
为了实现这个目标,我愿在这里提出以下几点意见:Ourtwosideshaveagreedtoestablishagood-neighborlypartnership ofmutualtrustorientedtowardsthe21stcentury.Toreachthisgoal,Iwouldliketooffermyobservationsasfollows:——充分运用已经确立的全面对话合作机制,拓展双方在各个领域、各个层次、各个渠道的交流与合作,加强双方领导人和各界人士之间的交往,增进信任,扩大共识,加强友谊。
Weshouldmakethebestuseoftheexistingmechanismofall-rounddial ogueandcooperationtobroadenourexchangesandcooperationinalla reas,atalllevelsandthroughallchannels,andstrengthentheexchangesandcontactsbetweenleadersandpeople fromallwalksoflifeofourtwosidestoenhanceourmutualtrust,expandmongroundandpromotefriendship.——本着优势互补、互利互惠的原则,把双方经贸、科技合作摆到重要地位,加强在资源、技术、市场、金融、信息、人力资源开发以及投资等领域的合作,以利于相互促进,共同发展。
Weshouldgiveprioritytooureconomicrelationsandtrade,scientificandtechnologicalcooperationbetweenourtwosidesinao rdancewiththeprincipleofdrawingoneachother'sparativeadvanta gesandmutualbenefitandreinforcethecooperationintheareasofre sources,technologymarketing,banking,information,humanresourcesdevelopmentandinvestmenttopromotemonprogress.——在一些重大的地区和国际问题上,在联合国、亚太经合组织、亚欧会议以及东盟地区论坛中,加强双方的相互对话,相互协调,相互支持,共同维护发展中国家的正当权益,促进发展中国家公正平等、不受歧视地参与国际经济决策和运行。

汇以及丰富的中国一东盟各方面合作 的背景知识。 事 实上 , 类 口译 实 践 没有 很 多仿 真情 景 可 供分 析 这
译 属 于新 兴 的专 题 口译 系列 , 中国一 东盟 林 业合 如 作 论 坛 , 国一 东盟 人 才合 作 资源 开 发合 作 论 坛 等 中 都 属于 区域性专 业性极 强 的 口译实 践活 动 。译 员不 仅 需要 掌握基本 口译 知识 , 需 要熟 记 东 盟 特 色词 还
知识 应 为双 语 知识 +百科 知识 +口译技 能 。具 体到 东盟 口译 , 一个合格 的 口译人员必须具备 良好 的外 语 知识 , 盟各 国的文化 知识 以及专 业 的 口译 技巧 。 东
从跨文化交际角度看中国一东盟 口译实践
李 媛 媛
( 广西财 经学 院 外语 系 , 宁 500 ) 南 30 3
摘 要 : 分析 了东 盟 口译 活 动 中的文化 障碍 , 出相 提
言有 着一定 的影 响 , 中 7个 国 家把 英 语 作 为本 国 其 的官方语 言 , 4个 国 家把 汉语 作 为本 国 的官 方语 有
中 , 际双方倾 向 于用 自己 固定 的思 维模 式 去 处 理 交 交际 中遇到 的不 同的 社会 成 员 , 果 我 们 以这 种 模 如 式进行 交 际 , 么交 际 的数量 和质量是 无法 保证 的。 那
( ) 三 高压力 感
二、 东盟 口译中的文化障碍
新编经贸英语口译教程第五单元 招商引资

prospective investors 潜在投资者
• • • • • • • • • • foreign investor外国投资者 foreign investment外资 foreign-funded enterprise 外资企业 attract foreign investment/capital 吸引外资 institutional investors 机构投资者 Foreign Direct Investment 国外直接投资 retail investor个人投资者 securities investors 证券投资者 accredited investor认可投资者 cornerstone investors 基石投资者
方法一:巧用中国人较强的形象思维和汉 字涵义。 方法二:巧用标点符号和数学符号。 方法三:巧用箭头、线段。 方法四:巧用中英文缩略词。
Unit 5
1. Commerce
Sentence Interpretation Interpretation Skills Passage Interpretation (E-C) Passage Interpretation (C-E) Extra Exercises
unveil (首次) 提出,介绍,公布
• • • • • unveiling ceremony 揭幕式 unlock/ break a secret 揭秘 uncover/unveil a plot 揭穿阴谋 make public 公之于众 disclose / expose /reveal/ unmask/ bring to light 揭露
Interpretation Skills ----Note-taking (Symbol)

非常感谢谁与争锋还保留着咱们的笔记讨论的帖子,无疑是对我们最大的鼓励相信我们一定可以做得更好!!ricotetaking 1去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。
将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预.China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Ce ave top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly inves nd treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Pre iseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, isease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they we hroughout the country to control the outbreak. The State Council and loc eadquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and rganizations in both urban and rural areas, so as to ensure that preventio nd orderly.分析:要说明的一点是这个版本完全是我自己的版本,最终出来的结果也绝对和英文版的不一样。

Speech at inauguration of new facilityDistinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon and welcome to the opening ceremony of our first factory in China. We appreciate your taking the time to share this wonderful occasion with us today.On behalf of the company I’d like to say a big ―thank you‖ to all of our suppliers, customers, employees and business associates that are here in attendance with us today.The management team us very proud of this facility and the very capable staff that has developed and brought this operation up to world-class status. This facility is a symbol of the focus and commitment we have made to China.To our suppliers, we look forward to working with you to grow our business to new heights.To our dealers, we plan to continue to supply you with state-of-art, high quality products that will allow you to support your customers and improve the lives of many people here in China and Southeast Asia.To our neighbors and friends, we plan to be a good corporate citizen and will work with you to uphold high business standards throughout China.And last but not least, to our employees, we are committed to providing you with a safe and enjoyable working environment. Thank you all once again for taking the time to share this wonderful occasion with us.新工厂落成典礼的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们、先生们:下午好!欢迎参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼。

东 南亚纵 横 A U D S T E TA I RO N OU H AS SA
2 l. O 26
21 0 0年 1 1日起 , 国一 东盟 自由贸易 区如 月 中
期 建成 , 志着 中国与 东 盟之 间 已基本 实 现 自由贸 标 易 。 目前 , 盟 是 中 国在 发展 中国 家 中最 大 的 贸 易 东
伙伴 , 中国是 东盟 的第 三 大 贸易伙 伴 。 随着 中 国与 东盟 交 流 的持 续 升 温 , 翻译 人 才需 求 也 在 日益增 对 长 。 国际 大学 翻译学 院联 合会 主 席 汉娜 罗 尔 ・ 扬 李 克 教授 认 为 , 由贸 易 区建 立 后 , 水 平 的 口译 和 自 高
从加强 东盟 国家语 言变体听辨训练和加强背景知识积 累两个方面,有针对性地解决 口译员在 中国 东盟 自 一 由贸 易 区背 景 下 出现 的 听辨 障碍 。
关键 词 :中 国一 东盟 自由 贸易 区 口译 听辨 教 学 语音 听辨 [ 中图分 类号 ] 1.2 H393 [ 文献 标识 码 ]A 语 篇 听辨 背景 知识 积 累
i i n c sa y t mp o e s d n s l t n n b l y i n e p e i g t a h n .I r e o t c l h r b e o t s e e s r o i r v t e t ’ i e i g a i t n i t r r t e c i g n o d r t a k e t e p o lm f u s i n l t n n o r h n in u d rCAF A o tx ,t e p p r s g e t wo k n n t o a p c s i e c i g i e i g i e i g c mp e e so n e s T c n e t h a e u g ss r i g o w s e t n t a h n :l t n n s tan n f E r i i go AS AN n l h v rei s n u l i gu a k r u d k o l d e E g i a it db i n pb c g o n n w e g . s e a d Ke r s C T y wo d : AF A; T a h n f l t n n o r h n i n i n e p e i g L s n n o r h n in a e c i g o i e i g c mp e e so n i t r r t ; it i g c mp e e so t s n e

广西民族师范学院外国语学院课程教案课程代码:总学时/周学时:34/2开课时间:2017年2月23日第1周至第17周授课年级、专业、班级:英语(师范教育)2014级4班使用教材:口译基础教研室:英语教研室授课教师:阳琼Lecture1ABriefIntroductiontoInterpreting◇TeachingObjectivesHelpthestudentsachieveabasicunderstandingofinterpreting:itsnature,classification, evaluationcriteria,qualitiesofinterpreter,etc.◇Important&DifficultPoints1.Thenatureandevaluationcriteriaofinterpreting;2.Therequirementsofqualifiedinterpreter.◇Teaching MethodsCommunicativeteachingapproach◇Teaching ProceduresStep1Greeting(3mins)TheTeacherintroducesherselfStep2Lead-in(10mins)Coursedescription.?Step3Overview?of?Interpretation(40mins)1.Definition?of?InterpretationInterpretation?is?a?vocal?translation?to?the?information?delivered?by?vocal?utterance ?and?text.?2.Characteristics?of?Interpretation?*?Unpredictability??*?Bearing?on?big?pressure??????*?Independency??*?Comprehensive?language?and?skill?operations???????*?Extensive?communicative?information3.?Criteria?of?Interpretation?*accuracy?*fluency??4.?Process?of?Interpretation5.InterpreterQualificationRequirementsConformtotheForeignaffairsdisciplineSolidbilingualbasisCompleteabilityofutteranceQuick-mindedLearnedGoodmannerStep4Practices:Dialogue&passageinterpreting(30mins)会展中心介绍Vocabulary:国际会展中心InternationalExhibitionCenter仓储warehousing室内展厅indoorexhibitionarea室外展厅outdoorexhibitionarea中国国际投资贸易洽谈会ChinaInternationalFairforInvestmentandTrade国际石材展InternationalStoneFair体博会Sports&LeisureGoodsFair大堂lobby拖车trailer展位both多功能multi-functional装卸平台loadingplatformStep5Assignments(2mins)PreviewthecontentofUnit1.Lecture2IdentifyingKeyWordsinSentences◇TeachingobjectivesAttheendofthelesson,studentsshouldbeableto:1.identifykeywordsinsentenceswhilelisteningtothesourcelanguage;2.masterkeywords,expressionsandsentencesonareception3.improveinterpretingskillsandpractice◇Keypointstheabilitytoidentifykeyinformationthroughkeywords◇TeachingAllotment:2periods◇TeachingMethods:communicativeapproach;audio-lingualapproach◇TeachingProcedures:Step1Greeting&Warming-upStep2Interpretingskills(10mins)PleasegothroughPart1quicklyandfindtheanswerstothefollowingquestions.1)Whatstandardsdointerpretershavetomeetasforlistening?2)Whatistheso-called“keyword”inasentence?3)Fromwhichfourperspectivescanweidentifykeywordsinasentencetograspthekeyinformation?Step3Practices(65mins)(1)Sentenceinterpreting(15mins)1)对不起,您是来自英国电信(BritishTelegraph)的LisaAnderson女士吗?2)自上次在巴黎匆匆一晤,我们都好几年没见面了。

口译笔记训练——笔记法实例解析(配图片)Notetaking 1去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。
China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Com mittee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and live s and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforc ed the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Res ponse, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of th e SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout t he country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments establi shed anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, s o as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly.分析:要说明的一点是这个版本完全是我自己的版本,最终出来的结果也绝对和英文版的不一样。

研讨会symposium名片business card环岛路around-the-island road设宴洗尘host a reception dinner in one’s honor会议议程表conference program投影仪overhead projectorAfter you 您先请The state department (美国)国务院To have one thing very much in common 有一点十分相似To practice geology 从事地质工作Military career 军事生涯To extend hospitality to someone 盛情款待To get to know one another 相互结识A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step 千里之行,始于足下To propose a toast (to…) 祝酒;为。
干杯Continued advancement 持续进步To build a secure, prosperous and peaceful world 建立安全、繁荣与和平的世界应某人的邀请at the invitation of谨代表on behalf of致以诚挚的问候to extend warm greetings to最好的祝愿best wishes访问的第一站the first leg of one’s visit充满活力的经济dynamic economies常青州the Evergreen State翡翠城the Emerald City重要门户important gateway经贸往来economic and trade exchanges互利合作mutually beneficial cooperation发展势头良好sound momentum of growth事关两国共同利益的重大问题major issues bearing on our common interests 就。

Lesson 11.3 美国副总统复旦演讲韩市长,非常感谢您!谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。
1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton UniversityLadies and Gentlemen,Good evening.I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people,Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton,“At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话各位尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:下午好!欢迎大家前来参加我们公司在中国的首家新厂房的落成典礼!感谢各位拨冗光临,与我们共同庆祝这一盛大的活动!我谨代表公司对今天来参加典礼的各位供应商、客户嘉宾、各位员工和业务伙伴说声“谢谢!”公司管理层深深为我们的新工厂感到骄傲,我们能干的员工感到骄傲,他们发展了工厂的业务,使之达到国际水平。
Eu China relationship 口译作业_20200331162812

Eu China relationship口译及翻译Ladies and gentlemen,dear friends.It is my pleasure to be here today to tell you something about the european union eu and its relations with China.The Eu is a union of25 independent states best on the european communities and found it to enhance political, economic and social cooperation.Formerly known as the european formerly known as the European Community,EC or the European Economic Community,EEC.Now the25member states are austria,belgium, denmark,finland,France,Germany,grace island,Italy,luxembourg,the netherlands, portugal,Spain,sweden,the united kingdom of great britain and northern Ireland.Cyprus Greek part,the czech republic,estonia,The Junior monster,poland,slovakia,and slovenia.The eu conference in area of4million square kilometers nearly half the size of China.It total population is454,400,000.The world's3rd largest after China and India and accounts for some7%of the total world population.The euro is the name of the single european currency that was put into circulation on january1,2002.The euro has replaced the old national currencies in12european union countries so far having a single currency makes it easier to travel and to compare prices and it provides a stable environment for european business,stimulating growth and competitiveness.Until recently,the GDP of the eu was more than10trillion us dollars.As a whole similar to that of its main competitor,the united states.The total volume of the economy and the total volume of trade account for 25%and35%of the world total.The eu has a very good relationship with China.May this year will see the30th anniversary of the establishment of eu China diplomatic relations.The total to volume of imports and exports between the eu and China reached200billion euros last year.Germany is the largest trade partner with China.While the UK and the netherlands rank second and 3rd.The european union is grasping a truly historic opportunity.Uniting or wants to find a continent and creating a peaceful,stable and democratic europe.This enlargement will also create a single market of nearly half a billion consumers with excellent potential for economic growth and increasing prosperity.翻译:中欧关系口译女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们。

中 国一 东盟 博 览 会 中 国一 东 盟 博 览会 是 由 温 家 宝倡 议 , 由 中 国和 东 盟 十 国 经 贸主 管 部 门 及 东 盟 秘 书 处 共 同 主办 ,广 西 壮 族 自治 区人 民 政 府 承 办 的 国 家级 、 国际 性 经 贸 交 流 盛 会 , 每年在广西壮族 自 治 区的 首 府 南 宁举 办 。自加 0 4 年 以来 , 中 国一 东 盟博 览会 已成 功 举 办 了 十 届 。 作 为 中 国 境 内 唯 一 由 多 国政 府 共 办 且 长 期 在 地举办的展会 . 中 国一 东 盟 博 览 会 以“ 促 进 中 国一 东 盟 自 由 贸易区建设 、 共享合作与发展机遇” 为宗 旨 , 以展 览 为 中 心 , 同 时 开 展 多 领 域 多 层 次 的 交 流 活 动 .其 内容 包 括 中 国 和东 盟 十 国之 间 的 商 品 贸 易 、 投资合作 、 服务贸易 、 高 层 论 坛 和 文 化 交 流等 。 搭 建 了 中 国与 东 盟 交 流 合作 的平 台。 二、 合 理 应 用 中 国一 东 盟博 览 会 复合 型 会 展礼 仪 的 重 要性
黄 铮
5 4 6 3 0 0 )
( 河 池 学 院 外 国语 学 院 , 广西 宜州
摘 要 : 文章 就 合 理 应 用 中 国一东盟 博 览会 复 合 型会 展 礼 仪 的重要 性 和 必要 性 . 以及 如 何 进 行 中国一 东盟博 览会 复合 型 会 展 口译 人 才 礼仪 培训 作 分 析 。 关 键 词 :中国一 东盟 博 览会 复 和 必 要 性
1 . 仪 容
会 展 礼 仪 是 在 参 加 和 组 织 会 展 活 动 时 用 于 维护 企 业 与个 个 宇 宙 人 生 的 奥 秘 看透 。这 样 , 你 的生 命 就 自由 了 。 有 一 颗 艺 术 的 心灵 。 只有 这 样 的心 灵 , 才 能 赋 予 宇 宙人 生 美 好 的 价 值 和 意 义 ,才 能 让 宇 宙 人 生 开 出 美妙 的人 性 人 情 之 花, 才 能把 宇 宙 人 生 打 扮 得 如 诗 如 画 。愿 你 永 远美 丽深 情 。 有 一 段 大 气 的 身形 。 如果 大家 都 不 去 打 扫这 个 宇 宙 , 那 么 谁来帮我们打扫这个宇宙? 如果 大 家 都 逃 避 社会 责任 , 那 么我 们 怎 能 拥 有 一 个 美 好 的 生活 环 境 ? 所 以. 你 们 应 该 有 一 种 我不 来扭转乾坤 , 谁来扭转乾坤的气魄。 我对大家的希望高吗? 不高 ! 如 果你 把 我 对 你 的 希 望 看得 太高 , 那是 因为 你 把 自己看 得 太 渺 小 。人 , 毕 竟 不 是 趴在 地球 上 啃泥 土 的 虫 子 。 他 是 能 够 站 立 起 来 嘹望 蓝 天 的 , 是 可 以 吞 吐 宇宙 的。( 2 0 0 9 — 1 0 一 l 1 , 与 中文 系 0 6 — 2 班 同 学共 勉 ) 《 新 中 国思 想 文 化 对 西 方 的 影 响》 学 术 沙龙 开场 白 我们今天晚上搞个《 西方文论》 课 程延 伸 的 活 动 , 首先 , 请 大家记住 , 做好笔记 , 提示一下 , 待 会 袁 老 师 讲 的时 候 , 那 些 重 要 的观 点 , 重要 的内容 , 以 及 袁 老 师 对 学 生 问 题 的 回答 , 都 要 记下来 , 一些 比较前卫的问题 , 看提得是 否合适 , 视 情 况 而决 定是否展开讨论。 我先介绍一下今天与会的嘉宾 : 这是袁老师 。 今 晚 的 主讲 嘉宾, 还 有 文 法 学 院 副 院 长 向老 师 . 市 作 家 协 会 主 席 肖老 师 , 中文 系 仲 老 师 、 杨老师 。 第二点 , 为 什么举办这个沙龙 活动 , 原因很简单 , 我 们 袁 老师四处奔波 。 刚刚从海南大学 回来 , 经过这里 , 来 找 我 们 聊 天, 我 们 聊 了好 久 。袁 老 师 对 我们 非 常 关 心 。因此 我 特 地 邀请 袁 老师 做 一 个 可 以叫 做 沙 龙 或 讲 座 、 交 谈 这 么一 个 活 动 . 袁 老 师 在 全 国很 有 名 , 我们不能错过 这个机会 , 所 以, 我 们 千 方 百 计 邀请 袁 老 师 也 是 因 为 这 个 理 由 。 另外 , 我们 的西 方 文 论 只 讲 到 现 代 主 义 跟 后 现代 主 义 . 说 老实话 , 我 自 己感 到 困 惑 , 因 为 现代 主义 和 后 现 代 主 义 研 究 起 来 比较 麻 烦 。 不要说你们 。 连 我 自己都 觉 得 很 难 很 难 , 所 以有 很 多 东西 , 如 果 单 纯 从 一 个 搞 学 术 的角度 , 梳 理 一 下 是 没 问题 , 但从 真正的素质教 育 , 从 开 阔 眼界 的角 度 来 讲 , 就 不那 么 简 单 了 . 所 以现 代 主 义 和 后 现 代 主


东盟会议术语东盟会议术语东盟会议口译-11. His Excellency 阁下 H.E. respected/honorable/dear/distinguished2. Your Majesty3. heads of state国家首脑4. heads of government政府首脑5. ASEAN-China relations东盟-中国关系6. dialogue partnership对话伙伴关系7. the chair of ASEAN东盟主席国8. integrate(一体化,整合)9. powerhouse(动力)10. surge迅速增长11. investment投资12. dynamic有活力的13. progressive进步的14. East Asian Region东亚地区15. political security政治安定16. promote促进17. ASEAN-China partnership东盟-中国合作伙伴关系 18. confidence-building建立自信19. intensify interactions加强互动20. allocate分配21. steer(引导,驾驭)22. strategic themes战略主题23. integrative trade一体化贸易24. the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area东盟-中国自贸区 25. The ASEAN-China FTA东盟-中国自由贸易协定 26. eliminate消除27. tariff rates关税率28. a range of(一系列)29. much-needed resources(急需的,紧俏的资源) 30. China-ASEAN Expo东盟-中国博览会 31. Businessmen企业家32. manufacturing33. collaborate合作34. candidates35. domestic markets国内市场东盟会议口译-21. the State Council of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国国务院2. Prime Minister总理3. th e Laos People’s Democratic Republic(the Laos PDR)老挝人民民主共和国4. trading ties贸易关系5. the CA Expo(中国东盟博览会)6. mutual linkage(相互联系)7. country of honor主题国8. conclude investment agreement缔结投资协定 9. mandate(授权,要求)10. set forth(提出)11. the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China andASEAN中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议 12. span(跨越,占有)13. combined GDP(GDP总值,GDP组合) 14. bolster促进15. removal消除16. trade impediment贸易壁垒17. trade transactions 18. With the realization of(随着…的生效)19. trade liberalization(贸易自由化)20. commercially meaningful(具有商业意义) 21. The Forum on China-ASEAN Customs Trade Cooperation(中国-东盟海关与商界合作论坛)22. Initiative 举措,倡议23. at the sideline of(与…同时;同期)24. the sideline forums(同期论坛)25. mechanism机制26. commend(表扬)东盟会议口译-31. UNCTAD联合国贸易发展大会/2. Honorable3. Be part of 出席,参加4. Business and Investment Summit (BIS)5. the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area Dialog(东盟-中国自由贸易区对话)6. FTA agenda自贸协定日程 advance progress7. In effect mid-2005 8. Under negotiation 9. the Goods Agreement(商品协议)10. the Services Agreement(服务协议)complete 11. the Investment Agreement(投资协议)12. economic integration 13. the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Framework(中国-东盟自由贸易区框架)14. proceed steadily15. underpin(支撑)16. expand / expansion 17. two-way trade18. surge19. two-way investment 20. the Greater Mekong Sub-region(大湄公河次区域) 21. Pan-Beibu Gulf Initiatives(泛北部湾倡议) 22. contribute to23. In my remarks today 24. Focus on谈一谈25. new development 26. foreign direct investment(FDI;外国直接投资)27. policy issues(政策问题)28. arise29. in this regard30. take off(起步)31. head into new directions32. database33. cumulative FDI34. cumulative investment积累投资 35. quadruple(增长至四倍)36. originate in37. seventh largest source of38. World Investment Report世界投资报告 39. release40. intra-regional trade区域内贸易 41. production networks 42. assembly(组装业)43. electronic products 44. pattern of investment(投资形式)45. search for46. efficiencies47. complementarities(互补)48. non-traditional sectors49. manufacturing制造业50. infrastructure基础设施51. extractive industries(采掘业)52. port management 53. banking services 54. food processing plant55. Malaysia56. Transport infrastructure57. Thailand58. LDCs(欠发达国家)59. trends60. priorities(重点,目标)61. cost-effective(划算的,有成本效益的) 62. created assets创造性资产63. green fields operation 绿色经营64. merger and acquisition 并购65. distribution networks 分销网络66. private sector私有部门,私有企业67. economies经济体68. dynamic development 69. outbound FDI外向型外国直接投资70. benefit from a unique combination of71. geographic proximity地理上的邻近72. cultural affinity文化类似73. complementary levels互补度74. sequential industrialization 工业化75. competency76. allow(使得)77. ethnic少数民族, 少数的78. entrepreneur企业家79. consolidate(巩固,加强)80. I would like to take a moment to focus on81. the issue of private sector development82. key objective83. UN country programs 84. underpinning element 85. Millennium Development Goals千年发展目标 86. buoyant(繁荣的)87. innovation88. employment generation创造就业89. translate into(转变成)90. sustainable development可持续性发展91. gains 成果92. unfortunately93. enabling environment(良好的环境)94. conducive to(有助于)95. private sector and enterprise96. weak legal system97. insufficient investor protection98. inadequate dispute settlement arrangements99. pose problems100. intergovernmental organizations101. obligation102. address(解决,考虑)103. in position to(能够)104. less developed members 105. regulatory frameworks(管理框架) 106. enforcement(执行)107. reinforce108. the region as a whole 109. business-support mechanism 110. less developed members 111. private sector112. entrepreneurs113. thrive114. the ASEAN-China Goods, Services and Investment Agreements东盟-中国商品服务投资协定115. set a good foundation 116. assistance and encouragement 117. prompt(立即)118. full119. implementation 实施120. be well placed to(能够,应该)121. less-developed economies欠发达经济地区122. proactively target(积极瞄准)123. good-quality investment 124. crucial125. sustainable development 126. integration127. It is timely to(正是时候)128. Step up efforts129. enterprises130. make a measurable difference(对…至关重要) 131. private sector 132. cost-benefit ratios成本效益比133. bottom lines(收支情况)134. drive business forward 135. foreign investment 136. entails伴随着,不免产生,势必造成137. uncertainties不稳定因素138. tend to 一般、往往,常常139. gravitate(移动)to140. feature(以…为特点)141. political stability政治稳定142. transparency透明143. rule of law144. good governance145. infrastructure146. effective regulatory environment147. attract good investment 148. attributes特质,品质149. low costs150. sizable market 大规模的151. SMEs152. encouraging signs of 153. least developed states 154. competitive pressures 155. Low-cost neighboring countries 156. candidates(对象,选择,人选)157. start up发展158. challenging conditions 159. productive and labor capacity 160. unreliable infrastructure 161. capital and skills 162. deliver employment(创造,带来)163. market penetration(市场渗透)164. export earnings165. to source locally(就地取材)166. large-scale investors大规模的167. bear…in mind168. design investment-attraction programs制定吸引投资的计划 169. receive priority(受到重视)170. telecommunications 171. secure172. provided173. underpinning systems基础系统174. in place(存在)175. touch on(谈及)176. outbound investment(外向投资)177. outbound FDI178. enhance179. competitiveness180. contribute to(有助于,促进)181. industrial transformation(产业转型)182. export performance 183. high earnings184. flow through185. value chain价值链186. home country(本国)187. initiatives(举措)188. complement…with …189. investment attraction policy 190. outward investment strategy 191. the first group of(第一批)192. economic and trade cooperation zones193. SMEs中小企业194. Set up (setups)195. Processing operations 196. inspire(激发,启发)197. The Singaporean and Chinese governments’ Joint Suzhou Industrial Park Project198. Ease the entry of199. International operations 200. Comfort zones (舒适带)201. given(鉴于)202. employment generation 203. ESCAP(联合国亚太经济与合作理事会) 204. GMS Value Chains(大湄公河次区域价值链)205. high-value-added高附加值的206. intensify207. sub-regional disparities(次区域差异)208. barriers障碍209. stringent(严格的)210. policy priority211. have easy and affordable access to212. supporting infrastructure 213. testing214. conformity assessment(合格评定,符合性评定) 215. certification facilities(鉴定手段)216. skilled labor217. managerial expertise 218. modern logistics219. level of development 220. corporate composition(企业结构)221.balance of payments(贸易差额;贸易支付差额;国际收支) 222.serve national interests 223.I would like to conclude by224.increased openness plementarities 226.industrial structures 227.bolster228. stand ready to help(有求必应)东盟会议口译-41. organizers2. fellow speakers3. participants4. seminar5. presentation6. go into/touch on/focus on/do a bit more on7. trade & investment8. performance9. Malaysia10. the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation(全面经济合作框架协议)11. implementation(实施,贯彻)12. the Early Harvest Program in Trade and Goods(货物贸易早期收获计划)13. Trade and Goods Agreement(货物贸易协议) 14. Trade and Services Agreement(服务贸易协议) 15. trade performance(状况)16. contribute very positively to(积极促进)17. groupings集团18. deficit赤字,逆差19. with regards to(在…方面)20. transistor21. semi-conductor22. device设备23. petroleum24. automatic data-processing machine25. telecommunication equipment 26. E&E27. conducive environment有利环境28. the Pearl River Delta Development Region(珠江三角洲开发区) 29. economic community(经济区)30. bring forward(提出来)31. macroeconomic stability 32. financial stability 33. Asian financial crisis 34. Hit … badly35. One very important factor is that/ It is important (necessary, indispensible; essential) that36. outperform(超过)37. intra-ASEAN trade38. trade surplus(贸易盈余,顺差)39. reaffirm(再次证实)40. favored investment destination(受欢迎的投资目的地) 41. review(审议)42. the ASEAN Investment Area Agreement43. liberal44. transparent45. competitive46. investment environment 47. foreign-owned48. unbriddle49. ASEAN-based investors 50. in terms of the other way around(如果反过来)51. forestry development 52. enquiries(调查)53. reforestation(重新造林)54. forest plantation55. relate back to(再次谈一谈)56. embark on57. scheme58. whereby—by which59. replant60. hectare61. rubber trees62. a cycle of63. sustainable64. furniture industry 65. distribution trade(批发贸易)66. general trading(一般贸易)67. tourism68. infrastructure69. Penang Bridge(槟威大桥)70. project at the state(国家级工程)71. bilateral relationship双边关系72. manufacturing73. involve74. gardening equipment园艺设施75. paper-based products纸质产品76. electromechanical equipment(机电设备)77. resource-based78. rubber-based and palm-oil-based products橡胶与棕榈油产品 79. chemical products化工产品80. metallurgy(冶金)81. ASEAN-China Agreement on Services82. the first package of commitments(第一个一揽子承诺) 83. unbundle: provide84. complement85. ASEAN-China Summit东盟-中国峰会86. Cooperative agreement 87. MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)谅解备忘录 88. the ASEAN-China Center on Trade, Investment, Tourism and Culture(东盟-中国贸易投资旅游文化中心)89. the MOU on ASEAN-China Information and Media Cooperation(东盟-中国信息与媒体合作备忘录)90. MOU on Enhancement of Intellectual Properties Cooperation Activities and Exchange ofInformation and Personnel(加强知识产权合作活动与信息人才交流备忘录)91. MOU on Strengthening Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary(加强卫生与植物检疫备忘录)92. ASEAN+3(东盟十加三)93. Finance Ministers Process财政部长进程 94. initiative(计划,方案,举措)95. under this umbrella of(在…的保护下) 96. swap(交换)97. the Chiang Mai Initiative(清迈计划) 98. the Asian Bond Market Initiative(亚洲债券基金计划) 99. endorse(签署,批准,背书) 100. ABMI(亚洲债券基金计划)101. Facilitate access to market102. issuers(发行者)103. market access104. market infrastructure 105. bond market106. foster(促进发展)107. bilateral relations on the financial side108. forge(建立)109. financial intelligence(金融情报)110. presence设立111. banking institutions(金融机构)112. MOU on Financial Intelligence113. Malaysia Banking Berhad马来西亚银行 114. representative office(办事处)115. Public Bank(大众银行)116. subsidiary(分行)117. GATS-plus(服务贸易总协定)118. draw up(起草)119. request lists(请求清单)120. avenue(途径)121. in the case of(以…为例)东盟会议口译-51. esteemed colleagues尊敬的各位同仁2. gateway(门户)3. trading bloc4. ASEAN-China FTA(CAFTA)中国东盟自贸协定5. vision(远景,目标)6. foresight(深谋远虑,远见)7. instrumental(起作用的)8. economic engagement 9. perseverance(坚持不懈)10. testament11. combined GDP(GDP组合,GDP总值) 12. pragmatic(务实的)13. incremental(渐进的)14. approach(方式)15. building blocks(基础)16. progressive不断的,越来越,渐进的 17. liberalization(自由化,放宽) 18. ASEAN-6(东盟六国)19. Going beyond(除了…之外) 20. Market access 21. Limited Investment Agreement22. Transparent23. facilitated investment environment(便利的投资环境)24. go regional(走向区域化)25. competitive edge(竞争优势) 26. tap(利用)27. thriving(越来越多的)28. landmark(标志性的,有重大意义的) 29. the ray of(光芒般的)30. inject(注入)31. dynamism活力32. economic engagement(经济活动) 33. Collectively(总体来说)34. Flagship35. Industrial Park工业园区36. fresh ventures(新的合资企业) 37. Eco-City Project(生态城)38. as of(自…起)39. Trade in Goods Agreement商品贸易协定 40. promising (前景很好的)41. fruition(成果)42. static(静止不动)43. instrument(法律文件)44. relevance(实用性)45. finalize(结束,完成)46. second package of第二个一揽子计划 47. sensitive trackproducts(敏感产品) 48. barriers障碍,壁垒49. evolve发展50. build on a positive momentum generator(做出积极努力)东盟会议口译61. China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Forum中国东盟自贸区论坛2. MOFCOM(中国商务部)3. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region4. Highly value5. Pave the way for strengthening6. accommodation(包容)7. Laos PDR老挝人民民主共和国8. boost9. bring prosperity to 10. follow the principle of 11. equality and mutual benefit 12. mutual understanding and accommodation13. trade promotion14. liberalization15. acceleration16. expand trade volume 17. CAFTA18. Industrialization19. Urbanization20. Bilateral trade21. market space22. market access准入23. market liberation(市场自由化)24. economies25. member states /~countries 26. respective(各自的)27. productive resources 28. optimize(优化)29. allocation(分配)30. fuel(刺激)31. bring into play(发挥)32. China-ASEAN Investment Agreement33. Collective investment 34. Fuel35. Contribute to36. Emerging industries 37. Infrastructural facilities 38. China-ASEAN Fund of Investment Cooperation(中国-东盟投资合作基金)39. Fill investment flaw(投资不足)40. Promote and stimulate 41. Are foreseen as42. As a whole43. Great Mekong Sub-Region(大湄公河次区域;GMS scheme) 44. trade facilitation(贸易便利化)45. Pan-Beibu Economic Cooperation(泛北部湾经济合作) 46. Sub-regional cooperation 47. emphasis48. maritime-based(海运)49. port development 50. complement互补51. trade connectivity(贸易连通性)52. over land53. backing(支持)54. infrastructure connectivity(基础设施连通性) 55. cross-border transportation56. coordination57. highlight(亮点)58. contributing factors(成因,影响因素) 59. issue laws and regulations60. facilitate(促进)61. let me conclude my remarks with the wish that62. work together63. rising demands64. I am confident65. Based on this respect 66. Significantly contribute to67. Last but not least东盟会议口译-71. launch(开幕)2. CAFTA3. welcomed development(深受欢迎的大事)4. NAFTA(北美自由贸易区)5. Concentrate on6. heterogeneity(不均匀性)7. homogeneous 均匀性,单一8. monetary union(货币联盟)9. modest(适度的)10. convergence(趋同)11. proponents(拥护者)12. impressive(明显)13. take away(得出)14. panacea(万能药)15. legal institutions 16. have better access to 17. credits18. rules of origin(原产地原则)19. without having tariffs imposed(在不征收关税的情况下) 20. work against(不利于)21. for that reason(为此)22. look out(注意)23. supervision panels(督导小组)24. enforcement body 25. previsions(规定)26. adhere to(遵守)27. self-enforcing(自我执行的)28. monetary union 29. single currency 30. transaction costs 31. recession(萧条)32. pursue(奉行)33. short-run(短期)34. medium term(中期)东盟会议口译-81. World Bank president世界银行总裁2. At the World Bank we believe that We at UNCTAD3. regional trade integration地区贸易一体化4. lead the way领先5. China-ASEAN Expo6. the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement(中国-东盟自由贸易协定)7. event8. making … an important contribution to … 9. countries involved (relevant~, concerned)10. commend表演,称赞11. Guangxi Autonomous Region广西自治区 12. Port13. logistics物流14. backbone 保障15. East Asia Region 16. Dynamic17. With strong growth in18. gross domestic product国内生产总值GDP 19. strong performance(强势表现) 20. impressive reduction显著削减21. poverty22. living standards 23. across the region 24. share of trade 25. intraregional(区域内)26. North American Free Trade Area北美自贸区 NAFTA CAFTA27. within the context of(在…背景下) 28. China’s integration in regional production network中国加入区域生产网络29. Powerful driver : 大大推动30. final exports成品出口31. intermediate goods(半成品)32. raw materials(原材料)33. success in growth, trade and integration34. create challenge35. from my perspective36. human development人力资本的开发37. highlight(突出,着重谈谈)38. it isimportant/neces sary/urgent/essential/indispensible/significant that …39. inclusive包容性的,包罗广泛的40. invest human capital41. powerful tool42. squarely(直接)43. globalization全球一体化44. regional trade integration地区贸易一体化45. put new demand on …46. people’s mobility(人口的流动性)47. flexible labor market institutions灵活的劳动力市场制度 48. retraining再培训 quarantine49. common interest共同利益50. better healthcare system 51. strong food security management食品安全管理52. stands ready to随时,愿意53. clients客户54. exposition博览会东盟会议口译-9Address the 2009 Regional Round Table Meeting on Commodity Development in Asia1. present to you …/give you a brief account of…, brief you on…;a brief introduction2. findings3. working group on tropical timber, bamboo and rattan4. representatives/ delegates /deputies5. the International Cocoa Organization(国际可可组织)6. the International Network of Bamboo and Rattan(国际竹藤组织)7. ICB(国际商品机构)for Bamboo and Rattan8. commence with(首先)9. the Common Fund for Commodity(商品共同基金会CFC) 10. project financed11. ongoing(正在进行的)projects involving 12. tropical timber热带木材13. four priorities of intervention四个干预重点14. Third Five-year Action Plan第三个五年行动规划15. suggested initiatives16. overcome constraints17. presentation18. far-stretched projects(长期项目)19. it was also highlighted that20. adopt21. supply chain management approach供应链管理方法 22. address(处理)23. weaker link24. nursery establishment(苗圃建设)25. plantation management种植园管理 certification26. harvesting27. processing28. product development 29. marketing information 30. Bangladesh31. Value chain32. sustainably produced timber可持续生产的木材 33. non-timberforest products非木材森林产品 34. applied research(应用研究)35. intervention areas 36. ecological security 37. productivity38. practices(惯例)39. pricing systems40. vertical and horizontal diversification41. improved market access 42. certification(认证)43. standardization 44. valid45. revise46. clarify澄清47. INBAR(国际竹藤组织)48. certifying bodies(认证机构)49. access to market: market access50. top priority51. it was felt that 52. problamtic53. rattan cane54. smallholders(小农业生产者)55. standardization标准化56. it also noted that 57. illegal logging(非法采伐)58. construe: explain 59. trade barriers60. primary processing 61. capitalize on(利用)62. quality standards质量标准东盟会议口译-101. Vice Director-General(总干事)2. the Asia Affairs Department, Ministry of Commerce of China中国商务部亚洲事务部3. vice secretary general4. secretariat5. China-ASEAN Expo Organizing Committee中国-东盟博览会组委会6. SOM(高官会Senior Official Meeting)7. The City of Charm8. entities(实体,单位)9. multimedia super corridor多媒体超级走廊 10. Cyberjaya(赛城)11. Kuala Lumper(吉隆坡)12. Penang(槟城)Putrajaya(布城)13. Position…as …14. trade promotion events(贸易推介活动) 15. disseminate(传播)16. the Malay and Indian Chamber of Commerce马来西亚印度商会17. the National Chambers of Commerce国家商会 18. the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers(马来西亚制造商联盟)19. initiative(倡议)20. road shows(推介会,路演)21. China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat中国-东盟博览会秘书处 22. Enhance awareness 23. Recruit participants 24. B2B(企业对企业)25. be indebted for(感谢)26. collaboration27. in this regard28. crowd control29. dedicated(专门的)30. deliberations(审议)31. issuance of exhibitor badges发行参展证 32. VIP badges(贵宾证)33. grant34. setup(布置,准备)35. defined(明确的)36. procure: get37. impede on(妨碍)38. authorities(专家,机构)39. enlighten(介绍)40. enchant(动员)东盟会议口译-111. Executive Vice-governor(副主席)2. CAFTA中国-东盟自由贸易协定3. embrace(拥有)4. demonstration5. inclusive approach(包容性的举措)6. interdependent相互依赖7. evident from (从…中可以看出)8. record(达到)9. impressive growth(显著的增长)10. gains and benefits(好处,利益)11. on a bilateral basis 12. Malaysian Ringgit马来西亚林吉特13. heartening令人振奋的14. prefenrential market access15. Preferential Certificates of Origin Form E中国东盟自由贸易区优惠原产地证书16. Translate into17. compound rubber(复合橡胶)18. stearic acid(硬脂酸)19. palm oil棕榈油20. acetic acid(醋酸,乙酸)21. preferential trade facility优惠性的贸易设施 22. preferences(优惠)23. dismantle(取消,消除)24. subject to(容易受到)25. stiff(强硬的,激烈的)26. re-export(转口,复运出口)27. third-country market 28. forge(建立)29. strategic alliance 30. on an ongoing basis(不断地)31. business community 32. facilitate(促进)33. technical regulations(技术规范)34. administrative measures 35. translate into(转换成)36. hinder37. non-tariff barriers(非关税壁垒)38. area of concern(关注的领域)39. in this context40. Memorandum of Understanding(谅解备忘录); MOU(谅解备忘录)41. conformity assessment(合格评定,符合性评定) 42. intellectual property 43. liberalize(放宽)44. equity ownership(产权)45. stakeholders债权人,股东,共同经营者 46. operationalize(开始运转)47. effective mechanism 48. monitor49. ASEAN-China Investment Cooperation Fund东盟-中国投资合作基金会50. allocation(拨款)51. credit facility(信贷融资)52. advance ASEAN integration推进东盟一体化 53. regulatory and investment missions(调控与投资代表团)54. the Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation(MATRADE马来西亚贸易促进中心)55. platform(平台)56. reciprocal visit(回访,互访)57. a new positive dawn积极的开端58. shared history共同的历史;历史相同 59. Chinese Admiral(中国明代航海家) 60. testament(证明)东盟会议口译121. the Kingdom of Cambodia柬埔寨王国 Kampuchea2. delegation代表团3. express my deep appreciation深表谢意4. the People’s governmentof Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区人民政府5. ASEAN Secretariat东盟秘书处6. fueling economic growth促进经济增长7. sign bilateral trade agreements8. trading partners 9. MFN(最惠国待遇)10. GSP(普遍优惠制)11. Duty Free, Quota Free免配额进口12. tariff preferential privileges(关税优惠特权) 13. thrive14. integrate(融入,一体化)15. implement(落实,实施,实现)16. Trade in Goods Agreement(商品贸易协定) 17. tariff lines(关税项目)18. special preferential tariff(SPT特别优惠关税) 19. mining采矿20. manufacturing制造业21. tourism旅游业22. irrigation灌溉23. grants(拨款)24. preferential loans(优惠贷款)25. economic cooperation 经济运作26. endorsed(批准)27. workshop(研讨会)28. operational certification procedures运作认证程序 29. business portal(商业网站)30. networking and communications(沟通与交流) 31. review(审议)32. incorporation(写入)33. SPS(卫生与植物卫生)34. TBT(技术性贸易壁垒)35. ASEAN Development Fund东盟发展基金 36. ASEAN-China Cooperation Fund东盟-中国合作基金 37. credit facility(融资手段,信用透支)38. ASEAN community building(东盟地区建设) 39. IAI Work Plan东盟一体化倡议工作计划(the Initiative for ASEAN Integration)40. the GMS(大湄公河次区域)41. BOT scheme(建设-经营-转让计划) 42. Hydropower plants 43.MW(megawatt兆瓦)44. Feasibility study 45. the Phnom Penh-Loc Ning rail link construction project(金边-禄宁铁路环节建设项目)46. impetus(动力)47. reiterate(重申)48. deliberation(审议,商议)49. forum论坛13 东盟会议口译-1. Guangxi Autonomous Region广西自治区2. Closing session3. the 14th Regional Round Table(Meeting)on Commodity Development第十四次商品开发区域圆桌会议4. the Common Fund for Commodities(商品共同基金会CFC)5. participatory(参与性的)6. commodity stakeholders(商品利益相关者)7. venue for networking(网络化平台)8. plenary session(全体会议)9. Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture中国商务部和农业部10. trade promotion of agricultural commodities(促进农产品贸易)11. UNESCAP(联合国亚太经济社会)12. UNDP(联合国发展署)13. economic outlook经济展望14. Green Commodities Facility(绿色商品机构) 15. Public Private Partnership(公-私合作伙伴关系)16. fishery sections渔业部门17. targeted intervention areas(预定干预领域) 18. comprise(包括)19. oilseeds(含油种子)20. tubers(块茎作物如土豆)21. base metals(碱金属)22. cross-commodity issues(跨商品问题) 23. volatility(浮动)24. commodity price 商品价格25. come up as(成为)26. common ground(共同点,共性) 27. vulnerable(易受到影响/伤害) 28. vagaries(变幻莫测)29. smallholders(小农业生产者)30. vulnerabilities(影响,伤害)31. multiplicity of the standards标准的多样性 32. insurmountable obstacles难以克服的障碍 33. comply with(遵守)34. certification requirements认证规定 35. interacting with(沟通)36. the International Commodity Bodies国际商品机构 37. bio-fuel(生物燃料)38. WTO Doha Round世贸组织多哈回合 39. front stage(前台,前沿)40. “a conspiracy of silence”(沉默密约) 41. prompt(促使)42. UNCTAD(联合国贸易发展大会) 43. UNDP(联合国发展署)44. the Global Initiative on Commodities(全球视频倡议)45. raise the profile(提升形象)46. awareness(认知,认识)47. in-depth examination(深入调查) 48. observations andsuggestions(意见) 49. emanate(产生)50. contribute positively to(积极促进) 51. China-ASEAN Exposition Bureau(中国东盟博览会局)东盟会议口译-141. undertaking(事业)2. much the case with(与…相似)3. ASEAN Charter(东盟宪章)4. the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economy Cooperation(全面经济合作框架协议)5. infrastructural development基础设施建设6. priority areas(重点领域)7. integrated(一体化的)8. doubly important更为、更加重要 9. diversification(多元化)10. placed a very high priority on高度重视 11. sub-region(次区域,亚区) 12. complement(与…互补)东盟会议口译-151. Brunei Darussalam2. coordinate协调,3. Country of Honor(主题国)4. accord给予5. business communities商界6. Free Trade Agreement自由贸易协定7. hospitality盛情款待8. the ASEAN calendar(东盟日程) 9. showcase(展示)10. demonstration(展示)11. enjoyable愉快的东盟会议口译-161. cooperative unit合作单位2. exhibitors展商3. exemplifies(作为…的例证)4. Commemorative Summit(纪念峰会)…同步 5. Alongside与6. commitment承诺,努力7. objectives目标8. paved the way for为…铺平道路 9. real estate房地产10. deem认为11. private sector私有部门12. testament(证明)13. complement(补充)14. match potential business partners寻找潜在商业伙伴15. small and medium enterprises中小企业 16. facilitate促进17. joint investment ventures(联合投资项目) 18. untapped opportunities(新的机遇) 19. law(制度化)20. “Cities of Charm”美丽城市21. medium媒介22. proactive(积极的)23. Ministry of Commerce商务部24. China- ASEAN Expo Secretariat中国东盟秘书处 25. untiring efforts(不懈的努力) 26. build on(寄希望于)。

Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government,Ministers,Heads of International and Regional Organizations,Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,尊敬的各位元首,各位政府首脑,各位部长,各位国际和地区组织负责人,尊敬的博鳌亚洲论坛理事会各位成员,女士们,先生们,朋友们:Boao today greets us with vast ocean, high sky and warm breeze. In this beautiful season of spring, it is of great significance that so many distinguished guests gather here to discuss the development strategies for Asia and the world.今天的博鳌,海阔帆舞,天高风暖。
At the outset, let me extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, heartfelt welcome to all the distinguished guests attending the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2015, and my warm congratulations on the opening of the conference.首先,我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,对各位嘉宾出席博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会,表示诚挚的欢迎!对年会的召开,表示热烈的祝贺!The theme of this year's conference is "Asia's New Future: Towards a Community of Common Destiny". The timing could not be better in that the theme has not only great immediate relevance but also long-term historical significance. And I am looking to all of you to express yourselves fully and contribute your insightful views to the cause of peace and development of Asia and beyond.本届博鳌亚洲论坛年会以“亚洲新未来:迈向命运共同体”为主题,可谓恰逢其时,既有重要的现实意义,也有长远的历史意义。
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10.4 China-ASEAN relations
Brunei 文莱
Cambodia 柬埔寨
Laos 老挝
Myanmar 缅甸
Free Trade Bloc 自由贸易区
dialogue partners 对话伙伴
on a sound track 运行情况良好
observe 奉行,遵守
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
和平共处五项原则(mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial
integrity 互相尊重主权和领土完整;mutual non-
aggression 互不侵犯;non-interference in each
other’s internal affairs 互不干涉内政;equality and
mutual benefit 平等互利;peaceful coexistence 和平
Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now?
答:ASEAN was established on August 8, 1967; it has 10 member countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore
and Vietnam.
Besides these 10 member countries,ASEAN also always holds the 10+1,10+3 meetings. Does this mean that ASEAN has some dialogue partners?答:Yes. ASEAN has 10 dialogue partners – Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (EU), India, Japan, Russia, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States.
是的. 东盟有10 个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本俄罗斯、新西兰、韩国和美国。
What is the area ASEAN covers? How many languages are spoken in this region? What is the total population?
答:The ASEAN region spans an area of some 4.5 million square kilometers, where 14 official languages are spoken and about seven religions are followed. Its population was estimated at 512 million in 2000.
4.5 million square kilometers is about half of China’s territory, such a big
regional organization neighboring China. How is the relationship between ASEAN and China now?
答:The ASEAN region is not only big in area, but also very important economically, politically, and in science and
technology. All the ASEAN member countries are China's
friendly close neighbours. Since the 1990s, China-ASEAN relations have developed on a sound track, with
increasingly close political ties.
Could you give me some data?
答:Economic and trade, science and technology cooperation plays an essential part in China-ASEAN relations. The total trade volume has risen to USD 23.5 billion from USD13 billion in 1994, of which China's exports amounted to USD10.92 billion and imports USD12.56 billion. The amount of two-way investment has also risen with the passing years. ASEAN has become an important market for China in the fields of labour cooperation and project contracts. China and ASEAN have agreed to create the
world’s most populous Free Trade Bloc within 8 years.
The relationship is very good economically, but how about political relations? 答:ASEAN is an extremely active regional organization which has played an active role in promoting mutual understanding and trust, safeguarding
regional peace and development among the countries in the region.//
China-ASEAN relations of friendly cooperation prove that countries in the world, big or small, may vary from each other in historical background,
social systems, level of development, cultural traditions and values, but as long as they observe the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, they will be able to co-exist in harmony and achieve common development. 东盟是一个非常活跃的地区性组织,在发展相互了解与互信、捍卫地区国家间