Resch - China 11-2009中文




NEN-EN12184:2009欧洲标准2009年9月ICS 11.180 10 取代EN12184:2006 电动轮椅、小型摩托车及其充电器-要求和试验方法本欧洲标准由欧洲标准化委员会于2009年8月27日批准。


最新的列表和有关这些国家标准的参考书目可向CEN管理中心或者任何CEN 成员申请获得。


由CEN成员翻译的并通知到CEN 管理中心的其他任何语言版本具有与官方版本同样的地位。


管理中心:马尼克斯大街17号,B-1000 布鲁塞尔CEN国家成员保留任何形式、任何方式的开发权。

参考号:EN 12184:2009:E目录页数前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5介绍---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61.范围----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------72.引用标准----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73.术语及定义-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94.试验装置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------95.种类级别--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106.总体要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------107.设计要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.1脚支架,下肢支架和臂支架-----------------------------------------------------------------117.2充气轮胎---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.3安装前骨盆支架-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.4在机动车中用作座椅的轮椅-------------------------------------------------------------------117.5刹车系统---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.6飞轮装置---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.7组件质量---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.8电池外壳和电池盒--------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.9由乘员或者助手实行的操作-------------------------------------------------------------------137.10乘员操作的控制器-------------------------------------------------------------------------------137.11辅助控制组件,推手和手柄-------------------------------------------------------------------147.12充电连接器------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.性能要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.1总则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.2脚支架,下肢支撑组件和臂支架---------------------------------------------------------------148.21要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.22测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------158.3静态,冲击和疲劳强度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.3.1要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.3.2测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.4刹车系统-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 8.4.1总体要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 8.4.2测试------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 8.5操作力------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 8.5.1要求--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 8.5.2测试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6辅助控制组件,推手和手柄---------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6.1要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6.2测试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.7充电连接器---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.7.1要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208.8驱动特性性能------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.8.1总体-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8..8.2攀爬最高安全斜坡的能力-----------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.8.3地面不平坦性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.8.4最大下坡速度----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.8.5动态稳定性-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 8.8.6越障-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 8.8.7静态稳定性-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.8.8最大速度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.8.9距离范围-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.9表面温度--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.10耐燃性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.1软垫复合部件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.2发泡材料----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.3其他部件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.11气候试验---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.12倾斜系统座椅调整--------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.12.1要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------248.12.2测试方法------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------249.电气要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.1总体要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.2控制器开关要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.3电源指示灯要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.4电路保护要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.5电池充电器要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.6充电指示器------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10制造商提供的信息要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.1总则--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.2售前信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.3用户信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 10.4服务信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2810.5标签--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2811.测试报告-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2812 表格-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 13图表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 附录A(信息性的)质量超过100KG的测试假人的建议------------------------------------------36 A.1总则-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.2结构-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.3加速器安装--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.4设计目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 附录B(信息性的)电动轮椅尺寸和操作空间的建议-----------------------------------------------45 B.1具体尺寸-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.1.1准备使用时的尺寸--------------------------------------------------------------------------------45B.1.3离地间隙--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.2操作空间--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.2.1转向直径-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B2.2换向宽度------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.3速度设置-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 附录C(信息性的)推荐设计特点----------------------------------------------------------------------47C.1引言-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2总体建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.1防倾斜装置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.2组件质量-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.3配件和工具--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.4轮胎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.5轮胎充气方法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.6表面温度--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -47 C.2.7乘员坐入或者离开轮椅------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----48 C.2.8耐尿失禁污染-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.9最大安全斜坡指示-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.10镜子---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.11头部支撑----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.12意外释放刹车制动器和飞轮装置---------------------------------------------------------------48 C.3性能特征建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.1电气故障的指示--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.2电池和电池盒-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.3照明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.4控制机能反馈-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.5飞轮报警-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.6最大速度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 附录D(信息性的)推荐的座椅设计---------------------------------------------------------------------50 附录E(信息性的)操作力-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1建议--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1.1推手力--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1.2轮圈力--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.2轮圈电助力轮椅的操作测试-------------------------------------------------------------------------51 附录F(信息性的)相对于原先版本EN12184的技术改变--------------------------------------52 F.1第一版本(1999)与第二版本(2006)的技术改变------------------------------------------52 F.2相对于第二版本(2006)的技术改变-------------------------------------------------------------53 附录ZA(信息性的)此欧洲标准与1993年6月14日颁布的关于医疗设备的理事会指令93/42/EEC中的基本要求的之间的关系。



部分: 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第3部分:发电机组用交流发电机 GB/T 2820.3-1997 部分 部分: 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第4部分:控制装置和开关装置 部分 部分: 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第5部分:发电机组 部分 部分: 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第6部分:试验方法 部分 商品条码 条码符号放置指南 城市道路、道路交叉口、街坊、 城市地理要素编码规则 城市道路、道路交叉口、街坊、市政工程管 线 中国油、 中国油、气田名称代码 用人单位用人形式分类与代码 商品条码 应用标识符 中国土壤分类与代码 CAD通用技术规范 通用技术规范 商品条码 物流单元编码与条码表示 GB/T 2820.4-1997 GB/T 2820.5-1997 GB/T 2820.6-1997 GB/T 14257-2002 GB/T 14395-1993 GB/T 15281-1994 GB/T 16502-1996 GB/T 16986-2003 GB/T 17296-2000 GB/T 17304-1998 GB/T 18127-2000 GB/T 18332.1-2001
GB/T 14022.1-2009 工业糠醇 GB/T 14022.2-2009 工业糠醇试验方法 GB/T 14091-2009 机械产品环境参数分类及其严酷程度分级
GB/T 14092.1-2009 机械产品环境条件 湿热 GB/T 14092.2-2009 机械产品环境条件 寒冷 GB/T 14092.3-2009 机械产品环境条件 高海拔 GB/T 14092.4-2009 机械产品环境条件 海洋 GB/T 14092.5-2009 机械产品环境条件 工业腐蚀 GB/T 14092.6-2009 机械产品环境条件 矿山 GB/T 14092.7-2009 机械产品环境条件 干热 GB/T 14093.1-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 湿热环境 GB/T 14093.2-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 寒冷环境 GB/T 14093.3-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 高原环境 GB/T 14093.4-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 工业腐蚀环境 GB/T 14093.5-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 干热环境 GB/T 14093.6-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 海洋环境 GB/T 14093.7-2009 机械产品环境技术要求 矿山环境 GB/T 14712-2009 GB/T 14713-2009 GB/T 15316-2009 单层热压机 旋切机通用技术条件 节能监测技术通则



J1100 2009年11月International地上车辆推荐标准签发日期:1973年9月修改时间:2009年11月被替换标准编号:J1100 SEP2005(R)机动车辆尺寸基本原理2009版J1100在内容上进行重大修改。


在本版本标准中,回复了部分先前删除的SAE J1100尺寸,以及一些更老版本的SAE J1100尺寸定义(例如W27)。





与前两版SAE J1100相同,位置或指定座椅位置由一级后缀决定。







SAE J1100也重新引入了“EPA-净重”情况,并阐述了在该载荷条件下的特定尺寸。

此外,文件还给出了在生产商声明的车辆总重条件下测量的新尺寸,同时增加了从已被取消了的SAE J689中摘取的尺寸。





16、技术要素的表述:增加了“技术要素的表述”。 (P143)
17、图:①增加了图的接排规定。②增加了对分图的 规定。③增加了图与前面的条文应空一行。④增加了 图的编号和图题应占两行。
18、表:①增加了表与其后条文空一行。②增加了表 的编号与表题占两行。③增加了表的外框线、表头的 下框线、表注或表内的段的上框线用粗实线。
3、标准编写规则 GB/T20001.1 第1部分:术语; GB/T20001.2 第2部分:符号; GB/T20001.3 第3部分:信息分类编码; GB/T20001.4 第4部分:化学分析方法; GB/T20001.5 第5部分:产品标准
GB/T 1.1 规定的范围
GB/T 1的本部分规定了标准的结构、起草 表述规则和编排格式,并给出了有关表述样式。
本部分适用于国家标准、行业标准和地方 标准以及国家标准化指导性技术文件的编写, 其他标准的编写可参照使用。
注:除非特殊说明,以下各章中的“标准”,根据情况可以指 “国家标准”、“行业标准”、“地方标准”和“国家标准化指 导性技术文件”。
GB/T 1.1-2009
北京标准化协会 宋丰华
GB/T 1.1-2009 标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准的结构和编写
非等效采用ISO/IEC导则第2部分:2004《国际 标准的结构和起草规则》
本标准代替GB/T 1.1-2000 《标准化工作导则 第1部分: 标准的结构和编写》和GB/T 1.2-2002 《标准化工作导则 第2部分:标准中规范性技 术要素内容的确定方法》。



.CQI-11Special Process: Plating System Assessment特殊过程:电镀系统评估(第二版)2012年2月发布关于AIAGAIAG被公认为全球性的汽车工业协会,集合汽车OEM和供应商的力量,共同提出并解决影响全球汽车供应链的问题。




1. 增加四个新的过程表:•表F电解抛光和闪镀铬•表G镀硬铬•表H化学镀镍•表I除氢脆烘烤过程2. 第6部分:己增加“硬铬设备”。

3. 以下部分包含最重要的更新或变动:•封面页:增加以下总结项目:“不符合最低要求的过程表项目数量:”•第1部分:特殊过程:电镀过程评估(工厂概要)问题1.9 是否保持记录并可查取?所有过程控制和测试记录必须保持从产生记录的年度起,再加一个日历年。

•第3部分锌/锌合金电镀设备问题3.8 是否有烘干系统?电镀厂必须有确定的烘干过程以充分烘干零件,过程包括对温度和时间的控制和验证。

•第4部分装饰电镀设备问题4.7 所有热电偶/温度计都检查/更换了吗?电镀厂应该有文件化预防性的维修保养系统,并被实施,包括热电偶/温度计。

•第7部分作业审查:增加的新要求包括:7.8.8 要求:硬度7.8.9 要求:平滑度,Rz/Ra7.8.10 要求:抛光/磨光7.8.11 要求:应力7.8.12 要求:延展性7.8.13 要求:微孔数量/活性部位7.8.14 用箔片测硫含量7.8.15 拉伸试验•过程表:多数过程表中包含星号(*),用以指示经证明的偏离要求的变差是允许的。








VW 01155:2009-11(中文版)

VW 01155:2009-11(中文版)

大众汽车股份大众汽车股份有限有限有限公司公司公司总共6页联合企业标准联合企业标准 VW 01155。


分类号: 01190。

提示词: 汽车零部件、供货零部件、首次供货。


前言前言::本标准包括有一个附录,其中,描述了对国际材料数据系统(IMDS )中材料数据部分的编制所提出的要求。

早期标准早期标准::VW 01155标准,有1988年01月、1995年12月、1999年10月、2000年12月、2004年06月、2005年02月、2006年01月、以及2009年10月等的多种版本。

修改修改::与2009年10月的VW 01155标准相比较,此次已经做了下列的修改: ——较早的版本已经作过报导。

1、 应用范围应用范围本标准对汽车的零部件供货、首次供货以及标准修改的批准程序进行了调整。

2、 要求要求一些在图纸和标准(特别是企业标准(厂标)如:TL 、PV 、VW )中所包含的资料,对零部件供货状态的要求进行了描述。

供货方在考虑到按照KR 00020中已经知道的技术条例、连同说明、以及可维修性文献资料的情况,并且,在此基础上研发了一种经济维修的概念。


所用材料的纯材料(成分),在国际材料数据系统(IMDS)中,根据附录A 中给定的数据资料要求给出。

对于所用材料、及其准备和它们的产品,根据欧洲危险材料处置法规,都已经做了相应的安排,根据危险材料处置条例,EG 安全部分的数据也要同时提供。

供货方对其产品应该给出再循环利用的概念(物料循环流程的封闭性)(见VW 01155:2009-11VW91102标准,增补3)。




标准的结构和编 写gbt112009培 训资料课件
• 培训课程介绍 • gbt112009标准概述 • 标准的编写规则和规范 • 标准的语言和表达 • 编写实例和分析 • 培训总结和展望
GB/T 112009是中华人民共和国国家标准,规定了金属及其他无机覆盖层厚度测量方法的基本原则、试验室条件 、试验设备、试样制备、试验程序、数据处理和试验报告等要求。为了帮助相关人员更好地理解和应用该标准, 需要进行系统的培训。
积极参与标准编写工作,提高自己的实践能 力和经验。
通过阅读相关书籍、参加培训班等方式学习 更多标准编写的技巧和方法。
学习其他相关的标准,了解不同标准之间的 差异和联系。
在编写标准前,需要对相关领域 进行深入调研,了解实际需求和
在编写标准时,需要遵循科学原 则和程序,确保标准的科学性和
在编写标准时,需要注重内容的 清晰度和实用性,尽可能避免使
在编写标准后,需要进行严格的 审核和试验,确保标准的准确性
加强标准编写技能 培训
加强对标准编写人员的技能培训 ,提高他们的编写能力和水平。
完善标准的编写流程,包括制定 编写计划、组织编写人员、确定 编写内容和格式等。

SER 2009_2(中文)

SER 2009_2(中文)

2009年9月 限制分发 重大事件报告WANOSER 2009-2反应堆压力容器封头 法兰处不明泄漏保密声明:版权——2009 世界核电营运者协会(WANO)。








免责声明:本报告由WANO 负责编制完成。

无论是WANO,WANO 成员单位还是代表WANO 或其成员单位的个人均不对本报告内容的准确性、完整性或实用性承担责任,也不对由于使用本报告中介绍的任何信息、设备和方法可能带来的侵权行为负责。





摘要2008年10月,Browns Ferry核电厂1号机组大修检查期间,工作人员发现反应堆压力容器法兰面有蒸汽冲蚀的痕迹。




2007年5月21日,Browns Ferry电厂1号机组在经历了22年的停堆期后,重新启动。





版权 2004, USCAR 美国印刷版权所有有关本文件的问题:(724) 772—8545 传真 (724)776-0243要订购文件: (724) 776—4970 传真 (724) 776-0790图5.1.5:A-方法1 毫伏导线附件也许可能发生这样的情况:被连接的电气部件或设备本身不能承受与它们所连接的连接器能够承受的试验。



5.1.6 端子样品准备用来试验的端子是指用推荐的制造工具机械压接好导线的端子。







表5.1.9.3 电路监控的通用方式说明:如果有实际经验,建议用“X"方式(所示孔位)图表5。






关键词:国家标准制定;汽车安全标准;汽车召回中图分类号:D922.11文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-9753(2011)08-0033-08Reflections on Establishment of National Standard System from Auto Safety StandardsXIE Bin ,LU Chun -yan ,HOU Xiao -meng(School of Economics and Management ,Tsinghua University ,Beijing 100084,China )Abstract :The national standards of auto safety are the basis to auto recalls.It is critical to auto -related personal safe-ty.The establishment of national standards for automotive safety should be scientific and reasonable.Based on the com-parison between China and Japan ,the paper has studied deeply the establishment of national standards of auto safety in China system in terms of authoritative catalog ,query convenience ,establishment institutions and procedures.Our study found that China's auto safety standards currently limited to technical aspects rather than social aspects ,standard settings lack of social justice examination ,the development process is hard to ensure neutrality and the whole auto safety stand-ards lack of inherent logic.The policy recommendations have presented based on the research findings.Key words :establishment of national standards ;auto safety standards ;auto recall收稿日期:2010-10-29修回日期:2011-03-14基金项目:北京市科委软科学课题(课题编号:Z07020600290793);国家自然科学基金重点项目(项目编号:70831003)。



[联邦法规][第21章第1卷][2006年04月01日修改] [代号:21CFR 11]第21章-食品与药品第1节-食品和药品管理局健康与人类服务部亚节-一般规定[Code of Federal Regulations][Title 21, Volume 1][Revised as of April 1, 2006][CITE: 21CFR 11]TITLE 21--Food And DrugsCHAPTER I--Food And Drug Administration Department of Health And Human Services Subchapter A--General第11款电子记录;电子签名PART 11 Electronic Records; ElectronicSignatures分章A 一般规定适用范围Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. Scope.(a)本条款的规则提供了标准,在此标准之下FDA将认为电子记录、电子签名、和在电子记录上的手签名是可信赖的、可靠的并且通常等同于纸制记录和在纸上的手写签名。


本条款同样适用于在《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》和《公众健康服务法案》要求下的呈送给FDA的电子记录,即使该记录没有在FDA规则下明确识(a) The regulations in this part set forth the criteria under which the agency considers electronic records, electronic signatures, and handwritten signatures executed to electronic records to be trustworthy, reliable, and generally equivalent to paper records and handwritten signatures executed on paper.(b) This part applies to records in electronic form that are created, modified, maintained, archived, retrieved, or transmitted, under any records requirements set forth in agency regulations.This part also applies to electronic records别。



欧盟国会与市政委员会第1223/2009法规2009.11.30化妆品(重新制定)(随带相关电子索引)鉴于: (3)第一章 (9)条款1 (9)条款2 (9)第二章 (10)条款3 (10)条款4 (11)条款5 (11)条款6 (12)条款7 (12)条款8 (13)条款9 (13)第三章 (13)条款10 (13)条款11 (14)条款12 (14)条款13 (15)第四章 (16)条款14 (16)条款15 (17)条款16 (18)条款17 (20)第五章 (20)条款18 (20)第六章 (21)条款19 (21)条款20 (23)条款21 (24)第七章 (24)条款22 (24)条款23 (24)条款24 (25)第八章 (25)条款25 (25)条款26 (27)条款27 (27)条款28 (27)第九章 (28)条款29 (28)条款30 (28)第十章 (28)条款31 (28)条款32 (29)条款33 (29)条款34 (29)条款35 (30)条款36 (30)条款37 (30)条款38 (30)条款39 (31)条款40 (31)附录I (32)A部分——化妆品安全信息 (32)B部分——化妆品安全评估 (34)附录II到VI的前言 (35)附录II (36)附录III (36)附录IV (36)附录V (36)附录VI (36)附录VII (37)附录VIII (38)附录IX (38)A部分 (38)B部分 (38)附录X (38)欧盟国会与市政委员会,鉴于欧洲成员国建立的条约和其95号文件,鉴于委员会的提议,鉴于欧洲经济和社会团体的观点,依据程序必须法令写于条约第251号文件,鉴于:1. 1976年7月27日成员国颁布的关于化妆品的法规指令76/768/EEC已经过几次重大修订。



本技术规范中化学品要求和测试所引用的标准,如欧盟指令,都适用标准、指令的最新版本,除非 另有说明。
本资料仅供参考,英文版本 IOS-MAT-0054 具有最终法律效力。
1 of 23 2009-10-26 Elsa Hou 译稿
表2. 实木、木基材料和天然材料的要求
在实木(包括实木拼板)、 污染限值:硼及其化合物的迁移 天然纤维、胶合板、层压 值:30 mg 硼/kg 板/弯曲木中
如果木材有涂层,在 SD 测试前应去除涂层。
DIN 53160(用人工 合成汗液进行萃取, 16小时,23 °C), 然后依照EN ISO 11885(ICP/AES分 析)
IOS-MAT-0054 第五版译文
审稿人:Jason Liu, Teresa Xu, Sebrina Chen
AA-92520-5 2009-10-09
本规范的目的是确保儿童产品和玩具在儿童使用时是安全的,因为儿童更为敏感,并且接触产品的 方式与成人不同(如吮吸和咀嚼)。
在印刷或上色的纸/纸板中 污染限值:每种染料10 mg/kg
甲醛含量不可高于30mg/kg。 EN 71-11
文件 SD
2.3 纺织品

2009[1].443.EC 中英文

2009[1].443.EC 中英文

COMMISSION DECISIONof 10 June 2009amending, for the purposes of adapting to technical progress, the Annex to Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions for applications of lead, cadmium and mercury (notified under document number C(2009) 4187) (Text with EEA relevance) (2009/443/EC)欧盟委员会于2009年6月10日为了适应技术发展,针对指令2002/95/EC附录关于欧盟议会和欧盟理事会针对铅,镉和汞的应用的豁免决定。

THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment ( 1 ), and in particular Article 5(1)(b) thereof, Whereas:欧洲共同体委员会,注意到成立欧洲共同体的条约,注意到欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2003年1月27日第2002/95/EC 号关于在电气电子设备(1)中限制使用某些有害物质指令,特别是其中第5(1)(b)条,鉴于:(1) Directive 2002/95/EC requires the Commission to evaluate certain hazardous substances prohibited pursuant to Article 4(1) of that Directive.(1)遵照第2002/95/EC号指令,欧盟委员会需要对指令第4(1)条所禁令的某些有害物质进行评估。



AES11-2009 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering - Synchronization of digital audioequipment in studio operations AES推荐的数字音频标准:广播级数字音频设备的同步标准Published byAudio Engineering Society, Inc.Copyright ©2009 by the Audio Engineering Society国际音频工程协会出版版权所有©2009国际音频工程协会AbstractThis standard provides a systematic approach to the synchronization of digital audio signals. Recommendations are made concerning the accuracy of sample clocks as embodied in the interface signal and the use of this format as a convenient synchronization reference where signals must be rendered cotimed for digital processing. Synchronism is defined, and limits are given which take account of relevant timing uncertainties encountered in an audio studio.摘要本标准对数字音频信号的同步问题做了系统化的阐述。




Group standard TL 957Issue 2011-11 Class. No.:8FG00D Descriptors:silicate glass, vehicle window pane, glass pane, window glassSilicate Glass for Vehicle WindowsQuality RequirementsPrevious issuesTL 957: 1966-10, 1968-07, 1970-05, 1975-06, 1981-11, 1982-09, 1984-09, 1985-07, 1985-11, 1986-08, 1987-01, 1988-03, 1988-06, 1989-07, 1993-07, 1997-07, 1999-02, 2000-06, 2000-09, 2001-11, 2002-10, 2006-02, 2008-10, 2011-09ChangesThe following changes have been made to TL 957: 2011-09:–Typographical mistakes in section 12.2 "Testing of reflection optics on vehicle window glasses" corrected: Distance from the window glass to the camera now 3 m instead of 1,6 m.Page 1 of 36 Always use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.Page 2TL 957: 2011-11DContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................4Description .................................................................................................................4Abbreviations .............................................................................................................5Requirements .............................................................................................................5General requirements ................................................................................................5Mandatory documentation ..........................................................................................5Official type approval ..................................................................................................5Specimen sections .....................................................................................................5Marking (glass labeling) .............................................................................................6Location of marking ....................................................................................................6Dimensions of markings .............................................................................................7Logo ...........................................................................................................................7Manufacturer's code, company name, or logo ...........................................................7ECE approval mark ....................................................................................................7USA registration .........................................................................................................7Date ............................................................................................................................7Additional marking ......................................................................................................7Line spacing ...............................................................................................................8Lettering color ............................................................................................................8Character spacing ......................................................................................................8Content of marking .....................................................................................................8Delivery ......................................................................................................................8Edge treatment ...........................................................................................................8Scratches and other general flaws .............................................................................9Dimensional requirements .........................................................................................9Material requirements for laminated safety glass .......................................................9Requirements for composite quality ...........................................................................9Connecting films .........................................................................................................9Aging behavior ...........................................................................................................9Special requirements ...............................................................................................11Chemical interaction .................................................................................................11Weathering behavior ................................................................................................11Lightfastness ............................................................................................................11Moisture resistance ..................................................................................................11Boiling test ................................................................................................................12Corrosion resistance of infrared reflecting laminated safety glass ...........................12Mechanical requirements .........................................................................................12Tempered safety glass .............................................................................................12Ball drop tests ..........................................................................................................12Ball drop test "ANSI" ................................................................................................12Ball drop test "ECE" .................................................................................................12Fracture tests ...........................................................................................................12Side and rear window glasses .................................................................................12Windshield ................................................................................................................12Impact test ................................................................................................................12Abrasion test ............................................................................................................12Laminated safety glass and laminated heat-strengthened glass .............................13Dart tests ..................................................................................................................13Ball drop test ............................................................................................................1312344. 3TL 957: 2011-11DBall drop test "ECE" .................................................................................................13Puncture resistance .................................................................................................13Puncture resistance "ANSI" .....................................................................................13Puncture resistance "ECE" ......................................................................................13Abrasion test ............................................................................................................13Optical requirements (windshield, side, and rear window glasses, sun/glasssun roofs) .................................................................................................................13Float structure ..........................................................................................................13Orientation of window glass .....................................................................................13Optical deflection ......................................................................................................13Optical deflection for diagonal transparency ............................................................15Optical deflection for optical focal line at bottom ceramic edge ...............................15Transmission optics of wire-heated laminated safety glass windshields .................15Transmission optics of wire-heated laminated safety glass rear windows ...............16Laminated safety glass float optics ..........................................................................16Transmission optics of side glass from continuous prestressing processes ............16Permissible ghost image angles ..............................................................................17Spectral transmission and color coordinates on vehicle window glass ....................17Light transmission T L ................................................................................................17Color coordinates .....................................................................................................17Specification of vehicle window glasses ..................................................................18Sun/glass sun roofs ..................................................................................................19Reflection optics on vehicle window glass and sun/glass sun roofs ........................20Test report ................................................................................................................20Pre-production testing ..............................................................................................20Complete test report .................................................................................................20Optical defects of screen printing .............................................................................22Light transmission ....................................................................................................22Full print, permissible defects in the printed image, all window glasses ..................22Door window glasses ...............................................................................................22Screen/decorative print ............................................................................................22Measurement of the screen print .............................................................................23Measurement instructions ........................................................................................23Specimen preparation ..............................................................................................23Special requirements ...............................................................................................23Silver printing on window glass ................................................................................23Adhesion of heating and/or antenna imprint ............................................................24Laminated safety glass ............................................................................................24Adhesion of the bond ...............................................................................................24Internal stresses .......................................................................................................24Tempered safety glass .............................................................................................25Determination of the surface compressive stress ....................................................25Stresses at window glass edge ................................................................................25Laminated heat-strengthened glass .........................................................................26Adhesion of the bond ...............................................................................................26Visual inspection ......................................................................................................26Determination of the surface compressive stress ....................................................26Stresses at window glass edge ................................................................................26Screen print resistance ............................................................................................27Evaluation of the baked ink porosity by means of an isopropanol wipe test ............27Optical test methods ................................................................................................ 4TL 957: 2011-11DTesting of reflection optics on vehicle window glasses ............................................28Test method for scratches and other general flaws .................................................28Determination of solar energy transmittance T UV .....................................................28Determination of light transmission T L ......................................................................28Determination of solar energy transmittance T E .......................................................29Determination of solar energy transmittance T IR ......................................................29Testing of color values .............................................................................................29Applicable documents ..............................................................................................29Bending technologies ...............................................................................................31Optics data sheet .....................................................................................................32Glass and aspect flaws ............................................................................................33Evaluation zones of glass and aspect flaws .............................................................33Type and description of glass defect ........................................................................33Chips ........................................................................................................................33Scratches and scrapes .............................................................................................33Hairline scratches .....................................................................................................33Film projection ..........................................................................................................34Punctiform defects/inclusions ...................................................................................34Foreign matter ..........................................................................................................34Inter-layer bubbles/dull spots ...................................................................................35Dot resolution ...........................................................................................................35Holes (36)12.212.312.412.512.612.712.813Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C C.1C.2C.2.1C.2.2C.2.3C.2.4C.2.5C.2.6C.2.7C.2.8C.2.9ScopeThis standard specifies requirements and tests for vehicle glass panes and sun roofs/glass sun roofs made of silicate glass.DescriptionQuality requirements according to TL 95712Page 5TL 957: 2011-11DAbbreviationsTSG Tempered safety glass WS WindshieldRWG Rear window glass Compr. pression bendingTB Transverse bending in vehicle longitudinal axis ROC Rate of change s DistanceSWG Side window glass Grav. b.Gravity bending t TimeT TemperatureDWG Door window glassHSG Heat-strengthened glass LSG Laminated safety glassRequirements General requirementsApproval of first supply and changes according to Volkswagen standard VW 01155.Environmental requirements according to VW 91100 must be fulfilled.Vehicle glass panes made of silicate glass must completely fulfill the applicable requirements specified in national regulations. The most important requirements are:USA US Regulation 571.205EuropeECE-R43For legally required tests, the current version of the law must always be applied.Mandatory documentationSections marked with a documentation bar are subject to mandatory documentation. The docu‐ments must be kept on file for 15 years.Official type approvalThe window glasses are type-specific; only the officially approved design must be manufactured for standard production. General type approval must be submitted to the department responsible for type approval as a supplement to the vehicle registration information.Specimen sectionsIf specimen sections are used, the quality must conform to the legal requirements for the finished part, and it must be ensured that the finished part also conforms to the legal requirements.Specimens must be produced from the same material as used in standard production and under 3 4 6TL 957: 2011-11DMarking (glass labeling)Legible from vehicle exterior in as-installed position. (see figure 1 and figure 2)The glass labeling must be legible and permanent.Marking example: Main label LSG with CCC. (figure 1)TSG with CCC and dark glass, see figure 2.Legend 1Logo2Company name in standard letter‐ing3USA registration number4European registration number 5CCC registration number (China)6Possible additional marking 7Date marking8Approval mark for China certifica‐tion9Country of registration, e.g., E1 for Germany10Marking according to ECE-R43,windshield as laminated safety glassFigure 1 – Windshield, green glassLegend 1Marking according to ECE-R43, light transmission <70% (dark glass)Figure 2 – Side window or rear window glass (tempered safety glass), dark glassLocation of marking4.54.5.1Page 7TL 957: 2011-11DTable 1 – MarkingWindow glass type Location Windshield Bottom right Rear window glass Bottom leftFixed side window glass Rear bottom Hinged windowTriangle window glass, front door Triangle window glass, rear door Sliding windowDoor crank window glass Dimensions of markingsHeight ≤24,5 mm Width ≤31 mmLogoVW 10514-C 6 as per VW 10514 or as per VW 10513Manufacturer's code, company name, or logoFont size 2 mmECE approval marka ∅ ≥ 8 mm, E a 2, font sizea3USA registration Font size 1,8 mmDateDateas per VDA 261Font size 1,8 mmAdditional markingA Laminated safety glass with acoustics function C Clear glassB Blue heat-insulating glass or dark glass G Gray heat-insulating glass or dark glassIR Laminated safety glass with infrared reflective coatingIR-HLaminated safety glass with heated infrared reflective coating┌┐ 8TL 957: 2011-11DLine spacingPermissible minimum dimension according to ECE-R43 of 1 mm Lettering colorColorBrilliant blackSee section 10.4.1 for color values.Character spacingClose-spaced lettering according to DIN 1451-4.Alternatively, according to DIN 1451-3, code letter E.Lettering size tolerance: +0,2 mm Content of markingAs per drawing and table 1.DeliveryThe window glasses must not exhibit soiling that would impair testing, performance, or further pro‐cessing.Particular packaging requirements must be agreed upon with the responsible engineering depart‐ment in each case.Edge treatmentEdges must generally be treated according to to SAE J673 Type 1.The following additionally applies to door crank window glasses (above the window slot strip):–Transition must not have sharp edges, i.e., the transition to the ground edge must be smooth.–Below the window slot strip (in the invisible area), SAE J673 Type 3 is permissible.For window glasses with flush injection point, edge treatment according to Volkswagen type 1 ap‐plies:–All around, fine finish, crowned edge, matte finish –Minimum radius = 2/3 of glass thickness –Maximum radius = 2 x glass thickness4. 9TL 957: 2011-11DScratches and other general flawsDull spots, soiled and discolored areas as well as chips are not permissible.Permissible aspect flaws: See appendix C.In the visible area, the window glasses must be free of bending fixture markings and edge spar‐kles.The following additionally applies to infrared glazing:If the window glass exhibits color inhomogeneities (spots, triangles, stripes), it must be rejected.Window glasses with rough gold spots and corona defects (also in string-of-pearl arrangements)must be rejected.The marked area of the coating (decoating) must be removed without residue and without visible machining traces.The test method for scratches is described in section 12.3.Dimensional requirementsChecking of the dimensions of fixed and lowerable window glasses must be performed as per the measuring method specified in the corresponding window glass drawing. Preferably, a measuring data set must be compiled with enveloping surface tolerance and specified RPS points and meas‐uring points. VW 01055 applies as the basis.A tolerance is defined for each measuring point. Waviness within the tolerance is restricted for a sequence of measuring points. Additionally, the angle deviation of measuring point sequences may be defined.Material requirements for laminated safety glass Requirements for composite quality Connecting filmsWithin the framework of technical engineering approval (BMG – German abbreviation) and/or first sample delivery, the product designations must be stated explicitly.–Film based on polyvinyl butyral (PVB)–Heat insulating film based on polyvinyl butyral/polyester (PVB/PET)Aging behaviorBehavior after aging in constant climates As per PV 2044:KL1300 h KL3300 h KL472 h567 7.1 10TL 957: 2011-11D–No delamination or blistering inside the laminated safety glass –No shrinking of the PVB film–No formation of waves in the PVB/PET film compositeSpecial requirementsRequirements after environmental cycle aging (KWL) 2 as per PV 2044Scope of testing 2 cycles–No hazing in the edge area after the last reconditioning in standard climate at +23 °C/50% rel‐ative humidity.–No delamination in the edge area of the laminated safety glassRequirements after constant-climate environmental aging KL3 as per PV 2044, with the following deviationsRecirculated air tem‐perature +50 °C Duration 300 h–Permissible hazing in the edge area after removal from humid aging at elevated temperature ≤ 3mm–No hazing in the edge area after reconditioning in standard climate at +23 °C/50% relative hu‐midity; duration 17 h–No delamination in the edge area of the laminated safety glassRequirement after short-term heat test at 120 °C, duration 2 h (testing is performed ≥7 days after manufacturing of the laminated safety glass).–No blistering in the edge area of the laminated safety glass –No formation of waves in the PVB/PET film compositeChemical interactionTesting according to PV 2503.Subjective evaluation: spread discolorations are not permitted (detectable especially in reflection).Yellowing of the edge is permissible.Permissible deviations measured at one point:ΔE* < 1,3 calculated with the formula defined in section 9.9.Weathering behavior3 year-cycles of artificial weathering according to PV 3929 and PV 3930, without complaint. Resist‐ance to open-air weathering according to VW 50185.LightfastnessAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.1For further requirements, see drawing specifications for laminated safety glass.Moisture resistanceAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 –┌7.3┐┌7.4┐Boiling testAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.4Corrosion resistance of infrared reflecting laminated safety glassTesting according to PV 2504.No delamination or color change permissible in the edge area of the laminated safety glass.Mechanical requirements Tempered safety glass Ball drop testsBall drop test "ANSI"According to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.6Ball drop test "ECE"According to ECE-R43 and DIN 52306Fracture testsSide and rear window glassesFracture test "ANSI"According to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.7Fracture test "ECE"According to ECE-R43WindshieldAccording to ECE-R43Impact testAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.8Abrasion testAccording to ECE-R43 and ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.18┌7.5┐ 7.68 8.1 8.1.1┌┐┌┐┌8.1.3┐8.1.4Laminated safety glass and laminated heat-strengthened glass Dart testsAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.9Ball drop testBall drop test "ANSI"According to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.12Ball drop test "ECE"According to ECE-R43Puncture resistancePuncture resistance "ANSI"According to ANSI Z26.1 – 5.26Puncture resistance "ECE"As per ECE-R43 and DIN 52306Abrasion testAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.18Optical requirements (windshield, side, and rear window glasses, sun/glass sun roofs)Float structureThe float structure is always parallel with the vehicle longitudinal axis.Orientation of window glassOrientation of the fire/outer side according to drawing or according to section 11.1.Changing of the orientation during standard production is only permissible in agreement with the responsible engineering department.Optical deflectionThe fields of view in the windshield are principally defined according to the drawing.If there is no data in the drawing for defining the fields of view, ECE-R43 applies.The area outside field of view B is defined as fields of view C and D.In this case, field of view C is next to and below field of view B, and field of view D is above field of view B.8.2 ┌8.2.1┐8.2.2┌┐┌┐┌8.2.4┐9 distortions must be measured in the as-installed position by vertical and horizontal light de‐flection (see PV 2501).For optical distortion/refractive power in windshields, the limits in table 2 apply.The limit of field of view A in table 2 applies to the optical distortion/refractive power for side win‐dow glasses; the limit of field of view B applies to rear window glasses.For rear window glass, separate fields of view with corresponding limits may be defined in the drawing.The refractive power D absolute = ΔαΔxis calculated using the difference in deflection angle from tworays separated by Δx = 12 mm (in deviation from ECE-R43).–| D max | and | D min | ≤ limit D absolute–D max - D min ≤ limit ROCThe refractive power is measured in the laboratory for pre-production testing and sample delivery, e.g., with the LABSCAN Screen2D measuring instrument of ISRA.Details are governed by PV 2501.If the supplier chooses an equivalent measuring system, proof of correlation with the LABSCAN-Screen2D measuring instrument must be provided. In addition, test equipment capability must be demonstrated on the basis of VW 10119. The setup instructions for the measuring system used must be agreed upon with the EGNM/O Department.The measurement parameters 4/5/12 and SAB 13 must be set, unless other specifications apply. The window glass must be aligned with respect to the axis of rotation of the LABSCAN Screen2D instrument according to the setup instructions. Setup instructions will be drawn up for each vehicle project in collaboration with the supplier and stored in the design data administration system (KVS – German abbreviation). For the refractive power and rate of change, the limits in table 2 apply. Agreements regarding the measurement procedure are also stated in the setup instructions and stored in KVS (see component number).Table 2 – Permissible refractive powerField of view D absolute inmdptROC in mdpt RequirementA≤ 75≤ 100Definition of field of view according to ECE-R43B≤ 100≤ 125Definition of field of view according to drawingC≤ 125≤ 125Definition of field of view according to drawingFocal line≤ 125≤ 150Focal lines at the bottom ceramic edge are measuredusing filter setting 4/5/0, SAB 6 at γ = 60°± 2°, ceramicedge detection must be ensuredD≤ 150≤ 175Definition of field of view according to drawingIf optical lenses with different algebraic signs are located at the edge of a field of view, then the "rate of change" limit of the more sensitive area applies. This also applies to the evaluation of the optical focal lines.The evaluation of the optical focal line at the bottom ceramic edge must be conducted in addition to the evaluation of the fields of view. In principle, however, optical focal lines must be measured in。



CHINA STIMULUS PACKAGEBy Geoff Revelle and Jerry ChiangStoel Rives LLPJune17,2009I.INTRODUCTIONAfter enjoying five years of annual GDP growth in excess of10percent,China’s economy began to weaken last year.In response to its weakening economy,China announced a $4trillion RMB($586billion USD)stimulus package in November2008(the remaining figures in this memorandum will be in US dollars).As part of the stimulus package,China also announced a“proactive fiscal policy.”A“proactive fiscal policy,”according to some commentators,means that China will encourage state-owned banks to loosen credit and lend more freely,thereby avoiding the credit freeze experienced in western countries.Beijing announced that the stimulus package would focus on10sectors of the Chinese economy, including rural infrastructure and health care,with the goals of creating jobs and increasing China’s GDP.While the main beneficiaries of the stimulus funding are government-owned or privately-owned Chinese companies,opportunities for foreign companies will still emerge in areas such as high-tech products and value-added services that Chinese firms cannot provide.This memorandum will provide a brief overview of investing in China,discuss the major sectors of the Chinese economy that will benefit from the stimulus package,how the stimulus funding will be distributed,and analyze how foreign investors and companies can take advantage of the stimulus funding.II.BACKGROUND DISCUSSIONIn order to fully appreciate the opportunities that China’s stimulus package will generate, particularly those for foreign companies,it is necessary to develop a general understanding of three aspects of the Chinese economy:1)the industries that foreign companies can invest in;2) the types of business organization that foreign companies can form in China;and3)the approval process for an investment project by a foreign company.These three categories are important to understand because they determine what stimulus-funded opportunities will be available to foreign companies.A.Investment Laws and RestrictionsThe National Development and Reform Commission(“NDRC”)and Ministry of Commerce(“MOFCOM”)publish and revise the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue(“Foreign Investment Catalogue”)every few years.The most recent version becameeffective on December1,2007and has not been updated since.This document regulates what sectors of the Chinese economy foreign companies can and cannot invest in and delineates the Chinese economy into four broad investment categories:“Prohibited,”“Restricted,”“Encouraged,”and“Permitted.”Prohibited:foreign companies cannot invest in the prohibited areas,which are areas that implicate national security,public interest,traditional media,harmful pollution,natural resources,and defense/military.Some prohibited areas include:∙Production and development of transgenic plant seeds;∙Arms and munitions manufacturing;∙Construction and operation of power grids;and∙Distribution of motion pictures.Restricted:Activities and sectors restricted to foreign investment are largely those that use outdated technology,are harmful to the environment or are in protected sectors of the economy.Investment in the restricted sectors requires partnership with a Chinese company. Examples include:∙Exploration and mining of gold,silver,platinum;∙Mobile and data telecommunication services(foreign investor limited to49%of equity ownership in a joint venture with a Chinese company);and∙Development and production of grains.Encouraged:foreign companies can invest in encouraged sectors on their own and are not required to partner up with Chinese companies.There are more than250encouraged activities and sectors,including:∙Development of various agricultural technologies;∙Production of engineering plastics and plastic alloys;∙Development and manufacture of software products;and∙Construction of thermal power stations with power production capacity of300,000KW or more.Permitted:permitted sectors include all activities and sectors not found in the Foreign Investment Catalogue.In March2007,the National People’s Congress,China’s highest legislative body,passed a new Corporate Income Tax Law,which eliminated many tax advantages that had been enjoyed by foreign investors.The law,which went into effect January1,2008,fixed corporate income tax rates for both foreign and domestic firms at25percent.The law maintained two exceptions to the flat rate:one for qualified small-scale and thin profit companies,which will pay20%,and another to encourage high-tech investments by companies,which will pay15%.The new law also permits financial services,securities,consulting,and other professional services firms to deduct all wage outlays from their taxable income,which had previously been limited to$234 per month,per employee.The Government Procurement Law establishes the baseline criteria to qualify domestic and foreign suppliers and various categories of procurement,as well as broad standards for publicity,notification,bid scheduling,sealed bidding and bid evaluation.The law clarifies that purchases by state owned enterprises do not constitute government procurement,which eliminates the bulk of commercial value from the procurement system.The legislation requires domestic procurement unless the goods or services are unavailable in China.B.Chinese Business EntitiesThe focus of this section will be on the various types of business entities that foreign companies can form in China.However,it is helpful to know the following three indigenous business entities for the stimulus package discussion:∙State Owned Enterprise(“SOE”)-As the name indicates,this type of organization is run and owned by the government;∙Provincial Investment Vehicle(“PIV”)-a provincial government may form this entity in order to participate in stimulus-funded projects;and∙Domestic Private Enterprise(“DPE”)-this refers to corporations which are run and owned by Chinese nationals.In order for a foreign company or investor to engage in business in China,it must form one of the following types of a Foreign Invested Enterprise,or FIE.Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise(“WFOE”).This type of entity is100%foreign-owned.It is able to conduct business activities in China on its own,within the categories where foreign investment is permitted or encouraged.WFOEs are most common in the encouraged sectors such as manufacturing,consulting,trading,wholesale and retail.Other characteristics include:o Multiple foreign investors allowed;o Liability limited to one’s share of the entity’s registered capital(equity);o No shares are issued;rather,investors hold a proportion of the registered capital;o Managed by a Board of Directors;ando Qualifies for tax incentives generally available to FIEs.Equity Joint Venture(“EJV”).This is a limited liability company with both Chinese and foreign monly used to invest in restricted areas of the Chinese economy. Characteristics include:o Foreign and Chinese joint ownership;o Limited liability–an investor’s liability limited to her share of registered capital (equity);o No shares are issued(investors hold a proportion of the company’s equity);o Managed by a Board of Directors;o Early withdrawal of equity is difficult;o Certain decisions require unanimous consent;o Equity transfers are subject to the consent and pre-emptive rights of EJV partners;ando Qualifies for various industry-specific tax incentives.Cooperative Joint Venture(“CJV”).This is a joint venture with both foreign and Chinese investors.A CJV may be incorporated as a limited liability company or may exist as an unincorporated monly used to invest in restricted areas of the Chinese economy. Characteristics include:o Foreign and Chinese joint ownership;o No shares issued(investors hold a proportion of the company’s equity);o Early recovery of equity permitted on certain statutory and contractual conditions;o Transfers of rights require consent of other CJV partners;ando Qualifies for various industry-specific tax incentives.Other Arrangements∙Foreign-Invested Companies Limited by Shares(“FICLS”).This is an entity that a foreign company forms if it wishes to issue shares on China’s stock exchanges.∙Holding Company.A qualifying foreign company(as a WFOE,EJV,CJV)may create this entity in order to invest in and manage the activities of its Chinese subsidiaries.∙Representative Office(“RO”).This is the simplest and quickest type of business entity to form.However,it is also the most limited.An RO is not allowed to engage in profit-making activities.This form is typically used to set up a local office to conduct research and establish contacts.C.Foreign Investment ProcessIn China,every business entity needs to be approved and licensed by the government. The principal law governing the establishment of an enterprise in China is the Administrative Permissions Law,which requires the government to review proposed investments for compliance with Chinese laws and regulations.This is also the authority for China’s complex approval system for foreign investment.The steps for securing approval for an investment project are as follows:1.Submit an application to China’s Environmental Protection Ministry and Land Resources Agency.The proposed project will be reviewed for compliance with environmental and land use regulations;2.The province in which the proposed investment will take place will review the project(specifically by the provincial Development and Reform Commission);3.The provincial DRC passes the investment project to the National Development and Reform Commission for“project verification,”which includes assessing the investment project’s compliance with Chinese laws and regulations,national security,and economic development needs;4.Ministry of Commerce conducts an“enterprise establishment verification,”which certifies that the documents establishing the Foreign Invested Enterprise(“FIE”)conforms to China’s laws and regulations;5.The FIE applies for a business license from the State Administration of Industry and Commerce,which allows the entity to operate and conduct business.6.The FIE registers with China’s tax and foreign exchange agencies.Since2004,provincial governments have enjoyed expanded authority to directly approve many foreign investment projects.Currently,in“encouraged”and“permitted”sectors,only proposed investments valued above$500million require approval by the national government. Projects in“restricted”sectors valued above$50million require Beijing’s review and approval.III.STIMULUS PACKAGE DISCUSSIONA.Stimulus Package’s Focus AreasThe main goal of the stimulus package is to maintain a pace of growth of China’s GDP at,or near,8percent(also referred to as“bao ba”or“preserve eight”),by focusing on ten sectors of the Chinese economy:transportation,rural infrastructure,environment,finance,earthquake reconstruction,taxes,housing,health and education,incomes and industry.Some of these sectors are in line with the priorities already established in China’s11th Five Year Plan1.Each of these10sectors will be discussed briefly.Rural InfrastructureThe central government’s focus in this area is to hasten rural infrastructure construction. Improvement efforts will focus on the roads and power grids in the countryside and drinking1China’s economic development initiatives are promulgated in a Five-Year Plan.While a Five-Year Plan is national in scope,in contains detailed economic development guidelines for all of the regions.water safety.The South to North Water Transfer Project(the construction of water diversion routes to alleviate water shortages in the northern regions of China)will receive extra attention under the stimulus plan,as well as reservoirs that need to be reinforced or renovated.Efforts will also be directed at water conservation in large-scale irrigation areas.The central government has committed to spend some$54billion on projects aimed at improving the infrastructure of rural China.TransportationThe goal for the transportation sector is to accelerate the improvement and expansion of the transportation network.This includes extending trunk railways,developing more passenger rail links and coal routes,and building airports in central and western parts of China.Stimulus funding will also focus on increasing subway lines and improving the national highway system.70new rail projects are planned with a total investment value of$147billion for2009. The funding will result in the construction of approximately6,213miles of new rail lines.A further$147billion is scheduled for investment in2010for an additional6,213miles of rail lines.The central government has allocated$30billion for airport construction in2009,and another$37billion for2010.The funding will be used to build50new regional airports(five in tier one cities–e.g.,Beijing,Shanghai),relocate12airports and renovate78airports across China.EnvironmentThe plan for the environmental sector is to fund projects in improving tainted water sources,expanding garbage recycling,water anti-pollution,energy-saving and clean energy technologies.Ecological and environmental protection projects will receive around$31billion of the planned stimulus funding in2009/2010.Of the earmarked amount,$19-$20billion will be targeted at waste-water management and water supply projects with a particular emphasis on alleviating the continuing water shortage in the northern provinces.China’s300cities that presently lack waste-water treatment facilities will also receive particular attention under the stimulus package.The State Grid and National Energy Administration have announced plans to increase investment to$175billion on grid construction in the next two years in order to address many of the grid bottlenecks that are limiting renewable energy development and grid connectivity.As of this writing,the central government has drafted an energy stimulus plan,but the contents and the timing of the bill’s launch have not been revealed.The general plan is to encourage investments in the production of alternative energy from sources such as wind and solar.China also plans to invest about$290billion in the alternative energy industry through 2020as it looks to replace usage of coal and oil with clean energy.The central government plans to enhance financial support to maintain economic growth. Prior to the stimulus package,the central government placed loan quotas on banks,in an effort to limit credit growth.This in turn placed a ceiling on the amount in loans that banks could make. In order to spur the sagging economy,the loan quotas are likely to be removed to free up credit and to conform to the“proactive monetary policy.”The stimulus package also calls for increasing bank credit for key stimulus projects,such as infrastructure improvement,rural reconstruction and technical innovations.For instance,lending to the farming sector and areas hit by the Sichuan earthquake has been excluded from lending quotas.Because many of the banks in China are state-owned,the central government is ready and able to flood the market with more credit if necessary.Earthquake ReconstructionApproximately$146billion of the stimulus package will fund the reconstruction of the areas hit by the May12,2008earthquake(Sichuan region).TaxesUnder the existing tax incentives,foreign companies enjoy a15%tax rate if they are engaged in high-tech investments.The central government may announce more tax incentives to spur technological investments.The State Council announced late last year that beginning in January,it would reform Value-Added Tax(“VAT”)for all industries to encourage transition from a production-based VAT regime to a consumption-based one.Under a production-based VAT regime,enterprises are only allowed to use direct costs such as production materials,wage payment and factory expenses to offset sales,but they are not allowed to use the purchase of fixed assets(including annual depreciation)to offset sales.Under a consumption-based VAT regime,the input VAT on fixed assets newly acquired by enterprises can be deducted in full amount.Starting this year,the transition to a consumption-based VAT regime will be implemented nationwide,except for industries restricted for development by the state(such as the military).Companies from industries covered by the VAT reform will be able to offset the full amount of input VAT paid on newly purchased machinery and equipment against VAT collected when they sell their goods.Some commentators have estimated that the VAT reform will lower the purchasing cost of fixed assets by an average of7%and reduce the expected VAT burden by about$17.6billion.The central government will continue to monitor the export markets and may cut export-related taxes and raise financial support for exporters in order to avoid a sharp drop in external demand.The Commerce Minister Chen Deming has stated that the government would“steadily restore zero tax rates for export products,”as well as ensuring that high-energy and resource-consuming exports are curtailed.Around$58billion of the stimulus funding will be used to build more affordable andlow-rent housing and accelerate the clearing of slums.IncomeThe central government will raise average incomes in rural and urban areas.The central government will also raise next year’s minimum grain purchase and farm subsidies,and increase subsidies for low-income urban residents.The stimulus funding will also be used to increase pension funds for employees of certain state-owned enterprises.Healthcare and EducationThe stimulus package allocated about$27billion for healthcare and education projects. Some of the planned healthcare projects include upgrading medical equipment used in rural areas and health information technologies.The central government plans to allocate an additional$125 billion over the next few years to focus on expanding basic coverage to at least90%of the population by2012.The education projects include constructing more schools in central and western areas and more special education and cultural facilities.Industry$53billion of the stimulus funding will focus on innovating and upgrading China’s aging industries and building up China’s high-tech services industries.B.Recent Developments in Stimulus FundingThe National People’s Congress(“NPC”)met in March for a two-week session.Many commentators expected that the NPC would announce a second stimulus package.However,the NPC did not announce round two of stimulus funding and instead emphasized the government’s commitment to delivering8percent GDP growth in2009.The NPC indicated that it would “wait and see”further economic data before announcing another round of stimulus funding.The NPC also announced a shift in spending priorities of the stimulus package: Prioritized Sectors Original Total(billion)Revised TotalChange(billion)(billion)263219-44 Infrastructure:railway,highway,airport,gridconstruction1461460SichuanEarthquakeReconstructionHousing4158+1754540Rural LivelihoodandInfrastructure2353+30IndustryInnovation5131-20EnvironmentalProjects827+19Healthcare andEducationDespite this shift in funding priorities,the spending will still focus on infrastructure development projects because they are the most effective in fulfilling Beijing’s two overarching goals:8percent GDP growth in2009and creating jobs.The NPC announced that$15billion will be provided by the central government to fund a rural home-electronics-appliances subsidies program.Farmers will be granted a13%subsidy when they buy color TVs,refrigerators,washing machines,mobile phones,air conditioners, computers,motorcycles,water heaters,and agricultural equipment.International vendors BenQ, Sharp,LG Electronics,and Sanyo have been selected as TV vendors under the program.Dell and Hewlett-Packard have been selected as PC brands eligible for subsidiesC.Stimulus FundingApproval Process for Applications for Stimulus FundingAlthough all projects need to be approved by the central government,the stimulus funding and the projects themselves will be distributed and implemented at the provincial level. The National Development and Reform Commission(“NDRC”),China’s key economic planning agency,and other relevant ministries solicit proposals and applications for stimulus funding. Typically,a province or municipality will submit an application for stimulus funding.The applications are reviewed by the NDRC and other ministries(e.g.,Ministry of Railways,Ministry of Transportation,Ministry of Commerce,etc.).The reviewing body will focus on the application’s potential to meet the twin goals of the stimulus:create jobs and bolster GDP.In addition to receiving approval from the relevant ministry,the applicant province will also need to demonstrate its ability to raise a significant portion of the funds necessary to carry out the proposed project.Once an application has been approved and funding secured,the entity whose application has been approved will solicit bids for the main contract.The main contracts will normally be awarded to a Chinese entity because of China’s policy of economic nationalism and restrictions on direct involvement by foreign companies.After the main contract has been awarded,for instance,to a domestic private enterprise,the main contractor will solicit bids for subcontracts. This is where many of the opportunities for foreign companies will emerge.In bidding on a stimulus-funded project,the foreign company must comply with the province’s procurement guidelines and the investment restrictions and guidelines discussed earlier.In reviewing theprovincial procurement guidelines,foreign companies need to keep in mind that each province will have a different set of guidelines.Project FinancingFinancing for projects such as rural reconstruction or infrastructure improvement will come from a mixture of sources,with the central government providing around25to30%of the total project cost and the remainder coming from provincial governments,banks,state owned enterprises and private companies.The NDRC has committed$1.73billion to fund key stimulus projects before the end of2010(the phrase“key stimulus projects”refers to projects that fall within one of the ten sectors of the economy that the stimulus package has chosen to revitalize).D.Opportunities for Foreign Investors and CompaniesGeneral OverviewGiven the existing restrictions on foreign investments and China’s policy of economic nationalism,the main beneficiaries of the stimulus package will be state owned enterprises (“SOE”),provincial investment vehicles(“PIV”)and domestic private enterprises(“DPE”). Nonetheless,many opportunities for foreign invested enterprises(“FIE”)will emerge.FIEs can tender bids as subcontractors to the larger contracts awarded to Chinese entities.Opportunities will center around providing advanced intellectual properties and value-added services that domestic Chinese firms cannot provide.Examples of such opportunities include providing clean energy technologies for Chinese companies that have been awarded contracts in the environmental arena,or providing technical systems such as control and automation processes for machinery used in railway infrastructure projects,or construction,logistics and project management services in the rural infrastructure development or earthquake reconstruction efforts.FIE Friendly Stimulus SectorsBelow are some stimulus-focus sectors that may provide good opportunities for foreign companies:EnvironmentThe environmental sector is one of the most promising sectors for FIEs in China.The central government is committed to its clean energy technology/alternative energy development and environmental protection policy.More importantly,there is a significant gap between the clean energy technologies of Chinese companies and foreign companies.This gap undercuts the policy of economic nationalism and allows FIEs to exploit the stimulus-funded projects.Clean energy technology development is also an encouraged area of foreign investment.As an example,the Ministry of Finance announced the Solar Roofs Program on March 26,2009,which will offer incentives of approximately$2.90per watt for systems of more than50kilowatts.The program is designed to increase demand for solar energy and incentivize building Integrated PV,roof-mounted solar projects and rural electrification.The central government will distribute70%of the program funds to provincial governments,which will then be charged with payment of the subsidies.TransportationThe transportation development efforts,including construction and renovation of roads, railways,airports,will require high tech equipment and value-added services such as logistics solutions.This will be an area rife with opportunities for foreign companies with the capabilities of providing high tech equipment or value-added services.HealthcareAs the central government plans a rapid expansion of China’s rural healthcare system in the next couple of years,this will develop a market for foreign companies dealing in medium to low-end medical equipment.Best PracticesIn order to take advantage of China’s stimulus package,a foreign company must understand the stimulus goals and priorities of Beijing,the needs and agenda of each province, and the market realities(i.e.,where the technology gaps lay,which sectors could use value-added services).This information will enable a foreign company to anticipate which sector will receive special funding mandate from Beijing,which province will receive that funding,and where competition from native companies will be weakest.In terms of approaching stimulus funding, one size does not fit all as each province’s needs will vary significantly from another.Additionally,a foreign company must also understand each province’s procurement guidelines and the related rules and regulations.Since announcing the stimulus package,the central government has not shed much light on the procurement guidelines,and the overall process remains rmation tends to emerge intermittently,and each province views the stimulus policies differently and writes procurement guidelines tailored to its own needs.2In addition to the provincial,stimulus-specific procurement guidelines,there are investment guidelines that foreign companies must review and understand.2This is especially true where a province has local companies with capacity in a given sector.For instance,if a province has local energy companies,the provincial government will write procurement guidelines that favor local over foreign energy companies,either explicitly through limits on contributions,or implicitly by writing specifications that only the provincial companies can meet.Understanding these often“under the radar”variations will be essential in accessing the stimulus funding.Success in exploiting China’s stimulus package,therefore,will require a good understanding of the following elements:∙Chinese bureaucracy–in order to gauge where the stimulus funding will go,it is necessary to understand all the moving pieces in the Chinese government that shape and influence spending agenda;this,in turn,requires an understanding of:o China’s legislative arm–National People’s Congress;o China’s11th Five-Year Plan;o Key ministries such as Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce;o Important committees and commissions such as National Development and Reform Committee;o National leaders such as Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu Jintao;ando The relationship between provincial governments and the national government (Beijing often sets the policies and provincial governments have authority toimplement those policies,often with the province’s needs and goals in mind–thedivergent implementation of the stimulus package is a good example).∙Stimulus procurement guidelineso These will vary from province to province;the best practice is to determine which province is most promising and research the stimulus procurement guidelinesimplemented by that particular province∙The Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogueo Companies need to review this carefully to determine whether their potential investment projects are prohibited,restricted,encouraged or permitted ∙Stimulus policies of Beijingo Because the central government’s stimulus priorities change,foreign companies need to stay informed of the attitudes and sentiments of policymakers in Beijingin order to anticipate where the stimulus money will be spent∙The needs and agenda of each provinceo If a foreign company has a province in mind,it needs to carefully monitor the province’s needs(be it infrastructure,healthcare or industry innovation)as thiswill determine what types of stimulus funding it is likely to apply for ∙Economic conditions–as these change,so will the stimulus spending policies o For example,if the GDP growth is not near8%,the central government is likely to unleash more spending in the area of infrastructure(the sector most likely tocreate jobs and to boost the GDP immediately)∙What technologies and value-added services domestic companies lacko Once a foreign company selects a province as its investment target,it should research comparable Chinese companies in that province and determine what kindof technologies and value-added services they provide;ando If indigenous companies lack the technologies and value-added services necessary to carry out certain projects,those will become prime opportunities for foreigncompanies.Given the lack of a centralized source of information(such as for the American stimulus package),the divergent implementation practices of the provinces,the language barrier(many of the Chinese government websites are not available in English)and the。



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☼ NH: 23.8% by 2025
VT: (1) RE meets any increase in retail sales by 2012; (2) 20% RE & CHP by 2017
– – – – – – – 弗吉尼亚州出台补贴政策 宾夕法尼亚州出台补贴政策 哥伦比亚特区出台补贴政策 纽约提高补贴额度 马里兰州给予更多的资金援助 可再生能源市场配额新制度 佛蒙特州出台上网电价政策
• 联邦政府出台更加有力的鼓励策略
重点: 加利福尼亚州
• YTD solar industry revenue under CSI: $1.3 billion
州名 加利福尼亚 新泽西 科罗拉多 内华达 夏威夷 纽约 亚利桑那 康涅狄格 俄勒冈 北卡罗来纳 其他 共计 2008年安装量 178.6 22.5 21.6 14.9 11.3 7.0 6.4 5.3 4.7 4.0 15.3 292 累计安装量 530.1 70.2 35.7 34.2 15.8 21.9 25.3 8.8 7.5 4.7 36.4 791
NC: 12.5% by 2021到 2021 北卡罗来纳: 12.5% (IOUs) 10% by 2018(co-ops and munis) -ops 到2018 (co
TX: 5,880 5,880 MW 到 2015 德克萨斯: MW by 2015
Mandatory RPS Non-Binding Goal
Source: Berkeley Lab
Environmental Energy Technologies Division • Energy Analysis Department
2009 –美国市场不断发展壮大
• 加州继续占据市场主导地位 • 更多区域出台补贴政策
累计装机容量 (MW) 57.8
15.1 9.3 4.6 -
目标量 (MW) 1,800
100 17 250 690-2700 820 1,400 5,077-7,077
终止日期 2020
2011 2010 2017 2020 2024 2022
*Expands with passage of SB 92 and HB 80
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
© 2009 SEIA
• 19条政策使光伏公司获益
– 改善现有的补贴政策 • 还款方面 • 取消补贴能源融资罚款 – 改进贷款融资程序 – 增加政府采购(250亿美元) – 颁布新的太阳能产品生产税抵免税 – 指定能源项目专用基金(31亿美元) – 扩大克雷布斯基金(16亿美元) – 创立基金修建学校(536亿美元) – 创立基金针对水处理和设备安装(30亿美元) – 支持建设新的输电线路 – 增加联邦可使用土地的面积 – 给美国能源局增加太阳能方面的拨款 – 增加太阳能供热补贴 – 投入资金进行人员培训 – 增加太阳能方面的管理人员
Rhone Resch 美国光伏协会主席兼CEO
• 超过100家公司加入 • 代表超过80000太阳能行业员工 • 在14个国家和地区有分会 • 罗伯特先生为英利在美国光伏协会的代表
• • • • 拓展光伏市场 消除市场壁垒 加强技术研发 促进学术交流
ME: 40% by 2017 缅因: 40% 到 2017 NH: 23.8% by 2025 到2025 新罕布什尔州: 23.8%
OR: 25% by 2025(large utilities) 俄勒冈: 25% 到2025 (大型电力公司) 5-10% by 2025 (小型电力公司) (smaller utilities) 到
ME: 30% by 2000
New RE: 10% by 2017
☼ MA: 15% by 2020
+ 1% annual increase
(Class I Renewables)
☼ NY: 24% by 2013
RI: 16% by 2020 ☼ PA: 18% by 2020†
☼ OH: 25% by 2025†
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
© 2009 SEIA
• 补贴政策进展 – 国会投17 票支持
– 已经提议9次
• 特别政策 – 10月3日
– – – – 将税务补贴政策的实施期再延长8年 取消此前住宅光伏组件安装量封顶的政策 对电站项目出台新的补贴政策 对商业和住宅颁布新的优惠政策
CT: 23% by 2020 ☼ NJ: 22.5% by 2021 ☼ MD: 20% by 2022 ☼ DE: 20% by 2019* ☼ DC: 20% by 2020
VA: 15% by 2025*
☼ NC: 12.5% by 2021
(IOUs) 10% by 2018 (co-ops & munis)
政策的推动需求 - 28 国家和特区
WA: 15% by 到2020 华盛顿: 15% 2020
MT: 15% by 2015 蒙大拿: 15% 到 2015
MN: 25% by 2025 2025 明尼苏达: 25% 到 Xcel: 30% by 2020 30% 到2020 埃克希尔能源公司: