

SKF 回转轴承安装维护手册-中文版

SKF 回转轴承安装维护手册-中文版

4. 插入螺栓和垫圈, 用手拧 紧螺栓, 然后按第五节规 定的顺序依次拧紧至预 定值的40 至50%。 对于有黑色标记的轴承, 在最终拧紧前要检查一 下轴承的不圆度。如果需 要的话, 按"校准"一节中 所述的方法进行调节。 5. 最后, 按第五节规定的顺 序依次将第一个圈上的 螺栓拧至预定的预紧力。
机械加工后 底座表面的平面度
轴承安装时应特别小 心。轴承安装不当会导致滚 动体应力集中, 从而缩短轴 承的寿命。 机械加工后的平面度允许的 误差 支架结构 由于轴承的横截面积相 对于其直径来说尺寸较小, 因此轴承的刚性是有限的。 支架结构在设计上应具有最 大的轴向和径向刚度。 底座表面必须平滑,所以加 工处理是必需的。底座表 面应无锈蚀、无油漆或无毛 刺,并经过良好的抛光处理 (平均高度(CLA)在3.2 至 6.3 微米之间)°至+110°C。在某些情况 下, 工作或环境条件要求使用 专用润滑脂(如低温操作条件 下使用密度为1 或0 的润滑 脂)。 除非另有规定, 否则轴承 在供货前由RKS采用SKF LGEP2 型润滑脂或同类润滑脂进行润 滑。
齿轮 在大多数情况下, 齿轮用"复合"型润滑剂 润滑。 这种润滑脂应具有 良好的附着性和良好的 抗冲洗性。 润滑剂应至少能承 受100°C的工作温度, 原 油的动力粘度在40°C 时 应至少为500mm2/秒。 注: 供货时齿轮未润滑。
用简单的工具。这种工具 两端有可调的 用以压缩内圈。 只能使用最小的压
应使用扭矩扳手或液压 张紧装置至少分两步拧紧螺 栓。 有关其它方法 公司联系。 请与SKF
* 公差按DIN 2510 标准第二篇。
当小齿轮处于最大径向跳 动点 蓝色标记点 字母"B"印 并盖有 时应检查齿隙。

SKF 单线齿轮泵(带泄压阀) - SKF 单线集中润滑系统 用户手册说明书

SKF 单线齿轮泵(带泄压阀) - SKF 单线集中润滑系统 用户手册说明书





SKF润滑系统或其部件不可用于气体、液化气、加压溶解气体或者最大允许温度下蒸汽压力超过正常大气压力( mbar) .bar以上的液体。

任何危险物若用于填充SKF集中润滑系统和部件或通过SKF润滑系统输出及/或分配,特别是欧盟令EC / /EEC第2条第2部分中所列的危险物,都必须咨询SKF并获得SKF的书面批准。

适用于SKF MonoFlex单线润滑系统的带泄压阀的单线齿轮泵本手册中产品的CAD模型可从以下网址获得:一般信息SKF MonoFlex齿轮泵每次行程的排量有限,这会限制出油量和系统扩展。




为了确保所需压力的建立,柱塞泵的排量应至少为润滑需求量的 . 倍。


润滑需求量包含:系统分配器测得的总量该值的+ %(安全余量)主管路+ cm /m(扩展损失)使用流体润滑脂时的压缩率损失SKF专家可以为您提供更多信息调试如需调试产品,在油箱中填入润滑剂并且以 - 秒间隔启动泵,直至所有润滑点上都有润滑剂排出。

通过以下方式进行排气操作:• 打开主管路的两端,直至从两端排出无气泡的润滑油或流体润滑脂。

• 在连接润滑点之前,特别是针对一些小排量的出口管路,一定要先预填充长的润滑管路。





skf 轴承手册

skf 轴承手册

skf 轴承手册SKF是全球领先的轴承生产商和供应商,其产品广泛应用于各行各业。



















SKF轴承手册1. 概述SKF是一家全球领先的轴承制造商和供应商,致力于为各行业提供高质量的轴承产品和解决方案。




2. SKF轴承类型SKF轴承根据结构和适用场景的不同,可以分为以下几类:2.1 深沟球轴承深沟球轴承是最常见的轴承类型之一,它具有结构简单、承载能力高、耐受径向和轴向负荷的特点。


2.2 角接触球轴承角接触球轴承主要用于承受轴向负荷和径向负荷的复合载荷。


2.3 圆柱滚子轴承圆柱滚子轴承主要用于承受高负荷和冲击负荷,具有承载能力强、刚性好的特点。


2.4 锥形滚子轴承锥形滚子轴承是一种专用的轴承类型,主要用于承受径向负荷和轴向负荷的复合载荷。


3. SKF轴承的特点SKF轴承具有以下几个特点,使其在各个行业中得到广泛应用:•高负荷承载能力•高旋转精度和稳定性•高耐磨和耐腐蚀性能•高温和低温环境下的可靠性•设计灵活性,满足各种应用需求4. SKF轴承的安装和使用正确的安装和使用能够更好地发挥SKF轴承的性能和寿命。



5. SKF轴承的维护与保养良好的维护和保养措施可以延长SKF轴承的使用寿命,降低故障率。




SKF 轴承参数说明SKF 轴承常用后缀及参数说明常用后缀:CN:一般组径向游隙;通常仅用于与以下字母组合来表示较窄或偏移的游隙范围H:缩窄的游隙范围,相当于原来游隙范围的上半局部L:缩窄的游隙范围,相当于原来游隙范围的下半局部P:偏移的游隙范围,相当于原来游隙范围的上半局部和下一组游隙范围的下半局部的组成以上字母同时适用于与以下的游隙组别组合成对应的意义:C2、C3、C4、和 C5,例如 C2 C2:径向游隙小于一般组 C3:径向游隙大于一般组 C4:径向游隙大于 C3 C5:径向游隙大于 C4参数说明(1)内部设计 ACD——接触角为 25 度。

B——接触角为 40 度。

CC——接触角为 12 度。

CD——接触角为 15 度。

BE——接触角为 40 度的 BE 型轴承,钢球加大,以玻璃纤维增加尼龙 6.6 保持架。

双列角接触球轴承A——外径小于等于 90 毫米轴承的标准设计,没有装球缺口,承受玻璃纤维增加尼龙 6.6 保持架。




E——是 SKF 公司承受最标准设计。

E 型轴承外圈带有油槽及三个油孔,则后置代号中须加W,以示区分。















2.SKF轴承的特点与优势SKF轴承具有以下特点和优势:- 高品质的材料和精湛的制造工艺,保证了轴承的强度和耐磨性;- 先进的润滑技术,降低了轴承的摩擦系数,提高了轴承的使用寿命;- 严格的质量控制体系,确保了轴承的精度和可靠性;- 广泛的产品线,满足不同行业和设备的需求。

3.SKF轴承的安装与拆卸轴承的安装应遵循以下步骤:- 检查轴承和轴颈的尺寸、形状和表面质量,确保它们符合安装要求;- 清洗轴承和轴颈,去除污垢和毛刺;- 涂抹适量的润滑剂,降低安装过程中的摩擦;- 按照安装顺序和方向,将轴承安装到轴颈上;- 固定轴承,确保其位置准确;- 检查轴承的旋转是否顺畅,如有异常应立即停机检查。



以下是一些建议:- 定期检查轴承的润滑情况,确保润滑剂充足且质量良好;- 定期清洗轴承,清除污垢和磨损颗粒;- 定期检查轴承的运行状态,如发现异常声音、振动或发热等现象,应立即停机检查;- 避免轴承在过载、过热或灰尘多的环境下工作,以免影响其使用寿命。


skf 轴承手册

skf 轴承手册

skf 轴承手册摘要:一、SKF 轴承手册简介1.SKF 轴承手册的作用2.SKF 轴承手册的内容二、SKF 轴承的分类与特点1.按照轴承类型分类a.球轴承b.滚子轴承c.润滑轴承2.按照轴承尺寸分类a.微型轴承b.小型轴承c.大型轴承3.按照轴承性能分类a.高速轴承b.高精度轴承c.高负载轴承三、SKF 轴承的安装与维护1.安装前的准备工作a.工具和材料准备b.轴承的检查与清洗2.轴承的安装方法a.球轴承的安装b.滚子轴承的安装c.润滑轴承的安装3.轴承的维护与保养a.轴承的润滑b.轴承的清洁c.轴承的检查与更换四、SKF 轴承的应用领域1.工业领域a.机床b.汽车c.航空航天2.医疗领域a.医疗设备b.生物医学工程c.牙科设备3.日常生活领域a.家电b.运动器材c.办公设备正文:【SKF 轴承手册简介】SKF 轴承手册是一本详细介绍SKF 轴承产品和相关技术的专业书籍。

它为工程技术人员提供了SKF 轴承的详细信息,包括轴承类型、尺寸、性能以及安装与维护等方面的知识。

SKF 轴承手册在轴承选型、安装和维护等方面具有很高的参考价值。

【SKF 轴承的分类与特点】SKF 轴承按照轴承类型分为球轴承、滚子轴承和润滑轴承;按照轴承尺寸分为微型轴承、小型轴承和大型轴承;按照轴承性能分为高速轴承、高精度轴承和高负载轴承。

SKF 轴承在各种类型和尺寸方面都具有优异的性能,可以满足不同工况和应用领域的需求。

【SKF 轴承的安装与维护】在安装SKF 轴承之前,需要做好充分的准备工作,包括工具和材料的准备以及轴承的检查和清洗。




【SKF 轴承的应用领域】SKF 轴承广泛应用于工业、医疗和日常生活等领域。

在工业领域,SKF 轴承可以应用于机床、汽车、航空航天等设备;在医疗领域,SKF 轴承可以应用于医疗设备、生物医学工程和牙科设备等;在日常生活领域,SKF 轴承可以应用于家电、运动器材和办公设备等。



Bearing basicsSpecial Notes for iPad UsersFor iPad users, this course plays in the “Articulate mobile player app”, available free from the App store.The app offers a download option for offline learning, but please note that:1. An on-line connection is required to use the links on the “resources” tab2. If you wish to be able to print your course completion certificate then you need to be on-line when you take the end-of-course testTo continue, you can click the Home icon on the screen to return to the Welcome page of the course.WelcomeWelcome to the Basic introduction to rolling bearings course. This course will give you an introduction to SKF bearings and consists of three sections: Functions and parts,Applications and bearing types,and Designations.Module 1: Functions and partsWhy bearings?Bearings are an essential component of almost all machinery. They transmit loads between, support, guide and locate, machine elements that are required to move relative to each other with a minimum of friction, e.g.a rotating or oscillating shaft, pivot or wheel.Friction: Page 1Friction counteracts the movement between two surfaces. It is essential for the success of many operations, such as a car tyre gripping a road. In most machines however, friction is undesirable since it causes power loss, heat generation, wear and noise. SKF bearings help reduce friction.Friction: Page 2The earliest bearings were mostly made of wood and consisted of a shaft rotating in a hole in a housing, or a wheel rotating on a stationary shaft. Because the components were sliding over each other, friction was relatively high and wear rather rapid.This type of bearing is called a plain bearing and, made of modern materials, is still used in some applications today where speeds and loads are relatively low.Friction: Page 3The introduction of rolling elements between the shaft and the housing greatly reduces friction.Friction: Page 4Today, typical SKF rolling bearings combine maximum load capacity with minimum friction, using hardened steel or ceramic rolling elements, hardened steel inner and outer rings and a cage to guide and separate the rolling elements.Loads: Page 1A bearing can be under radial load, perpendicular to the shaft, or under axial load, acting in the direction along the shaft, or a combination of both radial and axial load, a combined load.Loads: Page 2Large bearings support heavier loads than small bearings can support, and roller bearings support heavier loads than ball bearings can support. Raceway contactThe basic difference between ball bearings and roller bearings is in the contacts between the rolling elements and the raceways. Balls have point contact; rollers have linear contact with relatively larger area.Bearing partsA typical rolling bearing consists of an inner ring, an outer ring and rolling elements contained by a cage. The most common type of rolling bearing is the deep groove ball bearing. These bearings can, as shown here, be supplied with integral seals to retain the lubricant and resist the ingress of contamination.Selection factorsThere are many factors, which will affect the choice of a bearing. These are: Available space, load, required service life, misalignment, speed, stiffness, axial displacement and clearance.Selection factors: SpaceSpace can be an important factor in bearing selection. Where radial space is limited a bearing with small diameter rolling elements, such as a needle roller bearing, may be needed.Selection factors: LoadWhen selecting a bearing, it is important to consider the direction of the load, and the amount of load the bearing will have to carry. A bearing can be under radial load, axial load, or a combination of both.Selection factors: Required service lifeThe life of a bearing can be expressed in terms of: the number of revolutions before failure, the number of operating hours before failure, or the distance covered (for cars and trucks). A bearing is considered to have failed when it shows the first sign of fatigue in a rolling element or raceway, or damage to other parts such as the cage or the seals. Service life is the real life that an individual bearing achieves in a particular application before it has to be replaced. It depends on a variety of influencing factors, including lubrication, the degree of contamination, misalignment, proper installation, and environmental conditions.Because service life cannot be calculated or predicted, bearings are selected using calculated rating life. SKF rating life L10m, a reference value calculated according to statistical methods, using modification factors for lubrication conditions and degree of contamination, and applying the same concept of a fatigue load limit as used in ISO 281, to estimate the life, with 90% reliability, that a sufficiently large population of apparently identical bearings might achieve when all are operating in an identical application.Selection factors: MisalignmentWhere a bearing is likely to be subject to angular misalignment, for example the shaft might bend due to operating loads, appropriate bearings need to be selected. Self-aligning bearings can accept a degree of operational misalignment and can also compensate for limited initial alignment errors in mounting.Selection factors: SpeedThe maximum speed that a bearing can be run in an application is limited by the maximum operating temperature for the materials used in its manufacture, or the lubricant. For high-speed applications minimum possible friction is important, so ball bearings are generally used. Selection factors: StiffnessElastic deformation occurs under load. Usually this deformation is very small and can be ignored. However, in some applications, stiffness is an important factor. Roller bearings have higher stiffness than ball bearings due to the larger area of the line contact.Selection factors: Axial displacementSome applications require bearings that allow the shaft to move axially relative to the bearing. This is called axial displacement. Most often, a shaft is supported by a locating bearing and a non-locating bearing. The locating bearing does not allow axial displacement and keeps the shaft in position. The non-locating bearing supports the shaft and allows displacement to prevent the bearings from being stressed. Cylindrical and CARB toroidalroller bearings can accommodate a limited degree of axial internal displacement.Selection factors: ClearanceThe amount of initial internal radial clearance required in a bearing depends mainly on the fits and temperature gradient between the inner and outer rings of the bearing in the particular application. Operational internal radial clearance is almost always less than initial internal clearance. SKF manufactures bearings with the following ranges of radial internal clearances:•C1 radial internal clearance less than C2•C2 radial internal clearance less than Normal•-- Normal radial internal clearance•C3 radial internal clearance greater than Normal•C4 radial internal clearance greater than C3SummaryIn this lesson, you have learnt about the functions of a bearing. These are: reducing friction, transmitting loads, locating and guiding moving parts. You have also been introduced to the different parts of a bearing: outer and inner rings, rolling elements, cage, and seals and their respective functionalities.Finally, you have also explored the different selection factors, which will affect your choice of bearing: available space, load, required service life, misalignment, speed, stiffness, axial displacement and clearance.Module 2: ApplicationsIntroductionIn this section you will be introduced to the most common bearing types offered by SKF.Electrical motors can be found almost anywhere there is mechanical movement.Motor: Page 2In this drawing you can see that the shaft is supported by two different bearings.Motor: Page 3Cylindrical roller bearings are simply bearings with cylindrical rollers. They can usually accommodate heavy radial loads and can operate at relatively high speeds.Motor: Page 4It is now time to choose the right side bearing.Motor: Page 5Deep groove ball bearings have deep uninterrupted raceways and close osculation between balls and raceways. This enables them to take axial loads in both directions.Pump: Page 1A pump is a device for lifting, transferring or moving fluids by suction or pressure from one position to another. This picture shows a medium-duty process pump, which is often used in refineries.Pump: Page 2In this drawing you can see that the shaft, which is running the impeller, is supported by one deep groove ball bearing to the right, and another bearing or bearings to the left.Single row angular contact ball bearings are widely used in medium and heavy-duty centrifugal pumps. They have raceways arranged at an angle to the bearing axis.Pump: Page 4Single row angular contact ball bearings can only take axial load in one direction. Therefore they are nearly always mounted as pairs in back to back or face to face arrangement at either end of a shaft, or as shown here, universally matchable bearings mounted immediately adjacent to each other.Fan: Page 1This is an industrial fan, in which SKF bearings are commonly used. Industrial fans can either be designed for light loads and high speeds, or for heavy loads and moderate speeds.Fan: Page2A fan is designed with two bearings along its shaft, placed between the fan and the motor. Both bearings carry radial loads and the bearing closest to the fan (on the left hand side here) also needs to be a locating bearing, keeping the shaft and the fan in a fixed position.Fan: Page 3Spherical roller bearings have two rows of rollers with a common raceway in the outer ring. The two inner ring raceways are inclined at an angle to the bearing axis.Fan: Page 4Returning to the fan application again, you now know which bearing is suitable as the locating bearing and here you have to make a guess concerning the non-locating bearing.CARB [ka:b] is a single row toroidal roller bearing with long, slightly crowned, rollers and concave raceways in both the inner and outer rings. Fan: Page 6The complete application looks like this with one spherical roller bearing and one CARB toroidal roller bearing.Separator: Page 1Alfa Laval, a Swedish company, has developed a range of machines specifically designed for rigorous oil processing duties. An example of this would be separators.Separator: Page 2The separation process creates imbalance due to the mud, which is distributed unevenly inside the separator and this makes the spindle bend. Separator: Page 3Self-aligning ball bearings have two rows of balls and a common concave sphered raceway in the outer ring. This makes the bearing insensitive to angular misalignments of the shaft relative to the housing. Self-aligning ball bearings accommodate high speeds due to the point contact between balls and raceways.Refiner: Page 1SKF bearings can be used in refiners in the production of mechanical pulp and other high-yield pulps.Refiner: Page 2In the process wood chips are ground at high mechanical pressure between a stationary disc and a rotating disc, which is powered by an electrical motor. The shaft between the motor and the grinding discs is supported by three bearings.Refiner: Page 3The high production capacity of the refiners is directly related to the demands on the bearing arrangement. The bearings have to provide high stability, operate at high speed, carry high thrust loads and handle deflections of the shaft.Refiner: Page 4The spherical roller thrust bearing incorporates a large number of asymmetrical, spherical rollers and has specially designed raceways. The load is transmitted from one raceway to the other at an angle to the bearing axis and the bearing can carry heavy axial load in one direction and some simultaneously applied radial load as well.Refiner: Page 5This is how the spherical roller thrust bearings are situated in the refiner application.Screw conveyor: Page 1Machines used in the agricultural industry often require bearings that can easily be changed and that can handle misalignments.Screw conveyor: Page 2This is a drawing of a screw conveyor attached to an agricultural machine. The bearings are the only contact between the screw conveyor and the machine.Screw conveyor: Page 3A Y-bearing unit consists of two parts: a housing and a bearing. The bearing is based on the deep groove ball bearing and can carry light radial and axial loads. It has a convex-sphered outside diameter, which allows the bearing to take up misalignment between the shaft and housing at the assembly stage. They are available with a wide range of highly effective,integral seals and a range of different methods for easy mounting to the shaft.Screw conveyor: Page 4This is what the Y-bearing unit looks like in the screw conveyor.Front wheel: Page 1SKF bearings are used in front wheels of commercial vehicles. These applications require bearings that can handle very heavy loads.Front wheel: Page 2This drawing shows how a truck front wheel arrangement is designed and where its bearings are situated. The bearings must carry a large part of the weight of the vehicle and the induced forces when driving, which means that they have to handle heavy loads in both radial and axial directions.Front wheel: Page 3Tapered roller bearings have tapered rollers running in tapered inner and outer ring raceways. This design makes them suitable for handling heavy combined loads.A tapered roller bearing can only carry axial loads in one direction and, for this reason, they are generally fitted in pairs.Front wheel: Page 4See how the tapered roller bearings are mounted in the front wheel of a commercial vehicle.SummaryIn this lesson, you have studied the most common SKF bearing types. Now click on each bearing picture to repeat the most important characteristics of each type. If you want to read more about SKF bearings, enter the SKF Interactive Engineering Catalogue on line at .Module 3: DesignationsIntroductionSKF bearing designations describe a bearing’s or component’s type, design, and variants. The designation can be found both on the box and on the bearing itself.Basic designations: Page 1A bearing designation for metric size bearings can either consist of a basic designation alone or a basic designation plus one or more supplementary designations, called prefixes and suffixes.The basic designation identifies the product type and size, while the supplementary designations identify design, special variants and bearing components.Basic designations: Page 2Each SKF bearing of standard metric design is given a basic designation, which normally consists of three, four or five figures.Basic designations: Page 3For example, the basic designation 22206 denotes a spherical roller bearing with the width series 2, diameter series 2 and a bore diameter of 30 mm.Supplementary designations: Page 1The supplementary designations consist of both prefixes and suffixes. Supplementary designations: Page 2Prefixes are used to identify component parts of a bearing and are usually followed by the designation of the complete bearing.Supplementary designations: Page 3Suffixes are used to identify designs, which differ in some way from the original design. The suffixes are divided into four main groups: Internal design, external design, cage design and variants, all of which are added to the basic designation in this order.End of course testNow it’s time to see what you learned.If you pass the test on-line then you’ll be able to print your course completion certificate.。

SKF 轴承型号对照表说明书

SKF 轴承型号对照表说明书
Skf cross reference guide
Inquiry Coolen bearing made this SKF bearing cross reference chart to help you interchange other brand bearings with SKF bearings. These SKF bearing interchange charts only contain the basic types. And they can be considered interchangeable in most instances, but for special application, please contact Coolen. Coolen assumes no liability with
239xx 239xx - 239xx Light 230xx 230xx 230xx 230xx 230xx 240xx 240xx 240xx 240xx 240xx Medium 231xx 231xx 231xx 231xx 231xx 241xx 241xx 241xx 241xx 241xx Heavy 222xx 222xx 222xx 222xx 222xx 232xx 232xx 232xx 232xx 232xx Extra heavy 213xx 213xx 213xx 213xx 213xx 223xx 223xx 223xx 223xx 223xx Part Number Suffix Retaining
112D1 UCF209-112D1 FYJ 509 YAR 209-112-2F FYJ 1.3/4 TF F210D1 UC210D1 UCF210D1 FYJ 510 YAR 210-2F FYJ 50 TF F211D1 UC211D1 UCF211D1 FYJ 511 YAR 211-2F FYJ 55 TF F211D1 UC211-200D1 UCF211-200D1 FYJ 511 YAR 211-200-2F FYJ 2. TF F212D1 UC212D1 UCF212D1 FYJ 512 YAR 212-2F FYJ 60 TF F213D1 UC213D1 UCF213D1



SKF轴承手册1. 引言SKF是全球领先的轴承和密封解决方案提供商。



2. SKF轴承概述SKF轴承是一种用于承载旋转机械的关键部件。



SKF轴承可分为以下几种类型:•深沟球轴承•角接触球轴承•圆锥滚子轴承•圆柱滚子轴承•自调心球轴承•推力球轴承3. SKF轴承的选择正确选择适合的SKF轴承对于设备的运行和性能至关重要。

以下是一些选择SKF轴承的关键因素:3.1 轴承负荷确定设备所承受的轴承负荷是选择正确SKF轴承的第一步。



3.2 运行速度设备的运行速度也是选择SKF轴承的重要考虑因素。


3.3 轴承寿命轴承寿命对于设备的维护和可靠性非常重要。


3.4 轴承润滑SKF轴承需要适当的润滑才能正常运行和延长寿命。


4. SKF轴承的安装和维护正确的安装和维护能够最大限度地延长SKF轴承的使用寿命。

以下是一些安装和维护SKF轴承的关键指南:4.1 安装顺序正确的安装顺序能够避免轴承的早期故障。


4.2 轴承润滑SKF轴承需要定期润滑,以确保其正常运行和寿命。


4.3 轴承维护定期维护是保持SKF轴承良好状态的关键。




skf轴承手册摘要:1.SKF 轴承手册概述2.SKF 轴承的分类与特点3.SKF 轴承的选型与安装4.SKF 轴承的维护与保养5.SKF 轴承的常见问题与解决方案正文:【SKF 轴承手册概述】SKF 轴承手册是一本详细阐述SKF 轴承产品及其相关知识的专业指南。

SKF 作为全球领先的轴承制造商,其产品广泛应用于各类工业领域。

本手册旨在帮助用户更好地了解SKF 轴承的类型、特点、选型、安装、维护、保养以及解决常见问题等方面的知识。

【SKF 轴承的分类与特点】SKF 轴承的分类主要有以下几种:深沟球轴承、圆锥滚子轴承、角接触球轴承、推力球轴承、滚针轴承等。



【SKF 轴承的选型与安装】在轴承选型时,需要考虑轴承的尺寸、承载能力、转速、工作温度等因素。



【SKF 轴承的维护与保养】为了确保轴承的正常工作和延长使用寿命,需要定期对轴承进行维护和保养。



【SKF 轴承的常见问题与解决方案】在使用轴承过程中,可能会遇到轴承发热、噪音大、振动等问题。



综上所述,SKF 轴承手册为用户提供了关于轴承的详细信息,包括轴承的分类、特点、选型、安装、维护、保养以及解决常见问题等。



Single row deep groove ball bearings ............289Single row deep groove ball bearings with filling slots ....................................361Stainless steel deep groove ball bearings ......373Double row deep groove ball bearings .........391Single row cam rollers (399287)Deep grooveball bearingsSingle row deep groove ball bearingsDesigns (290)Basic design bearings (290)Sealed bearings (290)ICOS TM oil sealed bearing units (293)Bearings with snap ring groove (294)Matched bearing pairs (294)SKF Explorer class bearings (295)Bearing data – general (296)Dimensions (296)Tolerances (296)Internal clearance (296)Misalignment (296)Cages (298)Minimum load (298)Axial load carrying capacity (299)Equivalent dynamic bearing load (299)Equivalent static bearing load (299)Supplementary designations (300)Product tables (302)Single row deep groove ball bearings (302)Sealed single row deep groove ball bearings (324)ICOS™ oil sealed bearing units (348)Single row deep groove ball bearings with snap ring groove (350)Single row deep groove ball bearings with snap ring groove and shields (356)289Single row deep groove ball bearings are particularly versatile. They are simple in de-sign, non-separable, suitable for high and even very high speeds and are robust in operation, requiring little maintenance. Deep raceway grooves and the close conformity between the raceway grooves and the balls enable deep groove ball bearings to accom-modate axial loads in both directions, in addition to radial loads, even at high speeds. Single row deep groove ball bearings are the most widely used bearing type. Conse-quently, they are available from SKF in many executions and sizes:•open basic design bearings•sealed bearings•ICOS TM oil sealed bearing units •bearings with snap ring groove, with or without snap ringOther deep groove ball bearings for special applications, shown in the sections “Engineering products” and “Mechatronics”include•hybrid bearings ( page 891)•insulated bearings ( page 905)•high temperature bearings ( page 917)•bearings with Solid Oil ( page 945)•sensorized bearings ( page 953)The SKF product range also includes inch-size bearings and bearings with a tapered bore. These variants are not included in this General Catalogue. Information will be provided on request.Single row deep groove ball bearings290DesignsBasic design bearingsBasic design SKF single row deep groove ball bearings ( fig) are open (unsealed). For manufacturing reasons, those sizes of open bearing that are also produced in sealed or shielded versions may have seal recesses in the outer ring.Sealed bearingsThe most popular sizes of deep groove ball bearings are also produced in sealed versions with shields or contact seals on one or both sides. Details regarding the suitability of the different seals for various operating condi-tions will be found in table. Sealed bear-ings in the wide 622, 623 and 630 series are particularly suitable for long maintenance-free service. In addition, ICOS bearing units with integrated radial shaft seals are avail-able for higher sealing requirements.The bearings with shields or seals on both sides are lubricated for life and are mainten-ance-free. They should not be washed or heated to temperatures above 80 °C. Depend-ing on the series and size, deep groove ball bearings are supplied charged with one of three standard greases:•LT10 grease for bearings in the 8 and9 Diameter Series up to and including30 mm outside diameter,11•MT47 grease for bearings in the 8 and 9Diameter Series above 30 mm up to andincluding 62 mm outside diameter and forbearings in the 0, 1, 2 and 3 DiameterSeries up to and including 62 mm outsidediameter,•MT33 grease for all bearings above 62 mmoutside diameter.Characteristics of the above standardgreases are listed in table . The standardgrease is not identified in the bearing desig-nation. The quantity of grease fills some 25to 35 % of the free space in the bearing. Tospecial order, other grease filling grades areavailable. Also on request, special greasefills ( table ) can be supplied 22•high temperature grease GJN for bearings up to and including 62 mm outside diameter •high temperature grease HT22 for bearings above 62 mm outside diameter •low temperature grease LT20 •wide temperature range grease GWB •wide temperature range and silent running grease LHT23291Single row deep groove ball bearings 292Bearings with shieldsBearings with shields, designation suffix Zor 2Z, are produced in one of two designs,depending on the bearing series and size( fig ). The shields are made of sheetsteel and normally have a cylindrical exten-sion in the shield bore to form a long sealinggap with the inner ring shoulder (a ). Someshields do not have the extension (b ).Shielded bearings are primarily intendedfor applications where the inner ring rotates.If the outer ring rotates, there is a risk thatthe grease will leak from the bearing at highspeeds.Bearings with low-friction sealsSKF deep groove ball bearings with low-friction seals, designation suffixes RSL,2RSL or RZ, 2RZ, are manufactured in threedesigns depending on bearing series andsize ( fig ):•bearings in the 60, 62 and 63 series up to25 mm outside diameter are equipped withRSL seals to design (a ),•bearings in the 60, 62 and 63 series from25 mm and up to and including 52 mmoutside diameter are equipped with RSLseals to design (b ),•other bearings have RZ seals (c ).The seals form an extremely narrow gapwith the cylindrical surface of the inner ring32shoulder or recess profile and are practically non-contacting. Because of this, bearings fitted with low-friction seals can be operated at the same high speeds as bearings with Z shields, but with improved seal performance.The low-friction seals are made of oil and wear-resistant acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) with a sheet steel reinforcement. The permissible operating temperature range for these seals is −40 to +100 °C and up to +120 °C for brief periods.Bearings with contact seals Bearings with contact seals, designation suffixes RSH, 2RSH or RS1, 2RS1, are manu-factured in four designs depending on bear-ing series and size ( fig ):•bearings in the 60, 62, and 63 series up to 25 mm outside diameter are equipped with RSH seals to design (a ),•bearings in the 60, 62 and 63 series from 25 mm and up to and including 52 mm outside diameter are equipped with RSH seals to design (b ),•other bearings have RS1 seals, which seal against the cylindrical surface of the inner ring shoulder (c ) indicated by dimension d 1in the product table or against a recess in the inner ring side face (d ) indicated by dimension d 2in the product table. The seals are inserted in recesses in the outer ring and provide good sealing at this4position without deforming the outer ring.Standard seals are made of acrylonitrilebutadiene rubber (NBR) with a sheet steelreinforcement. The permissible operatingtemperature range for these seals is −40 to+100 °C and up to +120 °C for brief periods.When sealed bearings are operated undercertain extreme conditions, e.g. very highspeeds or high temperatures, grease leak-age may occur at the inner ring. For bearingarrangements where this would be detrimen-tal, special design steps must be undertaken,please consult the SKF application engin-eering service.ICOS TM oil sealed bearing unitsICOS oil sealed bearing units have beendeveloped by SKF . The new concept aimsat applications where sealing requirementsexceed the capabilities of standard sealedbearings. An ICOS unit consists of a 62 series deep groove ball bearing and anintegral CR radial shaft seal ( fig ). Theseunits need less space than common two-component arrangements; they simplifymounting, and avoid expensive machiningof the shaft because the inner ring shoulderserves as a perfect seal counterface.The CR radial shaft seal is made of acrylo-nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) and has a spring loaded Waveseal lip. The permissibleoperating temperature range for the seal is−40 to +100 °C and up to +120 °C for briefperiods.5The speed limits quoted in the product table are based on the permissible circum-ferential speed for the CR seal, which in this case is 14 m/s.293Bearings with snap ring grooveDeep groove ball bearings with a snap ringgroove can simplify arrangement design as the bearings can be axially located in thehousing by a snap (or retaining) ring ( fig ).This saves space. Appropriate snap rings areshown in the product table with designationand dimensions and may be supplied sep-arately or already mounted on the bearing.SKF deep groove ball bearings with asnap ring groove ( fig ) are supplied as:•open (unsealed) bearings, designationsuffix N (a );•open bearings with a snap ring, designa-tion suffix NR (b );•bearings with a Z shield at the oppositeside and a snap ring, designation suffixZNR (c );•bearings with Z shields on both sides anda snap ring, designation suffix 2ZNR (d ).Matched bearing pairsFor bearing arrangements where the loadcarrying capacity of a single bearing is inad-equate, or where the shaft has to be axiallylocated in both directions with a given amountof axial clearance, SKF can supply matchedpairs of single row deep groove ball bearingsto order.Depending on the requirements thematched pairs can be supplied in tandem,back-to-back, or face-to-face arrangements( fig ).The bearings are matched in pro-duction so that, when mounted immediatelyadjacent to each other, the load will be even-876Single row deep groove ball bearings294ly distributed between the bearings without having to use shims or similar devices. Further information on matched bearing pairs can be found in the “SKF Interactive Engineering Catalogue” on CD-ROM or online at .SKF Explorer class bearingsHigh performance SKF Explorer deep groove ball bearings are shown with an asterisk in the product tables. The higher performance of SKF Explorer deep groove ball bearings also includes quieter running. SKF Explorer bearings retain the designation of the earlier standard bearings. However, each bearing and its box are marked with the name “EXPLORER”.295Bearing data – generalDimensionsThe boundary dimensions of SKF single row deep groove ball bearings are in accordance with ISO 15:1998. Dimensions of the snap ring grooves and snap rings comply with ISO 464:1995.TolerancesSKF single row deep groove ball bearings are manufactured as standard to Normal tolerances.SKF Explorer single row deep groove ball bearings are produced to higher precision than the ISO Normal tolerances. The dimen-sional accuracy corresponds to P6 toler-ances, except the width tolerance, which is considerably tighter and reduced to •0/−60 µm for bearings with outside dia-meter up to 110 mm and•0/−100 µm for larger bearings.The running accuracy depends on the bear-ing size and corresponds to•P5 tolerances for bearings up to 52 mm outside diameter,•P6 tolerances for bearings above 52 mm up to 110 mm outside diameter and •Normal tolerances for larger bearings.For bearing arrangements where accuracy is a key operational factor some SKF single row deep groove ball bearings are also avail-able with accuracy completely to P6 or P5tolerance class specifications. The availabil-ity of these bearings should always be checked before ordering.The tolerances are in accordance with ISO 492:2002 and can be found in tables to , starting on page 125.Internal clearanceSKF single row deep groove ball bearings are manufactured with Normal radial internal clearance as standard. Most of the bearings are also available with C3 radial internal clearance. Some of the bearings can even be supplied with the appreciably greater C4or the smaller C2 clearances. In addition,deep groove ball bearings are available with 53reduced or displaced internal clearance ranges. These special clearances may use reduced ranges of standard clearance classes or partitions of adjacent classes ( designation suffix CN on page 300).Bearings with internal clearance not to standard are supplied on request.The values for radial internal clearance are given in table . They are in accordance with ISO 5753:1991 and are valid for unmounted bearings under zero measuring load.MisalignmentSingle row deep groove ball bearings have only limited ability to accommodate misalign-ment. The permissible angular misalignment between the inner and outer rings, which will not produce inadmissibly high additional stresses in the bearing, depends on •the radial internal clearance of the bearing in operation, •the bearing size,•the internal design and•the forces and moments acting on the bearing.Because of the complex relationship between these factors, no generally applicable spe-cific values can be given. However, depend-ing on the various influences of the factors,the permissible angular misalignment lies between 2 and 10 minutes of arc. Any mis-alignment will result in increased bearing noise and reduced bearing service life.3Single row deep groove ball bearings296297Single row deep groove ball bearings298CagesDepending on the bearing series and size, SKF single row deep groove ball bearings are supplied with one of the following cages ( fig ):•ribbon-type cage of steel or brass sheet (a )•riveted cage of steel or brass sheet (b )•machined brass cage (c )•snap-type cage of polyamide 6,6 (d )Bearings having a pressed steel cage in standard execution may also be available with a machined brass or polyamide cage.For higher operating temperatures, poly-amide 4,6 or PEEK cages may be advanta-geous. Before ordering, please check for availability.Note:Deep groove ball bearings with polyamide 6,6 cages can be operated at temperatures up to +120 °C. The lubricants generally used for rolling bearings do not have a detrimental effect on cage properties, with the exception of a few synthetic oils and greases with a synthetic oil base and lubricants containing a high proportion of EP additives when used at high temperatures.For bearing arrangements, which are to be operated at continuously high temperatures or under arduous conditions, SKF recom-mends using bearings with a pressed steel or a machined brass cage.9For detailed information regarding the temperature resistance and the applicability of cages, please refer to the section “Cage materials”, starting on page 140.Minimum loadIn order to provide satisfactory operation,deep groove ball bearings, like all ball and roller bearings, must always be subjected to a given minimum load, particularly if they are to operate at high speeds or are subjected to high accelerations or rapid changes in the direction of load. Under such conditions the inertia forces of the balls and cage, and the friction in the lubricant, can have a detrimental effect on the rolling conditions in the bearing arrangement and may cause damaging slid-ing movements to occur between the balls and raceways.The requisite minimum radial load to be applied to deep groove ball bearings can be estimated using νn d m F rm = k r()2/3()21 000100whereF rm = minimum radial load, kN k r = minimum load factor( product tables)ν= oil viscosity at operatingtemperature, mm 2/s n = rotational speed, r/min d m = bearing mean diameter= 0,5 (d + D), mmWhen starting up at low temperatures or when the lubricant is highly viscous, even greater minimum loads may be required. The weight of the components supported by the bearing, together with external forces, generally exceeds the requisite minimum load. If this is not the case, the deep groove ball bearing must be subjected to an addi-tional radial load. For applications where deep groove ball bearings are used, an axial preload can be applied by adjusting the inner and outer rings against each other, or by using springs.Axial load carrying capacityIf deep groove ball bearings are subjected to purely axial load, this axial load should generally not exceed the value of 0,5 C0. Small bearings (bore diameter up to approx.12 mm) and light series bearings (Diameter Series 8, 9, 0, and 1) should not be subject-ed to an axial load greater than 0,25 C0. Excessive axial loads can lead to a consid-erable reduction in bearing service life. Equivalent dynamic bearing loadFor dynamically loaded single row deep groove ball bearingsP = F r when F a/F r≤eP = XF r+YF a when F a/F r> eThe factors e, X and Y depend on the rela-tionship f0F a/C0, where f0is a calculation factor ( product tables), F a the axial com-ponent of the load and C0the basic static load rating.In addition, the factors are influenced by the magnitude of the radial internal clearance; increased clearance allows heavier axial loads to be supported. For bearings mounted with the usual fits (shaft tolerance j5 to n6 depend-ing on the shaft diameter, and housing bore tolerance J7), the values for e, X and Y are listed in table. If a clearance greater than Normal is chosen because a reduction in clearance is expected in operation, the values given under “Normal clearance” should be used.Equivalent static bearing loadFor statically loaded single row deep groove ball bearingsP0= 0,6 F r+0,5 F aIf P0< F r, P0= F r should be used.4299Supplementary designationsThe designation suffixes used to identity certain features of SKF deep groove ball bearings are explained in the following.CN Normal radial clearance; generally only used in combination with one ofthe following letters that indicate re-duced or displaced clearance rangeH reduced clearance range corres-ponding to the upper half of theactual clearance rangeL reduced clearance range corres-ponding to the lower half of theactual clearance rangeP displaced clearance range com-prising the upper half of the actualclearance range plus the lowerhalf of the next larger clearancerangeThe above letters are also usedtogether with the following clearanceclasses: C2, C3, and C4C2Radial internal clearance less than NormalC3Radial internal clearance greaterthan NormalC4Radial internal clearance greaterthan C3C5Radial internal clearance greaterthan C4DB Two single row deep groove ballbearings matched for paired mount-ing in a back-to-back arrangement DF Two single row deep groove ballbearings matched for paired mount-ing in a face-to-face arrangement DT Two single row deep groove ballbearings matched for paired mount-ing in a tandem arrangementE Reinforced ball setGJN Polyurea base grease of consistency2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−30 to +150 °C (normal fillgrade)HT Lithium base grease of consistency3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−20 to +140 °C (normal fillgrade)J Pressed steel cage LHT23Lithium base grease of consistency2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−50 to +140 °C (normal fillgrade)LT Lithium base grease of consistency 2to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−55 to +110 °C (normal fillgrade)LT10Lithium base grease of consistency2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−50 to +90 °C (normal fill grade) M Machined brass cage, ball centred.Different designs and materialgrades are identified by a figurefollowing the M, e.g. M2MA Machined brass cage, outer ringcentredMB Machined brass cage, inner ringcentredMT33Lithium base grease of consistency3 to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−30 to +120 °C (normal fillgrade)MT47Lithium base grease of consistency2 to the NLGI Scale for a temperaturerange−30 to +110 °C (normal fillgrade)N Snap ring groove in the outer ring NR Snap ring groove in the outer ring, with snap ringN1One notch in the outer ring side face (enabling stop to be used to preventrotation of ring)P5Dimensional and running accuracy to ISO tolerance class 5P6Dimensional and running accuracy to ISO tolerance class 6P52P5+C2P62P6+C2P63P6 + C3RS1Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) seal with sheet steel reinforcementon one side of the bearingRSH Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) seal with sheet steel reinforcementon one side of the bearingRSL Low friction, acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) seal with sheet steelreinforcement on one side of thebearingSingle row deep groove ball bearings 300RZ Low friction, acrylonitrile butadienerubber (NBR) seal with sheet steelreinforcement on one side of thebearingTH Cage of fabric reinforced phenolicresin (snap-type)TN Injection moulded polyamide cageTN9Injection moulded glass fibre re-inforced polyamide 6,6 cageVL0241Aluminium oxide coated outsidesurface of the outer ring for elec-trical resistance up to 1 000 V DCVL2071Aluminium oxide coated outsidesurface of the inner ring for elec-trical resistance up to 1 000 V DCWT Polyurea base grease of consis-tency 2–3 to the NLGI Scale for atemperature range −40 to +160 °C(normal fill grade)Y Pressed brass cageZ Pressed steel shield on one side ofthe bearing2RS1Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber(NBR) seal with sheet steel re-inforcement on both sides ofthe bearing2RSH Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber(NBR) seal with sheet steel re-inforcement on both sides ofthe bearing2RSL Low friction, acrylonitrile butadienerubber (NBR) seal with sheet steelreinforcement on both sides of thebearing2RZ Low friction, acrylonitrile butadienerubber (NBR) seal with sheet steelreinforcement on both sides of thebearing2Z Z shield on both sides of thebearing301Principal Basic load ratings Fatigue Speed ratingsMass Designationdimensions dynamic static load Reference Limiting limit speed speedd DBC C 0P u mm kN kN r/min kg –31040,540,180,007130 00080 0000,0015623492,50,540,180,007140 00085 0000,0007618/41140,7150,2320,010130 00080 0000,0017619/41240,8060,280,012120 00075 0000,00216041350,9360,290,012110 00067 0000,00316241651,110,380,01695 00060 0000,005463451130,6370,2550,011120 00075 0000,0012618/51340,8840,340,014110 00067 0000,0025619/51651,140,380,01695 00060 0000,0050*6251962,340,950,0480 00050 0000,0090*6356133,50,8840,3450,015110 00067 0000,0020618/61551,240,4750,02100 00063 0000,0039619/61962,340,950,0480 00050 0000,0084*6267143,50,9560,40,017100 00063 0000,0022618/71751,480,560,02490 00056 0000,0049619/71962,340,950,0485 00053 0000,0075*6072273,451,370,05770 00045 0000,013*62781641,330,570,02490 00056 0000,0030618/81961,90,7350,03180 00050 0000,0071619/82273,451,370,05775 00048 0000,012*6082483,91,660,07163 00040 0000,017*62891741,430,640,02785 00053 0000,0034618/92062,080,8650,03680 00048 0000,0076619/92473,91,660,07170 00043 0000,014*6092684,751,960,08360 00038 0000,020*629101951,380,5850,02580 00048 0000,0055618002262,080,850,03675 00045 0000,010*********,751,960,08367 00040 0000,019*60002884,621,960,08363 00040 0000,022*********,42,360,156 00034 0000,032*620035118,523,40,14350 00032 0000,053*6300302Single row deep groove ball bearings d 3 – 10mm*SKF Explorer bearingDimensions Abutment and fillet Calculationdimensions factorsd d1D1D2r1,2d a D a r a k r f0~~~min min max maxmm mm–35,27,58,20,154,28,80,10,0257,545,27,5–0,14,68,40,10,015105,999,80,154,810,20,10,029,96,19–0,25,410,60,20,025106,710,311,20,25,811,20,20,025108,41213,30,36,413,60,30,0258,456,89,3–0,155,810,20,10,015117,610,811,40,26,411,60,20,02118,41213,30,37,413,60,30,0258,410,715,316,50,37,416,60,30,031367,911,2–0,156,812,20,10,015118,612,413,30,27,413,60,20,021011,115,216,50,38,416,60,30,0251378,912,2–0,157,813,20,10,015119,814,215,20,39150,30,021011,115,216,50,39170,30,0251312,217,619,20,39,419,60,30,02512810,114–0,29,414,60,20,0151111,116,1190,310170,30,021012,117,619,20,310200,30,0251214,519,820,60,310,421,60,30,02513911,115–0,210,415,60,20,01511121717,90,311180,30,021114,419,821,20,311220,30,0251314,821,222,60,311,423,60,30,025121012,616,4–0,312170,30,0159,41318,1190,312200,30,029,314,821,222,60,312240,30,0251216,723,424,80,614,223,80,30,025131723,224,80,614,225,80,60,0251317,526,928,70,614,230,80,60,0311303Principal Basic load ratings Fatigue Speed ratingsMass Designationdimensions dynamic static load Reference Limiting limit speed speedd DBC C 0P u mm kN kN r/min kg –122151,430,670,02870 00043 0000,0063618012462,250,980,04367 00040 0000,011619012885,42,360,1060 00038 0000,022*60013085,072,360,1056 00034 0000,0231610132107,283,10,13250 00032 0000,037*6201371210,14,150,17645 00028 0000,060*6301152451,560,80,03460 00038 0000,0074618022874,362,240,09556 00034 0000,016619023285,852,850,1250 00032 0000,025*160023295,852,850,1250 00032 0000,030*600235118,063,750,1643 00028 0000,045*6202421311,95,40,22838 00024 0000,082*6302172651,680,930,03956 00034 0000,0082618033074,622,550,10850 00032 0000,018619033586,373,250,13745 00028 0000,032*1600335106,373,250,13745 00028 0000,039*6003409 9,56 4,75 0,2 38 00024 0000,048 9820340129,954,750,238 00024 0000,065*6203401211,45,40,22838 00024 0000,0646203 ETN9471414,36,550,27534 00022 0000,12*6303621722,910,80,45528 00018 0000,276403203274,032,320,10445 00028 0000,018618043796,373,650,15643 00026 0000,038619044287,284,050,17338 00024 0000,050*160044297,934,50,1938 00024 0000,05198204 Y 42129,9550,21238 00024 0000,069*6004471413,56,550,2832 00020 0000,11*6204471415,67,650,32532 00020 0000,0966204 ETN9521516,87,80,33530 00019 0000,14*6304521518,290,3830 00019 0000,146304 ETN9721930,7150,6424 00015 0000,406404225014147,650,32530 00019 0000,1262/22561618,69,30,3928 00018 0000,1863/22304Single row deep groove ball bearings d 12 – 22mm*SKF Explorer bearingDimensions Abutment and fillet Calculationdimensions factorsd d1D1D2r1,2d a D a r a k r f0~~~min min max maxmm mm–121518,2–0,314190,30,0159,715,520,621,40,314220,30,029,71723,224,80,314260,30,0251316,723,424,80,314,427,60,30,0251318,525,727,40,616,227,80,60,0251219,529,531,5117,631,410,03111517,921,1–0,317220,30,0151018,424,725,80,317260,30,021420,22728,20,317300,30,021420,526,728,20,317300,30,0251421,72930,40,619,230,80,60,0251323,733,736,3120,636,410,03121720,223,2–0,319240,30,0151020,426,727,80,319280,30,021522,729,531,20,319330,30,02142329,231,40,319330,30,0251424,532,7–0,621,235,80,60,0251324,532,7350,621,235,80,60,0251323,933,5–0,621,235,80,60,031226,537,439,7122,641,410,031232,446,6–1,123,555,510,03511202428,3–0,322300,30,0151525,631,432,80,322350,30,021527,334,6–0,322400,30,021527,43636,20,623,238,80,60,0251427,234,837,20,623,238,80,60,0251428,838,540,6125,641,410,0251328,239,6–125,641,410,0251230,441,644,81,1274510,031230,242,6–1,1274510,031237,154,8–1,1296310,035112232,242,144127,644,410,0251432,246,2–1,1294710,0312305。

skf轴承手册 (2)

skf轴承手册 (2)



目录1.轴承的基本知识2.SKF轴承种类及特点3.轴承的选型原则4.SKF轴承的安装方法5.轴承的使用和维护注意事项6.SKF轴承的应用领域7.如何获取和订购SKF轴承1. 轴承的基本知识轴承是一种用于减少摩擦和支持机械旋转部件的装置。





2. SKF轴承种类及特点SKF生产的轴承种类繁多,包括深沟球轴承、圆锥滚子轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、调心滚子轴承等。






3. 轴承的选型原则正确选型轴承对于机械设备的正常运行至关重要。





4. SKF轴承的安装方法正确的安装可以确保轴承的使用寿命和性能。




欢迎来到《SKF轴承资料》的PPT课件!在本课程中,我们将介绍SKF轴承的各 种知识,让您深入了解这一重要的机械元件。
深入解读SKF轴承的定义,了解它在机械设备 中的作用和意义。
探索SKF轴承的不同分类,了解每种类型的特 点和适用范围。
2 SKF轴承的未来发展趋势
展望SKF轴承的未来发展趋势,包括技术 创新和应用领域的拓展。
探索SKF轴承在各种机械设备中的广泛应用,如 工业机械和设备。
介绍SKF轴承在汽车工业中的关键作航空航天领域中的重要性和特殊 要求。
展示SKF轴承在其他领域的应用案例,展示其多 样性和适应性。
1 SKF轴承的优势
总结SKF轴承的优势,强调其在工业和机 械领域中的重要性。
2 制造工艺
3 运行环境
介绍SKF轴承中的滚动体,包括球和滚子,它们 是轴承运转的核心部分。
解析SKF轴承的内外圈,探究它们的作用和不同 类型的设计。
讲述SKF轴承中的保持架,它的作用是保持滚动 体的位置和相互间的距离。

SKF 电动机轴承手册说明书

SKF 电动机轴承手册说明书

Bearing Handbook for Electric MotorsContentsBearing Installation Tips ................................................................... 2, 3 Speed Ratings ......................................................................................4, 5 6200 and 6300 Series ............................................................ 6, 7 N, NJ, NU 200 EC and 300 EC Series .................................. 8, 9 Shaft and Housing Diameters6200 Series (10)6300 Series (11)N, NJ, NU 200 EC Series (12)N, NJ, NU 300 EC Series (13)Shaft Shoulder Dimensions6200 Series (14)6300 Series (15)Minimum Radial LoadN, NJ, NU 200 EC Series (16)N, NJ, NU 300 EC Series (17)Grease Relube Recommendations6200 Series (18)6300 Series (19)N, NJ, NU 200 EC Series (20)N, NJ, NU 300 EC Series (21)Vibration Frequencies6200 Series (22)6300 Series (23)N, NJ, NU 200 EC Series (24)N, NJ, NU 300 EC Series (25)ABMA-SKF Product Comparison ................................................26, 2721. Handle with care. Never pound directly on a bearing or ring. If a bearing is dropped, it is best not to install it. Store bearings horizontally in a dry place in their original unopened package and never place bearings on a dirty surface; periodically turn over sealed and shielded bearings to prevent grease from settling to one side.2. Inspect the shaft and housing. Check for size and damage; remove nicks and burrs with emery paper, and wipe clean with a soft cloth. Replace or repair shafts and housings showing obvious signs of wear or damage. A shaft placed in a vise for mounting should be protected from vise jaws with a sheet of soft metal.3. Avoid overheating. During heat-mounting operations, never bring a flame in direct contact with the bearing and never heat beyond 230° F. Also, immediately hold a heat-mounted bearing in place against the shaft shoulder until it cools and locks in place. Otherwise, the bearing may creep away from the proper position.4. Use identical replacement bearings. Replacement bearings should be identical to the bearings they replace. Contact an SKF Authorized Distributor or SKF for interchange information.5. Use the right tool for the job. Induction heaters, oil injection kits, and hydraulic nuts are among the specialized tools available for mounting and dismounting bearings over 4 in. O.D. Their use lowers the possibility of damaging bearings and speeds the process.6. Pay attention to the bearing’s press fit. For bearings with an O.D. less than 4 inches, cold mounting with a press or appropriate mounting tool is acceptable. Pressure should be applied to the ring with the inter-ference fit, or both the inner ring and outer ring simultaneously to avoid Brinelling the raceways. Applying pressure to the ring with the loose fit only will Brinell the raceways and result in noise and potentially premature failure.Installation tips forreliable bearing operation7. The contact between the bearing ring and a properly machined and dimensioned bearing seat should not require the use of bonding agents to prevent movement or turning.8. Don’t wash new bearings. Bearing manufacturers take great care to package and ship bearings that are dirt-free and ready for lubrication. There’s usually no need to wash them or remove the protective slushing compound.9. Proper lubrication is critical. Bearing manufacturers evaluate several factors before determining the type of lubricant required for specific bearings. Be sure to follow their recommendations. Temperature and contamination conditions will influence the frequency of lubrication changes.10. Rotate idle bearings. Bearings installed in equipment that is subject to vibration while the shafts are stationary may incur false brinel-ling damage, which also occurs when equipment is not properly protected during shipment. It can appear as bright, polished depressions on the inner and/or outer races, as well as on the rolling elements.11. Look for danger signs. Keep alert for three sure signs of improper bearing operation: excessive noise and increases in vibration and tem-perature. Troubleshooting instruments like hand-held vibration pens, digital thermometers, and electronic stethoscopes help spot bearingsin poor operating conditions.12. Find the cause of bearing failures. Bearings are built to last, so frequent failures may point to an installation or lubrication problem. SKF bearing analysis experts can identify the cause of bearing failure and help you prevent it in the future.3Speed ratingsThere is a speed limit to which rolling bearings can be operated. Generally, it is the operating temperature that can be permitted with respect to the lubricant being used or to the material of the bearing components that sets the limit. The speed at which this limiting bearing temperature is reached depends on the frictional heat generated in the bearing (including any exter-nally applied heat) and the amount of heat that can be transported away from the bearing. Bearing type and size, internal design, load, lubrication and cooling conditions as well as cage design, accuracy and internal clearance all play a part in determining speed capability. In the accompanying tables two speeds are listed: (Thermal) Reference Speed and (Kinematic) Limiting Speed. Warning: The new Reference and Limiting Speeds are not to be used as a direct substitution for the previous Oil and Grease speed ratings. Consult SKF to determine the actual reference speed limit for your operating conditions. Reference speedsThe reference speed for a given bearing represents the permissible operating speed of said bearing when subjected to the specific operating conditions of load, lubrication type and method as outlined in ISO 15312. This standard has been established for oil lubrication but is also valid for grease and uses the following reference conditions:• A temperature increase of 90° F (50° C) above an ambient temperature of 68° F (20° C), (thus a bearing temperature of 158° F (70° C), measured on the bearing stationary outer ring or housing washer.• R adial bearing: a constant radial load, being 5% of the basic static load rating C o.•T hrust bearing: a constant axial load, being 2% of the basic static load rating C o.• O pen bearings with Normal clearance.For oil lubricated bearings:• L ubricant: mineral oil without EP-additives having a kinematic viscosity at 158° F (70° C) of: v = 12 mm2/s (ISO VG32) for radial bearings, and v = 24 mm2/s (ISO VG68) for thrust roller bearings• O il bath with the oil reaching up to the middle of the rolling elementin the lowest position.For grease lubricated bearings:• R egular lithium soap grease with mineral base oil having a viscosityof 100 to 200 mm2/s at 104° F (40° C) (e.g. ISO VG 150).• F illing approximately 30% of the free space in the bearing.The reference temperature will be reached after 10 to 20 hours running time. Under these specific conditions the reference speed for oil and grease lubrication will be equal.4Speeds above the reference speedIt is possible to operate bearings at speeds above the reference speed if the friction within the bearing can be reduced, for example by lubrication systems with small, accurately measured quantities of lubricant or when heat can be removed from the bearing by circulating oil lubrication with cooling of the oil, by cooling ribs on the housing, or by directed cooling air streams.Any increase in speed above the reference speed without taking any of these precautions would only cause bearing temperature to rise exces-sively. An increase of bearing temperature means that lubricant viscosity is lowered and film formation is made more difficult, leading to even higher friction and further temperature increases. If, at the same time, the operational clearance in the bearing is reduced because of increased inner ring temperature, the final consequence would be bearing seizure. Limiting speedsThe speed limit is determined by criteria that include: the stability and or strength of the cage, lubrication of cage guiding surfaces, centrifugal and gyratory forces acting on the rolling elements, and other speed-limiting factors. Experience gained from laboratory tests and practical applications indicates that there are maximum speeds that should not be exceeded for technical reasons or because of the very high costs involved.Limiting Speeds shown in the tables are based on the demands of high speed running applications and are valid only for the specific design and cage design shown in the tables. It is possible to run bearings faster than the limiting speeds, but several factors must be reviewed and improved such as the running accuracy, cage material, lubrication, heat dissipa-tion and design of the bearing. It is therefore advisable to contact SKF Applications Engineering for advice. For enclosed and open bearings using grease lubrication, additional parameters have to be considered such as lubrication of cage guiding surfaces and the shear strength of the lubri-cant, which is determined by the base oil and thickener.Open ball bearings with low friction typically have Reference Speeds greater than the Limiting Speed. In these cases the permissible speed must be calculated from the operating conditions and the lower value between the permissible and Limiting speed used.5620017,00028,00034,00056,000620115,00026,00032,00050,000620213,00022,00028,00043,000620312,00019,00024,00038,000620410,00017,00020,00032,00062058,50014,00018,00028,00062067,50012,00015,00024,00062076,30010,00013,00020,00062085,6009,00011,00018,00062095,0008,50011,00017,00062104,8008,00010,00015,00062114,3007,0009,00014,00062124,0006,3008,00013,00062133,6006,0007,50012,00062143,4005,6007,00011,00062153,2005,3006,70010,00062163,0004,8006,0009,50062172,8004,5005,6009,00062182,6004,3005,3008,50062192,4004,0005,0008,00062202,4003,8004,8007,50062212,2003,6004,5007,0006222 –3,4004,3006,7006224 –3,2004,0006,3006226 –3,0003,6005,6006228 – –3,4005,3006230 – –3,2005,0006232 – –3,0004,5006234 – –3,8004,3006236 ––3,6004,0006238 – –3,4003,8006240––3,2003,6006Warning: The new reference and limiting speeds are not to be used as a direct substitution for the previous oil and grease speed ratings. See page 4/5 or contact SKF Applications Engineering.630015,00026,00032,000 50,000630114,00022,00028,000 45,000630212,00019,00024,000 38,000630311,00017,00022,000 34,00063049,50015,00019,000 30,00063057,50013,00016,000 24,00063066,30011,00013,000 20,00063076,0009,50012,000 19,00063085,0008,50011,000 17,00063094,5007,5009,500 15,00063104,3006,7008,500 13,00063113,8006,3008,000 12,00063123,4005,6007,000 11,00063133,2005,3006,700 10,00063143,0005,0006,300 9,50063152,8004,5005,600 9,00063162,6004,3005,300 8,50063172,4004,0005,000 8,00063182,4003,8004,800 7,50063192,2003,6004,500 7,0006320 –3,4004,300 6,7006321 –3,2004,000 6,3006322 – –3,800 6,0006324 –3,400 5,6006326– –3,200 5,000 –6328 – –4,300 4,8006330 – –4,000 4,3006332 – –3,800 4,0006334 –3,400 3,8006336– –3,200 3,600 –6338––3,0003,4007Note: Low-friction seals (2RZ, 2RSL) and double shielded (2Z) bearings use same speed ratings. Single enclosure (Z, RSL, RZ) and open bearings use the same speed ratings. reference limiting speed speed Bearing r/min r/min 202 EC22,00026,000 203 EC19,00022,000 204 EC16,00019,000 205 EC14,00016,000 206 EC13,00014,000 207 EC11,00012,000 208 EC9,50011,000 209 EC9,0009,500 210 EC8,5009,000 211 EC7,5008,000 212 EC6,7007,500 213 EC6,3006,700 214 EC6,0006,300 215 EC5,6006,000 216 EC5,3005,600 217 EC4,8005,300 218 EC4,5005,000 219 EC4,3004,800 220 EC4,0004,500 221 EC3,8004,300 222 EC3,6004,000 224 EC3,4003,600 226 EC3,2003,400 228 EC2,8003,200 230 EC2,6002,800 232 EC2,4002,600 234 EC2,2002,400 236 ECMA2,2003,200 238 ECMA2,0003,000 240 ECMA1,9002,800Warning: The new reference and limiting speeds are not to be used as a direct substitution for the previous oil and grease speed ratings. See page 4/5 or contact SKF Applications Engineering.8 reference limiting speed speed Bearing r/min r/min 303 EC 15,00020,000 304 EC 15,00018,000 305 EC 12,00015,000 306 EC 11,00012,000 307 EC 9,50011,000 308 EC 8,0009,500 309 EC 7,5008,500 310 EC 6,7008,000 311 EC 6,0007,000 312 EC 5,6006,700 313 EC 5,3006,000 314 EC 4,8005,600 315 EC 4,5005,300 316 EC 4,3005,000 317 EC 4,0004,800 318 EC 3,8004,500 319 EC 3,6004,300 320 EC 3,2003,800 321 EC 3,2003,800 322 EC 3,0003,400 324 EC 2,8003,200 326 EC 2,4003,000 328 EC 2,4002,800 330 EC 2,2002,600 332 EC 2,0002,400 334 EC 1,7002,200 336 EC 1,6002,200 338 EC 1,5002,000 340 ECMA1,4002,400Speed ratings (RPM) Cylindrical roller bearings N, NJ, NU 300 EC seriesBearing brg. bore dia.shaft dia. (in.)ISO toler- ancebrg. outside dia.housing dia. (in.) (ISO tolerance H6) (mm)max.min.(mm)max.min.6200100.39390.3936j530 1.1816 1.1811 6201120.47260.4723j532 1.2604 1.2598 6202150.59080.5905j535 1.3786 1.3780 6203170.66950.6692j540 1.5754 1.5748 6204200.78780.7875k547 1.8510 1.8504 6205250.98470.9844k552 2.0479 2.0472 620630 1.1815 1.1812k562 2.4416 2.4409 620735 1.3785 1.3781k572 2.8353 2.8346 620840 1.5753 1.5749k580 3.1503 3.1496 620945 1.7722 1.7718k585 3.3474 3.3465 621050 1.9690 1.9686k590 3.5442 3.5433 621155 2.1660 2.1655k5100 3.9379 3.9370 621260 2.3628 2.3623k5110 4.3316 4.3307 621365 2.5597 2.5592k5120 4.7253 4.7244 621470 2.7565 2.7560k5125 4.9223 4.9213 621575 2.9534 2.9529k5130 5.1191 5.1181 621680 3.1502 3.1497k5140 5.5128 5.5118 621785 3.3472 3.3466k5150 5.9065 5.9055 621890 3.5440 3.5434k5160 6.3002 6.2992 621995 3.7409 3.7403k5170 6.6939 6.6929 6220100 3.9377 3.9371k51807.08767.0866 6221105 4.1350 4.1344m51907.48147.4803 6222110 4.3318 4.3312m52007.87517.8740 6224120 4.7255 4.7249m52158.46578.4646 6226130 5.1194 5.1187m52309.05629.0551 ******* 5.5131 5.5124m52509.84369.8425 6230150 5.9071 5.9061m627010.631210.6299 6232160 6.3008 6.2998m629011.418611.4173 6234170 6.6945 6.6935m631012.206012.2047 62361807.08827.0872m632012.599812.5984 62381907.48217.4810m634013.387213.3858 62402007.87587.8747m636014.174614.1732Note: Diameters shown are based on normal loads, operating temperatures, and currentBearing brg. bore dia.shaft dia. (in.)ISO toler- ancebrg. outside dia.housing dia. (in.) (ISO tolerance H6) (mm)max.min.(mm)max.min.6300100.39390.3936j535 1.3786 1.3780 6301120.47260.4723j537 1.4573 1.4567 6302150.59080.5905j542 1.6541 1.6535 6303170.66950.6692j547 1.8510 1.8504 6304200.78780.7875k552 2.0479 2.0472 *******.98470.9844k562 2.4416 2.4409 630630 1.1815 1.1812k572 2.8353 2.8346 630735 1.3785 1.3781k580 3.1503 3.1496 630840 1.5753 1.5749k590 3.5442 3.5433 630945 1.7722 1.7718k5100 3.9379 3.9370 631050 1.9690 1.9686k5110 4.3316 4.3307 631155 2.1660 2.1655k5120 4.7253 4.7244 631260 2.3628 2.3623k5130 5.1191 5.1181 631365 2.5597 2.5592k5140 5.5128 5.5118 631470 2.7565 2.7560k5150 5.9065 5.9055 631575 2.9534 2.9529k5160 6.3002 6.2992 631680 3.1502 3.1497k5170 6.6939 6.6929 631785 3.3472 3.3466k51807.08767.0866 631890 3.5440 3.5434k51907.48147.4803 631995 3.7409 3.7403k52007.87517.8740 6320100 3.9377 3.9371k52158.46578.4646 6321105 4.1350 4.1344m52258.85948.8583 6322110 4.3318 4.3312m52409.44999.4488 6324120 4.7255 4.7249m526010.237510.2362 6326130 5.1194 5.1187m528011.024911.0236 6328140 5.5131 5.5124m530011.812311.8110 6330150 5.9071 5.9061m632012.599812.5984 6332160 6.3008 6.2998m634013.387213.3858 6334170 6.6945 6.6935m636014.174614.1732 63361807.08827.0872m638014.962014.9606 63381907.48217.4810m640015.749415.7480 63402007.87587.8747m642016.537016.5354Note: Diameters shown are based on normal loads, operating temperatures, and current202 150.59110.5906k6 35 1.3786 1.3780203 170.66980.6693k6 40 1.5754 1.5748204 200.78800.7875k6 47 1.8510 1.8504205 250.98490.9844k6 52 2.0479 2.0472206 30 1.1817 1.1812k6 62 2.4416 2.4409207 35 1.3788 1.3784m5 72 2.8353 2.8346208 40 1.5756 1.5752m5 80 3.1503 3.1496209 45 1.7725 1.7721m5 85 3.3474 3.3465210 50 1.9693 1.9689m5 90 3.5442 3.5433211 55 2.1667 2.1662n5 100 3.9379 3.9370212 60 2.3635 2.3630n5 110 4.3316 4.3307213 65 2.5604 2.5599n5 120 4.7253 4.7244214 70 2.7574 2.7567n6 125 4.9223 4.9213215 75 2.9543 2.9536n6 130 5.1191 5.1181216803.1511 3.1504n6 140 5.5128 5.5118217 85 3.3483 3.3474n6 150 5.9065 5.9055218 90 3.5451 3.5442n6 160 6.3002 6.2992219 95 3.7420 3.7411n6 170 6.6939 6.6929220 100 3.9388 3.9379n6 1807.08767.0866221 1054.1362 4.1354p6 1907.48147.4803222 110 4.3330 4.3322p6 2007.87517.8740224 120 4.7267 4.7259p6 2158.46578.4646226 130 5.1208 5.1198p6 2309.05629.0551228 140 5.5145 5.5135p6 2509.84369.8425230 150 5.9082 5.9072p6 27010.631210.6299232 160 6.3019 6.3009p6 29011.418611.4173234 170 6.6956 6.6946p6 31012.206012.2047236 1807.08937.0883p6 32012.599812.5984238 1907.48347.4823p6 34013.387213.38582402007.87717.8760p636014.174614.1732Bearingbore dia.shaft dia. (in.)ISO toler- anceoutside dia.housing dia. (in.) (ISO tolerance H6)(mm)max.min.(mm)max.min.Note: Diameters shown are based on normal loads, operating temperatures, and current303170.66980.6693k647 1.8510 1.8504304200.78800.7875k652 2.0479 2.0472305250.98490.9844k662 2.4416 2.440930630 1.1817 1.1812k672 2.8353 2.834630735 1.3788 1.3784m580 3.1503 3.149630840 1.5756 1.5752m590 3.5442 3.543330945 1.7725 1.7721m5100 3.9379 3.937031050 1.9693 1.9689m5110 4.3316 4.330731155 2.1667 2.1662n5120 4.7253 4.724431260 2.3635 2.3630n5130 5.1191 5.118131365 2.5604 2.5599n5140 5.5128 5.511831470 2.7574 2.7567n6150 5.9065 5.905531575 2.9543 2.9536n6160 6.3002 6.299231680 3.1511 3.1504n6170 6.6939 6.692931785 3.3483 3.3474n61807.08767.086631890 3.5451 3.5442n61907.48147.480331995 3.7420 3.7411n62007.87517.8740320100 3.9388 3.9379n62158.46578.4646321105 4.1362 4.1354p62258.85948.8583322110 4.3330 4.3322p62409.44999.4488324120 4.7267 4.7259p626010.237510.2362326130 5.1208 5.1198p628011.024911.023******* 5.5145 5.5135p630011.812311.8110330150 5.9082 5.9072p632012.599812.5984332160 6.3019 6.3009p634013.387213.3858334170 6.6956 6.6946p636014.174614.173********.08937.0883p638014.962014.96063381907.48347.4823p640015.749415.74803402007.87717.8760p642016.537016.5354Bearing bore dia.shaft dia. (in.)ISO toler- anceoutside dia.housing dia. (in.) (ISO tolerance H6)(mm)max.min.(mm)max.min.Note: Diameters shown are based on normal loads, operating temperatures, and current6200100.55910.590630 1.01570.97570.023********.63780.649632 1.0945 1.05450.023********.75590.763835 1.2136 1.17360.023********.83460.866140 1.4094 1.36940.023******* 1.0079 1.023647 1.6299 1.58990.0394620525 1.2047 1.240252 1.8268 1.78680.0394620630 1.4016 1.421662 2.2205 2.18050.0394620735 1.6535 1.673572 2.5591 2.51910.0394620840 1.8504 1.870480 2.8740 2.83400.0394620945 2.0470 2.067085 3.0709 3.03090.0394621050 2.2441 2.264190 3.2677 3.22770.0394621155 2.5197 2.5397100 3.5827 3.54270.0591621260 2.7165 2.7365110 3.9764 3.93640.0591621365 2.9134 2.9334120 4.3701 4.33010.0591621470 3.1102 3.1302125 4.5669 4.52690.0591621575 3.0710 3.0910130 4.7638 4.72380.0591621680 3.5827 3.6027140 5.0787 5.03870.0787621785 3.7795 3.7995150 5.4724 5.43240.0787621890 3.9764 4.1339160 5.8661 5.82610.0787621995 4.2126 4.3701170 6.2205 6.18050.07876220100 4.4094 4.6063180 6.6142 6.53420.07876221105 4.6063 4.88191907.0079 6.92790.07876222110 4.8031 4.84312007.40167.32160.07876224120 5.1969 5.23692157.99217.91210.07876226130 5.6693 5.70932308.50398.42390.09846228140 6.0630 6.10302509.29139.21130.09846230150 6.4567 6.496727010.07879.99870.09846232160 6.8504 6.890429010.866110.78610.098462341707.36227.402231011.535411.45540.118162361807.75597.795932011.929111.84910.118162381908.14968.189634012.716512.63650.118162402008.54338.583336013.503913.42390.1181shaft & housing shaft shoulder housing shoulder corner  d d a d a D D a D a min. max. max. min max. Bearing mm in in mm in in in6300100.55910.610235 1.2126 1.17260.023********.69290.712937 1.2362 1.19620.0394*******.81100.826842 1.4331 1.39310.0394*******.88980.925247 1.6299 1.58990.0394630420 1.0630 1.083052 1.7717 1.73170.0394630525 1.2598 1.279862 2.1654 2.12540.0394630630 1.4567 1.476772 2.5591 2.51910.0394630735 1.7323 1.752380 2.7953 2.75530.0591630840 1.9291 1.949190 3.1890 3.14900.0591630945 2.1260 2.1460100 3.5827 3.54270.0591631050 2.3228 2.3428110 3.9764 3.93640.0787631155 2.5984 2.6184120 4.2913 4.25130.0787631260 2.8346 2.8546130 4.6457 4.60570.0787631365 3.0315 3.0515140 5.0394 4.99940.0787631470 3.2283 3.2483150 5.4331 5.39310.0787631575 3.4252 3.4452160 5.8268 5.78680.0787631680 3.6220 3.6420170 6.2205 6.18050.0787631785 3.8976 3.9176180 6.5354 6.45540.0984631890 4.0945 4.1145190 6.9291 6.84910.0984631995 4.2913 4.72442007.32287.24280.09846320100 4.4882 4.52822157.91347.83340.09846321105 4.6850 4.72502258.30718.22710.09846322110 4.8819 4.92192408.89768.81760.09846324120 5.2756 5.31562609.68509.60500.09846326130 5.7874 5.827428010.354310.27430.11816328140 6.1811 6.221130011.141711.06170.11816330150 6.5748 6.614832011.929111.84910.11816332160 6.96857.008534012.716512.63650.118163341707.36227.402236013.503913.42390.118163361807.75597.795938014.291314.21130.118163381908.26778.307740014.960614.88060.1575shaft & housing shaft shoulder housing shoulder corner  d d a d a D D a D a min. max. max. min max. Bearing mm in in mm in in inNote: Minimum radial loads are necessary for satisfactory rolling bearing operation. This is particularly true for roller bearings running at high speeds, where inertia forces and friction from the lubricant may cause damaging sliding –rather than 20213 lb.13 lb.13 lb.203 1818182042325272053232362064547522076166702087781932099397108210106113128211131142160212160174198213189207239214212232270215237259304216273302356217315349419218358401486219405455554220457515634221511581718222567648810224668769969226778902228936111023010981304232128215362341457175023616101954238184922712402087258630322 lb.22 lb.25 lb.304273032305414345306575966307727784308939911130911512414031014215317631117118721631220322326131323726130831427730636731531735343031636040549331741046156931845952264831951358773332059669188032165575896532274586832488910443261064127532812261469330142517263321645202433419232429336218127663382467317034027883620Note: Minimum radial loads are necessary for satisfactory rolling bearing operation. This is particularly true for roller bearings running at high speeds, where inertia forces and friction from the lubricant may cause damaging sliding –rather thanGrease relube recommendation Deep groove ball bearings 6200 seriesBearing quantity interval @ 900 rpm 1800 rpm 3600 rpmNote: The relubrication intervals shown are based on a good quality lithium based grease at a maximum temperature of 160° F, and a c /p =15. Reduce the interval by half for each 27° F above 160° F, or for vertical applications. (High temperature greases, like polyurea, can operate for longer periods of time than those listed above.) Lubricate more often in applications where there is a risk of heavy solid and chemical contamination. Consult manufacturer or SKF Application Engineering for details.LGHP 2 ball and roller bearing greaseLGHP 2 is a polyurea-based grease designed for use in electric motors. Unlike many polyurea-based greases, which are inherently noisy during operation, LGHP 2 meets strict SKF noise requirements. Each batch is blend-ed and selected for consistency and adherence to quietness standards. The grease is also recommended for applications where long life is required.With LGHP 2, users can often avoid compatibility problems when relu-bricating bearings. LGHP 2 is the factory fill grease used in SKF bearings 62000.04 oz.25,900 hr 23,400 hr 19,100 hr 62010.07 oz.25,60022,90018,40062020.07 oz.25,20022,20017,30062030.07 oz.24,80021,50016,10062040.10 oz.24,20020,40014,50062050.12 oz.23,60019,40013,10062060.15 oz.22,70018,00011,30062070.19 oz.21,90016,7009,70062080.23 oz.21,10015,6008,51062090.25 oz.20,60014,8007,69062100.28 oz.20,10014,1006,95062110.33 oz 19,40013,1005,97062120.38 oz.18,60012,1005,13062130.43 oz.17,90011,2004,41062140.47 oz.17,50010,7003,98062150.50 oz.17,10010,2003,60062160.55 oz.16,4009,4003,09062170.65 oz.15,8008,7302,66062180.74 oz.15,2008,0902,28062190.84 oz.14,7007,5001,96062200.95 oz.14,1006,95063000.07 oz.25,600 hr 22,800 hr 18,200 hr 63010.07 oz.25,30022,400 17,40063020.11 oz.24,80021,50016,10063030.11 oz.24,40020,70015,00063040.12 oz.23,90019,90013,80063050.16 oz.23,00018,40011,90063060.21 oz.22,10017,10010,20063070.26 oz.21,40016,0008,95063080.32 oz.20,60014,8007,69063090.39 oz.19,90013,8006,61063100.46 oz.19,10012,8005,68063110.54 oz.18,40011,8004,88063120.63 oz.17,70011,0004,19063130.72 oz.17,10010,2003,60063140.81 oz.16,4009,4103,09063150.92 oz.15,8008,7302,6606316 1.03 oz.15,2008,0902,2806317 1.14 oz.14,7007,5001,9606318 1.26 oz.14,1006,9506319 1.40 oz.13,6006,4406320 1.57 oz.12,9005,820Grease relube recommendation Deep groove ball bearings 6300 seriesBearing quantity interval @ 900 rpm 1800 rpm 3600 rpmNote: The relubrication intervals shown are based on a good quality lithium based grease at a maximum temperature of 160° F, and a c /p =15. Reduce the interval by half for each 27° F above 160° F, or for vertical applications. (High temperature greases, like polyurea, can operate for longer periods of time than those listed above.)2020.07 oz.23,700 hr 19,600 hr 13,400 hr 2030.07 oz.23,10018,60012,1002040.10 oz.22,20017,20010,4002050.12 oz.21,40016,0008,9002060.15 oz.20,20014,3007,0902070.19 oz.19,10012,7005,6502080.23 oz.18,20011,5004,6402090.25 oz.17,50010,7003,9802100.28 oz.16,8009,9003,4202110.33 oz.15,9008,8402,7302120.38 oz.15,0007,8902,1702130.43 oz.14,2007,0401,7302140.47 oz.13,7006,5201,4902150.50 oz.13,2006,0501,2802160.55 oz.12,4005,4001,0202170.65 oz.11,7004,8208102180.74 oz.11,1004,3006402190.84 oz.10,5003,8402200.95 oz.9,9003,420Bearing quantity interval @ 900 rpm 1800 rpm 3600 rpmNote: The relubrication intervals shown are based on a good quality lithium based grease at a maximum temperature of 160° F, and a c /p =15. Reduce the interval by half for each 27° F above 160° F, or for vertical applications. (High temperature greases, can operate for longer periods of time than those listed above.) Lubricate3030.07 oz.22,500 hr 17,600 hr 10,800 hr 3040.12 oz.21,80016,6009,6103050.16 oz.20,60014,8007,6503060.21 oz.19,50013,2006,0903070.26 oz.18,50012,0005,0003080.32 oz.17,50010,7003,9803090.39 oz.16,5009,5303,1703100.46 oz.15,6008,5102,5303110.54 oz.14,7007,5902,0103120.63 oz.13,9006,7801,6003130.72 oz.13,2006,0501,2803140.81 oz.12,4005,4001,0203150.92 oz.11,7004,820810316 1.03 oz.11,1004,300640317 1.14 oz.10,5003,840318 1.26 oz.9,9003,420319 1.40 oz.9,3503,0603201.57 oz.8,6702,630Bearing quantity interval @ 900 rpm 1800 rpm 3600 rpmNote: The relubrication intervals shown are based on a good quality lithium based grease at a maximum temperature of 160° F, and a c /p =15. Reduce the interval by half for each 27° F above 160° F, or for vertical applications. (High temperature greases, can operate for longer periods of time than those listed above.) Lubricate。

SKF 轴承产品手册

SKF 轴承产品手册
This not only creates ­environmental issues, but increases the costs associated with the purchase and disposal of grease as well as the time and manpower to continually relubricate the bearings. At very low temperatures, ­lubricants can be ineffective and a considerable amount of friction can be generated in the bearing.
Dry Lubrication solves your lubrication problems . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction to dry lubrication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
SKF DryLube bearings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Typical applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Designs and variants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Temperature limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Bearing data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Speed limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10



BIBLIOGRAFIAManual SKF de Mantenimiento de rodamientosManual de rodamientos NSKCatálogo general SKF y CDManual de Instalación y Mantenimiento de Motores de InducciónManual de Motores eléctricos WEGFundamentos y componentes de la OleohidráulicaMantenimiento de equipos hidráulicos. Franz X. FeichtMantenimiento de sistemas hidráulicos. Ing. Diego BernhardtMantenimiento de sistemas neumáticos. MicromecánicaReparación de componentes neumáticos. MicromecánicaAdministración Moderna de Mantenimiento. Lourival Tavares (digitalizado)Modelos Mixtos de Confiabilidad. Luis Amándola, Ph.D(digitalizado)Mantenimiento su implementación y gestión. Leandro Torres(digitalizado)Sistemas de Mantenimiento Planeamiento y control .Duffuaa Salih O.Mantenimiento Industrial. Gatica Ángeles Rodolfo.Ingeniería de Mantenimiento. Cruz Rabelo. Ed. Nueva ArgentinaMantenimiento de máquinas eléctricas. Manzano Orrego.Ed. Paraninfo.Revistas de Club de mantenimientoo Gestión estratégica de activos de mantenimientoLourival Tavareso Mantenimiento, su implementación y la introducción de mejoras en la producciónLeandro Torreso Elementos de medición y análisis de vibraciones en máquinas rotatoriasEvelio Palomino MarinSETEC COMSET BOLIVIAo El libro de RCM II RELIABILITY CENTRED MAINTENANCETraducido por Ellmann y asociadoso Administración Moderna de MantenimientoLourival Tavareso Sistemas de Mantenimiento Planeación y controlDuffuaa Salih O.Gentileza de DTI - Libros, Videos y Documentos Técnicos.o Mantenimiento IndustrialGatica Ángeles Rodolfo R.Gentileza de DTI - Libros, Videos y Documentos Técnicos.o Dirección y Gestión de paradas de plantaLuis AméndolaEdiciones Espuela de Planta, Sevilla, Españao Modelos Mixtos de ConfiabilidadLuis AméndolaEL MANTENIMIENTO EN TENARIS TENARIS UNIVERSITY 1MANTENIMIENTO DE MAQUINAS ELECTRICAS. MANZANO ORREGO, JUAN JOSE 8MANTENIMIENTO INDUSTRIAL. GONZALEZ, RAIMUNDO HEBER. 1MANUAL DE MANTENIMIENTO DE RODAMIENTOS. SKF ARGENTINA S.A. 1MANUAL DE MANTENIMIENTO INDUSTRIAL. MORROW, L. C. 3MANUAL SKF DE MANTENIMENTO DE RODAMIENTOS. SKF 1。



skf轴承手册SKF轴承手册第一章:引言1.1 概述SKF轴承是一个用于支撑转动机械的工业元件,可以实现旋转和线性运动的各种应用。


1.2 轴承的作用轴承主要用于支撑旋转机械部件,并传递轴上的力和动力。

轴承重要的功能有:-减少摩擦损失-减少能量消耗-减少振动和噪音-减少维护维修成本-提高机械的可靠性和寿命1.3 轴承的分类轴承根据其结构和用途的不同,可以分为以下几类:-滚动轴承:包括球轴承、圆柱滚子轴承、锥形滚子轴承等。






第二章:滚动轴承2.1 球轴承球轴承是最常见的滚动轴承类型,由内外圈、钢球、保持架和密封圈组成。


2.2 圆柱滚子轴承圆柱滚子轴承具有较大的径向载荷能力和较高的刚度,适用于高速和高负载的场合。


2.3 锥形滚子轴承锥形滚子轴承具有较大的径向载荷能力和较高的刚度,适用于受到轴向载荷和径向载荷的同时作用的场合。


2.4 轴承的安装和拆卸在安装轴承之前,必须仔细清洁轴承和轴承座,并涂抹适当的润滑脂。



第三章:滑动轴承3.1 滑动轴承的分类滑动轴承按照其用途和工作原理的不同,可以分为滑动轴承和滑动止推轴承。

3.2 滑动轴承滑动轴承是由两个金属表面之间的润滑剂膜支撑着工作的。


3.3 滑动止推轴承滑动止推轴承是在滑动轴承的基础上增加起推力的功能。



161ECB 22240 CCK JA/ C3 W3312345Spherical Roller Bearings6162Boundary Dimensions in accordance with ISO 15:1998TolerancesSKF spherical roller bearings are manufactured as stan-dard to normal tolerances. SKF Explorer bearings up to 315 mm bore diameter are produced to higher precision than the ISO normal tolerances. The width tolerance is considerably tighter*. The running accuracy is to tolerance class P5 as standard.For larger bearings P5 tolerances are also available with the suffix C08 or closer tolerances are available with suffix VQ424.Vibratory bearings are manufactured to; bore P5 and O/D P6. Heat Stabilization 392 °F (200 °C)Misalignmentseries 21300 - 1°series 22200 - 1.5°series 22300 - 2°series 23000 - 1.5°series 23100 - 1.5°series 23200 - 2.5°series 23900 - 1.5°series 24000 - 2°series 24100 - 2.5°Cage MaterialStandard SteelOptional Machined brass (CA) larger bearings onlyAxial Load - max For adapter mounts Fap = 3 x B x dSleeve mountedWhere B = bearing width (mm) and d = bearing bore (mm)Fap = axial load in NewtonsFor cylindrical mounts - contact SKF engineering Seals2CS - 2 Nitrile seals with medium temperature grease 2CS2 - 2 Fluoroelastomer rubber seals with high temperature bearings grease2CS5 - 2 Hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber seals with hi-temp greasewidth may differ from standard bearings* See width tolerances on page 704 of the SKF 6000 catalogueTechnical FeaturesVA405 Design Shaker ScreenSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 176)SealedSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 174)StandardSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 166)Printing PressSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 179)Spherical roller bearings163Warning:SKF sealed roller bearings that are fitted with fluoro rubber (elastomer) seals (2CS2)can cause serious bodily injury if used improperly. The seals are suitable for operation up to 392°F (200°C). Afluroelestomer base will resist ignition under any conditions outside special furnace condition, but if exposure to heat (due to fire or any other conditions) is extreme, e.g.over 572°F (300°C) for more than a brief time, degradation will occur. Fluoro rubber emits dangerous fumes at temperatures of 572°F (300°C) and above. This may occur if the seals are subjected to extreme heat during dismounting, for example. Once ithas been overheated, fluoro rubber will remain dangerous to handle even when it has cooled down. This degraded product is a major health and safety danger due to the evolution of hydrofluoric acid (HF). It is necessary to handle overheated fluoro rubber seals carefully; always observe safety instructions and wear goggles and protective gloves. Under no circumstances should material (hot or cold) be allowed to contact skin. If hands or eyes have come into contact with the material or fumes, they should be washed or rinsed in plenty of water. A doctor should always be consulted especially if the fumes have been inhaled.Decontamination can be carried out using limewater (calcium hydroxide solution); use of P .V.C. gloves is essential. Afterneutralization, the degraded seal can be disposed of in a similar manner to an un-degraded one.The user is responsible for the correct handling of the seals during bearing life,and for the proper disposal of used seals.Seals of fluoro rubber and bearingsincorporating them are not dangerous to handle provided they have never been overheated.Spherical roller bearingsMounting InformationPlease go to /mountSpherical roller bearings164165Spherical roller bearings*22205/20 E –*22205 E *22205 EK 21305 CC –*22206 E *22206 EK 21306 CC 21306 CCK *22207 E *22207 EK 21307 CC 21307 CCK *22208 E *22208 EK *21308 E *21308 EK *22308 E *22308 EK *22209 E *22209 EK *21309 E *21309 EK *22309 E *22309 EK *22210 E *22210 EK *21310 E *21310 EK *22310 E *22310 EK *22211 E *22211 EK *21311 E *21311 EK *22311 E *22311 EK *22212 E *22212 EK *21312 E *21312 EK *22312 E *22312 EK *24013 CC/W33*24013 CCK30/W33*22213 E *22213 EK *21313 E *21313 EK *22313 E *22313 EK*22214 E *22214 EK *21314 E *21314 EK *22314 E *22314 EK *24015 CC/W33*24015 CCK30/W33*22215 E *22215 EK *21315 E *21315 EK *22315 E *22315 EK*22216 E *22216 EK *21316 E *21316 EK *22316 E *22316 EK *22217 E *22217 EK *21317 E *21317 EK *22317 E *22317 EK *22218 E*22218 EK*23218 CC/W33*23218 CCK/W33*21318 E *21318 EK *22318 E*22318 EK2.0470.7094944 4.7513 00017 0000.282.0470.7094944 4.7513 00017 0000.262.4410.66941.441.5 4.558 50012 0000.282.4410.7876460 6.410 00014 0000.292.8350.74855.261 6.87 50010 0000.412.8350.90686.5859.39 00012 0000.453.1500.82765.6728.15 6 7009 5000.553.1500.90696.5909.88 00011 0000.533.5430.90610410811.87 0009 5000.753.543 1.29915014015 6 0008 000 1.053.3460.9061029810.87 50010 0000.583.9370.98412512713.7 6 3008 5000.993.937 1.41718318319.6 5 3007 000 1.43.5430.90610410811.87 0009 5000.634.331 1.06315616618.6 5 6007 500 1.354.331 1.57522022424 4 800 6 300 1.93.9370.98412512713.7 6 3008 5000.844.724 1.14215616618.6 5 6007 500 1.74.724 1.69327028030 4 300 5 600 2.454.331 1.10215616618.6 5 6007 500 1.155.118 1.22021224026.5 4 800 6 300 2.15.118 1.81131033536.5 4 000 5 300 3.13.394 1.37813217320.4 4 300 6 3000.954.724 1.22019321624 5 0007 000 1.555.512 1.29923627029 4 300 6 000 2.555.512 1.89034036038 3 800 5 000 3.754.921 1.22020822825.5 5 000 6 700 1.555.906 1.37828532534.5 4 000 5 600 3.15.906 2.00840043045 3 400 4 500 4.554.528 1.57517323228.5 3 800 5 300 1.555.118 1.22021224026.5 4 800 6 300 1.76.299 1.45728532534.5 4 000 5 600 3.756.299 2.16544047548 3 200 4 300 5.555.512 1.29923627029 4 300 6 000 2.16.693 1.53532537539 3 800 5 300 4.456.693 2.28349054054 3 000 4 000 6.65.906 1.41728532534.5 4 000 5 600 2.657.087 1.61432537539 3 800 5 300 5.27.087 2.36255062061 2 800 3 8007.656.299 1.57532537539 3 800 5 300 3.46.299 2.06335544048 2 800 3 800 4.657.480 1.69338045046.5 3 600 4 800 6.17.4802.520610695672 6003 6009.05202530354045505560657075808590Principal dimensionsBasic load Fatigue Speed ratings Mass Designationsratingsload Refer-Limiting Bearing withdynamic static limit ence speedcylindrical boretapered bored D B d D B C C 0P u speedmminkNkNr/min kg –5218521862176220721972238021802390239033852310025100369023110271104010025120291204311028130311304610035120311403314048125311503515051115401303116037160551403317039170581503618041180601604016052.419043190641660.7870.9841.1811.3781.5751.7721.9692.1652.3622.5592.7562.9533.1503.3463.543Spherical roller bearingsd 20 - 90mm d 0.787 - 3.543in* SKF Explorer bearingD Bd dSpherical roller bearingsd 95 - 140mm d 3.740 - 5.512in* SKF Explorer bearing167168* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearingsd 220 - 300mm d 8.661 - 11.811in169170* SKF Explorer bearing* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearingsd 440 - 560mm d 17.323 - 22.047in171172* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearingsd 850 - 1800mm d 33.465 - 70.866in173174Sealed spherical roller bearingsd 30 - 140mm d 1.181 - 5.512in175Sealed spherical roller bearingsd 150 - 220mm d 5.906 - 8.661in* SKF Explorer bearing* SKF Explorer bearing176177* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearings for vibratory applicationsd 180 - 240mm d 7.087 - 9.449in178Spherical roller bearingsShaker ScreenSeries: 452308 M2/W502 — 452340 M2/W502Size: 40 mm — 200 mm 1.5748 in — 7.8740 inSeries: 453315 M2/W502 — 453332 M2/W502Size: 75 mm — 160 mm 2.9528 in — 6.2992 inCylindrical bore Tapered bore*M2/W50222209 CCK/VA75922209 CCK/W3345.0001.771785 3.346523.00.9055138 00031 000160 00031 100 1.35 3.000.26 2.6 3.922211 EK/VA75122211 VAE 55.000 2.1654100 3.937025.00.984399 50022 400118 00026 5000.82 1.800.24 2.8 4.222212 EK/VA75122212 VAD 60.0002.3622110 4.330728.0 1.1024122 00027 000146 00032 800 1.10 2.450.24 2.8 4.222212 EK/VA7582†22212 EK/VA75160.000 2.3622110 4.330728.0 1.1024122 00027 000146 00032 800 1.10 2.450.24 2.8 4.222220 VAE 22220 CCK/W33100.0003.93701807.086646.0 1.8110311 00070 000415 00093 3004.8510.500.24 2.8 4.222220 VAM †22220 VAE 100.000 3.93701807.086646.0 1.8110311 00070 000415 00093 3004.8510.500.24 2.8 4.222230 VAB22230 CCK/W33150.000 5.905527010.629973.0 2.8740736 000166 0001 080 000243 00018.0039.500.26 2.6 3.922309 EK/VA75145091845.000 1.7717100 3.937036.0 1.4173138 00031 000160 00031 100 1.35 3.000.37 1.8 2.722310 EK/VA75146796450.0001.9685110 4.330740.0 1.5748176 00039 600200 00045 000 1.85 4.100.37 1.82.722311 EK/VA75122311 VAE 55.000 2.1654120 4.724443.0 1.6929199 00044 800232 00052 200 2.35 5.200.35 1.9 2.922312 EK/VA75146700060.000 2.3622130 5.118146.0 1.8110235 00052 900280 00063 000 2.95 6.500.35 1.9 2.922312 EK/VA7582†22312 EK/VA7583††60.000 2.3622130 5.118146.0 1.8110235 00052 900280 00063 000 2.95 6.500.35 1.9 2.922312 EK/VA7583††22312 EK/VA75160.000 2.3622130 5.118146.0 1.8110235 00052 900280 00063 000 2.95 6.500.35 1.9 2.922313 VAC 22313 CCK/W3365.000 2.5591140 5.511848.0 1.8898253 00056 900300 00067 400 3.557.850.35 1.9 2.922315 CCK/VA75522315 CCK/W3375.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 7005.2511.500.35 1.9 2.922315 VAE ††46691575.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 700 5.2511.500.35 1.9 2.922315 VAH †22315 VAE ††75.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 700 5.2511.500.35 1.9 2.922319 VAC 22319 CCK/W3395.0003.74022007.874067.0 2.6378518 000117 000670 000151 00010.0022.000.35 1.9 2.923122 VAF 23122 CCK/W33110.000 4.33071807.086656.0 2.2047374 00084 000585 000132 000 5.4512.000.30 2.3 3.423124 VAA 23124 CCK/W33120.000 4.72442007.784062.0 2.4409437 00098 300695 000156 0007.8017.000.28 2.4 3.623130 VAA**23130 CCK/W33151.333 5.95792509.842580.0 3.1496725 000163 0001 200 000270 00016.0035.500.30 2.3 3.423220 VAA 23220 CCK/W33100.000 3.93701807.086660.3 2.3470414 00093 200600 000135 000 6.7015.000.33 2.0 3.0ECB 23220 VAA EVB 23220 VAA 100.000 3.93701807.086660.3 2.3470414 00093 200600 000135 000 6.7015.000.33 2.0 3.023222 CCK/VA75623222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874069.8 2.7480518 000117 000765 000172 0009.7021.500.33 2.0 3.023226 VAD23226 CCK/W33130.0005.11812309.055180.03.1496690 000155 0001 060 000238 00014.0031.000.33 2.03.0179Spherical roller bearingsPrinting PressSeries: 22209 CCK/VA759 — 23226 VADSize: 45.000 mm — 130.000 mm1.7717 in — 5.1181 inPlease contact SKF Application Engineering for tapered journal (X drawings) details.EK/VA7xxCCK/Vxx 4xxxxx* special bore size** controlled inner ring width† coater roll bearing w/ .000050 runout max †† coater roll bearing w/ .000075 runout max.45353822210 CCK/W3350.000 1.968590 3.543323.0.905584 50019 000100 00022 5000.60 1.300.24 2.8 4.245454823126 CCK/W33130.000 5.11812108.267764.0 2.5197489 000110 000780 000175 0008.5519.000.28 2.4 3.645868122217 CCK/W3385.000 3.3465150 5.905536.0 1.4173210 00047 200270 00060 700 2.55 5.600.22 3.0 4.646512322216 CCK/W3380.000 3.1496140 5.511833.0 1.2992176 00039 600228 00051 300 2.05 4.500.22 3.0 4.646614423122 CCK/W33110.000 4.33071807.086656.0 2.2047374 00084 000585 000132 000 5.4512.000.30 2.3 3.4466144 A**23122 CCK/W33110.0004.33071807.086656.0 2.2047374 00084 000585 000132 0005.4512.000.30 2.3 3.446661922240 CCK/W33*199.8827.869436014.173298.0 3.85831 270 000286 0001 930 000434 00043.5096.000.26 2.6 3.9466619 A**22240 CCK/W33*199.8827.869436014.173298.0 3.85831 270 000286 0001 930 000434 00043.5096.000.26 2.6 3.9466645I 112605 CAC/W33129.888 5.11372258.858376.0 2.9921633 000142 0001 010 000227 00013.0028.500.31 2.2 3.346671323230 CCK/W33150.000 5.905527010.629996.0 3.7795937 000211 0001 460 000328 00024.0053.000.35 1.9 2.9466713 A**23230 CCK/W33150.000 5.905527010.629996.0 3.7795937 000211 3001 460 000328 00024.0053.000.35 1.9 2.946681523224 CCK/W33120.000 4.72442158.464676.0 2.9921610 000137 000930 000209 00012.0026.500.35 1.9 2.946681623226 CCK/W33130.000 5.11812309.055180.0 3.1496690 000155 0001 060 000238 00014.0031.000.33 2.0 3.046681723228 CCK/W33140.000 5.51182509.842588.0 3.4646799 000180 0001 250 000281 00018.5041.000.33 2.0 3.0466817 A**23228CCK/W33140.000 5.51182509.842588.0 3.4646799 000180 0001 250 000281 00018.5041.000.33 2.0 3.046691522315 CCK/W3375.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 700 5.2511.500.35 1.9 2.946730422314 CCK/W3370.000 2.7559150 5.905551.0 2.0079311 00070 000380 00085 400 4.309.500.35 1.9 2.946731122316 CCK/W3380.000 3.1496170 6.692958.0 2.2835374 00084 200455 000102 000 6.2013.500.35 1.9 2.9467311 A**22316 CCK/W3380.000 3.1496170 6.692958.0 2.2835374 00084 200455 000102 000 6.2013.500.35 1.9 2.946731522317 CCK/W3385.000 3.34651807.086660.0 2.3622420 00094 500520 000117 0007.2516.000.33 2.0 3.0467315 A**22317 CCK/W3385.000 3.34651807.086660.0 2.3622420 00094 500520 000117 0007.2516.000.33 2.0 3.046735023148 CCK/W33240.0009.448840015.7480128.0 5.03941 790 000403 0003 200 000719 00065.50145.000.30 2.3 3.4467350 A**23148 CCK/W33240.0009.448840015.7480128.0 5.03941 790 000403 0003 200 000719 00065.50145.000.30 2.3 3.446741822218 CCK/W3390.000 3.5433160 6.299240.0 1.5748253 00056 900340 00076 400 2.9 4.446804323222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874069.8 2.7480518 000117 000765 000172 0009.7021.500.33 2.0 3.0468043 A**23222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874069.8 2.7480518 000117 000765 000172 0009.7021.500.33 2.0 3.046832423132 CCK/W33160.0006.299227010.629986.0 3.3858845 000190 0001 370 000308 00020.5045.000.30 2.3 3.446860322222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874053.0 2.0866408 00091 800560 000126 0007.0015.500.25 2.7 4.046869923156 CAK/W33280.00011.023646018.1102146.0 5.74802 300 000518 0004 250 000955 00097.00215.000.30 2.3 3.446877222226 CCK/W33130.000 5.11812309.055164.0 2.5197546 000123 000800 000180 00011.0024.500.26 2.6 3.9180Spherical roller bearingsPrinting PressSeries: 453538 — 468772Size: 50.000 mm — 130.000 mm 1.9685 in — 5.1181 in* special bore size** controlled inner ring width45xxxx & 46xxxxPlease contact SKF Application Engineering for tapered journal (X drawings) details.181Spherical roller bearingsSpecial BearingsSeries: I-26310 CAM2/W33 — ECBI-112630 CAC/W33Size: 200 mm — 350 mm 7.8740 in — 13.7795 inI-26310 CAM2/W33*2007.874038014.9606126 4.9606 1 730 000390 000 2 700 000610 00075095068.00150.000.33 2.0 3.0I-26311 CAM2/W33*2208.661442016.5354138 5.4331 2 070 000465 000 3 200 000720 00067085090.50200.000.33 2.0 3.0I-28809 CAM2/W33*1907.480328011.023667 2.6378644 000145 000 1 140 000256 000 1 700 2 20015.0033.000.21 3.2 4.8I-28814 CAM2/W33*2409.448835013.779583 3.2677978 000220 000 1 830 000411 000850 1 10027.5060.500.21 3.2 4.8I-28821 CACM2/W33*31012.204745517.9134109 4.2913 1 680 000378 000 3 250 000730 00063080066.00145.000.21 3.2 4.8I-37611 CAM2/W33**2208.661442016.5354138 5.4331 2 070 000465 000 3 200 000720 00067085090.50200.000.33 2.0 3.0I-37617 CA/W33**34013.385864025.19691907.4803 4 080 000920 000 6 550 0001 500 000480600150.00640.000.30 2.3 3.4I-112618 CA/W33**2509.842541016.1417128 5.0394 1 760 000400 000 3 100 000700 00063080068.00150.000.30 2.3 3.4ECBI-112630 CAC/W33**35013.779559023.22831927.5591 3 740 000840 500 6 800 0001 530 000430530220.00485.000.30 2.3 3.4* cylindrical bore ** tapered boreCylindrical boreTapered bore CADesign182。

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161ECB 22240 CCK JA/ C3 W3312345Spherical Roller Bearings6162Boundary Dimensions in accordance with ISO 15:1998TolerancesSKF spherical roller bearings are manufactured as stan-dard to normal tolerances. SKF Explorer bearings up to 315 mm bore diameter are produced to higher precision than the ISO normal tolerances. The width tolerance is considerably tighter*. The running accuracy is to tolerance class P5 as standard.For larger bearings P5 tolerances are also available with the suffix C08 or closer tolerances are available with suffix VQ424.Vibratory bearings are manufactured to; bore P5 and O/D P6. Heat Stabilization 392 °F (200 °C)Misalignmentseries 21300 - 1°series 22200 - 1.5°series 22300 - 2°series 23000 - 1.5°series 23100 - 1.5°series 23200 - 2.5°series 23900 - 1.5°series 24000 - 2°series 24100 - 2.5°Cage MaterialStandard SteelOptional Machined brass (CA) larger bearings onlyAxial Load - max For adapter mounts Fap = 3 x B x dSleeve mountedWhere B = bearing width (mm) and d = bearing bore (mm)Fap = axial load in NewtonsFor cylindrical mounts - contact SKF engineering Seals2CS - 2 Nitrile seals with medium temperature grease 2CS2 - 2 Fluoroelastomer rubber seals with high temperature bearings grease2CS5 - 2 Hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber seals with hi-temp greasewidth may differ from standard bearings* See width tolerances on page 704 of the SKF 6000 catalogueTechnical FeaturesVA405 Design Shaker ScreenSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 176)SealedSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 174)StandardSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 166)Printing PressSpherical Roller Bearing (data tables on page 179)Spherical roller bearings163Warning:SKF sealed roller bearings that are fitted with fluoro rubber (elastomer) seals (2CS2)can cause serious bodily injury if used improperly. The seals are suitable for operation up to 392°F (200°C). Afluroelestomer base will resist ignition under any conditions outside special furnace condition, but if exposure to heat (due to fire or any other conditions) is extreme, e.g.over 572°F (300°C) for more than a brief time, degradation will occur. Fluoro rubber emits dangerous fumes at temperatures of 572°F (300°C) and above. This may occur if the seals are subjected to extreme heat during dismounting, for example. Once ithas been overheated, fluoro rubber will remain dangerous to handle even when it has cooled down. This degraded product is a major health and safety danger due to the evolution of hydrofluoric acid (HF). It is necessary to handle overheated fluoro rubber seals carefully; always observe safety instructions and wear goggles and protective gloves. Under no circumstances should material (hot or cold) be allowed to contact skin. If hands or eyes have come into contact with the material or fumes, they should be washed or rinsed in plenty of water. A doctor should always be consulted especially if the fumes have been inhaled.Decontamination can be carried out using limewater (calcium hydroxide solution); use of P .V.C. gloves is essential. Afterneutralization, the degraded seal can be disposed of in a similar manner to an un-degraded one.The user is responsible for the correct handling of the seals during bearing life,and for the proper disposal of used seals.Seals of fluoro rubber and bearingsincorporating them are not dangerous to handle provided they have never been overheated.Spherical roller bearingsMounting InformationPlease go to /mountSpherical roller bearings164165Spherical roller bearings*22205/20 E –*22205 E *22205 EK 21305 CC –*22206 E *22206 EK 21306 CC 21306 CCK *22207 E *22207 EK 21307 CC 21307 CCK *22208 E *22208 EK *21308 E *21308 EK *22308 E *22308 EK *22209 E *22209 EK *21309 E *21309 EK *22309 E *22309 EK *22210 E *22210 EK *21310 E *21310 EK *22310 E *22310 EK *22211 E *22211 EK *21311 E *21311 EK *22311 E *22311 EK *22212 E *22212 EK *21312 E *21312 EK *22312 E *22312 EK *24013 CC/W33*24013 CCK30/W33*22213 E *22213 EK *21313 E *21313 EK *22313 E *22313 EK*22214 E *22214 EK *21314 E *21314 EK *22314 E *22314 EK *24015 CC/W33*24015 CCK30/W33*22215 E *22215 EK *21315 E *21315 EK *22315 E *22315 EK*22216 E *22216 EK *21316 E *21316 EK *22316 E *22316 EK *22217 E *22217 EK *21317 E *21317 EK *22317 E *22317 EK *22218 E*22218 EK*23218 CC/W33*23218 CCK/W33*21318 E *21318 EK *22318 E*22318 EK2.0470.7094944 4.7513 00017 0000.282.0470.7094944 4.7513 00017 0000.262.4410.66941.441.5 4.558 50012 0000.282.4410.7876460 6.410 00014 0000.292.8350.74855.261 6.87 50010 0000.412.8350.90686.5859.39 00012 0000.453.1500.82765.6728.15 6 7009 5000.553.1500.90696.5909.88 00011 0000.533.5430.90610410811.87 0009 5000.753.543 1.29915014015 6 0008 000 1.053.3460.9061029810.87 50010 0000.583.9370.98412512713.7 6 3008 5000.993.937 1.41718318319.6 5 3007 000 1.43.5430.90610410811.87 0009 5000.634.331 1.06315616618.6 5 6007 500 1.354.331 1.57522022424 4 800 6 300 1.93.9370.98412512713.7 6 3008 5000.844.724 1.14215616618.6 5 6007 500 1.74.724 1.69327028030 4 300 5 600 2.454.331 1.10215616618.6 5 6007 500 1.155.118 1.22021224026.5 4 800 6 300 2.15.118 1.81131033536.5 4 000 5 300 3.13.394 1.37813217320.4 4 300 6 3000.954.724 1.22019321624 5 0007 000 1.555.512 1.29923627029 4 300 6 000 2.555.512 1.89034036038 3 800 5 000 3.754.921 1.22020822825.5 5 000 6 700 1.555.906 1.37828532534.5 4 000 5 600 3.15.906 2.00840043045 3 400 4 500 4.554.528 1.57517323228.5 3 800 5 300 1.555.118 1.22021224026.5 4 800 6 300 1.76.299 1.45728532534.5 4 000 5 600 3.756.299 2.16544047548 3 200 4 300 5.555.512 1.29923627029 4 300 6 000 2.16.693 1.53532537539 3 800 5 300 4.456.693 2.28349054054 3 000 4 000 6.65.906 1.41728532534.5 4 000 5 600 2.657.087 1.61432537539 3 800 5 300 5.27.087 2.36255062061 2 800 3 8007.656.299 1.57532537539 3 800 5 300 3.46.299 2.06335544048 2 800 3 800 4.657.480 1.69338045046.5 3 600 4 800 6.17.4802.520610695672 6003 6009.05202530354045505560657075808590Principal dimensionsBasic load Fatigue Speed ratings Mass Designationsratingsload Refer-Limiting Bearing withdynamic static limit ence speedcylindrical boretapered bored D B d D B C C 0P u speedmminkNkNr/min kg –5218521862176220721972238021802390239033852310025100369023110271104010025120291204311028130311304610035120311403314048125311503515051115401303116037160551403317039170581503618041180601604016052.419043190641660.7870.9841.1811.3781.5751.7721.9692.1652.3622.5592.7562.9533.1503.3463.543Spherical roller bearingsd 20 - 90mm d 0.787 - 3.543in* SKF Explorer bearingD Bd dSpherical roller bearingsd 95 - 140mm d 3.740 - 5.512in* SKF Explorer bearing167168* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearingsd 220 - 300mm d 8.661 - 11.811in169170* SKF Explorer bearing* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearingsd 440 - 560mm d 17.323 - 22.047in171172* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearingsd 850 - 1800mm d 33.465 - 70.866in173174Sealed spherical roller bearingsd 30 - 140mm d 1.181 - 5.512in175Sealed spherical roller bearingsd 150 - 220mm d 5.906 - 8.661in* SKF Explorer bearing* SKF Explorer bearing176177* SKF Explorer bearingSpherical roller bearings for vibratory applicationsd 180 - 240mm d 7.087 - 9.449in178Spherical roller bearingsShaker ScreenSeries: 452308 M2/W502 — 452340 M2/W502Size: 40 mm — 200 mm 1.5748 in — 7.8740 inSeries: 453315 M2/W502 — 453332 M2/W502Size: 75 mm — 160 mm 2.9528 in — 6.2992 inCylindrical bore Tapered bore*M2/W50222209 CCK/VA75922209 CCK/W3345.0001.771785 3.346523.00.9055138 00031 000160 00031 100 1.35 3.000.26 2.6 3.922211 EK/VA75122211 VAE 55.000 2.1654100 3.937025.00.984399 50022 400118 00026 5000.82 1.800.24 2.8 4.222212 EK/VA75122212 VAD 60.0002.3622110 4.330728.0 1.1024122 00027 000146 00032 800 1.10 2.450.24 2.8 4.222212 EK/VA7582†22212 EK/VA75160.000 2.3622110 4.330728.0 1.1024122 00027 000146 00032 800 1.10 2.450.24 2.8 4.222220 VAE 22220 CCK/W33100.0003.93701807.086646.0 1.8110311 00070 000415 00093 3004.8510.500.24 2.8 4.222220 VAM †22220 VAE 100.000 3.93701807.086646.0 1.8110311 00070 000415 00093 3004.8510.500.24 2.8 4.222230 VAB22230 CCK/W33150.000 5.905527010.629973.0 2.8740736 000166 0001 080 000243 00018.0039.500.26 2.6 3.922309 EK/VA75145091845.000 1.7717100 3.937036.0 1.4173138 00031 000160 00031 100 1.35 3.000.37 1.8 2.722310 EK/VA75146796450.0001.9685110 4.330740.0 1.5748176 00039 600200 00045 000 1.85 4.100.37 1.82.722311 EK/VA75122311 VAE 55.000 2.1654120 4.724443.0 1.6929199 00044 800232 00052 200 2.35 5.200.35 1.9 2.922312 EK/VA75146700060.000 2.3622130 5.118146.0 1.8110235 00052 900280 00063 000 2.95 6.500.35 1.9 2.922312 EK/VA7582†22312 EK/VA7583††60.000 2.3622130 5.118146.0 1.8110235 00052 900280 00063 000 2.95 6.500.35 1.9 2.922312 EK/VA7583††22312 EK/VA75160.000 2.3622130 5.118146.0 1.8110235 00052 900280 00063 000 2.95 6.500.35 1.9 2.922313 VAC 22313 CCK/W3365.000 2.5591140 5.511848.0 1.8898253 00056 900300 00067 400 3.557.850.35 1.9 2.922315 CCK/VA75522315 CCK/W3375.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 7005.2511.500.35 1.9 2.922315 VAE ††46691575.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 700 5.2511.500.35 1.9 2.922315 VAH †22315 VAE ††75.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 700 5.2511.500.35 1.9 2.922319 VAC 22319 CCK/W3395.0003.74022007.874067.0 2.6378518 000117 000670 000151 00010.0022.000.35 1.9 2.923122 VAF 23122 CCK/W33110.000 4.33071807.086656.0 2.2047374 00084 000585 000132 000 5.4512.000.30 2.3 3.423124 VAA 23124 CCK/W33120.000 4.72442007.784062.0 2.4409437 00098 300695 000156 0007.8017.000.28 2.4 3.623130 VAA**23130 CCK/W33151.333 5.95792509.842580.0 3.1496725 000163 0001 200 000270 00016.0035.500.30 2.3 3.423220 VAA 23220 CCK/W33100.000 3.93701807.086660.3 2.3470414 00093 200600 000135 000 6.7015.000.33 2.0 3.0ECB 23220 VAA EVB 23220 VAA 100.000 3.93701807.086660.3 2.3470414 00093 200600 000135 000 6.7015.000.33 2.0 3.023222 CCK/VA75623222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874069.8 2.7480518 000117 000765 000172 0009.7021.500.33 2.0 3.023226 VAD23226 CCK/W33130.0005.11812309.055180.03.1496690 000155 0001 060 000238 00014.0031.000.33 2.03.0179Spherical roller bearingsPrinting PressSeries: 22209 CCK/VA759 — 23226 VADSize: 45.000 mm — 130.000 mm1.7717 in — 5.1181 inPlease contact SKF Application Engineering for tapered journal (X drawings) details.EK/VA7xxCCK/Vxx 4xxxxx* special bore size** controlled inner ring width† coater roll bearing w/ .000050 runout max †† coater roll bearing w/ .000075 runout max.45353822210 CCK/W3350.000 1.968590 3.543323.0.905584 50019 000100 00022 5000.60 1.300.24 2.8 4.245454823126 CCK/W33130.000 5.11812108.267764.0 2.5197489 000110 000780 000175 0008.5519.000.28 2.4 3.645868122217 CCK/W3385.000 3.3465150 5.905536.0 1.4173210 00047 200270 00060 700 2.55 5.600.22 3.0 4.646512322216 CCK/W3380.000 3.1496140 5.511833.0 1.2992176 00039 600228 00051 300 2.05 4.500.22 3.0 4.646614423122 CCK/W33110.000 4.33071807.086656.0 2.2047374 00084 000585 000132 000 5.4512.000.30 2.3 3.4466144 A**23122 CCK/W33110.0004.33071807.086656.0 2.2047374 00084 000585 000132 0005.4512.000.30 2.3 3.446661922240 CCK/W33*199.8827.869436014.173298.0 3.85831 270 000286 0001 930 000434 00043.5096.000.26 2.6 3.9466619 A**22240 CCK/W33*199.8827.869436014.173298.0 3.85831 270 000286 0001 930 000434 00043.5096.000.26 2.6 3.9466645I 112605 CAC/W33129.888 5.11372258.858376.0 2.9921633 000142 0001 010 000227 00013.0028.500.31 2.2 3.346671323230 CCK/W33150.000 5.905527010.629996.0 3.7795937 000211 0001 460 000328 00024.0053.000.35 1.9 2.9466713 A**23230 CCK/W33150.000 5.905527010.629996.0 3.7795937 000211 3001 460 000328 00024.0053.000.35 1.9 2.946681523224 CCK/W33120.000 4.72442158.464676.0 2.9921610 000137 000930 000209 00012.0026.500.35 1.9 2.946681623226 CCK/W33130.000 5.11812309.055180.0 3.1496690 000155 0001 060 000238 00014.0031.000.33 2.0 3.046681723228 CCK/W33140.000 5.51182509.842588.0 3.4646799 000180 0001 250 000281 00018.5041.000.33 2.0 3.0466817 A**23228CCK/W33140.000 5.51182509.842588.0 3.4646799 000180 0001 250 000281 00018.5041.000.33 2.0 3.046691522315 CCK/W3375.000 2.9528160 6.299255.0 2.1654345 00077 600430 00096 700 5.2511.500.35 1.9 2.946730422314 CCK/W3370.000 2.7559150 5.905551.0 2.0079311 00070 000380 00085 400 4.309.500.35 1.9 2.946731122316 CCK/W3380.000 3.1496170 6.692958.0 2.2835374 00084 200455 000102 000 6.2013.500.35 1.9 2.9467311 A**22316 CCK/W3380.000 3.1496170 6.692958.0 2.2835374 00084 200455 000102 000 6.2013.500.35 1.9 2.946731522317 CCK/W3385.000 3.34651807.086660.0 2.3622420 00094 500520 000117 0007.2516.000.33 2.0 3.0467315 A**22317 CCK/W3385.000 3.34651807.086660.0 2.3622420 00094 500520 000117 0007.2516.000.33 2.0 3.046735023148 CCK/W33240.0009.448840015.7480128.0 5.03941 790 000403 0003 200 000719 00065.50145.000.30 2.3 3.4467350 A**23148 CCK/W33240.0009.448840015.7480128.0 5.03941 790 000403 0003 200 000719 00065.50145.000.30 2.3 3.446741822218 CCK/W3390.000 3.5433160 6.299240.0 1.5748253 00056 900340 00076 400 2.9 4.446804323222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874069.8 2.7480518 000117 000765 000172 0009.7021.500.33 2.0 3.0468043 A**23222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874069.8 2.7480518 000117 000765 000172 0009.7021.500.33 2.0 3.046832423132 CCK/W33160.0006.299227010.629986.0 3.3858845 000190 0001 370 000308 00020.5045.000.30 2.3 3.446860322222 CCK/W33110.000 4.33072007.874053.0 2.0866408 00091 800560 000126 0007.0015.500.25 2.7 4.046869923156 CAK/W33280.00011.023646018.1102146.0 5.74802 300 000518 0004 250 000955 00097.00215.000.30 2.3 3.446877222226 CCK/W33130.000 5.11812309.055164.0 2.5197546 000123 000800 000180 00011.0024.500.26 2.6 3.9180Spherical roller bearingsPrinting PressSeries: 453538 — 468772Size: 50.000 mm — 130.000 mm 1.9685 in — 5.1181 in* special bore size** controlled inner ring width45xxxx & 46xxxxPlease contact SKF Application Engineering for tapered journal (X drawings) details.181Spherical roller bearingsSpecial BearingsSeries: I-26310 CAM2/W33 — ECBI-112630 CAC/W33Size: 200 mm — 350 mm 7.8740 in — 13.7795 inI-26310 CAM2/W33*2007.874038014.9606126 4.9606 1 730 000390 000 2 700 000610 00075095068.00150.000.33 2.0 3.0I-26311 CAM2/W33*2208.661442016.5354138 5.4331 2 070 000465 000 3 200 000720 00067085090.50200.000.33 2.0 3.0I-28809 CAM2/W33*1907.480328011.023667 2.6378644 000145 000 1 140 000256 000 1 700 2 20015.0033.000.21 3.2 4.8I-28814 CAM2/W33*2409.448835013.779583 3.2677978 000220 000 1 830 000411 000850 1 10027.5060.500.21 3.2 4.8I-28821 CACM2/W33*31012.204745517.9134109 4.2913 1 680 000378 000 3 250 000730 00063080066.00145.000.21 3.2 4.8I-37611 CAM2/W33**2208.661442016.5354138 5.4331 2 070 000465 000 3 200 000720 00067085090.50200.000.33 2.0 3.0I-37617 CA/W33**34013.385864025.19691907.4803 4 080 000920 000 6 550 0001 500 000480600150.00640.000.30 2.3 3.4I-112618 CA/W33**2509.842541016.1417128 5.0394 1 760 000400 000 3 100 000700 00063080068.00150.000.30 2.3 3.4ECBI-112630 CAC/W33**35013.779559023.22831927.5591 3 740 000840 500 6 800 0001 530 000430530220.00485.000.30 2.3 3.4* cylindrical bore ** tapered boreCylindrical boreTapered bore CADesign182。
