夕 国文学研芜 卜
学 意蕴 成 为他 的巅 峰 之作 。他绝 大 部 分 的诗歌 ,存 田 同抒情 诗 的表 象 卜 ,具有 很 强 的哲 理 思辨 , 正所 谓 “ 窥 ‘ 而见 斑 有 回 头路 ,再 同头 时 , 一 都 已经 是 乃 外 一 光景 了。在 同 切 岙
时 空 内的不 H选 择 ,本质 上 就 是棚 互 矛盾 与 排斥 的 ,但 却
[ 2]赵 山奎: Ⅸ 精神分 析理论 与西 方传 记文 学 ,南京师 范 论
大 学 文 学 院 学 报 , 2 7 版 , 第 3期 。 0 年 0
[ 3][ 4]【 5]茨成 格 : 三 大 师 》 ,合 肥 : 安 徽 文 艺 出版 社 ,
( 简显 鹏 江 苏省 南京 师范 大 学文 学 院 2 9 ) 1 0 0 7
间 总要 流逝 ,生 活总 要继 续 ,选 择 就 意味 着放 弃 ,这 是 多 么
深刻 的哲理 。路本 身 就是 个 隐喻 ,象 征 了人 生 的道 路 ,我 选择 了一条 人迹 罕至 的路 ,也就 是 说诗 人在 徘 徊斟 酌 后 ,做 …了 白己独 特 的人 生选 择 : 另辟 蹊 径 ,卓 而不 群 。 “ 随波 逐 流 ”与 “ 择 自己独特 的生活 之 路 ”之 间 就是 选 ’ 矛 盾 ,前 个
“ 力 ”逐 渐 引起 了文学 理 论家 的关注 ,被 广泛 应 用 于文 学 了无 限 的文 学愉 悦 。 《 选 择 的路 》 以极 高 的 艺术 价值 与 文 张 未
件 让 茨 威格 的 作 家 传 记 如 此 引人 入 胜 。很 大 程 度 E,茨 威 2 0 0 年版 ,第3 0 页,第4 页,第4 页。 0 2
说成 “ 白发 苍苍 的智 者 ” 。正是 其 不饰 雕 琢 的语 言 风格 ,耐 相 反 方 向 的拉 力作 用 时 ,垂 直 于接 触 面 的互相 牵 拉 力就 是 张 人 寻 味 、充 满 思辨 的 哲学 意 蕴 ,使 他 成为 美 国诗 坛 上 的一 面 力 。很显 然 , 文学 张 力与 物 理 学 中的 张力 有相 似 之 处 :在 一
1. 'Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by.'这句诗意味深长的句子表达了诗人在面对两条不同的道路时,选择了一条不那么常规的、少有人走的路。
2. 'I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one lesstraveled by.'这句诗传达了一种悔意,表明诗人在未来某个时刻会带着叹息来讲述他选择少有人走的路。
这首诗描绘的是一个面临选择的人和他进行选择时的心态,至于选择的具体内容并没有写出,诗人的着眼点是选择本身。每一 个读者都能够在这首诗中发现自身的生活体验,理解其中的哲理内容。
罗伯特·弗罗斯特 (1874一1963)美国诗人,生于加利福尼亚州,是在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯上的中学,也在达特第斯学院时而务农,时而到中学教希腊语和拉丁语。他的第一部诗集出版于1913年。被认为是“新英格兰的农民诗人”。他通过自然来表达一种象征意义,而不是什么田园式的思乡情调。弗罗斯特是一位独具风格的美国现代诗人。他吟唱着20世纪的音调,又采用了接近于传统诗的诗体;他的诗富于象征和哲理意味,同时又有浓厚的乡土色彩。《未选择的路》是弗罗斯特写的,这首诗采用了象征的艺术手法。
2018年9月湖北第二师范学院学报Sep.2018第35卷第9期JournalofHubeiUniversityofEducationVol.35㊀No 9人生就是选择弗罗斯特诗作名篇类比性赏析李春芳(湖北第二师范学院外国语学院ꎬ武汉430205)摘㊀要:通过对弗罗斯特的两首名篇诗作«未选择的路»和«雪夜林边小驻»进行类比性赏析ꎬ从诗眼题旨㊁选材立意㊁表现手法及作品效果几个方面进行类比解读ꎬ诗人善用意象ꎬ以 选择 为主题ꎬ勾勒出一幅幅意境优美的画面ꎬ表达出对 人生就是选择 的启悟与思考ꎮ关键词:«未选择的路»ꎻ«雪夜林边小驻»ꎻ类比性赏析㊀㊀收稿日期:2018-08-02㊀㊀作者简介:李春芳(1969-)ꎬ女ꎬ湖北枝江人ꎬ副教授ꎬ研究方向为英美文学ꎮ中图分类号:I712.072㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1674 ̄344X(2018)9 ̄0007 ̄03㊀㊀罗伯特.弗罗斯特是20世纪最受欢迎的美国诗人ꎬ曾四次获得普利策奖ꎬ被称为美国文坛的桂冠诗人ꎮ主要诗集有«孩子的心愿»㊁«波士顿以北»㊁«山间洼地»等ꎬ写出了不少名篇佳作ꎬ其中«未选择的路»㊁«雪夜林边小驻»是弗罗斯特的著名诗篇ꎬ在美国家喻户晓ꎬ在世界广为传诵ꎬ也是我最喜欢的两首小诗ꎮTheRoadNotTakenTworoadsdivergedinayellowwoodꎬAndsorryIcouldnottravelbothꎬAndbeonetravelerꎬlongIstoodꎬAndlookeddownoneasfarasIcouldꎬTowhereitbentintheundergrowthꎻThentooktheotherꎬasjustasfairꎬAndhavingperhapsthebetterclaimsꎬBecauseitwasgrassyandwantedwearꎻThoughasforthatꎬthepassingthereꎬHadwornthemreallyaboutthesame.AndboththatmorningequallylayꎬInleavesnostephadtroddenblackꎬOhꎬIkeptthefirstforanotherday!YetknowinghowwayleadsontowayꎬIdoubtedifIshouldevercomeback.IshallbetellingthiswithasighꎬSomewhereagesandageshenceꎬTworoadsdivergedinawoodꎬandI....ItooktheonelesstraveledbyꎬAndthathasmadeallthedifference.深黄的树林里分出两条路ꎬ可惜我不能同时去涉足ꎬ我在那路口久久伫立ꎬ我向着一条路极目望去ꎬ直到它消失在丛林深处ꎮ但我却选择了另外一条路ꎬ它荒草萋萋ꎬ十分幽寂ꎬ显得更诱人㊁更美丽ꎬ虽然在这两条小路上ꎬ都很少留下旅人的足迹ꎮ虽然那天清晨落叶满地ꎬ两条路都未经脚印污染ꎬ那就留下一条路等改日再见!7但我知道路径绵延无尽头ꎬ恐怕我难以再回返原地ꎮ也许多年后在某个地方ꎬ我将轻声叹息把往事提起ꎬ一片树林里分出两条路ꎬ而我选择了人迹更少的一条ꎬ于是决定了我的人生完全不同ꎮ(顾子欣译)StoppingbyWoodsonaSnowyEveningWhosewoodstheseareIthinkIknowꎬHishouseisinthevillageꎬthoughꎻHewillnotseemestoppinghereꎬTowatchhiswoodsfillupwithsnow.MylittlehorsemustthinkitqueerꎬTostopwithoutafarmhousenearꎬBetweenthewoodsandfrozenlakeꎬThedarkesteveningoftheyear.HegiveshisharnessbellsashakeꎬToaskifthereissomemistakeꎬTheonlyothersound sthesweepꎬOfeasywindanddownyflake.ThewoodsarelovelyꎬdarkꎬanddeepꎬButIhavepromisestokeepꎬAndmilestogobeforeIsleep.AndmilestogobeforeIsleep.雪夜林边小驻我想我认识树林的主人ꎬ他家住在林边的农村ꎻ他不会看见我暂停此地ꎬ欣赏面前披上雪装的树林ꎮ我的小马准抱着个疑团:干嘛停在这儿ꎬ不见人烟ꎬ在一年中最黑的晚上ꎬ停在树林与冰湖之间ꎮ它摇了摇颈上的铃铎ꎬ想问问主人有没有弄错ꎮ除此之外唯一的声音ꎬ是风飘绒雪轻轻拂过ꎮ树林真可爱ꎬ幽深静谧ꎬ但我还有许多诺言不能违背ꎬ还要赶多少路才能安睡ꎬ还要赶多少路才能安睡ꎮ(飞白译)这里将上面两首佳作放在一起进行类比性赏析ꎬ从诗眼题旨上㊁选材立意上㊁表现手法上和作品效果上来分享我的阅读偶得ꎬ让大家更深地了解弗罗斯特ꎬ更多地喜爱其佳作ꎬ更美地享受其作品带来的艺术魅力ꎬ更好地启悟充实自己的人生ꎮ一㊁异曲同工ꎬ同一主题«未选择的路»写主人公 我 遇见树林里岔开的两条路ꎬ 我 对两条路都很向往ꎬ但不可能同时都走ꎬ只能二择其一ꎬ舍一取一ꎬ经过久久伫立踌躇ꎬ 我 选择了一条人迹更少的路ꎬ也从此决定了不同的人生道路和景象ꎬ 我 虽然对另一条路也非常留恋ꎬ但已难以回返只能空留叹息ꎮ«雪夜林边小驻»写主人公 我 在一个夜晚经过一座森林时ꎬ林中雪景令 我 驻足并流连忘行ꎬ伫立犹豫良久ꎬ因想起有承诺在身ꎬ遂只好离开赶行ꎮ这两首诗的 诗眼 都在诗歌的结尾几句画龙点睛ꎮ«未选择的路»的诗眼是 一片树林里分出两条路/而我选择了人迹更少的一条/于是决定了我的人生完全不同ꎮ «雪夜林边小驻»的诗眼是 但我还有许多诺言不能违背/还要赶多少路才能安睡/还要赶多少路才能安睡ꎮ 可见ꎬ从诗眼题旨上看ꎬ这两首诗所表达的主题都是 选择 ꎬ虽然所写的事情不同ꎬ但表达的主题同一ꎬ异曲而同工ꎮ有趣的是ꎬ前者是站在林间路口ꎬ面对不同道路和方面的选择ꎬ后者是站在雪林美景前ꎬ面对诱惑停下与履行诺言上路的选择ꎬ前者的选择 在路口 ꎬ后者的选择 在路上 ꎬ但都是 人生道路上的选择 ꎬ可谓是表达 选择 主题的 母子篇 或 姊妹篇 诗歌ꎬ也可看出弗罗斯特对 选择 主题的情有独钟ꎮ二㊁小中见大ꎬ平中见奇两诗选取的是 路 这一再熟悉不过的常见事物ꎬ描写的是 遇见两条岔路 和 遇见诱人风景 这种司空见惯的小事情小场景ꎬ刻画的是在理性和情感矛盾中纠结选择的平常经历和体验ꎮ但诗人就是以这种 小微而平常 的写作选材ꎬ小开口小切入ꎬ却很自然地引发出 人生选择 如此深邃博大的命题思考ꎬ发掘出独特的智慧与哲理ꎬ收到了 管中窥豹 ㊁ 点石成金 的艺术魅力ꎮ两8诗通篇都是口语式的讲述ꎬ文字浅显易懂㊁自然亲切ꎬ很接地气ꎬ毫无晦涩华美之词ꎬ但就是这种质朴无华的文字ꎬ却营造出清新宁静的情趣韵味ꎬ如同一曲 民谣 ꎬ让人吟诵在口ꎬ回味无穷ꎮ善于从小事情中挖掘大命题ꎬ于平淡无奇中展现出意味深长的诗韵ꎬ是弗罗斯特的 拿手绝技 和 独具匠心 ꎮ他所追求的 与众相通的经验ꎬ与众不同的表达 ㊁ 人人心中所有㊁人人笔下所无 的创作选择ꎬ使他与当时美国诗坛盛行的高雅圆熟㊁铺张卖弄的风气相比ꎬ显示出卓尔不群ꎬ走出了一条迥然不同的创作道路ꎮ三㊁象征比喻ꎬ画感写意意象是诗歌的介质ꎬ赋予意象特定的比喻㊁象征意义ꎬ是中外诗歌惯用的表现手法ꎮ«未选择的路»中的 路 是该诗最重要的一个意象ꎬ既是指具体的路ꎬ也象征着 人生之路 ꎮ此外ꎬ 树林 ㊁ 荒草 也都是具有象征意义的意象ꎮ«雪夜林边小驻»更是将 雪夜 ㊁ 树林 ㊁ 小马 ㊁ 湖冰 ㊁ 雪花 等意象连缀起来ꎬ通过比喻㊁象征甚至拟人等手法ꎬ使作者 平实 的文字生动起来㊁铺展开来ꎬ形成了一幅多层次㊁多角度的画面ꎮ如果说诗人小微的素材㊁平实的语言是一幅画的底色和架构的话ꎬ那么诗人大量运用的意象㊁比喻㊁象征ꎬ构成了画面的图案和色彩ꎬ从而形成了一幅意境优美的画面ꎬ展现在读者面前ꎬ将读者带入画面现场ꎬ一同欣赏感受ꎬ一同启发思考ꎬ这也是弗罗斯特在诗歌表现手法上的鲜明特征ꎮ四㊁诗人情怀ꎬ世人同理两篇佳作都是以诗人 我 的角度来写ꎬ写的都是诗人那时那景那情ꎬ抒写的都是诗人个体的选择经历㊁情怀和思考ꎮ但两诗带给读者的却是世界所有人都会关心的 人生选择 的命题ꎮ倾诉个人经历ꎬ展示人之常情ꎬ挖掘出具有普遍意义的人生哲理ꎬ是弗罗斯特广受欢迎的 秘诀 ꎬ产生出了 诗人情怀㊁世人同理 的作品效果ꎮ赏读这两首诗作ꎬ都留下大量的想象空间ꎬ言有尽而意不穷ꎬ内在张力大ꎬ每个读者都能将自己代入其中ꎬ发现自己的生活体验ꎬ去填充自己的所思所想所感ꎮ弗罗斯特的诗跨越国界ꎬ诗人在美国遭受冷遇ꎬ却在英国首遭热捧ꎻ跨越时间ꎬ至今被人传诵ꎬ脍炙人口ꎬ影响深远ꎻ跨越文化ꎬ与中国诗词意境相似ꎬ情感相通ꎬ哲思相承ꎮ中国诗词也留下了不少关于 人生之路 的佳篇名句ꎬ有屈原的路漫漫其修远兮/吾将上下而求索 的坚持ꎬ有韦应物的 世事波上舟/沿洄安得住 的无奈ꎬ有陆游的 山穷水复疑无路/柳暗花明又一村 的惊喜ꎬ有王维的 行到水穷处/坐看云起时 的洒脱ꎬ也有苏东坡的 回首向来萧瑟处/也无风雨也无晴 的超然ꎮ漫漫人生路上ꎬ人们无时不在选择ꎬ选择决定归宿ꎬ正是因为有不同的选择ꎬ才会有千姿百态的人生ꎮ但愿你我无论在诱惑㊁迷茫㊁困难㊁挫折㊁顺利㊁成功面前ꎬ无论何时何地何境遇ꎬ都能有 选择人迹更少路 的勇气ꎬ都能牢记 还要赶多少路 的责任ꎬ不忘初心ꎬ牢记使命ꎬ砥砺前行ꎬ认真对待每一次选择ꎬ且行且珍惜ꎬ走好人生路ꎮ参考文献:[1]罗良功.英诗概论[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社ꎬ2002. [2]刘守兰.英美名诗解读[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社ꎬ2003.[3]李正栓ꎬ申玉革.英美诗歌欣赏教程[M].北京:北京师范大学出版ꎬ2014.[4]辜正坤.中西诗比较鉴赏与翻译理论[M].北京:清华大学出版社ꎬ2003.责任编辑:陈君丹LifeIsAChoice:AnAnalogicalAppreciationandAnalysisofFrost sFamousPoemsLIChun ̄fang(ForeignLanguageSchoolꎬHubeiUniversityofEducationꎬWuhan430205ꎬChina)Abstract:BasedontheanalogicalappreciationandanalysisofthemasterpieceofFrostꎬtheauthorcomparativelyinterpretshistwopoemsTheRoadNotTakenandStoppingbyWoodsonaSnowyEveningfromperspectivesofthemeꎬcontentꎬtechniquesofexpressionandtheeffectofthework.Withtheeffectiveusageofimageryand choice asthethemeꎬthepoetdrawsaseriesofbeautifulpicturesandillustratestheprofoundthinkingandreflectionon lifeisachoice .Keywords:TheRoadNotTakenꎻStoppingbyWoodsonaSnowyEveningꎻanalogicalappreciationandanalysis9。
第一首诗是英国著名诗人约翰·济慈的《蝈蝈》(To Grasshopper),这首诗描绘了蝈蝈在夏夜中欢快的歌唱和跳跃,表达了生命的活力和乐观的态度。
济慈在诗中写道:“Happy little Grasshopper! / Linkèd to green daysfor a thousand years, / Singing together! / Joy is thine, and Joy is mine.”(快乐的小蝈蝈!/ 与绿色的日子相连一千年,/ 在一起欢唱!/ 快乐属于你,也属于我。
第二首诗是美国著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《蛐蛐夜》(The Oven Bird),这首诗将夜晚的寂静和蛐蛐的歌声相对比,描绘了大自然中的变化和人类的思考。
弗罗斯特在诗中写道:“The question that he frames in all but words /Is what to make of a diminished thing.”(他用无言的方式提出的问题是 /如何对待减少了的事物。
罗伯特弗罗斯特美国现代诗歌的代表与创作罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)是20世纪美国现代诗歌的代表性作家之一,他的作品充满着对大自然、生活与人类存在的思考与感悟。
罗伯特·弗罗斯特《未选择的路》译文比较与赏析《未选择的路》罗伯特·弗罗斯特罗伯特.弗罗斯特(ROBERT FROST)未选择的路The Road Not Taken罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874一1963)是在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯上的中学,也在达特第斯学院和哈佛大学读过一段时间。
未选择的路[美] 罗伯特·弗罗斯特黄色的树林里分出两条路可惜我不能同时去涉足我在那路口久久伫立我向着一条路极目望去直到它消失在丛林深处但我却选择了另外一条路它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂显得更诱人,更美丽虽然在这两条小路上都很少留下旅人的足迹虽然那天清晨落叶满地两条路都未经脚步污染呵,留下一条路等改日再见!但我知道路径延绵无尽头恐怕我难以再返回也许多少年后在某个地方我将轻声叹息将往事回顾一片树林里分出两条路——而我选择了人迹更少的一条从此决定了我一生的道路一条未走的路[美]弗罗斯特方平译深黄的林子里有两条岔开的路,很遗憾,我,一个过路人,没法同时踏上两条征途,伫立好久,我向一条路远远望去,直到它打弯,视线被灌木丛挡住。
我用什么才能留住你博尔赫斯I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the jagged suburbs.我给你贫穷的街道、绝望的日落、破败郊区的月亮。
I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon.我给你一个久久地望着孤月的人的悲哀。
I offer you my ancestors, my dead men, the ghosts that living men have honoured in marble: my father's father killed in the frontier of Buenos Aires, two bullets through his lungs, bearded and dead, wrapped by his soldiers in the hide of a cow; my mother's grandfather -just twenty four- heading a charge of three hundred men inPerú, now ghosts on vanished horses.我给你我已死去的先辈,人们用大理石纪念他们的幽灵:在布宜偌斯艾利斯边境阵亡的我父亲的父亲,两颗子弹穿了他的胸膛。
罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)是美国20世纪最著名的诗人之一,也被誉为现代美国诗歌的代表人物。
弗罗斯特最著名的作品之一是《路》(The Road Not Taken),这首诗描绘了一个人在生命中做出抉择的难题,以及因此所带来的不同结果。
另一首著名的诗作是《雪夜》(Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening),这首诗通过描绘一个人在雪夜中驶入森林的场景,表达了对生命的思索和对死亡的暗示。
第27卷第4期V ol 127 N o 14长春师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)Journal of Changchun N ormal Un iv ersity (H umanities and S ocial Sciences )2008年7月Jul 12008罗伯特弗罗斯特的冥想诗评析刘 婧(吉林华桥外国语学院,吉林长春 130117)[摘 要]罗伯特弗罗斯特是二十世纪美国最伟大、最有名望、最受人爱戴的诗人。
[关键词]罗伯特弗罗斯特;冥想诗[中图分类号]I10612 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-178X(2008)04-0125-03[收稿日期]5[作者简介]刘 婧(6),女,吉林白山人,吉林华桥外国语学院讲师,从事高级英语和英美文学的教学和研究。
美国诗人罗伯特弗罗斯特(R obert Fr ost)堪称20世纪美国最有名望、最受广大读者爱戴的诗人。
罗伯特弗罗斯特的诗大体上可分为四类:戏剧诗(dramatic poetry)、讽刺诗(sa 2tirical poetry )、哲理诗(philos ophical poetry )和冥想诗(meditative poetry )。
弗罗斯特的冥想诗中比较有代表性的有《未选择的路》(The R oad N ot T ak 2en )、《修墙》(Mending Wall )、《雪夜林边停》(Stoppi ng by W oods on a Snowy Evening )、《一簇野花》(A Tuft of F low ers)和《白桦树》(Birches)等。
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关键词:罗伯特·弗罗斯特;戏剧独白;句子—声音理论;生活经历CONTENTSIntroduction (1)1. Robert Frost's Life-experiences and His Two Poems (2)1.1 Robert Frost's Life-experiences (2)1.2 The Background of These Two Poems (5)1.2.1 The Background of The Road Not Taken (5)1.2.2 The Background of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (6)2. Samenesses of These Two Poems (7)2.1 Background: The Nature (7)2.2 Language: Oral Language of New England (8)2.3 Character Image: A Traveler (9)3. Differences Between These Two Poems (10)3.1 Background: Encountering Divergence VS. Stopping By Woods (11)3.2 Language: Traditional Iambic Poem VS. Rondeau (11)3.3 Character Image: Positive Traveler VS. Burden-bearing Traveler (12)4. Causes for Samenesses and Differences (13)4.1 Causes for Samenesses (13)4.1.1 Living Environment (13)4.1.2 Wordsworth's Poetic Language (14)4.1.3 The Hardship of Life (14)4.2 Causes for Differences (15)4.2.1 Different Themes (15)4.2.2 Stable Life is Precondition (15)4.2.3 Emerson's Optimism (16)5. Conclusion (17)Bibliography (18)IntroductionRobert Frost (1874-1963), played an important role in the American poetic community in the 20th century due to his special poetic style. He was therefore considered to be the New England poet and the greatest national poet of the twentieth century America. During his lifetime, he received forty-four honorary degrees from colleges and universities including the famous Oxford and Cambridge and won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry for four times, in 1924, 1931, 1937, and 1943. Therefore, he was kept in the minds of Americans as the unofficial laureate.When the American poetic reform reached its climax, Frost still “stuck to” the conventional poetic style. He succeeded and renovated it by adding some modern poetic features to form his own poetic style, the semi-free and semi-conventional style. He always took the rural lives and natural sceneries of the New England area as backgrounds to contribute to the freshness and naturalness of his poems. More creatively, he took the spoken language in the New England area as the language of poems, which is easier to be understood. However, the sophisticated philosophies under those plain words are very enlightening. Representative works of this kind are The Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.After a general study of the materials selected, a conclusion is reached that almost every previous research is focused on particular poetry. Whether it is studying poetic language or artistic means, the aim is reaching a consensus on poetic theme. What is more, the major previous researches are on the basis of a sensitive point of view, resulting in various understandings of each poem. But if you can be rational while researching and take the poet’s life-experiences into consideration, the result can be more convincing. Fortunately, the outcomes of previous researches on poetic language function as good references. As to these two poems, each poem has a lone traveler, and the poetic language resembling the speech of the man, as falls into the scope of “dramatic monologue”. Meanwhile, Robert Frost is famous for his poetic theory “sentence sounds”. Consequently, this thesis establishes a frame-work according to “dramatic monologue” in terms of background, language, and characterimage, and takes “sentence sounds” as a means of research in comparatively analyzing these two poems to gain the samenesses and differences. Then it objectively gives answers to them by referring to the poet’s life-experiences during that period.1. Robert Frost's Life-experiences and His Two PoemsBefore studying these two poems, we should have a general knowledge of these two poems, which would help us in deepth-going studying of them.1.1 Robert Frost's Life-experiencesWilliam Wordsw orth believed that poetry was “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”. (Fan Xiuhua, Zhu Zhaohui 2007) Why does the poet have feelings toward something or someone? In my view, only when he has an established criterion in mind, can he have all kinds of feelings, and it is his life-experiences that influence the establishment of the criterion. That is why this thesis attaches such great importance to the poet’s life-experiences, especially before 1924.Robert Lee Frost was born on 26 March 1874 in San Francisco, California to Scottish born Isabelle Moodie (1844-1900), a teacher, and William Prescott Frost Jr. (1850-1885), a teacher and journalist. His sister, Jeanie Florence (1876-1929) was born on 1876 when his father, already beset by drinking and gambling problems, was diagnosed with consumption. In 1885, Frost Jr. died of tuberculosis, leaving the family only 8 pounds after funeral expenses. Honoring his last wishes to be buried in Lawrence, Massachusetts where he was born, Isabelle, Robert and his sister Jeanie Florence made the long train journey across the country to the New England town. After they lived with the paternal grandparents for some time, the family went to Amherst, New Hampshire and stayed at the farm of great-aunt Sarah Frost. Then in the same year, the family returned to Lawrence and Robert Frost was placed in the third grade. In 1886, they moved to Salem Depot, New Hampshire. His mother began teaching fifth to eighth grades in the district school. In 1889, Frost finished school year at the head of the class of Lawrence High School and befriended Carl Burell, whointroduced him to botany, astronomy, and evolutionary concepts. In 1890, Frost published his first poem, "La Noche Triste." In 1892, he graduated with valedictory honors with Elinor White, to whom he was engaged before entering Dartmouth College. Soon, he left because of being disenchanted with the atmosphere of the campus, and worked at the Arlington Woolen Mill in Lawrence, changing carbon filaments in ceiling arc lamps. One year later, he quit the job and began teaching grades one through six in Salem, but tried unsuccessfully to convince Elinor to marry him. In the same year, "My Butterfly: An Elegy" was published in The Independence and he began correspondence with its literary editor Susan Hayes Ward. In 1895, Frost and Elinor got married, and he worked as a reporter for Lawrence Daily American and Sentinal.The next year, the couple had their first child, a son Elliott. In 1897, Frost passed the Harvard College entrance examinations entered Harvard as a freshman and moved into a Cambridge apartment with Elinor, Elliott, and his mother in law. In 1899, concerned with his, Ellinor's, and mother's health, he withdrew from Harvard, and took up poultry farming with financial help from his grandfather. At the same time, his second child, a daughter Lesley, was born on April 28. 1900 was an unfortunate year because his son Elliott died of cholera and mother died of cancer. This year, Frost moved family to 30-acre farm in Derry, New Hampshire. In 1901, his grandfather died and willed Frost a $500 annuity and use of the Derry farm for ten years, after which Frost was to be given ownership of the farm. In 1902, he extended the poultry business and son Carol was born. In 1903, he published a short story "Trap Nests" in The Eastern Poultry man (first of 11 stories and articles published in the Poultry man and Farm-Poultry, 1903-05). Daughter Irma was born on June 27th. In 1905, a daughter Marjorie was born on March 28. In 1906, Frost began a full time position teaching English at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, and published the poem "The Tuft of Flowers" in Derry Enterprise in March. In 1907, daughter Elinor Bettina was born on June 18 and soon died. In 1909, he published a poem "Into My Own" in New England Magazine in May; moved family from the farm to apartment in Derry Village. In 1911, he accepted a teaching position at State Normal School in Plymouth, and taughtcourses in education and psychology; sold the Derry farm in November. In 1912, the family moved to England for a few years and Frost devoted himself to writing full time by renting a cottage in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, 20 miles north of London. He was preparing manuscript of A Boy's Will then and submitted it to the London publishing firm of David Nutt and Company. In 1913, A Boy's Will was published on April 1 and received several favorable reviews including Ezra Pound's in Poetry. Through Pound, he met Hilda Doolittle ("H. D."), Ford Hermann Hueffer (Ford Maddox Ford), May Singular, Earnest Whys, and Million Butler Yeats. He attended weekly gatherings at homes of T. E. Human and Yeats and formed a close mentoring friendship with essayist Edward Thomas. In 1914, Frost moved his family to Memory, Gloucestershire. North of Boston wa s published on May 15 by David Nutt and Company to many favorable reviews. He learned that New York publishing firm of Henry Holt and Company would publish his books in the United States so he decided to return to the United States. In 1915, North of Boston was published by Henry Holt on February 20. Frost arrived in New York on February 23. A Boy's Will was published by Henry Holt in April. And the family moved to Franconia, New Hampshire in June. That year Frost met Edwin Arlington Robinson and poet and anthologist, Louis Untermeyer, who became a lifelong friend. Elinor became ill during pregnancy and recovered after a miscarriage. In 1917, the family moved to Amherst, Massachusetts in January. Frost’s friend Edward Thomas was killed by an artillery shell in France on April 9 at the battle of Arras. He accepted an offer to extend his teaching appointment at Amherst. In 1918, he was awarded an honorary MA degree by Amherst College in May and reappointed as a professor of English. In 1920, he resigned the position at Amherst College in February in dispute with President Meiklejohn over teaching philosophy or devoting more time to writing poetry. His sister Jeanie was arrested in Portland, Maine for disturbing the peace, and Frost committed her to the state mental hospital. Frost sold property in Franconia and bought a farm in South Shaftsbury, Vermont and began serving as consulting editor for Henry Holt and Company. In 1921, he accepted a one-year fellowship in letters at the University of Michigan. In 1923,Selected Poems was published on March 15, New Hampshire published by Henry Holt on November 15. He accepted a new appointment at Amherst College. In 1924, he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for New Hampshire, received honorary degrees from Middlebury College and Yale University and accepted a lifetime appointment at University of Michigan as Fellow in Letters.1.2 The Background of These Two Poems1.2.1 The Background of The Road Not TakenThe Road Not TakenTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that, the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.This poem was written in February 1915 and first appeared in Mountain Interval in 1916. Robert Frost said that one stanza of The Road Not Taken was written while he was sitting on a sofa in the middle of England. He was not thinking about himself there, but about a friend who had gone off to war, a person who, whichever road he took, would be sorry he didn’t go the other. (Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 23 Au g. 1953Http://poetrypages.Lemon 8.nl/ life/roadnottaken/roadnottaken.htm ) Robert Frost and Edward Thomas (1878-1917) met in a London restaurant in 1913, and soon they were taking long walks in the countryside discussing Shakespearean sonnets and war in Europe. Thomas wrote three discerning reviews of North of Boston in which he placed Frost in the company of Whitman and Wordsworth. Frost reciprocated by encouraging Thomas to write poetry and by finding him an American publisher. Beyond professional courtesies, the two had a deep mutual affection, which became wistful after Frost returned to New Hampshire in February 1915 and Thomas enlisted in the army. Despite Frost's fanciful proposal that Thomas take a furlough in America, the two never saw each other again. Two years later, while Frost was teaching at Amherst College, Thomas was killed in action in France.1.2.2 The Background of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningStopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningWhose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and the frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.He gives his harness bells a shakeTo ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound's the sweepOf easy wind and downy flake.The woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.In 1920, Frost bought “Stone House”(now a museum) in South Shaftsbury, Vermont, where he wrote many of the poems, including Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, included in his fourth collection of poetry New Hampshire (1923), which wonhim the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1924. This poem is the most important and most renowned one of Frost’s poems. It draws a picture that a traveler is stopping by woods on a snowy evening and expresses his feeling at that moment. It is plain in words but deep in thoughts. There are various understandings of those thoughts. Some people argue that the mysterious woods refer to the wrong-chosen way of life, while others consider it to be the lure of death, or the attractiveness of natural beauty.2.Samenesses of These Two Poems“Dramatic monologue” is a kind of poetic form. In such a poem, there is always a monologist telling some imaged listeners his life-segment. The poem is expressed in lively and vivid oral language, making its rhythm natural and fluent. “Dramatic monologue” is Victoria-period poet Robert Browning’s (1812-1889) great contribution to English literature, and a lot of subsequent poets applied it to their poetic composition. Robert Frost’s two poems both feature a monologist and natural and fluent language that sounds like the speech of traveler, and fall into the characteristic of “dramatic monologue”. Meanwhile, Frost’s greatest contribution to poetic technique is his “sentence sounds”theory. His poems are always haunted with sounds. Since these two poems are the most significant representatives of the “dramatic monologue”and “sentence sounds”theory, the thesis analyzes them in terms of background, language and character image, and in the process of analyzing, refers to the “sentence sounds” theory.2.1 Background: The NatureThe Road Not Taken and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening both take the nature as background,that can be easily detected when reading.There are several clauses in The Road Not Taken indicating it is a scene taking place in the nature, such as “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood”, “To where it bent in the undergrowth”, “Because it was grassy and wanted wear”, “In leaves no step had trodden black”. With these words in mind, we can form such a picture in our mind: inan early morning of autumn, a lone man was walking in the woods. Because it was autumn then, the woods had already put on the golden color. But when he was walking, he found two roads diverged before him, which both stretched to places far away with dense undergrowths.There are also some clauses in Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening indicating the scene is in the nature, in the woods to be exactly, such as “Whose woods these are I think I know”, “To watch his woods fill up with snow”, “Between the woods and frozen lake”, “Of easy wind and downy flake”. These words can form a segment in our mind: it was an unconventionally cold evening when the wind and flake was sweeping, and lake frozen. In such a dark, frozen and deathly still evening, one traveler, passing by the woods, absorbed by the scene, stopped and stood still to watch the woods fill up with snow for long and long time.Whether it is a traveler encountering diverged roads when walking in autumn woods, or stopping by a snow-capped winter woods, they are both scenes in the nature.2.2 Language: Oral Language of New EnglandBecause we are studying the poem from the aspect of oral language, the poem is alternating into the following form without changing the syntax or any punctuation in order to gain a better understanding of the character of oral language. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth; then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for that, the passing there had worn them really about the same, and both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden back. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”Generally speaking, the words in the poem are easy to understand, only five of them are more difficult, those are “diverged, undergrowth, trodden, sigh, hence”. Easydetection is one of the features of oral language.The other feature of oral language is simple syntax. Firstly, taking “and”as conjunction, such as “and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood and looked down ...” It is a common phenomenon that when talking, people use “and”as conjunction at most of the time. Since oral speaking is improvisational, in lots of moments thinking pauses happen. In order to keep the sentence fluently, people always choose an easy word that first come to mind as conjunction, and “and” is the simplest and most common one. Secondly, omitting subjects to use semicolon, such as “…where it bent in the undergrowth; then took the other, as just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim, because it was grassy and wanted wear; though as for that …”Thirdly, using exclamatory sentence. “Oh, I kept the first for another day!” It seems as if the traveler’s speaking of exclamation.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening can be changed in to the following form: Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near between the woods and the frozen lake the darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake to ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.As to more difficult words, there are three, those are “queer, harness, sweep”.When it comes to simple syntax, there are some examples. Firstly, using of “but”. Instead of using “however”, Frost used a much shorter and easier “but”in the following sentence: “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep...” Secondly, using “’s” instead of “is”. When speaking, it is true that we use “’s”instead of “is”, and “’s” is an obvious phenomenon of oral language. Thirdly, repeating of “and miles to go before I sleep”, that sounds like the murmur of the character.2.3 Character Image: A TravelerCharacters of both these two poems are lonely just as Frost has thought man tobe essentially lonely. (Hu Yingtong, Liu Shusen 2006) As to The Road Not Taken, firstly, the traveler appeared alone. “And be one traveler, long I stood”, this clause informs us that the traveler was definitely alone. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both”: if he was with his friend there he may not have to worry about which road to travel. Secondly, in appearance, the traveler was alone and in truth he was lonely. When contrasted with the great nature, man is always turned to be pitiful and smallish. In the first poem, when the traveler was taking a walk in the woods, two diverged roads suddenly appeared in front of him. He thought it over and over, without receiving any help from others and felt hard to make decision. At last, completely relying on himself, he made his mind to take the one less traveled. He thought that after many years he would be sighing about the choice, because once a decision is made, the result would be completely different.In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, the sentence “My little horse must think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near” tells that by the woods there was a little horse with the traveler but he could not understand why the traveler stood by the frozen and dark woods. On such an occasion, the little horse may be the traveler’s best friend, if not the poet would not use “he” to refer to the little horse. However, he could not even understand the traveler, which reveals the loneliness of the traveler. What is more, some images in the poem deep-grade the loneliness of the poem, such as snow, wind, lake, and woods. Snow is pure and white, but it can also be cold, and in such a dark evening, snow could be dreary cold, especially when the wind is sweeping. By snow-capped woods with frozen lake a traveler was standing with his little horse, which should be an expressive picture of loneliness. The sentence tells that “The woods are lovely, dark and deep”, and why is it lovely when it is dark? In my point of view, darkness makes it possible for the traveler to neglect lots of unexpected things such as the burden from promises and leaves him alone and freely.3.Differences Between These Two PoemsThere is a claim that we should observe thing in all dimensions. It is applicablein analyzing these two poems. When studying with this claim in mind, we can easy to find that these two poems have samenesses as well as differences.3.1 Background: Encountering Divergence VS. Stopping By WoodsTo be specific, these two poems have the same background but different scenes. The former is coming across divergence in the woods, and the latter is stopping by woods on a snowy evening.When the traveler was having a stroll in the yellow woods in an early autumn morning, he came across two diverged roads. Looking forward to finding some good reasons for a better decision, he looked down one and then the other in distance. Because the passing there had worn them really about the same, and both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black, it was really hard to make a decision. At last, he chose the second one and wanted to keep the first one for another day, but he know that way leads on, and he may never come back. He thought that ages and ages later, he would be telling the scene with a sigh that he took the one less traveled, and that has made all the difference.In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,the traveler who was deeply absorbed by the woods filled up with snow, stopped to watch it for a long time. He thought that the owner of the woods would not see him stopping there to watch his woods, even though his house was in the village. At this time, his little horse gave his harness bells a shake, as if wondering whether there was some mistake. The traveler thought that the woods were lovely, dark and deep. But with promises to keep, he had miles and miles to go before sleep.3.2 Language: Traditional Iambic Poem VS. RondeauThe Road Not Taken that combines the traditional iambic poem with the oral New England language is a representative work of Frost’s. The poem is divided into four stanzas, five lines into a stanza, and four feet into a line. It enjoys the rhyme abaab, for example, wood, stood and should in the first, third and fifth lines have the same rhyme / d /, both and undergrowth in the second and fifth line / th /. The rhyme abaab can be certified in stanza two, three, and four, too.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, takes the iambic rhythm and enjoys the rhyme aaba/ bbcb/ ccdc/ dddd, that is, the first, second, and fourth line has the same rhyme, but the third changed to the rhyme that is the same with the first, second and fourth line in the next stanza. With each of the stanza interlocked, the poet created a special kind of rhyme-style, called rondeau.Besides rhyme, alliteration and assonance are also used in the poem. Alliteration and assonance are very special means in poetic expression. John Hollander describes them in his Rhyme’s Reason like this: “Assonance is the spirit of a rhyme, a common vowel, hovering like a sigh after its consonantal body dies…”(Fan Xiuhua, Zhu Zhaohui 2007) For example, in the first stanza, his, and house in the second line; see, and stopping in the third line; watch, woods, and with in the fourth line. As to assonance, his, and village in the second line; he, see, and me in the third line; his, fill, and with in the fourth line, and so on.3.3 Character Image: Positive Traveler VS. Burden-bearing TravelerThe first poem sets up a positive image of the traveler, while the second shows a burden-bearing one. It can be seen from color, touching, and sound.The main color of the first poem is yellow and green. Yellow wood give us an impression that the scene is colored in yellow, and undergrowth, grassy, shows a green color in the woods. We often take the green color to represent the nature, and the green color can mean liveliness and vigorousness. While yellow color is simple of friendliness and vigorousness. In terms of touching, since it was in the early morning in the woods and in leaves no step had trodden black, the air there must be fresh and cool, which can promote one’s spirit. When it comes to sounds, in such an early morning, birds chirping must be a necessity which can make the woods lively.All of these features transfer to us the message that the traveler is positive.The main color of the second poem is black, for example, the darkest evening; the woods are lovely, dark and deep. Though the woods are white and pure, under the darkest sky, it is dark too. The dark color resembles the state of the character. The winter evening also gives us a feeling that it is cold. Winter is cold, snow is cold, windis cold, and frozen lake is cold. What is more, the sounds in the poem upgrade the expression of the character. The sweep of the easy wind and downy flake look like the pressure oppress the traveler. In conclusion, the dark, cold and wind-sweeping night creates an atmosphere that reveals the traveler is bearing a burden.4. Causes for Samenesses and DifferencesThere must be some reasons for the samenesses and differences. One’s living environment and experiences, to a great extent, affect his thoughts and works at last. In my view, it is true to refer to Frost’s living environment and experiences when giving answers to the samenesses and differences.4.1 Causes for SamenessesThe causes for samenesses must be things that last for long time and have a deep influence on the poet, or they could not affect the writing of the two poems that have a span of several years.4.1.1 Living EnvironmentThe living environment of the poet has a great influence on him, helping him take the natural environment as the background of his poems. The poet’s majority of time at this point in his life was spent in New England area, especially in the New Hampshire and Vermont where the local life and natural scenery provides his composition with adequate material. The first poem was written when he was in England. Frost has ever said that one stanza of the poem was written when he was sitting on the sofa in the middle of England, and it was found three or four years later; then he continued the writing and finished it in February 1915. When he was in England, he was often walking in the woods with his good friend Thomas. When they were strolling there, Thomas often regretted that he did not choose the road that he had not chosen. In my view, the beautiful scenery and his friend’s behavior must have made a deep impression on him.The second poem wa s written in the “Stone House”. In 1920, Frost bought “Stone House”(now a museum) in South Shaftsbury, Vermont where he wrote many of the。