[考研类试卷]2013年首都师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷英译汉1 most-favored nation treatment2 manned space program3 export-oriented economy4 renewable energy sources5 cultural devolution汉译英6 贫富不均7 公益事业8 销售旺季9 拜金主义10 与时俱进11 应试教育12 互利互惠13 民族复兴14 实干兴邦15 民意调查英译汉16 Will the sun rise where it sets and set where it rises? Can I relive the errors of yesterday and right them? Can I call back yesterday's wounds and make themwhole? ...Can I take back the evil that was spoken, the blows that were struck, the pain that was caused? No. Yesterday is buried forever.17 I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return. It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow,for who can trap the wind? Each minute of this day will I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for its value is beyond price. What dying man can purchase another breath though he willingly give all his gold? What price dare I place on the hours ahead? I will make them priceless!(fondle: to handle or touch lovingly, affectionately, or tenderly)汉译英18 建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。

根据育明教育团队的统计,从近 4 年的录取来看,北大行管是考研热门专业。 之所以如此,是因为北大行管的就业形势比较好,又不考特别难的数学。从 历年的录取分数线来看,一般在 350-375 之间浮动,平均来看在 365 分以上。
5.招生情况 2007 年 招生人数:7 报考人数:312 实考人数:210 2008 年 招生人数:8 报考人数:340 实考人数:254 2009 年 招生人数:9 报考人数:279 实考人数: 28 2010 年 招生人数:11 报考人数:316 实考人数:256
爱因斯坦:在科学和艺术领域里对真、善、美的不断追求,照亮了他的生活道路,对艺术的爱好,丰富和培育了他的感知力、 想象力和创造力。李政道:“科学与艺术是一个硬币的两面,谁也离不开谁”。
3 艺术教育的任务和目标:培养全面发展的人才。 1) 、普及艺术的基本知识,提高人的艺术修养。适应社会的发展与时代的需要。 2) 、健全审美心理结构,充分发挥人的想象力和创造力。培养人们敏锐的感知力,丰富的想象力和无限的 创造力,极大地促进和提高人的思维能力,使人的创造力也得到充分的发挥。 3) 、陶冶人的情感,培养完美的人格。艺术是审美情感的集中体现。艺术教育通过以情感人、以情动人的 方法,陶冶情操,美化心灵,使人进入更高的精神境界,具有高尚情操。这既是一个人获得全面发展的保 证,也是社会实现全面进步的基础。
具体来讲: 育明教育课程 2 节+2010 冲刺班录 音: 授课内容: 学科框架 考试重点 1.确定考研报考院校的情况: 北大行政管理侧重于人力资源管理。系主任为萧鸣政,人力资源专家。 2.北大行政管理参考书中张国庆《公共行政学》,是北航,北师,北邮等高校人 力资源或者行政管理共同的参考书。 3.北大行政管理不专门考数学,但是在专业课中每天都会考察 30 分左右的概率 论和数理统计的内容。虽然,10 年和 11 年没有指定相关参考书,但是考生在复 习的时候还是要关注。 人大的人力资源管理 (劳动人事学院, 每年招 15 个左右) , 考数三;人大的公共组织与人力资源管理(公共管理学院,每年招 5 个左右)不 考数学,但是要考高鸿业经济学。 4.考试难度

2013年上海大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)1,5 个词语互译。
全是中译英,清一色政治,偏政治性是预料中的,去年就是,好在看了ZF 报告北京周报和领导人讲话,明年考的亲要注意了,政府文件很重要。
A 文化软实力,B 文化自觉,C 贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,D 食品安全法,E 反不正当竞争法。
1 个理论简答。
“What do you think of the statement that different types of text call for differentapproaches to its translating?”没有字数限制。
正好背过一篇作文说了一些译法和文本genres ,写得还算顺畅。
是丹·布朗《圣诞的密码》二页A4 纸,较易懂,个别专用名词生词如HoolaHoop,Exeter baseball cap,Epcot,Phillies cap....讲的是圣诞节Brown 家庭的习俗Christmas Code 。
大致文意是作者和三个兄弟姐妹还有留学交换生Bea 一起找线索的故事,谜底就是EPCOT 五个字母,其实就是布朗父母给他们的礼物,那就是去Walt DisneyEpcot Center,大家都兴奋地手舞足蹈,最后就说这是最美好的一个圣诞节。
原文:Every family has its own holiday traditions. In the Brown household, Christmaswas always a time of delicious food, sing-alongs, colorful gifts, and mysterious codes.Yes, codes.When I was a kid, no Christmas morning was complete without the annual treasure hunt.When the last present under the Christmas tree had been opened, my siblings and I knew thatthere still remained one "big" present hidden somewhere in the house for us to find. Our onlyhope of locating it was a cryptic clue that traditionally resided in a lone envelope perched high onthe tree, out of our reach.One year the envelope contained a particularly mind-boggling treasure hunt that mybrother, sister and I still recall as The "TOCEP" Christmas Mystery. (In fact, this treasure huntdirectly inspired the scene on page 111 of The Da Vinci Code.)That was the year we had a foreign exchange student living with us. Bea wasSouth African and understandably was somewhat overwhelmed by the frenziedanticipation that led up to an American Christmas. Nonetheless, she embraced thedecorating, singing, and cooking with a zeal that made the holidays doubly special forus that year. So it was with great happiness, on Christmas morning, after all the presentswere opened, that my parents handed Bea the mysterious envelope and explained to her theBrown tradition of a Christmas Quest.Looking amazed that such a tradition could exist, Bea excitedly opened the envelope. Thepoem inside announced that this year's quest involved locating five letters of the alphabet, whichhad been hidden around the house. According to the poem’s final stanza, the first letter we needed to find was "T."You seek a letter in a nook(It's very hard to see).But of the places you might look,There’s just one spot for "T."Only one spot for T?My little brother Greg was the first to figure it out. He leapt up and dashed into the kitchen. We all ran after him as he retrieved a stool, dragged it into the breakfastnook, climbed up onto the counter, and grabbed the canister in which my mother kept her tea bags. Sure enough, inside was a note card emblazoned with the letter "T."Brilliant!Along with the letter "T" we found another clue, which ingeniously guided usdown to the basement where we found the letter "O" taped to an O-shaped HoolaHoop.Again, fiendishly clever!From there more clues led us all over the house. In the kitchen we found the letter"C" stuffed in a Vitamin C container. In the mud-room, the letter "E" was hiddeninside my Exeter baseball cap (bearing that same letter).By then, we had located four letters (T-O-C-E), and still we felt no closer tounderstanding our mysterious prize. We hoped the fifth and final letter would make it all come clear. The final clue, however, was baffling.The final letter in your quest,Is simple as can be.It's hidden in a special roomQuite natural for a "P."A special room quite natural for a P?I looked in the pantry around the canned peas. Nothing.My little brother checked his bedroom for his Phillies cap. Nothing.A natural place for "P"?It was Beatrice, our exchange student (having learned a good amount of American slang), who suddenly gasped, jumped to her feet, and dashed up the stairs. For a moment, my siblings and I thought she was ill... but then we heard her shriek with joy. We raced upstairs to find Beain the bathroom, laughing hysterically and pointing into the toilet. We peered inside, and there,to our enormous delight, we found the letter "P" taped inside the toilet bowl."P" in the toilet!The joke left all four of us kids rolling on the floor in hysterics. Surely my parentshad to be the two funniest people alive. Finally, when we all could breathe again, wehurried back to the living room to decipher the meaning of these five mysteriouslettersT-O-C-E-P?We spread the letters out on the living room floor and stared at them.T...O...C...E...P?They meant nothing to us.It was my younger sister Valerie who saw it first. She drew a startled breath andspun to my parents in disbelief. "No!" she exclaimed. "Really?"My parents were beaming. "Really. We leave tomorrow morning."The rest of us kids watched in rapt animation as little Valerie victoriously rearranged the five letters TOCEP.... to spell one magical word: EPCOT. Instantly, all four kids were dancing around the room, whooping for joy, chanting "Epcot! Epcot!" Even our exchange student Bea had heard of Walt Disney World's Epcot Center, and she joined in the dance. It was a dream come true. The very next morning, we allboarded a plane for Epcot.It was the best Christmas ever.。

2013年南开大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含答案)一、英汉互译1. RCEP(Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution)【答案】皇家环境污染委员会2. a bull market【答案】牛市3. Russian ruble【答案】俄罗斯卢布4. anti-dumping【答案】反倾销5. stock in trade【答案】库存,存货6. paid on delivery【答案】货到付款7. unanimous vote【答案】全票通过8. carbon footprint【答案】碳足迹9. recursive function【答案】递归函数10. provisional agenda【答案】临时议程11. ready-made garment【答案】成衣12. United Nation secretariat【答案】联合国秘书处13. Global Environment Facility【答案】全球环境基金14. International Refugee Organization 【答案】国际难民组织15. The World Travel and Tourism Council 【答案】世界旅行和旅游理事会16. 种族歧视【答案】race discrimination17. 就职演说【答案】inaugural speech18. 和谐共赢【答案】harmonious and win-win19. 文化事业【答案】cultural undertakings20. 全民健身【答案】nationwide fitness programs21. 本地化服务【答案】localization services22. 产能过剩行业【答案】industries with excess capacity23. 放宽市场准入【答案】liberalize market access24. 自主创新能力【答案】capacity for independent innovation25. 载人航天飞行【答案】manned space flight26. 促进生态修复【答案】promote ecological restoration27. 公共卫生体系【答案】public health system28. 科技成果产业化【答案】industrialization of scientific and technological achievements 29. 多语言跨文化交际【答案】multi-language cross- cultural communication30. 古为今用,洋为中用【答案】make the past serve the present, to make foreign things serve China二、英译汉:As long as there is class division and social inequality, Karl Marx will be the most relevant social thinker of the twenty-one century……三、汉译英:科学家们花了300年的时间,通过做实验并进行计算,才确定了光在真空中惊人的传播速度:每秒钟186,282英里(约折合299,784公里)。
2013年首都师范大学翻译硕士考研真题,参考书目,招生人数,汉语写作与百科知识真题答案 (2)

2011年首都师范大学汉语写作与百科知识真题答案1 宏观经济(Macro Economy)指总量经济活动,即国民经济的总体活动。
一般认为此词1933年由挪威经济学家RAGNAR FRISCH(1895--1973年)在建立“宏观经济学”时所提出。
2 马克思主义中国化,一言以蔽之,就是将马克思主义的基本原理和中国革命与建设的实际情况相结合,从而得出适合中国国情的社会主义革命和建设道路。
”4 《七十子希腊文本》(Septuagint)《希伯来圣经》最早的希腊文译本。

2013年北京师范大学357英语翻译基础考研试题(回忆版)本试题由网友灿烂千阳Pamela、snowing宝宝提供翻译基础:economy class; Achilles' heel; a wet hen; child's play; 方便面;买一送一;粮食安全;彩票;暂停;吉日;山寨;两篇互译文章, 英译汉是讲美国应对当前经济全球化什么什么的。
30个英汉互译英译汉:tariff barrier 关税壁垒soft soap 奉承话trade partner 贸易伙伴a shallow laughter 浅笑?(我不确定……)prize fellow 获奖学金的学生archiles' heel 致命伤,大缺点demanding work 要求高的工作a wet hen 泼妇netizen 网民release a polla counter-offer 还价economy class 经济舱software wizard 软件向导polite society 上流社会child's play 容易干的事,不重要的事汉译英:(有一个想不起来了……想起来我再补进来)粮食安全 food security人肉搜索 internet mass hunting团购 group buying/purchase山寨 mountain village (山寨货:cottage cargo/ goods) 买一赠一 buy one and present one彩票 lottery tickets食用方法 edible methods大片 (不知要考什么 我写了两个 large mass of 和 slice of)水货 parallel/smuggled goods吉日 lucky day暂停 pause?归化 naturalization方便面 instant noodle(s)靶心 bull 's eye 或 target center第二部分是汉英文段互译汉译英是汴河泣玉的故事(我只记得大概了,可能有些句子不准确……) 在中国文化的历史长河中,不管是太平盛世玉,还是群雄争霸,人们一直喜欢佩戴玉饰,并写诗歌颂它。

2013年对外经济贸易大学357英语翻译基础考研试题)回忆版)(回忆版本试题由网友resuming、cassielau提供一、词组翻译英译汉:Glocalization, counter trade, patent,汉译英:合资企业、利率、贬值、绩效评估、二、缩略语NAFTA, MERCOSUR, GSP, UNIFC, IFC, ASEAN,三、篇章翻译英译汉是有关语言在经济活动中的影响,其中有许多公司和品牌名称,字数大约为400字,B5纸一页多:汉译英为典型的ZF文件类,都是动宾词组,如促进产业结构升级,推进城镇化建设,重点放在中西部,优先发展东部地区等,字数为300字左右。
网上的英文对照:Carry out strategic adjustment of the economicstructureThis is the major goal of accelerating the change ofthe growth model.We must strive to remove major structural barriers tosustained and sound economic development, with a focus on improving the demandmix and the industrial structure, promoting balanced development betweenregions and advancing urbanization.We should firmly maintain the strategicfocus of boosting domestic demand, speed up the establishment of a long-termmechanism for increasing consumer demand, unleash the potential of individualconsumption, increase investment at a proper pace, and expand the domestic market.We should focus on developing the real economy as a firm foundation of theeconomy.We should adopt policies and measures to better facilitate thedevelopment of the real economy.We should make the economy more demand-driven,promote the sound growth of strategic emerging industries and advancedmanufacturing industries, speed up the transformation and upgrading oftraditional industries, develop and expand the service sector, especiallymodern service industries, and make the geographical and structural layout ofthe development of infrastructure and basic industries more balanced. We shoulddevelop next-generation information infrastructure and modern IT industry,better ensure information security, and promote the applicationof informationnetwork technologies.We should enhance the core competitiveness of large andmedium-sized enterprises and support development of small and microbusinesses,especially small and micro science and technology companies.We should continueto implement the master strategy for regional development and fully leveragethe comparative advantages of different regions.We should give high priorityto large-scale development of the western region, fully revitalize oldindustrial bases in northeast China,work vigorously to promote the rise of the central region, and support theeastern region in taking the lead in development.以上试题来自网友的回忆,仅供参考,纠错请发邮件至suggest@。

2013年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列短语译成汉语1.bailout【答案】紧急救助2.Ground Zero【答案】“爆心投影点”组织3.clean energy【答案】清洁能源4.administrative transparency【答案】政务透明5.healthcare reform package【答案】医改方案fortable Housing Project【答案】安居工程7.proactive fiscal policy【答案】积极的财政政策8.home appliances going to the countryside 【答案】家电下乡9.administrative accountability【答案】行政问责制10.disaster relief【答案】赈灾;灾难援助11.top legislative body【答案】最高立法机关12.defense expenditure【答案】国防支出13.rural left-behind population【答案】农村留守人口14.minimum living standard【答案】低保15.Pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach【答案】实事求是16.capacity for independent innovation【答案】自主创新能力17.the non-public sector of the economy【答案】非公有制经济18.the system of basic living allowances for urban and rural residents【答案】城乡居民基本生活保障制度19.the campaign to educate Party members in preserving/to retain their vanguard nature【答案】保持党员先进性教育活动20.the imbalance between urban and rural areas【答案】城乡发展不平衡二、将下列短语译成英语21.国有企业【答案】state-owned enterprise22.基本医疗体制【答案】basic medicine system23.扩大内需【答案】expand domestic demand24.政府工作报告【答案】Report on the Work of the Government25.基本医疗保险【答案】basic medical insurance26.全球变暖【答案】global warming27.社会福利制度【答案】social welfare system28.三险一金【答案】three insurances(endowment insurance,medical insurance,and unemployment insurance)and one fund(housing provident fund)29.气候变化【答案】climate change30.开幕式致辞【答案】opening speech31.党内民主【答案】inner-party democracy32.改革攻坚【答案】further reform in difficult areas 33.脱离实际、急于求成【答案】unrealistic pursuit of quick results34.诚信缺失【答案】lack of credibility35.和而不同【答案】harmony in diversity36.科学发展观【答案】Scientific Outlook on Development37.文化市场【答案】Cultural market38.文化扶贫计划【答案】Culture-aid Program39.事业编制【答案】staffing of government affiliated institutions40.国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要【答案】the National Program for Long-and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development三、将下列短文译成汉语In the United States,imports have dropped by half in the past couple of years. Domestic production is up,and consumption is down.(41)The administration uses this improvement to buttress its case for dissolving the Energy Department But the appearance of less vulnerability to supply interruptions is deceptive and dangerous.Some important changes in U.S.energy use have occurred.(42)The price of oil has been decontrolled.the strategic petroleum reserve is finally being filled,。

QE3CNNthe Eighteenth National Congress of the CPCUS pivot to AsiaIMFASEANThe Gaza Strip长三角中产收入陷阱纳米技术独立自主的和平外交政策钓鱼岛争端【想不起了待补充】英译汉Broken BRICs (毁了的“金砖四国)Why the Rest Stopped RisingBy Ruchir SharmaNovember/December 2012Over the past several years, the most talked-about trend in the global economy has been the so-called rise of the rest, which saw the economies of many developing countries swiftly converging with those of their more developed peers. The primary engines behind this phenomenon were the four major emerging-market countries, known as the BRICs: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The world was witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime shift, the argument went, in which the major players in the developing world were catching up to or even surpassing their counterparts in the developed world.These forecasts typically took the developing world's high growthrates from the middle of the last decade and extended them straight into the future, juxtaposing them against predicted sluggish growthin the United States and other advanced industrial countries. Such exercises supposedly proved that, for example, China was on the verge of overtaking the United States as the world's largest economy-apoint that Americans clearly took to heart, as over 50 percent of them, according to a Gallup poll conducted this year, said they think that China is already the world's "leading" economy, even though the U.S. economy is still more than twice as large (and with a per capita income seven times as high).As with previous straight-line projections of economic trends, however-such as forecasts in the 1980s that Japan would soon be number one economically-later returns are throwing cold water on the extravagant predictions. With the world economy heading for its worst year since 2009, Chinese growth is slowing sharply, from doubledigits down to seven percent or even less. And the rest of the BRICs are tumbling, too: since 2008, Brazil's annual growth has droppedfrom 4.5 percent to two percent; Russia's, from seven percent to 3.5 percent; and India's, from nine percent to six percent.None of this should be surprising, because it is hard to sustainrapid growth for more than a decade. The unusual circumstances of the last decade made it look easy: coming off the crisis-ridden 1990s and fueled by a global flood of easy money, the emerging markets took off in a mass upward swing that made virtually every economy a winner. By 2007, when only three countries in the world suffered negative growth, recessions had all but disappeared from the international scene. But now, there is a lot less foreign money flowing into emerging markets. The global economy is returning to its normal state of churn, with many laggards and just a few winners rising in unexpected places. The implications of this shift are striking, because economic momentum is power, and thus the flow of money to rising stars will reshape the global balance of power.【译文出自网络,仅供参考】为何“其它国家”停止增长?全球经济中提到最多的趋势是所谓的“其它国家”的崛起。

2013年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语一真题及答案Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that 1 the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by 2 factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3 was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samles of information they were working with. 4 , he theorised that a judge 5 of apperaring too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison 7 he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day。
To 8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the 9 of an applicant should not depend on the few others 10 randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr. Simonsoho suspected the truth was 11 。
目 录2012年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解(完整回忆版)2013年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2017年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2012年北京交通大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解(完整回忆版)Part A Terminology and phrase translationSection One: Translate the following translation-related terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each)1.Applied translation studies【答案】应用翻译研究2.Back translation【答案】回译3.Bilateral interpreting【答案】双边传译4.Communicative translation【答案】交际传译5.Stylistic translation【答案】文体翻译6.Contextual consistency【答案】语境一致7.Corpora【答案】语料库8.Covert translation【答案】隐性翻译9.Domesticating translation【答案】归化翻译10.Foreignizing translation【答案】异化翻译11.Free translation【答案】意译12.Literal translation【答案】直译13.Pragmatic translation【答案】实用翻译14.Source text【答案】原作15.Spark Program【答案】星火计划Section Two: Translate the following terms or phrases into English (15 points, 1 point each)1.高架铁路【答案】aerial rail way2.市区铁路【答案】urban railway3.铁路网【答案】railway network4.铁路运输【答案】railway transportation5.往返票【答案】round-trip ticket6.站台票【答案】platform-ticket7.客车站【答案】passenger station8.列车时刻表【答案】train schedule9.环形路线【答案】ring circuit10.换乘站【答案】transfer station11.土地承载能力【答案】land carrying capacity; land bearing capacity12.小产权房【答案】limited property house; houses with limited property rights 13.土豪【答案】Tu-hao; upstart; local tyrant14.胶原蛋白【答案】collagen15.经济适用男【答案】budget husband; economical and applicable manPart B Translation between English and Chinese.(60 points)Section A English to Chinese Translation (20 points for each passage) Passage 1China National Coal Industry Imp. & Exp. Corp. (CNCIEC) is a national mainstay enterprise in China’s coal industry specializing in foreign trade and economic cooperation. With a comprehensive advantage of combination of industry, technology and trade, CNCIEC is authorized to import and export coal in a unified way for China. Besides import and export of coal mining technology, machinery, electrical equipment and other mineral products, its business scope covers coalmine development and cooperation at home and abroad, international engineering projects and manpower supply for overseas projects and works. Abiding by the enterprise principle of “high prestige through quality products and service”, CNCIEC awaits with great enthusiasm people from all walks of life both at home and abroad coming for talks over business, investment, technical and economic cooperation.【参考译文】中国煤炭工业进出口总公司,简称中煤总公司,是中国煤炭行业从事对外经济和贸易的全国性专业化公司。

2013年北京语言大学357英语翻译基础考研试题英语翻译基础考研试题((回忆版回忆版))Ⅰ、Translate the following abbreviations and phrases into corresponding meanings .1.HTTP 超文本传输协议2.V AT 增值税3.EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟4.APEC 亚太经合组织5.NPT (military ) 不扩散核武器条约6.IPO 首次公开募股;首次公开上市7.strait exchange fundation 海基会(SEF )8.The Milky Way 银河9.dollar policy 金元外交10. a five percent discount 九五折11.returns on equity 股权回报率12.running expense 经营费用13.mass transit system 公共客运系统14.Equalitarianism 平均主义15.International Date Line 国际日期变更线16.磁悬浮列车 Maglev train17.保质期 gurantee period18.自主招生 independent recruitment19.工笔画 traditional Chinese realistic painting20.公积金 public accumulation fund21.限购 property-purchasing limitations22.军国主义 militarism23.三权分立(西方) separation of executive ,legislative and judicial powers24.鸿门宴 Hongmen Banquet25.中国证监会 China Securities Regulatory Comission (CSRC )26.《资治通鉴》 History as a Mirror27探月工程 lunar probe program .28.党内民主 Inner-party democracy29.制海权 command of sea30.弱势群体 the disadvantaged / vulnerable groupⅡ、篇章翻译篇章翻译((120’)1.英译汉(60’)Source 1(25)In bad economic times the temptation to bash immigration is overwhelming. “Get the stench out of Greece,” runs a slogan of Golden Dawn, an increasingly popular anti-immigrant party there. David Cameron has pledged to more than halve annual net migration into Britain by 2015. In America Republicans are wondering how much anti-immigration rhetoric contributed to Mitt。

2013北京师范大学翻译硕士MTI考研试题(回忆版)翻译硕士英语211选择题:词语辨析题!结果,今年考试出了大问题,fill the blanks and compelete the sentences,结果有些题的blank没有了。
单词里记得的有一组是——payoff/pay for/pay out/pay back阅读题:然后就是3篇阅读,选择题。
英语翻译基础357英译汉Tariff barrierSoftware wizardEconomy classPrize fellowNetizenTrade partnerShallow laughterRelease pollAchilles’heelA wet hen汉译英粮食安全方便面团购买一赠一食用方法山寨水货靶心暂停彩票吉日人肉搜索Internet mass hunting归化英译汉:关于经济全球化带给美国的影响以及美国该如何应对。
我的翻译有处硬伤,要是没那个硬伤,我会觉得自己翻译的还算达到“信”,因为那个硬伤,“信、达、雅”的信差不多都没达到!抑郁~所以还是得多翻,多背单词!汉语写作与百科知识4481. 下列不属于明清传奇的是?A.桃花扇B.雷峰塔C.红线传D.长生殿2.下列哪种说法表现了平面性?3.《水浒传》评注最有名的是A. 毛宗岗B. 汤显祖CD 想不起来4.文人绘画的最高峰是?A.宫廷绘画D.山水画其他两项记不起来5.关于广陵散正确的是?6.中医学五大核心理论出自那本书?我只记得我的选项《黄帝内经》7.纸寿千年是指那种纸?宣纸8.王羲之擅长什么字体?行书9.人驭兽图,看出远古时代的动物崇拜处于哪个阶段?10.《春秋》是哪种史书?编年史、断代史、史记、离骚(这居然是选项哟)11. 刘向和刘歆的《别录》、《七略》是什么哪类史书?目录学12.中国艺术的最高境界是“和”,那么中国艺术的基本类型是?阳刚与阴柔13. 下列说法表现中国雕塑平面性的是?14.最早的寺庙是?白马寺15.唐诗宋词汉文章,文章指什么?C.骈文D.汉赋16.春秋时期,博士是指哪些人?17.给了一段材料讲的“长善救失”的教学思想!看你的理解~18.应该是绘画源自自然的正确理解19. 对“君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言”的正确解释?20.又考了《永乐大典》21.下列属于世情小说的是,选的《金瓶梅》22.不属于关汉卿作品的是《汉宫秋》23.董仲舒的话,关于德育和智育?24.书院的院长称为什么?山长和洞主后面4个是研友帮忙忙补充的!其实不算太难,我错的比较多!书好好看了的孩子,稍稍有文化底蕴的话应该丢不了几个题。

2013年西北师范大学外语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese. (30 points)1. NATO【答案】北大西洋公约组织2. CPU【答案】中央处理器3. ISS【答案】工业标准规格4. FAO【答案】联合国粮食与农业组织5. ERP【答案】企业资源计划6. East Asia Community【答案】东亚共同体7. Apple of one’s eye 【答案】掌上明珠8. Sherlock Holmes 【答案】夏洛克·福尔摩斯9. Enclosure Movement 【答案】圈地运动10. Arabian Nights 【答案】天方夜谭11. Point Guard【答案】控球后卫12. Demilitarized Zone 【答案】非军事区13. Chauvinism【答案】沙文主义14. United Nations Environment Programme【答案】联合国环境规划署15. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 【答案】美国国家航空航天局16. 常务委员会【答案】standing committee17. 副教授【答案】associate professor18. 白皮书【答案】white paper19. 十二五计划【答案】the12th Five-Year Plan20. 平等互利原则【答案】the principle of equality and mutual benefit21. 科教兴国【答案】develop the country through science and education22. 凝聚力【答案】cohesion23. 不可抗力【答案】force majeure24. 联合国安理会【答案】United Nation Security Council25. 外汇储备【答案】foreign exchange reserve26. 支柱产业【答案】pillar industry27. 个税起征点【答案】the minimum threshold for personal income tax28. 燃油附加费【答案】Bunker Adjustment Factor29. 市场占有率【答案】market share30. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧【答案】Where there is life, there is hope.II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (120 points)Source Text 1:Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. Then only one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly, it was so happy.Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice the flowers or talking to the worms. When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped; left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.The lesson of the story, I suggested, was that in some strange sense we aremore whole when we are missing something. There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so.Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for failing. Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you’ve gotten right, you’re disqualified if you make one mistake. Life is more like a baseball season, where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of brilliance. Our goal is to win more games than we lose.When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness. That, I believe, is what God asks of us—“Be whole”.If we are brave enough to love, strong enough to forgive, generous enough to rejoice in another’s happiness, and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for us all, then we can achieve a fulfillment that no other living creature will ever know.【参考译文】从前,一只圆圈缺了一块楔子。