
苏教版译林牛津英语4A全册教案一、教学内容Unit 1 Our SchoolUnit 2 My FamilyUnit 3 My FriendsUnit 4 At the ZooUnit 5 My ClothesUnit 6 Let’s Make a Phone Call!详细内容包括:学校设施介绍、家庭成员描述、朋友特征描绘、动物园动物认知、衣物归属识别及电话用语。
二、教学目标1. 掌握并运用描述学校、家庭、朋友、动物园、衣物及电话交流相关的词汇和句型。
2. 能够运用一般现在时描述人物和事物的特征,运用一般将来时讨论计划。
3. 提升听说能力,能够在实际情景中进行简单交流。
五、教学过程1. 导入(5分钟)实践情景引入:通过展示学校图片,引导学生用英语描述学校设施。
例题讲解:以Unit 1 Our School为例,讲解如何使用一般现在时描述学校场景。
2. 新课内容展示(20分钟)通过PPT和挂图,介绍Unit 2至Unit 6的核心词汇和句型。
3. 随堂练习(10分钟)分组活动:学生分组,根据所学内容进行角色扮演,模拟实际交流场景。
七、作业设计1. 作业题目:Write about your family and friends using the words and sentences we learned today.Make a conversation about visiting the zoo with your classmates.答案示例:My family has four members. My father is a teacher. My mother is a doctor. I have a younger sister. Her name is Lily. We all like animals. Next weekend, we plan to visit the zoo.I want to see the pandas and lions.2. 课后拓展练习:设计一份关于衣物的调查问卷,用英语采访同学,了解他们的衣物喜好。

苏教版译林牛津英语4A全册教案一、教学内容详细内容:1. Unit 1 Our School: 学习描述学校和教室的词汇,掌握一般现在时的用法。
2. Unit 2 My Family: 学习家庭成员的词汇,用一般现在时介绍家人。
3. Unit 3 My Friends: 学习描述人物特征的词汇,用一般现在时描述朋友。
4. Unit 4 I Like Animals: 学习动物类词汇,掌握一般现在时表达喜好。
5. Unit 5 My Clothes: 学习衣物类词汇,用一般现在时描述衣物。
6. Unit 6 Let's Make a Phone Call: 学习电话用语,练习一般现在时。
二、教学目标1. 掌握本册书中的重点词汇和句型,能运用一般现在时进行简单描述。
2. 提高学生的听说读写能力,特别是口语表达和听力理解能力。
3. 培养学生合作学习、自主学习的能力,激发学习英语的兴趣。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:一般现在时的用法,词汇的扩展运用。
2. 教学重点:重点词汇和句型的掌握,口语表达能力的培养。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT课件、卡片、录音机、磁带。
2. 学具:英语课本、练习册、字典、彩色笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过PPT展示与单元主题相关的图片,引导学生讨论。
2. 新课:讲解重点词汇和句型,结合实践情景进行例句展示。
3. 例题讲解:针对难点和重点,设计相关例题进行讲解。
4. 随堂练习:让学生进行小组合作,完成随堂练习,巩固所学知识。
六、板书设计1. 重点词汇和句型2. 一般现在时的结构3. 例句展示七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 根据本节课所学的词汇,写一篇关于学校的短文。
b. 录制一段和家人介绍自己朋友的对话。
c. 选择一种动物,用一般现在时描述其特征。
2. 答案:见附件。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:a. 组织英语角活动,让学生运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。

1. The teacher’s profile
T: Do you want to know something about me?S: Yes.
T: Here are some questions. You can ask me. Open your books and turn to page 30.
Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点
Teaching procedures教学过程
T: What do you like? S: I like…
Step 2 Revision (words)
1. Magic eyes: Fruit
T: Here’s a game about fruit. (学生看到水果图片就大声朗读,看到动物就喊Wow!)
2. Brainstorm
T: Do you remember what animals you can see? Please work in groups and name as many animals as you can.
Step 1 Warm-up and lead-in
1. Show the learning aims of this lesson
2. Sing a song—Do you like purple grapes?
3. Free talk
T: Do you like grapes?S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1.Greetings: Good morning/afternoon, class!2.Sing the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” to review body parts. Step 2. Presentation1.Introduce the new vocabulary: family members, time, daily activities, food and drinks.e flashcards or pictures to help students understand the new vocabulary.3.Model and drill the new vocabulary with the class.Step 3. Practice1.Have students practice the new vocabulary in pairs or small groups.e role-play or games to reinforce the new vocabulary.Step 4. Production1.Have students create a dialogue using the new vocabulary.2.Have students present their dialogues to the class.Step 5. Review1.Review the new vocabulary with the class.e flashcards or pictures to help students remember the new vocabulary. Step 6. Homework1.Assign homework to reinforce the new vocabulary.2.Have students review the new vocabulary at home.教学评价1.Observe students during practice and production to assess their understanding of the new vocabulary.2.Review homework to assess students’ ability to use the new vocabulary.教学延伸1.Have students create a family tree to practice family member vocabulary.2.Have students create a menu and order food and drinks to practice food and drink vocabulary.。
牛津小学英语4A Unit教学设计

牛津小学英语4A Unit教学设计Teaching design of English 4A unit in Oxford primary school牛津小学英语4A Unit教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。
(1)能正确听、说、读、写词汇car ,bus ,puzzle, puppet, bike, kite, doll, balloon(2)正确听、说、读、句型what’s this/that inenglish ?it’s a… do you like…?yes, i do./ no ,i don’t.2、能力目标:(1)培养学生的观察力,分析能力。
重点难点:单词:car ,bus ,puzzle, puppet, bike, kite, doll, balloon句型:what’s this/that in english ?it’s a… do you like…?yes, i do./ no ,i don’t.初步了解名词的单复数的形式及发音。
教学过程:step1:sing a songstep2: free talk1> t: is this your rubber?s: no,it isn’t.t:where’s your rubber?s:it’s in the desk..2> t: is this your ruler?s: no,it isn’t.t:where’s your ruler?s:it’s in the pencilcase..3> t: is this your pencilbox?s: no,it isn’t.t:where’s your pencilbox?s:it’s onthe desk.step3: presentationcar(m)1> t: what’s this?s:it’s a car.t: what’s this in english?(m)s: it’s a bus.t: what’s this in english?(m)s: it’s a bike.→ what’s this in english?t: what’s this in english?s: it’s a car.t让s问:t: what’s this in english?(m)t : it’s a car.→it’s a…s:what’s this in english?t: it’s a doll.同理学习:doll, balloon , puzzle , puppet , kite 用实物复习一遍m复习一遍(m)game: guess3> t: what’s this in english?s: it’s a balloon.t让s问: what’s this in english?t: it’s a kite.t: what’s this in english?s: it’s a puppet.s-s操练what’s this in english?it’s a…4>t: what’s this in english? (m)s: it’s a car.利用m→what’s that in english?t: what’s this in english? (m)s: it’s a car.t让s问: what’s this in english? (m)t: it’s a puzzle.t: what’s this in english? (m)s: it’s a bike.s-s操练:t: what’s this in english? (m)s: it’s …5>partc图片,先读后操练6>学习各单词的复数,归类学习,从单数到复数cars dolls puzzles balloonsbikeskites puppets [ts]buses [iz](利用实物)t: what’s this/that in english ? s:it’s a doll→t:do you like dolls?learn: do you like …?t让s问:do you like cars?(实物)→yes ,i do./no ,i don’t.m操练 s-s操练do you like cars?yes ,i do./no ,i don’t.(利用实物)t: what’s this/that in english ? s:it’s acart:do you like cars?s:yes,i do./no ,i don’t.s-s操练: t: what’s this/that in english ? s:it’s…t:do you like …?s:yes,i do./no ,i don’t.板书: unit4t: what’s this/that in english ?s:it’s…t:do you like …?s:yes,i do./no ,i don’t.教学反思:1、本单元新授时充分利用实物创设真实的情境,从而引出句型、单词,并在情境中进行操练巩固,从而利于学生准确运用所学交际用语进行交际。

小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A部分小学英语说课稿小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第1单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Unit 1 May I have…?1.Su Hai: May I come in, Miss Li?Teacher: Yes. Come in, please.2.Su Hai: May I have a copybook?Teacher: Yes. This copybook is for you.Su Hai: Thank you.3.Su Hai: May I have a copybook for Su Yang?Teacher: Sure. Here you are.Su Hai: Thank you.4.Su Hai: Goodbye, Miss Li.Teacher: Goodbye.本篇小学英语说课稿:小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第1单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Good morning, teachers:I’m ****,I’m glad to be here to say something about my tea ching plan. Today I’m going to talk about Part A of Unit1 , May I have…? which is from Oxford Primary School English Book 4A.小学英语说课稿Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material:This lesson is the first one of Unit1. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit. This lesson is a dialogue about asking the teacher for a copybook in the new term. Such topic is related to the children’s day-to-day life and students are interested in it. So it is helpful to arouse learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their oral English. The key sentences are:1. May I have…?2. This … is for…In the teaching course, the teacher should use the pictures, tapes and multi-media to create the real situations and happy atmosphere. The pupils need to be encouraged to communicate.小学英语说课稿Part 2 Analysis of the Students:The students have learnt English one year since grade three. They are interested in English and willing to improve their communication skills.小学英语说课稿Part 3 Teaching contentsA Sentence patterns:1. May I have…?2. This … is for…B New Words:There are nine new words in this part .They are: a pen, a ruler, a rubber, a ball pen, a pencil case, a bookmark, a pencil, a notebook and a book.小学英语说课稿Part 4Teaching aimsAccording to the teaching outline and combining the students’ situation , I make the teaching aims of this lesson as follows .1.the aims of knowledgea.To enable the Ss to read and spell the new words and understand the meaning of the new words.b.To help the Ss learn the new pattern:May I have…? This … is for…2.the aims of abilitiesa.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.c.The students should be able to use the new sentence patterns easily. Together with other English words that they have learnt before.3.the aims of emotionEncourage the pupils to have good cooperation with each other, help each other and learn from each other. Encourage the students to communicate in English in real everyday life.小学英语说课稿Part 5 Important pointsThe first is to master and use the following sentences. May I have…? This … is for…The second is to master the usage of the words: a pen, a ruler, a rubber, a ball pen, a pencil case, a bookmark, a pencil, a notebook and a book.小学英语说课稿Part 6 Difficult point1.Master and use the sentence patterns of this lesson.2. Master the usage of the new words of this lesson.小学英语说课稿Part7 Teaching aidsia2.Cassette &tape recorder3.Some stars award as a prize to the students.5. a pen, a ruler, a rubber, a ball pen, a pencil case, a bookmark, a pencil, a notebook and a book小学英语说课稿Part8 Teaching methodology:A ppp lesson is used in this unit, that is Presentation, Practice and Production. First the teacher should introduce the new language well in the first phase of the lesson. The teacher presents and teaches this language to the students by demonstrating it to them. Modeling the language, explaining it and give the students lots of practice in how to use it. Then the pupils need to have plenty of activities to help them to practice the new language. This is the practice phase. Lastly, the students need time to use the new language they have learnt in order to communicate with each other. During the Productive phase the new language becomes part of the students’ own language and they should be able to use it easily, together with other English words and sentence patterns that they have learnt before.小学英语说课稿Part9 Learning methodsLet pupils study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. Thereby, develop the pupils’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.1. To help Ss to be interested in learning English and to be active in the class teaching and learning.2. To teach the Ss to be good and successful learners and to focus their attention on the teaching and learning.小学英语说课稿Part10 Teaching steps:Step1 : Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Free talk.After greeting with the Ss, I’ll have a free talk with them because free talk is an important way to improve the students’ ability of speaking. Of course it can prepare for the next step and let them come into the English world quickly. I will use the sentence patterns the students have learnt before.Step2 Presentation1.Take out a pen, a ruler, a rubber, a ball pen, a pencil case, a bookmark, a pencil,a notebook and a book. Teach them in English one at a time. Ensure that the pupils can pronounce and spell them correctly.2. Show the multi-media. The pictures and the sentences will be on the screen.3.. Play the cassette. Let the Ss listen and imitate the whole dialogue.4. Let several students pretend to be the students who are late for school, standingin the doorway . They say “May I come in?” one by one. The other students pretend to be a teacher, say “Yes. Come in, please.”5. A pen, a ruler, a rubber, a ball pen, a pencil case, a bookmark, a pencil, a notebook and a book are on the teacher’s desk. Let several students ask for them usin g the sentence pattern “May I have…?”The other students answer using the sentence pattern “Yes./Sure. This …is for you.”6. Play the cassette again. Let the Ss listen and imitate the whole dialogue.7. Read the text in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation .Step3 PracticeLet the students work in pairs. One asks and the other answers.Purpose: Through the practice, Ss are expected to use what they’ve learnt fluently .Their listening and speaking ability will be further improved. Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained..Step4 ProductionTo help pupils put the language into use, I design a task to help pupils have a production.First watch VCD. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. At last I’ll ask the pupils to think hard and act it out. Then find out which group will act it out well. I will give them some stars as rewards.Purpose of my designing: This step makes the pupils get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the pupils have a chance to practice their listening and speaking ability.Step 5 ConsolidationTo develop pupils’ abilities of listening and speaking, that’s the main instructional aims of learning En glish in primary school. So in this step , I’ll design some listening exercises to check what they have learnt. For example: Thinkand fill in the blanks. Everyone will have a piece of paper. In this step I’ll give the pupils a free space to show their abilities.Purpose of my designing: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the pupils’ ability of communication and co-operation.Step 6 Homework1.Read the sentences in Part A five times follow the tape and write the sentence patterns and key words in their copybooks.Reading is a useful way for the Ss to practice the knowledge. Ask Ss to imitate reading from the tape in order to make Ss have a good habit of listening and let them have a better pronunciation.e the words and sentence patterns we learned in this class, make a dialogue with partners.It is so important for the Ss to talk in English after class as much as they do in class.Step7 Board designUnit 1 May I have…? (Write before class)1. May I have…? a pen2. This … is for… a rulera rubbera ball pena pencil casea bookmarka pencila notebooka bookThat’s all for my class designing. Thank you for listening!小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第2单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Unit 2 In a toy shop1.David Black: What’s this?Shop assistant: It’s a panda.David Black: How lovely!2.David Black: What’s that?Shop assistant: It’s a rabbit.David Black: I see.3.David Black: This is a bear, I think.Shop assistant: No, it isn’t. It’s a dog.David Black: I see.4.David Black: That’s a nice monkey.Shop assistant: Yes. The lion is nice, too.David Black: Can I have a look?Shop assistant: Sure.5.David Black: I’d like this panda, please.Shop assistant: Here you are.David Black: Thank you6.David Black: I like my panda.Mom: I like your panda, too.本篇小学英语说课稿:小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第2单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Good morning, teachers:I’m ****,I’m glad to be here to say something about my teaching plan. Today I’m going to talk about Part A of Unit 2, In a toy shop ,which is from Oxford Primary School English Book 4A.小学英语说课稿Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material:This lesson is the first one of Unit2. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit. This lesson is a dialogue about recognizing objects. Such top ic is related to the children’s day-to-day life. So it is helpful to arouse learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their oral English. The key sentences are:1. What’s this/ that? It’s a….2.That is/ That’s my/your/his/her…In the teaching course, the teacher should use the pictures, tapes and multi-media to create the real situations and happy atmosphere. The pupils need to be encouraged to communicate.小学英语说课稿Part 2 Analysis of the Students:The students have learnt the wo rds “my/your/his/her” before. So this will help them understand the new sentence patterns “That is/ That’s my/your/his/her…”.小学英语说课稿Part 3 Teaching contentsA Sentence patterns:1. What’s this/ that? It’s a….2.That is/ That’s my/your/his/her…B New Words:There are five new words in this part .They are: a panda, a rabbit, a dog, a monkey, a lion.小学英语说课稿Part 4Teaching aimsAccording to the teaching outline and combining the students’ situation , I make the teaching aims of this lesson as follows .1.the aims of knowledgea.To enable the Ss to read and spell the new words and understand the meaning of the new words.b.To help the Ss learn the new patterns:What’s this/ that? It’s a…That is/ That’s my/your/his/her….2.the aims of abilitiesa.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.c.The students should be able to use the new sentence patterns easily. Together with other English words that they have learnt before.3.the aims of emotionEncourage the pupils to have good cooperation with each other, help each other and learn from each other. Encourage the students to communicate in English in real everyday life.小学英语说课稿Part 5 Important pointsThe first is to master and use th e following sentences. What’s this/ that? It’s a…That is/ That’s my/your/his/her….The second is to master the usage of the words: a panda, a rabbit, a dog, a monkey, a lion.小学英语说课稿Part 6 Difficult point1.Master and use the sentence patterns of this lesson.2. Master the usage of the new words of this lesson.小学英语说课稿Part7 Teaching aids2.Cassette &tape recorder5.Some stars award as a prize to the students.6.toy panda/rabbit/dog/monkey/lion//cat/bird/elephant/zebra小学英语说课稿Part8 Teaching methodology:A ppp lesson is used in this unit, that is Presentation, Practice and Production. First the teacher should introduce the new language well in the first phase of the lesson. The teacher presents and teaches this language to the students by demonstrating it to them. Modeling the language, explaining it and give the students lots of practice in how to use it. Then the pupils need to have plenty of activities to help them to practice the new language. This is the practice phase. Lastly, the students need time to use the new language they have learnt in order to communicate with each other. During the Productive phase the new language becomes part of the students’ own language and they should be able to use it easily, together with other English words and sentence patterns that they have learnt before.小学英语说课稿Part9 Learning methodsLet pupils study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. Thereby, develop the pupils’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.1. To help Ss to be interested in learning English and to be active in the class teaching and learning.2. To teach the Ss to be good and successful learners and to focus their attention on the teaching and learning.小学英语说课稿Part10 Teaching steps:Step1 : Warming-up1. Greetings.2. A guessing game.After greeting with the Ss, I’ll have a guessing game with them because guessing games can arouse their interests of learning English.Put a toy cat into a bag and expose a small part of it, say: What is this? Let the students guess.Student: It’s a cat.Put a toy bird into a bag and expose a small part of it, say: What is this? Let the students guess.Student: It’s a bird.Put a toy elephant into a bag and expose a small part of it, say: What is this? Let the students guess.Student: It’s an elephant.Put a toy zebra into a bag and expose a small part of it, say: What is this? Let the students guess.Student: It’s a zebra.Step2 Presentation1.Take out a toy panda, a toy rabbit, a toy dog, a toy monkey and a toy lion. Tell them: this is a panda/rabbit/dog/monkey/lion.2.Leave these toys a little further, say: that is a panda/rabbit/dog/monkey/lion.3. Present the new words using pictures. Ensure that the pupils can pronounce and spell them correctly.4.Cover these toys one by one an d expose a small part of it. Ask: What’s this/ that?.Student: It’s a…Meanwhile put up the card and let the pupils recognize the sentence, then put it on the blackboard. Let the pupils repeat it.5. Show the multi-media. The pictures and the sentences will be on the screen.6. Play the cassette. Let the Ss listen and imitate the whole dialogue.7. Read the text in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation .Step3 PracticeLet the students work in pairs. One asks and the other answers.Purpose: Through t he practice, Ss are expected to use what they’ve learntfluently .Their listening and speaking ability will be further improved. Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained..Step4 ProductionTo help pupils put the language into use, I design a task to help pupils have a production.First watch VCD. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. At last I’ll ask the pupils to think hard and act it out. Then find out which group will act it out well. I will give them some stars as rewards.Purpose of my designing: This step makes the pupils get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the pupils have a chance to practice their listening and speaking ability.Step 5 ConsolidationTo develop pupils’ abilities of listening and speaking, that’s the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school. So in this step , I’ll design some listening exercises to check what they have learnt. For example: Think and fill in the blanks. Everyone will have a piece of paper. In this step I’ll give the pupils a free space to show their abilities.Purpose of my designing: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the pupils’ ability of communication and co-operation.Step 6 Homework1.Read the sentences in Part A five times follow the tape and write the sentence patterns and key words in their copybooks.Reading is a useful way for the Ss to practice the knowledge. Ask Ss to imitate reading from the tape in order to make Ss have a good habit of listening and let them have a better pronunciation.e the words and sentence patterns we learned in this class, make a dialogue with partners.It is so important for the Ss to talk in English after class as much as they do in class.Step7 Board designUnit2 In a toy shop (Write before class)1. What’s this/ that? a pandaIt’s a…. a rabbit2. That is/ That’s my/your/his/her… a doga monkeya lionThat’s all for my class designing. Thank you for listening!小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第3单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Unit 3 A purse1.Su Yang: Gao Shan, what’s that over there?Gao Shan: It’s a purse.2.Su Yang: Nancy, is that your purse?Nancy: No, it isn’t. Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.3.Su Yang: Where’s Yang Ling?Nancy: She’s in the classroom.4.Su Yang: Come here, Yang Ling. Is this your purse?Yang Ling: Let me see. Yes, it is. Thank you.Su Yang: Not at all.本篇小学英语说课稿:小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第3单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Good morning, teachers:I’m ****,I’m glad to be here to say something about my teaching plan. Today I’m going to talk about Part A of Unit 3, A purse, which is from Oxford Prim ary School English Book 4A.小学英语说课稿Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material:This lesson is the first one of Unit3. So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit. This lesson is a dialo gue about whose belongings. Such topic is related to the children’s day-to-day life. So it is helpful to arouse learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their oral English. The key sentences are:1.Is this/that my/your/his/her…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.2.Where’s my/your/his/her…? Perhaps it’s in/on….In the teaching course, the teacher should use the pictures, tapes and multi-media to create the real situations and happy atmosphere. The pupils need to be encouraged to communicate.小学英语说课稿Part 2 Analysis of the Students:The students have learnt some stationery nouns before. So this will help the students and the teacher practice the new sentence patterns.小学英语说课稿Part 3 Teaching contentsA Sentence patterns:1.Is this/that my/your/his/her…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.2.Where’s my/your/his/her…? Perhaps it’s in/on….B New Words:There are one new word in this part: a purse.小学英语说课稿Part 4Teaching aimsAccording to the teaching outline and combining the students’ situation , I make the teaching aims of this lesson as follows .1.the aims of knowledgea.To enable the Ss to read and spell the new words and understand the meaning of the new words.b.To help the Ss learn the new patterns:Is this/that my/your/his/her…? Yes, itis./ No, it isn’t..Where’s my/your/his/her…? Perhaps it’s in/on….2.the aims of abilitiesa.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.c.The students should be able to use the new sentence patterns easily. Together with other English words that they have learnt before.3.the aims of emotionEncourage the pupils to have good cooperation with each other, help each other and learn from each other. Encourage the students to communicate in English in real everyday life.小学英语说课稿Part 5 Important pointsThe first is to master and use the following sentences. Is this/that my/your/his/her…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t..Where’s my/your/his/her…? Perhaps it’s in/on….The second is to master the usage of the word: a purse.小学英语说课稿Part 6 Difficult point1.Master and use the sentence patterns of this lesson.2. Master the usage of the new words of this lesson.小学英语说课稿Part7 Teaching aids2.Cassette &tape recorder5.Some stars award as a prize to the students.7.a real purse8.some stationary小学英语说课稿Part8 Teaching methodology:A ppp lesson is used in this unit, that is Presentation, Practice and Production. First the teacher should introduce the new language well in the first phase of the lesson. The teacher presents and teaches this language to the students by demonstrating it to them. Modeling the language, explaining it and give the students lots of practice in how to use it. Then the pupils need to have plenty of activities to help them to practice the new language. This is the practice phase. Lastly, the students need time to use the new language they have learnt in order to communicate with each other. During the Productive phase the new language becomes part of the students’ own language an d they should be able to use it easily, together with other English words and sentence patterns that they have learnt before.小学英语说课稿Part9 Learning methodsLet pupils study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. Thereby, develop the pupils’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.1. To help Ss to be interested in learning English and to be active in the class teaching and learning.2. To teach the Ss to be good and successful learners and to focus their attention on the teaching and learning.小学英语说课稿Part10 Teaching steps:Step1 : Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Teach a new song: Perhaps.After greeting with the Ss, I’ll teach them a new song: Perhaps.Goal: Warm up through the song, the atmosphere of the class is lively, it can make Ss come to the situation of English learning.Step2 Presentation1.Let the students hand over some stationery to create a Lost Property Office.Take out a pen and walk in front of a student, say: Are you …? Is this your pen?Student A: Yes, it is. Thank you.Take out a ruler and walk in front of another student, say: Are you …? Is this your ruler?Student B: No, it isn’t..Teacher: Where’s your ruler?Student B: Perhaps it’s in my pencil case.2. Take out a real purse and ask a student: Is this your purse?Student : No, it isn’t..Teacher: whose purse is it?Meanwhile put up the card with the word purse. Let the pupils repeat it. Ensure that the pupils can pronounce and spell them correctly.3. Show the multi-media. The pictures and the sentences will be on the screen.4 Play the cassette. Let the Ss listen and imitate the whole dialogue.5. Read the text in roles. Pay attention to their pronunciation .Step3 PracticeLet the students work in pairs. One asks and the other answers.Purpose: Through th e practice, Ss are expected to use what they’ve learnt fluently .Their listening and speaking ability will be further improved. Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained..Step4 ProductionTo help pupils put the language into use, I design a task to help pupils have a production.First watch VCD. Let the Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. At last I’ll ask the pupils to think hard and act it out. Then find out which group will act it out well. I will give them some stars as rewards.Purpose of my designing: This step makes the pupils get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let the pupils have a chance to practice their listening and speaking ability.Step 5 ConsolidationTo develop pupils’ abilities of listening and speaking, that’s the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school. So in this step , I’ll design some listening exercises to check what they have learnt. For example: Think and fill in the blanks. Everyone will have a piece of paper. In this step I’ll give the pupils a free space to show their abilities.Purpose of my designing: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the pupils’ ability o f communication and co-operation.Step 6 Homework1.Read the sentences in Part A five times follow the tape and write the sentence patterns and key words in their copybooks.Reading is a useful way for the Ss to practice the knowledge. Ask Ss to imitate reading from the tape in order to make Ss have a good habit of listening and let them have a better pronunciation.e the words and sentence patterns we learned in this class, make a dialogue with partners.It is so important for the Ss to talk in English after class as much as they do in class.Step7 Board designUnit3 A purse (Write before class)1. Is this/that my/your/his/her…? a purseYes, it is./ No, it isn’t.2. Where’s my/your/his/her…?Perh aps it’s in/on….That’s all for my class designing. Thank you for listening!小学英语说课稿-《牛津小学英语》4A第4单元A 部分小学英语说课稿Good morning, teachers:I’m ****,I’m glad to be here to say something about my teaching plan. Today I’m going to talk about Part A of Unit 4, I like…,which is from Oxford Primary School English Book 4A.小学英语说课稿Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material:This lesson is the first one of Unit 4 . So if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make the students learn the rest of this unit. This lesson is a dialogue about toys. Such topic is related to the children’s daily life. So it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English. The objective of the lesson is that the pupils can get information from their teachers, classmates and their friends. The key sentences are:1.What’s this in English?2.Do you like……The pupils also need to recognize the singular forms and plural forms of the new words . The teacher should get the students to remember the new words in different ways.In the teaching course, the teacher should use the toys, tapes and multi-media to create the real situations and happy atmosphere. The pupils need to be encouraged to communicate.小学英语说课稿Part 2 Analysis of the Students:It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school. Our boys and girls are exposed to English for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keen interest in English.小学英语说课稿Part 3 Teaching contentsA Sentence patterns:1.What’s this/that in English? It’s a ……2.Do you like……?B New Words:There are four new words in this part .They are: puppet, kite, puzzle and doll.小学英语说课稿Part 4Teaching aimsAccording to the teaching outline and co mbining the students ’ situation , I make the teaching aims of this lesson as follows .1.the aims of knowledgea.To enable the Ss to read and spell the new words and understand the meaning of the new words.b.To help the Ss learn the new pattern:What’s this/that in English? It’s a ……Do you like……?2.the aims of abilitiesa.To improve the Ss ability of listening and speaking .b.To encourage the Ss to communicate with the others actively.c.The students should be able to use the new patterns easily. Together with other English words that they have learned before.3.the aims of emotionEncourage the pupils to have good cooperation with each other, help each other and learn from each other. Encourage the students to communicate in English in real everyday life.小学英语说课稿Part 5 Important pointsThe first is to master and use the following sentences. What’s this/that in English? It’s a …Do you like……?The second is to master the usage of the words: puppet, kite, puzzle and doll.小学英语说课稿Part 6 Difficult pointRe cognizing the sentence “Do you like……”is a bit difficult for the students.小学英语说课稿Part7 Teaching aids2.Cassette &tape recorder3.Some cards, toys, some puppets, dolls. toys, kites, puzzles and some stars award as a prize to the students.小学英语说课稿Part8 Teaching methodology:A ppp lesson is used in this unit, that is Presentation, Practice and Production. First the teacher should introduce the new language well in the first phrase of the lesson. The teacher presents and teaches this language to the students by demonstrating it to them. Modeling the language, explaining it and give the students lots of practice in how to use it. Then the pupils need to have plenty of activities to help them to practice the new language. This is the practice phrase. Lastly, the students need time to use the new language they have learned in order to communicate with each other. During the Productive phrase the new language becomes part of the students own language and they should be able to use it easily, together with other English words that they have learned before.小学英语说课稿Part9 Learning methodsLet pupils study in a relaxed and agreeable atmosphere. Thereby, develop the pupils’ abilities of studying and working with the learning language independently.1. To help Ss to be interested in learning English and to be active in the class teaching and learning.2. To teach the Ss to be good and successful learners and to focus their attention。

Unit 1 I like dogs (Story time)T: What animals do Yang Ling ands watch theUnit 1 I like dogs (Fun time & Cartoon time)Unit 1 I like dogs(Sound time & Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time)Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad(Story time)2. Read and answerT: Does Yang Ling have anyUnit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad (Fun time & Cartoon time)Unit 2 Let’s make a fruit salad(Sound time & Song time & Checkout time & Ticking time)Unit 3 How many?(Story time)A:What do you have ?…. A:What do you have ?.Unit 3 How many? (Fun time & Cartoon time)Unit 3 How many?(Sound time & Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time)Unit 4 I can play basketball(Story time)What are they talking about :B:2. Read and answer一、Can Wang Bing play2. Read and answerUnit 4 I can play basketball (Fun time & Cartoon time)Unit 4 I can play basketball(Sound time & Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time)Unit 5 Our new home(Story time)watch the cartoon, then match. Where are…?Unit 5 Our new home (Fun time & Cartoon time)Unit 5 Our new home(Sound time & Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time)Unit 6 At a snack bar(Story time)snack bar /snæk/Unit 6 At a snack bar (Fun time&Cartoon time)Unit 6 At a snack bar(Sound time & Rhyme time & Checkout time & Ticking time)Unit 7 How much?(Story time)How much are the shoes? T: How much are the shoes?Unit 7 How much (Fun time & Cartoon time)Unit 8 Dolls (Story time)Unit 8 Dolls (Fun time & Cartoon time)。

4A Module 1 Getting to know youUnit 3 How do you feel?第一部分:单元整体教学设计■ 教材分析(学习内容与要求分析表)■ 单元目标●知识技能目标1. 学习各类词汇:(1)学习happy, sad , hungry , full , thirsty, tired 等单词,会用这些感觉类的单词表达自己或他人的感觉。
拓展afraid, surprised , angry 等单词。
(3)能掌握词汇crow , biscuit , then , back等。
2. 在语境中学习、理解并运用下列句型结构:(1)How do you feel ?I’m / We’re …用来询问对方的身体感受,回答时后面加happy, sad 等形容词来描述自己的感觉。
(2)Are you …? 后面加tired , thirsty 等形容词来询问他人的感受,并能回答。
(3)能用Have some … 吃、喝些… 等祈使句叫别人干什么,发出一些指令。
(4)there be 句型,并能简要区别have 句型。
●方法情感目标1. 学会询问他人的身体感受,学会关心他人。
2. 通过询问,及时了解他人的需求,并及时提供帮助。
3. 通过对话互动,培养学生间的友谊,学会互相照顾。
第二部分:单课教学设计1. My ______ day (横线上填形容词来描述你的一天)第三部分:本课时教学设计Period 11. 本课时教具准备多媒体PPT,板书。
2. 本课时教学过程Period 2 1. 本课时教具准备多媒体PPT,板书。
2. 本课时教学过程Period 3 1. 本课时教具准备多媒体PPT,板书。
牛津小学英语4A unit4教案period1教案

课题:Unit 4 period1教学目标:1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/ that in English? It’s a… Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词puppet, kite, car, bus, bike。
3. 初步了解名词的单复数。
4. 学生能在英语的学习中感到乐趣。
教学重点:1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/ that in English? It’s a… Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词puppet, kite, car, bus, bike。
教学难点:能初步听懂、会说、会读和会写句型What’s this/ that in English? It’s a… Do you like…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. 教学具准备及辅助活动:图片或模型课件主要板书计划:Unit 4What’s this in English? car carsIt’s a puppet. Do you like puppets? bus busesNo, I don’t. bike bikesDo you like this kite? puppet puppetsYes, I do. I like kites. kite kites教学过程:教学随笔课堂结构:1. 剪纸猜物,学习单词car, bus, bike2. 看木偶戏,学习puppet,以及对话P30(1)3. 学习对话P30(2),学习单词kite4. 练习P30对话。
5. 通过转盘游戏练习对话以及单词。
6. 完成课内作业。
细节设计:1.剪纸猜物,学习单词car, bus, bikeT: Look, Here are some papers. Now guess whatI will cut?S: carT: Yes. Who can spell?S: C-A-R, carT: Good! C-A-R, car Let’s continue!S: BusT: Can you spell?S: B-U-S, busT: Good! 教学过程:教学随笔T: Now the last one!S: bikeT: Can you spell?S: B-I-K-E, bikeT: Yes!T: Now what’s this in English?S: It’s a car.T: Spell!S: C-A-R, carT: What’s this in English?S: It’s bus.…2.看木偶戏,学习puppet,以及对话P30(1)T: Now let’s have a show! It’s a puppet show! Look! Puppet!T: P-U-P-P-E-T, puppetT: What’s this in English?S: It’s a puppet.T: Oh, here are two puppets! puppetsS: puppetsT: Do you like puppets?S: Yes, I do.T: Now who can ask me?S: Do you like puppets?T: No, I don’t.T: Now make this dialogue in pairs!3.学习对话P30(2),学习单词kiteT: Now listen to the tape and tell me what’s this in English.S: KiteT: Wonderful! K-I-T-E, kiteT: Do you like this kite?S: Yes, I do.T: Do you like this kite?S: Yes, I do.T: I like kites.S: I like kites.4.练习P30对话。

1.Words:run,jump,swim.Dive,fly,cool,sing,paint,write,draw,read,brother,sister,frie nd,classmate,his,her,Supergirl,Wendy,Ginger,chocolate

3.创设语言训练情景:将学生带来的物品分类,通过开设文具店的形式进行对话操练。(此处练习时将学生分成组进行)如:a pen , a ruler.
作 业
On duty .让学生通过值日汇报连锁问答进行练说训练。
2Free talk .
以Good morning /afternoon .How are you ?和学生打招呼,学生按实际情形回答。
(1).A little book .
(2)listen and repeat
1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a book .
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型May I have …?This …is for …..
1.出示挂图及四个单词big ,boy ,cap ,cat .学生听录音范读。
book ,box ,clock , camera .
S: Yes .

牛津小学英语四年级4A第1-2单元教案集体备课一、教学目标知识目标1.学生能够掌握并正确使用以下单词:hello, schoolbag, pencil, book, rubber, ruler, crayon, glue;2.学生能够听懂、会说并正确运用以下句子结构:Hello, I have a [schoolbag]. What’s in your [schoolbag]? I have a [pencil].3.学生能够正确朗读并表演课文《Hello, I’m Amy》。
四、教学过程1. 导入新课(5分钟)•教师与学生打招呼,唤起学生对英语学习的兴趣。
2. 学习新课(15分钟)•利用PPT展示与学生生活相关的图片,引导学生说出图片中的物品,并教授这些单词:hello, schoolbag, pencil, book, rubber, ruler, crayon, glue。
3. 练习与拓展(20分钟)•教师出示一幅图片,上面有一个学生的书包,鼓励学生们用第二人称提问句模仿课文中对话进行练习,如:What’s in your schoolbag? (回答) I have a pencil.4. 学习课文(25分钟)•教师播放课文录音,学生跟读录音,然后分组练习课文对话;•学生在小组内自由发挥,与小伙伴们进行对话练习;•部分小组展示对话情景。
5. 反馈与总结(10分钟)•请几组学生上台表演课文对话,其他学生评价。
《牛津小学英语4A》Unit 1第一课时表格式教案2篇

《牛津小学英语4A》Unit 1第一课时表格式教案2篇Teaching plan of unit 1 in unit 1 of Oxford pri mary school English 4A《牛津小学英语4A》Unit 1第一课时表格式教案2篇前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。
本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】1、篇章1:《牛津小学英语4A》Unit 1第一课时表格式教案2、篇章2:牛津小学英语4A Unit 6第一课时教学设计篇章1:《牛津小学英语4A》Unit 1第一课时表格式教案课题unit 1 may i have…?第一课时(新授课)课时教学目标1、认知:(1)能正确听说读写单词 a pen, a ball pen,a pencil, a book。
(2)能正确听说读单词a copybook, a ruler, a rubber, a pencil case, a bookmark, a notebook, a school bag。
(3)能正确听说读写句型may i have…?(4)能正确听说读日常交际用语yes./sure. here you are. thank you.2、能力:培养学生在词语与相应事物之间建立联想的能力。
教学重难点四会单词、句型的朗读和书写教学准备课件、文具、袋子教学方法情境教学、实物教学、朗读教学、游戏教学师生互动二次复备step 1: warming up1.introduction2.chant3.free talk and revisiont: what’s this on your desk/ in your desk/ in your pencil case…?s: it’s a pen/ruler/rubber/ knife/book/copybook/school bag/ crayon.step 2: presentation and practice1.learn new words and sentencesa. learn “a pen”t: boys and girls, today i am very happy, because i have a new bag. look! it’s very ni ce. i like it very much. but what’s in my bag? who can guess?s guess.t: let me see. yes, / no, there is a pen. (read and spell)b. learn the sentencet: may i have a pen?(t带读句型并做替换练习,用a ruler, a rubber, a pencil case, a copybook, a school bag 注意may, i, have的发音)s make sentences. t: yes. / sure. here you are. s read.c. learn “a ball pen”t: boys and girls, look. is it a pen? no, it isn’t. it’s a ball pen. (read and spell)t: may i have a ball pen? s: sure. / yes. here you are.(read the sentences.)d. learn “a pencil” “a pencil case”t: may i have a pencil? s: yes. /sure. here you are.t: thank you. (read and spell)t: may i have a pencil box/ case?s: yes. /sure. here you are. t: thank you.师生互动二次复备(read the word 比较pencil box与pencil case)e. learn “a book”t: may i have a book? s: yes. /sure. here you are.t: thank you. (read and spell)f. learn “a bookmark”t: look, what’s this? it’s a bookmark. (read the word)g. learn “notebook”t: look, is it a book? is it a storybook? is it a copybook? it’s a notebook. (比较copybook与notebook)(read the word)2.play a game: what’s missing?3.practiset: boys and girls, you are very clever. you have learned so many new words. what voice? (嘘,假装在听包说悄悄话,并不时点头作高兴状) she tells me that she likes you very much. if you can use the sentence “may i have…?” she will give you what you want.step 3: consolidation1.ask and answer(part c)2.play a game: 在文具店t: now we are in the stationery shop. i’m the shop assistant. who’d like to be the customer?s1: may i have…?t: what colour? / what about…?s1: oh, i’d like … t: sure. / yes. here you are.s1: thank you. how much is it? t: …yuan, please.s&s作业1.copy the new words and sentences.2.listen to the tape and repeat part b three times.3.write the dialogues of part c in books教学板书内容单词unit1 may i have…?may i have…?yes. / sure. here you are.教学随感《牛津小学英语4a》unit 1第一课时表格式教案篇章2:牛津小学英语4A Unit 6第一课时教学设计【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】【课题】:《whose gloves?》【教材简解】:本课时选自《牛津小学英语4a》中的unit 6。

牛津小学英语4AUnit1~10表格教案牛津小学英语4A导学案单元内容:Unit1 May I have…? 单元教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a pen, a ruler a rubber, a ball pen,a pencil case ,a book. 2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?come in ,please.Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right. Good morning . Goodbye. Here‘s a …for you …. Hap py teachers‘day. 3.能听的懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for … 4.了解辅音字母b和c 在单词中的读音。
6.能诵读歌谣 A little book。
单元教学重难点:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a pen, a ruler a rubber, a ball pen,a pencil case ,a book. 2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in ?come in ,please.Yes /Sure .Here you are .Thank you .All right. Good morning . Goodbye. Here‘s a …for you …. Happy teachers‘day. 3.能听的懂、会说、会读和会写句型May I have …? This …is for … 4.了解辅音字母b和c 在单词中的读音。
单元课时划分:Period1:A Read and say B Look ,read and learn Period2:A Read and say B Look ,read and learn C Look and say Period3:D Work in pairs E Read and act Period4:F Listen and repeat G Fun house 课题Unit 1 May I have…(第一教时) 上课时间一、教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a book, a pen, a ball pen, a pencil.2.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语May I come in? Come in , please. Yes ./ Sure .Here you are. Thank you .Goodbye.3. 能听懂、会说、会读May I have a copybook? Yes. This copybook is for you. May I have a copybook for Su Yang? 二、制定依据(教材、学情分析) 1.教材分析本单元由Read and say ,Look ,read and learn ,Ask and answer ,Work in pairs ,Read and act 及Fun house 六个部分组成。

沪教牛津版小学四年级英语教学设计目录Unit1 Meeting new peopleUnit2 Can you swimUnit3 Are you happyUnit4 Do you have any cousinsUnit5 My friendsUnit6 My parentsUnit7 At schoolUnit8 At the shopUnit9 At homeUnit10 Around my homeUnit11 ShapesUnit12 Weather备课人:张丽杰Meeting new peopleHe’s/ She’s ... (age)He / She can ...3)语法:1. 形容词性物主代词 my, her, his, your在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。
例如:This is my brother. His name is Tom. 这是我的哥哥。
形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化,单数形式:my(我的),your(你的),his /her/its(他的、她的、它的)。
练习:1. This is my book. are over there.A. YourB. YoursC. YouD. Mine2. Whose pen is it? It’s .A. herB. hersC. sheD. his3. __ bag is new and __ is new, too.A. Our, heB. Ours, hisC. My, hisD. My, her4. This room is ours, and that one is __.A. theyB. themC. theirsD. their5. Whose pencils are there? They’re __.A. myB. meC. mineD. our6. Is the new watch __? Yes, it’s __.A. you, meB. yours, mineC. your, myD. your, mine7. Whose shoes are these? They are __.A. meB. mineC. myD. I8. She is a student , __ name is Han Mei.A. itsB. herC. hersD. his9. It’s a dog. I don’t know __ name.A. its’B. itsC. itD. it’s10. This ruler isn’t mine. I think it is __.A. heB. himC. hisD. her11.__ schoolbag is beautiful. But __ is more beautiful.A. Jims, myB. Jim’s, mineC. Jim’s, meD. Jims’, I12. __ am a boy and __ is a girl.A. My, sheB. I, herC. I, sheD. Mine, she13.I like __ new dress.A. SheB. herC. hersD. his14.I often help __ mother do __ housework(家务活)。

1. Revision
1. Say and act: sing, draw, write
2. Sentence making:
e.g. I can draw a dog.
I can sing a song.
2. Presentation 1. Put on the mask. Ask: Do you
the students to help them
understand the words ‘True’ and
‘False’. Then ask them to finish
the rest of the exercise.
2. Invite students to retell the story.
His/Her name’s…
2.Write about one of your classmates.
Period Two
Teaching contents: Read a story & Learn the sound Teaching Aims: 1. Basic aims:
2. Imitation
(Show the word card) Ask students to
read the word several times.
3. Invite a different student to stand up.
Ask: What’s his/her name? Prompt the
b. Using formulaic expressions to greet people and respond to greetings,
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
游戏规则:将a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook ,a pencil case的图片贴在黑板上,让一学生背对黑板,师拿掉任一张图,让学生猜出缺少的那张图片。
T:What’ missing ?
S: The pencil case .(指学生将图片放回原位)
五、板பைடு நூலகம்设计:
a pen Unit 1 May I have …?
a ruler May I come in ? Come in ,please .对话挂图
a rubber May I have …? Yes/Sure .
a copybook This …is for …Here you are .
三、Consolidation .
四、Assign homework .
四、Work in pairs .
1.出示C部分Ask and answer的图画。
T:May I have the pencil case ?
S:Yes /Sure .Here you are .
2.师板书句型May I have…?
Yes /Sure .Here you are .
Ss: Pen ,P-E-N, pen .
(让学生拼读,书写单词a pen ).
4.同法拼写单词a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a book ,a pencil case , a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook .
师指导单词的拼写方式,例如利用新旧单词的迁移(a book—a notebook ,a pencil –a pencil case)教会学生有效地记忆单词。教学“notebook”时教师应注意引导学生区别它与“copybook.”
课题:4AUnit 1第二课时
主备教师:殷霞备课时间:2007-9-20 14:02:24浏览人数:1
1、能听、说、读、写单词a pen ,a ruler ,a rubber ,a ball pen ,a pencilcase ,a book .
1.介绍句型May I have …?This …is for …
(1)师生扮演对话中的Miss Li及Su Hai(利用头饰)表演对话,学生边听边看,理解其意思。
(2)教句型May I have…?及其应答语Yes/sure .
师把a pen ,a rubber ,a ruler ,a copybook,放在讲台上,再讲清拼写方法让学生根据自己的喜好用May I have…?的句型提出请求,请其他学生用Yes /Sure.This…is for you。应答。
一、Prepare for the class .
1. Say a rhyme: A little book .
2. Free talk .(不必拘于师生问答,可放手让学生自由进行会话交谈)
二、Read and act .
1.师在黑板上写一:九月十日Teachers’ Day ,让学生了解教师节的英语表达方法。
师引导学生学会说Happy Teachers’ Day !句型拓展,如:Mothers’s Day Fathers’ Day .
S: Its’s a pen (ruler,rubber, knife ,copybook…)
T: Can I have a look?
S:Sure ,Here you are .
利用以上对话复习3A中学过的单词pen ,ruler ,rubber ,copybook .
二、Presentationand practice .
二、Revision .
学生用自己的实物表演Read and say中的对话。
三、Presentation and practice .
1.学习单词a ball pen ,a pencil case ,a brush , a bookmark ,a notebook ,a book .
T: (出示一支钢笔):What’s this in English?
S:It’s a pen .
T:(出示单词卡片a pen)Now Let’s read and spell the word“pen”: Pen , p-e-n, pen .让学生练,拼读,并进行单词背诵。
(1)利用实物学习单词: a pencil case .
T: What’s this in English ? Oh ,It’s a pencil case . Do you like pencil case ?
S: Yes .
(2)同法学习单词a bookmark ,a brush ,a notebook .
Ss: Good morning / afternoon .Mrs /Mr…
2.On duty .
3.Review .利用图片,指名说出,引起学生思考。通过游戏“Touch and guess”复习3A中学过的动物单词,并把其放入新授单词,在复习中学习新知。
2. Sing a song : Hello .
3. Free talk .四个一组进行连锁问答操练。
二、Revision .
三、Excises .
课题:4AUnit 2第一课时
一、Free talk .
二、1.师(立门外敲门状):May I come in ?
生:Come in ,please .
On duty .让学生利用以往句型进行操练。
2.师生之间用3A中学过的问候语交谈(如Hello, Hi , How are you ?…)
T: What’s that on your desk?学生对此句型不熟悉,应直接出示3A中学的文具进行教学。
主备教师:徐燕备课时间:2007-9-20 14:23:25浏览人数:1
A Read and say前三幅图及B部分中的单词a cat ,a tiger ,alion, a rabbit .
1.四会单词a lion, a rabbit ,a cat ,a tiger。
课题:4AUnit 1第一课时