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…已经具备了比较良好的条件relatively sound conditions exist for···


平(1) raise its economic and social develpoment to a new level


科技(1) maintain regional peace and stability,develop economy ,science and technolo 扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣expand mutually benificial cooperation, and promote common prosperity ···创造了重要的前提条件provide an important prerequisite

具有相当强的经济实力have built up significant economic strength

踏上···航程join the rank of···

正在步入···的行列have embarked on the road of···

有的···有的···有的···some···others···,and still others···

为···提供广阔的空间provide a broad scope for···

以···为重attach great value to sth

崇尚自尊自强uphold such virtues as self-respct and self-strengthening

为不断发展···提供精神动力···will be further boosted by the spiritual motivations


面看(2) East Asia in today's world is a force that cannot be ignored politically


地力量。(2) econolically,culturally or geographically.

这样才能···only by doing so can we ···

香港社会稳定,人心稳定,(3) Hongkong now enjoys social stability, its residents have

经济保持稳健运行。(3) a sence of security and its economy is developing smoothly.


山、亭,Small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye,the streams, br (4)小巧玲珑,布局精美,尽显

自然美,rockeries and pavilions of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty (4)令人赏心悦目。of their own.


枝起舞,Strolling about these gardens, with the tree shadows swaying on the white w (5)在园中徜徉的游客,也许能

在这and willow reflections dancing in the ponds, tourists may then find themselv (5)世外桃源里真正地享受片刻

安宁。enjoying a moment of peace and relaxation in this paradise beyond the turmo 这是···的第一步Thisis merely the first step toward ···

A 进而

B A prior to B

只有在这种情况下···Only under such circumstances can···

因···不同而有所不同···vary due to the differences of···

我认为···in my view,···


中国人民的20 yeats of reform and opening up have witmnessed great improvement in th (6)物质生活。material life of the Chinese people.

说起···in terms of ···

人们都知道···it is popularly recognized that···

A 孕育了

B B owes itself to A

我愿在这里提出一下几点意见I would like to offer my obervations as follows

本着···的原则in accordance with the principle of ···

把···摆到重要位置give priority to ···

···应该···,而不要······instead of ···

人类将要迎接一个新千年。Mankind is about toembrace a new millennium.

···显得越来越紧迫···take on an even greater urgency

吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。Illicit drug consumption involves about 3 percent of the world's population. 将法网撒向毒品市场的每个环节spread the net of justice over every link of the drug market

致富奔小康get on the road leading to a comfortable life, reach a moderate level of prosp 是···共同的心愿···will reflect the common aspiration of ···

始终have always been···

这是···,也是···This is ···。It also reflects···

随着时间的推移···With the passage of time,

人们越来越清楚地看到···it is even more apparent that···


动作出的,China's disarmament decision is made out of its own will,


被迫作出的。rather than under any external pressure.

是以对···高度负责的精神而采取的···it is an act taken out of a high sense of responsibility for···


裁军的筹码China has no intention whatsoever to use disarmament as a means or prerequ (8)或先决条件to force other countrues to reduce their military troops with China.

以自己的实际行动表达了···show to the world with its initiative in···

有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar!

起到***的桥梁作用serve as a bridge linking


方关系approach and handle our bilateral relations from a

long-range strategic perspective


挥积极作用be in support of a positive rold by ASEAN

in regional and international affairs

取得了长足的进展make considerable headway


好合作,前景将更加美好there lies an even brighter future for the development ,

prosperity,friendship and cooperation between

China and ASEAN


成的主题公园,其规模为远东The Donghai Park ,which is the largest theme park of

同类公园之冠。its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features complete

collection of the well-known world scenic spots.


足可以以假乱真,令游人叹为观止The tourists will find themselves engrossed in an involuntary admiration of t

dizzling arrays of the exact scenic reproductions that are
