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uppercase *‘ʌpə’keis] 大写字母 of late 近来 i.e. 即 approximate [ə’prɔksimit] 大约 lowercase 小写字母 regional *‘ri:dʒənəl] 地区的
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
The World Wide Web(WWW). A fast-growing global network of graphical electronic documents you can browse, interact with, and even create yourself. 万维网(WWW)。一个你可以浏览,交互甚至创建 你自己的图像电子文档的高速发展的全球的网络。 New technologies. Global chat, video conferencing, fax, free international phone calls and more. 新技术。 全球聊天,视频会议,传真,自由的国际 电话和更多的。
The glue that holds the Internet together is the TCP/IP reference model and TCP/IP protocol stack. 使因特网在一起的胶水是TCP/IP参考模型和TCP/IP协 议栈。 TCP/IP makes universal service possible and can be compared to the telephone system or the adoption of standard gauge by the railroads in the 19th century. TCP/IP使通用服务成为可能和它可以比喻为电话系统 或者在19世纪采用的标准的铁路轨百度文库。
Implement 执行;工具 bind 捆绑
Classroom Work 3 Translation
The user interface function facilitates creation and use of appropriate computational structures by a user. This function typically involves the use of a command language or a menu. The resource allocation function allocates resources for use by a user's computation. Resources can be divided into system provided resources like CPUs, memory areas and IO devices, or user-created resources like files which are entrusted to the OS.
free of charge 免费 banter ['bæ ntə]逗乐 Blather *‘blæ ðə] 胡说 nugget *’nʌgɪt] (金)块;珍闻 Wisdom *‘wizdəm] 智慧 Archery *‘ɑ:tʃəri] 弓术 archer *’ɑ:tʃə] 弓箭手 Stock [stɔk] 股票
E-mail. Let you send messages to Russia, Japan and so on. File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Download files free of charge from thousands of computers around the globe. Usenet newsgroups. More banter, blather, and nuggets of wisdom than you’ll ever be able to read on everything from archery to stock. 用户网新闻群组。 你将可以读到关于从箭术到股票的 任何方面的玩笑,胡说和智慧的珍闻。
Chat [tʃæ t] 聊天 fax [fæ ks] 传真
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
The World Wide Web is an architectural framework for accessing linked documents spread out over thousands of machines all over the Internet. Since the Web is basically a client-server system, we discuss both the client (i.e. user) side and the server side. The Client Side. From the users' point of view, the Web consists of a vast, worldwide collection of documents, usually just called pages for short. Each page may contain links (pointers) to other, related pages, anywhere in the world.
attach [ə'tæ tʃ] 附上
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
A common form of Internet is a collection of LANs connected by a WAN. The Internet(note uppercase I) means a specific worldwide internet that is widely used to connect universities, government offices, companies, and of late, private individuals. By 1995, there were multiple backbones, hundreds of mid-level (i.e. regional) networks, tens of thousands of LANs, millions of hosts, and tens of millions of users. Backbones The size doubles approximately every year. Much of the growth comes from connecting existing networks to the Internet.
The Internet is a vast global community of real people who constantly generate more unadulterated stuff on more topics than you could ever read in your lifetime. 因特网是现实世界中人们的巨大的全球性社区。在 这个网上,人们在众多主题上不断推出的有价值资料 是你一辈子也读不完的。 If you haven’t tapped into the net yet, here’s what you’re missing: 如果你还没有接近网络,那么下面就是你所缺少的:
第六讲 计算机网络
倪胜 广西医科大学 计算机网络应用教研室
Classroom Work 3 Translation
OS functions can be classified into •Resource allocation and related functions •User interface functions. The resource allocation function implements resource sharing by the users of a computer system. Basically, it performs binding of a set of resources with a requesting program, that is, it associates resources with a program. The related functions implement protection of users sharing a set of resources against mutual interference.
Vast 巨大的 constantly 不断的 instantly 马上 Adulterate [ə‘dʌltə,reɪt] 掺假;掺假的;通奸的 stuff [stʌf] 材料;以…塞满 Tap into 进入;利用 staff [stɑ:f] 全体职员
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
glue [ɡlu:] 胶水;用胶水粘在一起 compared to 比喻 Universal [,ju:ni‘və:səl] 普遍的;宇宙的 Adopt [ə‘dɔpt] 收养;采用 gauge [ɡeidʒ] 规格;厚度
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
Framework 架构 i.e. = that is to say for short 简称
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
Users can follow a link (e.g., by clicking on it), which then takes them to the page pointed to. This process can be repeated indefinitely, possibly traversing hundreds of linked pages while doing so. Pages that point to other pages are said to use hypertext. Web pages can combine color desktop publishing, hypertext linking, interactive scripting, sound, video, and even virtual reality. When hypertext pages are mixed with other media, the result is called hypermedia. Pages are viewed with a browser.
Involve 需要 Facilitate [fə‘siliteit] 使便利
entrust 委托
Unit 5 Computer Networks 5.1 Internet
Many networks exist in the world, often with different hardware and software. People connected to one network often want to communicate with people attached to a different one. This desire requires connecting together different, and frequently incompatible networks, sometimes by using machines called gateways to make the connection and provide the necessary translation, both in terms of hardware and software. A collection of interconnected networks is called an internetwork or just Internet.