人教 高二英语必修五unit2Unit 2 The United Kingdom笔记整理

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unit 2

a united class一个团结的班

the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国the United Nations联合国

consist vi. 在于;由…组成;符合

consistent adj. 一致的;连续的;不矛盾的;坚持的

consistence n. 坚固性,浓度;一致性

consist of 由... 组成

be made up of 由... 组成

be composed of 由... 组成

consist in=lie in 在于

consist with=be consistent with与…一致

The club consists of 100 members.这个俱乐部由100名成员组成。

The club is made up of 100 members.这个俱乐部由100个成员组成。

The club is big,consisting of 100 members.这个俱乐部很大,由100名成员组成。divide vt.& vi. 分;划分;分离;(使)产生分歧

n. 分配;分水岭,分界线

separate vt.& vi. 分开;(使)分离;区分;隔开

vt. 分离(混合物);分居;分类;割开

vi. 分手;断裂;(夫妻)分居;断绝关系

adj. 单独的;不同的;分开的,分离的;不相关的

n. 分开的事物;[用复数](音响设备中的)独立件

division n. 部门;分开,分隔;[数]除法;[军]师

divide...into/between/among 把…分成…

separate...from 分开

divide sth in half=divide sth into haves 把某物分成两半

The teacher divided our class into four groups. 老师把我们班分成四个小组。

He has decided to divide the books between Class One and Class Two.


15 divided by 3 is 5. 15除以3等于5。

multiply vt.& vi. 乘;(使)相乘;(使)增加;(使)繁殖

adv. 多样地;复合地;多倍地;[电学]并联地,多路地

adj. 多层的;多样的;多股的

3 multiply by 5 is 15. 3乘5等于15。

As we joined the big crowed,I got separated from friends.


break away (from) 突然离开;突然挣脱;与…决裂;从…退出

The basketball player will break away from the club next week.


Nowadays many farmers want to break away from farming and make a living in cities.


credit n. 学分;信誉,信用;[金融]贷款;荣誉

vt. 相信,信任;归功于;[会]记入贷方;赞颂

to one’s credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下

It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such severe difficulties.


He has 1000 dollars to his credit.他名下有1000美元。

No credit is given to his restaurant. 本店概不赊账。

He earned enough credits for his degree.他为他的学位赚够了学分。

I don’t give much credit to his story.我不太相信他的话。

Do you credit what the policeman said?你相信警察说的话吗?

He got all the credit for the discovery.因为这个发现,他得到了所有荣誉。

He is a man of great credit in our town.他在我们镇上是个很有信誉的人。

The bank refused further credits to the company.银行拒绝再贷款给这家公司。accomplish vt. 完成;达到(目的);走完(路程、距离等);使完美accomplishment n. 成就;完成;技能;履行

educational adj. 教育(方面)的;为教育的;有教育意义的;提供咨询的receive education 接受教育

educator 教育家

convenience n. 方便,便利;便利设施;个人的舒适或利益;(公共)厕所

for convenience 为了方便

at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候

It is convenient for me to attend the party tonight. 今晚参加聚会对我来说很方便。rough adj. 粗糙的,崎岖不平的;粗鲁的;狂暴的,汹涌的;未经加工的vt. 粗暴地对待;使粗糙;草拟

n. 粗糙的部分;艰难,苦难;(高尔夫球场的)深草区

adv. 粗暴地

vi. 举止粗野

roughly adv. 粗略地;大致上;大体上;粗暴地

roughly/exactly/generally/strictly/honestly/personally speaking


attract vt. 吸引;诱惑;引起…的好感(或兴趣)

vi. 具有吸引力;引人注意

attraction n. 吸引力;魅力;[物]引力;引人注意的东西,有趣的东西

attractive adj. 迷人的;有魅力的;引人注目的;招人喜爱的

attract/draw one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

pay attention to 注意……


history 历史English 英语biology 生物Chinese 语文geography 地理maths=math 数学physics 物理handwriting 书法computer lessons 信息课art 艺术politics 政治chemistry 化学psychology 心理

architecture n. 体系结构;建筑学;建筑风格;(总体、层次)结构

architect n. 建筑师,设计师;创造者,缔造者;造物主

collection n. 征收;收集,采集;收藏品;募捐

collect vt. 收集;收藏;接走;聚积

vi. 募捐;募集
