夜莺与玫瑰the nightingale and the rose Unit 5 单元小测

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Unit 5 Quiz The nightingale and rose

Name: Score:

1 word formation: (40)

write down the part of speech (词性) and the Chinese meaning of the following words.










10)frustrated 11)uncooked










2. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate phrase in the brackets. Change the form if necessary. (20)

1)The fire (went off; went out) in the middle of the night. No wonder it is freezing.

2)In a state of crisis, it is usually the weak that (goes down; goes under) first. That

(goes for; goes to) nations as well as individuals.

3)Political reform is a big subject. I won’t (go for; go into) that today.

4)Let us (go about; go out) our plan more carefully.

5) A plastic bomb (went off; went out) inside a department store, killing seven and

injuring nearly two dozen, mostly women.

6)The night was extremely cold. We were all (shiver; tremble; shake).

7)Did you notice the building (shiver; tremble; shake) just now?

8)(shiver; tremble; shake) the bottle before you take the medicine.

9)It (spent; cost; took) us a long time to realize that a good government must

(first; at first) make sure that its people are free from (want; need).

3. Identify and correct the mistakes in each of the sentences. (10)

1)The boy, his mother died last year, studies very hard.

2)Those have questions can ask the teachers for advice.

3)That is all what I have known.

4)The reason why he gave us sounded a little strange.


5)This is the teacher with whom we’ve learnt a lot.

4. Multiple Choice (30)

1)The mine once had a rich of silver, but it petered out (逐渐消失).

A. vent

B. vein

C. vain

D. vein

2)Don’t touch the rosebushes growing by the roadside because they have a lot of .

A. thrills

B. thorns

C. throats

D. thrusts

3)Contrary to early expectations his ratings , and he soon had an audience of a million.

A. thrills

B. thorns

C. throats

D. thrusts

4)The newly-elected president is determined to established policy of developing agriculture.

A. go for

B. go on

C. go by

D. go up

5)I beg that you will offer him my apologies; I really feel sorry about what I have done.

A. splendid

B. solemn

C. severe

D. sincere

6)In such countries corporations are banned from contributing to political parties.

A. outright

B. outside

C. outlying

D. outdated

7) A considerable amount of time and money has been invested in this latest video recorder.

A. affecting

B. effecting

C. perfecting

D. injecting

8)During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the silk from damage.

A. tender

B. sensitive

C. sensible

D. delicate

9)Despite her disgust, she herself into the unpleasant task with great resolve.

A. concentrated

B. flung

C. applied

D. exerted

10)By now the skies were black, a wind was blustering down the street and the rain was slashing


A. humid

B. chill

C. gloomy

D. quiet

11)For all those years he has experienced the of youthful friendship without realizing just how

quickly it passes.

A. misery

B. dullness

C. ecstasy

D. notions

12)Only the branches were still gilded by daylight, the illuminated areas shrinking as the sun dropped

below the misty horizon.

A. foremost

B. almost

C. most

D. topmost

13)The young parents were with happiness at the birth of their first son.

A. flushed

B. pleased

C. satisfied

D. contented

14)When the train was pulling out of the station, Elizabeth her handkerchief from the train window

as a goodbye.

A. flattered

B. flashed

C. fluttered

D. fluctuated

15)Even when the new system was firmly established, some old ideas and practices on for a while.

A. remained

B. stayed

C. lingered

D. existed

