育计划(Individualized Education Program):一份为有特殊需求的学生制定的教育计划。
4. IELTS - 国际英语语言测试系统(International English Language Testing System):一种测试英语水平的考试。
5. IEEE - 电气和电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers):一个专注于电气、电子和计算机工程的专业组织。
6. IEA - 国际能源署(International Energy Agency):一个致力于能源政策和技术研究的国际组织。
7. IEPF - 投资者教育和保护基金(Investor Education and Protection Fund):一个由印度政府设立的基金,旨在保护投资者的权益。
8. IES - 独立电力系统(Independent Power System):一种能够独立运行的电力系统,通常使用可再生能源。
电影的微动作分 析、波形自动记 录图 用频闪观测器摄 影的现场作业片
由现场作业片进 行的时间分析
由现场观察作业 动作及模似作业
1) 事前设定标准时间,提供了管理的标准与方法的评估。 2) 可以对作业内动素进行表制定作业标准。 4) 不需要对观测时间的评比与修正,可直接求得正常时间
1 标准工时的定义 2 时间研究的目的 3 常用术语 4 标准时间的构成 5 标准工时的制定方法
大家共同遵照的、统一的一个准则 。
n亨利·福特提出:当前的标准化是你现在能想到的最 佳境界,是促成未来改善的必要基础。但你不能把标准
n 标准化不仅包括产品标准化、零部件标准化、质量 标准化,还包括作业标准化、在库标准化等。
标准工时的制定方法有很多,归纳起来有如下几种: 1)秒表观测法俗称“马表法”或时间观测法(我司采用的方法) 2)标准时间预定法(PTS法) a、WF法(Work Factor) b、MTM法(Methods Time Measurement) C、MODAPTS法(Modular Arrangement of PTS) 3)标准资料法 4)经验法 5)VTR法(摄影法)
生理宽放 3%~5% (一般3%)
可避免的 管理宽放 3%~5%(一般3%)
说明 更换不良工具、加油、清扫设备等无规律活动, 是不可避免的宽放。但准备作业例外。
因疲劳而使作业时间延迟 以及为消除疲劳而需休息的宽放。
小组成立问题说明实施并验证临时措施确定并验证根本原因选择并验证永久纠正措施实施永久纠正措施预防再发生小组祝贺PDCA:PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) (管理循环)MPQ: Material Packing Quantity (物料最小包装量)DSCN: Delivery Schedule Change Notice (交期变更通知)QAPS: Quality Assurance Process Sheet (品质工程表)DRP :运销资源计划 (Distribution Resource Planning)DSS:决策支持系统 (Decision Support System)EC :电子商务 (Electronic Commerce)EDI :电子资料交换 (Electronic Data Interchange)EIS :主管决策系统 (Excutive Information System)ERP:企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning)FMS :弹性制造系统 (Flexible Manufacture System)KM :知识管理 (Knowledge Management)4L :逐批订购法 (Lot-for-Lot)LTC :最小总成本法 (Least Total Cost)LUC :最小单位成本 (Least Unit Cost)MES :制造执行系统 (Manufacturing Execution System)MPS :主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule)MRP :物料需求规划 (Material Requirement Planning)MRPⅡ:制造资源计划 (Manufacturing Resource Planning)OEM :委托代工 (Original Equipment Manufacture)ODM :委托设计与制造 (Original Design & Manufacture)OLAP:线上分析处理 (On-Line Analytical Processing)OLTP:线上交易处理 (On-Line Transaction Processing)OPT :最佳生产技术 (Optimized Production Technology)PDCA:PDCA管理循环 (Plan-Do-Check-Action)PDM:产品数据管理系统 (Product Data Management)) RCCP:粗略产能规划 (Rough Cut Capacity Planning) SCM :供应链管理 (Supply Chain Management)SFC :现场控制 (Shop Floor Control)TOC:限制理论 (Theory of Constraints)TQC :全面品质管制 (Total Quality Control)FYI/R:for your information/reference仅供参考ASAP:尽快S/T:Standard time标准时间TPM:total production maintenance:全面生产保养ESD Wrist strap:静电环IT:information technology信息技术,资讯科学CEO:Chief Executive Officer执行总裁COO:Chief Operaring Officer首席业务总裁SWOT:Strength,Weakness,Opportunity,Threat优势﹐弱点﹐机会﹐威胁Competence:专业能力Communication:有效沟通Cooperation:统御融合Vibration Testing:振动测试IDP:Individual Development Plan个人发展计划MRP:Material Requirement Planning物料需求计划MAT'S:Material材料LRR:Lot Rejeet Rate批退率ATIN:Attention知会3C:Computer ,Communication , Consumer electronic 消费性电子5W1H:When , Where , Who , What , Why , Ho5M: Man , Machine , Material , Method , Measurement人,机器,材料,方法,测量4MIE: Man,Material,Machine,Method,Environment人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)7M1I: Manpower , Machine , Material , Method, Market , Management , Money , Information 人力,机器,材料,方法, 市场,管理,资金,资讯1 Accuracy 准确度2 Action 行动3 Activity 活动4 Analysis Covariance 协方差分析5 Analysis of Variance 方差分析6 Approved 承认7 Attribute 计数值8 Average 平均数9 Balance sheet 资产负债对照表10 Binomial 二项分配11 Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法12 Cause and Effect Matrix 因果图(鱼骨图)13 CL:Center Line 中心线14 Check Sheets 检查表15 Complaint 投诉16 Conformity 合格(符合)17 Control 控制18 Control chart 控制(管制)图19 Correction 纠正20 Correlation Methods 相关分析法21 CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善22 Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表23 CS: Customer Sevice 客(户)服(务)中心24 DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统25 Data 数据 Description:品名26 DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心27 Decision 决策、判定28 Defects per unit 单位缺点数29 Description 描述30 Device 装置31 Do 执行32 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计33 Element 元素34 Engineering recbnology 工程技35 Environmental 环境36 Equipment 设备37 Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数38 E Equipment Variation 设备变异39 External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷40 FA: Failure Analysis 失效分析41 Fact control 事实管理42 Fatigue 疲劳43 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis失效模式与效果分析44 FP First-Pass Yield (第一次通过)合格率45 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证46 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制47 Gauge system 测量系统48 Grade 等级49 Histogram 直方图50 Improvement 改善51 Initial review 先期审查52 Inspection 检验53 Internal Failure 内部失效、内部缺陷54 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制55 IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料品质控制56 IS International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织57 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限58 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制59 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限60 Machine 机械61 Manage 管理62 Materials 物料63 Measurement 测量64 Median 中位数65 MSA: Measurement System Analysis 测量系统分析66 Occurrence 发生率67 Operation Instruction 作业指导书68 Organization 组织69 Parto 柏拉图70 PPM arts per Million (百万分之)不良率71 Plan 计划72 Policy 方针73 Population 群体74 PQA: Process Quality Assurance 制程品质保证75 Practice 实务(践)76 Prevention 预防77 Probability 机率78 Probability density function 机率密度函数79 Procedure 流程80 Process 过程81 Process capability analysis 制程能力分析(图)82 Process control and Process capability制程管制与制程能力83 Product 产品84 Production 生产85 Projects 项目86 QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证87 QC: Quality Control 品质控制88 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程89 QFD: Quality Function Desgin 品质机能展开(法)90 Quality 质量91 Quality manual 品质手册92 Quality policy 品质政策(质量方针)93 Random experiment 随机试验94 Random numbers 随机数95 R:Range 全距(极差)96 Reject 拒收97 Repair 返修98 Repeatusility 再现性99 Reproducibility 再生性100 Requirement 要求101 Responsibilities 职责102 Review 评审103 Reword 返工104 Rolled yield 直通率105 RPN: Risk Priority Number 风险系数106 Sample 抽样,样本107 Sample space 样本空间108 Sampling with replacement 放回抽样109 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样110 Scatter diagram 散布图分析111 Scrap 报废112 Simple random sampling 简单随机取样113 Size 规格114 SL: Size Line 规格中心线115 Stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样116 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书117 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制118 Specification 规范119 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供货商品质保证120 Stage sampling 分段随机抽样121 Standard Deviation 标准差122 Sum of squares 平方和123 Taguchi-method 田口(试验)方法124 Theory 原理125 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制126 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理127 Traceablity 追溯128 Training 培训129 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制(控制)上限130 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限131 Validation 确认132 Variable 计量值133 Verification 验证134 Version 版本135 VOC: Voice of Customer 客户需求136 VOE: Voice of Engineer 工程需求137 Inventory stock report:庫存清单报告138 Sales order report:出货报告质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户) PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量I/O input/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略质量保证DQA Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造质量保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务质量保证LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需计划OS Operation System 操作系统TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProcedureEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业Electrical Magnetic Interference 电子干扰RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material SizeLED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管QBR Quarter Business RecordFGI Forecasted Goal InventoryCNC Computerized numeral controllerB2C Business to customerB2B Business to businessAVL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packagingEOL End of lifeVDCS Vender defect correcting sheet PDCS Process defect correcting sheet GRN Goods receiving noteA/R Accounting receivableA/P Accounting payable专业词汇通用类president董事长operator作业员position职务general manager总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor副课长group leader组长line leader线长supervisor 课长Human Resources Department人力资源部Head count 人头数production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管课stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂administration/general affairs dept./总务部production unit生产单位meeting minutes会议记录distribution department分发单位subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日Color management 颜色管理Visual management 目视管理production capacity生产力first count初盘first check初盘复棹second count 复盘second check复盘复核physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity账面数量difference quantity差异量spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单cause analysis原因分析waste materials废料description品名specification 规格model机种work order工令revision版次remark备注registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to notify通知to fill in填写to collect, to gather收集statistics统计cosmetic inspection standard 外观检验规范computer case 计算机外壳(组件)personal computer enclosure 计算机机箱产品front plate前板rear plate后板chassis |'∫æsi| 基座Hood 上盖base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 扩充卡flat cable 排线TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 树脂膜raw materials原料materials物料steel plate钢板roll/coil material卷料spare parts =buffer备品plastic parts塑料件sheet metal parts/stamping parts 冲件material check list物料检查表finished product成品semi-finished product半成品good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐flow chart流程窗体lots of production生产批量manufacture procedure制程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch—to, switching over切换engineering bottleneck, project difficulty工程瓶颈glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套Band-Aid创可贴Industrial alcohol工业酒精broom扫把mop拖把vacuum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋liaison联络单rags抹布lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管delivery deadline交货期die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备coolant冷却液crusher破碎机club car高尔夫球车plate电镀power button电源按键reset button重置键forklift叉车Workshop traveler 天车trailer =long vehicle拖板车Hydraulic trolley手压车hydraulic hand jack油压板车casing = containerization装箱velocity速度patent专利coordinate坐标supply and demand供求career card履历卡barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深work cell/work shop工作间sub-line支线bottleneck 瓶颈模具工程类forming die成型模progressive die连续模stage die工程模compound die复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模feature die公母模male die公模female die母模cavity型控母模core模心公模die change 换模to fix a die装模to repair a die修模punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块die locker锁模器pressure plate =plate pinch压板thickness gauge厚薄规cutting die, blanking die冲裁模die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条panel board镶块to load a die装上模具to unload a die 御模具active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套cover plate盖板trim剪外边pierce剪内边pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔radius半径shim/wedge/heel/pad/spacer/gasket楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀round pierce punch =die button圆冲子shape punch =die insert异形子stock located block定位块metal plate钣金miller铣床grinder磨床tolerance公差score =groove压线sliding block滑块lathe车active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板capability能力driller钻床set up die架模height of die setting up架模高度analog-mode device类模器inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves =spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套press specification冲床规格die height闭模高度flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝stripper plate脱料板handle mold手持式模具flash mold溢流式模具positive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具die lifter举模器top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, location block定位块reset复位to file burr 锉毛刺embedded lump |in'bed| mp|镶块|lstamping-missing漏冲to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to loosen a bolt拧松螺栓punched hole冲孔to cut edge =side cut =side scrap 切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印stamping 油印to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification 设计修改成pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板torque扭矩spline =the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的forming成型(抽凸,冲凸)draw hole抽孔bending折弯emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线stamp letter冲字(料号)tick-mark nearside正面压印冲压类punch, press冲punching machine 冲床hydraulic machine油压机jack升降机decoiler整平机manufacture management制造管理stamping, press冲压feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架taker取料机to reverse material 翻料to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削robot机械手production line流水线packaging tool打包机packaging打包成型类insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道welding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleeve套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口diaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口submarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口runner less无浇道sprue less 无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式spur浇口;溶waste废料board广告牌sliding rack滑料架to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料feature change 特性变更prepare for, make preparations for 准备rotating speed, revolution转速abnormal handling异常处理组装类Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线运输带Rivet machine拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Hydraulic machine 液压机Pneumatic screw driver气动起子automation自动化to stake, staking, riveting铆合add lubricant oil加润滑油argon welding氩焊cylinder油缸robot机械手conveying belt输送带transmission rack输送架to draw holes抽孔bolt螺栓identification tag标示单screwdriver plug起子插座automatic screwdriver电动启子to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库packing包装staker = riveting machine铆合机fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet/skid栈板barcode条形码barcode scanner条形码扫描仪fuse together熔合fuse machine/heat stake热熔机processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivery to. to send delivery back to return of goods退货easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件to lubricate润滑spring 弹簧spare tools location/buffer手工备品仓spare molds location模具备品仓tox machine自铆机phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉organic solvent有机溶剂demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料volatile挥发性degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmot剥黑膜. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔scraped products报放品disposed products处理品dismantle the die折模auxiliary function辅助功能heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response =reaction =interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线grit沙砾granule =pellet =grain细粒sand blasting喷沙grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲fillet镶;嵌边roller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴品质类qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品defective product box不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part来件不良exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露excessive defect过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格cosmetic defect外观不良lack of painting烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped thread滑丝missing part漏件wrong part错件oxidation氧化defective threading抽芽不良poor staking铆合不良deficient purchase来料不良deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良cosmetic inspection外观检查inner parts inspection内部检查blister 气泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 压痕filings 铁削defective label 不良标签abrasion 磨损Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕疪shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delaminating起鳞speckle斑点mildewed =moldy = mouldy发霉deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excessive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色fold of packaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍failure, trouble 故障deformation 变形rust 生锈peel 脱漆Shrink 缩水Contamination 脏污water spots 水渍Gap 间隙label error 标签错误Missing label 漏贴rejection criteria 拒收标准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasion 损伤、磨损Texture surface 印花纹表面Streak 条纹stains 污点Blotch 斑点discoloration 脱色Inclusion 杂质slug mark 压痕dirt grime 灰尘blush 毛边薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 贴纸与商标corrugated container 瓦摆纸箱Delaminating 脱层splattering 散点Gouge 锉孔puckering 折痕品管七大手法层别法:stratification直方图:histogram柏拉图:plato diagram查检表:check sheet特性要因图:charateristic diagram散布图:scatter diagram管制图:control diagramPSW零部件提交保证书QSA质量体系评定QSR质量体系要求Analysis of motion/ergonomic 运动/人机工程学分析Corrective action纠正措施FEA有限元分析Initial process study初始过程研究Layout inspection 全尺寸检查Quality pian质量计划Quality pianing质量策划AAR外观件批准IATF国际汽车工作组为了协调国际汽车质量系统规范,由世界上主要的汽车制造商及协会于1996年成立了一个专门机构,称为国际汽车工作组International Automotive Task Force (IATF) 。
IE 术语解释
FTA(Fault Tree Analysis)
× 100
× 100
Tact Time-Neck Time
× 100
Neck Time-Cycle Time
工业工程专业术语-工业工程英语术语工业工程专业术语Asystematiccontext系统环境;Accidentproneness事故倾向;Activeworksampling活动工作采样;Alternativetaskallocatio;Anthropometry人体测量学;Approximationmethod近似方法;Arrivalrate到达率;Auditorysense听觉;BilloflaborA systematic context 系统环境Accident proneness 事故倾向Active work sampling 活动工作采样Alternative task allocation 可选择任务分配Anthropometry 人体测量学Approximation method 近似方法Arrival rate 到达率Auditory sense 听觉Bill of labor system 人力系统清单Bill of material (BOM) system 物料系统清单Business planning and development 业务规划和开发Business process reengineering 业务处理再工程Cellular layout 单元……Communication network 通讯网络Computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计Computer-aided manufacturing 计算机辅助制造Computer-aided process planning 计算机辅助工艺编制Concurrent engineering 并行工程Constrained (unconstrained) optimization 基于约束的优化Constrained model 约束模型Decision-making 决策Delivery time to market 上市时间Design for assembly 面向装配的设计Design for Reusability 面向重用性设计Directed graphic 有向图Discrete 离散Discrete event stochastic system (DESS) 离散事件随机系统Distributed layout 分布式布局Economy of scale 经济规模Ergonomics 人因工程Experimental psychology 实验心理学Factory layout 工厂布局Feedback loops 反馈环Financial management 财务管理Finished goods (parts) 成品Flexible factory 柔性工厂Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) 柔性制造系统Flexible, modular, and easy to reconfigure 柔性,模块化,易于重新部署Functional layout 功能……Fundamental research 基础研究Generalized network 一般化网络Global problem 全局问题Hand held data collector 手持式数据采集器Hand-held computer 手提电脑Human centered design 以人为本的设计Human factors engineering 人因工程Human perception 人的感知Human resource management 人力资源管理Idiosyncratic variable/feature variable 特性变量Independent and dependent variables 独立和非独立变量Industrial Revolution 工业革命Industrially developing country (IDC) 工业发展中国家Industry engineering, 工业工程Information processing 信息处理Information technology 信息技术Innovation management 创新管理Input parameter 输入参数Integer planning 整数规划Integrated manufacturing cell 集成制造单元Integrative OR system 集成化OR(运筹学)系统Interactive expert system 交互式专家系统Interactive simulation language 交互式仿真语言Inventory control 库存控制Joint project 联合项目Lagrangian relaxation 拉格朗日松弛Laptop computer 笔记本Linear program 线性规划Logistical cost 物流成本Logistics 物流Machine utilization 设备利用率Manual response 手动反应Manufacturing and logistics 制造与物流Manufacturing line balancing 制造生产线平衡Markov decision processes 马尔科夫决策过程Material handling 物料搬运Mathematical programming model 数学编程模型Modeling and simulation 建模与仿真Motion analysis 动作分析Multichannel manufacturing 多渠道制造Multi-criteria 多准则Multi-disciplinary 多学科Multi-objective 多目标Network flow problem 网络流动问题Network queuing model 网络排队模型Nonlinear 非线性Objective function 目标函数Occupational hazards 职业危害Operation research 运筹学Operational and modeling science 运作与建模科学Optimization and stochastic process 优化与随机过程OR/AI interface (operation research, artificial intelligence) OR 接口(人工智能) Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) 原始设备制造商Outsourcing 外包Parallel processing 并行处理Performance improvement engineering 性能改进工程Portable machine 便携式机器Primal simplex algorithm 单纯型法Probabilistic phenomena 可能现象Problem solving 求解Process layout 工艺…… P61Processing time 处理时间Product layout 产品……Production plant 生产工厂Production system 生产系统Production volume 产量Project management 项目管理Qualitative optimization 数量优化Quality improvement/ Total quality management (TQM) 质量改进/全面质量管理 Quantitative management 量化管理Rapid prototyping 快速原型Raw material 原材料Resource allocation 资源分配Response 反应Routing and dispatching 路由和分发Scalable machine 可伸缩机器Short-term shortages and surpluses 短期短缺和过剩Spare part (warehouse) 备件Spreadsheet software 表格软件Statistical error figure and graphical histogram 统计误差图和柱状图Stochastic network analysis 随即网络分析Stochastic service system 随即服务系统Sub-system 子系统System engineering 系统工程System life cycle 系统生命周期Team building 团队建设Technology innovation 技术创新Test case 测试用例The hypercube queuing model 超立方排队模型Threshold value 阈值Throughput 产量Time consuming 费时Time study 时间研究Trucking operation 货运操作 Uncertainty 不确定性 Verbal response 语音反应 Visual sense 视觉Work-in-process 在制品Work-measured labor standard (WMLS) 基于工作测量的劳动标准工业工程英语术语1.工业工程的定义:工业工程是对人员,物料,设备,能源和信息所组成的集成系统,进行设计,改善和设置的一门学科。
IE:工业工程(Industrial Engineering简称IE),是从科学管理的基础上发展起来的一门应用性工程专业技术。
它追求的是系统整体的优化与提高)PE:Process Engineer (即工艺工程师)和Product Engineer(产品工程师)。
前者主要负责产品制造工艺的设计和贯彻、NPI/OI制作、Standard Time 的制订、生产流程的改善等;后者主要负责产品设计、新产品的导入、试产、现场问题解决等。
至于Project Engineer(项目工程师)主要是负责项目开发进度、财务,偏重于项目协调和项目管理,一般不称其为PE,而称其为项目经理。
PE常用的分析手法:1: ECRS分析原则;(ECRS分析法,是中程序分析的四大原则,用于对生产工序进行优化,以减少不必要的工序,达到更高的生产效率。
单片机常用英语单词中文名称; 英文名称; ;简记术语单片机; Single Chip Micocomputer or MicoControler Unit ;SCM or MCU在线烧录(往芯片写入程序);In System Programming ; ISP在线仿真;In Circuit Enulator ;ICE复位;reset ;RST编程选通使能端;Program Strobe Enable ; PSEN看门狗;WatchDog数据指针寄存器;Data Pointer Register; DP特殊用途寄存器;Special Purpose Register; SPRPSW寄存器; PassWord Register; PSW奇偶校检位P位; ParityBit溢出位OV位; Overflow寄存器组选择位; Register Select; RS(0/1)进位校检位;堆栈指针; StackPointer; SP堆栈;stanck推入;push弹出;popIE中断寄存器;Interrupt Register ; IE溢出中断;Overflow Interrupt计(时)数器;Timer计数器高位;TimerHigh Bit ;TH计数器低位; TimerLow Bit ;TL计数器模式控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TMOD 计数器控制寄存器; Timer Model Control Register; TCON 串行端口控制寄存器; Serial Control Regiter ; SCON串行模式控制寄存器; Serial Model Control Register; SMOD开始位;Start Bit 结束位;Stop Bit 字节数据高位;MSB 字节数据低位; LSB传输控制寄存器; Pass Control Register; PCON停止运行设置位; Power Down Bit; PD位闲置模式设置位; Idel Model Set Bit; IDL位辅助寄存器; AUXR闲置模式下看门狗控制位; Watchdog idle model control bit;WDIDLE看门狗复位; Watchdog reset中断服务程序; Interruput Service Routine宏; macro寄存器组; Register Bank中断优先级寄存器; Interrupt Register波特率; Baud Rate中断向量; interrupt vector数据校检; Data Polling计数器溢出; TimeroverFlow ; TF串行时钟信号;Serial Clock singal; SCK看门狗重置寄存器; WatchdogTimer Reset SFR; WDTRST SFR ;UART移位寄存器锁存器串行锁存器;SBUF堆栈随机存储器; Stanck RAM ;SRAM脉宽;Purse Width Model ;PWM应用中编程; In Application Programing ;IAP数据总线DB模拟/数字信号转换;A/D个人计算机;PC读写控制线;CB总线;BUS晶体振荡器频率;fosc 机器周期;MC状态周期; S 拍;P输入/输出;I/O电源正极;VCC电源负极;VSS /GND 外加电源;VPD插座;JP主器件发送-从器件接收数据口;MOSI(P1.5)主器件接收-从器件发送数据口;MOSO(P1.6)IT0/T1 串行输入口;RXO 串行输出口;TXD 累加器;ACC程序状态字;PSW紫外线擦除存储器;EPROM 只读存储器;ROM随机存储器;RAM可编程控制器;PROM电擦除存储器;EEPROM 门控位;GATE串行数据线;SDA 串行时钟线;SCL IC器件间;I2CCentral Processing Unit 中央处理器CPURead Only Memory 只读存储器ROMErasable Programmable ROM 可擦除可编程只读存储器EPROMRandom-Access Memory 随机存取存储器RAMInput / Output 输入/输出I/O Interface 接口Port 端口Arithmetic Logical Unit 算术逻辑单元ALUAccumulator 累加器ACC程序状态字Carry 进位标志位 C Auxiliary Carry ACWorking Register Bank Selection Bit 1 / 0 工作寄存器区选择RS1 / RS0Overflow 溢出OV Parity 奇偶性P Program Counter 程序计数器PC Data Pointer 数据指针DPTR Stack 堆栈Stack Pointer 堆栈指针SPSpecial Function Register 特殊功能寄存器SFRProgram Store Enable 访问外部程序存储器选通PSENAddress Latch Enable 地址锁存允许ALEExternal Access 访问外部程序存储器EAReset 复位RSTCrystal 石英晶体XTAL Receive Data 串行接收RXD Transmit Data 串行发送TXD Interrupt 中断INT Timer, Counter 定时器,计数器Write 写WRRead 读RDAddress Bus 地址总线AB Control Bus 控制总线CB Data Bus 数据总线DB The Low byte of DPTR DPLThe High byte of DPTR DPHThe Low byte of T0 / T1 TL0 / TL1The High byte of T0 / T1 TH0 / TH1Power Control 电源控制PCON Timer / Counter Control T/C控制TCON Timer / Counter Mode T/C模式TMOD1.microcontroller 微控制器2.microprocessor 微处理器3.integrated circuit 集成电路4.processor core 内核5.peripheral 外围设备6.chip芯片7.embedded application/system 嵌入式应用/系统8.Mixed signal 复合信号9.analog模拟Serial Buffer 串行数据缓冲器SBUFSerial Port Control 串行口控制SCON Interrupt Enable 中断允许IEInterrupt Priority 中断优先级IP Idle空闲IDL Power Down 掉电PDClock Cycle 时钟周期Machine Cycle 机器周期Instruction Cycle指令周期ponent 元件;组成11.power consumption 功耗、能耗12.interrupt 中断13.external 外部的14.internal 内部的15.package 封装16.flash memory 闪存17.semiconductor 半导体18.interrupt service routine (ISR) 中断例程19.overflow 溢出20.hardware 硬件 软件22.interface 接口23.general purpose input/output (GPIO) 通用输入/输出24.sensor 传感器25.analog-to-digital converter (ADC) 模数转换器26.t imer 计时器、定时器27.r egister 寄存器28.Serial Interface (SI) 串行接口29.P arallel Interface (PI) 并行接口30.bus 总线 网络32.circuit 电路33.Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理器34.discrete 分立元件;离散的35.clock generator 时钟发生器36.crystal oscillator 晶振piler 编译器38.simulator 模拟器,仿真器39.I nterrupt latency 中断延迟40.buffer 缓冲器41.interrupt nesting 中断嵌套42.priority level 优先级43.accumulator 累加器44.synchronous 同步的45.asynchronous 异步的46.shift register 移位寄存器47.configuration 配置48.clock frequency 时钟频率49.I ntegrated Development Environment (IDE) 集成开发环境50.executable 可执行的51.instruction 指令,用法说明52.built-in 内置,嵌入的53.r eset 复位54.bootstrap loader 引导程序parator 比较器 debugging 仿真调试57.interrupt resource 中断源58.instruction set 指令集59.addressing mode 寻址方式60.division 除法61.multiplication 乘法62.subtraction 减法63.addition 加法64.Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) 精简指令集65.encode 编码,编码器66.decode 译码,解码67.operand 操作数,运算对象68.load 加载69.mainframe 主机70.offset 偏移量71.parameter 参数,系数72.immediate addressing 立即寻址 addressing 直接寻址74.r egister addressing 寄存器寻址75.r egister indirect addressing 寄存器间接寻址76.indexed addressing 变址寻址77.r elative addressing 相对寻址78.decrement (DEC) 渐减79.increment (INC) 渐加80.binary 二进制81.octal system 八进制82.decimal 十进制83.hexadecimal 十六进制84.Exclusive-or (XOR) 逻辑异或85.XNOR 逻辑同或86.r otate 循环plement 补集,补码88.Boolean 布尔89.subroutine 子程序90.branch 分支bel 标号92.input 输入93.output 输出94.array 数组,阵列tch 锁存器96.low-order 低位97.high-order 高位98.peripheral device 外围设备99.low end 低端100.high end 高端101.low power 低功耗102.high power 大功率103.integrated circuit (IC) 集成电路104.oscilloscope 示波器105.Least Significant Bit (LSB) 最低有效位106.M ost Significant Bit (MSB) 最高有效位 high 高电位有效 low 低电位有效109.capacitor 电容110.resistor 电阻111.inductor 电感112.variable resistor 可变电阻113.full-duplex 全双工114.half-duplex 半双工115.on-chip 片上 片外117.Variance 方差。
知识点1:Internet网页的几个基本术语1.Internet Explorer是一种______。
答案(A)Internet Explorer3.关于Internet,下列说法正确的是______。
答案(C)网页的地址8.Internet Explorer浏览器本质上是一个________。
答案(D)浏览Internet上Web页面的客户程序9.URL 的含义是_________________。
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IE專業詞匯BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩Facilities Design and Planning设施规划与设计Material Flow System Analysis物流系统分析Production Planning and Control生产计划与控制Human Engineering人机工程(工效学)Cost Control成本控制Value Engineering价值工程Work Assessment工作评价与考核Engineering Economics Analysis工程经济分析Machine Interference機器干擾Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) 六十秒即时換模Fool-Proof 防止錯誤法(防錯法)Man 人Machine 机Material 料Method 法Environment 環境Temperature(temp)溫度Humidity濕度learning curve學習曲線Time measurement 時間測量Methods of time measurement標准時間測量(MTM) Shop floor observation 現場觀測Line Balancing 線平衡Value有價值NO VALUE 無價值Incidental work(necessary)必要Waste浪費•Takt Time生產節拍Transport Empty 伸手Grasp 握取Move 移物Disassemble 折卸Use 應用Assemble 裝配Release Load 放手Inspect 檢查Search 尋找Select 選擇Play 計划Pre-Position預定位Position 定位Hold 持住Rest 休息Unavoidable Delay 遲延Avoidable Delay 故延E: Elimination剔除C :Combination合併R: Re-arrangement重排S :Simplification簡化PRA-Probabilistic Risk風險率評估Risk Priority Number (RPN) 風險關鍵指數What 完成了什么where 何處做When 何時做who 由誰做Why 為何這樣做how 何時做delay等待operation操作inspection檢查transportation搬運storage儲存Color management 顏色管理Quality Control Circle 品管圈(QCC)Activity-Base Management作業制成本管理(ABM)In-Process Quality Control製程品質管制(IPQC)Incoming Quality Control進料品質管制(IQC)International Organization for Standardization國際標準組織(ISO) Predetermined Motion Time Standard 簡稱PTS 預定動作時間標準法Methods-time-measurement 方法時間衡量Work factor system 工作因素法(WF)Modolar arrangement of pre-determind time standard MOD法Leveling 平準化= westing 西屋法objective rating 客觀評比synthetic leveling 合成評比Work Sampling 工作抽樣Motion time analysis 動作時間分析Business Process Reengineering (BPR)企業流程再造Enterprise Resource Planning ERP企業資源規劃Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)基本經濟訂購量Flexible Manufacture System 彈性製造系統(FMS) Finish or Final Quality Control成品品質管制(FQC)In-Process Quality Control製程品質管制(IPQC) Incoming Quality Control進料品質管制(IQC)Just In Time即時管理(JIT)Manufacturing Execution System製造執行系統(MES) Master Production Scheduling主生產排程(MPS) Master Production Planning主生產計划Material Requirement Planning物料需求規劃(MRP) Manufacturing Resource Planning製造資源計劃(MRPII) Operation Scheduling作業計划Flow shop流水車間Optimized Production Technology最佳生產技術Supply Chain Management供應鏈管理(SCM)Statistic Process Control統計製程管制(SPC)Total Production Management全面生產管理(TPM) Total Quality Management全面品質管理(TQM)Zero Defect Quality Control零缺陷質量管理:PDCA Cycle PDCA循環:continue Improvement持續改善:Project項目Project Manager項目經理Project Management項目管理Project Plan項目計划Process Improvement現場改善WORK IN PROCESS 半成品President 董事長Visual management 目視管理bottleneck 瓶頸Layout 布置圖quality engineering 品質工程人員(QE)first article inspection 新品首件檢查(FAI)first article assurance首件確認(FAA)capability index能力指數(CP)Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組(QIT)Classification整理(sorting, organization)-seiriRegulation整頓(arrangement, tidiness)-seitonCleanliness清掃(sweeping, purity)-seisoConservation清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsuCulture教養(discipline)-shitsukeSave 節約Safety安全Make-to-stock備貨型生產(MTS)Make-to-order訂貨型生產(MTO)Assemble-to-order按訂單裝配(ATO)Flexible manufacturing system柔性制造系統Group technology成組技術(GT)Concurrent engineering并行工程(CE)Time compression technology時間壓縮技術(TCT)Business process reengineering業務過程重組(BPR)Agile manufacturing敏捷制造(AM)Leap production精細生產(LP)Intelligent manufacturing 智能制造(IM)Computer-aided-manufacturing計算机輔助制造(CAM) Computer-aided-design計算机輔助設計(CAD)Computer-aided-engineering計算机輔助工程(CAE) Computer-aided-process planning計算机輔助工藝編制( CAPP) overall cost leadership成本优先differentiation獨具一格Market focus集中一點cost efficiency成本效率quality質量Dependability可靠性Flexibility柔性product date management產品數据管理(PDM)Facility location設施選址Fixed position layout固定式布置process layout工藝過程布置layout based on group technology成組制造單元布置Job design工作設計work measurement工作測量Time study時間研究Basic motion study基本動作世界研究法(BMS)Modolar arrangement of predetermind time standard模特法Human factor engineering人因工程business plan經營計划Fixed capacity固定能力Adjustable capacity可?#123;整能力production rate生產率Inventory庫存Job-shop production單間小批生產Bill of materials (BOM)物料清單文件Lead time提前期modular bill of materials模塊物料清單Maximum part-period gain最大周期收益(MPG) distribution requirements planning分配需求計划scheduling編制作業計划sequencing排序Dispatching派工controlling控制expediting趕工supply chain供應鏈Purchasing Management采購管理Quick Response快速用戶反應JIT Purchasing准時采購physical distribution物流Materials handling物料搬運project項目critical path method關鍵路線法optimistic time最樂觀時間Most likely time最可能時間pessimistic time最悲觀時間Mean time between failure平均故障期(MTBF)Mean time to repair平均維修期(MTTR)plan 計划do 執行check 檢查action 處理level production生產平準化optimized production technology最优生產技術(OPT) Overall Equipment Effectiveness整体设备效能Operation Research運籌學Service Sector服務業Operation Management運作管理Operation System運作系統World Class Manufacturing世界級制造Time-based Competition基于時間的競爭Operation Flexibility運作戰略Product Development產品開發Dependent Demand獨立需求Economic Order Lot 經濟訂貨批量:Safety Stock安全庫存Shortage Costs缺貨成本ABC Classing Method A BC分類法Reorder Point訂貨點Holding Costs存儲成本Productivity Improvement Team生產力提升小組(PIT) Productivity Improvement Center生產力提升中心(PIC)工厂常用詞匯Assembly& Loading Clips 組合上耳夾Break PAD 折PADBreak PIN 折腳Paste Base 沾BASEapproved by: 核準Apr.(April) 四月assembly(ass’y)組合Aug.(August) 八月Base 底座bifilar 雙線並繞Bobbin(BBN)繞線管bottom 底部Brush Epoxy On Core 鐵芯刷膠Brush Epoxy On Loop 線圈刷膠checked by: 審核Choke電感clip耳夾close winding密繞component 元件condition條件condition條件copper銅箔立式core鐵芯Curing烘烤current 電流CUT WIRE 裁線Dec.(December) 十二月defective product box不良品箱deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良description: 說明Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis DFMEA設計Desk Topdip 浸入Direction 方向ECN Engineering Change Notice工程變更通知Electronic Magnetic In EMI 抗電磁干擾Enameled copper wire 漆包線Engineering Change Request 工程變更要求epoxy膠equipment/instrument設備Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FMEA失效模式與效應分析Feb.(February) 二月fixture治具flow chart 流程表單flux助焊劑FN: Factory Notice 工厂通知FN: Immediated change 立即變更Function test 測試gap 間隙,縫隙HI-POT安規測試IE﹕Industrial Engineering 工業工程impregnation浸泡inductance 電感ink油墨inspection(INSP)檢查Insulating Tape絕緣膠布issued date: 發行日期item發料Jan.(January) 一月Joint Quality Engineering (JQE)Jul.(July) 七月Jun.(June) 六月Kapton Tape高溫膠布layer 層line線Magnetic Components 磁性元件magnetic 磁性的Mar.(March) 三月Margin Tape安膠marking印章materials物料May五月ME: Mechanical Engineering 機械工程measurement測試mechanical dimension 外觀尺寸MFG: manufacturing製造Mini-TowerModel: 機種Not Deviate Measure 量平整度Nov.(November) 十一月O/I Operation Instruction 作業指導書Oct.(October) 十月OEM:委託代工(Original Equipment Manufacture)oven 烤箱P/n: part number 品名P/R Pilot-Run試作驗證pad 墊片PE Production/Process Engineering 制造工程/制程工程pin adjustment對腳PIN BENDING& WIRE TRIMMING 折彎鋼片pin 腳plastic 塑料,塑膠poor processing 制程不良Pre-soldering 預焊primary(pri)初級process 流程production capacity生產力臥式production control (PC)生管purchasing採購QCC:品管圈(Quality Control Circle) QE:品質工程(Quality Engineering) remark: 備注Reported by: 草擬Revision(REV﹒): 版本sample樣品schematic 結構圖second(sec)次級Sept.(September) 九月solder bar錫棒solder iron 烙鐵solder wire錫絲soldering焊錫solvent 稀釋劑space winding疏繞Specification (Spec)生產規格stand-off 凸點station 站別step步序straighten 弄直,使變直tape 膠帶TE: Test Engineering 測試工程terminal 腳,端子Time (時間)timer定時器top頂部,上層transformer 變壓器trifler三線並繞tube 套管turn ratio圈數比turn圈數twist絞線Unloading The Clips 下耳夾vacuum抽真空varnish dipping泡凡立水varnish凡立水warehouse倉庫winding direction 繞線方向winding繞線wire trimming理線An industrial engineer looks at chaos and has a vision of order " Industrial Engineering deals with the solution of the problems that occur during the phases of planning, design, implementation and d evelopment in organizations, which produce goods or services. Esp ecially the efficient use of scarce production resources and the dev elopment of methodologies and techniques to increase quality in pr oduction are its basic functions. Industrial engineering uses the kno wledge and skills of mathematics, natural and social sciences, engi neering analysis and design to achieve this aim.Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better. They engine er processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. Th ey work to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy, and other commodities. Most important of all, IE's save companies mon ey. This is why more and more companies are hiring industrial eng ineers and then promoting them into management positions.'Industrial engineer' is synonymous with systems integrator - a big-picture thinker, in other words. It's an employee who takes what ex ists today and conceptualizes what should exist in the future. Many people are misled by the term "industrial engineer." The 'ind ustrial' does not mean just manufacturing. It encompasses service i ndustries as well. It has long been known that industrial engineers have the technical training to make improvements in a manufacturing setting. Now it is becoming increasingly recognized that these s ame techniques can be used to evaluate and improve productivity and quality in service industries.__________________Industrial Engineering is concerned with the analysis, design, impro vement, installation and management of integrated systems of peop le, finances, materials, equipment, energy and information. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, physiological, social sciences and now electronic communications t ogether with the principles and methods of engineering analysis an d design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems and measure achievement.In short, Industrial Engineering is an aspect of engineering science devoted to getting the best results from available resources, provi ded always safety, quality, timeliness, costs and human satisfaction are met.IE is geared to promoting Continuous Improvement and Best Opera ting Practices within organizations." (IIE-Australia).Focusing on decreasing costs and improving efficiency, specific job descriptions and working areas of industrial engineers may vary c onsiderably. As a matter of fact, this reality turns IE unique among all engineering disciplines.If you want some more information, Learn About IE may help. Also, Occupational Handbook describes what industrial engineers do. Selections from IE HistoryIn late 1800's, Frederick W. Taylor, also known as the father of IE, started his research on increasing worker's efficiency. In 1911, his work, The Principles of Scientific Management was published. Her e is an essay that nicely abstracts main themes of Taylor's Scientif ic Management. If you are interested in his biography, follow this li nk. Scientific Management is also described in History of Business.In parallel to Taylor's research (early 1900's), Frank and Lillian Gilb erth studied human factors, and developed Work & Time Study. He re is a link for their bibliography and research.Walter A. Shewhart (as early as 1930's), father of statistical quality control, andW. Edwards Deming (after WW2), a quality expert, are also among the pioneers of modern industrial engineering. Here is more infor mation about Deming and his Systems of Profound Knowledge. Als o, for those interested:- The MACROSCOPE: A New World Scientific by Jo雔de Rosnay. - Toyota's "Ultimate Production System" .- A web site where you can read some flavored 'facts' about IE hi story.Societies and AssociationsIIE - The Institute of Industrial EngineersMMO - Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (Makina M黨endisleri O dası)OPERATIONS RESEARCHHere is what EURO say about Operations Research"Though there is no "official definition" of Operational Research ("O perations Research" in the US), it can be described as a scientific approach to the solution of problems in the management of compl ex systems. In a rapidly changing environment an understanding is sought which will facilitate the choice and the implementation of more effective solutions which, typically, may involve complex intera ctions among people, materials and money."SoftwareCPLEX: Used more for integer programming.Lindo: Small scale linear programming. Lindo Cor. provides a free t rial version .Lingo: Another optimization software from Lindo Cor. (there is a fre e trial version for this one, too).Excel Solver: A product of Microsoft. To pop up the solver, open MS Excel, from the 'tools' menu, click 'add ins', and then choose ' Solver'.GAMS: This is not an optimization software, but a platform used to edit your model first, and then call a licensed software such as O SL, MINOS, CPLEX...MATLAB: Provides an Optimization Module. Useful especially if you are dealing with decomposition of linear/nonlinear models. What la cks in MATLAB is an integer programming function. It is quite up t o you to decide on 'which optimization software is the most suitabl e one'.In addition to the above mentioned, you may end up using some o thers such as AMPL, and What's Best! ....Societies and AssociationsEURO - The Association of European Operational Research Societi esINFORMS - Institute for Operations Research and the Management SciencesCORS - Canadian Operational Research SocietyOR Society - Operational Research Society (UK)YAD - Y鰊eylem Araştırması Derneği (Operations Research Society of Turkey) Moreover Michael Trick's Operations Research Page O ne of the most popular OR web page. You can find information rel ated with OR companies, computer programs, conferences, etc. Se e its list of online journals and societies. Also computer programs (a search engine at the bottom of the page)Forthcoming papers of Operations Research from INFROMS, which also provides a searchable database.Book Suggestion"Operations Research Applications and Algorithms" by W.L. Winston Duxbury Press; ISBN: 0534520200; Third edition; 1997-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMULATIONThe term simulation is used for imitating the operations of several real-world processes (e.g. transportation systems, material flow and facility layout) using computers. In some cases, mathematical mod els that represent these processes may not be so trivial to solve. This is why simulation is used: to derive some reasonable conclusi ons from our imitations before we implement them.SoftwareARENA: The Arena graphics simulation system is a complete and f lexible modeling environment combined with an easy-to-use graphic al user interface. It is designed for building computer models that accurately represent an existing or proposed application. Arena inte grates all simulation-related functions--animation, input data analysis, model verification, and output analysis--into a single simulation mo deling environment.Simul8: Business simulation software for enterprise-wide use in bus iness, government, education, and any organization that handles flo ws of orders, people, transactions or products.AweSim: A general purpose simulation system, yet used more for production systems.Simsci/Sim4me: I've heard of this one recently. It is realistic to ass ume that every consulting/software company dealing with math and programming can come up with a simulation software. The first th ree above are widely used. In the mean time, it is worth to note t hat MATLAB is useful for certain type of simulation models. Here i s a survey made on simulation software..Societies and AssociationsSCM: The Society for Computer SimulationTOMACS: Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation Book Suggestion"Simulation Modeling and Analysis" by A.M Law and W.D. Kelton McGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0070592926; Third edition; 2000-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCTION and INVENTORY MANAGEMENTProfessionals in this field try to answer:-What products to manufacture and when?-What type of inventory to keep and how much? etc.-What type of production system/philosophy to use? (e.g. Lean Ma nufacturing, Mass Production, Flexible Manufacturing, Just In Time (JIT) Production) It is worth to mention that in today's supply chain world, where customer is the center of all planning activities, thes e concepts became very much related with SCM and logistics. If y ou are interested in the terms used in this field (and their explanat ions), here are two sources:- Operations Management terms (in pdf form)- Glossary of Inventory and Materials Management Definitions SoftwareMRP (Materials Requirement Planning) and MPS (Master Productio n Schedule) are the two tools widely used. These may be as simp le as a set of ordinary excel sheets, or may be a part of a state-o f-art ERP (Enterprise Requirements Planning) software.Societies and AssociationsAPICS - The Educational Society for Resource Management POMS - The Production and Operations Management Society NAPM - National Association of Purchasing Management Moreover APICS MagazineProduction and Operations Management (POM) links on the web Book Suggestion"Production and Operations Analysis" by S. NahmiasMcGraw-Hill; ISBN: 0772312653; Fourth Edition; 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT and LOGISTICS"Logistics is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-pro cess inventory, finished goods and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to cu stomer requirements." (from CLM) IOLT has some more to add on top of the above definition:"-Logistics is the time-related positioning of resource, or the strategi c management of the total supply-chain-The supply-chain is a sequence of events intended to satisfy a cu stomer-It can include procurement, manufacture, distribution, and waste di sposal, together with associated transport, storage and information t echnology-The application of logistics is essential to the efficient managemen t of the supply-chain-Transport is an integral part of the supply-chain, not only between the sequence of events but during the processes "SoftwareERP software that integrate almost all the processes of a supply c hain are widely used by medium/large scale firms. SAP and ORAC LE are among those companies that produce state-of-art ERP prog rams. Yet, not all the firms can afford to hire a consulting compan y; creating an in-firm ERP software is managed as well. Here is a link provided by Dr. Sayın: The ABC's of ERPSocieties and AssociationsCLM - Council of Logistics Management ( search for abstracts of l ogistics related articles)IOLT - The Institute of Logistics and TransportIWAL - International Warehouse Logistics Association- (industry defi nition of Logistics; glossary of terms, issues & trends)SAPICS - The Educational Society for Supply Chain, Manufactureand Logistics in South AfricaLSCMS -Logistics & Supply Chain Management Society-Singapore (you can also subscribe to LSCMS's weekly newsletter) Moreover SCMR - Supply Chain Management Review (White papers/Case st udies)About Logistics & Supply Chain - provides various links, supply ch ain articles and other resources for logistics and supply chain profe ssionalsFor a similar, but less effective link, click here.Book Suggestion"Business Logistics Management" by R.H. BallouPerentice-Hall; ISBN: 0137956592; Fouth Edition; 1999 "Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management" by S. Tayur, R. Ganeshan, and M.J. MagazineKuluvert; ISBN: 0792383443; First edition, 1998-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUALITYThe following phrases are taken from ASQ:"Quality is not a program; it is an approach to business.Quality is a collection of powerful tools and concepts that is prove n to work.Quality is defined by the customer through his/her satisfaction. Quality includes continuous improvement and breakthrough events. Quality tools and techniques are applicable in every aspect of the business.Quality is aimed at performance excellence; anything less is an im provement opportunity.Quality increases customer satisfaction, reduces cycle time and cos ts, and eliminates errors and rework.Quality isn't just for businesses. It works in non-profit organizations like schools, healthcare and social services, andgovernment agencies. Results (performance and financial) are the n atural consequence of effective quality management"Societies and AssociationsASQ - American Society for QualityAPQC - American Productivity & Quality CenterQFDI - Quality Function Deployment InstituteKalDer - Kal ite Derneği (Turkish Society for Quality)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERGONOMICSThe following paragraph is from the Ergonomics Society: What is E rgonomics?"Ergonomics is about 'fit': the fit between people, the things they d o, the objects they use and the environments they work, travel and play in. If good fit is achieved, the stresses on people are reduce d. They are more comfortable, they can do things more quickly an d easily, and they make fewer mistakes."Societies and Associations:Here is a list of ergonomics societies.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAREHOUSING andMATERILAS HANDLINGSocieties and AssociationsWERC - Warehousing Education and Research Council WERCSheet - Free Newsletter Issues from 2000 and 2001 at the bottom of the page (also, free publications ).WM - Warehousing Management Moreover Warehousing Questions & AnswersMMH - Modern Materials Handling-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT MANAGEMENTProject Management is not a main field of Industrial Engineering. H owever, the 'tools' (Operations Research-Scheduling) used should b e familiar to IE's; indeed, there are IE's working as project manage rs. If you are interested to take up some undergrad/grad level Man agement courses, Project Management should be there, too. Here i s a link that provides what the topics look like (and some more).SoftwareMS Project: A Microsoft productPrimavera: Widely used. It is not so difficult to learn how to use th ese project management software. On the other hand, they are not the only two, there are others, and moreover, if you are good at MS Excel and macros(Visual Basic), you can build up one for your self, too. From this web site, you can get some sample programmi ng. For free web-based project management software, here are two links:- - Directory of Project Management SoftwareSocieties and AssociationsPMI- Project Management InstituteASAPM - American Society for the Advancement of Project Manag ementAACE - Association for the Advancement of Computing in Educatio n Moreover - A web site about CRM, PERT and GANTT methods - A course web sites providing Elements of Project Management, T he Gantt Chart, CPM/PERT and POM in pdf format- Project management with examples- A presentation that covers CRM and PERTBook SuggestionHere is a link for CPM and PERT books by year__________________。